tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News April 29, 2012 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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war on terror, nearly a year after the raid that killed osama bin laden, is ciedz plotting a payback? we will talk to the man who headed up the cia osama bin laden unit. missing child, a man in a surveillance tape comes to testify. it's a happy year for the duke and dutchess of cambridge. will and kate celebrate their first anniversary. america's news headquarters live from the nation's capitol starts right now. counterterrorism officials say that al qaeda is down, but not out. peter doocy has the latest. >> it was a year ago this week that president obama gave operation jeron no a green light
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today, we heard from his chief counter terrorism adviser who said that even though osama bin laden is dead, al qaeda is not. >> we have degraded the organization significantly over the past deck scpead several years in particular, as we have taken off the battlefield the founding leader. we are determined to destroy that organization. we are going to destroy it, but that will continue to requireitous maintain the pressure, al qaeda, whether it be in pakistan, afghanistan or yemen. >> we heard from the chairman of the house intel committee, congressman rogers, who explained how al qaeda's tried to reorganize with bin laden out of the picture. >> al qaeda is bigger than the core. some of the core leadership is still around. they have a leader who is providing leadership special guidance. >> local law enforcement offices have been warned to look for a lone wolf terrorist, who might try to strike inside the u.s. to
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mark the bin laden death. but that's the only informs we have. >> at this time, we have no credible information that terrorist organizations, including al qaeda are plotting attacks in the u.s. to coincide with the anniversary of bin laden's death. however, we assess that a.q.'s affiliates and allies are intent on conducting attacks, possibly to avenge the death of osama bin laden, not necessarily tied to the anniversary. >> there is a running debate about whether or not the obama campaign is trying to politicize the bin laden raid. when john brennan was asked about that, he said, he doesn't do politics. >> shannon: peter doos wet latest. it looks like saudi arabia will allow osama bin laden's wives and children to stay in that country. 14 members of the family arrived in the country after being deported from pakistan on friday. the saudis say they are accepting the family on humanitarian grounds and there is no evidence that they are involved in terrorism.
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saudi arabia's stripped osama bin laden of his citizenship in 1994 because he denounced the saudi family. are terrorists plotting a revenge attack? we have a former c. >> jamie:a officer who headed up the bin laden unit. one year later, the government says there is no credible threat of an organized attack, but we have an issue of a lone wolf. how concerned are you? >> it's very much a problem for the you united states and for the europeans. we killed bin laden, but it was far too late, the influence, the instigation has taken hold, not only in the third world, in the arab world and africa, but in europe and the united states. i remember they leaked information after he was killed that they were planning to try to kill president obama. they're very much in our sense, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
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so they will try to bump the president. >> shannon: that would be standard operating procedure? >> no, i don't think so. you kill a president from, their perspective tdoesn't affect american power, but it does make the point, you kill ours, we kill theirs. their effort is aimed at taking advantage of the international economy, the situation of the economy to help drag us into bankruptcy. we are now, if you look at where we are going in the future, when america next deploys armies oversea, theyville to go to africa because we have genuine interests, the sea lanes off both coasts, strategic minerals and oil out of nigeria. >> shannon: so a year after bin laden's death, who are the leaders in al qaeda? >> i think the key leader has a much different approach than bin laden. he is quieter and attuned to individual attacks, smaller attacks, assassination, car bombs, roadway bombs.
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the second most important person is abbu-yaha libby. they are probably the main targets at the home the. >> shannon: what do you think their strategy will be going forward? is it about inspiring lone wolves, people who can connect on the internet and carry out their own attacks? >> it's three things. they have an organized structure. they weren't in somalia to any great extent or north africa in 2001, or iraq or palestine or syria. they are in all of those places now. the second thing is their allies. they have many more allies today than they had in 2001. and the third thing, of course, is as you said, the freelancers, the people who are inspired by bin laden or by our actions in foreign policy. i think that's the main thing to remember. we have been trying to kill bin
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laden -- or had been for 15 years. the motivation, which drove him and drives the people who are in the field against us is our owner -- our foreign policy and that has become more aggressive, bombing in libya and interfering in egypt or whatever is going on. i don't mean to denigrate the loss of bin laden, it wasn't a strategic victory. the problem remains very great and one that neither party nterms of presidential candidates wants to discuss. >> shannon: we appreciate your very unique insight. >> you are very kind to have me. >> shannon: an attack on a christian church in kenya leaves one dead and sent more than a dozen to the hospital. a grenade was tossed into the church in nairobi. one elder says it may have been a result of a dispute over the land, where the church now sits. a british red cross staffer from pakistan has been found dead. the worker was managing a health
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program when he was kidnapped on his way home from work. the head of the international committee of the red cross is calling the act barbaric. the red cross says it won't allow the incident to stop their work in pakistan. a lawmaker is accusing iran -- growing friction over iran's nuclear ambitions, talks with iran are set to resume next month. newt gingrich is 16-916-6215ing it quits on wednesday. senior campaign sources confirm it will be wednesday, not itself. gingrich won the south carolina primary, but he was unable to bold that victory. he performed well on debate, but stumbled at times on the campaign trail, with off-beat ideas, like establishing a moon
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colony. mitt romney has been declared the unofficial nom no. now romney and obama are set to go head to head. >> the campaign heating up, now two-man race between obama and mitt romney, with the focus on many different things, chief among them, the economy. and the youth vote over obama's campaign swing to college campuses last week and the women's vote with the democrats accusing of republicans of waging war on women that. debate played out today on the sunday talk shows, where ed gillespie, a campaign aide to mitt romney, slammed the president. >> when you look at the facts, there are 2.7 million more women without health insurance than when barack obama took office. 858,000 fewer women working today than when he took office itch the president lost some support among women when hillary rosen attacked romney's wife for being a stay-at--home mosm but
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the g.o.p. lost votes in a debate over contraception. >> i don't think we want to go back either to -- 8 years ago, or quite frankly, 30 or 40 years ago, whether it's the economic decisions that women have to make, or the health care decisions that women have to make. i think there is a clear contrast. >> the president holds a fund-raiser tonight in virginia, with bill clinton attending, along with his long-time campaign fund-raiser, terry mccullough and romney is take the day off. >> thank you very much. the white house correspondence dinner was a star-studded event, bringing together journalists and hollywood heavyweights. mr. obama poked fun at himself, the media and the presumptive g.o.p. nominee, mitt romney.
