tv The Five FOX News February 15, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EST
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have newt gingrich on. make sure you come back tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. good night from washington, d.c.. go to it? >> demand it. >> eric: that couple told me to tell you that. >> bob: hello. happy valentine's day. i'm bob beckel with andrea tantaros, eric bolling, darren darren and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ our top story is the continuation to my one more thing from yesterday. this newsweek cover highlighting the war on christianity in muslim countries. an example is december of 2011 churches in nigeria were torched. catlich church, another church, christian church 40. people were killed in this ram pain. this is not isolated incident. it happened across the muslim
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world. it happened in egypt with coptic christians and it happened in pakistan. it's happened in many of the countries that we have -- reportedly have allies with it. we'll keep going with this. dana, we give money to some of these countrys and yet, we go out of our way to respect the muslim religion and allow them to practice and build their mosques. is it unfair of us to be picking up the countries and say enough is enough, the authorities in the country, why don't you do something about this? >> dana: it's absolutely right and appropriate we should be doing so. we need to continue to be in a position where we can do so. only in america would we all sit around and say we will provide money, funds to help -- our money is going to a lot of different causes. a lot of them humanitarian. first, to help strangers that
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we will never meet. there is a lot of reasons to do so. some are national security related. some are purdy blow massey. if president's plan for aids relief, six years ago, humanitarian issue, a moral question. the united states had the ability to help save a generation of people from dying, from aids because we had the drugs to do so, but we couldn't get them to them. there is a lot of different reasons you give aid. it's a hot topic now, as usually is every election season. but it's also important you have the leverage to be able to say knock it off. >> bob: i agree. greg, let me ask you this. if a muslim mosque were to burn in this country, i would imagine that there would be an international uproar. >> greg: of course. egyptians could drive every christian out of alex zan
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dryia, but if you asked a woman to remove her scarf at the dmv we'd be a police station. you can't begin to discuss what would happen if mosque was torched. as long as traditional western culture is the victim it's okay, because the world feels like we ask for it. especially our own academics in the united states believe that we can never be victims. that we are in effect the oppressors. the lesson from the left is that radical muslims can be the oppressor while playing the victim. they learned that from the weather underground and the black panthers. if they're seen as the underdogs they can do whatever they want to american christians. >> bob: i wouldn't defer to the left. >> greg: knee-jerk thing. >> bob: i know. you have a knee-jerk thing. there is truth to this. i'm sure the prophet muhammad never would have allowed this if he were here. this is something that runs against i would think the
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teaching, quran. >> andrea: bernard lewis has written a number of books on the topic. quran is like a supermarket, so it can be tolerant in some instances. it says be tolerant when they are outnumbered. and it can be militant. islam does have a history of violence. a lot of the writers, bernard lewis, one of them who says you can never really have peace in the muslim faith. so when i look to see what is going on to christians, this is one of the longest questions in history. when we have debate at home about religious freedom and birth control we're talking about, they are so important. of course, if christians are being persian cutepersecuted ins that we are giving aid to, we should demand protection for christians. you you have can't be tolerant? then your allowance is cut off. >> bob: let me ask eric a question. news media, this has been going on for years now. attacks on christians.
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and murdering christians. in muslim countries. yet, nobody writes about it. i bet the first show that ever had an open discussion about it. what do you think? >> eric: it's great we're having the discussion. great that "newsweek" decided to do the story. compelling and disgusting some of the things going on around the world. miff only problem, i'm going to hear about it, i'm sure. can you imagine -- i'm not suggesting it and i'm glad it doesn't happen. but can you imagine if you had depiction of the prophet on the cover of the "newsweek" with which going on the way they depict jesus christ right here? there would be outrage against "newsweek" and they would probably shut the magazine down. >> greg: picture from a church, i imagine -- >> eric: regardless, would we do it? >> greg: it's evidence of the persecution. >> bob: i hear what you are saying. why is the media silent about this until "newsweek" brought it up?
