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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 2, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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heather, have a great day. everybody have a great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. >> good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, may 2nd. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen this morning. fox news alert. president obama is on his way back from a surprise trip to afghanistan after inking a deal with the afghans to end the war, can we trust them to uphold their end of the bargain? >> we are billions of dollars to china, you know that. now they want something from us. they want an apology. wait until you hear this one. >> better not be coming. she's no all american girl. actress cameron diaz and this is the big story. you, too, have the other story. saying so long to the stars and stripes when it comes to picking a man and hello to this? "fox & friends" starts now.
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>> a look at whether this latest afact could jeopardize stability in the region and is the taliban trying to send us a message again? >> good morning. the taliban launched today's attack and said it was in response to president obama's visit here to afghanistan and that signing of the agreement between the united states and afghanistan that happened just about two hours after president obama's plane left afghanistan. security was tight here all
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night as president obama arrived here but the attack this morning killed seven people including six afghan civilians, a child and one nepalese guard and happened a mile or so away from the u.s. military headquarters in an area called the green village, large security compound home to u.n. workers and other international workers that are employed here in kabul. it is supposed to be a secure area but the taliban have shown resilience and ability to attack at various places here in kabul even though the afghan security forces are supposed to be in charge of responsibility, security responsibility here, the taliban are proving to be a very resilient fighting force here in kabul. now, president obama was here in kabul last night signing that long term strategic agreement with afghanistan and it's essentially an agreement to have a longer agreement. it says the united states will provide financial and military aid and this is what president obama had to say in an address to the united states after
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signing that agreement. >> we devastated al-qaida's leadership taking out over 20 of their top 30 leaders. and one year ago from base here in afghanistan, our troops launched the operation that killed usama bin laden. the goal that i set to defeat al-qaida and deny it a chance to rebuild is now within our reach. >> now, president obama and the agreement the united states have signed with afghanistan essentially says that the combat operations will end here in 2014 and that the u.s. will provide military and financial support until 2014 but u.s. combat operations will end here within the next 18 months here and that's an important point that president obama and the white house are trying to make is this war is wrapping up here. may take a few more months but the end of the war is in sight. guys? >> connor powell, thanks so much. always in the middle of all the action. >> the big question is i thought that came out of the 11 minute address yesterday is when the president said, you know, al-qaida is the reason we went
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in. the taliban are not our enemy. when documents now arrived at the taliban and al-qaida have never been close enough, a true partnership. i don't know how you slice up that enemy and the taliban, by the way, are the ones who killed those seven people and perpetrated that homicide bomb. >> yeah, and also talked a little bit last night about how, you know, we're in talks with the -- you know, we're trying to bring the taliban in and then we heard news a couple of days ago that apparently ayman al-zawahiri, omar who effectively ran the taliban for many years. >> with one eye. >> with one eye. plus usama bin laden, they were all in communications so it sounds like al-qaida effectively would still be at the table. however, the president made it very clear last night that we're going to talk to them but they've got to cut their ties, the taliban does to al-qaida. >> yeah, this whole plan was short on details in terms of funding and troop levels and what it means to be working somehow in tandem with the
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taliban. karl rove was on hannity last night and he talked about whether or not the taliban is the right group to partner with. >> i listened carefully to the president's speech now. there were five big points and a couple of them were in conflict. the president said the afghans are going to be in charge of fighting the taliban next year, by next year. well, i hope so. but the second problem is he said we're going to withdraw u.s. troops so they won't be in combat roles. we'll have a responsible end. we need to keep the flexibility that if the afghans are not able to take on everything next year, that we have combat presence there and i'm deeply worried and i talked to people who are involved in the theater who are deeply concerned that we're withdrawing too many people too quickly and the security games in the southwest are going to be jeopardized and we're not going to be able to do the same kind of efforts in the east against the taliban and the al-qaida and the president himself acknowledged the taliban are brutal allies of the al-qaida. he talked about long term cooperation but very vague about it and frankly, the president
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bolocks the long term agreement with the iraqis, shouldn't give us great confidence and then negotiating with the taliban. we're negotiating with people who -- who brought usama bin laden in? and what reason do they have to negotiate with him? the president said we're out of here. >> yeah. lot of troubling questions that karl rove poses and no one has answers for all of that yet. but obviously, yesterday, was a start to some new chapter. >> so hillary clinton is going on a journey around the world, two day stop in china. man, is she coming in at an opportune time for us and a time that we need the top diplomat on the road. as you know, we have just found out the news that this blind activist, chen, was -- has left the u.s. embassy and is now being hospitalized and was
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assured by his lawyer that he would be a free man. remember, it was five or six days ago when he left somehow house arrest, got out. got to the u.s. embassy where he's been safe for the last six days. >> right. >> china is mad about this entire operation. >> they are because they had plainclothes thugs outside of his house for a very long time trying to keep him under house arrest. what this self-taught lawyer, he was opposed to china's one child policy and if he had more than one child, they forced you to have an abortion. he did not like that, obviously and trying to make it a human rights issue and did just that. so the chinese really didn't want him suddenly popping up when hillary clinton came to town. well, he knew she was coming. and he made a run for it and wound up at the embassy and now the chinese want us to apologize because he sought asylum with us. >> right. for harboring him, they are demanding not -- an apology from the u.s. they said 20 months of house
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arrest. his wife's whereabouts are unknown. she was escorted out of her house by the chinese officials. >> i think they'll take her to the hospital. >> that's what everybody is hoping. you don't know what's going to happen with his family members who he has been separated from during this brief time so it's questionable what's happening still with his family and with him at home but -- >> and his 6-year-old daughter. >> right. >> but it doesn't seem as though any apology from the u.s. is impending. >> why do we have to apologize? i mean, this guy was making a -- >> clearly it's not the united states over there but the guy is making a case. he knocks on our door and says can i come in because they'd probably like to kill me. >> we said sure, come on in. now we have to apologize to china. doesn't that seem kind of odd? >> about a year ago when hillary clinton brought out over in honolulu this very case and called for humanitarian effort on his part to let this person speak his mind and now she has a chance to do that face to face. you know, this will probably -- she said over and over again, this will be the last year. she's empowered, i believe, by
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the president who said humanitarian causes always come up when we meet one on one with china. this might be an opportune time to not only apologize but say we did the right thing and say we're concerned about his family's welfare and his own welfare after we leave. >> it's probably the biggest human rights issue to come to the world stage since that guy stood in front of the tank at tiananmen square. i mean, this is very, very visible. and i don't think we're going to apologize. >> right, we'll see what happens if there is a meeting like that. let's stick to the headlines. this afternoon, newt gingrich will officially call it quits in his bid for president. he released this video urging his supporters not to give up their cause. hinting at asking them to support mitt romney. >> the re-election of barack obama will be a genuine disaster and all of us have an obligation, i think, to do everything we can to defeat barack obama. >> we've also learned romney campaign now offering to connect gingrich with their network of donors to help pay down his
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campaign debt. more mayday mayhem rocking the country overnight. this video is just in from seattle where protesters dressed in all black, ran through the streets and used sticks to smash windows at stores and banks? this whole thing causing the city's mayor mike mcginn to make an emergency declaration allowing police to confiscate any item that could be used as a weapon. other cities like new york, portland and oregon dealing with chaotic protests overnight. dozens of people were arrested. millions of dollars in damages were expected. and a group of anarchists were arrested for plotting to blow up a bridge in high eye and they had two other targets. authorities say the five men wanted to attack the upcoming nato summit in chicago and this summer's national republican convention in florida. the men planted what they thought were c-4 explosives at the base of the bridge in cleveland but they were busted
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because they were working with an f.b.i. informant, thank goodness. cameron diaz dissing american men? it's true. >> not polite enough for her. >> actress telling harper's bazaar she prefers englishman like this one. diaz says "i love their sense of humor and sense of chivalry." shag me. "it's something that's inately part of the culture." that's not a bad word. it's part of the culture. we don't have that over here. it's not the same in america. of course, cameron did not seem to mind american men while dating justin timberlake or yankees star a-rod. maybe she should have made her way through the american options. >> who's left? >> i hope she finds happiness. that's all i think about. >> all right. >> hold on a second, i would like to dispute the fact that
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she says that american men are not chivalrous. i think we're very chivalrous. >> oh? >> we have a lot -- >> i remember a couple of years ago, you opened the door for somebody. >> yeah. >> wait a minute, notice right there there's a little puddle. >> wow. >> there you go. >> thanks. >> you want to step over it? >> thanks so much. >> the shag carpet is a little damp. >> my lady. >> that's really sweet of you. >> thank you. >> i stand corrected. >> women can't navigate themselves over a puddle in your world. >> i can't but you are a gentleman and a scholar. thank you. >> it worked! >> all right. 12 minutes after the hour. up next, continuing coverage of the developing news out of afghanistan. the president saying the war over there is essentially over for the next guest that's been on the front lines. former navy seal and best selling author says we're seriously missing the mark in the war on terror. >> plus a lesson on chaos. college offering credit for students who protest bringing down legitimate businesses. you won't believe this one as we roll on live from new york city.
