tv Forbes on FOX FOX News February 25, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST
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about the stock than the market knows. >> ooh. i think he put you down. >> i don't know. >> the sky. >> and here's david. that will do it. >> the governor calling buffet's bluff. >> if he wants to pay more taxes, let him. i am tired of the democrats trotting warren buffet out. they are insatiable about that. if you want to contribute write a check and contribute and tens of billions of dollars. you trust bark obama with that money. write the check and give it to him. he is telling the buffet to put up or shut up. >> i am david asbin . we'll go in focus with teave forbes and victoria and ruck and rich and elizabeth mcdonald. steve, what do you think of the governor's idea?
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>> he is right on this. this is the but foon rule. it would hurt capitol creation and upward mobility. in britain they raised the income tax rate to 50 percent and lost revenue and economy is doing poorer than expected. >> bill, is this the buffoon. >> what is terrible about the 50 percent tax rent. today for you and tomorrow for me. 50-50 it works and worked in the reagan first term and 1984, it was 50 percent and hit 80,000. >> and -- >> the roeconomy roared. >> bill was wrong. it was 70 percent and he reduced to 50 and then 28. >> there is a reason why. >> there say lot of people here, rich. what about a 40 percent tax increase on the top rate which is what bill is suggesting. >> oh, my, god, bill.
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your iq is three times the advocated taxerate. in the book of leviticous. there is a suggestion of double tithe. 20 percent. and thousands of years of human history. when you raise more than 20 percent. people take evasive action. cutax people at 50 percent and get warren buffet paying 17 percent. >> rick, hopefully without using the bible for tax advice, what do you think of this? >> you are in no danger. chris christy would do himself a favor with being careful with what goes in his mouth and out of his play. it does not work in politicings. we all know what warren buffet is saying and what the rule is intended to do. it is simply not fair in our country that employees end up paying more in taxes than employers and if you believe that lowering the tax rate will rate employment, then you
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know what, lower the corporate tax rate because that is who employs people. >> hold on a second. top one percent pay 40 percent of all of the federal income tax. >> top five percent. >> they are not getting away with murder as people suggest. >> top five percent pay 60 percent. if buffet wants to cut the deficit and create more prosperity for the people. create more people in that bracket. i am tired of buffet's unbearable rightness of being where he is going on a guilt trip for investing in insurance companies and wants everyone else to have their taxes raised. here is the issue. there is a buffet tax on health reform tax income and we don't want dc wasting buffet's money on solyndra and gm's and cash for clunkers. that's the issue.
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>> victoria, we have the baldwin tax increase. bill baldwin said 40 percent increase on the top rate up to 50 percent. what do you think of that? >> i am, i am disappointed, bill, really. we have more wealth recreation and want immigrants to build companies that employ other people. you will not have that with exorb bant tax rates. buffet is a fallacy. and comparing himself to a secretary. capitol gains, that money was taxed at the corporate level it is a double taxation. bill, i can't believe you want to increase. triple taxation somehow, is that ideal in >> let me tell you why the economy roared in six percent at 1984. government taking half of your money. those job creating entrepreneurs had to pay harder to pay for their yachts. >> you want to --
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>> hold on, steve and bill are sitting next to each other and i am literally going to have to restrain. >> i don't have to restrain bill, he is trying out for a circous at being today. what boomed the economy was reducing it from to 50 and the boom continued in the 1980s. and that is so-call would buffet and billionaires do. it is a difference between capitol gains and income. and if mr. buffet can't realize it. he ought to go back to economics 101. rick unger? >> i am sitting here feeling badly for the top four percent paying all of the taxings. we ought to compare how much they pay in taxes and how much of the nation's wealth is in their pocket. >> this is exactly the problem. >> can i --
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>> hold on, victoria. >> this is the logic problem that drives me crazy about this administration. the thing is, you work really hard in a profession and a lawyer and making over 250,000. good for you. you worked 20 years and worked your butt off and now you are punished. >> it really is. >> hold on. emac go ahead. >> victoria is spot on. it is morerality of success. i tell you something. the president's corporate tax cut will not help small businesses . they pay in the income tax rate. >> rich. you are at silicon valley. what would happen to all of those new inventions and new companies, the green printouts if we raise taxes 40 percent. >> well, you would get a lot of entrepreneurial energy but not as much of it. on the margin. entrepreneur in india and
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china and viet nam . the kind of people who come to silicon valley would look elsewhere. they are competing like crazy to get these kinds of people and we have to realize that we are in a global competition and that's why tax rates really matter today. >> bill? >> rich, how would you like to get rid of the alternative minimum tax. i am going to get rid of that when i have the new tax on rich people. i have a new way of defining rich people. >> you will never spend it >> robbing peter to pay paul. we need aggressive growth. don't we, steve? >> it is about the price of success and risk and risk taking success and productive work. you have less of it. and in the 1970s, we had a 45 percent capitol tax rate. hello? >> victoria, go ahead. >> by the way, buffet has spent his entire life.
