tv America Live FOX News May 4, 2012 1:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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will sit down with world powers again israeli defense minister is speaking out telling an israeli newspaper that iran is simply stalling and hope to reach the point where no one can stop them. if that happens he believes that iran's ultimate goal toys have the capability to build a bomb within 60 days. leland vittert has the latest live from jerusalem. leland. >> reporter: this is essentially another warning from the israelis to the world to get something out of these talks or we will do something, which is diplomatic code for a unilateral military strike by israel on iran and the timeline is very important. right now we are about two weeks away from the critical talks with iran in the next six months it is thought that iran would have muni sepbgs alley from an israeli air force strike if israel couldn't do anything about it. iran is famous for stalling and delaying tactics.
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their negotiators say they will come to the table and sit down and talk about giving up their nuclear program. meantime their scientists are hard at work enriching more uranium and working on trying to build a nuclear bomb. at that point it becomes an intelligence game. essentially what the defense minister here in israel has said is that the ayatollahs are working to the point where they can say to their scientists, go and within 60 days iran has the bomb. that is presentation little time for israel to strike. the israeli air force famously took out the iraqi nuclear facilities there in the 1980s. the syrian nuclear facilities a couple of years ago. however, iran has learned they have buried their nuclear facilities, spread them out. it's much harder for israel to hit. israel because of its limited capabilities would have to launch a military strike much sooner than the united states would. this comes back to the issue of politics. there's been a lot of thought and a lot of reports that israel will hold off until after the u.s. elections in order to strike iran.
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however, as a u.s. secretary of state once famously said, israel does not have a foreign policy, only domestic policy. it was just announced in the past couple of days that israel is going to desolve its parliament and go to early elections some time very soon. so it is anybody's guess, megyn how that would affect a go, no-go decision on an attack on the iranian nuclear facilities, back to you. megyn: a little context for you now. iran attended talks with six powers about the nuclear issue back in december 2010, then again in january 2011. no progress was reported. talks again took place in april of this year, there were no major announcements. and another round has been scheduled for may 23rd in baghdad. since 2009 the us has applied at least 12 rounds of sanctions against iran including sanctions against firms that sell iran energy equipment, and against foreign banks that do business with iran's central bank. another fox news alert now this
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one from overseas, a possible breakthrough now in the diplomatic showdown between the u.s. and china. the state department now says chen guangcheng has received a fellowship at an american university, and that china has allowed -- has agreed to allow him and his family to apply for travel permits to leave the country of china here is secretary of state hillary clinton speaking in beijing. >> wear alswe are also encouraged by the owe if i statement issued today by the chinese government confirming that he can apply to travel abroad for this purpose. megyn: the deal could bring an end to one of the worst diplomatic crises between washington and bay sing in jeers. new kwers being asked if the american approach to the negotiations was affected by a desire not to left the chinese dissent over shadow secretary of state hillary clinton's visit. she also went with timothy geithner.
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the activist at issue here, chen, called in to a congressional hearing yesterday that was discussing his case. republican congressman chris smith who is a member of the house foreign relations committee was there for the extraordinary moment. we'll speak with him about it next hour. digging deeper into the new job numbers that the government released today. perhaps you've heard. the numbers show the unemployment rate dropped slightly to 8.1% in the month of april. mostly because thousands of people stopped looking for work at all. but according to the bureau of labor statistics the rate is actually 14.5%. that is what you get when you take into account the people who want a full time job but are only working part time. for a look at the political impact of these numbers fox news digital politics editor and host of power play on chris stirewalt is with us now. chris, 14.5%, they were expecting much greater job gains in april than they got, maybe
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170,000, we got 115. you need 190 for things to keep steady. we are going in the wrong direction. if you look at the graph in how the job growth has been over the past month you can see we are going in the wrong direction. politically what does this mean for the white house? the president told us as recently as a few most ago that he had righted the ship tpwhr that's right th. >> that's right. the president has argued that his policies are working. the economy is turning around. it's not as fast as he'd like it to be. he blames that on the fact that the republicans won't let him sort of put the cherry on top of his package of stimulus and increasing taxes on top easterners in order tearners that will spur the economy. he says overall it's working and we need to stay the court. the problem with a number like this. i want you to think about this. the difference of the number of people who came into the job market and went out of the job market. 500 22,000 peopl500
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22,000 people left the job market. it starts to feed on itself. has that huge pool of people who have given up looking for work grows and grows it's harder to ever get the people back into the workforce. if the president finds himself in a position where he essentially has to admit that it's not working, and that the policies are doing worse, he may have to reboot his economic argument. megyn: you know, when people say -- and it seems -- i did some reading this morning, it seems like both sides of the aisle are a growing that the numbers going down to 8.1% because people are leaving the workforce. that seems to be an empirical fact. people are giving up on the job search. maybe retirees, people who are 65, who are saying, forget it i'm not going to work for minimum wage at some point i'll enjoy my retirement. why is that not reflected in president obama's approval rating and the contest with mitt romney? if somebody people are
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unemployed or under employed wouldn't you expect the president's numbers to be far worse? >> the one thing is democrats by and large believed the president's sent a argument that it's george bush's fault, its the panic of 2008, and the deep recession that followed it that is to blame for these problems. democrats very readily believe that and they think the president has the right policies. for these persuadable voters the folks in the middle who are skeptical, the problem for the president, and we've seen this in the two previous years, was that good economic news in the beginning of the year gave way to disappointment and frustration. if the president were to follow the same trajectory of job approval especially on the economy between now and november he'd be a sure fire looser. megyn: the labor pafrpgs rate, that's what we're talking about now, people who are looking for jobs, who are in the workforce is now officially the lowest it has been since 1981. i mean it's really disheartening to think of the number of americans who have just given up now, chris.
