tv Hannity FOX News March 9, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EST
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>> sean: she has seen her fair share of mean spirited i have vl from the left. >> sarah palin finally heard what happened in japan. she is demanding that we invade tsunami. >> where is her apologetic phone call from the anointed one, former alaska governor sarah palin is here tonight to respond. >> our goal would be to seek international permission. >> sean: in a shocking exchange on capitol hill, the secretary of defense claims that we need u.n. approval to defend our homeland and our allies. liz cheney has reaction. and congresswoman jan can is caught on tape in hypocrisy. we will check in with brent bozell. our countdown to election day continues, hannity starts right here right now. former vice presidential nominee sarah palin is perhaps the most vilified woman in all
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of politics and despite the relentless barrage of personal attacks that she faces from the president's friends on the left governor palin is among the many outspoken conservative women who barack obama is unwilling to defend. however, as we have seen in recent weeks, things are much different when one of the administration's political allies come under scrutiny from the right. when that happens the president is quick to tell the entire world exactly how he feels. take a look. >> you know, the reason i called ms. fluke is because i thought about maliyah and sasha and one of the things i want them to do as they get older is to engage in issues they care about and i wanted sandra to know that i thought her parents should be proud of her. >> sean: that's how he treats people who happen to agree with his political views. when one of his mega donors
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bill maher tees off on conservative women like sarah palin and michele bachmann apparently that's fair game. on tuesday the president flat out ignored a reporter attempting to ask whether or not bill bill maher's super pac donation should be returned. today the white house press secretary made this stunning comment when asked about growing calls of the president to give back bill maher's money. >> we are not and cannot be the arbitrator of every statement that everybody makes in the policy and political arena. obviously language that den greats women is inappropriate. >> sean: here with reaction to that ridiculous statement jay carney and less double standard of somebody who is still waiting for her phone call from president obama joining me now former alaska governor fox news contributor sarah palin. governor, welcome back. >> thank you so much, sean.
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>> sean: governor, i almost really hate to do this but i'm going to do it because i think we need to have this discussion. because the president goes out there, calls for the need for civil public discourse. he has done this again and again. he has never called you. he has taken a million dollars from bill maher and i think this issue has come to critical mass. i'm going to bill march donated a million dollars to the super pac and what he said about you and others. >> sarah palin finally heard what happened in japan. [ laughter ] she is demanding that we insaid tsunami. [ laughter ] she said these tsunamiians will not get away with this. [ applause ] oh, speaking of dumb [bleep] after the debate when this came up she had a discussion with a woman who came to her after the debate and said her daughter had taken the vaccine and become from the vaccine mentally retarded. [ laughter ] and michele bachmann said,
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mom? if had you a choice gun to your head palin or bachmann. >> i would need a gun to my head. i would hope sarah palin gets in so that they split the milf vote. >> governor has also used the c word. i want to get your reaction to all of this. this is a really crucial issue i think going forward in the campaign. >> i don't know how anyone can sit in the audience of a commentator like bill maher and chuckle and laugh and think that that's entertaining. i think it's disgusting and dirty money he has now provided barack obama's campaign and i don't know how barack obama can sleep at night if he really thinks about sasha and maliyah and the treatment of some women today how he can accept that dirty money and granted barack obama has never been, i think, seen in the conventional, traditional way of we who would describe a man of valor so it shouldn't surprise us
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that barack obama would accept that dirty money and try to get reelected with it but i think it does not bode well for our president's character to not speak out against that dirty money. >> sean: it's going deeper than that axelrod is scheduled to be on bill maher's program. he went after mitt romney that talked about rush limbaugh's comments and said it was unfortunate. rush apologized for his no and i do not ever want to speak to bill maher. >> i would not demean myself or other women by engaging in a conversation with them such a petty and small-minded man like bill maher. sean, you had also mentioned in your intro that i have not received anything call from the office of the presidency. please know that i neither desire nor do i deserve a call from the office of the presidency. i wish that our president
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would save his phone calls for those who truly are deserving and gold star moms and those who will forever live with the memory of loading a loved one who would be fighting in a war zone in order to protect our freedom of press, our freedom of speech. those who are most deserving should receive those phone calls from the office of the presidency. >> sean: i think that's very gracious of you. the president jumping into speeches is interesting. he has done this on a couple times. other times he has been out campaigning saying republicans their plans are for dirty air and water. republicans want kids with you a tim and down syndrome and elderly defend for himself. you know, as we listen on the one hand that he talks about civility and discourse and jumps into the rush limbaugh controversy but takes a million dollars from bill maher, lectures on one hand. surrogates attacks on one hand. he attacks on the other hand. what are we to make about what this says about the president.
