tv The Five FOX News March 13, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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10:00 p.m. eastern. it. >> eric: hello, everybody. i'm eric bolling with kimberly guilfoyle, tamara holden, for bob, dana perino and greg gutfeld, it's 67-degrees at 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> eric: some seriously bad news for the president today. take a peek at the left-leaning "washington post," front page. left column. look there. gasoline prices rising, president obama's approval rating plummeting. record gasoline prices and 14 million americans out of work. the economy is still president obama's achilles. but hey, why let the facts get in the way of a good liberal spin job? former white house press secretary robert gibbs on cbs yesterday. >> the biggest issue are going to be economic issues. i think you saw a good
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economic jobs report on friday. we took another important step in a long road to recovery. we've got a long ways to go. we're going to have a choice in this election by whether we'll continue positive job growth or go back to the policies of cutting taxes for the wealthy. and ignoring the middle class. >> eric: are you sure you want to make the economy your focus? look at the summary of that poll in the "washington post." check it out. i'm the economy. 59% of pollees disapprove of obama's job on the economy. 63% disapprove on his job on the deficit. look at the bottom there. on gasoline prices 65% disapproval of obama's handling of gasoline prices. dana, why in the world would gibbs turn back the economy with the horrible numbers? >> dana: i think what robert was saying is reality. they know it's going to be the economy. that's foolish for them to say anything else. so they are trying to put the best face on it. i don't know of anybody who is
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calling for cutting taxes for wealthy. i know that people, there are a lot of people saying to keep the tax rates where they are. i thought that was curious. i don't know anybody in the race is asking to do that. every election, even mid-term election is referendum on president. like when it was in 2006 when president bush lost the majority in the house and senate and it was again in 2010 when president obama lost the house by a huge margin, historic margin. in 2012, of course it's about president obama, because why else would -- they did the dock men their last week, the 17-minute documentary. like the ad. it was all about president obama. >> eric: can we pull that up one more time? full screen of the poll, guys. sorry, producers. look at that. 59% disapprove of the economy. 63% disapprove of his handling of the deficit. 65% gasoline. if i was the administration
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i'd be saying talk about anything but the economy. >> the republican get chubbies every time president obama's numbers drop. just a little bit. you get freaked out. if you oak at where president bush was at this same time in his presidency, his numbers were the same. so, let's just look at the long-term in this. >> eric: talking about his approval rating? overall job approval rating. >> yeah. the only time it was high, really high after september 11. he was at 25% three times. three times in his presidency. >> eric: greg, do republicans get chubbies -- >> dana: what does that mean? >> greg: i don't want to talk about overweight kids. let's talk about gas prices. president obama is taking credit for increase in oil production and increase in importation of oil. when the fact is that is all due to a drop in consumption based on a poor economy. in a way is bragging about tremendous weight loss after
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picking up a heroin addiction. sure, that's how it works. the thing is what i don't get. why are we paying for gas? shouldn't it be free? it should be health right. how do you get to the clinic to get birth control pills if you don't have gas in your car? how does an ambulance get to your house if you overdose on pill? you need gas in the ambulance. if the catholic church is paying for birth control pills, green peace should pay for gasoline. >> eric: kimberly, can gasoline -- >> kimberly: this is going to come down, people do care about gasoline. look at number reflective of americans, hard-working americans. the question will be whether or not he can get re-elected if people see their family, educate their children and put gas in the car and keep their mortgages current. if you look at the numbers there is a serious problem for
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barack obama to get re-elected because that's what people care about. >> dana: another number i'm worry about is intensity of the negativity. those who don't want obama to be re-elected, the intensity factor is really strong. he doesn't have a hep of getting them back. whether or not they'll stay home and not vote for the republican nominee remains to be seen. >> eric: i have to ask dana this question. one of the things that president obama did today, put out seven-point success story on energy policy. the fist one, monthly oil production is up. 2009, 2010, 2011, up to 2 million-barrels a month. if i remember right in 2008 he said let's not even worry about drilling now because we won't see the oil for ten or 20 years but he will take credit for it. >> dana: don't take my word for it. look at the "washington post" fact-checker. glen kessler. he went through the energy document that the white house put out today. they can't claim credit for a lot of things they claim credit for.
