tv Hannity FOX News March 14, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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continuing to zero in on the hateful speech used lie the left. and the latest example is courtesy of chris rock. the comed embrane is contribute toed over his comments about tea party members. and the result is just plain ugly. we will get into that in just a moment. but first, we want to bring to your attention a brand-new segment we are debuting tonight. it's called the real obama. our attempt at doing the work that the elite media has refused to do the last four years and that's vet the man who holds the most important job in the world upon tonight, we will look at president's first broken promise. that's debuting in just a minute. last year in an esquire magazine interview, he called the tea party, quote, insane and racist. but when the left-wing hollywood
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actor was questioned by my guest, things got hostile. >> joining me with reaction issue the author of culture of corruption, michelle malcolm and the man afwiekd chris rock is the author of the brand-new book, hollywood hypocrites. jason mattera is with us. interesting. he didn't seem to want to take the picture. you ask him about the comments, what happened? >> he goes berserk, he comes unhinged and attacks my camerawoman, tries to wrestle the camera and get its from her hands and launches it across the
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room. that was spike lee's afterparty at the sundance film festival. i said, you know, i'm tired of celebrities like him getting away with maligning and besmirching millions of american who is go to tea party rally, waving their american flailing, they have baby strollers, they are concerned that obama is spending their kids' future into oblivion and theirharacter is maligned and no one holds chris rork accountable. >> sean: that brings us to, mish shell -- michelle, where we have been. the first lady, michelle obooma will be on david letterman's program on monday night. let's remind everybody, considering the obamas want to be good examples and the president said lead by example for his daughters and the country, let's look at the remarks of david letterman. >> highlights of sarah palin's trip to new york city.
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makeup at bloomingdale's to try to update the slutty example. in the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by rodriguez. >> i'm going to try to lead by example. >> he decided to help obama out. >> he has donated $1 million. >> last week, i said goodbye to $1 million. >> i made a contribution to obama's super pac. >> this ends up being a teachable moment. >> sean: michelle, teachable moment, lead by example. michelle obama goes on letterman, letterman attacked her daughter and sarar and bill maher, of course, giving the $1 million to the obama super pac. >> that's right. of course, that million dollars constitutes half of all the donations at priorities usa, the obama pac, run by bill burton, has earned over the last month. this is not just some two-bit
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comedian, unofficial. this is a heavy hitter in the democrat party who, had been scheduled to speak before the alabama democrats, down in the south that he maligned yesterday on twitter. we have the story. not only did he do that, he said something even fowler -- >> sean: viboth of those -- >> about newt gingrich and rick santorum. >> sean: you are talking about bill maher and the obama super pac. you know what? they won't give back the money. we can't be the speech police. toothless tuesday, too tight to tally and the magic box... >> sean: pretty sick stuff. the obamas associate with david letterman. they took bill maher's million dollars. babe maybe in the case of rush limbaugh, he ought to donate to
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the obama super pac and say anything he wants. >> give them full immunity. >> sean: here's chris matthews attacking mormons, talking about mitt romney. >> culturally, they are out to lunch for the president. i am going on vote for president obama. who do they get to beat him? they are willing to outsource it to a mormon. that seems to be, like calling up india or the third world to get the computer fixed. you don't care who's fixing it. they want to get rid of obama. they are vote for example a guy they don't like and wouldn't trust his religion. they have two roman catholics, so three cultists running. they have to pick one of three cultists. it is not as funny as i'm making it -- but it's ridiculous. the muslim, the her tick. what a strange stew of religious prejudices at work here.
