tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News April 26, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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court. arizona governor jan brewer got a rocky reception. but did her state's immigration law do better inside? judge society -- sotomayor speaking out. and the presidential election in november. we will flower governor jan brewer and john mccain and you know you paid for the gsa's trips to vegas and hawaii. congress wants to know what else you paid for? but is gsa playing a game of dodge? and a secret service agent says, this is want the first time. the prostitution scandal is about to get more sordid. all of that in just a minute. but first, arizona governor jan brewer signed the controversial law. she was inside the supreme court for today's arguments. first of all, where were you
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seated? how close to the front? >> right behind the bar in the front row, dead center. >> greta: first time in the supreme court? >> no! i have been there a couple of times. today was a great day, i believe, for freedom and states rights and senate bill 1070 f. there is such a thing as a good day in court, i think today was the day. >> greta: how do you know? i have been tricked so many times, i find out they were being polite, only later to find out that i was very disappointed? >> it was very, very fascinating. what we found out today, what -- everybody was really waiting to find out, what was 1070 all about in it was, of course, it was very clear we found out that it was nota about racial profiling or bigotry or ethnic claims. it and it was about the rule of law. it was so clear. it was just -- it's what we have been saying, our message, to everyone. it was great. >> greta: how many questions, if
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you remember, were focused on racial profiling? did that term come up a number of times? >> well, you know, two years ago, when i signed the bill, it all started, even before that time. for two years, we have heard nothing other than arizona is racist, arizona is bigoted and it is all about racial profiling. you walk down the street in phoenix and you are licking an ice cream cone, you are going to get arrested, if you don't have proper i.d -- >> greta: but today? >> today, chief justice roberts made it very, very clear that this issue was not about racial profiling. and he asked the solicitor general and he says, you're right, it is not about racial profiling. >> greta: the chief justice or the general solicitor. >> it was a communication between both of them. >> greta: when you walked in, you got booing? >> did i?! >> greta: how that was? was that rugged? >> it's always rugged. you don't like people booing and
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you ridiculing you. but we have gotten used to it and the great first amendment working its way properly. so we listen, of course. there is no other way, other than tow listen to t. but we have so many other supporters that i think -- it's just overweighed by support. >> greta: you lost in the ninth circuit so have you to get five votes to win. and the interesting part today was that one justice, justice cagan had to disqualify herself because she was at the justice department when this started. have you to win 5 votes. who are you worried about? >> kennedy. >> greta: kennedy. why? tell me why? >> he has been on both sides of the issues, et cetera. however, today, i felt that some of the questions that he asked and his comments were very, very positive. i just eye feel very, very positive. unlike any time i have been in a courtroom on any kind of case
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that today we were victorious. >> greta: all right. if you don't get the 5 votes and there are only 8 up there. and let's say that by the end of june, they come down with a decision and you lose. or they affirm the lower court, what are you going to do? go back to the drawing board? or is that the end of it? >> no. that's probably want the end of t. we will have to consult with our legal counsel and see what direction we have take and with the people of arizona. we listen to the input of our constituents of course. but i am not even at that point. i just feel today was victor scbrows that in late june, we will get that ruling. >> greta: how much do you think of this is a legitimate dispute, ideology or thoughts about how the law should be written or the rule versus the state? and how much is old-fashioned politics, trying to get a vote? >> i think a lot of it is
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old-fashioned politics, trying to get a vote. i think it's a lot of pandering by the opposition, trying to make it racial and looking for latino votes and using scare tactics, if you will, and building this up to something that it never was meant to be. so much misinformation has been presented from all levels of government, all the way up to the president. i am fearful to say -- >> greta: do you like the president? >> do i like him? >> greta: you poked him in the chest with your finger. >> i didn't poke him in the chest. >> greta: it looks like it. >> i wagged my finger. >> greta: your son says the same things happen to him. but you are stern. do you like the president? >> do i like him? i like him as a person. he's my president. do i -- do i agree with him philosopheically? absolutely not! there are very few things i agree with him on. i think the american people probably agree with me. bottom line is that the president, when he ran, he promised things, to his
