tv Hannity FOX News March 27, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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>> sean: tonight, new developments in the tragic case of trayvon martin, the teenager shot and killed in florida by a neighbor watch member by the name of george zimmerman. zimmerman has not been charged by police and is now in highing, fearing for his life. according to the orlando sentinel, zimmerman told police that trayvon climbed on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloodied and battered and with a broken nose, and his lawyer says that only one side of the story is being reported. >> i think when the evidence comes out, it will show that george zimmerman was acting in self defense in this case, and when the rest of the evidence comes out, the fact that -- the one fact we know and that i can disclose at this point is that george zimmerman suffered a broken nose and injuries to the back of his head and signs of a scuffle, grass stains on the back of his shirt.
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>> sean: the man who does not want his identity revealed says that when he came upon the fight, zimmerman was on the bottom and he was the one yelling for help. >> the guy on the bottom who i believe had a red sweater on was yelling to me help, help, and i told him to stop aind was calling 9-1-1. i got up stairs and looked down and the person that was on top beating up the other guy was the one laying in the grass, and i believe he was dead at that point. >> sean: other people have said they thought it was trayvon yelling for help. in the end, the case may come down to the interpretation of florida's stand your ground self defense law which many, including the law's authors, have said does not apply because zimmerman had been following trayvon prior to the fight and trayvon had been running away. now, listen carefully to part of the zimmerman's call to police as he followed trayvon in his truck when trayvon starts to run away. you can hear zimmerman get out of the truck to follow him. you can listen for the door opening, the car beeping to indicate the door had opened, and shutting as zimmerman follows on foot.
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>> sanford police department. >> hey, we've had some break-ins my neighborhood and there's a real suspicious guy. this guy looks like he's up to no good or he's on drug or something. he's got something in his hands. i don't know what his deal is. >> he's running. >> he's running. which way is he running? down towards the other entrance of the neighborhood. >> are you following him? >> yeah. >> okay. we don't need you to do that. >> okay. >> sir, what is your name? >> george. he ran. >> joining me now with reaction, joe oliver who is a friend of george zimmerman and shannon butler who has been following the story for our aaffiliate, fox 35 in orlando. welcome to the program. thanks for being here. shannon, let me start with you. we were originally told that it was originally reported that, in fact, there were no eye witnesses to the case. you have interviewed the one person that we're now told was
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an eyewitness from the very beginning, is that t, is that t? >> yeah. there have been several witnesses who have come out since the initial report. the witness i think you're referring to is john, and john is the one that said that he actually saw the scuffle between the two other people that we interviewed said they heard the screams. they knew there was some kind of confrontation, but this guy told us that he actually saw what he said was trayvon martin on top of george zimmerman beating him, and that's when he called 9-1-1. they said zimmerman was actually saying to him please help me, please help me. he said he went upstairs and while he was calling 91 911-. by then he was too late. >> sean: he was saying if, in fact, it was george zimmerman on the bottom and zimmerman was being beaten up, does that not koco rob rate besides all the media coverage and all who speak out about it, doesn't that
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contradict the story? >> the sanford police made it clear that what george zimmerman told them was that he was actually get back into his suv when he said trayvon martin came around the left-hand side of him and he says that trayvon martin said do you have a problem? he said no, and then trayvon said something like well, you do now. then george zimmerman told the cops that he got punched in the nose. he hit the ground, and that's when trayvon martin jumped on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk and that's when he began to yell for help. i mean, that's what sanford police tell us that george zimmerman told them. >> sean: and again, just to be clear about this, because this is a really important point, as far as we know at this point, this would be the only eyewitness that we know in this case? >> that we know of that has actually come forward on this
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case, not the only eyewitness. the only eyewitness that says he saw trayvon martin on top of george zimmerman. we've interviewed other witnesses who have said that screaming on the tape was not george zimmerman, it was trayvon martin. that's what all the other witnesses have said. >> sean: joe, i know you're a friend and you've been on other tv shows. the implication and the allegation by many that this was case of racial profiling, that some have suggested this is racially motivated, this is somebody you know, somebody that's your friend. a, have you phone with him, and what has he told you? >> yes, i have spoken to him. i spoke with george earlier today, and i actually got the details of what happened after that confrontation that was reported in the paper today. that's what he told me is the reason why he's not in jail right now. i wish i could tell you what he told me and what the investigation has turned up. that's information that's not coming out until the grand jury convenes if there is a grand
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jury. the frustration for george and for everyone who's involved with this is that there hasn't been enough information out there to get a clear picture of what happened, and the biggest missing picture is what happened from the time george said okay after being told that he didn't have to follow trayvon martin to the time that someone saw trayvon on top of george and heard the gun go off. >> is there an answer to that, joe? because the one thing that struck me as i listened to that tape and they said no, no, no, we don't need you to do that. i'm just trying to put myself in that position. assuming what he's saying, that this area had been hit particularly hard with crime recently. for whatever reason he saw somebody he didn't recognize in the neighborhood, he called 9-1-1. he told them to do that. is there an answer to that question, why he followed when they said don't? >> no, there's not an answer to that question because we don't know for sure that he actually followed him. >> hang on, hang on.