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they pick the guy they don't like, to pick a guy they hate worse. >> sean: outsourced to a mormon. hollywood is made up of hate mongers. we have bill maher at the top of a very long iceberg. and obama has no problem associating with them n. 2008, we let ourselves get steam rolled by obama's celebrity-fueled machine. this time, we happen to be doing the steam rolling. we confront chris rock and he becomes unhinged. the right has to fight back or else -- the right has to fight back because if we act like wimps, we will get another four years of obama. >> sean: michelle -- >> amen, brother. >> sean: through this prism. this is a serious question. have you media matters and they are trying to silence rush limbaugh and his particular case, hacking his advertising base. but this has gone on, ignoring
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the liberal outrageous comments for a long time. and we can take this back 30 years. let me give awn example because this has gone on 30 years. i may have to do a one-hour special on liberal hate speech. they can remain silent all of these years. let's take a trip down memory lane. >> the man is on the court, i hope his wife feeds him eggs and butter and many black men do die of heart disease. that's how i feel. he's an absolutely rev hencible person. >> i don't think viany jesse helms defenders here. >> he ought to be worried about what is going on in the good lord's mind, if there is retributive justice, he will get aids from a transfusion. >> i hope his wife feeds him eggs and but ther and he gets aid. here's my question -- >> yeah? >> sean: this has gone on for a long time. why this outrage over any
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comment of a conservative, but if you are a liberal, you get a pass. why? >> we have talked about that. we have talked about the full immunity that every laberal slime ball has. the liberal tolerant emporers have no clothes. when these people show their true colors, they have not a leg to stand on. this is why books like jason's, the work that he has done, we have worked together for years. he has confronted all of these hollywood celebrities and these liberal hate mong ors capitol hill. he's one of the few people who has done it because all of these feckless washington reporters won't do it. you say, you know, we have talked about how long this has gone on. well it stops right here and now this is where we draw the line. we can push back because we have alternate media. we have blogs. we have the brietbart empire, which lives on. we have talk radio. you do it on your radio show, every day for 3 hours a day,
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sain. the more we can harness new media to get the message out and push back against the narrative, the better. when you vet the president, you don't just vet the president, you are vetting hollywood and the media. and they don't like it one bit. >> sean: very well said. thank you. great book. congratulations. >> thank you. >> sean: more video to come. >> there are a lot more videos to come. >> >> sean: you have been up to no good. he has been up to real good, actually. >> that's right. >> sean: thank you for being with us. it is time for our text vote. rick santorum won big last night in the deep south, but mitt romney remains the delegate leader. do you think that romney will win the g.o.p. nomination? you can text us... we have the answers coming up this hour. still to come, very important, we kick off a brand-new segment, we debut the vetting of the president, the real obama, with a look at the 44 tght president's first broken
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promise. take a look. >> promises were made to you over the years. >> i promise you this... you are only going to hear one from me. >> i promise you everything i can. i pledge to do everything in my power. i promise as candidate for president. we are keeping our promise. i am confident of my promise. that's not just a promise i am making as a president, that's a promise i am making as an american. oh dear...
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ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night. i was out helping people save money on their car insurance. 2 more! you're doing it! aren't they doing great?! hiiiiiii!! come sweat with me! keep going richard. keep sweating!! geico. fifteen minutes could save you sweat! sweat! fifteen percent or more on car insurance. battle speech right? may i? capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. sh us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up t100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claiyour miles at today! wh's in your wallet? cayou play games on that? not on the runway. no.
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>> sean: and tonight in the inaugural edition of the real obama, we have been given the work to vet president obama. as we count down to election day, this is the same man, where we will uncover the truth about the current occupant of the oval office. tonight we begin -- where else? but with his first broken promise. here it is. >> the first executive order that we are signing by the authority vested in me as president -- by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, in order to affect the appropriate disposition of individuals currently detained by the department of defense at guantanamo... and promptly close the detention facility at guantanamo consistent with the
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national security and foreign policy interests of the united states and the interests of justice, i hereby order. and we then provide the process whereby guantanamo will be closed, no later than one year from now. >> sean: now the president looked into the cameras and made that pledge more than threerr 3 years ago, but to this day, guantanamo is open for business. but with the election, it appears the administration has idea toss clear gitmo. a prisoner swap, involving the taliban and the united states has nearly been finalized. it would reportedly send five taliban leaders out of gitmo in exchange for one, quote, western prisoner. that was revealed by none other than the senate intel chair, dianne feinstein, who strongly opposes a swap, saying, quote...
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>> sean: joining me more as we vet the administration's irresponsible handling of gitmo, we bring liz cheney. welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> sean: let's start at the beginning here, that's a promise that then candidate obama and president obama made that has not been phil fulfilled. this is only step one. we have more more than enough material to get to the election day. when you put this together with the new breaking story, doesn't that suggest that the administration has been negotiating with terrorists, which raises a lot of questions that i think the american people need to know about? >> right. i would say, first of all, it's important for people to remember that the reason why he has not closed guantanamo is mostly because the american people stood up and said, we do not want you, mr. president, to bring terrorists onto u.s. soil. we need to be able to hold those terrorists somewhere safe and secure, which guantanamo is.
