tv Red Eye FOX News March 3, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EST
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welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld or as i am known by the transit police, the port authority peeper. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> shake it like a polaroid picture. he perfectly illustrates his position on something about a goldfish and a creepy little girl. that's all i know. and a p re fab home furnished by ikea? the shocking story this is not the least bit shocking. and finally should parents be able to access their kids' text messages? some say yes, but others don't have kids. >> thanks, andy. >> you bet. >> no witty banter? >> i don't feel like it. >> i don't feel like it. go away. that was easy. let's welcome our guests.
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as the world's hottest lawyer she always gets her clients off. i am here with remi spencer. he is so bright that the north star uses him to get its bearings. it is gavin mcguiness. his book how to [bleep] in public comes out march 20th and i urge you to buy it. and my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and sitting next to me is the legend dairy jeff baxter, the former member of steely dan and the doobie brothers and serving as a missal defense consultant. and he is back despite nobody's demand. it is our new york times correspondent, good to see you, pinch. >> in the sunday times, the metropolitan section profiled the keen steak house and now defunct long stemmed pipe club where since 1885 the members would pop by and ask for the carefully stored clay and then puff away. it reminds me of a den i used to frequent around the same time. gentlemen would come for the
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eastern opiate and stay for full frontal massages. admittedly more had to work with massage wise than i did. sad face. >> have you one face. >> and it is sad. >> it is sad. >> actually it is horizontal. >> horizontal face. >> there you go. before we go to our first story i want to go to gavin. i notice you have a shirt that says the word "so" on it. why don't you tell me the history of the shirt. >> it was a shirt i made a few hours ago. it was a word that andrew breitbart told me actually on this show. we were talking about the gop debate, and we were talking about donald trump sponsoring it and we were scoffing at the idea and laughing and snickering saying it is a rich guy show boating. andrew goes, so? he is an entrepreneur who made tons of money. he should sponsor a debate. they will get a fairer debate
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han they did on msnbc. he said it in other arguments we would be in. we had another one -- i was talking about the coke brothers and how the libertarians are funded by them. instead of getting into all of that he says, so? and then another argument him and i were attacking a woman and she was talking about scott walker and a thug buster and they are all crazy there, and i said he created more jobs in one month than the entire country. in fact, twice as much in june. he created 12,000 be joes. she goes, yes, but they were tourism are jobs and he goes again, so. you get so caught up in defending the allegations that you can't move forward. he just goes, so and he deals with it right then. my last example, i only have 32.
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my old man was with the school board and they were hiring the muslim. both of his sons were there and the scottish people like to argue. the woman said the comments can't be construed as anti-islamic. he started defending them and saying why they weren't. i said you need the breitbart word, so? i don't care how my words are interpreted by you. that's not my problem. >> also remember, you can't sell sorrows without so. >> i like that. >> are you selling those shirts? >> i thought about it. >> any minute now. >> it would seem unethical, but breitbart would be mad if you were not making a profit. >> so give it to his family. >> if you make so? shirts -- i think it is a great idea. >> should we put it in quotes and then have andrew breitbart below it. >> so, and then a photo of his face there. >> that might be too -- well maybe that would work.
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>> i think there is a mystery about this that makes somebody have to ask, and then as soon as you ask the question it opens the dialogue and as soon as it opens the dialogue it makes him immortal. >> an aesthetic option, holes right here for your nipples. >> you can see them sticking out because it is cold in here. >> he did do that on the set. he tweaked his nipples after a may doff joke. i think it is a good idea. >> let's get on it. he is ripping the white house with an ad. herman cane and his super pack are back releasing an awesomely bizarre on-line video that is via a floundering fish. >> this is the economy. this is economy on the spending list. any questions?
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any questions? >> well that is something you don't see every day unless you are high, like remi. some animal rights advocates expressed concern that the video looks inhumane. a spokesman for team cane says, quote, as the first line of the video description says, the goldfish is fine. and then when he asked if the fish suffered he responded, if it was harmed, it didn't complain. that's pretty funny. i mean, it was cruel. they released another ad assailing obama's handling of the housing crisis.
