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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 30, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. hi, andy. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> i have been on a desert on a horse with no name, america. our top story, is hollywood insane forecasting anoi jane as nancy reagan? the attempt at rhyming that didn't work out. andti a british dude is jailed for offensive tweets. why this is a clear violation of the first amendment. and v finally, why is alicia silverstone playing mama bird and baby bird with her own child 1234 the shocking video you don't want to miss. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> you bet. >> good to be back. >> whatever. joy you just don't care. >> whatever. >> go away. >> you go away. let's welcome our guests. it is more mouth watering than a basset hound on a salt lick. i am here with juliette huddy. and he is responsible for more
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slap knees than a caw meeden why. and never take his food bowl before he is dn eating, bill schulz. and if he was the macarani i probably did him at a wedding. his latest book is called "gray lady down." the decline and fall of the new york times and what it means for america. speaking of, he is a craby rag who is half in the bag. good to see you, pinch. >> didn't care much about your book there. today in arts and leisure, gary ross takes time and asks readers about "thehu hunger games." one said what is a hunger game? another queried is this about competitive bulimia? and a third viewer named thelma said, i am trying to write an e mail. will this website write an e mail for me? our demo could be better.
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>> could be. she was a prend of -- a friend of ho, but now she will say just no. boy, i screwed that up. jane fonda, america's enemy, signed on to play nancy regan in an upcoming movie. according to "variety", the -- she will portray the former first lady in" the butler." it is based on the life of eugene allen who serves as the head serve vent from 1952 to 1986. a career spaning from somebody named harry s truman to the great ronald regan. she is famous for "on golden pond" andy posing with the north vietnamese soldiers while at war with them. while regan was and never posing with north vietnamese soldiers while at war with them. anyway, for more on the fonda film, let's go to our cultural critics, seth, dave and the other seth.
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>> i would do that. >> good to see your exes have moved on. >> my currents. >> those l your current? those are your current? >> i like them long haired and young. >> exactly. and they actually have a job. they can paint. for once you are dating somebody with a future. enough poking fun of you. it is almost like hollywood does these things to make conservatives >> you think? i think she is a liberal choice to play nancy regan. the first choice is whoopi goldberg, so it could have been more intense. how about getting nancy regan to play nancy regan because she is still around. >> that's true, but she is getting up there in age.
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>> ind was more offended in "monster in-law." if you are going to make movies you will have a lot of liberal people in them. her since were particularly egregious during a time of war. but look at sean penn who can play regan. >> bill, welcome to the program. they could have picked eight million otherke actresses including alyssa milano who is my personal choice. go ahead and laugh. >> i will. >> she is america's cup cake. anyway, it wasn't done -- it is done precisely to force us to talk about it. >> oh yes. i don't think it is a big deal. it is a a cameo role. it wasn't a full on bio pick. even if it was, who cares? we don't have a culted personality. this is going to offend mainstream conservative
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sentiment, particularly the memory of ronald reagan and nancy reagan to have jane fonda do this. but in the end we don't have a personality cult like they do in communist china. it is healthy. >> it would be different if we went out on the streets and tried to kill jane fonda, but we don't do that. >> it won't be a great movie because they really need shirley mcclain because she is familiar with astrology. >> she is going to be in downtown abbie." >> downtin? >> you were spear headed to play agney. >> funny. were you going to be a munchkin in "the wizzard of oz"? >> you could have made a political insult. what is your take on this? >> i don't think it is a big deal at all. every actress is liberal. are you going to find a conservative toin find fan say regan? that is silly.