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you hear him running, and then you hear the -- the dispatcher telling him after asking if he was following him that he said you don't have to do that. george responded okay. so we don't know if george was following trayvon after that, and the information that has come out since today says he was returning to his vehicle when he was confronted by vai von. >> you've heard about the new black panther party, i'm sure you probably know that apparently spike lee has sent out the address of your friend. you know other comments that have been made by reverend jackson and reverend al sharpton and some others in the case. you've known him for how long a period of time? >> about six years now. i've known him ever since he started dating his wife. >> sean: we've also gotten reports that not only himself, was he a minority, had minority
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family members, but that he also due torred and he and his wife would tutored african-american kids, minority kids for free on the weekend. is that true? >> that is true. george would help anybody regardless of race, creed or color. >> sean: what do you make of the allegations that this is a racial incident? >> because of the history of the sanford police department in particular and the early characterizations that george is white. that's going to inflame anyone as we continue to see those pictures of trayvon as a young child, and i for one will tell you that if i didn't know george because of the history of the sanford police department that i am familiar with, i would have been screaming for an arrest along with everyone else, but i do know george zimmerman and i know he he's not a racist, and i know what he's told me, and i know what the evidence is. until the evidence comes out, we're not going to be able to start turning the corner. what we're seeing now which expected to happen because it's
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taken so long to get information out is that whatever information is put out there is being discredited because it does not put trayvon in a good light. >> sean: i said from day one there's a rush to judgment and i can see it in the media. we'll discuss this in the next segment and i think maybe now that more information has come out, people might be a little more responsible, especially in the media. shannon, one last question for you. did the police, shannon, know that this eyewitness existed, that someone corroborated the story? did they -- they knew this from the beginning because that would answer a question maybe why an arrest was not made. >> yes, they did. according to john, john told us he talked to the police because he said he actually saw a picture that the police showed him of george zimmerman and said was this the guy, so according to john, yes, he had spoken to the police which would speak to kind of somebody backing up what george zimmerman had told them
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originally. >> sean: all right, shannon. great reporting. thank you for being with us. joe, thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. coming up next, we're going to continue to follow the developments out of florida. up next, we examine how the media has been reporting on the death of trayvon martin and then later, it is our next installment of the real obama tonight as we continue to vet the president. we examine the implications that president obama would bring to the nation if, in fact, he was elected for a second term. that and newt gingrich coming up tonight on hannity.