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>> all right. the president is on his way home now after a surprise trip to afghanistan yesterday. he went there to sign an agreement to pledge support for the war torn country. >> the agreement we sign today sends a clear message to the afghan people. as you stand up, you will not stand alone. it establishes the basis for our cooperation over the next decade including shared commitments to combat terrorism and strengthen democratic institutions. >> our next guest says we should only concern ourselves with fighting al-qaida and leave everything else to the afghan people. lieutenant commander eric
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greiten is a former navy seal and author of this best selling book now available on paperback. what problem do you have with our strategy today? >> i think one of the things that we have to do in afghanistan, brian is to focus on the counterterrorism operation which means that we need to preserve an independent american ability to conduct operations against al-qaida. the afghan national security forces will not have the ability to take this fight to al-qaida in the way that we have to to make sure that americans stay safe. >> they say there's a small number of al-qaida mostly located in pakistan and they come across the border or whatever. these afghan forces have to defend themselves against the taliban. what role do we have in getting them ready for that? >> so we have committed ourselves to continue to provide support and training to the afghan national security forces until 2014 and i think what you'll see coming out of chicago is a longer term financial -- >> nato conference. >> with the nato conference but what i think we have to do, brian, is make sure that we're
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only investing in effective forces. afghanistan was recently ranked as the third most corrupt country in the world. if we're going to continue to invest in those forces, we have to make sure that they're actually effective partners in the counterterrorism campaign to keep americans safe. >> so you believe the 300,000 member security force team from cops to army, you believe that they're still not ready for primetime and cannot act alone and we should wait for things to develop on the ground before we make overarching policy. >> every military analyst has said that the afghan national security forces are not capable of independent action at this time. so our timeline should be driven by the success of our mission. when we feel like we're in a place that we can actually make sure that this al-qaida counterterrorism campaign is effective, that's the timing when we should be able to pull back. >> past 2014, how many -- what kind of troops and how many should still be on the ground to assist in that? >> when after 2014, we should
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have intelligence personnel. first of all, first line of defense, intelligence. make sure we've got good human intelligence, good signals intelligence. have to have a long term plan there. second, you want to have your special operations forces who are capable of conducting independent strikes and working with some embedded afghani forces but the focus again should be on that counterterrorism operation of defeating al-qaida. >> this is a bestseller now out on paperback. thanks so much for coming in. loved your insight. >> thank you. >> a student claims she was punished for staying silent during the pledge of allegiance. now her mom is suing. school officials say wait a second, their side of the story is coming your way. and take a look at what almost got through security at one of the nation's busiest airports. land mines. who brought them? well, just say they definitely should have known better. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day
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>> quick headlines for you. here's one story for you for the what -- oh, yeah. what were you thinking category? a defense department employee stopped at newark airport yesterday for having land mines in her luggage. roxanne hatcher says she was going to use them in a special forces training exercise in california. so she took them on the airplane. she didn't get on the airplane. speaking of airports, new york's laguardia has been named the worst airport in the united states of america. based on lost baggage, check-in lines and security. the best airport, according to "travel & leisure" magazine is
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minneapolis. all right, ali. over to you. >> let's all fly there. listen to this story, a middle school student in pennsylvania stirring up a lot of controversy by refusing to recite the pledge of allegiance in class. the girl, just 13 years old, says she is now being punished for remaining silent instead of praising the stars and stripes and it looks like she has the aclu on her side. joining us to discuss this is the representative for the brownsville area school district that is just south of pittsburgh lawyer jim davis is here. mr. davis, thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you. good morning. >> so the girl's story is this -- that she refused to say the pledge and some administrators at the school gave her detention and wrote her up for in school suspension. she says that her rights were trampled on. did the school make a mistake in how they dealt with her? >> you know, i don't want to say that the school made a mistake. i think what had happened initially, the instructor involved probably saw this as a
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disciplinary issue. by the time it got to me as the school solicitor, the attorney and i was able to let the district know and inform them as to what the applicable law was, i think we moved quickly to resolve the matter. to not implement any discipline and to permit the student as is her constitutional right to sit during the pledge of allegiance. >> yeah, i mean -- let me just stop you there. not everyone is happy with your decision not to move forward, frankly, with any discipline in this case because some people in your district say what message does that send to other students about respecting our country? >> well, the problem -- and i don't know that it's a problem. i think, you know, we have to take constitutional issues very seriously. we are a public body. we don't have to like the supreme court's interpretation. we don't have to agree with their decisions. but as a public body, we are
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duty bound to implement and follow the decisions of the supreme court. and in this case, the supreme court of the united states has entered decisions and found that a student has the right to sit and not stand for the pledge of allegiance. >> and that supreme court decision that you're referring to, we have a little excerpt of it. this is from 1943, in which the justices decided if there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by their word or acts their faith therein meaning she doesn't have to stand for the pledge of allegiance. so does that mean that now her lawsuit goes away as you understand it? >> well, i don't want to comment specifically on her lawsuit. i can't say whether it goes away. that's really a question that you would have to ask her council.
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-- counsel. we, as far as the district is concerned, we want to move as expeditiously as possible to resolve the lawsuit. we want to do that. we think it's in the interest of our taxpayers and in the interest of our school to do that and we're going to work diligently in that direction. as far as the -- the claims that have been made, i can't comment specifically but i can say that the district will not implement discipline. again, it gets back to the point that i had made earlier, you don't have to like or agree with the decision of the supreme court but you've got to abide by it. we are a school district. >> got it. jim davis, you are from the brownsville area school district. we thank you for coming in and explaining this to us. by the way, we reached out to the aclu for comment. they did not respond in time for this segment. meanwhile, if you left your job today, would your boss write you a check for your unused sick pay? probably not. unless, of course, you worked
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for the government. how much taxpayers are shelling out for that? plus -- college offering credit for students who protest businesses specifically ones that the teacher does not like. before that, let's say happy birthday to larry gatlin and the singer is 64 years old today. time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft.
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>> got an e-mail from somebody wanting to know how far i carried ali off the set. >> all the way to another zip code. >> about three feet. just out of camera range. that was it. >> then he was like ow, my back hurts. how heavy are you? >> i can use half a dozen advil right now. >> that's where stuart varney was rubbing you down there. that's because you were sore. >> that was unnecessary. >> stuart varney. >> stu is standing off camera. >> stuart varney just learned that he has a shot at cameron diaz. >> she prefers brits. >> he's elated. he's in the clouds right now. >> all right. stand by. >> happy diaz. >> get to your headlines right now. we're getting a closer look at that deadly duck boat crash in philadelphia. this video is disturbing and you may remember this. that back in 2010, the boat --
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oh, my gosh! was packed with nearly 40 people and it was run over, as you can see, by a giant barge, now this new video shows one crew member jumps for his life before impact. two tourists were killed that day in that crash. attorneys for their families releasing the video as they prepare to argue a wrongful death lawsuit. the tugboat pilot directing the barge has been sentenced to a year in prison. he says he was distracted by his cell phone. >> pay attention, people. meanwhile, today, we could learn why british police are reopening the madeleine mccann case. that's because her parents will speak out ahead of the fifth anniversary of her disappearance. last week, scotland yard released an image of what she, madaline, might look like today at age 9. authorities believe she is alive. she disappeared while on vacation with her family in portugal in 2007. parents left her in the room for a little while. she vanished.
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>> workers being paid unused sick time on the taxpayers dime. look how much money is being paid to a retired city manager over the last two years. in 2010, $12 million and this past year $13 million went to funding retirement benefits. the state says onlymployees who retire and have at least 500 hours of unused sick time get the benefits. >> only the most expensive, in other words. >> uh-huh. >> where's the he had carol value in this? the leftist group has actually been giving students at the university of michigan college credits for protesting targeted restaurants. >> what? >> it's being done by the restaurant opportunities center. some call the group "the acorn of the restaurant industry." republican lawmakers in michigan trying to end the practice or cut nearly $5 million in funding to the university. some professors claim that's an infringement on their academic freedom. >> so they get college credit for it? which means their parents are paying for them to go to that school to do that. >> uh-huh.
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>> ok. >> there you go, you've got it. you've figured it out. all right. let's go over to brian. >> all right. i have to tell you what's happening in sports, yankees pitcher andy petitte throwing a bombshell yesterday in the roger clemens perjury trial. petit, outstanding pitcher with the yankees claims that he took human growth hormone. details on the rest of the conversation were funny. he says his former teammate "misremembers the conversation". clemens accused of lying to congress when he said he never took performance enhancement drugs. petit is expected to be back on the stand today. no one thinks i took drugs to help my performance. putting their reality show on hold to focus on basketball. it's true. khloe says "khloe & lamar" is being stopped so they can focus on family time. odom's basketball career has been derailed. he was released from the dallas mavericks because he wasn't emotionally into the team amid his worst season yet.
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didn't want to be traded from the lakers. quick look at the world of sports. now to somebody else's world. >> protests that erupted across the country as activists took to the streets vandalizing banks and smashing store windows there. >> in particular in seattle, mayor mike mcginn declared an emergency declaration as some protesters began to arm themselves but despite the violence, stuart varney says the movement fizzled. >> good morning to you, stuart. they were expecting here in new york the occupiers to shut down new york city. it did not happen. >> no, that's why i say it fizzled. they were trying to break down a general strike in america, shut things down. >> like europe. >> just like europe. well, they succeeded in bringing europe to america with the violence in seattle and parts of california. that's true. and that was the ugliness that they brought over from europe but the sheer numbers that turned out and the marginalization of the movement because of their crazy goals, i think the movement has fizzled. if you bring out only hundreds of people in scattered
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destinations around the country, you can't say that's a mass movement. that you got a mass on the streets that are effective. that simply didn't happen. >> you say they're crazy goals. do they say that they want to end capitalism? >> well, yes. but their goals yesterday -- >> one of the many goals. >> one of their many goals, a general strike, ok? shut everything down. >> didn't even come close. didn't even make a pinprick on our economy. >> to show how evil capitalism is? >> basically yes. >> staple of our american culture? >> yeah, this is the very, very hard left that came out on the streets yesterday. it was mayday. that is a socialist, marxist holiday around the world and they wanted to get something going in america. they wanted to be more vocal in america. and for the first time in many years, the hard left did take to the streets. but in in very, very small numbers. that's why i say the whole thing yesterday basically fizzled. >> even the political left has for the most part abandoned this particular movement. when you look at them and we've
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had, you know, half a year to think about what they've been up to, it appears that they represent simply about 1% of the 99%. >> i think that's very true. and why didn't the left establishment politicians on the left, why didn't they call out that kind of violence that you're looking at right now? where were the politicians saying get off the streets? that was wrong. the occupy movement does not criticize president obama. they go out to the banks and they go to wall street because president obama is going after the banks and wall street. and the president doesn't criticize occupy wall street because they share some of his goals and he has encouraged him in the past. i think we should have seen the democrats come out full force against what happened yesterday. >> on a lighter note, cameron diaz is looking for a british man. >> cameron diaz? >> yeah. the american actress. >> you've never heard of her? beautiful, stunning blond actress. >> she thinks -- >> she wants a guy like you! >> i don't know what you want from me this wednesday morning. you're not going to get that!
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>> oh, behave! >> oh, stuart -- >> there she is. >> that's cameron diaz. >> i may rethink my reply. >> all right. you can see stuart busy at his real job at 9:20 eastern time on fox business. my wife is watching, steve. >> hello, deb. >> good morning, deb. >> all right. next on the rundown, talk about not leaving a paper trail. attorney general eric holder turning over blank documents to fast & furious investigators. can he do that? the judge is here to rule on this one. >> and jessica simpson becoming a mom in style. so what exactly goes in a $4,000 a day hospital suite? you'll find out. right, jay? >> jessica simpson delivered a healthy baby girl last night. how about that? is that great for jessica? yeah. the baby weighed 54 pounds, 11 ounces, i believe.
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that's a big baby. she was pretty -- she was on the show. she was enormous. god bless her. enormous. when her water broke, fema responded. fema came in. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually se arthritis symptoms.
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developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. >> quick headlines now. new york city's mayor mike bloomberg and mitt romney meeting for the first time in secret yesterday. don't tell anybody. romney is hoping for an endorsement. bloomberg has not made up his mind. he also golfs with the president. we're getting a first look at the $4,000 a day birthing suite where jessica simpson became mommy. the girl's name is maxwell, believe it or not. maxwell drew. it comes with flat screen tv's, private dining area and gourmet muffin bar. much like this. this is for you, jessica.
