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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 5, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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>> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight. >> the republic party is gay bashing, muslim bashing, latino bashing. >> bill: wild guy howard dean has made an oracle out of me. his attacks on republicans are over the top and we pricketted it would happen. >> young people are just not going to vote for romney. >> unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. i'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step. >> bill: president obama's criticisms of the supreme court have teed off a bunch of federal judges and the justice department was ordered to explain. megyn kelly will tell us what happened today. >> there will be justice for trayvon martin. >> bill: and an african american scholar says al sharpton is full of bologna that black teenagers are not afraid of whites they are afraid of other black teenagers. we have a controversial discussion.
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caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. howard dean on the attack. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. just call me miss clio psychic to the stars. just minutes after i told you last night that the democratic party's strategy to reelect president obama will be to attack mitt romney and the republic party, press toe, a few minutes later howard dean shows up on msnbc and says this: >> the republic party is latino bashing, immigrant bashing, women bashing every day. and so the -- young people are not going to vote for romney because they think insurance should pay for birth control.
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their friends are gay, muslim, latino and so forth and so on. they are sick of this stuff. >> bill: i want to thank governor dean more making me an oracle. it was nice of him to do it. what we have here is the democrats trying to put together a coalition of the aggrieved. millions of americans who feel they're not getting what they deserve. and, of course, president obama is here to help them. now, that analysis is not a slap at the president. unlike some of you, i don't think he is a bad guy. but i do think he is misguided fiskly and because of that is doing damage to the country's economic infrastructure. but i don't see him as dr. evil. in fact, i have never ever seen mr. obama with a cat. >> as you know, every i do book kel deed that i have hatched has been thwarted by austin powers. >> now, seriously here is how the campaign is going to unfold. the coalition of the aggrieved will be stoked up by guys bike howard dean and a variety of other liberal bomb throwers.
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they will put forth that america is not a fair country and that the only person who can make it fair is president obama. the bomb throwers will slime mitt romney in every way possible. on the other side, conservatives and republicans will make a mistake if they sink into that swamp. at this point, everybody knows president obama. you don't have to demonize the man. you either like him or you don't. everybody does not know how much danger there is in uncontrolled federal spending. that is what mitt romney and the republicans have to make crystal clear. how a 16 trillion-dollar debt that continues to rise will effect every american. if they can get that point across, everybody will be aggrieved. not just a few selected minorities. so there you have it right from the mouth of an oracle. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight judge jerry smith member of the fifth circuit of appeals in texas has ordered the justice department to submit a three page document explaining president obama's slight of the supreme court. >> i'm confident that the
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supreme court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress. >> bill: well, the justice department did submit the document today and here now to explain it attorney and fox news anchor megyn kelly who is a former supreme court reporter. what's the headline of the document. >> department of justice in a letter signed by eric holder himself has acknowledged in fact the federal courts including the supreme court have the ability to declare a law unconstitutional if, in fact, that is what they conclude. >> bill: this was all guerrilla theater then. everybody knew they were going to do that everybody knew that eric holder was going to uphold the constitution. the judge in texas knew it he just wanted to embarrass the president, right? >> it was an extraordinary move by the fifth circuit of appeals. i was shocked to see them do it. >> bill: just to embarrass the president. >> i'm not going to get into