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>> our president is the one who is trying to divide our country. is he not in this to unify america and to solidify our place as the exceptional nation in the world. >> he is trying to divide us based along lines of gender, of income, even of race. look at his embracing of derek bell, the radical college racist professor whom he, you showed in a video last night, embraced literally and figuratively asking others to open their hearts and minds to the radical agenda of a racist like derek bell who believed that white men oppress blacks and minorities. and barack obama, evidently at least at the time believed what derek bell believed. >> i'm going to ask you in the next segment about that because we don't have enough time in the segment. i'm going to bring up breitbart tapes and get your comments on it in the short time would have in this segment i want to get your take on othe results from
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super tuesday and what you think republic party. mitt romney won six of the states. you said that you had voted for speaker gingrich in alaska. what do you think it stands right now. do you think this goes a lot further? do you think that mitt romney is inevitable? >> i don't think that anything is inevitable. the numbers are what the numbers are though and romney certainly is leading in delegate count. but no, nothing is inevitable and i do appreciate that these men are continuing to duke it out in the arena of ideas and are allowing themselves to be vetted. because, look at the tragedy that is happening in america today with us becoming less and less solvent. more and more beholden and shackled to foreign countries and less energy independent, less secure because our sitting president was not vetted, so, thank you, gentlemen, who are running on the g.o.p. ticket. staying in there. allowing yourself to be vetted by the media because they didn't do it when barack obama ran i'm going to show you breitbart tapes that we showed
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on the program last night. we're going to talk about the obama project and that's about vetting president barack obama also talk about do you think it was properly done in 2008. have more with former governor sarah palin after the break. nypd commissioner says he was protecting new yorkers by launching surveillance program targeting mosque and muslim student groups. now the justice department is preparing an investigation. we will examine that growing controversy. also, the left's war on women. we will examine that tonight on hannity. [ male announcer ] that. right there -- reminds you
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>> we continue on hannity with former alaska governor fox news contributor governor sarah palin. all right, governor, let me show from you last night these are what we call the breitbart tapes. very tapes that andrew breitbart talked about at cpac. he used the term time to vet the president. he showed controversial professor he mentioned in the last professor derek bell introduces him, open your hearts and mind to professor derek bell and then afterwards he hugs him. let's roll the tape. >> open up your hearts and your minds to the words of professor derek bell. [cheers and applause] >> sean: all right. what does this tell you based on what we have now learned about professor bell in the last couple of days, his controversial views. even professor gates questioned him on his issue of
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not recognizing anti-semitism. what does t tell you about this bigger picture of president obama and his really the only way i describe it as radical associates? >> what this tells us is that it is a tragedy that the media did not do its job in vetting barack obama in 2008. and here this is belated velgt of barack obama, but it must be done. people must be aware of his radical past, radical associations even today. look he has chosen to be his czars. he has chosen the most radical of the radicals in certain areas of expertise, sean, that is who is running this country today. this is no wonder that people are starting to feel less and less certain about the future of america. the future of our economy, the future of any opportunity that we have to be energy independent. the future of the sovereignty of the united states of america, based on who it is that barack obama surrounds
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himself with today. he has chosen these people because what went into his thinking through those college years, through years probably before his college years, and his community organize, what went into his thinking was this philosophy of radicalism based on the people whom he chose to be around. he has chosen now to help country. we knew about in 2008. i first interviewed reverend wright on "hannity & colmes" in march of 2007. and then we went black liberation theology is, what he writes about in his book, we have the tape. white folks greed runs the world in need. he says that on tape. i did a little blow. he says that in his book. he hung out 20 years with wright. ayers, done, pfleger, acorn, olenski, community organizing. now we have another, sort of bit of information about what
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has, i guess, created the foundation of what barack obama believes. now that he has governed for over three years. what do you glean from this? what do you take from this about the president who he was and who he is and what we would have in the future if he was reelected? >> right. well, what we can glean from this is an understanding of why we are on the road that we are on. again, it's based on what went into his thinking, being surrounded bi-rad dick calls. he is bringing us back, sean, to days of, you can hearken back to dates before the civil war when unfortunately too many americans mistakenly believed that not all men were created equal. it was the civil war that began the cod did iification of the truth here in america. yes we are equal and we all have equal opportunities. not based on the color of your skin. you have equal opportunity to work hard and to succeed and to embrace the opportunities god given opportunities to develop resources and work
