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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 11, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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it is the best value. these are not lincoln dollars. now to andy levy with a pre game report. w45 is up, sport? >> we are on the loose, america. our top story, the miami marlins manager ozzy guillen suspended after saying he loves fidel castro. the shocking story that will make you say -- [speaking spanish]. >> and we will continue our investigation into how this is all president bush's fault, straight ahead. and john stocil is here to talk about his latest book "no you can't" so stick around and then buy book, unless you hate america, of course. greg? >> thank you, andy. >> you bet, greg. >> do you even care at this point about the baron? he is still at my place. >> doesn't sound like an mp to me. >> he is unhappy that you haven't even bothered to call. although he doesn't want you to call because he doesn't know phones exist. >> why is this -- this has nothing to do with me, greg.
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>> the resemblance is uncanning. >> you invited him to stay the weekend. you didn't make him leave come sunday night. he will stick around. >> i am living with a time traveler who looks like you. >> yes, you are. >> it scares me. >> enjoy it. >> go away. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot microwaves use her to cook hot pockets. i am here with diane macedo. she is on weekdays on the fox business network. if hilarity was a lawn mower i would ride him in the backyard probably with my shirt off. it is jesse joyce looking like ralph cramden on "the rack." and he is the only person in town not allowed to use the bathroom at barnes and nobel, bill schulz and he is so sharp he gives paper john stocil cuts instead of the other way around. he is the host of "john stocil." his latest book is called "no
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they can't" and it is his thoughts on women voting. no, i kid. it is about how government screws up everything. you have to read the book. it is good. we will talk about it later. and the front page never fails to enrage. good to see you, pinch. >> a "times" reporter says a century after the sinking of the titanic they find ocean tides and ocean mirages may explain the disaster long associated with human inep paw tude. ♪ once more ♪ you open the door ♪ something, something ♪ something, something easily the best movie since the world first laid their ears on the electric boogaloo sound track. greg? >> thanks. a, john stocil will never come on this show for another two years, and two, these things are getting longer longer. >> should i sing more?
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>> no. >> we did a long shot there and people saw more than they needed to. >> if you love castro you will be out on your astro. guillen was told he would be sitting out five games after saying "i love fidel castro." needless to say it upset those who hate castro as intensely as jesse joyce loves the hop topic. they say it cannot be minimized, especially in a communities filled with a dictatorship. why does ozzy say he love castro? well he was thinking in spanish or ?g. or something. >> what i mean in spanish, i want to say ?g, i was taking in spanish and i say i cannot believe somebody hurt so many people over the years.
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>> it is an honest mistake. he needs to clear it up and let the cuban community know who is truly behind them. >> -- did the thing wrong. i have to let the cuban community know i am truly behind them. >> he does listen. >> earlier today we sent our own bill schulz down to miami to get more thoughts from ozzy. >> any advice on the first pitch? >> don't try to pitch, just throw it. >> just throw it? >> yes, don't try to pitch. >> what happens when they start crying? >> they have to just throw it. >> just throw it, all right. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> interesting. that clip looks like it was from 2009 in chicago, but it was good advice. what did he say to you? >> well, if i were to repeat it they would have to pleep me. >> you can say it. >> make sure you don't have a [bleep] >> nicely done. >> it is ozzy being ozzy. >> stocil, good to have you
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here. >> thank you. >> always a pleasure to see your happy, happy face. do you think they did the right thing by suspending him? i mean, there is a lot of cubans there. to cuba -- i mean to those guys it is like hitler, right? they hate him. >> and for good reason. he is a horrible torturer and he locked up homosexuals and puts them in re-education camps as he calls them. i have been called [bleep] and lots of other stuff, but private business gets to do what they want. >> should they keep him there? >> they can do whatever they want. >> but i guess he helps them win. i am more upset the stadium is the biggest group of welfare pigs ripping off the taxpayers for $500 million, tricking them into paying for the stadium. >> cooperate the argument be it brings money in though? >> that's the argument. much more goes out. it does president bring 500 million to the taxpayer. >> good point.
