tv Happening Now FOX News February 14, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EST
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an elder parent or to donate to a church, or a charity. the rise again, because as the economy strengthens, the global demand for oil increases, and if we start seeing significant increases in gas prices, losing that $40 could not come at a worse time. one local entrepreneur named terry, where's terry, he's right here, he told us that $40 would cover the gas that gets him to his day job. or alternatively, the internet service that his small business depends on. so he'd have to start making a choice to drive, fill up my gas tank to get to their work or do i give up my entrepreneurial dream. $40, he wrote, means a heck of a lot. it means a heck of a lot.
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and that's what this debate is all about. this is what's at stake for millions of americans. this is why it matters to people. it matters a heck of a lot. and i'm asking the american people to keep their stories coming. tell us what $40 means to you. if you tweet it, use the hash tag $40. call, tweet, write your congressman, write your senators, tell them, do not let up until this thing gets done, don't let taxes go up on 160 million working americans, don't let millions of americans who are out there looking for work right now and the economy is starting to improve but they don't have a job yet, don't leave them without a lifeline in items of cutting off their unemployment insurance. when a plane is finally lifting up off the ground you don't ease up on the throttle, the keep the throttle on full, you keep going, and our plane is up there, but we're not at cruising altitude yet.
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[laughter] >> after all, extending the tax cut and the unemployment insurance is the least of what we should be doing for working americans. it's just a start. we need to rebuild an economy where middle class folks can focus on more than just getting by. and folks who want to get in the middle class have those ladders to get into the middle class. we've got to rebuild an economy where the middle class thrives and more americans have a chance to earn their way into it. an economy built to last. yesterday, i released a blueprint for how we get there. it's a blueprint for an economy built on new american manufacturing. and new american energy sources, and new skills and education for american workers. and a new focus on the values that are the bedrock of this country. values like fairness. and responsibility. for all and from all. we're going to be better off if we start building that
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economy right now. and we can do it, because we've done it before. we have a common challenge. it's time for us to meet it with a common purpose. and to show a sense of seriousness that's equal to the task. so on behalf of all the hard working americans standing behind me, i want to thank you for helping to tell your story and tell the story of why this is so important. and i just want everybody all across the country to keep the pressure up so that we get this done. it is going to make our economy stronger. and it's going to put us in a position where we can start really rebuilding on behalf of not just this generation, but future generations. thank you very much, everybody. [applause] >> god bless you. god bless america. >> martha: was the president talking about the extension of the payroll tax cut that he would like to see done, as he says, it's the least of what we should be doing right now. according to reports of this morning, house republicans are really on board with extending this payroll tax cut, without any spending offsets.
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remember that was the big debate late last year, about passing this into the new year, getting a two-month extension and now we have to see if we get the payroll tax cut extension throughout the rest of the year. interesting comment from the president as well about gas prices. that's going to be a big issue. one of our big stories today steve moore from the "wall street journal" is going to join us with reaction to this, all coming up a bit later on "happening now". funny how things work out. the president just mentioned this. we did say this was one of the big stories but they are words that no person wants to hear, $4 gasoline. that could put the brakes on our economic recovery. but there's a lot to look at with this story. we're glad you're with us everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott, we are here in the fox news room and "happening now", it's a slow onset illness, gas prices climbing for weeks. you probably noticed. they're at the heist levels ever recorded for this time of year. jenna: the national average
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hitting 3.31 a gallon, 38 cents more than a year ago. that was before the arab spring, the jap knees tsunami. a lot happened last year, a lot of factors when we look at comparisons. some of the experts say it could top $4 in most places by memorial day. jon: adam shapiro with the fox business network, what is going on with the gas prices? >> there are a great many things going on but simply, a lot of refineries have been pulled out of production for the last couple of months but really, over the last two years. here in the northeast, the refineries producing gas are down almost 50 percent. that at the same time that we see oil prices, as the president said, going up. but demand for gasoline in the united states is going down. so you have less gasoline being produced, you have new regulations causing the refineries to come off line, awe as -- but as people head to the pump, they are expecting, economists will see a rise in unleaded 50 cents as we move towards memorial, the peak around $4
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a gallon. here in the northeast where much more refining capacity is now offline, we could be approaching, some are saying, five add gallon. keep in mind, we have been here before. we only reached $4 a gallon for regular unleaded back in 2008. not last summer when they said we would. jon: you and jenna just talked about it, $4 gas by memorial day. any reason to think it won't happen? >> there is phil flynn, a fox business analyst, as well as a senior marketing analyst at dfg best, said there is light at the end of the tunnel. two things: first, last year at this time, we were talking about gasoline prices, possibly $5 a gallon. it did not happen. remember, it didn't happen, yet everyone was worried it would. we peaked at 3.98 a gallon. one of the things happening, there is demand destruction. as the price of gasoline goes up, people use less gasoline, so eventually the the producers stop making gasoline or cut price to clear inventory.
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that's what happened last year. that's why we didn't go to $5 a gallon. it could happen this year. the price will go up, it happens in the spring, we may be moving the spike from march to april to the period now in which case we would flatten out. i don't want to say it's not going to happen but there are reasons to believe, look, we've been here before and didn't hit the doom and gloom price. ojon i had been wanting to ride my bicycle more this year, anyway. this is good motivation. adam shapiro, thanks. jenna: this is news, violence escalating -- escalating in greece, protestors setting afire one of the largest banks, 170 businesses damaged by fire, 45 of them, completely destroyed. pensioners, facing cuts, are the latest group to join widespread protests over deep austerity measures approved by the greece government. it's a bit like ground hog's day. without the cuts greece will default on its debt next
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month. it's been a cycle repeated over the last year or so. well, israel on a heightened state of alert after a series of attacks on its diplomats. we're getting new amateur video of a bombing in india. four people were wounded yesterday, including a diplomat's wife when, when a magnic bomb attached to an official's vehicle exploded. authorities broke up a similar attack in the republic of georgia. and this morning, two iranians were arrested after bombing in bangkok's thailand, those also injured at least four people, a third man, a suspect, still on the loose and now an israeli cabinet minister is warning his country -- well, warning his country will actually settle the score. david piper is live from bangkok with more. david. >> reporter: yes, the bomb blasts occurred just a few streets away from where i'm standing now and also only a short drive away from both the israeli embassies and also the u.s. embassy. now, the first blast came from a house in the
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echermeier area of the city. three tried to escape the area when police tried to investigate the blast, then when a taxi didn't stop one bomb was thrown i believe at the car, injuring the driver. then it seems one of the men tried to throw another bomb at the police but instead it exploded near him, blowing off both his legs. photos of the injured man, showing him covered in a dark suit, lying on the sidewalk, immediately appeared on the internet. the thai authorities say documents found in his satchel suggests he is iranian. the thai police are tolding two of the men but one is still on the loose here in kahn bangkok. thailand security forces have been on high alert since the u.s. last month warned of a threat of a terrorist strike on tourist areas in bangkok. thai police later charged a lebanese suspect after they raided property and discovered chemicals that could be used to make a bomb, they alleged that the
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group is linked to hez balancea. thailand has been a target for foreign terrorists although a domestic muslim terrorist in the south has involved bombings. the blasts in bangkok come a day after diplomats were targeted in india and georgia and israel's defense minister has accused iran of being behind the bombing of thailand. arab brak said the explosion in bangkok proves once again that iran its proxies continue to perpetuate terror. iran and hezbollah haven't yet commented on the latest bombings. back to you. jenna: a lot more on this as these stories develop. david piep ner bangkok, thank you. jon: what a story. there's new legal action to tell you about in the father's day massacre on new york's long island, when a drug addict looking for pain pills gunned down four people in cold blood at a small new york pharmacy. now a family of one of the victims is suing. it could be a ground breaking case because of who