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>> sean: welcome back tonight to hannity as we continue covering the developing story out of florida and the death of trayvon martin. now, according to a newly-released cnn poll, when asked if george zimmerman should be arrested for the shooting, 73% said he should. 11% said she should not, 16% have no opinion. joining me to talk about the media coverage of the tragedy and how it shapes public opinion, guys, welcome back. we now have one eyewitness that we know of for sure that is saying, you know, that hang on
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second, trayvon was actually hitting zimmerman. none of us were there. this is all coming out in dribs and drabs. is the media irresponsible in their coverage? >> the media has been irresponsible in this for a couple of reasons, sean. one, the police are never going to release all the information. they shouldn't. that compromises prosecutions. instead of having witnesses properly interviewed, they created a media firestorm. then you get the usual race hustlers that come out of this, sharpton, jackson, come out and play the narrative. zimmerman is a half hispanic man, but they play the black-white narrative so the media picks up on that, and they get to the media that matters to all the groups. they're using trayvon martin, a tragedy, where basically two bad elements collided here. zimmerman should not have gone against the advice of the 9-1-1 operator. >> sean: the 9-1-1 guy said we don't need you to do that.
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>> right. he went beyond that which was stupid, ill advised, not illegal, and these two elements collide and bad things happen, and a young man is fatally shot. >> sean: isn't is likely that trayvon at that point was probably running and i guess the girlfriend what she said publicly confirms that he was running from a guy that he was thought was chasing him? at that point he might have -- in other words, do you know what i'm saying? >> i think everyone would agree he was in unfamiliar surroundings. he was not in a community that he was aware of. he did not know about the burglaries and the other houses as zimmerman claims to have done. so we can give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that a strange man accosted him in some fashion. i don't think that's an unreasonable leap. i think to get to your original question about the media, however, sean, i'm now in my 12th year on your show. 12 years ago when i first came on, it was around another person another set of circumstances.
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>> sean: 41 shots. >> the real issue, i believe, is the media and coverage over the years. why are we still having this conversation, and why aren't we hearing what mitt romney would do about it? why aren't we hearing would newt gingrich or rick santorum would do about it? if they would run for the presidency of the united states and they would be in charge of appointing the head of a justice department, we have asked them everything else. the same media has not asked them a mumbling word. >> sean: i've asked all three of them. >> they've issued statements but they've not addressed it. >> sean: i've asked them, but that's a different issue. >> here's the thing, and i disagree with that. elevating this beyond what it needs to be handled, yes. a fair review needs to occur. a fair review by the task force. a fair review of what the police did to make sure the procedure because done. that's all required. that's state level issue. i don'i don't like the fact thae have a walk-in of presidential influence in this because it does have an effect. when you add that to the
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combined efforts of sharpton, jackson, madison, all of them that go down there and lead the march and change the narrative for the nation, they fail to do on trayvon's side what you do in crisis management. they put out this an gellic figure. we see a 12-year-old picture. as other facts flow out, we now see a different narrative. the country is basically look at this, and this is a backlash possibility for trayvon's side, if you will, that it could be that people just go you fooled me once. if this goes the other way. i'm not absolving or convicting either one. >> those aren't facts. that's conjecture. the fact is another unarmed african-american is dead. it happens not only in florida, in new york on repeated instances in all of these 12 years. it's happened with shawn bell. >> what led to that? >> in new york we do. >> sean: can i ask a question? >> it's a national issue. >> sean: why is there the racial component in this respect? now, if it's an issue of racial
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profiling, i'm with you. i think that's worthy of a national discussion to end it, and i would agree with you because we don't want to see any more 17-year-old kids die. there are plenty of crimes that are committed that have racial components in this country on all sides that are never discussed, true? >> right. the burning of a white kid in kansas city. 42 shots, 6-year-old girl shot in her front yard. where are sharpton, jackson and the others leading the charge in the black community? >> no one is claiming the girl's civil rights were violated. this rerespected leaders of the african-american leaders. you're a commentator. they are leaders. >> my voice is valid as theirs. don't you day go there. >> how many people have followed you anywhere? >> how many people have followed you anywhere. >> truth does not require follow. >> yes, it does. >> when you guy that -- when 30,000 people showed up, how
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many showed up with you? >> you're lost. i'm found. >> here's my point anyway, if i cacan make it. if you want to tackle the problems in the black community, tackle them honestly. if you push the issues in a 49% black community, you do a disservice to tackle racist issues. zimmerman, in my estimation, i think most creditable saw an identity. it happened to be black person. he could have seen a mexican, an asian, whatever. he saw a hoodie, an identity, whatever it was, and that's what happened. >> he said it's a black male. he did say that. >> sean: he did say that. >> my point is this. reasonable people can disagree with the points you and i disagree with. what i'm simply saying is with him not being arrested, it would not be unreasonable for him to explain for a judge what happened. that's a public policy issue. >> but under the law, and we have a legal structure in this country, and to be fair, both sides are entitled to legal
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process and due process. the police investigate. it's a potential murder. >> you do have this eyewitness that said this also. we're going to have to end it here not because we don't want ton it thtoto continue the disce will have it in further days. microphones on, cameras rolling, but the president didn't know it. we have stunning details about what he told the president of russia plus reaction from newt gingrich tonight. coming up first, dick morris is here on hannity. >> let me tell you. i'm just getting started. >> there's no doubt that this economy has not recovered as fast as it needs to. >> i don't quit. >> it's going to take more time. >> i need you with me. >> i need your voices heard. i need you guys involved. i need you active. there are some things we can only do together as a nation.