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motives. >> bill: process of elimination what other motive would there have been. >> he is the head of the executive branch. the executive branch is front of them now litigating a case about the president's health care law. if their bogs is going to be this court doesn't have the jurisdiction to review that law, maybe those federal judges want to hear about it. >> bill: okay. so i still think it was theater because they knew they were going to have a come back that said hey, you guys, don't get mad because we know you have the right to do it? >> one of the possibilities is they had had it. because i do think some of these federal court judges based on what i hear feel a little beat up by president obama. >> bill: i don't think there is any doubt about it. >> this judge may have had enough of that. >> bill: well, the only interesting part of this document, i mean your eyes will glaze over is, number three, quote: while duly recognizing the court's authority tone gauge in judicial review, the executive branch, that's president obama, has often urged courts to respect the legislative judgments of congress. you know, he he is basically saying look, we got it done. don't mess it up. that's what he is saying, right? >> yes. not unusual for the president
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to want the supreme court to uphold a law that he worked hard to get passed. >> bill: difference between wanting and lobbying. >> that's right. >> bill: is he lobbying them. >> that's right. eric holder is splitting those hairs. this document as you would expect him to do is the president's advocate heading up the attorney general's office. i do think that the president got himself in some trouble on monday. >> bill: no doubt about it? >> trying to dial it back ever since. >> bill: he can't. >> this is what he is trying to say this is what i meant. any thinking person would have understood in is what i meant. the problem weighing in on the case even if you weigh in on the way he tried to couch the next day, right? he tried to change it a little. there are some issues with commenting on a pending supreme court case when you are the president of the united states. and you have had top republicans -- mitch mcconnell of the senate came out and suggested he tried to intimidate justices. that's a stretch. >> bill: of course is he going to say that. all right. now, you covered the court. i don't know much about it. i was privileged to talk to
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justice kennedy one time. actually he invited me in the office. we had a nice chat. >> would you love to talk to him right now? he is the guy. >> bill: he wouldn't tell me anything. >> true. >> bill: but these guys, they read the papers, they know. they watch the factor. they know what's going on. they know what president obama did. >> right. >> bill: some of them are going to be just like the judges in texas going, you know what? that's out of line. that's going to hurt the president's cause subliminally. >> i don't think so. i don't think the judges give a fig that president obama thinks it would be unprecedented or activists for them to strike down the law. >> bill: if somebody annoys you. >> i don't think -- i don't think they would be shocked to think he thinks they should uphold them. solicitor general who argued the case in court. >> bill: isn't it about respect? i put forth that human beings want to be respected. and if somebody disrespects you, even in a round about way, all right, you may not react to it, but it's right
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there in your mind. and if it comes down to just, you know, with a guy like kennedy. >> which it's not going to. they have their constitutional philosophies intact. the supreme court, they are very controversial. they know that. but these are big boys and girls. they've been around the block. i don't think they are going to be swayed by what president obama says. they're not going to be angry. look what happened during citizens united in the state of the union when the president with them sitting steps away unable it to respond when he ripped on them then. you could tell that they were irritated. justice leith -- alito irritated. right when the justices are sitting right there. >> bill: about what? >> about campaign finance. >> bill: yeah. you shouldn't have done it. >> justice alito said no in response to the president's characterization. >> bill: the camera went on him. >> that's the biggest outcry, outburst we have ever seen from a supreme court. >> overturn of obama care, right? >> i said it's very very tough to say. if you are going it force me i
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would say the way the argument went 5-4 in favor of striking it down. >> bill: just the fact it's 5-4 because you know the liberal justices are going to go along with president obama no matter what he does. that's a little bit disturbing. can you make the same argument. >> it's not they are going to go along with president obama. >> bill: they were trying to help him in the hearing. >> philosophy that is adheernt to what he believes. >> bill: that the constitution doesn't really matter. >> not going to rule and the conservative justice has a different philosophy. >> bill: um-huh. but the philosophy of all the judges is supposed to be to uphold the original intent of the constitution which was not to force anybody to buy anything. >> this is a real issue in today's day and age. i will take you up on this. you do the same thing that president obama did on monday. and you're both wrong to do it. >> bill: what did i do. >> you like to rip on the supreme court justices as somehow out of line. you claim you are the second most powerful man in the country. >> bill: that's a misquote, kelly. you are taking that out of context. [ laughter ] >> i'must saying.