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they're going after. jenna: also brand new polls in the gop race for the the white house. what they tell us about the rick santorum surge. jon: plus, supersized waves, and powerful winds in the bay area. folks on the peer say it felt like -- on the pier say it felt like an earthquake. the wild weather behind it, nexten. i want to go on a road trip. when i grow up, i'm going to go there. i want to fix up old houses. [ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. i want to fall in love again. [ female announcer ] discover what's next in your life. g this free travel bag when you join at
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jon: fox news is your election headquarters and rick santorum's surge is not slowing down, as brand new polls show santorum gaining on the frontrunner mitt romney. in the survey by the pew research center, santorum racks up 30 percent to romney's 28 percent. factor in the margin six error -- of error and it's a dead heat. joining us, tom bevin, executive editor of real clear politics. ever seen a race like this, tom? >> never jon. it's amazing. we've seen candidates who were left for dead, come
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back, have second surges, and in this case with rick santorum, his victories last week really provided a boost to his candidacy and it's clear that i think that gingrich had his surge after south carolina, the conservative voters, tea party activists, sort of didn't like what they saw with gingrich in florida, and have now shifted their support to santorum. he's almost doubled his support in a couple of these polls now, while gingrich's support has been cut by 50, 60 percent. jon: but mitt romney also had a boost last week that conservative political action conference in washington took place, they took the straw poll there and romney won. >> well, yeah. it's a straw poll. he also narrowly won the main caucuses. look, perception matters, and it's certainly better than getting a round of headlines saying that romney lost again, but i don't think it changes the overall dynamic of this race. i think the two races coming up at the end of the month, jon, in michigan and arizona are key. if romney can win both of
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those then perhaps he will reestablish himself as a frontrunner but if he loses either of those or both of those then i think he's in real, real trouble and we're going to have a wide open race that's going to last well into the spring and perhaps summer and perhaps all the way to convention. jon: well, and you bring up an interesting point, because the american research group took a poll of likely michigan voters and it shows at this moment rick santorum in the lead, 33-27. this in michigan, the state where mitt romney has deep roots, where his father was governor. >> right. and that's why romney should be very concerned. this is one of his home states. and the fact that he's losing to santorum there, santorum has been making a big push, he got a cash infusion after his last round of victories, he's spending a lot of that money in michigan to make a serious play there because santorum knows that michigan is key for him. he's got a good profile there, he's from a neighboring state, and if he can pull off an upset in michigan he's going to be in
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great shape and mitt romney is going to be stumbling into spa tuesday. jon: rick santorum was down, what, 17 points two weeks or so ago and all of the sudden it looks like a real horse race. >> it's amazing. as we've seen at the outset, we've never seen a race that's so fluid, chaotic and support has shifted and remember, in the new pullout, new york-tbs news poll, it has santorum up two points, 60 percent of republicans surveyed say they're still open to changing their mind, so we could see more of this. perhaps a gingrich comeback, whatever. it's just so open and crazy right now. there's no predicting the final outcome. jon: one of the old saws about republican politics is republicans like to annoint as their next candidate or their next nominee the guy who finished second the last time around. but there's also the suggestion that republicans or conservatives are looking for an antiromney candidate. is that what you see?
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is mitt romney, because of his organization, his cash on hand, doing well, but a great number of republican voters are still looking for anything but mitt? >> and it's -- that's exactly right jon. it's been this way for the better part of eight or nine months. romney is sort of stuck in the same place, you know, 25-30 percent support, while conservative voters, activists, republicans, have tried on all these different candidates from herman cain, and go through the list, and haven't been satisfied. and romney has been i think given the frontrunner status based on his run last time, based on his organization, based on his money, and those are going to be key if he's going to end up pulling out this nomination. those would be the two reasons why. with you he still has not connected with republican voters in the way he needs to to wrap up this nomination and that's why four years ago, the royce was -- race was over by now and we're in the thick of it because romney hasn't wrapped up those voters. jon: it's going to be fascinating to see what happens, especially in
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michigan. tom, thanks. >> you bet. jenna: some smokers could soon be digging deeper into their wallets but for health care, possibly paying extra for their medicaid. we have a live report on that straight ahead. a family rocked by tragedy, now fighting back, slapping a drug company, among others, with a major lawsuit. and that is just the beginning. why this case could be ground breaking for victims everywhere. just ahead. [ male announcer ] we know you don't wait until the end of the quarter to think about your money... ♪ that right now, you want to know where you are, and where you'd like to be. we know you'd like to see the same information your advisor does so you can get a deeper understanding of what's going on with your portfolio. we know all this because we asked you, and what we heard helped us create pnc wealth insight, a smarter way to work with your pnc advisor, so you can make better decisions and live achievement. i used to not travel very much, but then i discovered hotwire.
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>> reporter: you can understand the family is looking for a remedy, the family of jamie ducetta are looking to the courts for that. they were held up by a person at a new york pharmacy and now they are filing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit. what makes it unique is who was named in the suit. it accuses a number of people of not properly doing their jobs, allowing for the murders to have taken place, including the drug company that makes the pain pills, the doctor who at one point treated the killer, the owner of the farmly where the massacre took place and also local police officials on long island, where the suit claims they failed to follow up on a lead that the murder was potentially dangerous. you may remember this awful case, it was father's day last year, as you said, jon, a quiet suburb of new york city, david lapper shot and killed a pharmacist, a 17-year-old cashier, and two customers before taking off with more than 10,000 pills.
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lapper pleaded guilty, he is serving five life terms for the murders, his wife, serving 25 years for her role in planning the attack. the daughters say if everyone had done their jobs the murders could have been prevented, and quote, everyone apart of this -- a part of this should suffer the consequences. jon: rick, thanks. jenna has more on this horrible story. jenna: we remember this so well. such a senseless crime. we're joined by the attorney no jamie's daughters. jon, did you know this family before this happened? >> i knew someone who knew them. but they came to us once the terrible event occurred, first to help the victims after sentencing of plaintiff lapper and his girlfriend to speak on their behalf and ultimately to take on this case. jenna: let's talk about the big part of this case. there are so many different parts of it. but going after the drug companies could be the
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ground breaking part of this case that we were mentioning. now, you say, the case says, that the companies, these drug companies, should be aware that some physicians were prescribing too many of these pills. did the -- so the drug companies have come back and said listen, these pills have been available for decades, there's a lot of generics on the market and a lot of people take them and don't commit crimes, so why are the drug companies responsible in your opinion? >> the drug companies are responsible for the same reason that the colombian drug dealers are responsible for the sale of heroin and cocaine. we have a war on drugs started by the republicans back in the 1970s and carried out by our government ever since, and the attack was always to go after the actual producers of those drugs, in colombia. this is no different. jenna: but these are legal drugs, these are not illegal drugs. >> that's what makes it worse, actually, because here, there are 9 million people according to the center for disease control who are currently abusing
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hydrocodone and oxycodone in this country. the drug manufacturers have known well for years that they're overproducing the drugs and selling them to abusers. there are today databases in every state except for missouri and new hampshire where the drug companies and the pharmacies and the doctors can check to see who's buying the drugs and in what quantity. they it tell right now -- they can tell whether a particular doctor is overprescribing or pharmacy is selling when they shouldn't be selling. jen that's one of the reasons you're going after the doctor that prescribed this medicine and in your opinion, again, overprescribed it. back to the drug companies, and then to a couple different parts of this case, you're going after abbott laboratories that makes vicodin and hydro cordon but as they say, there are other drugs on the market. are you naming other drug companies that make those generic? >> yes.
