tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 28, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> once you gut the cuts out of it who knows. >> the obama care hearings in the supreme court and out of control gasoline prices are severely hurting president obama's power base. dick morris will analyze. >> bill: with you say to american catholics don't vote for president obama? >> a factor exclusive. the most powerful catholic cleric in america timothy cardinal dolan enters the no spin zone. >> there are those who tell me i was misled. >> and youtube says no to miss madonna. apparently her are video is so outrageous youtube will not show it to minors. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. "the factor" begins right now.
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>> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching tonight. wig power shift in america is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. a power index charting the rise and fall of those who have influence. right now, president obama's power posi i falling,, rising gas prices the main reason but the obama care supreme court hearings are hurting the president as well. according to a new poll 62% of americans new believe obama care is uncon city city tuesdayal. just 30% say it is legal. the president's power is in decline. mitt romney staying stationary. he will be the republican nominee but americans have not warmed to him.
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since the primary process is still underway mr. romney remains on the defensive so his power quotient is neutral. in the media, fox news now dominating as far as trust is concerned. suffolk university poll asked this question. what tv news or commentary source do you trust the most? fnc won big. 28%. cnn second, 17. nbc news way down there at third at 10%. that is a route and signifies a tremendous power shift in the american media. no longer does the left have a strangle hold on news and information. also bad news for the president not because fox news is unfair to him but because we do not have a vested interest in mr. obama's reelection. also, fox news does not have a vested interest in mitt romney's election. we will cover both candidates fairly. ready for another shock?
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the suffolk poll asked what political reporter or analyst do you trust the most? your humble correspondent won by a whopping 25% over the second-most trusted person, diane sawyer of abc news. brian williams and anderson cooper tied for third in the sur ervay. here is my favorite part. i tied jon stewart among democrats. take that. as you may know this is a no gloating zone and i have been doing political commentary for more than 15 years here but when my old pals see the town if they ever do they will have a collective heart attack. the bold fresh guy now the most trusted commentator in the land. simply stunning. and that is the memo. now, how will president obama get out of the crazy oil price surge. 68% of the americans disapprove of the way the president is handling gas prices. just 24% approve.
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average praise of a gallon of gas now 3.8 south dakota, up from $1.84 when the president was inaugural rated. >> joining us now, dick morris. the president hasn't done anything. >> by the way, congratulations. >> you know, polls come and go. but it is just for are me startling. but anyway, the president hasn't done anything, anything about the rise in oil prices. zero. he has got to do something or he is going to lose in a landslide. am i wrong? >> you're right. >> what can he do? >> i have four things can he do. >> bill: good. >> first obviously as we discussed before, drilling. because you can dramatically increase the global supply of oil by letting the american industry go for it. offshore, fracing. >> bill: that takes years to
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come to fruition. fruition. >> oklahoma is going double in a year and north dakota already a two year trajectory. >> bill: but those things are already underway and that reality is in place and it hasn't driven down oil prices even though the industry know there's is a lot more fuel coming online in the usa. hasn't affected them. >> they count on the president holding the supply down. and if we really accelerated it we could affect that price. second thing is that we have an 18 cents federal gas tax. about a quarter of it is used to maintain and safety work on our roads. three quarters is used for new highway and bridge construction. i favor a one year moratorium on new highway and bridge construction. keep the safety and maintenance. save 14 of the 18 cents on the gas tax. thirdly, 59 cents out of every
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gallon is through speculation on the oil commodities market. it used to be only oil industries people could invest in oil futures because they need a hedge against high -- >> you are talking about airlines and trucking companies. when you say it used to be, when did that change? >> in 19 -- it used to be the american law. then in the early '90s, the oil futures market moved to london where they could escape american regulation and after they moved bush figured i might as well repeal the law because all i'm doing is driving them offshore. what we should do is rein state that ban on speculators who are now 70% of the market. most of the traiting is now done electronically through goldman, sachs we could ban the repatriation and that would cut
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back speculation. >> bill: that sounds like it might be unconstitutional and another legal mess. do you think that is doable? >> sure it is. we used to ban the trading and now we are banning the profits of the trading. i don't see any difference. the fourth thing we could do which i think is enormously significant is we have to realize that the price of gas is not going up. the value of the dollar is going down. you said that gas prices have doubled under obama. they have but the dollar has lost half its value under obama. gold was 900 bucks an ounce when took office. it's $1,700 now. in 1948, you could buy a gallon of watts for two dimes. 20 cents. the silver content that used to be in dimes would still buy a dollar of gas.
