tv FOX and Friends FOX News March 29, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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>> good morning, everyone. it's thursday, it's march 29th. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. crazed in the cockpit. brand new details on that jet blue pilot who went berserk and tried to take down his own plane. what happened inside the cockpit moments before the mid air meltdown. >> and split to be tied. the highest court in the land trying to determine if the government can force you to buy health care. we have both sides, what happened at the big court yesterday. >> all right. plus the pain at the pump may actually hurt you? thieves snatching your gas right after you fill er up. this you have to see to believe. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> what? >> good morning, everyone! hope you're going to have a great thursday. a lot of stuff that was going on on capitol hill yesterday, the third day of the health care hearings and now they're done.
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now we have to wait until the end of june to find out what's going to happen. >> right. i mean, different day. different focus. yesterday was severability. if they get rid of the mandate and say it doesn't exist, does obamacare go forward? and that was the debate inside the debate and i found it somewhat fascinating especially when you consider we're back to 1971 playing audio recordings over a still photo to find out something so impactful to all of us. >> you know what? it's been so very gripping to hear the justices talk and ask of the solicitor general or the deputy solicitor general who which was the case yesterday some questions. here's a montage. we have got the first soundbite, sounds like they want to get rid of it and the second soundbite props up, you got to keep part of it. listen. >> makes a first impression, i don't know another case where we have been confronted with this decision. can you take out the heart of the act and leave everything else? >> well -->> the question is always does congress want half a
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loaf. is half a loaf better than no loaf? and on something like the exchanges it seems to me a perfect example where half a loaf is better than no loaf. >> i think she still wanted to be solicitor general of the united states. she wanted to stand up and say let me make that guy's case for him. >> i kind of like the idea that this whole health care thing will come down to a loaf of bread. that's one easy way to symbolically think about this whole thing. >> or broccoli. >> broccoli. but bread to divide than a head of broccoli, ok. so it's coming down to this. the individual mandate forcing people in america to buy something. if you take that half of the loaf and you're left with just the other half of the loaf, is that still enough bread to keep health care alive? that's my thesis this morning and that's what it's all coming down to. >> it's interesting, too, nobody wants to read the bill. the justices go please don't make me read the 2,700 page bill to see -- it's torture. to see what should actually live and what should actually die. nobody has ever read the bill.
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supreme court justices don't want to read the bill. who has read the bill? >> they had to pass the bill before they knew what was in it. charles krauthammer was on last night getting to the heart of the matter. >> the individual mandate is so central to the act that if you take it out, what's left is completely distorted. without the mandate, you don't have a funding source for the entire health care system. that's the new way that reorganizes the financial mechanism of health care in america, if you take it out there's no way the insurers can provide what they have to provide under the other provisions of the law so i think it's a mandate that goes down, everything will go down. >> interesting thing is two important points. white house says they have no contingency plans. no contingency plans for health care if, in fact, this is ruled unconstitutional but at the same time, be prepared for this. if the president loses this battle, his signature domestic
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achievement, will he then go -- if he's re-elected go for something that's more stringent than a mandate, a singer payer system which many argue would be more part of the health care system than is in place. >> jeffrey toobin, the political and court analyst said it was a train wreck as for the debate on tuesday. and then for the debate yesterday, he said it was a plane wreck. so how soon are they going to take an internal poll? tomorrow, if the past is prologue, the justices will meet probably in a conference room and take a preliminary vote so somebody is going to know tomorrow how it's going to finish. >> we don't know what the vote is going to be. we know this -- the four liberal judges have made it clear where they stand but you don't know where the conservatives stand. you don't know what kennedy is doing or roberts is doing flat out. you can probably aassume that
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scalia and alito will go one way but most of the drama is on the right. >> i bet a dollar it goes down, at least the mandate. >> nobody wants to bet. >> even if it's $0.50, i'm not betting on this one. you never know. now to your headlines this morning. we're learning alarming new details of what happened inside the cockpit of that jet blue flight between the captain clayton osbon's mid air meltdown. the jet blue captain told his co-pilot "things just don't matter" and "we need to take a leap of faith. we're not going to vegas." and what passengers had to experience outside of the cockpit even more alarming. osbon ranted about september 11th and yelled "guys, push it to full throttle". the captain is now charged with interfering with flight crew instructions which carries a sentence of 20 years behind bars. plus new allegations in the trayvon martin case. george zimmerman's father speaking out for the first time and he says his son was simply keeping an eye on martin when
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the teen spotted him and attacked him. >> at that point, he was punched in the nose. his nose was broken. and he was knocked to the concrete. trayvon martin said something to the effect of you're gonna die now or you're gonna die tonight. something to that effect. he continued to beat george and at some point, george pulled his pistol and did what he did. >> martin's family pointing to newly released video of zimmerman after that deadly encounter. come to your screen to watch this. they claim to show he was not beaten as he claims. zimmerman has yet to be charged. mitt romney picking up two key endorsements. george h.w. bush and last night, tea party favorite marco rubio giving has not the exclusive.
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>> i am going to endorse mitt romney. the reason why is not only is he going to be the republican nominee but he offers a stark contrast to the president's record. in mitt romney, we have as a candidate has been successful in the private sector and offers an alternative to the direction that this president is going to take our country. >> rubio reiterating he has no interest being vice president. you know about the pain at the pump. for some businesses in north austin, texas the pain is hitting as soon as they start their vehicles. gas thieves on the prowl, you can see them stealing the gas from their cars. one business owner says all seven of his vehicles have been hit more than a dozen times in the last four years and cost them about $4,000 so far and the these are constantly changing their tactics to avoid being caught. >> how does that work? >> you know, in my off time, i'm a specialist in sives. >> do you stick a tube in there? is it that easy?
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>> you siphon it out. >> at commercial break, i'll tell you my tip. >> you have about a 5 foot stretch of hose. and that's all you need and a barrel? >> after having to learn how to put a sive and a nozzle into my generator for the oil after the hurricane, i am a specialist in it. so i will -- andity -- i had hot pads on my hands. i'll tell you the secrets during the commercial break. >> trayvon martin case, there was a poll out after this went public even though this happened a month ago. how many in america thinks that george zimmerman should have been arrested and that's the guy in charge. neighborhood who was armed and shot trayvon. 73% said yeah, he should have been arrested. he should not be out right now but the different poll at a different time has a much different result. >> take a look at this. this says less than half of us say this guy should be arrested and apparently, the critical driver of that opinion is we're
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learning more about trayvon martin. we're learning about his suspension from school, some issues with marijuana, and some other things as well. >> although those things have nothing to do with why a person would be shot eventually but anyway, the polls are different and i think one of the main things is he started hearing from george zimmerman himself or through people who were close to him that maybe he had been attacked first. that probably had the biggest bearing on public opinion but now the video just came out that we showed you earlier right after he was arrested. now, who knows which way this will go? complicated case. >> to make it even more complicated a couple of days ago, the new black panther party came out with a bounty on the head of george zimmerman and initially it was $10,000. i read on line it's been jacked up to $1 million where he is wanted dead or alive. what is this, 1830 in the wild west? >> it's crazy! >> what's going on here? how is that allowed to stand and
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we don't even know so many facts about this case. rush limbaugh talked about that yesterday on his show. >> they're scared! they'll be called racists. they're frightened -- i'll tell you what the attitude is. let this play out and it will go away. that's what the attitude is. the attitude is if we try to enforce the law here, it's just going to inflame these already high tensions. let's back off. let's not make it worse than it is. it will go away. problem with that -- once you stop the pursuit of criminals, you've empowered them. once you stop asserting your morality and the primacy of your law, it sends a message to people that want to break it. >> you know what he was talking about right there, rush was talking about the interview you did yesterday, brian, with jay christian adams, former
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department of justice official and you were querying, why isn't the department of justice going after the new black panther party? if they put a bounty on a guy's head for a million dollars, why isn't the d.o.j. going after him? >> and they seemed silent and he was involved in pushing forward on the election intimidation in 2008 and he was stopped when he worked for eric holder by the attorney general. >> to bring you up to speed on that, if you recall, it was in pennsylvania where they had video of members of the black panther party accused of intimidating voters as they came to the poll to vote in the presidential election. the department of justice decided not to press charges or pursue the case against the black panther party back then. there seems to be a history here of the particular department of justice and whether they would move forward with the black panther party in this case. >> it's pretty extraordinary. we haven't heard from many, if any, government officials saying are you kidding? you can't do that! you can't have a group calling for dead or alive on a guy.
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that's not how we do things these days. extraordinary. >> it's true. 12 minutes after the hour. coming up, though, here's something you don't see every day. police trying to stop a stolen school bus. >> plus as they await a rule on obamacare, cardinal timothy dolan weighing on what he says is another example of government intrusion. here, the cardinal sounding off next. how did we do it last time? don't know... i for feeding your lawn need not be so difficult neighbors. get a ld of this bad boy. whoa. this snap spreader system from scotts is snap-crackin' simple -- just snap, lock, and go. [ scott ] feed your lawn. feed it! just snap, lock, and go. hi. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry.
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with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. >> almost 16 minutes after the top of the hour. it's the most crucial story of the week, the supreme court's decision review of the president's controversial health care law. and the main issue in this case, whether or not it's legal for the federal government to mandate that all americans buy health insurance. well, our next guest says the
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mandate puts our freedom over our health care at risk. joining me now is former secretary of veterans affairs under president george w. bush and co-founder of conscious cause, jim nicholson, a former ambassador to the holy city as well. is that true? >> i was ambassador to the holy city. yes. >> great. i wanted to make sure i had that correct as well. good morning to you. you have so many titles. >> good morning! >> so it's interesting because there's two topics i want to discuss with you this morning. the idea of whether or not it's legal to force all americans to buy health insurance, that particular individual mandate. but it brings us back to the discussion we've been having for the past couple of months which is whether or not the federal government can force religious institutions to do something that's against the tenets of their faith as well. correct? >> that's correct. >> and you are behind this new group that was coming forward that represented all different religions who disagree. >> that's right, gretchen. we -- you know, what's going on here is justice scalia sort of
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summed it up yesterday, i think. he said this is unprecedented, this attempted imposition of federal power into people's lives in our country. and a subset of that is a requirement in that obamacare act that universities and employers provide coverages for their employees and provide contraceptive services, sterilization services and in violation of their conscience. the question is not about contraception and the propriety of that, it's about having someone being forced to pay for that for someone else and so we formed an organization called conscience cause and our whole mission is to try to education people about that and try to get the congress to take an affirmative act and pass a law prohibiting that imposition, that invasion of the personal
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freedom of employers. of course, it's something that's just a catholic issue and it's not, our group, the conscience cause, we have a rabbi. we have a prominent lutheran minister. we have ray flynn who is the former democrat mayor of boston, one of my predecessors at the vatican. so it's not partisan. it's about -- it's about freedom and freedom of conscience. >> ok, i want you to take a listen to cardinal timothy dolan who was on "the o'reilly factor" last night and talked about this very topic. >> the supreme court with uncharacteristic enthusiasm and unanimity said this can't be. you cannot have the federal government butting in to define a church's ministry for it. there cannot be this intrusion into the internal life, governance and ministry, outreach of a church. >> i think what's important about your organization, jim, is
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that it does represent other religions and so what you're saying is that this is about religious freedom in general for americans, not just about being a catholic. >> precisely right, gretchen. precisely -- in fact, i have a short quote. this was from thomas jefferson and i will read it. it says no provision in our constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the right of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority. thomas jefferson wrote that. it's almost as if he anticipated obama and sabelius and what they wanted to do to that right, that freedom of conscience that americans have always had and always have preserved and treasured and it's now at risk. so we're doing something about it. we're going to circulate a petition on the internet and make sure that, you know, people of all -- all stripes, all religions or no religion. this is not about religion. this is really about a
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fundamental freedom that americans have always had since jefferson. >> all right. very interesting and historical perspective from jim nicholson who is part of conscience cause. thanks so much for your time bright and early this morning. >> good to be with you. >> coming up on "fox & friends", the e.p.a. overstepping killing permits for a coal mine that would have created hundreds of jobs? our next guest says it's not just the coal industry that should be worried. why you should be worried as well. plus are you feeling lucky? i'm not talking about that way. i'm talking about getting rich. how about $500 million rich? that when we come back as well. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms.
