tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News February 8, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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this wednesday, february the 8th, 2012. i'm shepard smith. for the journalists of fox news, thanks for trusting us for your news and information. opinion and analysis begin now with mr. bill. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> mitt romney has the same positions as barack obama. >> bill: rick santorum unsettling the republic party by winning all three votes last night. how badly did that hurt mitt romney? dick morris will analyze. >> what would you look for in a girlfriend? >> that's a good question. >> bill: tim tebow now a major american star being grilled about his personal life. body language on the case. >> what are they doing? what's the task? >> and dennis miller will analyze santorum. gingrich and losing another bet to me. >> we're like ray and rose
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grier in the incredible two headed transplant. >> i should have known your kind stick together. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. more turbulence in the republic party talking points memo. congratulations minnesota, missouri and colorado last night. certainly a good showing for him and a poor showing for mitt romney. pretty much the same old story conservative voters do not seem to trust the governor. the party has to be very pleased because their philosophy is working perfectly. as the republic candidates are still on the merry go round and can't build any individual strength. the other thing we learned today is that most americans are not even following the presidential race very closely. according to a pew research
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somebody i have a 29% of americans say they are paying close attention. and for those younger than 49, just 22% are closely following the election. that, of course, helps president obama because everybody knows him. they don't know the republic candidates. in the same poll cable news now the primary choice for election coverage. 36% of americans turn to us to learn about the campaigns. 32% turned to their local tv news. 26% to the network news. very low number for them. 25 to the internet paltry 20% of the newspapers. here is what all this means. republic party remains divided. mitt romney still ahead most likely to win the nomination. might be seen as a weak choice at least at first. again, most americans don't even know anything about the governor. also the fox news channel is the go-to place for election
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news. right now we are dominating cable news competition across the board. the factor beats all the other cable stations combined. at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. thank you. and finally with nine months not. i repeat not the picture we are going to see next november except for the fox news channel will be even stronger then. things are going to change politically drastically thank god. now for the top story tonight the rick santorum surge last night joining us from burton beach purveyor of dick mr. morris. this thing got a lot of media coverage vote last night. i was looking at all the newspapers around the country page 8, page 9, page 10. is it important or not. very important. it reshapes the entire race and puts it into doubted. it is important that defeated romney in all three contests. what's far more important is
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that defeated gingrich in the 2 or 3 contests where gingrich was entered. in minnesota he finished something like 25 points ahead of gingrich. ahead of him also in colorado. >> let me stop you there. nothing against minnesota the state that elected jesse ventura and al franken, nothing against him. but ron paul got 28% of the vote in minnesota. so we're not really talking about a mainstream voting block in minnesota. are we? >> you are talking about three very diverse states, missouri, colorado. minnesota, also from america's heartland, i would pay a lot of attention to those numbers. i think that the important point here is that santorum and gingrich are locked in a semi nine think of wimbledon, the semi finals to go against romney in the finals. and until now it's been pretty much of a draw or a gingrich advantage. >> gingrich is ahead, yeah. >> the only reason that romney is on a steam roller path to
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the nomination is to vote against him would split three ways. these two guys and ron paul. but now if santorum is going to begin to pull ahead of gingrich. >> bill: do you predict that he will. >> yes, i think he will. >> bill: really, why? >> and be perceived as the anti-romney candidate because gingrich has had so much negative dumped on him and the one big negative he can't answer is the freddie mac negative. also, how do you climb out of a gender gap where women vote against you 20 points more than men. it's a tough limiting factor on his candidacy. santorum doesn't have any of those problems. >> bill: you are saying now santorum is going to bypass gingrich in the future votes and then become the conservative standard bearer. therefore, it will become a conservative candidate against a more more democrat candidate and they will slug it out on super tuesday and all of that i don't know if we can dismiss
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gingrich. tenacious on super tuesday in the southern states. >> there is a big but attached to any speculation about newt. there are three debates before super tuesday. one before michigan and arizona. and two in the week between michigan and super tuesday. and gingrich's whole candidacy was based on debates. probably had there been a debate before minnesota or colorado. he might well have won. the important point though, macro, bill, is romney can't just get this nomination by a strategy of dividing his opponents, splitting them off and winning a plurality of the vote. he has got to close the deal with the conservatives in the republic party. >> bill: i don't know whether he can. i don't know if he can. >> i don't know if he can either. unless he does, is he not going to -- right now is he trying to say if i'm the last survivor i will be the nominee so let me go kill everybody else. that's not enough. >> bill: still looks like is
