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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  February 6, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EST

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tracks, the mother along with good samaritans, jumping into action, rescuing the baby before the train pulls in. just as shocking, that guy there, did nothing! too caught up apparently checking his cell phones. martha: that is the problem with cell phones. walking around, you can't see something like that to help out. but you helped out, hemmer was at the super bowl, so we will welcome him back tomorrow. "happening now" starts right now. see you tomorrow. >> gregg: bye bye. jenna: it is the countdown to the next showdown in the gop race for the white house. we're glad you're with us everybody, on this monday, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. good morning to you, we're here in the fox newsroom and "happening now", california, missouri, minnesota all hold presidential contests tomorrow. mitt romney is in denver, campaigning there fresh off his big win in nevada where he wracked up more conservative support than rick san tore ul and newt
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gingrich, romney now setting sites beyond the primaries and caucuses and right on the presidential election. >> president obama says he wants to fundamentally transform america. we want to restore to america the founding principles that made this country great. our vision for the future could not be more different from his. jen that's romney, gingrich not giving up his plan to take his campaign to the convention and he's confident things will opportunity around after supertuesday. >> my goal is with governor perry's help and others to be tied in delegates by the time we come around to texas. jon: let's talk about it with bret baier, anchor of special report.
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the question is whether romney can appeal to conservative republicans. did he do that with the result necessary nevada? >> in nevada, according to the entrance polls, he did, a similar result in new hampshire. other places like south carolina, even florida, there were question marks for that very conservative group, they party support, also in iowa. there is still a feeling that this competition will continue into the spring, and definitely into supertuesday. you heard newt gingrich there say his plan going forward and how he has a southern strategy of states like alabama and tennessee, his home state of georgia, oklahoma, and believes he can really be neck and neck by april 3rd with texas and support of texas governor rick perry. the other big question mark is rick santorum. he has pledged to move
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forward. take a listen to what he said on fox news stkpwhrao*upb i we're -- i think we're going to do well in minnesota, colorado and we have one on one matchup with mitt romney in missouri. while it it has no delegates it is a key state. >> he has big plans for tomorrow night to kind of show his viability going forward. as he mentioned, missouri is not tied to any delegates. it's basically just a show a. straw poll, if you will, for the state of missouri. but he could potentially do well tomorrow night and that would raise questions about his plan on the way forward. jon: we've got colorado, missouri, and minnesota coming up. if mitt romney were to do well in all of them, obviously it add toss his momentum, but there are suggestions that minnesota may be a problem for him. >> yes. in fact, on the ground, it potentially is a problem. newt gingrich, rick santorum, and ron paul, i
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should point out that ron paul has been organizing in all these states. in nevada, it's a disappointing finish for congressman paul because he spent a lot of money, a relative lot of money, and spent a lot of time on the ground in nevada, and so it's a little bit disappointing in third place. i talked to him saturday night, he said he's going to continue to fight all in these states and will be a factor in a delegate battle if it gets down to that, a delegate hunt all the way to the convention. i do want to say one thing, jon. in the evolution of the news cycle, with all of the situation in syria, the u.s. closing the embassy in damascus, the back and forth about iran and the possibility that israel attacks iran sometime in the spring or summer, foreign policy could likely raise its head as a key issue in the gop race, as well as a playlude to the general election pretty soon. jon onand some interesting statistics on a new poll out
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on how mitt romney stacks up against the president in that poll. we'll talk about that in a bit with karl rove. bret, thank you. be sure to catch bret each and every night, "special report", 6:00 p.m. eastern time. fascinating stuff. jenna: and now washington state, they're trying to come to grips with a tragic death of two young boys, this after police say their father, josh powell, intentionally blew up his own home, killing all three. the boys were with him as part of a supervised visitation. you might remember josh powell, he was the only named person of interest in the disappearance of his wife susan. she vanished back in 2009. neighbors captured this horrific scene on tape so we could all see it. listen to the sheriff here: >> this is going to hurt everybody's heart that's been involved. this is a horrible, heartbreaking situation. two little kids. so like other people and pardon me for a minute, like june lists who have worked
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on this, i see people as i walk around here with cameras and with microphones in their hands, and they're hurting as well. people closer to it hurt, because this was something keeply wrong -- deeply wrong, this was something evil. let's not refer to this, please, in public as a tragedy. this was not a tragedy. this is a horrible murder of two little kids. let's not dress it up, let's not sanitize it. let's call it what it is. which is something deeply wrong, which is not a tragedy, which is something evil. jenna: well, we stand corrected. we called it a tragedy and the sheriff there makes an excellent point. dan spring ser live from the scene in grand washington. dan, what's the latest from there? >> well, jenna, alls will be performed, we also expect arson investigators on the scene, in the house behind me, they will be back to determine the exact origin and cause of the fire but they say this was no accident, this was planned, they're calling it a double
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murder and suicide. it all happened very quickly happened, the planned visit vation -- visitation, set for 12:00 yesterday and the caseworker dropped off the boys, they went inside ahead of her. josh powell had locked the door, he was bang -- she was banging on the windows and doors trying to get inside, she smelled gasoline fumes and within minutes there was an explosion and fire. at 12:05, machines before that fire, josh powell e-mailed his attorney, three words, goodbye, sorry. powell was upset over a court ruling just last wednesday as part of the custody battle. he was ordered to undergo a psychosexual evaluation and polygraph test. he lost custody in september when his father was charged with child pornography. still, susan's friends are stunned: >> we knew he was a dangerous person, we knew he had probably murdered susan or helped with it and we were so glad to hear they were going to be staying with the authorities several more months. we knew that josh must be
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completely furious that his control was taking away and was planning something but i had no idea he was going to do this. >> reporter: susan's parents had custody of the two kids, his attorney for the family said this, they were planning a civil suit, a wrongful death case, but they didn't want to interfere with the criminal case as they looked into the disappearance of susan. jenna: there aren't words for stories like this. horrible scenes. it doesn't even do it justice. dan, when we talk about susan, though, let's talk about this investigation, trying to find where she is or what happened to her. where does that stand in light of the latest developments? >> >> reporter: well, details came out yesterday, they immediately got on the plane and they are out here now, they say that that investigation is still very much open, they're trying to determine what happened to susan powell. but of course, the truth may have died with josh powell yesterday. still, they want answers. he was the only person of interest in this case, from the beginning.
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they never bought his story that he was taking his two young boys, ages two and four at the time, camping at midnight in utah, but they never came up with any physical evidence, they never found a body, despite numerous searches. they only had circumstantial evidence. steve powell is on suicide watch. i said that he was in prison, awaiting charges on child pornography, he is on suicide watch. remember, he came out a short time after her disperrance and said that susan was flirting with him, that they had a relationship. so this very bizarre case is taking yet another tragic turn, and it's just horrible, but we're going to get more answers today as investigators come back on the scene. jenna: back to you as we hear more, dan. thank you very much, dan springer in washington for us today. well, mitt romney, riding high after a decisive tpwheupb florida and nevada. how would he fare against the president? we brought this up with bret. we're going to take a look at this. karl rove joins us with brand new poll numbers just ahead. jon: also, president obama speaking out on the
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speculation about a possible israeli military strike on iran. jeb jen that's an important story. plus it sounds like out of an action movie, a sunken ship with a possible fortune on board. amazing details from a real life treasure hunter at the center of it, that's coming up. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure.