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electorate that he was going to deliver and he hasn't done any of those things -- none of them. we are going to do this, we are going to cut the budget, lower taxes. we are going to get the dream act through. and none of it has been accomplished. >> greta: would you like to see some illegal immigration remedies by the fed -- >> yes, yeah. >> greta: that answers that. >> after 1070, it's -- a positive feedback from the supreme court and we get our border secured, we need to address the other issues facing our country. >> greta: thank you, governor. john mccain is blasting president obama and chuck schumer for completely different reasons. senator, nice to see you, sir. >> thank you, greta. good to be back with you. >> greta: again. you are governor of the state here in washington, she was at the supreme court and she got boo'd heavily going into the court? >> i think a lot of people ought
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to understand what happened in scpairz what was going on, we had unsecure borders, as a result of fast & furious, we had a border patrol agent killed. phoenix, arizona, is the drug distribution center for the united states of america. drugs are brought up across the border and they have -- the drug dealers, cartels have people sitting on mountains, guiding these -- so the people of arizona didn't feel that the federal government was fulfilling its responsibility, providing them with a secure environment, particularly in the southern part of our state. that's what triggered this law that -- that the arizona legislature passed. >> greta: yes, senator schumer held a hearing about legislation that in the event that the supreme court upholds the arizona law, he wants to introduce legislation which would have the effect to overrule the supreme court. but they will be back fighting that, everybody will at that
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point. but i am curious, was there a legitimate legislative purpose in senator schumer's hearing yesterday? can you come up with one? or was it strictly politics? >> i have never seen senator schumer address any issue unless it was political in the united states senate. bob dole once said, the most dangerous place to be in washington, d.c. is between senator schumer and a television camera. that holds true today. look, you know, do you think it was an accident that he scheduled this hearing for the day before the supreme court took up the issue? of course not. it's all got to do with politics and the election. and that's unfortunate because i am confident that we could sit down together and work out a dream act and work out comprehensive legislation on immigration. but senator schumer doesn't mention the fact that the president of the united states had overwhelming majorities in both houses of congress for two years. did you ever see an immigration reform bill before the united
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states congress by the administration when the president had the majorities in both houses? of course not. now he's using this as a cajole to isolate the hispanic vote. have you to give him some credit, they are succeeding to some degree. >> greta: but explain that to me o. july 1, 2010, the president gave a speech on illegal immigration, i went up and sat through the speech. he had the house and the senate, both democrats. then, nothing. why was nothing done? if what the democrats wanted to achieve, that was the perfect point to do it on the heels of a speech and while they controlled both houses? >> you know, i don't know. you valid to ask him. but i will tell you of an experience i had. after the terrible shooting in tucson and representative giveords was wounded severely, as you know, i wrote a piece in the washington post, thank the president because he came to tucson and talked about how --
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you know, it was a very excellent speech and it was helping with the healing. so i was invite to the white house. i went to the white house, i sat down with the president, we discussed two issues. one was the issue of a line-item veto. the other was about immigration. i said, we stand ready to work with you on an immigration bill. he said, you will be hearing from us. still waiting for the phone to ring. >> greta: what's his incentive not to do anything? you know, he's spoken about it, is there any reason why -- he got consumed with other things? why wouldn't he want to move forward? >> i don't know why the president does what he does. when ted kennedy and i were doing immigration reform, part of the -- which was compromised, the democrats and the unions don't like guest worker programs, as you know. but ted kennedy included it in the compromise to have a bipartisan compromise. who went to the floor with an amendment to sunset -- in other words, end the guest worker program, but not the rest of the immigration reform bill -- none
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other than senator barack obama. and i saw, frankly, senator ted kennedy get very unhappy about that. >> greta: turn the corner to the secret service scandal out of columbia. you issued a statement, i read your statement that you are not pleased with the speed at which you are getting information from the defense department in their investigation. >> well, as you know, this whole thing took place on the 13th of this month. we are now two weeks later, we didn't receive any information as far as the military side is concerned. so we had a briefing this morning. an admiral and a general. greta, i don't know how many thousand briefings i have had to attend in my life. this was absolutely the most nonsenseical one. they didn't even know what date the president got to cartagena. they didn't know who was the -- who was in charge and whoever
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was in charge, they didn't know where that person was. >> greta: why? why -- were they unwilling to give you the information? they dente care? they are too busy? where is the informs? >> i have no idea. but they kept saying, these cases underred uniform code of military justice have to be investigated -- and on and on. i tries to emphasize to them, we are not interfering with the cases, but there are possible ramifications to national security. were those prostitutes in a room that had the president's schedule, the flit before the president arrived? was -- what was the relationship? was there information given? what is the whole -- was there and is there a problem with the national security side of this? and i am all for protecting the rights of individuals under investigation. but certainly, if there is a national security issue, we should know about it. >> greta: senator, thank you, sir. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> greta: immigration set to be a sizzling issue in the race for
