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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  May 12, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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franco francois hollande. general motors says it would consider closing a plant in eastern france. an advisor to hollande telling we would start to arm wrestle with management and they realize there's a former economic life and respected workers as the values as part after big company. so if our companies are getting the french to kiss off over there, we are looking at more broken hearts over here? and to dagen mcdowell who no doubt broken many in her time. and gary, what do you think? >> there will be a definite effect. look, when you have socialist economic dictators over there telling companies what to do and how many employees to have, that's nothing, but trouble. what if the man dropped and dropping in europe and you don't need that certain amount of employees, that's going to directly affect your profit globally and are' going to start looking at home to do
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something about it and that means maybe losing some people here and nothing good comes out of something like that. i mean, that isn't even a threat. and i mean, that's just, that's like what my people do. >> and you mean, the people with vowels in their name-- >> and this is actually what it's like, when the foreign company doing business in france. this is actually nothing new. it's tough talk, but companies far and wide have had to deal with some of the most restricted labor practices across the whole of europe in france, you have high payroll taxes and you have very big severance packages you have to pay to workers, and if you go back through history. molex, an auto parts company, a few years ago, went through something similar, where the french government laid a bunch of people off. and the french government told other companies not to do business with this company and it's par for the course of doing business, and it only hurts france and i don't think
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if our companies get out of the country, it won't hurt us. >> adam. what do you think they would really do if the company just said, we've got to layoff at least some of the workers? would they shut the plant down and do a chavez type deal? >> well, it's an interesting question, because the rules there are so restrictive, so they might. i mean, if they just-- general motors is well aware of this. this has been one of general motors big problems in europe, because inform' been wanting to cut capacity and it's been difficult. to dagen's point, they knew this. it's against the law to do it there the way we would do it here, so, yeah, i think they could face those kind of repercussions and i think that companies like gm have to decide, do we want to be in europe or do we not to be want in europe. it would be a perfectly valid decision to get out, but it would be a long-term decision. >> you know, jim la camp. i'm wondering, hollande is coming here to the united states to meet with president obama, who is not a big fan of
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u.s. companies setting up shop abroad anyway. or hiring overseas anyway. so, he might actually find a sympathetic ear in the president? >> i think he might because he -- i think the president probably idolizes this guy. if you look at what the other president operates and the european socialist style system. look, if you can't fire anybody, then you aren't going to hire anybody. it doesn't make any sense, and what does the message send to the workers over there. they can show up late. they can do whatever they want to, not be productive and they're not going to get fired. i think that gm ought to say, au revoir, we're out of here. france isn't the only place they can build cars in europe anyway. this is a disasterous policy and european style socialism on steroids and trouble in the first place. >> and just like to raise a couple of things quickly, neil. hold on. gary, if i could. you said something you called hollande a dictator and that's
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a loaded expression in europe and i think it would be bet fuhr we didn't use emotionally charged expressions like that. he's not a dictator, he was just elected president of france. and i also say this is how-- >> and i also don't think that president obama is-- >> one at a time, one at a time. don't want him called a dictator. stop, stop stop! >> now, gary to your point of this disabusing people of the notion you think this guy is a dictator. go ahead. >> what do you call somebody in his first day comes out and is talking 75% tax bracket? what do you call somebody that-- >> a liberal, a liberal. >> and call them-- it's called economic dictating of policy. and he -- and the worry is we have not seen the likes of somebody like this for many, many years, we already know that it's liberal over there. i think he's taken it to the umpteenth power out of the get go and there will be
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repercussions, i guarantee american companies that do business over there are in their board rooms talking about it today on how they're going to go-- >> and in his case, he reverted and took on more capitalists, when the socialist thing failed. what do you think happened here? >> well, neil, i kind of feel that way, even the wall street journal seems to suggest, he can say one thing, 75% tax rates and then know ultimately that millionaires faced with that can keep their french citizenship and move out of the country and not pay it. he's got to worry about 10% unemployment and driving american business out of the country and keeping potential new business out of france is not going to help break down that unemployment rate. you can call him a leftist, a liberal, you can call him a socialist, but if he's a pragmatist, he will do something more free market and-- >> any company that's