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we looked today from quotes in 2008 when gas prices were on the rise and things then that senator obama as candidate said about president bush and oil policies. in some ways, what president bush had a great opportunity to do but looks like he won't take it is totally go against type, go ahead and say we're going to do keystone. environmentally responsible way and then ten years from now that will be my legacy. >> that isn't the only option for the democratic party. we can also instead of just relying on this keystone pipeline, whatever problems there are, i get it. i understand, i think that it is a good idea. as a liberal. i think it's a good idea. but we also have nuclear energy, we have other options for america. and reducing our reliance. >> dana: the problem is that debate -- it's all about energy. we need energy of all sorts. nuclear energy would be great but it won't put fuel in your tank or do anything for gas
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prices. >> greg: as germany is giving up on windmills, president obama is doubling down on this. it's like if you bought stock on blockbuster. >> dana: i have that. >> greg: you do? >> dana: no. >> greg: as everybody else is running, screaming from wind power and realizing the folly of solar and alternative energy, we're doubling down on it. >> kimberly: optimum efficiency, if you go solar and the other alternative energy, they can only account for 16% of our total energy needs. because of our energy dependence. if you want to bring in nuclear other ways, you have to develop these. it has to be feasible. you can't just dump cash down to support people who give you money politically. >> eric: a bunch of guys with idea about bringing gas prices down, republican candidate for president. southern showdown tomorrow with the republican primary in mississippi, alabama, plus hawaii but greg says that one doesn't count. a fight to the finish among the contenders.
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listen. >> romney is probably the weakest republican front runner sin leonard wood in 1920. wood ultimately lost on the 10th ballot. >> if i'm weak front runner what does it make newt gingrich? i'm well ahead of him. >> the issue is not math. the issue is vision. mitt romney outspent me 10 to 1 is still not able to close the deal and is not on the path himself to get to this. >> morning, y'all. good to be with you. i got started right this morning with biscuit and cheesy grits. delicious. >> eric: cheesy? it's cheese grits, governor. by way, add a lot of pepper. greg, cheesy grits? >> greg: i think it was a stripper i met in alamo. >> kimberly: my gosh. >> greg: by the way -- >> kimberly: it's only monday. >> greg: why are we not tal talking about qualm? rom was the bomb in quam. where quam goes, the country
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goes. we have thought mitt a couple years ago would capsize. it's still here. >> eric: no president has never not one quam and gone on to win the g.o.p. >> greg: exactly. a fact i made up. >> kimberly: from your institute. >> eric: go ahead. >> kimberly: i love grits. they don't have to have cheese. they just need a little butter. i could eat them every day and i'm looking for a personal chef to make them for me. >> eric: a big day for the republican candidates. >> wait, i want to talk about grits. inopenly discussed i like to drink alcohol and there are carbohydrates in alcohol. i choose to avoid carbohydrates like cheesy grits and oatmeal, whatever. mitt romney, bless his heart, i feel bad for him. try something hard to be likable. trying so hard. he is terribly -- >> dana: can i get to the original topic?
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first, i think romney was joking when he said that, trying to make fun of himself. >> kimberly: it was cute. >> dana: is it what it is. the fact he wasn't supposed to be competitive in the south is something to press forward on it tomorrow. if gingrich doesn't win mississippi or alabama the pressure on him to have only won two of 28 states gets stronger. on santorum, he is right it's about the vision. i don't think he has been able to take the momentum he got out of the win that he had, closeness of some of races in ohio to be able to bring anything home necessarily tomorrow. >> eric: kimberly, did you see that newt is entertaining the idea of having rick perry has his running mate? >> kimberly: what could go wrong? rick perry has a following. he is a popular guy. he had stumbles throughout the campaign but they got along well. he trusts him. who else is he going to pick?
