tv The Five FOX News March 6, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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>> eric: i'm eric bolling with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, dana perino and andrea tantaros. it's one, two, three, four and 5:0:00 on soup you are tuesday. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ ladies and gentlemen, president obama and his allies in the press trying to pull a fast one on you. you heard all about the so-called contraception controversy. well, there is no such thing. tonight we will connect the dots for you. listen carefully to the question from president obama press conference today and i'll explain. >> house democrats said republicans in a similar issue are engaged in a war on women. some top republicans say it's more like democrats are engaged in a war for the vote. >> eric: it's neither. this whole situation is really about president obama entitlement society and the
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war on freedom of religious in the united states of america. his vote soldier, sandra fluke, a contraception activist is at the center of the storm. bill o'reilly and bernie goldwyn discussed this last night. >> she is smart enough to get in georgetown law. she is smart enough to get in that school and a bunch of other schools, yet she thinks a catholic university which she consciously decided to attend should change its values to suit her. >> she knew that georgetown's insurance policy that covers students did not include contraception, when she agreed to go to the school. >> it should be more of a discussion about that. my only problem is with the content of what she said. she is a poster person for the entitlement society. >> eric: follow me here. president obama on the ropes with the economy and women
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voters getting mrs. fluke to create a controversy and the liberal mainstream media puppets play along as scrip scripted. >> bob: the fact they could pull that all together is an amazing thing. you think there was an extra shooter in dallas. >> eric: no, but i think she was -- >> bob: first, we have bernie goldberg on here, who is the poster child for unentitlement. he doesn't believe in my entitlement, number one. number two, the idea she was set up to do this by the white house is ridiculous. number three, if you say the president of the united states is at war against religion is one of the most outrageous and unsubstantiated comments i heard from you since the beginning of the show. >> eric: i said it was an entitlement war and war on freedom. did i say both? >> andrea: you said the administration has no role in
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picking her as a witness you know how it works. you pick witnesses for strategic reasons. from a tactical standpoint, why pick her? why not pick a woman who works at the university who can't afford to have a baby? or a woman who shouldn't get pregnant for health reasons? why pick someone supremely radical and part of the fringe gender mania, sex of the university class to testify? to me it doesn't make sense if that is the person that you pick. >> eric: dana, it changes the dialogue a little bit. it keeps the emphasis off the economy, gas prices. >> dana: i think going back to january 20, when president obama signed the executive order on the conference clause and called cardinal dolan and said sorry, i know that we had, you thought i was going to go a different way on this. i changed my mind. i think they did that on a
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friday and by monday it would do away. the planned parenthood thing happened the next week. then you have this. then this is like whoa, like throwing a lit cigarette out the window in wh wyoming in dry season and realize i started a bush fire. now they don't know how to get control of it. conservatives it takes a while to get their argument match up with their mouth. but today, they're realizing, wait a second. why should it be free? why can't she pay? why should the university be forced -- it caught up with them and they don't have enough water to put the fire out. >> kimberly: this was purposeful and specific. she has dies and she said go on media matters. she is directing people to their site because she is engaging in propaganda. this isn't about women's health issues. this is about trying to put pressure and put republicans in a position of being labeled as anti-women, unfriendly to
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women, unfriendly to women's health issues. directly against them. >> bob: so you think somebody from the white house clandestinely recruited her to do this? >> andrea: someone from the committee did. >> bob: i wish they were that good. >> andrea: you go through your witnesses carefully. >> bob: here is where your political analysis is way off. this is driving women to obama in truckloads. if they did this to get that to happen, more power to them. >> kimberly: it wasn't an accident. >> dana: i don't know about that. >> eric: should we and should the con seventives refrain -- conservatives refrain the argument and should we talk about this, whether or not this was a plan?