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>> i guess governor romney is feeling pretty good about things because he took a few hours off the other day to see the hunger games. i'm sure this was a great change of pace for him. i have not seen the hunger games. not enough class warfare for me. >> the jokes didn't stop there. he took jabs at the secret service in the wake of the columbian prostitution scanneddal and several actors and actresses there in the room. we will show you more throughout the show. did he deliver? who was funnier? the president or jimmy kimmel? tweet us your answers. we will read them. get your votes in, later this hour. a sports celebration took a deadly turn because of wicked weather. one person killed more than a dozen others injured. we will take you to the scene, right after the break. the fast and furious scandal is far from over. some lawmakers are pushing to hoaltd attorney general in
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contempt. we will talk to one of them, after the break. more from the comedian in chief at washington's prom last night. >> i know at this point, many of you are expecting me to go after my likely opponent, newt gingrich. newt, there is still time, man! >> ron paul is still sticking with it. he looks like the guy who gets unhooded at the end of every scooby doo episode. it's great to see the gingriches here tonight because i guess that means the check cleared. newt, i have a question. how can you be against gay marriage when you are the son of two gay parent, the michelin man and the marshmellow man. >> we have men in tux, women in gown, fine wine, first-class entertainment. i was relieved to learn this was not a gsa conference.
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more than a dozen wound up in a hospital when a large beer tent blew over in a storm in st. louis. officials have not determined what killed the man, but one witness said it was a lightning strike. more than 200 people were celebrating a cardinals wind, when 50-mile-per-hour winds snapped the poles that were supporting the tent. the winds were so strong, they blew into a nearby railroad bridge. >> sure enough, next thing you know, it blows over t. lifted up t. seemed like a draft caught underneath it and completely ripped it up. >> shannon: up to 100 people were treated by medics right there at the scene. congress is putting new pressure on attorney general eric holder over operation fast & furious. the house oversight committee is preparing to levy a contempt citation against holder to try to get him to release more documents. members of the judiciary committee are backing the proposal. randy forbes of virginia serves
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on the committee. he is live from virginia beach. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, shannon. >> reporter: the justice department says it is regularly turning over documents that have been requested. they turned in thousands. what more do you hope to uncover at this point? >> well, shanob know -- shannon, they haven't turned over the evidence to correct the problem. this is not about blame. this is correcting a broken system. we have the culture that has encouraged these outrageous policies or even illegal, or it's a culture that didn't know and we need to find out why. we need to know who knew about the policies policies and who ad them. one is the contempt proceeding and the other is a resolution that has been signed by almost 150 members of congress, expressing a lack of confidence in the attorney general because of how he's hamming this program. >> shannon: what would you hope to accomplish in that
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resolution? i know you are a co-sponsor. do you think tell put hote on the attorney gym so he will turn over what you are looking for? what do you think would be the end result of that resolution? >> shannon, we want to fix the problems. a lot of people talk about coming to washington and changing things and fixing what is broken. but once they get here, if it involves a friend or perhaps points blame in their direction, we move on to the next thing and it doesn't get fixed. when you are talking about over $1 had million of guns in the hands of criminals and they will kill innocent individuals, it's time to change it. you look across the country, half billion on solyndra and gsa and the secret service and with the attorney general's office. people are saying, enough is enough. we have to fix some of the problems. we hope to get the information to help us. >> shannon: so the information have you gotten so far thasn't contained what all lawmakers wod like to see, which is why you are continuing to push. do you think that the
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information that has been missing is inadvertent or a purposeful decision within the justice department? >> well, shannon, when you go this long and haven't turned over that information, have you to begin to think that they don't want this information released. when we see this and what is happening to other agencies, you have to suspect that we have less than a transparent operation going on here. if they don't have anything to cover up, it would be very easy to give it to the committees and let us review and fix the things we need to fix and move on. but time after time, they have are refused to give us the information we need to review and correct the problems. the only news we are going to have is to have this resolution move forward on on the house ofe representatives floor. >> shannon: one of your democratic colleagues is saying, this is all about politics. here's part of what cummings had to say, you are more interested in pursuing partisan political
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views rather than investigating anything substantive. how do you respond? >> it's like the end of the casablanca movie, where they say round up the judicial suspects. the judicial suspects for justification is the same old thing, this is just politics,o they laugh it off. i don't think the american people think it's fun whewe spend a half billion on solyndra and we don't fix. it we spend half a million on gsa, dressing up like clown, swimming in hot tubs and take the fifth amendment. they don't think it's funny that we have secret service dealing with prostitutes and i don't think they think it's fun whewe see a million dollars of guns put into the hands of criminals by the united states of america. i think they want us to get serious and fix the problems and that's what what we intend to do. >> shannon: congressman forbes, thank you for stopping in today, sir. >> thank you. >> shannon: fighting words from texas to the environmental
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protection agency. the state says, butt out when it comes to growing regulation. we will talk to the man on the front lines of this heated showdown, coming up. ere's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. our premium litters now work harder to help neutralize odors in multiple cat homes. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office?
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door. >> he just came in and snatched mom's purse. i grabbed it with my hands and it ripped and he got off. after he ran out the door, i yelled, mom! your purse just got stolen. >> shannon: his father and the family dog chased the thief down the street. while he stayed behind to protect his baby brother. the burglar was hit by a car and broke his leg. that's when police were able to arrest him. president obama's counter terrorism chive says al qaeda may be weaker, but the terrorism organization is still very much a threat. peter doocy has your top stories itch it's been nearly one year since that raid that killed osama bin laden and this morning on fox news sunday, john brennan said that al qaeda has been damaged, but not destroyed and said that the offshoots, such as al qaeda in the arabian
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peninsula pose a serious threat. police in arizona are hoping for a break in the disappearance of a six-year-old. one of the people captured on a videotape, in an area near her home the night she disappeared has kaled him. police want to ask him if he saw anhing unusual. newt gingrich is throwing in the towel. sources say he will formally drop out of the race on wednesday. and last night, jimmy kimmel headlined washington's nerd prom, otherwise knownas the white house correspondence dinner, when the journalists and politicians hob knob with the celebrities. and the president took the chance to get in a few zingers. >> it's great to be here this evening in the vast, magnificent, hilton ballroom. or what mitt romney would call a fixer-upper. i had a lot more material prepared, but i have to get the secret service home in time for their new curfew. >> shannon: i went right to the
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secret service who were everywhere. they weren't laughing. >> everybody else was, though. >> shannon: they were. i thought he and jimmy kimmel both, very, very funny. took a lot of shots at themselves and others. >> it was interesting, to see there were a lot of jokes at the expense of president. but he seemed like he was a pretty big sport. he had a big smile and the first lady had a big smile. they were both equal opportunity, ripping on people from both sides of the aisle. >> shannon: speaking of big mile, every time i looked around, peter was getting his picture with another super model, kim kardashian. you were very popular last night. >> it was a fun party. might as well say "hi" when they come to town. a lot of them are only here won a year. >> shannon: they were asking about you. >> were they? >> they went back and forth between being focused on the mission, concerned about the security of our special forces and trying to do everything
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possible to make should sure that the mission was a success. at the same time, it was a day of reflection on all of the victims whose lives were taken by bin laden and the al qaeda organization. >> shannon: it's been almost a year since the president announced osama bin laden had been killed. this morning, john fwrennan assessed where things stand now. i sat down with chris wallace for a preview. as we come to the one-year anniversary of the deaths of osama bin laden, you had john brennan, top counter terrorism advise tort president. what is the assessment of where we are now? >> the good news and bad news. good news, he said that we have really degraded al qaeda central. that is the al qaeda that is in the afghan/pakistan border where bin laden was. and i think he feels that they are no longer capable, at least at this point of mounting a big, tential strike like 9/11. on the other hand, he said that
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it has, like a cancer metastasized and al qaeda in yemen, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has become much more powerful. remember, that's where anwar al-awlaki was. he says they are much more powerful and they have a new drone campaign to try to degrade them. but clearly... things are better. we are safer. but the war on terror is not over, talking to john brennan. >> shannon: you touched as well on the secret service scandal with him and what kind of compromises could have been made to national security. >> that's right. secret service and the tsa because four current or former agents, tsa screeners were arrested this week, involved in smuggling. they have taken bribes to allow drugs through their screening checkpoint. obviously, they could allow explosives or weapons through.