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jesse, do you think he meant to piss off a lot of people? ie, i want everybody in florida to be mad at me? >> please stop getting offended, people, all the time. when i first heard oh did you hear that article in "time" magazine that castro was lovable? who said that, the white house or the state department? no a barely literal venezuela an baseball coach. what? how is that possible? who would have thought he he wouldn't have cogent or sensitive understanding of global politics. bill marr said the people who actually contribute are too busy to write and complain and to try and get somebody fired. it is like the people have nothing to do, that's what they do. they say this is my chance to be offended and get somebody fired. and then i feel like i have done something. all i am trying to say is my great grandmother was tied to the railroad tracks and kidnapped by a man with the exact same muss -- mustache as mr. stocil, and do you see me
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writing letters to fox news to try to get an apology, no. i deal with it. >> great coming from a man dressed like a vet. >> i appreciate that coming from a guy who looks like a pedophile violin teacher. >> diane, good to see you. there are a couple of cuban american groups calling for him to be fired. i agree, actually because i am a woos. i agree with jesse and john. >> you can't say that. >> go for it. >> i agree with both jesse and john and i will tell you why. i agree the team is a private company that can fire him if they choose to do so. but the whole idea of being offended, and the second somebody offends you they should be fired is ridiculous. suspensions in baseball are supposed to be given out if you deck an umpire or break the rules in someway. he didn't break any laws or rules. all he gave was a controversial opinion. he should be able to do that.
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people should be able to do that, in this country if any, without worrying they will pay a fine or lose their job anytime they say something the general public doesn't like. >> i am tired of this apology briggade, bill, or hysteria, but i wasn't tortured under castro. >> it is not about the general public, but the people in that community who are putting money into that community which is where the team is, and the team should say, look, he screwed up. >> they could have reacted more woosley because they are trying to market to cuban-americans. that's a huge part of the miami area, and they are already big into baseball. and it doesn't make sense. they won two world series and still nothing. he could have actually gotten a boycott which would have made them fire him or an el nino cot. the little hitly stuff, can we all just universally agree that there is no hitler but hitler?
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hitler is only as bad as hitler. no one can come. >> stalin -- >> stalin was stalin. >> mou was his own brand of bad wow. not to use the boiler plate, but he was trying to make a really bad joke. he wasn't saying that he loved fidel, and in his own unfunny way, what he was trying to say was he admired his resiliency. everyone and their mother tried to kill fidel from the cia and the guy still lives on. he admired that, but he didn't say he loved the man. >> i know it is a little hard to take him seriously, but it is a valid point. he didn't say it in an attempt to offend anybody or enrage people. he was president trying to insight a riot. he expressed an opinion respectfully. >> i don't think it was an actual opinion. it was him making a stupid
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comment. >> again, going back to what john said, a company has to look out for their best interest. if this harms the company they have to do something. >> have you ever in your entire life say you know who has good thoughts about this? ozzy guillen. >> he must be is a good manager. >> he is a great manager. he has, like you said, a long history going back to when he was player. all the marlins had to say is we are really going to monitor these interviews. twitter, let's turn it off for this round. we did enough in chicago and maybe no more twitter for you. >> it is sad that companies constantly feel like one of their employees says something unpopular that they are going to be in trouble. >> well, you are still here. >> comactly. i have -- exactly. i have been here for five years. >> the clock is ticking. if you don't see me at 5:00 a.m., you know what happened. another staffer bites the dust at the gsa, or as i like to call it, the nobody knows
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what we do agency. it surface owed line last week. i could show you some examples or i could stand here and stair awkwardly. >> the life of a rock band i've got to say ♪ ♪ apt no place better than gsa ♪ ♪ i have the gs20 ♪ you'll love my gs20 >> ♪ ain't about a bunch of talk ♪ ♪ we walk the walk holding off on our career of beat box ♪ ♪ one thing for sure ♪ our 9 rocks they ain't got my boy john tate ♪ is. >> those were employ ease at the gsa spiting rhymes about burn through $a 23,000 on a four-day shelf conference in vegas. and now the deputy commissioner seen here looking delightful has become the
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eighth casualty. he was placed on administrative leave after staring in one of the fantastic videos. i believe he stayed home and tried unclothing with his best friend. >> silly. john, you love videos like that, don't you this. >> he are like government porn they prove your point. >> usually they waste your money quietly. this is what people who spend other people's money they can do this kind of thing. >> now we are giving them $3.8 trillion of our dollars they are spending less money. >> and they are thought controlling other people's lives. >> everybody wants to be a movie star. so let's hire them and let them be movie stars instead of spending money on other dumb stuff. i found that entertaining.