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mitt? >> eric: one more thing. did you see newt gingrich say mitt romney was the weakest front-runner since 1920. mitt's comeback was great. >> greg: here is the thing. as time guess on, mitt is becoming savvier and smarter and funnier about his comebacks. he might actually be finding a voice people have been looking for. he will be battle-tested when the time comes as he's the nominee. >> eric: good to have you back. >> greg: thank you. notice my half tan? >> kimberly: interesting. gregg i fell asleep and i for-- >> greg: i fell asleep and i got bit by a red bug. >> kimberly: don't boarry, obamacare will take care of all -- don't worry, obamacare will take care of that. >> dana: put cheesy grits on the side of your face. >> eric: coming up, main stream media trying to make people think americans are anti-islamic. is that true? plus, eric holder doesn't
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♪ ♪ >> eric: if you're watching the media coverage of the new york police department monitoring of radical groups, most reporting makes you think the muslims feel targeted. one leader doesn't see that it way and it's time to set the record straight on the nypd premium. >> this isn't anti-muslim or siege against muslim. they might be there doing good work, doing public surveillance. no case evidence they violated any laws. we'll be the first group to want nypd to be punished if they violated any law. but there hasn't been one case. look at the press, outlets
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talking to muslims who feel they're under siege. the narrative is america is against islam and muslim. this is good police work. >> greg: if eric holder got more useless he could win the nobel peace prize. >> kimberly: where were you last week? i needed you. >> greg: chevy volt of attorneys general. he operates under the assumption that america is at the root of every problem. this is impossible for us to be bullied. because we're a for a get, it makes us a large target. whether it's infiltration or radical muslim groups or voter i.d. stuff. americans are always at fault. a destructive assumption. it's disgusting and i'm done. kim i'm so happy you're back. thank you for the intelligent
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and wise comments. >> dana: how are you supposed to follow that? >> kimberly: you can't. >> dana: eric holder is in a position to know what went on or at least ask. he didn't ask before he commented in front of congress about the press reports he had read and how troubled he was by them. that is dereliction of duty. if you are the chief law enforcer in the land at least call ray kelly or say i've asked for an investigation. the investigation will be completed. in the meantime, allow -- don't allow people to besmirch reputation of people like that muslim who decided to come out and speak strongly. i love the line it's good police work. >> kimberly: i agree. eric, this is like eric holder, you name sake, at least the first part, has his eyes covered, ears covered like in fast and furious, he doesn't know what he thinks and isn't informed though he is the top justice department official. only thing he is good at is
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besmirching the reputation and giving us bad word internationally. >> eric: thank you. agree, agree, agree. the point being, we pointed this out last week he learned of it and disturbed by what he read in the newspaper. he heads the d.o.j., which heads the f.b.i. he learned of that meanwhile, a couple of months ago or year ago, i'm disturbed about what i learned about fast and furious. i didn't know we were handing 2,000 guns over to mexican drug cartel and not following them. what does he know? >> greg: let me defend him for a moment. he is one of those guys that you york with, that you don't tell where the meeting is. because if he shows up at the meeting he will start look at the number 2 pencils and wonder if they came from environmentally safe trees. a guy that drives every meeting up. he is like me! they don't invite me to meetings. >> dana: that's why we don't invite you. >> greg: that is why he doesn't know anything.
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>> i think he made a big mistake multiple times. >> that is a good defense. >> it is. like governor rod blagojevich, saying i don't know is also a crime. a lot of the investigations in the unpick will are ongoing criminal -- in the public is ongoing criminal investigation. what he says is either give toog much information or testifying to congress that a time where other people are looking for witch hunt. it looks like to me. i'm not defending holder there. has to be a certain level of protection of attorney general. >> eric: these aren't small issues, tamara. fast and furious, gun running, f.b.i. investigation into the new york city police department with terrorism
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involved. >> kimberly: we are more accountable. >> greg: great irony that makes eric holder great, president obama hoz to kilter rorrists abroad because he can't trust holder to deal with them here. >> kimberly: that is true. we give them a beach-front condo, a volt, they can't get far in it. >> dana: that is the theory. >> kimberly: we have eric and holder here. weird. freaked out. go to voter i.d. law, because today that guy, eric holder filed objection to texas voter i.d. law saying it might have a discriminatory effect on minority voters. naly, my people. what do you think? earthquake if i need an i.d. to get medication, which i do every day. then you should have an i.d. to vote. they can't say it's poll tax. but it's free.