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we've already put in place our lawsuit for john doe's, people whose names we don't know their names yet. we have to learn from the investigation in this case when we get discovery who they are. as soon as we know who they are, they're going to be brought into the case. they're already there in the name of john doe. that's our intention. you take dr. lee, he sold over 2520 pills for this fellow, laffer, in one six-month period, and you need to tell me with all the databases that the drug companies don't know that they're selling to people like dr. lee or to the drug companies that are actually distributing these things over the count sner they know it. and they have to take responsibility for it. there's no better way to stop people from abusing the system, and that is the drug companies and the doctors, who are overprescribing to abusers. we need to hit them in their pocket. jen and the drug companies have t deep pooct and that's one of the reasons
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we're taking a look at this case. we'll be back to you about this, we appreciate the insight. we'll talk more about how this case will unfold with doug burns, a former prosecutor. what do you think about what jon had to say, is there a case to be made here? >> the discussion you guys were having was more of a policy discussion about drugs and how bad they are. i agree. it was also a discussion that touched upon the fact that this was a horrific tragedy where a defendant intentionally slaughtered, murdered, four people. the problem is when you talk about it legally, okay? this is a novel theory in what we call tort law. obviously you have to show causation, in other words, did the manufacturer of the pill cause that victim's death. jenna: they say with side effects someone can become addicted. >> here's the point. the person who died didn't take the pill. follow me. in other words, a defendant took their medication, and then killed somebody. how you can prove that he wouldn't have killed them anyway? there's a break in the causal link. causation. jenna: a couple of points to
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this, with the drug companies, there's also, as john was talking to us, the doctor that's being also prosecuted. >> right. jenna: with what they say is overprescribing this medication and not keeping track of it. police officials are also part of this case for not following up on a robbery that apparently this guy, laffer, committed, or allegedly. they didn't ever follow up on it so they don't know. then also the drugstore where these people were working, or the customers were, because the drugstore was robbed a few times in the past month. they say listen, the drugstore should have known and had better security. are any of those forward -- which are -- >> sorry, in reverse, the weakest is probably against the police department because generally courts aren't going to hold a municipality liable unless it's intentional wrongdoing and the notion of municipal immunity, that's probably weak. the case against the drug manufacturer as already explained is going to have causation problems, the case against the doctor may be
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theoretically the best, in other words, if a doctor prescribes 2000 of these pills to this individual, maybe that's so reckless -- it's almost like the michael jackson case theory. gen jen just too much. how about the drugstore? >> the drugstore, i mean, they are following ostensibly a prescription by a physician. but again, if you can show that -- >> jenna: but it's actually more about the security. >> oh that. well, again, how are you going to show -- i mean, he could have crashed a door down with a bomb and killed people. the causation, not to be a broken record, that's the problem. jenna: we have to be broken record so we can better understand it. >> understood. jenna: we appreciate it. a very interesting case, a $20 million lawsuit, jon, and we'll see. there are lots of different parts of it. we'll continue to watch it. jon: going to be interesting. jenna, thank you. snow, ice and freezing rain making a slushy mess for drivers. this big storm is on the move. we'll tell you where it's headed next. plus dramatic new video reportedly showing the devastating shelling on the city of homs in syria.
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( seth ) wouldn't you like to know ? something sparkly ? maybe. something sweet ? mmm... let's just say it's a surprise. the helzberg diamonds gift box. diamond heart pendant and godiva chocolate gems. i love you. you do ? jenna: according to somebody analysts we're going to be digging deeper the next time we go to fill up the tank the average price of regular unleaded gas has jumped nearly 12 cents in three weeks and that's a pretty good jump. many experts say $4 gasoline
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isn't far away from most parts of the country and the president saying a short time ago this is another reason to extend the payroll tax cuts. >> when gas prices are on the rise again, because as the economy strengthens, global demand for oil increases, and if we start seeing significant increases in gas prices, losing that $40 could not come at a worse time. jenna: joining us now is stoof moore, economic writer at the "wall street journal". steve, let's start off with the premise that gas prices are going up because the economy is strengthening. is that the reason why we're seeing higher gas price? >> no it isn't jenna. the reason gas prices are going up i think is a monetary situation where you've got all this cheap money what's been flowing into the economy and this gets circulated into higher inflation rates, and the first areas you usually see that, jenna, are in higher gasoline prices at the pump and also in higher food price, we're starting to see too. i just filled up, in the washington, d.c. area, we've
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already got $4 gasoline. i paid 4.09 the other day. that was $70 to fill up my tank. jenna: what kind of car are you driving, steve, $70! >> it's got a big tank, i'll admit it. the president is right, this is causing a foinch family budgets right now because families are doing what i'm doing. this is a big problem. by the way it wasn't so long ago, jen yarks that gasoline was only about two buck as gallon. jenna: it's interesting, steve, every year we go through it seems, right? at the beginning of the year, we begin to start to see a creep in gas price, we're warned by the summer it's going to get really tough and at the end of the year, things look better. this year the timing is such that we have an election at the end of the year and i'm just wondering, put this all in context for us, steve, because we've heard a lot of conversations about gas prices, we have a lot of things that could happen between niewpped election time. so how does this figure into
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the political conversation? >> rising prices are a big problem for any incumbent president. we remember back in 1980 when jim yeah carter lost the white house, the primary reason he lost was because of very high inflation. look, we don't have the kind of inflation rates we had under jimmy carter, but when people start feel thank squeeze, jenna, of higher food price, high gas price, higher utility prices, those things do really shrink the family budget, and make times tougher for americans. and remember, we saw from the jobs numbers that just came out a week ago that workers are only getting about a 2 percent annual pay raise. if you've got 3 percent to 4 percent inflation, jenna, guess what, you just lost real income in terms of your purchasing power. so it's going to be a political issue, especially if gas stays at four buck as gallon. jenna: if prices do go up dramatically what does that mean for the impact of a payroll tax cut extension? how does that figure in when we're looking at how we're budgeting at home? >> look, i do think it's
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probably sensible to extend this payroll tax for the rest of the year. the big issue now is how we're going to pay for it. what really infuriates me about this, jenna, now both the president and republicans in congress say we're just not going to pay for it and that is how we got into the microcosm -- the microcosm of how we've gotten into this crisis in terms of dollars every year. nobody in washington ever pays for anything and the debts keep going up and up and as you know we just passed $15 trillion. that should be an alarm to members of congress and the president, maybe we should start paying for things when we purchase them, but that ain't happening. jenna: you had to pay for your gas, right? certainly it's a big topic and one we'll be watching. >> have a great valentine's day. jenna: happy valentine's day. jon didn't even wish me a happy valentine's day! steve, thank you! >> jon: you had to tell everybody! >> jenna: thanks steve. jon: dramatic new video just crossing our international desk of the violence playing
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out right now in syria. this is amateur footage essentially smuggled out of syria, reportedly showing the aftermath of intense shelling in a rebel-controlled neighborhood in the city of homs. hundreds of people believed killed there, just since saturday. the united nations human rights chief accuses the assad regime of crimes against humanity and warns that syria could be headed for a brutal civil war. some extreme weather across the nation to tell you about. a rough surf advisory in effect in pacifica, california. people there bundling up as strong winds and big swales slam the west coast, forcing the city's ranger to close the beach area. gentlemen jen that doesn't look good. folks in arkansas are getting a winter blast as well, snow, freezing rain
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and sleet blanketing parts of that state, making roadways slick. 1-4 inches accumulating in the northwest part of that state. jon: what's in store for the place where you are? meteorologist janice dean, live in the extreme weather center, all decked out in her valentine's day pink! >> reporter: happy valentine's day to you and jenna. full disclosure, jon scott's nickname up in the hair and makeup department is johnny love! so every day is valentine's day for johnny love! >> jon: there's a story behind that but we can't share it. >> reporter: darn it! got to save time for that stuff. jon: goes back to the first year of fox news channel. >> reporter: i can't wait! that's a tease. valentine's day. we got to find out, johnny! >> jon: okay. get on with the wherever, would you! >> >> reporter: snugly weather across the ohio valley where we're getting snow and rain across the southeast. our next big system across
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the four corner, that's the storm we're talking about the rest of the work week, we've got winter advisories for the four corners and the southwest, and watch this storm quickly move across the central u.s. we could see the potential for severe weather over the east in the next several days. we'll monitor that. back to you, johnny love! >> jon: i'm going to have jenna talk to you every time from now on, okay? >> jenna: she broke the code, never talk about it! >> jon: janice, thank you. jenna: we have a bunch of stories to get to, including this one, leanne panetta in the hot seat, talking about the military, defending steep cuts to the pentagon budget. we're going to have a live report on that very important story, coming up. and no, jon, she may look like every other cute dog. this one is working hard, though, when she's on the job and she's for rent, and she's a drug dog that's been hired out. she's cute, right?