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>> 24 minutes after the top of the hour. a couple of quick headlines for you before we go to the guys. close friend of whitney houston's admits to clearing evidence from the hotel room where the singer died. he says he scrubbed away any evidence of cocaine and removed clothes from houston's suite before authorities arrived. the confession was printed in a dutch newspaper last month but resurfaced this week following news houston died from accidental drowning connected with cocaine use and heart disease. and testy moments at a hearing surrounding m.f. global's alleged money transfer. former treasurer refused to testify whether she approved or knew that ceo and former new jersey governor jon corzine approved the nearly $2 million transfer days before that company, his company collapsed. guys? >> thanks, gretch. the e.p.a. has overstepped its authority. that ruling coming down this
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week from a federal judge in washington, d.c. >> the judge's ruling said the e.p.a. exceeded its power when it attempted to block what would be west virginia's latest surface mine. >> joining us to discuss is vice president for policy of the u.s. chamber of commerce's institute for 21st century energy, christopher guth. good morning to you, christopher. >> good morning, steve. >> so the judge said hey, e.p.a., you have completely overstepped the bounds. you cannot veto a permit after you give somebody a permit? >> absolutely. we were very pleased with her ruling. obama appointed judge said that this was some facet of magical thinking on e.p.a.'s part and that this created the sort of uncertainty that the clean water act was to some extent designed to prevent. if you can come in three years after the fact and say oh, by the way, this permit is no longer valid, you have to stop, then no business can have any certainty and therefore can't --
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can't be expected to invest any sort of capital to develop anything. >> sure. and in the big picture, this is an overall administration roar on coal, i'm not just pulling that statement out of thin air. that's what joe manchin has said and your current governor. >> i think it's a pretty fair characterization and i should note this is only one of three cases that have gone against the e.p.a. in the coal universe in the last week and i think we're seeing that these independent judges are finding that e.p.a. has drastically overstepped its bounds and inventing authority it doesn't have. >> at one time, the e.p.a. was just an agency that regulated things. now it seems they have got an agenda. now they're pushing not so much coal, let's use the sun and use the wind, which is great but coal is so much cheaper and works better right now. >> well, whether that's the case or not which it certainly is, i mean, the reality here is that
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in this case, they went in three years later, i mean, this is the equivalent as if you were to go out and build a house and you wanted to go to the county and you got your permit and you got your mortgage. you built the house. you were living there for three years and then you get a knock on the door from the county saying oh, by the way, that permit we gave you three years ago, it's no longer valid and you have to move out. you say i live here? well, too bad. these types of permits are necessary in all facets of business. farms need them. manufacturers need them and more importantly road construction needs them. and so when e.p.a. says that they have authority to come in after the fact, then you have -- you have no certainty and you can't expect any of these types of economic development to happen at a time when we need them most. >> they're not even looking at the impact on the economy. but what do you say to people watching right now saying that we want to clean up our air and coal is not going to do it? >> well, the air is cleaner. i mean, every day that goes by, we find there's less emissions in the air and certainly, the
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improvements have been made both in coal and gas and frankly every type of electrical generation have been a hallmark of the clean air act but the reality is that this administration -- the government even acknowledges that coal is going to be a tremendous part of our energy mix for decades to come and we need to be able to harness it. it's one of our greatest strategic resources and right now, the environmental protection agency is doing everything it can to take that away from us. >> it's good that that judge down there in washington, d.c. said hold it, e.p.a., you can't do it. christopher, thank you very much for getting up early and telling us that story. thank you, sir. >> thank you, steve. >> you bet. straight ahead, do the fast & furious scandal go all the way to the white house? lawmakers demanding to know. and -- >> a real american hero. that man right there jumped out of a moving patrol vehicle to save a little afghan girl. and it cost him his life. his heroic story coming up next. >> but first, happy birthday to john popper from the blues
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the soldier deployed for eight months while his boxer waited for him to come home. as you can see, chuck wasted no time picking up where they left off. the adorable video already a huge hit. >> yeah, that apparently -- my wife showed me this video yesterday afternoon and it apparently happens in an airport parking lot where the wife went to pick up the husband. and who says animals don't, number one, have really good memories and number two emotion. that dog is so happy to see his master. >> right, yep. got a big greeting. maybe bigger than his wife got. that's what she explained later. i got to tell you about a story, we're all going to tell you about a story that we don't hear enough. it happens every day. because of the negativity you've heard over the last two weeks about what that master sergeant allegedly did in that afghanistan town killing all those innocent civilians, this is important and it's about specialist dennis wykell, he's 29 years old and he's driving in
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his mwrap. it has a v shaped hull, as you probably know. >> gigantic, monster truck. >> he's driving through a town and he noticed there was some kids playing in an area which was dangerous, where the convoy was continuing to roll. a child went back to pick up the brass casings. all the other kids ran but this kid was in the road seeming oblivious to the convoy behind her. >> seeing video right now of the rig that brian is talking about. so what did this sergeant do? he -- specialist, he decided to go and pick up the girl as fast as he could to get her out of the way. in the meantime, he saved her life but unfortunately sacrificed his own life. >> he was run over. >> yeah, he was. the governor of rhode island lincoln chafee has ordered the flags to half staff. his family will be awarded the bronze star and some other awards for that young man's sacrifice. >> you know what i'm wondering and i don't have it in my notes,
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what time is the hamid karzai press conference where he announces a salute to this 29-year-old? do you know what that time that is? really? >> if only that would be the case. >> really? he can't fit that in. what a shame! >> saved the life of a little girl. she was picking up those shells. they save them for money. >> yeah, those horrible american soldiers. again, going at it. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. hundreds of firefighters from several states are continuing to battle a raging wildfire in colorado. and we're getting dramatic video of a family racing to escape the deadly blaze. >> right here. right here. >> oh, my gosh. >> ok. >> we're out. we're out. we're out. >> daddy! >> we'll make it. >> where's mom? what are you stopping for? >> can really feel the panic. the child was going through and, of course, the parents for keeping it in. seeing how dark the skies get. about 900 homes were forced to evacuate because of the wildfire. look at these pictures.
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the fire tearing through this home as it burns to the ground. flames shooting through what used to be a roof and an elderly couple who lived nearby was killed trying to leave their home. at least one woman missing. >> police in texas scouring alligator infested waters this morning in a desperate search for a missing toddler. 2-year-old devon davis reportedly disappearing from his home while his mother was taking a nap. right now, police do not suspect foul play but they are very concerned devon might have wandered into a nearby lake or canal. the toddler was last seen wearing a red and gray jersey t-shirt and spiderman sneakers. >> two top republicans investigating the fast & furious debacle want to know if the guns lent to mexican scandal reached to the white house. congressman darrell issa and senator charles grassley firing off a letter to the white house demanding to interview former national security staffer kevin o'reilly. the white house has until next wednesday to respond. >> meanwhile, take a look at this amazing dash cam video
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we've just gotten our hands on of a stolen school bus! that's it right there. the bus right there. oh, my goodness. not something you see every day. the police s.u.v. slam into the bus to try to get it off the road. the driver stole it from a bus yard in albuquerque, new mexico. no kids were on the bus. the driver eventually surrendered to cops and he was only wearing boxers. he has some explaining to do. >> are you feeling lucky today? you should be because half a billion dollars is at stake for tomorrow night's mega millions drawing. it's a record for the multistate lottery, the previous record was $390 million back in 2007. the cash option will leave the winner with an estimated $359 million. and it seems many people are dreaming big. the total sales for the current prize from tuesday so far more than $839 million. now, i rarely buy a lottery ticket but i think i will this time around. >> we've got ours. we're ready! >> by the way -- >> if you don't see me on monday, you know the news. >> if i am to win, i would be
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able to pay off half of my visa bill. that would be fascinating. i got to tell you what's happening in the world of sports. believe it or not, it's opening day. yep. celebration the start of the 2012 season, mlb as tradition would have it, went to tokyo. yep, that's where suzuki having a huge return home. he had four hits in his game with the mariners as they went to beat the oakland athletics in 11 innings. homered and singled in the go-ahead run in the 11th. game two is going on right now. seems kind of odd being there. it sounds like bill parcells is inching back towards the sidelines. we told you earlier this week that sean peyton, his good buddy was trying to get him to coach the saints next season because he's suspended. the big tuna says he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't consider taking the job for just one year. as you know, peyton was suspended for all of next season because of the saints bounty pool. parcells calls peyton a good, dear friend and feels an obligation to be there for him.
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obama looks like he's going to be struck down by the supreme court but president obama is looking ahead to a time-out to go on one on one with jeremy lin. get some lin sanity. it turns out that education secretary arnie duncan was a pro for a while and played at harvard. duncan regularly plays with the president and says he can arrange this one on one. that's good. the president -- a lot of presidents relax different ways. >> they're going to play each other, the president and jeremy lin? >> the one thing that this administration does bril yan -- brilliantly is p.r. >> right now, jeremy lin is laid up. he shouldn't be playing any president or prime minister. even if castro calls, don't play him. >> the latest internet craze. the cinnamon challenge! yeah, those guys are laughing but it's far from funny. it could be deadly.
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what you need to know to make sure your kids aren't doing this in your own home. what is it? >> and you use a cell phone? sure you do. well, we have some very welcomed news for you this morning. those pesky extra fees could be going away. i'd miss them. >> good-bye! [ barking ] appears buster's beebusy. yeah, scott. i was just about to use... that's a bunch ofround-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed absorbs and holds water better. it's guaranteed to grow grass anywhere, even if you miss a day of watering. [ scott ] seed your lawn. seed it!