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this is exactly what you brought to the table. congratulations on your kid and congratulations on your muffin. >> all right. thank you, brian. >> thanks, brian. >> it's now 16 minutes before the top of the hour. it's been one year since a team of navy seals, seal team 6 ended the life of terror mastermind usama bin laden but it took nearly 10 years after the attacks of september 11th to get the job done. >> today, one year after his death, we take a look back at that exhausting mission. >> the second plane flew into the second world trade center tower. >> all signs are pointing to usama bin laden. >> some are calling this a 21st century pearl harbor attack. or perhaps worse. >> usama bin laden is the focus of the terrorist attack. >> i can hear you.
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the rest of the world hears you and the people -- and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. >> who might be capable of coordinating this? >> usama bin laden. >> usama bin laden is a possible. >> the bush administration says there's no question he is the prime suspect. >> i don't care. dead or alive. either way. but we're going to get him. >> offering a $25 million reward. >> the bounty is already some $25 million. >> we have large rewards out. >> the search for usama bin laden continues. reports that the u.s. is not really planning cave by cave search by special forces and new audio tape is out believed to be from usama bin laden.
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>> u.s. military terrified that he's going to slip across the border. >> probably in the no man's land between pakistan and afghanistan. >> almost a whole year since the 9/11 attacks. still no trace of him. >> did make it across the border to pakistan, he's injured in the tora bora situation. >> playing a shell game with us. >> we think he's in a 40 mile square area. >> it's video showing what appears to be a younger bin laden walking down a mountain. >> enemies of usama bin laden around the world greatly encouraged by the arrest of khali shaikh mohammed. he is the chief operating officer of al-qaida. >> this is the dark side of the moon. these guys are brutal. that entire region is made up of murderers, cut throats, drug runners, you know, extortionists and that's where bin laden has his strongest allies. >> why haven't we captured him? because he's hiding. >> they have to get him alive. >> the white house may be
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looking to raise the bounty on usama bin laden. >> will the lure of $50 million net bin laden? >> we're getting 16 tips a day on bin laden. >> usama bin laden, there are reports that he has died because of typhoid. >> there's another report out that says bin laden is in bad health needing medical services. >> the ever elusive usama bin laden resurfaces, showing al-zawahiri and/or bin laden running these camps. >> we're a superpower. you would think we would have the human intelligence and the resources to go in there and kick some butt and get the guy. >> shocking reports by the u.s. military missed the chance to get terrorist leader usama bin laden in the mountains of tora bora. >> usama bin laden is absolutely in tora bora. >> where is bin laden? how are we going to get him? >> hard to believe eight years since 9/11. how is it possible that bin laden has not been captured yet?
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>> to capture one guy in the wild of pakistan, it requires a lucky break. >> where is usama bin laden? for all we know, he could be in las vegas next to elvis. >> there are terrorist holdup in those mountains that murdered 3,000 americans. >> we will kill usama bin laden and crush al-qaida. >> we must take out usama bin laden and his lieutenants if we have them in our sights! >> this is a fox news alert. bin laden is dead! >> may 1st, the day that usama bin laden's life came to an end. >> bin laden shot dead in this million dollar mansion inside pakistan. >> confirmed. urgent confirmed. bin laden is dead. >> usama bin laden is dead. multiple sources, usama bin laden is dead. >> and the day that he found out the story about the 72 virgins waiting for him on the other side was there. >> the world's most wanted man. >> bin laden. >> usama bin laden. >> the leader of al-qaida. >> shocked in pakistan.
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>> shot in the face. dead. and buried it seems. >> is dead. >> united states has conducted an operation that killed usama bin laden. we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al-qaida terror, justice has been done. >> what a reminder. it took a long time and took thousands of people to find him. but they did. >> it's emotional watching that whole journey from the beginning there to look back. it gives you goosebumps. >> whole world went through a lot and it ended just a year ago yesterday. >> all right. meanwhile, on our show, we're going to introduce you to this woman, she's not winning any mother of the year awards. she's accused of bringing her very young daughter into the tanning booth. >> ok. >> yikes! >> then when pressed to turn over documents in the fast & furious scandal, what did eric holder send in?
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blank pages. can he get away with that? find out from that man. all rise. judge napolitano next. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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i'm more active, i eat right, i'm making changes to support my metabolism. and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day.
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>> what is the point of filing a freedom of information request if the feds send blank pages in return? >> that's what happened last week when eric holder's department of justice replied to a media inquiry on the fast & furious debacle. they sent a stack of blank documents. joining us now is the fox news senior judicial analyst. the blank pages, insulting but
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is that going to get him in trouble? >> no, that's not going to get him in trouble. whenever you make a freedom of information act request, the initial response from the government, whether it's the treasury department or the justice department never gives you everything. you almost always have to appeal to a federal judge who then looks at the documents in secret and basically says to the government cough these up. what will get him in trouble is when he fails to comply with a subpoena from the house of representatives and that is where there is a very, very serious effort to have a vote by the house of representatives to ask a federal judge to hold him in contempt. the house can do it alone. his democratic friends in the senate cannot help him out. and if the house votes to hold him in contempt, they will hire a lawyer to prosecute the attorney general before a federal judge. >> and ultimately, he could wind up going to jail but i would imagine what mr. holder and the department of justice, judge, are trying to do are run out the clock at least past the election.
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>> they probably want to do that. one of the things that will happen before he is actually prosecuted is the court will look at the documents that congressman issa and the house of representatives have subpoenaed. >> you mean the blank ones we've got right here? >> those, and some others. those documents may very well be coughed up before election day. the president and the attorney general probably do not want that to happen. >> judge, if you know this and that's where the process goes, the attorney general knows that, what could he do besides running out the clock and delaying the problem? what could he do to solve this problem? >> he could comply with the subpoenas but apparently -- >> is there a halfway point? i'll give you some of these things? >> great question. yes, he could have lawyers for the justice department negotiate with lawyers for congressman issa's committee and see if there is a halfway point. if you ask congressman issa, he will tell you they already have these negotiations and he will tell you that the justice department did not comply with whatever agreements they sort of entered into. >> when you see someone come with information like this, you wonder what they're hiding.
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>> i've not seen it yet this serious. this close to election day. even john mitchell, richard nixon's attorney general who went to jail was not held in contempt by congress. eric holder may very well be. >> stand by for that. always a pleasure. thanks for the analysis. >> sure. >> all right. >> meanwhile, maybe spirit airlines will change its tune now. wait until you hear what veterans groups are doing because the airline refuses to refund a veteran who says he's too sick to fly. >> why these beasts of burden are taking over our plaza. is that a t-rex? that's a t-rex. >> i think it's dangerous. run for your lives, everybody! >> it's occupy "jurassic park." [ female announcer ] ready for a taste of what's hot? check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic.
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time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. >> good morning, everybody. today is wednesday, may 2nd. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. while you were sleeping, china demanding that the united states of america apologize.
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the country is upset that we tried to help a blind activist terrified for his life. >> fox news alert. taliban claiming responsibility for an attack in kabul. hours after the president arrived, essentially ending the war but can the afghans really be trusted and what was the message we were supposed to take from that bombing? >> this mom doesn't know best. a mother accused of taking her very young daughter to the tanning salon. wait until you hear how young that daughter is. "fox & friends" hour two for a wednesday starts right now. >> ♪ you're staying alive ♪ staying alive >> that -- >> we're being overrun by dinosaurs here in midtown
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manhattan. don't panic. >> that's a meat eater as well. so commuters, beware! it's going to certainly hurt foot traffic. >> yeah, it's from field station dinosaurs, an attraction out in new jersey. why are we using "staying alive"? i know the whole extinction thing. shouldn't we use, don't you think i'm t-rexy? >> why do i encourage him? >> i don't think you do. i think you just asked him why we use this? you just participated in the -- >> i'm sorry, everyone. >> alisyn camerota joins us today for gretch who is tapikin the day off. >> good to have you. >> good to be here. thanks so much. >> you'll remember you got the call to be on the schedule when the dinosaurs were here. on a serious note, taliban claiming responsibility for a homicide attack overnight in kabul. seven are dead. most of the victims are women and children. president obama left afghanistan hours earlier and admitted that the white house has been having direct talks with the taliban.
