tv FOX Report FOX News May 12, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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live on fox report tonight. the likely republican nominee needs their support to win the white house. mitt romney talking practical prosperity. >> if we take the right course i am convinced we'll see a resurgence in the american economy and open doors for those that are. >> remark about same-sex marriage drew a response from the crowd. highlights in the liberty university. >> also how safe are you in the sky? we heard about serious transportation violation and including air traffic controllers sleeping on the yob. do safety regulators drag their feet after whistle-blowers sounded the alarm. and 7 stories up. trying to keep this young girl from cutting her life short.
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from american's election headquarters tonight. mitt romney selling himself to a conservative voting block it is a group that seemed to split the support between peryesantorum. as you know both are out of the race now . today governor mitt romney delivers the commencement address in liberty university. jerry falwell founded it in the 19cents. the governor talk being about the same faith and values and at issue that is moved front and center and after president obama said same-sex couples should be allowed to matter. >> what you believe and value
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marries. as fundamental as principles are. they may be topics of democrat debate from time to time and so is the enduring institution of marriage, marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. [applause] and it was that remark drawing a loud applause from the crowd as you heard . president obama honoring the top police officers, men and women recognized for dr. bravery in the line of duty. the vice-president apologized to the president for pushing him to deliver his stance on marriage. molly, what else did governor romney say today . >> same-sex marriage debate is the lead in to broader discussion of faith and family issues and those issues matter to socially conservative
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voters. romney talked about his own family and his commitment to it. >> i never regretted missing a business opportunity to be with my children and grandchildren. among the things that can be put off, being there when it matters most is one of them. and marriage between the one man and one woman as you heard got the heartiest applause today. >> in the weekly address the president is focusing on the economy. >> president obama talked about steps to help speed up the recovery and chided republicans on the economy. >> they think all we can do is cut taxes especially for the wealthiest americans and let banks and corporations write their own rules again. that's their plan. i think they are wrong. >> on the president's to do list for congress, passing tax breaks for businesses who pay them higher wages and veteran
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job corp for servicemen and women returning from iraq to tan stan. >> thank you, we'll get back to the coverage of the evangelical vote when we continue . what mitt romney can do to bridge the gap for the voters. >> the latest take down of terrorist. no conation. it is expected two u.s. drone strikes killed len of those militants. it happened to those in the south . no word on whether washington was behind the strikes. suspected u.s. air strikes killed three senior al-qaida operatives in youthern yemen it is one of the most dangerous pin offs. just this past monday. cia thwarted a plot by them to
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destroyab air liner. >> riding them up in southeast england terrorist. that is where the surveillance center is located. thousands of government intelligence agents work in the complex. less than a mile from there two suspects had packed explosives. people were forced to leave their homes. we'll move now to afghanistan where nato officials say a deadly trend continues. men opened fire on coalition sold yerse in the helman province south of kabul. conflicting reports if they were afghan police or men dressed as officers it is the latest in trend. and another soldier was gunned
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down by a man dressed in an affan uniform. >> syria, concern about the country's future. the outcome could affect the middle east and our country. 55 people were killed and a lot of finger pointing over who carried out the killingings. there are signature al-qaida style. the syrian prime minister visiting some of the survivors, including children in the hospital. a convoy of 2400 vehicles and donating the trucks to help them sent in by the united nations . their job was to monitor the government and compliance with a recent cease fire . un is estimating more than 9,000 people are killed by the government. fox news producer on the ground joining me by phone. are you with us? >> i am indeed. the whole world is watching
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and wondering what will happen if bashard assad regime is happening . >> do you have an egyptian model where it is negotiated in and the president retires or goes into exile and we have government institutions that remain in a power sharing agreement with the opposition until they go to elections and that could take time. the other scenario is the libyan model that sees a bleed end to the leader's rule and in that case it is unclear who would fill that back. now the group that called itself the assyrian national council is made up of those opposed to the government and they are meeting in rome. and part of their plan is to come up with a succession plan.