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the santorum campaign is also asking that question. watch this. >> imagine a small american town two years from now if obama is reelected. small businesses are struggling. families are worried about their jobs and their future. the wait to see a doctor is ever increasing. gas prices through the roof. their freedom of religion under attack. and every day the residents of this town must come to gribs with the harsh reality that the sworn american enemy has become a nuclear threat. welcome to a place where one president's failed policies really hit home. welcome to obamaville. >> sean: here's reaction to the
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ominous warning from the santorum campaign. former clinton advisor dick morris. you've seen a lot of campaign ads over the years, what do you think? >> it's a great ad. it reminds me of one i did for clinton in '92 as bush had gun to move ahead at the very end. we had a newspaper blowing across factory floor. the guy was saying i didn't vote for clinton. i was afraid of him. i voted for bush and now nothing's changed. it's a very, very effective technique and that's a very effective ad. the problem is it way understates what's going to happen if obama gets reelected. shall i elaborate? >> sean: yeah. i'm listening, dick. >> okay. first of all, i believe that he'll proceed to a sibl single r system on health care. i think obama care was an intermediate step in his mind. if he's reelected, particularly if there's a democratic congress, he will eliminate the private health insurance
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industry and all insurance will be from the government and it will all be according to one plan. secondly, i think that he will completely reverse the initiatives of the bush 43 medical examineadministration ip vast new forms of oil drilling in the u.s. and will limit nate this incredible opportunity we have to dominate the global oil markets and put the terrorists out of business. but thirdly, i think that his big focus will be to make the united states a vassal state to a globalist entity. i think that the g-20 and the ifm will acquire sovereignty over our economy. i think he will sign the international criminal treaty, criminal court treat that would oblige the united states to get u.n. approval which is to say russian and chinese approvele before going to war. i write about all this in my book coming up in two months
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called "screwed". i think he will sign the -- >> sean: a very subtle title, dick. >> what? >> sean: that's a very subtle title. >> i think he'll sign the global ban on small arms, back door arms control in the united states. i think he'll sign away royalties for offshore drilling by going along with the law of the sea treaty. i think that he'll ban u.s. weapons in outer space which will eliminate an anti-missile capability. a fiasco. >> sean: we have newt gingrich coming up and we'll get into the issue involving, you know, his comments off mic, doesn't know he was picked up when he was with the russian president. because we're vetting the president in this segment and we know what the first four years have been like and you're
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predicting the next four years, he has changed his mind in the past but he doesn't change his mind to triangulate the very advice you gave bill clinton. i'll give you an example, him versus hillary on the issue now that the supreme court is hearing arguments on the health care bill on the individual mandate issue. watch this. >> it's a plan that asks everyone to take responsibility for meeting this challenge, everybody including employers and individuals. >> it's a mandate with a solution. we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody by a house. >> a system where every american bears responsibility for owning health insurance. >> what are you going to do about it? are you going to find them? are you going to garnish their wages? >> you don't have an individual mandate, then what would everybody do? >> if the government does not force taxpayers to buy health care, we will penal eyes them in some -- penalize them in some fashion. i disagree with that. >> what do you think of that
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idea? >> sean: gotta love those ads of obama debating obama. what did you think of that ad? >> well, i think that's where he's going to go. i think he always moves to the left after the election, but the most important thing i didn't get to, he's going to transform america into two countries, a small number of people who pay taxes, and a large number of people who don't work and are dependent upon the government to create a permanent leftist socialist base in the united states. >> sean: all right, dick morris, always good to see you. appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> sean: coming up, labor unions are using intimidation to suppress those who oppose their cause, but coming up next, rick santorum was caught on tape in a clash with a "new york times" reporter when hannity returns. >> quit distorting our words. if i see, it's [bleep]. come on, man. what are you doing it.
