tv FOX and Friends Sunday FOX News May 6, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EDT
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class and we have been through too much to turn back now. >> how the romney campaign will respond next. >> it was more like a three ring circus than a military tribunal for self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed and four others. more on the mockery at gitmo ahead. >> a family sued sparked by a winning lotto ticket. why one mother is suing her own son. who is in the right here. we report. you disivmentd "fox & friends" begins right now. >> extra large, folks. >> i'll have another. that's the winning horse at the derby. i will have another cup of coffee. >> you had a massive vat of iced coffee. >> gone. gone at 6:01.
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>> interesting show. >> maybe he needs some lemonade this morning. >> we are going to have a huge lemonade stand outside there are 20 kids ready to start squeezing some lemons this morning. great to see you guys. if you are in midtown manhattan come down for delicious lemonade. >> good business example for young kids. i understand you will be making mango lemonade. that's my order at 6:01. >> teach kids business -- >> president obama officially kicking off election campaign if two swing states. after two speeches he he was a little hoarse by the end of the day. some observers say there is a noticeable lack of the hope and change enthusiasm as there was in 2008. peter doocy with more on that story. >> good morning. mitt romney is patriotic and he has a great family and got experience running a state and business. but he says mitt romney has drawn the wrong lessons from
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those experiences. >> he doesn't seem to understand that maximizing profits by whatever means necessary, whether through layoffs or outsourcing or tax or union busting may not be always good for the average american or for the american economy. we cannot give him that chance. [cheers and applause] not now, not with so much at stake. this is not just another election. this is a make or break moment for the middle class and we've been through too much to turn back now. >> president obama also said that this time around his campaign is still about hope and change. but, he won't just be running against romney. is he running against his enown record now and a spokesperson for the romney campaign says quote no many how many campaign speeches he gives american families are struggling on his watch to pay
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their bills, find a job and keep their homes all while president obama but ignores his job three and a half years in office the american people won't. as for the president's big campaign event of the re-election season which was billed as the ready to go rally. 14,000 people showed up, according to the columbus fire department which did not fill up the entire 18,000 seat arena on the campus of ohio state university. it was certainly a bigger crowd than any of the republic candidates have drawn so far including the presumptive nominee mitt romney. back to you. >> much hay being made on twitter who had the larger audience there. as they were scrambling to fill the capacity or bringing folks down from the upper levels the nose bleed section so it would fill in the crowd a bit more it did not look poor as mitt romney's thing at detroit field where there was no one there. >> that was exhibit a on how not to do it. let's talk about the veep states.
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everybody is wondering who mitt romney would use. mitt romney and jeb bush was there yesterday. looking for chemistry. jeb bush has said repeatedly and he said again yesterday he does not want the job. he is not going to get get the job and he believes it should go to marco rubio. >> so too has marco rubio. at least a dozen times he said he will not be the vice presidential nominee. here is jeb bush on the prospect of him being the vp and who he likes. >> i'm not going to be vice president. it's not time for me to be doing. this i would have humbly suggested he seriously consider marco rubio. if ohio and florida go republic, then it doesn't guarantee the election but it certainly makes it a lot easier to pick up the necessary electoral votes.
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>> hey, guys, one of things that stood out to me one of the highlights of that speech. it shows that he is aware of the diversity that's needed, perhaps, in the republic party to reach out to latino vote and others. can't pick me. we don't want to be known that the republic party is the party of the old white guy. he he said than 00 stump. we don't want to be branded as the old white guy party. >> many on the left and the right think jeb bush could help with hispanics more so than marco rubio if you truly know his politics and the impact he has had he could be a bigger game changer. is he in that chris christie's brand. is he not anybody's number two. if jeb bush were going to be the president he would have ran for president and did so six months ago and gotten in this thing. >> there is interesting article marco rubio going through a bit of a moring of his image right now. he he is trying to rebrand
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himself to basically a center right hispanic. no longer calling himself a cuban-born latin man who is far right. going to the center. of the way he is doing it is he had oppose the dream act. that's the one that would allow children who were brought here illegally to go to college. he still believes that you could give hem legal residencies. those kids do deserve compassion. >> the sticking point of the dream act is they become citizens. the left has argued that this kids these kids no country at all. they are not from where they came from they haven't been there since they were one year or old or a toddler. they also don't have a country here. that's the argument. furthermore sort of remaking into a center right candidate. he has even side stepped and the miami herald puts it this way. pirouetted from mitt romney on
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his status. >> that is interesting if they merge who would you like to cece on romney's ticket. gitmo, a circus some say as ksm, master mind of 9/11 and four co-defendant make a complete smokery of the cry biewnel system back at guantanamo bay. >> called it whining. ksm comes out. reporters down there recovering and thought this military tribunal would proceed yesterday and it ended up not because they didn't want to take part in it they said they didn't recognize the tribunal. they said it was unfair. through their lawyer ksm said we're not going to recognize this because of the torture. >> they did all sorts of things in the courtroom that showed utter disrespect not that that would surprise anybody. they stood up to pray at times it was disruptive. they wouldn't speak. they took out their ear phones so they couldn't hear the translation.
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at one point one of the co-defendants ben acto be. he is the one who had researched the flight schedules for the doomed flights part of the terror attack. he turned one of the legal documents into a paper airplane. and he hung it on his microphone. not only am i not going to speak. i'm basically taunting the victims' families by reminding them of the airplane. >> to me it reminds us all why it was not here in new york. you imagine if this were right here in new york and everyone to be able to see this joke that these guys were making it there are families, six families were at guantanamo bay. others at fort hamilton in brooklyn, new york and got to watch the proceedings via satellite. here is the reaction of some of the victims' families. >> they are trying to create chaos so they can go out and say that the military commissions are chaotic. they are creating the chaos.
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>> justice has been denied so long, so long. >> my brother was murdered in the cockpit of his airplane and he was not surrounded by his loved ones and his family. he didn't get to say good by. we feel we have to stand up for him. >> as i was just mentioning ben attash had researched the flight schedules. his attorney is a 52-year-old measure woman named cheryl bowman. she showed up in court in traditional muslim garb. head covering. long black ejab. she called on all the women in the courtroom to dress like this. she suggested that her client ben attash would then be able to look at women in the courtroom without, quote, fear of committing a sin. >> oh, good, because this is the guy, by the way, that organized the uss kohl attack, of course, also allegedly ran al qaeda training camps. we want to make sure that he is comfortable. >> right.
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defending the people who killed 3,000 innocent americans, right. >> he can kill women and children but don't look at them. >> what do you think about all of this? we would love to hear about it coming up in the 9:00 hour one of the victim's parents joins us live. had a chance to watch the entire proceedings via satellite in nearby brooklyn. we have his reaction. not happy at all with what he saw on saturday. >> meanwhile back at home here. warren buffet as you know people consider him the oracle of omaha. people see watch to see what he is going to invest. in liz claman had a one-on-one sit down with him and got to have a little talk about where he is, his health, and what he suggests for the country infantry moving forward. let's listen to the first thing that he said about how to jump start the economy. >> everybody waited for you to say what would jump start the economy? >> what will jump start the economy is more household
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formations. and the more households that are formed, the quicker we eat up the excess housing inventory which is being eaten up. i would say in a place like omaha, it's very small in the way of excess inventory. household formations are what cause houses to be occupied or apartment units. that is holding back the economy. >> >> household formations does that mean family? that was business speak that i'm trying to understand. everybody create a household formation fast. >> something mitt romney would be hammered for something. >> i don't want him speak at a wedding. i want a bride and groom together for forming a house whose formation. obviously he is considered liberal in many ways. but he doesn't think raising the minimum wage would help answer some of our economic woes, listen. >> should we raise the minimum wage. >> the problem with the minimum wage is that it takes
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people out of the labor force. a market economy is brutal in many ways. it's wonderful. it's created this country. and done wonders for the country overall. but if you set a minimum wage that's too high for the abilities of the person that the market has to higher. all you have done is driven them from employment. you may need an assisted wage in some occupations bite government. so that the employer pays part of it and it's assisted in some way. >> that's going to go over well. government assisting more salaries but it was interesting to hear that he thinks raising the minimum wage would not work. >> you know what else goes over well peanut brittle. >> he was eating popsicle strolling through the room. >> he has a pension for sweet. he mocks his own little bit of prostate cancer in the next clip about eating peanut
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brittle. >> you just spent five answers answering questions pounds of peanut brittle and coca cola at a time when you have been diagnosed with a little bit of a health issue. you say everything is fine. are you going to change your behavior at all? you just ate a pound of peanut brittle. >> zero. >> this lifestyle has gotten me to 81 all i have a little prostate cancer. >> you are feeling well not that takinged today. >> no. not in the least. >> i too would be pretty jolly if my profits were 3.25 billion in a quarter more than doubling. >> you make a good point. if you do make t to 81 eat peanut brittle whatever have you been doing keep it up is basically what he is saying. >> people live to be 100. george burns i would smoke every day and had a glass of wine. whatever with on you. more on that come up a little
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bit later. >> tell you what else is happening. we do have some extreme weather and a rare occurrence in japan. as a tornado tears through an area near tokyo. at least 30 people were reportedly hurt after the destructive tornado touched down in the city of scuba. as many as 200 homes are said to be damaged. thousands remain without power after lightning and strock winds also pounded the area brand new developments for the search of a missing mom and daughters. fbi confirming they found two identified bodies in a mississippi home associated with the alleged abductor. this is 35-year-old adam maize. described as a family friend of joanne bain and her three daughters. he is now on the run and believed to have at least some of the missing women with him. the fbi is now offering a $50,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest we now here that junior
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seau donating his brain staying it was going to be studied for football related injuries. the family originally wanted researchers to study it for signs of concussions. the family's pastor revealed the family is having second thoughts. he played for 20 seasons in the envelope. some say chronic brain damage might have been a factor in his suicide. presidential run off election and it appears socialism may be making a return to grans. polls suggest that nicholas sarkozy will become the 11th european leader to lose office amid the european crisis. france has faced widespread unemployment during his term. polls show his socialist challenger with a solids lead. he would be the first socialist president there in 17 years. >> big lead right now. >> a wild and surprising finish to the kentucky derby
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yesterday. 138 running of the roses. it was an amazing finish because it looked like this race was all wrapped up. watch the stretch run. >> i'll have another on the outside is closing in. i'll have another brode meister. here is the wire. i'll have another has won the kentucky derby. >> it looked like bob bafford had his fourth derby? how about the finish from i'll have another. jumping for joy after the win. owner jay paul with the trophy. i'll have another sprinting past brode meister. this whores a 15 to 1 shot from churchill pounds. he won in front of 165,000 fans. that's a record. and do you know where the name came from? i'll have another. you would think it's about booze, right? it's not. >> what is it? >> cookies, the owner's wife
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makes a great cookie. every time she breaks them out he says i'll have another. >> makes sense. >> what clayton says every time i bring bloody mary's out. >> i'm glad i put my money on that horse too 15 to 1 odds. >> did you? >> no. >> let's check in with maria molina. i would be curious to find out hot stands did. >> 19 post rookie jockey not too many. they are doing well. >> maria molina in for rick reichmuth. >> good to see you today. looking at chilly temperatures behind a cold front is going to start to push through the center today. a storm system in the center of the country, high pressure out east and pretty much out west. you know where the weather is going to be concentrated from illinois all the way down to texas center the country where we actually have warm temperatures already early this morning. that's going to provide the instability for you to provide
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thunderstorms throughout the afternoon hours. 76 of off further to the south. city of class, new york city little on the cool side today 56 degrees right now and only 49 over in cleveland. we are going to be looking at some activity it along the center of the country with the possibility to see some severe weather including the city of dallas, texas and chicago. you could be see hail and damaging wind gusts. we aren't expecting a tornado outbreak. you could be looking at some tornadoes on the ground. otherwise, where do we have the rain right now across the state of minnesota and also across portions of southern texas. guys? >> thank you, marie a more fallout this morning other the obama campaign's ad taking credit for the killing of usama bin laden. the veteran's group has released an ad of their own. key difference between
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terrorism and politics. >> nobody can make that decision for you. look, he knew what would happen. suppose the navy seals it h. gone in there and it hadn't been bin laden. supposing they had been captured or killed. the downside would have been horrible for him. he reasoned. i cannot in good conscious do nothing. he took the harder and the more honorable path. and the one that produced, in my opinion, the best result. >> it's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars trying to catch one person. he was referring to the hunt for usama bin laden. what did he mean by that? because it's generated a little controversy.
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given usama bin laden's role in killing 3,000 americans on 9/11. >> he had to decide. and that's what president do. you hire the president to make the calls when no one else can do it. >> here to weigh in on this is u.s. army special forces master sergeant terry shepard. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> come pemg show on mike huckabee show last night. the ad, the tactic by the obama administration you says goes against your warrior culture it. why so? >> why this has gotten some of the guys hackels up is to understand what we're. because of what we do, because of the nature what we do isn't just success or failure. it's literally life and death. we have a very well warrior culture. some of it is codified in writing. a lot of it sun spoken. main thing it's never about you. whether you planned it or
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participated in the operation, you never really take the credit. you give it out to everybody else. i do think president obama has done a pretty good job of of giving cia credit and seals credit and step back and look at the big picture a lot of i, me, we kind of stuff going in there. we sort of see that. i understand the political part of of it it for us taps little bit different. >> we have expected our commanders and chief to boast about -- tactic calling another man's intentions into question suggesting that others may not have made the same call. how do you feel about that? >> right. i think that's where president obama's campaign people might have gotten him in trouble. because to say that another guy wouldn't have made that call, it's always, in our mind anyway in the military's mind, it's always the right call to go after the bad guy. always the right call to be aggressive and lean faired and get him when you can to say that mitt romney wouldn't have done it or someone else, he
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was the only one who could have done it. any president would have made that call. so that part is a little bit kind of -- >> is there? in my take there was no question this was a gutsy call. something he does deserve credit for there saw suggestion admiral overall strike. >> of the operation that this was largely his call, his decision and something is he not being credited for. >> well, yeah. like you are exactly right. at the end of the day it's on his watch. >> admiral joined special operations command. he was the one basically given by the operation full control. command authority. all that kind of stuff. there has been some talk about mukasey. talking about the memo. that was giving the president
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an out in case it didn't go well. that's the way it works. guys planning the operation they are on the platter for that. >> you mentioned michael mukasey the former attorney general. here is what he told sean hannity and then we will discuss it. >> there was a memo from leon panetta that described the authority that was given to mccraven and it was to proceed according to the risks, only according to the risks that have been outlined to the president and if he encountered anything else, he had to check back. you better believe if anything else had been encountered and the mission had failed, then the blame would have fallen on mccraven. >> is that fair? >> yes. a little bit. seals seal teams green berets are on teams. for us there is no i in any of that we are the group that would have never given president obama a hard time if it had failed. we we we understand the risks.