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he said that really, we are looking at all of these things s and taking it very seriously, anything that is a potential security lapse, in the protection of the president or the protection of our civil aviation systems, we have to be on guard for. >> shannon: you had a very interesting, wide-ranging conversation with the pastor out of texas and his wife. >> yeah. they near washington. they are speaking today at nationals park. they have a thing called night of hope, it will be an afternoon of hope. it was delayed because yesterday it rained here. where they fill up a stadium or arena and tens of thousands of people and have a message. some people criticize it, saying it's more motivational. it's a positive, optimistic message to talk about principles from the bible and the religion, how to make yourself a better parent, better spouse, a better person in your job. it's a positive message n. this
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world today, i think that's something to be valued. >> shannon: don't miss the panel with an interesting supreme court discussion. >> yes. and a great power player of the week about the chief veterinarian at the national zoo. >> shannon: that's a fascinating one. thanks for the preview. >> you bet. >> shannon: catch the full interview with white house counter terrorism adviser, john brennan, right after our show. and joel and victoria share their message of hope. the man in charge of regulating oil & gas in texas is fighting mad about what he calls the obama administration's attack on domestic energy production. he says a key epa official was openly hostile to oil & gas before he made this statement. >> the analogy to my staff about enforcement, i think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for me when i said it...
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>> shannon: thatman official has apologized. the texas railroad commission representative is here, live. from mr. smitherman, you say that this official already had an agenda before making that comment. what do you mean? >> well, it's clear he came to this job with a bias against the oil & gas industry already, which is really reflective of the entire obama administration's anti-fossile fuel agenda. >> shannon: all right. i want to read a bit of the reaction from the epa administrator, she says that the comments were inflammatory, but also wrong. they don't comport with this administration's policy on energy, our policy at epa on environmental enforcement nor with our record as well. you know, you have heard it
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again and again this, administration says it is an all of the above strategy. they are not against domestic oil production and they say production is up under president obama. true or not? >> production is up on private lands, but not on public lands. in fact, public production is down. production in the gulf of mexico is down. this administration says one thing and does another. they clearly have an anti-fossile fuel agend a. it's driven by the e,r pa. we are -- epa. we are suing them on at least a dozen initiative, all of which are designed to shut down oil, gas and coal, which is driving our economy and creating great jobs in america. >> shannon: this is a time when everybody across the partisan divide, ideology,j everybody is concerned about jobs. how many jobs are at stake with the various regulations that you are challenging? >> in texas, we think that
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250,000 people work directly in the oil & gas and mining industry. about a million people indirectly, just in the state of texas. the average oil & gas job pays twice what the average non-mining job pays. across the country, we could literally solve the unemployment issue if this industry were allowed to do what it does and the epa would get off their back. >> shannon: you have heard the talk and no doubt seen the political ads, talk about this fact that republicans and those who would oppose the epa are about rolling back protections that make sure your children can drink fresh water and you can breathe fresh air. how do you respond to that and find a balance with the protections that the epa legitimately has a right to enforce and in your estimation, where they go too far? >> what we are asking for is the epa to be grounded in science and the facts. take a look at the range resources case here in texas. there the epa swooped in, made
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unsubstantiated allegations of danger, scared the heck out of a lot of people, forced the company to stop drilling and quietly, a year and-a-half later, admitted that they, the epa, had been wrong. we want them to stick to science and facts and stop being driven by politics and an anti-fossile fuel agenda. >> shannon: all right. we will continue to watch the legal fights that have you going on. you mentioned at least a dozen. we will watch for that and see where they go from here. thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me. >> shannon: all right. good news for college opportunity students. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they want to protect you from massive interest rate increases on your student loans. but the bad news is that they can't agree on how to fund that. and how to make the most of your college dollars. stick around. [ male announcer ] introducing a powerful weapon in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max.
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>> shannon: good news for college students. the house has agreed to a one-year extension of the student loan rate for a year. however, politicians are fighting about how they're going to pay for this $6 billion extension. the g.o.p. wants to use funds slated for the health care law, which john boehner calls a slush fund. but the white house says it will be vetoed if it makes to the president's desk. college tuition sticker shock
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has families worried as may 1 approaches,a a deadline for many high school seniors to determine where they are going to go. the average cost for a year is $21,000, private school, double that, more than $42,000 a year. joining us from princeton review, he will help parents and kids get the best bang for their buck. >> good to be here. >> shannon: let's talk about this. we took a look at some of the information about who is going on need financial aid. students -- who are surveyed say 87% say it's very likely they are going to need aid, extremely or very likely, parents say 83%. everybody acknowledges they will need help. what is the best strategy for getting start ?td first deadline? where do you begin? >> one is to understand the numbers. we have been doing a survey called college hopes and worries. 87%, over 11,000 college kids and their families say they
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would need aid, very or extremely need aid for college. we know there is a specter around financial aid. one, you always have to apply, no matter where you are, you have to apply through a form. the application is the free application for federal student aid. in addition to the college applications, being the number-1 most important, the second most important is the financial aid application jew know, i hear again and again from, you know, parents. i was going to go to college, you feel like have you some moan. but when you look at how much college is going to cost, some families worry they won't qualify because they have a decent income, but it can be overwhelming to think about tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands in expenses. can families who are doing okay at this point, can they hope to get any aid for college? >> i think that the answer is yes. there is a lot of money for aid out there.
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there is $170 billion this year. now, as you say, there are a lot of people competing for dollars and they are competing in two channels. the channel that is based on how much income a family earns, how many kids you have in school at the same time. that's based on financial need. i will sound like an academic geek, if you are a high school student, especially early on, do well in high school. do well on your transcript. that and s.a.t., a.c.t. and that will qualify the students. for get merit-based aid. academic merit and family financial need. >> shannon: let's talk about a college education. now there is a debate ramming over the last year about whether or not college degrease or worg it. you graduate in debt with student loan, will you ever pay it off? is it worth is itt? let's talk about that. how you decide whether a particular degree is worth t. we
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have stats from the review. 56% of students say they will get a better job, a higher income, with that. where do you come down on this? how does an individual decide if it's right for them? >> i think that the short answer is going to be yes. having the undergraduate degree will help a student when they get out of school and there is sobering statistics that came out over the last couple of days that said, you know, nearly 53-54% of students are not getting jobs. we are following that closely in may through october, november, we will get a good snapshot of graduates. but overall, throughout your lifetime, students who have a college degree will make $1 million more than a student who doesn't have the undergraduate degree. theyville more flexibility, they will be more nimble in the types of jobs that are available to them and those who don't have the degree. from our perspective, you need to have a college degree to make more money and have more choices.