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>> i don't think that israel has made a decision on what they need to do. i think they, like us, believe that iran has to stand out on its nuclear weapons program and we have mobilize dollars the international community in a way that is unprecedented, and they are feeling the pinch. they are feeling the pressure. but they have not taken the step that is they need to, diplomatically, which is to say we will pursue peaceful nuclear power, we will not pursue a nuclear weapon. until they do i think israel rightly is going to be very concerned. i won't go into the details of our conversations. i will say we have closer military and intelligence consultation between our two
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countries than we ever have, and my number one priority continues to be the security of the united states, but also, the security of israel and we are going to make sure that we work in lockstep as we proceed to try to solve this hopefully diplomatically. jenna: that was the president on the growing threat from iran. a lot there. we just got brand new reports this morning that the president is ordering new sanctions against the islamic republic that includes central bank. that might sound familiar. we want to put this in context. mike rodgers, chair of the house intelligence committee is here to talk about this. let's start with the sanction that is we just heard about this morning, having to do with the central bank. where do those stands in the overall big picture of what we're trying to achieve? >> well, it's an incredibly important step to try to get iran to stand down diplomatically. in 2010, congress passed the first round of sanctions that seemed to have a significant impact. the second round happened when we just passed the defense authorization bill, and what it means is the average iranian is having a
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hard time getting censy out of the bank. jenna: this is getting tougher. >> we just keep ratcheting it up. under the law, there are certain deadlines, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, that will make sure that this thing keeps getting tightened down until we get some hopefully positive reaction from the iranians. jenna: i want to talk to you about diplomacy. the president had interesting things to say about our relationship with israel and there's been a lot said about this administration's relationship with israel. how confident are you that the way the president is portraying this relationship is an accurate one? >> well, let's hope that by him saying it, it will get better. unfortunately, because of the series of steps by the administration, there is just a little bit of uncertainty in the relationship between israel and the united states. now, he's right, technically, our military and our intelligence services are still talking, and working together. but there is this misunderstanding about where would the united states be if iran -- excuse me, if
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israel believes they have to do something against iran's nuclear weapon program. remember, this is an existential threat to israel. they do believe if they get a nuclear weapon it is so de stablizing to the middle east it threatens their very existence. they believe they have to do something. and where it's gotten i think a little askew here is that the message is coming out of the administration and where israel are a little different, so they're worried. they're worried they may have to do this by themselves. jenna: the president sounds confident though in the relationship. >> he gave the 67 border speech, which i think was damaging to our relationship. he has announced the iraq fullout, the afghan-escalated pullout, all those things send messages to the iranians that are not helpful to the israelis, so all of that, you don't get to do each one in a vacuum, they all work together, so the message that the administration i think is confusing to israel and by that, that's how you hear this talk about maybe
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they're going to do something. jenna: it's interesting you put that into context as we talk about the areas of afghanistan, iraq and iran. let's talk about diplomacy because the president also mentioned that in the interview. here's what he had to say about diplomacy in -- diplomacy in iran: >> my goal is to to try to resolve this dipcle mainly because the only way in the long term we can assure iran doesn't vet a nuclear weapon is by getting them to understand it's not in their interest. >> jenna: getting them to understand it's not in their interest. they've ignored five u.n. resolutions about uranium enrichment, we've talked about this iranian program what seems like for decades, obviously. this has been an ongoing conversation piece. why do we believe that we're ever going to get them to think that this is not in their interest? >> i do think that sanctions can work if we crank it down and have the european support but remember what the iranians are seeing. they're seeing that we're willing to conduct a political assassination in our nation's capitol and saw nothing happen.
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they have the department of defense and secretary of state has issued a report that maybe 600 u.s. soldiers were killed through proxies of iran in iraq. nothing happened. so the next series of events is we're pulling out unilaterally in iraq, we're getting out as fast as we can in afghanistan, they look at that as strategic victory. so again, messages are important in diplomacy. every diplomat says they want to do this in a peaceful way but would like to know there's a u.s. carrier over their shoulder when they make that negotiation. jenna: we've heard from adviser to ronald reagan, he says speak softly, carry a big stick. you're saying there's not a big enough maybe threat -- or military action behind the speak softly part. >> not that you want military action but we need the iranians to believe it's not off the table the just saying it and then seeing all the other activities happen doesn't make them believe it and that's the problem. jenna: you mentioned the plot, the polit -- political
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assassination. something caught our attention in the interview that was we thought was a mixed message than we heard from the director of national intelligence. here's what the president had to say yesterday. >> when you talk about the security of the united states, iran has had a long time to contemplate how they might respond to such an attack. do you fear that they will wage attacks within the united states on american soil? >> we don't see any evidence that they have those intentions or capabilities right now. jenna: so the president says he doesn't see any evidence, but then we have this from mr. clapper, some iranian officials, probably including the supreme leader , ali khamenei, have changed their calculus and are now will to go conduct an attack in the united states, that was a strategic national adviser and those are different messages. what's the truth? >> as somebody who looks at all that intelligence, it's my job to do that, i don't know how you can come to the conclusion that iran is not
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capable of conducting attacks in the united states and is not willing to conduct attacks in the united states. maybe i'm -- i'm hoping the president gist understood the question because if we're not handling the -- to the serious degree with which we should take t. we're going to make a mistake and be vulnerable. iran clearly made the decision they were willing to accept the risk of conducting a political assassination with u.n. civilian casualties as collateral damage, in their words, in our united states capitol and we've seen them do this in iraq, killed soldiers in iraq through proxy, attacks in argentina and saudi arabia. they're clearly capable of doing this. this is i think why the world is a little bit confused about where the united states is when it comes to policy in the middle east. jenna: congressman, nice to have you on. we understand there are some messages we have to continue to work through. it continues to be a developing story. >> thank you. jenna: thank you very much. jon. jon: mitt romney, jenna, is looking to extend his
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winning streak in colorado tomorrow, minnesota and missouri, but we're getting a new snapshot of how mr. romney would do in a head to head matchup with president obama. former senior adviser to george w. bush, karl rove, is on deck to break down some of the poll numbers and weigh in on the race for the nomination. plus, we'll also ask him about a super bowl ad that features clint eastwood. it's whipping up some controversy, coming up. [ male announcer ] in bli, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years.