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>> dana: a few reasons. fist, we have to go back. religion is used sometimes as an excuse for violence in different places including the wiigers going back to china because of the way they want to practice their belief and they're considered a threat. chinese consider them a threat. a huge problem for me. we're seeing results of this, over the past 15, 20 years a lot of western news media shut down their foreign bureau. there is not enough, the papers are thinner than they have been in our lifetime. there is not enough room on the evening news because you have to get to the pharmaceutical ads and all that stuff. it's not top of mind. what people want to talk about, this isn't it. >> andrea: you hear about it from missionaries overseas. that is why the christian media covers it because they
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have churches with missionaries that are over there. >> dana: some ngeos, like the non-profit organizations over there are acting as good reporters, eyes and ears on the ground. greg there is another thing. it's islamophobia phobia, afear of being accused of being intolerant. nobody wants to see as someone anti-islam. radical islamists would somehow annoy michael moore maybe christians would have a chance. >> bob: let me say something about that. i defended their right to build a community center downtown. we disagree on that. we defend that, nobody burns anything there, and then this happens and nobody says anything. this subject drives me crazy. >> eric: very quickly, some of the countries named in peace and other places. so foreign aid that we supply to some of the countries, talk about it. we don't -- egypt, $1 $1.6 billion. jordan, $678 million.
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iraq, $472 million. how about the other ones? kenya, $661 million. pakistan, $1.3 billion. a lot of questions remain whether we should be -- >> bob: well let's talk about -- >> andrea: no such thing as peace. it's just cease fire. >> bob: talk about the muslim brotherhood. one of the recipient from egypt for a lot of money every year. saying if you don't end us the money there will be problems with israel. what is your take on that? >> andrea: the muslim brotherhood is a violent group. my biggest fear when mubarak was taken out. they control the mosque and the union. now they won majority of election. i'm skeptical of the motives. they say if you don't give us the money this will jeopardize peace with israel. remember when assad tried to make peace? biggest threat to islam if you study the quran is not the -- it's the aposit. not infidel. it's the muslim that turns and tries to make peace. this is why i'm not buying
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this that muslim brotherhood seeks peace with israel. no such thing as peace. it's just cease-fire. >> bob: for those in the muslim community and united states and around the world we have gone out of our way to be tolerant in the face of difficult times for us. i would just say that it's time for muslims, moderate muslims, said things and i think they do, to stand up and speak out on this. we're tired of having our people killed and our churches burned overseas while we protect mosques here. it's the right thing to do here certainly. i would suggest a good thing to do overseas. >> andrea: if you can't convert them, then you convert them by the sword. >> dana: i think there can be a peaceful muslim religion. >> andrea: i don't disagree but that's why quran is confusing. >> bob: we have to get out of that. this is something that matters a lot to us. something that does to me. up next, i'm going to find
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when i'm on overtime. when i'm in over my head. when i have to be sharp... no matter how many time zones i've crossed. when i'm on my feet for hours. when it's game time. when the day's only half over but my energy is all gone. when i need the energy to start exercising. every day. every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. 5-hour energy. every day.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back to "the five." remember my experience with chevy volt? i ran out of electric power in the lincoln tunnel 46-miles from home, two days in a row, both after a full 12-hour charge. i suggest the limited electric range would be a major reason that chevy sold 600-volts last month. in an active of green agenda desperation, president obama came up with a new way to bribe to us buy the dud car. offer $10,000 tax credit per car. listen to the green machine
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sperling. >> you will see in here a new consumer tax incentive for buying advanced vehicles. technology vehicles. these are technology neutral. they are at the point of sale. they with worth $10,000. we have don't pick between natural gas and electric vehicles. we let the market determine that, give consumers the incentives to buy the cars. >> eric: mindout, 10,000 of yours and my tax dollars going up in smoke. what does it take? >> greg: i sympathize with gene. he needs a shorter podium. it's like me giving a speech. a head floating on a box. i know better. >> dana: get him a box. >> greg: i don't think they are giving enough of a rebate to the car. jewel of environmental movement. they have to rebrand it, not a volt but vault and rebrand it as a studio apartment.
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then you don't explain why it doesn't move. it's a camper, but tiny one for people who care. >> andrea: it's bigger than my first studio apartment in new york. >> greg: it's two bedroom. it has backseat. >> dana: wheels and the rubber tires will prevent you being electrocuted in lightning storm. brilliant. guest my offer stands -- >> greg: you have to show me a self-supporting green job and can't be the guy with his hand up kermit. >> eric: before you weigh in, liberal friends, there are numbers. sorrying. that car has $45,500 sticker price. then the tax credit. look at this. the average buyer of a chevy volt made $170,000 a year. that was the salary. the average american disposable income for heritage foundation, $32,448 a year.
