tv Huckabee FOX News May 13, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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>> and democrats accusing republicans are waging a war on women. >> we don't need a political fight about ending and right to choose. >> today, michele bachmann fights back. >> plus, a marine calls the president of the united states, an enemy. >> does an active member of the military has the right to diss the commander-in-chief. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applaus [applause]. >> thank you, thank you very much. what a great enthusiastic audience, right here in our studios and welcome to huckabee. coming to you from the fox studios in new york city on this mother's day weekend and a happy mother's day to all the moms who are with us. now, i'm he very proud to announce that there's one more mother joining the ranks of my family, my daughter sarah has given me and my wife janet our first granddaughter. little scarlet sanders. now, they just left the hospital this morning, and
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that's little scarlet, and making her live tv debut right here and now. and being held by her mom, my daughter, sarah, my baby daughter has had a baby daughter, just about 40 hours ago, after about 48 hours of labor, now there on the right of sarah and scarlet is my wife janet, janet's mom, the pat stevens and you've met chandler, i've shown about a thousand pictures of him over the last few months. by the way, now you're going to see chandler and scarlet a whole lot here on the show and wondering why? because i can, that's why. (laughter) >> and so, sarah, you just literally got out of the hospital, what, a few minutes ago? >> we came straight here, so about ten minutes ago. >> mike: well, i'd say that's fresh out of the oven. and-- (laughter) >> all right. so, janet, your first, i guess, mother's day as a
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grandmother. how is that feeling for you so far? >> well, it feels great. how do i look, is more important than that. look like i'm a grandmother. >> mike: you look great as a grandmother. >> and nice job, good job, good call. >> mike: and by the way, little charlotte at 7 pounds 14 ounces and i told sarah, you don't have to bring them into the world half grown, it's okay to let them grow after they get her and lauren, happy mother's day to you, chandler is now. >> thank you. >> mike: right at ten months old. so, he's doing quite well, too, and he's beginning to wave and talk and make the girls cry, right. >> yes, he likes to flirt with the girls and i'm concerned, but i think we'll be okay. >> happy mother's day to all of you, and thanks to fox for giving me the opportunity to exploit my family, i mean, that's basically what this is all about. happy mother's day, god bless you, i wish i could be there with you. [applause]
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>> thank you. >> thank you. all right. for a president who said he was going to focus on jobs and the economy, i guess they decided that maybe his policies were nothing to brag about. so he decided to give a full throated expression, that's going to be far less controversial, same sex marriage and after joe biden pretty much out of it on meet the press talking about his comfort with people of the same gender getting married and president obama hurriedly summoned them to the white house and when a republican changes his mind, he's a flip-flopper, when a democrat does it, he's evolving and showing courage and even more interesting, obama invoked jesus to justify with his breaking with 5,000 years of recorded human history and the only legal definition in western civilization of
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marriage. this isn't the first time that obama has channeled jesus to make a policy point. when he spoke at the national prayer breakfast in february, he said jesus wanted us to pay more taxes. now, he nis that jesus wants us to abandon a biblical teaching about marriage because his daughters think it's a good idea. gee, when my kids were in junior high thought it would be good idea to skip cool, have pie for breakfast and stay up late on a school night. what i'd like to know why is it okay for president obama to publicly invoke the name of jesus for same sex marriage or high taxes, but when i mention what i believe, jesus, a man shall leave his mother and two will have a home and two become as one, i get whacked by the press as well as the pundit. been called a narrow minded bigot, a homophobic hate
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monger, knneanderthal, and kook, other things i can't mention on television. if president obama i want there to be a long line from washington post, news work, huffington and others who can come and kiss ring and publicly apologize to me for being the real religious bigots who love religious talk only when it agrees with their own views and hate it when it conforms to the longstanding teaching and tradition of the faith itself. 85% of americans believe in god and vast majority accept the teachings of the bible as true. in people in 31 states, marriage remains people of two opposite genders. even liberal states like california and maine. i don't think that puts my view in the extreme, but the mainstream. i appreciate the president talking about morality, jesus and marriage.
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now, the rest of us can freely discuss it as well. i just hope that he won't forget that millions of americans don't have jobs, they've lost the value of their homes, and they can't afford to retire in no small part due to his understanding of economics. and i hope he won't blame that on jesus. [applaus [applause]. recently, the obama presidential reelection campaign unveiled a new slogan, forward. >> instead of losing jobs we're creating them. over 4.2 million so far. we're not there yet. it's still too hard for too many. but we're coming back, because america's greatness comes from a strong middle class, because you don't quite, and neither does he. >> i'm barack obama, and i approve this message. >> many of the president's policies have us taking two steps back, well, this week, we're introducing a new segment called forward,
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backward. and joining me is form democratic congressional candidate from new york, and political commentator and fox news contributor, sally cohn, let's get too it. obama has been called the food stamp president because more are on food stamp, in fairness. i'm glad to have a food stamp problem for people who truly need assistant. many people in this country who do and thank god we have it for them. but the government is making a promotion of this like, gee, whiz, if you're not in on the deal. go get tomorrow. >> look at margie, looks amazing, wonder how she stays so fit? what's her secret. >> well, she told me that food stamp benefits helps her eat right and she stays active, too. >> is the president the food stamp president?