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it's amazing what soup cano. >> sean: cameras are constantly rolling around america's top politicians. early president obama was reminded of this fact when discussing our planned missile defense system in europe. obama had this to say to the president of russia. >> after my election i have more flexibility. >> i'll transmit this to putin. i understand. it's good to know that not only is the president convinced he's going to win a second term, he's apparently plotting what policies he'll flip flop on. joining me, former president of the -- former speaker of the house, newt gingrich. that seems revealing to me in many areas. your thoughts. >> well, it raises two questions. the first is what other countries has he had this conversation with? who else has he said to the eye
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iranians, the north koreans, a separatvariety of places. give me time and space and i'll get reelected and sell out. the second is my interpretation of an american president telling a russian president about our missile defense clearly indicates he's going to sell out our defense system as soon as he gets reelected which would fit his whole policy of weakness and apiecement, but it's pretty sobering to realize how cynical and how calculated this process is. >> sean: i can think of just three instances off the top of my head, bitter people in pennsylvania clinging to their guns, their bibles and religion. sarkozy said our closest ally is a liar and i've got to deal with this guy every day, effect about you. the other one is tell mr. putin i've got to get reelected and i'll take care of that. i don't like any of this. it reveals something about obama we need to pay close attention
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to. >> sure. look, he's a hard line left winger. he was also caught off the record talking to a small group in san francisco about the fact that he was going to make impossible to burn another coal burning electric plant because you would go bankrupt if you tied. he watt was totally anti-coal ar higher electricity cost. remember, this administration wants very expensive energy, which turned to the saudis to pump more oil, not to the americans, not to louisiana or north dakota or texas or any other place in america. none of this is a surprise. the question is, does the united states want to reelect a president with the worst economic record since the great depression, the highest deficits in american history, a rising cost of gasoline, a weak foreign policy, and a willingness to destroy the american defense system? i mean, that's essentially what obamaism is. >> sean: let me ask you this. rick santorum had a confrontation with this
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reporter, and i'm frankly would get tiertd of the liberal media myself. you might be a little sympathetic towards it. but things are slowing down now, and you have said that there's a possibility that mitt romney might not get the 1144 committed delegates to get the nomination outright by june. how likely is that scenario, and what does it mean for you? what does it mean for senator santorum, what does it mean for governor romney and those who want to see ban barack obama defeated? >> i'm speaking to you from delaware which is going to get a lot more attention in the next three weeks than anybody expected because all of a sudden delaware's delegates count. we're going to find we're in uncharted waters for republicans. this is going to be a very long nominating process. there's a very real chance governor romney is not going to get to 1144. now, if he does get to 1144, he'll be the nominee, and i will support him because beating barack obama really matters, but
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if we end up after june 26th when utah votes, the last primary, and he is, say, at a thousand, over a hundred votes short, i think it's going to be almost impossible for him to close the gap. that will open up the most interesting 60 days in recent political history because we're basically having a national electronic convention. i could imagine a circumstance, for example, where they suspended the keynote address on the first night and actually had a presidential debate in front of the delegates of the candidates. you can imagine a whole process that's totally different than anything we've ever seen. the question is, governor romney has said six years of campaigning, put in $40 million of his own money, outspent the rest of us between 3 and 7 to 1, and yet of the first 10 million votes cast this year, 6 million were for somebody other than romney, only 4 million were for romney.
