tv Red Eye FOX News April 27, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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as i am known at the gym the guy who showers in sweatpants. let's go to andy levy. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> don't tell me you love me. john stewart takes president obama to task for slow jamming. whether this willied to an epidemic of cool on cool violence. and a 13-year-old boy kicked off his high school girls failed hockey team for being too good. 1k3* what happens when we send bill schulz out to interview some incredibly tall women? hopeful leahy is squashed like a bug. >> andy? >> yes. >> didn't you use the same tease last night? >> you mean the one bill getting squashed like a bug? >> yes. >> i prefer to. and it gives me another chance to talk about bill getting squashed like a bug. >> go away. let's welcome our guests.
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she is so hot al gore blames her for all of the dead polar bears. good for her because polar bears suck. her latest book is called "demonic, the untold story of the osmond family." and he knows the price for flight like i know finding mr. right and it is jack blaze. the vocal list for night ranger. his new solo album you must buy "rock and roll ride" is out now. and he puts the super neither super fun, bill schulz. and jim norton was busy so sitting next to me is sherrod small. >> come on, greg. that was hurtful. >> it was meant to be after what you did to me. >> his bias is ruthless and his stories are truthless. good to see you, pinch. >> greg bishop talks to stylists about the length prospective nflers will look on draft day. and you have some choice things outside radio city music hall.
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j-e-t-s, jets, jets, jets. me need to fill tum-tum again. >> thank you for that clarification. >> they have been drinking since 9:00. the only one -- >> so have you. >> we are only interested in what is under the skirt. >> can we hear a little motoring? >> ♪ motoring >> it is going to be a long night. >> it is. >> how about one more time? >> ♪ motoring >> all right, it is more fallout from fallen. after his appearance on late night obama is getting paned for his slow jam. as john stewart and karl rove are on the same page, as usual, have critiqued the commander in chief equally. he is the tuesday night show. >> the president is slow jamming the gnaws on late --
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the news on late night. somebody has to be an adult around here. mr. president, you are the president. you don't have to do this [bleep] anymore. >> here is an ad from the super pack. >> oh yeah. >> ♪ i ♪ so in love with you >> oh yeah. the. >> he is a jackass. he is a jackass. >> obama. obama. >> oh yeah. >> and here is a frustrated
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ferret. >> that is far more devastating. that was obama trying to deal with the economy in a metaphor cal sense. >> parents are rats with tail few pays. >> and that was a white ferret. he was cool. >> he was a cool ferret. >> here is the deal. i actually do think president obama is cool, but i don't think think -- i will go to you, anne, i don't think america care what's is cool. they just want competence. >> you told me he would laugh
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a lot. >> i think the fallen thing was wrong time, wrong venue. you have more viewers than fallen, right? >> i don't think so. >> and i am not joking. he has like 175,000. i know you beat cnn and msnbc prime time. >> but i don't know. i don't know. >> would you expect romney to come on this program? it is not even like "saturday night live" or leno. but i think particularly this week when you are seeing all of these failures by government employees, the secret service agents and now two scandals with the marines and gsa doing the hot tub. >> it is sexy. >> this is the week you want obama sitting in the oval office talking about really serious foreign policy issues and not going on jim me fallen. >> you were saying how disgusted you were with president obama and you were looking forward to a white president. >> i was disgusted because he didn't put out a whole album, just a couple singles. >> i think he is fine. what can you be too cool?
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is cool the new black? when did cool become a four-letter word? >> he wrecked the economy. >> this is an important point. he made without even knowing it. whether you cool, you are not held responsible for your actions because you are cool. like for example, what would you rather have, a cool doctor who is incompetent, or a jerk who will save your life? >> that's not fair. >> yes it is. it is a straw argument. >> is this a black-white thing? >> we are both leos, right? >> no, i am not a leo at all. >> it is like your parents trying to be like really cool and dressing up in cool, young clothes and they are trying to say cool things and it is like, ew. i would rather have the president watch iran, no slow jam. watch iran, no slow jam.