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>> shannon: if you do, be prepared, get your forms in and get good grades. that's the best advice this morning. so we will all take note of that. thanks, rob. >> thanks for having me. >> shannon: voters in one state will decide whether terminally ill patients can have their death wishes granted. is the economy getting better or worse? who is right? brenda buttner takes the temperature of our economy, right after the break.
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>> a yacht race near the california-mexico border turned deadly. a 11-foot yacht collided with a much larger boat, killing three crew members. one crew member is still missing. should terminally ill patients be allowed to get fatal prescriptions? that's the controversial question for massachusetts voters, to legalize assisted suicide. 21 years have passed since los angeles' five days of outrage, four police officers were acquitted after beating rodney king on videotape, sparking massive rioting. when it was all said and done it cost more than $1 billion and more than 2,000 people were hurt.
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economic growth has slowed. the first quarter report shows that shows that the economy grew at 2.2% in the first quarter. obama aides call any growth encouraging. but the romney campaign says we should be worried. who is right? brenda buttner has what both sides are saying and what the member number -- and what the numbers really mean. >> good to be here. gdp is one of the most closely watched economic numbers out there. it is the broadest measure of economic growth. the most recent, the first estimate of the first 3 months of this year is a political football in the presidential campaign, as both sides say it's it supports their campaign. mitt romney argues it is proof that fears about the economic recovery are real. the white house is clearly say that this gdp is evidence that the economy is growing. both can't be right, can they? well, as with man things economic, yes! there is truth to both sides. gdp was below estimates, the annual rate of 2.2% falling
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short of the 3% growth rate in the last quarter of 2011. this is very modest growth at best. much higher rates would be needed to bring the unemployment rate down at anything but a very slow speed. but even though business spending was much weaker than expected. if you dig deeper in the numbers, you realize that's because many manufacturers and other businesses had built up stockpiles in late 2011 so they didn't need to spend more at the beginning of the year. and consumer spending was quite strong, up 2.9% at an annual rate, stronger than the previous quarter. residential construction, also building. increasing 19%. another positive. plus, keep this in mind -- this was the first estimate for gdp that. means, don't read too much into it. it is always revised later on. a study by the fed shows that over the last 11 years, more than half of gberks dp mates
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were basically wrong and were revised by the third time around. it is often said that economists have three lands, on the one hand, on the other hand and on the other. you could say politicians gesture with whatever one best supports their campaign, even if it doesn't tell the whole story. that's the bottom line with all of these economic numbers. there is no doubt about that. shannon? >> shannon: all right. brenda buttner, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> shannon: it was the wedding seen around the world. it's been a year since prince william married kate middleton. we'll have a look at their first year of marriage, coming up next. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight.
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that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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>> i'm meteorologist maria molina from the fox extreme weather center with an update on severe weather today and tomorrow. yesterday we saw severe weather across the central plains into areas just south of the break. over 200 reports of -- over the great lakes. many hail and damaging wind gusts. wind gusts in excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour and that did cause damage just around the st. louis area and today once again st. louis you can see more severe weather and off towards the west across parts of eastern colorado and northeastern, new mexico, with large hail damaging wind gusts and yet again isolated
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tornadoes the main concerns. we had a report yesterday of a tornado across north central, texas. we already have showers and the thunderstorms across iowa and southern parts of missouri. we are also looking at a lot of moisture with the storms dumping a lot of her very rain between 2 to 3 inches of rain across parts of missouri sparking flash flooding. no watches or warnings in effect but we will keep you posted and updated throughout the next several hours. >> shannon: it is a big day for the duke and duchess of cambridge otherwise known and william and kate. exactly one year ago today they tied the knot. greg palkot has a look at their first year of marriage. >> april 29, 201 2011 the world world watched as kate married h her prince charming. the wedding was seen live by an
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estimated 2 billion worldwide and many have continued to watch the performance of catherine the duchess of cambridge. >> she is propelled into this world and she doesn't seem to have put a foot wrong for the whole year. >> countless magazine covers and cameras have captured prince william and his new bride in their new roles as royal ambassador. from the first trip to canada and america to kate's first public speaking enginement. >> royallers say they have regally fulfilled expectations. >> they managed to be friendly and informal to just the right digee as well as being digfy anified and traditional as they can be. >> his deployment brought further controversy. and kate's sister pippa brought unwanted attention when she
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attended a risque party in par rice. through it all the royal couple have stayed popular with the public and even gotten folks talking about a possible new member of the royal family. attention now turns to what happens next. the young couple will be on hand in the coming weeks to help william's grandmother, queen elizabeth mark 60 years on the throne. outside of buckingham palace, greg palkot, fox news. >> congress and i have certainly had our differences and i tried to be civil to not take any cheap shots. and that is why i want to especial bely thank all of the members -- especially thank all of the members who took a break from their exhausting schedule of not passing any laws to be here tonight. >> shannon: president obama and jimmy kimmel both big hits last
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night at the white house correspondents' dinner. what some call the nerd prom. more highlights from last night's show coming up this hour. we start with some political news. newt gingrich set to call it quits on wednesday. senior campaign sources come firm it will be wednesday not tuesday as had been previously reported. gingrich won the south carolina primary january 21 but was unable to build on the victory. he performed well in debates but stumbled at times with ideas some thought were a little offbeat including establishing a moon colony. now, the romney and obama campaigns are set to go head to head. steve centanni is here with the latest. hi, steve. >> pretty much a two-man race from now on. mitt romney not on the campaign trail today but his people are. one advisor ed gillespie hit the air waves and attacked
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president obama's economic policies. let's listen. >> what you have in a government centered economy like president obama has put forward are fewer jobs, stagnant incomes, higher prices for gas and electricity. what you would have under a president romney and progrowth economic agenda, more jobs, rising incomes and lower prices for gas and electricity. >> the president will be out today even though mitt romney is not on the campaign trail the president raising money for his campaign. he appears tonight in northern virginia along with former president bill clinton and clinton's long time fundraiser are terry mccauliff. >> this president wants to build on 25 consecutive months of private sector job growth, 4.1 million jobs and to really institute strong values of fairness and responsibility, build an economy that lasts, invest in our children and in
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their college education. >> so the stage is set about six months more of this until election day and certainly the economy is going to be number one on the list. >> absolutely will be. and six months may go by like that. >> it will. >> thank is, steve. rick perry may have dropped out of the race for 2012 but sounds like he has his eye on 2016. in an interthrough is dallas the texas governor said he is interested in running again. he went on to say if he does make another run for the white house he will get early the next time. perry endorsed romney earlier this week political observers are speculating that his comments say that he doesn't think that romney will upset obama in the election. a worker was kidnapped on his way home from work. the head of the charge committee of the red cross is calling the act barbaric and the red cross says it will not allow incidents to stop its
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humanitarian work in pakistan. united nations officials visiting syria today. the observers are touring an embattled neighborhood that has seen h heavy shelling between rebels and government troops. part of an advance team trying to salvage a peace plan aimed at ending the country's 13 month old crisis. >> security officials in egypt say one protester is dead and 30 others wounded after clashes broke out between demonstrators and unidentified assailants. they gathered to call for an end to military rule. the egypt parliament says it is suspending sessions for a week to protest the military failure to heed repeated calls for the dismissal of the current government. almost a year ago a a navy seal team took out osama bin laden.