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stop tripling money. >> bill: if the dollar is stable and starts to rise then the oil prices would come down here in the united states. >> sentencingly what opec is saying, if you are not going to pay us in gold you will pay us in funny money we will keep raising the price as you keep printing the money and that is what has been happening for the last 40 years. >> bill: the president also has a problem in the supreme court right now. cnn they are going wild over there saying it will be ruled unconstitutional at least the individual mandate is. we have a minute left. say that happens, do much damage does that do to mr. obama. >> it it is lee shall. absolutely lethal. the guy has had two major initiatives define his presidency. the stimulous and individual mandate in obama care. one didn't work and the other is illegal.
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what is he going to run on? >> bill: i don't know. i'm still waiting for him to do something about oil prices. i'm amazed that you can sit there day in and day out and watch that thing tick up. you got to do something. >> one stroke takes it all away. >> bill: dick morris, thank you. next, the high school students supporting trayvon martin loot a walgreen's store. we will talk with timothy cardinal dolan in a "factor" exclusive, upcoming. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. some constipation medications can take control of you. break free. with miralax. it's clinically proven to relieve constipation
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and soften stool with no harsh side effects. just gentle predictable relief. miralax. >> bill: follow-up segment. the unintended consequences of the trayvon martin shooting in florida. dozens of high school students looted a walgreen's store after they walked out of school to protest the shooting. no arrests made in the incident you are watching right now. director spike lee tweeted the address of the accused shooter george zimmerman to a quarter million people but got the address wrong, however, and two innocent people were forced from their home. >> he definitely owes a big apology. all this is really scary and it is a shim. there was no reason they put our address out there without checking to see who lived here. >> bill: those people had to leave their house and go into a hotel because they were being
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barraged by people trying to get at zimmerman. we asked mr. lee for a comment and he would not give one. joining us, a commentator on race and politics and attorney jenkins. last night i interviewed one of the attorneys for the martin family. did you see that interview? >> yes, i did. >> bill: the family, everybody was happy or satisfied better word what the state of florida was doing appointing a special prosecutor and looking at all of the facts and taking it away from the sanford police. they are okay. i don't understand why all the reaction is going on. can you explain it to me? >> the reaction about spike lee and the kids looting the walgreen's and things like that that is all wrong and people should not be doing that and that is not what the case is about and really distracts from the real issues which is what happened to this teenager down in florida, bill. from a leadership standpoint we need people not only to say we want justice for trayvon martin to happen in the case but also
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condemn behavior that takes away from the real issue. >> bill: all of the action right now away from the central investigation you feel is not positive, it is not getting -- >> no, it undermines the conversation we should be having about racial profiling and how it is impacting the communities. >> i think what we are seeing across the country are the feelings of african americans and other people around the issue as it relates to their own communities. it is not just about trayvon martin in sanford, florida. grantd that was the straw that broke the camel's back. there are trayvon martins in los angeles where i'm at, in atlanta and all over america. >> bill: what links all the people that you are talking about together? >> what links them together besides the fact that they are african american is the fact
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that through what happened to trayvon martin as sad as it is we are allowed now for whatever reason to have this conversation. >> bill: i don't know what the conversation is supposed to be about. you just said there are a lot of people and i thought it was an astute comment. there are a lot of people reacting personally to this because in their own lives slow to a frustration, all right. what is uniting all of these people around the story? what exactly is it? >> it is the frustration of years and years anded years are being racially profiled. the years and years are conversations between mothers and fathers and sons about what they can and cannot wear. >> bill: comes down to racial profiling for both of you. that is the key issue aside from the investigation. >> aside from the investigation i think that is what people were so angry about. >> bill: let me challenge you now. in new york city there is a controversy in the police department on stop and frisk.