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we have connor powell live in kabul with more on the president's surprise visit and what the latest news is on the attack. connor? >> brian, the taliban launched today's deadly attacks saying that it was in response to president obama's visit here to afghanistan last night and also because the united states is just on a long term strategic partnership with afghanistan. the taliban also says that they are launching a spring offensive where they will target afghan military and political leaders and also foreign forces here but today they killed primarily just civilians. seven were killed including one nepalese guard and six civilians. these were kids going to school that happened to be where the car bomb went off. the attack was centered on an international security compound that housed members of the u.n. and other members of the international community here. so the taliban put down sort of
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the gauntlet today saying they are going to attack the international community but in reality, they are attacking and killing afghan civilians. now, president obama was here last night under the cover of darkness. he signed this agreement while visiting with president karzai that will basically extend the u.s. presence here in afghanistan until 2024 for 10 years after combat operations will end in 2014, the agreement that was signed last night is more an agreement in principle to sign a longer agreement. it doesn't specify the number of troops or the amount of money that the u.s. will support afghanistan with but it says the united states will support afghanistan. but president obama also in an address to the united states said that the united states is talking to the taliban. he had this to say. >> in coordination with the afghan government, and my administration has been in direct discussions with the taliban. we've made it clear that they can be a part of this future if they break with al-qaida and renounce violence and abide by
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afghan laws. many members of the taliban from foot soldiers to leaders have indicated an interest in reconciliation. the path to peace is now set before them. >> brian, there are members of the taliban that are open to discussions and there is an office set up in the -- in qatar and there are some talks to begin talks but there are many, many parts of the taliban that will simply never negotiate and we have seen violence continue here in afghanistan on a large scale. that seems unlikely that the taliban are really serious about negotiations right now, brian. >> connor, are the pakistanis taking part in these negotiations that you know of? >> well, because so much of the taliban leadership is based in pakistan, for there to be real talks, the pakistanis essentially have to allow the taliban to leave pakistan. and there are some encouraging signs that the pakistanis are sort of helping the taliban
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leadership in pakistan to the negotiating table but right now, it's not clear how much consensus there is in pakistan for full discussions about peace and sort of a future of a peaceful and stable afghanistan. there are bits and pieces in place but there is just really no agreement in the taliban within the pakistani military and across the board here in afghanistan for real substantive talks going forward. there are hopes that there will be talks going forward but right now, it's still really just a mess of talks and it just doesn't look like there's anything concrete on the table yet. >> right. >> connor, thanks. connor's report just highlights all of the challenges that still exist. there's violence. there are factions in the taliban that want no part of ever cooperating with the united states. so people this morning are saying, are they the best partners in afghanistan? >> there's a straw coming out of your head. >> yeah, that's good to get out of there. plus, we've invested so many
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time and so many lives and so much effort into, you know, trying to make things right over there. and the big question is can you really trust the afghans? i mean, there's such a connection between the taliban which we're negotiating with, apparently, or talks to have talks and al-qaida, can you really ever untwine them? brian talked to a navy seal a little while ago in the first hour talking about how corrupt many of the afghans are and we need to be careful going forward. >> afghanistan was recently ranked as the third most corrupt country in the world. if we're going to continue to invest in those forces, we have to make sure that they're actually effective partners in the counterterrorism campaign to keep americans safe. every military analyst has said that the afghan national security forces are not capable of independent action at this time. so our time line should be driven by the success of our mission. when we feel like we're in a
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place that we can actually make sure that this al-qaida counterterrorism campaign is effective, that's the timing when we should be able to pull back. >> and he's also emphasizing that we should be reacting to things that are happening on the ground rather than go to a policy that we're locked into and i think that whole renouncing violence thing is off to a slow start, hence the bombing and the suicide bombing that killed innocent people hours ago. >> there's always a conflict, obviously between what military commanders say they want and need on the ground and what the president has to balance back here particularly with the public opinion and as we know, public opinion has waned on being in afghanistan. the majority of americans want to get out. so brit hume was on greta's show last night talking about whether the president is properly balancing. >> my sense about this is the president is looking ahead to his re-election campaign. which is i suppose it's fair to say well under way. and he would ask the question --
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do i have the political capital from support within my own party and otherwise to mount the kind of effort that would make sure that the taliban don't return to power? and i think that mission -- that piece of the mission is over. he's not -- he's not going to do that. that's not where he's going. he doesn't think the country will be behind him if he did. the nation is war weary. we're not prepared to stay there as long as it would take to eradicate the taliban and he's prepared to do business with them to get the war over with. what he wants to be able to say in the fall is not that he won the war, it's that he ended the war. >> and the president should arrive back in andrews about 1:30 this afternoon. >> meanwhile, he has another big issue on his plate. it's happening in china. secretary of state hillary clinton is there. she walked into a firestorm. hours ago, we learned that this chinese activist blind escaped house arrest and managed to find his way into the u.s. embassy and spent between five and six days there. we now have learned that he has left the embassy and went to the
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hospital where he eventually will go home. he's told his lawyer that he has been told that he is free to do so. the question is -- why do we all of a sudden have to get an apology to the chinese, that's what they're asking for, and number two, what about this dissident's family? is it true a lot of their welfare was in danger forcing him to leave? >> in fact, they may still be in jeopardy today. some of their whereabouts are unknown and he was in this house arrest for 20 months because he spoke out against china's human rights abuses, among other things. so it's very hard to imagine that hillary clinton would ever apologize today if she sits down -- >> but i'll tell you, ali, that's what the foreign ministry has decided. they say it must be pointed out that the united states embassy took the chinese citizen in the embassy in an irregular manner. what are you talking about? the guy knocked on the door and said let me in, my own country wants to kill me. and then china goes on. china demands of the united states apologize over this
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thoroughly investigate this incident, punish those who are responsible and give assurances that such incidents will not happen again. >> are we going to look to put this under the rug or look up to stand up and say humanitarian causes are a central part of our relationship with china because we're meaning to have timothy geithner there, talking about economic issues. we have military things that we're concerned about with allies in the area. how big do we have to make this? how strong a stance should we take? >> this one guy has dedicated his life to eradicating this one child policy. he stands against that. and we'll find out how big a deal it's going to be. >> a lot of people -- sadly, if you have a girl and they want a boy, that's -- they'll abort the girl if they know it's coming. >> it's awful. >> and just ask for the boy. >> we'll keep you posted on that. we have a lot of other news to tell you about. here's the headlines. newt gingrich ready to throw his support behind mitt romney for
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president. according to a brand new interview, gingrich says romney will become president. the two men will make a joint appearance in a few weeks when gingrich will make an official endorsement. he has regrets about not being smarter on how to run the campaign wishing he had started out with a bolder campaign. we're also learning the romney campaign offering to connect gingrich with his donors to help pay down the campaign debt of $4 million. gingrich will officially suspend his bid today. >> he's already thinking about 2020. >> is that right? anarchists arrested for plotting to blow up a bridge in ohio had two other targets. the five men wanted to attack the upcoming nato summit in chicago and this summer's republican national convention in tampa, florida. the men says what they thought were c-4 explosives at the base of a bridge in cleveland but they were busted because they were working with an f.b.i. informant. a new jersey mother under arrest accused of sneaking her 5-year-old daughter into a tanning bed.
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44-year-old patricia crensel charged with second-degree child endangerment after her daughter showed up to school with a severe sunburn. according to a new jersey law, kids under 14 are not allowed to go tanning even with parental consent but she says her daughter was never exposed to the tanning booth's rays and got slightly sunburned while playing outside on a warm day. >> ok, mom. meanwhile, we told you this story last week about a fellow by the name of jerry mankins, former marine retired, 76 years old. he discovered that he's got esophageal cancer. he just bought a ticket to visit his daughter. he contacted the airline and said can i have my money back? the doctors said i can't fly. they have refused. >> they have threatened to boycott spirit airlines. you're talking about veterans. you're talking about millions of people that will say we will not fly spirit. and we want our money back. they've already put the money
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down. >> spirit is digging in their heels and saying no. we have this zero tolerance policy on any changes. >> you have to buy insurance! so we are going to have jerry here and we have a little surprise for him. don't tell him! >> that's right. you don't want to miss that. >> 13 minutes after the hour. coming up, sent to the slammer and still collecting a pension. believe it or not. it's happening and you guessed it. it is all on your dime. >> we must have a lot of dimes. plus, the occupy wall street movement coming up to cripple capitalism so what did they really achieve yesterday? anything? we have a political panel over there. going to chitchat and chew about that. as we roll on live. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself.
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>> all right, the occupy wall street movement is resurfacing. it resurfaced yesterday as people across the country took to the streets. last night in seattle, proceed
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tsors dressed in all black went through the streets and used sticks to smash windows in stores and banks. here in new york city, violent clashes between protesters and police resulted in between 34 and 50 arrests. did the movement achieve their goal of crippling capitalism? here to discuss is our panel, professor of journalism in sees sociology in columbia university. he's done with his students this semester. you can go lifeguard, sir. todd is the author of the book "occupy nation." todd buckholz is here as well, former economic director for george h.w. bush and managing director for the tiger hedge fund and didi benke is here, former chairman of the young republican federation. let's start with you, how would you rate yesterday? >> i think the movement was saying it's back. it's out of hibernation. its numbers in the tens of thousands. people turned out and did a lot of things. the march garish things ended on
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up on your television screen. a lot of the less garish things were fun loving as this movement generally. is >> not the numbers that we saw before. >> that's not true actually. the numbers were as big as the numbers at any point in the fall. >> few thousand in new york city. >> tens of thousands, i was there. tens of thousands. >> tens of thousands, ok. >> todd, where do you think this movement is? >> i think it's becoming focused on the violent stories and i think it's becoming more fringed not in the clothing. clothing is getting blacker. the clothing is getting with masks over faces. it's looking scarier in terms of how people are dressing but less, frankly, interesting and motivational in terms of its purposes. you know, talk about thousands of people. i was on fifth avenue yesterday morning. there were stanchions lined up for people trying to get into the hollister clothing store. in new york at any corner, you can have hundreds if not thousands of people. >> it's hard to find, it's hard
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to find a politician who wants to embrace this cause. at the beginning the president was talking about, not so much now. >> well, yes and todd saying it's fun loving and affectionate. i don't know what you're looking at because -- >> looking at your screen here. >> let me tell you something, you know, our country and our founding fathers signed a declaration of independence. not the declaration of dependence meaning we don't want to be dependent on the government and we want to have rugged individualism meaning we should have positive capitalism. this is a country that if you work hard, you can do anything you want. and that's the attitude and the positive attitude that we need back. this movement is negative, destructive and something that really needs to go away. >> the attitude that somehow it's constructive to break -- >> not at all. >> to break windows at starbucks as if a grande nonfat latte is somehow destroying the 99 poerz % of the population is ridiculous. >> your own pictures show them not a single one wearing a black mask and not a single one is scary. these are playful people.
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>> there is nothing in the -- >> there is nothing -- >> there is nothing in the declaration of independence last i read it about capitalism. >> really? >> no, there is -- show it to me. >> you have the declaration of independence and constitution about having individual rights to the pursuit of happiness. >> where is there -- >> in the first amendment. >> the rights of people to peacefully assemble. >> let's be playful in the break. there's something else to talk about. straight ahead, panel sticks around for this. members of congress cruising around in luxury cars. why not? they don't see the bill, you do. where's the outrage? an army recruit's biggest battle on the home front. his landlord won't let him out of his lease even though he's headed to basic training. we'll tell you about it. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink?
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♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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>> time now for news by the numbers from the control room. first $24 million. despite the president's goal to increase the number of college graduates, a new report projects a shortfall of 24 million degree holders by the year 2025. next, two million. that's how many times a day drivers fail to use their turn signals. people neglect to use them or turn them off 48% of the time. usually i'm behind them. and finally, 26%. that's how many democrats support the repeal of obamacare. rasmussen finds the president's signature legislation is becoming more and more unpopular with members of his own party. meanwhile, let's go to brian who is having a party. >> hey, last week -- with fun loving people. last week, we told you that members of congress were outraged about the spending scandal at the g.s.a. and rightfully so. when people are struggling to fill up their tanks, why is it ok for politicians to use taxpayer dollars to lease luxury cars? take a look at what happened on "inside edition's" lisa
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guerrero, listen to what she told bill o'reilly. >> 82 congressmen are paying for cars using your tax dollar. of those 82, 25 are paying at least $800 a month for their leases. anywhere from $800 for an infiniti to $1,200 for a tahoe and up to $1400 for a yukon. >> first to you, didi. these numbers are really disturbing now in these tough economic times. they never expected the spotlight to get on them. >> agreed. and there needs to be an overhaul in washington, d.c. i've worked in washington. and these folks, congressmen are treated like rock stars. you know what? it's great to have a rock star life when you are one and you're earning your own money but when this is on the back of citizens that are owning hardware stores and businesses are folding. that's not right. it's not like they have to drive a pinto or gremlin or anything. they don't have to have an
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infiniti or anything. >> they should be given an official car but look like an oscar mayer mobile so constituents can see them coming and give them hell in the streets. >> you can see he gets $1900. pedro is a congressman, $1400. shawn duffy, $1350. gregory meeks right here in new york, $1,200 and you see the rest. so do these numbers sit well with you? >> i think they're trivial. i mean, i think it's a ridiculous policy that they're paying these people what they're paying them. it's a few minutes worth of the budget for the iraq war which was completely fruitless and unnecessary. >> in your mind. >> there's a lot of people that don't feel that way. >> in light of most americans. i'm recording what -- >> colombia, that's what they think of colombia, perhaps. >> i don't know what they think of colombia, do you? >> do you? >> you're speaking for america. >> yeah. speak more accurately for colombia, perhaps. >> this is about america.