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he going to get it because of the delegates and the money. michigan is he a favorite son. he has got to win michigan. if he were to lose michigan the whole thing is in jeopardy for him. arizona, he has got mccain behind him. he has the machine in arizona behind him. should win that. if he does manage to win michigan and arizona, and when is michigan and arizona coming up? do you know? >> on the 28th. february 28th. >> bill: all right. that's before super tuesday. then he will regain momentum. if romney takes michigan and arizona, substantial states, then he will have that momentum going into super tuesday. so i guess that's where it is right now, correct? >> there are two things you are leaving out. one is if in those two primaries santorum runs significantly ahead of gingrich. the gingrich people will drop off and concentrate on santorum which will make super tuesday a fight. secondly, based on these wins yesterday, santorum is going to begin to get money, begin to get manpower, get momentum
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and rev up for super tuesday. until now, money hasn't mattered that much because other than florida there was no really expensive state. but on super tuesday the whole country votes together. huge states vote. at that point you need to have money. now, gingrich is not going to have it because he lost yesterday. and he may lose in michigan and he won't have the money to compete in super tuesday unless he does something magical in the debate. santorum, by winning yesterday, if he can finish ahead of gingrich in the other two primaries might have enough money to be very competitive on super tuesday. this is a lesson for romney not to be so complacent. >> bill: i don't know in romney is complacent. >> he is. >> bill: i don't think he is his message doesn't appeal to conservatives. he can't persuade. >> he is because is he saying can i win the race by demolishing everybody else. you can't do that you have got to close the deal. >> bill: i have got to close this deal, morris. i have got to go to segment b. next on the run down, will
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president obama fold and give the catholic church and other religious institutions a waiver on providing birth control insurance? we'll hear from both sides. later, dennis miller on the rick santorum situation. what he thinks newt gingrich will do if the speaker doesn't win the nomination? miller up ahead. i'd race down that hill without a helmet.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, new rasmussen poll gives. 50% oppose the obama ha administration force catholic church to provide birth control in their insurance mandates. 39% believe the feds have a right to force religious organizations to provide against beliefs. give catholic churches and other institution as waiver. i could be wrong. if i am, it looks like congress will get involved. >> if the president does not reverse the department's attack on religious freedom, then the congress, acting on behalf of the american people and the constitution that we're sworn to uphold and defend must. >> joining us now, father jonathan morris, fox news contributor, roman catholic priest and from sanford, connecticut reverend debra hafner. unitarian minister. reverend, you said the president should hold firm, correct? >> we do believe that the president not only should but
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will hold firm to assuring that birth control is covered in the affordable care act. continue to support no church or synagogue or mosque or other place of worship will have to provide this coverage but women who work for catholic hospitals, students who attend catholic universities, will have birth control as a core preventative health care service included in their coverage. >> bill: i think you are wrong because the catholic vote went for president obama last time around as you just heard the polls say that most people, not just catholics oppose the intrusion of the federal government into the decision-making process of what you can and cannot have in your insurance mandates. so, you know, we will see who is right. if i'm right, you have to come back on and tell me how% perspicacious i am. if you are right i goal to a unitarian service and try convert all of you to catholicism. >> we would love to have you come. >> bill: i would clear the place out. every unitarian is going to go
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do i really have time for this? out of there. >> west port, connecticut any time get you invite to my church. >> father morris, you see it differently, you see it as intrusion. >> i will accompany you on that trip as well. >> that would make it worse. >> father, we would love to have you also. >> we would have to have an exorcism if he comes. >> this is not an issue of contra session. this is a question of religious liberty. if the -- if right now the obama administration continues to say that it believes that contraception provision by catholic employers is more important than institution's right to religious liberty freedom of conscience, we have gone down a path that is very sad. >> bill: i want to throw this to reverend hafner. look, reverend, if a catholic woman or a woman who is not catholic. let's say a woman who is not catholic works in a catholic hospital. i have a very fine catholic hospital near me saint francis. not everybody is catholic in there.