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it is mostly minorities. but as you know, the stats say the overwhelming amount of african americans killed in this city are killed by other african americans, all right. it is 25 to 18 young men doing the shooting. if you are police department and you want to protect you, all right, or you want to protect jasmyn in los angeles you are going to keep an eye on what group is committing the overwhelming amount of crime, are you not? >> i understand your point on that. but it doesn't mean that it doesn't cross the line at some point. we all know and this is the ugly truth. we all know that racial profiling happens and we know as a result we are experiencing the disparities we have in the justice system with the number of african american people impacted in the justice system. >> bill: crime all dropped dramatically so that people in the poor neighborhoods are lot
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safer. people in beverly hills are always safe but in the poor neighborhoods they are a lot safer and dropped because of these targeted police actions. i'm saying to myself you are right, it is about profiling but there is two sides to the profiling, jasmyn. go. >> first i don't know if you are aware, bill, but we finally had a police officer here in los angeles found guilty of racial profiling yesterday and that is a big step in the history of the los angeles police department and all of the cases that have been brought forward around racial profiling finally one officer has been found to be guilty of it it. i think again when it comes to racial profiling it did go too far and as african americans we have been dealing with this for so long that when this happened to trayvon martin it gave us an opportunity to have this conversation nationwide. >> bill: i got it. >> can i make a comment?
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>> bill: go ahead. >> the know objection that someone -- the notion someone walking down the street just because they are wearing a hoodie is dangerous or threatening. >> bill: they look at a pattern of behavior. you can go overboard with this but the stats are the stats, all right. by doing stop and frisk here in new york city, crime is way, way down and people are protected more. i got to run but both of you that was good because now we know that what is eating away at this is racial profiling. interesting. ladies, thanks. directly ahead a factor exclusive. we talk with the most powerful catholic cleric in the country about his problem with president obama. and later, dennis miller on whether he is convinced mitt romney is a sincere guy. we're coming right back. ♪
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. a factor exclusive. an interview with the most powerful catholic in america. as you know, all catholic voters supported president obama last time around 54 abouters to 45. this year it may be a different story because the president is demanding that catholic nonprofit concerns cover birth control in their health insurance plans. the church opposes that and litigation is in the air. there is no question the relationship between president obama and the catholic church is strained. cardinal dolan met with the president last november and it did not go well. >> i don't want to act like i'm judging the president. there are those who tell me that i was misled. there are those who tell me that you have simply
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misunderstood. >> bill: they haven't backed off and you have a number of options you can challenge. however, the church is in a position now of promoting an unpopular concept, the ban of contraception. >> you are right on target. a tough battle because of that and our opponents are very shrewd because they have chosen an issue that we are not very popular on and that is why, bill, we have to be vigorous in insisting that this is not about contraception. it is about religion freedom and i don't want to judge people but i think there would be a drift in the administration this is a good issue and if we can divide the catholic community because it is already divided and if one can carolinone -- try because their moral integrity
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compromised recently there is the force out there trying to caricature us. we can't back down from this fight because it is about religion freedom and close to the heart of the democratic enterprise what we know and love as the united states of america is all about. >> bill: does the catholic church want to be a player in the american politics? >> the catholic church wants its people to be a player in the american politics. 28% of the population of the united states are catholics, okay and the catholic church through them, you bet, wants to have a say in the direction of our beloved country. to think that there is a berlin wall between one's religious convictions and one's political activity is crazy, it's not and noncatholic, nonchristian, nonbibliccal, it is also unamerican. you know that every great movement in american history has been driven by people of religious conviction and if we duct tape the churches i'm just
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not talking about the catholic church. if we duct tape the role of religion and churches and morally convince people in the marketplace that is going to lead to a huge deficit a huge void and there are many people who want to fill it up, namely a new religion called secularism which would consider itself as infallible as they caricature the other religions doing. to see that morally driven people want to exercise their political responsibility i think that is not only the heart of biblical religion, it is at the heart of american enterprise. >> bill: you said the religion of secularism. all right. basically the catholic church and other religions against the american media and entertainment industry. the american press very secular and the entertainment industry
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pounding secularism all day long so you find yourself on the defensive just as you are now in the intrusion in the obama administration into how you operate your faith. >> prior to that, bill, there was a remarkable unanimity by catholics saying this is unpress dale earnhardted i pree church and we can't go there. some who say okay now the administration has seen our part and we can back off. wiebe shops don't think we can. i'm wondering if this is the issue that will bring us together. >> bill: would you say for american catholics don't vote for president obama base on this intrusion? >> i would never say don't vote against or for a particular candidate. for one it is counter productive.