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the supreme court is the last standing body of government right now that has somewhat fair approval ratings. >> bill: somewhat. >> we should keep it that way. somewhat binds us as the nation a rule of law. >> bill: if ruth bader ginsburg is in charge i have to move. >> african-american pundits says black men don't have to fear white men they have to fear other black men. controversial report moments away. the capital one cash rewards card
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ha ha. ♪ >> bill: writing in the "wall street journal" african-american journalist shelby steele says if trayvon martin was a victim of white racism hard to conceive since the shooter is apparently hispanic. his murder would be an anomaly. not a commonplace. mark teenagers today are afraid of other black teenagers, not whites. unquote. 90% of black homicide victims are killed by black offenders. and in all violent crimes, when the offender is black, his victims are also black, a whopping 65% of the time. so steele goes on to criticize al sharpton and jesse jackson
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for ignoring the real problem black based crime. where has mr. steele gone wrong, doctor. >> is he wrong all over the place. the first thing is he wrong about is the premise of his argument which is that black people and black civil rights leaders were outraged martin was killed by nonblack person and hypocrisy here. the truth is we are not outraged by trayvon was killed by nonblack person there was no justice. his shooter was allowed to go home. morgue. the whole case is a mess. lack of justice. we don't care what race the shooter is. i don't care what race the shooter is the second thing that is he wrong about is somehow this idea that we can't talk about trayvon martin injustice coming from the criminal justice system because of black-on-black violence. yes, black-on-black violence is a real issue. no black leader worth his or her assault that doesn't care about black on black violence and doesn't address it. >> bill: don't see the same amount of intensity of
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shootings in children, one in detroit one in chicago over the last couple of weeks and there hasn't been arrest made in either case. you don't see the same amount of intensity that you do see in the trayvon martin case plus al sharpton and jesse jackson obviously are civil rights guys and they get involved when they perceive there is a civil rights problem here. now, i take your point -- >> -- you answered your own question. >> bill: i take your point and i think it's a legitimate point that perhaps if zimmerman had been african-american that sharpton and jackson would bring the same amount of intensity to the case. perhaps. it would be unusual. i think you would have to admit that it would be unusual. >> you know why it would be unusual, bill? because when black people are accused of shooting people? they get arrested. they get charged. they don't get to watch seinfeld that night. >> bill: not really. >> that's usually the case, bill. i think that's the issue here. this is such an unusual case. that's why we are getting so muched me attention. the other thing is i have been with reverend sharpton.
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i have been with reverend jackson in numerous cities where we have talked about the problem with black-on-black violence. the problem with black-on-black crime. one time i went to a jail with jesse jackson and a room full of black guys all there for drug offenses. he said why don't you help me shut this prison down. he said what do we do? he said don't come back no more. he didn't talk about the white man and unequal drug. he said you be responsible. that's the key. black leaders do talk about responsibility. right now there is a dead kid whose family isn't getting justice and has nothing to do with black-on-black violence. >> bill: in your parkway he is not getting justice. the justice system is on the case ands you know is flicked by the stand your ground law which we went over last night that very responsible way. >> it is. >> bill: it's a very difficult case. i don't know if you are going to throw around he didn't get justice because in your eyes the only justice is the arrest and conviction of george zimmerman. that's -- >> -- no, no; that's not true. justice for me would have been a thorough investigation. >> bill: that's what they are doing, doctor. that's what they're doing. >> that is true, anchor.
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the reason they are doing that now is because we put so much pressure. >> bill: maybe, maybe. >> maybe, bill. >> bill: me, i'm going to be in that we then. i wanted it and i talked from the very beginning. i don't think it's we a certain segment of the population. let's get on to the fear quosht as shelby scott talked about. you basically have in chicago and we have a report coming up right behind with you jesse watters black teenagers in chicago fear other black teenagers in gangs. that's who -- whose doing the murders. you can't sit there and tell me they don't fear them. the good black kids fear the bad black kids. >> well, i don't know if i make distinction between good and bad black people. >> bill: wait wait wait. the bad black people are the ones that murder, okay? so if you don't have it clear, now you do. so the good black kids. >> i don't make the same distinction do you. >> bill: good black kids fear the killers who are running
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wild in chicago. that's a fact. there are no white gangs running wild in chicago. that's not who is doing the homicides. >> okay. well, two things. i don't know anyone who doesn't fear killers irrespective of what race they are. number two, there are white gangs in chicago. there are white gangs. >> bill: no. there aren't any white gangs epidemic of violence now. not that we know of. >> here's the point here, bill. yes, black-on-black violence is certainly an issue. all citizens do fear killers. most people do have fear of gangs. the issue of framing this as a black-on-black crime epidemic as if there is something unusual about the fact that most black people are killed by other black people is a little bit off. most white people are killed by other white people. most latinos are killed by other latinos. usually people who look like them and come from their neighborhood. that's also a justice department fact. >> bill: the problem is that the murder rate among african-americans in america in the united states is so much higher than the population base and so much higher than latino and whites. it's a shocking statistic.