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>> ♪ motoring >> there we go. >> you know what i mean? it is like, come on, man. there is so much stuff going on right now. >> you don't see him on tv going, oh yeah. >> you do more than one thing. he can multi task. >> we don't need multi taskers. we need good taskers. >> we don't need somebody who is so stiff. >> abraham lincoln was stiff and he was a damn good president, right? >> he was good for the years he was alive. >> i hate to be the historian here. >> that was too soon. >> let's take sherrod's point about multi tasking. can't obama be president and a celebrity? >> nixon went on in the war, i thought it was inappropriate. but he was not -- >> but he was not president. >> he was -- in the vietnam war he was president. >> i will have to look that up. edit that out. >> the point is, it is not
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that cool was such a bad thing , but he has been an incompetent president. the cool is starting to get annoying. the same way have i a friend who is very sma rt and a slight stutter. when people are around him they pick up his stutter. when someone smart and come at the present time -- competent it is attractive. when they are income at the present time, it is annoying -- incompetent it is annoying. >> it is like people saying fonzie can't be fonzie and a good parent. >> fonzie wasn't his kid. all he did was live in the attic above the cunningham's garage and have sex with divorced women in the 60s because it was wrong. >> fonzie was the secret service. >> let me put it this way. i once had a doctor in the 1990s who was close to my age, kind of cool.
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i never questioned his diagnosis. the diagnosis was wrong. it had a few consequences. not just for me, but for a few people. but then i went to a new doctor. this guy was a full on jerk. he looked at me and said, yep. oh man you shouldn't be doing that. he told me to get out and the problem went away. >> here is the bigger question, what is with the jim kramer sleeves? i feel like you are going to give me stock tips. >> you have to realize this -- it is a bad sweater and a bad shirt. it is the whole ensemble. >> should i invest in mobile? >> everybody stop. sherrod? >> you have to remember, everybody is a doctor now. everybody is a lawyer now. listen to snoop dogg. >> that's sad. >> it is a different generation. but they are older now. they are older dudes, but cooler dudes. >> i bet romney doesn't lis tone ?op dog. >> he has ?op dog on the hood of his car.
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>> obama eats snoop dogg. >> it sounds like romney is saying no to cool. he tries. >> there is literally video of him with some black people in an area coming over to talk to him and he said "who let the dogs out? " he literally said that. >> can we define what is cool and uncool? you are either cool or not cool. what is wrong with being a good father, raising kids, making money and being wealthy? that's cool. >> obama, obama, obama. >> i am talking about romney. >> you are saying romney is uncool. >> i think he is a square. and i think that is going to be really attractive after the coolest president we have ever had. >> but -- i think it is like pointing a direction in something else so everyone forgets about what is going on right now. >> what is going on now? anne tell them.
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>> nobody noticed that joe biden was on "says me street" and he -- sesame street" and he counted to five. >> you agreed with jack. >> that's what being cool is. >> that's what being a great president is. he didn't have the whole country worried at the same time about the same stuff. if you talk about the economy all day, every day every time we see you, i don't want to see you no more. >> he was doing something serious on a week we are finding about the gsa and the secret service. the whole government is run by a bunch of -- it is being run by a bunch of juveniles and now he is going on a juvenile tv show. >> i don't know why you are so angry when the guys protected obama are too busy getting laid. i thought you would like that. >> no, because we are playing to fly them there. >> let them live a little, anne. >> it is a high risk job. >> how did we get to this idea of talking about secret service?
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>> let them be cool, man. >> and let them live a little? >> bill clinton was really cool. he had seconds -- he had sex with an intern in the oval office. >> george w bush was the coolest republican president we had in two decades. >> which one? >> george w, w. >> let's look at the actual ad campaign. they were -- weren't calling him as much cool as they called him a celebrity. last i checked our beloved regan should be on mount rushmore. what was he before he was a president? >> regan was a cool dude. >> are you missing the point. >> a, he was competent. and he was an actual responsible -- he was like your dad where obama is like your cool step dad. >> you don't have to be one of those things. >> i agree. >> you have to be a competent, cool president. you have to be a competent
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celebrity. there is something inhairptly bad about being a cool president. in this case it is irritating. >> he should do all of those things once he is not the president anymore and making $60 million because he is speaking everywhere and hanging out and traveling. and singing oh yeah. he can do all of those shows and they say, come on. but right now, please, run the country. run the cri. >> can i hear a motoring? >> ♪ motoring >> when you make a great point we will hear one. >> ♪ motoring have we finally gauged when we come of age? 24 is the in you 17 according to new research, whatever that is. it suggests that young people don't become true adults until their mid20s. scientists note that we used to think adolescents started with puberty and stops in the late teen when's you stop growing. now they say it is not