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if it's free, how is it a poll tax? >> dana: if people don't have an i.d. we should help them get an i.d. the point of -- i have to have an i.d. to get in any of the buildings around here. >> greg: you need an i.d. to get in p.g. movies. >> eric: you have to have an i.d. to get food stamps and other benefits? >> kimberly: yes. >> legally section 5 of the voting rights act specifically says they must show a nondiscriminatory impact. they haven't. texas has not done that. now there are other states that have proven or they haven't prove that there wasn't a discriminatory impact. in this situation, when texas has had over 4 million people come to their state, mostly hispanic and mostly black, you have to prove there is no discriminatory impact. by law. sorry. >> greg: when they do this, doesn't voting go up? the states that have -- >> kimberly: also, where is the evidence that shows they have specifically been
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disenfranchised? they have to prove the case that in fact it's occurring to justify this. >> dana: plus in mexico, you actually are required in mexico to have state, government-issued i.d. in order to. vo >> kimberly: now mexico is better than us, too. what is going on? does hollywood have impact christian bias? newt gingrich has words over a controversial new show that he thinks insults christian women. that's coming up next on "the five." stay with us. ♪ ♪
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personally. but not in a bad way, because i can make fun of myself. christians can make fun of themselves. there is a new show on abc called "gcb" which is good christian belles. but based on a book by kim gatlin called good christian -- hmm word. christian genoweth is the star. she has been on fox before. some people think this is getting too much -- you could never make fun of another religion, like islam in the way you are christians. >> greg: they are right. but i don't think it's a starting point for outrage. i'm a fan of christian genoweth. i don't know huh good the show is. you can do it to christian. we get it. it's true. christians at this point in the evolution of their religion are nice. christians write letters. radical islamists carve them in to your chest.
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it will take centuries for it to disappear but religions over time gain confidence. it's compliment for christians when somebody can make fun of you. "the simpsons." ned flanders is the most upstanding on the simpsons and he is made fun of. but it doesn't take away from the fact he is a great person. it is a compliment. you can handle it. the fact you are insecure about your religion says you have a long way to go. >> dana: in an election year nobody can let anything go by. listen to newt. i'll get tamara's foughts. >> look at the new show that is on with the word "christian" in it. take that name and drop out "christian" and put in "muslim." is there a network that would have aired a show like that? not a one. anti-christian bigotry is fine in the entertainment industry.
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>> dana: that may be true, but is that an effective campaign tactic for newt gingrich? >> no. he should avoid any talk of religion. he is not the moral arbitor by a long stretch. we have shows like "big love" about mormons. the numbers on the show were okay. 7.6 million viewers. if people don't like the pilot show it won't get another season. greg, you know about the shows going on and on. the numbers are good. did you watch it? >> eric: no. i was watching celebrity apprentice. >> you love that show. >> eric: newt, really? >> kimberly: he has a point. >> eric: he is so smart, though. stay on the economy. stay on $2.50 gas. stay on things you can win on. you are not going to win on
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that "gcb" wouldn't work if it was "gmb." >> kimberly: think about it. he does have a point. we wouldn't have a show that was "muslim belles." there would be outraged. maybe he didn't need to bring it up. the network like to poke fun. >> christian, southerners. >> greg: you have to fill up a segment. >> dana: he is probably getting good feedback from the audience. you listen to it and you're like he is right. true. if you are fired up listening to gingrich -- >> eric: you're defending gingrich? mark it. >> kimberly: there is nothing wrong with what he said. it's a fact. maybe it's a tribute to americans that we're confident enough, christian nation it's okay to make fun of us.
