tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News April 7, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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>> kelly: fox news alert. a news conference is underway right now in virginia beach where a navy jet fighter slammed into a crowded apartment complex ap the accident called a miracle. students, pilot and instructor along with everyone on the ground surviving the fiery crash, but it could have been so much worse. the pilots now hailed as heroes. hello, i'm kelly wright. >> julie: i'm julie banderas, in for jamie colby. and we're getting new dramatic video of the moment the jet engulfs the apartments in flames, huge flames, listen as they describe the terrifying scene on the ground. >> basically like he dropped out of the sky, pretty much. the front end started going down and boom, huge black cloud of smoke. >> out on the back porch, and
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i seen the canopy of the plane, and i lost everything, renters insurance. >> he we heard the plane fly in and there was a terrible loud crash and everything shook and then the black smoke and then, it just took off. it just, the flames and everything. >> do you live in one of those two buildings. >> yes, right as you go in there. >> julie: a lot with absolutely nothing, but they did walk away with their lives. that's the good news. peter doocy live in virginia beach. hi. >> reporter: i apologize for the noise, we're a few feet away and came and starting to seal off the gas lines from the street into that apartment complex. down the road at our other camera position, the quiet camera position, there's a press conference going on with an admiral from the navy and there was an experienced teaching pilot in the back seat and a student in the front seat of that f-18 jet
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and i spoke to somebody else a little while ago who lives down the block and he said. whatever was going up up in the cockpit, he thinks that the pilot and the way that they tried to land, are heros. >> this pilot did an incredible job, it was a small area of open land and that's what those guys were shooting for. and they, they came in, and you know, with the the nose up and down and the amazing thing was, the house over here, i actually, from seeing the plane as it came in, the plane had actually-- this is how low they were to the ground. the plane disappeared before they popped the ejector seats. these guys road to the absolute last second. >> and some folks from the apartment complex who says one of the pilots parachuted on to the porch and the younger member doing the apologizing saying i'm sorry for crashing
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my plane into your roof and we spoke to the apartment manager and in fact that crash did damage to the complex. 64 apartments burned and 42 destroyed and at this hour, everyone has been accounted for, but authorities right now are not yet certain that there were no fatalities. listen. >> we've accounted for everybody in the apartment manifesto, we can't give 100% all clear because we don't know if there have been guests or family members there, but nobody's been-- we have he no reports of any missing people at this time. >> reporter: and in that press conference, we heard from the mayor of virginia beach who told us that he right now is willing to stand with the navy more than ever before. julie, back to you. >> julie: wow, peter doocy live in virginia beach for us, thank you so much, peter. >> kelly: and we have another fox news alert. this one on a manhunt underway in oklahoma, and police now saying that the same person or
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group may be responsible for a string of deadly shootings that have now left three, at least three people dead, and two others still fighting for their lives, in critical condition and the ncaa now calling those shootings racially motivated. and joining us live on the phone right now, captain jonathan brooks from the police department. and thank you for joining us, we wish it was under better circumstances. they took place in predominantly african-american community in that down. >> yes, they did take place in that area, kelly. it's been a long 30 hours for our investigators, we're working hard and something like this is unusual for tulsa to have so many shootings within a short time frame and relatively close proximity. because they were in residential neighborhoods up there. and the victims were all out walking, were outside. and we don't know why they
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were targeted right now as part of our investigation and what they're going through. >> have you heard anything what might have served as the motivation? >> we we have records of the ncaa calling or alleging that these particular shootings might have been racially motivated. i know that's a disturbing trend for tulsa, oklahoma where so many do actually try to live in unity. >> well, that's absolutely disturbing for us. we're taking it very serious. in fact, initiated a task force that has been going as early as this morning and trying to address the issues. and obviously, we will look at this as one of potential directions, but we'll go wherever the investigation leads us, that we've interviewed the witnesses and trying to come up with more information on what the real motivation of this was, because, the one victim that was shot and did survive, told us simply the suspect drove up and asked for directions. >> wow. >> for no reason pulled out a gun and shot him.
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>> that is alarming because you would never expect that to happen in tulsa, oklahoma, i used to live there and went to college there and i know that community to be very vibrant and very unified and it's something that i know has to be into the conscienceness of the people who live there. >> very alarming and we want to assure everybody that you know, we've dedicated a lot of resources, and the partnerships with other agencies and getting the help that we can here, we're putting more patrols out there to make sure that everybody is safe for the holiday weekend. >> absolutely. it is a holiday weekend and captain, it's a tough time to say it, but happy holiday, and easter to you. i know you've got a lot of work to do for people of tulsa, protecting them as well. >> police may have recovered the gun of a man charged with killing people at a small christian university. recovered in a downtown water way yesterday.