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jon we are getting a brand new snapshot this morning of a possible general election matchup between president
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obama and mitt romney. according to a new "washington post"-abc news poll, the president leads the former massachusetts governor now 51-45 percent. let's talk about those numbers now with form senior adviser and deputy chief of staff to president george w. bush, karl rove, he is also a fox news contributor. the newspaper, "the washington post" n. writing about these results, karl, calls it a clear edge for the president when it comes to reelection. is it? >> i don't think so. i mean, it's good news for team obama. for the last three weeks we've now had three national polls showing him with a lead, a measurable lead against mitt romney. the interesting thing is the president trades between 45- 51 percent and that is shrepbgs -- essentially where he's been stuck in the head to head matchups for the better part of the year and you drill down in the numbers, they're not too good. one # percent think the economy is excellent or good, 89 percent think not so good or poor. in fact the president's job
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approval rating is on the economy, on jobs, handling the deaf at this time and taxes are all upside down with a strongly disapproves outnumbing the strongly approves 2-1 or 3-1. finally if you take a look at the head to head matchup on the issues, voters even in the middle of a contentious republican primary and knowing a heck of a lot less about myth roam and -- mitt romney and about him give romney the advantage, and on protecting the middle class and taxes. that's a pretty good place to be if you're a challenger like romney. jon: some say romney's favorable rating have taken a hit because he and especially newt gingrich have been involved in a lot of negative advertising in a lot of key states. is that hurting his prospect or is it the fact that the economy is doing better than and the president is looking better to vote stphers. >> i think it's more the latter. it's more of romney's image than it is any feeling about
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the economy. you've got 89 percent of the american people saying the economy is not so good or poor, in fact you have zer --o you have less than 1 percent who say it's excellent, that is generally a sign that it's more the -- what's happening inside the republican primary than not. in fact, look at it. again, three weeks ago, romney and the president are dead even in the polls and then we had south carolina, we had florida, we had all the ugliness in the debates and i -- and i think that has hurt. let me say one more thing, jon. a good measure here iso foe an incumbent is to look at where the president is in a so called generic matchup and the president has been stuck there at the latest one, 43 percent obama, 42 percent the generic republican. by comparison, at this time in 2004, it was bush, 51, and generic democrat, 38. and as you know, at the end of the campaign it ended up being bush 51, john kerrry, 47. so that generic balance kwr-t number cannot being -- confidenting to the president, no matter what
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head to head says in the middle of a contentious primary. jon: you know well karl there were millions of americans and worldwide tune in -- tuned in for the super bowl, heard the president say to matt lauer say he deserves a second time. that was before the game. then we saw this from chrysler. here's a snippet of it. i want to get your comments on the other stkpwhraoeud how do we come from behind, how do we come together, and how do we win? detroit is showing us it can be done. and what's true about them is true about all of us. this country can't be knocked out in one punch. we get right back up again and when we do the world is going to hear the roar of our engines. yeah. it's half 250eu78 -- half time, america. and our second half is about to begin. jon: half time in america. that's what got a lot of peels of attention. yes, it was half time of the super bowl but it was a chrysler ad that some thought was more about president obama. in fact, david axelrod
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essentially said so. >> yeah, well, first of all, look, the president says he deserves it? i think that's up to the american people to decide whether or not he does. the second point i'd make is this. this is a sign of what happens when you have the government getting in bed with big businesslike the bailout of the auto companies. they begin to -- the leadership of the auto companies feel they need to do something to repay their political patrons. remember, we lost $1.8 billion as taxpayers on the government bailout of chrysler, and we're going lose $14 billion in the bailout of chrysler and general motors. and you got to bet in the boardrooms and management suites of these two big car companies, they're saying to themselves look, the president bailed us out, rather than making us go through the normal bankruptcy, he bailed us out, week, not going to have to pay this back to taxpayers. we're going -- we lose a
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million dollars a job. that's pretty damned expensive and of course they're going to repay political patrons. i was offended by it. i'm a huge fan of clint eastwood but it's what happens when you have chicago-style politics and the president of the united states is using our tax dollars to buy corporate advertising and the best wishes of the management, which has benefitted by getting a bunch of our money that, they'll never pay back. jon: karl rove, karl, thank you very much. >> thanks jon. jenna: some new information on the desperate search for a missing teen in alaska. why police now say she was kidnapped. we're live at the breaking news desk with more on that. also, major sunken treasure, potentially with billions. where it is and how crews are trying to get at it, if there is anything there at aufplt we'll talk about it next. [ wind howling ]
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lifelock is the only identity theft protection company that now monitors bank accounts for takeover fraud. no one provides more comprehensive identity theft protection than lifelock. if you're not convinced within 60 days, simply notify lifelock and you won't pay. and to keep your documents out of the wrong hands, we'll even add this personal shredder-- a $29 value-- absolutely free with your enrollment. don't wait another minute. call the number on your screen now, promo code: alerts. lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. jon: right now new developments in the frantic search for a teen missing in alaska. police now say surveillance video shows she was abducted. patti ann browne has that story. >> reporter: 18-year-old samantha koenig was last seen wednesday working her coffee shift in anchorage, alaska.
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>> it looked like someone walked out of their shift. stated noticing a little bit more things. i looked in my register, looked for the money that goes in my register, it was gone. then i looked in our deposit bags, they were all gone. >> reporter: police say surveillance video showed samantha leaving the store with a man in a hoodie who appeared to be armed, but oddly they refused to release the video saying it was not helpful. they say her behavior in the video, reaction led them to believe it was a kidnapping as opposed to a missing person. by the time the police suspected an abduction snow had covered possible tracts and scents. the girl's father believes she probably knew her kidnaper. he spoke over the weekend pleading with her captor to let her go. he offered a $41 reward for information leading to her safe return. she reportedly filed for a
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protective order against a man in november but then didn't show up in court so that order was never issued. common grounds expresso is in the parking lot of the alaska club on east tudor road. anyone with information is asked to call police. jon. jon: very strange story. thank you. jenna: our next story appeals to the treasure hunter in all of us. right? we're going to show it to you. you're looking at the wreck of a british ship dating back to world war ii carrying cargo that our next guest says could be worth $3 billion. joining us on the phone, greg brooks is the so founder of a treasure hunting company. tell us about this ship. >> this ship was kind of an a maiding ship because it was carrying a secret cargo across the atlantic to halifax and off to new york to unload 21-tons of platinum. jenna: it was shot town. >> it was torpedoed 50 miles off
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the coast of cap cod, massachusetts. jenna: the mariner's museum in virginia say both an american company and british company have gone down there to take a look at what is on the ship. why are you confident that there is still some treasure to be found? >> there has actually been three port nicholsons. >> three port nicholsons, three different ships? >> yes, this one was found nowhere near where everyone said it was. we had to cover 150 square miles and we are using the latest technology to locate it. so if anyone said that they went and found it before, i highly doubt it. jenna: were the other ships decoys or something like that? >> no, no, when one ship is either mothballed or destroyed they will normally name another ship the same time. jenna: how have you been able to go down and check out what is on this sunken ship?
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>> we sent down a vehicle. we saw trapaizodal things. jenna: do you think that is platinum. jenna platinum. >> it showers looks like it. jenna: gold and diamonds were on the ship care read from russia to pay the united states fees having to do with the war. you found this this 2008. how did it take so long to come to this point that you're ready to go down and bring this treasure up. >> i have a saying, if it's easy everybody would do it. back in -- we found it late season 2008, early 2009 we filed a federal ad admiralty claim. we had to put notices in all the major newspapers and that took time. that states if anybody has a claim on the vessel that they have 30 days to come forward and
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make that claim. nobody did. and so we are custodians of that wreck. then, we had to get the ship, the salvage ship and all the equipment in place, and that took almost a year to do that. so then when we get out there, then we have sea conditions, storms, currents, et cetera, et cetera. jenna: when do you think you're going to do it? >> we are hoping, i'm very optimistic, because that is just my nature. i'd like to go out there today, but i can't. we are going to try some time in march to go out there and pull some of it aboard the ship, that way we'll have no skeptics. jenna: there are some as you know, one of the lawyers for the british government says, oh, no, there is machinery on that, nothing else. if your story is correct that would be pretty remarkable. will you let a fox news camera come along with you? i think jon scott would like to go with you. jon: i would love that. >> anything is possible. can i give apply to the lawyer? jenna: sure. >> number one is why would they be shipping munitions, military
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equipment to the united states from overseas when they were the ones in the war? jenna: that's a good question. >> ahh, and it was a bank to bank transfer, it was not government to government transfer. jenna: well, there is a lot of questions about this ship. if you say -- if what you say is true that this is a different ship maybe no one knows what is on it. it could be all yours, greg. we'll follow your story and we appreciate the time today. thank you very much. >> thank you for calling. stpho: a few billion dollars of platinum will get your attention. jenna: i think you should go. a great answer, when a businessman, anything is possible. i like that. jon: 700 feet down they are not going to be diving that with free divers, but it would be interesting to watch. a fast-moving stomach virus causes problems at sea, hundreds of passengers are sick forcing three u.s. cruise ships to pull into port. new developments in the says of sam lahood, the son of the
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transportation secretary. he is now facing charges in egypt, a live report on him and his case straight ahead. okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle -- 8% every 10 years. wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge!