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it was comfortable, awkward, but in the end you get paid. >> so, yes, this is a huge financial tau bach kill, but you have to give credit where credit is due. sure everybody was flown out there unnecessarily for $500 apiece, and sure they spend $3600 on clowns, but all 30 of those clowns did show up in one mini cooper. in a way, that's the clown travel. it could have been worse. >> i enjoy the clown car joke. >> it was intracate. >> it was intracate. and people at home were going, i wonder if this will end with a clown car punch line. >> it could have gone in any direction and i'm glad we ended up with a clown car. >> i appreciate your silence, all of you. >> it was deafening silence. we were all waiting. >> diane, here is the thing. you know when they were making the videos -- i worked at a
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company where we did a video for a conference. everybody wants to get involved and do something and be cool. and everybody tries to do -- they always do a hip hop thing. they always do it. they say, i am gonna rap. >> is there a video of you somewhere of you raping? >> no, there is nothing like that. >> somebody work on that. note to control room. >> do you feel bad for these people because they never thought these would be public. >> no, i don't feel bad. it is one thing to get involved in a video at a conference and another thing when the video is about how you are completely wasting the company's money. th would never fly in private enterprise. can you imagine if i released a tape tomorrow about how i was blowing fox news' money? i would be fired on the spot. >> can we isolate the audio? >> if this were a private company it would never fly. because they are using the taxpayer dollars -- >> people always spend other people's money more freely than their own. if bill had money you would understand that.
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>> i would like to be a part of that. >> you have to give them credit for every cliche that some high school or office does when they do the rap video. they had the people going like this cartoonishly. there was lots of metals. they rhymed an a-word and "i've gots tau -- gotta say" and the guy doing the robot in a weird suit. and the last one, they included every single person so no one would feel bad. there is somebody in the bathroom dhog and they can say they were in the video. >> do you want to see a creepy clown or hear more raping? >> i would prefer more raping. >> really, i am the only one who wanted to see the clown. >> they can't touch gs15 guns ♪ ♪ i buy everything rappers can't afford ♪ ♪ get a top hat award ♪ love to the nation ♪ i never be under
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investigation ♪ >> my theory is, he thought he was going to be discovered through this. that took a lot of practice. i almost think we have a piece of him. if he becomes a star we have helped him along the way, but didn't they brag about wasting taxpayer money? >> yes, they are throwing the money away. >> i hate to correct you, that is not bragging. that is flowing of -- that is flowing. >> that same guy we just saw received an award at that conference for the video. and the commissioner who gave it to him continued to mock the fact that they had to spend a ton of money. >> i hate that guy so much. they are the kind of guy who heckles at the comedy show. everybody in the office is
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like, carlos is our creative one. if he was creative he would be a rapper. >> people who work in offices have that secret desire to do that. they just used our money to fulfill that dream which is almost admirable. >> they worked really hard on those too. >> if you are watching at home and rut guy in the office and say, he is the funny one, just shoot yourself. legit fat me do it, but don't be office funny. that is the most obnoxious thing in the world. >> nice to see him find his way. i was wondering what happened to him. >> coming up, are tall guys who still wear earrings insecure and misunderstood? jesse joyce on his new book, "i think i look really cool, but what do you think, 18-year-old girl i met at the marilyn man son concert? we are not even going to do this story, are we? we are doing a different story, a story about race and colleges. we report, you watch us report, and then you make a decision about it later. wish there was a better way to
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say that.