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is there anything, i don't mean to be cynical, but is there anything that this white house, or any other white house could do in an election year to make that 115,000 job number that we got in april go up to something more respectable, at least short term, maybe say september and october? >> well, maybe, but the truth is, with the divided congress it's not like any big sweeping idea. liberals say it's time for more stimulus, conservatives say it's time for tax cuts. neither big idea is going to get through a divided congress. what the president has to hope for is essentially that he can ride-along this bumpy road at the bottom and convince people that it is really a republican-caused problem and that things are really eventually going to get better under his plan. that is a tough sell especially when euro poepb event is running to be sort of the ceo of the american economy, that is a tough sell and it's certainly not a discussion he wants too
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have. megyn: chris, thank you. >> you bet. megyn: after years of stops and starts those suspected of planting the 9/11 attacks are about to face justice. kahlid shaikh mohammed and four co-defendants will appear before a tribunal in guantanamo bay tomorrow. prosecutors will try to convict the five men of pulling off the worst terror attack on american soil. they also want to show that the u.s. military tribunal system is up to the job of being fair and credible. gregg jarrett is live in our newsroom. eric holder at one point was telling us this trial is going to take place in new york city. it was not to be. >> reporter: right, no kidding, megyn. the last time mohammed was actually in court in 2008 he tried to plead guilty and so did his four other co-defendants. will he try it again tomorrow during his arraignment? that is the big question. he was captured in pakistan back
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in 2003, accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks. four others are also accused of carrying out those attacks. they will all be tried before a military tribunal in gitmo. it's been a longtime coming. when president obama took office he not only ordered gitmo closed, he halted the military trials just as the defendants were pleading guilty. his attorney general, eric holder announced, they will be tried in civilian court in the u.s. as megyn mentioned, which created a firestorm of criticism. congress refused to fund the trials forcing the president to back down. well, you know what, that may have been a legal blessing for holder's prosecutors. why? because ksm was an enemy combatant captured overseas in battlefield conditions he was not red miranda rights or granted counsel, nor was there a warrant for all the evidence seized. in a federal court that is a huge problem, a lot of the incriminating evidence, including any confession would have likely been excluded, and
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that is precisely what happened in the case of this guy. galani the very first gitmo detainee to be tried in a civilian court. critical evidence was tossed out under strict federal rules, rules that do not necessarily apply in a military tribunal. what happened there? galani was acquitted on all but one of the more than 280 charges of terrorism, and his case was supposed to be the easiest of all, megyn. megyn: thank you. new reports of violence out of syria. in the regime's brutal crackdown and it's own people. now the white house is saying publicly, it may be time for the world to acknowledge that the current plan is not working. what happens next? and he is facing the possibility of death, his supposed crime, converting to christianity. now serious new concerns that this iranian pastor may be in more danger than ever. we'll tell you about the breaking details in his case. and before the president's
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healthcare bill became law opponents predicted it would result in a two tiered healthcare system for the elite and for the rest of us. my guests coming up will explain why they believe that is already happening. >> it's going to be very, very exciting, but we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. [ male announcer ] when these come together, and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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megyn: fox news alert, new reports that thousands of syrians are pwaeuf braving government gunfire showing determination to oust mahmoud abbas. it comes amid new claims that government forces have killed two dozen more civilians. it's supposed to be a cease-fire, folks. in a stunning admission from the obama administration they say now they know this truce is not working and that it may be time
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for the world to, quote, admit defeat. here is white house press secretary jay carney. >> it is clear, and we will not deny that the plan has not been succeeding thus far, and that the regime has made no efforts to take any of the steps required under the plan, including moving towards the implementation of a full cease-fire. if this continues the international community is going to have to admit defeat and work to address the serious threat to peace and stability being perpetrated by the bashar al-assad regime. megyn: graphic pictures like this. dashing any hopes of stopping the bloodshed any time soon. the amateur video shows syrian security forces storming dormitories at a university and tpao*eurg o firing on peacefully assembled students, leaving the campus on flames, hundreds under arrest thanks to the government forces there. joining me live, kt mcfarland a
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fox news analyst. what a mess. >> it didn't have to be this way. we kept telling them, you can't do this or else we're going to do something, but we never did anything. that is how we've dealt with syria, and russia, that's how we've dealt with iran. we keep telling them, it's in your best interests to do what we want you to do, but then we never do anything. megyn: like stop massacring you're people by the thousands. >> think about it this way, you've got kids, i've got kids. you tell your kids, eat your spinach, eat your spin itch or else i'm going to do something to you. and you never punish them. then you tell them eat the spin itch because it's good for you. they don't want to eat the spin itch. they say, here is a teddy bear tonight but tonight you're going to eat the spin itch. you never carry through with any of the threats. when the little brother says to the big brother, mom wants me to eat the spinach, the big brother
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says, forget about it. throughout we've been extending the hand of friendship to iran. what a joke that is. you've seen the israeli defense minister say iran could build nuclear weapons within a matter of weeks. we have never stood up to these countries. we have made empty threats. we have talked about this is in your best interests, you have to understand. they don't see the world that way. they see a paper tiger which is all talk no action. megyn: we are supposed to be this bass stopb of aoupl and rights, the united states of america, the country that protects human rights globally to some extent at least, and we've got a situation this week, this mess with this chinese dissent who now maybe is going to be coming to an american university which i suppose is a resolution. what a standoff we had with that situation in a country that is forcing women to get abortions and sterilizations, inch fa, but we have to deal with them because they have so much of our debt. in syria they are massacring people by the thousands, college students peacefully protesting
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and they go in there and begin the slaughter when they are supposed to be working towards a cease-fire. we don't and we can't do anything about it, k. t. they say because we pick a fight with syria we pick a fight with iran. we can't pick a fight with china they hold all our debt. where are we? >> we are in a really bad place. all of those things are right. you don't pick a fight with your banker. why are we so indebted to china? stop our indebtedness. frankly we have a lot of leverage with china we are not employing it. with iran we could have slapped sanctions on them day one of the presidency. we should have encouraged the people taking to the streets. we should have done that but we did none of that. we tried to be mr. nice guy. with russia we handed them the missile shield. that drove them nuts. we gave it away. what we should have done is had hard bargaining. don't give that missile shield away. what we want is your help with iran and syria, we got nothing. megyn: carney is admitting that
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the strategy is defeat. of course it's not working. we can see that with our own lying eyes which are telling us what is happeng there. do we have to sit by and watch the massacre go on? we saw the video of this little girl, this little three-year-old girl walking through the rubble of her grandfather's house in syria. all of our viewers wrote in. waving should the united states be doing? >> at a minimum with syria we should be providing humanitarian assistance. cyber assistance, technology assistance as the bashar al-assad government tries to shut off their access to social media. really if you've got a snake don't cut off the tail of the snake, cut off the head. the head of the snake is iran. get tough with iran, forget about these negotiations. okay, go to the negotiations and hope for something, but impose those sanctions ruthless lee, swiftly and immediately. the iranian regime isn't going to go along with stopping their nuclear program. they are so close they can feel it.