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whether san dr. fluke tells us to go to media matters and point out maybe it is concerted effort between the left and the white house? >> dana: i don't think they knew what they were doing or what they were getting into. now they embraced it. they had the president call her. then the situation with the radio talk show host and then bill maher last night. it goes op and on. this is what i don't understand about the white house. why announce yesterday you will have a press conference today, super tuesday, when they could have left well enough alone and let him have his great day on monday with netanyahu to patch things up. today, he gets in the bill maher mess not saying he would return that donation. now everybody is questioning the netanyahu comments from yesterday. his comments to netanyahu. instead of taking the opportunity to look presidential you look like the numbenumbskulls.
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>> bob: he took your advice yesterday with netanyahu. >> dana: i know but then he uned it today. >> bob: the idea they put the press conference together today to ruin super tuesday for the republicans is about as lame brain analysis as i can think of. it was lame brain. >> andrea: we debate this and we admit if it were us, we would have done the same thing. >> bob: the conversation on israel, sure. this is a big thing to talk about. to get out there and have it embroiled in what's his name. >> eric: wait. wait. there were two obligatory questions on israel off the top and they went in the issue. they framed it right into -- >> kimberly: trying to capitalize on it. this is an election season. he wants to have the talking point on super tuesday. >> bob: first, a lot of people were not going to lead the polls and come back and listen to the press conference i assume.
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secondly, i don't see what he said that will overtake the headlines from the republican. >> dana: that is the point. >> kimberly: background noise. >> dana: they announce another housing program for speculators in the housing market. i thought we didn't like speculators. the other thing is if they thought that wouldn't encourage people to get out there and vote today, if you are a republican, that a reminder, i better get out -- ja >> they talked about military families. who is going to come out against what he is talking about today. at a press conference, i'm the president. i don't like cancer. >> eric: let's be fair. obama started his first press conference of the year with a redistribution of your wealth. then get in who -- was it smart of obama to bring in his wife. he talked about michelle in one of the questions and he talked about maliha and sasha. is that smart move on his part? >> kimberly: calculated
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move. tough to find criticism. you don't want to be against the first lady or against the children. tries to show the family man hecht loves his wife. he has two daughters and he cares about women's issue. >> bob: he is a great dad. have you seen children with less publicity than these two have? better protected. first lady, her popularity is higher than anyone in washington. >> eric: how did they get mixed in this? here is my question. >> bob: this is the bully pulpit. whether they use it correctly is the question. you do what is necessary in election year to disrupt the opposition. >> kimberly: that's what we said. you agree with what they're doing. >> bob: i think today he spoke from the heart and mentioned his daughters. faze i don't think it was call -- >> dana: i don't think it's
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calculated. >> eric: is the phone call? >> dana: absolutely. if any -- i can't manual going in the president's office and saying excuse me, sir, i have a great idea. i think you could call this woman. and him saying that is a great idea. i'm going to do it. i think the commander in chief should have said do you think that's what the commander-in-chief should be doing today? they took away their best talking point. >> andrea: they're nervous so they're playing politics in the republican primary. we saw it with the biden in the "des moines register" who tried to step on the michigan story. they are nervous. let me finish. it's the war on women. to go back to the fluke character, when you look at who she really is and what her message is, a lot of people look at her going you don't like her, you should have went to yale, you should have went to another school. think about what she is saying. government, stay out of my life. liberals always make this argument. once i get pregnant. then it's my body.
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before then, before it starts to cost me money, you know. >> dana: she chose. >> bob: i don't get it all out there. the country -- nobody is trying to dice this thing like this. out there, it comes to women, democrats won this battle hand down. >> andrea: it wasn't even her own testimony. look at the transcript. she is talking about her bff ovaries, not her own. why aren't they up there? >> bob: stay on values and women and we'll love you to november 2. >> eric: the thought that kept coming to my mind talking about the daughters, pick up the phone to make sure that they don't encounter this. where is the phone call to the returning, the veterans and families of veterans -- >> bob: wait a minute, eric. >> eric: where is the phone call to border agent brian terry's family who was shot possibly because of some failing policy -- >> bob: that is worse. this guy spends time like george bush did, people who
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lost soldiers in battle with the families. >> kimberly: he doesn't do it quietly. >> eric: coming up, dick morris says there is no way obama will win re-election. what if he does? what would a second term look like? my guess it would be ugly. coyote ugly. that's next. also don't forget to e-mail us at ♪ ♪ we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses...
