tv The Five FOX News February 21, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EST
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>> and as charlie sheen would say... lin-ing. >> thank you for being with us tonight. greta "the five" is now. >> eric: hello, everyone. >> kimberly: happy presidents' day. i'm kimberly guilfoyle with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: our top story today, rick santorum's controversial comments about president obama and theology. mr. santorum is getting heat after he said this. >> this is what the president said. it's not about you. it's not about you. it's not about your quality of life. it's not about your job. it's about some phony ideal, some phony theology. oh, not a theology, but a
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different theology. >> some people thought it was questioning the president's christianity. so santorum clarified remarks. >> i was talking about the radical environmentalists. that's why i was talking about energy. the idea that man is not, is here to serve the earth. as opposed to husband that resources and be good steward of the earth. i think that is a phony ideal. i don't believe that is what we're here to do. >> kimberly: did he cross the line? did he need to clarify it? >> dana: he thought he needed to clarify it. he did a fine job. it's much ado about nothing. there has been this, there has been not enough news apparently for into look at. you don't think so? >> greg: you're right. if it wasn't for santorum we'd be sitting here quietly looking at each other. >> kimberly: it would be awkward. >> dana: at least he gave us material. if you are looking for a slight in any comment from a
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politician on live television, speaking passionately, clarification was fine. i think that everyone should take a chill pill. >> kimberly: take a chill pill. >> eric: you know what? global warmers are like a religion. i believe everything he said. i don't know if he needed to clarify it. it became -- where are we where every single word we have to clarify the meaning of every word that comes out of our mouth? >> bob: when you say a president theology is based on a phony ideology, philosophy, not based on the bible is somewhat newsworthy. >> eric: i'm not sure -- >> dana: he didn't say not based on the bible. >> bob: well, that is what he said. not based on the bible. >> eric: it's a discussion. >> bob: when he clarified it. but the thing about politicians you is to be careful talking about faith and the bible. santorum is somebody who has the known and is a devout catholic. knows the bible well.
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he raised questions about obama governmenting philosophy and whether it was true to the biblical philosophy. that's where santorum stepped into it. he better be careful. politicians and religion like that, backdrop of the contraceptive issue has a short run gain and long-term dangerous for him. >> greg: here is the thing. santorum i have to say is right in the sense that obama puts polywogg before people. he shut down the pipeline that did more favor to the earth than people. we're not sure that is true. i find interesting the pushback from media. when the president's religiosity comes to play, the media pushes back on that. normally, doesn't the media find religion silly and quaint? when religion is connected to anybody that is republican it's a joke. irrelevant. you are old fashioned. if you are president obama and religion comes up, then the media is like how dare you.
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>> eric: do you think rick santorum was going after president obama's christianity? >> i don't think so. they are spinning it to something they think they can -- >> dana: it's coming from the media that avoided talking about the jeremiah wright church that president obama attended for however many years. i think -- not talking about it, i guess, i dent know what else they would have talked about. he wasn't talking about christianity. anybody that covered environmentalism throughout the 1960s, and since the silent spring from the early '60s and '70s -- >> greg: rachel carson. >> dana: rachel carson. anybody that knows anything about the green movement know that some people worship trees. maybe he was talking about -- >> greg: i know people that hug trees. i'm not kidding. i worked in an environmentally friendly -- >> bob: i -- >> kimberly: you don't buy