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>> if you -- if the goat is rising unemployment and it goes up, and then you think it goes down, and then it goes back up again. i think it is actually genius. what do you make of cane's latest attempt at i don't know what you would call that. >> is the fish eligible for obama care? >> can he get treated and go to rehab and all of that? no. now that we don't have a roman coliseum we can just humiliate them. by the way, did you ever see a show called qean for a day? queen for a day? they take some poor lady in the applause meter. that's what this is. everybody is just following the line of it. it is crazier and wakier. somebody hopefully some day will hopefully say something. it is brilliant as opposed to fish flopping around.
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>> remi, i am guessing the ad was fantastic. i know you hate fish. i know you wish they would suffer a slow and painful death. >> as always, greg, you get it exactly right. it is certainly shock value. we are talking about it on your show, on fox newschannel. >> thanks for the plug. >> this was spooky on so many levels. the girl -- the voice didn't imagine her age, didn't match her look. why are we lowering -- why is he lowering the discourse, the level of discourse? why aren't we raising the intelligence level and having a meaningful discussion? >> i thought that raised the discourse. that was the most bizarre blue velvet-like ad. i mean, he is channeling david lynch instead of the typical political commercial you see. gavin, you make -- you are quite successful creating ads. how would you rank this ad in achieving its goals. >> i would rank this on a
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scale of 1 to 10 i would rank it as a turd. >> you have to think through analogies. is there water nearby because according to this it is one of the worst only screes i have ever seen. there is no water nearby and we are all going to die anyway. if i am a fish and they pour out my water and i am miles from a puddle, yes, throw some water on me as i die. make me feel better. >> he should have had it next to a huge river or something and said why are we splashing when we can't get this fish back in the river and moving again? no he starts with the analogy and then goes, wrap it you will. >> doesn't the ad make you miss the unpredict built of the herman cane campaign. you never knew what was going to happen. remember the smoking ad? >> if the fish was smoking maybe while wearing a tar-stained mustache and it comes out of his gills in slow motion, i would have enjoyed
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that. >> you can't drive. de stroit might argue with -- detroit might argue with her. they knew what they were doing in one sense. 24r* is no way in hell from the beginning stages to when they actually filmed this turd that peta would get involved. >> the real outrage is they ripped off "faith no more" the reality piece. >> i am convinced they killed that fish. >> it does prove that little children in any venue are creepy, especially if they are singing or staring at you. >> like the dakota fanning moment. i am waiting for the three-legged monster. instead of blood are they going to throw old aquarium water on us? what do we expect? >> i don't know. it is far less damaging than the chevy volt. is that the chevy? yes. like i care. i am never going to drive one. will i? >> are you wealthy enough.
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you probably make enough money. >> when i am done with "red eye" i will buy one in five years. from fish to flush. does working for the fed make you want to get out of bed? according to new research, the happiest workers work for the government. it is true. something called career looked at 40,000 employee reviews to determine which industries have the most and least ecstatic employees. the government workers are happy because, quote, they get paid piles of money to do essentially nothing. it is the greatest scam ever. he didn't say that. they feel they are giving something back to their country. other happy workers include those in education, communications and construction while the least happy are those in agriculture and its cousin, media. i bet you are wondering what does kiko the rollover dog think of this? >> roll over kiko. roll over. roll over.
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roll over. roll over. come on, kiko. roll over. roll over. >> i think we are running scarily low on our animal videos when that made the cut. i don't want to rag on our producers, but maybe i should have looked at it. i don't have time. i am doing another show called "the five." it is a good show. >> you want us to leave now? >> well, i am just doing this for the time being of the kidding. gavin, are you surprised that the civil servants are so smilely? >> i thought the data said that hard work generates happiness and accomplishing things, but apparently not. i don't know. i could never live their life. i like making stuff and at the end of the day say, there is that thing. they can go two months and then they can complain how oppressed they are. teachers can go to city hall
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in madison and go this is class warfare. you are murdering us. we are just trying to help your children. two months of water skiing and and -- >> i would die of bore dom, wouldn't you? >> i would develop a worse drug habit than i already have. remi what makes you happy? you keep murderers and rapists out of jail. you are smiling now thinking about it right now. you are daydreaming about that mass murderer you cut loose. >> you make me smile. i think this study is not surprising to me at all. i used to be a government employee when i was an assistant prosecutor in new jersey. i think i can say this with some level of experience. it is a great gig if you can get it. you may not make millions of dollars. you may not be the next donald trump, but you have a comfortable lifestyle. >> i want to get to that in a
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bit. that's where it has been corrupt. civil serve vent -- servant jobs were supposed to be low risk. you have stability and therefore you have a low wage. you are comfortable with the low wage. but now we have combined stability with a high wage. that's not supposed to happen. that's why we have a bloated government and pensions we can't afford. >> they also started living so much longer. the pensions that were not unrbl cash dash unreasonable four years ago are insane. >> what is your job? >> let's not talk about it now. let's move to something else. the caci at has to be i work with great people in government. they put their butt on the line. >> you are in the cool part of the government. you are in the i kill people part. >> are you talkin to me? let's just say i work with patriotic people.
