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tv   America Live  FOX News  February 17, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EST

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"happening now", off the back of plane? >> jon: i'm there! >> jenna: i don't know phi should have set that out loud. thank you for joining us, everybody! jon: "america live" stars right now. megyn: fox news alert, on two big developments on our growing showdown with iran over its nuclear program. welcome to "america live", everyone, i'm megyn kelly, first, moments ago, secretary of state hillary quloint telling reporters she's looking to iran restarting negotiations over its nuclear program, negotiation that is have been stalled or a year now, mrs. clinton saying the iranian message, was, quote, one we have been waiting for, that glimmer of hope comes one day after a group ofby partisan senators made some of the strongest threats yet about what iran could face if it does not back down on that nuclear
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program. >> with iran, you have only two choices: peacefully negotiate to end your nuclear weapons program, or expect the military strike to disable that program. >> we won't let it happen. and certainly, if it takes military force, that needs to be an -- needs to be an option on the table. >> we will not be intim dated, we will not lose your resolve. please understand that you're embarking on a course that is not good for the iranian people. stop. before it's too late. megyn: judgeing from that it seems like the senate or some members of it at least are ready to stand by israel on using military force to stop iran's nuke program but what about the obama administration? does it feel the same? coming up, israeli -- former israeli ambassador to the u.n. dan gilleman live from tel aviv, he told us amounts ago, quote, time is iraning out. another fox news alert, this time on a possible new
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threat to the president's reelection hopes. for weeks, president obama's approval numbers have been climbing. but now, a sudden drop. down five points in just a week, according to gallup, 43 percent now say they approve of the job he's doing, last week it was 48 percent. his disapproval numbers, also now up. what is behind this? chris stierwalt is our fox news digital politics editor and host of "power play" on fox news.kotoo fox chris, earlier in the week we saw his approval number as high as 50 percent, now sudden ea -- suddenly a slip of five points at least according to gallup. why? >> obviously you have the contraception issue which has been upsetting for a segment of americans on the question of religious liberty, you have uncertainty abroad, but i would say more than anything else, gas prices, and the ongoing frustration that americans have with the pace of recovery, creeping inflation, and things like that, i think that it's
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frustration with those things that is probably manifesting itself in sliding numbers for the president. megyn: and there is a history to back you up on that. we've got a chart that shows the two lines, gas price and presidential approval ratings, back to 1977 and look how closely they trarks and they say chris it's because the one thing americans -- that you see a gas sign, ten times a day, five times on the way to work t.10 times on the way home from work, it's an easy metric for americans to follow when it comes to what's happening tbh the -- what's happening in the country. >> and if it costs you $10 more to fill up your car or truck, you feel it right away. another thing is the missed expectations. as the numbers were up in the other polls, up to 48 in the gaap -- gallup, basically you heard talk about the improving economy, we saw what looked like good jobs numbers and people were excited about it, there was a lot of talk inside sort of the cocoon of the political
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and media world but if that doesn't match up for real consumers, people looking for a job or trying to stretch budgets to fill up their tanks, that's even worse than the economy just being weak. it's a disappointment and frustration. megyn: what did the white house do about this? jar carney, the white house spokesman said look, there's no silver bullet when it comes to gas prices. i'm sure every administration over the past has wished there were, but this isn't. what is he to do? ten months out from regleeks in time the pressure will increase to tap the strategic oil reserve, the pressure will increase to do things like that to lower gas prices but what you were talking about in the beginning, the increasing tensions in the middle east, this is very early in the year to have gas prices this high and they always go higher in the summer so it's going to be real predicament for the president because as people experience inflation in food price and other things, if gas eats up their income they're going to feel
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onery by the time they get to the ballot box in november. mig we heard last time this year, when prices were starting to rise again, and now they're up too early in the season, essentially, we're used to it happening mem arrest ole day, we have been told the white house, president obama in particular, watches this issue, gas prices, very closely. this among all the other things is something they worry about, because this really can have an impact at the ballot box, chris. >> you bet, and so did every president. they're not alone in this. this is a real manifestation of trouble in the economy, more than the metric numbers, more than anything else. megyn: we're watching it, and paying for it at the moment. chris, thank you. >> you bet. megyn: in the last presidential election year, prices also soared. look at how prices went up in 2008 and how prices are headed up now. remember before the last presidential election and it was drill baby drill, and so on? the runup four years ago did
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not end until gas was up over $4 a gallon. where will the current surge end? in ten minutes, stu varney on what may make this go up or down in the next few months. another alert now, this one from the capitol. we are just getting word that authorities have arrested a man who was said to be on his way to the u.s. capitol for what he thought would be a suicide attack. this is a fox news exclusive at this hour, the man is said to be in his 30s, we are told is -- he is of moroccan descent, he was arrested in washington, d.c., carrying with him a vest that he believed was packed with explosives with you the material inside was not, in fact, dangerous. we are told he was arrested after leaving a mosque where he had been praying and was making his way to capitol hill. we are also told that the fbi had this man under near constant surveillance, that's why we're told what was in the vest was not, in fact, dangerous. this is a disturbing scenario, but one we hear
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about sometimes in this country and we don't know exactly what it's related to but this is the kind of thing that makes americans pay attention. we had a couple of experts come on our air and say this guy is of moroccan descent, but this could happen in this country if israel and iran start bombing each other, you could see more lone wolf situations in the united states, which is effective terrorism. i'm not making that linkage, i'm just saying that this is something that americans obviously care about and the fbi not to mention the cia will watch for it very carefully. we'll have more from capitol hill as we get it. well, we also have new information coming in now on a deadly shootout between three federal immigration agents. it started as an office argument, inside a federal building in california, and it ended in bloodshed, with one person dead, and in just the last hour, we learned more about a third person who is in the hospital right now. casey stegall has the latest for us, live from long beach, california.