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having said that, there seems with the latest news in particular, to be no terrorist barack obama is unwilling to release. and these commanders are five of the top taliban commanders at gawpt gawpt. the joint task force at guantanamo, the entity that is responsible for the intelligence, for the detainees, who knows the most about these detainees has classified them as posing a high risk to the united states and to our allies. they have long-standing ties to al qaeda and they said they should not be released. they should remain in u.s. custody. so the white house has a lot of explaining to do on this one. >> sean: a lot of explaining. number 1, they have apparently been negotiating with the taliban. now, if you remember, when president reagan was in office, we had this issue, the iran contra and there was a lot of outrage, expressed by the left. i want any american eye am told through my sources that they're
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talking about an american soldier here. i want them released. but do we release people that are hell bent on the destruction of america and connected to al qaeda and high-ranking members of the taliban? do we sit and talk with them, number 1? and offer such a deal like this? >> there are two stories we have heard, both of which are very troubling. one is the one that you mentioned that they are considering releasing taliban commanders in exchange for an american prisoner that is being held. we absolutely should not do that. you know, sean fwe release, we begin the promise of releasing taliban commanders, taliban prisoners, in exchange for people who have been kidnapped by the taliban. all it does is encourage them to kidnap and hold more americans. the second story we have heard is that this is part of the beginning of a negotiation with the taliban that is part of getting out of afghanistan. now, now the administration initially said there would be conditions for this negotiation,
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initially they said the taliban had to lay down their arm it's. >> sean: oh, come on. >> accept the constitution. >> sean: you believe that? >> the taliban has said, no thanks. secretary clinton said, well, we didn't mean those were pre-conditions, those were objectives. however you package this, it is dangerous to the national security of the united states. >> sean: so we are talking about negotiating with terrorists. orn, we have the issue with egypt and the president bragging about democracy and the arab spring. now we know who was elected, people that i predicted would get in power, that was the muslim brotherhood. they were saying at the time, prepare for war with israel. the egyptian parliament declared that israel is their number-1 enemy, which couldn't come at a worse time since the iranians seem hell bent on getting nuclear weapons and israel is more isolateed from the united states. and the majority of americans support a strike on iran, if
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necessary to stop this. >> you can imagine a worse main to be sending than to have our enemies and our allies in cairo and elsewhere watching as we do everything we can, frankly, to bribe the taliban here. i think the united states has made itself under barack obama, irrelevant, at best in the middle-east and especially in the moment when, you know, we need to be insuring that we're maintaining and securing our interest and the security of our allies. you know, as you watch the earthquake that has happened across that part of the world and you line that up against an america in retreat, that's the only way you can describe tyou really have to wonder about, you know, what that will do long term, and even short term to america's interests. we cannot secure our interest fist we are in retreat around the world. >> sean: i can't believe how long the president was on the arab spring and the arab winter and the parliament declares israel as their number-1 enemy. we will continue every night,
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including more tonight, to vet the president and do the mainstream media's job. coming up next, karl rove will join us on the g.o.p. race. we'll vet the president on the issue of energy and the president's it energy secretary once called for gas prices in america to rise to european levels. that means, $8, $9, $10 a gallon. now he is, quote, changing his tune. is that an election-year conversion? that and much more coming up.
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>> sean: president obama laughed when he was asked by ed henry if he wanted higher gas prices to help his renewable energy agenda. let's take a look. >> your critics will say that you want gas prices to go higher because you have said before that that will wean the american people off fossile fuel, onto renewable fuels. how do you respond to that? >> from a political perspective, do you think the president of the united states, going into re-election wants gas prices to go higher? is there anybody here who thinks that makes a lot of sense? look, here's the bottom line with respect to gas prices. i want goose prices lower because they hurt families. >> sean: in fact, the president once said he support aid gradual
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increase in fuel costs. he said that back in 2008. it seemed like a legitimate question from ed hun henry and what make its more legitimate, you are not the only member of the administration. your energy secretary, stephen chu, told "the wall street journal," quote, quote... >> are you saying that you no longer share the view that we need to figure out how it boost gasoline prices in america? >> i no longer share that view. >> sean: election-year conversion. joining me, monica crowley from the fox business new york, charles payne. by the way, when he said he wanted it, he's talking about $8, $9 and $10 gasoline, he said he preferred it gradually. well, they are up. they have doubled since he has
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been president. >> from day 1 from this administration, they have set about to carry out social engineering in every aspect of the economy -- health care, financial sector, industrial base, through the auto bailouts and energy. and it first started with cap and trade and tried to get the scheme through when it couldn't get past the senate and they started to do epa regulations and so on. one big reason we have $4 a gallon gas is as a result of this administration's policies, in order to get those gas prices up. this administration has blocked drilling, blocked exploration, slow-walked permitting, which has been a disgrace and blocked the keystone pipeline. now he wonders why the american people are furious and holding him accountable for $4 a gallon gas? it is not a mystery! >> sean: as part what have we are going to do on this program, charles, we call it vetting the president. the mainstream media is not going to do it. they helped elect him. they hid a lot of things about his past. now he has a record.