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it helps those companies rake in $650 million in fraudulent charges. and when nature calls, call the police? that's what this lady did. marsha usher reportedly calling police in hudson, florida, complaining she was lost in the woods and could not find a bathroom. turns out she was actually in her front yard with an open beer and a loaded handgun. she is currently behind bars. gretch, brian? >> so every parent should pay attention to this because they're everyday items in the kitchen. but they have become recipes for disaster with kids. >> yeah, there's a growing trend among teens and adults of inhaling nitrous oxide from whippets from bottles of whipped cream. >> that's not all. take a look at this viral video craze called the cinnamon challenge where you swallow a spoonful without water. >> how dangerous is this? what exactly is happening when you inhale cinnamon? joining us now to discuss it,
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dr. mona konan. with the cinnamon, what's the danger there? what's the high there? >> ok, one of the problems as you mentioned is cinnamon is legal so inherently you think, ok, it's a spice. it doesn't have any danger. the problem is ingesting it, trying to ingest a teaspoon of it at one time, it will coat the roof of your mouth and coat your throat. it will coat the entire surface of your teeth. you start to gag, vomit, asphyxiate. >> and the enjoyment and attraction is. >> the enjoyment is it's a craze. it's called the cinnamon challenge so you want to see if somebody can swallow one teaspoon full of cinnamon but it's too difficult to do. >> it's not a high. it's simply somebody betting probably another kid, hey, i bet you can't do that. >> that's the difference between the cinnamon and nitrous oxide. nitrous oxide is a high and cinnamon is just the challenge. >> before we get to that, let's show the stats. in 2011, 51 calls about teen
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exposure to cinnamon. 2012, 122 calls to poison centers for intentional misuse of cinnamon. you just never know what your kids are going to get into. we've heard about whippets before. what are they? what can happen? >> demi moore most recently. >> that's part of the problem, right? celebrities, monkey see, monkey do. they'll do something and then everyone becomes resurrected even though they were doing it in the past so celebrities are doing it. it's legal because it's in whipped cream and they inhale the nitrous oxide which is the compound that's in the whipped cream that actually makes it spray out. so they inhale it. they get high. unfortunately, as with many things, it can lead to death. that's the worst thing. seizures. people get high for a period of time and they think it's fun. >> one of the shots was the balloons so helium in balloons, people are inhaling. >> and they've been doing that for years, too. you can inhale helium and you get the high, squeaky voice and cool thing to do and same thing
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with nitrous oxide. nitrous oxide is a little different. it gives you a sense of euphoria like so many drugs do. this is legal. >> attraction on you tube. you get a ton of hits and you become a local -- >> you tube star. right. that's the big problem, ok? because we know scientifically that one of the reasons that people are successful at anything, whether it's weight management or quitting smoking is because there's a support system. you take away that support system, you take away the visibility, people don't do things anymore so the support system is now out there on the internet. that's one of the problems. and why is the problem in 2012 vs. 2002 before we had the internet. people didn't know you could do this stuff. now everybody is on the internet watching people do it and it's legitimized and you have a support system. >> amazing how technology has simplified our lives and for parents made it much more difficult. >> right. now we have to lock up the kitchen pantry. >> spices. >> what are we going to do with paprika next week? >> or red pepper. you name it. >> don't try it to find out.
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>> dr. mona great having you here from chicago. thanks so much. >> no problem. >> coming up, show in wisconsin -- >> freedom of speech only for union supporters, how an employee at one school got fired for showing her support for governor walker. >> and another joe biden oopsy daisy? thank you, doctor who? got to hear what he said this time. [ jane ] how did i get here? with determination. courage. and all the points i earned with my citi thankyou card. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou card. redeem points for travel on any airline with no blackout dates. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond.
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providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006.
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working at whitewater high school right down there is fired for displaying a sign that shows her support for embattled governor scott walker with a bumper sticker. 68-year-old mary taylor whose company was hired by the school was asked by administrators to remove the bumper sticker after a couple of teachers complained. she refused. that's when, according to her attorney, they gave her the axe. and fired her. kyle olson is the founder of education action group and joins us now with more. so there is mary taylor simply exercising her freedom of expression on the bump of -- bumper of her car. a couple of teachers see it, they complain. next thing you know, she's fired. what's going on, kyle? >> what's happening is the unions especially in wisconsin have very successfully turned our schools into these political hot houses where politics rule the day. and what's happening is we
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expect our schools to be places where there's diversity of opinion and where our teachers and school employees are encouraging students and the adults to think for themselves. but this is a perfect example of where if you don't agree with the union, then you either must comply with them or get out. >> i read one account on line that said you drive through any school in wisconsin and you're going to see plenty of recall walker bumper stickers but because she had the audacity to support her governor, she got fired. >> that's right. wisconsin is very politically charged. you've got the unions that are the ones -- the unions and the fringe of the left pushing this recall. it's very clear that there's very mixed views on this recall but what it's doing is it's continuing this upheaval that's been going on in the state. but again, what is happening is the unions have brought in politics into our schools and this is not in wisconsin. it's going on around the
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country. i mean, just last week, louisiana teachers took a professional day so they could go to the capital and protest. i mean, these things are happening all over the country. >> it's happening in my state of new jersey. we've got a friend who works at a high school where all my kids went and she was told to take that john mccain bumper sticker off her car during the 2008 election. she didn't. but she took a lot of heat from the other teachers. here's what administrator there says "we don't police that. if she would have had some kind of sign on her cleaning cart, we would have taken issue with it. her personal vehicle is her own personal vehicle. the only thing our policy indicates is we prohibit of organizing it on school grounds." next thing you know, the custodial company did rehire her for another school district. isn't that right? >> that's right. tanks to mark belling who
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brought attention to this issue, the company rehired her and put her in another building. it should never have come to that. she should be able to voice her opinion. she didn't bring it up in the school. she simply had it on her car. it's not like she was pushing politics during work hours or in the building but again, the unions don't respect diversity of opinion. it's either their way or the highway. >> no kidding. maybe the good news is we're actually going to have mary taylor, the custodian on our program tomorrow appearing with her attorney. we'll get her side of the story as well. kyle olson with analysis of the case, we thank you very much, sir, for joining us today from michigan. >> thank you. >> all right. what do you think about that? bumper sticker? gets fired. friends at meanwhile, coming up, is the man who is supposed to be defending obamacare doing enough to keep the president's prize legislation alive? or are liberal judges giving him a hand? michelle malkin joins us at the top of the hour from colorado. plus we've bailed them out.
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now they're paying up. it's bonus time for the bosses at bank of america and you're not going to believe how much the ceo took home. my name is robin. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantiis proven to help people quit smoking. it reduthe urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking orood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reactioto it.
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if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. is this where we're at now? we just eat whatever tastes good?
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>> good morning, everyone. it's thursday, march 29th. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks so much for sharing part of your day with us. well, split to be tied, either one? the nation waits as the highest court in the land decides if the government can force every american to buy health care. >> besides that, i don't think it's a big story. take a close listen to who vice president joe biden is tipping his hat to. >> thank you, dr. pepper and
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thank you, chancellor or dr. piper and thank you, chancellor for -- for this partnership. >> what am i talking about? dr. who? details on the v.p.'s latest oops. >> he's a pepper. and could america's favorite anchorman be getting behind the desk once again. how ron burgundy could be bringing classy back. "fox & friends" hour two for a thursday starts now. stay classy, planet. >> "anchorman" was a fantastic movie, kind of a documentary of what goes on in broadcasting. >> is that the one where he went into the tiger pit at the zoo? >> yes, it was so practical. it was basically taken from, steve, your career. >> pretty much. >> listen, i like will ferrell and i think that was a good movie but it doesn't cry for a sequel. do you think that cries for a sequel? >> no. nothing like fred claus. >> right.
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fred claus, we have to know how the renegade brother turned out. >> i don't even remember the renegade brother. >> that is fred. that's fred. >> ok. all right. maybe we'll do sequels for both of them. we have to do headlines now. new and alarming details to tell you about the jet blue's pilot's mid air meltdown on a flight to vegas. captain clayton osbon said "things don't matter" and "we need to take a leap of faith. we're not going to vegas." that might make most people nervous. we're hearing more about what happened outside of the cockpit and that's more disturbing. before he was restrained, osbon ranted in front of passengers about september 11th and yelled "guys, push it to full throttle." he's charged with interfering with flight crew instructions that carries a penalty of 20 years behind bars. nearly 11 years after the beating death of a 10-month-old boy, this man who committed the crime pays with his own life. jesse joe hernandez executed last night in texas by lethal injection for the murder of
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carlos boyra. he was found guilty of brutally beating him while he was babysitting the boy in his 4-year-old sister in 2001. hernandez also beat the sister but she survived her injuries. mitt romney picking up two key republican endorsements. president h.w. bush making his endorsement official at an event in houston tonight and last night, florida senator and tea party favorite marco rubio giving hannity the exclusive. >> i am going to endorse mitt romney and the reason why is not only because he's going to be the republican nominee but he offers at this point such a stark contrast to the president's record. in mitt romney, we have a candidate and alternative that in addition to being successful as a governor has been successful in the private sector and offers a very clear alternative to the direction this president is going to take our country. >> during that interview, rubio also reiterating he has no interest in being vice president although there's plenty of people who would think otherwise. the country music world mourning the loss of bluegrass legend and
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banjo master earl scruggs probably best known for this. >> the beverly hillbillies. >> more recently, scruggs won a grammy remaking a classic tune with steve martin. he performed it on letterman. >> steve martin tweeting "early scruggs, the most important banjo player that ever lived has passed on." he was 88 years old. >> he could pick. all right. we can pick em. we pick michelle malkin to join us every thursday and she jones us from the springs of colorado. good morning to you, ma'am. >> good morning, sir. >> we're sure you were watching what was going on at the supreme court. after day two, jeffrey toobin said the government's performance was a train wreck
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and yesterday he said it was a plane wreck and nonetheless, you've got the white house saying that the solicitor general gave a solid performance. did he? >> yeah. well, i think the white house is in deep denial about how deep the doo-doo is when it comes to obamacare and when you've got these liberal legal observers panning the white house attorneys, there is a problem. now, of course, we can't -- i'm not going to prognosticate about what the supreme court is going to do or not do. but i think the fact that it's the high court that is forcing the white house to confront these basic fundamental constitutional issues that it was shrugging off a couple of years ago when they were ramming this down our throats is really choice. obviously, it's going to have a huge impact electorally in june when they come out with their ruling but i think there's something sobering which is we have to remember that while the
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supreme court deliberates, they're moving full steam ahead and they've poured billions into putting this infrastructure in place. >> yeah. >> of course, conservatives are hoping that we'll have somebody in the white house who will be able to repeal this but that's going to take a lot of time and money and energy. in the meantime, obamacare has destroyed literally thousands of jobs. the medical device tax has caused a lot of these manufacturers to cut back on their research and development and the entire bureaucracy has convinced many people who would otherwise have gone into the medical profession to get out of it or stay out of it. >> you know what i was amazed at is sometimes as you listen back to the recordings, it seems like some of the justices are helping the solicitor general. here's an example. here's the justice saying this is really what you should have told me. >> yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. >> your main point is that unlike food or any other market,
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when you make a choice not to buy insurance, even though you have every intent in the world to self-insure, to save for it, when disaster strikes, you may not have the money. >> that's definitely a difference that distinguishes this market and justifies this. >> thank you. she's like a stage mother on "toddlers and tiaras". you should have polled this way. >> i mean, sonja sodemeyer was at one point begging to come up why this isn't a limiting principle to the individual mandate. why this isn't just a lone example of a time in which the mandate would stand. this wouldn't be a series of events that would follow. she didn't get an answer! >> yeah, that's right. and then, of course, on top of all that, there were a lot of nonlegal expert observers who are still questioning the whole fact that elana kagan who should