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>> and that's why we're all fighting to fix it with the same intensity that we're fighting to get justice for trayvon martin because all life is valuable. bill. >> bill: okay, doctor. we always appreciate the debate. thank you. violent crime in chicago as i said out of control. we sent jesse watters to the windy city to find out what's going on. later, shocking new study about teenage drinking and drug abuse. the warriors have the grizzly stats. we're coming right back. ♪ our machines help identify early stages of cancer and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology, you know that the things that you do in your life, matte if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn, and i'm a cancer survivor. [ mimi ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ erica ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines.
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i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses, it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ herb ] from the moment we walked in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work. i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪
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so far 10 people murdered in. gang generated minority involved. we sent jesse watters to the windy city to find out what's going on. ♪
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>> a total of five fatalities. >> murder is skyrocketing in the city of chicago. what's going on? >> it's three times more deadly in chicago than anywhere in the nation. >> it really starts at home because you have got a lot of people born into families without fathers. >> chicago gets millions of dollars each year to fight this. where's the money going? >> money is not enough. it's going to take family-to-family, block-to-block to not only bring the crime down but raise the value of life. >> what's this neighborhood like? >> confused. desperate. desperate for resources. i don't know what a resource is going but it's not coming in our community. >> it's world war 17 over here. if you get caught in the crossfire hope you make it out of here. >> we he have got to do more graduations than funerals to turn this around. >> a lot of gangs here. >> basically what you have two primary gangs. black disciples. >> are there a lot of
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shootings in this neighborhood. >> definitely. right here we are on king drive. supposed to be a symbol of peace. unfortunately we have a lot of violence right here on king drive. >> i got shot one day. it's all good though. i'm still alive. >> people don't talk to nobody. lucky enough if you can make it across the street to the store and come back. >> you got president obama's house right here. you go six blocks over, shootings over here, four blocks over this way you got shootings over that way. >> nine shots were fired. [sirens] >> talking about semiautomatic guns, talking about high powered guns. these kids are holding very dangerous weapons. >> got it stop referring to people as african-american, hispanic american. these are american kids and they are being slaughtered by other american kids. >> police come after the murder happen. you don't see a police officer out here now. >> there are a lot of patrol cars patrolling the neighborhood. >> i think there are this not enough. >> if bill wanted to come out here, what would you greet him with open arms. >> no black on white crime. is he safe down here. they don't want him. >> just heard pop pop pop.