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you know, he came around from his own words, he can't hide this. happens to be one of my favorite vetting moments of vetting barack obama. i can't help myself. >> there are things you can do individually, though, to save energy, making sure your tires are properly inflated. simple things. but we could save all the oil they are talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tuneups. you can save just as much. we are making new investments in the development of gasoline and jet fuel that is made from a plant-like substance -- algae. have you a bunch of algae out here. right? if key figure out how it make energy out of that, we will be doing all right. >> sean: algae, manure. we'll turn anything into energy, right? >> you know what? i don't have a problem with the president having a vision for all of this stuff as a
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substitute. but the problem is when you attack fossile fuel, the industry, when you waste billions of dollars of american taxpayer money. if private industry wants to do this, i met a big-time tech guy out of silicon valley, but the problem is, there are 3,000 varieties of algae. if they want to put their money into it, it might be the answer, but not right now. >> sean: no. while we are simultaneously looking for new energy, let's drill special build power plants and explore coal mining. >> let the private-sector do it. we keep pumping money. have you seen the chart they put up in the white house? the president's talking about a utopian world of every car electric run. first of all, that's fossile fuel. that's scpoal natural gas -- >> sean: and the chevy volt. >> of course, not. but here's the thing. but -- >> sean: $10 grand!
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>> $10 grand. maybe that that will get into i. imagine a utopian world with all electric cars. we couldn't build the solar panels and wind mills, it would still be fossile fuel. so it's crazy. >> sean: you add iran and israel and the conflict and perhaps the strait of hormuz blocked off, which may very well happen, we are talk about this world's oil supply, potentially cut off and the market prices are going to skyrocket. we are paying $4.50 a gallon in new york, we are going to be paying $6 before we know it. >> we are subject to opec extortion. we are vulnerable to the regimes that hate our guts and are trying to do us in in various ways. this is outrageous. president nixon presided over the first big oil & gas crisis in the 70s. every since then, every american president has talked about oil and gas independence --
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>> sean: we have to run. >> none of them have pursued it -- >> although carter put us in this predicament. we have never been the same. >> sean: how embarrassing, we are begging the saudis, please! increase your production. >> it's so pathetic, after 40 years, after the first oil shocks, we are still in this position. this president has taken it to the extreme because he has made us more vulnerable on them and pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into green energy. >> sean: get some algae. become a zillionaire. >> if you can't tuse in your car, it's great in a salad. >> sean: i think i will pass on that. coming up next, we asked the architect, karl rove to make sense of this tight g.o.p. primary d. rick santorum's southern sweep buy him right back into the race? we will ask him and our great, great american panel and more of vetting the president, straight ahead. this is made for pain.
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no clearer than it was yesterday. rick santorum's victories in alabama and mississippi make himg very much a contender against delegate leader, mitt romney. but where does it leave newt gingrich who finished second in both states? here's where the delegate count stands. mitt romney leads... >> sean: who knows if one of the men can lock in the delegates needed before the convention in august. and here to break it down and what to expect in the weeks to come, the one and only, the architect, karl rove. how are you? >> fabulous. how about you? >> sean: quick summary. great night for rick santorum. solid night for newt gingrich bump he probably need aid win. he probably wanted those states badly and mitt romney was not expected to do well, was tight in both those contests and did
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well in hawaii. >> did well in hawaii and guam and walks out of the evening with 41 delegates to santorum's 35 to newt gingrich's 24 and ron paul's 1. here'sue are right. it's a mystifying picture looking forward. they are 1360 for delegates to be elected. somebody has to get to 1,144 to get the nomination. that means that romney has 649 more delegates he has to get to get to the magic number or win 47.7% of the delegates from here forward. right now, he is winning 53 1/2. santorum has 892. that means he has to win nearly 2 out of every 3. newt to get to the magic number has to win roughly three-quarters and then the abm -- the anybody but mitt coalition.