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regime change should be the goal. not what we bring about, but what they bring about. own courage the protestors, go out in the streets, we'll do everything we can to help you short of military assistance, but overthrow that government and everything else false. megyn else falls. megyn: new developments in a case in iran sparking international outrage. a pastor sentenced to death for converting to christianity and refusing to renounce that faith. now new fears he is in even more danger, we'll tell you what is happening in his case today. plus the obama campaign website unveiling a new slide show showing how the president's policies would benefit a woman throughout her life, and attacking mitt romney. now conservatives are fighting back. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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megyn: an army captain returns from afghanistan to find himself at war with his homeowners association. he's being sued over a swing set that he built for his children in their own yard. trace gallagher live from los angeles. trace. >> reporter: megyn, this swing set suit has been going on for two years. captain bill frye built the set for his kids before he deployed to afghanistan in 2010, he thought it would ease their pain. his wife went to the homeowners association and asked for permission. she went to the architectural board, they said look, it's a swing set go ahead and build it. that is her side of the story. they hired a builder, paid $1,200, it was half built then the homeowners association came over and said, stop, a neighbor has complained, you need to move the entire swing set. here is captain frye. >> we heard there were complaints but they didn't say what the complaints were, so other than knowing that it was in view of the street, which is
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not something that is in the cc and r's or the governing documents don't mention anything about that. >> reporter: c, c and r' meaning codes, covenants and restrictions. they continued to build it and the captain shipped out to afghanistan. when the hos sent a letter to his wife saying move this thing or else, saying you broke the rules, you didn't stop building it and now we are suing you. so the fryes got an attorney the lawsuit is now in full swing. here is mrs. frye. >> i was a little surprised, also a little stressed. it put a lot more stress on the family than we already had, with him deployed, and we have four children at home, it just added an undue stress that we didn't need. >> reporter: so captain frye clearly as you see is back home now but the lawsuit continues, megyn. they are saying we'll move the swing set as long as the homeowners association gives us a little bit of money to help
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move the swing set. they gave us the okay. the homeowners saying, we are not giving you a dime. it looks like this thing is moving to court. megyn: i'm on the homeowners association side. you're going to have children swinging on swing sets in the backyard, i mean in every yard? nice. very nice. veteran, served our country. thanks, trace. >> reporter: okay. megyn: right? the outrage. president obama repeatedly promised that if you like your health insurance you like your doctor you can keep him. some critics warn the president's law would create a two-tier system one for the elite and one for the rest of us. we'll talk to two doctors who say that is already happening. a conservative group crying foul at julia, a character, created by president obama's re-election campaign. why they say the campaign website is misleading women. alan colmes and mike gallagher are here for a fair & balanced debate on that, next.
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the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us.
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megyn: a conservative group is now launching a counter attack against a new ad from president obama's re-election campaign. the obama ad is titled life with julia, a slide show showing how some of the president's policies and entitlement programs would help in the obama administration's view this hypothetical woman throughout parts of her life.
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i should say in the campaign's view. it starts with a 3-year-old girl named julia, enrolled in the head start program, because of president obama's healthcare law they say at 22 julia would be covered by her parents' insurance. at 42 they say julia would be getting a small business loan from the government and tax breaks, then finally at 67 she would retire and start collecting social security, but they say none of that is likely to happen under a president romney. critics condemn the ad saying it paints the picture of a woman who is dependent on government policies throughout their life. joining me now mike gallagher a syndicated talk host and fox news contributor. and alan colmes who is the host of the alan colmes radio show. look at mike loaded forbear. take it away gallagher. >> i wonder if julia might be the president's composite girlfriend. this whole campaign is turning into a figment of someone's
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imagination. there are two take aways from this ridiculous thing. when we say cradle to grave, government, nanny state, what is exactly what we mean. imagine the obama campaign bragging will somebody dependent on government help and assistance all of their life. number two it really indicates how desperate the obama campaign is, they are trying to run from the record. let's have stories about composite women, made up fictional women, my life with julia as somebody who is constantly dependent on a government handout in order to make it in the world. it's pitiful, embarrassing and very rich for our side. megyn: the deputy rnc communications directer had a similar take on it, alan tweeting out. >> i'm shocked. megyn: tweeting out the new obama graphic concedes the government's role is taking care of people from cradle to grave. yea, government. does this play into a narrative that the republicans have unleashed already on the democrats. >> it's a trap republicans are falling into, they talk about
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the lilly led bet tere act in the julia cartoon. equal pay for women. a free public education which has been a foundation of our life in america for years. the things that are talked about here aren't particular to obama, it was lbj who did head start. fdr started social security. these are things that american democrats -- thank goodness for the democrats and liberals who have brought us these thins that people now take for granted. you want to take away people's medicare and social security, you want to take away the right to a free education. megyn: is that a fair characterization, mike of mitt romney's position, no more medicare, no more social security and no more free public education. >> of course not, mitt romney's position is let's build up a country where people have the free enterprise blessing to make it on their own without their handout or hand stuck in the government's probgt. the best line i saw today guys was julia needs a job and that's what president obama is running from. he doesn't want to acknowledge the again lowering unemployment
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rate, 8.1% rate now, people are dropping out of even looking for jobs, dropping out of the job marketplace. i mean the president is in big trouble even though the polls don't seem to suggest it julia doesn't help. megyn: here is my question for u alan. who has time to go online and looks at this. who goes online and looks at little slide shows that the campaign puts together. >> everybody goes online and cliques around. megyn: they do? you tell me seriously people are going to see this who didn't tune into "america live" right now? there is julia next to her couch. are american women signature at home saying, oh, i want to be more like stkwraou julia. >> who is going to go to the heritage site and have the anti-julia thing, the one they put up. rather than come up with their own campaign they want to do the opposite of what obama does. one of the the little hraoeudz here is tahraoeudz here is tax breaks for small businesses. something that republicans you would think would support was it
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not for julia and president obama supporting them. what did romney say when asked what his plan would be. whatever obama does, i'm going to do the opposite. megyn: look how happy she is meek? look at her next to her white picket fence, which republicans want to clearly take away. >> i don't want to take away julia's happiness. i'd be happy if i was cashing government checks from cradle to grave. >> it's not government checks it talks about free education, social security, things that have been part of american life for years. republicans are talking about private schools that not everybody can get in to and afford. >> alan this is the ideological difference. you guys think this is something to brag about. republicans say, we shouldn't be gloating about government assistance. the government isn't in a position to breast feed us, alan. megyn: let me jump in. i think it's actually playing on something else according to most of the reports assessing this and that is the so-called war on
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women, and reach out to julia showing how the republican's alleged war on women, alan, is being waged at all phases of your life. i mean they are going after the nursery schoolers, the preschoolers even though we didn't know that before the slide show. >> i think the republicans are making the same mistake when they try to go after press on the issue of capturing and killing osama bin laden, where every time they bring it up they are remind being us that he's been very good on national security. now they want to remind us that indeed it's the democrats and the president, and the policies of democrats that really would help most americans. mike gallagher you want people -- you want to give up your social security? give up medicare? do you want too give you will all the things we've had in this country for years? >> i don't want to brag about some fictitious woman that gets government assistance from cradle to grave. the fact you're gloating about it is an ideological difference. you're celebrating it. megyn: julia has other plans. we have to wrap this up.