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i will tell a story i walked into a major metropolitan police department and awflt phones were ringing at the desk and the people sat there and ouch whatted the phones and then they looked at me like i was aned yet. so i answered the phone. i said it was for you and she got ugly. she said how dare you? i said i work here. his point sinting. the wholen entitlement thing is dangerous. the administration and some of our presence before looked at it as a social experiment as opposed to a military. let's bulk everybody up and create -- for one of a better word a welfare deal. then without incentives, fog there is no reason to do any work. i can understand that. it is unfair to say everybody is lazy when they get that that situation. unless you stimulate somebody
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with something, of course they are going to be like human beings do. that's what they do, nothing. >> i wish i was there for this conversation. >> isn't it bad for morale. i thought all of the studies said you need to have something under your belt at the end of the day to be happy. wouldn't they be miserable? >> most of the people in government i know frankly don't do it for the money. navy seals. >> we over look that part of the government. we are talking about you, teachers. i am talking civil servants. >> public unions. >> they can have what ever they want. they risk their lives for us. >> it is an pornts distinction. it is an important distinction. they don't do it to become rich, but they do it for the stability. i am not disagrees with you. the problem is these civil
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servants are taking pensions and double dipping into the peptions. some are coming into it late into their career and paying into it and collecting on it for the next 30 years. that's the biggest problem. >> it is unfair to create a scam and not expect people to -- >> take advantage of it of the. >> i go back to what you said before and people who make a lot of money in society say it is based on taking a risk. for high risk comes high risk of failure and high risk of success, money. you can make a lot of money. that's the deal you make. everybody wanted the government job because there is no risk you took the low wage. once that is changed it is not fair. the problem is you -- >> the problem is you are talking about the few that are civil obedience jobs. it should get paid low, but
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the vast majority of government jobs are a complete waste of time. the fact that people have so much faith in these bafoons drives me insane. >> so. >> nicely done. "red eye" is a part-time job. you make most of your money dancing for wealthy old men. is that fulfilling? >> call me, otto. you still owe me a check. my aunt talk french at chaumberg high school. she created a risk when she went into the room with the -- she didn't teachers and it to me. i saw the future and went to esperanzo, jerk. and she didn't make a lot of money as she explained to me on her yacht where she was enjoying a pearl nent vacation thanks to tenure. does murdering a family of five mean life in prison? we will discuss recommend knee spencer's nuss book.
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all right. if their kids aren't grown should parents spy their phone? onerizona lawmaker, is there any other kind, wants to make it easier for parents to peek at text messages. rich crandall, if that's his real name, is proposing a state law that would force cell phone companies to let mom and dad access minor children texts. if they ask, the minor children, hmm. under current law parents need a court order to do so. the state senator says in today's world that is not good enough. >> you know what, it is so critical as a parent you know what is going on. i got a letter from a mother
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in virginia talking about her daughter being bullied when she was 12, and she was so afraid to come to her and it took two months before she did. when the mother was able to figure out what was going on, it was very critical. >> i apologize for that bullying. opponents of the bill disagrees. they say the legislation was unnecessary ssments. as another senator says, why don't you take a flashlight and go in the closet and read the text. >> maybe we will. everything i know about children and parenting i learned from this video. >> i guess if you do it really fast it looks like some kind of martial arts, but all he is doing it this. it is like the world's worst
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slap fight. remi, you often claim to be an attorney. does this senator have a point1234 i think he does. >> i don't know which is which. bullying is a problem. certain text messages with miewners is a problem. this law is absolutely unnecessary. we don't need a law to say parents can get copies of text messages. we need better contracts. when you buy a phone plan and you let your children use the phone, but the parent is the person paying for it, there should be a waiver. there should be a disclaimer where basically the parents are getting the rights to read the text message. >> if the kids are paying, they should be reading it. i find it hard to believe you have to get a court order. the kid can go and get an abortion at whatever age -- >> 10. >> remi just looked at me with the sickest look. >> that's thought quite the same. >> you know what, i like making it the same whether it is right or not. >> we are talking about a cell phone bill.