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peter dooys has the latest on the war on terror. >> the war on terror didn't end with osama bin laden's life and we learned over the last decade al-qaeda has been degraded but that doesn't necessarily mean they have been totally destroyed and the presidents a chief counter terrorism advisor john brennan laid out the concerns this morning. >> we are working closely with the yemeni parties on a daily basis. al-qaeda demonstrated intent as well as ability to try to carry out attacks against our nation. >> such an attack by a lone wolf terrorist is something they want americans to be extra sage-about this week. they warned that the first anniversary of osama bin laden's death might be a day that terrorists could use to mark with destruct here in the u.s. >> all of the affiliates have this a affinity for these anniversaries. they will try to find where all of the pieces come together for
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them next week they will take it. might not, they are still patient, they will wait. >> brennan was crystal clear that he does not have any specific information about an attack. just something he wants everyone to be particularly wary of this week. >> shannon: now, another upon that they could possibly be using. word that iran is planning to use hackers to attack the u.s. through the internet. what would an attack like that mean for the u.s. in here is cyber security expert and former white house security officer teresa payton and author of the book protecting your internet identity. are you naked online? thank you for joining us today. the last thing that americans want to think is that our government or utilities, other options as well out there that they would be naked and open to terrorist attacks. what is the latest on concerns from iran? >> obviously a lot of times
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when we are talking about this we are talking about china and russia. but now we are talking about iran because iran has been very vocal and said they want to build, buy or partner cyber capabilities to be able to show that they are force to be reckoned with. >> it is not just going after eidentity theft or intellectual property but there are ways you can use a cyber attack to actually affect physical infrastructure. what are the worries there? >> you are right, sometimes it is identity theft. sometimes it is taking money out of the financial system. some of the other concerns out there are could you do something on a really hot day to the power grid which impacts air conditioning and utilities. could you do something to fuel supply, could you mess around with radar that is used for either military equipment or for the airlines for public and private travel. so those are the types of
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things that people have to pay attention to and plan for. >> shannon: and you and i have also had a conversation about the fact that some governments will often want to use ways that they can ma ti manipulatee internet to silence voices that are are speaking out. we saw in the social media and technology and use of the internet was a powerful way for people to get messages outside of the country. what about countries like iran and others trying to silence those who are dissidents there and maybe silence their ability to share? >> you're right. as a matter of fact, there have been discussions underway that iran wants to create their own national internet called the halal or second internet where they would effectively own all of the traffic coming in and out of the country and be able to monitor all those communications. the good news is and we talk about this in our book we actually have tools that nobody is completely anonymous but help put some layers around
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whether somebody is undercover in the military, intelligence or law enforcement or these dissidents to help protect them. obviously the concern is if iran builds its own internet the communication protocols used today to try and let their voices be heard are going to have to change and so that is one concern. could they effectively cut the people of iran from the outside world. >> shannon: how does the u.s., how do our own agencies keep up with these threats and the fact that technology morphs so quickly when we are trying to make sure that these kinds of things don't cross our borders at least in the world of technology to be able to reach to u.s. interests? >> right, i mean i think the good news is you are seeing things like last week where you had the testimony on the hill. we are talking about it openly obviously the private sector can be thinking about it and planning for it. the departments and agencies, this is research, there is focus.
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they are paying attention and doing their own tests as well. really sort of that preparation is going to really pay off in the long run. >> shannon: it is certainly a new frontline in the battle -- the war on terror. teresa payton, always great to see you. thank you so. >> thank you, shannon. >> shannon: nato says three service members died in the southern and eastern parts of afghanistan. officials say two of the soldiers were killed in separate bombings. the third died of nonbattle related injuries. officials haven't provided the nationalities or disclosed any other details that the point. israel is exploring the possibility of holding its elections early. an israeli official says the prime minister netanyahu plans to decide by next week whether or not to move up national elections. netanyahu and ac his allies are facing massive internal ily centeredresalisten teresa
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around the country budget. the area known as sunrise rock has been approved now. the park will relinquish one acre of land in exchange for five acres elsewhere in the nature preserve. the cross removed from the memorial will be restored. controversy that hit its peak when the case was brought before the u.s. supreme court. police in washington state found a man suspected of killing his wife and daughter dead inside a bunker. peter keller disappeared shortly after his family was found dead. police engaged in a 22 hour standoff with keller and eventually blew off the roof of his bunker. his body was found inside with a self-inflicted gun it is shot wound to the head. new developments in the search for a missing arizona girl. anna is live with the latest. >> reporter: some headway has been made in the search for for isabel celis.arch
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about 50 investigators and detectives and 40 assisting officers are working the search for the 6-year-old. police say the teams canvassed a three square mile area five separate times. acting on leads officers also checked local hospitals. law enforcement says after posting new surveillance video on the you tube channel, facebook and twitter pages 8 to 10 new leads began coming in each hour. at least one male has come forward identifying himself as being on the video that was taken about 1:30 in the morning the day isabel was reported missing. the video is from outside a nightclub. detectives want to ask if the men saw anything unusual. the five people are considered potential witnesses, not suspects. investigators are also searching for any video from a baseball game isabel's family attended the night before she went missing. authorities say the parents are fully cooperating with
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investigators but are not ruling them out as suspects. because of tucson's short distance from the mexican border u.s. marshall as are circulating a picture of the first grader in mexico and working with authorities there who are are checking hotels, bus terminals and other businesses. tonight at 1030 teem there is a benefit concert for isabel called voices of hope and will be held in scottsdale. police are hoping a new $50,000 reward will lead to new information. >> shannon: we certainly will as well. anna, thank you very much. president obama got a lot of laughs at the white house correspondents' dinner last night but the party wasn't all jokes. mr. obama did take time to remember fallen journalists and also to thank the press corps for its work this year. >> i never forget that our country depends on you. you help protect our freedom, our democracy and our way of life.