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political foes and media outlet boots have attacked him. >> not the military. >> we never would. because god forbid helicopter went down and we lost some men, we still wouldn't hole president obama response cybil with that we did the best he could with that call. >> put in the perspective. >> we got you. master sergeant. thanks for being here this morning. there is a fight in rhode island against dogs. why trying to keep man's best friend out of your driver's seat. don't go away. at regions, we're committed to helping small businesses find new ways to optimize their cash flow.
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♪ >> classic rock. van morrison's moon dance and last night was marvelous dance for moon dance because it was a super moon shining in the sky. biggest, brightest moon for all of 2012. 15% brighter and 14% bigger. had a lot of pizza this weekend. the moon was 15,000 miles closer to earth. hit at about 11:35 last night was the prime time to see it. >> i have never seen dave briggs more excited about anything than the super moon. >> it surprised me on the astrom my scale. >> it was right neither derby neck and neck. twitter, you saw the pictures coming from other countries and i got really once it came here it just kind of. >> overwhelming. >> t was kind of overcast in our area. >> overcast. >> we didn't get to see much of it. last year it was gorgeous. crystal clear, beautiful outside. >> that's juggling three kids at the time.
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>> that would put a crimp into anything. >> saw the super moon. >> we have to tell you about this. paris hilton may want to stay away from rhode island. because they are about to become the first in the country if this bill passes to ban lap dogs. you know the kind that paris hilton carries in her purse? those will notten. >> yippee dogs. >> yippee yappy lap dogs cannot ride in a car in rhode island. >> drive with a dog on her lap my granny does it all the time. they call it granny style. no more granny style. >> i thought it was more of a hollywood, young. but you do understand the descrakive driving element of this. if you are going to ban cell phones and wireless devices and all of this. how distract something a dog on your lap licking your face, you're feeding them and petting them. other people saying look these ankle biter dogs that's worse than a cell phone.
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if you see like some of these pictures like right here even the "wall street journal" which did the story they have a dog where people driving down the street and the dog is leaning out of the driver's side window. >> all the time. >> you see it all the time. >> this one is actually just driving the car. there is no driver. but what do you think about this? is this a good idea? by the way, if you were caught with a furry friend on your lap it would be $125. that's a steep fine. >> here is part of the legislation from peter co-lomb bow from rhode island. if you really love your dog, try not to kill them. they are saying you are also protecting the dog. have them in some kind of -- of all the issues in this country how did you come up with this problem. >> these with things for state local legislature to deal with
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my sister is a dog lover they have physical restraints wrap around the back of the dog in the backseat. you hit the brakes, you never know what's going to cut you off and a dog flies through the window. >> a dozen other states have tried to pass the exact legislation and failed. so we will see how rhode island fares. >> let us know what you think. is this a nanny state you can't drive on your own and figure it out? i don't know. let us know what you think. or ff weekend. usually hash tag on ff twitter will track it they have no reason to believe missing 6-year-old isabel celis is not alive. investigators have fielded 900 leads since celis was last sean. parents say they last saw her when they put her to bed on april 20th. officers say no one is the focus of the investigation. no one has been eliminated as
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suspects either. >> disturbing new details about an arizona man who killed himself. girlfriend of three others earlier this week. we know that j.t. ready was under investigation by the fbi for domestic terror ties and allegations that he had stolen from the u.s. military. he was also a known neo nazi and group that patrolled the border. group vowing to continue their mission despite death. united nations u.s. to give up control of mount rushmore. as arrested as that may be. sacred land that should be included to native americans. jasms also met with members of the obama administration and briefed the u.s. senate committee on affairs. no member of congress would meet with him, however. they helped helped care out one of the pivotal mission. now they are being honored.
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took part in the do it little raid. first aerial bombing of japan after the attack on pearl harbor. raid considered huge boost for u.s. morale. edward saylor says he was just proud to be a part of it. >> just doing what we came to do. i didn't think beyond that i didn't expect all this attention, you know. i'm glad that it turned out the way it did. and we're able to help in that manner. >> they are finally getting their due. saylor and other do little sailors honored in california. >> remarkable so heavy, they had never flown them on a short aircraft carrier. they had to pull out seats and everything because they had had to take off that is
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incredible. >> check in with maria mow lienna. how is the weather outside. >> not too bad. been worse definitely over the past summer months over winter not too fun to stand out here. only getting better as we stand in the summer months. we do have clouds around. should be clearing out. actually see some sunshine across the northeast. yesterday wasn't the greatest day. we had messy conditions and showers across new york city and the rest of the northeast. today should be clearing out. we are going to get some of that sunshine. current temperatures in new york. 66 degrees. westward little cooler in the city of cleveland. take a look farther out the west. missouri. arkansas, and oklahoma currently in the 70s. it's temperatures are going to stay warm. that's going to fire up some showers and thunderstorms later on today that we will have to keep an eye on for the possibility of some of those severe. northeast warming up more high
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here in 63. 60 in boston and dc very pleasant. 73 degrees your temperature across the southeast is going to be humid and little muggy. and also on the warm side, 89 for your high in new orleans. 93 in brownsville, texas and also in dallas, texas. high temperature expected at 89 degrees in oklahoma city. see some of that green stuff on the map. that's where we will see scattered showers appeared thunderstorms today. you could need the umbrella. left of center see some sunshine as well. most of that activity will be early on. across the midwest you will have to deal with these showers and thumbs. pulling in all of that muggy air ahead of this. chicago, you recollected see some of that activity as well. that's the tase for owosso. back side of that system, 69 north platt. 69 degrees in far go. as we head westward most of
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that wiping down. california beautiful day for san francisco and l.a. with a the lo of sunshine expected as well. guys? >> i will take it maria. >> ali? >> i said i'll take it maria. [ laughter ] listen to this next segment. what is the best way to teach your kids about business? with lemonade, of course. that's the thinking behind national lemonade day. this is a program that teaches young entrepreneurs the ins and outs of how to run a business by starting a lem none made stand. joining us is the president julianna and we'll be making special lemonade in a little bie bit. grade to he so you. >> thanks. >> how does it teach kids to be entrepreneurs? >> think about that? the idea of setting a goal and understanding how to create a plan. work that plan and achieve success. so today 200,000 kids across
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the countriry are learning about business and it's fun. what are we charging here a dollar for lemonade? >> you see all sorts of things. they have to be able to it achoose their price. >> why is it important to -- you have kids 3 to 17 involved today. why do you want to toich kids that young about our did you know tri? think about how it was built. time for us to be able to use entrepreneurship that city that dub i. crun trip it that it's going to change our future. >> et will's great. let me talk to some of the kids. hi, guys. how are you doing? thanks for coming. in what did you think about starting a lemonade stabbed today. >> i thought today it was going to be exciting lemonade day project. i was so excited. >> you guys are terrific. now, let's say how much are you charging? you guys are from ps 48.
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how much are you going to charge for some delicious mango lemonade today? >> a dollar. >> a dollar. how did you come up with that price? >> i cam up with that price because i thought that my goal is to reach $300. so, of course, i would need 300 cups in order to make $300. >> very good thinking. >> if you make $300 somehow out here in midtown, manhattan, what are you going to do with the money? >> i will save 1/3 of it and put it in my bank account and another 1/3 of it to homeless shelter, and 1/3 of it just for me. >> savings, charity, and reckless spending. so how did she get so savvy about that snfrget we're so grateful for them brible lem mob made in new york. they have been working hard and anxiously come up with what their unique product is
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going to look like. i believe she is going it do it. >> this is the mac go lemonade. over here is pink lemonade. you guys, how is your lemonade tasting today? >> it's tasting food. >> how much are you going to sell -- wait a he could is. five bucks? >> um, it is 5 bucks because that's the cause of breast cancer. >> that makes sense. when you buy one cup here for $5 you are contributing to breast cancer. >> that's a great cause. thanks so much. over here is this the standard lemonade? >> classic. >> classic lemonade. you are making the classic lemon made. what roux going to do with your money. >> donate one third to gentleman mate can a reads and then time going to put one third in my bank account and one third to spend. >> one third to charity around
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one third in the bank account? can i try that? >> great. spes pia from prirks pins. >> you think it's inedible. >> it's delicious. mango is delicious. if you are anywhere near midtown please come down and help these kids with stands. national lemonade day. thanks for explaining it all to us. you guys are great. good luck today. thanks so much. let's go back inside to the guys. >> thanks so much, alli. i will pay you you back the buck. i need mango. >> you got it. >> refund reversal for spirit airlines. finally making things right for a dying veteran. his reaction when he joins us on the curvey couch coming up. >> one woman says her own son stole other 151-million-dollar lotted toe winnings. now she is suing. does she have a case? we'll debate that next. i take insulin,
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>> the family feud all sparked over one winning lotto ticket when 76-year-old etta may found out she bought a winning 51-million-dollar lottery ticket last year. she was so excited she couldn't lift the pen to claim it she was shaky. luckily her son was standing by to help out so he signed it now she is taking him to court saying he helped himself to all of the winnings. so what -- who does the money legally belong to? here to debate this morning former prosecutor faith jenkins and lis wiehl fox news legal analyst and author of the book "eyes of justice. yts nice to see you this morning. does she have a case. >> absolutely she has got a case. i'm surprised this guy isn't
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in jail the son. as you said, she couldn't -- she was soaks sighted when she ticket in. multi-million-dollar ticket in. she asked her son. her son to sign it for her because she was so excited. then what does he do? he signs his name, not hers. he takes all the money, gives her a little. i will give a little car and that's it. i will give you a little bit of a house. buys four homes. 10 cars and takes off with the money. he should be in jail. >> she is persuading me, faith. >> legally he hasn't done anything wrong. according to the state of california lottery commission. there is only one winner of this $51 million and it's the son. >> she bought the ticket. >> she bought the ticket that's the only thing. he signed the ticket and the money the lottery commission placed the money into his account. all of it. if she -- she should have signed the ticket. >> we have video of her maybe going to the buying the ticket. >> as you know people buy lottery tickets for people all the time.
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is he going to go to court and say prove it. >> will that hold up in court? if they got video of her walking into the convene yns store to buy it is that not enough? >> absolutely enough. no argument about whether she bought the ticket. she has been buying tickets for 18 years. in fact, the son was so upset. mom, you shouldn't be putting your retirement money into buying these tickets until she won. then is he all over it the lottery commission should have given it to her. the only reason he didn't is because he went to his mother saying it's going to be too much media for you to handle, mom. >> >> that's his story. >> i'm putting it in my account. >> morally though i get that legally though. >> the issue is the lottery commission has this son, the winner of the lottery. they presented him with a check as well. the money went into his his account. she should have set up an account. >> by fraud?
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>> i don't think so eleast. they had an agreement. secret side deal i don't know how that is going to in court. >> what's the moral of this story? make sure you sign your own convict? >> i guess so. even [inaudible] set up an account. make it to into an account where you have access to it. my son is going to take care of me and be mood to me. look. she is, blag,. >>' 6. >> she might not leave any of the money to him. >> i don't know what he was thinking. >> he wanted to share it with the family. he bought 10 cars. >> for himself. >> let us know how you feel about t. >> happy mother's day, everybody. >> lis wiehl, faith jenkins. let us know what you think about this. friends at ff twitter.
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son of the year award this guy? let us know. coming up on the show after more than a week of tough criticism. spirit airlines having a change of heart finally making things right for a dying veteran. is it enough? we will hear from that vet next. is he going to join us on othe curvey couch. his orwho is happier? parents or non-parents? results of a new study may surprise you. still ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way?
