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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 24, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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♪ >> eric: i hope you had a great weekend. not sure if you celebrated earth day. id by firing up the old webber summit with a 60,000 btu grilling burgers and going for long drive in my gas-guzzling suv with the air conditioning on and the windows rolled down. but that's not the way environmentalists celebrate. earth day for them is undoing what makes america great. get rid of cheap fuel and gas. they don't want americans to innovate. they want to dictate how we live and they do this taking away the libertys piece by piecism found this important video over the weekend that sums up what i have been saying for years. take a look. >> if i wanted to america to fail, i'd start with energy. i'd cut off america's supply of chief abundant energy, i wouldn't take it by force. i make americans feeling guilty about using the energy that runs their businesses,
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powers their economy. i would create new regulation aso businesses with big ideas wouldn't stand a chance. i wouldn't have to worry about edison or henry ford or steve jobs. if i wanted america to fade. i'd have federal agencies raid guitar factories and i'd force homeowners to tear down their own home on their own land. if i wanted america to fail, i suppose i wouldn't change a thing. >> eric: powerful. this 4-1/2 minute video we cut down to 45 seconds or so. a couple of things we kept in there, what we picked out. the war on chief energy, war on innovation an war on individual libertys. stay on cheap energy. he said if i wanted to america to fail i'd start with energy. >> dana: look, i long believe energy is the backbone of the economy. it's what drives everything else. for the money they want to
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spend on other programs they might think are good on the left or the right, really the base of it all is energy. they're talking about drilling policies. but i also think there is another one which is coal. in particular, the administration has done some things recently that are just a little bit under the table. let out on a friday night. but for sure we are going to have a major problem through epa. they are going to -- we as americans will have a major problem if we're not allowed fulfill clean coal power plant projects. >> eric: greg? >> greg: i mean, what he nails is something we talk about before, which environmentalism uses fear to control people. they started back with rachel carson with the silent spring. you had the dude with the population bomb. i think paul ehrlich that predicted the dire circumstances. why are they predicting dire circumstances to scare to us acquiescing to more government control. that's the whole point. they benefited by the media.
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i call it hip welfare. because environmentis environmee hip. people are less likely to check the facts. they could say anything as long as it doesn't get in way of a good story to get a free pass. >> kimberly: sure. they need fear tactics, et cetera, to authorize funding for problems like solyndra and waste taxpayers' money on things that are not feasible. as we discussed before and solar and everything operating as ultimate highest potential, which it's not. we don't need to account for 16%. >> greg: we could harness the steam from bob's head. >> kimberly: he's doing a low moaning snoring every here. his eyes were shut. >> eric: i said i didn't write the 4-1/2-minute video. it's like the conservative manifesto. >> greg: said almost all of that on the show. >> bob: it's misleading. i won't climate change with
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you. we have our differences on this. i won't use the word that greg does. we have a difference of opinion. i have science on my side and you don't. but that is beside the point. >> greg: wait. >> bob: this was the ground of the water by rachel carson. i want to show you things that man has done to the earth and water and the people. we start off with love canal. a corporation polluted love canal. it drove all the residents out of love canal. many of them end up with cancer. a lot of children. they're all dead. >> greg: bob, you have to compare cancer rate in that area to other areas before you make that claim. >> bob: can i just -- >> greg: no. wait. >> bob: what claim? india, union carbide snore really? is that what we're going? >> bob: there are 26,000 dead.
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>> eric: i'm not belittling what happened there. but bhopal, india? >> bob: it killed 26,000. 50,000 people permanently injured many children. gulf of mexico dead zone. that is from farmers. all that area is the size of new jersey. nothing grows there. no fish are there. why? runoff from the pesticides of the agriculture. west virginia, kentucky, sludgeville increased the cancer rate a lot in that area. it was being investigated until the bush administration took over and then they stopped the investigation. >> dana: you are really getting on my nerves. >> bob: i have to listen to the four of you. can i make a last point? brazilian rain forest is taken down by the hundreds and hundreds. without a brazilian rain forest -- >> greg: can i point out -- >> eric: india -- [ overtalk ] >> bob: you won't let me -- >> greg: look. bob has a point here.
