tv Hannity FOX News March 17, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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boston because we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: a was supposed had to be a presidential address on gas prices turned out to be a hyper partisan campaign speech. i'm mitch lowery in for sean. rather than offer up any real solutions to curb the costs of fuel in america, he spent his time to left wing extremists and vilifying the president. >> we have heard this thinking before. if some of these folks were around when columbus set sail. [ laughter ] >> they must have been founding members of the platter society. they would not have believed
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that the world was round. they probably would have agreed with the pioneers of the radio who said television won't last, its flash in the pants. [ laughter ] >> one of henry ford's advisors was quoted as saying, the horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a fad. >> when you are finished tearing down his political opponents he listed all the reasons he is not to blame for the surge in gas prices. >> we are drilling. under my administration. america is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. [ cheers and applause ] that is a fact. that is a fact. we quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record
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high. i want everybody to listen to that. we have more oil rigs operating now than ever. that is a fact. we have approved dozens of new pipelines so do not tell me we are not drilling. >> my next guest says the president isn't doing all he can to address the energy crisis. joining me to explain, is charles krauthammer. thanks for being with us. i've known you for years. i've read you for years and i briefly worked for you. i didn't realize in the last couple weeks you have this intense aminus against algae. >> actually i do. but that is the thing when the president is talking about the flat earth on the republican side, what he is talking about the fact in the two previous speeches he had given on energy he said he was not mired in the past, meaning oil will work in your gas tank but the fuels of
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the future. that is what he was championing and he mentioned algae which is funny. you'll notice in the speech he gave last night. algae doesn't appear because it's a funny word. people are doing all these rips on algae and seaweed in your tank. what is all about, algae? he used bio-mass. a sophisticated sounding substitute but that is the reason people have contempt for his argument. he is talking about stuff will happen in 50 years from now. algae and predecessors, carter poured billions into sin fuels and ethanol. al gore has said it is a dead and. and then you had ethanol, we have a regulation if you make ethanol you get a penalty if you don't include celluotic ethanol
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doesn't exist and you have to pay a fine if you don't include it. that is where we are for the stuff of the future. americans understand we're not going run our cars on windmills or solar energy. in the meantime.... >> as you point out the promoting alternative energy and some amazing breakthroughs and utter nonsense because it's been con seven tuesday we have nothing out of it. the speeches have been shameless is someone has pointed out the rooster taking credit for the sunrise. production is up and he is has done it. energy information administration had a report out wednesday oil and gas production on federal lands is the lowest it's been in nine years. >> of course.
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we've had an increase in production in spite of him. it's happening on private and state lands. it is declining on federal lands over which obama has authority. all of the restrictions he has placed you can't drill off the atlantic coast, virginia, would like to do it. there is no drilling off the florida gulf coast. cuba will be drilling in that area instead. you can't drill in anwr go in the arctic which is the size of dulles airport. that is the footprint that is half the size of england. that would be producing million barrels a day, a third of iranian production. had democrats allowed it over the last 20 years. democrats have systematically shut down sources of oil. the reason we have had a slight increase in production is because of the permits that were issued in the bush and clinton years because it takes at least half a decade to go from a permit to actual production.
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that, everything obama is boasting about has nothing to do what he has done. it's happening in spite of his attempts to shut down drilling all over the country. >> charles, apparently the speech was researched on wikipedia. because there was something about rutdzer b.hayes. >> one of my presented says certifies, rutherford b.hayes. he said about the telephone, it's a great invention but who would ever want to use one. that is why he is not on my list anymore. he is looking backwards. he is not looking forward. >> as was immediately pointed out. he was quite pro telephone and protect nothing. charles, where does president hayes get his reputation back? >> in basketball, this would be
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a double technical. obama will stomp on anybody living or dead if he will get a laugh on it. eight people that end up on his side on november 6th but the whopper was where he said, at one point he said the real way to reduce prices of gas in america is to decrease demand. then within three minutes of the same speech he said we can increase production all we want. it will have no effect on the world price. either demand increasing supply and decrease is going to affect the world price or neither will, but the idea that demand lowering demand will decrease the price increasing production will not is simply a whopper. i can't believe he said that in the same speech. you wonder if he reads his speeches in advance. >> the other amazing thing, that is so irritating. he portrays people that want to
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drill more, in reality these technological advances that i have made porgs possible the increases in production that he is taking credit for you. >> if he is re-elected is going to do everything it can to shut down and restrict and constrain the new technological wonders that are producing gas at such an incredible rate that the price has plummeted in the united states which has helped electricity rates, which has helped manufacturers. which has helped american industry. his administration is intent as his own secretary of energy has said -- of course he recanted gallilejo style but we need to raise the price of gasoline to $8 a gallon.