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ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. jenna: developing stories we are keeping an eye on in the newsroom and from our control room as well, including this one out of syria. growing violence forcing the u.s. to close its embassy today. all american diplomats are now safely out of the country. u.s. citizens are urged to leave immediately. in the meantime a hearing today in the case of the captain of the italian costa condoria. he's been under house arrest since the january 13th disaster. we'll keep you posted to what happened to him in court. the ruby princess, one of three cruise ships hit by a norovirus over the weekend. makes you rile, really sick, like the flu. the ship was decontaminated
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after the outbreak of the illness, it's now back at sea. jon: technology transforms every facet of our lives. the iphone has computing power that changed the 1960eraibm main frame: it has more power than a computer that once filled an entire room. our next guest thinks this is skwru the beginning. another technological revolution is upon us and america he says is a fundamental part of that revolution and we'll experience a major boom as a result. julio atino is dean of the school of applied sciences. you cowrote an piece. you say the coming changes in technology are as important as what the last century saw in the electrification of america, the rise of the automobile, the development of stainless steel,
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that kind of thing. >> absolutely, yes. the technological changes that are in the horizon are very, very hard to predict where things will go. in 1990 i sent one of my first emails, i continue have imagined what could have happened with the internet. there are things that already here and the three things that we mentioned, big data, i mean, every hour it processes more information, manufacturing which gives you the ability if you have something storing a computer you can build it. this has now been used to customize even medical devicess and things like that. and also the fact that there are one billion transistors for every person on the planet. and these things can talk to each other. there are those things and they are in the horizon.
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but -- smart manufacturing. jon: smart manufacturing, the kind of thing that allows a company to design a product in a desktop computer and produce it right there on the spot almost. >> absolutely. jon: some suggest that manufacturing is gone from america, that all of that has gone to china and asia and we're not going to be a manufacturing country any more. >> well, this is a different thing. the manufacturing that was based on production lines that goes back to henry ford making cars, that is a different thing than this. this is -- this will require a much more educated workforce, but this is manufacturing without waste, it's basically building things bit by bit in front of you on a desktop. this promises to advance at a tremendous speed. but the point is the three things wouldn't mean much if they were not matched with
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competitive advantage that the country has. and the three competitive advantages that we see, the u.s. has at the moment are a very young demographics. in about 15 years one-third of the population of china will be 65 and over, and in the u.s. will be one fifth. the other things culture here, we have a culture that is -- challenges ideas, is not of acceptance. one thing is to learn things and repeat them, the other is to challenge things. that's how new ideas happen. and the other is education. jon: great education tphal system. we have to wrap it up. it was a fascinating piece. julio ottino the co-author. thank you for sharing your ideas with us. >> thanks very much. jenna: she rose to the high ra*pbs in the military. she is back home looking for work. she'll be here live with her take on the job search for our
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veterans. we hear what it's like and get the real story, next. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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jenna: u.s. troop withdrawals from iraq and afghanistan a big issue. the last election sure to be a big issue and the upcoming one as well especially with the job crisis taking its place and returning vets joining the workforce. what exactly are they facing now today. last month the general unemployment rate was 8.3%. for vets it was nearly a full point higher at 9.1%.
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that is significant. michelle r orbs xby was one of the few blackhawk helicopter pilot that's rack. she spent four tours of duty there and eleven years in the national guard. she is on set to talk about what the journey is like. we talk about veterans coming back and what is being done for them. what is it really like? what has been your experience. >> it's a two-told situation you have the employers that don't really understand what you do. you don't have that typical resume, you don't have the typical title or the education that might have led somebody else to that position. it's also incumbent upon the veterans themselves to describe their skills. they tend to do their jobs and help are heaped on with a lot of responsibilities of their own age world that the outside world might not necessarily have. when you come home you really need to know how to translate the skills, put it on your resume and sell yourselves to the employers. jenna: there is a great deal of humility there, bragging, i'm sure in every group there is
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going to be someone who brags, for the most part bragging about what you've done or making it something that applies to some of these other jobs in the quote unquote, real world with be challenging. how do you navigate doing that? >> for me what i've done is networking. i know a lot of people hear that you need to network to find work. it's been a real positive experience for me. i thought i was being limited by people outside of my sphere. i tended to realize it was me that was limiting myself. if you go speak to professional people in your sphere of influence they can tell you where you really might fit in and open your eyes to places that you might not have thought of looking. jenna: what do you think employers should know about veterans coming back from this incredible decade that we've just been through? >> we are definitely coming out as management level even though we might not have that resume that you're used to seeing. we lead from pretty much the beginning. even somebody coming out who is a proeuft who may be only 22 years old he has led soldiers, men and women and they know how to translate those skills into
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the office setting as well. jenna: how tough has it been to get a permanent job coming out of a deployment? >> it's difficult. i know there are a lot of people qualified looking for work at this point in time. you have to fall back on the network connections and really push it and keep positive and learn how to sell the skills that you have. jenna: what is next for you, michelle? do you have another tour down the road? what does it look like for you over the next couple of years. >> we were supposed to deploy this year, that's been taken off the table. i'm really focusing on bringing the level of my civilian job up to the level that i've achieved in the military. so i'm going to continue to reach out and look for that next position. jenna: you make it really proud. >> thank you so much. jenna: we are so thankful for your service and it's so nice to have you on set to share. >> i really appreciate you having me here. jenna: it's good to have that voice. we have to hear more from you. thank you. i'm sure you'll be back. jon: anybody who can fly a blackhawk should be able to do
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anything in my book. flying choppers are not easy. going from bad to worse in syria, the situation is so dangerous now that the u.s. is closing our embassy there, a live report coming up next. wake up!
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. jenna: we start off a brand new hour with a fox news alert, closing the operation necessary syria as the fighting intensifies. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott, america is evacuating its diplomats in syria, this dramatic move sparked by concerns for the safety of our personnel in the face of a growing crackdown by government forces. this weekend alone, reports of more than 200 people killed.