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we went around, he has -- >> bob: yes. you went around and said something. why can't i say something? >> greg: we have to be aware for every tree that we cut down we plant seven more. in the northern hemisphere, the forest growth has more than surpassed what happened. >> bob: it's a rain forest. rain forest. >> greg: it's trees. we now have more trees than before. >> bob: you need rain forest to control the climate. that's the important thing. >> greg: the climate is controlled by solar and also by -- >> kimberly: dana needs to get in here. >> greg: you are exaggerating way beyond belief. >> dana: there is no doubt we had to do something as a country and we did in the '70s. we cleaned up a lot. companies now because of the good work done before, companies are more thoughtful about it. we as individuals are more thoughtful about it. our kids learn everything about recycling, turning off the light and efficiency. in classic liberal fashion, making people feel guilty and use fear, overplaying their hand and misusing and not paying attention to science,
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it's more fashionable not to play into that. >> greg: those are disaste disasters. they're disasters. >> eric: historical disasters. >> bob: y'all don't want to hear that. >> greg: that is an acute disaster. you're saying this is something that happens all the time. no one is going to deny bhopal was an acute disaster. >> eric: there are more than enough regulation in america to prevent us from having bhopal, india or brazilian -- >> kimberly: right. that is the problem. >> eric: my friend mark levin, i asked did you see the video? he said yeah, i saw it. i said we're going to talk about the climate stuff, but what do you think of the other stuff like war on individual liber by the he? hid look no further than abpa and the standards they require the car companies to drive to make cars lighter, less safe. all these tokens, they're not making them better or for a
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better america. it's very a more dangerous america. >> kimberly: i agree. this is the problem, part of a larger picture where they are overregulated, they are cycling the free market economy. that's not how we grow economy and the jobs. i don't know if you are blaming the manmade disasters on the republicans. >> bob: i'm not blaming on republicans. corporations -- >> kimberly: then you said george bush -- >> bob: but then he stopped the investigation. >> dana: you don't finish the question. you have don't say why. do you think president bush wanted to be a polluter? he did more, especially on clean air and sulfur dioxide regulations than anybody else in a market oriented fashion. >> bob: you won't let me finish -- >> dana: no, you spoke for three minutes when i spoke for 20 seconds and you go after president bush over something that is not fair. >> bob: that is fair it's his administration. this particular issue, his administration stopped the
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investigation. that's a fact. >> dana: you throw something out there. the former press secretary of the united states wouldn't have looked to call someone and say if the investigation was stopped, why? do you think they went in and said you know what? we'll just stop the investigation. please. >> kimberly: it makes it sound like it's -- >> bob: they thought it was excessive. >> eric: can we look today forward, move thetory along here. if president obama had his way, we would have had a cap and trade bill that would cost $100 billion to the american economy and maybe million of jobs. >> greg: the scary thing we have laws on the protected models on co2. we have to remember that americans produce very, very little co2. the numbers are .0002% of the air. you know who produces more c co2? termites produce 2-1/2 times amount of co2. the heat capacity of the ocean is 1,000 times what humans do. it ain't coming from us.
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not having -- >> bob: the only thing is if we all agree there was a lot of damage done to the earth and the water. then it was corrected by the clean air and clean water act. it's not hard assumption to make that 7 million people -- >> eric: sorry don't mean to interrupt you. you said can we all agree it was corrected by the clean air and water act. i don't agree with that. i think the earth corrects itself. not with president bush did point that we had certain types of pollution we dealt with. the problem is with climate change and global warming there is more going on than fact. it's about people gaining power over america. over american individualality. making money as well. >> greg: it increases the -- >> kimberly: it increases the energy cost. >> eric: we have to go. please, last word. >> bob: wonder who the dude is that did the movie? >> eric: fantastic. >> kimberly: free market
2:11 am is the rest of the video. >> eric: i didn't want to cut you off but didn't want you to lump me in the group that said can we all agree. >> kimberly: how about the snowstorms? the midwest? >> eric: coming up, john edwards his trial started today. he could get 30 years behind bars
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♪ ♪ kilopening argument began in trial of john edwards for allegedly using $1 million of the presidential campaign funds to hide his mistress, hunter at the time who was pregnant. prosecutors say he concealed the affair to keep his presidential hopes alive and claimed he didn't know of the payments. if convicted he face 30 years in the slammer.