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he believes it and obama does. they want to see the stuff we use every day hiked in price so that we will abandon it. so that we will adopt algea and so we will save the global environment. its theology on their part and that is what they believe in. >> charles, take it on algae and it never did anything to you. >> except wrecked my pool. coming up, from hanging out to george clooney to chowing down on hot dogs at ncaa tournament, it was a busy week for the president but he is not done yet. why he wasted your tax dollars. then, a former c.i.a. operative that spent years inside iran, his identity will be concealed his identity will be concealed but his stories will leave you
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other than anything policy, jobs and afghanistan, what is more on all of this is our panel, thanks for joining us tonight. so he's done alt this point in the campaign twice as many fund raising events that president bush had in 2004 and karl rove pointed out he has less money in the bank. is there a failing effort to make that magic number they're talking about a few months ago?
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>> well i don't recall the campaign saying $1 billion. and that is put out by karl rove but this president never had no president should have to face what this president is facing with super packs and people like karl rove coming in and helping. >> and that is -- that is always karl rove's fault. >> the president spent a lot more time governing than any predecessor did. >> and his his own super packs. and almost -- his predecessors almost three times as many vacation days than the president did. so look. this is a debate that helped every single election where you have an income bent. opposition party blames the incumbent and in my opinion it's a silly debate.
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it's an election year, he's doing his job and camp wraining. the other side has been campaigning for a year. >> this president never stops campaigning. you heard about civility lately. that is why you maintain only the highest level in this program there. is a crazy moment at one of the fund-raisers. an entertainer named clo green, he must be very popular because i never heard of him before. we're going to listen anyway. take a listen. ♪ [ music ] . >> so you got the basic idea
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and i might be old fashioned but at a fund-raiser for the president you don't need to use that language and shouldn't be giving anyone the finger. >> i agree. everybody wants to be the cool guy z now that only gets you so far. and that is is terrible. i don't have a problem with him being there, he supports the president, that is fine but show a tiny little bit of class. do you do you not know that is inappropriate and wrong? how did obama's discussion not have a discussion with him about... >> yes. and someone who has staffed events like this, i promise you ob yaum's people had that conversation with him beforehand. a lot of a lot of people at
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that event. >> and you would have laid down the law. >> when the entertainer has got the mic nobody can make them do anything. >> and democratic fund raising they can't let go of is this war on women. every e mail talks about a war on women. never, ever has the government mandated that employers provide contraception coverage free. this would be a new program and people who oppose it are just protecting the status quo. how possibly can protecting the status quo when it comes to religious organizations be a war on anyone? >> well, a couple things i'm not a democrat believes that is a war on women. doi think there has been a series of policies that have come out in the republican party that are detrimental to a lot of women out there. you say that never before has government mandated coverage of contraception.
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never before has the government ever mandated invasive ultrasounds for women as we saw just passed in virginia. >> and my understand sthag they do perform ultrasounds. >> but never before has the government mandated it you're asking for the government to start footing the bill you can't be surprise fd the government also starts mandating other things you don't like. it's part and parcel. i don't want the government in my body and decisions, i agree with that, however, it's hypocrite cal to stand with your hand out and skt government pay for your decisions. they're going to start making decisions we don't like but if they're footing the bill they're going say hey -- . >> let's talk about never before has the government mandated religious instit yigs yugss they still aren't. >> they are. >> no. no. >> a lot of them.
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>> that in addition totally reject it f you're going make a compromise with the church go talk to the church about what they want and forth a compromise, if you can on that basis. >> this is i think southern baptists are self insured so they're going to be paying and it's not looking -- . >> we've got to go. conversation can continue in the green boom but no f-bombs okay? >> okay. >> rumors running rampant between a secret between mitt romney and ron paul that could have rand paul as the senator's vpz later a cia operative that went under cover will be here, his identity will be disguysed by the message is one you don't want to miss. stay with us. [ male announcer ] the game of life with the prius c!
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with the race as close as it is, it could put romney over the top. yesterday, romney denied that he entered in talks with paul's campaign. here with more with these rumors is rand paul. senator, thanks for being with us. >> good evening. >> senator, as you know a lot of speck station -- speculation about this. "time magazine" in a story where they had a top campaign aide one of the things he would want eventually to to go with romney would possibly be the vice presidency. speculation points right at you. let me ask, do you have any interest in being romney's number two should he be the nominee? >> i think what is funny about it. i think the deal must be so secret that no one has told me about the deal yet. [ laughter ] >> they need to let me in on this. i don't know about it.