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does higher learning create racist learning. 2* makes you care less, less about pursuing racial understanding. a wabash, i don't know if that's how you pronounce it, measured this harmonious happening. every student from every race they examined was less interested in racial harmony or understanding than when they started school. quote, these findings cast out
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racial conventionalism, and instead it suggests that for some students negative experiences with the diversity may dampen the progressive racial views they hold when entering college. i am so confused i think i need an adorable lemur to make me smile. >> i am. i am. oh my gosh. >> it worked though. i was trying not to smile. i can't stop smiling. it is like i am infected with a lemur smile. here is the thing. i think the researchers are missing the point that these kids are leaving college and not thinking about race, period. that's a good thing. that means if they don't look at anybody and see skin
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color. am i wrong? >> i think people see skin color. my theory was that everybody -- most everyone opposes racism. but they go to college and they get this politically correct stuff m extrad down their throats about how this is supposed to be. and then they say "i am less interested." they are exhausted by the con constant drum beat. it is mainly because -- from my experience, i have nieces and nephews that i am not allowed near for various reasons i can't get into, but i think they look at us when we talk about race. and it is like me talking about the rotary phone. get away from me, uncle greg, and put pants on. jesse, what do you get out of the story? >> maybe your nieces and nephews are not allowed around you because you were infected by a lemur. >> i don't know if they wept to college, but they didn't follow the scientific method. if they had, they would have known that there is no control
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in this experiment. all they studied was kids who went to college. 24r* are too many other factors there. you know who they neglected to study? people who didn't go to college and compare the two. you know what else happened during the same period of time? they got older. what this study can prove is that you get more racist when you get older, and who are the most racist people you know? old people. i'm just saying you could come to this exact same conclusion if you hung out at off track betting. >> you just offended our older viewers, and i want to say that i disagree completely with jesse. i think they get more tolerant. >> we will see. i will get tweets and messages going. >> yes, we do. >> we have viewers across the spectrum. i don't know what a spectrum is. >> what do you get out of this? you are a smart person. joy i think the language they used here is important. they didn't ask, do you care about racial harmony. they asked if they cared about promoting racial understanding. i think one of two things may
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be the case, or more than that. you make good points. so many schools obsess over diversity now. they may think, you know what, the school has it covered. i don't need to go out of my way to launch these projects to promote racial harmony. they may be turned off with those attempts at promoting racial diversity. they may just not -- they may not be in agreement with the method to do that. i know i had that experience. i felt a lot of times things that were meant to promote diversity created more division. and my friends and i who were from different races do just fine on our own without the programs that were meant to unite us. >> you know united at bill's college, the united body was hating you. you were a unifier. i think you did a great job. >> saddam kept the shiites together because they hated him. what is promoting racial
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diversity? they hold a sign and say date more black people? i don't understand what that means. and secondly it shows that kids are more apathetic than they have ever been. i miss the mid-nineties when the kids would divide up into their own racial groups and hate each other and spike lee would make a terrible movie about it. none of that stuff happens. i miss it. i am in the gnaw -- nostalgic state of my 30s. >> there is a big melting pot that will bring us altogether. the government schools are more segregated than private schools. one school found blacks and whites are more likely to sit together in the lunchroom in private schools than in government schools. >> i think it has something with being told what to do pisses you off. and they are upset that nobody is interested in what they are doing for a living anymore. it is like this is an important area of study. they are like, i don't care. >> the idea -- sorry to
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interrupt, but the idea 1* you have to tip toe around people. you can't say this, can't say this, can't say that. you are dividing people if you are making all of these rules they can't do and all of these things they can't say when they hang out with people of that race or of that religion. i think it creates more division a lot of times, more than it should. >> and have you seen "school daze? the z was for snoring. >> do you have a comment on the show? it is red eye at fox and to leave a voicemail 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. i have had it with them. really. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by sloths. the animals that use their claws to hang upside down from tree branches. thanks, sloths.