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have been recused from this entire exercise shouldn't be sitting on the court as well. >> she had the job of the person in the white house, she was a solicitor general during the time in which obamacare came into fruition. i have to move on to wisconsin because there appears to be a war on wisconsin and i know you have some comments on how the badger state, you believe, is under a coordinated siege from whom? >> yeah, from the entire progressive left. not just from the mainstream media and the soros funded organizations that have targeted wisconsin because it happens to be ground zero for the role of limited government and fiscal responsibility. you've got an entire generation of fiscally conservative leaders from the governor, scott walker who faces a recall by june 5th to three state legislators, republicans who are at the forefront of defending these ground breaking union and
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pension reforms that have saved literally millions and billions of dollars for that state as well as thwarted a lot of layoffs that would have had to happen and then i think an untold story that i highlight in my column about the lieutenant governor, rebecca clayfish who is a remarkable woman. she was a tea party candidate. a small businesswoman. a mother of two. you know, everything that the republican party has tried to do in terms of outreach to diversify the party and yet, she faces something akin to being thrown under the bus. there's a quirk in the state law that puts her up for a recall separate from scott walker. she's had a lot of trouble getting the word out about it so i reported on it in my column and it's available at michel and she's faced a lot of disgusting attacks from the far left and you never hear any objections from the feminists about it. >> absolutely not. i was going to add and we just did that story with kyle olson
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where he talked about it's not just public officials, but you've got this janitor at a school who had a supportive bumper sticker for scott walker and eventually she was fired because she wouldn't take it off. meanwhile, let's back up the truck and talk a little bit about we showed the video, it came out during our program a couple of days ago where the president of the united states is there in seoul leaning over talking to dmitri medeved and this comes out, listen. >> yeah, flexibility. had that been george bush, this would be a gigantic story every day on the nightly news and yet, barely a blip. >> don't you know it, steve, you're exactly right about that. and i think that john boehner who sent a letter to the president asking for more
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clarification about these mortifying comments is exactly right. when obama tries to clarify, of course, he ends up muddying the waters even more. and i think it behooves this white house to explain not just to americans, not just to congress. but also to the rest of the world about what exactly this kind of post-election flexibility constitutes. >> well, he claims that he has always been on the record and in favor of reducing the missile defense system. and so i guess one could -- one could argue that's what he means by more flexibility because once voters put him back in office, he'll do whatever he wants. right? >> well, that's what they're trying to argue. at least off the record, i think. but i think boehner is right that i don't think most people have interpreted the comments that way. and i think this is thumbing the nose at congress because, of course, the white house had said
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that these kind of discussions are something that shouldn't be happening on hot mikes but with the rest of capitol hill and that discussion hasn't happened yet. >> no. >> right, and also, there's talk about giving away the -- our weapons, our defense weapons technology. that's something we'll never get back. that's something that reagan never shared, bush never shared. clinton never shared. but could this president be ready to do that? >> yes. well, hopefully he'll transmit more information to us. >> there you go. leave the mikes open. thank you, dr. pepper. all right, michelle malkin, always a pleasure. thank you very much for joining us live today from colorado springs. >> you bet. thank you. >> you bet. >> coming up on "fox & friends", the nation's highest court deciding the fate of obamacare as we've been telling you. what if it's ruled unconstitutional? juan williams up next. he says it's the republicans who could take the fall. and remember this scene in? >> thanks for stopping by.
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>> stay classy. i'm ron burgundy. >> thanks for stopping by. >> thanks for stopping by. >> your favorite movie anchorman making a comeback. details straight ahead. >> i'm going to slap you in public. [ male announcer ] the next generation of lexus cannot be contained. [ clang ] the all-new 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. see your lexus dealer.
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water, we take our showers with it. we make our coffee with it. but we rarely tap its true potential and just let it be itself. flowing freely into clean lakes, clear streams and along more fresh water coast line than any other state in the country. come realize water's true potential. dive in-to the waters of pure michigan. your trip begins at
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here's a chance to create jobs in america. oil sands projects, like kearl, and the keystone pipeline will provide secure and reliable energy to the united states. over the coming years, projects like these could create more than half a million jobs in the us alone. from the canadian border, through the mid west, to the gulf coast. benefiting hundreds of thousands of families throughout the country. this is just what our economy needs right now.
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>> after this week's grilling of obamacare by members of the supreme court, many are left wondering what impact it will have on president obama's chances for re-election if the law is in fact struck down in june. harry reid believes it would help the president. >> you folks read stuff more than i do. there's a significant school of thought that the administration is put in a better position for the election if it's turned down. >> really? would that really be the case? joining us for a fair and balanced and traditional debate, co-host of "the five" juan williams and andrea tantaros. and juan wrote a recent column about this.
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welcome. could this help the president, juan? >> i think it could. you know i think obviously he would be on the defensive and his critics would say why did you spend so much time working on this failed piece of legislation, unconstitutional while you could have been working on jobs so he'll be on the defensive. but on the other hand, i think what you'll see is people saying to the republicans, what exactly do you have in mind? we can't just leave the status quo in place and the president's plan for seniors, close the donut hole, it allowed people who had pre-existing conditions to get insurance coverage, it allowed young people up to the age of 26 to stay on their insurance and expanded well care coverage for people. all of those would be lost and i think republicans, then, would find themselves in a difficult situation having to immediately say here's how we would solve the issue. >> andrea, don't the republicans have to be ready to go should they get it their way in june. >> the republicans are ready to go. paul ryan is one that talks
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about buying insurance over state lines. republicans have a number of great proposals but i think what democrats are trying to say is if the mandate gets struck down, we heard yesterday obama's own solicitor general came out and said, ok, if you strike down the mandate, you have to strike down guaranteed issue which is no preconditions and community rating which is you cannot discriminate based on zip code or age. now, what democrats and what my good buddy juan will do is they're going to come out and say look, there's still good parts of the bill left, right? we're cutting costs of medicare and remember that rationing panel? and oh, yeah, we're expanding medicaid so i think they're going to try and tout the remaining parts of it but brian, what's still going to be there is that controversial employer mandate. mandating that businesses cover their employees and if they don't, they pay huge penalties. this is crippling to the economy. this is a really big issue. if the president wants to get the economy back on track, he needs to get rid of the employer mandate as well. not just the individual mandate.
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>> all that's true. juan, there's another element to it, that the administration could come out and say if you re-elect me, i'll clean up the court. it's too conservative. see how they just voted? >> oh, i think what you see, i heard someone say the other day that for the left, but i think more than the left, i think for a large share of the country that will sort of be, you know, stunned if this thing is overturned, i think people will say, you know, we need something in place and the court seems to have become so highly politicized that the conservatives on the court, the republican appointees just wiped out and i think that it will be a problem for the court. the second thing is that romney, the likely republican nominee, he will have to explain why he thinks it should have been unconstitutional given what he did in massachusetts. again, that, too, will put republicans on the defensive, brian. >> and i think andrea, too, you know what romney is going to say, it was good for my state, not for my country, right? >> right. he said that many times before. he will have to explain it. juan is absolutely right but look, i think this is a good thing for the republicans
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because they're going to be able to actually put forth some plans. now, the president, it might actually be somewhat of a good thing because the mandate, the most controversial and unpopular portion will be removed and they will spin it that way. but again, you still have very, very unpopular, damaging provisions that will be remaining if the supreme court gets rid of the mandate and those pre-existing conditions and community ratings so not necessarily a good thing when the president's key piece of legislation goes down. >> right. we only have three months left to debate it until we get the decision. >> that's all? >> keep writing and revisiting this. thanks so much, guys. >> you're welcome. >> we'll watch you on "the five." compelling argument, two very nice people. take my word for it. coming up next, take real close listen to who vice president biden is tipping his hat to. >> thank you, dr. pepper and thank you, chancellor or -- >> special thanks to r.c. cola as well as pepsi. plus you bailed them out, now they're cashing in. it's bonus time at bank of
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but the chemicals that can end up on your face may not be so beautiful. ♪ that's why there's new puristics totally ageless powered by a naturally derived collagen builder, puristics measurably reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in 100% of women after just 3 weeks. beautiful, younger looking skin. that's puristics, the power of pure. chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink !
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with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon. i wonder how she does it. that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006.
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budget that highlights a revamp to save medicare. next, $7.5 million, that's how much of bank of america's money that the c.e.o. was paid last year. that's six times more than what he bought -- what he brought home in 2010. good job. and finally, $500 million. that's the total jackpot of tomorrow night's mega millions drawing. it's a record for the multistate lottery. and gretchen is going to buy a ticket. >> you got that right. here's an inspiring story that is about a little girl's journey from living under chinese rule and then immigrating to america's inner city. she left china at the age of 10 and came to the united states with her parents. now, after years of growing up in this country and discovering the ins and outs of the american culture, she has a new understanding of what we call the american dream. she is the author of "chinese girl in the ghetto" and she's my guest today. good morning to you. >> good morning, gretchen. thank you for having me. >> you came from china and lived
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in the inner city in oakland. it was a tough road as an immigrant. right? >> that's right. when i came, i expected the streets of america to be paved with gold. as it turned out, life was a lot tougher than that. >> uh-huh. you ended up picking yourself up by the bootstraps, so to speak. you go to cornell undergrad, stanford law school. what did you learn from that experience? >> well, i learned that america is a land of boundless opportunities and that even if you show up in less than ideal circumstances so, for instance, my family showed up without english skills and with very limited financial resources, but we managed to work hard and, you know, and the lesson that i learned from that is that this country offers you all kinds of opportunities if you're willing to take advantage of them. you can go all kinds of places. >> the interesting thing is there's been so much talk recently about government handouts and giving more handouts to give people more opportunities to get to the level of which you did, which you attained.
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do you agree with those government handouts or not? >> absolutely not. so -- and i say that for two major reasons. one, i saw in china just how bad it is for the state to run the economy. i grew up in china during a time when the command economy was very much in place and the state was telling everybody where to live, where to work, what they could buy and how much. and there was a lot of poverty and the country was very backwards which is why my family was so eager to move here. and in inner city oakland, california, i sort of saw the welfare state up front and personal. and i also saw that it didn't work. there was a breakdown in law & order, a total absence of personal responsibility. and my view is that people ought to take responsibility for their lives and i think this country will offer you the opportunities that you need. >> so you ended up becoming a conservative. >> i did. >> and having those ideals in the way in which you live your life. what is the message you want to
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give other people, other immigrants? >> well, i would say a few things. one, it's not going to be easy. freedom is complicated and there are no guarantees and number two, it's -- you know, one shouldn't expect any freebies in life and as an immigrant, oftentimes, you're going to have to go a step or two further and maybe even 10 steps further but ultimately, freedom is worth choosing. >> it's an interesting book. your personal memoir "chinese girl in the ghetto", ying ma, thank you so much for your time today. he went berserk in the cockpit but ranting and raving wasn't his only plan. dramatic new details about what he said right before his meltdown, that captain and then remember this scene from the movie "anchorman"? >> thanks for stopping by. >> stay classy, i'm ron burgundy. >> thanks for stopping by. >> stay classy. ron burgundy. >> ron burgundy making a comeback? a sequel? details straight ahead. >> you're a real hooker and i'm going to slap you in public.