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$1.5 million in fines. bob, you have been a vo kate saying in fact you don't think that he knew about it. >> bob: no, i said he knew about it but it's not goin difft prosecution. they have to make the connection and if they do it will leave it open to other politicians using campaign funds for other surfaces. very difficult thing to get done. i don't think there is doubt that he and the staff knew about it. >> kimberly: if you think about this, this is bunny mellers, big-time democratic contributor that has given money over the years. $725,000 in personal checks. alleges that she wrote them for chairs, bookcase, charlton table that said were money, going to gifts, not campaign
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funds. sent it all and a little box of chocolate. never turn down the box of chocolate. >> bob: sent it to his aide. isn't that where the money went to? >> kimberly: $200,000 for texas lawyer fred barron. now deceased. >> eric: i don't see the difference between what john edwards did with the federal election commission and what three names i'll read to you did with the securities and exchange commission. bernie ebbers is serving 25 years for something similar. dennis kezlowski. the worldcom ceo. if you do it in business, you go to jail. what is the issue? you are using funds for your personal use, investors and/or donors think are for something else. >> kimberly: the law should be there to protect something. >> bob: but it hasn't been
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successfully prosecuted in the f.e.c. this is why edwards has a chance regrettedly to walk. >> dana: you mention bunny melon. you could not have made up the story. when it came out in the "national enquirer" people did think it was made up. bunny melon is the hairess to the listerine fortune. instead of washing his mouth out, they may should just bathe him in listerine. the other thing that bob mentions there are two people coming to mind, former politicians, former governor bill richardson and former senator john enson, a republican and a democrat accused of similar things. everybody is watching this closely. not just for tabloid nature of this. but particularpy for those two and i'm sure there are many others. it will have long range consequences. >> greg: i'm obsessed over the name bunny melon.
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i don't know what it is. it's a stage name or an act i want to see. picking up. whatever happened to the sex tape? how did -- >> kimberly: it's out there. >> greg: they agreed that it's so bizarre and awful that no one will ever see it. >> kimberly: dana is looking over at you. it has no relevance in the trial. >> greg: it does to me. i don't want him to go to jail. i want him to get a talk show on current tv. they just lost a jerk. they have a jerk opening. they only hire jerks to go on that show. >> kimberly: is that a personal, indirect attack about me or anyone i might know? >> greg: i knew i was saying that and trying to pull back. but too late, kimberly. >> kimberly: it's awkward. >> bob: especially if his girlfriend will testify. >> kimberly: it is. >> bob: she probably could help him a lot, i would think.
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the kids lost their mother and this is all happening. he could go to jail. >> eric: he should. >> bob: i'm not arguing with that. >> eric: take a step back from the story. a guy who had spent upwards of $1 million on a home for his mistress. any way you slice it -- >> dana: not only that. the thing i found very creepy is the staffer, andrew young, i remember being in the green room doing hannity one night when he came in to talk about his book. i wanted to ask him. what was going through your head when you said oh, oh o kay? it's my child. i'll take $1 million and take my wife and move to california. this is totally bizarre. and president obama goes to, he doesn't have any direct connection to this necessaril necessarily. people raise some. it razes question of how many people used to work for edwards and now work for obama. but the judgment of the white house was off because they have a big event tomorrow in
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north carolina. to talk about student loans. i would never have sent president obama to go to north carolina tomorrow. he wants to get good local press. they have a major state democratic party scandal because of a sexual harassment case. and the state party chair won't stel down. i doubt jimmy fallen will ask him about that. but the other local press is not about obama. >> bob: he has a home run issue here. what does he do? he goes to north carolina and it will be -- he may not make the front page. >> dana: he might be glad. >> bob: maybe. >> -- it's planned, well -- >> dana: it probably was. big event. >> kimberly: but still, stay clear of edwards' trial. >> bob: i can see the question i also have, if there is a case for cameras in a courtroom. this ought to be it. >> kimberly: right. >> greg: you would love that. >> kimberly: it's the feds. federal court. you're not allowed in there. >> dana: i like the sketch. i'm old fashioned. >> kimberly: persuade the
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local resident artist to produce one this week. >> dana: go down tomorrow. >> greg: the edwards story gives everybody hope. each one of us have a john edwards in our life. met somebody like that, that is a line-cutter and gets everything easy and gets away with it. it's refreshing for everybody to see somebody get nailed for being basically a cad. >> kimberly: constitutional crisis this guy become the presidential nominee or if he was elected. look at this. >> dana: i love your story about him floating his name for vice president. >> greg: bunny melon. that is a ben & jerry's ice cream player. bunny melon. >> kimberly: you should visit her. she will give you box of chocolates. coming up, should the n.b.a. kick the guy out of the league? he is a laker, calls himself world peace. he's been causing trouble his whole career. what is going to happen to him? that's coming up next on "the five."