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all candidates not named romney keep in this race, they have to win 701 or 51 1/2 percent of the delegates up for grabs between now and the end of the contest. >> sean: it seemed that newt gingrich last night was suggesting the a.b.m. number, he think its might be a good thing to have two months in the summer to debate who could be best qualified to go up against the president. your reaction? >> that's clearly what the campaign operatives were focused in on this number, all we have to do -- santorum, gingrich, paul is to win 701. and theoretically tmakes sense. but however, at the end of the day, if people are going to start focusing, increasingly on who out of the field do they like scbrks who they want to be for. that means that if you win at 53 1/2 percent, it's easier to get to 47.7% to be the guy, as opposed to 2/3 or 3/4 to be
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elected. it will be an interesting contest with a lot of twists and turns between now and june. to me, that's interesting. the next big contest is on the 20th when illinois votes. 69 delegates up. thru there are going it would be two contests between them to give us a further indication. on the 18th is puerto rico, the governor of puerto rico has endorsed romney. rom me has done well in the so-called island pripear, guam, marianas and hawaii, virgin islands. i think most of those delegates will go to romney. but the interesting one will be the day before on saturday. missouri caucuses go to the next level. i do not think it was an accident that romney went to missouri, to st. louis, missouri. he is trying -- there are foo delegates up. we are a.p. is counting the delegates in the santorum column. but they are not yet elected. he will try to go in and swipe
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the delegates in the caucus process, thereby lowering santorum's number and adding to his own. >> sean: let's talk about -- let's assume we are going to get a nominee at some point, which is going to happen. look at the president, he has a 41% approval rating now. 41%. no modern-day present has won re-election with that low a number. real unemployment, the gallup number was 9.1%, we are 19% unemployed or under-employed, health care costs have doubled. the egyptian parliament declared israel as their number-1 enemy. then have you bill maher, donating to the obama super pac as the president's lecturing the country. michelle obama will go to david letterman, after david mert lanattacked sarsorry's children. and said she had a slutty flight attendant look. is this beginning to resonate?
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do you think that that narrative is going to hurt them? >> yeah. look. i think it will. but something will hurt them even more. in the washington post, the president's approval on the economy was 38%, disapproval, 59, all-time high. inside those numbers, 31% of the american people say they think that barack obama's policies are making the economy better. 30% think his policies are making the economy worse. and 37% say, have no effect. have you two out of three americans saying, mr. president, you spent $862 billion on a stimulous bill and run up $4.6 trillion and the cbo says the deficit for this year has to be raised to $1.2 trillion, up from your estimate, what are you doing?! you are not getting the economy going. whatever is going good is a result of hard-working americans and the economies that -- the companies that they are working in, making tough decisions about how to move forward.
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these are not your policy, mr. president. >> sean: dimension the gas prices have doubled since he has been president? did i also mention that he want aid gradual increase and he thinks the answer is to inflate tires, get tune yaps and solyndra -- and by the way, algae. >> algae! that's the important one, the critical one there. people see this. when he says, the republicans are stupid for calling for drilling. it causes ordinary people to say, we ought to be drilling. when he says, nothing can be done, they say, you're a weak leader -- >> sean: we have to run. you like marco rubio for v.p.? top of your list? uhh, i think right behind hannity. >> sean: that's not going to happen. but i appreciate the sentiment. karl rove, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: let not your heart be troubled, our great, great, great american panel is next.
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>> sean: tonight on our great, great american panel, he's syndicate the columnist, rich lowry. she is a national independent editor for go vote dot-com, marjorie clifton is with us. he is the president of the penn financial group, author of the next great, bold market, matt mccall is here. everyone agrees that sarah palin is know running? >> i agree. >> sean: okay. as a follow-up to the vetting we had, the president's association with radical professor bell, of harvard, introducing and hugging him and finding out he supported farrakhan, his motto is that to live to harass white people, white boys -- all terms he has used. we had sarah palin on the program. after that appearance, the obama campaign goes after this show, andrew breitbart and sarah palin
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in an ad. >> barack obama has never been seen in the conventional, >> sean: a person that professor bell was hugging said his motto is to live to harass white people. it's on tape and we played it. sarah palin, i believe that was accurate. why are they going after sarah palin? >> she's completely accurate. our country's moving in the right direction for a very long time, sean. all of a sudden, we have class warfare and we have a race card.