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i bathed it in miracles. director: [ sighs ] cut! sorry tinterrupt. when'the show? well, if we don't find an audience, all we'll ever do is rehearse. maybe you should try every door direct mail. just select the zip codes where you want your message to be seen, print it yourself, or we'll help you find a local partner and you find the customers that matter most. brilliant. clifton, show us overjoyed. no, too much. jennessa. ah! a round of applause. [ applause ] [ male announcer ] go online to reacevery home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. >> time for your shot of the morning. sir charles turning into dame charles for weight watchers? that's former nba superstar charles barkley dressed in drag for only one reason. the same reason, well, we both do, steve. for his next weight watchers commercial.
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we lose a lot of weight, we'll don a dress and charles has done the same thing. company says the theme is to lose like a man but the message is that trying to lose weight isn't just a female thing to do. that takes a lot of guts. ricky williams, when he was drafted by mike ditka appeared on "sports illustrated" in a dress. he never shook it. charles barkley truly showing that he does not have -- >> excuse me? that's charles barkley? >> yeah. >> it took me 30 seconds to realize that is charles barkley? nice biceps. >> that's about all i can say. >> bulky for a woman. >> you're probably right, brian. that picture may follow him forever. remember, it was joe namath who put on a pair of pantyhose and to this day, but he put on football pants after that. that was the key. >> i don't remember that part. >> and you know what else, even though charles barkley is -- what is he, 6'10", 6'8". show that picture again. this is something you need to learn as a woman especially when you're short, you don't wear heels like that that cut across the top of your ankle because it
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makes your legs look shorter even when you're 6'10" and when you're 5'3" like me, you can't wear those. >> and the message is, though, i guess if you take it, weight watchers works. charles barkley has lost a lot of weight. >> by hiring him, they got a minute and a half of free air time. >> really? >> meanwhile, we have some stuff to tell you about this morning. hundreds of firefighters from several states are continuing to battle a raging wildfire out in colorado. and we're getting dramatic video of a family racing to escape the deadly blaze. watch this. >> ok. we're out. we're out. we're out. >> daddy! >> we'll make it! we'll be fine. >> we'll be fine. >> where's mom? what just happened to her? >> where is mom and why is she stopping? and which way is the right way out? you can really feel the panic of that family as they go through
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the dark. eventually wound up on the outside of the fire. about 900 houses were forced to evacuate because of the wildfire. and look at these pictures. the house tearing through this home as it burns to the ground. flames shooting through what used to be a roof. an elderly couple who lived nearby killed, trying to leave their house. and at this point, at least one woman is missing out in colorado. >> court papers revealing even more alarming information about that pilot who had a meltdown mid air during that new york to las vegas flight. we've learned jet blue captain clayton osbon told his co-pilot "things just don't matter" and "we need to take a leap of faith, we're not going to vegas." once the co-pilot got osbon out of the cockpit, the pilot went on a more disturbing rant. passengers had to listen to him to talk about september is 11th and yell "guys, push it pull throttle." he's charged with interfering flight crew instructions. believe it or not, doesn't sound
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like much but carries a sentence of 20 years behind bars. brian? >> right now, you're looking at two bona fide heroes who we showed you yesterday, the amazing video of a truck explosion caught on camera on the i-95 in philly, staff sergeant crystal brown and staff sergeant angel menendez were the two good samaritans who raced into action to pull the driver from this burning pickup. they've done tours of duty in war zones and say jumping into action was natural. >> and, you know, with our army training, we -- it's repetitious. >> the driver still being treated at a hospital. lucky they were around. >> meanwhile, something completely different. another gaffe from vice president joe biden or maybe he was just thirsty when he said this to a woman named dr. theresa paper. >> thank you, dr. pepper and thank you, chancellor or dr. paper. and thank you, chancellor for --
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for this partnership. >> she's a pepper. no, she's a paper! biden meant to thank dr. paper. she's the president of a community college out in iowa. >> see, i would make that mistake. that's my favorite soda. dr. pepper. what about biden? wonder if he drinks it? >> dr. pepsi? >> maybe. >> guess who is still keeping it classy, san diego. will ferrell or should we say ron burgundy making a big announcement on conan last night. watch this. >> as of 0900 mountain time, paramount pictures and myself, ronald joseph aaron burgundy have come to terms on a sequel to "anchorman." >> fantastic. >> with the same blazer. after seven long years of follow-up to anchorman is now in the works. no word if the rest of the original cast will be back because it was kristina applegate, yeah. she was the woman, right. >> i feel like that relationship has run its course. time for a new woman. >> maybe. >> keep a man but ditch the
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woman. >> but those days of ron burgundy where everybody on the team wore exactly the same outfit, the same blazer, those days are -- >> it was a lot easier. then you could go sell houses for century 21. >> all right. meanwhile, let's take a look at where the rain is falling on the houses coast to coast. the 48 connected states, northern plains, we've got some rain and we've got some rain all the way from puget sound down through northern california. and some lingering shower activity right along the texas gulf coast. the central missouri valley and a little lingering stuff back through the piedmont and portions of new england. as you head out the door on this thursday, 61 in kansas city and dallas. mid atlantic, not bad. up in portions of new england right now, temperatures below freezing. caribou has 27. later on today, though, in caribou, up to 40. they're going to have up to 60 in minneapolis. but look at denver. a mile high and 72 is going to be the high there.
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80 in dallas/ft. worth, metroplex. same temperature as raleigh and it looks like the high temperature on this map will be 87 out in phoenix, arizona. >> that's a quick look at your fox travelcast. >> coming up on "fox & friends", who knows cardinal timothy dolan better than his own brother? up next, a front row seat to the life of the new cardinal. bob dolan is here live. >> and you might recognize him from his role as cliff clavin on the show "cheers" there he is right there giving us 3/4 profile. actor john ratzenberg is here. but he's not talking about the place where everybody knows your name. he's talking j-o-b-s. right, joe biden? >> maybe a little toy story. >> three letter word. ♪
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[ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em, with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds, and stops new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. the passat is one of nine volkswagen models named a 2012 iihs top safety pick. not that we'd ever brag about it. turn right. come on, nine. turn left. hit the brakes. huh? how'd that get there? [ male announcer ] we can't hide how proud we are to have nine 2012 iihs top safety picks. so we're celebrating with our "safety in numbers" event. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease the 2012 passat for $219 a month.
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>> timothy cardinal dolan is considered to be america's top catholic leader and although many claim to know him well, one man knows him better than anybody else. that man, his brother joining us right now is cardinal dolan's brother, bob dolan, author of a brand new book. you can pick it up on amazon called "life lessons from my life with my brother" timothy cardinal dolan. good morning to you. >> how are you, steve? nice to see you. >> thanks for making the trip from milwaukee. >> my pleasure. >> this is a book only you can write. >> that's true. that's one reason i wrote it. there's going to be lots of books about my brother in the future that other people can write, people more intellectual to me. i'm the only one that can write this one and give you the behind the curtain peek of what he's really like. and what he's real like, steve, is what you see. you know, i know you've met him in many times. he's the most joyful. he's the most kind, generous man i've ever met.
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>> and he's a guy who knew from the -- from a very early in his life, i want to grow up and i want to be a priest. >> from the time he could walk, talk and think, he went to mass once, steve, with my grandma. we call her grandma notty for some reason. when he was 4 or 5 years old, he went to mass with my grandma and for the entire mass, according to my grandma, he looked at the priest. he was fixated by the priest and he listened to his every word and he watched his every move and at the end of mass, he pointed at the priest and said, that's what i want to be when i grow up. isn't that great, though? he knew that right from an early age? he never wavered. >> never wanted to be a fireman or astronaut. >> i think for about a week he wanted to be sam musial from the st. louis cardinals like we all did. that didn't work out. >> you tell a story about how when he was a little boy, he would have mass at your house. >> we called it tim's mass. he's the oldest in the family. there's five us in the family so he's about 14 years old. again, he knew he wanted to be a priest so he had the mass memorized so about once a week, he would call in the other
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siblings, two brothers, two sisters. i'm 7 years old. i'm outside playing ball. last thing i wanted to do was come inside and have a fake mass. >> yeah, but because he was the older brother, that's what we did. so he put a tablecloth on the card table, that was the altar. welch's grape juice was the blood of christ. and a slice of wonder bread was the body of christ and he would recite the entire mass start to finish, he had it memorized. >> what about a sermon? >> no sermon. once, he tried to take up a collection. and that -- my dad put an end to that real quick. >> we draw the line right here in passing the hat. >> i don't like giving it on sunday, i'm not giving to you! >> there's a great story you start your book with where you talk about you were 8 years old and you guys were watching a hitchcock movie and your brother, very understanding about how scared his little brother was. >> he could tell i was scared to death. this particular episode, the killer was a man dressed as a woman. you didn't know that at the time. but the end of the episode the man who is still dressed as a woman tears off the wig and says
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to what's going to be the final victim, yes, you forgot about sam. so out of this feminine body comes this very scary, deep, masculine voice. yes, you forgot about sam. i'm 8 years old and scared the daylights out of me. about five minutes out of the end of the movie, i walked into the bedroom and shared it with my brother tim and the light didn't work i'm walking into a dark bedroom and i hear the door closed behind me, slamming shut. i turn and i see my older brother with a mop on his head and that's the wig. he had my mom's bathrobe on. that's the dress. and he walks across the room to me saying yes, you forgot about sam! just scared the -- 40 years later, it still scares me. yeah, my brother the cardinal. >> and there you go. and now he's the cardinal of new york. who would have thought? >> there it was just a few weeks ago where pope benedict made him a cardinal. you don't say the p word, pope at your house. >> we do not. >> with regards whether or not your brother might one day -- >> we don't go there.
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and only -- and i respect the people who bring that up because obviously they have great faith and belief in my brother as we do, too. but he's my brother. you don't go there with a sibling. >> sure. >> there's another p word involving your brother and it's politics because this particular administration now is, you know, with the contraceptive mandate really is a war on the catholic church where they're asking him, the catholic church to do something that they are stridently against. your brother was on with bill o'reilly last night and they were talking some politics and a whole bunch more. here's a snippet from last night. >> you know that every great movement in american history has been driven by people of religious conviction. and if we duct tape the churches, not just talking about the catholic church, if we duct tape the role of religion and the churches and morally convinced people in the marketplace, that's going to lead to a huge deficit, a huge void. and there are many people who want to fill it up. namely, a new religion called
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secularism. >> right. and he was talking about that where, you know, your brother has a big job. >> yeah. >> because more and more people are growing up not very religious. >> yeah. and that's -- that's, you know, rarely seem depressed. i rarely seem -- see him angry and concerned, but this entire thing has got him very angry and upset. future of society has him very concerned. >> he was very clear on o'reilly last night, he's not going to give up the fight. >> not at all. >> he's taking this to the masses. if you want a great book about the guy who is essentially the leader of the catholic church in the united states, timothy cardinal dolan, check out his brother's book. it's called "life lessons from my life with my brother" thank you very much. >> thank you. my pleasure to be here. thank you very much. >> thank you, sir. >> all right. and you might recognize him from his role from cliff on the show "cheers." actor john ratzenberger is standing by live. he's not talking about "cheers." he's not talking about brian's
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cup of coffee. he's talking about jobs. but first, on this date back in 1987, starship had the number one song with "nothing's gonna stop us now." [ male announcer ] what can you do with plain white rice? when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbels chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes.