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so the people making $32,000 are paying their taxes, supporting those making $170,000 a year who want to buy a car that goes 26 miles an hour. >> bob: i doesn't understand a single thing -- >> dana: i followed it perfectly. >> greg: a car for the 1%. >> exactly. >> bob: if you look at the cost when the military -- i tried to get it off. give me a break. the cost of the internet when the military started spent hundreds of taxpayers dollars because it was not profitable. now it's an indispensable tool. nobody else has the ability. we'll have electric cars. >> dana: where are we going to get electricity? >> bob: hopefully nuclear power.
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>> isn't that distribution of up the chain instead of down the chain? >> andrea: it's a gamble if we don't have the electric toy to spend $10,000 of taxpayers money on the cars. if the cars were so great the market would sustain itself. we wouldn't need to offer the tax cuts. why doesn't obama drive one, a bulletproof, presidential volt? >> bob: the cost to produce gal, the electricity to the gasoline to be replaced by an electric car would be equal, if not less. maybe you don't have electric problems but you can't keep going. this is a one-time deal. it takes time. >> dana: a better investment, one thing in the budget is the d.c. opportunity scholarship fund. it's $8,000 per student which allows families of low-income, not very many, lower than the
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average to get children to allow them to go through a better school through avoucher system. the unions hate the program. i know that my former neighbors on capitol hill use the program to make sure their kids had a better opportunity. if you talk about a budget, a priority document. policy statement. they are more willing to give $10,000 to the 1% for tax credit for vehicle rather than continue to program because it goes against their gut -- their principle -- >> greg: subsidize organic food. >> andrea: they do. food stamps. a lot of food with food stamps. boks on the voucher program, it's important. obama is wrong to do that. i don't think we can equate the two things. it will take a while to develop alternative vehicles. if it costs more at the front end, it does. all new technology does. >> dana: we have talked about getting rid of the
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mortgage tax reduction. i'm getting there. i'm for that. i'm for getting rid of all of this. >> eric: not delve in to that. >> dana: maybe tomorrow. >> greg: i'm going to be busy. >> eric: 7,500 tax credit goes to anybody. if you want to buy a nissan leaf, domiciled in japan you can get the money there. >> greg: never legislate a bad idead to good one. this shows business instinct as community organizer. >> eric: coming you, big d.c. folks say it's time to mute on newt. greg gutfeld is next. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: some want newt out. others embrace the surge. if you want brokered convention, i say hooey. if santorum is the nominee i should have run. if i only i didn't make the art films in the '90s. they were art films. what is all the angst about? it's about the lack of angst on mitt's part. you have can't get worked up over him because he can't get worked up over himself. if he can't get mad, i'll get mad for him. so here i offer a crib sheet of stuff. mitch should throw a fit over. for example, the elevation of thugs to advisors, there is now no difference between obama class warfare and occupy wall street.
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except for indoor plumbing. agenda that mocks agenda belief. planned parenthood happened because the hand of intrusive government is now god. as athens burned, we spend. if deficits don't matter why raise taxes at all. the left wants greece here because it tends american idea. spend the country to ruin, austerity breached riots and the revolution arrives. the white house as a detackor teachers lounge, who see you as backward and bigoted. take the ghost of bill ayers lurks in the lincoln bedroom. it could be mothballs. what should really steam your shorts possibility of an obama second term. the first term, he had to be nice. imagine when that is no longer needed. >> dana: they are going to be talking about you in the hallels of the west wing, i bet. >> andrea: enemy's list. >> bob: what was that about? >> greg: there are many things to be upset and mitt can't find it. wouldn't you agree, bob? he needs a kick in the pants
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from fiery -- >> bob: i just don't think that you are going to make it happen. you can't craft personality. in mormon households they're calm. >> i'm for calm steady leade leadership. the rap against romney is he's boring. but i don't think santorum is mr. exciting. >> greg: i am not asking for razzle dazzle. steady is good. but you have to have a pulse. he needs to be -- like i said, a pebble in the shoe. >> andrea: some people do angry well. and others can't do angry well. you did see a fighter in romney. he was down and thought he'd lose florida, why can't he do this? >> he wasn't angry. he was passionate.