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this is about america. >> there needs to be an overhaul of washington, d.c. they're in single digits of approval rating. >> ask john boehner to get right on it. he's in control of the house of representatives. let's ask the president to care about the trillions of dollars of debt he's running up for my children. this president doesn't care. >> care as much as president bush did? >> simpson and bowles presented a plan and he appointed them! they present him a plan and he goes to play golf. >> americans are hurting in the real world. washington is very different and there's so much waste and overspending and lavish life, it's too bad and it's sad so there definitely needs to be an overhaul and we need to vote out some of these folks doing these things. >> none of these people are fit to run a major global corporation. not one of them. >> talk about capitalism. >> they're not standing up. that's right. >> thanks so much. good debate.
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coming up straight ahead, he's on the short list for v.p. but ohio senator rob portman is accused of being boring and a penny pincher. now he's firing back next. then a real life "jurassic park" is on the verandah and i'm go to go face to face with the dinosaur on our plaza and find out what life was like thousands of years ago. for three hours a week, i'm a coach.
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but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pih before. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. ♪ [ [ barks ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make allie miss her favorite part of the day. [ laughing ] that's why there's new beneful baked delights. from crispy crackers to shortbread cookie dog snacks, they're oven-baked to surprise and delight. beneful baked delights: a unique collection of four new snacks... to help spark play in your day.
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>> take a look at that. it looks exactly like a t-rex but scott wright from field station dinosaurs. >> how are you doing? >> those are extinct! aren't they? >> yeah, but the field stations are pretty unique place. like we're giving people a chance to get up close and personal and actually study the behavior of dinosaurs rather than just looking at static objects in museums. >> i think that's a great idea. rather than seeing a boney skeleton, you see what they look like back in the day. >> yeah. yeah. >> what makes you an expert at t-rex? >> you know -- >> coughing up a fur ball? what was that? >> no. he might be. i've been working with a lot of museums around the world so i kind of pick up on a lot of different dinosaurs but t-rexes are a special dinosaur because it's an american dinosaur.
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>> what do you mean? >> t-rexes were only found in america. let me bring over america's favorite sportscaster and host of "fox & friends." >> hey! >> the t-rexes have a very keane olfactory sense, they smell really well. >> you're talking t-rex doesn't like his after shave. >> go easy. >> that's amazing. >> and -- oh! >> a little aggressive. >> watch the tail, buddy. what am i supposed to be learning about -- is this actually what a t-rex is like? >> the thing is with these dinosaurs we can look at their behavior and we can talk a little bit more about how dinosaurs might have behaved and -- >> there you go. he's calming down just as long as he gets his chew toy, he's happy. he's really happy. >> at the field station, we've got like two of these guys and also some little baby dinosaurs that we're going to be letting kids pat. >> he's not goosing me.
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>> i guess there's -- why? the t-rex doesn't like my scent? >> the t-rexes have a keane sense of smell. out of all the dinosaurs, their olfactory senses evolved far more than everybody else's. >> as i understand it, field station dinosaur is going to open early for schools on may 14th. >> yep. and there's -- you have 30 dinosaurs, right? >> there's 30 big full sized dinosaurs and a couple of these guys. these are juvenile t-rexes and we have other babies as well. >> it's fantastic. like i've been working with dinosaurs for a long time. there's no place like the field station in the world. this is like a world premiere. >> wow. that's fantastic. >> you want to give your kids an idea, kids love dinosaurs. >> big kid himself. >> look what came in the t-rex? look what evolved him? >> like evolved just to the end of the period.
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>> thank you very much, scott. check it out. it is field station dinosaurs from t-rex to alisyn camerota. >> thank you, barney rubble. i like when you had the dinosaur in a headlock. don't let him take a bite out of you. thanks, steve. all right, let's get to your headlines and tell you what's happening at this hour. particularly a story that has captured our attention for five years. today, we could learn why british police are reopening the madeleine mccan case. that's because her parents will speak out ahead of the fifth anniversary of her disappearance. last week, scotland yard released this image of what madeleine might look like today at age 9. authorities say that they believe she's alive. maddy disappeared while on vacation with her family in portugal in 2007. now to the audio tape of a teacher and teacher's aide
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bullying an autistic student. >> well, it turns out the boy's father says he has even more audio tapes and will release those this week. he says this whole thing started when his 10-year-old son started acting out at home. that's when he got suspicious and he sent him to school with a recorder in his pocket. the teacher's aide has been fired and the teacher is now on paid leave. she denies that's her voice on the tape. state workers in california getting hefty pension payments from behind bars? is it true? a new report shows some of them are making more as prisoners than they did while working. one example is a former bakersfield police officer who is raking in $45,000 a year all while serving a prison sentence for murder. >> what? >> of course, all of this at the taxpayers' expense. doesn't this sound like someone
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you'd want serving overseas for our country? >> i can't wait to help out in any way i can. >> well, there's only one problem. the aspiring combat medic's apartment complex in kansas won't let him out of his lease. jonathan smith gave the required notice but to no avail. foxfire apartments claim they don't have to let him out since he's not on active duty yet but jonathan will be when he leaves for basic training on may 21st. >> wow, they better resolve that. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. bret baier continuing his week-long series on his show "running with romney". it's a look at the strengths and weaknesses of possible running mates. last night, he sat down with ohio senator rob portman. >> i happened to be watching colbert a couple of nights ago when i was on and i was with my son who has been pushing me for years to go on it and i never had the guts to go on. >> ohio senator rob portman did not need to see steven colbert's
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show to know how many people describe him. >> nothing fires up the base like boring. because romney doesn't want somebody who is going to upstage him and just look at these two together. it's like the bland leading the bland. >> so how do you respond? >> i'd like to think i'm a serious legislator and trying to get things done. that's, you know, that's my goal in life is to get things done. and it's not about sizzle for me. >> so 2012 is the anti-sizzle election. >> i don't think mitt romney has no sizzle. don't get me wrong. i think he's a dynamic guy and i think ann romney is dynamic. i think, you know, he's going to be well liked as people get to know him better. >> portman was seen as a budget hawk in congress and in the bush administration. he earned some nicknames from president bush and some of them were revealed as portman stepped down from the office of management and budget. >> although my title was director of omb, other titles sometimes came my way. dr. no.
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tight wad. budget hawk. penny pincher. and some not suitable for television audiences. >> critics in and out of the republican party aren't laughing. charging that the bush administration is definitely not a good example of fiscal restraint. >> this is a bush administration that also ballooned the national debt and some see that as a negative thing to be a part of the bush administration and to bring up the bush years in the current environment. what do you say to that? >> well, i was fortunate, i guess, to be part of, you know, some good fiscal discipline in the bush administration. i came in, you know, in 2006, 2007 and the budget that i proposed actually was a balanced budget. can you believe that? a five year balanced budget. and it was hard to put it together. as i said, i've put together budgets. i know it's hard. but that's what we got to be doing in congress is putting together a budget and one that over time balances.
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>> most political watchers will tell you portman has a midwestern appeal on the stump and he can get down into the weeds of economic policy whenever prompted. he also sits on the powerful senate armed services committee. >> what do you think the biggest international challenge is for the u.s.? >> i think it's still terrorism, you know, if you look at what's happening in syria today. if you look at what's happening around the world in terms of the threat of global terrorism, it's still very much there. >> how does faith factor into your life? >> every day in a very fundamental way. i pray every day and it helps me. it doesn't work for everybody but it works for me. and it's just, you know, part of who i am. and, you know, part of what motivates me and hopefully gives me a little direction. >> he's got a really solid resume. >> right. >> he's done a lot and he's in ohio so that's -- it's going to be key. >> don't forget to tune in tonight. bret will be prefiling wisconsin
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congressman paul ryan. >> the budget guy? >> yes indeed. one in the same. >> speaking of budget guys, coming up, dave ramsey wants to budget your household and have you cut up your credit cards. he's going to reveal the four things you can do right now to kick start your own american dream. >> then -- does this sound familiar when your head hurts? you automatically think you have a brain tumor? is that normal or indeed nuts? dr. keith ablow here with the diagnosis. that john just gave, he thinks it's crazy. >> what if you think there's a t-rex about to chew on your head? >> i'm not sure. >> nuts. >> probably. t-rex are extinct. does your phone give you all day battery life ?
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droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droidoes.
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>> quick headlines now.
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andy petitte throwing a fastball at roger clemens' defense in the perjury trial. petit, his former teammate claims that clemens admitted taking hgh. clemens say petit "misremembers that conversation" and he'll be back on the stands today. and overnight, a fire tore through tyler perry's studio complex in atlanta. nobody was hurt. at least one building was destroyed. this complex is where perry shoots his popular movie franchise. the cause of the fire is unknown. ali will be following this story now. >> all right. well, despite positive economic news in recent weeks, there are still signs that confidence is lagging. take a look at this. it's a new report defines that loans to small businesses actually dropped by 3% in march. and now lenders are trying to lure small companies with new credit cards. but personal finance expert dave ramsey says don't get roped in. he joins us from nashville to explain how you can start a small business with cash. well, sure, dave, if you're rich.
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how do you do it if you're not rich? >> well, it really doesn't take a lot of money. the census bureau stats say 60% of small businesses that were started last year started on less than $5,000. so a lot of bill gates people. a lot of people like michael dell. a lot of people are starting things in their garage. and they have an idea and they started in their living room and they just boot strap it is what we call it. just because loans are down doesn't mean small business startups are down. they're way up. >> good to know. you have some tips for how you can start a business. first time is do a mission statement. >> absolutely. you need to know why you're here and it needs to be more than just for money. small business is about a cause. you've worked so hard that you really, really, really need to plug into that without a doubt. and you got to do a written business plan. you need to plan out where you're going, what the personnel looks like. what the marketing looks like. you need to look at where the money is going to come from. how you're going to plan out your cash flow. open a separate checking account. you don't mix when you're small and you're starting and you're
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primitive, don't mix your personal money with your business money and be sure to set aside your money for taxes. getting behind on income tax or sales tax, these kinds of things, shuts more small business startups down than anything else. >> those are great tips. meanwhile, we have some questions from viewers. via e-mail. sandra from michigan wants to know, i started a successful catering business on the side. and i'm wondering when i can quit my job and pursue my business full time. is there a formula for that? >> sure, you need to get your catering business to where it almost makes as much as you're making during your day job which means you'll be working a lot of hours. listen, if you're going to jump off the dock, you better make sure the boat is pulled up pretty close. we have to get that small business growing. great book out called "quitter" and tells you exactly how to do that. i'd suggest it. >> this is from jeff in texas. i'm in construction and i'm having trouble finding reliable contractors. do you have any tips for hiring and keeping employees?