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no, i think they have been friendly throughout the campaign. a lot of this has been more strategy that people haven't figured out. romney has a solid block of votes and everybody competing to be the anti-romney candidate. so ron paul will go after gingrich or santorum but for strategic reasons more than anything else. he does get along with governor romney they have both been married to the same person for a long time. we've met in passing. i never sat down with him. i don't think my dad has ever sat down with him. they are friendly but no secret deal unless secret to me. my dad says there is no deal, too. >> during the debates where people don't support your dad found him very endearing and instructive at times but he is willing to take the other guys
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but not romney because in your view he is competing with those other candidates for votes more than governor romney? >> i think so. i was there in 1976 when my dad was one of four congressmen to endorse ronald reagan. he was head delegate in 1976. he is the reagan conservative. it annoys him, santorum says i'm a reagan conservative and he supported arlen specter. we seed see that as not being real or a little bit of a disingenuous to that. ron paul is the reagan conservative. we compete for that wing of the party. >> can you say there has been no discussions between two campaigns about any possible deal. not having a deal is one thing but not talking about it or considering it at all is another? >> i haven't been intimately involved in the campaign. i have gone and campaigned in iowa and new hampshire, south carolina, i've been different
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places, but the day to day discussions i haven't been involved with. i do know they talk. like for example if they are on the road and both saying someone is saying we want a debate on "x" dated and they are on the road i think they have gotten together but campaigns have talked, we don't feel like doing a debate on march 19th. in that sense i think there is cooperation. i think there is also discussion between the gingrich campaign and santorum campaign on logistics. i think it's overstate and other people looking for excuses for not getting what they want. i think romney is definitely the front-runner so front-runner gets attacked and exudes. no secret deal. it's contrary to my dad's nature. that is one comment from tim pawlenty, the last person you would ever imagine making a deal
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is ron paul. he is really not to trade his vote or anything. it would be unlikely and unlike him. >> i want to give you a chance to give us the headline from the new budget you introduced. >> balance it in five years. it's consistent with the balanced budget amendment. it's different than most others because you have to eliminate some departments like reagan said, let's get rid of the department of education. ron paul is the one offering it. we are the only budget offering it. we're the only budget that does a flat tax, 17% across the board. it's where we ought to be in republicans so we laid it out as a marker. >> we'll be seeing you in tampa. it could be very interesting. thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks. >> up next, he was a member of the member of iranian revolutionary guard and worked for the c.i.a. but we can't
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reveal his identity. but why the obama white house but why the obama white house has to t [ male announcer ] how do you trade? with scottrader streaming quotes, any way you want. fully customize it for your trading process -- from thought to trade, on every screen. and all in real time. which makes it just like having your own trading floor, right at your fingertips. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. try our easy-to-use scottrader streaming quotes. it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] not everything powerful has to guzzle fuel. the 2012 e-class bluetec from mercedes-benz.
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there's an easier way to save. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. .... >> welcome back to hannity. as tensions escalate between iran and israel, this administration refuses to take it seriously. just this week, israel made it clear it doesn't need united states blessing to attack iran's nuclear facilities. benjamin netanyahu said, quote, israel has never left the fate at others, not even the best. my next guest knows how dangerous it can be. he is a former revolutionary guard member and worked as a c.i.a. member. for security purposes we can't show you his face or tell you his location. his new book, a time to betray is in stores now.