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vet who bought a ticket before his doctors told him is he too sick to supply. >> the ceo gary has had a change of heart. is it enough? joining us is that vietnam war veteran jerry meekins. >> nice to be here. thank you for having me. >> viewers are weighing in saying too little too late. a day late and a dollar short. the ceo refunds your ticket out of his pocket. is he donating $5,000 to wounded warriors. are you satisfied? >> well, let's put it this way. i won the battalion but i haven't won the war. >> why? what more are you asking for? >> a change in policy. >> what would that new policy look like. >> to review under certain conditions, each case singularly. if a person is terminal, have the courtesy and the humanitarian act of at least giving them a shot and
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reviewing his case. >> we reached out to ben, the ceo of spirit airlines. and we invited him on the couch. he could not come on. here is what he told us. sometimes we make mistakes and my statements regarding mr. meek it's ins request for a refund. i failed to explain why the policy makes it so the best chiss for so many cheaferls. did i not demonstrate the respect or the compassion that i should have, given his medical condition and his service to our country. $5,000 to wounded warriors in the end that was your biggest goal here, correct? >> no. actually the biggest goal was to change the policy. just to review terminal people's opportunity for a refund. >> so you want them to review every terminal person's -- >> -- if it's a legitimate request i would ask that the board of directors change their policy and review it, have one person, one executive review tnd a make a decision by choice not one blanket
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covers, no, we're not giving anybody anything whatsoever. period. >> jerry, your story has captured really the country. so many people have written into us about you. and it does sound like you struck a cord finally with the -- not only did they refund you, $197. they also gave your daughter in new jersey a round trip ticket. now that's who you were trying to come and take care of. she was going into surgery. you ended up having to drive to see her and see us from florida. they gave her a ticket. do you feel like compassion won the day here or was it your media blitz? >> personally i think it was the media blitz because as of friday morning mr. ball danza's attitude hadn't changed. all of a sudden 3:30 in the
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afternoon it was totally different. >> what desay that i called to apologize. i have a media release i would like to review with you. the three items that you just mentioned and donation to wounded wherener won mow over. how is your daughter this morning. >> good. >> how are you doing? >> i'm good. every day is a good one. [ laughter ] >> so, it's great to have you back with us. we are so happy that this has had some resolution. >> yes. >> and that it is going your way. so we really appreciated you bringing our attention to. i thank you so much for helping me. really. >> jerry, we wanted to let the viewers know if you would like to make a donation to wounded warrior, log on to wounded warrior that is a wonderful cause. jerry meekins great to see you again. thank you for your service to our country. >> thanks so much for being here. >> thank you. >> coming up, president obama
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officially kicked his re-election campaign into full gear and it seems to be a battle over the middle class. how the romney campaign is responding to that straight ahead. >> and be careful what you like. a judge now deciding how the first amendment applies to facebook. that story top of the hour. emily's just starting out... and on a budget. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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[ children laughing ] ♪ the smell of salt in the air. ♪ it's the sound a seashell makes. [ seagulls calling ] a place that's beyond your imagination, yet well within your means. find your away. for a dealer and the rv that's right for you, visit yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i should be arrested for crimes against potted plant-kind. we're armed, and inexperienced. people call me an over-waterer. [ female announcer ] with miracle-gro, you don't have to a great gardener to have a green thumb. every miracle-gro product helps your garden grow bigger, more beautiful flowers and bountiful vegetables. guaranteed. so even if... i have all these tools,
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to turn back now. >> how the romney campaign is responding next. >> and it was more like a three ring circus than a military tribunal for self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed. more on the mockery. a live report from catherine herridge at guantanamo bay next. >> blues, they are meant to inspire young people graduating from college. are you getting the whole truth? what your commencement speaker won't tell you and probably should. i'm going to steal a few of these if i ever get invited to give a commencement speech. >> don't worry you won't. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >> hey, i'm jordin sparks and you are watching "fox & friends." >> good morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. if you need a little sunshine in your morning, today is national lemonade day. >> we get that from you, alli. >> quick put down of me giving
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a commencement speech it's no going to happen. >> lemonade stand outside. it's great it's national lemonade day. >> there will be more. lem none made -- they send you a backpack filled with all of the supplies that you need so your kids can start a lemonade stand. >> fresh lemonade or powdery kind. >> fresh. >> can't go with country time. >> you might. i grew up on country time. >> trial in mystery begins with lengthy and unruly arraignment. catherine herridge has the details. she is live at guantanamo bay cuba. great to he so you, catherine. what a circus unfolded on saturday, huh? it was thank you. and good morning.
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expecting news conference with the chief prosecutor and defense attorneys. we are on the phone five hours. the wheels are set in motion for a trial prosecution want to go in august. defense is asking for delay until may of next year. i was in the courtroom with the 9/11 suspects yesterday sitting about 15 yards ar way from them. it was lehr to me that they came to court yesterday with a strategy to frustrate and delay the process. they refused to cooperate with the court. they refused to wear the head phones to which they could hear the arabic translation. and they refused to answer the judge's guess. after the wouldn't point the described architect told address the court and deeply concerned about the process that brought him here. the judge james pool responded one cannot choose not to participate and frustrate the normal course of business. also in court yesterday were six of the 9/11 families. we couldn't see them because there is a long blue curtain that's drawn between them and
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the media. when the court was proceeding, there wars almost a stone silence coming from end of the courtroom. i could see just underneath the courtroom. many of them were tapping their feet as the proceeding went forward. there were so many antics in the courtroom yesterday stuff that would not have been allowed in court. >> he is also laughing and joking around. he appeared to to be completely unif a itsed. he waste having a god time. ksm the monster of 9/11 was giggling in court. that's a strange site to see. >> there were so many moments in court yesterday. there were serious discussions about the use of classified information. and then there were these dirs episodes. one of the most bizarre came at the end of the hearing yesterday. one of the defense attorneys was talking about her client's alleged mistreatment at guantanamo bay. then he began to take off his shirt and the judge said no, no, no.
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stop taking off your shirt or i will have toes court you from the courtroom. what it showed to me was the strategy where they are thumpling their nose at the military commissions. they want to make this trial at gitmo a trial within a trial within the cia, back to you. >> we should mention that you are one of the only u.s. reporters to be inside the courtroom. you have this spot where you can watch everything with this front row seat. another thing that's gotten a lot of attention here this morning spoking of strange coating an things. the american woman dressed head to tow in traditional muslim garb. tell us what that was like. >> sure. one of the 9/11 suspects wally, not a household name. guy goes way back with usama bin laden's family in saudi arabia. often called al qaeda royalty or al qaeda blue blood.
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he insisted that one of his civilian defense attorneys, a woman, wear the full body and head covering. and what she said in the court yesterday is that she suggested to the women on the prosecution team that they dress more modestly so that he they wouldn't insult the faith of her client. alisyn. >> getting front row seat to the antics that happened yesterday. >> you wonder how long this running rut 00 clock tactic can work. maybe it's justification for trials being moved out of new york away from all the press and small closed circuit. >> he had before said he and his cohorts were going to believed guilty and say we were proud of what we did that day many presumely ma gli, dog and pony show what flipped. >> let's talk about what's going on here at home in politics. president obama's first
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official day of campaigning. so many people pointed out he seems to have had many other campaign fundraisers leading up to this. but he basically framed the argument for voters. he framed it as this being a battle over the middle class. let's listen. >> he doesn't seem to understand that mazda mizeing president for any means necessary. lay justifies or or tax avoiding or europe busting might not always be good for the average measure and for the american economy. with cannot give him that chance. not now, not with so much at stake. this is not just another election. this is a make or break moment for the middle class and we have been through too much to continue back now. >> interesting to see so many young people in particular so many college student enthusiastic little supporting
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the president. numbers tonight body well for toes under 25. interestingly enough in 2008 a huge voting block and for the general election in general. 23 million kids under the age of 30 years old voted in 2008. going right at the heart of trying to get that youth vote again. this time around and some suggesting a lot of these kids may stay home because of the lack of hope and change if they are not feeling the -- maybe the lack of enthusiasm they are not feeling this time around. >> the registration number way down in 2008. >> right. >> what the president was referring to there was a thinly veiled reference to mitt romney's time at bane capital where the president was saying yeah you can make a profit for your shareholders any means necessary. romney spokesperson yesterday responded to that as can you imagine. she said no matter how many lofty campaign speeches president obama gives the fact remains that american families are struggling on his watch to pay their bills. find a job and keep their
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homes while president obama all but ignored his record over 2 three years in office. you wonder if romney can take that experience at bane and turn it into a positive? american people are now his shareholders and he doesn't yet done it. >> mitt romney needs to too more than the. economy improving ever so slowly. will this message that romney is carrying is not good. that this president is not worthy of leadership? he needs to do more according to his republic critics as well. >> we have other news to get to. let us tell you about this. we do begin with extreme weather in japan to tell you about after a tornado has torn through an area near tokyo. at least 30 people were reportedly hurt after the destructive and very rare tornado touched down in the city of scuba. as many as 200 homes are said to be damaged. thousands remain without power after lightning and strong winds pounded the area.
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iran president mahmoud ahmadinejad suffering another political set back. this time losing a number of supporters in this thun tri's. it would create problem for his last year in office possibly even impeaching him. it will being there to see how this with the u.s. and other world powers set to begin later month. here is something our founding fathersward how the constitution would apply to facebook. center of kurt case in virginia liking somethingen seat set so much networking peach. man fired from the local sheriff's office after swoch liking facebook page. the judge ruled that written facebook messages are protected but clicking these like buttons is not. it's a brave new world. those are your headlines.
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>> this story struck me as interesting given that i'm knee deep potty training our soon to be 2-year-old. >> and about to have a second child. >> could be this week. any minute now. i thought about this as we were about to do this story that new studies showing whether or not parents are happier than non-parents. and the statistics really surprise you, i think. more than i had ever heard this before. most recently we heard research less happy. turns tout big from her steady of net effect of having kids isn't what makes you happier. 85 to 95. thats what the point non-parents were happier. in changed in 9 a 5 for whatever reason. parents had the net positive effect. so kids are making them happy. what i took out of this is it's also incremental. your first kid makes you much happier. second kid not so much.
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and third kid no netted effect. i just had my third so i had to dispute that. >> i think what you see in those years change there is kids are growing up. depends on how old your kids are. in you are if the weeds like you are right now with potty training, about to have an infant and about to have sleepless night and night issues. then you may not rank high on the happiness scales. that is a harder time of parenting when your kids become self-efficient. so. example of them. >> past the poet training days back when you were in your new jersey snooki days? >> yes. i am happier now than when i was snooki.
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children have enhanced my life tremendously. i'm much happier area know an the day i have been. i was happening with babies. >> now that you have got three kids. happier now are happier back in south dakota sleeping on the much floor. having three kids i have never been happier. i think the research is coming our way. maybe that's just because we are awful parents and we are spinning it this way. >> maybe. let us know what you think. are people happier when they are child-free and don't have a care in the world and you can go touring around in your comfortable. this is how i comag it by the way. touring around in your vehicle and going out to feants or drinking lated at a the or with thinner. let you know. >> coming up on the show, it's the bomb that campaign's
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texas. july i can't. will it help bring women are womeny. we will though is slide show the panel has created. >> if you are putting in 60 hour workweek, it may be time to stop that that's my advice. also according to a new study. that finds most productive number of weekly hours for workers. we'll tell you how many it is. just cut back a little bit. that's our advice. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> obama campaign introduced us to julia. she is a fictional middle class woman. well, apparently benefits from obama supported government programs through the her life. will this campaign tool resonate with women voters or will it alienate them? joining us now in s. a special political panel of women,
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political strategist and former chairman of the young republic national federation dee dee banky. the president of new heights communication and the former spokeswoman for governor howard dean christie setzer and dr. brujt harrison professor of political science. author of american democracy now. ladies, thanks for being with us. let's talk about july i can't. fixal derek who had benefit from government programs from head start at the beginning of her life all the way through medicare. what do you think female voters there. >> gosh. why isn't it slacker jack. this is something who can't care cake of themselves the all, ever. i i it's nawght. he don't. the government has to be there to take care of the person flight it sindz a bad message. >> that message some critics have said women are helpless.
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damsels in distress. they need a handout. >> i wonder if anyone who is making those claims have actually watched the ad. here we have a woman who worked through college, graduated at 25. here we have a woman who formed her own business and worked professionally. here we have a woman who, like many americans, paid into social security so that she was able to collect it. to call that person a slacker i think is highly inaccurate and frankly insults to make end meet while are making $677 on the garr. >> is it insulting that it are thrarred help or is it showing reality. >> i don't think women would consider it insulting. there is a reason why women are supporting president obama by double digits nearly every poll that we have seen over mitt romney. and that's because republicans have been woefully out of touch when it comes to the issues that women voters actually care about. they are not supporting no
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brainer societies. equal pay for equal work or expanding access to healthcare. they have come the party of the mandatory all that sounds and active birth control. there are real and important differences between p.m.ened front it does show that women voters favor president obama significantly 52% over mitt romney. 40%. why do you think that mitt romney is having that problem. >> mitt romney, remember, we just come out of a tough primary. just met with rick santorum kind of last of the opponent. after he is out of the opponent bunch and it's just mitt romney against barack obama. i do believe that will change. you know, getting back to the faceless fixal character. -- fictional character. it's a strange thing to say that the government is going to take care of this person, this american, this woman. again. why isn't jack and julia?
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i'm offended as a woman thinking that the man, the government has to be in my life the whole time to make sure that we're taking care of them. it's not the american way. >> i wish we had two more hours to discuss this. maybe after the show we can do that. thanks so much for coming in wul of a your perspectives on this. >> thank you. >> thanks for having us. >> more of "fox & friends" in two minutes. i found new ways to ll people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droidoes. pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10. doeshere's what you can the finaexpect from regions.ds? a bank that provides you with real business expertise.
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speeches. 10 and a half things no commencement speaker has ever said. this is the kind of gift you need to give out to graduates. >> nice book. >> thanks for having me. >> you say as one of your points in your book. your time spent in fraternity basements was not wasted. what do you mean here? i wish we would have heard this from commencement speakers. >> you would have spent a little better about your time down there. this is based on happiness research. i'm a public policy professor. we have now begun to study systematically. what makes people happy and sense of well being? every stud i don't know 00 subject comes to the same conclusion. connection to other human beings. the fraternity basements all kinds of engagement. playing frisbee, hanging out on the college green, stuff we think of as nonacademic because that is where you build those relationships that in the long run really matter in life. >> something we need to remind parents, too.