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>> absolutely. it's a huge problem for all of us in business. and the thing i learned is that, you know, thoroughbreds don't want to run around with donkeys so you got to put a stable full of thoroughbreds. if you have a stable full of donkeys, if you put a thoroughbred in there, they won't stay. the way you find those is you spend more time interviewing. quit using just the mirror test, if they fog up a mirror to hire. >> that's a good one. mike from new jersey says we've been in business for six years and have four employees. we're bursting at the seams in our current office space. we have the chance to finance a bigger space in a prime location. i'm leaning towards a lease purchase agreement instead. what do you think? >> no, i would do a lease with an option and not lock yourself in. give yourself plenty of room. you need to stay nimble when you're in business. float like a butterfly. sting like a bee. >> you have lots of mottos and slogans this morning which i like and i'm going to put on my bumper sticker. thanks so much, dave ramsey. great to see you. >> thank you.
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>> all right. are you a you tube fanatic constantly glued to your computer screen? does that make you normal or plain nuts? dr. keith ablow is on that case next. he's diagnosing brian. we're in trouble. but first on this day in history in 1982, the -- who sang this? they have the number one song. with "chariots of fire". i never knew that band's name. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. i'm more active, i eat right, i'm making changes to support my metabolism. and i switched to one a day women's active metabolism, a complete women's multivitamin, plus more -- for metabolism support. and that's a change i feel good about. [ female announcer ] from one a day.
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withhe bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. 1% ca back everywhere, every time. 2% on grocers. 3% on gas. automacally. no hoops to jump through. no annual e. that's 1% back on... wow! 2% on my homemade lasagn 3% back on [ friends ] road trip!!!!!!!!!!!! [ male announcer ] get 1-2-3 percent cash back. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪
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>> am i normal or am i nuts? >> nuts. >> don't answer that. >> sorry. i'll take it back. >> it's a question we all ask ourselves from time to time and it's a question that we ask dr. keith ablow once a week.
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>> he's here to answer the e-mails you sent us. good morning to you. >> good morning, gentlemen! >> here's e-mail number one, brian. >> i guess i'm reading it. that was my signal, doctor. my daughter paces back and forth when she thinks while moving her hands. she also -- she asks permission to do it in class. she's 8. is she normal? should i make her stop? she says she thinks better that way. >> well, here's the thing. look, could add, attention deficit disorder be part of this? sure. but she might be not only normal, better than normal. >> really? >> the question is -- >> sure. people sometimes need to move in order to think creatively. >> you're doing it right now. >> look at that. let me pace while we talk. >> go ahead. >> it's what she's thinking about is creative thoughts, let her pace. get a new carpet before you stop her from doing that. >> what about the school thing, though? teacher says you have to sit down. >> it's normal, he says. >> look, it's normal, yes. at school, listen, let them accommodate it a little bit. it's ok. >> all right. here's our second e-mail. whenever i'm in pain, i go
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straight to the worse. if i have a headache, i assume it's a brain tumor and if my heart beats fast, i think it's a heart attack. i'm 27 and afraid of dying. normal or nuts? > >> here's the thing. it's a little nuts, i'm telling you. you have to get under this stuff. >> everybody does it. >> not everybody does it. >> 27. >> because there are real troubles in the world. things that can take you out. heart attacks, i don't want to get down too much in the morning here. but real problems. this is a screen. this person doesn't want to think about the real issues in life that are threatening. and that's how you get rid of this preoccupation. you say what am i not thinking about that was a threat even when i was a kid? >> interesting. number 3. i troll you tube 12 hours at a time. >> you do? >> i don't post videos or share things with people i know. i just spend hours looking at clips of pretty much anything. this hobby has morphed into my main pastime. normal or nuts?
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>> it's completely crazy. all right? >> right. it's like -- >> done. >> 12 hours a day. >> 12 hours a day. this is no different than if you were doing lines of coke 12 hours a day. it really isn't. >> cheaper. >> cheaper. but here's the thing. it's literally like your life is passing you by one minute clips at a time and guess what? they're not even you. it's an escape from your reality. is it also important to say it's you tube so these are clips from random people? these aren't example classic moments in television. >> everybody now thinks he or she is a star and there are lots of these would-be celebrities all over the web including, by the way, everybody with a facebook account who is suddenly, you know, tweeting their every move. it's bad! >> bad. >> let's talk about alisyn. >> that's why she's not -- >> yeah, we let her go. >> what do you think of this tie, by the way? >> i think it's ok. normal or nuts? >> you complimented me early, it's like tie envy and i wanted to make that note before leaving and i'm going to leave this for you.
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i'm going to leave this for you. maybe you'll wear it some other time and you'll channel this kind of energy. >> very helpful, isn't he? >> has a hard time accepting compliments. >> thank you. >> now, dr. keith ablow, welcome to our couch. thanks so much. >> any time. >> straight ahead, look at what most -- almost got through security at the nation's busiest airport. land mines. who brought them? let's just say a government worker should have known better. >> yep and spirit airlines doubles down on their refusal to refund a sick vet that can no longer travel. "fox & friends" is taking charge. that man joins us live on the curvy couch and we've got a surprise for him. dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tting little o's
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and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, whilen enbrel, you experice persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists.
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, may 2. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. we're billions of dollars in debt to china, and now they'd like something from us. an apology. you have to hear the reason why.
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>> steve: death overshadows the president's deal to end the war in afghanistan. air force one took off, the taliban took credit for yet another vicious attack. can the afghans be trusted going forward to fight this war once we leave? >> brian: she's no american girl any longer. actress cameron diaz saying so long to the stars and stripes and hello to this. >> smash and dazzle, a pimp mobile. >> yeah, baby! yeah! >> brian: yes, she wants a guy from the '60s and wants a british guy with an accent. you're now in the game. "fox & friends" starts right now
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♪ they'll run through the jungle ♪ ♪ they'll run through the jungle ♪ ♪ . >> alisyn: this is a combo you don't often see. famous actor -- joe pants to you, and a famous dinosaur. he's not afraid of it. >> brian: you know why? he grew up in new jersey examine it is a lot tougher creatures to deal with on the streets of new jersey and hoboken. he's got a brand-new book, talks about his spend upbringing. >> steve: addict to do many different things. he'll be joining us. we're trying to get dr. keith ablow to stick around. >> brian: the name of his book is "asylum." >> alisyn: he also talks about mental illness and want to go bring it out of the closet 'cause so many people suffer it. >> brian: that's why he was able to run with the dinosaur visual. he's been through worse. >> steve: he has. two minutes after the top of the
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hour. tragedy overnight in afghanistan. the taliban watching a homicide attack in kabul just after president obama left following a surprise visit there. at least seven people dead. even more surprising, the president admitted hours before his administration was having direct talks with the taliban. >> alisyn: conner powell is live with the latest. hi, conner. >> good morning. in addition to launching that deadly attack today, the taliban also issued a statement saying they're going to launch a spring offensive that's going to target afghan political leaders and foreign troops here in afghanistan. this all comes as a challenge as president obama said last night that his administration is willing to talk to the taliban, but clearly the taliban aren't willing to stop violence just yet. this is what president obama had to say about the taliban. >> in coordination with the afghan government, my administration has been in direct discussions with the taliban. we've made it clear that they can be a part of this future if
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they break with al-qaeda, renounce violence, and abide by afghan laws. many members of the taliban, from foot soldiers to leaders have indicated an interest in reconciliation. the path to peace is now set before them. >> a key demand in the administration's request for talks with the taliban is they renounce violence. today they launched aattack that killed seven people. all civilian, 15 or so were wounded, most of those were children. the taliban clearly are not rejecting violence. they're still using it as a tool here. last night president obama was here in afghanistan and signed a long-term agreement with the afghan government that will essentially keep u.s. troops and money flowing to afghanistan until 2024. ten years after combat operations will end. it is seen as a sign to the taliban and to the afghan people that the united states is committed to rebuilding and continuing to support the afghan government, guys.
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>> brian: would you say it's important that we have everybody understand that karzai, who we've had problems with, will be done in about a year, correct? new election, could be a fresh start. >> that's the hope. but there is a real worry about who will replace him. karzai in some ways is the devil that everybody know, but there is concern about who will replace him. that's a concern among people in the international community and can they have a peaceful transition in terms of the next president. that's not clear that this country is yet ready for that. that's a big concern going forward as well. >> steve: conner powell live over there with the very latest. thank you very much. so the president admitted last night in that address, 4:00 a.m. bagram time, that we're talking to the taliban. but learned a couple of days ago that apparently osama bin laden was in communication with his right hand man, who was in communication with the guy who used to run the taliban, mullah
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omar. >> brian: can you separate them from al-qaeda? >> alisyn: as we know, they gave safe haven to osama bin laden for so many years and i mean, this latest attack that just happened, this horrible attack where children were killed, nothing better illustrates the challenges that remain in afghanistan and dealing with the taliban. they have stated as their mission statement, as conner said, that they want to kill foreign troops. this is a challenge. karl rove was on hannity last night talking about whether we should be partnering with the taliban. >> i listened carefully to the president's speech the there were five big points. a couple are in conflict. he said the afghans are going to be in charge of fighting the taliban next year, by next year. i hope so. but the second problem is he said we're going to withdraw u.s. troops so they won't northbound combat roles. valley a responsible end. we need to keep the flexibility that if the afghans are not able to take on everything next year, that we have combat presence there and i'm deeply worried, and i talked to people who are involved in the theater who are
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deeply concerned we're withdrawing too many people too quickly and the gains in the southwest are going to be jeopardized and we're not going to be able to do the same kind of efforts in the east against the taliban and the al-qaeda and the president himself acknowledged the taliban are brutal allies of al-qaeda. he talked about long-term cooperation. very vague about it. frankly, the president abolished the long-term cooperative agreement with the iraqis, shouldn't give us great confidence he'll do a great job there and negotiating with people who brought osama bin laden in and what reason do they have to negotiate with him? the president said we're out of here! >> steve: before he left afghanistan, one great thing the president did do was he visited a local hospital and pinned ten purple hearts on members of the military who were injured in action. >> brian: i just wish that he would be more part of the administration's dialogue about
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afghanistan. unless there is a crisis or mark ago major elent like osama bin laden, you never hear about what's happening. people that fight the war and working to end on a positive note this war in the right way would love it know they're still on the agenda. >> alisyn: meanwhile, we have a major update for you on an international story of interest we've been following. this is a blind activist in china. he was under house arrest for 20 months because he objected to his country's human rights abuse, in particular forced abortions that are part of the government policy for the one child only policy that china has. he took refuge in the u.s. embassy because he believed his life and possibly family's life was in jeopardy. so now he has apparently left the u.s. embassy. he needs medical treatment and china is demanding an apology for providing him safe haven. >> brian: that's incredible. the audacity of that request, it better not be ends. i think it should be reprized by
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our secretary of state who is there now. our secretary of state was dealing with this earlier. we didn't tell this blind activist to go to our embassy, but they took it as a refuge, as it always is. if the american wants to go to the chinese embassy in dc, they can do that today if they chose. >> steve: sure. and then would we demand an apology. >> brian: for what? >> steve: exactly. hillary clinton, who is over there starting a two-day summit of sorts with tim geithner and high ranking chinese officials have said this: i am pleased we were able to facilitate chen guangchen's stay and departure from inn a way that flected his choices and our values. mr. chen has a number of understandings with the chinese government about his future, including the opportunity to pursue higher education in a safe environment. we should point out he's a self-taught lawyer making these commitments a reality is the next crucial task. also the question is, where is
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his family? there's a report in the "washington post" this morning that he's supposed to be reunited with his family at the hospital. let's hope that's true. >> brian: they're believed to be under house arrest. >> alisyn: let's get to your headlines. more news. in a few hours, newt gingrich will officially throw in -- no. he will withdraw his towel from his presidential bid. in a new interview out this morning, he said he's ready to help mitt romney get elected in november. gingrich confident that romney will win, he says, and will be -- >> steve: reelected. >> alisyn: i see, for two terms. he's getting ahead of himself. he is just exiting the race. but he says gingrich and romney will have a joint event in a few weeks where we will hear gingrich endorse romney. reportedly gingrich released a video addressing his supporters, urging them not to stop fighting. >> election of barak obama will be a genuine disaster.