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out of the wrong hands, we'll even add this personal shredder-- a $29 value-- absolutely free with your enrollment. don't wait another minute. call the number on your screen now, promo code: alerts. lifelock service guarantee cannot be offered to residents of new york. jenna: new next hour, she died while scuba diving on her honeymoon in australia. you can see her body actually floating in the water in this photo. take a look at that. her husband, honor then-husband, already served time for manslaughter overseas. he's on trial for her murder here at home. we're going to take a closer look at that. then, who really benefits from congress' low approval rating? it may not be who you think. there's congress. the other picture wasn't a metaphor. it's for the other story. can we bring up the spider now? you're not going to bel --
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to believe who is inspiring the next generation. this sort of gave it away. we'll explain next hour. jon: capturing their technology. there is a new weapon in the war on drugs. maybe a personal war. some much needed help for parents of teenagers. drug sniffing dogs for hire. they provide discreet and confidential assistance for parents who worry that thir kids might be using drugs in their own home. joining us live, sue watkins, the other than of drug dog services, with her is julia the drug sniffing dog. who hires you? i mean, what is a typical client? >> hi. our typical client would be a parent that's concerned. a parent that really is at their wit's end. parents that have kids that are on drugs, addicted to drugs, often don't know where to turn because the kid will lie, you know,
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manipulate, do all kinds of things to protect that relationship. so what the kids actually need is help, and to get into rehab. and what we do is if parents are having a difficult time in making that change or having the courage to go that direction, we come in with the dogs, we perhaps confirm what they suspect, and then we give them the resources that they need to get help. jon: i suppose you would typically do this when the kid is not home, huh? >> absolutely. it's very nonconfrontational, the dogs go with a certified handler, and we like to -- trust is a big factor in this business, so we like to meet the parents before we show up, if they're not a referral, and of course, they also want to know who's coming through their house. jon: well, trust is a big factor, i'm sure, but what does a kid say to the parent when they say hey, you brought in a dog to sniff
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out my stash? >> they normally don't tell the kids. jon: i see. >> they don't tell the kids. if parents suspect their kids are doing dogs, they probably are. they don't need to tell the kids that the dog came through. jon: so what is -- >> all they need is the courage to get help. jon: are we talking about marijuana, are we talking about harder stuff, are we talking about prescription drugs? i mean, can you train the prescription dog to snf out anything? >> you can. you can train dogs to sniff out just about anything. dogs will sniff out bed bugs, cell phone, money. these dogs are trained on drugs. where are you going! these dogs are trained on drugs, we're talking marijuana, meth, heroin, cocompany ain, oxycontin, methamphetamines. jon: jewel gentlemen z -- julie is bored.
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>> she's going let's do something. jon: in the sacramento, do you travel? if people want you to go to san francisco or something, you'll do that? >> we prefer to stay pretty close in our community. we will go. what i would like to see is i would like to see other canine companies, reputable canine companies throughout california perhaps adopt a similar program. jon: well, we -- >> but we will travel somewhat, yeah. jon: it's a great program, i guess. sad that there is a need for it. but we appreciate you coming on. sue watkins and julia, the drug-sniffing dog, thank you. jenna: julia was not imles dollars by the questioning. i don't know jon well, her first live appearance on fox, anyway. jenna: it was a great story. that is fascinating. you see a dog thaw don't know, you know something is checking you out. trust to verify. a bombshell in the murder trial of a former
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diplomatic coming out. right there you see president obama, obviously, sitting next to the fireplace in the oval office, the oval office meeting rarely -- well, i believe this is the first time -- it is usually a setting reserved for close allies shall we say so the honor of an oval office meeting being given to the chinese vice premiere, something special, and it shows the fact that they are the number two economy in the world right now. obviously, some concerns about china in many segments of our country, but, well, we'll get you -- to his photo one these day, at any rate, he's there meeting with president obama. jenna: any news of that, we'll bring it to you. in the meantime a controversial proposal in utah will force smokers on medicaid to pay aor copayment. some insurance companies do this but medicaid is a government program and some in the medical community say it's actually a bad idea.
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alicia acuna joins us from the denver bureau with more on this. who is saying this is not a good idea? >> hi jenna. aside from smoking, the american lung association, that organization tells fox news that it predicts more people will have heart attacks and develop lung disease if this bill passes, the argument being with a higher copay for smokers, chances are folks on a limited income won't want to pay more for a doctor's visit. >> people have to pay out of pocket, they tend to not seek out that treatment. so smoking cessation being harder -- part of that treatment, we would say that people with less income would be less likely to go and seek cessation treatment >> reporter: now, part of the proposal before your top lawmakers allow that copay to go away if a person enters a smoking cessation program. jenna: this is in the state of utah but medicaid is a federal program so how can a
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state like utah make changes to it? >> if this passes, then the state's health department will have to seek a waiver from the federal government in order to charge more. that's an amount they have yet to nail down. now n. utah, smoking-related illnesses cost medicaid $104 million in 2009. the lawmaker behind this says if someone wants to smoke it's their choice but doesn't think taxpayers should fit the bill for that decision. representative paul rey, republican, says the genesis of this goes back to his mother: >> she was a two pack a day smoker, my father smoked, died because of smoking. you know, i've lived around the -- i've had four open heart surgeries, my mother smoked when she was pregnant with me, i was born with a birth defect because of that. i know firsthand the effects of smoking and how that affects peoples' lives. >> and he says if someone can afford a pack of smokes they can afford a copay. gen jen thank you.
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>> jon: an iranian armed with hand grenade the -- grenades, after an completion in thailand and a cabinet minister vows to settle the score. the latest coming up in a live report. . well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger,
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>> reporter: rick folbaum in the control room, and the stories coming up are fresh, they're new. you'll see them only on "happening now" over if next 60 minutes, a trial that is eight years in the making, the man set to face charges that he killed his brand new wife while on their honeymoon. then look here, is iran targeting israel? the tensions between these two countries continues to grow. what it means for us, we'll tell you. and then down here, a new york icon, the empire state building, is going public. if you ever wanted to own a piece of a true american classic, we'll tell you how. plus, breaking news as it happens. the second hour of "happening now" starts right now.