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they want allay the fears of the minority community that it is not a sunni take over and they will not avenge over the community that support syrian president assad or the christian community which is strongly supporting him at this point. it depends on which way it ends. >> it is interesting to those examples. you are looking at what happened in libya and egypt . no confirmation on this part of the story. what we are hearing about al-qaida there. >> what are you hearing. we have had a group that claimed responsibility for the bombing two days ago this killed 55 people. intelience officials in the west said is gown about it but believes that it has ties to
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al-qaida in iraq, and certainly the message used in the bomb attack bear the hall marks of those used by al-qaida in iraq. it shouldn't be a surprise that al-qaida could operate here. the u.s. government maintained for years that al-qaida facilitators in syria assisted in al-qaida and iraq provide a base in syria for recruit to transit in iraq. you would think that that network is still around. >> very interesting. >> you could find those people. >> and real quickly. two questions. what is it like in the capitol city of damascus with the bombings and 55 people killed? >> people are quite nervous. you know, they don't know what will come next. this really did hit, and it was targeting a military facility and on the highway
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and at a time when people were on the road and early morn going to work; and a number of people were killed in the traffic. and yeah, there is a concern that civilians could be caught up in this in the capitol. otherwise people are going about their business and it is it a large city with three or four million people . business and people carry on their live. >> it is a huge metro area. in 15 seconds, syria is closely lined in iran. any sign of the iranian government having a hand involved there? >> it is hard to say. they don't do so overtly. there is an iranian presence here. supporting hezbollah in neighboring lebanon and have for years and years and prived moral. what technical support they provide hard to say and no one
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knows. >> johnifygener inside of syria tonight. john, thank you for your reporting. >> right now, a new development of the case of the arizona child isa bela celles. her two brothers are in the custody of one parent. we'll bring you the latest and including the reason they were removed and plus, the whistle-blowers coming forward and will anyone listen . disturbing evidence of how safety officials responded to violation so serious they could have put lifes in jeopardy. this american made know weapon fought off pir'ss and drove back crowds and kept peace. where the next high profile mission will be. you are watching the most powerful name in news fox.
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it's 15 miles away ! with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, we can video chat on skype. you're gonna get lost ! this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. the droid razr by motorola now only $99.99. hurry in, offer ends may 13th. verizon. of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust.
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take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. the teacher that comes to mind for me is my high school math teacher, dr. gilmore. i mean he could teach. he was there for us, even if we needed him in college. you could call him, you had his phone number. he was just focused on making sure we were gonna be successful. he would never give up on any of us. so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven
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> how safe are we when we fly. calling out the federal administration and raising new questions about our safety in the sky. the office of approximate council accusing it is faa of not acting on dozens of complaints by whistle plower. they are playing games and taking naps all while on the job. peter has the news from washington. >> there are 178 whistleblowers since 2007 and 89 of them were tied to aviation safety and the office of special council referred them for investigation and all but five were substanteated and the faa is taking iniadeate stips.
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first responder helicopter don't have property night vision and air affic controllers are sleep using personal computers at work . small planes leaving the new jersey teeterborrow are flying too close to the bigiets and delta maintenance was insufficient. and and four of those seven things need to be reported and preventative measures could be far more effective in the department of transportation listened to the employees alarm bells and acted on them. the former director of the ntsb said >> if if is bad again. it is a situation of looking at canada and australia and privedize and they work fine.
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>> the dot said they take all of the whistle-blower complaints. it is confirmed four people dead and another badly injured. the twin engine sessna, went down it left tulsa, oklahoma and lost contact with air traffic controller after getting permission to descend to the lower altitude. they are not aware of any distress call begin. >> two girls recovering from a nightmare. the bain sister back home . they're talking to authorities for the very first time. what we are learning about their ordeal . police may be closing in on a suspect of a murder of a popular radio personality. the latest on their. stay close . wake up!