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casey. >> reporter: yeah megyn, all three people involved, federal agents with ice, immigrations and customs enforcement, though their names are still being withheld at this hour. we are trying to get information from the fbi on that. basically, the only thing that we do know is this shooting happened yesterday afternoon, inside the federal building, in downtown long beach, behind me on the #th floor where the ice offices are. investigators say one agent shot his boss. that man sur vised, then a third agent jumped in, shooting and killing the gunman. so again, out of three agents involved, one is dead, and another remains in the hospital, and the associated press just reporting in the last hour that although the names are not being released the wounded agent who is in the hospital is a high ranking official with ice over the department of homeland security. the gunman -- the agent who took the gunman down was not injured but megyn, certainly some quick thinking on his
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feet, preventing this from getting out of hand and much, much worse megyn. megyn: incredible. casey, thank you. you saw the breaking news at the top of the hour, stern new warnings to iran from several u.s. senators, both sides of the aisle. but what about the white house? where do they stand on this? are they prepared to intervene militarily if the worse comes to worse with iran and israel? we will get reaction from the former israeli ambassador to the united nations who told us moments ago, time is running out. and a very provocative ad, sparking outrage and even death threats. wait until you hear who the model and her father are, and their message for their critics. and, the president's stimulus package turned three years old today. how many of the promises have been kept? and how many have not? [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing
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megyn: back now to our breaking news from washington, we're getting word that authorities have arrested a man on the way to the u.s. capitol for what he thought would be a suicide attack. our chief intelligence correspondent cath catherine herridge is live in washington with more details. catherine. >> yeah, thank you megyn. we're still gathering information at this hour, but what we understand is that that arrest took place just steps from the capitol building, for those of you who are familiar with washington, d.c., we understood it took corner at the place -- took place at louisiana and pennsylvania, within eyeshot of the capitol. it does appear the man was the subject of an fbi sting operation. what we were told is that he had been under fbi surveillance for some time and while he thought he was dealing with members of al-qaeda in fact he was dealing with fbi agents, he thought he had real explosives but in fact he did not.
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what we expect this afternoon is that the man will have a court appearance and there are going to be several key things to watch for here. he's of moroccan descent but is he in fact an american citizen or did he travel to this country from overseas, people who have been watching fox know that we really focus in on a group, al-qaeda in north africa, number two, where did he get his training, did he get it overseas or was he radicalize dollars in the united states. typically what we've seen in these cases are so called digital jihadists, people who find everything they need right on the internet. third and i think most significantly, if this does pan out, if the allegations are correct, to my knowledge, this would be the first documented case of a suicide bomber inside this country that was trying to use an explosive belt, a technique that we've more commonly seen in the middle east megyn. megyn: absolutely right. and that's something that's giving some -- that's given some americans some comfort over the years but you see something like this and you
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pay attention. >> just a final point, for a long time, there was a feeling that american citizens would not be willing to take on a suicide mission, but that calculus really changed in the last couple of years, specifically when we saw a junk -- young somalis, american citizens who traveled from minneapolis over to job al-shabaab in that country and what we know, there have been at least three americans who have died as suicide bombers there. >> megyn: catherine, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. megyn: we may have more on that subject at 1:45 when dan gillerman joins us live. they've been living like this in israel for years. is this the future for us if israel bombs iran and iran decides to retaliate? we'll take a closer look in 30 minutes. want to get to the sudden drop in the president's approval rating earlier this week. we told you about it moments ago. there are questions about whether soaring gas prices could be behind that drop in his approval numbers, and perhaps, concerns about his
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reelection. right now, the national average for a gallon of regular is 3.53. but with the price of oil rising almost 5 percent in the last few weeks, you could soon be paying a lot more than that 3.53 at the pump. stu varney is anchor of "varney & company" on the fox business network. i said a moment ago this is higher than normal. the prices right now are 40 cents more than they were at the same time last year. >> yes. megyn: and you know, we were talking about this after the show, staying with you guys here, you talk about 3.52, it's not cheap, stu, but when you think about the fact that 25 years ago, when i was learning how to drive, it was a buck! so a buck, four bucks, 25 years later, doesn't sound that bad, then they knew this at me, when president obama was inaugurated, it was 1.98? >> 1.84. megyn: 1.84. so we're pushing towards double in the past three years and that's why people are saying whoa, whoa, whoa. >> there's been a sudden spike up in the price of gas at the pump, just this year.
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you are now at 3.53, in parts of the country, connecticut, maryland, california, you'll be paying four bucks for a gallon of regular unleaded and all signs point we're going to go another maybe ten, 12 cents higher in the immediate future. you've got oil at $103 a barrel. that new high price has not yet filtered through to the pump, we've got the europeans saying they're going to pull the trigger any minute on cutting off iran's supply of oil money, coming into iran. and benjamin netanyahu says sanctions are not working on iran, not stopping the nuclear program, so everybody is saying well, will he attack, raidses the tension level, raises the price of level. megyn: how high could it go? because when we saw this happen back in the summer of '\on/zero #, before the election, drill, baby, drill, it seems like there's a psychological barrier at $4 a gallon, and that was howt this type of, you know, imminent threat, it seems, between israel and iran.
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so how high could this be going? >> $4 a gallon as a national average is on the horizon. that will be up, what, another 47 cents from here. but remember, it is the highly populated states which are already paying very close to $4 a gallon. if the underpopulated states like wyoming, they still have a 2-handle on the price. so $4 as a national average is on the horizon if the trends continue and it looks like they will. megyn: how do high gas prices impact the economy? >> that's the inflation you can see. everybody drives past a gas station probably once a day. you see the prices going up. that's inflation. you know it, you feel it. and that is money that's taken out of your pocket, goes to the gas companies, goes to the oil companies, basically taken out of other areas of the economy. megyn: they take more, you have to -- have less to spend elsewhere. >> yes, it reduces your purchasing power and that's very important in this economy. number two, it will reduce the rate of growth in the economy because it raises the cost of making
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everything and distributing everything. diesel is up to $4 a gallon already. that's added on to the price and it means that people invest a little less in business, and business grows a little less. the economy doesn't grow as fast as it could, money taken out of the economy, all bad news for the american economy. megyn: what we saw last time around, tbhak '08, is there was a growing call on the administration, back then it was president bush and then president obama quickly took over, to allow more drilling here, to be more aggressive in terms of opening up anwar and so on, to allow for more domestic oil exploration. is that likely to happen now in an election year, are we likely to see a different result from the president? >> you are likely to see the president do something to try to alleviate the problem, so he can say i am doing something. but the problem is, not just really the supply of oil domestically, it's the ability to refine the stuff. in the northeastern united states, we have lost one
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third of the refining capacity in the last 18 months. megyn: why? >> because of epa rules largely. and also, we haven't built a refinery in 30 years. they're aging. some have to be taken off line. there's a big remainry near philadelphia. it could close in july. that would mean half the refining capacity in the northeast has gone away. megyn: that's an interesting -- is that what -- i read the demand nationwide is down to 15-year lows so we're demanding less gasoline, yet the price is going up. does it relate to this refinery has concerns that the oil and gas isn't going to be there? >> oil prices up, refining capacity down, squeezes the supply of gasoline at the pump. also you're going to come on to the summer blend soon, more expensive than the winter blend for gas. prices go up. megyn: stu varney, thank you. >> sure. megyn: appreciate it, sir. it's a dangerous combination in some parts of the world, a woman wearing a
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birka in a bikini has sparked death threats against this young woman. who is it and why. >> a grim report for millions of unemployed americans. why the worst may be far from over. >> plus our brave men and women are trained to handle any situation, but why are some now practicing their workouts with fake breasts and fake baby bumps strapped to their bodies? you will not believe this one. [ male announcer ] how do you trade? with scottrader streaming quotes, any way you want. fully customize it for your trading process -- from thought to trade, on every screen. and all in real time. which makes it just like having your own trading floor, right at your fingertips.