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jenna: glad you're with us on this valentine's day, everybody. happy valentine's day to you. jon: and you as well. i missed it last hour. jenna: i'm jenna lee. jon: and i'm jon scott. president obama -- jenna: even though it's valentine's day, we with all still have the go to work. the payroll tax extension is set to expire at the end of the month. millions of americans will take home less money, and the president was just talking about that. jon: the president acknowledged the progress in striking a deal with republicans, but he says nothing is final until he signs the bill. mike emanuel live on capitol hill keeping an eye on that for us. >> reporter: hi, jon. president obama clearly sounds encouraged by what he is hearing from lawmakers here on capitol hill. the president a few minutes ago pressed lawmakers once again to pass the payroll tax holiday for the remainder of 201 and to also extend unemployment insurance benefits, with republican leaders now saying they would
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extend the payroll holiday for the rest of the year and not insist on paying for it. president obama sounds hopeful. >> now, the good news is over the last couple of days we've seen some hopeful signs in congress that they realize that they've got to get this done, and you're starting to hear voices talk about how can we go ahead and make this happen in a timely way on behalf of the american people. that is good news. but as you guys know, you can't take anything for granted here in washington. until my signature is actually on it. >> reporter: republicans had insisted on paying for the extension of the payroll holiday, arguing that our debt is at $15 trillion, quickly heading to $16 trillion, but that has been the big battle. democrats have been insisting on raising taxes on higher-income americans, and republicans do not want to do that. there's also been negotiations going on in a battle over the maximum length of unemployment benefits, republicans have wanted 59 weeks, the president has favored 79 weeks for the
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maximum. senate democrats have wanted 93 weeks for the maximum, so with that arguing going on, republicans said let's just pull out the payroll holiday, extend it, we won't battle over paying for it, recognizing that if there's a failure in these negotiations, taxes go up march 1st, and you have to worry about who the american people will blame for that. we expect republican leadership to lay it out for their rank and file members at a meeting this evening. jon? jon: the republicans clearly remember what happened just before christmas, huh? >> reporter: yeah, absolutely. jon: mike emanuel, thanks. jenna: well, this just in, defense secretary leon panetta on capitol hill defending steep cuts to the pentagon's budget. the former white house budget director -- remember, he had that job -- posed a challenge of his own. panetta telling lawmakers it's time to show americans that congress is serious about reducing the deficit, but lots of different opinions about whether or not defense is where we should start with that. national security correspondent
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jennifer griffin is live from the pentagon with more. jen? >> reporter: hi, jenna. well, the defense budget they're presenting is $32 billion less than a year ago. the army will shrink to 490,000 troops. the marine corps will go down to 182,000 troops. the air force, air lift fleet will be reduced retiring the oldest 65 of the c-130 planes, eliminating seven tactical air squadrons, five a-10 squadrons, one f-16 squadron and one f-15 training squadron. >> make no mistake, the savings that we are proposing are significant and broad based and will impact on all 50 states. but this is what congress mandated on a bipartisan basis, that we reduce the defense budget by almost a half a trillion dollars. >> reporter: most surprising is that the amount of money budgeted to train the afghan
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army is being cut in half. even though the entire afghan strategy has been to train the afghan forces so that u.s. forces can leave in 2014. the budget for iraq's security has been cut to $3 billion a year. during the armed services hearing today, senator john mccain accused the white house of coming up with a strategy to fit preconceived budget cuts. >> i can say today that i do not fully endorse this budget request with. indeed, i am seriously concerned about how we arrived at this point. >> reporter: all of this happening at a time of great unknown in terms of unrest in the middle east, jenna. jenna: that is a good point to end on, jennifer, something we're going to be talking a lot ant throughout the hour -- about throughout the hour today. thankthank you. jon well, as the presidential race heats up, polls show congressional approval ratings are way down, and many expect president obama to take a page from harry truman's 1948 playbook and campaign against a do-nothing congress. you hear it fairly often in his
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speeches. but can that strategy also work for the republican nominee? chris stirewalt is fox news digital politics editor and the host of "power play" on live. you hear president obama challenge congress in just abouter one of his -- every one of his speeches these days, he did it in his remarks this morning, he did it yesterday. every time he says it's time for congress to step up, that kind of thing. will it work? is it effective? >> well, look, jon, here's the thing. it can be broadly effective in this sense, that people don't like congress, they almost never do, but they particularly don't like it right now. and it gives president obama a way to do something very difficult which is to be an incumbent president but still run as some kind of an outsider and say he's not really of washington. but here's the problem for the president. people don't much care about what congress does, especially when it's not doing anything. and generally tend to tune out. so this is a tough, a tough sell for the president especially
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because half of the congress does happen to be democratic, and when he chastises congress for not acting, he's also necessarily tarring his former senate colleagues. jon: right. because he wants, i suppose, john boehner to be the picture that comes to mind when he challenges congress, the republican speaker of the house, but harry reid is running the senate, and he's a democrat. >> reporter: that's exactly right. and republicans have never failed to mention the fact that when the president says you must act, you must do this, that now it has been 1,000 and today 22 days 1-rbgs,022 days since the senate passed any kind of a budget, and that dates back to when there was supermajority control by democrats in both houses of congress and that the senate has, basically, gone into total gridlock. so the house is trying to get back on its preferred message and its preferred action which is passing legislation in the republican-controlled house and forcing votes or forcing declarations of inaction in the senate. jon: well, and there is a stack
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of legislation that the house has passed that's just sitting there waiting for action by the senate, and the senate won't take it up, right? >> reporter: right. and, you know, the senate does have a different role to play in all of this. they're supposed to be the saucer that cools the partisan impulses of the house and all of that stuff. but basically, this is gridlock of massive proportion. the senate does not function in many, many respects. so for the president it's tricky when you say that it's the fault of the house. well, the house will continue to pass legislation and continue to bring it forward. meanwhile, the senate will sort of remain this swamp. jon: so the eventual republican nominee whether it's mitt romney or rick santorum or maybe newt gingrich, can that man say to the nation, look, you know, part of the problem here rests with harry reid and the democratically-controlled senate? you've got a bunch of senate seats up for grabs this year, a third of them, and the expectation is that republicans are going to do pretty well. >> reporter: well, and you've
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hit it exactly right, jon. the big deal here is the fact that there are a dozen or so vulnerable democratic seats, and the republicans just need five to take over control of the senate. their chances look pretty good based on where those seats are and what the voters there have acted like and are saying now. so that's why the senate's not acting. it is a good tool for the republicans to use. it's not a very good offensive weapon. they can't get on the attack with that, but it's a pretty good way to rebut when the president comes out and hits again and again on this do-nothing congress. jon: and this budget, it's my understanding in which harry reid said he's not even going to bring it to the senate floor this year, is that why, because he knows that it would get shot down? >> reporter: not only would it get shot down, but it would be an awkward vote for a lot of these vulnerable senate democrats who come from states that are trending republican. and, you know, it's very telling for us, jon, that the president's budget is most likely to get a vote in the senate when forced through a
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procedural maneuver by the minority leader from the republican party than it is by the majority leader of the democratic party. jon: nobody knows politics better, chris. thanks very much. you can see more of chris stirewalt online. log on to while you're watching "happening now," of course. he hosts "power play" live every weekday, 11:30 eastern time. jenna: well, investigators are searching through tons of trash in utah discovering items belonging to josh powell and his missing wife. coming up, what powell apparently threw away one day before he killed himself and his two children. we're going to have that coming up. plus a series of bomb attacks in three countries. why iran is the main suspect, and if they can do it there, why can't they do it here? it's a question that we're going to be asking k.t. mcfarlane. and rick is over at the web wall. >> reporter: a chance for you to weigh in on recent headlines that have rick santorum either even with or beating mitt romney
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in some national polls. so we've asked you to weigh in, let us know, and you can do this during the break if you go to the "happening now" home page. do you think santorum has a chance to win the nomination? here are the results so far. it's pretty split. you could tilt it one way or the other. we'll have more howe howe after a quick -- "happening now" after a quick break. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix.