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>> the lady from "northern exposure." >> janeen turner. but she doesn't have the spikey hair. >> the lady, victoria jackson. i am up to two now. >> but they are also bonkers, right? >> no, they are americans. >> they have the crazy eyes. >> were you upset to lose out to jane fonda? you have better gams. >> i still wear my leg warmers. she threw them out with the 1980s, but i rock them. they are under my genes and i don't feel a draft. i looked at the script of this movie because basically this jane fonda thing is a nonstory. i wanted to learn more and the basic theme of the movie, this guy is here at the beginning of time and you can see history before his eyes. this guy is the black forest gump. then i think a little more, was it bubba in the movie "forest gump." but forest gump was a crappy
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movie. i am not going to see that again. i sure as hell won't see "the but leer" and then i took a nap. >> which is good. i did some research. forest whit tau customer is up for the role of "the butler" and he always looks like he is going to cry. that makes me sad. >> you have to understand the plot of the movie is the butler wilsol somehow possess a gentle folksy wisdom that will be superior to what the presidents know ssments -- know. the democratic president will see the work and republicans will not like him. now you don't even have to see the movie. regan will try to get him hooked on crack. >> you look at the casting hollywood has been doing. it was nothing when they had jerry lee piven lay -- play martin luther king in that tv for -- tv movie.
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>> they announced the cast of nancy regan before the lead? well that couldn't be scoring any points. >> you know who will play jane fonda in her bio pick? ron regan, junior. >> john cusak is nixon and that is weird. >> i didn't think josh brolin would be good, but he was. >> anthony hopkins at nixon, not so much. >>o> from old age to air rage. should passengers be liable if they make planes unflyable. after almost 400 incidents of unruly passengers in the new york air terminals, the tantrum prone travelers may have to go to court and play for the cost of the delay of flight. says a spokesperson, quote, on a regular basis we have issues where planes have toe come back because of disruptive
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passengers. we are looking a to cut down on the number of incidents that require police response and reduce the amount of time and money airlines lose because of these incidents. that was long and boring. they lose $6,000 for every hour a flight runs late. if the new policy is enacted they can sue passengers to pay for the related costs. i know what you are thinking. why are airlines so awful while japan's space dog industry is booming? >> that seems cruel, but then again what do i care? ms. huddy, i know you are conflicted here because you caused many of the on flight disturbances. >> first of all, let knee jump -- let me jump in real
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fast. >> i go crazy on the flights. people are not putting their phone away and they tell you to. i don't care ipht doesn't cause problems. i understand. >> they don't. >> i know, but put your phone away so we can go. >> do you think that's why disturbances are caused because people are not putting stuff away. >> i stepped to -- i tend to fly a lot and i noticed interesting disturbances that had nothing to b do with technology, but something else. this is another way to make money off customers? >> i don't think it is a way to make money, but it is a good thing. make people take responsibility for the loudish behavior. >> but who has borish and loudish t behavior today? was it a customer? no, not bill. was it a customer? no, . it was a pilot on a jet blue flight. >> two weeks ago it was a
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female flight attendant who went bonkers in a different way. something must be in the water. >> no, it is not in the water. the reason they don't bring it up, it is something they take with the water. i believeth a lot of these outbursts have to do with a mixture of alcohol and medications, joe. >> mixing alcohol and medication -- >> like ambien. >> it is weird when they say these things and people have weird episodes and he is dehydrated.b who knew gatorade was such a powerful anti-psychotic medicine. it is scary when you watch the video. i have to say one thing that was heartening. we are in post 9/11 and people are like, something is happening and we are on it. we are not going to sit around. i can imagine your pilot is running up and down saying to say your prayers. i can't imagine anything more frightening. >> maybe he. was religious.
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>> that was the guy who woke up from -- ambien who freaked out. generally when you are on ambien you dream are you on a plane that is going down. >> it was the pilot and taking ambien? >> he was cross flying. >> he was probably sleeping and had the dream on ambien and then got up and went crazy. >> he was in the cockpit. >> he was with the copilot and the copilot talked him out. and closed the door behind him and they were lucky they had another pilot off duty who was on the plane and stepped up. >> i bet he had just woken up. >> probably because they don't have a lot of sleep. >> and they nap a lot. >> you are right though. am a bien does crazy things. >> every time i get on the plane i would dream the plane is crashing and freak out and there would be nobody next to
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me. >> you probably peaked on yourself or something. --yo peed on yourself or something. >> if they start enacting these kinds of fines and court costs on the boxcars that you travel on will you finally worry? >> me and boxcar willy will start hitchhiking. go to bed. it is way past your bedtime. this is a great example why this is one of the worst industries ever. they are fining these people for being upset and looking into why they are upset. the reason they roup set is because of them. their employees and how often they are. i maintain that the next terrorist attack will not be from a fundamental easy law mist. it is a guy that has been pushed too far and he snaps. >> you are saying it right here. >> i get it.