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>> prosecutor in new jersey suggesting thaty police may be close to an arrest of the murder of a radio host. she had been shot several times. kaufman was an advocate for military veterance. you can read more on fox it has been on the front page and one of the most clicked on stories there. now, we can go home. police said they heard one of
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the bain girls tell her sister when they were rescued in the woods. their ductor shot himself in the head when officers arrived. he is accused of killing the girl's mom and older sister. they are at home with their father and speaking with authorities about what they endured saying they had no food or water for days. casey stegals had the latest on this. >> harris, what those investigators are learning not released at this point. officials are pointing out that more arrests could come in this case as they look into exactly what happened. and if they found anyone else that assisted the family, if they were providing food or money or knew . where abouts of the children. prime suspect's wife is behind bars. theresa mayes helped to transport murder victim's
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bodies across state lines here to mississippi . told police she and the husband went to the bains' family home where she saw adama mayes hoot and kill joanne and their oldest sister adrianne. they loaded up the body and kidnapped eight yore old and 12 year old and drove to mississippi where her husband buried the bodies in the back yard. thursday night nearly two weeks later, tip from the public leading cops to the area where adam mayes was hiding out with the sisters and the girls were rescued after he shot himself in thed had. >> this incident came to a happy ending, but a mother and 14 year old child are dead. two of the young girls lives have been forever changed, and a man who saw no option but to
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take his own life. hardly a happy ending. >> adam mayes thought he was the father of the two girlings that. is not true. his mother mary mayes was arrest charged with the kidnapping, but her lawyer maintains that the client is innocent. the girls are said to be doing just fine. they were transported to the local hospital where they were treated for dehiand poison ivy and bus bites. hard to knowledge the horrors. >> thank you very much. and an incredible story. tune in to justice with judge janine right after huckabee. >> and the brothers of a missing arizona girl placed by child protective services by one of the parents. she is a six year old reported
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missing april 21st and still not found. investigators were looking into the case, they came across information that led them to contact child protective services. based on the totality of the circumstances can and information that they have got, they determined there was a need to institute some measures to insure the welfare of the older siblings. and the detectives are not releasing more information, but saying it is not uncommon for child protective services to be involve would in cases that have to do with missing children. >> she climbed to the 7th story of the build had no intention of living alive. rescuers had a last ditch effort to save a life. and governor mitt romney
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of our u.s. olympic team. >> this is the fox report and time now for the top of the news. former massachusetts governor mitt romney saying marriage should be between one man and one woman. of course all of this coming after president obama said same-sex coupems should be allowed to remarryreferencing jobs in the economy as well and a large part highlights the role of faith. lauren green is with me in the studio . it is a way to bridge a gap between the faith and evangilical faith . that is what brigham young is
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to mormon. he hammered home the themes of family ethic. >> religious liberty is the first freedom in our constitution . justice for the persecute compassion for the needy and sick. and mercy for the child waiting to be born, there is no greater force for good of the nation than christian conscience. >> he did avoid mentioning his mormon religion and choosing to talk of faith in broader terms. >> this unprecedented for someone who is mormon to address the university? >> yes, he is not the first mormon to speak and members of other faiths have spoken there as well it is unprecedented for a mormon ruping for a higher office. christian evangelicals are the base. but several maintain that
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mormons are not christians. there is differences between mormonisms and christianity . someone who doesn't recognize those differences is ignorant of mormonism and christianity. >> romney got the loudest applause stating that it is the marriage of one man and one woman. this is one area that christian evangelicals and mitt romney agree on. >> it is not just the white house. lawmakers in all out battles for fellow members of congress. you may know that because officials wered to reshape long standing districts .
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cthe population led to fewer congressional districts and created the 13 member races. and that is all fire. and they are losing for the liberal opponents. >> any time the members of our caucus were pitted against one another it was gut crenching for them. >> and dennis lost to the best friend in congress after the district were won. in illinois republicans faced off and there was controversy when cantor introduced them. >> and it is nothing good that came out to it. i equate it to two brothers locked in the room. i didn't enjoy the process. >> in iowa the district was
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eliminate it is 45 percent the former conconstutient and 55 percent in the fourth congressional district. they face a well known challenger and wife of the former iowa governor and a tough challenge. >> spending more time out in the new district. it is grass root building that kind of a network where you have to know people. >> states like illinois were redrawn to benefit democrats. experts believe that redistricting will be a wash. >> it is more or less lock down many of the republican gains of the big sweep election . they boltstered the chances of tea party freshmen and party winners can stick around. >> republicans have schunken the field of where democrats win . of the 435 seats, most experts
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believe that there are only 90 truly competitive races. three american college students die in new zealand. new zealand and three boston university students killed and the minifan rolled over . they were on the trip to one of the most popular tourist spots in the country and planning a candle light vigil to remember them . china, a young girl climbs to the seventh floor of a construction site on a suicide mission. and spending hours to talk her down . rescue crews managed to tackle the girl and remove her safely from the edge.