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megyn: well, he's been called the most experienced man to be president since the founding fathers. fox news is taking an up close look at former president george h. w. bush.
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brit hume takes a look inside the extraordinary life of our 41st president and finds he's still going strong today. >> >> even when he jumps out of the airplane he makes a cause out of it to help institutions like the m.d. anderson cancer center. >> just because you're an old guy, you don't have to sit around, drooling in the corner. >> where's my hero! >> megyn: brit n. our documentary, has been working hard on this. you can watch the special, president george h. w. bush, the man and his mission, right lower on fox news cham, it airs this sunday, 9:00 p.m. eastern time. set your tivos. >> death threats are being made once the daughter of one of belgium's leading politician, it comes after the daughter-father duo with this ad, showing the woman wearing bikini and birka, ad
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trying to convince woman to take a stand against islam. many muslims are not amused. greg palkot spoke to the girl and her daughter and he's live in london with more. >> reporter: megyn -- megyn, this is an antiislam campaign, having to do with that poster, it features ann sofie dewinter, daughter of felice dewinter. they iso she is in veil and bikini, slogans say freedom with islam -- freedom or islam, you choose. the father said he's not using the daughter, but both have admitted that she has already received hate mail and death threats on her facebook site. here's their reaction to that. >> it doesn't scare me anymore. >> really? >> no. >> you don't think they're serious? >> i don't think they're serious. i hope not. >> there were some threats,
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yes, of course, and i'm very worried about that, but nevertheless, if somebody speaks up, she's a grown up girl, she's 20 years old. >> we went into a muslim neighborhood, showed the picture of the poster. you can imagine what the reaction was, both women and men there, very angry. we discussed the campaign with other elements of belgium's society and there was support for at least some aspects of the campaign. critics say it's meant to shock and not really further discussion. it may in fact help the political standing of the party. what it certainly will do, megyn, is get people talking for sure. hopefully for those involved it is all it will do. the actual campaign doesn't launch until march sixth. there could be more to come. megyn: greg palkot, thank you. president obama's stimulus package turns three years old today and republicans have been busy digging through the video archives. >> if i don't have this done in three years, then this is
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going to be a one-term proposition. megyn: $800 billion later, did the stimulus do enough to earn president obama a second term? we'll show you the numbers after the break. and eye opening new warnings to leaders in iran. just ahead, reaction from israel, after a group of u.s. senators draws a line in the sand over iran's nuclear program. >> we won't let it happen, and certainly, if it takes military force, that needs to be an option on the table. , on december 21st, polar shifts will reverse the earth's gravitational pull and hurtle us all into space, which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd and you still need to retire, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600 when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k).
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so who's in control now, mayans?
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megyn: breaking news from washington, d.c. we are getting word authorities have arrested a man who was on his way to the u.s. capital for what he thought was a suicide attack after leaving his mosque. these are live pictures from an alley where he was taken into custody. a man in his 30s and of moroccan descent. he thought he had a bomb vest with him but it was a decoy. the fbi had been tracking this man for about a year. they say the public was never in danger because he was have much under their eye. we'll have more on this at the top of the hour.
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exactly three years ago congress passed the stimulus bill in an attempt to turn our economy around. president obama signing the package that was supposed to cost $787 billion saying it would put americans back to work and bring real change. the national republican senatorial committee releasing this ad. >> i signed into law the american recovery and reinvestment act. conduct a rigorous analysis of this plan and couple with projections of how many jobs it will create. >> this will be a one-term proposition. >> we'll create or save 3 million jobs. >> it will be a one-term proposition. >> 2 million americans out of poverty. >> this will be a one-term proposition. >> to immediately jump-start job creation as well as economic
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growth. >> this will be a one-term proposition. megyn: joining me, alan colmes and mike gallagher. that excerpt of barack obama where he says if i don't have this done in three years this will be a one-term proposition. alan, let me start with you. we have the number of unemployed back in february of '09 what he the stimulus was signed. january 2012, 13 million. there has been a 40% increase in food stamp usage. the national debt has gone up by 43%. nearly a trillion dollars teach year. gas prices are up 80% since then. there is a lot of criticism about that stimulus package saying it didn't get it done. >> the president does not control gas prices. we had a reversal of the number
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people who are employed. we are jow joining a quarter million a month. we had 25 months in a row of job gains. we have the stock market at a four-year high and unemployment at a four-year low. you have to ask ourselves are we trending in the right direction. that's exactly what's going on. could it have happened faster? sure. what they discovered is much worse than what they thought. it's trending in a way which is helpful to the president which is why this numbers are going up. especially in the last couple weeks. megyn: i asked for the latest poll on how americans see the stimulus. 66% said they believed it hurt the economy or had no impact on it. 23% said they believe it's helpful. the white house we are told doesn't even want to use that term stimulus anymore because
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they understand these terms from pollsters. >> stimulus is like the "l" word, liberal. i love how liberals like to say this was inherited and worse than they thought. it's impossible to argue statistics. here are some cold, stark facts. the unemployment rate has been over 8% for 36 straight months. we remember the obama administration's promise that without economic stimulus it would be 7%, with it it would be %. over a half million jobs have been lost since the stimulus was signed and it added $4 trillion to the debt. economic stimulus is not as successful as the obama administration had hoped. >> i agree with that.