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>> fox news alert for you right now. you're looking live at philadelphia international airport where a 29-year-old man was just arrested. he's accused of trying to board a plane carrying a plastic bottle filled with explosives. investigators say the bottle contained powder used in fireworks. sources say a federal background check shows no initial ties to any terror groups. the man told authorities he was st "fooling around with the explosives and forgot they were in his backpack." yeah, right. the flight bound for san francisco. so philly-san francisco, one of
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those long call flights. a lot of airport activity in the last few days from captains to now passengers being arrested. we'll keep you abreast on this story. >> meanwhile, you might recognize him from his role as cliff clavin on the show "cheers" but john ratzenberger isn't here to talk about a place where everybody knows your name. now everybody. he's here to talk about manufacturing jobs and their importance in america today. good morning to you. >> good morning. how is everybody? >> doing great! >> you know, we highlighted the fact that if you go to -- so many kids who are graduating from college these days are having trouble finding jobs. but for the kids who go to trade schools, there are jobs waiting for them. some of them can make $100,000 a year. >> easily. i gave that speech about three years ago to a high school school. said who is going to college? everybody raised their hand except one kid. what are you doing? i'm going to trade school. and everybody laughed at him. i said yeah, that's really funny because he's going to be an auto mechanic. when you get out of college,
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you'll be waiting tables, paying back your student loan. he's going to own his own house. >> that's right. >> and you'll be paying him to fix your car. >> recently, vice president joe biden was talking about manufacturing jobs and he was pretty much slamming mitt romney for his take on it. where do you fall? >> well, it's -- what they're talking about is all moot because we haven't trained anybody for manufacturing jobs. we've -- there's no more shop classes. there's no more industrial training. no wood shop, no metal shop, no auto shop. >> dangerous. >> that has a bunch to do with it. budget cuts but the attorneys jump into it and they sue the school system. so the kids coming out of high school don't know how to use a ruler. they can't read a ruler. so the problem is that there's -- right now, there's 600,000 jobs available in manufacturing. right now. this is the deloit survey they did recently but people coming out of school don't have the skills to fill them so that's where we come in. my program, mobile outreach
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skills training. we have trailer trucks we pull right up to the manufacturer. we go to the manufacturer and say what do you need? because they're all desperate. we need welders, we need machine operators. then we find veterans that just come back, put them in the training program and guarantee them the jobs. >> right. >> so manufacturers out there need jobs filled contact us. >> how do we contact you? >> it's >> and you're right, though, about, you know, when i went to high school, i took shop class and then i took vocational agriculture and learned how to weld. i figured some day, that would be very, very helpful. but these days -- >> then he built this set and we were able to -->> like it? >> put me on it. >> and the thing about the trade schools now is because manufacturing in this country and there is something going on there, it's very technical. in some cases, you got to know how to program computers and how to fix the computers and stuff like that. so it is a very bright future if you go to the trade schools.
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>> right. also the essential things, the water systems, the sewer systems, the bridges, the viaducts. it's not highly technical, you need to know somebody who knows how to weld, pour cement, viscosity of cement, cabling and you know somebody who knows all that and we're not teaching it. >> we're going to assume because you played mailman cliff on "cheers" that you might have some comments about the real live post office. >> i'm not expert because i played a mailman on tv. >> and drank a lot of beer! >> you never seemed to work. >> no, that's my job. >> so the post office now, are they encouraging more junk mail or discouraging it? >> it's -- to me, it's the same brush. you have bureaucrats running something that should be run by a businessman. someone who is, i don't know, the c.e.o. of wendy's, some other entity. >> like fed ex, u.p.s., they do it right. >> exactly. why would you put a civil
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servant or bureaucrat at the top of the pyramid and say ok, run the shop. it never works! >> you and i are so close, i'll get it for free but "cars 2" is available for dvd and blu-ray for people who aren't as close as you and i are and you're one of the stars. >> did you get the bushel basket of dvd's i sent you? >> not yet. >> it's on its way. it will get there. >> by mail? >> i wonder. >> the junk mail, yeah. >> this is a lot of fun this movie. >> "cars 2" yeah! all pixar movies are fun because they do it the old-fashioned way. work for four years just on a story. if the story is not right, they won't make the movie. >> listen, always a pleasure to have you. john, thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. good to see you again. >> thanks. >> coming up on "fox & friends", big hour ahead. do you know what the mortgage forgiveness act is? you should, it's about to expire and there's something every home owner can do to stop that from happening. bob massi coming up. >> stay classy, massi. this is delicious okay...
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everyone. told is thursday, march 29, 2012. i'm gretchen carlson. busted with explosives at an airport, a man tried to board a plane with a bottle full of powder used in fireworks. breaking details out of philly moments away. >> steve: deadlocked and facing disaster. huge debate underway to save certain parts of the president's prized healthcare bill. but can this thing really be taken apart if you take out the heart? that rhymes. >> brian: some of the best video you will see all day/all week. >> daddy's home. >> brian: warm welcome home for a soldier back from war. it's more than warm. that's elation. "fox & friends" starts right now. down, steve. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. hope you're gonna have a great
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thursday. let's get right to your headlines. a major fox news alert. live at philadelphia international airport where a 29-year-old man from dallas, pennsylvania, is now under arrest and at this moment is being questioned by airport police. he's accused of trying to board a plane carrying a plastic bottle filled with explosives. investigators say the bottle contained powder used in fireworks. a federal background check shows no official ties to any terror groups. the man told authorities he was just, quote, tooling around with the explosives and forgot they were in his backpack. the flight bound for san francisco, we're told no flights are delayed at this time and the airport has not been shut down. we'll have a live report from the airport and new details minutes away. brand-new details about the jetblue pilot who we want crazy in the -- went crazy. the captain alarmed his copilot when he said, quote, things don't matter and, we need to take a leap of faith. we're not going to vegas. his behavior outside the cockpit
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even more troubling. he went on a terrifying rant in front of passengers about september 11. luckily passengers were able to control him and bring him to the ground of the aircraft. the captain now charged with interfering with flight crew instructions and that could mean 20 years behind bars. mitt romney picking up two key republican endorsements. president george h.w. bush making his endorsement official tonight in houston and last night florida senator marco rubio giving hannity his thoughts. >> i am going to endorse mitt romney and the reason why is because not only is he going to be the republican nominee, but he offers a stark contrast -- stark contrast to the president's record. in addition to bag successful governor, he has been successful in the private sector and offers a clear alternative to the direction this president is going to take our country. >> gretchen: senator rubio also reiterating he has no interest, at least right now, in being a vice president pick.
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a fox exclusive. two top republicans investigating the fast and furious want to know if the guns from mexico scandal reached all the way to the white house. congressman darryl issa and charles grassley firing off a letter to the white house, demanding to interview former national security staffer kevin o'reilly. the white house has until next wednesday to respond. talk about puppy love. take a look at what happens when this army soldier finally returns to his beloved pooch. >> daddy's home! >> gretchen: the soldier deployed for eight months. in an airport parking lot in german. the soldier's wife, katy, also there. the heart warming video now a huge hit on youtube. >> brian: on cable tv, we showed it three times. >> steve: video goes for five minutes. the dog is really happy to see his master.
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>> brian: right. it's just like we have the same essential for you when you come back from vacation, without the drooling at the airport. >> gretchen: exactly. yeah, right. >> brian: and the licking. >> gretchen: let's talk about the public per exception change not guilty the trayvon martin case. at least when you look at some of the recent polls and you compare them o some taken maybe last week or so. first, the cnn poll from march 26, where 73% of those people asked the question, say george zimmerman, the guy who allegedly shot trayvon martin, that he should be arrested. 73% thought at that time that he should be. >> steve: and now here is a new poll exclusive to "fox & friends" and only 48% say he should be arrested. >> brian: wilson per kins allen poll. >> steve: when you read the methodology and what the polling firm says regarding this poll, they say the critical driver of opinion is more information, we're learning about trayvon martin. a majority of americans, 52%, learn about martin's suspension
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from school and issues with marijuana as well. the exact information about his record was trayvon martin was suspended from his miami school three times for offenses, including skipping classes and other stuff at the time of his death. he was in the midst of a two-week suspension for possession of a bag containing marijuana. >> brian: but what matter is what happened that day. that is inc. whiching the per anticipation -- that is changing the perception of a lot of people. >> steve: all we heard is here is a young kid, he had skittles and a tea and he was shot in cold blood. >> gretchen: so rush limbaugh has been weigh not guilty on this specifically on the department of justice angle and the new black panther party. so remember back in 2008, the black panther party, there was a video where they allegedly stopped or harassed people who were trying to come and vote in pennsylvania. department of justice decided never to prosecute the black panthers for that intimidation. so now you fast forward and it
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appears the black panther party put a bounty out on the head of george zimmerman, the guy who shot trayvon martin. should something be done about that or should we just let it pass? here is rush. >> they're scared they'll be called racist. i tell you what the attitude is, let this play out and it will go away. that's what the attitude is. the attitude is, if we try to enforce the law here, it's just going to inflame these already high tensions. let's back off. let's not make it any worse than it is. it will go away. problem with that, once you stop the pursuit of criminals, you have empowered them. once you stop asserting your morality and the primacy of your law, sends a message to people who want to break it. >> steve: this case was brought
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up on the floor of the house of representatives yesterday. congressman from illinois by the name of bobby rush took the floor and then took off his jacket and underneath his jacket, he had a hoody and we understand trayvon martin's parents commended him for doing that. he was asked to leave the floor because it wasn't proper dress code. >> brian: let's talk about healthcare. when we talk about healthcare and the drama that took place over the last three days, it's fascinating, it will be analysissed for three months. yesterday they focused on severalability. if the court decides the mandate that makes everyone buy insurance is unconstitutional, the question is what is left of obamacare? could you actually save it? if you listen to justice scalia, he says if you take the heart of the statute, the statute is gone. justice ginsburg says if the mandate is rejected, do a salvage job instead of a wreckage operation. >> gretchen: it comes down to a loaf of bread. i got one for you this morning.
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so let's listen to the justices and then see whether or not healthcare, this loaf of bread, the analogy, can survive in its entirety or if i split it in half. >> first impression, another case where we have been confronted with this decision. can you take out the heart of the act and leave everything else? >> well, the congress is always, is half a loaf better than no loaf? and on something like the exchange, it seems like a perfect example where half a loaf is better than no loaf. >> gretchen: so that's a case for you guys. steve, if i give you half the loaf. here is the individual mandate. let's say it's unconstitutional. >> brian: that will fill you up. >> gretchen: brian, here is your half a loaf. now, is it okay severed like that? >> brian: here is the thing, if i'm justice kagan, this works. if i'm justice scalia it's not.