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you have quantification passionate. >> eric: passionate or negative advertising? >> andrea: he was passionate because he thought he'd lose. >> greg: you can't say passion. bob says, "well." >> dana: is it valentine's day. >> andrea: the suspenders are all you need. >> bob: the one thing about romney, he has one when he has a super pac and the campaign bludgeons the other side. he did it in florida against newt. against newt again in iowa. i'm wondering if he runs a campaign where he ran 95% negative ads in florida. if that is the way he has to do it, i wouldn't complain about obama's negative ads. >> dana: once you have a vice presidential nominee you allow them to be the attack dog. >> bob: yeah, generally. sure. that's right. it would be crazy if rubio
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wasn't the nominee. whether he is the guy to do that or not, i don't know. joe biden has shown disability to do that. >> dana: he does it with a smile. >> bob: go to the point about newt. if newt only wins georgia, in the upcoming, between -- santorum may win michigan. which would be a big blow. >> dana: >> a huge blow. that would be the upset yet. home state and he won in 2008. >> eric: guess what happens? super tuesday happens. 500 and change delegates and all of a sudden -- michigan doesn't matter. the broken convention is more possible. >> bob: the chance of that happening is as good as you becoming a liberal. that ain't going to happen. if newt only wins the next two contest, he goes to super tuesday. if he only wins georgia, what happens after that? 13 states. can he stay in the campaign
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when he has only won georgia and south carolina? >> andrea: it's hard. he's $600,000 in debt. ironically, the best thing for romney is gingrich stay in the race. a lot of people are telling gingrich get out of race. i don't support that. he has a right to be in the race. not one for saying get out of the race. but two of them staying in together, yeah. they help romney. >> greg: he is going to be like carrie at the prom and make it bad for everybody. >> dana: he'll say wait a minute, i was one, i have been waiting if for moment. there i am on the stage and republican party throwing blood on my head so i'm going to burn everybody's house down. >> bob: call a huge press conference, lock the doors. >> what happens if mitt does the inevidentable? i waited how many years? better part of seven years. and you promised and now it's not me. >> greg: but he won't get
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mad. >> dana: rothlinkburg who writes at roll call writes a column today called just how much does gingrich hate romney? hate is not a motivating season to follow somebody. neither is anger. but passion is. santorum shows some passion, on the blue collar thing. if you look at white suburban voterrous need to have to win that's where the struggle might come down to. >> andrea: if they get too angry, the democrats will play the victim. >> bob: you are supposed to go to a break speaking of victims. >> greg: thank you. what is the difference between celebrity doctor and drug dealer? we'll talk about it next on "the five." if you leave now, i'll steal your bicycle. ♪ ♪ we know a place where tossing and turning
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." questions still swirling around the death of song bird whitney houston. after autopsy report, there is still no charges of criminal behavior. they don't expect that there will be. but they say it will be weeks before they get a toxicology report. the report they did get, xanax and a number of prescription drugs in houston's body. the question remains where did he is get the drugs? some reports say from possibly the same doctor that prescribed the drugs to -- the same pharmacy i should say for michael jackson. questions surrounding whether or not the doctor or someone could be charged in this case.
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you compare a doctor with a drug dealer, a lot of people are doing it and say the doctors enable her. is that fair comparison? >> greg: i don't think so. the primary responsibility for her death is herself. last night we talked about this,gan mckinnis editor of a magazine called "vice" knows a lot about drugs made an important point. she was a crack addict, she did crack cocaine. your body does not recover from that. after years and years of abuse. in a way, you don't know if the prescription drug use was the straw that broke the camel's back. it could be anything that happens because you body doesn't simply gain its original strength after crack. it could have been years of abuse and one thing that kicks it over. proverbial straw. >> eric: let me tell you this. >> bob: there are three ways to get prescription drugs responsible for most of the addictions in this country. one is doctors give legitimate
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prescriptions and people doctor shop. they get different doctors to give them prescriptions and go to different pharmacies to get it. pill mills where the doctors break law and write out script for enormous numbers or get them the pharmaceutical companies themselves and dispense them. then doctors write out prescriptions. xanax, legitimate prescription should say do not take with alcohol. because it's the combination is lethal. >> greg: doesn't it, though? >> bob: that is my question. if the prescriptions have it on the body, they found bottles, prescription bottles from a pharmacy they talking about. it'd be curious to see -- >> dana: doesn't it say on the tylenol bottle, don't drink anything ever. >> greg: you can't drink alcohol are alcohol. >> but what if you are -- okay, if you are a doctor and whitney houston walks in your office. i should sound bells and whistles in your ears. what if he is comes in and