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he was going after environmentalist radicallists? >> bob: he clarified himself and said he wasn't questioning obama christianity. when you say that something is not -- this is an exact quote from santorum -- "based on the bible," we are not in the business of basing -- i happen to be a christian and i feel very strongly about this. we don't base our political philosophy on the bible. when he says that, it's open for interpretation and he deserves to get heat for it. he backed it up with the environmental thing but he realizes he's in trouble. >> kimberly: i want to get to robert gibbs on the abc show. hear how he handles it and we'll see if he did a good job. >> i can't help but think those remarks are over the line. it's wrong, destructive. it makes it impossible to solve the problems we all face together as americans. is it time to get rid of it. >> kimberly: greg, we start
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with you. >> greg: he belonged to an administration that was sewing the seeds of class division for the last year or so, telling us we have to face the problems together as americans. being a bit hypocritical. >> dana: plus an opportunity, my style could have been i'll let the republican fight this out. it's unattractive to any woman when somebody takes a slight at everything. if you are looking to be offended all the time. it's -- you don't want to be around people like that. there is an opportunity to say i'm going to let the republicans fight it out. let me tell you why president obama deserves a second term. you the free room to take the conversation in a different place. >> eric: if gibbs can go on a national television show and try to highlight that they think he crossed a line, and interpret what he said at meaning, questioning obama's christianity, they are going to play it up as much as they can. no surprise. >> bob: i think -- >> kimberly: is it overreaction? >> bob: dana is right, he could have used the answers a better way, but he did cross
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the line. the problem is all of a sudden the republicans find themselveses in a family values fight circa 1990s. one they lost then. why they want to get involved in this when they have big fruit to pick against obama on the economy. yet, they now are immersed because of santorum, mostly. immersed in all serious of values issue. don't win. >> dana: every interview santorum said i believe what i believe and let me tell you how i'll bring jobs back to this country. in some ways it's -- maybe we'll find when the history books are written this was a strategy to get the republicans -- >> greg: the problem with santorum is he mistaking the part for the whole. the birth control pill story was part of a larger story about government overreach. people will buy into that. if you focus on the, you know, on the trunk of elephant and not the elephant you lose. >> bob: why don't you focus on what he said about prenatal testing leads to lots of abortions. well, certainly some prenatal
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testing leads to abortion, tu implication is you shouldn't have prenatal testing. who is he kidding? >> eric: i will give you this, he started playing around in the social conservatism, got a little bit of a bump from it, or a big bump from it. maybe taking too many bites at that apple. give you that. >> kimberly: with this issue? contraception? catholic church? >> eric: it became this issue and maybe he was delving in theology. i don't know where he was. the issue goes back -- >> bob: let republicans fight values all they want. i think democrats game all along, don't say anything about it. >> eric: get back to the economy the better. >> kimberly: talk about that for a moment, the juxtaposition how it's been handled. paul ryan was on this weekend. listen to what representative paul had to say. >> we are seeing this new government activism, a paternalistic arrogant, political philosophy that puts new government rights in the way of the constitutional rights.
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>> that is his criticism how obama went after catholics; specifically, religious issue that some say was to the benefit of santorum. how do you see it? >> eric: it's time to start focusing, refocusing back on the economy. on jobs. the more, the longer you play in deep end of the pull, as bob might point out, the risk is you fall in the deep end of the pool and you can't swim out of it. santorum, i'm not sure he is swimming there. >> greg: as a republican, if the economy gets better you lose that. you to focus on the different ideologies to predict the next four years. not just the economy. that could get better. talk about the class warfare, deficit. >> kimberly: do you do it now or in general election? >> bob: no other expert but ron paul said after the weekend was over republicans ought to get off the issues. >> bob: if you read -- >> dana: i read the transcript today. when you read that, a lot of it makes sense. he is talk about returning those decisions to the states.