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>> shannon: but most of the evening was light hearted. it was a tossup for most laughs between the president and the headlining comedian jimmy kimmel. the president gave his remarks first and wasted no time taking a jab at kimmel. >> our chapperone for the evening is jimmiy kimmel who is perfect for the job since most of tonight's audience is in his key demo graphic people who fall asleep during nightline. >> mr. president, you remember when the country rallied around you in hopes of a better tomorrow? that was hilarious. >> shannon: the joking was is all in good fun. kimmel even high fived the president at the end of his set. we will show you more throughout the show and as we do we want to know. you you have seen the clips. did he deliver. in who was funnier, the president or jimmy kimmel. tweet us your answers and we will read some of your responses later this honor. a cross honoring war veterans has been displayed in
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a rhode island town for more than 90 years. now, an atheist group says it has to go. up next, a fair and balanced debate for both sides. and the youth vote, president obama swept that demographic in 2008. can he do it again or will mitt romney appeal to them? we'll break it down right after this break. at regions, we're committed to helping small businesses find new ways to optimize their cash flow. so, stop in and ask for a regions cashcor analysis and see how easy it is to get your cash flow (whistles) heading in the right direction. let's talk.
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[ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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>> shannon: mitt romney's campaign claims that president obama's auto bailout was actually romney's idea. yesterday senior advisor said romney floated the idea behind the bailout in an op ed piece that appeared four years ago. >> his position was on the bailout what exactly what president obama followed. i know it in furiates them to here that but mitt romney was an op ed for the new york times in november of 2008 when george bush was still president. he said if you want to save the auto industry don't just write them steps. what they need to do is go through the bankruptcy process. >> shannon: about 54% of those with college degrees under the age of 25 were jobless or underemployed last year. how could that factor into the ability of either mitt romney or the president's efforts to capture the youth vote this
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fall? joining us to talk about it, the chair of the college republican national committee and rod snyder, president of the young democrats of america. welcome to you both. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> shannon: both candidates have had a big focus on college students. the president primarily this week talking about student loans and both sides agree there needs to be an extension of cut rates for student loans but the two sides do not agree on how to get that done. the house has passed something but now the president said before it was even passed there is no way, he is going to veto if it gets to his desk. how much are they playing politics with the voting seth? >> it as serious issue. on july first it is thousands of dollars for students. the president said this is a top priority for this administration. mitt romney originally epidoesed the ryan budget which called for the automatic doubling so then about a week ago he changed his position and saided that he was going to stand for the rate remaining where it is.
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i think the difference here is that democrats consist lydependentlconsistent stood on the side of students. at this point republicans are saying they will pay for it out of the healthcare fund which is healthcare for women and children. we would like to make sure that corporations have tax loopholes closed. i think that is the difference between the two parties that the point. >> if you want to talk about budgets. we have senate democrats have not passed a budget three years as of today. over a thousand days. the president's is budget got over 400 no votes in the house. not a single yes vote. but as we talk about student loans the president traveled on the taxpayers times to swing states, north carolina, colorado, saying how important it was to pass student loan reform and they did pass it and president said he is going to veto it. he missed two votes on the same issue in 2007. when republicans have come forward and said we do have a plan, an option to keep
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interest rates low at 3.4 president said he is going to veto that. >> shannon: it is all about how to pay for it. we we see recent graduates talking about being underemployed or unemployed and having a tough time, rod, where do we go with that? young people if they come out of college they have to have some where to go to work. who has a better plan of making sure that happens? >> what we have seen in the last three years and in particular in the last year unemployment in the united states is actually going down and even amongst young people a 3% drop in unemployment under president barack obama. 1.9 million new jobs create in 2012 and 25 straight months of private sector job growth. head on the right track. i think young people it is resonating. a gallup poll came out on friday showing that barack obama leads mitt romney by 35 points which is even larger
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than the margin with which he beat john mccain. votersnd the age of 30. so within that seth. young people are taking a look at the two candidates right now and seeing a clear distinction and they see that barack obama is going out and fighting for them for jobs and affordable education. mitt romney's plan is a, he told a student to shop around and told a student that just you need to borrow money from your parents. is not a plan. that is a copout answer and i think young people see the difference. >> shannon: alex, how does he close that gap. the president did sweep this group in 2008. does mitt romney have any shot in connecting with them? >> this election is about jobs. jobs and the economy. unfortunately, unemployment has gone up since the president took over after we passed the stimulus. half of my generation isn't going to get up and go to a job tomorrow morning. 16% unemployment in youth in this country. young people are sitting here are three and a half years later, they can't find jobs and they can't pay their bills.
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the whole reason we are having the conversation about student loans is young people are graduating college without a job and can't pay their bills and moving home with mom and dad. governor romney is saying look we have a plan to get the economy back on track and you can get a job and get out of your parent's basement. >> shannon: when the exit polls come out this fall we will take a look and see if there was any change with this group and see who resonated. thank you both. >> absolutely. >> shannon: one year ago people were glued to their televisions watching the first couple walk down the aisle. will and kate are celebrating the day in quiet. later they will celebrate the queen's diamond jubilee, 60 years on the throne. a yacht race takes a tragic turn. the latest on that coming up next. in the wake of a prostitution scandal the secret
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forty-five states have joined together... ensure consistent academic standards across america. these internationally recognized benchmarks... ...are unlocking a better way to prepare our children for college and their careers. because when our kids do better... ...america does better. let's reach higher. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. >> shannon: president obama's counter terrorism chief says al-qaeda may be weaker but the terrorist organization is still very much a threat. it is the bottom of the hour. peter is standing by with your top stories. hi, pete. it has been nearly one year since the raid that killed osama bin laden and this morning on "fox news sunday" john brennan said al-qaeda has
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been damaged but not detroyed and he went on to say its offshoots such as al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula pose a a serious threat. authorities say a survivorrist could have holed up for a long time but police found peter keller dead from a self-inflicted gun shot wound when they went in blowing the top off his bunker. he was wanted in the deaths of his wife and daughter. race organizers say it appears a yacht collided with a smaller vessel off the coasts of california and mexico yesterday. three of the crew members were killed and one remains missing. the coast guard is searching for the missing crew member right now. last night, jimmy kimmel headlined washington's nerd prom otherwise known as the white house correspondents' dinner. it is a chance for politicians to rub elbows with celebrities
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george cleanly and cherise theron. >> you guys make a cute couple. >> well, i also saw steven spielberg up at the front and i was going to offer my services if they ever want to do like an indiana jones like if indiana becomes a reporter. but i didn't have a chance. >> shannon: you could be a secret agent or something like that. i would like to show a picture of my favorite celebrity that i saw last night. charles krauthammer in the house. was a good night and fun was had by all and now i understand kate will not stop calling you but that is the burden you bear. >> that is not true. >> shannon: thank you, pete. the secret service a responding to the scandal by issues new rules for its agents. foreign nationals excluding hotel staff and counter parts