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says i'm on the verge of bankruptcy, i'm stressed out, i haven't slept. she says he is really has a problem and the doctor says well, let me write a prescription for xanax. is that doctor negligent? he can't stop her from missing them with mido, amoxicillan. >> eric: not if it's 60 san antonio nax, probably not. that's the dosage you need to get sleep or calm down. the thing i found depressing is to watch that plane land with her casket from california or newark. they are going to have a funeral friday. in 19,000 seat auditorium for this. the 19,000 people that are sitting in that room, not one of them, not one of them who knew her, who watched the demise with the crack and the rest of it pushed her hard enough to get her to get off the stage and in to two or three-year rehab. >> eric: it wasn't -- if it wasn't san antonio nax, it
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would have been crack. she's a junkie. hard to push a junkie in rehab. >> bob: you can let them crash and burn and they go to rehab. you don't enable them and keep them going. that is the problem. everybody around the rock stars about other people who die have the entourage to make a living off of them and push them to keep going back. >> andrea: you said there are so many people around them, you need every one of them to stop enabling them. that is almost impossible. >> bob: it depends -- then in the same words don't let me hear how many people say loved her. if they did, they would not enable her to continue doing what she is doing. it's her responsibility. she is the one who did it. i was one and my responsibility, too. in the end i crashed and burned got the elp i needed. >> eric: did you have an intervention? >> bob: yeah. yeah. >> andrea: what did you do? how did you rehab? >> bob: at first i was angry and came to the realization it was the right thing to do. people that i love were saying to me no more.
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>> andrea: in that room that day? >> bob: as far as i know he is has not had an intervention, not had people come together. all of them that got together no more money, we have broken your schedule. go to a two-year rehab, maybe he is would have had a shot on it. >> greg: i'll reiterate what i said yesterday. i prefer to worry about people who die not by their own hand. people every day are victims of accidents and murders and crime. those people interest me more. >> eric: you're so cold. >> greg: i'm just saying. >> bob: you can't argue he is died by her own hand. he is died -- >> eric: he is died taking all the legal drugs because they were legal. if it wasn't that, he is would have gone on something else. >> bob: probably. >> andrea: eric gets the last word. coming up, attention dog lovers. who is a good boy? he and eric went to the westminster dog show. you don't want to miss what happened. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> dana: a special time of year in new york city. there are over 2,000 jobs competing for best in show at the annual westminster dog show. the winner is picked tonight. eric and i, two of the biggest dog lovers out therebe, were lucky enough to see the action firsthand. take a look. >> at the 131st westminster dog show, madison square garden. >> "the five" got backstage passes. let's take a look. >> good boys. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> how is the competition so far? >> does he complain the hair is in his eyes and can't see? >> he is has big hair. is he is from jersey? >> with a beautiful afghan hound. wearing a gorgeous athlete. i think fox wardrobe would approve. this is what i'm going for. kimberly and andrea to wear it, too. >> this is a brand new this
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year at the westminster dog show named -- >> armani. what kind of a dog? >> what? >> sholoquist. >> good boys. ♪ ♪ >> what is this? >> terrier. >> karen is the handler. how long does it take to get suki ready for the show? >> an hour. good hair. comes together fast. >> i love it. >> good if i recall. we have found james bond. >> does james have feet? they're clean. my dog freedom doesn't get his nails done. ♪ ♪
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>> people with the constitution of the united states of america? that was a yes. >> i think we found the dog that looks the most like bob. >> does checkers like barack obama or maybe a republican candidate? >> republican candidate. we're red. >> a good boy. >> like you better checkers. >> ahh. >> all right. that's it for us. at the 136th annual westminster dog show from new york city. a lot of champions we saw today. this one could be it. >> you know what, dana? you're best in show. >> dana: i'm a good girl. >> dana: it was a blast. we were so glad to go. you did extra homework. >> eric: i did. ready? if we were dogs we put together a little thing. each guy, each girl, what would we be? let's start with kimberly. kimberly is full screen. kimberly. ahh. >> dana: very cute.