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i would probably be doing a opponent a big favor if i would. even very faithful catholics, bill, don't like their bishops or priests telling them how to vote, a person or even on a first quarter issue. they like to us speak about principle and get clear and cogent and compelling. they don't like us to get very personal. i wouldn't say that, no. >> bill: you can hear my full interview of cardinal dolan tomorrow at noon. >> body language takes a look at the showdown between bret baier and president obama's top campaign guy david axelrod. very interesting. and dennis miller has pithced comments about mitt romney and barack obama's disney adventure. we hope you stay tuned for those reports. [ male announcer ] any technology not moving forward
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is moving backward. [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] introducing the lexus enform app suite -- available now on the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer. battle speech right? may i? capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. sh us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today! wh's in your wallet? cayou play games on that? not on the runway. no. aye, or...a mornin' of tiny voices crying out, "feed us -- wee awakened om our long winter's nap and we're peckish to the point of starvin'"!! i don't understand... your grass, man!
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it's guaranteed. sometimes life can be well, a little uncomfortable. but when it's hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there's dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn't make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. >> bill: let's begin with the shootout between bret baier and david axel rod who is heading up president obama's reelection
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campaign. >> why haven't senate democrats passed a budget resolution in a thousand 40 days. >> you understand the dynamics in the senate and there are lots of things we haven't been able to pass over the course of the last three years and a lot has to do with procedural. >> takes 51 votes. >> we have deep division in the house and senate and that complicated our ability to get these things done. >> bill: here now body language maven tonya rei mapp. atobviously he gets rattled the end of his answer. axelrod gets rattled because i don't think he expected the question and doesn't have anance for. he closes his eyes. >> the extended eye closure and sometimes looking down, yes. >> bill: is that like i wish i was asleep and this is a
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nightmare. >> this locks out anything that might be threatening to him. i can give myself an opportunity to think of an answer but more importantly i close out the threat. he uses the place holders but indicate a loss of composure. >> bill: that is not really body language. >> it is nonverbal. that is paralanguage. um. that is the language right underneath. >> bill: when people don't know what to say they stammer. i don't hold it against mr. axelrod. >> do a pregnant pause. when you don't know the answer do a pregnant pause and meet someone in the eye and think about it. >> bill: and then say i don't know how to answer the question. >> he had ten seconds to come up with an answer. >> bill: there is no answer. that question was so well crafted he couldn't answer it. >> he says you understand. >> bill: what you understand is 1,050 days and they can't pass
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a budget. >> he was looking for approval there as well. >> mitt romney went and jay leno last night. interesting body language there. go. >> a list of candidates and one word on each person. >> a couple of words maybe? >> chris christie. >> indominable. >> all right. okay. >> a man of strong will. >> strong will. >> great strength. indominable. 23 f. you attack h him you will get more than you bargained for. he comes back strong. >> i will try for smaller words. >> all right. romney to me looked under control in a situation that i don't think he was expecting. >> here is what leaked out. the little twitch if you watch h his right leg you will see his leg twitches. watch the leg twitch and the interesting think about that is when finds out he is going to
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be asked about chris christie the leg twitches and then a some what sub missive pose. his palms come upward until leno uses the word girth. appears he didn't want to talk about chris christie because he might be some what intimidated. here is the don't mess with him because there is ramifications. he gets stronger as he goes. >> bill: the open mike deal between the president and russian president. go. >> after my election i have more flexibility. >> yes. >> bill: what is all the touching. >> three quick points. >> number one you notice how obama slightly tilts his head. that is to show the jugular which is to show a slight amount of vulnerability. touches. leans over and touches because that is who he is.
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there is nothing here that says tension at all and when his hands ar are folded he has his thumb on top. >> bill: and the other guy is touching him i thought they were going to go out on a date. >> he who touches first is powerful. >> bill: my philosophy used to be he who touches first is powerful. careful, careful. when we come back it will be miller time. politics and snoop dogg on the rundown tonight. miller is next.