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but it's trending in the right direction. furthermore i don't know what republicans have as a plan to make things better other than cut taxes on the rich, let's cut programs for the most needy among us. you have on the republican side a fractured field of candidates that nobody seems to like. >> there is a plan, the plan is to defeat barack obama in 2012. that's the plan. megyn: let me jump in. one of the problems for the president when it comes to this stimulus plan, is the perception of it as having been wasteful. he admitted some of these shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready. 267,000 dollars to update the history of the north dakota department of transportation. in lynchburg, p.a. they
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purchased ipods. >> start with solyndra. all you have to do is understand that this was an administration that promised green jobs and all this wonderful technology and look how we are going to stimulate the energy -- look at solyndra. it's a debacle, it's a disaster. >> it's amazing that you pull out of your pockets the same talking points, solyndra, solyndra, solyndra. there are dozens of other companies that did do well. republicans keep beating on the same points that haven't done much good in the polls. the solyndra story has been pretty much put to bed. instead of fork using on one or two companies ... >> she is choking to death. what cloaked her up was the question about wastefulness. solyndra is a good example. megyn: seriously, the point i
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was trying to get, 800 ipods for students in lynchburg, virginia? >> you go to the districts where that money goes, you have republican legislators who want that money to go to their district. you can find waste in programs with any president in any year. you can't pin that on obama. >> i try to be fair and say we should give credit where credit is due. if the unemployment numbers are trending in the right direction, i'm not going to give all these call which cases about why he doesn't deserve credit. is it going to be enough? when you acknowledge it's not enough, that may hurt him. >> i'll agree, it isn't trend as good as we would like. i'm not sure what your side has that will make it better. megyn: thank you for doing my job for me. by appreciate it.
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guys, thank you. coming up, new details coming in on this breaking news out of washington. we'll go live to d.c. we are hearing it was 90 minutes ago authorities arrested this guy. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ] enough plastic water bottles to stretch around the earth over 190 times. each brita filter can take up to 300 of those bottles out of the equation. what ?
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megyn: a bipartisan group of senators on capitol hill send a strong warning to iran. they are introduction a resolution back the use of u.s. military force to stop iranian leaders from getting their hands on nuclear what he importance. the senators are making it clear that the time for talk is running out. >> distraction by negotiation while you become a nuclear power is not an option for you and containment of a nuclear iran is not an option for us.
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>> we are for real. there is still time. do the right thing and -- the consequences will be unpalatable for you and as a last resort for us. >> we'll end their nuclear weapons program. we'll prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. this is a deadly serious moment. megyn: this shows the senators are prepared to stand with israel, but what about the white house? joining us now, dan gillerman. the former israeli ambassador to the u.n. and a fox news contributor. the rhetoric is ratcheting up. you heard what the senators said but the white house is saying they believe iran's latest overtures suggesting it might participate resume talks about its nuclear programs. they are talking about how this
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is the message or the response they have been waiting for. are you as encouraged? >> well, i'm very encouraged by the stand which the -- this bipartisan group of senators has shown, by drawing a line in the sand and saying to iran, time is running out, watch out, enough is enough. i'm not as impressed by the excitement shown by the white house and by the european union at the fact that iranians are ready to talk. i can't believe this. here is a country that's been fooling the world while at the same time not only developing a nuclear weapon and threatening to wipe israel off the face of the map but blowing up places all over the world, having iranian controlled terror
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attacks just this week in india and thailand, in georgia, at the same time butchering thousands of their civilians and the world is excited by the fact they are willing to talk? you know, there was a famous movie with clint eastwood where he said if you want to shoot, shoot, don't talk. this talk is done by the iranians only in order to win time. they are trying to lull the world. put it to sleep, and at the same time develop a nuclear weapon. one day while those talks go on the world will wake up to a horrible brutal cynical ugly reality of a nuclear iran and then it will be too late. that is why the senators are right. the clock is ticking. iran has to do the right thing and abolish its nuclear program. otherwise military action against iran will be inevitable, and if the u.s. does not do it
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and i hope they do, israel will. i would rather have the world condemn a living israel than console a dead israel. we'll not wait for that to happen. megyn: what can iran do at this point to avert what you are saying is an inevitable strike against it. what can it do other than offer talks? it doesn't seem realistic to think they will say we surrender. forget the nuclear program. we are completely abandoning it? what short of that would stop an israeli strike? >> i think those talks will lead nowhere. there have been talks before. the iranians are masters at talking and masking and fooling. what the iranians have to do is very simple. they have to announce to the world they have forsaken their nuclear program to allow the iaea inspectors to inspect each one of their sites to make sure this is the case.
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unless they do that, they will continue to fool the world and just as the world has woken up one day after thousands of hours of talks to a nuclear north korea, it will wake up to a nuclear iran. but iran is far more dangerous than north korea. as i said before, north korea acquired nuclear weapons out of- out of desperation. they want to rule the oil reserves and destroy civilization and bring back 2,500 years of persian rule over the world. one of the problems is -- that's why the iranians are so self-assured is they are smelling weakness. the united states and the u.s. president unfortunately are perceived as weak. iranians don't take him seriously. they are saying let's talk. the months will go by and one
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day we'll wake up to a milwaukee jar iran. this is a reality you cannot afford and we'll not live with. megyn: i know you say time is running out. americans are watching this carefully. we talked about earlier on the show how gas prices are going up. in part we believe as a result of this escalating tension. what does that mean, time is running out? is it true? can you speak to it, that we are talking about a time frame of within the next few months by may there will be a strike unless something dramatic happens to iran? >> i'm not sure i can point at the exact time. i think there is a lot of factors to be considered. but i think we are certainly talking months rather than years. because the clock is ticking, iran is very near to reaching the point of no return where they have the capability and the capacity and the no how to produce the bomb. and if the world is worried about iran now, and is looking
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around it and seeing iran trying to assassinate the saudi ambassador. blowing up bombs in tiled and india and georgia, and in our region. what is the world going to feel like, what is the world going to look like with a you cano nuclear iran. it will be an impossible ugly brutal cynical cruel horrible rule which no one wants to live in. so with all the risks and with all the question marks, it is far better to deal with iran now than once it has a nuclear weapon. once it has a nuclear weapon. once that smoking gun is there it may well be too late. megyn: ambassador, thank you very much. the resolution on capitol hill says all options should be on the table when it comes to dealing with iran. the president has said that as well. but you can hear they are upping the ante when it comes to possible u.s. involvement in this. more coming in on the alleged
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suicide plot with the u.s. capitol as its target. a 31-year-old man arrested 90 minutes ago. we'll update you in moment. stay with us.