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>> and not all their patients are catholic. >> bill: right. they want the mandate. they want birth control. and the catholic church says you know what? it goes against our teaching. we don't mind you doing what you want on your time and there are a million clinics around give it to you free. million clinics. what's the beef? respect the religious tradition of their system. it's not like they are going to be able to get it. they will be able to get it, reverend. >> obviously, bill. >> if this is about insurance, it's not about delivery of service and already in new york, bill, so already at that catholic hospital their insurance coverage includes contraception, same as in california and in oregon. more than half of the states' insurance already includes birth control. in those three states it's exactly what the obama administration is talking about. we are not talking about forcing anyone to deliver services. what i want to say to the father is. let's talk about informed conscience. i don't believe that the woman's informed conscience her freely chosen and informed conscience to make the decision about how to plan her
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family. >> bill: wait, wait. nobody is saying nobody is saying that a woman has a right to do what she wants. she does have a right. the obama ha administration, the state of new york the state of oregon and the other state you pointed out. >> california. >> bill: basically said to not only catholic church but to other institutions. >> not to the church, bill. to hospitals. >> bill: no, no. no. >> and universities. >> bill: when you go into the catholic hospital have you got a cross and statues. run by the catholic hierarchy. they don't want this and the government is saying they have to have it and father morris is deeply offended. go ahead. >> let me say that and to reverend, obviously, there is a mandate here of provision of not only contraception but also the day after pill which, in many cases, is also an abort facial sexual harassment let me say facia. when the government comes out and says white meat is actually very healthy for
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people and we want to mandate all institutions to provide white meat including pork. what happens when a muslim hospital, if there is a muslim hospital and they think you know what? even if it's healthy, it goes against our religious freedom we are not going to provide it is the administration going to say? >> bill: let her answer it. >> i think it's really important that your viewers understand this is not about the provision of a service. this is about health care insurance for the people who work in that hospital. >> that's provision. >> right. so that it's included in their insurance plans. >> it's the institution giving free contraception and free abort facians to their employees. >> bill: you have to respect their right not to. >> birth control is not abortfacia. >> bill: you know that. >> 99% of american women use birth control. 8% -- >> it doesn't matter. >> of course it matters.
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>> bill: i have to wrap it up. the church has a right to make its own rules and the government does not have a ride to go in and usurp those rules, that's our constitution. >> i want to say that i think the catholic church should deal with its own sexuality problem. it's time to take. >> bill: you are way off topic. this is a constitutional matter. not a social matter. you are way off topic and you know that reverend. i have to come up there to connecticut and school you and your whole congregation but i have got to go now. thanks very much for a lively debate. >> all right. thank you. >> bill: more than 67 million americans now get free stuff from the government. is this a crisis or a good thing? and body language on the governor brewer shootout in arizona. we're coming right back. golden, where everyone has been unbelievably nice. mornin'. i guess i'm helping them save hundreds on car insurance. it probably also doesn't hurt
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight, more than one in five americans, the highest number in the nation's history are now receiving entitlesments from the federal government, stuff like food stamps, housing, health care, costing the taxpayers, you and me, about $2.5 trillion every year. in fact, 70% of the entire federal budget is now going toward individual assistant programs. that, again, at their highest level ever. now the danger of this is that it can create a permanent entitlement class, people who get by on the government dole and are content to do that rather than improving themselves. of course, that's not everyone. but free stuff is free stuff. it can be addictive. joining us now from washington bill beach from the heritage foundation studied the growing dependents on the federal government. what is the headline of your studies, mr. beach? >> i think we all ought to be worried about it because the main driver of our big debt crisis right now, which is driving a lot of our economic problems are the programs that you just reviewed.