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the white house. polls show president obama and governor mitt romney in a dead heat. they will both be fighting tooth and nail for every vote. illegal immigration is one of the political weapons. we have the rnc chair here. >> hey, greta. >> greta: illegal immigration/immigration. how much do you think this is going to be in play the federal federal -- for the election? >> i think it's an issue. but i think most importantly right now, people want to talk about the economy, where we are with jobs and debt and spending. i think that ultimately, this is going to be a referendum on barack obama and how he did in fulfilling the promise and it is standards that he made to the american people and whether or not he fulfilled those promises, whether it be jobs, the debt, the deficit. you know, whether it be health care premiums or whether he fulfilled his promises on lobbyists and many other things. >> greta: except the hitt
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hispanic vote is a huge bloc, a huge bloc. it is thought that the illegal immigration, a lot of times people vote based on one issue that is really near and dear to their heart. the hispanic vote is a heavily sought after vote. i am curious how important you think it is for 2012. >> i think it is important. but i think it's important to keep it in perspective. if you look at polling, the concept of -- of pathway doesn't rank high in regard to job, in regard to more work, higher paying work. i mean those are the issues that hispanics care about most. i think that as a party, if we are going hon best this and intelligent about this. top-line messaging, the scme jobs. we are in a much better place in 2012 than we were in 2008. our messengers are better -- marco rubio, suzanna martinez, brian sandival.
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what is important for the republican national committee is getting out the vote in hialeah, in kissimmee, getting ballots in the box. in victory centers, in states across america. that's wawe do. that's what we are supposed to do. >> greta: new merger, rnc and governor mitt romney -- is it official? >> it's official. i mean, we are excited about it. we have declared mitt romney the presumptive nominee testify republican party. we declared that this morning. it's been a smooth transition. i mean, so far, we have had great people come in and be part of the team at rnc. we have lazeons coming in at rnc that we have -- we have spelled that out in the media, without getting too much in the weeds. but it's going well. >> greta: the prediction is that speaker gingrich will, quote, suspend his campaign. i am curious, what about congressman ron paul? >> well, i mean, we have been
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working really closely with congressman paul and his team. i don't know if you know, but his campaign manager's from wisconsin, too. >> greta: can't be all bad, right? >> can't be all bad. we have shown him a lot of respect -- >> greta: because he's from wisconsin or because he's a campaign manager or any other reason? >> no. because i think it's the right thing to do. as we move forward, we have been communicating all of these things -- >> greta: he has a huge, very potent following. i mean, i get flooded more with emails from his campaign than any other campaign the last year and-a-half. how do you get him inside the tent so he's cheering for the home team. >> a lot of credit has to go to governor romney. he has built a very strong relationship with congressman paul. i think that's pretty well documented. >> greta: enough so that ron paul says, okay, you are my guy, mitt romney. >> i am not going to speak for congressman paul. but i think he has been and his movement has been pleased with the fact that many of the issues
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he has been talking about have become mainstream issues in the republican party. i thrang all of us can agree that this election is not going to be about the future of the republican party. whether you are for ron paul or whether you are for mitt romney or wherever you are at, i think all of us together, no matter where you fit in know, this is want about the republican party, it's about the future of america. we have to end the european nightmare in the white house. >> greta: one quick question. complaining about president obama spending taxpayer money, campaigning. >> yea. i think he's crossing the line. you're a lawyer. you know that everything's fact intensive. people can say, well, you know, presidents campaign all the time. you know what? this president has taken campaigning and put it on steroids and support it to the moon and back. there does reach a point where you -- where you're facing the law and you are crossing the line as to what is reason and what is not. when you do three fund-raisers in florida and at the last second, you say, i am going to
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put a speech on the calendar at the university of miami, two days ahead of time, so i can take air force one, put it on the taxpayer dime. i know people cam pairngs but this president is crossing the line. it is not reasonable im. taxpayers shntd be paying for it. >> greta: you have written to a letter to the controller at the gao and we'll see where that goes. >> thank you. >> greta: new information that the gsa scandal. what is more dangerous -- letting your 12-year-old feed a pig or ride a subway alone? pig or ride a subway alone? you may be surprised by look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go.