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establishing a shop in another country has to play by that country's rule. if you're a gm. if you're anyone and you realize that the austerity measures are on hold, put it mildly, france, not acted nearlily swiftly if at all and retiring at the age, 19 or something in france, exaggerating. but in other words, all of that can exist and you're on the line for it. it's out of your wallet to do it. what would possibly compel any company to set up operations in france, save the food, which we must agree is phenomenal. >> look, we see the same thing in this country. california lost a ton of their business because of regulation and taxes. illinois has lost a ton of business because of regulations and taxes and now multiply that for france and i don't know, in answer to your question, i don't know why you'd want to set up in france. and might would-- and with some, with your sales over there. but there's other countries in
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europe. ireland has a very friendly corporate tax structure. you can build cars there instead. >> neil: ireland isn't exactly firing on all cylinders, no pun intended. (laughter) >> far more friendly it their employees, so, they're attracting business at the ire of the rest of europe. >> neil: go ahead, adam. >> there's a market there. if you're gm you decide whether you're in the market or not. by the way, the president, president obama will have an interesting conversation with the new president of france, because president obama is a 27% owner of gm, at least in the the form of the united states government. i mean, we have to be interested in what's best for gm here and if that includes shutting down capacity in france, it will be interesting to see how the president advocates for that or not. >> neil: i don't think he would advocate for keeping the workers in france, that's all i'm saying. >> well, that happens to be consistent with what general motors wants right now so i agree with you, but not out of
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necessarily out of some sort of i had logical-- >> laying people off in that country can be prohibitive for the country. and some of that 35 hour work week, man. >> i'm like you, with that beautiful accent talking to the frez president, that would put him in his place. >> i'll kick people's butts. >> absolutely, absolutely. and all right. meanwhile, a governor pulling no punches with tough money message. i'm not talking about new jersey, governor chris christie. i'm talking about this guy. do you recognize him? probably not. you will. his name is governor paula page. just watch him and start listening. >> people out there, get off the couch and get yourself a job! >> [ donovan ] i hit a wall.
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>> hi, we're live from america's news headquarters,
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i'm jamie colby. three more people have been arrested with the murder and kid happening with the family in tennessee. they believe to be neighbors of adam mayes. killed in a standoff with police. and after murdering the mother and sister, the girls are back home with their dad safe and sound. and they're urging stronger air safety after a report reveals air traffic contollers are again, slacking on the job and follows disturbing allegations from a former controller out of new york, who claims that employees at one of the busiest towers or watching movies, gambling online and sleeping on the job. i'm jamie colby, back to cavuto, on business. >> the people out there, get off the couch and get yourself a job!
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>> (applause) >> is it your sense, governor, that you're tired of the society and calling them on it, is that the idea, or are you sick of trying to ma'am b mamby-pamby around the issue? >> we have citizens on welfare and secondly, i lived it. i grew up through the system and i understand how it works. and we are an entitlement state and it's time that they recognize that we're in debt. we don't have the money any longer and they've got to get a job. >> talk about no nonsense, he's had it and man, oh, man, is he letting them have. maine's governor paul lepage telling them to get off the couch and get a job. and dagen, there's a bit of a
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disconnect, you know. >> and he's talking to the oath that we heard at the rally, the occupy wall street rally, i want free food and medical care provided by the community. go to work, go to work, find a job. there's no job that's beneath you. and to the governor's point, there's something really frightening that's going on in this country in the last four months, we've had 700,000 new jobs created. but 333,000 people have gone on disability. what you're seeing is when people's unemployment benefits run out, they go on to disability and almost never return to the work force after that. there's a lot of truth in the numbers to what this governor talks about. >> obviously, he's preaching to a wider choir, and not just inside the state, but outside the state, but the sense of entitlement is over and i can't afford it anymore here and neither can this country period. does that resonate or are we like europe where we hold back on austerity of any sort?
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>> well, i think it does resonate and i think that the people at the occupy protests wanting free food, free everything, are a very small minority in in country and i also think there's no doubt that the government programs have, when you institute-- >> they're not a small minority. >> that movement. >> neil: and i'll tell you the minority movement. >> well, i don't know, but charlie is our expert on that, on the occupy wall street movement, right, and he's not here today. >> neil: actually, i am, i spent a whole day with them. a whole day. >> and they, i think they are a minority in-- okay. well, i haven't spent any time out there. i jogged by in san francisco from time to time and i see them, but i think they're a minority, neil. i don't think most americans think that. i think most americans do identify with what the governor said and in fact, you know, president clinton was successful in trying to lower the welfare rosters. >> it's going in reverse now.