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there's no great incentive for either santorum or me to back off. >> sean: in this sense, in other words, is this in the end good? is there a danger that there wouldn't be enough time for the nominee to have a full campaign, raise the money necessary to fight back against the billion dollar democratic machine? >> i would say just the opposite. the later we get a nominee, the less time obama has to smear the nominee. now, they're going to raise the billion dollars, but what if they don't know who to attack? what if they don't know exactly what they're doing. >was you'll notice. i've had obama on defense for three weeks on energy and they're not gaining any ground defending high-priced oil. i think we want to keep obama on defense all through the summer having us active as candidates is better for keeping him on defense, and i would just point out that whoever we nominate on the night they give their acceptance speech would have the largest audience in american
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history. and they would have 60 days to make a pretty simple case. this is not a complicated case. you really want to continue the worst economic record since the great depression? do you want want to go to 7, 8, 9, 10 dollar a gallon gasoline? do you want want weakness in foreign policy? do you want your grandchildren to be crushed in debt? do you want to really centralize all power in washington? do you want a war against the catholic church and every right-to-life group in the country? that's where obama is. i always said i want to debate him because i think it's a very clear picture, what's at stake here. >> sean: mr. speaker, thanks as always for being here with us. >> thank you. >> sean: we'll watch delaware, new york, wisconsin. we're watching them all. thanks for being with us. coming up, labor unions exposed and now a new group has dedicated to showcasing their violent tack tibbs. we've got the video. we'll play that chilling tape when we come back, and much, much more straight ahead tonight
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>> sean: labor unions once an american necessity and a means to protect workers from corporate abuse have turned the table 180 degrees. with the help of those on the left and their deep pockets, labor unions are using violence and intimidation to suppression those who oppose their cause. now with the help of the conservative blog, the group work force fairness institute has put out this chilling video. look at this. >> a new seiu intimidation manual uncovers all the dirty details including union mobs targeting managers' homes, charges of racism and sexism, threatening the employer with costly court, and ties of community leaders and organizations. >> every once in a while you get out on the streets and get a
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little bloody when necessary. >> i got a letter threatening me if i did not put the poster up. and a public boycott of my business. >> we're told they even held security guards hostage in a booth there. >> we will feet thes fight these until the bitter end. get your camera out of here. it's none of your [bleep] business. get the [bleep] out of here now. >> sean: here's reaction from the fox business network. thanks for being with us. what does this sound like to you. >> the thing is, we know the unions are clearly de desperate because they are numbers are dwindling. i don't understand how these union leaders are ignoring the fact that we have severe budget deficits on every level.
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obviously the federal, state, and local levels. they're fighting for benefits and conditions that very likely won't exist when their newest members are ready to retire. >> sean: they sound like thugs and criminals and people that are harassing and intimidating and getting in the face of anybody who dares to disagree with them. >> no doubt about it. this is the worst form of intimidation. sadly to your point, it's desperation, but it's being given the green light, and it's something that's always been around. you go back to the haymarket incident in the late 1800s. it's always been around, but it's been resurrected in parted because of desperation, but mostly, sean, because it's been given the green light. the nlrb has the backing of the unions. they're going to coerce businesses, get rid of states' rights and if need be, they will physically intimidate corporate america. >> sean: the senate was still in session. look at the specifics of this,
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an intimidation manual where they're going to target people, they're going to charge people with racism, sexism, they're going to threaten employers with government action, damaging the public image of business. anything and everything. >> it's ludicrous. >> sean: either you give in or we'll destroy you. >> it's hypocritical because the left is to quick to criticize this offensive rhetoric but they're supporting threats to people's livelihood. >> sean: they're talking about getting a little bloody and get out in the streets. >> they're teaching the leaders, and the new leaders have to learn the occupy tactics. in fact, they've taken the occupy whole thing under their wing. that's going to be their, i think in my opinion, their anarchis itic arm. they will be the ones that go out there and physically go and do the real harm, throw feces in atm booths. they'll be the ones that will do