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she is very busy. she has a lot on her plate today. >> julia is a busy lady. i want to hangout with her. megyn: thank you both. see you. coming up, stunning new details from the escort at center of the secret service scandal in colombia. she is speaking out. what she is saying about that fateful night and her role in the investigation. she is dishing on what went south and the transaction that started this whole scandal. new economic numbers president obama probably didn't want to hear six months before election day and the american people probably didn't want to hear. he's hardly the first president to face a tough, tough economic climate. we look back at how president reagan handled similar challenges, and where does he stand in his recovery are efforts six months out. we await the supreme court's decision on the healthcare law, two doctors weigh in lesson concerns that we are already seeing a two tiered system of health in america.
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>> if you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor period. if you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. no one will take it away, no matter what. megyn: that was president obama a few years back pitching his healthcare law to the american people. before it was even passed opponents to the plan predicted the law would result in a two-tiered medical system saying it would continue a trend that had already started in in country of most americans getting factory medicine, complete with the rationing of care while the elite would pay cash for top-notched
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individualized care. my next guests say, that is already happening. dr. marc siegl is a member of our fox news medical a team and dr. elizabeth edin is an obgyn and a teacher of obstetrics and gynecology at nyc school of medicine and the most brilliant obgyn on earth and the woman who delivered my children, thank you so much for being here. i am one of the elite. i pay dr. he'd even out of pocket then submit for reimbursement out o from my insurance company. you are one of the doctors who has gone to cash payments, you don't take insurance or medicare any more. why did you do that? >> i did that because i was seeing so much patients in a day when i belonged to the managed care networks, that i couldn't spend enough time with each patient where i felt that i was comfortably giving them the kind of medicine that they deserved
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to have. have. megyn: now you have less volume, right. >> yes. megyn: that enables you to give more time to people like me. we actually game friends. she is not only my doctor, she is my friend. who can say that about a doctor, they get you in and out. it's like a factory in most places. if you have more patients you make more money but you say you have more malpractice now. >> you can't give the kind of care that you want to give to that many patients. there isn't enough time in the day, your brain can't go that fast. it's not good medicine to take care of large volumes of patients. so if you want to practice medicine the way we all really went into medicine for, or most of us did you have to see a reasonable number of patients, and the reason the managed care companies reimburse at such a low rate, and that's why you have to see so many patients in
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order to pay your overhead. as you said, malpractice insurance is a huge part of that overhead. megyn: especially for obgyn's, that get sued all the time. not you because you're brilliant. they get sued a lot and have enormous malpractice costs and they are placed in an untenable position. dr. siegel, most people can't afford to payout of pocket and submit reimbursement and go through all the hoops. they will be put in the factory position where you get three minutes with your doctor. more often than not they farm you off for some test and you never get to see them. >> this was all happening before obama care and you just described it. here is why it's guessing worse now. under obamacare the co-pays are going down the deductibles are going down so there is no disincentive for over use because you're not paying out-of-pocket. the insurance will cover you. the worst problem is it covers the worried well. so my office is filled with people who aren't seub. so insurance will encourage you to use the product, the
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insurance before you're actually sickment if you're sick they may not want to see you, they may push to you get out of network. megyn: they predicted that more well people would be spending time at the doctor, and less sick people would be there. >> at the same time they are cutting down what doctors can charge. our fees are going down. more and more paperwork. and more and more committees are coming in. and the independent medicare advisory board is going to set the standards, what you're calling rationing and other private inch shares are going to follow suit. my office gets more and more filled and i do take most insurancess with people that i would be forced to see in shorter and shorter periods of time, that i want to send to a super specialist, dr. he'd even is not available. i do expect with her training to deliver a baby and that you will goes into it and get paid less and less and less? she'd be crazy to do that. she has to make a live. i have a shrinking network, less people available of topnotch people to use. we are describing a perfect storm for a two-tiered system of
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healthcare, where people who can afford it like you or me go to doctors that we payout of pockets for. boutique medicine, people that have the time to take care of us. megyn: the problem is you talked to my about this. where this you go to factory medicine. forgive the term. you go to a doctor who is in this factory-type practice, they follow certain guidelines handed down. in the field of obgyn there are some that are questionable that you have the luxury to say, i'm not following those, tell us. >> absolutely true. they may not be forced to follow those guidelines, but they are encouraged to follow the guidelines. and, for example, there has recently been a change in the guidelines for pap smears screening, intervals where women should have pap smears and when they should start to have pap smears, and above a certain age they shouldn't have them any more. and this is not the way i practice medicine, this is not -- this is not a good way to practice medicine. we are going to miss disease for
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sure. we are going to increase the incidents of cervical cancer if we don't screen for pap smears like we've been screening for the last 60 years since the pap smear was invented or 50 years. megyn: tell us what happened with the 80-year-old patient who came in, and wanted one. >> it's a recent story, two story, an 80-year-old woman came into my office, new patient, incredibly youthful woman, moving well, looking well, just incredibly lifeful. and she was new to me. she said she had been seen by her former gynecologist for a long, longtime and he had the ahh today's tethe audacity to die she said. she saw a female obgyn and she said i'm never going to go back. and we started to talk and here said, are you going to do a pap smear today? i said of course. she said that is good, that is
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great, i have a friend who is 78 and her doctor wouldn't do a pap smear and she was just diagnosed with cervical cancer and this female obgyn that i just saw that i'm never going to see again refused to do a pap smear for me because i'm 80. megyn: what is the bottom line? is this the future of medicine? >> i hate to use this term but i consider it a cancer on the healthcare system. less than 50% of physicians are taking new medicaid patients and we are expanding medicaid by 16 million more people. doctors will retpous to see more patients. some specialties like her or psychiatry you can't find a psychiatrist that works with insurance at all. none of this was considered. the hospital takes this insurance but we can't take it. megyn: obama care was meant to expand access for people, provide doctoring for people who couldn't afford it and didn't have coverage. >> that's why it's such a myth when he says you get to keep your doctor. your doctor is moving to a hospital. the university medical centers may be able to survive, they look at a bigger bottom line.
