tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 23, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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thank you for being with us. we toss it to greta van susteren who is standing by live to go on the record. >> greta: tonight absolutely indecent. a 34-year-old christian pastor a father of two, sentenced to death in iran because he is a christian. his execution by hanging could come at any single minute. it's not isolated. reverend franklin graham. plus, new developments in the solyndra scandal. we expect you are still furious they wasted more than $500 million of your tax dollars but the financial bleeding goes on but it's the bankruptcy judge who is hitting you. why? we'll tell you all about it. first, on iran's pastor, karl rove joins us first. nice to see you.
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let me ask you about the president. he is on the radio and quoted as saying, my presidency is not over. i've got another five years. we've got this done and with strong support in the latino community because they have seen what we're working on? >> there is certain arrogance, i've got five more years. let's talk about the context he was in front of a latino audience. talking about the failure to get comprehensive immigration reform. he comes into office in 2009 with huge majority, 60-40 in the senate, 255-178 in the house and he does nothing to try to push through immigration reform despite having said he would do so in 2008. we find ourselves with nothing to show for it. he is excusing himself by saying we have another five years. i had had to deal with him over
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2006 and 2007. i remember how he gave lip service. then when the critical votes came, he voted for every killer amendment to kill comprehensive immigration reform. >> greta: why did he do that? >> i'm not certain. it was more important to placate the labor unions than follow through the pledge on the cabinet room sitting with republican and democratic senators that he confirmed he was in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. he has slid and his rating has slid with latinos in 22 points because in large part economy is terrible. it's also because he led them to believe he would do something about comprehensive immigration reform and then ignored it for
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three years. >> greta: i remember the speech he gave up, he talked about immigration. so something still could have been done. that was the last i remember hearing about it. >> he never sent a proposal to cog, never made a working group to go up to the hill and work with democrats on it. look, i think he is conflicted. on the one hand he likes it as a political issue, he wants to kick it around he can point to republicans. there were 40 republican senators. he had 60 democrats and he didn't pass anything. he had 255 democratic house members, 178 republicans, he didn't bother to it. then he goes to miami and says it's all the republicans that are doing it. >> greta: are the hispanics and looking at the time line and see what he has done. unless they are paying attention to time line? >> i think he has dropped among
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latinos 22 points. i think the latino vote is up for grabs in this election and republicans can win particularly if they go after it hard. >> greta: governor jeb bush, was quoted, i used to be a conservative. i watch these debates, i don't think i've changed but it's troubling when people are appealing to people's fierce fears and emotions rather than looking at a broader perspective. that is where we are. i think it changed when we get to the general election, i hope. it doesn't sound luke he is impressed with the way the race is going? >> the debates have focused on the effort, we're operating out of fear. part of the nature of the kind of the questions andfact they are trying to gain an advantage. certain number of debates is good. we've had too many when the question has been dominated by
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the media. how many questions did we have about economy and jobs and spending and deficits and healthcare as opposed to processes, horse race, intraparty controversies and social issues. we had very little former and heck of a lot of the alert. >> greta: its cozy relationship between the media and candidates. candidates want the attention. they get the free promotion. they are going to get a lot of people watching. media loves it because we get a lot of buzz going. both have a lot riding on it. doesn't tha doesn't necessarily make it good. >> the candidates lost control early on. once the series started going, all you would have to do news organization and announce they were going to have it. they were obligated to show up even if it wasn't in their interests to do so. with the georgia debate,
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santorum, paul and romney said this is complete pain. let's not interrupt our mutual campaigns by doing it. they have been pushed along and they have surrendered a lot of the control over the narrative to the people who ask the questions in those debates. as we've seen the people that ask those questions are more interesting in a horse race process and picking them as an exotic group of aliens than the issues in the country. >> greta: donald trump wanted to do it and lot of candidates, it was speaker gingrich? >> most of the candidates rightly so that the debate moderated by donald trump would elevate donald trump to the expense of them. some of them would be concerned about being fired at the end of the debate. >> greta: looking at last
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night's debate, it's sort of the consequently wisdom that romney did well and senator santorum missed some points. i don't know if that is necessarily true. i went to arizona papers to see what they are thinking. i haven't seen anything yet. i think there -- >> i read the stories this morning, like the republic. santorum did not have the night he needed to have. it wasn't so much he lost. it was that he didn't win. he allowed himself to be put in a place where he sounded like an incumbent united states senator running for election, one of the most devastating comments, by one pundit he looked like he had taken his rules about talking debates from bob dole. he talked about senate speak and
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take one for the team this and earmarks that. >> greta: they were hitting with the earmarks. he needed to explain that governor romney got from olympics and he had to defend himself. >> that's right. but he should have pivoted. >> greta: how? >> go on to say, look you can worry about the earmarks all you want, the real issue in this race is the economy and jobs. what we're going to do about deficits. this is all a side show. i'm interested in that. >> greta: we heard a lot of jobs. i would have thought why wouldn't he tell us about his record. why did he vote that way in the senate. >> the bottom line, conventional wisdom, it was a missed opportunity for him.