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extremely hard and as i say to succeed. now, it has taken all these years for many americans to understand that gravity, that mistake that took place before the civil war and why the civil war had to really start changing what barack obama really wants to do is go back to before those days when we were in different classes based on income, based on clorp of skin. why are we allowing our country to move backwards instead of moving forward with that understanding that as our charters of liberty spell out for us, we are all created equally. >> sean: this tape where he introduces professor bell, it's interesting. in 2011 another professor at harvard professorrology tree played this tape and then he says this at the end of it i want to play for you and i have got a question out of it. [cheers. >> now, what makes this so
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interesting when you think about it, of course, we hear hear -- we hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. i don't care if they find it now. >> sean: of course we hid it. i want you if you can governor, brings us behind the scenes of the 2008 campaign. i mean, i was frankly surprised that the campaign wouldn't bring these issues up about these controversial associations. and many people even warning me not to do it that i was going to hurt my career, et cetera. you won't believe things that were said to me by just vetting the president or candidate obama. what was it like for you behind the scenes? these things here reports you wanted to bring these things up, isn't that true? >> absolutely. sean, you, rush limbaugh, mark levine, there were a select few of you out there trying to bring to light what it was that barack obama stood for and what is radical associations and even his voting record as a senator in chicago what it represented. and, yet, the rest of the media it seemed like to too
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great a decree didn't want to go there with you guys so maybe you felt like you were the lone voice calling out for america to wake up. in the campaign yourself you will have to ask people like steve schmidt who i think shackled us candidates both john mccain and myself and not allowing us to get out there and start talking more about the truth about what barack obama, what he meant even when he promised radically to fund mentally transform america. whatted inwhatted in the world n mind. now we see what he had in mind. it's unfortunate we weren't able to speak more about that. >> what do you think of professor ole ooolgiey we. >> we aired them last night it's on right now. if they had to hide them, what were they hiding? >> yeah, don't you wonder if barack obama as a candidate was crossing his fingers hoping that some of the stuff
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wouldn't come out? >> sean: maybe collaborating. >> he probably is doing the same thing today. hoping that more doesn't come out about his background and about what went into his thinking about why it was that he would believe that some socialist ideas that have failed in the old world and that is why you see failures in some of these european countries why he could apply those principles and policies to america and that somehow we would succeed even though history tells us you will fail under some of the regime that it seems like barack obama wants to emulate. >> sean: governor, thanks as always we appreciate it? >> thank you. >> sean: wait until you see this video of the double standard as it relates to bill maher, congresswoman is confronted. we will show you this hilarious video. we will get comment when we come back. also the justifiable department going after the nypd for one of its counter terrorism programs. commissioner kelly said it is for the protection of the city, citizens, eric holder doesn't see it that way.
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to return the million dollars they got from bill maher and if not, why not? [no response] >> why are you refusing to condemn that remark, ma'am? do you find that okay discourse? quick question, i know you put out a statement about rush limbaugh understandably. have you put out a similar statement calling on the president's super pac to return the $1 million that he got from bill maher? why not? is that an acceptable thing to call a woman? so i guess the headline is you are refusing to call what bill maher said about sarah palin offensive? >> you know what? i'm supposed to be at the intelligence committee meeting. okay. >> i will give you another shot. >> wow. two congresswomen sheila jackson lee and jan both condemned rush limbaugh but then when confronted on the issue of bill maher and comment about sarah palin utter silence. joining me now co-host of five
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deal with bob beckel five days a week. they deserve badges of honor. dana perino and kimberly guilfoyle. this tape is funny on one hand and sad on the other. selected outrage hypocrisy. >> also typical. what did we expect? i think when everybody was in the throws of late last week and into the weekend, it was like and then you get -- don't feel good about yourself. on monday, wait a second. why is that? why is it okay to call sarah palin and other conservative women like michelle malkin up bleeivel things that michelle malkin has been called. i admire how they just stand and take it and they keep speaking their mind while others how would think would speak up for them decided duck. >> we are not talking about, you know, a slip, an apology i'm sorry, this is repeated including the use of the c word. >> it's pervasive.