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>> steve: you can't survive without the loaf. however, if i was at the white house, i would take this and i would put it in a toaster because after you heard the way the justices were involved, the healthcare mandate is toast. it all comes down to the individual mandate. charles krauthammer feels it's toast, too. listen. >> the individual mandate is so central to the act that if you take it out, what's left is completely distorted. without the mandate, you don't have a funding source for the entire healthcare system. that's the new way, it reorganizes the financial mechanism of healthcare in america, one sixth of the economy. if you take it out, there is no way the insurers can provide what they have to provide under the other provisions of the law. so i think it's a mandate that goes down, everything will go down. >> gretchen: charles krauthammer needs the whole loaf. put it back in here.
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i'm going to send this to charles krauthammer. he says we need the whole loaf together or there is no loaf at all. no piece of toast. >> brian: same order we put them in. >> steve: you got the heel at the end! >> brian: not my problem. >> gretchen: i'm going to send this to charles. >> brian: even in the simplistic form, the mandate is supposed to pay for the sick people, preexisting conditions because it will force the healy pople, 20 to 25, to get insurance. they're most likely not going to be in the doctor's office every day. it was like a lot of healthy young people, they won't be going to the doctor's office for years. >> steve: right. jeffrey tuben, i mentioned this earlier. >> brian: you love him. >> steve: he's a long-time observer of what has gone on at the supreme court. he watched tuesday and said that, is a train wreck. the white house came without a game. then he watched yesterday and he said it was a plane wreck. he feels that the individual mandate at the very least is dead. >> gretchen: except we don't
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know what they're actually going to do until the end of june. >> brian: like sports where you have a final winner or loser. it's up to these individuals to make their decision. >> steve: you know what? if they handle this case the way they normally handle a big case, they will have a conference tomorrow in a conference room adjacent to chief justice roberts' chambers and they're going to take a preliminary vote. they're going to figure out where everybody stands and then they're going to go out and they're going to write opinions. then they will release what they vote on tomorrow in june. >> brian: it's a great job they have. take time off, think about it and get back to me. >> gretchen: there is a lot of work involved. coming up, do you know what the mortgage forgiveness act is? you should because it's about to expire. there is something every homeowner can do to stop it from happening. have you seen this ad? >> it's time for awful us to rise up and make our voices heard in this election. >> brian: no, you haven't seen it? that's because the man behind the message, nascar driver blake coke is being told he can't run
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that's why she's the boss. because the small business with the best tecology rules. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006. >> steve: we want to tell you about something called the mortgage forgiveness debt relief act. it's a mouthful. but this bill has been helping homeowners all across the country since it was signed by president bush back in 2007. now under new leadership in washington, the tools it provides might get trashed. fox news legal analyst bob massi joins us now from vegas. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: first of all, i'm sure there are a lot of people who don't know what the mortgage forgiveness debt relief act is. tell us what it is. >> well, it was passed in 07
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said if your house was foreclosed on or short sold and you owed a deficiency between what was owed and what was sold for or whatever the foreclosure price was, that difference, if it's forgiven by the lender, in other words, the lender says, you don't owe us that money anymore, under the mortgage relief act, it was a primary residence, it was the original mortgage and you occupied the home, you would not have to pay a tax on that. prior to that law, steve, if there was a $200,000 difference of what was owed and what the value was and they gave you a 1099, you'd have to pay tax, income tax on it. that's why this is an important law. >> steve: so for all the people working on their taxes right now, just imagine if they didn't get the benefit of that. so who has this helped in the past? >> those people who have lost their homes by way of foreclosure, primary residence as stated, those people that short sold their homes, they would receive, steve, generally speaking, from a lender what's
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called a 1099 c, which means cancellation of debt. and their cpa or accountant will say okay, it was a primary residence, you lived in it, it was the original mortgage. the lender has forgiven it. therefore, you're accepted and you do not have to pay a tax on that difference that was forgiven. >> steve: all right. but you might think it happened, but unless you get that 1099-c, the government doesn't know. >> that's the crucial part. that's right, because what happens is the lender sends it to the irs and to you the homeowner. here is the key, this law expires this year. i plead with our viewers, if they've ever listened to anything i've said over the last few years, it's incouple want upon you to call your representatives, united states senators, and congress americans in congress to plead with them to extend the 2007 mortgage relief act. if they don't, steve, chaos that
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will happen to people in america will be that that difference that's forgiven, they will have to pay income tax on that. bankruptcy also go through the roof even more, short sales will become impossible. it could be devastating to america homeowners. so please push to extend it. >> steve: you got to figure, five years ago when they came up with this during the bush administration, they probably thought, okay. we're really in a hole right now and we were. but five years from now, we're going to be better. that's not the case. in fact, the housing market continued to go south and that's why now you say call your congressma call your senator. say, eend it for at ast a couple moreears. >> absolutely. ev if they extend it two years to see how thisarket goes, steve, i just plead with o viewers. this is one of those things that you must become proctive on and so should realts 'cause if 's not, they're going to have major problems selling homes. >> steve: all good stuff we need to know about. thank you.
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if you got a question for bob, just log on to our web site. you'll figurout how to get in touch with him. he might answer your questio live on tv from veg. thank you,ir. >>hank you. >> steve: all right. have a greatweek. 19 minutes after the top 69 hour. philadelphianternational rport, a guy tried to go through the airport with a bottle full of wder used in fireworks. are live at the airport with a reporter. that is comi up next. and have you seen this ad? nascar dver blake koch couraging people to ri up and vote. sounds like a good idea. right? wrong. he's being told he can't run it. he tells a story live as he walks in to studio e rht here on the fox news channel anything yet.
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no, over there. we just gotta keep going left. what's your deal with going left? announcer: get great deals at bass pro shops and this weekend bring the kids for a free picture with the easter bunny. check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dlars into american education. that's thousands of ks learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool ♪
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>> gretchen: fox news alert. we want to update you on our top story, the man under arrest accused of trying to carry a bottle filled with explosives onto a flight for the breaking detail, we go to steve from our philly station, wtxf. steve, what was up with this guy? >> gretchen, credit the tsa with actually seeing or at least detecting these explosives and what they were, home made fireworks. a bleak moment, the guy told authorities when they took him into custody. trying to get on a plane to san francisco at 6:00 o'clock this morning with a backpack filled with home made fireworks. no danger, no disruptions to air travel. they did reroute the passengers that were on that plane to another plane just to check the plane to make sure and be 100%
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sure. the bomb squad checked everything out. everything okay. i guess if there is a new law on the books, we already have enough of them, but maybe felony stupidity should be added to the books and he could be charged with that because who in this day and age would try to take fireworks through a gate, security checkpoint onto appear airplane, especially one to san francisco? we all remember on 9-11 some of the planes were headed to san francisco. >> brian: thanks a lot. we'll keep checking back in the last 36 minutes of the show. blake cook is fairly new on the circuit. deeply devoted to his christian faith and in his second season. he ranks in the top half of drivers. last month just his race, cook and his sponsor, rise up and register .. com, planned to air this ad on espn. >> over half of all race fans didn't bother to vote in the last election. i was one of them. it's time for all of us, the
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entire nascar nation, to rise up and make our voices heard this election. >> brian: that ad never saw the light of day. the sponsor said it was denied because it had political and religious overtones. is that really true or is cook being targeted for his religious beliefs? blake, welcome to the show. >> thanks for having me on. >> brian: you were in the top ten when rise up and register was going to sponsor you. since that time, you're struggling to make ends meet. why do they have a problem with a pro-vote message? >> i heard that the reason was religious overtones in my particular web site, which i didn't think that my faith in christ would have an impact whether or not my sponsor could air a commercial or not. >> brian: what made you think a had something to do with espna decision not to air the commercial. >> i don't have all the details. we had a voice mail saying the commercial couldn't air because political and religious overtones. you saw the commercial. it obviously didn't have religious overtones at all. they said particular because of my web site.
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>> brian: so your reaction? we know what happened to your racing, you're using used tires. you got to scrape together money just to be able to race and compete. you're not going to be successful that way. >> yeah. the sports generated, i'm not here to bash espn. the coverage is great. i need a sponsor to compete on the series and i worked really, really hard to get sponsorship and it's really affected it. that's why we had a blank car in california. >> brian: joe gibbs is one of the most successful racing teams. he's very religious. everything he does is religious. his book went out that way. how come they don't have a problem with joe gibbs' background with religion? >> i don't have an answer. but he's awesome and they have a great plan and the game plan for life is his book. >> brian: there is religion in every chapter. >> yeah. >> brian: in turn, do you think you might tone down your web site in response to espn's concern? >> absolutely not. that's the one thing i will not do is deny my faith just because of a particular sponsor might
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not like the way i express my faith, which i do on my own time. find a church and go share my testimony and i'm not willing to hide my christianity. >> brian: here is the message left on your voice mail. >> it was declined for political and religious overtones, which we avoid by all of our standards. we looked at the web site, you know, as well at blake's web site and do see the religious aspects of this. so those are the reasons. >> brian: ridiculous. your dad gets the message, he relays it to you. your team is devastated because you're a pro-vote message. if it was anti-vote, would that be okay? >> i don't know, man. the message -- the goal was to register 1 million new people to vote this upcoming election and wasn't tie to do a particular candidate, a party. we wanted voter registration. >> brian: here is espna statement, quote, the spot did
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not meet our guidelines. if people want to follow you and register their support or feel differently, i imagine they're going to be supportive, at blake kochracing. >> and follow me on twitter. >> brian: nice to see you. hope this irons out for you. >> brian: coming up, eric bowling here to react. remember when the vice president said this? >> (bleep). >> brian: joe biden has egg on his face again this morning. what he said this time that has you clicking your heels and dancing [ male announcer ] let's level the playing field.