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it reportedly matches the serial weapon of the accused gunman. police say he may have been acting out of laej ove of rage tuition money after being expelled. >> julie: women, ladies, listen up, because women's rights are a hot topic and the campaign trail as they always are, every election. and candidates have been answering pretty tough questions about jobs, the economy, equal pay and planned parenthood and family issues. and president using some to hope to reach out to them, take a list nlt. >> there has been talk about women's issues as there should be. i think that the covering's been oversimplified. >> women are not some monolithic block.
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women are not an interest group. you shouldn't be treated that way. [applause]. [applause]. >> . >> jamie: women are over half this country and its work force. and not it mention 80% of my household, if you count my mother-in-law. >> julie: you've got to commend him for living with all the women. imagine living with your mother-in-law. >> i've done that. >> julie: i don't think my husband could. joining us now is angela mcglowan and jehmu green, thank you for coming on. so, the president says he's got his finger on the pulse of women and he knows what he wants and what we're looking for in a president and according to the latest fox news poll. he's right. if the election were held today. how would you vote is how we asked. if the candidates were barack obama and mitt romney. 49%, let's throw out the poll, say obama and 37% say romney and even if you add the
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undecideds to the romney column, right there. it says that about 7% of you don't know, he would still beat obama according to the poll. or wouldn't beat obama. so obama seems to be reigning hard. what are republicans doing wrong? >> it's not actually what we're doing wrong, liberals were very good with the message and the bottom line is this: if you look at equal pay today. women make 77 cents, to men making $1. now, obama had the standard, why they push through the legislation then. the bottom line is this, he has not done things for women. he's not created a better america for women, so, republicans have to get out there, and get their message out there and do advocacy, julie, we're the not doing that. >> jehmu, i want to ask you, first of all, do you believe there's a so-called war on women for republicans? and we just brought up there, angela did, equal pay anthes an issue that really burns on the nerves of every single
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working woman in this country. why is it that men, first of all, are still making more and are republicans, weak in that when it comes to pressing to get women back to work, more and more are out of the work force under this particular administration? >> well, julie, question, it's pretty whack that women are making 77 cents on the dollar for men. >> julie: whack, took the word out of my mouth. >> i think that the message around the war on women actually said this on the o'reilly factor last night. that that is a creation of communications, professionals, on the left. but it's also, it's based on the reality of what we are seeing across the country, and just, you know, yesterday, you had born scott walker in wisconsin, you know, repeal the equal pay law there in wisconsin, one of governor romney's biggest surrogates and angela, talking about the paycheck fairness fact--
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act. >> look, it's the same guys leading the fight to defund planned parenthood who are the ones who defeated the paycheck fairness act. >> jehmu. >> are they painting women into a corner. >> julie: angela, what do you have to say to that. >> bottom line, you and i both know that women care more than just about planned parenthood in getting free contraception. today, we are the head of households, we're the head breadwinners in households and we care about education and long-term health care for our parents and scott walker doing what he did does not represent the republican party as a whole. >> it sure does represent governor romney and stands. we haven't heard the governor come out. >> and we have to-- >> mitt romney is honing in and his popular wife, they're honing in on the economy and actually says that jobs and the economy are among two of the top issues and is not so
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much focusing on social issues and i want to quote, he wants women to have a bright economic future for them and their kids. what woman doesn't want to bright future for their kids and do you believe that democrats, too often perhaps, focus on the women's right to choose and birth control as you mentioned, abortion and seem to be the issues we often hear democrats talk about, but what about the jobless women that we've got under this economy right now? i mean, there are, out of the 740,000 jobs losses since obama took office 683 of them were held by women. >> look, julie, that's exactly what i'm asking why is governor romney silent on the fact that one of his leading surrogates, prominent supporters took away equal pay for women in business business. >> but that's not the-- >> he hasn't come out and supported. >> let jehmu finish. >> something he should be speaking out on. look, this president's record when you look at the pay that he has to drag republicans and conservatives kicking and
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screaming to pass the payroll tax cut that benefitted 75 million women now get $1,000 more per month, these republicans did not want to see that happen. president obama-- >> jehmu, that's not correct. >> and for women and the economy, yes it is. >> julie: angela, what do you think? do you think that women are being left out of the job market under president obama's administration, the numbers. >> i think all people are being left out of job market and when women go to vote in the ballot box, women are the ones in the mid term election that make a difference, when republicans took the house and women are going to vote their pocket books and vote about education and republicans stand stronger on that issue. jehmu, the president is holding some type of conference in the white house, is not going to create more jobs. and what possibly-- >> and the president helped to-- >> we have got to go. >> paul ryan and the republicans lft women out to