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♪ and now i build them. i am a bigger is better kind of guy. i absolutely love building locomotives. i knew i wanted to design locomotives from when i was very young. [ jahmil ] from the outside it looks like such a simple device. when you actually get down into the bare bones of it, there's so much technology that's submerg. [ rob ] my welds are a signature, i could tell my welds apart from anybody's. you lay down that nice bead and you look at it, i love it. they don't go together by themselve there are a lot of little parts, and everyone has their job. [ scott ] i'd love to see it out there on the open tracks. and when i e it, i'm gonna know that i helped build that thing. [ train whistle blows ] here she comes! [ bell clanging ] [ train whistle blows ] wow! [ charlie ] well, it's one thing seeing them built, but then to see them out here,
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pulling freight across america, it makes us proud. ♪ in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max. to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ]
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>> going to ask you for a budget for the last five years. i assume that that is something that have you readily available today. how long will it take to you get that to this committee? >> i -- i -- i have your letter of april 13. you have given us an april 25 deadline. i intend to meet that deadline. >> greta: so did the gsa meet the deadline? congressman denham joins us. your witness said he intends to meet the deadline, there are 90 minutes and change away from the clock hitting midnight. have they met the deadline?
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>> they haven't. in fact, we never felt they were going to meet it -- >> greta: he said he intended to. >> he d. he d. he says they want to work together and they have numbers they want to show us. but there is a reason they have been hiding this budget for a year and-a-half. it's a $10 billion slush fund outside of congress. >> greta: all right. why do you think he said he intend to, if he hasn't. can did he call and say, can i have a day or two? >> left a main that they want to get together in the next couple of dice start reviewing the stuff. >> greta:yo what does that mean? why doesn't he produce it and then you can talk? >> exactly. >> greta: how bad is this? what do you expect that this is going to show? >> well, you know, we have seen the huge amount of trip and it is parties they have taken. i think that's the tip of the iceberg. gsa sets the stand standard for every agency. they have a $10 billion slush fund. >> greta: is there literally a $10 billion slush fund -- when you make that remark, is that to
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finance all of gsa? or outside of gsa's money for -- for operating gsa? what is the $10 billion slush fund. >> sean. >> $10 billion is the money they receive from the irs and all the agencies that use public buildings, they pay rent back to gsa, gsa uses that money for what gsa likes to -- >> greta: why isn't that going to the treasury for a different path, in terms of revenue? why does that go to treasury? >> it should. that's why i say, we should abolish gsa altogether. they don't sell things that have been vacant for years. tie time to get rid of them. >> greta: they are good party planners. there is that, i say sarcastically because i am scandalized by it. when the slush fund, do they spend every cent they take in, in terms of revenue from the
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buildings paying rent? irs or the labor department, or whatever is paying them rent, do they spend it? >> no. they allocate it, tuse to redevelopment some buildings. they are supposed to use it to sell buildings. out ever 14,000 that they have identified as excess or unneeded properties, they have sold 82 in in a decade. >> greta: is gsa the only agency that has parties? or are we going to find that every agency has these conferences -- they call it conferences, i call them parties? >> gsa sets the standard for everybody else. we think that this is the tip of the iceberg. we certainly have seen a culture of corruption within gsa and we think that goes to many agencies with the same type of conferences,. >> greta: why not send a letter to every agency and say, give me the list of your party/conferences for five years? give me a list and tell me how much you spent? look, i got a notice from amazon that 19 cents they owe me.
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if amazon can figure that they owe me 19 cents, with that kind of accounting, why can't the federal government? >> federal government should. we passed a bill today that deals with putting a cap on all conferences icap! why have a conference? how about zero it out and ask for special permission. that might be a good idea. >> absolutely. >> greta: but is it -- i mean, can you send a letter to the other agencies and find out what they're spending on conferences? >> we k. but as we have seen with gsa, they have drug their feet for a year and-a-half. when they are embarrassed that the conferences are going on, they try to thighed. >> greta: why not send it out and have them say, i can't do it. i don't know. we don't have any -- here's the billion dollars we spent for three clowns and not two clowns. >> that's part of the challenge. with the agencies, they try to slow you up. from gsa, we have been asking for a year and-a-half. in fact, you heard it -- >> greta: he said he intends to.