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jenna: and this video, damascus and otherwise -- damascus being the capitol, we have live team coverage of this story. leland vitter is in the middle east at our jerusalem bureau, steve centanni is at white house. that's where the news came from today. the timing of this all, what does that tell us? >> reporter: there's the obvious, jenna. of course the situation was deteriorating, there was a blood bath over the weekend, 200 people killed in syria, and the embassy simply couldn't guarantee the safety of its ambassador and staff any longer so they pulled them out. but beyond that, the timing sends a very important message, because the pullout comes just days after a u.n. effort to end the crisis was shot down in the security council by russia and china, this infuriated secretary of state hillary clinton who called the vote a travesty. president obama has not commented on the situation since the embassy was shut down, but he did have this to say in an interview taped yesterday with nbc:
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>> my sense is that you're seeing more and more people inside of syria recognizing that they need to turn a chapter and the assad regime is feeling the noose tightening around them. this is not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. >> reporter: president obama repeated once again it is time for president bashar al assad to go. so the ambassador, robert ford, has been pulled out of the country,sy apparently in jordan and is expected to return to the united states. he had just gone there last year, and now for the time being at least that embassy is shut down. the state department stresses, however, he is still the ambassador to syria and will try to work and do what he can to resolve the situation but simply not from his office in damascus. jenna. jenna: steve, some have compared the situation in syria to the situation in libya. has the u.s. ruled out the military intervention route? could we ever see that when it comes to syria?
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>> reporter: well, for the time being they've ruled it out -- i shouldn't say they've ruled it out. for the time being it's not on the table, it's not something actively being considered but they are ruling out nothing. it's always a possibility. now, the idea, though, at this point is to round up international support against syria. already the arab league is in on that. and the idea, according to secretary clinton, is to try to organize a so called contact group, similar to the one that encouraged and help organize the opposition in libya, if you remember. that group also helped organize nato strikes but that's something that does not appear to be in the cards, at least not yet, for syria. by the way, britain has also pulled its ambassador out of damascus, syria. back to you. jenna: we'll continue to watch this story, steve. in fact we have more on it now. thank you. >> you bet. jon: so the situation is getting more tense by the moment in syria, there's no letup in the blood shed, the conflict rages on. new amateur video is
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surfacing from the battered city of homs, apparently showing government forces resuming their strong hold on the antiassad opposition. some now call it a massacre. leland vitter is live in jerusalem with more information on what's going on there. >> reporter: jon, if this weekend's assault on homs was bad, it's gotten worse. there is am more dollars reinforcement brought in to lay seige to the town of mo -- homs and forces have laid own intense artillery barrages into the city instkreupl atny -- indiscriminately firing at any neighborhood, not caring who is wounded. medical supplies are in such short supply there in the town of homs and a number of the hospitals have also been hit by some of the artillery barrages, making them unable to cope with the amount of patients coming n all the
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dead are being buried in mass funerals but on times laying those to rest is taking a risk yourself because the snipers are taking aim at funeral processions moving through the town of homs. we are hearing more about how the syrian government is doing this. they're being helped by the iranians who have evidently sent a top general to damascus to help organize the assaults. there are also huge protests going on in syria against china and russia. in addition to president assad, you might remember that china and russia were the ones who vetoed the u.n. resolution that would have helped the syrian people out and told president assad to get out of power. they lit russian flags on fire and also chinese flags, and burned pictures of vlad mi putin in the streets of syria. and it seems as though the fact that a u.n. resolution was vetoed by china and russia has emboldened the syrian regime to pick up the offensive here and kill as many syrians as they need
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to. you might remember, jon, about 30 years ago, president assad's father killed more than 15,000 syrians, in just a couple of weeks, as he put down a similar revolt into the town of hamaa, now the town of homs where this revolt began appears to be getting the same tragic treatment. jon: seeing those people just running through the streets, terrorized by their own government, that is very frightening, very sobering. leland vitter, reporting live, thank you. jenna: as leland was just talking about, the uprising in syria is being felt around the world. we're going to take you to london where police in riot gear are trying to hold back protestors from storming the syrian embassy there, one man venting his anger to a reporter. take a listen: >> as you can see, we believe us syrians -- we believe as syrians that the united kingdom should do more than they are doing now,. people are being killed in
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syria. people are being killed now. more than 500 people killed. one thousand people being killed. this is the minimum we're asking. jenna: obviously an emotional topic. as leland reported, more embassy clashings around the world, including those with kwhraoeupb and russia, where they protested the vetoed votes on sanctions. more as we get it. jon: well, the republican presidential battle moves into minnesota, colorado, and missouri, after back-to-back victories for mitt romney in florida and nevada. let's talk about it with byon york, chief political correspondent for the washington examiner and fox news contributor. newt gingrich took a pretty good drubbing in the nevada caucus but says he's in it to go all the way. can he stick it out, can he endure? >> well, if he makes it through tomorrow with the colorado, minnesota,
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missouri contests he has three weeks to rest up for a whaoeufplt there's a three week gap in the republican schedule no, more caucuses or primaries until the 28th. there's a debate that the gingrich people think will be absolutely critical to his future in phoenix on the 22nd of february. so what they're trying to do, they had a big meeting in las vegas on saturday, the day of the caucuses in nevada, tried to say well, what did we do right in south carolina, what did we do wrong in florida, and nevada, how can we get gingrich back to being gingrich. so they're going to try to come up with a new, more positive message and see if they can score points with that. jon: one of the constructs that i guess the mitt romney campaign or any campaign wants to put out there is the inevidentability, that he is the inevitable winner, the inevitable candidate. is he? >> well, tomorrow is where mitt romney's inevidentability gets tested. and we don't have much polling in niece places, in minnesota and colorado.
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very little polling, and of course, missouri, they're having a primary, but it's not binding on delegates. they're actually going have a caucus later on, in several weeks, to determine that. so in minnesota, the little polling that we have shows rick santorum virtually dead even with mitt romney, maybe even a little bit ahead. so if santorum were able to break through and actually win another race -- as he won the iowa caucus, that would really put this race abandon in -- back in the disorganized column begun and romney's inevidentability would take a little bit of a hit. jon: you say for republicans, turnout should be cause for concern in this race so far. what do you mean by that? >> yeah, that's a really big deal. in 2008, 44,000 nevadans voted in their caucuses, republicans. this time, 32,000 voted. in florida, in 2008, 1.9 million voted in the republican primary. this time, 1.6, 1.7 million voted.