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everybody becomes salaried employees, and the quality of care goes down. it's going to be like harley street in london. people who can afford it will go to the private boutique doctors. everybody else will be in a system where they don't get where they want. if they can see me whenever they can see me i might not be able to see them. megyn: two brilliant, great, awesome doctors, both of whom i high will he recommend. thanks again. a case of bullying in the animal kingdom. the road block rescuers are facing in order to save a dolphin off the california coast. why would that be? a mystery in the sky, a woman plunge tog her death while hang gliding. police are looking at the pilot, and boy i mean they are look at him. >> there have been a series of x-rays taken. we have confirmed, we are just in the waiting process here.
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megyn: sad news out of music world just now. reports coming in that beaty boy's band member adam yoke just died. they are widely considered one of the most influential pioneers in the hip-hop world. they were inducted into the hall of fame last month. he was 47 years old. a dolphin stuck in the california wetlands for a week may be the victim of bullying. trace gallagher picks up the story. >> reporter: the shallow wetlands are in huntington beach which is better known as sur much city usa. some believe the dolphin is sick ands believe it is being bullied. rescue teams came out and tried to help the dolphin get back into the ocean, it's only about 400 yards but it's tricky to navigate the waters. before it got back into open water a group of other toll finances came up and attacked
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it, and forced it back into the shallow wetlands. who knew dolphins had a dark side, right? other experts say the dolphin is not being bullied, in fact the other dolphins were just kind of reacting to this dolphin's strange behavior of being in that shallow canal in the first place. they believe the other dolphins will not leave their mate behind, and now these marine biologists and experts are just kind of sitting back and waiting and hoping this wayward dolphin decides to make its way back into open water. if it gets sick or the shallow water gets more shallow they may do something to help it. right now they are sitting back and waiting. if you're in the ocean are you really bullied? aren't you more like sharkied or whalied kwrao that wa. megyn: that was bad. look who is talking. i'm the queen of the bad jokes. i like to go with the more positive theory b that you o*fr. how they just won't leave their friend. >> reporter: right, yeah, that's
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when a lot of people believe. this dolphin is ailing or disoriented, and they believe those dolphins are kind of swimming out in the ocean waiting for the dolphin to come back and once it comes back they'll rejoin them. megyn: keep us updated. new details today on a dramatic plea for help from the chinese activist who is fighting for his life. chen guangcheng calling into an emergency congressional hearing here in the united states about his ordeal, and according to congressman chris smith this guy is very disappointed in u.s. dip plea matter. does he feel that way now that he is apparently about to attend an american university? congressman smith joins us. another fight for freedom in iran. a p-s tore faces a death sentence for converting to christianity. we are hearing today he is even in more danger. that is up next. i have two car insurances in front of you here.
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let's start with car insurance x. four million people switched to that car insurance alone just last year. mmm, it's got a nice bouquet. our second car insurance, y. mmmmm, oh, i can see by your face they just lost another customer. you chose geico over the competitor. calm down, calm down. you're getting carried away.
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when i found out my put me at 5 times greater risk of a stroke, my first thoughts were about my wife, and my family. i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation,r afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa, there's no need for regular blood tests. that's really important to me.
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pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners, or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take tell your doctor about all dicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase your stroke risk.ures, other side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. having afib not caused by a heart valve problem increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you can reduce your risk with pradaxa. megyn: a fox news alert. a dramatic appeal by a chinese activist in the center of a
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political storm. chen guangcheng pleading for his life during a phone call he made about china. an american university offered the man a fellowship and china has allowed chen and his family to apply for permits. he sparked a diplomatic standoff after a daring escape from house arrest if he was protesting china's forced abortions and infanticide. he wound up at the u.s. embassy in day joining. there are questions whether china will let chen leave the country has promised and over
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how the u.s. handled the situation. that must have been bizarre. >> i was trying all day to get on the phone with chen guangcheng and finally bob foo arranged it, he was one of our witnesses, a dissident who spent time in prison himself. we it the phone to the microphone an made an impassioned plea to protect his family. he's very worried about his wife and two children and also about his mother and nephew and other members of the family. the chinese -- this was a diplomatic and public relations nightmare for the chinese government because finally the mediancluding fox are focusing on the cruelty of the one child per couple policy in effect since 1979. i offered my first amendment on
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this come batting this in 1984. it's a true war on women and the consequences to women have been horrific. including little girls. they are missing 100 million girls because of sex election abortions in china. 500 suicides of women every day in china. chen guangcheng, great courage and his wife began documenting these cases for the class action suit. megyn: we talked about how the chinese rewarded him for that. he sought refuge at the chinese embassy. they got him out somehow or other. he claims he was told the chinese were threatening his family. we don't know what the truth is, but the point is he left an was no longer able to seek asylum.
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and there was a real question about whether we mishandled it because hillary clinton was on her way over or tim geithner was on his way over. there was a suggestion they wanted him out. they didn't want an international incident. you say the congress needs to look into that? in order to clear the decks if also that the secretary of state and geithner would be able to have this meeting. my feeling is whenever these cases take place -- they have taken place all over the world under various administrations, you take your time and it may take weeks or months. you make sure what the individual is seek. is it asylum? is it to be reintegrated into his or her country or protection? there is no place in china where a dissident or human rights
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activist is safe. megyn: now that he gets to come to america and go to american university. have we avoided international embarrassment? >> we have got to keep our vigilence hopefully because the chinese government -- hopefully other members of his family including his nephew and mom and others will not be retaliated against. the woman who ferried him to beijing, a young woman who put him in the car and took him there, she was arrested. we understand she is no longer arrested but being surveilled by the chinese secret police. the media needs to keep the focus on this hero so she does not become a victim. megyn: representative smith, thank you for being here. here is background on chen
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guangcheng. he began his activism at an early age. campaigning for tax exemptions for people with disabilities. what raised his international profile was his campaign against forced abortions in china. we are told that led to his arrest. in case you are wondering about the eye glasses, he is blind. stunning details in the secret service investigation coming from the woman involved in this prostitution scandal. it happened at this hotel in columbia last month. now dona suarez would never have complained about not being paid if she knew he was part of president obama's security detail. but now she is telling more about what went on that night and what led to an international incident. molly?