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>> it brought up muslims and arely johns he brought up. there are for few republican issues. if you make it an issue, use more than this show to bring out your point. >> dana: i'll leave it there. when we come back is the national organization of women putting politics over principle? when it comes to the sexist comments on bill maher. we show you what the president of the group says about his million dollar donation next. ♪ ♪
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>> some conservatives are calling for president obama to return bill maher million-dollar donation because of his comments about sarah palin and other conservative women. interestingly the national organization of women think the president should keep the money. >> maher gave $1 million for the re-election, do you think he should give it back? >> no. i think obama should be re-elected. >> they want re-election. >> do you think $1 million is going to change the election? >> dana: it's about setting a precedent. if they gave back this $1 million, who knows what other crazy things he or somebody else in their world would say. it would be returning money they need. the burn rate was 159% last
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month. >> greg: there is a bigger principle going on here with now and other feminist groups, the triple "p" effect. >> dana: i'm taking notes. >> greg: if you are progressive and a pig you get a pass, which is why if you are bill maher and say horrible things about sarah palin it's okay because you buy in fecknism and progressism. it's why guys in the '70s got in fecknism, they were looking for easy sex without commitment. you can get that as long as you march with them, you believe in abortion. it's the ticket. to get away with everything. >> kimberly: very interesting. >> greg: it's also true, kimberly. >> kimberly: yes. i'm going to pass on the '70s thing. i wasn't around. >> you're a beautiful woman. >> kimberly: thank you. >> you think it's about being a feminist or massag misogyny. >> i think bill maher is
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misogynist. he has another lawsuit. but at least they were being honest and saying we want to win. show us the money. nobody should support people to make a comment so outrageous against women. >> eric: that is not the double standard. bill maher i can't stand the guy. you know where i think he should be. he is consistent. he stood up for rush limbaugh. i don't think the advertisers should pull the advertising. that's not the inconsistency. it'sen coins is tent with president obama picks up the phone and calls sandra fluke and says i don't want my daughter and wife to hear rhetoric like this but meanwhile taking $1 million from bill maher which is worse than what rush limbaugh said. >> kimberly: but if this was against liberal woman they'd be disgusted. >> greg: it's fluke. you get her name wrong. obama should take bill maher $1 million an spend it on
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birth control pills to unite everything together. this is about degree and proportion. if rush limbaugh makes unforced error they spend a month on it. if bill maher does the same it's a day. that is the point. >> we can talk about limbaugh and maher and say they both said bath things. is if $1 million going to change the race? >> that is not the point. it's the principle. i don't care if it's $5 million or $50,000 should he take it when he talkbe about his wifes and daughters and being respectful about women yet you take dirty money. >> there dirty money everywhere in politics talking about women or accused of corruption. are we supposed to wash every dollar through politics? >> dana: this the rationalization that drives people crazy.
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well, everybody does it. no, not everybody talks like bill maher does. senator schumer saying it's okay what bill maher said because he's on after 11:00. the president messed up saying this language against sarah palin or fluke or anybody we cannot speak like this to any woman. whether you're on tv or public figure or testifying before congress or anything else. >> eric: he went the other way. he picked up the phone and said i'm sorry, sandra fluke, for what is going on. that's not what we are about. demonizes the right side and takes money from the left. therein lies the double standard. >> dana: again, they lose the moral high ground. just as they seize it they lose it in a day.
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>> are republicans not supposed to take money who men cheat on their wives since they're conservative? >> dana: i don't see what it has to do with this. >> we're talking about morality here. >> dana: i have nothing to say. >> coming up, greg has a review of the movie you heard about "game change" though he hasn't seen it yet. it should be interesting. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet,
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." the clash. i didn't see the movie "game change." i have been on vacation in the nude rodeo camp didn't have cable. i already know the story. it's to the about sarah palin. it's about us and how dumb the film and tv industry thinks we really are. we're dumb they think because we don't bend to their assumption of life, that right is evil and left is always
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right. what do you expect? asking hollywood to lift the rep is like asking a van halen tribute band to make fun of van halen. this is a tribute band from hit after hit. whose fault is that? my mic fell off? somebody is getting fired. hold it like this. if there is a restaurant that serves fast food, it's bad. you avoid it. if every restaurant serves bad food you make your own. it's time for conservatives to stop complaining and start doing. we need a new generation of right-thinking chefs to make the food that we want to eat. our kids need to write, go to film school and invade pop culture or the joke will always be on us. until then, movies will be predictable and so will complaints. it may take decades to
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complete the mission but it is the only way to make a game change for real. >> dana: i agree with that in conservatives should -- there is a market. there is money to be made as well. >> eric: can i point out i watch the movie twice. >> you did? >> eric: i did. saturday night and sunday afternoon. it was an msnbc, liberal media hit job on that one woman there, governor sarah palin. not on john mccain. it was right after sarah pali palin. nicole wallace, and steve schmidt. high-level advisors in the mccain camp in the 2008 election. they trashed her. absolutely trashed governor palin. so inconsistent, at first, give you a quick example, they start the movie he is leans over to schmidt and says i really want to get out of alaska. they spend the next hour-and-a-half saying how much he is loves alaska.