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it's not just about the grads but social interactions. my first job i was poor, i was overworked. i was lonely. why is it so important you say number two to tell kids your worst days lie ahead? >> because everybody is going to have that job. particularly if they want to do something worthwhile. if you tell kids on graduation, they're 22, that it's all roses from here on out. >> then when you are sleeping on a slab of concrete in someone's basement you say oh my goodness i'm the only one. you are completely unprepared. just to let people know that if you are getting to do something meaningful it's going to be a tough road to hoe. we have all been there. we all had that job sublet in somebody's basement. it's going to happen. >> your 20's are going to be the worse years of your life and put in your time. >> looking back on it they were great. >> yeah but they were tough. >> don't make the world worse. >> that's inspirational. >> i'm lowering the bar here. i think it's tough when you are sitting there 22 and the
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commencement speaker says you need to cure cancer. you need to fix malaria. i don't think i can imagine this. certainly not in my 20's. the point in the book is look they there are a very smart people who have chosen to do nasty things whether it's spretiond -- spreading cancer or selling kids food they don't need unhealthy products. if given all the tough stuff that those folks are doing, just try and not make the world worse. i'm not asking you to cure cancer. i'm just asking you not to spread it. >> i think i have accomplished that. i haven't made it worse just yet. i don't think. number five, your parents don't want what best for you? they don't? what do they want then, charlie? >> i have got to be careful. my parents are watching. they are lovely people. this is something i figured out when i was a parent myself. you kind of look back on the battles you had as a child and you think what you want for your kids. what i figured out is your parents want what is good for you. that's not always identical for what is best for you.
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what is best for you often entails serious risks that have down sides. if you go to your parents and say look i would like to be a hollywood actor they might say what don't you be entertainment lawyer? still be in the business. safer. you don't want to be entertainment lawyer. your parents look and say i want to protect this child that i have been in charge with since i was born. one way to do that is to steer them to a safer path. that path may not be what you looking for. >> when i was playing video games. >> gem him out of the basement. >> 10 commencement things no commencement speaker has ever said. what a great, small book. charles, great to see you this morning. >> fun to talk to you. thank you. >> that book in book stores tomorrow. check it out. seems america has switched from owners to renters. we are becoming a nation of renters save us?
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explore this interesting trend coming up. >> plus, their mission is to send a slice of home to our troops serving overseas. this mother's day, bake me a wish cake is helping the troops to something special for mom. if alli doesn't eat them all up. we will tell you how you can next. bake me a ♪
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♪ >> there it is, van morrison's moon dance last night was a marvelous night for a moon dance. if you looked up, there was a super moon last night. >> beautiful. >> that's a good shot. here is from the gainsville sun. >> down in gator country. >> the cool thing is that the super moon is 30% brighter, 14% bigger than normal and the reason is the moon is 15,000 miles closer to earth. making its biggest and brightest moon of all 2012. and dave briggs was looking forward with great anticipation. >> i was so excited. >> it didn't deliver? >> kind of an overcast night. had all three kids. it wasn't as big and bright as -- i was looking for bruce almighty the scene when he
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threw the rope up there. >> didn't see it last night. this morning in my office i reenacted it for him. >> made his morning. >> still trying to purge that image from my mind. and i will be for the rest of the day. >> as soon as i put hot pokers in my eyes. let's get to your news, shall we. we have a lot to tell you about including this disturbing story. arizona police say they have fielded about 900 leads in the case of missing 6-year-old isabel see list, they have no celis, officers say no one is the focus of the investigation. no one has been eliminated as suspects. please call local authorities if you know anything about this. very serious crash in the race at talladega yesterday.
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number 14 crashing head first into inside wall. 10 cars were involved in the wreck. can you see how bad the damage was. the roof had to be cut and peeled back so he could be pulled out. he was air lifted to the hospital. the good news, is he awake and speaking to doctors and he should be okay. those are your headlines. >> thanks, alisyn. the "wall street journal" yesterday did an interesting piece about the future of the american dream. we often think of the american dream as buying your first home, right? >> absolutely. >> you buy your first home, maybe a modest home and able to work for a living and live the american dream. journal making the point that more and more americans are finding the american dream not from buying because maybe it doesn't pay off as much as it used to but by renting the american dream. >> finding it actually makes more financial sense for many americans as you can say cheaper it than to own. 72% 'of metropolitan areas, that is up from 54% a decade ago. now, many of you would think this could have disastrous
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impacts on our housing market, which is still the biggest unaddressed problem in our economy. folks can say this can cure it if woe start filling up some of inventory with renter he is maybe we can chip away. >> it's not just housing because orng a home used to be the foundation of the american dream. more and more people are renting cars. more and more women are resting fancy dresses. you have an event to go to. don't buy the dress for 1,000 bucks. go out for 100 bucks represented the dress and give it back. >> live in a metropolitan area or special event. why buy the suv. rent it for the amount of time that you need it. and if that's not enough lifestyle advice. here is more. quit working so much. >> okay? >> stick to 40 hours a week. it turns out the research has
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shown that right about that 40 hour mark once you go over it, productivity starts to decrease. and this was brought up with the coo of facebook who says she leaves work at every day at 5:30 in the afternoon. people are blown away by the fact that every day she makes a point to get out of work at a decent hour. >> god bless her. >> she has famously done this. leaves to spend time with her kids every day and she has some sanity as a result of it she even had to get up to leave meetings to go to her kid's soccer games. 5:30 in the afternoon. we're go to have an ipo on wall street. my kids have a soccer game. each you cited the 40 hour study that one back to the ford era. back to the ford motor company back in the day because they studied people. once they went after 40 hours. their productivity declined. >> the one problem with this equation is if you have a boss like one of my previous bosses
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in television who insisted on 100. >> i worked 100 hours a week. i had to keep time cards or the ones say from the movie -- >> you have a boss like lundberg. >> could you go ahead and come in tomorrow? so if you could be here around 9:00, that would be great. okay? >> oh, oh, and i almost forgot , i'm also going to need you to go ahead and come in on sunday, too. >> so, just say no. you know what will happen? that will decrease my productivity. >> make it about the team. >> we saw this big story about developing electronic devices in china over the past few weeks. those big explosive stories. now there is other countries have actually banned more than 50 hours. 50 hours is the maximum with overtime. these are the countries that have banned it.
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sweden, denmark, germany, netherlands, united kingdom. isn't denmark the happiest country infantry in -- in the world. >> these are the most happiest countries in the world what you should do is adapt my schedule. >> that's why you are so happy. >> we're not sure how it will go over with your boss. starting tomorrow morning say you are not going to work one minute over "fox & friends." that's what "fox & friends" told me. >> see ohio that goes. >> just hand the study and don't reverse the charges. >> good to see you today. we are looking at that time actually a beautiful day across new york city. we are starting to see some of the clouds clearing out and a little bit of blue sky which is good news because it's been muggy out across new york city over the past couple of days. we have been seeing showers moving through. much needed rain across the northeast with a drop going on. 62 degrees in new york city. near what's typical for this
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time of the year for us. as we head westward though, check out from chicago down to texas. very warm. 82 degrees will be your high in chicago. 86 in kansas city and into the 90's across the state of texas. 95 across southern parts of that state in san antonio where it's going to be well above average out there. some of those temperatures are more than 15 degrees above what's typical for this time of the year. that's because we actually have a front that's pushing eastward pulling in warm air affront of it. 63 in rapid city. that clash in air masses will actually be helping to fire up some severe storms later on today. stretching from parts of texas up and through illinois. chicago, you are included in that area. dallas heads up as well and kansas city and witch can a. large hail,wind gusts possible today. stay alert. et cetera especially later on in the afternoon and evening hours where you will be seeing that risk for severe storms. otherwise, traffic delays are expected along that area as well as you get some of those
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heavy down downpours from showers and thunderstorms where we have some of that activity minnesota. iowa. that rain really coming on down. zoom in and take a look at it minneapolis area you are starting to dry on out. pushing eastward. heading to texas. showers and thunderstorms down there as well. expect them to keep firing up later on today. guys? >> all right. i will take it right here because make me a wish has outfitted our studio with some exciting cake. they send sweet slices of home to our troops overseas as they are doing something so important to the country. we have the president of the bake me a wish foundation with us josh kaye. great to have you here. >> great to be here, alisyn. >> what are you doing for mother's day. >> this year we decided something special. for many years we have been sending soldiers gift takes for holidays and birthdays. this year we decided to honor the unsung heros that's the
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mom. we're having soldiers send their moms gift cake for mother's day with video telling how much they appreciate their mothers and what they do. >> they will love the cake of course because they are scrump shump shut. >> these worry about sons and daughters. just making them feel good on mother's day is so important. >> these cakes really look dleckettable. tell us your favorites. >> >> i love the tear my sue. mom gets wonderful delicious cake for mother's day. we send same cake to soldiers
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overseas. these cakes can't go overseas because they are more delicate and unbelievably flavored. we send a portion of that we don't send the same cake but a, to of that to donate similar cakes to the soldiers for their birthdays. >> you are saying some of them are instructible enough to travel? >> absolutely. >> how does it work? >> trust me if you can send a cake to iraq it's a big deal with refrigerated packing and lots and lots of ice to withstand the trip. soldiers get it unbelievable. they have a slice of home. they feel so amazingly good that somebody remembered them. that's so nice. for somebody. >> order a gift cake for your mom and mom will go crazy for it. in the card we will talk about the fact that we're sending a gift cake to a soldier overseas. >> by the way we are seeing some pictures on one side of our screen of the soldiers who have received the cakes. and who are clearly enjoying.
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you, you must hear great feedback from them. >> we love it we get cards every day. it's a good feeling. tremendous. >> bake me a what should i sample right now, josh. >> what happened to redvel voice. here wee go. i see clayton coming in to try to scoff some of it here. >> this is great. >> >> thanks for coming in and giving us this slice of happiness. >> irhope the whole stuffedio has lots of joys of gift cakes. >> they sure will. sneak peek into global future. gerald is up next with what he will see what he thinks when it comes to the political economic landscape. atheist group wants this memorial moved. they say it's blurring the
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lines of religion and state. the mayor joins us next. come on over. most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation.
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when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbels chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. >> it's a story we have been covering now. bitter battle in rhode island over the separation of church and state. one-eighthist group is calling it cross a world war i memorial quote unconstitutional. they want it moved. but many in the community disagree and are protesting to let the cross stay. joining us now from providence, rildz is mayor leo fontaine. good to see you, mayor. >> good morning, dave. >> all right. so tell us about this cross. you say this is not necessarily a religious symbol alone. >> no. this memorial was first dedicated 91 years ago. the current monument has been there since 1952. and it was dedicated to four
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soldiers specifically william, who gave his life in world war i and then three brothers, henry, lewis and alexander gagne who all died in world war ii. there is a group of woonsocket veterans who put this monument up in honor of them. it's been there ever since. it's something that the community has rallied behind. i think people recognize this is really a tribute to the soldiers and not so much a tribute to religion. >> it stood some decades undisturbed. no one made a peep. along comes the freedom of religion atheist organization. the web site impermissibly demonstrates a preference for religion over non-religion. the latin cross at the fire station demonstrates woonsocket's preference for christianity over other religions does it. >> it represents the religion
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of these four soldiers. they chose to put the monument in the fashion that it is. this is just another effort by this group it try to traditional values as a result of the soldiers given their lives. it's important for support around the country voicing support and trying to stand behind us and making sure this monument stays for these soldiers that gave their lives. >> right. and mayor you say you have heard from thousands of residents nearby and all of them have voiced their support where does this it battle go next for you and for the community? very few have come out against it we have had even people rhode island atheist groups have come out in favor of the monument. leaders of other churches throughout the state that have spoken out against other issues like this have supported this monument. as far as where it goes from here, we are drafting our response to the freedom from religion foundation at this point. and if anything, i think our
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community is ready to stand strong to prevent this monument from being removed. >> the community needs help in fighting this case. we will link the web site where people can help on twitter and our web site. mayor, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thanks so much. i appreciated all the support. >> coming up. do current trends point to social violence and economic turmoil? the man with a knack for predicting the future joe solenti joins us next. you're ae where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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online. he joins us now. accurately predicted the fall of the soviet union the rise of starbucks, busts and others. some of the things you talk about in your new trends journal just out and we were reading. you talk about the presidential reality show. that you predict this is turning into a president reality show i'm going to roll my sleeves up and bump fist you to show you i'm one of the guys? >> you say that about president obama. you also reference in the journal mitt romney planting himself using certain background and fake and
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preposterous? >> i will tell what you i will do put on a paver jeans and sports jacket and open collar to show you i'm not a multimillionaire just one of the folks. boy am i tired of hearing that word folks this. folks that. >> it's going to continue. next on your list in the trends journal. the economic recovery that isn't. you say just look at the numbers. >> look at the unemployment numbers that just came out again. they said 163,000 jobs would be created. we had 115,000. service sector, hospitality, low paying jobs look what's going on around the world. keeping this afloat new beck bomb. central banks in europe. loaned 1.4 euros to banks and zero percent interest rates to keep putting it back in the economy. >> brings us to our third point. you say this new world economic order. this idea of the rise of the european power in a way, right? >> yes.
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all built on debt. these aren't economic cycles. they are debt bomb cycles. look what's going on? look behind the scenes? the bring nation just brazil, rush sharks india, china and now of course south africa? what are they talking about? only four meetings and talking about establishing their own currency and their own world bank. we are looking at a break up of america in terms of economic sovereignty. >> read the trends journal. can you find it online and get is sent to your inbox on a monthly basis. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> more "fox & friends" in about two minutes. don't go anywhere. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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and she's looking directly at our new lumia, thank you at&t. first, why don't you show her the curved edge... now move on to the slick navigation tiles -- bam, riht into the people hub. semegan, colin has lots of friends. hey, colin, what ki of phone is that? whaaa -- oh megan -- when did you get here? [ clears throat ] ohh yea no, let's... [ male announcer ] introducing the beautifully different nokia lumia 900. only from at&t. rethink possible.