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>> reporter: she says there were various papers visible in the secret service room but she didn't see anything that suggested he was working for the soon to visit american president. >> the on thing she said and she said it before was she saw a uniform in the room which she thought indicated he was military or soldier but no information at all regarding president obama or anything that would link this man to president obama. we also asked her about the mood of this man, she said he had drunk quite a bit, but he was not drunk. >> reporter: she says she trusted the man so she didn't get the money up front but insists they agreed to $800 a night. when the morning came she says he became a different man. wouldn't pay her the $800 and
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kicked her out of his room. >> if she had known at any point he was a member of the secret service she would have never called the local police because all the scandal has brought a lot of trouble into her life and something she never wanted to happen. she never wanted to come out in public. >> reporter: nine agents have been fired or resigned. but she says no one from the secret service has contacted her during the probe for her version of events. megyn: probably too afraid. they may not want to hear what she has to say. do you want that number on your cell phone if you are a secret service agent? a new push for answers to a shooting tragedy on an american campus 42 years ago today. kent state university on this day in 1970.
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ohio national guardsmen opened fire during an anti-war protest. four students were killed. 9 were wound. 7 of those former students are looking for closures and some answers. trace gallagher picks up the story from our west coast newsroom. >> reporter: this was a defining moment in american history and we have no answers as to why those ohio national guardsmen fired on those students. they fired 67 bullets, killing four, wounding nine. those 7 survivors of the shootings want this case reopened. they want congressional hearings on the evidence after reanalyzing the audio, some experts say you can hear an order given to the guard to open fire. and before they fired on the students, the experts say you can hear four .38 caliber pistol shots in the background. the department of justice
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analyzed the same audio recordings and they say they are inconclusive. that the voices were unintelligible and the sound that was said to be pistol shots could have been doors slamming. the doj has refused to open this case again. but the survivors of the kent state shooting say they don't want to go to court. what they are trying to do is create enough public pressure and noise to try to get congress to reopen this thing 42 years after this happened, megyn because the shooting is still a huge topic in ohio. megyn: surreal, those pictures. the government releasing new employment numbers showing the economy added 115,000 jobs last month. you need 180,000, 190,000 just to sustain. we are going to take a look back to 1984 when president reagan
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was dealing with his own jobs crisis as he approached reelection. where did things stand there? plus a florida town on edge nervously watching a sinkhole threaten more homes. can you imagine if a sing hole was moving towards your home? we have video showing how close this is to the neighborhood. a mystery in the sky. a woman plunges to her death while hang-gliding. now police are look at the pilot who was with her, and we mean really look at the pilot. we'll explain. >> there have been a series of x-rays taken. we have confirmed. we are in the waiting processgl here. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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megyn: a massive sinkhole tears open a florida yard. at least 50 feet deep and 100 feet across. it came within three feet of one family's back door it's threatening to bring the entire house down. >> he went out to let the dog out at 7:00 this morning and said there is a hole in the backyard. i said, it's probably a warthog and the whole backyard is gone. megyn: time lapse video shows the hole growing fast. other neighbors are being warned that their homes may not be safe either. a dismal jobs report showing more americans are stopped look for work all together. employers added only 115,000 jobs last month. compare that to april 1984 after the most severe recession since
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1982. so often you hear the president's recovery compared to president reagans recovery, but you can see the disparity where we were then. 363,000 versus 115,000 added this month. it says a lot. our brain room says 363,000 back in april 1984 would be like 450,000 jobs created today. we are way off pails of the recovery we were going through back then. this recovery looks nothing like that one. >> unfortunately the economy is getting weaker. a lot of people will argue against that. it's just one month. well, i look back at first 11 quarters of the reagan recovery and we had created 9.4 million
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jobs. the obama recovery, 3.9 million jobs. that's a dramatic difference. you can say it's because of the warm weather. just one month. this recovery is not comparable to the recovery we saw under reagan. megyn: the new jobs added the past year and give viewers a sense of where we stand. things had been going rather well. look at the peak in late december-january of 2012. 275 thank you jobs add. 240,000. then april we are down at 115,000. why? march was bad, april was bad. why? >> companies aren't laying off anymore. the problem is companies aren't hiring. you look at small companies, large corporations, they are not hiring. it's the same thing i hear over and over. i don't know what's around the
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corner. i don't know what's going to happen with taxes. so you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to sit on my hands and continue to keep up with demand for my goods with the employment that i have. megyn: why weren't they doing that in january, february and late december? >> we saw the stimulus take effect and there was some growth. a lot of these companies had to get back to the bare bones to get a few people in there to keep up with the demands for goods and services. again, going in that wrong direction, if you do not have demand for goods and services as an owner of a can company small or large, why would you hire somebody else. megyn: look at graph of this. just based on that you would say the president is getting the job done. he took office 7% to 8%
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unemployment. now it's down to 8.1%. i have heard analysts on both sides of the aisle say that may look good on paper but it's a problematic number. they are saying it doesn't mean only 8.1%. >> that number means nothing to me. that's like we saying i lost 10 pound but my cholesterol is high and my heart rate is about to explode. they take people what's called work age and a percent average those people who are actually working. it dropped this month down to 63.6%, the worst level since december of 1981. everybody who wants a job with on 63.6% have a job. i don't care what the administration says. the numbers come from the government.