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>> and the president took a million dollars and this week he lectured us repeatedly about the courseness culture and the tone and discoarse in the country. you see when confronted they have no answer. >> war against women, conservative women being levy idea by the left on a consistent and consistent basis. it's really disgusting to me because the attitudes are message miss stick. there should be leadership by women to support whether your policies are to support the left or the right. why is it okay such a double standard and the president is buying into it too because he wants the million dollars instead of showing leadership. >> sean: president's right leadership for sister soldier moment is gone. asked about it at the press conference lecturing us about discoarse in the country he should have said based on this i'm asking my super pac to give back the money. >> get off on technicality legally he is not allowed to tell a super pac. that might be true.
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he could have decided not to send out his very top aides to go and fund raise for this pac that bill maher runs. that's what they announced today. so,. >> direct nexus. >> sean: david axelrod is scheduled to go on his program. >> war on women. okay, what say what the taliban does to women? because let's get some perspective here. and sis tore soldier moment could have come from either of those two congresswomen would have been nice. >> bill: good job. >> kirsten powers wrote a great column about this double standard. >> she is right. she had the courage to stand up and do the right thing. where are the rest of the people i'm looking for courageous moments and rhetoric for them to stand up and do the right thing. they're not doing it not surprised by the way at all. once again an example advocation of leadership by president obama. this is a teachable, leadership moment for him and he is letting it pass. >> is it fair to say the
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democrats really don't care? in other words, if they cared about this issue then they would speak out, return the money. they would condemn bill maher. there would be equal treatment. is it fair to conclude this is all political posturing on their part because i think it. >> i think it is and also hypocritical. replete with hypocrisy when you see across in terms of their policies the way they act and when they're very willing to turn a blind eye to something like this instead of standing up and doing the right thing. >> what they care about mostly is winning, re-election. earlier this week there was a story in politico that president obama's senior campaign aides told both the house and the senate democratic leadership we are not going to be giving you or able to give you money for your re-election campaigns. >> you are on your own. >> they're on their own. in a way can i understand both of those congresswomen deciding not to get involved or decide not to comment. >> sean: wait a minute. they both condemned rush. they both went on record. if they had any sense of consistency, especially that word is so foul and so vial
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and so over the top. >> not off the top of his head. this is in this comedian's monologue. >> sean: not the first time and he said worse and he has said it about a lot of women. >> won't be the last. happy to take the cash aren't they? >> sean: say anything if you donate a million dollars. >> give him the look. >> give the look. >> what's the look? show me. >> look and snitch. deadly. >> ready? >> sean: let me see. >> did you learn that from your press secretary face. i didn't realize did i it until kimberly guilfoyle pointed out on the five. that look nine out of ten times goes to beckel. >> boggle got it twice this week. >> sean: cable barackout hit in the last year the five. i love the show. >> thank you, sean. you are very supportive of the program. >> sean: it's awesome. >> you have never been on.
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>> i haven't been invited. >> here is your invitation. >> sean: beckel will jump all over me. >> he will be your warrior, your savior. >> come back put the mainstream obama mania media on notice. liz cheney is here in studio tonight to respond to secretary of defense leon panetta's steady comments that the u.s. must seek international approval before taking military action abroad. does it say that in the constitution? straight ahead. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer.
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>> sean: media mash, round up of all the ways tries to put liberal spin on the news. back with me this week to go through all of the material the president of the media research center brent bozell. how are you? >> brother hannity, how are we doing? >> all right. the contraception debate never goes away. media shamelessly pushing democrats, birth control,
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distortions, as reality. look at this. >> the question for some, especially women, is why does -- why do the republicans want to get government out of our lives but into our wombs. >> who woke up in the republic party one day and said i know what's go after. let's go after reproductive rights. >> no doubt about it. >> in the united states? what was that about? >> sean: you know, let me define what this really is let's go -- it's the president going after the first amendment and freedom of religion. and, by the way i thought brian was objective news journalist. >> fair and balanced nbc nightly news. >> sean: yeah, what happened? >> the question is disingenuous. someone should have answered that question with a question, brian. who is in the republic party trying to do this? because the answer is no one in the republic party is
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trying to do. this only one person trying to insert reproductive right to debate into this campaign. it's barack obama with this mandate map dated mandate supervisors he it doesn't want to pay for. republicans have said nothing about this but they understand if they can make this that's fine, for the media to do this. it's unforgivable. >> in the face of their news here. it does raise one question. and i know you over where you are, news busters, media research have been following the issue of rush. you know, and i know that brian williams did all these stories on this. now, they have a host on their news network that called laura ingraham a shut. and did he do any stories on that?