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>> i am saying it is harder to get into the text than a kid going to get something done. >> how do you do that? how do you get a court order? do you have to get a lawyer? >> the point is you have to subpoena the record from the cell phone carrier of that is usually done and verizon or at at at&t will return them. there should be a disclaimer in the contract. you know when you falter and you go back to aa and just before you get off the wagon you are told to call your sponsor. you say, i want another shot. they say, think it through. if you start doing shots you will get cocaine, a hotel room and you will come out unemployed. we need sponsors for politicians. what if rt girl is being bullied and the parents don't know and the bully hurts her? >> think it through. you can't legislate that. that's insane.
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you are getting into milton freedman's child life de dependence. you can't make a la jolla -- you can't make it. >> if he said, think it through. and then you get a bunch of cocaine and go to the hotel room and the service goes out. >> i hate this. now that we managed to piss our kids off more, let's real yen alienate the kids. let's teachers and them to spy on each other. this is disgusting. i'm sorry. you think i like this, right? >> i thought you would were like me. i don't see kids -- i don't think children have -- they aren den toured service. enindentured. this is a croc of crap.
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have i a friend whose daughter was beat up in school. another girl got on her and beat the crap out of her. if she would have fought back she would have been arrested by the school. all of this stuff about oh gee we were worried about it, well then do something about did. -- about it. the feel good crap is embarrassing. we abandon our children when they need us most. sorry, honey. do down to class and have little judy beat the crap out of you again tomorrow. this is feel good crap. >> it is field good. i agree with you. itit is a politician trying to pander and they say, look, this is about the kids. >> i am not a parent obviously. >> thank goodness. >> that was unnecessary. aboutbut -- >> well you don't get it. the way it washings is you
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have to establish trust with your thield. with your child. they vus you and they have to say, he is going to kick my [bleep. >> you give them the opportunity to take responsibility. >> the scenario where this daughter has threatening texts and you are this dad and you are sitting right there. instead of looking there you say can we get a subpoena to get the phone. >> don't we have subpoenas in the kitchen? >> it is all right. >> bill, do you agree with me? me or them? >> it is stupid. it is not just about threats. they wanted to find out if they are sexing someone. even if you have the court order they will come up with something new that you don't understand or increasingly come plaw complicated acro
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anymores. i am trying to figure out lm fao. kids have gotten along from the finishing of time without them. they will be fine with that one too. >> a good poin from our repulsive sidekick. e ill us. call 212-462-5050. the half time report from tv's an disee levey. >> tonight's half time report 1* sponsored by human mattress dominoes. the activity involving a significant length of time or difference. thanks, human mattress dominoes.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. hi, andy. >> how are you? >> great, thanks for asking. >> before we get into that, you were saying a story about breitbart and you said we were attacking a woman. let's clarify you were arguing with a woman. >> poor choice of word on my part. it felt like attacking because you are used to going, calm down. >> excellent. >> can we roll the herman cane ad again? >> this is the economy.
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this is the economy on stimulus. any questions? any questions! >> i just wanted to play it again so it was fresh in people's minds, and because of herman cane standing on the cliff. >> and wearing a sweater vest. >> you mentioned a spokesperson says, quote, if it was harmed it didn't complain? >> yes. >> should just say the atlantic wire points out a 2009 study shows fish do consciously feel pain. >> really? >> i don't know how they know that. i would think flopping around on dry land and gasping for your life would be construed
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as plane. >> a few people in a hotel room. >> and usually do with them in water. it is like the reverse. it is a reverse gutfeld. >> the old mud shark. >> gavin you said you have to think through analogies. i agree. if i understand this ad right, if the fish out of water gasping for air, that's the economy? >> yes, there is no water there. according to the analogy there is nothing we can do, and we are all december -- deaf naysly -- definitely going to die. >> if they threw a little water on it and did nothing, isn't he saying the stimulus should have been bigger? >> he is saying it should have been twice as much and slightly more contained area. so the whole anti-stimulus is pro stimulus? >> call your sponsor and think it through. >> the shadow of cupid. >> i am going to call my sponsor. >> it could be that he was saying the stimulus just doesn't help.