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>> germany occupy activist and the stock market. and bathing it in fake blood. it is a demonstration. and protest are ons fighting the corporate greed. >> chech republic. silent no more. all seven bells and the cathedrals tolltogether for the first time since 1916. three bells being replaced after the original were used to make weapons in world war one. that is a trip aropped the world. london limb lims two monthses away and security forces for the summer games will be with a sonic weapon. american made el rab can produce sounds louder than a
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jet . built for crowd control in iraq. british plan to use it to ward off boats on the river thymes that cause problemsment and prince william joked about his chance to compete in the upcoming games. >> i was asked to compete and every sport and it was to the london pidgions with more athletic prowess than me. we witness an exceptional moment. and the mood in london will be electric and estatic and amazing. i simply can't wait. ladies and gentlemen, here's to our team, glory awaits you.
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>> a sculpture in the olympic stadium making news. 350 tall, it is a tower to give visitors a speck tackular view in london. and manions comparing it to a roller coaster and a bad godzilla movie. >> investigators set a fire was set on purpose. police have suspects in custody as officials are looking for a place for classes . her date to the prom, skips out and stood her up. she scored a better date . taking the internet by the storm. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix.
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in any light. olay daily uv. high schools. in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate. in new hampshire robbers stealing dead son ashes right off of the bedroom dresser . debra smith pleading with the thieves to return the ashs and just keep everything else. she doesn't care about material possessions but upons the black container wither had
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son's name on it returned. >> he got killed and it was like it is all over again and now i don't have anything of him left. i don't see how someone could be so cruel. >> breaks my heart. >> nicholas smith was hit and killed by a drunk driver it is very likely the suspect had no idea they took the ashes and they can drop off the container to any police department or fire house no questions, asked. >> and they are all about the 99 percent. new numbers out of california show that the taxpayers local occupy cost taxpayers five million. most of that outside of city hall. los angeles times report that la pd spent million monitoring them and another million to evict them .
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repairing damage to monuments and city hall which protestors damaged. generous people donated 400,000 to help cover the costs. news comes on the day that california governor jerry brown said the state's definite is 16 billion. >> and a fire tears through a busy high school and storm lights up a city sky. oregon two students arrested after a fire destroyed part of their high school. most of them thought it was a drill until they saw a smoke billowing from the roof. it is in that situation and i didn't know what to think. i was just overwhelmed .
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nature putting on a show in houston and part of a larger storm system that dumped plenty of rain and hail and knocked out power to thousands of people. and california, 20 beagles enjoyed the first taste of freedom and that isa rescue and first trip outside . scientist using the testing to spur the rescow. they are trying to find them loving hopes >> greatest thing is seeing them drive off in the new homes. your heart sings and on the other hand you can't help but smile. i just saved my dog. >> and ohio, dream date becomes a reality. original date backed out and joyce grinddle asked cleveland
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quarterback joe hayden if he would escort her to the dance. >> we met couple of times. >> and why not ask him. >> hayden showed up rocking this ride. >> we bring the lambogini before >> and it is it a huge internet hit. several treatment getting treatment for cancer performing a special version of kelly clarkson's hit stronger. it is gaining a lot of attention including the grammy-award winning singer herself . >> ♪ [ singing ] kelly clarkson calling it amazing. a 22 year old outpatience was
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diagnosed with leukemia and came up with the idea. he got all of the children and nurses and doctors and parents to take part. he chose it because the lirrics related to what children feel like with fighting the cancer. >> it goes toward a fight of some sort. the video got a million looks on youtube. she plans to visit the seattle children's hospital. and behind the scene footage. fox >> a truck that is giving new heening to a phrase built to last.
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of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. so he's a success story... [ laughs ] he's my success story. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart
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at i am proheart on facebk. >> the most expensive prank right back in america. hot dog mike. it is gold flakes. he told four of them with all of that money going to charity. hot dog mike getting it from the restaurant in can dampt recapping our top story. mitt romney speaking to the key voting block. the former governor of massachusetts talking to the graduates in liberty university in virginia, discussing his own family and offered a defense for christianity. >> yemeni officials said two drone strikes take out len terrorist. so far no comment out of washington.
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thank you for watching. my saturday night is getting and i will see you in the of huckabee. before we go. i want you to see the inspirational video with the children with cancer. god bless them. ♪ [ singing ] >> tonight on huckabee. the president has a new campaign slogan . the government is encouraging the food stamp. >> she would stay active. are obama's initiatives take us forward or back ward. and democrats are
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