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and awful us have an obligation, i think, to do everything we can to defeat barak obama. >> alisyn: we're also learning the romney campaign offering a to connect gingrich with their donors to help pay down his campaign debt of $4 million. more may day mayhem rocking the country overnight. this video just in from seattle where they were dressed in all plaque ran through the streets and used sticks to smash windows in stores and banks. it caused the city's mayor to make an emergency declaration, allowing people to confiscate any item that could be used as a weapon. in other cities like new york, oakland, california and portland, oregon, dealing with protests. millions of dollars of damage are expected. we'll go live to seattle in half an hour. prosecutors announcing charges against five florida a & m band members in the hazer death of a drum major.
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the 26-year-old died after he was hazed by other band members on a bus outside of an orlando hotel after the florida classic football game. what a tragic story. brian, can you tell us about this next story? i know it's your favorite. >> brian: i can't. >> alisyn: cameron diaz, is she dissing american men? she's telling arrest better's bizarre that she prefers english men like this one. >> a pimp mobile! >> yeah, baby! yeah! >> alisyn: diaz said, quote, i love their sense of humor and sense of chivalry. it's something that is innately part of the culture. we don't have that over here. it's not the same in america. >> brian: look at the detail. we're not done yet. >> alisyn: no. of course, she did not seem to mind american men while dating justin timberlake or a-rod. he probably ruined her.
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>> brian: he wasn't opening up doors. >> alisyn: i caught it. >> brian: he's probably like, meet me outside the locker room, honey, and warm the car up. and because of him, she's gone to the brits. >> steve: we're playing mike myers? he's a canadian. >> brian: doesn't matter. same thing. >> steve: the accent is on. >> brian: as lauren pointed out, it's just like being british. fantastic. so simon cowell, good news for you. she could be coming your way, now that he's a single guy. >> alisyn: i'm sure he's very chill russ. >> brian: on behalf of men, we're angry. >> steve: next up on this program, first terrorists. now we have to worry about anarchists. five men busted for plot to go blow up that bridge. does class warfare have something to do with that? peter johnson, jr. is up next. >> brian: plus, a lesson in disorder? one college offering a credit for students who protest
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businesses. especially ones the teacher doesn't like wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> steve: we are learning more about the motives of these five men accused of plotting to blow up a busy bridge near cleveland, ohio. according to court documents, the self-proclaimed anarchists wanted to stop money flowing to the 1% and sent the federal government a message. they have even ties to occupy cleveland. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us with more on the story. >> yeah. it's a fascinating story. we were talking about the role of anarchists and occupy wall street yesterday. unfortunately in some ways, it seems the feds are soft pedaling
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the occupy connection. the occupy connection is right on some of these folks, these alleged suspects on their facebook page. one brandon baxter says his employers occupy cleveland. he identifies himself as a anarchist communist. tony hain says he worked at occupy cleveland on his facebook page. and so what happened is, undercover f.b.i. agent sold these folks, according to the prosecution, c 4, explosives, that they planted at the bottom of the breaksville, northfield bridge outside cleveland between two wealthy communities. and allegedly were texting on a cell phone in order to detonate these ieds at the base of the bridge that we're now look at. >> steve: with people on the bridge? they're lucky that the bombs sold to them were inert. >> so according to the federal prosecutor, themed to blow up
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that bridge. they've allegedly been part of occupy wall street demonstrations in cleveland in the past, at a festival, at a shut down bank program and links with other organizations, according to some published reports. so is occupy wall street based on the allegations that we have, or that branch, should it be considered a domestic terrorist organization? should there be a greater investigation by the f.b.i. into this organization or do we say, oh, these are just five errant people. we haven't had bombings. >> steve: you know what? that's good point because earlier, brian had a debate here on this set talking about what had happened yesterday and one of the people who was defending what happened said, you know, playful group. >> if these allegations are true, there is nothing playful or people scamping around. we have a history and infamous
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history of anarchists committing bombings. they tried to blow up attorney general palmer. remember the palmer raids in 1819, 1918, tried to kill him? there were other bombings there. there was a bombing, famous bombing that killed 38 people on wall street in 1920. this is something that the federal government really needs to take a hard, hard look at and when you see five young folks like this who many identify themselves with occupy wall street movement and then arrested for this alleged crime, that's pretty frightening and disturbing and i think we've got it aa second and third and fourth look at it examine separate these folks out from people who have legitimate grievance. >> steve: that's a good point where. is the investigation? >> we're going to follow up on it. >> steve: good to bring that up. meanwhile straight ahead, the video is hard to watch. two years after a deadly duck
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boat crashed, we're just now getting an up close look. the chilling video from the harbor and the story behind it coming up. he fought for our country and now he can't even get a refund. spirit airlines denies this veteran's simple request. they said he should have bought insurance. "fox & friends" has got a surprise for him. next. come on in today, we stand against the tyranny of single mile credirds. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] or too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn doubleiles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up day for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no.
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>> brian: quick headlines. the parents of madeline mccann speaking out this morning, saying they have renewed hope of finding their daughter. last week scotland yard released what they thought the image of what she might look like today because she'd be nine years old.
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authorities believe she is alive. madeline disappeared on vacation with her family in portugal. here is one story for what were you thinking category. i always have a big list. a defense department employee stopped a newark airport for having land mines in her luggage! roxanne hatcher says she was going to use the land mines in a special forces training exercise in california. ali? >> alisyn: you know this story, we've been telling you about it for days. this american war hero denied a simple refund from spirit airlines after his doctor told him that he is too sick to fly. the airline took his call, they heard his story, and they gave him a one word answer. no. jeremy joins us live this morning with the news, just breaking, the veterans groups from across the country are rallying behind you. great to have you near person. >> great to be here. i thank you very much for listening to me. >> alisyn: well, we're happy to
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listen to you and so are our viewers. your story has really inspired an outcry from our viewers because just to recap, you bought a ticket. you live if florida, your daughter lives in new jersey. you bought an airline ticket to come and visit her. she was going to have surgery. you were going to help her post op. you were then diagnosed with terminal cancer. >> yes. i've been fighting for two years with the cancer, but it was just diagnosed as terminal two weeks after i bought the ticket. >> alisyn: we're so sorry about that. >> that's accepted. >> alisyn: yes. the one thing that you thought you could get a little bit of dispensation, you called spirit airlines and said, i just had this new diagnosis, i'm not allowed to fly. can i get a refund? they said no. tell us an update on your end. >> so far they're standing their ground and that's understandable, but the publicity that i'm receiving and the people who have personally telephoned me and e-mailed, et cetera, has reinstilled my faith in america.
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a lot of good people out there. >> alisyn: there are sure are. we should let people know you drove here to take care of your daughter after surgery. you did not fly. we reached out to spirit airlines to see if they could make an exception in your case, as we've said, you are a war veteran. so many people have rallied behind your cause. they said our reservations are nonrefundable, which means we don't do refunds. we are not going to issue mr. meeken a refund. we received many requests for refunds every day for similar situations. it would not be fair to bend policy for one and not all. what do you make of that? >> what i would like them to do is just to at least extend the courtesy to take each case on its own and make a decision. snot a blanket policy that just says, we don't care whether you're dying or not. we're not giving your money back. the thing that got me is if you die before the flight, we'll give you a partial refund. then, of course, they wanted to give me a credit to fly in the
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future. i said to the guy, what don't understand about the future? there is no answer for that one. i wouldn't be able to use the ticket anyhow. >> alisyn: are you surprised that they are really dig not guilty their heels when so many people rallied to your cause? i'm sure you heard from lots of veterans groups about what they plan to do now? >> yes. spirit, maybe they're not considering is the american legion has 3 million member, plus the auxiliary, sons of vfw, another million and a half, am vets, veterans of foreign wars, they're all grouped and veterans and they're behind me and they're looking at about 6 or 7 million people who are going to boycott spirit airlines. a doctor, i believe he's a chaplain on the chicago police department, called me and said there's a marine group of police officers in chicago who are going to boycott spirit airlines and they're going to try and get the rest of the chicago police
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department to boycott spirit airlines. people from california have called and they're boycotting -- last night i had a call from a lady who has flown them for ten years, twice a year to detroit and back. said she'll never fly them again. >> alisyn: wow. as we've said, it struck a cord with people around the country, as well as our viewers. and in fact, this morning we have a little surprise for you because so many of our viewers felt so badly that you didn't get a refund that, well, steve, hit the atm. >> steve: there is the money. >> thank you. it's not about the money. i will donate this to wound warriors. >> brian: wow. you want to -- >> but i thank you. >> steve: we thank you. we understand what you're up against and ali was talking about the boycott. do you want people to boycott them? >> yes, i do. >> steve: do you? >> yes. because i believe that maybe at the next board meeting when this quarter's financial bottom line is read, maybe the board of
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directors will say to the guy that's currently the ceo, you're a little young. maybe you better change your thoughts, you know. that's the only hope i have for -- people in the future who are like me who have run into a problem unexpectedly. i didn't expect to be terminal. i wouldn't have purchased a ticket to begin with. so they should just, case by case, review it. >> alisyn: obviously we know that the $200 isn't what you're after. but how do you feel about so many people donating to wounded warrior in your name? >> i think it's great. you know. it's a great organization. they need the help financially and the more that can donate to wounded warriors and heros to hometown, it's just fabulous. it's so appreciated. >> brian: who would think a group that you belonged to in the '60s would still be there at your side all these years later? >> they are. >> steve: good luck to you. and your daughter is having surgery today?