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gary, what i'm worried about and a the lot of what adam said is true and i don't dismiss it. but i think now, among a core group of everyone, as i said, but a core group particularly of the occupy movement. there's great resistance to a job that they find demeaning and a great urge to demand benefits than just to he demand jobs. >> look, unfortunately, there's enough being offered right now not to work. and it's continuous. i'm not sure exactly how long the unemployment benefits go right now, but it's a very, very long time. when i see that there are-- on any given month, 4 million jobs out there, available, it tells me that something is not right with this situation here. look, i think those comments were a little bit insend yaur i, there are plenty of people out there pounding the pavement to get jobs, but i still think a good amount out there and i think dagen used the word oaths that people
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just want to take, take, take. >> look, we've got underemployment at 40 year highs. we have of 61% of the participation of the work force. the longer you pay people not to work the longer before they go to work and evertime you cut off benefits. people get more aggressive about getting lower paying jobs. you've got to walk before you run and we've got to have tough love. our leaders haven't demonstrated ability or will to do so than 40% of americans that don't pay taxes at all. we've got a growing war between those out there working and productive and those that are taking from society. >> by the way, i see billboards in statements for people to get food stamps and unemployment. there's advertising for that. i'd like to advertise how many jobs are out there and this is the website to go and get one. >> neil: all right, guys, i wish we could talk more about
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this. but talk about not getting a bang for your taxpayer buck. toyota driving past general motors and driving the forbes gang crazy over that 50 billion dollar gm bailout. that's coming up. now, forget about the white house plan trimming regulations. so many say they're hacking them, not a little bit, but a lot with a machete. have this dude do it. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] with 50 horsepower, dual overhead cams and fierce acceleration, the gator xuv 825i will shatter your expectations. ♪ before your next big trip outdoors, visit for huge savings at this year's john deere green tag event. ♪ >> coming up the white house says it just put 6 million dollars worth of regulation, and some here saying that's chump
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>> welcome back, taking on a beast with a pair of scissors, president obama tweaking five regulations and cost the economy 6 billion bucks, that's the problem out of 1.8 trillion dollars all regulations are reportedly costing businesses and consumers each year. and jim mccann, you say put down the scissors and take out the machete? >> yeah, lounge chair off the "titanic." it's not going to mean anything. last year 10 billion of regulations with start-up costs of another 6.6 billion. it affected everything, washers and dryers, refrigerators and freezers, and children's toys. everything in the industry. it's not near enough. a cosmetic move. a smoke screen. >> neil: my concern with the regulations, republican or democrat, there must be something to it. ceo's of all stripes, they're
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pragmatic and want to make money and that's one of the big reasons i hear they're leery about investing or plunking down cash for plant, equipment, hiring folks because they don't know that regulatory environment and they're leery right now. they're hanging on to cash right now. >> well, the environment's ever changing more importantly and ever growing. so the cost to implement is ridiculous and the cost to understand it over the top. you've got to hire einstein to do it. this is under the headline of who you're trying to kid. obamacare has 2 million words of regulations in it and yet, trying to tell us look what i'm going to do with 6 billion dollars. and machetes, bazookas, not enough to take care of this. >> neil: dagen. >> people dismiss earmarks, and people say it doesn't matter. we have more than 15 1/2 trillion in national debt, but at least it's something, some
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of the regulations are getting-- >>. >> neil: by the way, the earmarks and adam, the point i want to raise. earmarks are the entree to get votes for much larger legislation, and people focus on the amount, the dollar amount of the earmark or the regulation, and without knowing that it's the chit by which you pay for far more pricey pieces of legislation. >> i'm with dagen, i won't criticize cutting 6 billion if they're good cut and 1.8 trillion, some is critical regulation. sure, let's look at our regulations and make them more sensible, but taking a machete is exactly the wrong way to do it. and some of these things-- >> and let's stop adding to that. that's what we do. at a minimum. let's stop that. >> i pointed regulation out, stop adding regulation. >> i'm behind you on that one, let's take away. >> really?
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then i would rescind that regulation right there because you're coming on board. (laughter) >> final word. >> these regulations they're trying to cut, the obama administration, if you look at them you realize how many other really stupid mandates that are out there that we can also get rid of. >> neil: well put. dagen, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> neil: a busy day and up next, facebook facing red-hot buzz, stock pick coming in less than a week. why wait? our gang has the hot stocks that you can have right now. i'm consolidating my assets. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissions. i'm making the most of my money. and seven-dollar trades are just the start. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. and i'm loving every minute of it. [ rodger riney ] at scottrade, we give you commission-free etfs, no-fee iras and more. come see why more investors are saying... i'm with scottrade.
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don't wait around for the facebook frenzy. we have hot stocks. >> china mobile and you can buy it through the united states. this company is not fanaticly expensive. it is already up nicely. china is not going away. it is a cellular phone crazed country. >> jim what do you have got?
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>> the growth with a 3.2 dividend to boost. bombing in indonesia. it looks good. >> gary? >> i like ebay. emerging off the last earning report and pay pal is scizz leling. and huge part going forward. >> are you leery of the market generally, gary? >> i am okay with it we'll have a five or 10 percent let down. let's hope we hold am >> great show as always . great insight as always. and talk about that with david on forbes. >> and high taxes and kiss the jobs recovery goodbye. group much ceo's sending a letter saying we are upon concerned about the increase on dividend and capitol gains and adverse it will have on the economy and


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