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>> bob: yeah. >> dana: really, for like well -- >> kimberly: a little agreement. the two of you concur. on that positive and happy note, take a break. coming up, gas prices are the highest on record for this time of the year. some people wonder if the media is giving president obama a pass on this issue. we'll compare it to how the media treated president bush and then you can decide. don't forget to e-mail us at stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: listen to today's headlines. iran cuts oil shipment to u.k. and france. iranian warship dock at syrian port. those led to these headline. oil hit nine-month high and gas prices highest ever for february. election year, that spells trouble for the incumbent. prices are up across the country. 23 states now over $3.50-gallon. when an important swing state say like ohio, sees gas prices
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17 cents in a week, there is simply no way to spend out of that. sadly some americans have to make this call. fill up or feed my family? fill up or go without something? if americans have to decide between this and this, you know you got a snowball's chance in hell to being re-elected. bob, that is what some people are under. >> dana: with global warming you don't have any snowball. >> bob: now that you made the point, get it off the table. now i'll ask you a question. correct you on a few things. britain is not importing iranian oil for six months and french have less than 4% of the oil that comes from the iranians. syria is in the middle of a civil war. and iran docking warship, israel getting close to making a decision on bombing the nuclear facility in iran. add it together and you have the most destabilizing series of news stories coming out of
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the middle east. having nothing to do with barack obama. the fact of the matter is these things are all, when you say it's the highest in february, that is true. you never had convergence of events like this. >> eric: one second. bob, natural gas. right? we drill our own natural gas. natural gas saw headline iranians not selling oil. natural gas prices haven't gone up. they are on five-year lows right now. your theory about that not having anything to do with barack obama off the bat -- >> bob: how many cars are run on natural gas? >> eric: not enough. >> bob: equate to apples and oranges. >> eric: they're not. they're both fuels. >> bob: but one we use in cars and the other -- >> greg: we can't put apples and oranges in the cars. >> bob: yes, you can. >> greg: you say obama has nothing to do with it. he is the nothing to do with it president. if you look at gas prices, gitmo, drones, patriot act,
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cronyism, unicorn abuse, everything that happened under bush, he got yelled at. when it happens with obama, he gets more passes than jerry rice. >> dana: even on the healthcare reform bill, they don't have anything to do with it until 2014. >> eric: we'll get there in a second. >> kimberly: listen, people have to make these decisions with the higher gas prices whether or not to use disposable income. whether to fill up the tank and tape the trips. we are a consumer driven country. right? in terms of our economy. we decide what we are going to do in terms of how much money we'll spend. people are worried about that, that will have an impact on our ability to cover. >> eric: xl pipeline. there is an opportunity where the oil prices could have come down. >> greg: canada is more dangerous than the ayatollahs. >> bob: if they accept the pipeline it would double the problem. obama will pay a price for this. i was going to say something you'd like. >> eric: put these in and then you move on. what do you mean xl pipeline would haven't any effect on gas? >> bob: on this today i said. >> eric: honestly, bob, i
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love you, you are a brilliant guy, but you are such a spin doctor. >> bob: it's tough to spin a pipeline that is not built yet to impact gas prices today. >> eric: oil prices are going up. they impact gas prices. >> bob: listen, i was about to say if the gas prices stay up, it will hurt obama at the polls. it always does. despite the fact that is the result of convergence of international events no one could have foreseen. directly responsible. that and let me say the financial times one of your -- it says the reason it's gone up a lot among other thing is hedge funds and speculators like you used to be, spending, buying long-term position. >> eric: what are they speculating on? >> bob: i assume war in the middle east. >> eric: do they speculate on natural gas where we have plenty here? no. you can't speculate on that. >> greg: are you asking bob to speculate on speculating? >> eric: yes. >> greg: i want to speculate on that. >> eric: this is important. under george bush when gas prices were headed higher, look at how the main stream
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media spun it. listen. >> people are blaming oil companies for the prices but what could be ominous sign for republicans, number of people we spoke to blame president bush. >> the bush administration under pressure to curb rising gas prices. >> political pressure is rising about as fast as the price of gas. so the president gives a major energy speech today. >> spiking gas prices from coast to coast to create a new political pain for administration already falling in the polls. >> dana: it was relentless and it was every day. the reasonable answer that bob just gave about international convergence and supply and demand issues, basically, no democrat in 2007 and 2008 was saying that. it was all this is bush's fault. these are his friends in the oil industry. i dealt with that every day. they went after what is he going to do about it? what is he going to do? institute a wind pal profits tax, as if that would help is he going to call opec? what is he going to do? it was frantic. now all of a sudden everybody is so reasonable.