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dry. no policy position in favor of women. >> and not running for the president. >> julie: i'm going to call a timeout and believe me, i would like to spend the next 45 minutes on this, i don't know if the producers. >> kelly: you probably could. >> julie: absolutely. but you know what. >> more women there's so little time as well. ladies, thank you very much, angela and jehmu, thank you. >> kelly: the ladies are fired up. >> julie: yes. >> kelly: and coming up a major revelation out of iran right now. the islamic rehe geem making gold claims over the nuclear program and getting attention from washington, to jerusalem. what the rogue nation is now claiming and how the u.s. could respond. >> julie: and also, the unemployment rate dropping last month. with the economy adding 120,000 jobs. but the real employment picture may be more murky. why some are suggesting the road to recovery hit a speed
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bump. >> kelly: and more in the scandal, the after shocks hitting as politicians played the blame game? a live report coming up. ♪ will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. he's my success story. [ laughs ] ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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♪ >> welcome back, everybody, some headlines we're following for you this hour. roman catholics holding candlelight vigil in jerusalem today. honoring the site where jesus is believed to have been buried and many will follow easter where jesus christ was resurrected. and former governor rick scott caylee's law makes it difficult for anyone who lies to place. it's named after two-year-old caylee anthony and mother case city waited 31 days to report her missing and famed artist thomas kincade passing away the at age 54. a family spokesperson saying he died in his california home of natural causes, and kincade's paintings are believed to be in ten million homes.
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well, in the spirit of the easter season, the bishop raises the topic of forgiveness in the new best sell her, let it go so you can be for given, i sat down with the multi-talented pastor, to discuss why he believed they can learn to forgive others and successfully live their lives beyond a dream. >> forgive us our trespasses and we forgive those who trespass against us, made me uncomfortable because i was asking god to treat me the way i treated people. to forgive me the way i forgive people. >> kelly: in hopes of helping himself and others, learn to practice the art of for giving each other not for only religious piety, but one's own well-being and unresolved issues could have the potential of destroying our
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families, marriage, government. >> a certain amount of depression, infirma, and like-- hypertension, eating disorders, anxiety. now, we're taking more pills and medication than we have in the history of this country and still, we're miserable. >> the pastor at the potters house in dallas, texas, is a successful producer of hollywood movies and media productions. from the big screen, he promotes a theme of forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration, he believes learning to forgive is essential to healing a broken heart. the scars of one's past or even a divided nation. >> and talk about nelson mandela and how it makes a difficult decision to take the high road, it's a high idea and little people can't do that. it's a little idea. small petty people cannot do that.
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to forgive and victimize them and have any right to seek vengeance and have the preponderance of the evidence and the majority of people supporting them. and he took the wiser road home. and to let it go from the long-term betterment of south africa. >> he says he's concerned about the soul of america and acknowledges how a tough economy and government and politics caused many americans to become more angry and less for giving these days. and he challenges everyone from the white house to even your house to focus on practicing real brotherly love. >> look at dr. king or countless others of that ilk who have done extraordinary feats because they conserve their energy for the highest and best use and in this climate that we're living in of the death of all civility, i really do think that we really do need more to take the high road rather than the cheap shot for or the sound bite for the benefit of
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temporary ringing or political gain, it's good for the country, for the individuals watching, doing things that are good for you, good for your children. good for your relationship. and times i have to recognize that forgiveness is the best one to take for long-term success. >> some words of wisdom this easter from evacuation, how to live one's life beyond a dream. let it go. forgive so you can be for given and if you'd like to see more excerpts with my interview, go to >> julie: shocking new reports out of iran, a former lawmaker says it had the knowledge and ability to make nuclear weapons, but will never do so. we'll talk to a four star general what this could mean. >> plus, a lavish event on the taxpayer's dime. that's our dime. we'll show you more of the outrageous video that could shake up the way our government does business. ♪ the capital one cash rewards card
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>> all right. new information and reaction to tell you about that controversial video we have seen at this point. federal workers enjoying the high life on a taxpayer's dime. and it shows several employees from the general services administration at a conference near las vegas, singing or i wouldn't call it singing, really, let's be straight, it's rapping and making light about lavish government spending, let's take a listen. ♪ >> now the administration saying this problem didn't start under their watch. doug mcelway is on watch and maybe explain. >> reporter: that video and
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other surfaced in the last 24 hours shown exclusively on a website have moved to be an immense embarrassment to the obama administration, pushing back and in effect blaming the bush administration of the spending of the corporation. and spending for the conference went up substantially during the bush years, in 2004, $93,000 for the conference in portland oregon and in 2006, 323,000. in 2008, 655,000 and in the last conference of the obama administration, $840,000 for the las vegas, the subject of so much scrutiny and an administration official tells fox news quote, at least we have taken bold, swift, forceful action to hold those responsible accountable and put in protections to make sure it never happens again. if bush administration had acted under their watch. the debacle could have been avoided, end quote.