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people started screaming and running everywhere. >> these murder derdz have stronged during rahm's watch. how do you think the mayor has handled it? >> spiked during mayor dailey's walsh. known as a deadly city. >> trying to come up with ways listening to the people in the community. trying to rally positive solutions. >> about 70% of all the homicides and shootings in the city of chicago are gang o. gang violence. if we can deal with the reprisal shooting we can start to make the impact on the shooting and high homicide. >> murders record rate under your watch how do you feel about that? >> a message you want to send to families? [inaudible] >> obama a lot of community organizing there. did that work? >> i never heard of the guy until he ran for senate. >> he did a great job and then he moved on and someone else took his place. >> obama is my man. it's more that he could be
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done. >> most of the politicians are from chicago just like fray von -- trayvon martin case, bobby rush on the house floor in a hoody when people are dying in this district. >> just because someone wear as hoody does not make them a hoodlum. >> i think that's kind of hypocritical. that's my honest opinion. >> bill: all right. a couple things rahm emanuel the mayor he didn't want to talk to you right? he didn't want to answer questions. >> no. >> bill: no women in that piece. >> they were afraid to talk to me at all. they are afraid to go across the street with grocery. they are ducking during the day. >> bill: what are these gangs fighting about? do they sell narcotics? are they drug gangs? >> mostly drug gangs and fighting over smaller and smaller scraps because the economy is bad. white people aren't buying as many drugs now. so the profits are down. so they're trying to fight over turf, property and respect. >> bill: most of the fighting and murders are i want to be on this block and i want you
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off this block. >> right. >> bill: if you don't get off this block we are going to kill you. >> exactly. >> bill: drug dealers are killing drug dealers. >> right. >> bill: is it all black. >> it's all black. that's the deal. one of the main beefs, actually. arabs are buying up all the stores in their communities and employing all the gang backers they are running gangs out of these stores and they are just the cops for some reason aren't raiding these stores. >> bill: how much of a police presence is there in the neighborhood. >> i saw a lot of police officers. they are not getting out oof patrol cars and patrolling the streets on foot. they are not shaking hands and getting to known the community. they are responding to the crime after the crime happens. >> bill: so much crime that's all they have to do is respond. >> that might be the policy. i talked to one of the expolice officials. they need to do surge strategy like iraq. boots on othe ground, stipulation, raids. >> bill: that's what they do in new york city wherever the crime are they flood the zone get these guys out.
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it is out of control down there right now. >> it's out of control. i was safe though. i said should i be scared? they said we don't shoot white people you are our biggest customer. >> for drugs? >> yeah. >> bill: had you pegged. no, no. no. just levity on a sleerous -- serious story. good job. appreciate it john stossel will be here to tell us about his new book why government is failing. that should be interesting. shocking story teenage drug use in america. almost half of american young people are involved with that we hope you stay tuned to those reports. i should be arrested for imes against potted ant-kind. [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. ♪ but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix. it's got what a plant needs. even plant food that feeds them for up to 6 months. you get bigger, more beautiful plants. guaranteed. who's got two green thumbs thanks to miracle-gro?
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we have two car insurances that we're going to have you taste. the first one we're going to call x. go ahead and take a sip, and then let me know what the baby thinks of it. four million drivers switched to this car insurance last year. oh, she likes it babies' palates are very sensitive so she's probably tasting the low rates. this is car insurance y, they've been losing customers pretty quickly. oh my gosh, that's horrible!, which would you choose? geico. over their competitor. do you want to finish it? no. does the baby want to finish it? no.
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>> bill: stossel matters segment this week. book coming out next week no they can't. john stossel has a special on the book tomorrow on fnc. what's the headline of the book? is it the usual you want the government to get out of the way and have the people have
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the freed dom to fail or succeed on their own. s is that right? >> yes. and how it works and how long it took me to learn that. i was a consumer reporter i used to call on the government to fix things. more regulation. it took me a long time to see it doesn't work. >> bill: dirty meat, for example. you don't want dirty meat. you want people who sell dirty meat to go to jail because they could kill people for doing it i don't object to that it's the intrusion of telling you what to do i believe that you object to in the book. >> that there are too many regulations well beyond dirty meat. they don't keep the food cleaner they just add. >> bill: like your lemonade stand got to get 15 permits. i i was reading stossel's book today and i came across a very interesting part about the pilgrims, the plymouth rock people who came over from england and tell the folks the story and the point you are trying to make. >> the point first is that it is intuitive to think that sharing is caring as that song
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and if we all share together we'll be happy. the pilgrims tried that and for two years they nearly starved. because some people didn't work the field. the kids said oh, somebody else is going to share the food. i don't have a private selfish personal plot, i'm not going to work as hard. we have thanksgiving only because they changed the rules and said we are going to have private property you can farm your own stuff. >> bill: at first when they got off the mayflower the rule was in the massachusetts bay colony everybody gets the same. >> community. >> bill: no matter what we have the harvest. >> we will share. >> bill: share it the same way, everybody gets it you say that some people said oh that's good. i'm not going to go out and till the field because i'm going to get mine no matter what. >> it's what all of us. the tragedy of the commoner. you don't take care of something that everybody owns. >> bill: then they changed it as you said there was starving and they said okay, it's every man for himself? did they g go that far?