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ahead. >> illegal immigrants cashing in. tax loophole being used to pay for children who don't live in the united states. >> call it the ballot of kurt busch, why the nascar driver is getting real life inspiration from ricki bobby. we're live in talladega. it was hour three starts right now. this is snooki from jersey shore and you are watching "fox & friends." meijer is i shore solstice. >> kurt busch has a cougar riding in his nascar. >> an older woman? >> that would be good. >> staffed cougar in the back and painted on the hood. he has the suit. is he channeling ricki bobby. >> also coming up in a short few minutes from now. i'm going to have some great
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mother's day gadget ideas. did you know a new study out this week 91% of moms whether they would rather have ipad or flowers? what do you think they chose? >> an ipad sounds slightly more valuable than flowers. >> cougar question? >> no. show us the hottest gift for mom's day. >> first, we start with what happened at guantanamo bay, cuba yesterday as you know khalid sheikh mohammed and four co-defendants were on trial for 9/11. you know ksm is the mast err mind behind 9/11 and what happened is they made essentially a mockery. made a circus out of the military tribunal. >> yeah. they did all sorts of things that show complete disrespect' if not contempt for the proceedings such as standing up in the middle of it to pray, they took out their ear phones. they didn't care. they looked like they were
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sleeping. one point one of the guys took off his shirt. he wanted to show the court he had been beaten somehow. nobody saw or scars or bruises on his chest. one of the most showing and repugnant is that one of the co-defendants he made at one point a paper airplane and hung it over the microphone and-to-remind the victim's families that he was the one in charge of checking flight schedules on 9/11. >> as they had to go through and read the victim's names of the 3,000 people killed on that day. ben attash had al qaeda training camps. the person in charge of the "u.s.s. cole" bombing, we all remember that families though were able to watch because very few people were actually able to be inside the courtroom. our own catherine herridge one of the motors there. families beings back here in brooklyn via video feed were sitting there just seething programming these guys from a closed circuit video feed.
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look at their response? >> trying to create chaos so they can go out and say that the military commissions are chaotic. they are creating the chaos. >> justice has been denied so long my brother was murdered in the cockpit of his airplane. he wasn't able to say good by to his loved ones. >> imagine if you are sitting there, you lost a loved one on 9/11 and here they are making a joke of everything that happened and then them being on trial. some passing around a magazine reading at different points. trying to run out othe clock. >> one of the other stunning images according to reports from our own catherine harng is that one of the attorneys for ben attash, a 52-year-old american woman. cheryl boreman she showed up in completed head to toe muslim garb. she is wearing the traditional black head covering and entire body covering. her argument was, in fact, she
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suggested that all the women on the prosecution team do the same so that her client could look at them without, quote, fear of committing a sin under his faith. >> this is distinguished representing the guy just mentioned the bombing of the "u.s.s. cole" and running al qaeda training camps and checking the flight schedules. >> it's not a sin to kill innocent women and children on 9/11 but don't look at them in the courtroom unless they are wearing the head to toe i had had -- hijab. >> we will hear from one of the family members watching that from brooklyn nearby. you can imagine how outraged. >> tell what you else is happening in the news. we start with an extreme weather alert. we are getting brand new video out of japan where a rare tornado has touched down while you were sleeping. a teenage boy has died after being taken to the hospital. this tornado touched down in the city of scuba near tokyo
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and at least 30 people were reportedly hurt and as many as 200 homes were damaged. thousands remain without power after lightening and strong winds also pounded the area. well, there could be a change of heart for junior seau's family. they had originally reportedly planned to let his brain be studied for signs of disease caused by repeated concussions but we have learned this morning that they may be having second thoughts. this is according to reports that the family's bass tore says the family is rethinking that decision. seau played for 20 seasons in the envelope. some say chronic brain damage may have been a factor in his suicide wells as well as that of other nfl players. >> voters casting votes in france run off election. looking at pictures from apology place. we are hearing there is heavy turnout across france. the latest poll show some signs of hope for president nicholas sarkozy that is him voting with his lovely wife.
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the race has tightened if holland ribs, he would be the first socialist president in france for 17 years. >> what a derby it was. thrilling finish to the kentucky derby yesterday. it looked like the favorite behalf ford's horse ha it wrapped up until the finish. >> on the outside is closing in. i'll have another brode meister. on the outside. here at the wire. i'll have another has won the kentucky derby. >> i'll have another. that is trainer doug ekneel jumping for joy there after the win and owner jay paul, the trophy i'll have another sprinted past body meister who looked like this thing all wrapped up. rookie jockey wins from the 19 post which is so remarkable.
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a record crowd, 165,000 on hand. >> dave, at the bottom of the screen there, who is that horse. another few seconds that horse coming in at the bottom of the screen would have won. looks like he came in third. that's the strategy is for some of these horses is to wait when you are in the 19 post you have no choice. >> like seabisquit. come on late like seabisquit. >> very nice. what is the oracle of omaha up to and what does he think would be the best way to jump start the economy? fox business network liz liz claman had special access to warren buffet. she often has she's one object one interviews with him. she did the same thing after this shareholder meeting. she asked him what does he think would jump start the economy right now? >> mearve waited for you to say what would jump start the economy? what would jump start is for household formations. more households formed the quicker we eat up the excess
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housing inventory which is being eaten up. i would say in a place like omaha it's very small in the way of excess inventory. household formations are what cause houses to be occupied or apartment units. and that is holding back the economy wonky way of saying household formations. >> i will say it again because it bears repeating. can you imagine having him speak at a wedding for you. >> i liked it the second time. >> i'm excited for alisyn and tim you have formed a household formation. instead of a family. i would like to hear how the buffet rule would defend the family. >> get your own interview with warren buffet. >> hey oracle give me a call. you know about his healthcare stricken with cancer recently. not too concerned about it clearly based upon this
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question from liz claman about things is he snacking on. you just spent five hours answering questions by eating pea i couldn't tell brittle and coca cola. health issue. you say everything is fine. are you going to change your behavior at all? you just eat a pound of peanut brittle? >> zero this behavior has gotten knee 81. all i have gotson a little prostate cancer that probably wouldn't even need to be treated. so i am fine with what i'm doing. >> you are feeling well you? are not that takinged today? >> no. not in the least. >> not that takinged by peanut brittle, coca cola and we did see him walking with a popsicle. we're going to take on his diet. let's try that and see if we can make it to 81. >> make 3.25 billion in a quarter as berkshire hathaway did by doubling his profits. no wonder he is so happy. >> maria molina is in for mick
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-- rick reichmuth. >> temperatures where they should be at for this time of the year. hitting 60's in new york. across interior parts of the northeast and further to the south we will be seeing very warm temperatures. that's going to actually help to fire up some possibly severe storms from wisconsin all the way down in through portions of texas. keep that in mind. can you see large hail and damaging winds some of those thunderstorms later on this afternoon and also into this evening. otherwise, the ohio valley down into parts of texas are going to be dealing with temperatures it well above average up to 19 to 20 degrees above average. especially across central portions of the country. kansas city. 86 your high today. 82 in chicago. memphis, 92 degrees for high temperature today and also 90's across the state of texas. here is a quick look at some showers and storms already moving through parts of minnesota and wisconsin bringing down heavy rain early today. please be careful as do you head out doors. if you are headed out the door
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make sure to grab the umbrella. seeing showers and storms pretty heavy to the southeast of the city of austin texas. continue so see showers and storms firing up till know counsel into portions of texas. strong front continues to push eastward guys behind that system. a lot cooler and also dry. >> okay. >> thanks. >> i will say dry even if it's cooler. president obama is busy trying to drum up support for lower student loan rate. shouldn't he really be focusing on getting those grads jobs. that's coming up. >> after more than a week of tough criticism. spirit airlines is having a change of heart. finally making things right for a dying veteran. is it enough? we'll hear from this vet and you next. [ female announcer ] philadelphia cooking creme.
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a simple way to make dinner fresh and new again. just stir it in. now it only takes a moment to make the moment. ♪ spread a little joy and see ♪ need a little happiness to be ♪ ♪ living the life regiright from your you deposit checks so sitting at your desk is just like going to the bank. see? i'm at the bank. now i'm in the office. at the bank. in the office. at the bank. in the office. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ that should do it. enjoy your new shower. [ door opens, closes ] and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn their bachelor's or master's degree for tomorrow's careers. this is your moment. let nothing stand in your way. devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team.
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devry university, proud to support the education pull on those gardening gloves. and let's see how colorful an afternoon can be. with certified advice to help us expand our palette... ...and prices that give us more spring per dollar... ...we can mix the right soil with the right ideas. ...and bring even more color to any garden. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. lay down a new look, with earthgro mulch, now three bags for just $10.
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>> the president has been trying to rev up support for young voters. those struggling to pay back $850 billion. >> i didn't believe that number. >> the average student pays for college graduates with $25,000 of debt. i want to give you some relief from that debt. i don't want you to start off life saddled with debt. >> the next guest says the best way to save people from financial hardship has little to do with student loans and everything to do with fixing the economy. resident scholar of the american enterprise institute andrew biggs. good to be with you. >> i want to help you guys with that debt.
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but tink cerg with interest rates on these college loans what students need. >> when the president says he doesn't want to see young students saddled with debt it's hard to believe can he keep a straight face: the proposal is he pushing would cut their student loan payments by about $7 a month at the same time over half of young college graduates are unemployed or under employed in jobs that don't require the skills that they took out those college loans to gain student loan republicans support cutting the interest rate. this is not a big issue. it's small toe at a time toes, small ball. the president shouldn't be wasting a week of his time. economy going getting these folks jobs. >> call it small potatoes. show our viewers the amount of student debt, student loan
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debt that has accumulated. back in $200,202,000,000,000. that's a lot, okay? by 2005 it was up to 391 billion. well, last year up 850 billion as we said. so, you can call it small potatoes but that is obviously a huge chunk of change. isn't it something that the president should tackle in addition to helping to create jobs? >> well, the question is where is his focus? again, the difference in students' actual loan payments are going to be $7 a month. it's enormous amount of debt in total because we have a ton of students. we have a very big country. the actual effect on people involved here is going to be very very small. the president only has so much time. he only has so much political capital. he is focusing on this as a political issue. the campaign issue. as much as he claims he is not. but really what he is substantively should be doing is getting the economy going. a piece i published in the wall street journal the other day showed the young kids
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entering the workforce during a recession won't just see lower pay and high you are unemployment today. the effects of that will go on to the next 15 years. the cost to young college graduates from entering the workforce during the down economy is probably 50 times bigger than the savings that are going to get from this college loan interest rate. it's just there is no comparison. >> hard to believe doubling the interest rate would only save students -- cost them $7 a month. fascinating. andrew biggs, resident scholar from the american enterprise institute good to with un. >> millions of illegal immigrants are getting a bigger tax refund than you. we have details of this loophole that allows that coming up. >> well, if you haven't bought mom that gift yet. your shopping days are dwindling, dad. but fear not. our resident tech guru clay morris rescuing us all with some gadgets. >> i can't wait to see what clayton has gotten me.
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my name is robin. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantiis proven to help people quit smoking. it reduthe urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking orood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression
8:20 am
or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reactioto it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart orlood vessel problems, tell your doctor if you have new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my inspiration for quitting were my sons. they were my little cheering squad. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you.
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>> still deciding what you to get your mom. our resident tech clayton has some great ideas. >> you are going to love the first two. >> i think i am. >> you need to get an iphone. michael coors has come out with really gorgeous iphone case clutches that all these women are talking about and they have to get. dave, you were saying this might be a gift on your plans for your wife. >> i love it. >> different clrs, you open it up. and inside it specifically designed to hold an iphone right in the cent here. >> slide an iphone. get your hands off, alisyn. hold your credit cards and all that other stuff and also
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protection your phone. >> i should say they also make a beautiful iphone case that looks exactly like that. >> how does he know that i tend to pocket things. >> you do. because i know how you operate. >> keeps an eye on you. ipad telling you about that study that came out 90% of moms would want ipad over flowers. they also want stylish case. this is something i wanted to get my palm because she got the ipad but not a good case. >> look at the camera here. folds up nicely turn it into a bit of a stand. >> i really do want that, clayton. >> i'm glad it's not pink. >> these are from cygnett shiny one. pink different ones. >> tell us about the concept. >> bell kin came up with something. ousing ipads to cook. maybe you have the ipad. here is her recipe book. >> app.s with many recipes as well. >> here is ipad. bell kin came one this stand where they actually have a stylus, you don't get your
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screen all dirty when you are cooking different recipes, can you check off the ingredients that you have clicked just by using the stylus, eggs all over your hand, sugar, flower, you don't want to get it over your ipad. great in the kitchen if you want to watch videos while cooking. >> about 40 bucks. >> very stable. big group of scrapbookers today. this is a huge portion of moms. >> so he, so, yeah. all the scrapbooking moms out there to don't want to take and cut out old photos that they have because you don't want to ruin them. for instance i got this beautiful family here. here is a picture of a beautiful family. plan on as created this scan stick. it's this big. you literally lay it down on the fable and scan over the photo and boom, saves it as a j peg able to prince t right out and put it in your scrab book. >> quality photo. great idea. show you a web site. video of a web site.
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called canvas pop. all the photos you take on iphone or smart phone. go to canvas what do you do with the photos that live there. for mom, why don't you print some of them out. can you use your instagram photos. just about anything you can think of. all your facebook photos and get them printed out to look like this underneath this black tarp here. mysteriously in the studio here. >> big reveal. >> iphone photo that we took. >> iphone photo of my wife and my son on easter sunday. and right for the web site they printed out on beautiful canvas. goes right on the wall. >> and the time. unbelievable. takes like two or three days. >> i have done that before. they are great gifts i have done it for my mom and for my wife. >> i actually learned that from you. i stole that from dave. >> cool. new moms out there. you have a new mom. >> in the house. >> i'm about to have -- my wife is about to give birth. >> any minute now. >> and one of our producers saying the biggest frustration you have with a stroller is
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folding it up pouring down rain. >> drives me nuts. >> four moms came one this stroller. origami stroller. >> looks like a normal stroller. >> going to put t down here on the floor, guys. moms know this will dads. moms handle it better. we get frustrated and tend to break them. >> there are very few gadgets that make my jaw drop. i will turn it on with this blue light here. hit the button. >> have it. >> are we the jetsons? this cannot be happening. >> fully lit up as well. it folds up for you. has a computer screen here on the back that actually shows your pedestrian pedometer. you can charge your cell phone. >> of course a caveat. it ain't cheap. >> no it is $800. actually cheaper than some of the other higher end strollers. bug-a-boo stroller. hit of a button and folds up
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again. >> oh my gosh, i don't have a new baby but i still want that. i'll find a use for it. >> that would be great. put your husband in there. >> origami stroller. >> that's great. these are all great suggestions. i like all of them. >> thank you. if you have any questions, i always answer all the questions on clayton morris. full segment will be up later if you want prices. >> fantastic. coming up, campaigner in chief. some say. president obama officially kicking off his re-election in two key swing states with the new message for voters. >> this is a make or break moment for the middle class. and we have been through too much to turn back now. >> chris wallace is going to react to that for us next. plus, both men and women love to surf the web. surprising new stat shows that men do this more. we'll tell you what it is. coming up. wake up!