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i don't feel bad. i am not angry at these people foregoing t bonkers. i am angry at the airline industry. they are inept. >> we are waiting for the airline version of "falling down. ".ow >> the problems i have had flying once you get past tsa, that is a nightmare of its own. it has been the rudeness of the people on the flight. it is the women doing their nails, guys who didn't shower. >> the steward eases and the pilot. >> why can't people sit down, shut up and be quiet for two hours. >> there is a worst thing going on, inexperience when flying. three don't -- they don't understand the prot tau will kolls of l waiting until your seat is called. they will get the first in line to get on the plane and they are not business class or anything like that. and then they block everybody and then they get mad when
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people walk by. then they don't know where to put their bag. then they are walking around and get in flights with the flight 810 dents. the flight attendants. >> i like old people. i am supportive of them. old foreigners, you don't want to get behind them. they are just happy to have a laptop, and they are not going to take it out for you. >> they should have regular flyer airlines which is a division of people that fly regularly. they get on and have a that is that goes through security and can for when they want. everybody is fine and then they have beginner's airlines. they are for those who don't know what they are doing. the plane is made out of styrofoam. >> it sounds like separate, but unequal. >> i don't want to be around people who annoy me which is
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myself mts. i don't know why you have to be conscious when you are flying. >> just know the matrix. >> but then you never know. you wake up and you a little alien next to your stomach and next thing you know. >> that's how you came here, bill. from flight to funds, can newt climb back with help from a kodak. his campaign is a drifty and gingrich is charging a 50 per photo to be taken with him. on monday folks posing were asked for credit card information and directed to a website to download the images. can you imagine downloading images ogif newt 1234* the campaign won't charge supporters , but will offer a portrait with a $50 donation. we also have an on-line store where they can make a donation
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to receive a hat, a shirt or even a bandanna. i hate people who put bandannas on their dog. you are not cool. your dog doesn't know. just stop doing it. particular it off now. i will wait. meanwhile the gingrich campaign released a new ad. can we see that? >> i am newt gingrich and i approve this message. >> a little too late for me. if i had seen that six months ago, who knows ? is he worth the $50. >> you can get one, two, three chins for it. his finances must be in the
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crapper, and it is probably time for him to pull out. >> it is about time. i think the bar has put in the last call. they are putting the chairs upside down on the table. it is time for him to pick up and go. >> i used to think you couldn't put a price on anything as wonderful as a photo. it turns out it is $50. this is one of the most pathetic things i have heard. unless you do one of those things where it is a wild west thing. >> i love those. those are my favorite. i did them wherever i went fnlt. julia you actually charge for personal appearances. >> it is pick on juliette night. actually don't charge. well i do charge for surveillance. i won't do there. i have no problem. you have to raise money.
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his campaign is having problems with that. you are not being forced to pay. and if you are a supporter of newt and go to these events, fork it over, baby. >> really quick, you are passed around like an or doif platter, so why is this anish a? an issue? i will make it -- >> i will make it quick. this comment he made i had a problem with. some campaigns make you travel to wall street to pay $2,500 for a photo with a candidate. which candidate does that? i don't recall back man asking to pose next to him. >> a porn star was running for president tngwo years ago. we havego to take a break. stick around. more to come.
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should you go to the big house for being an internet louse? a british university student, is there any other kind, has been sentenced to almost two months, 57 days in prison after he posted offensive tweets about aab soccer player who collapsed on the field. liam stacy, that is not a british name, took to twitter when fabrice went down with heart failure writing, lol, swear word, can imagine what it was. he's dead. >> why do i even try to pronounce names? his tweet with racist crap. he september out to other twitter users and it was forwarded to the police. he wrote them after drinking heavily and in celebration of a welch rugby team. he will spend 56 -- not 57, days behind bars.