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are prohibited in your room. patronization of nonreputable establishments is probib hitted. are the rules enough. a ranking member of the senate judiciary committee joins us on the phone. thank you for your time. >> always glad to be with you. thank you for the opportunity. >> shannon: i know you put in a specific request with the white house you wanted to know whether there were any white house staff or personnel involved in the situation and they say they conducted their own internal review. did you get a response from them? >> i sent a very explicit letter after i asked for the request asking 14 questions. no answers. we followed up with phone calls and e-mails to the white house. in the meantime because we asked for it to be done thursday. when it wasn't done thursday so then we made telephone and e-mail contacts with the white house. absolutely no response. >> shannon: the white house says its counsel has done its
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own investigation and found there was no white house involvement in the scandal. why is that not good enough for you. >> maybe it is good enough for us but they ought to make it public and make it possible for us to make that judgment of whether it is thorough. i don't have any reason to believe it wasn't a thorough investigation or any reason to believe that maybe the conclusions are not right but this is a president that said he was going to be the most transparent in the history of our country. i think we should see the reports and talk to the people who made it so we can make the same judgment they did. also i always think that it is important to have what we call an inspector general involved in these investigations and something this important ought to have the independence of an inspector general because we are talking about national security and we are talk youing about the protection for the president. >> shannon: there are multiple investigations going on including one by the military because there were military
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members who were accused in the whole process. so you would like to see an investigation in addition to that. are you satisfied with what we know so far about how these investigations are proceeding? >> what i have seen what the firing and the disciplining of people it gives me good indication that they are headed in the right direction. because if heads don't roll obviously nothing is going to change. here again i get back to the fact that the secret service can investigate, the department of defense can investigate but we have got an inspector general of homeland security they out to be doing their own independent of the secret service and in the defense department that inspector general out to be doing an in depen debt because the in dehe pendent is the key word. inspectors general are independent people and then you know you have got all the facts
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out. >> shannon: let us know if you hear back from the white house. we will keep an eye on the other pending investigations as well, sir. thank you for your time. >> you bet. goodbye. >> shannon: police in pennsylvania got a lot more when they bargained for when they went to check out a complaint about a noisy party. authorities were checking for underage drinkers when they found chemicals they thought were being used for a meth lab but now they think the materials may have been meant for bomb making. police there will continue to investigate. an arkansas man is suing the state lottery commission and its ticket distributor after finding an unusual small pin patriotic on a scratch off game. he claims that helps retailers identify winning tickets. they acknowledged the tickets were tampered with when reported his concerns. >> how can you continue to let a business operate with the tickets knowing there is a discrepancy and they are are defective. >> the lottery commission placed the issue in the hands
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of the little rock police department. here in the nation's capital dc food trucks are a great way to get quality food for a great price on the go. a concept that spread across the country since the economy took a turn. in los angeles pop-up restaurants the latest craze to drum up profit without making a big commitment. casey stegall live in los angeles with more. hi, casey. >> hi, shannon. a winning combination not having to make a big commitment and make a profit. opening a restaurant can be an extremely risky venture that can cost upwards of half a million dollars which is why many chefs are opting for a more temporary fix and for some it is translating into big business. for master chef ludo, owning his own restaurant isn't the winning recipe for his success. >> i think it is more about freedom. i can do what i want. >> he heads up the popular restaurant with no per are
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manent home but plenty of reservations. >> i think he is the first person and the only person of his true caliber and training that has chosen it as a full-time business model. >> pop-up restaurants are temporary eateries that set up shop for ratu days, weeks or months in spaces not their own. >> he just wants the food to be good and it doesn't matter where we are. >> it takes the pressure off the niceties. this is your chance to experience great food in a casual setting. >> it is also the perfect opportunity for aspiring chefs who one day want their own permanent space. >> they can show their talent and they can gain a following and what you need is a chef these days to open a restaurant at all is a following. >> which is exactly the plan for the two chefs at a wolf in sheep's clothing. a seven month pop-up inside a now defunct italian restaurant. >> for almost every chef that i know a brick and mortar is
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usually the ultimate goal. >> pop-up restaurants can also save a lot of money when it comes to advertising because they rely heavily on social media, foody blogs and word of mouth to create buzz. >> a great concept. chick-fil-a announced they are are having a truck here in d.c. and we are like stalkers chasing it around all the time. >> i love the food trucks. >> i know. >> casey, thank you. >> shannon: a rhode island town is fighting to save a memorial dedicated to veterans but does the memorial violate the separation of church and state? we have the key players in this debate facing off in a fair and balanced debate, next. c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i g heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilos isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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[ ma announcer ] four seats, 4-wheel drive, fully independent suspension. the gator xuv 550 s4. owthe off-road. you get a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. no! but, i'm about to change that. ♪ every little baby wants 50% more cash... ♪ phhht! fine, you try. [ strings breaking, wood splintering ]
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ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet? ♪ what's in your...your... my new apartment isn't that far away. it's 4.2 miles away ! with this droid razr... motorola... verizon 4g lte... video... skype. you're gonna get lost. this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. okay. this mother's day, get the droid razr by motorola. only $99.99. the lowest price ever. verizon.
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>> shannon: this a fox news alert. we are just getting some information crossing the wires about a van accident in new york. this is what we are hearing is that seven people were killed after a van actually plummeted over an overpass into the bronx zoo. is coming from ooh local news website in the new york region. again, a van apparently went off an overpass and into the bronx zoo. seven people reported dead. as soon as we get more information about that we will bring that to you and keep you updated with details. >> i think if they want to move they should come down here and move it themself. if there is one person that is complaining about it i'm
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standing here and i'm one supporting it.survivors you >> that was tom poole speaking out to support the memorial in rhode island. joining us to talk about it further is woonsocket mayor and annie guy elector copresident of the freedom from religion foundation organization. welcome to you both. >> thank. >> hello. >> ms. gaylor this display does include a cross and it has been there for 91 years. why now is there outrage for it being there and why now the call for it to be removed? >> i don't think there is outrage. what we are doing is educating the town of woonsocket what they have is something that is unconstitutional and exclusionary of nonchristians and sends a message that
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christians are insiders and if you are jewish or atheists, forget about it. this should go on private property and there are already vet organizations that say they have room for the memorial. if there is going to be anything on public property whether it is to honor veterans or any one else it should not send a message that the town is a theocracy and you are expected to be christian and we favor are christianity. all we are asking for is that this be placed some place else and we have also taken this complaint on behalf of a citizen taxpayer resident of woonsocket who has to drive past this every day and is very offended, is not a christian and feels this is wrong and knows the law is on our side. >> shannon: let's bring in the mayor here. is that a viable solution to move this to private property? what is your position on this particular display? >> well, clearly this monument has been there for almost 100 years as you mentioned.