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developed until age 24. or in sherrod's case, never. and it is handicapped by something called hot cognitions which is my band in college. decisions influenced by exciting or stressful conditions which adults are better at resisting. or are we? i was not good at resisting these hot cognitions last weekend. >> i woke up that morning in a barrel of royal jelly. sherrod, you are a child at heart and a child in brain. do you agree with this? how old are you? >> i'm 38. >> are you 38? >> that's right, baby. >> you look young. >> do you believe this idea about 24 is the new adult? >> i think it always was an adult. i don't think 18-year-olds were ever considered an adult in my house at least. you are still a child in my house. >> that severely limited your
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dating pool. >> kind of. but it kept me fresh. >> i think he is still a kid. at 38? come on. what does it take like a $50 million fees ability study to figure out that it takes 25 to figure out what your life is? that's what happens. you do all of these crazy things and we all did crazy things. then we wake up and it is like, whoa, dude. we have to do something with my life. i have to get going. that's the way it is. it has always been around. what is this some revelation? >> anne, you were 25 when you were five. >> i just like the idea of you waking up at 24 and going from pre med to a rocker. that's when you became an adult. >> you are right about that. what are you like when you were 25? >> exactly what i was like when i was 5 as greg said. but i mentioned this on the show before, but i am hoping it will start a trend. this is why we need to raise
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the voting age. they are children. the argument -- when nixon raise eds the -- lowered the voting age to 18 they were drafted to go to war and drink at age 18. now we can't drink at 18 and we don't draft them, and we can't even put them off their parents' health care until they are 26? raise the voting age. >> if you can fight you should be able to vote and drink. >> okay, that means only people who -- >> only if you fight you can vote. >> i agree. i agree just for military unless you are 30. >> i think it is a modern phenomenon. we grew up faster because you died sooner. now that the life span is longer we can afford to be in the suspended childhood. >>- q. i 18 is not an adult -- >> 18 is not an adult. i moved out when i was 18. >> not boy choice. i stumbled --
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>> i stumbled into an abyss and i have gone no where mentally with responsibility. still broke. i should have been watched and coddled and taken care of. >> can i make a point though? i want to make one last point. i was spanked. >> i was spanked. >> i still get spanked. >> did you get swats swats in school? i got swats in elementary school. did they ever do that to you? no, you are 38. you would have got your lawyer. >> kids, i just want to make a point. i am not concerned about people in their 20s. it is guys in their 30s who still wear flip-flops and board shorts and tank tops. they are like german kids at fat camp. at some point you have to decide like -- you have to start dressing like an adult. we have to take a break. we have to go.
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motoring, right? ♪ motoring >> what's your price for flight in finding mr. right? i am mr. right and america's bad boy. should all white people be put on a boat, a boat that sinks like the titanic? sherrod small will talk about us h book of the first what is happening in the world of field hockey? we will air part one of our 32-part investigation next.
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he is sheen here and played for south hampton high in new york for two years, but the board that oversees the high school sports says he has too big an advantage over the players with the executive director saying, quote, it is a girl sports. when a boy plays it leads the way for other male players to come in and take over. his dad says his son was raised in ireland, a country somewhere, and played field hockey most of his life. but no leagues exist where they live now. he is 4 foot 8, short in my book, and 82 pounds. he doesn't think this is an advantage. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooouuunnndd. lightning round. >> anne, this is discrimination. if girls can play on boys teams, boys can play on girls teams, am i right? >> yes and he just got his menstrual period synchronized with the rest of them. >> we're sisters! >> they said he could play if
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he wasn't so good. boys can play on girls teams as long as they are terrible. >> as long as you suck. as long as you are really bad and you suck -- title 9. it has to be fair and we have to be perfect. i'm sure it was a good idea to begin with, but they all started with good ideas and they turn out so lame. this is an obvious example of how it can turn out. >> it is a lot like sherrod's shirt. >> the thing is, he is right. >> first of all, they threw him off the team. they did the boy a favor. w45* are you doing playing with girls? you played in ireland? welcome to america. you are going to high school some time and they will tease the hell out of you. they did you a favor. throw around a pigskin. this is america. >> you have to explain that it is actually a football and not the skin of a pig. billy, to a year you played with the lacrosse stick. >> some of the best years of my life.