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he has 93 minutes. so maybe he will get it to you before midnight. he may. anyway, congress congressman, good luck. i hope you get the information. >> thank you. >> greta: dramatic and radical. what the obama administration plan is senator thune blasting? do you agree with the senator or not? >> a secret service agent insists, of course! it's happened before. is the columbian prostitution scandal just the tip of the iceberg? why is president clinton's name coming up now? why the elite secret service may be heade it's very important to understand how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did thingwith electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer,
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>> greta: midwest families have been running farms for generations. so why are z estate slickers -- people here in washington -- telling them what to do? senator john thym is here. there is a new labor department rule you have introduced to fight. >> last august, the department of labor, in their infinite wisdom, came up with 85 pages to tell farm and ranch kids, young people, what they can and can't do. it really is -- i mean, it is just an example of government overreach and just excessive regulation. being from wisconsin, you can appreciate this. on family farms and ranches, young people grow up, learning how it contribute to the success and the prosperity of the farm
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or ranch operation. it is an inner-generational thing. they have a great work ethnic rural parts of the country. this cuts right at the heart of that, telling young people what they can and can't do. it's very printive and detailed. they spell out things, like operating a battery-operated screwdriver, under these regulations would be banned. we are fighting it. the farm organizations are fighting it. and we are hoping to get more members of congress interested in it. >> greta: it's troubling because we have so much corporate farming to the extent that we have the family farm, passed doub from generation to generation. when i grew up, everybody in a farm family worked on the farm, had a chore, had a job. you didn't have the government telling you whether you could milk a cow or not, or do anything. now it's -- the government is reaching into the family farms and they haven't asked for it. >> they haven't. if you look at the data on this and the period fw from 200 --
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period from 2001 to 2009, farm accidents among youth went down 40%. obviously, parent, people who live on farms know how it protect kids, they only get them involved in age-appropriate activities, but if you look at what this means, how it translates out in rural areas of the country, people out there are asking what parallel universe of people in washington, d.c. living in? >> greta: the secretary of labor is from los angeles. maybe she doesn't know how people farm in the midwest. i am curious what the secretary've agricult -- the secretary of agriculture has said? >> i asked him in a senate hearing, here not too long ago about that. he the secretary said -- >> greta: he's from iowa. >> from a farm state. and in wisconsin and iowa and south dakota, people get this. he indicated to me that he is trying to work with the department of labor to get these moderated. i am not sure exactly what that
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means. i think what he indicated at the time was that this perhaps could have been a lot worse, but because of his intervention, some of these things have been modified. but if you look at where they are headed, this hasn't changed. this is a far-reaching proposal that will have tremendous implications for american agriculture. >> greta: the first thing i thought of, you might have a family restaurant, where everybody buses the tables from age 7 to however old. families run these. a farm is not the same as a family restaurant. but what provoked this? was there a terrible accident? why did the secretary of labor and the labor department think they had to go to the family farms and tell the families what could the kids could or couldn't do? >> there wasn't any consultation with the farmer ranch community, with the farm organizations, if you talk to the farm bureau. nobody consulted with them. there is not any data to suggest that glfs kind of a problem.
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so sometimes tstrikes me that there are bureaucrats in washington, d.c., with way too much time on their hands, who think they know what is best for other people in this country. but farming and ranching are inherently family enterprises. it's been that way for generations. you want young people to learn the skill sets that are necessary to take the farm or ranch operation over. >> greta: if you are thinking the labor department will send out labor department employees to check these farms, to see who is doing what -- there is no enforcement mech flism. what will they do about it? >> the thinking is that they would potentially have inspectors -- >> greta: more government workers. >> buss bust young people on a hay track or a tractor that exceeds the 6-foot requirement or working with a farm animal more than six months old. these are incredibly printive. this is a dramatic, radical
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proposal with the impact on rural america and farms and ranches. >> greta: i suppose i would get a different interview with the anchor who grew up in manhattan. >> that's probably true. >> greta: coming up, no country is backing down. in fact, everybody is gearing och. north korea's planning to test a nuclear bomb. last week, india's tested a long-range missile. now pakistan is gearing up. is there trouble ahead? ambassador john bolton is here. and then a missouri congressman is taking on president obama. what did they say to make each other so mad? who's right? [ woman ] oh, my gosh -- it's so good! [ kristal ] we're just taking a sample of all our different items in our festival of shrimp so we can describe them to our customers. [ male announcer ] red lobster's festival of shrimp starts now! for just $12.99, pair any two of 9 exciting shrimp creations like new barbeque glazed shrimp or crab stuffed shrimp. the crab-stuffed shrimp are awesome!