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>> they said you have a personal bit of property that you can do with what you want and keep the food you grow there. and they grew lots of food and they prospered and they could invite the indians over for thanksgiving. >> bill: did they also have a safety net for the people who couldn't do whatever they want? did they give them stuff? >> if they wanted to. it's free people to give to charity, yes. >> bill: didn't demand that. didn't get a blustery in the head give carrots to romney over there. they changed from communism to capitalism? the pilgrims did. >> we take the miracles of capitalism for granted. >> bill: capitalism is evil in our society today. you know that. >> that's what i'm told. >> bill: we're 1 percenters, we are bad guys. >> go to a foreign country. take piece of plastic in the wall and cash will come out. give the same cash to a strangerren rent a car for a week. get home the visa and master card account correct for the penny. you don't think about it the government can't even count
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the votes accurately. >> bill: they don't want to. >> now they are going to take over health care? >> bill: i know. i'm with you on the fact that i believe that private enterprise is the way to go. but, you know, you know that you are a mean guy because in private ernesto prize as the president said this week that's darwinism and some people are going down. >> it's good for people. they are not going down. >> bill: john stossel, everybody. the special tomorrow night on fnc. pick up the book "no they can't." shocking statistics about teenage drug use. teenage drug use. culture warriors will analyze dad, you are not meeting him looking like that. i look fine. just a little trouble with a bargain brand cooking spray. i told you like a gajillion times to use pam. it's 70% better than that bargain stuff. see? look i gotta go. pam helps you like pull it off.
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[ male announcer ] remember when you were a kid? you ked getting dirty and building things. there were no limits -- yocould move mountains. the john deere 1 series subcompact tractor -- the way grownups move mountains. and with auto-connect implements, it's the eiest tractor to use yet. what will you create? learn more about the easy-to-use 1 series tractor at in the >> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the
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more than 10,000 teens were surveyed. here are the stats. 43% of adolescents between 13 and 14 years old have used alcohol. 78% ages 17 to 18 have sciewmed booze. 10% of 13 to 14 years have used illicit drugs. 13% of 15 to 16 have done that permissive society much like the late 1960's that gave license to everybody to get stoned back then, all right? it was very very in to get as blasted as you could get on any kind of drug you can get your hands on. okay? that's back. it's back in america now. am i wrong? >> i think you are absolutely right. teenage bing drinking is an epidemic. believe it drug use is an epidemic. these kids know how to access it. it's due to parents who allow kids to drink in their homes and use drugs in their homes
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instead of, you know, not allowing it it's advertisers, it's people who market. it's not identifying licenses, kids going into facilities buying drugs and alcohol. the consequences are tragic, murder, rape, sexually transmitted diseases, trunk driving accidents. it's out of control. >> bill: just came off of it in chicago where there is a murder epidemic because these guys want to sell drugs on the corner. >> right. >> bill: i don't think that parents, most parents allow their children to get high in the house. i don't believe that. >> i don't even know if it has to do with parents. i think it's more of the public imagery that the kids are seeing and sort of the social norm that you were talking about in the introduction that more things are acceptable at a younger age. >> bill: here is the deal. the public school system now doesn't tell any kid what's right and what's wrong, ever. okay? the teachers are petrified to say, you know what? if you are 13, getting drunk is wrong and you are an idiot. when i was a high school teacher did i that i was in private school but did i that.