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the soccer player is recovering from the heart scare. notice i am not saying his name. after the ruling the district judge explained it. >> it has been around a longtime and as a result it does take quite a longtime to make change. even the best one in the world. >> that wasn't the judge. i love that. clearly what he wrote was awful stuff. but this is scary. going to jail over -- just because you are a jerk. are you going to jail bus you are a jerk. >> news flash, a lot of european countries have these britain, germany. there are speech codes. 245 -- that is pretty much the norm in europe. >> i am a member of glad. it is racist and unfeeling.
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should you go to jail for it? no. >> this guy was tweeting after drinking eight pints. >> that's pretty standard. >> that's no excuse. here is the interesting thing about social networks, when k you say things to insight fights. what he just did was incite a fight that he normally would have done at a bar. >> who gets loaded and is luke, where is my laptop. i was reading about this and i torture myself but i go to the comment section and it is shocking. we take the freedom of speech so -- we just uh some that is other countries. to me it is like there is no need to defend ones out of line. otherwise we would not be having n this televised
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program. >> the only upside is bill might be in jail. he has been trying so hard. >> i would enjoy it. that's why we keep you out of jail. l. do you think they will kim him out of school? >> there is a reason they are polite and deserved. if not they are going to jail. it is very selective. if you ever listened to a british soccer game there are more "kneeing words" and" 7. >> this is insane. >> off with their heads. >> do you ever get engaged -- >> i am not much, darling. but in the past -- if i took ambien that would be strange. but i don't do that either. but i think this is strange. here is the united states the
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rutgers situation the guy filming the kid and engaged -- i mean if people thought that was a little over board to have that guy convicted of going to prison for that. this is the tip of the iceberg. it is crazy. >> we are entering 5* scary, scary time. the interesting thing is the person that is always the object of the taunt or the racist slur is never the victim anymore because that's like -- they never -- words don't hurt, really. it is the guy that says it. >> can i say something really fast? when i was in high schoolgh these girls freaked out down the hallway. they called me every name and put pictured on my loark with my face stabbed up. was it sad? it was very upsetting. am i freaking out -- well, kind of i am. i wouldn't say arrest them and charge them. i mean, come on. >> it is odd that all of them
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are dead now. >> every time you take a vacation one disappears. you are like -- >> several change names, and they are dead. >> you know how selective it is. this guy is putting up these idiotic tweets, but in england this is where the radical muslim preachers will be there will say kill the jews and scary things. they don't do anything. >> that truly insights violence. i think they go after these guys, gut not too often. >> it is a pc culture. >> and i have to congratulate you. >> bobbie sherman is now a sheriff in southern california. a little fact that was stuck in my head. there is itching back there.
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maybe it is a worm. >> let's get out of here. do you have a comment? or to leave a voicemail 212-46 212-462-5050. still to come, andy levy. he needs to be put into jail for a longtime. >> tonight is ns spue erred by cup stacking. the sport that involved -- involves stacking cups in as little time as possible. thanks, cup stacking.
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welcome back. let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. hi, andy, how are you? >> good. >> that's too bad. >> jane fonda to play nancy reagan. we should judge by talent and not politics even though what fonda did was particularly egregious. i agree. my rule is to ignore actors and musicians' politics. i won't not go to a movie because sean penn is in it. but i i make an exception in fonda's case. what she did was so abhor rent that i will not give my money to anything she is involved in. >> what are your feelings on "larry the cable guy"? >> you could go both ways on that. i know what he did, but his intentions were good. >> what about all of those missing sleeves?