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before they said it has to be wood. did you play field hockey? >> you played lacrosse? >> and i would not want a boy playing lacrosse with us. >> i bet you had that skirt. >> oh yes, the skirts are cute. >> that's the whole point of lacrosse. >> let that wash over you, viewers. i want to move on because this is my favorite topic. a dude played a prank on his girlfriend by pretending to be a robber. that's all i need to tell you. >> i snuck into my girlfriend's apartment and waited for her and her sister to come home from work. i get back here and wearing this mask and carrying their tv and laptop in my hand acting like i'm robbing the place. [screaming]
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>> it is only me. >> the irony of this is you actually do this and you say it is a prank. >> they never get away. >> if you did that to your girl friend how quickly would she dump you? >> i wouldn't have to put on a mask to do that. she would think i was a robber anyway. why waste a mask? this dude is lucky they didn't have mace or a gun or a real boyfriend. >> that's a good pointt. if that was a red state he would have more holes in him than the health care bill. >> i can't believe somebody would do that. this is going to be really funny. what an idiot. how can that be funny?
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robbing, stealing? can you imagine he didn't get like -- they probably like -- afterwards. >> you are the lone woman here. we will not talk about bill's issues, but -- sorry, bill. what would you do in this situation? you would kill him. >> don't pull that joke on me, you boys. i'm armed. >> i like that about you. >> is this what happens when somebody tries to do something funny and it turns bad? >> i think it was a role playing thing. i think he decided to embrace the role when he decided she was with two friends and he wouldn't get lucky. so he turned it into something and decided to go with it. shame on you for being kinky. >> you were homeless and it couldn't happen. >> can't rob somebody that doesn't have a home. >> i think the real lesson here is, what if it is real next time? what if she comes home and there is a robber there and
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she says, tom, it is just you. and he kills her. >> he would be like, yes, it is tom. take your top off girl. >> eoh yes, right. do you have a comment on the show? e male us at red eye at fox are you motoring? ♪ motoring ♪ and leave a voicemail on my direct line call 212-462-5050. i'm not getting sick of it. are you getting sick of it? ♪ motoring still to come the half time report from andy levy. ♪ motoring >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by roof dog. the english canine who likes end spending days on top of various buildings. thanks, roof dog.
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let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. hi, andy, how are you doing? >> hi, greg. how are you? >> i'm good, thanks. >> are are you motor ?g. >> ♪ motoring >> i'm motoring. ♪ motoring >> it is always good to see you motoring. ♪ smoterring >> that it is, motoring. ♪ motoring ♪ >> stop saying motoring. ♪ motoring >> there is a short vietnamese boy in the corner over there rocking and it is very
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disturbing. >> up for some boogy nights. >> now you ruined it. >> john stewart chastises president obama for slow jamming in the news. i hate it when daddy and daddy fight. anne we don't have more viewers than fallen, sadly. >> i was just trying to confirm that with greg. are you on at 3:00 in the morning. the money point -- the main point is the timing of the issue. it is fine for candidates to do things like this "saturday night live,"" leno," but this week? >> two million people watched. >> that's a lot of people. >> 10 million would watch this show if romney came on. perhaps that's an idea. >> sherrod, you said obama could multi task and somebody could be cool and competent. i have no problem with the president going on late night shows. >> thank you, andy. >> but john stewart didn't have a problem with the president going on fallen. he said he probably shouldn't have slow jammed the news.
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>> who made him the president police? >> obama of. >> obama said he is brilliant. >> he is the chief. >> i don't have a problem with it. >> i know how you feel. >> it was sour grapes. he was upset he wasn't on his show. >> he would have loved it. >> i don't think that's true. >> if he would have had the news on his show it would have been great. >> motoring. ♪ motoring >> that means shut up. >> i maintain that obama is not particularly cool. >> he is cool for an older black dude. he is cool like the basist -- he is like kool and the gang cool. she willy mays cool. >> he is not don cornelius cool. >> yes, but don cornelius --
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>> he didn't know where he was half the time. >> let's move on. >> rip don cornelius. >> "soul train" was awesome. >> i found it offensive. >> you weren't even born. >> as a zygot. >> jack, you raise a good point in saying owe obama may be slow jamming the news to distract everybody from what is going on. in this segment you were motoring. >> i didn't hear anything. >> wait a minute. what happened? >> you know what, we only bought 20 of them. >> you could call that our price. >> that kills the rest of my half time. >> and you wonder why you are losing to fallen. >> they thought we had to keep buying it from i tunes. >> keeps hitting the buy button.