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you know who the losers are? you know who the losers are? the pot heads, they at the losers, the glue sniffers but you don't get that. >> you might not get it from teachers but i still think you could have preventative programs. >> bill: public school is not going to do that. >> they are not going to do it. >> if you start before 14, you're a goner. >> bill: likely to be an addict. >> people who start at 14 are going to be an addict. i believe we could have preventative programs if that means 12 and 13 got to get the message out. >> bill: public schools aren't going to do it have the 4-h club. >> i tried to go into the schools, bill i said to them the same thing that gretchen just said if you start drinking before 14 you are four times more likely to be an alcoholic. there was resistance. we finally started getting into the middle schools. >> bill: who resisted? >> the school district. the parents didn't want us talking about drugs and alcohol in schools until we went in and said hey, look. >> bill: district attorney. >> as a ada. this is what your kids are doing.
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>> bill: i think that's the key to why now 13 and 14-year-olds believe that it's cool to do it. now, we have always had james dean and people like that counter culture people rebel without a cause. always been there. now it's acceptable. it's acceptable. >> yes. >> so parents have a choice. kids are always going to have curiosity as part of their personality and inconvincibility. parents have a choice at least with alcohol do you think as a parent that you should allow your child to taste a sip of wine? to taste. >> bill: sip of wine or beer is fine. >> we don't know in these stats if that's all it was that these kids were trying. >> bill: we do. the study was do you go out and use it in an unsupervised capacity? look, there is no fear anymore in this country for kids, all right? no fear. >> right. >> i told a kid one time that if i caught this kid with drugs, this kid was going to military school. all right? and, believe me, that kid
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opened his eyes. i catch you, you are going to military school. that's where you are going. out of here. you are gone. i would have done it that's what we need. fear. fear. >> more discipline. >> there is no fear. you will find that the parents are lawyering up for their kids, not allowing us to talk to elm this. it's time we started prosecuting parents who allow these underage the drinking parties. >> bill: no doubt about it? >> time we went after people that sell to them. >> break down. no right no, school in public school. no morality. everything is relative and excusable. >> this study didn't even include prescription drugs which is the biggest culprit. this is illicit drugs. >> you can get them on the internet. can you get the prescriptions on the internet. all right. ladies, thanks very much. the great american news quiz on deck. the talk show edition. very lively questions for you after these messages.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. the great american news quiz, the talk show host edition, here they are, fox news anchor martha maccallum playing for rusty mcdonald from east sand witch, massachusetts. >> delicious. >> "fox & friends" guy steve doocy representing linda davis from cookville, tennessee. if you would like to win nifty prizes sign up on bill o' you sell these sandwiches from your mansion. >> she waves at the kennedys. >> hi. >> they never answer her. >> bill: cop show edition. doocy is rumored to be that start at 2:00 in the morning now? >> i forget. >> by the time you get to 7:00. >> this is the death under sleep guy when you clear out. >> bill: johnny carson hosted "the tonight show" from 1962 to 1992. >> i have a lot of apples and
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pears and pumpkins, potato chips. >> potato chips, okay? >> look at this one, johnny. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> bill: carson set a record for longest running host of a single program. that record was later broken by whom? bob bark answer is, yes, bob barker, come on down. >> come on down. >> all right. bob is still cooking, right? >> he is. go neuter your animal. >> bill: question number two, early in her careers barbara walters was a today show today girl. female reporter who handled weather entertainment and even advertisements. >> you know today's rising prices are enough to upset anyone's stomach.
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one of the most economical and effective ways to sooth it is with rexel, quickly neutralizes acid at this and coats irritated stomach lining. >> bill: that makes me want to buy that doesn't it? >> she is going to kill you. >> bill: what famous tv mom also served as towed girl early in her career? the answer is a, florence henderson. very good. it's a tie. okay. >> bill: question number three, oprah winfrey is a media power house. >> it has been a privilege for me to speak to you here in this studio, in this country and in 150 countries around the world. you let me into your homes to talk to you every day. this is what you allowed me to do. and i thank you for that.