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disney world. >> the magic kingdom, barack obama and you say. >> i guess he wants to draw people to the united states. aren't they going be surprised when they find out it is harder to get into disney world than it is to get into the actual country. you couldn't even get disneyland out of the blocks today. he is going to be speaking in front of that castle. they come in and hang that up in permitting with code violations. too much draft in there. matterhorn, can't cut down a tree to get the log thing because darryl hannah is sitting in it. f 1 race the tires are little under inflated. haunted mansion, get those people back to chicago to vote. canyon rollercoaster. can't have it. space mountain. funded along with nasa. pluto no longary planet or a dog. forget the tea party ride. walt disney trying to make out at expense of your kids. >> the parents and the children
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could have fun together. >> trust me, the only mickey mouse operation obama wants to see up and running is the federal government. >> do you still think that guy is funny? >> bill: isn't that the tea cup ride? >> i had to stretch it a little for humor purposes, billy, but i was rolling there. >> bill: there is a serious reason why the president is going down there. it is kind of tough now for people particularly from certain countries to come to the usa and get vi visas and ho top that down so they come and visit, that is a good reason. i tuned in three minutes after 10:00 eastern time and miller was already dead! roll the tape. >> yeah. >> the kids in that occupy movement driving me actual crazy when i go by. what i'm saying is it is over. time to say i'm the loser, get
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these kids out of that. i'm sorry, blow your mind, little silver surfer but guess what, it is a time in history where your mind deserves to be blown. >> bill: who killed you, miller? >> that was written by a young staff writer named louis fair farrakhan. i'm not laugh. >> bill: miller is dead and james kahn. they solved crime. too late for you. did you go to heaven or hell in that program? >> i got blown up. >> bill: was justice done by the bad guy who did that to you? >> i'm hanging on that. i love acting. >> you make it sound really enticing. >> i saw jimmy in the parking lot and said jimmy, are you on the show? he said this is for my kid, not for my career.
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[ laughter ] >> what are you going do >> bill: mitt romney a little poll problem. >> people want him to get roughed up a little. i would get a big tat on my right arm and start wearing t h-shirts and say hope and change this. if i was going to weigh in on santorum i would not call in the war mockter like i did gingrich. >> bill: i contend that mitt romney's problem is essentially a cosmetic problem. i think the tatoo that you suggest on the arm hope and change this. that might be a little something that he could consider. but he is not feeling what he is saying. when romney gets out he goes i am a conservative. i'm always -- kind of going like this. well, we're not so sure. >> you know what he does remind me of, billy, is occasionally and i know you don't watch it but you would be perfect ton.
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"dancing with the stars." always a guy that is a little stiff at this. tells them you either got to go for it with the quick step or just go home because if you are still going to be putting the footprints down like you are at the arthur murray studio on day one you are probably not going to make it. >> snoop dogg busted for pot. i know we are all shocked. the same place willie nelson got busted. >> i have a huge tolerance for it. >> probably is not a good stretch of road down there. >> i say it it is straight that piece of road but looks like it is swerving to the drivers. munchyville usa. that was the first day they could have busted somebody because of the plume from willie. that only cleared last week. snoopy came through on the first day they could have isolated him as getting high.
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>> i'm just really high. >> i think the judge there ought to take snoop, willie, george hikele from wham and one of the marley kids from jamaica to have a celebrity smoke off to raise money for charity. >> just like the chili cookoff. >> with cannabis. >> you want some chili? and mill wore like to remind you a brand new bolder fresher show right here in new york city, saturday, may 12. a great time to visit, new york. make a weekend out of it and miller and i will not let you down. the un22 show in indianapolis and the june 23 show in chicago going great. details on all the bolder fresher shows available on bill o'reilly .com. youtube banning madonna for
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. did you see that. we begin with an interesting expose. a host of a tv show in denmark uncovered a pattern of behavior by president obama. while hosting overseas dignitaries there is a recurrent theme. >> that is fairly typical of the way that danes have crunched above the waist in international affairs. i said this before but i want to repeat nor way punches above its waist. we have no stronger ally than the netherlands. they consistently punk above their waist. >> ireland punches above its
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waist. >> the philippines is not the largest of countries in using a phrase from boxing punches above its waist. >> bill: that danish guy put it all together, right? >> detektor is the name of the show. thomas buck anderson. he is from denmark. i'm doing a swede itch accent. kind of the thing that president obama has done. sort of lumped all the places together. >> bill: everybody is punching born the waist. >> all lumped together. the same thing. >> bill: i don't know what that means. >> it is a boxing term. >> punching below the waist is illegal. >> it means that you are a little guy and you are punching above the waist and going after it. >> bill: that is what it is? that was patriotic a pretty am. do you like ma dan no? >> i admire her. >> she doesn't have a job.