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okay, what are we going to do here? who are we really fighting against? a lot of people there have been conventional wisdom, from conservative george will saying this game might be over and obama would win a second term. our own dick morris disagrees. >> there is conventionm wisdom now that obama is going to win because the republicans are killing each other. that is absurd. obama is not going to win. i know the only democratic president in 60 years to get reelegislatere-elected and thery this guy will win. >> dana: i agree. in november, if you look at the battleground state and the economy, the republicans will win back the white house. my gut feeling. >> andrea: your gut and dick morris' gut. >> dana: never mix. >> andrea: not his gut. they're very different. but what they are both saying
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is very true. i think republicans can't take it for granted and say it's a shoo-in because he has the media on his side to help him. i do think that there is, to what george will was saying, something truthful about how mitt romney has been hurt by the process. if you look at the new "wall street journal" poll out, 28% of adults view him favorably compared to 39% unfairably. it has taken a hit. it's still at the end of this thing, if he does get the nomination, he will be stronger for it. >> eric: is that true? here is my problem. i think dick morris is 100% right. i think today being super tuesday we are going to pick the next president of the united states. probably the way things are looking it will be romney. morris is right. eventually we will get off the contraceptive thing and get back to what matters. the economy. jobs, down 14 million jobs, down 1.5 million jobs since
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obama took over. gas is $3.75 a gallon. people are unemployment longer than ever in history. once the focus is back on that. it doesn't matter -- you could put patriotic pup up to beat obama. >> does he make the aim requirement? dog years. >> dana: bob does. >> bob: may i make a comment? >> andrea: yes, what is your gut telling us today? >> bob: a lot of it. let me start with dick morris. i've known him a long time and i would say it to his face. he the same guy that sat with me in the green room and said we'd win 105 house seats and we'd take over the senate. i wouldn't use his predictions as a premiumer the. it's been 63 days since iowa. all of this is happening. the idea anyone will predict what will happen in november today is crazy. if any democrat says to me this is locked up, irtell them they're crazy, too.
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any republican that says automatically obama will be beaten by a dog, i don't think you're crazy, eric. you're just a little sometimes off. >> kimberly: you give him the nod. >> bob: so much can happen between now and then. there are things on the horizon. one is the israeli, iranian issue. and gas prices. we have don't know the answer to those things. unemployment has never, rarely, defeated a president. what has is expendable income. right now americans don't have a lot of it. it's a difficult fight. the good news for obama is he has had a wounded nominee. >> kimberly: the republican nominee should win, right? given all the factors that are right now. i'm about to back it up. stand by. gas prices, problem with jobs with the economy. spinning out of control. it's simple math even for those channeled at math. you can't be spending more than you are taking in. it's out of control taxation. this is a guy, given the opportunity he will run to it and the place will look like
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france before he is done. if he gets a second term. if people get that message, he could have another supreme court nomination, you have obama care. yeah, one to two. transformative. >> dana: this is a great transition to the second point i want to bring up. mark keeson, former colleague of mine at aei, american enterprise institute wrote a piece about ten things that conservatives should fear in second obama term. one obamacare will not be repealed. that is probably obvious with the supreme court ruling, it could be changed. but taxes go up for everybody. and i think the new level of spending in the last four years become the floor. then things are allowed to rise. do you think it's per situation -- persuasive thing he wrote? >> andrea: very. they need to put that on a bumper sticker. i think it does, whatever
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happens in the senate. republicans will likely keep the white house. but whatever happens in the senate will play to how he governs. even if democrats and i don't think they will hang on to the senate, the margin will be so slim the president will have to govern like a king, imperial president and use the executive -- >> dana: can you manual trying to run a senate with 51 -- imagine trying to run a senate with 51 votes? >> bob: you are never going to overturn obamacare. even if democrats lose control of the senate. you need 60 points to do it, unless the supreme court does it. the idea that somehow, again, i get back to this, trying to protect what will happen. i think the supreme court comes down and hacks their way to the obamacare, that becomes an issue for obama. >> eric: huge point. if you have no other reason to get up off your butt and vote think about that. supreme court justices in the next term. you better hope if you are a conservative, you don't have a
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liberal in the white house. >> bob: the last president didn't spend what they brought in, bill clip top. every other president was deficit spending. >> dana: president obama's press conference today, do you think he was mocking mitt romney? we'll show you the tape and we'll let you decide. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of.