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negative -- a decrease in turnout is not a good thing for the republican party and you have to wonder if everybody is talking about how fired up the republicans are about defeated barack obama, they don't seem to be as fired up to select their own candidate to run for president. jon: so a -- so a lot of people are holding their noses and staying home, saying they don't want a part of it. >> there's a couple of theory, one, that the race is settled, the going to be mitt romney so they don't have to vote, and the other, there's been a barrage of negative ads, in florida, that were inescapable and the effect may be to make them not want to vote, saying gee, newt gingrich may not be bad but i'm not going to vote for anybody so the negativity could be suppressing the turnout a little bit. jon: we talked earlier with karl rove about "washington post"-abc news polling that shows president obama, five, six points ahead of mitt romney in a theoretical general election matchup and
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some suggest that it's because of all of the negative campaigning that's been going on among the republicans. >> well, republicans would say -- first of all, they wouldn't deny the polls but they would say look, we're in this period where republicans are beating each other over the head, we have to get through this, select a nominee, unite behind him and there will be a different dynamic when you have president obama versus the nominee, instead of republicans fighting each other, but for the moment they are in this period, romney particularly is running a lot of negative ads, about his competitors, and it kind of brings the whole group down. but the republican strategy and hope is that after it's all over, they will be on more level playing ground with the president. jon: byron york is chief political correspondent for the washington examiner, thank you. >> thank you jon. jon: fox news is your election headquarters on air and online. you can track the candidates on the campaign trail,
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jenna: economic growth and job creation, key issues shaping up the 2012 election. house manageority leader eric cantor speaking at a meeting of young republican donors, laying much of the blame for america's ailing economy on the spending polices of the current administration. >> when washington is in the business of deciding which industries should win and should which lose, when washington is in the business of saying the people should be spending their money here or there, it's general -- it generally does not work. jenna: that's the opinion of mr. cantor. another economic story got our attention this weekend. comments newt gingrich made on abc's meet the press. take a listen to this: >> you cited going into the show today that unemployment has dropped. it has dropped. you know why it's dropped? because over 4 percent of the people who would be unemployed have quit looking for work. if we had the same participation rate we had a couple of years ago, we'd be at 12 or 13 percent unemployment. people just quit looking. jenna: you probably heard this argument from newt gingrich and otherwise. we want to know is that
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true. we had our brain room facts check it and here's what they found, if the labor force participation rate last month had been the same as it was in january 2007 -- 2007, the unemployment rate could be as high as 11 percent plus, but the participation rate is lower, and that's not only because people have stopped looking for work, but also, because we have a new census information. demographics have changed, you have more baby boomers retiring, more students extending their education, maybe because of the economy or otherwise. we do have some people that are just not looking. they've given up. but we don't want to forget the other parts of the puzzle because that gives us a more complete picture. jon: so you have to be actively looking for work to be counted among the unemployed. jenna: wanting to work, actively looking and able to work. if you meet those three qualifications you're counted as part of the labor force. you don't meet all three, you don't count. jon skwra*pbd there are a lot of discouraged people who have just quit. there are devastating
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images to bring you of a deadly earthquake, shaking buildings o'clock triggering landslides. rescuers are trying to reach any survives now, trapped under homes that have collapsed. jenna: a mother's worst nightmare, a baby and stroller slipping off a train platform right into the tracks. we'll tell you what happened there. jon: also, the u.s. takes more action against iran's nuclear program. the question? will it be enough. >> iran continues to make progress toward getting that nuclear weapon capability, the sanctions are failing, diplomacy has failed, we're coming to a very, very difficult point here. i think in the near future. so start your business, protect your family, launch your dreams. at, we put the law on your side. what is thishorty? uh, tissues si i'm sick.
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jon: local leaders from small villages in the file paoepbs appeal to that president's presidento country's president after a power of the earthquake. take a listen: >> you can see the panic to evacuate there after the
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quake shook buildings. two children are among the victims of landslides triggered by that magnitude 6.7 earthquake, just months after more than 1200 people died in a typhoon in december. the philippines, no stranger to earthquakes. it sits along the pacific ring of fire, an area known for earthquake and volcanic activity. jenna: "happening now", the president imposing strict new sanctions on iran's central bank. that's brand new news this morning. this comes along with new questions about israel's intentions towards iran. analysts have very different ideas on whether israel's threat of a military strike on iran's nuclear facilities is a bluff or a real warning here that the world should listen to. joe swinsioni, author of bomb scare, the history and future of nuclear weapon, joe, what do you think, is it a bluff or is this a warning? >> the israeli military and diplomatic leaders are split on this issue.
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some officials warn that an israeli strike would be devastating to israel's national security interests. former head of moussad, the iran intelligence said, said it would set it back ten years but netanyahu wants to at least bring pressure on the united states and may actually want to strike at iran. u.s. military officials to not want israel to launch a unilateral strike against iran. they fear it would endanger u.s. national security interests throughout the entire region, spike the price of oil, tip the u.s. economy back into a recession, and worse, it might actually accelerate the iranian program, bringing about the very thing they're trying to prevent. jenna: what do you think is the right move? >> i tell you what u.s. military officials are telling the israeli counterparts right now. they're saying give diplomacy more time. diplomacy is working. it hasn't worked yet. it hasn't stopped the program. but we've slowed the
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program. iran is more isolated than it's ever been. the sanctions are more severe than they've ever been. the president enacted more sanctions today. the iranian regime is feeling the pressure, they're cracking, there are fissures in the regime, the iranian economy is hufrting -- hurting, and we have time to do this. there is nothing imminent about an iranian nuclear weapon. they are 1-3 years away from a bomb and sanctions have slowed this progress, made it more difficult for them to do what they want to do. u.s. intelligence officials, military officials want to give more time to find a diplomatic way out. that's preferable for everyone. jenna: we hope our intelligence is right on the timeline you mentioned. you wrote an interesting article for the council of foreign relations and i want to put on the screen where the nuclear arms are around the the world because it gives us an idea of what we're dealing with. we see on the screen there that the united states supposedly has around 8500 nuclear weapons, if you look at other places like china,
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240, but we're in this interesting time of austerity and also, national security threats, joe. when we look at iran or otherwise. we can't forget pakistan, north korea, you can't forget the other places. so how do you balance managing a nuclear arsenal but also, dealing with the realities of where we are today? >> sure. i wrote this article for foreign, it's up on their website now, and it shows that we still have a cold war arsenal, we still have thousands of nuclear weapons geared towards a global thermal nuclear war with a soviet union that no longer exists. we can save money and decrease our arsenal down to 1000, perhaps even a few hundred, and still deter any nation from possibly attacking the united states, and this would save us hundreds of billions of dollars over the next ten years, and it helps our international efforts to prevent new countries from getting these weapons. jenna: joe, it's a little counterintuitive, though. you want to see the united
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states with the highest number, right? because in some ways, they think ah, that makes us safer but you're saying the highest number may not be what makes us most safe. >> we don't need thousands. i mean, what military mission requires thousands of nuclear weapons? you can deter any country from attacking us with a few hundred and that helps you make the argument that these weapons are increasingly irrelevant to national security issues, no one should have these weapons, iran shouldn't get them, north korea shouldn't get them. we should be working together to reduce the number of these weapons. that strengthens your international efforts, you're seeing a payoff in the sanctions that we've enacted and have the world's support in enacting it, squeezing the iranian regime now. jenna: we'll continue to watch this story. joe, appreciate your expertise and appreciate the article as well and encourage our viewers to check it out. thank you very much. >> thank you jenna. jon: here's a scary story on a more personal level. a mother looks away for just a second and watch what happens. we're baby stroller rolls away and tumbles on to the train tracks with her baby
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inside. so what would you do if you saw this happen? we'll show you the heroism and the apathy of those on the platform, straight ahead. pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin.
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knowledgeable customer service 24/7, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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jen a baby stroller rolls off a platform right on to the train tracks and we have the video. you can check it out. this is in australia. you can see the baby carriage roll away. there it is. if we could drop the lower part, you'll be able to see it, the names on the screen. you can see it a little better. the mother is in the green swert, she runs after it, she jumps on the track before the next train arrives, but while others are rushing to help her, yep, there's the guy, on his cell phone. doesn't really see it. and doesn't move afterwards. jon: can't be bothered to drop his coffee, either. jenna: all the women go!