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if you look at the drivers of the annual deficit, it's in health care, it's in all these other programs of income support and so forth. and as this population grows, mr. o'reilly, that deficit will grow with it. suppose one day we have to pull it all back and somebody says you have got to cut your debt and annual deficit. then are we looking at political push back in addition to fiscal problems with that i think we are. >> bill: people in greece going into the streets of athens screaming and yelling. in the year 2000, 55 million americans are getting assistance. now it's 67. so, in 10 years, we are up 12 million people. the left will say that's because of the bad economy. that's because the system fell apart. these people need these services to survive. what say you? >> well, part of it is the bad economy. and that explains about a fifth of the change in the index. we think. but most of it is the decisions made during the bush years and the obama years to vastly expand these programs. you have a big expansion in
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medicaid that brought in all the children. that's called children's health insurance program. and then you had the medicare part d for the prescription drugs. you have had changes in housing. you have had changes in food support. policy change is what really explains the growth in the index. in other words, we are deciding to go with bigger government here. >> bill: so both parties are at fault, all right? both parties expanded the entitlement. when i say at fault. look, there is -- safety nets have to be there both parties have expanded the entitlement culture, thereby by exploding our debt right up through the roof. now we have less people paying taxes. fewer people paying taxes. half the country doesn't pay any income tax at all. basically you are looking at half of the american workforce supporting all of the 2.5 trillion entitlement spending. you can't keep that up. >> well, no, i'm very concerned about that last point. you know, our democratic system of government really is strongest when everybody who
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is voting has is paying for government because then they are going to be able to see am i getting what i want from government? when you have half the people not paying income taxes. i know they pay payroll taxes. income taxes and yet they are voting. i fear they may vote for candidates that may increase their benefits. >> bill: that's exactly what happened in western europe. the entitlement culture put these people into office and they gave what they -- and now they are all bankrupt. do you see this happening in america? i don't know if you can stop it now that the genie is out of the bottle. i hate to use the cliche about 6 a million americans getting stuff every month. are they going to want to stop getting stuff as the population ages? i don't think so. >> we have two great threats facing us. we have this fiscal crisis that you and i just spoke about which we're going to have to confront this next year. and then we have what i think is a looming political crisis. most people aren't talking about it. what we have a republic form
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of government, representative government that has democratically elected people representing us. if we get to the point where the electorate is voting for more benefits during a fiscal crisis, then this country is going to face difficulties like it hasn't faced since the 1860s. we're going to be in a very bad place. on top of which, mr. o'reilly, every time government takes over these programs, and says to the local communities, to families, churches, and local aid organizations, you don't need to do this, that weakens the civil society and strengthens the political society. >> bill: it's the top down deal. we will give you, this vote for us. plenty more ahead. as the factor moves along this evening. dennis miller bet with me. thoughts on rick santorum and newt gingrich situations. next, body language on tim tebow being asked about his love life. wow, we hope you stay tuned to those reports. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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for his little girl. hey don't worry. e-trade's got a totally new investing dashboard. everything is on one page, your investments, quotes, research... it's like the buffet last night. whatever helps you understand man. i'm watching you. oh yeah? well i'm watching you, watching him. [ male announcer ] try the new 360 investing dashboard at e-trade. >> bill: body language segment tonight. we begin with the governor
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brewer and president obama seeing: the two had a lively chat over the governor's -- president's perception that the governor was disrespective in the book. >> what was going on. she said you were thin-skinned she is all over the airways right now. >> what i discovered is i think it's always good publicity for a republic if they are in an argument with me. but this was really not a big deal. >> were you tense? >> you know, diane, i'm usually accused of not being intense enough, right? too relaxed. >> i was trying to be very gracious to him and he just reacted in a very negative manner of which took me back kind of left me breathless to tell you the truth. >> bill: here now to analyze body language may maven. >> body language of dating. >> bill: president obama basically is a very intense
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man. >> yes. >> bill: he is he smiles. got a good smile. he is doing the awe shucks here. >> he does that all the time. that's the way to put it awe shucks. >> bill: underneath he goes i hate you and i hate this question. >> actually, he wasn't that uncomfortable during the questioning. i thought he handled it well. i was his typicalself. get to jan brewer. >> bill: not so fast now. so president obama in command relax relaxed, i think inside he doesn't like this woman. but i could be wrong. >> no, no. disagree with that look how high her finger is. how wide open her mouth is as she is speaking so she is high will he emotional you can tell that by the pointing finger. >> bill: i thought he he was doing the dentist thing. >> somewhat snirking at her. -- smirking at her.