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>> right now, yeah. >> steve: our thoughts examine prayers are with you. >> thank you very much. it's such a pleasure to meet you all in person 'cause i watch you every day. >> brian: even alisyn? amazing. >> she's one of my favorites. she's prettier than you are. >> brian: i'll take that. >> steve: thanks for fighting the good fight. >> okay. are we done? >> steve: we're done. >> brian: hold on one second. we got to tell everyone what's coming up in the final half hour. bin laden's reign of terror didn't start on 9-11. will it really end with his death? a fascinating look at the time line of terror and who else we need to watch. >> alisyn: a fire tearing through huge tv star's studio overnight. where was this and what happened
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♪ wild thing ♪ ♪ you make my heart sing ♪ . >> brian: wow. congratulations to the famous baby dinosaur on arriver randa, gave birth to another dinosaur, which gave birth eight months ago because it takes eight months for the eggs to hatch. >> alisyn: is that right? now we're letting young children play with them? >> brian: yeah, you can play
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with them when it's little. >> steve: these dinosaur, including the t rex that i saw in the wide shot, are from field station dinosaur, a new attraction in new jersey. open to school kids may 14. open to the public may 26. we're going to go outside and talk to, once again, the wrangler at the end of the show. >> brian: as you can see, there is no reason to fear the dinosaur because we have the protectioned string barrier. there is no way the dinosaur could figure a way past that! >> steve: is thank is what -- this is what cameron diaz was looking for in a man, chill russ. in jurassic park that, man by now would be miss ago face. >> alisyn: let's get to your news. we have brand-new video of tyler perry's studio complex to show you. a four alarm fire broke out
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overnight. you can see the back lot used in many of his tv shows and movies, much damaged by smoke and flames. it took 100 firefighters to put it out n. one was hurt. perry has spoken to the fire chief, but he is not speaking out publicly at this time. the cause of this fire is unknown. >> brian: we're getting our very first look at the deadly duck boat crash in philly. this took place in 2010. but we warn you, this is not pretty. kind of disturbing. you can see the boat packed with nearly 40 people as it's run over bay giant barge. it shows one crew member jumping for his life before impact. two tourists were killed in the crash. attorneys for their families releasing the video as they are prepared to argue a wrongful death lawsuit. the pilot directing the barge has been sentenced to one year in prison. he says he was distracted by his cell phone. >> steve: exhibit a, another reason not to do that. now a severe weather alert. check this out from colorado. a giant dust devil, as we call
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them there, devouring adam's county. they form when hot air near the ground rises quickly through a pocket of cooler air. the good news? no reports of any injuries or damage, just some pretty cool looking pictures. >> alisyn: so as you know, today marks one year since we were told about the death of osama bin laden on "fox & friends." it was a bittersweet moment after a decade of pain for this journey since 9-11. >> brian: but his reign of terror didn't stop there. a look at the time line of terror and who else we need to watch. >> we just saw another one, apparently go -- another plane just flew into the second tower. >> osama bin laden. >> americans have many questions tonight. americans are asking. >> the group of radical iranian
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students in tehran. 52 americans fell hostage in iran for 44 days. >> americans in iran were mistreated. >> 1983, bomber detonated 1,000 pounds of explosives in front of embassy beirut. stolen from news a moment of terror. >> 241 marines stationed in beirut were killed in a terrorist bombing. >> 1983 bombing. >> bomb killed 241 marines. 270 people were killed. >> flight 103 blew up. >> bar barrack bombing of pan am 103. >> the government is officially being treated as an international outlaw. >> new york, the nation's largest city lived in fear after a huge explosion rocked the world trade center. >> fear is another weapon that's used against you and that's what
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terrorists are all about. >> clearly remains a dangerous place. >> what happened, americans were killed in an explosion. >> massive truck bomb destroying an apartment complex in saudi arabia housing u.s. servicemen. 19 americans died. >> caught a glimpse of a real bright light. you know, like an instant after death, we were all blasted up against the wall. >> 19 americans killed in that saudi arabian blast. >> explosion tuesday in saudi arabia blasted a 35-foot crater next to a military housing compound. one of the buildings demolished. no suspects named. but suspicions focus on muslim militants who want to drive the soldiers out. 19 more killed. >> the bombings of two u.s. embassies that killed 224 people, including 12 americans. >> embassies in two african countries have within the target of bomb blasts.
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>> hundreds injured. >> two practically simultaneous bomb not guilty east africa, a chaotic situation. >> 17 people at least killed in the kenya explosion in nairobi. tanzania, nine people killed, 16 others injured. a suspected car bomb caused that one. >> one of the most active terrorist bases in the world located in afghanistan and operated by groups affiliated with osama bin laden. >> the call is nearly -- small boats crammed with explosives rammed into the vessel. it takes the lives of 17 sailors. >> this was an act of terrorism. it was a despicable and cowardly act. >> drove their boat alongside the cole and detonated the explosives. >> like someone p had taken their fist and punched a 40-foot hole in the side of the ship. >> the terrorists found new
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opportunities before we found new protections. >> the second plane flew into the second tower of the world trade center. this has to be deliberate, folk folks. >> brian: you forget all those attacks over all those years. >> steve: bin laden gone, but terror lives. >> brian: up next on a different note, he may have had a happy hollywood life and a very great career on tv, but joe has been fighting a very personal battle. >> steve: stop complaining. come and sit on the couch with us. good morning.
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>> alisyn: he is a familiar face in movies and on tv, from "risky business" to the gonnaies ," to the sopranos, joey was a successful and in demand actor. but behind the scene, he's been fight ago personal battle. >> did you say was? [ laughter ] >> brian: we can't go back. you have a brand-new book out called "asylum." hollywood tales from my great depression, mental depression and my mother's and being my mother's son. congratulations on putting this all together. it must not have been easy.
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>> you know, yeah, it was, actually. once i was diagnosed and i realized that it wasn't my fault, that i had a mental uneasiness, a mood disease that wasn't permanent, that i could -- when i started feeling better, it was a natural. i found out that most americans don't know that in the course of our lifetime, we will be dealing with a mental disease. 75% of americans will have to deal with it. what i'm hoping to do is that this book kind of catches on and that we start a mental hygiene in american schools start not guilty kindergarten like we do physical hygiene so that kids can understand that having a mental uneasiness is natural and they can talk about it. >> steve: in your book, you talk all about the challenges that you had growing up over across the river in hoboken, new jersey. you were trapped in your own personal asylum. how did you get out of it? there are a lot of people trapped in their own personal one. >> i trade it off.
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all you need for asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people. >> steve: did you have to get away from your family? >> i thought being successful would cure my feeling inside of me examine the minute i came to new york that i would leave that behind and i wouldn't have to remember any of it. also i saw in the inside of my mother's television set an opportunity, if i could get inside that tv like other italian americans who came from poverty like frank sinatra, that i would be cured, i would feel good. i would be remembered. it would be evidence of my existence. >> brian: did that happen? >> well, it did happen, but i didn't feel better. >> alisyn: you say you struggled in your life with all sorts of seven deadly sins or symptoms. food, vanity, shopping and shoplifting. >> yeah. >> alisyn: success even became a downfall. >> we're a victim of our environment. in my environment, stealing was honorable and the better you were at it, the cooler you were.
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when my stepfather, father came out of prison, because he was a made man, that raised my stock. i used to get in a lot of fights. in fact, i began my recovery four years ago. so at 56 was the last time i had a physical fight. i used to get in two fights at least a year. >> steve: people have got to read this book. it is really powerful. >> brian: you should stay for the after the show show. >> steve: check out his new book called "asylum." >> brian: it isn't like when you touch him. >> steve: who is that? >> alisyn: stick around. meanwhile, next, the president picking his 2012 campaign slogan. will it work? look at the slogans from history that worked and those that didn't. >> brian: let's check in with martha mccallum. she'll give us a look inside "america's newsrooms" j. >> just for you, brian. the big question is, what is in
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the future, folks in afghanistan? we'll talk about that quite a bit this morning. also companies may save billions if they decide not to offer health care. where does that leave us? a lottery ticket that was thrown away, but the garbage picker weapons a million. what happened after that? bill and i tell you at the top of the hour. we'll see you then the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. no way. marty doesn't have a big hole in his head. i got mixed up with some bargain brand cooking spray. look the only way to go is pam. works 70% better than the bargain brand. why you gotta rub it in, pal? pam helps you pull it off.
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>> brian: earlier this week, president obama's reelection team announced a brand-new slogan for this campaign. it's called forward. only time will tell if it will work. past presidents have also had campaign slogans and may provide guidance from what follows as a big success and a big flop. joining us now, dr. larry sabato, a political science
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director. dr. sabato, welcome back. let's begin with the time in which you are probably in college. dwight eisenhower's days, 1952, i like ike. did that work? >> yes, i remember those times well, brian. look, it worked because the slogan, i like ike, put the emphasis on eyesen eisenhower's broad smile and his resume. he was supreme commander in world war ii. why the emphasis on personality? because it was the new deal era. no republican had been elected president since 1928. that was a great slogan that kind of gave democrats and independent has reason to vote republican and break that string of democrats. >> brian: many people feared he would come in examine blow up the new deal and he didn't. what didn't work? jimmy carter said, this is his. why not the best? >> yeah, that came from his autobiography, which was
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actually entitled "why not the best." it seemed braggarty. they ran on leaders for change. i don't think that really caught on either. he won because he wasn't richard nixon. he wasn't gerald ford and he wasn't responsible for watergate. had nothing to do with his slogan. >> brian: his opponents turned the slogan around on him because they didn't think he was the best. 1984 is the year and here is the slogan. ronald reagan, it's morning again in america. clearly that worked. why? >> it worked because it encapsulated the theme of the year, which was peace and prosperity. that was a tv ad, by the way. one of the best ever produced. it was totally positive, brian. yes, we actually once had positive ads. one of my students watched it once and said, my god, i want to call mom and ask her to send me some toll house cookies. it hit all the right notes with children and the flag and all the rest of it. it was a great theme for a happy
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year. >> brian: what about this, we always hear this phrase all the time around here, 1992, bill clinton used it, it's the economy, stupid. caravel came up with it, right? >> he did. and it's still being used. in fact, it's being invoked now, ironically, by mitt romney as he said the other day, it's still the economy and we aren't stupid. it's play on the slogan. any time you have a bad economy, you had better believe that the challenger is going to use that slogan. >> brian: 2008, certainly this worked, barak obama, yes, we can. >> yes, we can, hope and change. all of these things enabled people to write on this blank slate called barak obama. they could write whatever they wanted, whatever they believed. now, of course, he has a record. so he has a new slogan, forward. democrats say forward into the future. republicans say forward off the cliff. >> brian: i love the way you
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accessorized this morning. i loved your buttons. >> thank you. they're from my own collection. i have thousands. >> brian: all right. good. hopefully off security guard to no one grabs it from. dr. have a great day. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: coming up straight ahead a real life jurassic park on our plaza. we're going outside to the dinosaurs. i am scared to death. what happened to joey pants? say something !
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>> steve: the t rex from field station dinosaur. take a look. i'm going to talk to the guys in the after the show show. nothing worse than being goosed bay t rex. >> alisyn: bye, everybody. i hope we keep our heads! bill: now where else are you going to see that, huh? morning everybody. fox news alert and breaking news on the state of our economy and this number is not good a new report o


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