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welcome back. let's see if we have anything wrong so far. hi, andy. >> hi, greg, how are you? >> i'm doing okay. glad you asked. >> ozzy guillen suspended for saying, quote, i love fidel castro. i'm sorry, guys this is outrageous. a man says he loves another man and he gets suspended? it is 2012, people. the homo phobia is not cool. >> i didn't look at it that way. >> shame on you, marlins.
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jesse, you said people need to stop being offended, which is a sentiment i usually agree with, but are you talking about cuban-americans whose relatives or friends, there is a good chance they were tortured or killed or something horrible done to them by castro. that doesn't make it okay to be offended? >> fine, whatever. then stop writing letters. get rid of castro. >> fair enough. no one has done that. >> i feel like we have tried. >> how do we even know he is still there? >> i think we get videos every once in awhile. >> yes, when he is exercising in the crazy sweat suit. >> i love that sweat suit. i don't love castro, just want to make that clear. even an evil, evil man can wear adult sweatshirts. john, you said ozzy guillen, he said a lot of crazy things, but if he helps the marlins win, okay. just should point out, he just helped them win all of two
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games. >> they are 22-1 to win the world series. >> that's not bad, actually. diane, you said people should be able to give a controversial opinion about having to ruer reabout sh -- worry about losing their job. they should give a controversial opinion without going to jail. >> that's by law, yes. >> so you disagree with my opinion? >> cheers. we live in a free country. we can do that. >> i -- do i have to worry about losing my job? >> i don't think you should. >> okay. >> i do disagree. the marlins are in business to do three things. one, billing the taxpayer -- bilk the taxpayers and two make money and third maybe win some baseball games. if they have -- if their manager is offending their fan base, and that is going to hurt their ticket sales, they have every right to take action against that manager. he is hurting their business. >> i never tried to argue they did. they have every right to fire someone who is causing any sort of down grade to their
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business. it is sad that we are slowly seeing a slippery slope. anytime somebody says something offensive, a company automatically thinks that is going to affect their bottom line. i think that correlation is coming into play too frequently and that is sad. >> aren't they right in this case? >> not necessarily. i think it is sad every time somebody says something offensive a company says they have to fire that person. that's not always the answer. >> okay. >> andy, you know who people should be mad at? castro. >> i think they are mad at castro, jesse. >> i'm just saying, castro is the one who tortured people. >> yes. >> so be mad at him. >> you should go down to south florida and let them know they should be mad at him. >> i'm sure they are mad at him. >> okay then. >> now they are mad at you when you do the three stint show at the captain chuckles. >> spanish only.
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>> i was going to head down to skidmarks with my fake beard and cigar. >> bill, you said we need to stop comparing people to hitler. yes. i think the point isn't that -- in bringing up the comparison, it is not that he is as bad as hitler. he is not. but the point is, imagine the manager saying "i love adolf hitler" i think he would get more than a five-game suspension. >> he would be fired. >> dictator apples versus bad guys. >> do you guys remember the snl sketch when george steinbrenner went on snl and he dressed with a kaiser helmet and a mustache? >> yes. >> wait a second. marg got suspended, but she didn't lose her job. >> didn't she? >> i don't think so. i think she came back. >> did she? >> yes. she was an admirer of their uniforms which i believe is what she said. >> i like the way we rummage like rodents through the facts
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of history. without really knowing. >> did she get? >> i don't know. this is the kind of information you would get in a bar. >> what you need, you need somebody on the show whose job it is to find out stuff like that and report back. >> we are like terrible drivers trying to park. >> i will have that fact back by the end of the show. greg, you said you called the gsa the nobody know what's we do agency. if you would go to their website you would see the gsa mission is to use expertise to provide innovative solutions for our customers in support of their missions. by so doing so foster a transparent government for the american people. it seems clear cut. >> and you know they probably paid some marketing firm half a million dollars to come up with that. it is basically a word scramble you would get in the back of a sunday paper. >> that's like the first graph of their mission statement which is an entire page. and it gets worse. basically they are the agency who buys stuff.