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people are out of work. then you have the other number. 14.5%. and under employed. that's temporary work. it is extremely troubling. the employment picture in this country is bad and getting worse. megyn: you look at the number of americans who want jobs versus the number of americans who have jobs. but if you change the number of americans who have jobs by throwing thousands out of that calculation, they have given up, you are necessarily going to get a lower unemployment rate. how are they living? how are those people sustaining themselves? >> off the government. but then again you only have the unemployment benefits for so long and that runs out. then you have welfare it's a very troubling statistic. when you have 2.7 million americans saying i have given up on finding a job --
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megyn: who can blame them. you can get unemployment for close to 2 years. the number of long-term unemployed who have been unemployed for 27 weeks or more was 5.1 million in april. 5.1 million people have been without a job for 27 weeks or more. it would be easy to give up. it's so disheartening. >> that number should be higher. they are not including people who have given up. i'm not saying people out there listening saying it's easy to go throughout and find a job. i'm say from an administration standpoint they are trying to put a positive spin on this number this morning. we still are creating jobs. what about the millions of people out there -- what do you tell them when they gave up on getting work because the government is doing nothing to help you? megyn: it' interesting you point out the 9 million jobs created
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under reagan. we heard the obama administration talk about the jobs they created. that may be the case. your point is it needs to be much, much more to rebound from what we suffered. >> keep in mind this monthly number need to be between 200,000 to 300,000 to get close to recovery. we are not even half of what we need to be. megyn: new developments on a case in iran that's sparking international outrage. a pastor sentenced to death because he converted to christianity. more fallout for senate candidate elizabeth warren. call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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megyn: a christian pastor jailed and sentenced in iran may be in grave danger after the announcement his attorney who has been fighting for his right to live is about to be arrested. trace gallagher has been following this closely from rain shower west coast bureau. >> reporter: youcef nadarkhani has been in jail for 900 days and his attorney has been his only legal advocate inside iran. now the attorney says he expected -- he's look at 9 years in prison. the american center for law and justice which is working to release pastor youcef nadarkhani, he says without a lawyer he is in great larger
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danger. he converted from islam to christianity. sentenced by a lower court to death. he was given a chance to recant christianity, he refused. so his death sentence was upheld. international pressure is growing calling for the pastor to be released. but under the iranian legal system youcef nadarkhani does not have to be give up an excuse date, which means the iranian government can simply execute him at any time without warning. now in the very near future he will be without legal counsel in jail. megyn: unbelievable. the american center for law and justice has been following this. we'll get updates from them as well. trace, thank you. a mystery in the sky. a woman plunging to her death while hang-gliding.
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literally hanging on to the feet of the pilot she was hang-gliding with. elizabeth warren is running for senate. she wants scott brown's seat. she is unleashing a political firestorm after listing herself as a native american inner in are regard application. there are concerns over the potential impact on the balance of pour in the u.s. senate. >> i'm very proud of my heritage. i'm very proud of the stories that my brand parents told me, that my grandparents told my parent and my parents told my brothers and me. zap technology. departure. hertz gold plus rewards also offers ereturn-- our fastest way to return your car. just note your mileage and zap !
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love. her mother is suing the coaches and the state, arguing they ignored george huguely's behavior before he killed their daughter in 2010. democrats are potentially in danger of losing control of the u.s. senate come november. one of the seats they most hope to win is in massachusetts. and their hopes are pinned on harvard professor elizabeth warren. folks on both sides of the aisle questioning the competence of warren's senate campaign it was revealed she listed herself as a native american while at harvard. critics argue she tried to use minority stat to us her advantage. warren denies it and says she is just proud of her native american heritage. >> i have a picture on my mantel
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at home. a picture of my grandfather, and my aunt bea has walked by that picture 1,000 times and remarked that her father, my papa had high cheekbones like all of the indians do because that's how she saw it and she said and your mother got those same great cheekbones. and i didn't. she thought this was the bad deal she had gone the in life. being native american has been part of my story, i guess, since the day i was born. megyn: part of her story because her great, great great, great grandma, sarah smith, may have been cherokee. tucker carlson and jehmu greene. i mean, can we just have a laugh at this? jehmu, let me ask you because you are a democrat.
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because a great, great great, great grandma sarah, she gets to check the box she is native american. >> you can have a laugh eight but the reality is the current chief of the cherokee nation bill john baker is 3% cherokee which us 1/32. megyn: but he's living a native lifestyle. >> she clearly grew up in home which has strong ties to the native american community which is different than massachusetts where you are seeing a lot of political commentators finding it easy to make teepee jokes. you see scott brown questioning her about her qualifycation because he understands he has to appeal to white male working class votessers who feel marginalized because of
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affirmative action. but for women who do not like being called on their qualifications. it's like someone saying to you did you get an advantage to become an anchor? i think that will backfire on scott brown. megyn: i checked a lot of boxes to get into albany law school. when they said are you white? i said yes. when they said are you a woman? i said yes and they let me in. larry sabato said this is a problem for her. it derailed her effort to define herself in a voter friendly way. this is a quote from larry, non-partisan guy, this what is happens when candidates don't tell the truth. >> having a great grandparent who may or may not have been. megyn: great, great great. >> being 1/32 of some racial
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group is not a qualification it, an accident. this is an amusing story. obviously her campaign is blowing up over this. her remark about all indians have high cheekbones. they also like feathers it's offensive and dumb. the system rewards people based on their dna which is inherently unfair. it was unfair under segregation and it, unfair now. she did gain material advantage by lie being her ethnic background. >> harvard has been clear that she did not gain any material advantage. at the end of the day she won the teaching award at harvard two years in a row. she won teaching awards at the university of pennsylvania, the university of michigan. the. to question this woman on this qualifications is something that does appeal to voters like you,
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bow tie and white boys. but at the end of the day -- >> wait, who tax! megyn: let him respond. >> you can use name calling all you like. harvard does award material advantaged people based on their skin color, as you know. harvard bragged about the fact that she is a minority professor. she isn't a minority. she didn't grow up speak an indian language on a reservation. she is not american indian. she posed as one and harvard by its own admission gives advantage to people who are minorities. >> are you saying the only reason she was hired is because of the box she checked and not because of the incredible teaching credentials. the top 50 female lawyers in the country from the national law
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journal? megyn: there were questions raised about that not because she is a woman but because we are looking at her qualifications on what she said. she came from rutgers. a fine university. most of the faculty at harvard didn't go to rutgers. there was a question about whether she did use this alleged minority status to get into these elite university as a law school professor. harvard says no. but they did use it, jehmu. they touted, look at elizabeth warren. she is native american. >> that's not how she got the job. >> how do you know how she got the job? >> harvard has been very clear that this is not why she got the job. she got the job because she came in as a rock star teacher from all of these other institutions. being listed numerous years back to back about being one of the
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top female attorneys in the nation. you are going to go down the road, tucker, you don't want to with women. their qualifications being questioned from a double standard. >> i have no idea why elizabeth warren was hired. i do know this. harvard does awardweight to people's ethnic background. they bragged about her ethnic background. i'm not saying she is not a great teach. maybe she is. but she is not good at explaining herself when asked about her behavior. >> that is the mistake she made. she is a political novice. >> you want to shout me down and call me names. i'm saying something that's obvious in front of our faces. a system that awards benefits based on people's blood line is wrong and it should stop.