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>> eric: you know what he did? he lifted moratorium on offshore drilling. >> kimberly: here is the problem now. i agree with bob on this. you have uncertainty in the middle east and problem with domestic energy policies and new environmental advertisement business regulations, crippling businesses to make it difficult for the refineries to operate in the u.s. this creates a perfect storm to make it difficult for obama whether he wants to take responsibility or not to get re-elected. >> bob: what you saw with george bush, they are three or four days from those stories. obama will take the heat. it's pound to happen. he is the president. if prices go up, he will take the heat. my belief is -- >> eric: abc -- >> bob: yes, i do. i think gas prices will be down by election day. >> greg: i haven't seen any way that obama will stop the press. banning free cocktails at media event. he's getting a free ride. >> dana: he doesn't take the
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question anymore. it was one press conference a month and less and less. he does the interviews to ask questions, if you were a tree what kind of tree would you be? what keeps you up at night? how great are you? >> bob: i now can put a gallon of gas in the car. because i got this. >> eric: ready? major outbreak of influenza after a big win if the knicks over the world champion dallas mavericks last night. but how is jeremy lin handling the pressure off the court? we take a look at the controversy. next. ♪ ♪
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>> dana: that gave me a perfect opportunity to say it's deirks bentley. okay, we're going to talk about jeremy lin, because i am the resident linsanity leader of "the five." over the weekend, there was on espn -- remember, i was going to do it for three days. i know more about him than i know about >> greg: sarah palin came in and you got bumped. >> dana: i know. he is liked him, too. but espn had a headline written by anthony federico, article about jeremy lin, who is an amazing new basketball player on the knicks. and it said chink in the armor. jeremy lin's nine turnovers cost knicks in loss to hornets, which is quite a long headline. he got fired. because "chink in the armor" was deemed over the line.
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what do you think? >> greg: here is my feeling. he says he didn't know he did it. i can't believe you can't know. here is the way i look at it on sunday. if i was working at "red eye" and i did a show and it came up as a lower third and i didn't know about it and the next day there was all this mail, i would drag that guy out here and beat the crap out of him. he took everybody's job at risk by doing that. by making that joke. maybe he was trying to make a point that colloquialism should maintain a certain importance over racism. i don't know what point he was making but if it was my show, i would have gone crazy. >> kimberly: i don't think he did it on perp. >> greg: c'mon! >> dana: i didn't buy the defense he didn't do it on purpose, it's one thing when you say something on live television and it just comes out. it's another thing to write it down. >> greg: we say stupid things here all the time and apologize for it. that got through. he wrote that down. that is designed to -- it was
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designed for some kind of attention. he got it. but he hurts everybody else. just to make a point. >> dana: or if nobody else got it or caught it, too much of a punishment? >> bob: i do think it was too much. this is coming from a guy who himself has been on this line a little bit myself. but i will tell you this, the guy in his defense, assume he did know what he was doing. he has written that headline hundreds of times. >> greg: but the picture, the picture -- >> eric: okay. >> bob: i want to give lin credit. he has been magnificent with this. he said, he forgave him, forgive him as a tenet of his christian faith. it's very strong. federico said he was a christian and it would upset him because he didn't want to leave the impression he was trying to hurt lin. lin showed class, but espn overreacted. they should have suspended him for a couple of weeks maybe. >> dana: the anchor max bretos was suspended for 30 days because he had sort of, i
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guess slip when he asked the same thing. if there is a chink in the armor, where can he improve his game? i don't watch a lot of sports. is "chink in the armor" common? >> greg: it's not that common. it's not that common. take a picture of asian person. that is not a coincidence. >> kimberly: it's unfortunate. whether he intended it or not. i don't know what is in his head or his heart. it's highly suspicious but they did treat the anchor different from the editor. they both apologized. lin was a class act and said i don't think they meant anything by it. >> dana: his quote was he had, it was amazing win on saturday night. he said, gave up pollgize for my end and said i don't care anymore. you have to learn to forgive. i don't think it was intentional. admire that. >> eric: here is the question. if the headline writer and the anchor came out and said look, i made a mistake, i'm sorry, i should haven't done it. looking for attention.