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>> the most expensive show ever. >> sherrod, you thought george w. bush was cool. >> he was cool. he seemed to cool, a dude you would hang out with or watch the game with or have a beer with and he would not annoy you. >> see, that's why i don't think obama is cool. i don't see that. >> i see that. he had a beer at summit. >> you know what andy is getting at? it is kind of the academic elitism that you can't hang out with him because he is better than you are. you can't share a beer with him because he is better than you are. >> i had a cousin like that. >> he is just as dumb as the rest of the family. >> i did hear him. i heard he was a great hang and a great guy to be around with. funny and everything like that. >> he seemed like a cool dude. he owned a baseball team. that's cool.
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>> i never believed it because they said the same thing about gore. >> gore was a ham. he was a square. >> andy? >> i am still here. research shows people don't become adults until 24. you talk about raising the voting age. if you can fight for your country you should be able to vote. you said if you fight you can vote. and of course in his classic book he wrote about a society where you can only vote if you served in the military. and he was called a fashist for it. >> the consensus we achieved around this table, way were cross talking again and you can vote once you attain the age of 30 or you fight for your country and if you are just a man. i just threw that in. >> they called them citizens. remember that? >> and they showered together.
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>> that's how you became a citizen. >> do you shower together? >> and also denise richards came before charlie sheen ruined it. >> just like to po nie t out i was talking about the book and not the movie. i will skip that. 13-year-old boy kicked off a girl's field hockey team. you are right it was about consequences in title nine. they say either they need to let the boy play on the girls team or disban the girls team. >> the whole thing is stupid. the whole thing is stupid. title 9 was stupid. >> what happened to common sense? what happened to common sense? where did it go? >> there was a four piece blues band. >> i think the kid needs to
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quit the team and start a band. >> we can do motoring. >> ♪ motoring >> he is back. >> this is costing us a fortune. >> i am the one not getting paid. everybody else will get their paycheck. you play motoring too much and you have to go on bread and water again. >> ♪ motoring >> in five and a half years i never heard you eat anything like bread. >> dorritos count as bread. >> the kid lost his appeal to the decision, but they will try again in may in case you didn't hear me the first time. the timing was thrown off. >> that's all right, andy. it is not your fault. >> we were motoring. >> ♪ motoring and then suddenly i wasn't motoring. ♪ motoring i'm done. i'm motoring. ♪ motoring >> bye. coming up, channing tatum is dead -- tired of fans hiding in the bushing outside his
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house. won't happen again, mr. tatum. is tall lady awareness warranting an entire segment on the subject? actually, yes it does. >> there was a guy that was 7 foot 2. i am a journalist, and i am going to take out my journalistic bag of tricks and ask you this whopper, what was that like? >> guests on "red eye" stay with greg's neighbor carl. no you offering a pull out couch, futon or pull out chair. >> he'll watch you while you sleep ♪ >> you will receive a complementary hub cap and other prizes. note, other prizes prizes are hub caps.
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can you still have fun if you are 7 foot one. that is one of the many empowering questions. the seven-day celebration of sexy ladies over six feet encourages them to embrace their hike rather than hide it. we sent the resident garden nome to the garden store, long, tall sally" and here is hope heying gets stepped on. >> this is a week devoted to women of a certain size who want to be empowered by being tall rather than small. i am at lawn tall sally. this is a store devoted to women of a certain size that want to look awesome.
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let's talk to some of these women. >> what are some of the things that tall women go through that women of the shorter size would never understand? >> well, there is two big challenges i think. first is to be tall is to be public which means you are always on a stage. people are always looking at you. >> i also feel like i am always on a stage just for the cabaret show i host in chelsea. and that is pretty much five nights a week. it is called "i am bill" five exclamation points and you are welcome to come by anytime you wants. tell me, have you ever been tom cruised where you date a guy and he says wear flats or don't wear anything. >> no. >> you dated better men than nicole kidman has? >> yes. >> and also men that like women. >> here is the pros of being 5 foot 9, nothing. here are the cons, everything. this is about you, and not about me. these are my issues that i
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need to deal with. >> do you need a couch? >> i need a couch because i am freaking out. i have a suggestion. woman over 5 foot 9 and dressed in all gray. tbet a cone and are you a sexy. >> scraper. >> terrible. >> terrible. well, we will fix that. >> you don't need disguises. >> when i tell you that again tell me how awesome it is. five, four, three, two, one. sexy sky scraper. >> awesome. >> that's the one we are using. favorite and least favorite tall people in history. >> i don't have any. >> lincoln. that was a good, tall man, correct? >> all of our presidents have been tall men. >> reporter: that's not true. george washington 4 foot two. people were shorter back then. there were a lot of people who prefer taller women. it is our thing. and we don't have a name for a group. i was going to throw a couple by you and get your opinion. first thing i am thinking of
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are the tree huggers. >> i love it. >> the ladder lads. >> i like this. >> a little bit british. i want to climb up my ladder and give a peck on the cheek. >> i like that. >> i like you. sort of like the ladder lads, but we will nuzzle you like a cute little bear. you are not liking it. >> it sounds complicated. >> the cutie climbers. who is the shortest guy you date ?ed. >> 5 foot 6. >> all right. that is like gutfeld territory. i am looking good. >> 6 foot. >> 6 foot? a midget. >> that's great. you are really helping the cause. this interview is over. jay 5 foot 9. -- >> 5 foot 9. >> if i have learned anything today, women out there, if you are under 6 feet, i don't want to meet. ladies, what are we doing later?