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he buys and holds and doesn't sell . so the capitol gain tax wouldn't affect him. he would still be paying a lower way. >> they always find out ways to get it, gang. >> and fans come out in full force and that makes everyone excited it is awesome. >> it is awesome jeremy lin. neil cavuto will be live starting on fox. neal brings the latestt on the critical michigan and arizona primaries . back at 8:00 p.m. eastern india on fox network . covering for the whole day. >> don't think that americans want bigger government? cashin in group exposing a trend that should have americans worried. a bomb shell. a new report out suggesting that the white house use government grants to buy votes
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>> i am jamie colby live from america's news headquarters. president obama pledging to continue pressure on the syrian president as the regime attacks rebel neighborhoods. 22 people are dead in the last 24 hours. 60 nations asked the united nations to deploy a peace mission after the syrian regime halts the crack down. >> drivers prepare for more pain at the pump. gas prices rose to a nional average of 3.57, it is whopping 30 cents higher than last month.
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prices in california sky rocketed to 4.25 a gallon. i will be back. i am jamie colby. back to forbes on fox. have a great day. markings are not okay but grants in the white house are. for decades the president is landing out in hopes of winning their votes. according to a new report. these grants are spiking under the alabama administration and really big grants begin out just before cap and trade and just before dodd-frank and health care. you say it is time to ban it altogether. >> we have to find a way to flatten the pikes and make it more transparent before the three major pieces of
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legislation. and democrat get three or five million grants to their district. i know there is a tradition of this. but it is a bad tradition and when we are running deficits, it has to stop. >> it has spiked recently. rich talked about 3 mill before obama care. they got federal grants was 145 million and they went for obama care. >> it was all a coincidence. >> i whand rich is saying and there is no way to pressure the grants. the heritage foundation report was done by looking at when the grants happened and the legislation that was being passed. >> you don't think it is coincidence don't you, mike? >> no way to measure. only way to solve it, david, lower all overall government spending relative to the gdp.
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you will not be able to stop >> vict toria. >> mike, i don't think of you as a naive person. they are hardlyy coincidencal. come on. i hate to be naive here. shouldn't politicians vote on the big bims because they're the right thing for the country instead of voting on spending more of our money by taking more of our money to know convinced to spend more of our money. >> dennis. is it time to put an end to it once and for all officially? >> it is based on the idea when you ban something it works. you pointed all that obama banned earmarks and when i was 10 years old in fifth grade. i remember opening the history book. to the victor go the spoils and andrew jackson was one of the first guys to do this. >> and emac, what do you think? >> i opened the history books,
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too. and our founding fathers including thomas jefferson. said no way, no how should it go on. it is not for the white house to do this. and wasn't the stimulus one big grant. and a lot of that money by the way didn't go where unemployment is the biggest. a remote town got the airport and they got no money to create a better airport and create jobs. >> a lot of those jobs counted creative by the stimulus have gone away. steve, you are founding fathers of fosh bes on fox. >> they should do away with the grant and mike is right. reduce the size of government. the good things, voters are acting before congress does. ben nelson looked for new opportunitis and a lot of congress persons got defeated in 2010. >> guys, what about the idea that a president who wants to get things done ought to use
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the leverage. >> not with our money. >> no, no, no, no, no. that is thinking that the model t would be on the road. cash for clunkers and general motors and lousy bailouts and the white house gets to pick? >> the fact is, we are not supposed to use taxpayer money to get folks relected. congressman carny and they needed something. and they use it in the campaign. we brought all of the federal money coming in and that's how they got reelected. >> they get to say they did something. no, they shouldn't dennis. you are right. it is a game of whackemo. and we should keep trying to make the system better. >> you do it by reducing the size of government and the grants and pork do not help economic growth. west virginia got more percapita and lags behind in
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i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need. but i know that whatever i have that's what i'm going to live within. ♪ ♪ tax pay ares are footing the bill for frany and freddie legal fees . adding years to your life.