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. some u.s. professors went on a trip wax lovingly about occupy wall street in iran. i guess north korea was booked up. here the knuckleheads talking. >> we know it's had some impact both locally and nationally. but the impact is limited. many people are waiting to see the effect on this year's national elections. >> i think the movement is going to be active in pressuring the politicians to
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start addressing issues of social inequality. >> in may, the g-8 summit will occur in chicago. many groups are planning to converge on chicago with some kind of demonstration. >> greg: some food in that beard. do the tools not realize iran is designated by the u.s. government as state sponsor of terrorism? anything they bought there, that is taxed technically makes them support of material terrorism? they are over there complaining about us. don't they realize if they really spoke, truth to power is there? they would be occupying a grave? it's a measure of your ideas if you travel to a land run by prehistoric heathens to find someone to listen to you. scrutiny should be on the schools that employ the losers. one activist is sociology professor, whatever that is, at fortham. that is a jesuit university.
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they should know better. it's funded by the new york city government. the tax dollars pay salary of the fro professors. they claim occupy wall street is likely to top the u.s. u.s. administration. which is wishful thinking for the professors. they'd probably tite the courses great satan studies. bob, i got you a guest in honor of this. monologue handbook. >> bob: thank you. >> greg: you had me donate to the occupy cause. i thought i'd get you a book. >> bob: that is great. >> kimberly: you didn't read it. >> bob: i didn't open it. i got it for free. i'll make notes for you. >> greg: i found it upstai upstairs. in american history, people who commiserate with history,
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doesn't it bother you when progressive elected, not all but some commiserate with the enemy. doesn't it make them the enemy? >> bob: look, this is four professors. it's not helpful obviously. they try to put it off and try to think students there how to organize to topple their government. that is not what the iranian government is getting out of this. you can't just indict all of them. >> greg: i have to or i would haven't a monologue. >> eric: did you see the name of this? paul krugman, lewis, matt taibi. no surprises there. >> bob: are you on there? >> eric: no. >> kimberly: no surprise there either. >> greg: here is the thing. is this movement tox tic to the democrats? like you can no longer say
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they're doing a great job when you have professors in iran that are sworn enemies. >> dana: naivety of professors are stunning. not only the taxpayers paying for this. if your child is a student of one of these folks you might want to get your money back. occupy, i think they will try to make, there is a big thing coming up may 1, that is the big labor day. they are supposed to shut down -- i think we'll know more then how big it will be. i don't think that the democrats necessarily want to distance themselveses from the crazy ideas. last friday we said pelosi wants to change the constitution, first amendment to get rid of the citizens united. >> eric: it is tox tic to the democrats. we had, over the weekend we had communist group say that communism is alive. anyone who disagrees with it should be voted out of the congress and senate. we have the occupy group here. i'm thinking that as you get a little further down the road,
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those two groups are coming together. the right is going to point that out. >> bob: go ahead, kimberly. >> kimberly: i was going to say i have a problem with the preaching and the hate of america. of everything the country has been founded on. it shouldn't afforded by the taxpayer dollars have professors go to a state sponsor of terrorist. >> greg: i thought you would be for that. >> kimberly: i know. it's shocking. >> bob: the decision has been made to take the premise of the 1% versus the rest of us. the other thing that happened is the white house made a decision, obama campaign to move mitt romney to the right and keep him there. which is why they want to be sure they continue to approach the middle undecided voters with idea of inequality. they can't distance themselveses from it but it doesn't matter. >> greg: a good point. really quick. i was excited. van jones was speaking at the green festival on april 21. this is what he had to say. >> there is no vast right wing
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conspiracy. because conspiracy are secret. conspiracys are secret. they don't make any secret about this. >> greg: that sounds so familiar. i thought somebody else might have said the same thing three or four days earlier. >> is there a vast left wing for? of course not. conspiracy is something you do in secret. it's hidden. no one knows about it. >> bob: you're writing for van jones. >> greg: we get together once in a while. i say stuff about the right and he changes it about the left. it works perfectly. >> eric: later in your thing you didn't blame the right wing for the death of children, did you? >> greg: no. >> eric: in his field he did. freddie next week i will. i have to move on. is sportsmanship dead? you have seen the nasty elbow
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shot that metta world peace delivered yesterday. why does the n.b.a. tolerate that? why is baseball so violent? if you leave now eric bolling won't have you over to his house for drinks. ♪ ♪ peac let me tell you about a very important phone call i made.
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"special report" starts at 6:00 eastern. send it back to new york. and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: is sportsmanship dead? we have an amazing video to show you. made me sick to my stomach. i had to watch it on the replay. it's not baseball, greg. it's basketball. so there is a player l.a. lakers named metta world peace.