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>> bill: you are welcome, oprah. you broke into my house. [ laughter ] >> bill: all right, now, ms. winfrey had a pretty modest beginning starting as a local reporter in what city? cards up, please, the answer is a, nashville. >> really? >> bill: yeah. where did i start? no one cares. not that they don't know. >> east sandwich. scranton, pennsylvania. >> to pica, kansas. >> bill: where did you start maccallum. >> here in new york city. >> bill: tough one. where else would i start? >> little market. >> bill: bill clinton played the saxophone on the arsenal hall show in 1992. what song did he use to appeal to the hipper audience?
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♪ >> bill: all right, heart break hotel, doocy got it right. >> appeal to the younger audience. >> bill: younger audience elvis song. when they liked elvis they were young. >> i get it but you know, it wasn't exactly a hip song at that time. >> bill: something really strange is happening. doocy has got them all right. he is four for four. you can't beat him. >> dave garaway was the first host of the today show on nbc. he famously had a chimp as a sidekick. >> do you remember me? i work here all the time. i -- that's a long slow look.
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don't forget now i'm looking at you. no i'm not looking at you. take your mouth out of my glasses there. all right. the chimp jay fred mugs is actually still alive. >> you are kidding? >> bill: is he at a chimpanzee retirement center of course is he. located where? cards up please, come on, let's go. >> if i'm a chimp i want to go to florida. >> got them all right, doocy. >> he is not a civilian, is -- >> he is not at the villages is he? >> that's the best question ever. >> steve: doocy wins, linda davis, cooksville, tennessee. pinheads and patriots starring james bond doing something different. p and p just over two minutes away. bass pro shops like...
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plus, bring the kids for a free picture with the easter bunny.
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how's it going? good afternoon. don't feed that meter. this meter's on me. with all the hundreds i've saved at progressive, this meter's on me. thank you. de nada. with all the hundreds i've saved on car insurance this year, this meter's on me. there's a catch? there's no catch. nothing but savings. thank you very much. have a great day. you, too. you're sexy. [ laughs ]
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>> pinheads and patriots starring james bond in a moment. first plane talk about mom and dad. shall we? mom and dad f you want signed copies of killing lincoln, get those orders in now. if you buy killing lincoln on the website we will give you
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"eyes of justice" free. and we have all kind of special stuff on the presidential election for now the bail. barbara hanson, washington. >> no, they never mentioned it, barbara. nice point. signed copy of lincoln on the way to you. >> dan, keri, ireland. >> you know what? my focus and on the alleged murder weapon mr. deer says he has. he held it up on the factor yesterday. that's a fairly straightforward forensic and they should get on
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t i want that situation, the murder weapon defined. from carrollton, texas. >> from houston. >> i failed to mention that, ana, because it's false. the top 1% earn 17% of gross income. todd baker, brighton, colorado. >> i was never actually wanted in colorado, todd. when i worked there, the late hunter thompson and some people in aspen put a bounty on me because i exposed the drug as a -- aspen as a drug shipment
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center. but i was never wanted there. they still tell that story 40, 30 years later? from new york. >> saturday night, town hall theatre. didn't get better than that, caroline. tickets are going fast for that show. 90% sold out in indianapolis on june 22nd, friday. get on that if you want to see us. the next day miller and i will zoom into chicago. hopefully we won't be gunned down before we get to the theatre. details on and finally tonight pinheads and patriots, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the james bond movies and sean connery is the gold standard. >> a jet star headed for baltimore. enjoy his guest. >> i'm honored. i never reallyized he enjoyed my company that much. >> i don't suppose it will be all fun and games?
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miley. >> can i do something for you, mr. bond? >> just a drink. a martini. >> but now the new james bond, danielle craig, isn't drinking martini any longer. he's drinking heineken. that's because they are paying big bucks. it's a pinheaded move. sean crown never would have done it. that's it for us tonight. check out the bill o'reilly website at o' word of the day, objurgate. the spin stops right here. we definitely looking out for you.