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it's your shot of the morning. last night was a marvelous night for a moon dance. because if you looked up above, there was a super moon lighting the night sky. the moon was 30% brighter. 14% bigger than normal. why? it was 15,000 miles closer to earth. making it the biggest and brightest moon in all of 2012. just a moment ago, some of our viewers in hawaii said still shining here and looks fantastic. i think it was better in parts of the country that did have a comis clear night. >> also everything is better in hawaii. >> that's true. >> they had the best plot. they put you will the naval observatories there and telescopes because it's clear skies. >> after a mytai it looks better. >> let's do it. important story there are new developments this morning for a search for missing mom and her three daughters. fbi is confirming that they found two unidentified bodies
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in a mississippi home associated with their alleged abductor. 35-year-old adam mayse is described as a family friend of joanne bain and three daughters. he is now on the run and believed to have at least some of the missing women with him. the fbi is now offering $50,000 reward for any information leading to his arrest here is a story we have been following for you. spirit airlines giving a refund to jerry meekins. he is the vietnam war vet who bought $179 ticket before his doctors told him he had terminal cancer and was too sick to fly. earlier on "fox & friends" we talked to meekins about spirit's sudden change of heart. >> well, let's put it this way i have would be the battle but i haven't won the war. i would ask that the board of directors change their policy and review it. have one person, one executive review it and make a decision by choice not one blanket coverage.
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he wants it to be on individual basis. he believes spirit finally caved in because of all the bad press they were receiving especially here on "fox & friends." on the bright side this whole fiasco has prompted spirit to make a thousand dollars donation to wounded warriors, jerry's favorite charity. here is a surprising stat. men are actually shopping more online than women are according to a new study. there are close to 9 million men making at least $100,000 a year who spend more than $4,000 a year shopping online. the men are also outspending women by 20% to 30%. luxury clothing and accessories are top items. that's where you guys are spending your dough on. >> i wasn't stunned because we don't like requesting to the mall. >> i like going to the mall. i'm a window shopper. my wife can't stand it so she is the online shopper. >> big night in sports. because money may weather set
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to report to prison for domestic violence. he likely won't have to worry about a couple of things. namely his safety. he also won't have to worry about money because he got a guaranteed $32 million for his fight last night against miguel cotto. unanimous decision. cotto really pushed him to the limit though. mayweather came on strong late. now, undefeated in his career the new wa junior middle weight champion. still no fight with manny because of steroid test. to the defending nba champs swept out of the playoffs. the thunder rallying yesterday to beat the mavs 103-97. james harden was on fire in the fourth. 15 of his 29 coming in the quarter. first time dallas has been swept in the best of seven series. also the second time in five years the defending nba champ swept in the first round. the bulls did it to the miami heat in 2006 the heat meanwhile could sweep new york
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today. speaking of new york, giants quarterback eli manning poking some fun at big brother peyton manning when hosting "saturday night live" last night. >> hi, i'm eli manning and i'm a proud ambassador to the little brothers program. our organization helps kids build confidence. reach their goals and overcome adversity, especially when that adversity is an older sibling. >> maybe now you will learn to treat your younger brother with respect peyton. >> my name is not peyton. >> whatever. >> the little brother, time of reckoning. >> good job by eli. now he has two rings and is he a good actor. of course peyton hosted in 2007. talented family. >> that's true. now you wonder if he was going to start to get the respect. peyton was the gay. now he has two super bowl rings and he has got one. >> let's ask chris wallace about that bring in the "fox news sunday" host. chris, are you an eldest sibling or middle? >> i'm a baby.
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>> so you can relate to the abuse suffered. >> that's the only way can i relate to eli. let's talk about politics because you are the master on the field. president obama officially kicking off his campaign in ohio and virginia. got a little hoarse at the end of t all. here is president obama speaking about some hope and change at the rally. take a listen. >> if people ask you what this campaign is about? you tell them it's still about hope. you tell them it's still about change. >> so there he was. it was interesting, as you see the youth that were there. team obama' going after the youth vote it appears which chris in your mind will they come out in droves like they did in 2008. >> no. i'm not saying that he won't win by a lopsided margin among young people as he did in 2008 but i don't think they will come out and vote in the big numbers as they did.
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you can't recreate it. 2008 he was the symbol of hope and change. he seemed like this bright new light who was going to come and change washington. three and a half years have happened and washington has not changed all thatch. and obviously he has a record he has to defend. although he didn't talk about that record much. he talked a lot more about the republicans and what they would take us back and he is going to take us forward but not what he has actually done over the last three years. in terms of being that kind of symbol of vessel of people's dreams, no. >> chris, a big interview today for you marco rubio the man so many people want to hear from. a lot want him to be on the romney ticket. it's having because he said 20 times. not going to be the v.i.p. nominee. what do you sense is the biggest problem through the a vetting process? is it that credit card i want? we have heard some establishment production say publicly and privately that he is just not ready to be
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president. >> yeah. there have been some sort of ethical issues. but none of them are very big or dispositive. the fact is they were all brought up when he was running for the senate two years ago against charlie crist. if there had been any big dirt because democrats did not want this guy to get in this position. they would have hammered him and tried to kill the baby in the cradle if you will. i don't think that's it. i think that the big issue is that he is 41. he says he looks like is he 35. there is a question is he experienced enough? he has been in the senate less than two years. which is less time than obama had been in when he ran for president. you know, one of the things i'm going to do today is i'm going to put him through his paces and treated him like a potential vice president and therefore potential president. people can make up their own guys do they think this guy is in charge and command when it comes to foreign policy, the economy, variety of other issues. >> if he looks 35, what's my
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excuse? >> i'm not sure. how old do you look? >> you don't look 35. you look like you could be -- that wouldn't be an issue with you guys. >> thank you. we will be watching. that will be an interesting interview. "fox news sunday." check your local listing. thanks, chris. >> brace yourself for this millions of illegal immigrants getting a bigger tax refund than you are. loophole that let's them do just that. >> call it the ballot of kurt busch, why the nascar driver is getting real life inspiration from the man on screen left. ricky bobby from talladega nights, busch live with us in talladega this morning ahead. we don't have any corporate sponsors. we don't have any fancy team owners. we have you. and this car and this cougar which symbolizes the fear that you have overcome. the next revolution in music is happening here.
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>> listen to this. a loophole in the tax code is allowing illegal immigrants to get money back for their children who don't even live in this country. and it's costing taxpayers $4.2 billion a year. >> joining us now from the outrageous details is michelle fields a journalist from the daily caller. nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me on. >> as i understand it this started with a bit of a whistle blower looking at different tax records going through them and saying wait a second. this sun bleesm. this there has got to be a multibillion-dollar fraud scheme going on here. what happened. >> illegal immigrants taking advantage of the tax loophole called the additional child tax credit. $1,000 per child for working families. claiming children in the united states and children in mexico. some people claiming up to 12 children who have never ever stepped foot in the united states.
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how are they using this using social security numbers. >> they are using identification numbers what makes this more frustrating the inspector general says the irs has known about this abuse for years they know this is costing $4.2 billion for taxpayers. they have done nothing to try to remedy the situation. >> additionally, here are some claims put up some information here for additional child tax credits by these filers have gone from 161 million in 2001 to 4.2 billion in the tax year 2010. when tax preparer says this is a multibillion-dollar fraud scheme he is right. >> he admitted his address is being used by four other people who don't live with him. they claim 20 children. they got $29,000 from the government. and just to clarify. >> only one child actually lives in the house. the 20 other children live in mexico and have never even been to the united states
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before. this is complete fraud. >> absolutely. >> on the flip side of this. some would say that illegal immigrants are paying, according to social security records, $73 billion in taxes. they are paying into the system and, of course, that's the country's dirty little secret that the u.s. likes to take these taxes. but some critics would say that they get obviously nothing in return. is that just the cost of doing business as the cost of admission for being here illegally that, you know, the u.s. gets to keep that $73 billion? >> yeah. well, you know, the additional child tax credit is essentially welfare built into the tax code. and these people aren't just claiming their sons and daughters. what they are doing is claiming nieces and nephews and this money is going to people who have never even been to the united states. it's completely ridiculous. >> where is the check on this? we talk about it being fraud. you say to yourself, okay. so i'm putting down my niece on this form, presumably you have to put down a social security number of that niece. is not anyone checking this?
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>> no. and exactly how does one verify that these nieces and nephews in mexico actually exist. no one. complete incompetent and it's fraud. >> what's the answer? who is going to get to the bottom of this. >> i think we ought to look into additional child tax credit and start closing these loopholes. and take away this additional child tax credit. >> even if it's somebody who is doing this legally, do you think that that's a fair assessment of this? >> i think as long as it's legal and as long as people in the irs are checking to make sure these people actually exist and these people need the income, then i understand. but not if we're just having shipping all this money to mexico to people who may not even exist. >> michelle fields, you are from the daily caller. thanks so much for explaining this to us. >> thank you. we want to hear from our viewers on this also find us at ff weekend. what do you think about this tax loophole? >> all right. still ahead. nascar driver kurt busch tell us about his real life
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>> talladega night is offering inspiration to our next guest who has no sponsor as he gears up for today's big race in talladega. kurt busch nascar driver joins us live from talladega. good to see you, kurt. >> yorng, guys. good to talk to you. >> good to have you. there is a lot of drivers that might inspire you. dale earnhardt. richard petty, darryl whap -- waltrip. why ricky bobby for you? >> this fits in so many different ways. for us at phoenix racing we are looking for sponsorship as well as with the armed forces foundation and their work through ptsd. this is an inspiration to me through ricky bobby and all the struggles he went through to get back to the top. i'm using him to get back to the top as well. >> you have the me suit that ricky bobby made famous. cougar ricky bobby painted on the front of your car.
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what i'm told you have a cougar in your car; is that correct? >> yes, we have put karen the cougar in the backseat of the car. she is my inspiration to drive fast and shake and bake with the rest of the crud out there to make sure we come out on top. >> my sources tell me you do a mean ricky bobby impression. i want to hear some of your lines now kurt. >> you want some of my favorite? well, when i wake up in the morning i piss excellence. that's my favorite one. there then there is another one when he is talking with the competitor john, we are not french, we are american. america is the best country out there. >> that's not too bad. ricki bobby when he sits down to dinner and gives thanks to dom dominoes, kfc, and always delicious taco bell. to you the troops are very important. how do they play in today? specifically the armed forces foundation? >> yeah, through the -- they are very supportive of ptsd and creating awareness around.
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this today's race is dedicated to sergeant mcdonald who took his life just a few weeks ago. he was 26 years old. served three tours in iraq he took his life struggling with medicine and discharged from the army. we are trying to get congress to pass legislation to help with our military to take care of them once they are moved on about 18 month zone past what the military can give for care. the aff, ptsd is on the car, of course, with the cougar and inspiration what you have to do mentally to stay focused and to make the best that you can out of the situation. >> so, kurt, with 24 wins, how do you have no official sponsor? well, with a small team this year and the way my team and i parted ways in it december. contracts are written in september, october tim frame.
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this year is it a good year for me to be a free agent. talk with other big teams, small teams you name it to see where the best place can i fit in is. >> you are urging people to text aff to 50555. i'll put that out on twitter. that's to donate $5 to the armed forces foundation benefiting troops with ptsd. it's a very worthy cause. kurt, can you give me shake and bake and reach out to the cam rand a give me a little shake and bake before we go? >> what am i supposed to do with my hands? what am i supposed to do with my hands here? i'm ricky bobby, and i just want to thank everybody for the support of the aff and check it out on facebook and shake and bake. >> shake and bake. all right. kurt busch, best of luck to you today at talladega. again it's armed forces foundation. man has some moves on and off the track. doesn't he? all right. thank you, kurt. good luck today. coming up, a fox news alert
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just coming into our newsroom. a nato service member killed in afghanistan. details at the top of the hour. stick around. ♪ [ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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>> alisyn: good morning, sunday, may 6th, i'm alisyn camerota, what is happening at this hour, joke or justice, the monster of 9/11, khalid sheikh mohammed trying to make a mockery of court proceedings at gitmo, we'll hear from a father who lost his firefighter son on september 11th. plus a live report from gitmo. >> dave: president obama officially kicking off his re-election campaign, in two key swing states, but has his message lost a bit of its luster? we'll discuss, coming up. >> clayton: and, the fur is flying over a plan to keep a man's best friend out of the drivers seat. no more lap dogs, we'll explain, fox and friends, hour 4, starts, right now. >> dave: that's rough.
