tv Forbes on FOX FOX News February 11, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST
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it works over long periods. >> you are encouraged by the economy in >> definitely encouraged. but housing is a weak spot but i am encouraged. >> david asin and forbes on fox. so folks, why bother going to work at all? you might ask yourself after seeing this the average annual disposable income is lower than than the average amount that the government shems out to welfare and social security and medicaid. is washington encouraging americans to live off the government dole than work for a living in welcome to forbes on fox. we'll go in focus with steve forbes and victoria unger and dennis, liberals say it is biased but you say it is on
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target. >> i believe the obama administration takes perverse kind of pride of how many millions of americans are on social security and college loans. the problem is half of the people now receive a direct government aid and the pretty much the same half pay no federal income taxings -- taxes at all. we are in trouble. 99 week was jobless benefits encourages you to hold out for a perfect job. >> rick, we are all unemployed and unless you are motivated to go out there and it is usually a groling stomach that motivates you. are there too many to stay at home? >> heritage foundation gets carried away. no the administration does not have a plan to enslave us by putting us on welfare. there are points to be made.
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if we want to solve the growing problem . we have to deal with it not in political gain but how single manager get a job and go to work and have a way of taking care of their family. >> more government spending. >> we also have to realize that corporate welfare is just as damaging. >> i don't think many people stand for corporate welfare. but steve, look at the percent of federal spending on the dependency programs. 28 percent in 62. and 48 percent in 1990 and now up to 70 percent. >> enormous climb. >> it is it an enormous climb . we are not on the tipping point. we'll go the way of grief. that's why we need entitlement reform. huge growth in this area, david, only 25 percent can be laid at the economy and 75
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percent is liberalization from the obama administration. they may not have a plot but they are achieving more dependence. when you see the riots in greece, you realize a lot of people spend more time at the protest than they do working. are we reaching that level here in the united states? >> republicans are talking about incentives. here is a sarcastic take. so what you are saying, guys. the rich don't work hard enough because we pay them too little and the poor don't work hard enough because we pay them too much. it is possible to have good incentives without ripping away the social net. instead of giving away mortgages and forgiveness. have a debt for equity swap. >> john, get back to what we are falking about. are people motivated to go out and get a job. if they sit at home they get
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dependency help. >> clearly the government benefits are keeping them on the sidelines and that explains the high unemployment rate. but the idea that we are going to transform in a nation of moochers is laughable. americans descend from immigrants and we are a striving impatient lot . the idea that president obama or any president can turn us into a nation where by we take the meagar hand outs is not credible and misunderstands who we are. >> get back to the graph that shows more money in dependency spending. we have reached a tipping point for the first time in history. >> the elephant in the room is social security and medicare and medicaid. those are the huge government programs that are absorbing our budget. it is not what you would think of as welfare and programs
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that we have to help needy fam fapsing. yes, sir those have risen with the revere recession. elephant in the room is the programs that we have let balloon and generationally are becoming a problem as baby boomers retire. >> i think the elephant in the room is the money we are spending. food stamps in an all-time high. >> isn't there a limit someplace? at some point wouldn't family or charity or church step in if someone's benefits would be cut off. now it is time to stop. i have relatives that are unemployed and i know hardship and feel for people who need the aid, i know i decided to take off a extra year to work on a novel and a woman from a wealthy family on food stamp and the store manager in brooklyn is telling her how easy it is. >> oh, come on. >> social security i will
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start collecting in nine years a dependency. i paid in. >> i paid in this much and take out this much. >> we all hope and pray that social security is there. but steve, polls of young people say more likely to see an alien from outer space than get a social security check. >> the aliens financed the program which means no financing at all. if you did this in the private sector you would be in jail. they give a worthless iou. >> rick unger, you don't that social security is a ponzi scheme. >> i am so tired of. >> they are taking in more than they are paying out. >> social security is fine it is going to be fine. the elephant in the room is that we are all pretending that we are not in the worst economic time since the great depression. what a shock that we are seeing more welfare . >> the heritage foundation put it together pones out.
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25 percent can be laid to the economy. 75 percent change in the rules by the government. >> and include social security and medicare and i paid for those. >> they are not subsidies. >> i paid for those? >> people we put this much in social security and take out this much as we live 30 or 40 years longer than when social security started. we don't put anywhere near as much. >> this victoria agrees with dennis. >> we need to adjust social security for a wonderful thing. improved life expectancies. we are living longer and we don't need to retire at young ages. most people want to stay and work. that makes america a wonderful unique place. >> bottom line of social security, they have a lock box and all that is in the lock box is worthless iou's from politicians that are stealing. does all of this dependency
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spending go away. >> that is a problem. the government takes away and hands out to other people. if we left the money in the hands of individual and taxing them less and devaluing the dollar you would not need all of the government problems. >> steve, we are emotional beings and fdr said the problem with spending programs in bad timings, they become habit forming. fdr warned about the emotional component. >> we knew 50 years ago that fdr's welfare destroyed people's lives and 1996, we got around to change it. ronald reagan said immortality is a government program. once it is there almost impossible to get rid of it. >> the era of big government is over. >> not yet, folks. >> tsa going away?
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>> a private plan to take over airport security. that is bottom of the hour in carbin' in. and labor bosses funding liberal agendas . now union workers are fighting back. my uniwas using my dues to push a political agenda that i opposed . [ tom ] we invented the turbine business right here in schenectady. without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that pothe world. they go into power plants which take some form of e ener, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines. it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world.