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that's what he was saying. >> he walked through the analogy and got through the front door, what, what, what, let's shoot it. >> that's what he meant to say. he said the stimulus is a drop in the bucket. >> then he would be on the same side as the progressives. >> exactly. >> he is obviously an idiot. >> remi, i think you said the girl's voice didn't match her face or something like that? >> age of the -- age. but she looks like she is 10 years old and had the voice of a three-year-old. i'm not sure why he pit a child in this ad anyway. is she trustworthy? she is a child and she gets it, but all of those crazy liberals don't get it. i don't understand the point of a kid voice. little kids in horror movies are the scariest part. >> how come no one on this show no one has kids.
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is there spermacide on these chairs. >> does that mean they are teaching a course somewhere. >> you know that is true. >> it has been shown that prolonged exposure can lead to sterile eye jags. sterilization. >> you are the anti-stimulus bill. >> greg, i can't believe this. this is an old rip off and you said it was falling to pieces. >> absolutely. >> i am wrong. >> you are a fake, fake no more fan. >> and shame on you, skunk, for claiming to be a legendary musician and not clearing it. >> i did that? >> yes. >> that's his line. >> no, that's your line. look at the other camera.
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>> i guess i am a legendary musician. i like being a legendary musician. the checks say that. >> andy, legend dairy musicians know better than to correct the emcee. i think. >> where is greg's book? where is it when i need it? >> government workers workers are happiest in their jobs. you were surprised because hard work made people happy. there are government workers and they are not the ones that the general population deals with on a day-to-day basis. >> yes i would agree. there is a great book called plunder, but i would say off the dome 5% of government workers are come at the present time human beings. 95% are parasites who should be ashamed of themselves. the work they do they don't
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seem happy. >> why are you in the service industry if you hate people? >> they are there for attention. >> the mail never stops. >> go back and you say it is there for the pension. that's where the equation got screwed up. it is never about the money. it is about the ability. >> isn't mention the idea of security. your plairnts would say, get a government job. that's because remi is right. you have the pension. as the salaries have gotten bigger the pensions have gotten bigger. join if it was gavin that .ed out so these pingses are count count -- these pensions are out of control. >> are you saying we should kill everybody in. >> yes. >> you make me sick, both of you do. >> when you say the people you work with are hard working and he said you work a great job and get to kill -- great job.
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>> i won't tell them what you did in a former life. but as you know the last thing you want to do is kill somebody. the idea is to protect your country and your children. i am talking about people ready to lay down their life. killing happens. not my favorite thing. people who are willing to die for their country for very little money -- i mean i have got to tell you i have friends of mine getting out of the social forces because after the seals trial they say "i don't want to go to trial for defending my country." and they are not doing it for the money or the pension. they are getting out because they can't serve anymore. that's the reason they did it. not for the money. >> i love you, andy. >> wow, i don't even get to talk about the cell phone bill because i have to go. >> can i say one thing quickly? >> when i was talking with governor scott walker it was
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june 2011 he created twice as many jobs as the government. >> that was driving you craidzy. >> and i said pour instead of poured. let's get out of this quad box. coming up, a segment so amazing i may give it a back rub later at my place. first, seafood, must be a segment about all things disgusting.
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why is the repulsive always compulsive? well a new book del ofs into -- delves into all things disgusting. it is called "that's disgusting, the story of bill schulz's life" just kidding. unraveling the mystery of repullion. it questions many things like why do sources of disgust vary in people of society. where does disgust come from? and why does bill schulz exist? we are pleased to have the
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author rachel herz. may i call you rachel? >> yes. >> you actually walked out of a movie which what was -- >> "eraser head." >> what made you angry. >> the baby on the radiator, that was it for me. i had to leave at that point. >> babies in movies trans spawning -- trans spawning with the baby on the ceiling. >> i i -- i just don't like kids. your forte is repullion. what is the most repulsive thing in the world? >> well, actually that really varies depending on who you are and where you are. culture makes a huge difference. >> so for americans what is repulsive? >> we don't like poop. >> speak for rs yo. speak for yourself. >> bodily fluids are on the disgusting scale.