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think about what happens between now and tuesday. first of all, he allowed himself to be depicted as a washington insider. he played into narrative that is part of the romney tv ads. that is not a good position to be. second thing, he has been outspent in michigan. he put more tv on wednesday and romney went on the same day and put into television to keep the margin big. i know. but the debate is only one of several things at play here. you are right. he is worried about money. where is he tonight? texas, which hasn't even set the primary and may not have it late may or june. why? because he is raising money in dallas and austin. trying to pay for ads. it's the sign of the tension.
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romney started the day by speaking in front of the associated general contractors in arizona and flew to michigan where he will be tonight and tomorrow for several events. he'll go to florida for the daytona 500 and then return to michigan on saturday night and be there sunday as well. >> greta: he can fly privately. which makes a huge difference. >> makes a huge difference. >> greta: if you wait around in terminal for a flight. >> i suspect santorum is flying, as well. he does need to do it. think about this. in michigan according to real clear politics, in the last week there have been five polls, santorum by 3, santorum by 4, romney by 2, romney by 2 and a tie. so their average is 33.8 to 33.2
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six-tenths of a difference. the reason i say that is because every moment in michigan matters. if michigan is going bend the ark of this contest one way or ther on the they should spend as much time as they can in michigan. >> greta: since the poll came out. they have endorsed governor romney. so i imagine is that, usually i'm not big on endorsements but think that was strong one. >> it will help on the margins. i think what is going to help. they've been voting absentee in michigan in michigan for a while and arizona for a while. 200,000. the question is how is romney doing among those people because most of those votes were locked in before santorum had his bump after missouri, minnesota and colorado.
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so the question is how many votes has he now, romney got in the vault by that. we're at the point, literally every moment you have between now and michigan primary is valuable and they are trying to jam good michigan events into their schedule. i have bad memories of michigan. in 2000 we had john engler and everybody in was in favor of george bush. we went to michigan a lot and we had television advertising. a day or two before the election our pollster called, my sister is voting in michigan primary for the first time. i said great news. it's bad news, she is teacher and michigan education association which was a fight with engler, sent the word out, go vote and embarrass en ghrer
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by voting for bush. >> you can do it on the day of the election and vote republican. >> here you have the united auto workers and teacher unions. it's not an accident that the obama forces are running anti-romney tv ads in michigan. they want to pile on him. you have the problem on tuesday. it could be 10,000, it could be 5,000 but if you've got .6% difference, if it's dead even. >> greta: and can't afford ads but obama administration running ads against romney. >> both santorum and romney are spending a lot on television in michigan. but both of them are shouting at a volume that is hard to ignore.