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>> bill: on the governor brewer clip she said the guy was rude. >> what she said was he wasn't gracious. >> bill: that's the same thing. >> she said breathlessness. >> she wasn't tense. she wasn't completely congruent here. i don't think her moves words matched her movements. >> bill: is she deceptive. >> not intentionally. feels a certain way and wants to project something out. >> bill: newt gingrich did not congratulate mitt romney after the florida win. go. >> what happened? well, if you read the "new york times" article which said on sunday morning after south carolina they had a meeting which they decided they had to, quote, destroy newt gingrich, that's their quote. they then outspent me a to 1 to, quote, destroy newt gingrich. you know. i think that that doesn't deserve congratulations. i think that's reprehensible. i think it's dismonday nest.
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and dishonest and i think it's shameful. >> bill: what did you pick up there. >> first of all very early on if you look you can see a flash of disgust. his nose will wrinkle up as wolf blitzer is asking him the question. >> bill: toward wolf or mitt romney. >> i can't tell. >> bill: it's romney. he doesn't care about wolf. >> there is disgust there. probably the question. as the conversation progresses, watch him loosen his neck as if he is preparing for a fight. i thought that was a classic move. >> bill: he is. >> tell you he is preparing for the fight. >> bill: not going to congratulate him. >> head is nodding which is what we do when we try to get other people to agree with us. >> bill: i was right to not congratulate him. tebow very conservative guy in social manners. is he a virgin. of course that means everybody has to ask him about his social life. go. >> are you dating anybody? do you have a girl friend? i know a lot of women in this studio want to know.
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[ laughter ] >> no, i'm single right now. and you know, just a little busy right now. who knows, we will see. >> what would you look for in a girlfriend? >> >> that's a good question. i think just kindness and compassion and someone that is, you know, very -- has an outgoing personality. >> bill: so does he have the body language of dating tebow. >> is he so boyish and child like the way he looks down and rocks back and forth. >> bill: was he embarrassed about the question. >> yes he was when he looks down like that. >> bill: talking about going down and out and throwing the bomb. doesn't want to talk about this. miss tonya out in the book review in huntington long island with the body language dating book. >> that's right, saturday. >> bill: that should be something out there. >> turn your nose as you say that. >> bill: i don't know. body language of dating, everyone. gingrich and hawaii a-0. d man has a guest role on the program. i have not been invited.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight, as we mentioned at the top of the program it was a good night for rick santorum last night. the senator says is he raising big money since the votes went his way. dennis miller joins us from santa barbara, his hometown. do you think santorum really has a shot? >> i think he did more for the sweater last night since anybody maybe 23-year-old lana turner was somebody who did that much for the sweater. once you win the trifecta, bill, the colo, m trifecta he has set himself up as the mitt romney. he is like keno reeves does the thing.