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>> so alone. so very alone. >> nicely done, bill. i have to say, they were not that tall. >> i'm surprisingly tall. that's why you were confused. i am 6 foot 2. >> you know, it is funny. being 5 foot 10, you look at people and assume that -- they say tv makes you look shorter. >> i am the kareem abdul jabar of fox news. >> you are like -- >> 8 feet tall. >> you are 8 feet tall. do you ever date men who are shorter than you? >> no. >> never? >> never. >> but you are so cute in that video. you look like a wee little doll i can put in my pocket. >> i have been waiting for five years for you to put me in your pocket. >> that was so cute. >> i'm tiny. >> men love to be told they are wee or cute.
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>> so you are saying i am el ofish. >> i should be playing in a corner. >> why wouldn't you date a guy that was shorter than you? >> it makes me feel like this 60 foot tall woman. >> so what? >> i don't care how they look. i don't want to look bad. >> i thought you were going to say democrats are short. that's why you date tall men. >> that's probably true. >> it is amazing, sherrod, the amount of discrimination tall people go through. >> yes, i hate it. i hate to see it. i dated lisa leslie for years. she was in the wnba. the first woman to dunk. we dated. >> did you really? >> no. i am not going to date a monstrosity. >> you are terrible! didn't you learn anything from my package? >> you are a tallist. he is a tallist. that's terrible. we have to take a break.
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so now it is a part of the show where we will discuss mentoring today's youth. but instead let's do a dove step cat off. >> sherrod, two different styles, very different striels. how dowdy claire a win ?er. >> i didn't know what that was, but i needed to see it. >> who did you think won? >> i was just waiting for obama to step in. >> he is a cool cat. >> nice save, my man.
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>> it is hard to pull off a costume, bill. >> professor pink nose, one, because everyone knows sergeant paw-paw was wearing a mask and that is the performance enhancing drug. >> i think the jersey shore one was like this, give me two rum and cokes. >> we will close things -- i was going to disagree with you and then i wouldn't. we will close things up with a post game wrap up. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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i hope he dresses up. back to tv's andy levy for the motoring ♪ motoring ♪ post game wrap up. >> that thing you had something floating in front of your face. you take half before the show. you save the other half until after. >> i couldn't wait. >> you have to maintain. >> i am seeing weird stuff. >> maintain, maintain. >> new album? >> yes, rock and roll ride. check it out. >> excellent. >> amazon. >> all right. >> no nem to name call. no need to name call. i know he is tall, but jeez, unbelievable. >> i tunes as well for the kids? >> i tunes, yes. >> over there. >> i'm sorry, what? >> i tunes as well? >> i tunes as well. chick -- check it out. >> that's where the kids get the music these days. >> that's right, love those kids. >> is it true you will be at a rally on friday? >> it is a keep mumia locked up rally. it is at the university of
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pennsylvania tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. >> excellent. >> it isn't really a keep mumi in jail party. but i will be in philadelphia. >> sherrod, what do you have? >> my new show on youtube car and driver channel starting may 1st. i am hosting it with jim florn teen. check it out. it starts on may 1st. everybody better watch it. >> we heard you the first time. >> don't forget the album. jack's album. >> oh yes, my album. >> back to you, greg, no more motoring. ♪ motoring >> it is time for a little motoring. ♪ motoring and maybe another motoring. ♪ motoring now. >> bill: "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> there was a ridiculous speech inside today by paul ryan. >> bill: are poor folks under siege in america by guys like congressman
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