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>> greta: when the candidates were asking one word description someone would said confident and speaker gingrich said cheerful? >> it was honest. i thought was one of john king's weaker moments. what is your favorite color, greta. >> greta: this is a stupid question. so there must be something wrong with me. >> gingrich gave the best answer. i hate to say, courage, please, and resolute came close to it. cheerful reflects he had been cheerful all evening. not only that it gave everybody a chance to have a good thing. >> greta: and from the super pac is he still clear? >> it depends on two things. one does he break 10% in arizona and in michigan on tuesday and
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if so by how much. second question is we're going to march 6th in the territory he should do well. on march 6th, georgia with 76 delegates, tennessee with 58. then on the 13th, alabama with 50 and mississippi with 40. we have oklahoma on the 6th. question is, in the southern states, does he do well. he is getting close to the edge. he ran third in nevada. he has been out of gas essentially since south carolina he has to get in a more profound way. >> greta: he'll be here tomorrow night. thank you. >> straight ahead, unthinkable, hanging him because of his
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>> greta: 34-year-old christian pastor and father of two is set to be executed. they are going to hang him. why? he dared to convert to christianity and that is only the beginning. a war on christians is spreading throughout the muslim world. some are being forced from their homes and executed. reverend graham has seen it firsthand. sudarn's military recently bombed a bible school. reverend graham joins us next. before we talk about big picture i want to talk about this pastor
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in iran. he dared to become a christian? >> greta, according to court records that we can determine, he never was a muslim but his parents were muslim. he was christian. i think it was at age 19. what they have charged him is under islamic law, called sharia law, he has been charged with for converting to christianity. since he hadn't been a muslim they are going hang him because his parents were muslim. therefore, he has been sentenced to death because his parents were muslim but he was never a muslim. >> greta: if if he had banana muslim an converted, they say your conversion makes you eligible for execution. it's sort of the idea that a man or woman just decides to convert christianity from another religion from muslim and you get
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handled? >> there are millions of muslims that don't agree with this. they are wonderful people but they are under the system of sharia law. they demand if a person leaves islam they are to be killed. they reverse this, but if they don't denounce their faith, like this man was told to renounce his faith in jesus christ but he refused to do it. therefore they are going to hang him. this is the law sharia and it's a scary system. it governs all of life. it's economic, military. it governs everything. no western law is recognized. it's only sharia law. >> greta: nothing the united states can do for this pastor, we've got enough problems with iran. >> the president could call for
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something, he would make a statement. we apologized to the afghans because kor and was burned and was used to smug out messages out of prison. he apologized to afghans but why doesn't he speak out. he could use the power of the white house to call pastors together and have a prayer meeting but he hasn't done it. >> greta: we talk about this one case. newsweek covered it. what is happening to this man is not particularly unusual. it talks about the war on christians in newsweek and writer goes through many situations, especially sudan. >> we have people in the sudan right now, they are being bombed. it's almost every day.
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they are civilian targets. it's because many of them, faith in jesus christ but people are mixed between muslim and christian. they are black african. the north most part is arab and they are trying to kill the blacks. world is saying very little about this. we have a lot of friends. a few years ago muslims burned over a thousand churches in the south sudan. they are in the mountains and about 356 churches and they already they burned them again. >> you took me to a video from "new york times" website and it's breathtaking it's so horrible. >> i appreciate "new york times" sending a reporter to document this. >> greta: with south sudan, that
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convene leaders would go very far? >> the president bashir has told me on several cuba occasions. >> greta: he is one of bad guys. he is under indictment. >> he says america has to be engaged in this. in the south, the united states has to be engaged. jimmy carter, he took a big risk when he invited bagan and sadat to come to camp david. he did it. because both sides were weary of war, both sides wanted peace. think both sides want peace but if someone like our president, went to washington and sat down at camp david and hammered out a peace deal, this thing could be solved. >> greta: i urge people to read this because it talks about the
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groups around the world. reverend, nice to see you. >> coming up, if you don't like paying $50 million for fannie mae and freddie mac executives accused of scamming you you won't like this next one either. and it did just get worse. also the mexican government taking heat with gay marriage. stay tuned. ind the omega choices overwhelming. then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum. it's a smaller minigel. with two of the best omegas to support my heart, brain and eyes. new pronutrients from centrum. ♪ ♪ liquid gooooooooooooooooooooooooold ♪ ♪ liquid gooooooooooooooooooooooooold ♪
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>> greta: syrian government is killing its own citizens. journalists are trying to escape syrian city where government murdered two dozen citizens, two correspondents were murdered. including a reporter from london news year. she spent 30 years as a war reporter. she continued working after losing an eye to shrapnel wound. why did she risk her life covering wars? back in march of 2004, colonel oliver north interviewed her for war stories. she said she wanted to make a difference. >> i think, i'm not rambo going out to shoot the bad guys. it's not something i want to do,
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it's not something i would do well. what i do think, in journalism, you can to a place and say what is happening and it is wrong. i believe there is right and wrong in the world. i don't believe, say, for example, the american people or europe. i don't actually think people are that different. i think as a journalist. what i try to write, wait a minute, for example, we try to make someone feel like, wait a minute, this could be my brother could be my sister. wrong things are being done. >> greta: broadcast the night before her death, describes the
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attack on cold civilians as absolutely sickening. her mother was scheduled to leave there and stayed for one more story. fox news channel airs special tribute. war stories deadlines on the battlefield. it will be at 3:00 p.m. on saturday. >> update on the solyndra scandal. obama administration squandered $500 million on the belly-up company. now, the bankruptcy judge, she gets $370,000 in bonuses. so why are employees of a failed company and why are we paying for it? so, liz, why are they getting bonuses and why are we paying for it? >> the judge and creditor's committee, they needed to keep these people in order to continue the break-up of solyndra.