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megyn: the military can train a soldier for just about any situation. except when it comes to guys and pregnancy. bin that could be changing. trace gallagher has an unbelievable story. >> reporter: fitness program for presenting nangt women are mandatory. so if pregnant soldiers have to exercise their training instructors should know what it feels like for them to exercise.
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there you have it. it's mandatory that fitness instructors, hardens combat veterans strap on these empathy bellies and go through the whole exercise routine. they put on a pregnancy simulator and they do aerobics, they swim with these things on. they have to have it on for an hour a day for three years in a row. the military guys hate it. one soldier said i don't want to do it, i really don't want to do it, and he acknowledged it's pretty uncomfortable. i tried one of these on for a story. it feels like a bag of groceries. you can set the bag of groceries on the counter, but this is like carrying the groceries around forever. i have much empathize.
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you carry one of these around for a while and it gets heavy. megyn: they can make them feel cranky. add a little nausea into the mix. maybe a stretch mark or spider vein. welcome to our world. on top of that you can't even have a glass of wine. thank you, my friend. what do you think? one of the guys in the studio says it's the beginning of the end. you tell me. follow me on twitter at megyn kelly. we have a huge amount of information pouring in over this terror arrest in washington. a 31-year-old man was stopped on his way to capitol hill for what he intend to be a suicide mission to blow himself up. is this happening now in the united states of america? we are live with break new developments. we have been hearing about lower unemployment numbers.
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but before you celebrate we have more on the story. and it's not good news for millions of americans. we have an opening look at next phase of the healthcare rollout. >> it will be very exciting, but we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is tonight.
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or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. >> is your cholesterol where your doctor wants? ask your doctor if crestor is right for you. >> announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. laura ] maine is known for its lighthouses, rocky shore, and most importantly, its lobster. it's the tastiest, the sweetest, the freshest. nobody can ever get enough [ male announcer ] it's lobsterfest at red lobster, the one time of year you can savor 12 exciting lobster entrees like lobster lover's dream or new maine lobster and shrimp trio. [ laura ] hot, right out of the shell. i love lobster. i'm laura mclennanfrom spru, and i sea food differently
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megyn:megyn: fox news alert exce information coming in to fox news on a man authorities say was planning suicide mission at our nation's capital. i'm megyn kelly. this man said to be in his 30s and of moroccan descent. the arrest just taking place the last 90 minutes even though the authorities were watching him for a year. he was on his way to the capitol with a vest packed with explosives. he thought the agent.helping him
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were members of al qaeda. now he knows different. >> reporter: in the last hour based on our reporting a picture is starting. >> to emerge how this arrest went down. i understand there is not a charging document for this individual at this time. this is why we haven't been able to pinpoint what court they will be taken to. we have been speaking to people on capitol hill. there is a lot of confusion on this case. on the one hand we are being told the leadership was briefed but i have spoken to the head of a committee with direct oversight and he says he was not briefed from the fbi other cia. we did get a statement from the capitol hill police. it says quote this arrest was the culmination of a lengthy and extensive operation during which the individual was closely and carefully monitored. the u.s. capitol police was
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intimately involved for the duration of the operation. at no time was the public or the congressional community in danger. there are a couple key questions going forward. this individual who is described to us of being of moroccan descent. is it someone who is an american citizen or did he travel in from overseas. you are seeing a heavy police presence down at corner of louisiana avenue and pennsylvania. we understand that is where the arrest took place. and we also understand that there is a heavy police presence because there may and vehicle in that garage. the working theory that the individual went to friday prayers. drove into the city with what he believed was an active suicide belt and went by foot up towards the capitol building and being arrested two blocks from that building. to give some congress text we have had a series of meetings in
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the capitol with what i call al qaeda 2.0. and we herd head from the head of the defense agency ron burgess. >> while we have made gains, we remain in a race against their ability to evolve, he generate leadership and launch atarks. sloan wolf individuals including within the united states and even within our own ranks remain an enduring concern. >> reporter: the key questions to watch for, is this individual an american citizen or someone who traveled in from overseas. how did they get radicalized. did they get that training overseas or were they radicalized here in the united states, perhaps a follower of the american cleric al-awlaki. you have to see it in the context of the last decade. we have had more home-grown plots in the last two years than
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we had in the 8 years after 9/11. megyn: they say -- you mentioned they have been watching this guy for a long time. >> reporter: this is very typical in this cases. the person comes to the attention of the fbi. it can sometimes be a human intelligence source that tips them off, what we have seen in several cases has been internet activity. and then it's a sting. and that becomes a big part of the defense. was this a step the individual would have taken if not for those fbi agents. megyn: thank you so much. in the past year alone 20 people have been arrested in the united states on terror related charges. there are several sites that have been a target for terrorist, including back in
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september of 2011 when this man was arrested with planning to attack the pentagon with planes packed with explosives. this man was charged with platting to bomb four virginia metro stations. millions of americans' paychecks will stay the same for now. to both houses of congress voted to extend the tax cuts and jobless benefits. president obama expected to sign the measure into law scenes gets back from a fundraising campaign swing to the west coast. they will receive a 2% increase in their pay checks. and it will keep jobless benefits average $300 a week. a disturbing report on the jobs outlook. it comes 24 hours after washington and the rest of the u.s. celebrated another week of low unemployment filings.