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he used to be known as ron artest. basically, he assaulted i think a player yesterday. we'll show you a little bit of this. at the game yesterday after he does a little, whatever, dunk. i am not good at play-by-play. why in the world does the n.b.a. put up with this? this guy has been in trouble before. we'll show you this. this is a time when he was known as ron artest. in 2004 he got in a brawl with the fans, a weird way to get people to watch your sport. after that is when he decided to change his name to metta world peace. which is bizarre. let me ask you, why doesn't somebody say when he did that foul against the guy in the game last night, why isn't he fired immediately? >> eric: he may be. i think what happened the referees did a right thing. called double flagrant and threw him out of the game. i'm assuming we'll get ruling
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from the n.b.a. in hours if not days of what they'll do with him. my guess is they will suspend him for at least a year. the prior violation he was suspended for 82 games. >> dana: 86-game suspension for that. >> eric: no room in professional sports. forget hockey. this teaches kids the wrong thing. >> dana: if he wasn't fired for, that maybe he should be fired for tweet afterwards. it said i just watched the replay again. ooh, my celebration of the dunk really was too much. didn't even see james. omg. looks bad. let's fire him for being stupid. >> greg: for using "omg." >> kimberly: that, too. a horrible human being. violent individual. never behaved in a sportsman like fashion. he injured that guy. that is a criminal assault. not like sorry, my elbow got
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ahead of me. >> bob: this is criminal assault. if he is not out of the n.b.a. permanently it will prove that the n.b.a. and the n.f.l., the owners are just wusses. pay attention to people. he is a thug. a punk. deserves to be in jail. he does not deserve to see another basketball court in his life. it's not just him. it's the n.f.l., they have felons like mickel vick they bring back. these are supposed to be role models for kids. are you kidding me? >> eric: let me throw difference on this one. it happened on the court. so the n.f.l., has a lot of bad actors who are bad actors off the field. this is done on the court, on the playing court, where every little kid in the world -- what a fantastic game. people were watching. all the kids were watching so he did see him do that, artest or metta so it's okay for me to do it. the difference on the field and off the field. >> dana: he finally apologized.
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take a listen. >> i hope he is okay. playing for a championship this year. i hope and i apologize to the thunder. james harden. >> bob: somebody translate what he said. he can't speak english. >> greg: this comes down to plaued reporting -- flawed reporting. overwhelming athletes are great people out of the 3,000 or 4,000 people playing professional sports. you don't see a lot because it's not interesting to watch. we get a cued perspective this is happening more when it's 24-hour cable -- that scene was seen 100 times before it got on "the five." >> dana: are you dumping on my segment? >> greg: i love how you act like you're upset. in the greenroom you said i can't get enough of this. you're blood-thirsty green room. your name before dana perino was super freaky, blood
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thirsty monster. >> bob: the guy goes off the court and hopefully goes to jail. >> kimberly: he got the n.b.a. good citizenship award. >> bob: what? what? >> kimberly: true. >> bob: that punk got -- are you kidding me? >> dana: i had to wash my hair last night. coming up, the bad habits, cussing, being slob could it be good for you? bob will tell us next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: welcome back. this is my favorite topic, bad habits. i am full of bad habits. a series of studies are brought together saying bad habits are helpful to you. chewing gum. makes you more intelligent. number two being -- swearing. swearing. i stumbled on that one because obviously that reduces pain,
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which is why i swear as much as i do. that explains my current problem. be a slob helps you. the reason it does if you don't make your bed and don't inspect your house, there is not flies or fleas around your bed, a slob. be healthier as a result. really. the next one is forgetting -- excuse me. you would know this. i can't read it. too far away. fidgeting helps you slow down. kilbob, you can get hock -- >> kimberly: bob, get hooked on to nicks to read. >> bob: this is a good one. gossip reduces stress. i'm not in to gossip much. but swearing and chewing gum is good for you. smoking is good thing. mislabeled by science for years. >> dana: like global warming. >> kimberly: there you go. >> bob: unproven, unlike
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global warming. any of these habits? >> greg: eric? called you darr garrick? >> eric: i chew gum. don't you have a counterargument to this? >> dana: i heard if you want to lose five pounds, article on yahoo that greg says baloney but if you want to lose five pounds, stop chewing gum because it makes you bloated. chewing gum, if you chew it, you have to do it with your mouth closed. no gum smacking or popping. >> bob: they say it makes people smarter. every date i have had, most of them do, they're not that smart. >> bob: there is your habit. >> greg: making babies cry. disgusting. my worst habit is doing charity work at the orphan hospital i'm late for the soup