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there were inconsistent throughouts. it was a left-leaning hit job. >> greg: you pointed out, dana -- garretty pointed out. sarah palin's name didn't appear in the book until 351, but the whole thing is about her. >> dana: she is the most fascinating and most interesting. first american, the first black american president wasn't that interesting. >> greg: exactly. >> they weren't going to do a movie about it. i never understood the fascination and obsession about her. i have friends working on both campaigns. one thing about sarah palin, at the end of the movie they say they think she will just fade away. boy was that wrong. >> dana: did you see the movie? >> i watched it twice as well. >> kimberly: good job. >> i know.
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every time i'm watching tv or doing anything i play games. i don't think is, necessary a liberal media debate here. if somebody came up to any of us and said you are running for vice president, i would be like okay? are you kidding me? of course i'm going to be attacked. you to understand that you are walking in to a lion's den. we have to commend a woman who rose from nothing to become something. on the other side, do we want a woman like to be our vice president? >> eric: what is the point? the movie portrayed her as something that she is nothing like. she is a wonderful mother. she is a smart, intelligent woman. she has the ability to unite -- >> at the end of the day, she didn't have the experience. >> greg: at the end of the day, neither did barack obama. >> kimberly: it was mean-spirited. like you said, a number of
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inconsistency on it. she should be commended. he is loves the country. there are things to admire. if it was a guy they wouldn't make a movie about it. >> greg: i don't think it's a gender thing. she was symbolic of everything that the hollywood found come call. conservative woman, who doesn't count like them. she is a lightning rod for this. >> kimberly: she has had the last laugh. >> greg: president obama is a challenge for eric bolling. he will tell you what it's all about. one more thing is next. if you leave now i'll stick pins in the voodoo doll i made of you. ♪
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her breathing. it causes a block in her breathing. she has a cute dog. goes everywhere with her. he carries the oxygen around so she can have a fulfilling life and do things like the other kids. very sweet. >> eric: he is a good boy. tam? >> i want to talk about the possibility of minus tebow mania plus manning mania. it look like the broncos, fickle team they seem to be in the past few years now want peyton manning which is kind of sad. tim tebow is a -- >> we love him. >> eric: he has jesus on his side. john elway never liked tebow on the team. i love hoops, the ncaa is the
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best time of year. bar none. so i found out that president obama has a bracket challenge. i put up my bracket on president obama's bracket challenge. if i beat president obama my name gets listed on his website. >> dana: it's probably on his list somewhere. >> eric: hopefully maybe if i win. my time four is duke, missouri, unc and ohio state. >> dana: i can't believe you didn't choose wyoming. good grief. today is the one-year anniversary of sen stensing of humanitarian aid worker alan gross for 15 years in prison for crime against cuban state in 2011. crime trying to connect cuba small jewish community to internet working as a con track for -- for a contractor.
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i think we need more outrage. >> kimberly: free him. >> dana: absolutely. >> eric: one more thing? >> greg: i went to breitbart's funeral in l.a. intense affair. everybody was great there. it was great. florida where i went on vacation in a place i was calling islam mirada for a nice person corrected me and said it's isle of moraada. >> dana: did you meet fans of "the five"? >> greg: there are more fans of "the five" and fox news in florida. it's great for your self-esteem. like being in a rock band for 6-year-olds. "the five." >> eric: leave it there. that's "the five." thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. here you go, allison. thank
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