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raisa kahele. >> it's great to be on the program today. >> raisa, i want to get into the -- reza, give our viewers a sense of how you came to join the revolutionary guard and how you came to work in c.i.a.. >> i was born in tehran and i came to u.s. in the early 70s to finish my education. i went back to iran, revolution had taken place. due to the requests, i joined the guards to help with my education. but soon i saw the horrific events taking place, torture, rape, execution, suffocation of the people. basically the ayatollah was not he was interfering with the politics and contacted the f.b.i. and c.i.a. asked me to be
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their eyes and ears and i accepted. >> tell us what you thought was key tip on what the administration's real thinking of iran. martin dempsey says he believes the iranian regime is, quote, a rational actor. do you think that is correct? >> that statement is a total betrayal to the iranian people. it's oxymoron statement. iranians are most westernized nation in this region, they despise the regime. i think tens and thousands of in prisons across iran and those that are being executed to say that this regime is rational. i think it's a sign of desperation hoping for negotiation in order to avoid a war something that could affect
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the reelection of this year. >> some people say look, clearly they are rational, they are trying to master nuclear physics and playing cat and mouse in order to advance their goal of getting the weapon. they played the geopolitical game over the years to advance interests in the region. so why aren't they rational? >> most important fact that the ideology behind the islamic regime. it is in defiance of every principle of civilization. this is not something that i say. this is something that they say. they truly believe that muslims as promised by the quran or the rightful inheriters of earth. they need to create the environment for the coming of the last islamic messiah and
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conquer the world. this is quite dangerous. we do not understand this. mutually assured destruction is not going to work with this regime. mullah have made up their mind. they are going destroy israel and bring the world to its knees because chaos and destruction is the needed environment for reappearance of their god. >> so you have intimate knowledge that nothing is going to stop them from getting a weapon short of military force? >> that is correct. as i explained in detail in my book, i was in sermons and meetings. i know how they see the world totally different lens. until we see the world through the lens which they see, we can't understand this threat. you see, they have deceived the west for so long with the promises of negotiation, making
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progress in the nuclear enrichment to get the bomb. they currently have over 1,000 ballistic missiles and working on intercontinental missiles with the help of china and north korea. they will be capable to reach shores of america. this is all the thing and they are making obvious threats they are going to destroy america and destroy us. we have to take them for our words. >> we have 20 seconds left. in your view, do you think israel is going to strike? >> israel has no choice but unfortunately, if they do a strike, there is going to be a bitter consequence. the only logical way is to help the iranians to overthrow this regime and put to bed this extreme threat. >> thank you so much for reza. thank you for your bravery and good luck for it. >> called out global warming
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extremism for the hoax it was back in 2003. and up next, jim unveils his new book the faulty science behind global warming. stick with us. hello, i am chef boyardee. i make real italian ravioli. filled with hearty italian seasoned meat, in a sauce made with vine-ripened tomatoes. and no preservatives. 80 years of real great food from a real great chef.
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to keep their budweiser cold and even to make their beer comes from turbines made right here. wait, so you guys make the beer? no, we make the power that makes the beer. so without you there'd be no bud? that's right. well, we like you. [ laughter ] ♪ whole idea of global warming get a life. that was oklahoma senator calling out barbara boxer on the science of global warming. he has tirelessly fought against left wing environmentalists and climate his tear tair yeah for years and unveiled his new book. >> good to see with you. >> this title, you gave a speech on the senate floor, believe it was in 2003 and you said that
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what you are noted for, that man made catastrophic global warming is the greatest hoax perpetrated on american people. that was 2003? >> that was 2003. >> people laughed at you. >> execution wasn't out. >> sean: welcome to my world. >> at that time it was difficult. you are taking on al gore. all these guys and michael moore and the rest of them. hollywood elite. one of the biggest problems is the fact and you did it right on your show once, you said that the 102 most egregious earmarks. you listed them. i read them on the senate floor. >> sean: here is the deal. you know what, this is an added tax. average american, their home is underwater. we have 47 million americans in poverty right now.
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we have one in six people in america in poverty. we have 26 million unemployed or underemployed. now, we have to pay $4 a gallon gasoline. i argue that we have an artificially reduced supply because we have caved in to this hoax that you discuss. >> we have more recoverable reserves of gags and coal of any country in the world. we can be completely free from the middle east if we do export our own. >> sean: we are investing in brazil. >> it's not a problem down there. >> sean: inflate our tires and president says we'll be fine. >> here is the problem we are having right now. we all know the public knows that this president is accountable in his four budgets for $5.3 trillion of deficit. they understand that. what i suggest what is happening
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with overregulation, really exceeds that. they are trying to pass cap and trade by regulation. that going to be march more expensive than the 300 to $500 billion tax increases. >> sean: let me freeze frame something you are saying. this is false science as you point out that this is based on fear, not science, correct? >> exactly. >> sean: this is not real? >> right. >> that prevents us from drilling and using our own resources. that lowers the supply which increases the price because demand remains the same? >> yes. >> you are saying we have how many years of oil where we can be self-sufficient? >> we have 60 years of oil and we have 90 years of natural gas just recoverable reserves that we know today. that will expand in the future. the problem is we are the only nation that won't let ourselves export our own resources.