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the accent conservative is in a knot. santorum it's in his hard drive. i think gingrich is about to be surpassed by this guy. >> bill: that's what morris says too. it will be interesting to see. if the speaker is surpassed and starts to, you know, decline in the polling and in the contribution area, what do you think is he going to do? >> i think if you give newt an 80 k honor honorarium, he goal to the moon to give a speech. i would set up during the fall an obama ombudsman tour for newt. where he goes out, wherever the president is in. he goes in the next day and he does what he said which is counter act him. it's just he is not running. to earn his way back into the conservative enclave, i think we ought to send him out to take a piece out of obama and soften him up for romney. >> bill: i think he dislikes romney so much and we talked about this with body language. if he is not going to be a
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player, i don't think is he going to do anything in the campaign. day think you are right, he will make money doing speeches and maybe as a -- >> he will make more money. is he going to alienate right wing guys who are not going to pay the big honor rare yums honorariums. he likes money more than anybody else in this race. you won't see newt coming out with a dubs goes to czech vok i check kel check voyeur -- >> i it's the check republic. the poor animal would be wandering around with nowhere to go. >> you know what morris, said dubbs will only hump your right leg. >> bill: i never heard that thank you so much for pointing it out. miller and i supposed to be a team the bolder fresher tour and all of that. this is what i mean about
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miller and all these west coast guys. as soon as the hawaii a-0 gig shows up bill, who? have you got a part in hawaii 5-0, correct, miller? >> -- whatever the hell that was. >> bill: that was just l.a. this is hawaii. where is bill i don't do t unless bill is with me because we're bolder and fresher. where is that in hawaii 5-0? i don't understand. >> you told me once you would never show up in a grass skirt. that's my part. i'm an island transvets tight. all right? >> bill: yeah, sure. >> no. listen, i play chin ho's manic-depressive stepson chin lowe and a little later in the episode you get to meet the head of the island clan which is grandmama ho. so if you watch you will see all of us out there. >> bill: when are you going over to shoot this in hawaii? >> i go tomorrow. it's called book' em dano i
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will be there one day. >> bill: are you going to surf? what are you going to do? >> don't blink or you are going to miss my part. >> bill: they are paying your expenses, right? >> i don't know what hawaiian is for this upgrades my dental plan but this upgrades my dental plan. flying over. don't blink before the wave and the drum roll at the beginning, you might miss me. >> bill: you tell those guys right here for hawaii 5-0 later. now you lost another bet to me. so now i have got two dinners and scouring the nation for the most expensive restaurants i can find. why do you bet against me, miller? you know i always win. morris had to declare bankruptcy he lost so many bets to me. >> billy, i was doing figuring over the weekend, i owe you so much food. i just wept out and got a bag of groceries, skippy, sorrow
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dough, the green scholarship has rendered cubes invisible. greatest guy, sad for him. how can you not like eli and coughlin. my team didn't win but i can't begrudge the giants i love coughlin and eli it's just mr. craft has a special place in my heart. >> bill: did you a special show for him the night before the game, right? >> i ran into limbaugh. i had a fun time back there at the super bowl. >> bill: super bowl, you are in hawaii. where am i? i'm not getting the benefit of the bolder fresher tour here. >> february 25th. february 25th you and i singing ♪ sisters, sisters. >> at the arlington theater in san da barbara. >> bill: was madonna boring at the halftime show? was she boring or not? >> me?
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>> bill: madonna? >> i thought i was off the air already. >> bill: you are not listening to my questions tonight. you are not listening to me. >> i split during madonna's thing. when madonna first did the super bowl auto gram was at the helm. i went out and walked around outside o. >> bill: you didn't watch ms. madonna. >> no. not interested. no. >> bill: have you ever been captivated by the lady from detroit ever? >> no, no. i hear she changed the song to like a tebow for purposes of the day. >> bill: all right. bill o' poll question was madonna boring at the super bowl? miller would like you to know that tickets are 80% sold out for june 23rd show in chicago. if you want to see us please go to bill o' where we have a link to the box office. i will see you solo in tampa. march 11th. bill o' has details. did you see that? we are not kidding. o zombies. juliet huddy has details after
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, did you see that? we begin with the controversy over breast cancer charity surrendering to planned parenthood. you will remember the susan komen foundation said it would no longer give pp donations and then the liberal press went wild so komen folded. senator barbara boxer piled on. >> the fact is i am reminded of the mccarthy era where somebody said oh, i'm a congressman a senator, i'm investigating this organization and, therefore, people should stop funding them. what's next? are they going to attack the american lung association, the ymca? the ywca? >> bill: here now is juliet
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huddy. i asked my staff to research and you to research. i'm confused. all right? i give money to the komen foundation. all right? >> right. >> bill: something all americans should be engaged in, fine. i don't understand why about $800,000 of the komen foundation money has to go to planned parenthood when planned parenthood doesn't really do much in that area. >> well, they do breast cancer screening. when you walk in there if you want. breast cancer. if i want to go in there and find out if i have breast cancer, they do the type of typical screening that you do, the preliminary sort of thing. i don't want to get into the details of it but it's a self-breast exam type of thing. they might have a doctor do it. they might have a registered nurse do it but they don't do mammograms there. they sent you off to do that. >> how many clinics do this apart from planned parent hood. thousands.