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as lin says i get it, i'm a christian. forgiven. should espn maybe retract or cut back some of the -- >> greg: if i'm a coworker on the espn web site and my buddy thinks it's funny, a stupid joke. dude, you are risking my reputation making a dumb joke. we make dumb jokes all the time. >> bob: who does? >> greg: well, not me. become a stand-up comedian. go on stage and make the jok jokes. you will pay the price. >> bob: you saw the headline and somebody along the line -- >> dana: it ran at 3:00 in the morning. >> bob: somebody else should have seen it. >> dana: nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m. i'm telling you. >> bob: yes, it does. a lot of things. >> dana: jeremy lin said he would let it go. if you look to be offended all
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the time, you can be offended. >> greg: i'm not like that, though. i am the least -- >> dana: the other thing, bob brought up the christianity. he bears a bracelet. you can buy them at and say "in jesus name i play." they're $3. on the site, you can also bioga pants for $30. i just want to ask you for a product review in case we go up with the yoga pants. >> greg: i love yoga pants. i wear them around the apartment. >> -- to make -- >> kimberly: you had them friday night at your party. >> greg: i don't think linsanity is far enough. take the english lang wage and replace everything with lin. i'll will linterested. >> bob: is this the new tim tebow of basketball? >> greg: you interrupt my thought. >> bob: really? sorry. >> eric: one thing i can
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add. >> kimberly: now, he is -- you made him snarky. >> eric: hope not, the atheist and the other groups that don't believe or -- >> dana: only a matter of time before bill maher goes after him. >> eric: turns it into something. good kid working hard. christian. thank you for showing your christianity. >> dana: got to go. we'll find out more about the yoga pants in the break. ahead should police infiltrate groups they think has muslim terrorists inside them? they're doing just that and some people are not happy about it. we tell you more next. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: welcome back to "the five." some dude just tried to bomb the u.s. capitol. his name is el khalifi, obviously he is amish. upset over unpasteurizeed milk. janet napolitano is correct. it's the darn religious whiteies -- righties. righties and whiteies. it was a moroccan illegal working with al-qaeda. who isn't these days? while this is going on, the media are focusing on the new york police department for monitoring muslim student websites. how is that a bigger story? well, when you pitch students against cops, the media will always side with the students because they both share the clumsy rhetoric and goofy eye wear like mine. but cops are right. they eye the groups because they attract young muslim men, key terror demographic. maybe we should have the cops also track girl scouts, too, to be fair. how is monitoring students websites wrong? i do it all the time. it's how i find help around my
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compound. besides, you think cops want to spend time monitoring students as they blog? too bad terror groups couldn't recruit from lap dancers. then surveillance might be fun. at least one kid got it. ahmed is quoted in the "wall street journal" where he says he gets the policeman's concern. he wrote or said, "i can't blame them for doing their job. there is a lot of muslims doing some bad things and it gives a bad name to all of us, so they have to take their due diligence." that is a kid i want to party with. bob? >> bob: well, first of all, has anybody noticed how quiet is it on a holiday in new york? no muggers, northbound around. >> dana: everybody is being monitored. so scared by the story, they went in hiding. >> eric: take a look at what the facts are here. >> greg: is this a violation of civil liberty? >> bob: of course. they wonder beyond boundary of
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new york city. they go to rutgers, yale, syracuse. not just monitoring the blog sites. they monitor the muslim student association. and here is the excuse. this is what the police spokesman said. the reason, there is 12 of them that belong to the group arrested or convicted of terrorism. not one of them in new york city. my question is why is new york city cops wandering out of the territory looking at different places? no right to do that. i tell you one thing, it stinks. >> greg: i don't care if it stinks, it helps thwart, a word i have a hard time saying, 13 plots on new york city since 9/11. >> bob: what did? >> greg: the infiltration. if they weren't thwarted we would haven't the conversation. >> bob: thwarted from syracuse? >> eric: we had someone try to do it in d.c. guy thought he was negotiating with al-qaeda and he was negotiating with the f.b.i. that is fantastic. you have want to make sure that -- >> dana: it was on a student visa since 1999. >> bob: the police