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all she has to do is go to the gym. >> i don't know, touring around the world. slightly busy. >> bill: facebook, right, or you tube? >> you tube. >> i can't tell the difference. they say kids under 18 can't watch the da m& da madonna vid. >> right. >> go. ♪ it's so hypnotic >> why are they smoking? >> because it is what you do when you are cool and. >> bill: i just think she is such a pinhead. i don't like -- i used to love when she sang holliday and those songs. now, she is smoking, has a faux
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british accent. smarter,es her sound martyr, though. who is that guy? >> another boy toy. >> bill: let's raise money to get him a shirt. who is he? >> your children cannot look at this video. >> why would they want to? >> because he looks hot. >> bill: they can't be hot they don't have shirts. >> they don't have anything on. >> bill: is that right? >> there is writhing and grinding. >> bill: you admire her? >> she is incredible. out there touring and running around on set and does the little stretch thing. what are you laughing at? >> bill: you haven't put forth one thing to admire. >> i like her voice. she was fantastic in evita. she dates young men. >> bill: but you have to smoke and can't wear a shirt. can't go into a restaurant because all the dates don't have any clothes.
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chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet?
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>> well, i agree, it's a mess, tom. but knocking out frivolous medical lawsuits by giving judges the power to make losers pay and allowing insurance companies to compete nationwide would bring health care costs down fast. that untargetted federal oversight on profiteering might work. all right. >> so all democrats are evil democratic power grabbers, paul? extreme position, is it not? >> lthat's been going on since the court was the established, steve. that's just the way it is.
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>> well, i don't know about that. i lived in london for a year. have you to wait a long time to see a doctor and the teeth business, debtal business is out of control. i said if the u.s. government forces citizens to buy insurance, that's how countries like cuba operate. i think my analysis is correct. >> you need to wise up and take a walk, john. delegate count. two words: delegate count. excuse me. allergies. the speaker can't get the nomination. >> hypothetical, mike.
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we don't ask hypothetical questions. who knows what the evidence will be? >> i'm glad you noticed, tyler. thank you. >> that's what i like to hear about. get the urchins to read the book! use any trick you have to. once they start, they will read it. by the way, if you sign up for bill o' premium, you get the book free, the book or the audio. we have a brand-new back stage q&a posted, as well as the no-spin news, which is wild tonight. don't forget to grade us on bill o' each evening. and finally, pinheads & patriots, as we predicted, the california to gave birth to eight babies can't support them. so she is posing topless for
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european magazine. tmz reporting, she got $10,000 for doing that. >> i feel as though no woman should be ashamed of their bodies. everyone in their own way. i think it's something to celebrate, especially if it's appropriately done. >> okay, i am going to jump in here. you -- my understanding is that the house you are living in it is going on the auction block and you are going to basically be homeless unless you find a new place to live as of friday, correct? >> that's correct. so this was done because you -- >> out of desperation. >> all right. now, this is a serious story. miss sullivan is obviously a pinhead. but -- what should happen here -- i have to choose my words carefully. what happen here is that the doctor who planted all of those embryos inside that woman, he
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should be forced to support all the eight babies. and the six other kids she has. that's what should happen. he has lost his medical license, but he has a responsibility to those children. all right? and that is it for us. check out the fox news factor web site. and we would like you to spout off about the factor. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, dont be a repiner. new word, don't be a repiner when writing to the factor. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please, always remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking o for you.
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