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thousands. >> a lot of women do go to planned parenthood. they use that as their sort of one stop shop. >> bill: one stop shopping? is that what you are going to tell me? >> look at great minds. >> bill: i don't know. reference boxer was making to an investigation that's been launched by a pro-life congressman into planned parenthood. >> right. >> bill: it has been shown that in some planned parenthood clinics they don't report underaged sex when a 13 or 14-year-old girl comes in and says my boyfriend is 25 they don't tell the authorities about it and that's been documented on tape. that's the source of that investigation. so the komen foundation says because of that investigation, we're going to stop giving 800,000. and i think that's very logical. >> but then they reversed their decision because. >> bill: they got pounded by the liberal media. >> you are absolutely right. so barbara boxer won. >> bill: you are a a woman. am i wrong in not wanting my breast cancer donations to go to planned parenthood? am i wrong? >> no you are not.
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>> bill: okay. good. i really don't want them. because planned parenthood is responsible for about 400,000 abortions every year. >> will you now not give money to the komen foundation? >> bill: i'm going to have to talk to them. >> you are a powerful guy just give the head a ring. >> bill: i am. i'm going to talk to komen if i give you this amount of money how much is going to go to planned parenthood. the dopey new movie coming out called o zombie. zombies are everywhere. you may not know this but on the ride home i'm attacked by zombies on the long island expressway every night. it's out of control. how they get on the roadway i have no idea. there is a movie o zombie on obama, owe -- o zombie roll the tape. >> obama is back. we and a few others only things stand between people of afghanistan and apocalypse. >> someone is going to have to make a stand and someone is
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going to have to say enough. ♪ ♪ >> bill: okay. now, is president obama a zombie in this movie? >> no, no. do you want me to analyze this? tell me what this is about. >> it's about usama bin laden who comes back. >> bill: usama bin laden is a zombie. >> yes. he -- >> bill: sea zombie. >> picture him in zombie like form coming back walking like. >> bill: i got it walking. >> it's kind of offensive to me. >> bill: why is it offensive? >> i don't find usama bin laden funny. he was the mastermind and killed. >> bill: satire on this stuff. >> i don't know why. >> bill: coming out in the theaters or straight to your basement? >> what do you think? that's going to be on the theater everywhere. probably right straight to dvd. >> bill: dvd. so we just gave it publicity we shouldn't have given it, correct? >> we shouldn't have added the segment.
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>> bill: so now i know what it's it all about. that's why we pay you. pinheads and patriots in a moment starring victoria secret model. p and p in just over two minutes. more colors, same edge. the droid razr is now $199.99. exclusively from verizon. ... look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is.
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address. this is in honor of his birthday on sunday. we would like americans to get to know lincoln. you get the copy and the book, both make great gifts. >> now to the mail... that actually happened. they uphold man and woman marriage but now judges are seeking to redefine marriage and millions of americans think it's wrong. it's a formal sacrament and that tenet was adopted by the united states with most of the countries around the world. in this country no one has a right to be married and states
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have the right who gets marriage licenses. economic benefits should not be denied that fit the traditional profile, but i believe the constitution does not demand the definition of marriage be changed. sounds good to me but then they have to do 100 sit-ups. it should be targeted around itself country at the school boards. get involved.
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i appreciate that. the best thing about "killing lincoln" is knowing that thousands of american kids are reading it and beginning to understand something about their country. next week i'll announce the next history book and that will come next week. finally tonight. pinheads and patriots. b. [ gunshots ] has taken a lot of heat but some of her models are coming to her defense. >> i'm sure being a celebrity anything you do you say you are followed by everything. you are judged by everything you do, by any movement. i think people should relax a little bit. >> bill: relaxing is good and sticking up for her friend miss
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lemur is a patriot. but she would have caught those passes. that is not fair. russ rally terrify is brilliant receiver. everyone is entitled to drop one. please check out our website and we would like now spouted about the factor. plenty of stuff to talk about tonight. each riley at word of the day, do not be peck stiffian. my old school, you can't do that. don't be pecksniffian. >> give me a headline. bill you are unbelievable pinhead. i read sentence two. if it's kind of boring and all of that, bil
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