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speaking on "fox & friends" this morning, a former gsa official under the bush administration suggests that the the obama administration is just spinning the numbers. when they are talking about that, they say 100,000, it went up $250,000. >> i mean, a lot. >> it's a lot, but when you start small it's easy to say it increased a lot, but really, it wasn't vegas, it wasn't nearly a million dollars. >> two house committees have scheduled hearings for later this month to further example gsa spending and want it know more not only about the western region conference, but other awards programs that use taxpayer money for ipods and electronics, as well as the much more expensive problem of the billions of dollars in expenses that gsa incurs every year, and sitting on empty or underused government properties. julie. >> doug mcelway in washington, thank you very much, doug. >> good thing. >> several bodies have been
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recovered from the site of a pakistani army base. rescue crews saying more than 100 soldiers are still buried under nearly 80 feet of snow. there are no signs of survivors, and it happened in the disputed kazmir region. india and pakistan both claiming the area, deploying thousands of troops over the years. the story says that more soldiers died due to the harsh weather conditions than in actual combat. >> julie: in reports of over 100 killed in the fighting, sends thousands of refugees into neighboring turkey for safety. and it's supposed to start on tuesday when the syrian military is to withdraw from cities and towns, but western and arab leaders say the violence shows syrian president assad is not serious about pulling back the forces or sticking to the truth. >> kelly: there are new fears
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on the expertise of iran disputed nuclear program and military dimension. for the first time, a prominent iranian lawmaker is claiming that tehran has the knowledge and capability to produce an atommic weapon, but would never do so. this credible information and how they would react to it. general jack king is a retired four star general, former vice chief of staff of the army and a fox news military analyst. good to have you in. and this is very important. a the lot of americans want to hear your take on this statement by an iranian parliamentarian, who basically says that iran has the capability, but would never pursue a nuclear weapon. >> well, first of all, he's gone further than any particular leader has gone, you know, from an iranian regime, admitting that the capability to build a nuclear weapon is there. let's be frank about it. we've known at that for years,
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as well as the israelis, the other part of the statement, absolutely lacks credibility, when he he's saying that the purpose of the program is only for energy and medical reasons. if that was the case, why are they building secret facilities, 200 feet into the ground with thick walls that are somewhat impregnable. and why do they have the inspectors twice in the last several months and unveil the scientists and engineers and let the iae talk to them. as they've requested many times in particular, people who run the program and lastly, when you think about it, kelly, they are he' accepting the economic sanctions, if they had a program that was just for energy and medical reasons, why aren't they pulling out all the stops to convince the united states and the international community that this is really only an energy and medical program? the facts are obvious, they are putting together a
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weapons, a nuclear weapons capability program and we know it and certainly they know it. >> and general ahmadnejad has been defiant with everyone, base telling we won't back down from anyone and when you have that kind of talk coming from one of the leaders and now this parliamentarian putting out this information, one can only surmise they're ready to do this. the question, how will the military react? and behind closed door, they look at the situation in iran? >> certainly, we have military options that we can use to take down these facilities and our administration has said that those options are on the table and clearly the military has options, and the problem is, the israelis want us to do it in conjunction with their military attack and the fact of the matter is, the israelis
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do not have the sufficient cape act that they have the ability to stop and that's what all of the public rhetoric between the united states and israel is about and i happen to know also, and entertain the belief that the iranians do not believe that we're serious about a military option and makes our diplomatic sanctions-- >> i'm sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off. but to your point, what your a stating right there. the fact remains that when president obama met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, there was a discussion what he want today do and israel says the time is running out, or has run out for diplomacy and the president wants to move forward with diplomacy. will the sanctions work or are the iranians right that the united states will not side with israel taking out a red light strike? >> well, the sanctions are not working to date. that's obvious, because the program is continuing