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the employment forecast affecting millions of americans. the cbo projects the unemployment rate will be stuck above 8% into 2014. it says most of the labor force is considered long-term unemployed. meaning they have been unemployed more than half a year. mike manuel * has the rest of the story. >> reporter: the cbo points out's been above 8% for three years already. so you add 2 more years onto that. there are 7.5 million americans collect unemployment benefits. there is research that suggests the longer you extend the duration of benefits the longer folks stay out of work. so i asked a philosophical question about unemployment. how long is too long. >> when there is money there for
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a long period of time, not to go to work, but there needs to be a sense of urgency. sometimes people need to accept jobs that aren't as good as the one they lost so they can work back up. >>' interesting as i talk to people. they have told me someone who is ununemployment, if they didn't have it they would be out of a job. >> reporter: there are folks who say extended unemployment benefits help to keep people from making tough choices, do i need to move or change industries. also the extended unemployed for a long time are losing their skills. megyn: congress is extending benefits with today's vote along with the payroll tax holiday. so there are those who think it's too soon to scale back on those. >> reporter: there is no question about that. while the unemployment average is above 8%. certain states have been harder hit. one of those is mitch.
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here is the argument for another extension. >> cutting unemployment insurance is not reform. it is not reform. people have worked for -- these are people looking for work who can't find it. >> reporter: you can expect this philosophical question to continue on capitol hill. megyn: there was a new push unway to make sure veterans returning home from iraq and afghanistan are properly recognized. thousands have signed petition asking barack obama to honor them with a day of action to help those returning with the transition to civilian life. tim, the group behind this is not apparently the american legion. it is another group called iraq
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and afghanistan veterans of america. >> that's correct. the american legion has seen for the last decade young men and women of various service branches coming back to their community and we greeted them with open arms and the mess halls and the barracks and the airports when they returned home. parades are nice, welcome home events are nice. but the real rubber meets the road when we try to get them benefits and provide them the services in their community that they so desperately need. megyn: others think what we need is a national day to recognize them. town to town across america to stop and acknowledge their good work. they are not satisfied with what the white house is doing which is inviting 200 iraq war veterans -- i'm not sure if it's all veterans or veterans and their spouses. they are saying they need a
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national day where we all welcome them, then use that opportunity to call attention to issues like the suffering they have in trying to reintegrate into civilian life. have you for that? >> i don't think we disagree there shouldn't be some gesture welcome them home. but to tie it into one day it loses the opportunity to realize there are so many folks, 160,000 who are still deployed. tens of thousands of those are overseas that were in iraq just months and years ago. so for us to pause and recognize on one single day negates the opportunity for to us say let's welcome them in the right community at the right events. megyn: the pentagon has come out opposing this. the pentagon says we are uncomfortable with it. there are troops fighting in afghanistan. and saying let's put this off until that conflict winds down.
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>> the pentagon is saying that in some respect. but on the other hand we are partnering with communities to welcome them coming home. you have got to figure out in your communities when that works. does that work like it did during the state of the union inviting veterans to welcome them snoam does that work at your local pta event? figure out in your community whether you work with the american legion or american veterans groups to welcome them home in your community. they fought for their brothers and sister and friends they had in the community. welcome them back in that community. megyn: are we in danger of not doing that, given how controversial the iraq war was? are we in danger of people feeling uncomfortable about thanking our veterans? >> i don't think we are in danger. i witnessed and took part in many events the past 10 years of welcoming home guard troops and
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units as they returned to the states around the country. so you are seeing that in pockets and unbelievable outpouring of emotion and joy. in st. louis when they did a parade like this a month ago. you are seeing that and you have got to drive that opportunity to exist everywhere. when we do that, we'll welcome each one of them home appropriately. megyn: it' easy to forget about the sacrifices they made over there. there is really no debate about the courage and upstanding citizenry of our soldiers. tim, thank you very much. megyn: the contraception controversy or religious liberty controversy caught many people off guard. our next guest says think that's bad? wait until the government starts telling your insurer what they can and cannot cover. plus half a century ago john glenn fired up hopes we would be
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the first to the moon. where is our space program going now? we have new answers today. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your ruy nose. [ deep breath ] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for excellent fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. could've had a v8.
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megyn: we are tracking breaking news out of arlington, texas, where evacuations are underway. a freight train derailed near the heart of the town. 15 cars and a tangor reportedly left the track. the tanker is leak an unknown substance, we are told. we'll bring you updates if we get anything significant. we have new warnings from one man about what the healthcare law could hold in store for millions of americans. our next guest says if you
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thought the controversial over religious liberty and conception was revealing, wait until you hear what's ahead. dr. gottleib, welcome. we have a disturbing piece in the "wall street journal" rsh that talks about a committee called the united states preventative services task force. we are talking about it is giving grades right now to procedures that's americans have, to tests like screening for colon cancer, mammograms and what have you. you say this will translate into a very real denial of coverage on services to many americans in the upcoming weeks and months. why? >> this is a committee that existed for 25 years as an advisory board that recommends to physicians what screening tests they should or shouldn't use giving grades a-d.
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then they would give the letter of i * if they thought the evidence was insufficient. but they are often out of synch with other agencies so a lot of physicians ignored their recommendations. but now under the new law their recommendations become the force of law. anything with a letter a-d has to be covered no copays. that's going to be expensive. so a lot of plans will drop coverage for the things they don't rate a or b. megyn: what is likely to call into grades "c" and "d" that we are about to have not covered in all likelihood? >> two examples of things that are "c" or "d" are screening for testicular cancer or ovarian cancer. they are also late to incorporate new evidence into their recommendations.
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they didn't recommend a daily aspirin to recommend a daily as spring until 2009. they require large trials, the kind of studies you would require through the food and drug administration. even those risk of using a screening test is much different. megyn: is this the materialization of the risk that some worried about with respect to the healthcare law that the government would in effect get between you or your doctor, not saying he can't order the test, he can order whatever he wants about it one get paid for about it insurance company. >> i think for many people not having something covered is tantamount to not having access
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to it. they are not subject to any of the normal rules regulatory agencies or advisory committees -- they don't have to meet in public or public the draft forms of their decisions. you can't appeal the decisions. if you are a doctor or company you can't sue them. so they are not subject -- there is no legal way to do that. megyn: megyn: if they say the screening procedure gets a "c" or "d," that's it. it's a part time board of volunteer advisors who will set that for all americans? >> that's right. after the 2009 decision on mammograms, congress passed a mechanism to make a last ditch appeal to the secretary of health and human service. there is no normal appeals process. even for the food and drug administration or medicare.