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jon: right now new information in some crime stories we're keeping an eye on. virginia, more medical testimony expected today in the first-degree murder trial of a former college lacrosse player. george huguely accused of beating his former girlfriend, yeardly love, to death. an autopsy found she died of blunt force trauma. boston, a federal judge setting a november 5th trial date for whitey bulger, rejecting a plea from the gangster's lawyers for more time to prepare. the 82-year-old bulger is charged with participate anything 19 murders. in washington state a search of a recycling center leads to the discovery of some papers, books
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and a map of utah belonging to josh powell and his missing wife susan. powell reportedly dropped off the materials for recycling the day before he killed himself and his two young sons. jenna: well, now this fox news alert, an iranian armed with hand grenades link today a series of explosions in bangkok. the attacker wounding several people including himself, and it's unclear if there's a connection to yesterday's bomb attacks targeting israeli diplomats in india and the republic of georgia, but the incident certainly increases suspicion that iran is conducting a campaign of international terror. targeting israelis in revenge attacks. the israelis are clear on this but, again, allegations at this time. kt mcfarlane is a fox news national security analyst, and let's bring it back to us here at home. we have bangkok, we have india, we have the state of georgia, is this going to happen here? >> it's already happened here. the iranians sent a hit squad to
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washington to try to assassinate the saudi and israeli ambassador, so it's already happened. we're already in a form of war with iran, it's just a covert war, and it's a war of sabotage and assassinations and spies. and so, yeah, things are absolutely could happen here. jenna: does a war like that have an end? should we just expect this to be what happens over the next several months of this year? >> yeah. i do think you're going to see an increase, presumably, in iranians who are assassinated, you're going to probably see an increase of iranians, you know, saber rattling certainly in the strait of hormuz, but you might see more of these sorts of assassinations. the interesting thing, you're not seeing them in israel. why? because they have such great security. jenna: they say they're not just going to let this happen, so then if israel comes back, i mean, when do you see the united states having to step in? covert or otherwise? and, obviously, there's plenty of speculation -- >> we're already -- jenna: -- that we're involved in, but when does that go from a covert war to a hot war? >> this is the year of
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reckoning, 2012. we've talked about it for years, but this is the year of reckoning. why? because iran is putting its nuclear facilities deep underground in mountains. they're doing that right now. if israel is going to attack iran, they've got to do that before iran gets buried deep underground. the united states could take out those facilities deep underground because we have the bunker buster bombs, but that means israel's got to kind of trust the united states to back them up. jenna: and it seems like you're hesitant as to whether or not israel believes they can trust that. >> well, you certainly have seen the relationship between the leaders of the united states and israel, it's not good. and there's a level of trust israel's going to have to have in the united states having their back. you know, israel looks at iran and looks at those nuclear weapons and says that's an existential threat to us. if iran gets nuclear weapons, we could cease to exist. jenna: mahmoud ahmadinejad said we should expect a major nuclear announcement. we tonight know what that means, it could mean a lot of different
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things, but because there is progress, again, as their intelligence tells us that this is going deeper underground, these facilities, how do woe know that in a week's time iran doesn't just announce that they have the capability -- >> well, we can see that. we can see that. i mean, our intelligence, we can see as they're burying stuff underground, we have a good idea of when they're going to have nuclear weapons. secretary of defense has said iran will have nuclear weapons in a year or less. he's also said within two or three years after that iran will have intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons and landing on the united states homeland. we don't have a defense for that. jenna: we have the vice premier of china meeting with the president right now. china is very important to these sanctions we've been talking a lot about when it comes to iran and the oil. how do they figure in, and how do we get the chinese completely onboard? >> they won't come onboard because it's not in their economic interest. they buy iran's oil, and they need iran's oil. they've seen as we've tried to
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do these sanctions, they've gone back to the iranians and said we'll continue to buy for -- more of your oil. we want a new price, we want a discount. the other thing is the chinese at the u.n., they vetoed any attempts to sanction iran's oil. jenna: if we went to war iran, would we be fighting the chinese too? >> no. but i do think the situation with iran is the most complicated one i've seen in my life. it's like a cat's cradle. you pull one string and, you know, the iranian oil situation, who does that effect? that effects syria. syria sells its oil to italy. so it's all interconnected. china buys iran's oil, india's just going with gold to try to say we'll buy your oil, but not for dollars, we'll buy it for gold. jenna: interesting. well, we're going to need a lot more than three minutes -- >> i think so. jenna: kt, we'll continue to do it week by week. thank you so much. jon? jon: well, it's not over for that young american student, amanda knox.
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italian prosecutors are appealing the reversal of her murder conviction. she's the student who was cleared of killing her roommate. coming up, why the prosecutors want to send her back to italy and jail. plus, an alabama man on trial for his wife's murder fighting to prove his innocence. was tina watson's death a tragic accident or something much more sinister? we'll get into it next. online dating services can get kind of expensive. so to save-money, i found a new way to get my profile out there.
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jon: just in, only four months after american college student amanda knox was with given her freedom by an italian court, prosecutors there are trying to send her back to prison. rick folbaum has more on that. >> reporter: well, jon, this was expected. it's, basically, a legal maneuver, and it marks the last option prosecutors have in this case. they want with italy's highest
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criminal court to reverse that ruling from late last year that set amanda and her former boyfriend free. they had been convicted, as you remember, of murdering knox's roommate in what was described as a sex attack, and now knox, an exchange student from washington state, spent four years in a prison in italy maintaining her innocence all the way with. in her appeal, the court ordered a review of the dna from the crime scene which wound up showing a lot of the evidence used to convict her was flawed. that led to her conviction being overturned and her ex-boyfriend's conviction also being thrown out. the high court is expected to rule on this sometime towards the end of the year. knox is 24 years old, she has yet to say very much about the case, but there are reports, jon -- no surprise, i guess -- that she's been meeting with publishers about a possible book deal. back to you. jon: unbelievable. rick folbaum, thanks. jenna: well, talk about unbelievable, let's take a look at this next story. right now in birmingham, alabama, a jury has just been chosen just within the last
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couple hours in the trial of the alleged honeymoon killer. eight women, six men will consider murder charges against gabe watson. he's accused of drowning tina thomas-watson, his former wife, right years ago when they were scuba diving off the coast of australia during their honeymoon. he's back here now. joining us is a former presidenter. let's -- prosecutor. he had been try inside australia before, can he be tried again here at home? >> he can, jenna. here's how it works. it's called concurrent jurisdiction. if two places have jurisdiction over somebody, you can be tried twice. like, in the united states you could be tried in state court for a murder and tried in federal court for a murder. it doesn't happen very often, but it can be done. but it's going to be really interesting for the, for this jury to decide if something happened in alabama that gives alabama jurisdiction.
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i mean, that's going to be the question. jenna: let's talk a little bit about the location, but also the time that's passed. we've been talking about this case so much, but we forget this happened in 2003. how does it impact the prosecution and their ability to get a guilty verdict here if that, indeed, is what needs to happen? >> well, that definitely makes it harder. they are dealing with witnesses, and witnesses are just people, and over time memories fade and people have a more difficult time recounting exactly what did take place. on the other hand, they've had all of this time to continue to gather evidence, including any kind of financial records or any other records which they might use to establish that any of the planning actually took place in alabama which is probably going to be one of the bigger hurdles in this case. jenna: you know, duane, one of the jurors that was being interviewed, she said that she felt watson was guilty simply from the media coverage of it all. he's called the honeymoon killer in the press.