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department in washington doing that? >> kimberly: why do we have to apologize -- this is crazy. i feel like other activists groups are trying to get -- commissioner kelly has done a great job. new york police led the way in the war against terror. trying to get him out of a job putting this controversy right at his front door. they don't like it. but the fact of the matter is we have been able to thwart attacks. you know what he need? we need one attack to go through for people then. unfortunately, right, that is the theory, to go through so we can show they can do it. >> bob: can you explain to me why one police force goes to jurisdiction of another hundreds of miles away and investigating students without knowing it? >> kimberly: investigatory leads. i learned that from dana perino. >> eric: the brothers that were planning to blow up the new york city subway system and they were being watched. thank god they were being watched. exposed and they weren't able to pull it off. >> bob: in the city of new
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york. >> eric: they found them in denver, colorado, bob. >> bob: they were targeting new york city? >> eric: yes. >> bob: that is a different issue. >> dana: that is why all of the intel agencies and police department, one of the problems beforehand is they were not allowed to talk to one another. you weren't allowed to share intelligence with the police people. the nypd and intel sources work well together because plots originate hate or are planned be here because it's a huge place. >> kimberly: tentacles. >> bob: top secret -- he got top secret note. this guy went white water rafting. >> dana: that is not why. >> greg: they would say they are going to play paint ball. what are you doing? >> bob: you are in their state. >> kimberly: are they supposed to apologize doing their job? i'm over this. i'm over this. go to a different jurisdiction --
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>> bob: you don't care if a cop goes to -- >> kimberly: i want you to follow the lead, follow the evidence and work together. interdepartmental to make sure we're coordinating so something doesn't slip through the cracks and then we're all very sorry. >> eric: are you okay with intel, like the c.i.a. doing what they do? >> bob: perfectly all right. >> eric: if you're all right with that, how can you say -- >> bob: i'm not okay for the new york city police undercover agents to go to yale university and not tell the new haven police department they're there. number one. two, to monitor a student group that is proved to have done zero -- >> eric: pakistan, we're about to take down bin laden. >> dana: 9/11 bombers, 19 of the 9/11 bombers were students. one of the huge problems is because we are welcoming, they have come on student visas and they overstay visas and stay longer. that is what happened with the guy on friday we still don't have enough information about in washington, d.c. >> bob: the f.b.i. caught him and it had nothing to do with the new york city police department. that is my problem.
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>> kimberly: the easiest way to get in, everybody knows it, student vissa. >> greg: we're off the point. i don't think this is different than the police infiltrating the mob. i don't get why it's different. i know, bob, this is the word job in the world to hang out with students while they are blogging. i mean that has to be terrible. all right. >> dana: hang out at starbucks. >> greg: bill o'reilly made an appearance on another late night show that wasn't "red eye." we show you the "saturday night live" skit. we reveal our favorite president. if you leave now you miss the all-time pillow fight with charlie rose and caplan. ♪ ♪
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our own bill o'reilly, surprise, actually appeared on another tv network. only kidding, bill. he was on "saturday night live" on this presidents' day weekend talking about presidential leadership. having just written the best-selling book "killing lincoln." do we have that s.o.t.? >> what we need most now is leadership. we've got to pull together. and -- >> ♪ pulling together >> it's going to take the kind of tremendous leadership that president lincoln had to give this country. that's what we need to get it back on course. >> ♪ back on the path, yeah >> okay. so, we can have that leadership. it was just a tragedy that he died the way he did. >> ♪ it's a tragedy, baby ♪ i got to say [ singing ] >> bob: i have to give bill credit.