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>> eric: andrea? andrea was a dog, it would be -- >> dana: cute! happy one. >> eric: dana? >> dana: i'm nervous. >> eric: adorable. bob? [ laughter ] >> andrea: that is perfect. perfect. >> eric: good boy. how about greg? >> dana: cute! tilt of the head. >> eric: and, you know, me. >> bob: what is that? >> eric: german shepherd. >> bob: let me ask you a question. fundamental question. who picks up the dog crap? >> dana: it's unclear where they go to the bathroom. i don't know if they just hold it or what? that was a great question. i was too embarrassed to ask. >> bob: i wondered if they went around with a pooper. i'm not a big dog lover, as
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you probably know, particularly when they leave dog's crap on the sidewalk. >> dana: i pick up my dog's. >> bob: i know. >> greg: there is a dealer out there. >> andrea: i imagine that is similar to working in washington, d.c. >> dana: henry is your favorites couldn't go because he celebrated valentine's day. we have a picture. he is 14. he couldn't go. but we actually, we spent time doing research on the best dog for you. >> greg: fantastic. >> dana: we found that some people shouldn't take care of anything live. we thought that this -- >> greg: this was once alive. i looked at the dogs. do they pay their fair share? someone has to occupy the dog show. >> dana: we asked a lady how much her dog was worth. he is said it's my dog, i would never sell my dog. checkers. that dog goes for about $20,000. >> bob: $20,000? >> dana: yeah. >> bob: i'd sell the sun of
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a -- a -- >> dana: this wasn't doesn't need care or feeding. >> greg: if i trip and fall on him unconscious he won't eat me. >> dana: are you worried about that? >> bob: is that a stuffed doing? >> greg: no, it's a stuffed animal. >> eric: can we tease what might happen tomorrow? yes or no. we might the westminster winner tomorrow. >> dana: if we have the winner, that will be huge. bob will bring a plastic bag in case. one more thing is next. please stay with us. >> bob: they're always ugly. the winners. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> bob: okay. time for one more thing. >> dana: i got a huge surprise. this is my whiteboard for eric. sorry. huge surprise. it's valentine's day. i got these. they weren't from my husband. from a famous actor robert conrad, signed it aka james west. i was so blown over and we found out he is a huge fan of "the five." he watches every day. he is watching now.
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this was one of greg's heroes. >> greg: yes, my one more thing originally i was going to talk about something else. but i saw this and i was deeply heard. it grew up with wild, wild, west and his sidekick artemis gordon. that is not it, by the way. old west and they had gadgets. a great villain. a little my gid guy named michael dunn who was dangerous. a fun show. >> greg: who is the guy in the first picture? >> dana: that is robert west now. i think he lives in vegas. he is watching now. thank you so much. that was really special. >> bob: great. andrea? >> andrea: so, yesterday, we talked about on the show media matters. and their report they did. they released part two, the daily caller did of the story. and it seems that there was a memo circulating that media matters was going to hire private investigators to look in the personal lives of fox anchors and producers and they named some of them by actual name. i think this is absolutely disgusting. i think that the fact that
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this memo outlines if true they are coordinating with the white house on this is unprecedented. look it's very typical of the left. if they don't like what you say they silence you and do it in egregious ways like bullying and hiring a private investigator. what happened to tolerance? what happened to -- >> bob: if they look into my closet -- >> andrea: we're the only fair and balanced place around. i can see why they want to go after us. >> eric: you should go next. >> bob: i will. for those of you out there pay your taxes, coming up soon you will be happy to know despite what you hear from my brother eric here, both national american corporations don't pay 35% in taxes. they don't pay 20%. they don't pay 20%. just released in 2011 corporations big massive profittial corporations in america pay, get this, 12%. do any of you pay more than 12%? you pay more than national corporations. it goes to show they have been ripping off america. that money should be going in the treasury.
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>> dana: but we sure hope you create more jobs for us. >> bob: go ahead. >> eric: so, it's valentine's day. i want to put this picture up of my lovely family. check out my wife. >> dana: yeah, check out your wife. >> eric: by the way, beautiful love behind me. here is how beautiful she is. i got home and he is said i watched the show i felt so bad when bob said this. roll the videotape of what happened last night. >> i didn't know it was valentine's day. >> greg: somebody send bob a valentine. >> andrea: he needs a valentine kiss. >> kimberly: smoochy smooch. >> eric: she felt bad and made me do this. you have a valentine. it's from my wife. you're sweet. >> dana: did you think you'd get a president from adrian? >> bob: no. i told you when i first met her. >> andrea: you hit on her. >> bob: i didn't know she was married to eric. a wonderful person. i love her. she is great. i can say one thing,
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