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that's all i'm saying. megyn: along the lines of sabato. he says it's quotey obvious she was using the minority listing for career advancement. he says it's obvious she wasn't telling the truth. joe trippi said they were not really for this. they should have anticipated this issue. the problem is, do you lose credibility when you can't look at this and say, all right, it's clear that this is not somebody who should have been checking the native american box? >> i think clearly the campaign's reaction and the fact that we are talking about this days in is problematic. but i think it's also problematic that similar to what we saw with martha coakley in the previous senatorial race in massachusetts that these female candidates are held to different standards. she messed up the answer. let's get past it. you continue to question this woman on her credentials.
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that is going to pay for dividends when women go out and stand by her and say, don't ask me about my qualifications when i'm as qualified or more qualified than my oh own end. his qualifications come from posing nude in a magazine? megyn: she says if we are going to ask questions about qualifications maybe the appropriate person to ask is scott brown. what does he think it takes for a woman to be qualified. he says this has nothing to do with that. he says it has to do with her misrepresenting. tucker, jehmu. thank you. we set the twitter world afire on this issue. follow me at megyn kelly and let me know what you think. we'll talk about it. he has the scoop on one of the biggest developments in world history and thought the world needed to know. but an american journalist was fired for reporting the news. decades later his family
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receiving a mea culpa from the organization that got rid of them. next in "kelly's court," a mystery in the sky. a woman plunges to her death while hang-gliding. police are looking at the pilot and do we mean looking at him. >> there have been a series of x-rays taken. we have confirmed. we are in the waiting process here. or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in needit : [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink?
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because you never know what lies around the corner. to get a free quote, call... visit a local office, or go to today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. on the docket today, a bizarre accident. a 27-year-old woman for the first time in her life goes hang gliding an instructor. she falls to her death in canada. she was supposed to be strapped in with a professional instructor. but somehow she became loose from the harness when she became airborne. one witness says the woman frantically grabbed onto her
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instructor before she dropped to her death. >> she bear hugged the pilot in order to stay up. it looked like she was slipping down his body and let go at the very end. megyn: that pilot is 50-year-old william jonathon orders. he survived. but he's accused of swallowing a memory card from a camera belong to the victim and her boyfriend. he's been slapped with an obstruction of justice charge. >> we haven't seen the x-rays but we have information from the physicians that confirmed the card is inside. megyn: a hearing will determine if orders can be released on bail. joining me to skits, kimberly guilfoyle and jonna spilbor, a defense attorney and former
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prosecutor. that was wednesday. they said they would postpone the hearing for a couple days while they waited. they don't know what kind of shape the memory card will be in. >> really. time is ticking. megyn: they charged him with obstruction of justice. >> they did. what you are looking at here is a negligent homocide investigation. was there something he didn't under canadian law that he missed a step that directly contributed. was he reckless to her death? the memory card could have evidence of that. so he deliberately tried to on struck the investigation by con con -- concealing and ingesting and holding on to evidence that could assist the prosecution. he's in trouble. it's a terrible accident. but if there are steps he should have taken, he's responsible for
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her death. megyn: it's a digital video of the flight. and i guess this was on the hang-glider. we are being told. this was on the hang-glider. can you say guilt? why else would he swallow the card? they confirmed he did that. >> he ate the evidence. but my question is evidence of what? megyn: something bad. you don't just swallow memory cards. >> maybe there is no crime. maybe this is strictly just an accident. think about it. if you are in his shoes and somebody is going to fall to their death while holding onto you? that's the worst thing that could happen to him and maybe he said i don't want anybody to relive this. i'm going to get rid of the evidence. swallowing it is bizarre. but i can understand there would be an indent explanation for it.
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>> the intent required under canadian law would be wanton or reckless disregard. omitting a step he should have taken in a series of 10 safety measures. you can't get careless with this kind of job when people's lives are on the line. the boyfriend got her this as a present. i don't do the hang bleeding, the hot air balloon. i have many unclaimed gifts. i'm not a thrill seeker. megyn: this guy could face charges. it's his responsibility under the law to run through this series of checks. the woman was trying to hang on, she fell down his body, tearing off his shoes in the process. her boyfriend, the poor guise on the ground watching this as she is dying. because he's worried the world will see the videotape?
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is any jury going to believe that? >> if he were negligent and didn't bubble something in correctly we don't automatically turn that into a crime. it would be he showed up drunk and didn't do it correctly. megyn: isn't swallowing the tape the thing he could have done if he didn't do anything? if he was just negligent. >> probably. he could have freaked out. think about it. this is a horrible situation. hopefully it was just negligence. >> he obviously didn't strap her in right and it shows consciousness of guilt that he swallowed the evidence. megyn: we'll be right back.
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megyn: an american journalist fired from his job after breaking one of the biggest stories in history. germany's surrender in world war ii. now his family is getting an apology 67 years later. >> reporter: it was probably the biggest scoop in the history of the associated press and it goss correspondent edward kennedy canned. he reported a full day ahead of anybody else of the german surrender at a small schoolhouse in france. it ran in 1945. you can see it in a clipping from the "new york times." the problem is kennedy defied u.s. censors to get that story out. they had agreed to suppress the story for a day to allow joseph stall lynn to -- joseph stalin
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to stage a surrender. it was purely political. he was allowed to be present but on on the promise to keep the secret for a time. but when he knew the transmission had been authorized by the same military censors gagging the press. he immediately picked up the phone and dispatched his story to the associated press in london. for that he was rebiewkd and fired. the associated press said he had no duty to obey that embargo because it was for political reasons instead of protecting the troops. the a.p. executive is belatedly apologizing. he said kennedy did everything right. the apology has arrived 67 years
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later. megyn: what a story, incredible. coming up. john edwards' attorney is fed up with the parade of witnesses testifying to his affair. we'll have the latest. egal settt or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me!
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