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who will speak for the sleeves. >> a couple weeks ago it was not jane fonda calling for the sec to remove rush limbaugh fromh the air? >> she did. she was with another lady. >> another not giving my money to people she wants to silence. >> it is interesting they are going after rush limbaugh. they handed rush limbaugh two weeks of shows. >> that's how it works. juliette, you don't think this a big deal at all, fonda playing regan. you realize you are on cable news, right? >> i do realize that. i am supposed to be honest. >> you are supposed to be outraged. >> oh my god, i think this is horrible. >> they will drop that in the a block. >> edit me out. >> we don't have a personality
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cult and you realize you are on cable news? >> i realize it goes to the top. i say it like i see it. >> you people are not doing it right. bubba was not the black forest gump. he was bubba. >> he was the black forest gimp with more of a speech impediment. but we agree about forest gulf p. forest gump. >> the bookti "forest gump" he was a stoner. >> is that right? >> yes. >> and tom hanks as a stoner might have made it pallable. >> i kept thinking i would hear his accent often like the colin, irish actor. he has a -- >> farrell? >>l. yes, thank you. >> airports may be unruly. >> most of these are caused by passengers shutting off their
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electronic devices. look at me when i am talking to you. you have a different theory. a spokesperson says moas of the 400 incidents were due to people who wouldn't turn off their electronic devices. >> basically what this is is a flight uh 10 department trying to get more muscle. right? it is to get people to do what they want. >> right. >> that's it? >> well, yes, if you start finding people for it -- you areeo disincenti viesing it. >> i like that word. i was talking about what are the real problems? the real problems are what you saw with the pilot going crazy. >> you really think the jet blue pilot was high or something? >> no cash dash. >> or taking pills. >> i honestly believe that a loilt of times they sleep on
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planes and they take sleeping pills l, i have seen it. it happened to me on a plane. >> i think he knew something. >> about snakes 1234*. >> he saved all of those passengers lives. if that plane had gone to vegas. big >> what if he was right? >> i was told there was a creature on the wing. and no one believed him. >> apparently joe dough foster's kid was trapped. >> kareem abdul jabar. >> well, you never said it was kareem. he was p wearing basketball shorts. >> and i agree with you. people talk about rude flight crews. passengers are a bigger problem. i don't think i have ever had a rude flight attendant. >> really?ud >> and babies are horrible.
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>> not in general. you mean in general? >> especially in a confined -- >> no, he was talking about the british band. >> i never had a bad experience with a flight attendant. >> usually -- >> like you they are all cat owners. you don't remember the hot tub in ming yap police. >> i said once. not on the plane though. >> talk about a rough landing. the old landing thing didn't come down. >> there was a lot of turbulence. we had to use auto pilot. >> the emergency room doesn't open. greg i feel like for you for flying a good solution would be tore get an injection before the flight. they they put you in a cage with the pets.s. >> i would fly that way. i am all for sadato lines.
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put me in a box and shoot me up. >> you already have the cage and you already have the needles. >> some guys have done this. they fed exed themselves. it was because he couldn't afford a plane ticket. remember that story i dreamt? >>ho we did it. that's how i arrived at the show. fed ex should start delivering people. >> for the record, greg, that was a standard sized pet carrier. >> >> id soiled myself, but it was worth it. >> i greg, you heard people who put bandannas on their dog? >> yes. hen you said that is just you. >> yes. >> it is not just you. >> everybody? >> i would think so. >> and sunglasses. >> me and my german shepherd diablo would disagree. we have an awesome skiing trip planned for this weekend.
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>> are you building a fire on the beach? f >> you know what when no wn is looking we will go and have a beer. >> i love your acoustic of "jeremy. jts. >> that is actually a beach boy song. >> bill mcgowan, you mentioned a lot of european countries have the speech codes. also our lovely neighbor to the north. >> i think he meant mexico. joe you don't understand this guy's excuse that he was drunk when he was treating. he says, who gets drunk and goes to his laptop. we have these things called i phone and you can tweet from there and you don't have to turn your income calls. >> if we had these every american in twitter would be in jail. ji that's what twilter is for.
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>> you said england is where they have these imams that will chapt to hugell crowds sayingan kill the jews and awful things. >> other awful things. >> too late. >> we have the tape where you didn't say other. that's on youtube tomorrow. >> i'm sure you and your people will see to that. >> kiss your career goodbye. >> i am done. >> i spentou foirt 7 -- $47 on i tunes last night. >> how is that possible? >> were you drinking? were you on a -- ambien? >> i was blind. bill was there waiting for me amount of. >> getting those i tunes e mails is awful. >> inned fooing the vacation pictures of a vacation you have no memory of. it is like, wow, i really
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didn't need to buy the breeders for the third time. i could have looked for the cd. coming up, the stars of "the hunger games" are going to pay a visit -- to some other show. first -- why are weddings so expensive? for starters you have to divorce youre. current wife.