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>> they order envelopes for the government. >> and travel in cars. >> they should write that on their mission statement. >> we buy envelopes and stuff. >> jesse, you call your clown car joke intracate. >> it was an involved miss direction. >> is that what it was? >> yes, i lead you for a good 50 seconds down one way, and then just smashed you with clown car. >> you are like an illusionist. >> i don't know, i wasn't misdirected at all. >> you didn't see the clown car coming. >> i did. i felt. it the moment you said there were 35 clowns i go, he is putting him in a coma. >> that's where the punch line is. you figured out the punch line as i said it? >> no, you started to send mentioning the number of clowns. >> and to be fair, the joke was in your talking points we saw. >> yes. diane, you asked greg if there was videos of him raping somewhere.
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i think you should have followed up. >> i plan to. the next time i am on the show i will have a rap video. >> honestly, i don't remember that. >> i think just to assume that because you said there isn't that means there isn't? horrible journalism. >> i tend to lie a lot on this show. >> more often than not. >> great point. >> that's boring. >> as they progress, the college students care less about the racial understanding. maybe the problem is the students get the crap put down their throat and that's a good point. i love this, quote, efforts to broaden students' racial views should extend beyond multi course requirements." they say colleges need to take more stems. if something is not working, do more of it. >> that's government. that's what they do. >> that's liberalism in a nutshell, isn't it? >> conservatives in some
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areas. it is the government. if we fail, give us more money and we will do it better next time. >> that's what makes "red eye" different. when they say the show should go to two hours, we are like, really? are you kidding me? haven't you seen the first hour? >> you don't think we could be free associated for more? >> the american public would say, why are they doing more for this? >> we suggested priet mary coverage should be -- the primary coverage should be bigger so we have the night off. that's the example people need. >> it is not cost effective. >> it is both. >> on a different show a different producer would have looked it up and told me in my ear so i would report it. not so much here. >> why focus on that when they are looking at an actual baseball game. >> andy, ask them the score. >> better yet the over-under. >> diane you brought up the fact that the study asked how much were the students in
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promoting racial harmony. you offered a couple reasons why. they say, quote, the research does president -- doesn't yield information on why they change as they do. maybe ask that question next time. >> thank you very much for conducting a thorough study. >> it is like what it is -- now they need money for a follow-up study. >> and they concluded that the students got more out of it by just interacting with each other instead of participating in the programs. there you go. just leave everybody alone and let them interact. it will do it itself. >> and here is a thought. maybe as they got closer to graduation they started worrying more about getting a job. just a thought. i am told the mets are losing 4-0. thank you, todd shelly. >> there you go. it is the man in the ear. >> i am done. >> you r. coming up, stories so radical if they were a
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skateboard jesse joyce would say that is one radical skateboard to the extreme. who wants a mountain dew? i am only 16. first, why will john stocil have to say about his new book? we will make him read the whole thing out loud next.
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do you think the government can solve our problems? john stocil says no they can't which happens ton -- to be the title of his latest book "no they can't." it is packed with more myth busters than a myth buster convention. and like my cousin seth that came out on tuesday. he is here to talk about his book and he even brought a sign. jesse loves that sign. >> yes! yes! yes! >> are you going to bring that to every talk show? >> i am going on a 20-city book tour, every airport i am
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taking this with me. >> you should buy a seat for that and when somebody wants to sit down you point at the seat and say no, you can't. my sign talks to me. >> yes, we can! well we can be a government, but the government can't. >> the point is i dropped my pen, but -- thank you. it is the difference between intuition and reality. you split it up in your book. your intuition and what you want to believe that the government can do is then rejected by what you find out later to be true. is that what the book is -- >> yes. and that's why thomas jefferson said it is the natural progress of things for government to grow. and it comes from intuition. it fails again and again. when ever the scary thing happens after 9/11, oh, the government has to take over the airline security. because we grew up with mommy and daddy who took care of us, and our ancestors grew up with the tribal leader who says here is when we will harvest
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the fruit. and if you didn't listen so them, we died. we are programed to trust the central planners. but the central planners are not good in a society of 300 million people. the world of 7 billion people. >> here is the thing. my problem is -- and i'm with you on all of this, but the problem with the debate in my mind is when you have big government versus say individual freedom responsibility it boils down to you are mean, the individual is mean and they are nice. it means they are looking out for those less fortunate. for example in your book you talk about minimum wage. it doesn't matter what facts you talk about the harm in minimum wage. nobody willisen. they think if you lower minimum wage that is mean. >> right, or if you get rid of it, that's mean. you want to hurt poor people. >> which i do, but that's you are respec tiff of this book.