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kitchen afterwards. i feel bad. but if that happens you're good person. if you are evil you hide bad habits. nobody knows your bad person. adolf hitler was very neat. >> dana: oh, that is a clue? >> kimberly: chewing gum, like orbit, it's good for your teeth. the dentist told me that. >> dana: if you can't brush your teeth right away. >> kimberly: yeah, it keeps them nice and clean. >> bob: let me tell you what swearing does for you, my specialty. if you use it appropriately it does release stress. if you come out with a real -- >> bob: doesn't it create more stress later, bob? >> kimberly: it often can. >> bob: i suggest the rest of you who are not in the position that i'm in. >> kimberly: not on live tv. >> bob: i'm a serial swearer. >> dana: don't you think it loses the effect if you swear all the time, you can't get the stress release when you really need it? >> bob: i get stress sitting at the table. >> dana: so did i. i almost cussed in the "a" block. >> eric: point something
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out. my son this morning, it was like 45-degrees outside. he is wearing a t-shirt and shorts. i said you can't go to school like that. you'll freeze. he said don't worry, if i get sick it will help my immune system fight it off the next time? isn't that the same thing? bad habits to make it better? >> bob: on that note, one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ i remember the day my doctor told me i have an irregular heartbeat, and that it put me at 5-times greater risk of a stroke. i was worried. i worried about my wife, and my family. bill has the mos common type of atrial fiillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. he was taking warfarin, but i've put him on pradaxa instead. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mgs reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin without the need for regular blood tests.
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i sure was glad to hear that. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or bloodthinners, or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase your stroke ri. other side effects include indigestio stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, ask your doctor if you can reduce your risk of stroke with pradaxa.
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♪ >> eric: time for one more thing. bob is going to kick it off. robert? >> bob: i'd like to just pay debt of gratitude to rachel carson and her book "silent spring." rachel died in 1964, but it's because of this book and the pollution she found around the country that led to a lot of important bills being passed. the clean air and clean water act among other things. it was the inspiration behind earth day and she deserves credit. hats off to you wherever you may be. >> eric: i'll go next. rebut that with the video we played earlier in the show. another snippet of that. take a look. >> if i want america to fail, i'd ridicule the flat earthers or those urging lower energy cost by increasing supply. when the evangelists with
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common sense try to remind people about the law of supply and deman. it's sympathetic media to drowned them out. >> eric: very important. sympathetic media to drown them out. >> bob: what is his credentials for doing this? >> eric: spot on. >> greg: i would like to pay tribute to dr. julia simon who bet paul urlecher that five substance like gold would reduce in price due to scarcity. he was wrong on every one of them. >> dana: one, two, three, four, five. five things on "the five." >> kimberly: nothing gets past you. >> eric: this says greg was mistaken for gilbert godfried. >> greg: i changed it because of bob. i was at the gym and some guy came up to me and asked me if i was gilbert godfried. i said no.
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he said oh, you're the guy from "the five." yeah. >> bob: who is gilbert godfried? >> kimberly: i love it. he tried to edit it out. >> greg: brought up rachel carson. democracy i'll bring happy celebrity news. you know that e-channel and juliana and bill ransick from "the apprentice" they have been trying to have children and she was diagnosed with interest cancer and getting treatment. but they're having a baby, which is wonderful together. they have a surrogate that is helping them. >> dana: she was on "fox and friends." >> kimberly: she is nice and he is, too. >> eric: great people. >> kimberly: they will make great parents. congratulations to them. we wish them the best. and full recovery. >> dana: over the weekend, we talked friday i was going to get a chance to be on jeopardy power players. i did hit the weekend. in washington, d.c. it was a blast. we have can't reveal what happened. i will tell you -- i can say i
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won the practice round. that's the charity i played for. pets for vets. there is dave sharp. one of the veterans who helped match up with a rescue dog. the people i played against. we are on different steps. that is kareem abdul jabbar, david saber and alex. i think red was the right choice as far as the dress. my good friend bob beckel came to support me. he sat up in the stands. i could look up and get support from him up there. it was wonderful. greg, it's not true that i asked to buy a vowel. >> greg: she did great. one of the categories -- i can't say that. alex triek is a big "the five" fan. >> eric: we have to go. maybe we'll get him on "the five" one of these days welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. or as i am known by mall school, the footlocker flapper.


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