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megyn: i know you consult with and invest in healthcare companies. does that mean you have a horse in this race? >> i don't think so. this is going to affect every one. i'm a physician and patient. this will affect everyone pretty much equally. megyn: doctor, thank you it's an interesting piece in the "wall street journal." let us know what you think. thank you. we have more information coming in on the arrest of this man in washington, detained on his way to the capitol to detonate what he thought was a bomb vest. here in the united states. that's just ahead. there is new drama in the murder trial of a university of virginia lacrosse player. george huguely cut short the defense. but before they did they put a witness on the stand to stay yeardley love was an angry
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ex-girlfriend. plus a ban on crying. a new policy in one restaurant and how that's working out. [ kyle ] my b. [ roger ] tell me you have go insurance. yup, i've got... [ dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have... [ dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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megyn: an atlanta area restaurant owner telling parents to attend to their bhieny and crying children outside. he says some of his customers have complained about noisy kids and he's getting a positive response to the policy. some parents not so fond of it. >> there have been comments
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about the children. we had a child hit a customer in the head with a toy, it was not that customer's child or toy. >> it's a pizza place, they will get loud in here sometimes. >> if they just sit here and relax, i understand how it can inconvenience the patrons. but i give them a pass if they are under 3. megyn: you have to, because there is no controlling them. we try. but things are going to happen. if anyone is unsure of the policy the owners had it prints on every single menu. what do you think? it's i are stating to have someone screaming when you are trying to eat your meal. if a kid is screaming, remove them, wouldn't you? we need those policies for the
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inconsiderate parents. you have got to watch your kids. what do you think? follow me on twitter and let me know at megyn kelly. we are learning more about a controversial group accused of working with the white house to manipulate headlines as some of the largest media outlets. some congressional republicans say they want to look at the tax exempt status for the group media matters for america that could spell trouble for some of its big money donors keeping the non-profit running. it came out this group among their other plans were to hire private investigators to investigate the personal lives of fox news anchors and off camera employees, yet the taxpayers are subsidizing this group. >> reporter: that's why i have got my groucho marx nose and glasses when i leave this
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building. we asked media matters to respond. they say they are under order not to do that. media matters has collect $28 million in donations. because the media watch doug is a 501c, it pays no income tax and it has to meet certain standards. tax code says it must not attempt to influence legislation or participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates. but the interpretation of that tax code is complex. for example, the right-leaning watchdog group is also a 501c3 and enjoys tax exempt status. some in congress are considering hearings to examine media matters tax exempt status including charles grassley.
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he told the daily caller quote the standard for tax exemptions deserve review as a part of good stewardship on the part of congress and it should be considered as part of any comprehensive tax reform. they included the tides foundation. george soros open society foundation, ford foundation, and the barbra streisand foundation. the daily caller's reporting is based on emails obtained from media matters. it says we should hire private investigators to look into the lives of fox news anchors, hosts, contributors, senior network executives and staff.
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megyn: doug, thank you. it would be laughable if it weren't so awful. we are getting new details on a terror arrest in washington. this 31-year-old man was stopped on his way to the capital for what he thought was a suicide mission to blow himself up. we just learned more about his background. how long has he been in the united states? the debate over religious freedom has consumed the american media for weeks. for weeks now. but what are the faithful at the vatican saying about the white house's new contraception rules. we'll go live to rome in search of answers. [ male announcer ] this is lois.
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the day starts with arthritis pain... a load of new listings... and two pills. after a morning of walk-ups, it's back to more pain, back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on...
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her doctor recommended aleve. it can relieve pain all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lois... who chose two aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] try aleve d for strong all day sinus and headache relief.
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megyn: fox news alert. we now have more on -- this is exclusive information i'm told coming in to fox news on a serious terror bust in washington. the feds arresting a man on his way to the u.s. capitol one he believed would be a suicide attack. he had a vest on him. the fbi was watching him for up to a year was our earlier information. there were no actual active explosives in his vest like he believed. we had just learned that he's been in the united states for 12 years. early december he got on the
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radar of law enforcement. he allegedly wanted to hit a military installation first, then a synagogue, but ultimately he seated on a suicide attack on the united states capitol. when he was arrested -- just within the last two hours. this an alleyway where the arrest has taken place. he had a firearm on his person when he was arrested. we'll bring you more on the details as we get it. the debate over religious liberty and contraception mandated coverage not letting up. we have been hearing a lots of back and forth about the obama administration's policy for religious affiliated employers forcing them to cover contraception with no copay even though it violates their conscience. how is this being seen beyond our borders. the pope meeting there today with the college of cardinals as
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archbishop timothy dolan of new york is elevated to cardinal this weekend. what are people at the vatican saying about all this? fox news analyst peter johnson is there in rome. what a beautiful sight we are looking at. >> it's great to see you, too. i think the question you ask is a good one. the eyes of the vatican are on the white house and the eyes of the white house are on the vatican. archbishop dolan made a speech to cardinals today as the keynote address on the issue of evangelicalism. secular humanism. the lack of relationship and the lack of faith.
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the vatican is places cardinal dolan front and center in the united states on the issue of faith versus state intervention. i believe this marks a new state for the catholic church in the world. this is a new effort, an activist effort by the catholic church to reassert itself spiritually in terms of bringing new people to the fold, having other people to the fold, and asserting its constitutional rights in the united states. megyn: it seems the pope is worried about secularism in america and in new york city because he sees this country shifting more and more in that direction. is something like the dust-up we have been covering about the administration and the birth control and the religious liberty infringement, is that something that the pope would be paying attention to, that he would care about?