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how do you combat that at a trial like this? >> it's really difficult when that happens, and especially if he said that out loud in front of the other juries, jurors when they were doing jury selection. that can poison an entire pool. now, they have a court reporter that takes all that down, and all that can be challenged on appeal if he's convicted. but, you know, in australia they didn't feel they had enough evidence to take him to trial on first-degree murder, and they gave him a smoking deal. and in my experience, prosecutors only give smoking deals on homicide cases when they don't have a very strong case. jenna: nicole, what do you think? >> well, i mean, it's a circumstantial case, and by the nature of that, it's going to be more difficult for the prosecution to prove. you don't have a confession, you don't have anybody saying that they saw someone kill her. so what you have to do is piece the puzzle pieces together until you have an entire picture. and ultimately, the jury is going to have to decide whether or not those puzzle pieces make the picture of a murder. jenna: well, let's talk about that. we have the wedding foe e toes,
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but let's bring back up that one picture that was taken underwater that shows, well, there's different opinions of what it shows. but you do see what we have highlighted is the body there of tina. and according to the diver, the diver that's on the center of the screen, that is, accordingly, the guy that's on the stand right now. so behind him here, that's the rescue diver that's trying to swim after his wife that he says he was not able to bring back to surface. duane, if there's one thing that you learn when you learn scuba diving, when you have a buddy, you're able to get them to surface. you learn multiple ways. and if he was as experienced as he says he was, it's highly unlikely that he would have turned the other direction and let another diver go down. that's just not what you're taught. what do you do with that photograph? >> well, his experience is going to be used against him, but his explanation makes sense. if you've got somebody panicking underwater, and you go down and you try to help them, the first
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thing you've got to do is protect yourself, to keep your mask and your regulator from being removed, to keep you from drowning. so him giving her a bear hug makes sense that he may have tried to do that, she knocked his mask and his regulator out. at that point, he's got to turn and swim away because he's got to get all his equipment back in shape. and while he's turning and swimming away, the other rescue diver goes down. i think that's a logical explanation. jenna: well, it's interesting, nicole, according to the associated press, they describe the picture that her husband gave watson has surfacing, but if we take a look at the picture again, apparently, it's not clear whether or not he is the guy that looks like he's surfacing even though the description suggests that. as a prosecutor, what do you do with that photo? >> well, i think that you're going to have to introduce the photo and let the jurors decide for themselves based on what the people who were on the dive boat with the couple saw. and that's going to be really important. the timing of when people surfaced, his explanation of
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what he was doing, whether it matches what physical evidence they do have in the case, and only the jurors are going to be able to answer these questions for us. jenna: evidence from 2003, that's also a factor as we mentioned. duane and nicole, thank you so much. appreciate your time, and we'll see where this case goes. >> thank you, jenna. happy valentine's day. jenna: you too. jon: new hope for heart attack suffererrers on this valentine's day, a new procedure that regenerates damaged heart muscle. how it works and how soon might we see this procedure performs at a hospital near you? plus a judge finding herself on the wrong side of the law. what she is accused of doing that has a lot of people shocked and shaking their heads. when i grow up, i want to fix up old houses. ♪ [ woman ] when i grow up, i want to take him on his first flight. i want to run a marathon. i'm going to own my own restaurant. when i grow up, i'm going to start a band.
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jen well, right now in syria the arab league is raising the stakes, unless syria's government ends the growing violence against prodemocracy rebels arab countries say they're ready to protect civilians by arming the opposition. that changes a lot of thing, in beirut, dominic di-natale. >> reporter: it certainly does change an awful lot, the arab league saying if the killing does continue citizens must be helped in arming and protecting themselves, and this is an official policy. some are screaming in the country, according to reports -- it's not clear whether it's sympathizers, but for example, in palms --
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in po -- homs, where there's been the heaviest shelling, there are rocket attacks every 15 minutes, people are trying to get sinals like food, they're having a cold winter and people are suffering a lot. the arab league wants to push through a new resolution through the united nations, this time with the general assembly, because the general assembly, possibly meeting as early as wednesday or thursday, that's not being treated as the same way where in russia and china they brought an end to the violence. all the same the general assembly vote is not legally binding which means most countries generally to sign up and get involved and there are certain arab nation that is will not want to do that because they get an awful lot of oil from those countries and don't want the wrath of losing that, irrespective of the fight of hundreds of thousands of the civilians. on top of that we're getting fresh news from a syrian
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army officer who's defected, the government has been using chemical weapons in other parts of the country, him telling that to the al aribaya channel. jenna, back to you. jenna: we're watching this story develop, thank you, dominic. jon valentine's day, everybody is thinking about their heart and there is new information on a promising new medical study that could help heart attack victims. a new procedure found to reverse damage to the heart by using a patient's own stem cells. senior national correspondent john roberts, live from atlanta with more on that. john. >> reporter: good afternoon to you. the age old question, how do you mend a broken heart. i first started reporting on this more than a decade ago, how could doctors do something about the enormous scar tissue that forms when a person has a heart attack and could you potentially
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regenerate that muscle. dr. eduardo marban of caesar sinai hospital may be able to do that. we're going to show you how he did it on the screen. he took a cath they are with for accept, healthy heart tissue from 17 patients who had had heart attack, cut it up, put it into a petri dish and created all the little stem cells, when he had millions of those he reinjected those back into the heart in the area where the tissue was deceased, where the scar tissue was. they took root in that scar tirks it began growing new muscle, new blood supply and crowded out that scar tissue. on average the patients he treated had a 50 percent reduction if the size of that scar tissue and the elegant thing about this, it was done with stem cells but avoided the ethical and political concerns of embryonically derived stem cells. >> we've achieved what we have achieved using adult stem cells, in this case specifically from a patient's own heart back into the same patient.
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there are no ethical issues with that, no destruction of embryos, no reason to worry about immune rejection. >> reporter: one puzzling thing, while this was reduced the overall function of the heart did not increase, so dr. marban answers the question of why when he conducts a study with 200 patients later this year. this idea that if you get tissue to regenerate may be applicable way beyond the heart to other org -- organs. >> if we can do that in the heart i don't see any reason son -- conceptually why we couldn't do in kidney or other organ that is have limited capacity. >> it is -- it is not yesy to everstate the potential. if dr. marban achieves the similar results with the next study as he got with this one, it could be widely applicable, widely available by the year 2016. this is not a decade down
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the road this, is mere years down the road. jon: that is absolutely amazing technology and science. john roberts, thank you. jenna: a pennsylvania judge finds herself on the wrong side of the law, and you never want to be on the wrong side of the law. district judge kelly ballenti -- kelly valentine, forced to post bail after allegedly receiving several traffic violations and dismissing them herself. she is facing criminal charges, including tampering with applicable records, conflict of interest and obstructing justice. let's bring in judge andrew napolitano. first of awcialtion she goes back into the computer because she was summoned, she erases them, but if you're a judge and don't pay a parking ticket are you facing anything terrible for that? what's your motivation for doing that? >> you are facing what everybody would be facing which is a summons, an order to show up in court and
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explain why you didn't pay them, so in her mind, i think, in order to avoid the indignity of being summoned into a courtroom, directly next door to hers in the next courthouse she decided to go into the computer and, quote, fix these tickets. jenna: it's more the risk of impairment, she would be able to keep her job if she pays the parking ticket. >> everybody gets parking ticket. if she would have paid them initially, there wouldn't be the problem. jenna: have you ever heard of this before? >> i had heard, when i was in new jersey, there was one judge i knew of who had been fixing parking tickets for friends and he was allowed to retire and keep his pension, but he agreed to leave the bench. i have never heard of, in factor fiction, a judge fixes her own parking ticket which is is what this judge is accused of doing. gen yuen this story caught my eye because it was in pennsylvania and we did a couple of stories a couple of months back about a pennsylvania judge, doing in particular that cash for jailing kids, sending kids away and he was getting a
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pay back. >> sending kids to a private jail and the guy who built the jail was kicking it back to the judge. jenna: you don't want to overgeneralize but it's interesting to see this from pennsylvania. is that just the news? >> the pennsylvania judiciary has suffered terribly from judges getting themselves in trouble in ways that have harmed the rest of us. i will say this, 37 states have elected judges, appointed judges. when judges run in election, i'm not talking about judicial recollections -- elections where judges run against each other but republicans and, you tend to get judges whose personal qualities and professional backgrounds don't have the scrutiny that exist in an appointed system like in the federal system or the 13 states where judges are appointed. in pennsylvania, any lawyer can run to be a judge, no matter what the lawyer's background is. this is an example of a lawyer with no integrity, running for and being elected to the besm and thinking she can do this for
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herself and get away with it. jenna: just in your opinion, what's better, were you appointed, elected? >> i was appointed in new jersey, you're appointed by the governor, confirmed by the state, if reapainted and reaffirmed -- confirmed, you're appointed for life. >> jenna: are you more partial for that as -- >> yes, because before i was appointed, all of my background, personal and professional, was examined by people who advised the governors. that doesn't mean that a political hack couldn't sneak through, but it does mean that you get a better quality judge in the federal system or in the state systems where there is this scrutiny prior to appointment, as opposed to just somebody campaigning for the job and winning. jenna: it's interesting. we don't know what happened specifically with this case but it's interesting to talk about the bigger picture. >> jenna, it's always interesting to talk with you. jenna: sometimes i wonder. jon: for the record i will not be asking the judge to fix any of my new jersey
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traffic tickets. >> thank you jon! jon: every day life made easier thanks to the humble fighter. why the tech -- humble spider. why the technology behind spider webs could be a big help for humans. some of the top minds in the country trying to unravel it. >> and a wall street ipo that could be bigger than facebook or at least taller, the empire state building, set to go public, and you get a piece of it. details, next. as you can see, i'm in a tricky situation here.