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freddie mac asking for help to cover former executives legal fees. this is not chump change. up to one million bucks. taxpayers should be on the for these. >> people responsible for running the company they should go after their money. unfortunately president obama likes to shift the blame on to taxpayers. he did it with fan yefred yedid it with general motors as well. it is wrong thing to do. steve what do you think? >> they will get back more than are you billion by liquidating and keeping the government out of the housing in the first place. and by the way, if they are convicted of a crime they should have to repay. >> be specific about what we are talk people like franklin reigns, he got 90 million in compensation, was accuse i
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believe maybe convicted and he overstated earnings and he fiddled with the books. >> this is agrengous accounting fraud that franklin and his chest hested and the government did to manipulate the stocks high yer bonuses higher. 115 million is what they walked. franklin got 90 million and since we, the government took them over $100 million spent by fan competent freddie and a third of it came after we took them over. fanny and freddie doesn't want to spend legal costs in court. and it is worth our while to cover their fees and even the bill. >> we got to move on. rick. the fact is, these people's legal fees. i don't want to cover legal
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fees like this. >> i don't like the fred yefanny fools anymore. but you have to honor contracts and unless they breached the contract. >> no, we don't. >> unless you show they breached it. what does bug me. there are people on this panel who defended paying the aig bonus. don't say no, we didn't. liz lizz you didn't. i was going to give you a shout out. you were tough on aig as. >> why shouldn't we pay the legal fees. i can't figure it out, do you? >> pay contractly obligated legal fees. look at what the president did with the gm bond holders. >> he violated the law. you know, the president. >> two wrongs don't make it right and get the government out of fred yefanny business
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and liquidate the government should be out of it. >> look at what happens when american airlines go bankrupt. share horaleds and people working there pay the price. that should happen to fanny and freddie. >> how is that relevant. >> you think they should be liquidated. >> canada has a higher rate and they never did the nonsense we can d. >> this is about protecting the taxpayer. >> that's the last word. plan on living to 100? it will cost you three and half million. and we'll have the stocks headed your way it a long life coming up next. without the stuff that we make here, you wouldn't be able to walk in your house and flip on your lights. [ brad ] at ge we build turbines that pothe world. they go into power plants which take some form of energy, harness it, and turn it into more efficient electricity. [ ron ] when i was a kid i wanted to work with my hands, that was my thing. i really enjoy building turbines.
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it's nice to know that what you're building is gonna do something for the world. when people think of ge, they typically don't think about beer. a lot of people may not realize that the power needed to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪
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sweet dividend. >> elizabeth likes western gas partners. >> this is a play on the shell formation and this is also a nice dividend as well >> shell is the stuff in which we get natural gas. dennis, you like it. >> 26 times earnings and we are in the gas glut . 16 times lest. you can have one of the best brands. disney. and isn't it expensive. >> 15 half time earnings. >> disney in the movie business and in the long run. they die broke. >> emac you like it. >> i like walt disney because of content that. is the wave of the future. they are sick and tired of cable companies and walt disney delivers it. >> one final overall. is the market over valued right now. >> assets . cheapest in the world. >> not, not over valued. >> not overvalued as bonds.
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