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>> the remarkable thing is there are all of these greasy employees -- greedy employers who want to pay as little as possible. somehow voluntarily the employers are paying more because they have to in a competitive market to get the worker these want. workers they want. and that's a better way to set wages. by having a higher minimum wage it is nice for the workers who get the raise, but it is horrible for those who don't get a job in the first place. it is why nobody is pumping your gas at the gas station and there are no movie ushers and no entry level jobs because the government made them illegal. >> you know, i always thought that was a good thing. i always thought i am getting more out of it by pumping my gas. i am not. some guy lost his job and i am paying the same amount for gas than i did before, actually much, much more. we are talking about health care and competition. and you talk about lasic. lasic was something that came out of no where. why do you use that as an example of i guess successful health care?
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>> health care has been wrecked even before obama care because other people pay. government granted tax deductions for job insurance which is nuts because people leave their jobs. we don't even know what stuff costs. don't say, gee, doc, what does it cost? i one tiny pocket -- there are a couple of cos met sick surgery -- cosmetic surgeries. the quality goes down and the doctors suck up to the customers. they give you their phone numbers and their e-mail addresses. they make it nice. >> it is the weirdest thing. if you look at lasic, it is like the evolution of the dvd player. everything gets better. the only place that it does president happen is anything you don't know -- if you went into a supermarket and you didn't know the cost of what was in there, you wouldn't care. you would just walk out -- you would let your groceries die. >> they pay 80%. you pay 20%.
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you can still buy the more expensive stuff. but they say, we use bar codes and aren't you wonderful. the medical records are more pornts than coke and pep -- are more important than coke and pepsi. >> not for me. >> no, they can't. it is available everywhere. pick it up. don't you leave. we have more.
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i bet you missed that sound, right? yes, it is time for messages from greg. god knows how old these messages are. so kickback, relax and feast your eyes on bear cubs playing as we bathe your ears with warm and soapy words. >> hi, greg, i bought your book "the bible of unspeakable truths" because it was 90% off at borders. >> greg, i was sitting -- i drng four beers through -- i drank four beers through the five reruns and i was on number five beer and i fell
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over in my chair and i didn't spill one drop. so beat that, schulz! >> it would be nice if we could watch your program on an intelligent level rather than a vulgar level. >> what do we get? bill schulz being body painted in time square. that is beyond wrong. that is [bleep] criminal. you have a good night. >> i don't like it when you have your mailbox full. i'm gonna take a dump. >> this is why we don't do voicemail. we don't like it and that's what we get. and then you wonder why we don't empty the voicemail because that is what it was full of. >> it wasn't even full because he left a message. >> i know. >> i think if alexzander graham bell would have known what it would be used for -- >> i know. what did he invent? >> never mind.
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>> call greg 212-462-5050. that was really old when you were body painted. we will have a post game wrap up with andy levy. and go to fox eye.
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i will be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern time for "the five" coming up tomorrow we have tom shaw lieu and sandra smith and camille foster. >> is that camille after a 10-mile run? >> she was success spended -- suspended for saying hitler was good at the beginning, but not so far. and it was april 20th, 1999. and as any white supremecist
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can tell you, that is hitler's birthday. >> really? yikes. >> john, remind people when they can see your show? >> 9:00 on thursday nights on fox business. >> they can. >> they can. >> they can see the show, but the government can't. >> diane, where can our viewers find you on-line? >> i am writing to fox business .com. they can see me there and facebook/diane macedo news or twitter at diane macedo. it is this thursday the 12th. >> excellent. >> go to it. >> it is a lovely city. >> why do i listen to him 1234*. >> diane, bill, jesse, john. a fun show. inion, and analysis s now.


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