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>> gretchen: fox business alert for you. labor department released brand-new weekly jobless numbers, as they do thursday morning. 359,000 first-time unemployment claims filed last week. that's up from 348,000 the week before. economists were expecting 350,000. it's time for eric bolling to dissect the number. good morning. >> good morning. very good number. 350 is the number you want to get real close to and we've been talking about the last three or four, now down to 350, 359, up a
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little bit. but that's not a bad number. that's good. that means 359,000 people walked into unemployment office for the first time and those are exact numbers. those aren't estimates that come out at the end of the month. the continuing claims, which means how many people are on unemployment runs around 3.2, 3.5 million people. just to get a snapshot, you want to see it trending down. it's good trend number. >> steve: i heard an analyst say don't be surprised if the number actually goes up significantly because as people see the fact that it's going down, they think okay. i've been out. i've been sitting on the center lines for a while. i'm going to get in and more people looking. >> right that. will have the effect on the unemployment rate. people say yeah, things are looking good. that number looks good on a week to week basis. they come back into the labor force looking for a job without a job, that means the denominator part of the calculation is going to go up, which means the unemployment
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rate could go up even though unemployment claims could be going down. you could have one going in the right direction, one going in the wrong. in essence, that probably indicates a healthier economy. better job market. >> brian: let's talk about healthcare and enforcement of the mandate. everyone has to have health care. i don't want it. i'm going to pay the penalty. does that work? >> here is what i found. i spent the better part of a day looking and i found something kneltcare law, in the obamacare law dealing with specifically enforcement if you don't pay your tax, what happens? the irs come after you. they take you to court, eventually, they can even garnish your wage, put a lien on your home, tax lien on your property. that's for the irs will be the enforcement agent to obamacare written in the bill. what happens if you don't buy health insurance either on an individual level or your company on a corporate level, you don't buy health insurance? >> steve: you pay the fine. >> you get assessed a fine, tax
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penalty. what if you say, steve, go jump in the river, irs. i'm not paying the penalty either? >> brian: same thing. >> no. nothing. specifically, if i may -- >> steve: so this is a mandate with no teeth? >> this is section 1501, subsection g 2 a, waiver of criminal penalties in the case of any failure by taxpayer to timely pay the penalty imposed by this section, such taxpayer shall not be subject to any criminal prosecution or penalty with respect to such failure and the secretary shall not file a notice of lien with respect to property and respect -- >> steve: politically, they couldn't pass a bill where you go to prison. >> they could give the irs the same teeth to enforce tax law that they do obamacare. here is the point. forget what this means. what it means to the taxpayer, it means, the cbo told us it was
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be $393 billion. they recently upped it to $1.76 trillion. if this is true and if we're reading it right and i spent a lot of time with lawyers, with the brain room with accountants -- >> gretchen: how dare you read the bill? >> this could be double, $3 trillion bill, $4 trillion bill. because people will say, if i don't have to pay. the extent of the harassment, harassing phone calls. if that's all i have to deal with, there is going to be a population who don't pay. >> gretchen: it doesn't count for all the additional irs employees that they're hiring to do just that. >> 4,000. to do what, though? pay a penalty. >> steve: scary phone calls? >> scary phone calls. let's be honest, there will probably be some implication to your credit, but that's the extent of it. frankly if you declare bankruptcy, you can literally avoid the tax and avoid the penalties. >> brian: we'll watch you on "the five" today, is that right? >> i'll be there. >> steve: we won't avoid you.
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>> brian: thanks. 23 minutes before the top of the moment. >> steve: a fox news extreme weather alert. look at these pictures outside of colorado showing a family racing to escape a deadly wildfire. it will truly make your heart stop as you watch it. ainsley earhart up early with us to show us a daring escape. as a family runs for their lives. >> pretty incredible, steve. hundreds of firefighters from several states still out there trying to get that raging wildfire under control. the video is chilling. you see all these sparks flying right at their cars. this family is attempting to escape. it looks and even sounds like something right out of a disaster movie. take a listen. >> there it is, right here! >> oh, my gosh! >> we're out, we're out! >> daddy! >> we'll make it. we'll be fine.
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>> daddy! where is mom? what's she stopping for? >> isn't that hard to listen to? those children so terrified and trying to be blaze. an up close look at some of the destruction. the wildfire tearing through this home as it's burning to the ground. flames shooting through what used to be a roof. crews are also continuing to fight the wildfire from above, as well as there on the ground. as you can see, the air tankers took to the sky for a second straight day yesterday, dousing water on the flames to keep them from spreading. sam lucas and his wife, lisa, who you see here, both 76 years old, were killed as they were trying to escape from their house. loved ones say they don't understand how that happened, how they died because they were packed and they were ready to get out of there. another woman is still missing as well. we now know the cause of the wild fire, which you see raging. it was reignited controlled burn, which is supposed to limit the risk of a wild fire. right? the state's governor suspended the use of prescribed burns
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yesterday. there have been at least 27 houses damaged or destroyed by that wildfire. we always say, you work so hard to build a life for your family and in one day, one second, it's all destroyed. >> steve: absolutely. when they tell you to get out, get out then or you might wind up like that family did. >> the homes can be replaced. >> steve: absolutely. well put. ainsley, thank you very much. >> gretchen: timothy cardinal dolan is considered to be america's top catholic leader. last month he was elevated by pope benedict in rome. many claim to know him well, there is one person who knows him better than anyone else. his own brother, bob dolan. he shared childhood memories of cardinal dolan when he joined us earlier on "fox & friends." here he is. >> he put a table cloth on a card table that was the altar. welch's grape juice was the blood of christ, a slice of wonder bread was the body of christ, and he would literally recite the entire mass from start to finish. he had it memorized. >> gretchen: so start at a young
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age. he shares more memories in his book. >> steve: meanwhile, another gaffe from vice president joe biden. you can always count on him. or maybe he was just thirsty when he said this to a woman named dr. theresa paper. >> thank you, dr. pepper and thank you, chancellor -- dr. paper, and thank you chancellor, for this partnership. >> steve: pepper, paper. whatever. he meant to thank dr. paper. she's the president of a community college in iowa. thank you, joe biden, for giving us something amusing to run on this thursday morning. >> brian: again. coming up, the administration plans to cut back on a training program to arm pilots in light of the jetblue captain having a midair meltdown. some say this is really good idea. we'll debate it next
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>> gretchen: fox news alert. live pictures, philadelphia international airport where a 29-year-old man from dallas, pennsylvania, now under arrest, accused of trying to board a plane this morning bound for san francisco with a bottle full of explosives. this just a day after a jetblue pilot went berserk mid flight. so should pilots be able to carry guns in the cockpit? that's our question today. here for a fair and balanced debate, former tsa federal air marshall and captain robert spock is a commercial airline captain. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: i'm going to give each of awe couple seconds to defend what you believe should be happening in the cockpit with pilots and guns. so bob, let me start with you. should they be able to have gun guns? >> yes. but not in the form that they
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have the program in now. >> gretchen: why? >> the pilots carrying hand guns on the side of their hip is dangerous and it's a huge waste of taxpayer money. i do believe that every flight deck should have a modified shotgun inside of it and you won't have to train and issue pilots federal firearms to every single one of them. every flight deck should have a modified shotgun with modified ammunition that's low velocity and low mass. >> gretchen: i'll get back to what that means, but i want to give robert a chance to say why he thinks otherwise. >> yes, first of all, let me express my deep regrets and condolences to the captain and his family for the extremely unusual and very unfortunate incident. i'd also like to commend the crew that took very quick thinking and firm action to bring this situation to a successful conclusion.
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we believe that pilots under the ffdo program are providing an extremely effective deterrent to acts of air piracy and terrorism as outlined in the act and that this program should be enhanced and not diminished by the current budget proposal. >> gretchen: okay. in light of what happened with this jetblue pilot, a lot of people were saying, holy cow. what if that captain would have been armed what, potentially could have happened? it may not have been a good scenario. bob, explain to me about your modified idea, if there is a gun somewhere in the cockpit, isn't it still unsafe with regard to what we saw the other day? >> pilots right now are issued a .40 caliber pistol and have to shoot that down range. that .40 caliber round will go all the way to the back of the airplane and could hit innocent passengers. modified shotgun with low mass, low velocity pellets will stop an intruder trying to break into
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the flight deck. it's very simple. you rack a round, aim at somebody trying to break into the flight deck, and the pellets will blow a hole into somebody and stop that threat. if there is a miss, the pellets just harmlessly go down the aisle. >> gretchen: robert, why would you be against that and does the incident that happened the other day make it more difficult for you now to make your case that all pilots should be armed? >> absolutely not. the federal flight deck officers are highly screened and highly trained professionals, many served previously in the military, held top secret clearances and conduct their business in a professional manner every day, thousands of times a day. some of the problems that i see with mr. mcclain's proposal is where is this item going to be stored? where is it going to be stored and secured during flight crew changes, overnight? how are you going to train these pilots on this weapon? if you're allowing everybody to be trained, right now only the
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pilots who volunteer for the program and go through the screening and training are qualified to serve in this capacity. >> gretchen: so many questions and now it's coming to the forefront with what happened the other day. bob, captain robert, we appreciate your time this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. >> gretchen: all right. do you remember this song? ♪ i just want to praise him ♪ i just want to praise him >> gretchen: mary mary here to perform "shackles" next. first, let's check in with hemmer for what's on at the top of his hour. >> how are you doing? >> gretchen: fantastic. >> can you believe it? another plane scare? this is crazy. breaking news on that, what we're learning about this in the early stages. breaking news on the health of america's economy. jobs and our growth. this is big, folks. what now if the supremes throw out health care? there is a significant scramble underway from just about every corner of the country and what the head of america's catholic church, all 77 million of them
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is accusing the white house of doing. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour, ten minutes away on america's news room. there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] get the mileage card with special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. thanks. ♪ okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. get it and you're in. chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one. small sinesses that want to grow use 4g lte technology from verizon.
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>> think about it. 100,000 new fans. it's a big deal. >> i'm not saying that i ain't doing it. i'm just saying i don't want to do it. >> always got me pressured into doing something. you want to be in this group. you and mitch always on the yes wagon and anything like oil on the no wagon, so it always seem like i'm disagreeable mary. >> steve: the yes wagon. >> gretchen: sisters mary mary shared success in the world of gospel music and now showing their life in a reality show. >> brian: she join us right now.
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welcome. i know you're about to sing. how hard was the reality show, tina? >> it was a bit challenging to adjust to cameras all the time. we're used to it on red carpets and shows. but tia and erica, it was an adjustment. >> steve: is it ginned up a little bit or is that a typical interchange? >> that's so very typical. we come from a aggressive, sarcastic family. >> this show is like the real true us, the good, the bad and the ugly. >> brian: how bad can it be? you grew up in a religious household? >> it's not perfect at all. >> gretchen: hail mary to that. >> forgiveness may come faster, but the argument is still there. >> gretchen: your name, mary, mary, because mary, mother of jesus and mary magdalene. >> that's where we got the name from. >> gretchen: what are you going to sing? >> "shackles." >> gretchen: great! ♪
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in the corners of my mind i just can't seem to find the reason to believe that i can't pray free ♪ ♪ just me ♪ i have been there for so long ♪ ♪ as i lift my hands i understand that i should praise you through my circumstance ♪ ♪ the shackles off my feet so i can dance ♪ ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ broke the chains now i can lift my hands ♪ ♪ and i'm going to praise you ♪ i'm going to praise you ♪ everything that could go wrong all went wrong at one time ♪ ♪ so much pressure fell on me ♪ i thought i was gonna lose my mind ♪ ♪ thought i know you want to see if i'm gonna hold on through
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these trials ♪ ♪ but i need to you lift this low 'cause i can't take this no more ♪ ♪ take the shackles off my feet so i can dance ♪ ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ you broke the chains now i can lift my hands ♪ ♪ and i'm gonna praise you ♪ i'm gonna praise you ♪ then through the fire and the rain ♪ ♪ found in every sort of way ♪ god has broken every chain ♪ let me go right now ♪ take my shackles off my feet so i can dance ♪ ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ i just want to praise you ♪ you broke the chains now i can lift my hands ♪ ♪ and i'm gonna praise you ♪ i'm gonna praise you
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♪ >> steve: they just did that number. their reality show on we premieres tonight. good luck to you. you're going to stay around for the after the show show? >> yes, we are. >> brian: coming up tomorrow, it's going to be a great show. stuart varney will be he, larry wingef, judge napolitano, geraldo rivera and judge jeanine pirro, a lot of legal people. >> gretchen: stick around for the after the show show. have a fantastic thursday.
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