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>> clayton: get your e is in on that one, thanks for waking up with us, should dogs be allowed in the front seat of a car, we have a traffic violation and a new jersey police officer said we don't have the law here, but i pull people over because of driving with distraction and it holds up in court. >> alisyn: our top story, what is going on at gitmo, a news conference is taking place now about the accused september 11th attackers and, catherine herridge has details, live for us at guantanamo bay, cuba. katherine, tell us the latest. >> reporter: good morning, thank you. right now, we're in the middle the news conference with the defense attorneys and we just heard from the defense attorney yesterday, wearing the traditional black muslim dress and she would not respond to reports she is receiving death threats but explained to reporters why she chose to fully
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cover herself. >> you have never seen me dressed like this and it is out of respect for his cultural and religious beliefs. and, i dress like that in court, because, that is what is required of me. >> reporter: the way the defense attorney phrased it this morning, the five 9/11 suspects are engaging in peaceful resistance, and it was clear when the men came to the courthouse yesterday they had a strategy in place, to frustrate and delay the process. they refused to cooperate with the court and refused to wear the headphones so they could hear the arabic translation and also refused to answer the judge's questions, among them is a guy, walid binatash and his family goes back with the bin laden family and he was wheeled to the courtroom in a restraint chair and once positioned the gaze came in with his prosthetic leg which he lost in afghanistan and wall lee -- and he took off
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shirt to show alleged mistreechl and two of the detainees asked to have the full charges read in open court, that is their right in the system and that took over two hours and i had a conversation yesterday with one of the observer groups from a major civil rights organization and they said to me, the white house has got to be having major heartburn, over what happened in court yesterday, under the bush administration these five guys were on the cusp of pleading guilty and what was clear in court is they want to drag the process out, and make a mockery of it for as long as possible. guys, back to you. >> dave: on that point, do you think there is vindication for the trials being moved to gitmo or in federal court some of that one be tolerated? >> reporter: what was clear in court is a lot of the antics we saw, standing up spontaneously, to pray, and, one point getting
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out the koran and leaving through a magazine that looked like the economist, would never have been tolerated in federal court yet it was kol rated in the military commissions and has to give the administration pause about their decision to go from federal court back to the military commission, the process they did not support before they took office and again i had a conversation with a leader of a major civil liberties group who said they have to be having heartburn because it did not go according to plan. >> clayton: all newspaper reports being a circus and you standing there with a front row seat. catherine herridge, live from guantanamo bay. >> dave: and i want to mention quickly we have a father who lost his firefighter son on 9/11 ahead in 10 minutes and we'll get his reaction to the trial. >> alisyn: headlines for you, let's tell you those, a "fox news alert." we are getting brand new reports a nato service member has been murdered in eastern afghanistan after an attacker disguised in an afghan army uniform opened fire on coalition troops, the
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attacker reportedly killed by return fire and the nato soldier's nationality is not released at this time. the 138th coalition soldier killed in afghanistan in the past five months alone. president obama officially kicking off his re-election campaign yesterday, some observers say it is lacking the hope and change enthusiasm that his 2008 bid had and the photo shows they may be onto something, you can see plenty of empty seats at this rally in columbus, ohio and the president tried arguing mitt romney's plans will not help americans. >> president barack obama: maximizing profits by whatever means necessary, through layoffs, outsourcing, tax avoidan avoidance, union busting might not always be good for the average american. >> alisyn: the romney campaign was quick to respond in a statement, and said no matter how many lofty pain speeches the
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president gives, the fact remains american families are struggling on his watch, to pay their bills and find a job and keep their homes, while president obama all but ignoring his record ore three-and-a-half years in office. a tornado touched down, and a teenage boy died after being taken to hospital, near the city of scuba near tokyo, 30 people were hurt and 200 homes damaged. thousands remain without power after lightning and strong wind pounded the area. those are your headlines. >> dave: let's turn our attention to rhode island. >> clayton: the tiny state in new england this morning at the center of a controversy over dogs. and, boy, there are -- in this article in the "wall street journal," yesterday, there are legislators who pointed out if you want to get voted out of office one thing you do is put a bill out there that hinders people's ability to have their dogs. it is political suicide.
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what they are doing out there could get people voted out of office. >> dave: equating having your dog on your lap while driving, distracted driving, like talking tone a cell phone and if the legislation goes through you would be fined $125 for having a dog on your lap while driving. 6 other states have tried similar legislation including tennessee and has failed to get through. seems like there might be more important priorities to address. that is not even getting into the nanny state aspect of it. >> alisyn: this state rep did not say he's trying to lose his job but save lives, here's his quote: if you really love your dog, try not to kill them. so, basically, i mean, you know, he thinks, put the lap dogs off your lap and in the back seat. >> dave: not just in the back seat, seatbelts, restraints. >> clayton: harness, you're in
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an accident, the drag flies through the front windshield, aaa says, 21% let dogs sit on their lapse, and 7% feed their dogs while driving and 5% play with the dog while driving. throw this back up there, 31% admit to being distracted by the dog while driving. i mean, all of that adds up to bad news on the road. >> dave: joe in new mexico says about all of this: if the state doesn't focus on getting people to work instead of being concerned with dog-driving. no one will be driving anywhere. >> alisyn: all right, e-mail from floyd in florida: the doctor's owner should realize the danger of doing it, in a collision the air bag can kill a pet and think of the others on the road. same goes for cell phone. >> clayton: agree with rhode island, says mike in georgia. he says i always see people pay more attention to their dogs than the road and i take my dogs but they are in the back seat. and, we have a police officer who wrote us, i mentioned
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earlier, a cop in new jersey wrote and said, i pull people over for it all the time and issue a careless driving citation and it holds up in court because it is careless driving to have a dog in the front seat. >> alisyn: you may want to put it in the back seat. >> clayton: let us know what you think, send us a tweet,@fs weekend. >> dave: and maria molina, do you have a mango? >> i had pink lemonade, it was so good. why are drinking lemonade. why, guys? >> today is lemonade day. >> and today is a beautiful day in new york city and we expect temperatures to creep into the 60s and we'll get sunshine as well as crowds and currently out west it is a lot warmer across the city of chicago, 61 now, 78 degrees in st. louis and memphis and unfortunately some of the
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warm air will bring trouble later in the form of thundershowers and thunderstorms and even the chance for severe storms from illinois, all the way down through portions of texas, so, chicago, kansas city, down up through the city of dallas and across the northeast, we'll warm up and get sunshine. yesterday was muggy and we had clouds and showers, high 60 in boston and westward, warmer for cleveland and syracuse, where we expect a high a little warmer than typical this time of the year, very pleasant, high of 71 degrees, southeast a warm, humid day, showers and thunderstorms, scattered across parts of texas and through portions of the floridahandle of georgia, hit and miss in nature, not expecting widespread downpours, 88 your high in new orleans an 93 dallas and brownsville and a high above average, as well, oklahoma city, a high of 89
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degrees, midwest, warm as well but we have a cold front pushing through, behind it, it is cooler, a high of 67 in north plat and, 84 in kansas city. ahead of the front. guys? >> alisyn: good to know. bring us lemonade. thank you. >> clayton: we'll tell you about the courtroom ruckus caused by the self-proclaimed 9/11 master mind khalid sheikh mohammed and his co-defendants, up next a father who lost his firefighter son on september 11th will join us with his reaction from the courtroom. >> alisyn: and cut back the hours at the office. a new study finds putting in more than 40 hours a week does not increase your productivity, it actually decreases it. we'll break down the numbers for you and we suggest calling in late on monday. ♪ this is $100,000.
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>> dave: joke or justice? self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind, khalid sheikh mohammed and his four co-defendants acting up during and throughout their arraignment hearing. but our next guest is not laughing. in fact he says the proceedings were down right tough to watch. al lost his firefighter son, christopher, on 9/11 and joins us in studio this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> dave: i can only imagine what it was like to watch them make a mockery of our vimenctims, like your son and take me through your meetings, one defendant makes a paper airplane out of evidence and some reading a magazine and some chuckling. >> the same antics they pulled when we were in gitmo, almost three years ago, the same antics, you know, with getting up and shouting out, and stopping to pray, or pretend to pray and things of that nature
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and it is very frustrating. the prosecutors and the judge, they just have to have nerves of steel to put up with this -- these antics and i think that would occur in any court, doesn't matter, these people are determined to make a mockery of our court system and we bend over backwards to accommodate them. why, i don't know. bin al-tish was in a restraints when he came in and the judge didn't know why whe was in the chair and they went around and around for 10 minutes to decide whether he'd comply with the court decorum, to take him out of his retrain and finally he agreed but then wouldn't use his ear phones and another 45 minutes, was discussed and it is not only the defendants. they have an agenda.
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it is the defense attorneys that play into it, trying to make motion after motion and the judge saying this is not the time and when the time comes i'll let you make the motion. >> dave: one pulled out his head piece, ear phone, saying i was tortured and refuse to hear the translation and you say they have an agenda. what is it you feel they are trying to accomplish and are they succeeding? >> i think in the sense they are succeeding, because... >> dave: in doing what? >> in doing -- performing antics and seems like it is orchestrated. each one of them starts to do something different and, you know, i'm not an attorney and i can't say and i guess civil rights people would be saying all kinds of things if they restrain you in any way and, when the judge was not cooperating, before, the judge would remove them from the courtroom and proceedings
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continue and we don't do this and we want to be sure everybody says they were given their fair time. >> clayton: our reporter, catherine herridge who happened to be in the courtroom yesterday, she said the antics they pulled, you watched, would not have been ash loud if the case were tried in federal court and you were at fort hamilton in brooklyn yesterday. what if it were tried in a federal court in new york city? are you satisfied with the military tribunal or would you have preferred it here? >> no, it is better in guantanamo bay. the reaction and the families were against moving it, first of all, it is a safe environment. there is no safer place on earth, i believe, than gitmo. you cannot get in there, you can't walk in. having it in new york city would have been a nightmare and ray kelly would have probably lost all of his hair, if it came here because it would have been a difficult security problem. >> dave: and a circus, probably. >> without a doubt. it is best there. i think their antics would have been the same, whether -- they
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don't care -- they know our system, probably, better than most americans do. they've had ten years, to study and have computers, and, whatnot, and they discuss things with each other, so, you know, it is all orchestrated. >> dave: i mention understand lost your son, christopher, on 9/11, what would make you feel some sense of justice and what outcome would make you feel some sense of justice over that tough loss? >> well, the fact that they were -- stay in trial and be -- be determined whether it will be life or death or whatever the case may be, and, have it end. this has been going on too long, it is over ten years. you know, quick and speedy justice, is this quick and speedy? onlies. a i don't think so, not in my dictionary. i'm glad it started up again and it is interesting it has taken president obama a year and to the day he starts his campaign
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again the same day the trial starts, if this is not a political ploy, i haven't been born yesterday, no question about it. i told him last year when we met him, his next victory will be when these guys are brought to justice and he laughed and kind of smiled and it took him a year. >> dave: we hope they are brought to justice for you and all the other victims' families, come back and see us once the trial starts back up and we appreciate you being here and sorry for your loss. >> thanks, i'd be glad to. >> dave: coming up, president obama won catholic support in 2008 but a new poll shows him neck and neck with mitt romney. could it be a toss-up, this time around? we'll ask father john, next. plus... elvis may have left the building but his legacy lives on. some of the king's personal and never before seen memorabilia, ahead, and how you can get your hands on it. wake up!
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and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn their bachelor's or master's degree for tomorrow's careers. this is your moment. let nothing stand in your way. devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no...we're not. ♪ the allstate value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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>> clayton: welcome back, a poll shows the president's popularity among catholic voters dropped 8 points since 2008 and now he's neck and neck with mitt romney, to clinch catholic support. how important is the voting bloc and could it be a toss-up this time around? >> alisyn: here to weigh in is fox news religion contributor father jonathan morris. >> this is fascinating data. >> alisyn: i was surprised to learn catholics are 25% of u.s. voters. that is a huge voting bloc. >> it is. i don't think we can actually call it a voting bloc but the ones that make a difference... >> dave: because they don't necessarily vote together. >> but those with a trend in their voting are
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church-attending catholics and the last election, the president, won as we saw in the introduction, won the catholic vote by 9 points. but, mccain won actually those who were going to church regularly. what we are seeing here now is that because it is now at exactly each, 49, 49, that means according to the stats that the church-a church-attending catholics shift in huge numbers toward mitt romney in this case, away from president obama, that it is now, those nine points have actually shrunk and it is... >> dave: why? why have they? >> i thought a lot about this. president obama to his credit made a pretty strong argument to a lot of people, saying, actually, i am very catholic on certain issues. i am going to try to reduce the number of abortions and try to increase adoption and try to do all of these things and i'm actually not pro homosexual marriage and he made these
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arguments after four years, those who are taking their faith seriously on the social issues, are saying, you know what? we don't buy those arguments, as well. secondly, what -- the bishops now made a vigorous argument saying, there are things like religious liberty that must be defended and are at stake in this election. >> clayton: and, it is interesting who claimed the catholic vote, 2008, president barack obama won, among catholics, and in 2004, george w. bush, and in 2000, al gore won the popular vote by half of a percentage point, bill clinton won the catholic vote there twice in 1996 and 1992. they seem to trend democrat. >> it is whoever has won the catholic vote, if we call that a bloc, i don't think we can statistically, but who ever has won the vote of most catholics has won four out of the five last elections, that is the issue. but, we should be looking at the church attending catholics if
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you want to see a trend. >> alisyn: it sound like you are saying they began turning away from president obama before the latest contraception controversy. >> it seems to be that is the fact. why? because we have had four years of getting to know whether or not the president's stances on some of these nonnegotiable issues, i'm not saying the republicans somehow are -- represent the catholics in totality. not at all but some of the nonnegotiable issues like abortion, like religious freedom, like traditional marriage, divided clearly. >> clayton: and catholics also worry about the economy, too. father jonathan morris, great to see you, thanks for stopping by. >> happy sunday. >> dave: still ahead a family feud sparked by a winning lotto ticket. why one mother is now suing her own son. >> alisyn: see, i told you, winning the lottery ruins your life and fox and friends, rock & roll this morning, we're getting a look at some of elvis presley's very own never before seen memorabilia. not a blue suede shoe, we'll show you it... most life insurance companies
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cool elvis memorabilia, never before seen. >> clayton: cool, his glasses, shoes and like his footprints from when he was a kid. >> dave: awesome. >> alisyn: in the meantime, to your headlines. right now, because, we have a lot of things to tell you about. voters across france are casting their ballots at this hour, in the presidential run off. while president nicholas sarkozy is still trailing his socialist opponent, the latest polls show some signs of hope for him and, greg palkot is live in paris with more. what can you tell us, greg? >> reporter: hey, alisyn, greeting from paris, yeah, those polls are tightening up. and, in fact one we saw a couple of hours ago, on background, indicates perhaps this race is too close to call. what we can tell you, for a fact, we have been out and about in paris, today, is that turnout is high and interest in a lot of directions is high, too, take a look at what we saw and what we heard.