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the most ugly, vial, disgusting things. they're young and impressionable and the left have taken them under their wing. >> sean: this is their weapon. they're willing to lie, they're willing to get in your face, they're willing to get violent. it sounds like by whatever means necessary. >> the public has rejected it. to your point, how green was my valley, there was a need for unions. sean, when i was growing up, they used to say look fort union label. they said these are great people. now the objective is to take as much money as possible. no matter what happens. hostess is out of business mostly because of the teamsters. yellow freight, one of the biggest trucking companies in the world is almost out of business because of the unions. >> sean: they also had bad management and it was a combination. >> it's amazing what's going on in detroit. they have all these protesters, so the detroit unions, and detroit is about to go bankrupt. the union said we'll agree to a 10% pay cut. that only solves half the budget
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deficit, but they believe that's all they need to do, and so they won't even let the state really go in. >> sean: they're bulldozing entire neighborhoods to consolidate services there. that's how bad it's gotten. >> it's outrageous. >> sean: is detroit this that sense, then, this is your union future? this is what will happen in the end, a great city in the end can be destroyed? >> no doubt about it. about a year ago someone sent me a great remarkable picture of nagasaki the day after the atomic bomb and detroit that same day. fast forward now. you look at it now, it's future world. it's beautiful. you look at detroit, you think they were the ones hit with the atomic bomb. those pictures say it all. it really dozen. >> sean: it's said. what is law enforcement going to do when people are intimidating and making false charges and they're orchestrating this. >> i is a absolute law force. -- salute law enforcement.
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they've done their job for the most part. >> sean: guys, good t to see you both. this painting you're looking at is under fire from the left wing. the artist behind this controversial piece is here to defend his work and much more straight ahead on hannity. ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em, with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds, and stops new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. for up to four months. some constipation medications can take control of you. break free. with miralax. it's clinically proven to relieve constipation and soften stool with no harsh side effects. just gentle predictable relief. miralax. battle speech right? may i? capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. sh us how much you spent last year
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>> sean: my next guest calls his work one nation under socialism. even though many of his works have come under intense scrutiny and controversy, he said he will not back away from his beliefs. joining me with more is the artist himself is john mcgnaw mcnaughton. welcome aboard. are you surprised at the reaction you've gotten to her paintings? >> not surprised. i've done these kind of paintings before. the country is very divided. whenever i do painting like this, the left comes down on me pretty hard. i'm used to that the. >> sean: apparently this other one is what, six feet long? this is of all our founders. explain. you have a picture of president obama in front and basically look at all our other presidents. explain what that's about. >> well, the title of that painting is the forgotten man, and you have this man sitting on the bench that represents every american, future generations,
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those who may not have the same opportunities, and all these presidents are gathering around, you know, wondering if what's going to happen to this forgotten man, but austin look closely, you see president obama and he's actually standing on the constitution, you know. that was the first painting i did that had president obama in it, and i was inspired to do that after they actually passed the obama care back in 2010. that's kind of what triggered this whole thing. >> sean: are you surprised in what are some of the things that liberals have said to you about your painting? >> oh, you know, they get upset, of course, that i would go after obama. usually the way that they like to criticize the painting is they just make fun of it, the way it looks, you know, my reasoning. they don't really have anything to do with the con. it usually has to do with the way it's painted somehow.
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>> sean: i'm looking at this recent painting where he's burning the constitution or holding a copy of the burning constitution. i wonder. i don't know. have you sold any of these paintings? >> not to too many. i didn't paint them because i was trying to sell them. i painted them because i felt i needed to make a statement about what's happening in this country. things are out of control. >> sean: would you sell me these paintings? i wonder how liberals would support the pictures of the virgin mary with elephant dunk thrown on it. i wonder if i offered it on alone. i don't know if you would sell it to me, but would you sell it to me and i could offer it on loan who these museums? >> i'd be happy to sell it to you, but i don' i don't know ife going to like it. >> sean: i don't know if i can afford the six foot one. thanks for being with us. hope you keep up the work. thank you for being here.
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