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everything's about race. and look who obama associates with. you take the race, you take the fact that he's rob from this rich, stealing to the poor. we are moving backwards. this country was built -- >> absolutely. with sarah palin, they are going to go after her because she's a voice for republicans and for women. >> sean: what about the president associated with a.c.o.r.n., community organizing, ayers, and professor bell says he supports farrakhan and my motto is to live to harass white people. does that bother you? does that bother you? >> what i will say is that as the president of the united states, he was not planning to be head the president of the united states at harvard law review and would bet that any -- >> sean: he is friends with jer maya wright, does that bother you? >> no. >> sean: america's chickens have
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come home to roost. >> dare we go through the lineup of republicans as well? >> sean: we are talk about this president of the united states and it is okay -- would you want your daughter or son to sit on a board with bill ayers? [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: let me ask you, would you want them to start their career in the home of bill ayers, unrepentant terrorist -- >> again -- >> sean: that's a question -- how much would you want your kids to start a career there? >> my children will have whatever career they want. i do not think it is fair to have guilt by association. we haven't done that with palin or anyone else. >> welcome to "hannity," by the way. [chuckles] >> i will get three words in. i promise, it's going to happen. [overlapping dialogue] >> just throw it out. >> nuany republican politician who had any association whatsoever with a right-winger who had these kind of racialist views, he would be drummed from
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public life. there is no question i. ron paul -- his own writing -- >> sean: he was running -- let me ask you this -- michelle obama's going to be on david letterman. david letterman said, that sarah palin's daughter was knocked up by a-rod and made the comment about a slutty flight attendant look. president's lecturing us on civility. he took his pac of their 1 million from maher, what do you make of that double standard? >> well, letterman apologized -- >> sean: maher didn't apologize. >> maher is a poisonous influence on modern life and i don't think anyone respectable should go on his show. >> sean: but they kept the million bucks. rush limbaugh, all he needs to do is give a million dollars to the pac. >> i would love to see a republican return a million dollars, i don't care who it comes from -- [overlapping dialogue] >> listen, what i have to say eye thought it was a good choice
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for axel rod. >> sean: shouldn't the president lead by example, is he leading by example, taking bill maher, who uses the "c" word against sarah palin and the "t" word -- is he leading by example -- that's a question. >> no, no -- >> sean: yes or no question. >> here's what i would say, there is no -- everything isn't black and white -- >> sean: leading by exasm. >> he is an entertainer -- >> sean: that's a copout. $1 million is a political donation. his show is political. he hates republicans and conserve dispifs loves liberals. last word. >> this country, the way it is right now, the liberals can get away with it, they can be liberal. >> sean: more with our great, great american panel, right after the break. straight ahead. it ♪
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9:56 pm
>> before we continue with our panel, we ask you thought that mitt romney would be the inevitable g.o.p. nominee... thanks for voting. we continue with our great american panel. florida democrats, the decision to fly an american flag with obama's portrait on it is sparking outrage. let's take a look. as you can see righted there, now... here's people responding to this and saying, excuse me.
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this is a violation of the code. watch this. >> we want to do it in our own time. we will check it out. >> you near violation of the code. >> i am saying, i will take it out. >> we will take it down for you. >> no, you will not. this is private property. >> why don't you take it down? [laughter] >> this doesn't go far enough. i think we need obama with a torch and in the iwo jima memorial, raising the flag. she obviously knew nothing about the federal flag code. to her credit, after giving it some thought, at the urging of the vets, she took it down -- >> but she said, she may put it back up. this is like north korea, where lovieanne jung -- where kim jong il was everywhere and you are putting him on the flag? >> it's creating markets. and by the media covering this, they had only sold 50, now it's blown up.
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there is a company in china -- >> sean: made in china. >> sean: the obama campaign manager admitting that if the general election were -- we will put it up, were held today that president obama would lose to mitt romney, according to the latest polls, he is 41% approval in the cbs/times poll and 44-45% in the other poll that came out this week n. rasmussen, romney beats obama by 5 points. >> i think they're scared -- and they want $3. >> and they are pushing. they said, we need your $3, using scare tactics, unless you want mitt romney to be your president. they are trying to scare us. but does this surprise you? they have been using scare tactics for the last 3 years. >> i think this is motivating voters. >> sean: it's motivating liberals. >> have you a large percentage of undecided republicans who are not satisfied with the candidate choices.
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right now, we are watching the fist fight -- >> sean: they will not be voting for obama. [overlapping dialogue] >> the best part about that new york times poll, it shows during this whole bogus attack about a war on women that the republicans are waging, obama's numbers among women, according to that poll, from february to now, went down 12 points. according to that poll, a majority of women think that religious institutions should be exempted from this mandate -- so it shows -- >> sean: gas prices, he's losing this war on women, accusing republicans, it's backfired, freedom of religion. >> are you voting on this wim topic? you really are not -- >> women are voting -- the on the women topic. >> no way. >> republicans have never won women. >> sean: we are out of time. [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: greta's next. if you want to joinous twitter,
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