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o'reilly handled that thing really, really well. i give him a lot of credit for that. >> kimberly: he is a comedic actor. >> bob: he is very funny. the other dude was. they're all funny. you're funny sometimes. talk about presidential leadership. we were asked here -- i'll ask you to tell me who your favorite president. not necessarily the greatest president, but who your favorite president is and why. let me start with you, eric. i think i can guess. >> eric: go for it. ronald reagan, of course. i mean the guy, he was a hero, conservative hero who brought interest rates and taxes down, turned the economy around. he took an economy that was actually deflating and turned it in to one of the most robust economies ever, ever in american politics. >> dana: well said. >> bob: i'm not supposed to rebut. i could but i won't. >> dana: my favorite was george w. bush. i'm sure that is a huge shock to you. i used to love the story because he in the oval office
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there is a place near the front door, where you are supposed to as the president you hang the portrait of who you think was the best president or your most favorite president. president president bush 43 was a little bit, he was a little under gun because his dad had been president. so he used to say that he hung a portrait of his father in his heart and a portrait of lincoln on the wall. >> bob: very nice. dabs those two are my favorites. >> greg: my favorite is the only one i met, ronald reagan. mu favorite president is uylsses r. foothill who opened up the gulf of mexico and engaged the treaty with hawaii, the small island nation. since then we have not been at war with hawaii. unfortunately, he is the forgotten president. >> bob: he is. good one. >> greg: i drew him. i drew him on my paper. >> kimberly: he is interesting. he has no hair. >> greg: who does? >> kimberly: my favorite is thomas jefferson. third president of the united states.
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historian, philosopher, public official, served the country so well and author of the declaration of independence. how do you get better than that? >> bob: you can't. i'll do this and i know you won't agree with me. one might. i'll pick two. not for the presidency, but for single events in the presidency, i think have been overlooked and are important. everybody agrees that israel is the important ally in the middle east. they went to two wars. won 73, and almost lost it because of the united arab attack on all side. camp david accord took egypt and jord done out of this and jimmy carter is one. the second one i will give credit to is george w. bush. because he did more and put more resources in africa and when history records this, probably responsible for saving millions and millions of lives. he never gets any credit for it. let him get credit for it. that is me. congratulations both president carter and -- >> kimberly: i think i may love you for that. >> bob: one more thing
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♪ >> kimberly: it's time now for one more thing. greg used his up so we have to i go head and start with me, something happy. over the weekend i had exciting plans which included watching new york 1 twice because i watch the elevation of the archbishop to cardinal. i thought it was really a proud wonderful moment. he is the head of the church here, 2.6 million catholics in new york city. had the opportunity to meet him and have great conversation. and there is many who feel he could be american pope. why not? we love it. eric? >> eric: presidents' day, happened to be on fox and friends this morning and this happened. look. >> three, two, one. ohhh! go! >> the best four presidents,
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one fell. james madison fell. george washington gave the atomic elbow after that. >> kimberly: dangerous. >> dana: i was also on fox and friends but as a guest. so i was talking about politics, blah, blah blah,, gas prices. i went down the hallway and jack hannah was there with a baby kang room. and i got to hold a 6-month-old baby kangaroo, a baby girl. and i do think -- jack hannan was awesome to meet. joe donovan as well and a new book "zoo milacy" to help people figure out how to train animals the way they used to do on the ranch, back in the day. and i think that that kangaroo did something in his diaper while i was holding it. >> kimberly: it tried to do something -- >> bob: i saw it first. it was good. >> greg: i was also on fox
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and friends and discussion my addiction to window cleaner. it wasn't a good segment. i'm here to talk about my clipboard. i've noticed ever since i got the clipboard the show's rating skyrocketed. lucky clipboard. i have also lost weight and bench press twice my weight thanks to the clipboard. everybody should go to greg's to read more. >> kimberly: magic. you kind of used it up. >> dana: when you had to go, when you did show and tell at school did you wing it? >> greg: i did. >> bob: i bet you did wing it. those of you who watch the show regularly know how astute i am at social media and how well i work the twitter thing and facebook. apparently on friday i said something when i was trying to describe something and came out the wrong way. some people got upset. sorry if you did. but believe me this, it was my head and not my heart. so i'll try to get
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