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romney? >> good luck tonight. >> andrea: from o'reilly, right? >> bob: president obama -- excuse me. >> andrea: sorry. >> bob: president obama was having fun with that question, as we all do about mitt. about super tuesday. it's a big day for the republicans, though. at stake, ten states are up for grabs. 419 delegates. yesterday, we were lucky enough to speak with former first lady barbara bush, a great interview, about the race. these comments made her headlines. >> i'm worried about this campaign, because it's too ugly. i really don't like it. i think it's too bad. i'm very much for mitt romney. as i guess is my husband, i'm endorsing him for george. there i go again. >> bob: there you go again, mrs. bush. what you also did is slap down eric bolling, which we -- [ laughter ] still stung by that.
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>> kimberly: smackdown. >> bob: i think it's fair to say that romney the prohibitive favorite. but one thing this primary did besides prove it was an ugly thing, it underscored a riff in the republican party among the economic republicans. i'm not going to use the word that eric uses. but add those who are social conservative, and evangelical republicans at the base. who do provide a more active republican base than those who are more concerned with the economy. that's not to say that one is more or not conservative than the other. but there is an emphasis, chamber of commerce folks worrying about the economy. and evangelicals worry about the values. is is that riff repairable and is romney the right guy to do it? >> dana: it remains to be seen if romney is the right guy to do it. yes, i think that republicans, the big tent philosophy and everybody gets together. if you look at the list we talked about regarding the one
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that mark keeson put out. especially when you think of the supreme court. the levels of spending. those are uniting issues. when i was doing spokesperson work, the favorite question from the press was oh, are the republicans having infighting? what we don't talk about enough is the infighting on the left. fred hyatt of the "washington post," editorial director there wrote an interesting comment saying the bigger risk is between old school democrats and new school democrats. we saw it yesterday with the eric holder announcement, attorney general holder saying it was allowable to go after americans overseas. new school democrat thinking. >> bob: i hope we bring the topic up on five five, but the fact that the roots attacked bob kerry, running for the senate seat in nebraska. only democrat who may win it. the fact the idiots are attacking him that don't know anything about nebraska. never done politics before. leave him alone. good man. >> dana: polarizing can go
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both ways. >> bob: it can and it is. what about the riff generally? they said reagan could do this? reagan, big tent. there is no reagan. certainly, he is no reagan. is it possible, can he take this for someone to come here with a rich guy and not be able to connect with working class voters? >> andrea: it remains to be seen. if you look at how he performed in the primary, romney has down. he was down before michigan and down before ohio. he rallied. so he seems to work well under pressure. he seems to be coming in to his own a little bit. he is not making the gaffe he made before. so, again, that remains to be seen. i think when you talk about it was social conservatives versus, i know the word you want to use, more chamber of commerce conservative. >> eric: wait a second. why -- >> andrea: get in a big fight. >> bob: doesn't make sense. >> eric: say the establishment. take the heat for it. >> andrea: i don't want to
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get you or bob excited. it's bigger than that. there are conservatives that aren't even social conservatives that look at mitt romney and say obamacare, climate change. there are other issues besides guns and abortion. >> bob: let me ask you, eric this. he is a perfect example of what i'm talking about. excuse me, mitt romney has not been able to break through in any of the state he is has run there with $50,000 and under income. he is hoping to do it today. without that, he is in real trouble. can he? >> kimberly: i think he is going to be able to do it. what you have seen is a forward progression in terms of campaign getting together. he is getting his footing. they will coalesce around him and come together. it will be eric's best dream of the generic republicans who can win it. i think romney can do it. he can certainly raise money. that is what you need as a weapon in the arsenal against barack obama. ehas gotten key endorsement, ashcroft, coburn coming together for him. >> eric: i'm not sure what