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i'm bidding on a 1979 dukes of hazzard lunchbox. my auction ends in 15 seconds ! even worse, my buddy's bidding on the same lunchbox ! it's airbrushed ! but i've got verizon 4g lte. it's so fast, i can outbid him at the last second. i got it ! yes ! woo hoo ! it's got a thermos ! rely on verizon, america's largest 4g lte network. because only the fastest survive.
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wow. wow. but you can help fight muscle loss with exercise and ensure muscle health. i've got revigor. what's revigor? it's the amino acid metabolite, hmb to help rebuild muscle and strength naturally lost over time. [ female announcer ] ensure muscle health has revigor and protein to help protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. keeps you from getting soft. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! jenna: now this fox business alert, one of apple's biggest attractions is set for its own ipo, it could make a billion dollars once it goes public, but for a building as old as king kong, many are wondering if this is the best use of your money. but you could own a piece -- own a piece of that, a landmark. ceo of w, it's kind of a novelt stock, right? the average person can observe is -- own a piece of
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the empire state building? >> it would be pretty interesting, and to your point, it's the tallest building in new york, it goes back to 1931 and the company that's taking it public also has 12 other properties, so it wouldn't be just that one particular building, but it is interesting, a billion dollars. jenna: i was never excited about stocks before, but this one -- >> okay, you're going to have to back up a little bit. jenna: what are your thoughts? >> the upside in terms of the company itself, what, do you build larger, bigger, larger, taller buildings? i think this could be the play that generates a lot of cash. jenna: for the company. >> and its shareholders. listen, right now, vacancy rates in new york at 10 percent, they've been as low as 6 percent, so we keep doing better in new york city and they get to raise prices, they're doing a big renovation, they already did half a billion dollars in renovations, they have more to go. it could be a cash cow. it's not sexy in that respect but last year those are the stocks that did well. the market was ugly last --
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ugly last year, utility, dividend paying stocks. there might be retirees, who saw the tom hanks movie -- the original one was cary grant, right? so you can romant size the -- romantacize the good old days. >> jenna: you're not buying. >> i'm not excited about it as facebook. jenna: you get the feeling that companies are going public looking for money in the market of the just overall, is that indicative of what we're seeing in the economy, a good sign, or is this timing and companies need cash? >> ironically it's mixed. there's scuttlebutt that facebook has gone public because the taxes are going to go up on dividends and things like that, so investors want to get in right away. but we're doing better, you know, but remember, facebook is very, very unique, 800 million users around the world, the empire state building, very, very unique. i'll be happy when we get companies trying to raise five, $10 million going public. that's when we know the
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country is firing on all cylinders. jenna: thank you. it was like -- >> who was the woman. >> deborah carr. >> good for the men who do the control room. thank you charles. always nice to have you. jon. jon: if i buy into that ipo, chars, can i get the 83rd floor or something? >> jenna: that would be a nice ticket. >> they would only charge you about $2 a -- >> jenna: more than that! >> jon: you could get a friends discount. jon: that sounds good, i may try that. charles payne, thanks. unleashing the power of spider webs. they are tiny little wonders of nature. yeah, they cause a mess if you get in your hair, but they are potentially the key to an engineering future. some scientists at mit are trying to unlock it. amazing stuff, coming up.
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jon there's new information from the science world that could one day have a big impact on oury lives, engineers are working on ways to create stronger materials using spider web technology. let's talk about it with marcus buehler, an associate professor of civil engineering at massachusetts institute of technology, the humble spider web is a pretty amazing feat of engineering, huh? >> yeah, it is. hi jon, thank you. well, it's quite amazing what spiders do with the simple protein building blocks that they have in the bodies, and they actually
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make on the fly a cable or thread that's the kind of spiders like you see if you look at a web that's stronger than steel, and they make this without any plan or processing. it's on the fly. and actually, even more exciting things about the web, if you actually look at an entire web, it has properties that we really envy in engineering and one of the properties is it can detail with failure and defects in a particular way. so if you imagine looking at an airplane or a car, you hit the car, there's an impact, the car tends to break down as a whole. not for the spider web. spider webs have an intrinsic ability to deal with failure in the way that they sacrifice one of the elements and the entire web functions without that individual thread. jon: you used the example of an airplane, if you get a crack in an airplane wing you've got a big, big problem because that crack is likely to spread under stress. in a spider web if one of the strands gets broken or
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stretched the others still hold on and do the work of the web. >> exactly right. and that is due to the particular structure of the web, from the molecules, the proteins, how they arrange to different scales so all the way from the scale of the chemistry, of the protein molecules, the nano scale, the micro scale, to the web scale. jon: here's this little creature, the humble spider, producing this stuff out of protein and we can't really yet duplicate it yet, can we? >> correct, yeah, we actually have real trouble scaling up things from an individual molecule that -- molecule that we can use in every day life. a great example, if you think to the carbon nanotubes, the strongest materials we know, actually, as engineers, we really struggle putting the inner tubes together in making airplanes or buildings or bridges out of these, right, so spiders have actually taught us something important in this research. they've taught us how we get the little protein, little
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building blocks together in a clever way so that the structure we make at the macro scale has the absolutely fascinating properties and actually sort of amplifies properties we have at the smallest scale to the macro scale. if we can mimic this for nano cubes and graffins we can make material much stronger and have the amazing properties. jon: lighter cars, stronger bridges, all kinds of possibilities. good luck unraveling the spider's web. jenna: don't like spiders. like that story, though! jon: the humble spired. jenna: a good way to look at it. the president's campaign creating truth teams across the country to fight what they claim are gop irs misstatements or lies about the president but do the groups get to the truth? what are these truth teams all about? a fair and balanced debate, ahead.
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