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that's a protein. can only the rich afford to get hitched? the cost of weddings has sky rocketed. americans can't even pay for dessert without losing their shirts. a topless wedding would be fun. sthing about that. think about that. >> couples spent more to get married last year than they did in 2008 with the average nuptials costing 27,000. this survey done by the knot,on
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the website. among the findings, the average wedding has gone from cash -- the wedding gown costs $1100 and the engagement ring $5,000 and the o venue $12,000. that's what i spend on mud packs. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooouuunnnndd. lightning round. >> juliette i go to you first. >> of course you would. >> what advice do you have for soon for married couples ? >> are you joking right now? >> so they can do the opposite. >> don't do it! >> your mistake was not getting marrie fd, but getting married four times. >> no, it wasn't four times. >> would you ever have a big wedding? >> no, i would never, ever. no, never again. women start to think -- we are
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so caught up in the fairy tale and the f planning that we forget that we are sewelly marying this guy. he doesn't treat us well and all of that stuff. >> maybe you deserve to be upset. >> i am glad you didn't personal lies this at all. >> you brought up the wedding story. >> that's why we love you. why do people spend so much on something that really means nothing? >> i don't think i can answer this question, but i will. i think the city hall weddings are the way to go. >> that's what i did. >> in new york city. and then you have to walk across the brooklyn bridge. >> it is the best thing i ever did. it was w great. you had a kwanza tree and a menorah and a christmas tree. >> what about the swastika. i never got that. >> that was a movie i made in the 80s.
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joe wouldn't it be nice if he gave a nice scarf instead of modern green. >> i just think it is interesting -- it is good we get away from the grotesque over done weddings. there is so much on the wedding and not on the marriage. >> spend that money on a down payment to a house. weddings are not beautiful because the money goes no where. >> bill, you married a snapping turtle. >> was that legally binding? >> no. i found that after snapy took the hard earned money and flied across the border. >> people are spending $25,000 on a dress that makes them look like a custard bowl. it was an institution where our life stan was 30 years of age. i believe marriage will no
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long go together. not in my lifetime, but maybe for my i will legitimate daughters. >> you are slated to end in a year. >> my daughters won't livelonger than that. >> i think marriage is beautiful. when there is a divorce there is aum shiny wedding album. >> sometimes you throw them in the water or over buildings or in trashcans behind your apartment building. have i to take a break. i am looking for your wedding album.
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>> what are they doing over there?>> >> making out. >> you were making out. it was disgusting. >> we are going to have to get this whole thing disinfected. time to update you on our latest auction. this is a drawing of myself and a unicorn head trapped in my stomach. to win this, all you have to do is make a bid and e mail us at red eye at fox highest bid that wins goes to the trust fund recently
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announced for andrew breitbart's four children. we had a bid of $5,000 from a guy in kentucky. i don't know who will beat $5,000. and since the time of the taping i don't think anybody has gone higher. the deadline is tomorrow. if you thinkto you can beat $5,000, send it in as soon as possible. if you can't top the bid, but want to make a donation to his kids, checks and money order tots following address, breitbart's children's trust 149 south barrington avenue, los angeles, california 90049. and don't send pizza. it weill get gross. we will close things out with the post game wrap up. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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see you back0 at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. appearances from tom shalou. he is a delight. diane macedo is a delight. and jaime weinstein from the daily caller. >> back to andy levy for the e wrap up? >> jaime weinstein is a delight. >> i was doing that for fun. >> what are you celebrating today? >> it is my five -- 15-year anniversary. >> you got here when you were 35? >> you know what i was about to say. >> i'm kidding. >> we know what you were about to say. >>ay you look hot.
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>> it was about the new york times and it is unfortunate that the times plays a role in our political culture. getting tweo a lot of good stuff mostly the last 10 years of politically correct miss reporting. >> i don't. >> sounds unanimous. >> we will be back on sunday at the broadway comedy club on april fools day. >> or will you? great timeor comedy. >> "game of thrones" will be on. >> what its that? >> "game of throwns." >> isou that something you do in the bathroom? >> thanks for joining us. i'm greg gutfeld.


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