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>> i was talking about this with my dear friend and colleague who has been covering this for 30 years. pope benedict talked about the dictatorship of relativism. secularism is all steps of daily life. this is something that's front and center in terms of the vatican's view and the church's view and in terms of the view of a lot of organized religion in the united states. judaism. baptists, he visibility dwell cals. these -- evangelicals. they say we are not catholics would be we don't necessarily believe what you believe about abortion inducing drugs, but we office believe in the constitution and the first amendment. and we believe that your rights have been abrogated by this president. that's front and center in
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discussions amongst a thousand or so faithful from milwaukee, to st. louis and new york who have come here for archbishop dolan. hundreds of others who have come for the former archbishop o'brien who is taking his seat as one of the voting cardinals. this has been a subject of discussion, yet there is an excitement and joy as the new cardinals are made here in vatican city. and there is an expectation that these new cardinals will be taking an activist role not on in bringing new people to the flock, but also speaking out on issues of concern to people of all faith, especially catholics. it's a new age for catholicism in america. we are seeing the seeds being sown as the cardinals receive the bread of the red caps that symbolize their willingness to
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sacrifice or shed blood for their faith. megyn: it's a big deal, particularly for archbishop timothy dolan who will be cardinal dolan. we have been watching that for him and are excited to sight happen. there is talk some day he could possibly be the next pope. i want to ask you, one of the things archbishop dolan talked about is reaching out to more would-be catholics to participate more through social media, saying they should take advantage of twitter and other social media. is the pope going to have a twitter page? on my way over to the vatican -- what should i wear? >> i think the vatican does have a twitter page, i'm not sure. but i know that archbishop dolan has been speaking out. he made a video tape piece right after the president made that decision. but i think the catholic church is coming into the 21st
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century in a lot of ways in terms of communication. but archbishop dolan will be a great source of faith for people of all beliefs and trying to bring a joy and excitement and a sense of expectations, a belief in god whether people are christian or jewish or whatever they are. i think he will try and make that abound in new york. megyn: it's great rinsing to him because he's a no-nonsense kind of guy. really fun. >> with a real sense of humor. megyn: i'm going to follow the pope now. hopefully he will follow me, too. peter johnson, junior. thank you very much. i'll see you soon. you should follow me, too, on
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twitter at megyn kelly. we'll get the pope in and keep it going. i'll retweet your stuff to the pope and see where that goes. coming up in has been a dramatic nurnt murder trial of a former university of virginia lacrosse player. what a new with witness is suggg about the victim and their so-called anger. is this their plan, blame the victim? we discuss it next on "kelly's court." ♪
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beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter.
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megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. blaming the victim in the trial of former university of virginia lacrosse player george huguely. he's on trial for murder 1. prosecutors say he killed his ex-girlfriend in a fit of range. but the defense puts a young woman on the stand to sitting was love who was the angry one. former prosecutor and cohost of "the five," kimberly guilfoyle
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and jonna spilbor. this seems to be the foundation for george wasn't the only one who was angry. they it on not one, but two young women to talk about what, exactly? this is the defense. >> the defense wants to suggest the victim in this case is partially to blame for her own demise because they are saying she is not the only one. you have been hearing about this young man having anger management issues, of using alcohol. the suggestion is that that young woman had a problem controlling her temper. it was a mutually combative situation. the defense is suggesting the defendant went there merely to talk to her about the problems they were having. the situation escalated and they were mutually combative. megyn: we heard testimony earlier this week about her blood alcohol content.
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which was over .1. and now this testimony from two women -- tell the viewers what these women said. >> what the women are trying to establish on behalf of the defense, my theory is he was provoked into beating her up. that is going to work squarely in favor of the defense because if they can get this reduced to murder one, get rid of the premeditation element and bring it down to a manslaughter which requires the provocation, this kid could walk out of prison in a year. that's how low the step scheme is in virginia. megyn: this is the difference between a year in prison and the rest of his life in prison. this young woman took the stand, said was in george huguely's apartment on the night yeardley love came in and hit him with her purse.
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she was uninvited. we, george and i were watching a movie, and george told yeardley love to leave the apartment. there was another girl barked that up. >> that's not relevant. we are talking about a specific incident in question. it shows they had a tumultuous relationship. he went there by his own admission to confronts her. by his own admission he said he assaulted her. he thought she was still alive when he left. but the defense is trying to say, this is a woman who brought this on herself. she went on another occasion. they are trying to dirty the victim. that's a desperate attempt on behalf of the defense. one you see time again. that noise you hear in the background will be the firing from the defense. megyn: defense attorneys have to do what they get paid to do. but is this dangerous that it
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will backfire? she hit him with her purse? who hasn't been in an argument with an ex-boyfriend. i don't know that we are hitting them. in college -- the boyfriend doesn't turn around and then murder you. >> true, but in this case it could be effective only -- i don't think the defendants has any delusions about getting an acquittal based on that here why it of defense or any theory of defense. a win for this defense team is to get it out of murder one. if they can show she was drunk, that's double the legal limit. she was pretty drunk. they can show that country biewtsed to maybe she provoked him because she was combative, that gets rid of the premeditation and gets it into provocation. megyn: it seems like it would fly more if we didn't have a door being kicked in. >> you are so right. when you look at the forensics. she is minding her own business in her own room, then this guy
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comes in, mr. ted bundy, mr. aren'ter chambers with his good looks and thinks he can get away with everything. the witnesses hear that crash and think it' a computer falling. the evidence is she died from blunt force trauma and not because she drank too much was how to temper, then affixated herself in the pillow with her own blood. megyn: bruise and abrasions all over her body. >> there is no justification and it's not self-defense. sorry. megyn: a live look at president obama speaking at boeing assembly plant in wash awe state. he's look at attempt to boost u.s. exports. he says it's crucial to doubling exports by 2014. congress extended the funding
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through may of this year. but the white house warns the bank will reach its lending limit by the middle of this month. john glenn carried the hopes and dreams an entire nation in space. @=h
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>> the capsule is turning around. the view is tremendous. >> roger. capsule turning around and i can see the booster turning around just a couple hundred yards behind me. it was beautiful. roger go for at least 7 orbits. megyn: beautiful indeed. john glenn had the right stuff to make u.s. space history. this coming monday marks 50
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years since glennn was the first astronaut to orbit the earth. where is our space program heading next? >> reporter: 50 years later you can hear that same excitement in john glenls voice when he talks about the details of that historic accomplishment. that launch was scrubbed 10 different times before finally taking off on the friendship 7 or weather or technical reasons. the auto pilot failed after one of three orbits around the earth. there were concerns that the heat shield could give way upon return. even fears about what the flight could do to john glenn's body. >> the things we were looking back on those first flights seem so primitive they are almost laughable. but the doctors and ophthalmologists were concerned your eyes might change shape and
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your vision might change enough that you couldn't see the instrument panel to make an emergency instrument panel if you had to. >> reporter: when he did plaque down in the atlantic he was a national hero. the soviets launched the first cosmonaut into orbit just 10 moss prior. he's concerned about the cancellation of the space shuttle program complaining that the u.s. is dependent on rushu to get its astronauts to and from the international space station at the cost of $50 million a trip. megyn: google is facing new fire for keeping tabs on you even if your security settings have turned on. take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement
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>> nowow, talking earlier.when i learned


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