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>> sean: i'm anointing you president. would you allow drilling anwr? >> yes. >> 48 states? >> yes. >> the gulf? >> yes. >> where else? >> and they are off set can and all this. you have to keep in mind. what the president is doing, he tried in his state of the union message to make it sound like he was for going after good clean gas. but very quietly we need to do something about hydraulic fracturing. you can't get one cubic foot of gas without using hydraulic fraction. there has never been a documented case of waut underwater contamination. >> sean: if we tap our resources and begin tomorrow, prices would go down immediately? >> they would because the market would react. keep in mind, what they are
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trying to do, cap and trade thing through regulation, that is the hardest hit on producing our own resources. >> sean: so we would pay how much -- if you could project. this is what you do. if we became energy independent. by the way, while pursuing new technology, it should be done in a free market way. i'm all for pursuing it, but if we were to pursue our own energy what would we be paying, your estimate? >> we would be back down to $2 a gallon. you can predict that when you stop and think where we were before. new emphasis on cap and trade is where it all started. we could be back to that. >> sean: and the added benefit for national security reasons are with all the political instability with north africa and iran, we wouldn't have to worry about it. >> between united states and
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canada we can be self-sufficient. i can document that. >> sean: let me show everybody the book "the great hoax." it is a great hoax. >> still to come, from the pitcher's mound, curt schilling pitcher's mound, curt schilling sits down with sean how having an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation pitcher's mound, curt schilling sits down with sean how puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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it paints me to say, this a die-hard yankee fan but a powerhouse pitcher but curt schilling has kept himself from busy from politics to new job business ventures. he talked with sean about the current state of the country and new video game. take a look. >> good to see you. look, i talk a lot about politics. i'm worried about the economy. the euro may collapse, greece is collapsing, spain and portugal. it's going to impact us in the united states. debt out of control. here you are starting this huge business, you created 400 new jobs in rhode island. i'm thinking, all right, what are you doing a lot of other
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people aren't doing? >> i got my own thing in the game. the growth of our company is government gone right. i watched the speaker of the house who is a democrat in rhode island to make this job creation program along with republicans and independents to do right by the people. when you have politicians, i don't care which side of the they are good things happen. >> sean: i lived in rhode island they have a million warehouses they are available. >> this is one of the initiatives to change that. to bring technology companies in downtown and grow out of that. this is one of the first companies to do that. >> we live in an environment. we don't seem to question athletes that get paid top dollar. you could throw a fastball
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hundred miles? >> pretty close. >> sean: and get it over the plate? >> yeah. >> sean: not many people can do that? >> a small subset. >> sean: the president, every single day, it's class warfare. somebody in business, maybe they don't have your skill set but they have their skill set and jobs, you look what do you think of the president when he uses that rhetoric? >> it's uncomfortable. i believe i can go as high as you can reach. someone that spent five years in the private sector with my own skin in the game, i understand at a much deeper fundamental level how our economy works and doesn't work. so every dollar of income that i have that is potentially taxed away is a dollar i can't put in my company to create a job. my company is around job
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creation. these are high wage jobs at a point in time when the unemployment rate is through the roof. >> real unemployment is 17%. so the numbers are really high. >> to be clear it's not all doom and gloom. this is a great country with so many opportunities. >> sean: tell us what you did? >> about five years i founded the studio a software development company. we were 11 people and five years later we at 400. we took people by surprise. lord of the ridges and fantasy stuff. we have two vision ears and best selling author. >> sean: how did you pick this? >> it was a passion. i want to be the best in the world. i wanted to create a multibillion dollar and lets us change the world and create a
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skin cancer awareness center. bill gates kinds of things. that was the mission to start this company. taking people along the way. 400 people, incredibly passionate people. opening day on career number two. >> sean: i met the guy who helped found the company guitar hero. a lot of smart people put together games that people want. now, they become rich and then we're going punish them. >> like i said, everything is backwards right now from the successful business perspective. small businesses are massive part of the engine that drives this country. when you have -- there needs to be a large broad sweeping restructuring of how people are incentivised to create jobs. every dollar that i can't commit to my company is paying a government that is way too big
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and that i don't want done. >> sean: what is the worst job? >> i worked for the gas station and worked for a pizza place. >> shep: i was scrubbing pots and pans at 12. i did every job in restaurant for years. i never looked at the guy that came in the restaurant or hired me to lay tile and said, i have a right to their money. i was glad they hired me mee. >> i hope that is the majority of the country. i grew up in a good family. a man that served the military and knows the difference between right and wrong. >> sean: you can always sell that ring. >> all the gamers that watch the show, they will be fired up. >> good to see you. >> that is all the time we have left this evening. make sure to follow me on tt
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