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the -- >> bob: i'm not sure what the endorsements do. you are people i'm talking about at the roots. you may go along with mitt romney. the question is you would knock on 15,000 doors for sarah palin. even you would. how many would you knock on for mitt romney? >> eric: every single door i could possibly knock on as long as he's the nominee. it looks like -- >> kimberly: my gosh. this is a fox news alert. >> eric: with the blue background and white background. very quickly. stirewalt is a smart guy and he said i know you like conservative and small government people. you had your chance. you had perry. you lost, move on. get the guy who can beat obama. he is right. >> kimberly: is that an endorsement? >> eric: i don't endorse. you know that, kimberly. by way -- >> bob: okay. please. keep it here on fox news tonight for election results and the special coverage of super tuesday starting at 6:00
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sharp. sharp, now. coming up, is president obama ready to pull the plug in afghanistan? interesting comments in the press conference today. we'll play them back for you. ♪ ♪ the droid razr by motorola, now with amazing tools like the hd station. share your pictures, stream hd videos and movies. all on your tv. or connect your 4g lte droid razr to the lapdock and unleash its massive computing power. even seamlessly video chat. all powered by the 4g lte droid razr. droid razr by motorola, just $199.99. verizon. so i test... a lot. do you test with this?
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i'm bret baier. we'll have the breaking super tuesday news from america's election headquarters on "special report." this is the biggest day of the campaign so far. we have reporters in the field. steve brown in ohio where rick santorum faces an urgent make-or-break contest. carl cameron is in massachusetts, another home state for mitt romney. john roberts is in georgia, a must-win state for newt gingrich.
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we tell you what the exit polls are telling us, which candidates are doing well and why. we'll have numbers and analysis. president obama lashing out at critics of the policy in iran. ed henry has that story from the white house. jim angle looks at what the president said about gas prices and how it tracks with what his energy secretary has said. "special report" starts at 6:00 eastern. now i'll send it back to my colleagues with "the five" who are just down the hall. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: back now to president obama's news conference today. using the podium on super tuesday to deliver a big day to his opponents on the issue of iran. >> those who are suggesting or proposing or beating the drum
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of war, should explain clearly the american people what they think the cost and benefit would be. i'm now one of those people. what i said is we have a window to which we can resolve this issue peacefully. the iranians just stated they are willing to return to the negotiating table. >> kimberly: we'll answer that question, next. bob? >> bob: i think he is exactly right. i'm not sure any of the people have been to iran. [ laughter ] you think romney has been to iran? >> dana: who has gone to iran. >> bob: i went there. >> dana: who has been to iran? >> bob: the fact of the matter is this is a complex, diplomatic arrangement, relationship going on. the fact that republicans who know nothing of what they are talking about are waving the flag to get the jewish votes about going in and bombing iran don't know what they are talking about. they are incompetent,
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incompetent, incompetent. >> kimberly: newt gingrich knows nothing about it. >> bob: the most incompetent of foreign policy than any of them. >> andrea: president obama is the expert? >> bob: he is. >> kimberly: he read the cliff notes while in a is it-in passing out community organizer pamphlet. figured out all he needs to know. >> bob: he has been with two wars. >> kimberly: that is now. you criticize them. but did you think obama was the one when he had no foreign policy experience? did you think he was the one? >> bob: i thought it was his biggest vulnerability. the biggest vulnerability is reversed this time. i won't say the word -- it's those people. >> eric: did anybody listen to netanyahu last night? >> bob: word for word. >> eric: did you hear what he said after president obama yesterday? respectfully, listen, thank you very much. number one, we are talking about united jerusalem. not the separation proposed a year ago. hold on. hold on.