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>> we don't like death. we don't like weird sex. some of us do, so i have heard. >> that's actually a secret. >> gavin, why do you always have to -- go away from gavin. >> that's disgusting. >> yes, that's disgusting. >> so the thing you just mentioned are things i would assume are generally repulsive in other cultures. that scares people and fecal matter would. is it just the united states? >> no, there are a lot of things that are common, but the degree to which we are influenced by them is culturally dictated. buddhist monks will meditate over a decomposing corpse to be accepting in the cycle of life. we would have a problem with that. >> you know what drives me nuts? people who clip their nails or toe nails in the office, andy levy. why does clipping nails bother
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people? >> that's an excellent question. it has to do with the animalistic, anti-code of civilization. we are like pigs and cockroaches and get squished and died. >> squishing noises. you know what repulses me, a dead animal when you have to move a dead animal. the dead animal doesn't bother me, it is feeling the weight. why is that? >> it is dead weight and making you think of the death thing again. death is the core of the disgust and comes in different ways. >> this is the most important part of your book. people at home know i don'ty sea fish -- see fish. >> he eats land fish. >> i eat no fish. i often have said because the ocean is a giant toilet and seafood to me is nothing more than glorified insects. your book basically says i am
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correct. >> well, wc fields says i don't drink the water because of the disgusting things fish do in it. shellfish in particular are crews stations of the sea which are the same thing as insects on the land. it is true they are insects, but depending on how you think of it, and it is about the meaning we apply it could be delicious, a delicacy and disgusting. >>- q. i and size. we is sh -- >> and size. we see a cockroach and it is this big, but it is a lobster. it is the same ugly thing. >> but cockroaches are delicious. >> we may be eating cockroaches sometime soon. buggy food is sheik. jay here is a disgusting question. how come flatulence is not offensive to yourself if it is yours? >> one of the aspects of the body fluids aspects of disgust
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disgust -- if it is in me, it is okay. what i am trying to do is protect the outside from getting into me. if it comes from me it is always always -- it is already safe. your fart that comes from you and god knows what you have been doing and what that signifies, that is disgusting. >> we have to go to a break and then we have less than a minute here. rachel, stick around. we have a few more minutes with you. time to take a break. stick around, more disgusting things to talk about.
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welcome back. we are back with the author of the book that's disgusting. you have to read this book. i want to ask you what repulses women the most when it comes to a guy? what turns them off? >> how he smells. if he smells bad it is a game stopper and that's it. it is not a qi of being dirty -- it is not a question of being dirty. if you smell wrong it is over. >> what if you like bad smells? are there people that like bad smells ? >> there is no such thick as a bad smell if you ask me. and it depends on how you interpret it. if you say that's my fart, for example then it is a good thing or a skunk. >> why is it the skunk smell
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smells like sugar smacks. when i smell a skunk it reminds me of breakfast. >> it is a combination of chocolate and garlic. >> it is how you first connects to the experiences and what you thought of it. who was around and telling you it was tabooed or bad. good or bad. >> why do boys like to look at repulsive things? when the web first started i would go to and look at the worst possible things. i couldn't believe i looked at it. i was still looking at it, and i liked looking at gross stuff. why do they need the novelty? >> there is a perverse pleasure in disgust. we are drawn to it and then we don't want to look at it. we are fascinated by it. boys have a lower sensitivity to disgust than girls. >> when there is a spider in my shower you have to see me
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well, we will see you back here on monday, 5:00 p.m. eastern time "the five." no bill schulz. yea. no, just kidding. andy levy now with the post game wrap up. >> i hear are you doing a gig in new york city in. >> you must have got my e mail, monday night and you are on the guest list. >> excellent. >> it will be fun.
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>> gavin, your comedy book tour kicks off soon? >> yes. it starts in new york. and then it is up to boston and montreal and toronto, albany. check my website how to [bleep] in >> did you say you are going to the middle east? >> well that's the name of the bar. i would never go to the middle east in a billion years. >> remi, doing the willis report next week? >> that's correct. thank you for asking. it is next friday i will be live on fox business network. >> you don't have to thank me. it is my job. >> it is still very nice. >> i guess it is polite to thank me. >> well, you are being sweet tonight. thank you. >> bill, any big weekend plans? >> yes, i am going to philadelphia and going to my mecca that makes old baseball jerseys. i will spend more there than i would on crack, but i am also going to smoke crack. >> thank you, andy. remy, bill schulz, that does it
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