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when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪
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good morning, everyone. live from america's news headquarterings employees i am jamie colby. the conservative political action conference. and hours from now. they will announce the results of the straw poll. rick santorum and mitt romney and newt gingrich addressed the conference. ron paul did not attend. and stay tuned for the latest cpac coverage. we are awaiting a speech from sarah palin and the results.
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>> iran is telling the world to expect a nuclear announcement. president ahmadinejad will reveal nuclear achievements. iran is actively developing nuclear weapons. i am jamie colby. i will see you at 1:00 p.m. . have a great day. back to forbes on fox. 1.1 billion. that's how much unidues were spent in 2010 alone. most of the money was promoting a liberal agenda and now they are demanding unon member to decide where the money goes. steve are they right? >> they are absolutely right. and it is states like washington state and wisconsin where they did not collect dues for the unions. 95 percent want it to go for
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collective bargains can and keep the other itself. >> bill, about 40 percent of the union members are republicans and 95 percent of the union money goes to democrats. >> unions are democratally elected. just make maybe the working people should be allowed to assemble at the ballot box. >> victoria, being forced to use my union dues to pay for politicians doesn't sound right? >> it doesn't to me. but the idea is, you were probably forced to join the union in the first place. it is obvious they say they believe in what we believe in. the problem is, you didn't have a choice to join. that's the root to address. >> what vicki said.
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right to work laws for the whole nation. >> my tax mayer dollars support politicians that i don't like. everybody behaves like union goch you. but they are elected. they can be thrown out of the office if the membership is not happy. why is this so hard to grasp. >> kim, it is a democratic union and doing what the members voted to do. >> i think every issue should be taken and election should be taken and every single dollar that the union member pays into it. they should know where it goes and vote on where it . there was a case here in california in 1994, remember it is three trikes law . voters and union members were in support of three strikes law and yet union leaders were launching a campaign against it . spending the union members monies on it. it is not right.
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thomas jefferson it takes people to support a cause they don't believe in it is sinful. >> they are voting away from unions. union membership went down consistently over the years. >> less than seven percent of the sector. i think unions are bad for the business and counselry. but union boss and the right to spend a billion on campaign bribes, that is leadership. i don't want a law. >> hold on, campaign bribings. >> i did say campaign bribes. if we are going to get a law to what next? you don't get a vote. >> you can't force part of what the unions do. they are elected members. >> yeah, but trying to go against the union leadership
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is difficult. they don't make it easy . it is not like regularly scheduled elections nationwide . where the state does not collect dues for the union members. the dews go down 90 percent. the people don't want the money to for politicings- politics, rest of the it no. >> bill, you are a great person arguing a point. i would like you to goa against a teamster boss and saying you shouldn't give my money to this peculiar politician . it is a tough sell. >> most are democratically elected and in a democracy there are rights to minorities. you have certain rights and unions on this issue, you don't. that is not democracy. >> i will give steve a concession . we don't allow this kind of politicing in unions in industry.
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and that means all of the government employees don't have a union. but the private sector unions can do whatever they want. >> steve are you for that? >> that's where they are in the public sector and if that is a compromise e'll take it and do the rest later. >> we made a deal. >> bill makes a point. in the public sector you don't have a choice. if you are a teach yer don't agree with the union in washington, what is your choice? that is a trang tragedy to me. >> i want the choice to be in the union or not. when i worked for a station in san francisco, i didn't have money before i was hire before i could go in on day one i had to pay $1,000 in order to go to work the first day. i think people should have a choice. >> which is whyip am not a union member. i am so cheap. thank you, gang, that is going to be the last word. some people panicking about
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the american debt. don't panic, profit. why this is the best news for the economy, that's next. [ wind howling ] [ technician ] are you busy? management jt sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazinbikes. with xerox, you're read for real business. each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help
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>> employment is going up and workweek is increase people have tightened their belts and loosening it a bit. and contrary to myth. most americans don't allow debts to get out of hand. and the government does its part that is handleable. >> kim as long as we don't have more bail outs, more debt could be a good thing. >> more borrowing means they don't have cash on hand. we have low un. maybe getting better. but it is still low and wages are not keeping up with inflation. how are they going to pay off the debt which spills a double dip possibly in 2012. >> they say that there is a 40 percent chance was that. >> rick unger, is this good or bad. >> i have to agree with steve.
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it is good to see people spending money. the trick is going to be not forget what happens when you borrow too much to finance a life style you can't afford. >> bill, good or bad. >> i share steve's optimism. but not polyanaon debt. this is what is happening. only way to cure a hang over from debt fuel would spending is more of the same. you understand the nation is in the hole. >> dennis, is this good or bad. >> i rather be polyanathan patrionizing . credit card debt going up is a bunch of smart people deciding rank and file americans aren't smart enough to know when to stop buying. americans cut back when crisis came and they cut back well and they know what they are doing and i want to trust them. >> i am looking at kim on the
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side monitor and kim is calling you a pay tronizing nanny, what do you say? >> i can't understand the thinking here that we curve our debt and spending when we are in debt. look at our nation. how much further do we go into debt? >> that's our government. and they are supposed to lead by example and we are following in their foot step. >> if the government is leading by example they are not doing a great job. rick, how do you respond to kim? >> it is silly to say people curve at the right time. they didn't or they wouldn't number the trouble. they went way past what they should have and acted irresponsibly. >> you are still for building up a little more debt. >> i am good with it as long as people remember what happened . >> and last word from rick unger . dividends are up even if the stop price goes down .
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