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[ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. ere's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. >> greta: both sides of the aisle playing politics with student loans. here's president obam amount of have you one member of congress who compared these students loans -- i'm not kidding here --
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to a stage 3 cancer of socialism. >> greta: missouri republican todd aen says the president was talking about him, but the president misquoted him. watch this video. decide. >> america has got the equivalent of a stage 3 cancer of socialism because the federal government is tampering in all kinds of stuff it has no business tampering in. so, first, to answer your question precisely, what the democrats did to get rid of the private student loans and take it all over by the government was wrong, it was a lousy bill. that's why i voted no. the government needs to get its nose out of the education business. >> greta: was president obam >> greta: was president obam right or congressman [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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>> from electric headquarter, hello. g.o.p. hopeful, newt gingrich is expected to end his campaign next tuesday. the former speaker of the house hoped for a strong showing in delaware's primary. but mitt romney swept all five contest this is week. speaking to supporters wednesday, gingrich said, a candidate has to be quote, honest about what is happening in the real world. an army private accused of providing secret documents to wikileaks. he faces 22 charges, but some might be dismissed on thursday. it's reportedly the biggest leak of u.s. government secrets ever. the government says that the leaks helped al qaeda. if found guilty of aiding the enemy, he could get life in prison. i'm julie banderas. we will see you back here in about an hour. but right now, we go back to "on the record." greta: this is unn,
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especially for india. is it a direct threat from pakistan or muscle flexing in pakistan firing a nuclear-capable missile, a day after india launched its own missile. are all of these missile launches setting off alarm bellsarn the world? john bolton is here. >> glad to be here. >> greta: everybody seems to be testing and trying. your thoughts? >> well, this shows that pakistan's capabilities to deliver nuclear weapons is continuing to improve. it used to be, they were going to have to deliver them on f-16s this. gives them a capability across india. their missile is not as powerful as the one that india launched. but pakistan's main enemy is india. india's concerned about china as well. this is a demonstration to india from the pakistani military that they are prepared. >> greta: but something has happened, unless pakistan decided to do this because indiab did two weeks ago -- india did it so we are going to do it. there is a lot of
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sabre-rattling, talking about testing. north korea saying they are going to test nuclear weapons, after the failed missile and have you india and pakistan. there seems to be a new movement to do all of these tests? >> well, i think there is a pretty clear understanding around the world that the united states does not have as its top priority preventing nuclear and ballistic missile proliferation. they have seen the feckless pmtion on iran and the failed avertr -- failed efforts on north korea, so if you have the will power, you issue going to be able to get the nuclear power. >> greta: if you look at isolation, it wouldn't be so bad. but when i step back and see that everybody seems to be in the race. >> it's particularly disturbing for india and pakistan. they fought three major wars already. >> greta: they hate each other. >> this is a serious problem. but for pakistan, it's a graver problem f. that government were to fall, you valid this very
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substantial arsenal of nuclear warheads and a greater and greater ballistic military capability. so you valid iran on steroids, so the u.s. presence in afghanistan and how we deal with the al qaeda and taliban in pakistan and afghanistan remains extremely important. >> greta: if the pakistani government were to fall -- i mean, right now, it's a very, very shaky government. you have the court furious at the prime minister because the prime minister won't get the swiss to investigate the president for corruption. i mean, that government right now is on very shaky ground. >> we will hear tomorrow, the supreme court ruling -- >> greta: from the pakistan supreme court. >> expected to go against the prime minister. that could cause real turmoil. the army in pakistan, they call at this time steel skeleton, it's what holds the country together. a more cynical view was a statement made about prussia but applied to pakistan.