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unabated. and i think what netanyahu really wanted is crippling economic sanctions something short of a military attack which would really hurt the regime rather significantly and also, use covert operations, to include cyber attack against the regime, short of doing military operations and if that doesn't happen and i don't believe it will happen, then the israelis have a tough decision in front of them. >> general, i want to thank you for your perspective, always very good to hear how you view this and a lot of people are sitting at home right now thinking what are we going to do about iran. it looms on the horizon as something we need to keep an eye on. thank you, sir. >> thank you, kelly, good talking to you. >> all right. switching gears, literally. cars are tomorrow are here today at the new york auto show and gary gastelu is here to check them out. it's easter weekend, it's time for the new york auto show and
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tomorrow, for new york, from nissan, a brand new chevrolet impal la and the lincoln mkz, none of kwi matter because there's also this. >> it's the successor to the dodge viper. and under srt. at sexy sports car proving that chrysler can take on the world's best on the road and on the track. >> what does this car mean for chrysler? >> i think it shows that we still have a soul. and all that we're doing and trying to figure out right now is getting back on our feet again. it's a great symbol that there's a lot of passion in the company. >> what makes the car unique, ises 640 horsepower, well over 200 miles per hour. >> it's raw motoring. sill still is six speed manual and proportions unique to itself. it's icon and bigger than us, we're just privileged to be able to continue it.
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>> is it possible to make a chrysler car more awesome than this? or do you guys have a-- >> not always, there's always going to be something, we have to always outdo ourselves and reach down deep, but this had its time and today is a statement and it's come back and almost snuffed out by evil people. it's symbolic of a comeback story. >> and it's like every chrysler product going forward. >> already is. >> in new york, gary gastelu. >> if you want to know more go to fox car >> kelly: a huge controversy, why a little badge has some people extremely upset. >> julie: and unemployment was down slightly last month, but are americans finding jobs or just giving up hope? what the numbers really mean next. >> it's clear to every american there will still be ups and downs along the way, and that we've got a lot more
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wow. this is new. yep, i'm sending the dancing chicken to every store in the franchise to get the word out. that could work. or you could use every door direct mail from the postal service. it'll help you and all your franchisees find the customers that matter most -- the ones in the neighborhood. you print it or we'll help you find a local partner. great. keep it moving, honey. honey? that's my wife. wow. there you go. there you go. [ male announcer ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail.
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>> a controversial boy scout patch is causing an uproar. this is it. it's immigrants running and that's what you're looking at. the same symbol used along signs on the u.s. mexico border he. it's on a boy scout patch and a troop in milwaukee has apparently been using this patch for ten years for the unit which is called the border patrol. a group of latinos are calling it racist because the majority of the boys in the troop is mexican. according to the boy scouts of america, the organization was not involved in naming the patch. patch. >> let's go to the latest jobs report. it may hold more than meets the eye. 120,000 jobs added in the month of march and that's much fewer than analysts had
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expected and the jobless rate dropped at 8.2% last month, but economists say it went down because more americans have simply stopped looking for work. and true, jobs that show a whopping 22.8 million americans are unemployed or underemployed and the potential u.s., that's 14.5% of the u.s. potential work force and joining me now to explain all this have is the managing partner of chapwood investments and ed, good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i know the job numbers are out and they're low, but really under the surface of all of this? >> sure. and it's funny, kelly, that which is easiest to understand is usually accepted as the truth. he so, it's very easy to steer a number. 8.3 to 8.2, and you sigh it in the headlines and everybody says, wow, everything is getting better. it isn't, but the way the unemployment number is calculated. literally a survey of 60,000
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homes and if somebody stopped looking for work, they're not considered to be in the work force and this is important for everyone to understand and if you stop looking for work, four weeks and a day, you would not be considered in that survey. so, what you're hearing from everybody outside of the headlines is, more people stopped looking for work and as a result, weren't counted in the work force, therefore the number went down. and this is very troubling. everybody should be concerned about that. in troubling, it's also disturbing and that means that people are losing hope in ever the, the possibility of ever regaining a job if they're no longer looking for one. what's your suggestion to people who have stopped and what should the government and private industry be doing? one thing i can think of is retraining them. >> a lot of that. i'm one of the really determined people and my suggestion to anybody, never ever give up looking and working and trying to accomplish what your goal is. at the same time you need to