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we reserve the right to defend ourselves basically saying thank you very much, president obama. i like where you are going. we appreciate you. but the hat tip does but if it's time to go, it's go time. >> kimberly: guess what? >> bob: go without it when they're in real trouble. >> bob: the problem they don't trust -- >> bob: why do they have to go without him. >> eric: they're behind them. >> bob: we should be. if they do go it's my fervent hope that the united states gives them air cover. because you're up sophisticated iranian air force with sophisticated antiaircraft artillery available to them. >> kimberly: hold on. this is a big problem for him, go to you on this, president obama, his support for israel has been reticent at best. they know it's not a secret in the international community. they don't trust us or feel at the end of the day the u.s. has their back. that's the problem. it wasn't a problem with the previous administration. andrea? >> it's true. they don't feel that he does have their back.
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in order for sanctions to work, they need to believe that threat of military action is legitimately behind them. there is a huge time line issue. when you look at the way that netanyahu and obama speak about the issue, obama talks about well, we'll give involved when they get the weapon. whereas netanyahu says -- >> kimberly: pre-emptive. >> andrea: pre-emptive. every couple of months they could be cranking out a new weapon. too late. >> bob: who said wait until they got the weapon? when did he say that? >> dana: the point is it's the capability versus when they get a nuclear weapon. israel is saying we want to prevent them from the capability. other people are saying the administration saying they make sure they don't get a nuclear weapon. israeliisraelis in the united ss in some ways are in a different time slot on that point. >> bob: let me say ve with veto after veto of veto of the security council, anti-israel number one. the sanctions are beginning to have a serious bite on iran.
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all he was asking netanyahu toto do is give it to june until it kicks in. the stringent applications that have ever been applied to arab nation, applied to iran and is working. >> kimberly: we don't know that. not forth right or forthcoming. wait until you show it or you hit it. that is too late. >> bob: we know this from pretty good intelligence, it has effect on the holdings of the revolutionary guards who control that country. >> eric: or do we know it's having effect on the iranian people and no effect on the iranian nuclear capabilities. we know they are building the facilities in the caves, in the mountains. and why did they need to do that? >> bob: the answer is wait -- >> eric: why did they do it? why did they need the nuclear power. they are sitting on more oil than anyone on the planet. >> kimberly: iran is benefiting from this. the gas prices going up. >> bob: unite the opposition with iran and rest of the iranians is take out the nuclear weapon capability.
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even the young people who don't like this saying -- >> eric: do not want -- [ overtalk ] >> bob: iranians in the proposition do not want think we have a right to take out -- >> kimberly: not good enough. not good enough to take it out. that won't sol tv problem. don't kid yourself that they don't have the technology. >> dana: this is why if i had been advising the white house i would have suggested no press conference today. yesterday, president obama got the conversation in a good spot. heard him say we're dealing with the spokesman for the u.n. for us for a long time said the administration hasn't passed a resolution in the u.n. security council for 22 months. i don't think that the world is more united than they used to be. we should be going in with a united, u.s. front. i hope politics -- >> bob: he did just, he did hand him a good politics yesterday. last night's speech was considerably orvconsiderably ov.