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the gravy train rolls on. usually big bonuses lead to reckless spending leads to the collapse of companies. you usually don't give out bonuses when a company has class had. we have seen this happen for example with aig and general motors. those companies saw bonuses given out to supposedly other things. you think they could find somebody to help break up solyndra. >> greta: i picked up a copy of the bankruptcy judge's order, because because i want to see exactly what it was. we want to keep these people. we can't do worse. i looked at what the judge wrote. the court having determined the relief sought bonuses in the motion is in best interests of debtors and creditors and how in the world can that be in the
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best interests? >> you have to wonder where is occupy wall street right now. where is ows, and the judge at the same time blasted solyndra for giving out bonuses to 7 employees after the company had filed bankruptcy, after it started laying off 1100 workers and was bleeding red ink. is this the way to go for solyndra? is this what needs to be done to basically break up the company and return any kind of assets to the creditors. >> greta: it's so easy to spend other people's money. last night you and i discussed the ridiculous $50 million in legal fees in the fannie and freddie situation. i'm still waiting to hear from congressman issa to demand the
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legal bills online. utter disregard to the money. nobody is paying attention and they just spend it. >> that's right. this is the same company that gave out big bonuses to ceos that took the fifth during congressional hearings. to take a twist what wall street jourlists called the solyndra rule, buffet rule, we should have a solyndra rule, not to give out bonuses to executives to failed companies. what was the performance criteria? this is a company that failed. this is a company that failed on the taxpayers' nickel. where is the criteria for giving out the bonus money. i didn't see in the documents that you took a look at too. >> greta: i think legal profession, i'm still waiting, law firm that negotiated the law
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firm, had an enormous bill that we paid for. i keep asking it from congress. we paid that legal bill. these unbelievable, phenomenal legal bills in the millions of dollars that we pay yet we can't see them. anyway -- >> gibson ku the cher got hundreds of thousands to help solyndra go into bankruptcy. you are right. when the clock tolls nobody is looking how the money is being spent. >> greta: i'm going to have a job doing legal bills for people. it will be a rude awakening. >> a judge grants a motion that is really granted. it happened in a murder trial. defendant accused of murdering his wife under water. and then we'll tell you what happened. then big news for john edwards and his former mistress.
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just $599. and save 50% on the final closeout of our innovative limited edition bed. only at the sleep number store. >> greta: john edwards former mistress gets big news about a sex tape. and ainsley earhardt is standing by with the headlines. >> reporter: military trying to figure out what caused one of marine corps's deadly accident. seven marines were killed when two choppers collided near the arizona border on wednesday. the skies were clear when it went down. it was fifth aviation accident since march. >> flurry maryland legalizing same-sex marriage. the governor is expected to sign it making the eighth state to allow gay marriage. they want the voter and getting the referendum on the ballot in
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november. voters are evenly split on this issue. i'm ainsley earhardt. check out thanks for watching. >> greta: case update. it is a stunner. alabama judges putting the man accused of drowning his wife on honeymoon. judge resumed that prosecutors failed to present enough evidence to send a case to jurors. judge ended the trial by acquitting gabe watson. tina watson died while scuba diving with her husband. they claimed that gabe watson cut off her oxygen supply. they wanted to cash in on life insurance. they argued that he they failed to show that he intentionally killed his we. he served 18 months in australia
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on a manslaughter charge. >> she wins the sex tape. that is what the judge tape. lia hunter mistress of john edwards. judge ordered she is to get the sex tape starring herself and john edwards. it was made while running for president. it had been snapped by young. she said he found out while he was helping hunter lied out from the media. one of the most bizarre twists of john edwards story, young claimed to be the baby's father. judge ordered the tape to be destroyed within 30 days. >> now to crackdown on illegal immigration in always. the new law is one of the toughest in the country. it requires schools to determine the immigration status of incoming students.