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it was dedicated initially to a soldier william jollicker who gave his life and never made it home. he is buried in france under a similar cross and this monument was never elected as a religious symbol. it was dedicated to him and rededicated to three brothers that died in world war ii. this is the way the community at the time chose to pay tribute to the soldiers and i don't see where we should be taking it down at this point for any reason. we need to continue to pay tribute to our soldiers and i have spoken with members of the family that really are hurt by this and i think it is really incumbent upon us as a commune detroit try to defend their honor and the integrity of this monument. it is not there as a christian symbol. it is there as an honor to them and replicates the -- >> but it is a christian symbol. >> shannon: let me ask the mayor quickly how do you
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respond to mrs. gaylor sharing the story about somebody who drives by it every day who is a taxpayer there and is offend. >> it has been there for 100 years without any complaint. i think the supreme court has ruled down in texas where christian symbols that evoke other than that are -- have been allowed and have been ruled constitutional. a latin cross can evoke not only a christian symbol -- excuse me, if i could finish my point. the cross has been shown to evoke than just a christian symbol. it is a symbol of honor for our soldiers. >> not legally. >> and as was ruled in the cases i just mentioned. >> you are missing the point. >> as was ruled in the two cases. ma'am, i wish i could just finish. >> shannon: let me give ms. gaylor a chance to jump in here because obviously she has
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objections to what you are saying. >> the mayor nos the facts. there is no court decision by any court in the united states that says that any public official may permanently erect a christian cross on public property and the other case that he mentioned the land was divested. there is not a cross on public property in the salazar case. so we have given the mayor the -- all the court precedent. courts have ruled over and over again that the latin cross which is what people wear across their necks which is on every christian steeple stands as the symbol of christianity and sends an imper missable endorsement by government if it is allowed on public property. it is not' loued on public property. the la you is with us and i water reelection is not with the freedom from religion
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foundation but it is with our secular government. >> shannon: we have to wrap this up. i know that ms. gaylor you are hoping this will about he resolved without some kind of court battle. mayor i know there has a group that has specialized in this that says they will h help you legally in representation if this goes to court. do you intent to go to court if the mayor will not take this down? >> i hope we will. we have seen the example in rhode island recently of taxpayer money wasted for no reason to defend something unconstitutional in public schools. let's not do this again. >> shannon: will you take that down short of a court battle or are you prepared to fight to keep it? >> we have been approached by number of groups that have offered to support us. we see the outpouring of support of so many people that have come forward in defense of this. people who have seen the cross for 00 years have recognized
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its kick sue larenta content. >> it isn't secular. >> if i could just finish. >> shannon: we will watch to see if it develops into a legal fight and have you back if that happens. we hope you can find some peaceful resolution. you both for coming on. >> i hope so, too. thank you very much. >> shannon: newt gingrich getting ready to make a big announcement about his cam page. plus, he is one of the best athletes in the world but you may not have heard of him. we will tell you about the award the fencing star just brought home to the u.s.
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>> shannon: senior campaign sources say presidential hopeful newt gingrich is calling it quits. he is expected to formally announce he will drop out of the race on wednesday. the former house speaker may endorse presumptive nominee mitt romney. a violent grenade attack in a christian church in kenya has left one person dead and 15 others wounded. the incident occurred on the heels of a u.s. embacy warn an attack could be imminent on u.s. government buildings. 20 years ago today riots broke out in the streets of los angeles spurred by
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acquittal of four police officers who beat rodney king. 55 people died during the riots and it all caused about a billion dollars in damage. looks like more is storms expected later today in the south. maria is at the fox weather center with more. hi, maria. >> hi, shannon, good to see you. unfortunately we are expecting more severe weather today around area that got hit yesterday. the plains, texas panhandle, oklahoma panhandle, across the city of st. louis we could be seeing thunderstorms that could produce large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. keep this in mind. we already had one line of storms move through portions of missouri producing flash flooding. right now no watches or warnings in effect but we will continue to get the sunshine and the storms will keep firing up and shannon as we head into tomorrow we could be seeing another round of more severe weather around many of these areas. >> shannon: thank you very much. he has the sports world
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enguard. he has made history and brought home a huge new honor to the united states. rick introduces us to benon. >> the target is everything from the top of the head to the tips of your toes. the whole body. and there is a double. >> ben is an unlikely champion of an unlikely sport. a standout member of the u.s. fencing team that just won america's first gold medal. he is the first african american and youngest american ever to win a team gold. >> it as great feeling to be at the forefront of something hike that and i think it is a great symbol of progression of how far we have come that someone like me can break in and race wouldn't impede my success. >> he picked up his first southern division when was ten years old, part of a program bringing the unique sport to upper city kids. >> you were never bullied because you were a fence. when you have a sword it is hard to be bullied. i never had trouble in that
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regard. >> what a thrilling finish there. >> ben's hard work and skill earned him school and college scholarships, his gold medal and maybe in four years a trip to the olympics. >> you don't look at all scared about fencing me. >> i'm not. >> ben agreed to give me a shot at the title. well, at least a chance to score a point or two. >> ready? set. >> you airport got nothing, man. >> in real competitions, ben is often the only african american. he says it adds pressure and makes him a target but also pushes him to excel, earning comparisons to ground breakers like jackie robinson, arthur ashe and tiger woods. >> at the end of the day if i'm compared to those great african american pioneers for the sport that is fine but i still have too much work to do to kind of get caught up in that. >> it is too soon? >> way too soon. >> ben coaches kids during the day and is looking for sponsors to help him stay on top.
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in new york, fox news. >> shannon: just moments ago we told you about a van crash in new york into the bronx zoo. several reported dead. brand new information on that right after the break. plus, is senator scott brown scored big with a group of students in massachusetts. we'll show you what he did. also we have been asking you who was funnier at the white house dinner last night, president obama or jimmy kimmel. your answers, after the break.
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nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. doeshere's what you can the finaexpect from regions.ds? a bank that provides you with real business expertise. check. a professional optimization of your cash flow with a regions cashcor analysis. check. cash management solutions and the smart lending options you need to grow your business. check. plus, it all comes with award-winning service to help you achieve more balance. interested? let's talk. looking good. (bike bell) >> shannon: more for you now on
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the breaking news we are are following out of new york. seven people dead after a van plummeted 50 to 60 feet we are told off of an overpass and into the bronx zoo. according to a fire department spokesman, three of the dead are children, all of the victims were apparently inside the vehicle. anna is out on the story and going to bring you the latest developments all throughout the day today. republican senator from massachusetts scott brown scored major points when made an impressive shot from well we hind the three-point line. check this out. he was visiting the middle school in falls river for a friendly game of basketball. quite the adoring crowd there. we love hearing from you at home. we asked you today who did you think was funnier at last night's white house correspondents' dinner. and jordan says obama is
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definitely the man but jimmy made a good run, too. peter rice, i didn't find one thing funny about it. and tony said this, in the grand scheme of things who really cares who was funnier. we love your view points and opinions so thank you very much for sharing. that is it for us here in washington. "fox news sunday" is next. chris wallace talks to john brennan about the anniversary of osama bin laden's death. also on the show, joel and victoria osteen share their message of hope. thanks for watching fox where are more news is always on the captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> chris: i'm chris wallace. is america safer one year after the raid that took down bin laden?
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