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>> eric: by netanyahu? >> bob: yes. >> kimberly: that's leadership. he knows it's his obligation to protect his country. >> eric: i applaud him. >> kimberly: so do i. >> eric: that is leadership. >> kimberly: everybody knows he will back it up. take a lesson from that. directly ahead, not all muslims oppose the new york police department monitoring of the surveying of islamic radicals. you will hear from some when we come back. stay with us. i think we're just getting started. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: of course this hippy song means something to bob and reminds him of his past. you missed it in break. he was telling us about it. we have to get to the topic. last week on "the five" we talked about the "associated press" report of how the new york police department was starting to use surveillance
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techniques against the muslim community and mosques, and muslim-opened businesses to suspected terrorists. a lot of people asked where is the muslim community stand on this? yesterday, they came out in full force. >> we are not here to criticize nypd. but rather to thank them for doing a lot of the work we should be doing. >> we are on the side of the united states of america. its government, its police forces and those who undermine the nypd. trust me, they are the enemy of freedom, liberty. >> that was the american islamic leadership coalition that through their support behind what the new york police department is doing. kimberly, you are nodding. >> kimberly: i love this. >> andrea: it's rare to have a group come out and say you know what? if it makes the city and state safer, by all means do it. >> kimberly: god bless them. this is what we need. we need groups to come
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together to coalesce and support what the nypd is doing. they have been successful in the intelligence operation and they should follow through the leads where it takes them to prevent attacks. these god-fearing and law-abiding muslims, they're americans, patriotic. they want this country to be safe. they are happy to be here. they are hurt in the process by radicals allow to go unchecked and commit acts of terror. >> bob: i'm still taking in the open how muslims came out in force. the count is 43 of them. >> kimberly: why are you diminishing something positive? >> bob: why? that was a complete setup. public relations move. >> andrea: there are 43 occupy wall street folks you said it was a huge movement. now it's less than -- >> bob: there is a lot more than 43 of them. >> andrea: not to start. >> bob: i think the idea of bringing the guys out -- i want to see the clerics come out. >> eric: there were. >> bob: there were? >> eric: imam. i want the point out, we first talk about the story i said
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where is cair? shouldn't c abir come out? sure enough on cue after that mice press conference yesterday with the imam, cair calls it, the counsel on islamic relations another disingenuous attempt setting up the muslims by the new york police department. really? really? there is an olive branch extended yesterday. this group that is supposed to be in charge of the islamic relations. >> kimberly: does it surprise you? c'mon! >> andrea: congressman pete every king has come out before and many times said he believes that over 80% of mosques in the country are controlled by radical imams. so the new york police department is saying we don't want another 9/11 ever. what is wrong with this? >> dana: congressman peter king would be in a position to know. he speaks from a position of knowledge. so, i think that he would support this. i don't think anything is wrong. if they did reach out and say
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♪ ♪ >> eric: time for one more thing. not a lot of time. >> andrea: did y'all hear about the george washington chicken mcnugget? there is a chicken nugget that someone says that it had george washington's face on it. it sold for $8100 on ebay. can you believe it? i went and got chicken nuggets. i'm going to put it on ebay? anyone? >> kimberly: you are supposed to save one for me! >> dana: mine is about the teenager in scotland told to clean his room a bunch of times. disobeyed his mom. when he did it, he found a winning lotto ticket and made $84,000. happiest day of his life. clean your room. >> bob: thank mrs. bush to come on.
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i asked if she had permission from her to jump out of the airplane. producer said you jump out of airplane with a camera and we'll put it on. miff answer is are you kidding me? i'd rather vote for a republican. i would never do that. >> eric: i think you should do it. >> bob: are you kidding me? you go first. >> eric: no, you just do this. >> kimberly: mine, go out and vote for super tuesday. make your vote count. rile bob up a little bit. >> eric: we'll have extensive coverage starting now. we're done here. i don't have time to do mine. maybe we should call the pup freedom like my dog, freedom. he's a good boy! >> bob: do you know that eric is wearing $00eans and they're ripped -- $400 jeans they're ripped. >> kimberly: that's all the time tonight. >> bob: new jersey. >> see you tomorrow.
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