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law requires police to verify a person's immigration status during routine traffic stops or arrests. griff jenkins hit the ground in alabama to find out more. >> reporter: alabama's new immigration law that went into affect in september of last year have faced from the federal government and aclu and special interested groups. they are awaiting a hearing on march 1st with some of the provisions blocked so we came here to alabama, a city with a population of just over 20,000 with a hispanic community that is made up 30% to find out how the law is received and what impact on the community at large. >> we have had a great reduction in automobile accidents and impounded vehicle with unlicensed drivers. we had a dramatic increase in sales tax revenue collections for the first few months of the fiscal year. we've been up 11%.
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so we're up 10% in our sales tax. unemployment rate has dropped 9%. we have 200, 300 individual americans show up job fair, wanting those jobs that critics were saying they weren't going to take. lo and behold they are taking those jobs and fitting in with those jobs. that has been a positive impact on the community. >> the mayor -- we need a program for working. so many -- i don't know what is going on with the economy now. >> reporter: have you seen saying this law has broken up
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our hurt families? >> yes. it's very hard. >> you see it. you go inside, you see people there. you don't see many spanish people inside. >> when when you operate around a 5 percent vacancy factor, we budget 5%, 10% we can handle. normally we don't see that. over the last ten years of keeping track, that is what it has been. immediately over 3-month period of time, we are back to high 26.8% initially. having that many come in was tough. >> we have to think about families and impact. i think it certainly has a
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negative impact on some families i really can't speak to how well it's helped unemployment and i have to look at it from a different perspective. >> reporter: her and her family have lived here for 20 years. she says this new law is certainly had an impact on her? >> it's been very hard for the business owners. the sales have went down. a lot of people have left the town. i've lost some employees, too. they move and it's been really hard on us. >> when i'm sitting down with a family and leasing a place or renewing a lease, maybe the husband is legal and the wife is not or other way around.
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they have children who are 14, 15 years old who were born here. they talk to you about the fear they feel. they talk to you about not making a comment -- it reminds me of the '60s. it reminds me of racial hatred. i can't stand that. >> greta: straight ahead, governor romney, jason alexander you don't want to miss this battle. it is next. what makes sam adams boston lager great is as simple as abc. a, the appearance. amber. [ jim ] b, balance. sam adams has malt sweetness, hoppy bitterness. [ jim ] c, complexity. pine notes, grapefruit notes. only believe your own pallet. go taste them. try bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain.
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>> greta: heres the best of the rest. tonight, governor mitt romney taking heat from a new opponent. jason alexander is taking reference to seinfeld character, george cassandra, he mentioned during last night's debate. >> as george cassandra would say -- >> he says george never said that line. jerry seinfeld did and he is taking to twitter. governor romney i enjoyed the character he used to be, too.
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if he embraced he would be a great candidate. ouch! >> and man under arrest after cooking his own meal at denny's restaurant. he walked into a denny's and told the workers he was the new manager. he cooked himself a burger and fries. the current manager questioned summers about his new job but he said they didn't get the memo from the corporate headquarters. they called the police. he faces several charges. >> and the governor of taking heat. biggest critics is one of the hairdressers. it came when susanna martinez did not support gay marriage. he also left this voice message for the governor's assistant. >> antonio's hair studio, i think it was about two months
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ago she called to ask to get her hair done. i got wind of her ai posing gay marriage. you may pass this on and susan did a na if you want to listen it shame on you. i'm going to let all gay people know, stop serving you. stop providing you with what you need. thank you. >> greta: the governor seems to be too worried about her hair. she says she has several style zblists and collection of comic books $2.5 million. comics included some of the most prized issues, batman debut sold for $523,000 and superman's first issue, $299,000. who was the lucky guy? the man who found the stash in his aunt's basement. there you have it. the best of the rest. coming up last call, before we
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10:59 pm
>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights because it's time for last call g news is that there is less traffic. bad news... i'm going to let jay leno explain it here is an interesting decision. the federal government pointed today that in 2011 americans drove fewer miles on the road than the year 2003. people drove fewer miles last year than they to eight years ago. experts aren't sure why. i'll give you three reasons, exxon, chevron, texaco. those are the reasons. >> greta: that is your last call. make sure you join us tomorrow night. go to greta there is an open thread and tell us what you thought about tonight's show and if you want to
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