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most countries have an army. this is a case where an army has a country. its ability to hold together in the face of islamic radical infiltration is very much in question. the security of its nuclear weapons and the capability on the ballistic missile front are not just abstract issues, this is a global problem. >> greta: tomorrow we find out how shaky things are. >> exactly. >> greta: big day tomorrow. >> thank you. >> greta: straight ahead, as if getting drunk and hiring prostitutings is not embarrassing enough, it's about to get worse for the secret service, much worse. deep agency secrets are about t
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>> greta: wheels up and rings off. tonight, some dismiss secret service agents say, the disgusting behavior unconferred in columbia happens all the time. has the secret service tolerated this for years? and are the agents shocked that they are being sent out the door? tell me, is this the tip of the iceberg? >> it might be. that's what everybody is wondering. what you saw today was that there was a congressional hearing in which janet napolitano appeared before the senate. i think that the secret service tried to wrap up a lot of their
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discipline, the way they have got 9 of the guys and cleared 3 others. they are interviewing 50 more people. i think what they are looking for was whether this was a pattern before this. >> greta: i read one place, it might have been your article that there was an incident in 200line? buenos aires. >> we were told on a trip that ex-president bill clinton took in 2009, the agents went to the strip clubs and there was story when is they got back that they disbjed with prostitutes. that's one story that we heard. some people think that the guys who were fired in the cartagena agent that they have more stories to tell. that's the fear of the secret service. >> greta: it's interesting, one article said that the men argued that they shpt lose their jobs because -- they didn't know the women were prostitutes when they brought them back to the hotel. i don't know if their wives will buy that one --
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>> i don't think -- >> greta: why would they bring the women back to the room if they weren't prostitutes? >> exactly n. some case, the men negotiated prices ahead of time. others brought the women back and said they weren't clear until the next morning, when the women asked for money, there was obviously an arguement in one case and that's what led to this. what is interesting is that a lot of men have told different stories and the investigators took a while to get through to them and are trying to piece together exactly what happened. >> greta: the worst story, are the one who is said they didn't have sex, but they fell asleep. so they fell asleep with weapons in the room, where the president's travel plans and i assume other secrets about covering the president, the ones who are trying to protect their marriages, but in the meantime, they are exposing the fot more danger. >> that's a real danger here. you know, they have talked a long time about rumors about the secret service having wheels up parties after the president leaves. this happened just a couple of days before he arrived. these guys are going to stand
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post some, were counter snipers, responsible for shooting -- >> greta: snipers. >> responsible for shooting heavy machine guns for up to a thousand yards. you would think you would want to be in tip-top shape and two days before having this go on is a real -- you know, scandal. >> greta: are they paid 24/7, on the road? did we end up -- i mean, this is insigcant compared to the seriousness of protecting the president. but did we pay for their time while they were on the town, while they were cavorting with prostitutes? >> yeah. they get per diem. theyor guard 24/7, not on guard. they have off-duty time and they are allowed to have a drink, but they are expected to be professional at all times. and this really is not. >> greta: is this being investigated by the secret service themselves? setting the fox up to guard the chicken coop? >> secret service is doing their own investigation. congress says they will demand a full accounting and the department of homeland security will have their i.g. overlook it
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and some senators are calling for the i.g. to take an active role. >> greta: if this is a culture or pattern, the last thing you want to do is to have the organization investigate itself. i mean, that's pointless. they need someone on the outside. >> the white house has looked at their own staff and cleared their own staff. their general counsel did that and there is question that the senators are raising as well. there has been no evidence that white house staff has been involved in this. this is a question, buand this is why the story has a long way to go. next week, we are hearing that some of the men who were dismissed will meet and talk about what their next steps are. it is not necessarily the case that they are going to go quietly. >> greta: sarcastically, it is good that the women were not known prostitutes. they were playing cards. david, thank you very much. >> thanks. >> greta: the secret service to >> greta: the secret service to gsa, heads are roling. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain.
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash studio lights it's time for last call. is the secret service scandal good news for the gsa? >> the story keeps getting bigger and bigger, it appears a dozen members of the secret service were involved and that columbian event. other six have been party planners for the gsa. yeah! i'm going to vegas. >> greta: tell you what you thought about tonight's show. go to greta wire. good night from washington, d.c.. good night. >> dana: hello, i'm dana perino with kimberly guilfoyle, juan williams, eric bolling, the monster greg gutfeld. it's 5 ver 5:00 in new york cit. this is "the five."
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