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be more creative and ingenuo ingenuous, what you're looking for. maybe if you had done this job before see if there's a way to get trained on something else. i looked to get hired all the time and i'm hesitating right now. one of the things in the jobs report talked about-- >> why are you hesitating to hire right now? >> because of clarity on the economy? i mean, i'm a positive guy and also positive that i'm not sure what's going to happen down the road here with the economy and also the number one thing in that report, kelly, you saw about health, excuse me, retail employment dropped. and the people i talked to, i know a lot of very high level people in the retail businesses around the country, they're doing that, because of the health care issue. they do not want to have full-time employees because of the cost and now, we have the whole veil of uncertainty about health care, that, along with the dodd frank act, are keeping people from hiring. it's that simple. as a result of that. we're going to see the number
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persist and i actually think the unemployment number is going to start ticking higher again and it's not a good situation and not getting better soon. >> i was talk to go a small business owner the other day, who is doing well and another one who is very concerned about the rising costs in health care, and basically stating he can't hire contractors to do the work, that he would need them to do. and does that portend there's a disastrous effect on the economy as well as on employment? >> sure, all of these things are inflationary if you think about them. the cost for health care is higher. a pent if you don't have health care costs and dodd frank legislation, you know, is very expensive to most businesses and as a result of that. they have less money to go out and expand and grow and less comfort. you know, i mean, everybody needs to just not just leave the headlines, they really need to get in a little deeper and understand this. >> yes, and i thank you, i wish i had more time to talk to you.
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and it's a bleak picture that you're painting, as you stated earlier, people should remain hopeful and go out there and keep pounding the pavement. looking for some positions. >> absolutely. >> happy easter to you, by the way. >> you, too, take care. >> concerns americans and pain kill eare we becoming a nation dependent on pills? we're going to look into it next. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8.
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>> welcome back. may con georgia, and they're going to cancel the easter egg hunt, afraid of what they call greedy moms and dad trampling other kids for prize eggs. last month a colorado egg hunt was canceled because some parents did the same thing last year. all right, well, new fears america may be addicted to pain killer data showing that about 7 million people use prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. and the number dwarfed the ones addicted to could caine. thank you for talking to us, the annual pain killers have
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quadrupled to 16,000 and surpasses heroin and cocaine and obviously, the first question i have to ask, is how in the world are people getting prescriptions and who writing them. how are they getting them. >> the health care professionals, today people want the pain relief immediately, quick, and with, you know, usually one pill. and many other modalities can help you relieve chronic pain, physical therapy, yoga, manipulation, things like that, prior diet and exercise, in today's society they want-- >> doctor, i have to be honest, are he very quick to give out pain medication for anything. i went to a teeth cleaning and offered ibuprofen, and i knew women who had c-sections and much tougher than me. where is the regulation and why isn't the federal government cracking down on this and making sure that people can get one
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prescription and going out and buying tons and tons of prescriptions and selling it on the black market? >> some states have lagged hine and our prescriptions are monitored, they're bar coded and regularly get reports from the state when a person has come to visit me in the emergency department at our hospital and they've had multiple pain medications prescriptions filled for them. we get notifications of this. and our hospital is the leader in this and we've gone demerol-free in our hospital and substituted just as effective pain medications for the pain. >> this is disturbing to me is the d.e.a. is recent months has been doing some investigating. and cvs and pharmaceutical distributors and they're trying to figure out whether wallgreens allowed suspiciously high volumes and sales of this particular pain pill, which are then sold on the black market by drug dealers, how is it that first
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of all, people go in and buy a multiple of the drugs without the pharmacist getting suspicious and are they requiring a photo i.d., much like if you buy advil cold and sinus behind the counter, they ask for your driver's license. but if somebody goes into two meds, they don't ask for an i.d. >> usually they don't make any, and there are many states where people can go, fill a prescription and go to another physician, get another prescription for pain medication and inadvertently or by necessity gone to sell the medications on the market. they're bar coded and monitored. it's a scary prospect. buying the stuff on the black market. i don't understand why they don't ask for i.d. >> probably the next step. >> julie: doctor, thank you very much. >> kelly: it's a tell tale sign they're paying cash for the drugs. >> cash. >> kelly: all right.
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