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brian williams did he do any stories on that? >> no he didn't do that nor did he do any stories on bill maher nor did he do any stories on the committee. look, these comedian qana -- underscore here, sean, rush crossed line, he acknowledges he crossed a line. he apologized profusely for doing that they don't care about that. what they want to do is to shut his show down. that's what they want to do. they are not going to accept his apology. >> sean: they have a mission over at nbc news and they exposed it on election night and i think everybody should see it for what it is. here is their nbc news mission. story about the prospect of rick santorum being the guy the guy who runs against barack obama for the republic ticket in november that is a
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hard thing. >> i want to see encore republic conservatism put up on a debate stage with president obama's practical approach to governing. i want to see hard core republic conservatism crushed because it represents a minority view in our politics. >> sean: actually, 40% of americans identify themselves as conservative only 20 support that radical liberal view at nbc news. >> sean, under normal circumstances i would say this is disingenuous. but in his case i would say it's plain stupid it is plain stupid. every single poll in america will tell you that the right outweighs the left by two to one. every single one so that practical approach is the minority of the minority viewpoint. that might explain those ratings at msnbc. >> obama did make a call to this woman sandra fluke. it was compared on nbc to
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jfk's call to coretta king. >> from the president. to sandra fluke will be remembered perhaps not as dramatically as the call from then senator kennedy from coretta king after her husband was hauled off in the back woods and shackled it will have a character to it that people will remember. >> sean: where was the call to sarah palin? he took bill maher's million dollars. >> he called bill maher the smartest funniest man in the business on february 27th when he was his guest. can you explain hypocrisy any better than this? no short answer. brent bozell, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: called selective moral outrage double standard hypocrisy, up next, does america need international permission to defend itself and its allies? that is exactly what our secretary of defense told congress yesterday. we have the shocking tape. liz cheney is here tonight with reaction. that and much more as this
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>> sean: not surprising that the administration known for quote leading from behind is once again bowing to international pressure in a stunning appearance on capitol hill yesterday the president's defense secretary leon panetta told the senate armed services committee that he believes that america must obtain the approval from other countries before using our military forces. let's watch this. >> our goal would be to seek international permission and we would come to the congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the congress. i think those are issues we would have to discuss as we decide what to do here. >> well, i'm almost breathless about that because what i heard you say is we're going to seek international approval
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and we will come and tell the congress what we might do, and we might seek congressional approval. i want to just say to you -- wouldn't you agree you have served in the congress. wouldn't you agree that that's would be pretty breath-taking to the average american? >> sean: now, senator sessions is not the only one breathless over secretary panetta's statements. joining me now is reaction senator liz cheney it does take your breath awancht the word permission that we the world. the united states has to be one among many, you know, people have said is he a global candidate. >> sean: values. america has been arrogant. >> this is all part of it.
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you know, when you talk about what's necessary for the commander and chief in order to defend the nation for the commander and chief to be able to take whatever action is necessary. the fact that a secretary of defense thinks he has got to wait or seek international permission is really a stunning admission. >> >> sean: every president has been abiding by the war powers act which i don't agree with nor. >> constitutional. >> sean: exactly. they did abide by it and congress could always defund but they have a constitutional role here. >> yeah. >> so. >> no. that was amazing. normally you see a president decide on a case-by-case basis to what extent congress has got to be involved. in the case of the first gulf war bush 41 got congressional approval. iraq war bush 43 got congressional approval. i happen to think the commander and chief has a lot of authority under our constitution to operate. but to say that international permission is more important than the u.s. congress is
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stunning. >> sean: let me ask you about the prime minister of israel coming and he had been stupid by this president on three separate occasions. we know what they're. i know because i have close friends, high sources, the white house doesn't like that i have. three things the administration behind the scenes prior to the visit they were pressuring israel to grant them 24 hours notice, israel said no. they have also talked about waiting until after the election. israel says it's on our time line. this is our security. they are asking america for what i think militarily probably is a necessity bunker buster bombs. and the administration is not supportive. >> no. everything that you hear, you know, the president had this very strange, for someone who is pretty good at communications to on sunday be so publicly saying yes. >> sean: i have got your back. >> i have got your back, don't worry about it on tuesday to go out and say i didn't mean that historically i have had their back. there is no wonder that the israelis can't take him at his word. frankly, you know, the president's policy, both his