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that is french for you have voted and the folks in this middle class neighborhood in paris are making a big decision, stay with their incumbent president, nicholas sarkozy or go with the socialist challenger. we talked to the folks here and found out that opinion is decidedly divided. >> reporter: sarkozy? why? >> alisyn: french french. >> reporter: you find him very good. >> i voted for the only person who can save the country. >> nobody. >> reporter: >> because they are both imbeciles. >> reporter: well, the election is important for france and the economy is in bad shape, for example, unemployment in double digits, it is important because next to germany this is biggest economy and it is important for the u.s., too, because our own
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economy is very dependent on what is happening in europe and the french people, that we have spoken to seem generally unhappy with the style and the substance of french president sarkozy. there is some unease we are hearing about the policies of the challenger and maybe that is why, alisyn, what looked like a strong win for the challenger is now looking like a very tight race. we'll be watching it all, back to you. >> alisyn: thanks, obviously it is important for the u.s., we've had a strong relationship with sarkozy, so if cha changes it would be interesting and also, interesting to hear imbecile, is also imbecile in french. >> clayton: worldwide. >> alisyn: i understood that in french. let's get to more news, a "fox news alert." we are getting reports of not one, but two deadly attacks on nato troops in afghanistan, this morning. we told you early that one nato soldier was killed when a gunman dressed as an afghan soldier
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opened fire on coalition troops and we are learning another nato soldier as killed in a separate attack in eastern afghanistan. that one reportedly involving a roadside bomb. the nationalities of these victims are not being released at this time. yet a number of reports to bring you now, we are getting reports from the associated press that a body has been found at churchill downs. of course that is the kentucky derby location, it was held there just yesterday. the body reportedly discovered in barn number 8, four barns down from where the winning horse, "i'll have another" is kept and the victim, believed to be a man, homicide detectives are on the scene now to investigate. we'll bring you details as soon as we have them and, arizona police, say they have no reason to believe that the missing 6-year-old, isabelle celis is not alive. they've fielded 900 leads since she was last seen, her parents say they last saw her when they put her to bed on april 20th. officers say no one is the focus of the investigation.
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but also say no one has been eliminated as a suspect. an elderly california woman said her son turned into a mega thief after she won the lottery, she and her son, ronnie, she says, she won $51 million in the lottery and was so nervous she needed him to sign the ticket for her, and, claims that ronnie lee signed his own name and pocketed the money and, the lawyer says it isseler abuse and is shocked her son -- it is elder abuse and, is shocked her son would do this. >> she said i love my son, my trust my son, i trusted him, there was no reason for me to ever think anything would happen. this is not my son. >> alisyn: well, ronnie lee wouldn't comment on this case and it goes to court, next month. those are your headlines. >> dave: outside, maria molina,
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in for rick reichmuth. how it is going out there. >> it is cool out here, clouds came out again, we have been dealing with them the past several days, showers and misty conditions and a lot of fog but today is not as bad. blue is popping out here and there and temperatures are on the cool side, for us in new york city and boston, seeing currently 57° and will not rise much more, into the mid 60s, as we head southward, 66 in raleigh, north carolina, and, 78 will be your high, sa vavannah, georgia and st. louis and memphis, highs well above average, currently 78°, this morning and as we click ahead you'll see the high temperatures across the northeast, i believe, where we will be seeing a high of 62, new york satan 59 boston, very cool out there, but, upstate new york, 71, syracuse, beautiful day with sunshine and a high of 71 degrees, as well, for the city of cleveland and as we head south war, warm and muggy across the southeast and
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pop-up showers and thunderstorms possible from parts of the florida panhandle, georgia, west through texas, and in texas it will be warming up, some of those storms could produce severe weather, and, not just into portions of texas. but, even up into parts of illinois and across the midwest. large hail, damaging wind gusts will be possible out there, stay alert, and now let's head over to ali. >> alisyn: thanks. elvis may have left the building, as they say, 35 years ago, but the legacy lives on. here with never before seen piece of elvis memorabilia is kevin kerns, the director of communications for grace lan. welcome. >> thanks for having us. >> alisyn: great to have you. interesting memorabilia, including lots of tough from lisa marie. >> three new exhibits, the first, elvis through his daughter's eyes, they had nine years together and we chronicled their relationship and a lot of forecasts think she was a spoiled child and starting off with this fur coat, and a lot of folks thought it was real fur,
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and it was actually faux fur. >> alisyn: because people thought, oh, it is so luxurious an expensive for a young child and should see what kids wear now. faux fur, so cute to see that, and, here's something else. >> baby footprints. the princess of rock & roll, these are her baby footprints, one of many artifacts we have, and crankal the nine years they spent together before elvis passed and how she continues on the presley legacy today. >> alisyn: this is his wallet. >> he was like the rest of us, everyone carries a wallet and this one, he's kissing lisa marie on the head and we have is a bank americard and his signature on that, no cash in his wallet. don't you wish the card worked today? >> alisyn: no cash anymore. now, here, is a very historic item, this is his belt. >> his belt.
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elvis, the king of bling and we have plenty of it here. this is a pewter belt covered in gold, and it has emeralds and diamonds and, he revolutionized live entertainment in vegas where the crowd comes to the celebrity and this was seen in elvis on tour, the name of another exhibit we have opened at graceland and, the film, also won a golden globe and, the crown jewel, this is the golden globe the film won. >> alisyn: and he wore this to the white house. >> when he met nixon he was wearing this bedazzled gold belt. >> alisyn: what better to wear to the white house. i remember that. and this is the beautiful golden globe. i have never seen one. >> you never had a golden globe in the studio before, and this is the golden globe the director won for the film in 1972 and martin scorsese cut his teeth, on this film, and, graceland
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features artifacts that influenced other artist, his white shoes from the 1950s an solid gold sunglasses an artifacts from celebrities like justin timberlake, who wears white shoes like elvis and katie perry wears glasses like elvis. >> alisyn: can i touch them. >> we have a white glove... >> alisyn: these are iconic. >> i'll give you the other glove as well. if you turn it around you can see on the side of the glasses you see embellishment, tcb, taking care of business, in a flash, this was his personal motto he and priscilla came up with, custom made for the king of rock & roll, one of many artifacts. you cannot put them on. raise them up to your face, i'm sorry. or archivist off stage would e go ballistic. >> alisyn: how cool i look, ups my cool quotient, by a million. >> you get to hold the king's glasses, which is much more than folks can do when they come to
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graceland. >> alisyn: stop by and see the new exhibits in graceland. >> memphis a lot to see and do and best bash can yrbecue on bo of the mississippi. >> clayton: thank you, thank you very much. >> dave: man. >> clayton: coming up, the percentage of the working age population with the job is the lowest it has been since 1981. our next guest asking the question when did it become okay for americans not to work. he'll explain in a new opinion piece he just wrote, coming up. >> dave: and he's a champion, the chef hoping his cooking can help the u.s. olympic wrestling team bring home gold. how he plans to make it happen and how clayton will learn how to rest wrestle -- i hope -- ahead. >> good luck with that. ♪
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>> alisyn: friday's jobs numbers showed the unemployment down even though only 63.6% of the working age population have jobs and that, by the way is the lowest level since 1981. >> dave: our next guest wonders when did it become okay for americans not to work? joining us now, is gary shapiro, the president and ceo of the consumer electronics association, so when did it become okay? >> well, over the last 40, 50 years i think we have had a national attitude change from the days when president kennedy said, you know, ask what you can do for your country, rather than what your country can do for you, now, what can you get out of your country and what type of check? it is an attitude change, going from contribution to entitlement. >> alisyn: is this a mark of an attitude change or is this the recession? i mean, many of these people want to work. but, can't find a job.
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>> well, it is both. certainly there are 3 million jobs that are open and we have a disconnect between the skills of those that are looking for jobs and the jobs that are open and also maybe a regional disconnect but people refuse to take jobs below them. why should they? they get two years of unemployment compensation payments and there is very little incentive at this point to take a job below your rank. we have parents of dependent children encouraging young teenagers to drop out of high school, and have babies, encourages the fathers to go away and we have created all of these well-meaning laws to hurt really needy people, somehow become encouragement and incentives for people not to do what they should be doing to contribute to society. >> dave: and the number ali talked about a moment ago is interesting. the workforce percentage. if the workforce was the same today, as it was when the president came in office, our unemployment rate would actually be 11.1%. it's not, of course, it is 8.1%,
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sounds pretty good. what is kind that? >> well, what is behind that is the fact that we have a million or so more americans in the workforce, available for the workforce, and the jobs aren't there. we have had very, very slow job growth and net 8% number is so misleading and really it is probably over 20%, if you count the people that are -- you have to add the people that haven't looked for a job in the last four weeks or never entered the employment pool, for one reason or another, not working. >> dave: quickly, sorry to interrupt. this is a number that has been going down for a decade, it is not just in obama's three years. is it part of the natural profession of baby boomers beginning to retire? >> no. i think, it is going down, because or attitude changed as a country, frankly towards work and people try to get out of it and we have leadership which doesn't encourage work and nancy pelosi making statement, the health care law is good because you can quit your job or she says, you know, we have -- it is good we have a record number of
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people on welfare, and food stamps and you have president obama who ran as a candidate four years ago talking about self-reline and lately totally shifted to, you are entitled entitled to these low interest loans to students, it doesn't matter what you major in, whether a job is waiting for you or not you are entitled to these loans and it is time we as a nation put on our adult pan and realize we don't have the money to pay for all of these entitlements and i would suggest, if you get a check from the government the government has a right to require you to do something and, to volunteer at a nonprofit and build up your skills and do something for society without a lot of paperwork and that could be something, which is -- anything after a few weeks of unemployment compensation. >> alisyn: that is a make-sense solution, thanks for coming in and, giving us your perspective, this morning. >> thank you. >> dave: up next chef great scott going for the gold. how he is helping the u.s. olympic wrestling team stay energized for their matches.
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clayton, cooking it up and we hope he's going to wrestle. >> alisyn: he'll be in a half nelson in a few minutes, stick around. [ kyle ] my bad. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected.
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>> alisyn: time for quick headlines, good-bye, overtime. a new study shows working more than 40 hours a week actually decreases your productivity. the study specifically looking at 60-hour work weeks, showed that employees did more work in the first few weeks, and then became burn out, and did far less work in the long run. and, talk about a guard dog, this pooch watching over his owner's bike. and, then, check this out when it is time to go climbs onto the back and the pair is good to go. a good doggy.
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to clayton. >> clayton: thanks, ali, he's a champion in the kitchen and now a "fox & friends" regular, chef great scott hopes his food can help the wrestling team bring home the gold and is now the official chef for the 2012 olympic wrestling team and joins us along with team nutritionist lee kemp and 2012 wrestling champion, the gold meddled heal and, it is -- you'll show us how to get your workout into high gear. thanks, chef. >> how are you, clayton. >> clayton: congratulations on the new role, what do folk need to know, you are giving them extra calories and a boost before the matches, right? >> well the olympic athletes have a nutritional diet. not a week or month or year, it is their lifestyles and so, lee has helped me come up with some great dishes to help the athletes perform their optimum
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strength. >> clayton: after the workout, the most important thing is to get protein in you and you have a shake athletes use on a regular basis. >> one of the most important things to do is get protein in your body within 30 minutes of your practice and it is hard to do, because it takes time to prepare something and get into your stomach and a protein shake you take right away and comes in individual packets and you can get into your body right after the practice. >> and it is full strength. >> ill ywhile you prepare your you need protein, complex carbohydrates and you are not supposed to have fat, right, but this is a lifestyle diet and a little fat goes a long way, not a lot, because, the protein from getting -- it prevents the protein from getting into your muscle tissue. >> clayton: the fruit plate they'll eat on a regular basis. >> three to four hours before the actual contest, easily digestible, high in vitamin b. why vitamin b? vitamin b for focus, helps your
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bones be strong, and, say you are on the balance beam and want to be focused at the end of the routine, you need to be focused without any fatigue and that is what the vitamin b does. >> clayton: also, the salmon with the protein and, jake in the wrestling ring, how important is it to get the protein in your body after a match or a workout. >> the difference between a gold and silver medal. your body is a temple and treat it like one, and put the right things in it an wrestle, bam, bam, bam, bam, comes up fast and you need it. >> clayton: french toast, i wouldn't think you need it. an oatmeal, and carbs can help you build. >> this is an anomaly, michael if he has, 12,000 calories a day, the day of, 500 to 1,000 calories, 3 to 4 hours before the workout. michael if he has eats everything, whether it is 6 egg sandwiches in the morning, french toast, making pancakes, he's an anomaly, and has 8% body
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fat. >> clayton: more "fox & friends" in two minutes as you guys kick wrestling, and we'll do more wrestling in the plaza. >> this is my give, my office, right here. blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to beer collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with r drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities --
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>> clayton: welcome back to "fox & friends," the new jersey drive of champions held at trump golf course in bedminister on june 4th, our thanks to these guys, and great scott, what is the name of the web site again. >> scott, the drive of champions, it will be great golf, great food, we'll have actual wrestlers coming out to do exhibitions... >> dave: see you next weekend, everybody, thanks for being here. >> clayton: now, let's eat. [applause]. >> eric: we start with a "fox news alert," details on the chaotic start to the most significant terror trial in u.s. history, five men charged with the september 11th terrorist attacks, refusing to enter please at
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