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you see one of those tethers, some call it a leash, but let's call it a tether to make it more dignified, but you need to hold on to it. jon: but the baby is okay. jenna: baby is okay. jon: good news. you try warn your kids about the danger of smoking but an alarming new study for the centers for disease control shows one in five children are exposed to dangerous secondhand smoke, especially while rideing in cars. jonathan serrie is in atlanta where the cdc is headquartered. he has more for us. >> reporter: while smoking has been banned in many public venue, private automobiles remain these enclosed areas where many young people are being exposed to secondhand smoke. according to a cdc study published in the journal of pediatrics, nearly 23 percent of nonsmoking middle school and high school students ride in cars where someone is smoking, whether it be a friend or a
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parent. well, that figure is way down from the 39 percent reported ten years earlier, but it's high enough to cause concern among public health officials. in addition to heart disease and cancer risks for adult the, secondhand smoke can cause inner respiratory infection, asthma complications and sudden infant death syndrome in very young children. researchers are calling on state and local governments to expand the types of smoke-free polices you already see in public spaces to include private automobiles, especially when youth are present. arkansas, california, louisiana, maine, as well as the u.s. territory of puerto rico already have such laws in place. critics say trying to legislate what people do in their private cars is overreaching, when the behavior inside the vehicle isn't directly related to traffic safety but proponents say in light of this latest study published in pediatrics, there is a very serious problem that
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remains with secondhand smoke involving teens, experiencing it in automobiles, and they believe that based on that evidence, more needs to be done in terms of enacting this legislation to protect kids who really don't have a choice of whether they get into a car with a smoker or not, jon. jon: nothing worse, in my opinion, than being trapped in a car with somebody who is smoking. jonathan serie, thank you. jenna: regarding syria, we're going to bring you any news updates as we continue to watch the scenes unfold there. >> plus the political spotlight moves to the rocky mountain state as republican candidates campaign in colorado. we're going tell you what's ahead in the race for the white house, next. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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jenna: taking you back to our top story now, the u.s. closing our embassy in syria, and pulling out all our diplomat the, this in the -- diplomat, this in the face of a dangerous security situation in the capitol, in response to syria's bloody crackdown against protestors
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in different parts of the country. you're looking at a live picture of the state department, where we're waiting for a briefing on syria. the white house is also going to hold its daily briefing, and that's where we find wendell goler with the latest. >> reporter: jen kwrarbgs we've gotten the two minute warning for this briefing, press secretary jay carney likely to be asked what's the next step to support the syrian opposition. secretary of state clinton has talked about forming an ad hoc group of like-minded nations to intensify sanctions on syria, monitor the flow of weapons to that country. susan rice, the u.n. ambassador, says the u.s. closed its embassy in damascus because syria's government refused to step up security there. but the backdrop for this is this weekend's failure of a u.n. security council resolution that would have endorsed an arab league plan, calling for bashar al assad to step down. syrian troops stepped up their shelling of homs soon after russia and china vetoed the resolution saturday. acti -- activists say more
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than 200 were killed. secretary of state clinton called the veto a travesty, warned the syrian people will remember it once assad is forced out. president obama told matt lauer assad's departure is inevitable but he ruled out u.s. military involvement. >> we have been relentless in sending a message that it is time for assad to go. that the kind of violence that we've seen exercised against his own people this weekend and over the past several month social security inexcuseable, but not every situation is going to allow for the kind of military solution that we saw -- >> but would you consider military -- >> >> reporter: jay carney, press secretary, set to begin this briefing in less than a minute for now. jenna: we'll watch for those headlines, thank you very much. and the state department as well, waoefp watch the headlines from there. while we're dealing with sir kwrarbgs there are also tensions escalating between the u.s. and egypt. as sam la hood, son of ray la hood, is one of #
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americans facing charges for helping fund and support antigovernment protests. la hood is one of six americans still detained. this is also a developing story. mike emanuel is taking a closer look in washington as well. >> reporter: egypt receives $1.5 billion in american aid annually and this incident is certainly threatening that cash flow, while sam la hood has gotten attention as son of a cabinet secretary, but he's just one of 19 americans now facing criminal charges. let's take a electric look at the state department where the daily briefing is set to start any moment now and we expect it to be one of the key topics of the day. u.s. officials note these americans have done nothing wrong, they do what american and international ngo workers do, support democratic development in civil society. the situation on the streets of cairo has been chaotic with clashes between police and protestors continuing for a fifth day. senior u.s. officials have been talking to the egyptian counterparts and say they'll continue pressing the
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egyptians to understand the ngo crackdown has serious consequences for the bilateral relationship between the u.s. and egypt and the americans must be freed. >> they need to be released immediately, and come home to their families. the work that they've done in egypt is to build and support civil society as they seek to build a more democratic egypt. >> reporter: the international republican institute or iri, the group sam la hood works for, described the situation in this way, quote, the continued assault on american, german and egyptian civil society is not a legitimate judicial process. it is a politically motivated effort to squash egypt's growing civil society orchestrated through the courts in part by mubarek-era holdovers. they call this part of the escalating attacks. we should get the latest from the state department momentarily him jenna: we'll look forward though those stories. syria and egypt have to do
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with the broader picture of where the arab spring is now. we can't forget that they are connected. mike, thank you very much. >> reporter: sure. jon: now let's take a look at the republican republican presidential campaign, pretty much headquartered in colorado today. three of the candidates are campaigning in the rocky mountain state, 36 delegates up to grabs there. mitt romney, newt gingrich, rick santorum have events planned for today in colorado, ahead of the caucuses there tomorrow. alysha -- alicia acuna is live for us in tk*pb ver. >> reporter: governor romney will hold a rally today in grand junction. meantime, later on today, two of his republican rival, speaker beginning arrive and senator santorum, will participate in an election energy summit where the topic of discussion will be domestic energy development, a really big issue in colorado. ron paul did spend quite a bit of time here last week. the top four candidates are all giving the rocky mountain state's caucus big
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attention. there are 36 delegates up for grabs, however, tomorrow is really a preference poll in which the results are not binding, but they could help show momentum. >> it's not binding, but just because it is not legally binding doesn't mean it's not telling, and if delegates get elected to vote for santorum or gingrich or romney or ron paul or whomever, they're not bound to vote for them all the way to the skroepbgs in tampa, but the likelihood of them being loyal to their candidate is a fairly high likelihood. >> all four men have shown great confidence about their prospects for various reasons. for romney, it's a few things. he won the republican caucus in 20 08 and still has an organization here. he also has a bunch of endorsements from colorado's republican establishment. with santorum, he argues that now that places like florida, south carolina and nevada are over where romney and gingrich had advantages, now is his opportunity to make inroads, and dr. paul tells fox news that tuesday
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being a caucus day, he should do well. there is an independent streak that runs very strong here and republican's republican chair royan caul says that means something, come time for the big game. >> i tend to o'clock -- tong that a candidate who does very well in colorado is more likely to do better in the general election, especially given colorado's status as a swing state, along with florida and a handful of other key states that we have to win in the election. jenna: and this will be newt gingrich's first campaign stop in colorado. jon. jon: alicia acuna live in denver, thank you. jenna: facebook is getting renewed attention as it takes steps to launch publicly on the stock market. is the social network powerhouse getting a little too powerful, should it now be considered part of the mainstream media? our news watch panel takes a look, next.