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foreign policy and his domestic policy it seems to me depends an awful lot on believing the american people. the reps of the world won't remember what he said a year ago or two years ago. >> sean: don't you think israel it's at the point based on what the iaea said on this past tuesday in terms of where the iranians are in terms of their pursuit of nuclear weapons coupled with their islamic fanaticism coupled with stated goal of modern day holocaust and wiping israel off the map isn't it a certainty this will happen? has to be? >> yeah. i cannot see a way forward here unless the iranians suddenly decide. >> sean: change course. >> yeah. that in fact they are not going to pursue a weapon which seems very unlikely. for the president to be saying actually we can give diplomacy time here and putting credibility on the notion that we can talk to iranians. the iranians have now once again done what they always do. say let's talk. if you had any question about who this policy right now helps, who obama's policy helps, ayatollah khomeini, the
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supreme leader of iran basically came out and appraised president obama's policy. there is no question that this president is going in the wrong direction. >> sean: i feel sorry for the prime minister of israel because at a time when they most need our support it's t. seems we're not there for them. they are facing a modern day holocaust if the iranians get weapon coupled with their fanaticism. >> they are. thank goodness israel syrian desert took it out and they should not have to bear the brunt of this by themselves. certainly won't let the iranians get a nuclear weapon. >> sean: i think the prime minister was clear. your dad is doing well? >> is he. >> sean: coming up next, the justice department. you have got it see this story. taking on the new york city police commissioner ray kelly and nypd for trying to protect the city of new york. it has to do with an investigation into muslim extremists. we will get to that and much spring fishing classic
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matter when asked about it today. >> at least what i read publicly and what i read in the newspapers is disturb they are under review in the justice department. >> the police commissioner of new york ray kelly is standing by the program. we'll do what we have to do to protect the city. the author of turn the car around. restoring america is back with us. and nancy is back with us. i am trying to think. this is what i don't understand. if we don't investigate the radicalism that exist and something happens then what? he's investigating and police doing their job, help us? >> i have to say this is the only time i say this, i can see attorney general holder's point on this one. you have the f.b.i. raising questions about whether or not they have gone too far and new
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york city police monitors people who attended mosque. >> is it people or, that is illegal. we don't know enough. >> it was not probicable cause bus you are muslim or worshipped in the mosque. i am risk concerned as the next person. >> if we know we have islamic extremist that want to kill us and gravitate to the student groups and mosques, what is wrong with people, you don't profile the race. that is illegal. you criminally profile is what every police department in the world does. when you have reason to believe something. >> i think there is a tension. obviously no one wants to go what we went through on
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september 11th. but it is also true that we are a country that is based on ideals and freedom is the most precious thing and they can attack us and take down a building. but only we can give away our freedom. >> that is a great debate to have. >> i think the commissioner is dead right on this and i think the overall evidence and fruits have proven itself. there is not a major attack since 9/11. >> we need more facts. we agree with that. >> i am looking at the question for eric holder is, and this is why the topic is important. has he politicalized the justice department? in other words, we can't say war on terror . overseas contingencies, are they now america's arrogant? are they politicalizing the justice department and preventing law enforcement
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from doing a good job. >> i do believe they have publicized the justice department. i just have to say i have concerns when i read reports of when the f.b.i. is saying that they are not sure whether certain lines are crossed and i obviously don't have enough information. >> we have guys with batons and you know, camoflauge outside of a polling booth. >> it is key in this campaign. >> and i agree with you on that. i think holder deserves the issue. >> and mitt romney six out of 10 states. >> not a bad night. >> here's what i think. if he wins, what are the odds of picking markio rubio for vp. >> you are probably on the list. >> here's the deal. everybody loves him he's
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great. do we need that to win florida? i don't think so. i can think of otheritates. ohio. and i am a rubio guy. >> i am a rubio gal. >> you were wrong on new york pd. >> i love rubio. and i think he's incredibly exciting and one of the best leaders. >> i watched him give a speech with no notes and unscript dynamic and funny and informed. just full of information and vision. he's got it. >> he's terrific. >> who? >> john kasek. >> around portland. >> i think rubio makes up for the excitement gap that we might have with romney. and we need it from virginia. >> guys, it is good to see you. thank you for being with us . the vetting
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