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>> the poor and middle class are hroupbding ground, the rich are doing tpaoeurpbgs jim angle has facts and figures and taking a closer look at the draw. there is nothing at all subtle about the administration's case. listen: >> over the last two decades the wrungs on the ladder of opportunity have grown farther and farther apart, the middle class has shrunk. >> reporter: so you'd think those towards the bottoms have little chance of moving up but researchers say that isn't true. juan, supportive of obama, writes that the argument that mobility is in decline with, -- are, as he puts it, deceitful and dishonest. >> you routinely hear year after year this is the first generation that's going to do worse than their parents, and i don't think there's any data so far that supports that that's ever actually been true. >> >> reporter: there's no dispute that the wealthiest 1 percent of americans have
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enjoyed stunning gains in income over recent decades, but there is no evidence those gains came at the expense of the middle class. >> the chances of starting out at the bottom and ending up in the middle class end up being something like 55 percent. >> if you're born in the lowest 20 percent, the likelihood is you're not going to end up in the lowest 20 percent. >> now, research from federal reserve banks and think tanks agree on that. a pew study foundation looked at more than three decades and found that over any 10-year period, quote, americans are much more likely to experience a large income gain than large income drop. the administration describes incomes as if they were as unchanging as a rock formation. extensive research, however, shows people are constantly moving up and down the income ladder, much like an escalator with some people going up and some people going down. now, the american enterprise institute looked at federal reserve data showing that
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between 2001 and 2007, 44 percent of those in the lowest 20 percent of incomes moved up to a higher level. while 34 percent of those in the highest 20 percent moved down. the administration argues the deck is stacked against the poor and middle class, but researchers say the dok is -- deck is constantly being shuffled and some worry the administration's arguments are send ago wrong peage -- message to the poor by suggesting they have no hope to move up, no matter what they do. jenna: jim angle live from washington, thank you. jon: facebook's new public offering is creating all kinds of excitement among investors. but it's also continuing to raise fears among those who say that it's a privacy problem. facebook has become a cultural and political juggernaut, in part with your personal information. our news watch panel debates, coming up. wake up!
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jon: with facebook preparing to sell stock in its first public offering on wall street, there is growing concern over how much power that company really has. should we be looking at facebook like they are maybe part of the mainstream media? are they the new face of privacy concerns? let's talk about it with alan coomes, host of the alan coomes show, jim pinkerton is contributing editor and writer for the american conservative magazine. this facebook ipo has so many excited, there are going to be all kinds of billionaires minted, people want to get in on the stock, they want to make a play, hopefully realize the american dream, make some money, but it's also raising these concerns about what facebook actually is. it's not a company that builds a product, you can't buy a car from facebook, jim it has information about
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people and that's what they sell to make money, right? >> that's exactly right. if they have 875 million users, which i suspect is a high number but even if the active user base is one third of that, that's a lot of people with a lot of information, and that's what they're sem,. -- selling. they're sell to go advisor -- advertisers. we know about jim pinkerton and what he bought and who his friends are, so the advertising community want to buy that, don't you, and the answer is, accord to -- if the stock -- if the company is estimated to be worth as much as $100 billion by the time the initial public offering comes out, then that's proof of how valuable all of us are put together. jon: yeah, alan, it strikes me as fascinating that things that you wouldn't whisper to the guy next to you on the bus or the street corner, most people are perfectly will to go put out there on their facebook page, which is about as accessible. >> so many are exhibitionists, that's what it's all about. that's why the tabloid tv shows do so well. that's why we have the
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housewives of whatever, put in the next word or town or group, because people are either exhibitionist or voyeurs, and that's really who this appeals to. also, everybody has got their own little media opportunity because you can develop your own follower, your own friends, put out information you think is important, that people like, if they gather around and like it, and decide you're a likable commodity, so we all become -- it's the democratization of the media, any one of us becomes a publisher of media information. jon: this company is thought to be worth maybe $75 billion if they were to sell the whole thing all at once. that is absolutely astounding. again, jim, for a company that doesn't really produce anything, it just connects people, right? >> for a company that's 7 1/2 years old. you know, anybody who's -- the company has become such a phenomenon, there was a major hollywood movie --ie called "the social network" about it. it's fascinating.
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it's really a tribute to the american system, that somebody could rise up so quickly, so fast. but as with google, there are enormous concerns about privacy. there are a lot of activist activists, especially in washington, clustered around this, watching them like a hawk, and i think you will see a lot of efforts at regulation and litigation in the years to come, just as every industry faces when it builds up, you know, a counter weight to its existence. jon: essentially, as i understand it, alan, in europe, there are laws on the books that allow or that require companies these websites to release, if you want it, release the information that they know about you. so you know, they would release my profile, for instance. >> it's frightening what they know. you go to a, like a website, i've never been to and it says welcome alan coomes or i get information that i know is targeted to me, because i just visited a website that has that particular kind of product, wait a minute, how do you know that? so i share jim's concern about the privacy issue.
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jon: jim, i get e-mails from my bank or sign up for online checking or whatever and i almost by rote click the "accept" box on the privacy statement, because i don't want to read the whole dang thing. should we be paying a lot more attention to that kind of stuff as individual americans? >> well, for example, apple, which is another company obviously sort of in the same general space now, you know, issued what they call an end use agreement, for the exact thing you're talking about and they had in there if you publish an e book with apple, you have to -- the book becomes their property. when they realized what they had done, they had miswritten the regulation. they didn't want to own the intellectual property, they just wanted to own the book part of it. they had to change it. when somebody who read the fine print, they said you made a mistake here and apple said okay. it is a reminder, if you are worried about this thing, you'd better read all 100 pages of it.
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jon: for instance, we had the super bowl, one of the biggest event, the most watched events in all of tweufplgts it's not going to get 845 million viewers. if facebook has that many individual users, and they say they do, 845, 875, are they part of the mainstream media, are they the main stream media, alan? >> it's divided. as i was saying earlier, any one person can have their group to which they publish information but it's not being published to all 875 million, whatever that number is, on facebook. facebook as an entity is not like a network where everybody is tuned into facebook. everybody is on their own pages. so it's very segmented. it's very niche. it's got the niche kind of media presentation. jon: but television and newspapers would love to have that many eyeballs, jim, looking at their product every day. >> you're exactly right. but facebook is more of a network. i mean, 100 million people, billion people are watching the super bowl or the world cup or whatever it might be, the oscars, and the
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advertisers know everybody is watching that. with facebook, it is steuft. -- it is different. facebook is more like the old at&t, a giant network, and upon which people do whatever they want to do. in the old days it was talk, now it's share video and so on. it's still a lucrative model, but facebook -- let's take sarah palin, it's probably her main source of communication in print, on facebook. but at this more than 1/100 of 1 percent of the entire viewership of facebook, i'd be shocked. >> that's what i was saying, he's not -- she's not going to reach everybody on facebook. she'll just reach out to those who like her. facebook is not the mainstream media, i suppose. jon: alan and jim, thank you both. >> thank you. jenna: the occupy jokeland movement planning a day of action against police. new details about what protestors are threatening to do. we'll have that coming up. a major milestone for
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queen elizabeth celebrating a major milestone. 65 years ago today she ascended to the throne. she became queen because of the unexpected death of her father. today the 85-year-old carried out royal duties as usual, visiting school children in a town in eastern england. she was saluted at a snowy tower of london today as well. in a looks almost out of a movie. the honorable artillery company at tower hill fired a 62-gun salute for their monarch. the diamond jubilee festivities set to take place in june, probably without the snow. jon: long live


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