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>> absolutely not, that's ridiculous. i think that barack obama has been from the beginning of his administration committed to creating jobs and we've all agreed, he inherited this recession and in the past five months, created one million jobs, it's been the republicans that have stood back and refused to do anything and put party before country and they failed to pass the jobs bill and support the infrastructure base and probably been to laguardia, soon, there are airports more efficient in china than here, and that's wrong. >> you don't think that has anything to do with the way that the government operates with antiquated systems in the f.a.a. and the tsa, that that's not anything part of that as well? >> i think it has to do with the fact that we're not investing in our infrastructure. and-- >> if we spent more money we'd be okay. we spent 862 billion and that hasn't worked out, sally. >> a lot of those were on tax breaks, look, forward or backward, the president has created 25 consecutive months of private sector job growth. in my book that's moving
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forward. >> mike: and unemployed in our nation, more young people unemployed than ever been unemployed as long as we've kept numbers. >> i'll be 100% honest if you'll be. and i agree with you, the economy is awful, it sucks. unemployment numbers are terrible. 100% being honest. now you be honest, republicans like it and will do everything they can to make the economy worse between now and the election to hurt the president. >> mike: no, i don't think that republicans like a bad economy. they pass budgets in the the house and senate. it's not that they won't pass one, won't bring it up for a vote. harry reid has not allowed to senate to vote since april 23rd of 2009, over three years and senate has a few constitutional duties, that being one of them. >> governor, i want to get back to young people. bring up a very important point. almost 25% of those who are graduating, 25 years old cannot find jobs, they're moving back into their parents home, that's wrong. the democrats say we need to do something on student loans.
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what have republicans done? they've prevented progress at every step. >> it was overblown, new student loans and republicans ought to come out and embrace it and, but it was an issue of how it was going to be funded and the democrats insisted, but we've got to move on. >> all right. >> mike: and let's talk about the president in his ever ehe involving position on same sex marriage. let's listen to what he said this week. >> at a certain point i've just concluded that for me personal personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same sex couples should be able to get married. >> mike: sally, too little too late for the president or is he just doing this for the political opportunity? >> well, the first-- we have the first president of the united states who has come out firmly in support of marriage equality and firmly on the right side of history. how is he on the right side of history, adam and eve and
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saddam and ga mora. >> we all know just like with interracial marriage and women voting, look back on this and those who stood in the way-- i think the president did the right thing and like to see more republicans come out and support marriage equality. >> mike: what about you? >> i agree with everything sally has to say. >> mike: we don't have to repeat it. let me say this-- (applause) >> in all fairness, when you say the right side of history and use terms like that. history is very explicitly clear in all of western civilization, marriage has only meant one thing, don't meant people of the same gender. >> can i? we're not a nation that streets americans as second class citizens. >> mike: this is not about second class citizens. the read definition of the institution of marriage. if people wish to have relationships-- >> all due respect. i'm not equating. >> very little to-- >> i have immense respect for you and your religious belief and never call you many of the things you've been called.
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at the same time when people, are not equating interracial marriage with same sex, but once upon a time people used religion and morality to stantd in the way as well. in this country we have two kinds of marriage, church marriage, do whatever you want. that's not the issue. we have government marriage, government that confers benefits on certain kinds of families and exclusive for my family i can't visit my partner if she gets sick in the hospital. i can't guarantee that my child will get social security inheritance that's not fair, and we don't do that in america, we're better than that. >> mike: there are other ways to do that without redefining marriage. >> mike: you keep saying right side of history. 31 states put before them and the only place where it's changed when judges do it or highly pressured legislators. we're not going to resolve that. the point there's a different standard applied. barack obama can invoke jesus to justify it and doesn't get any feedback with that from the press. if i use jesus i get the day lights whacked out of me and
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that, i don't feel is exactly right. well, we'll do this again some time. forward, backward, lateral move. we don't know. thank you, good to have you both. >> thank you, sir. what is it like trying to balance motherhood and representing your constituents in congress. minnesota congressman michele bachmann will join us next as we celebrate mother's day here on the huckabee show. i'd love to hear from you, go to my website, mike and click on the fox news feedback session or sign up for facebook and follow me on twitterment find a link to that and more on mike
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>> mike: happy mother's day weekend to you and a big one i'm sure in your family. >> it is. >> mike: i've got to start with a nonmother's day question. this week, a little controversy whirling around swiss citizenship and you finally decided hey, that's probably not going to work out well. what were you thinking? >> yeah, i'm actually glad na you brought this up, governor, because this is a silly distraction that the media brought up this week. when i married my husband 34 years ago, he had dual citizenship, with switzerland and the united states so the swiss government automatically gave me have swiss citizenship just because i married him. so, for 34 years i've always been an american citizen, but because i married someone with dual citizenship. i also received is just by marriage and it came out this week in the media that i had also swiss citizenship and so, all of a sudden, there were all of these questions and the media made it sound like i was no longer an american and i was a swiss citizen. i'm proud to be my husband's
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wife and i'm proud of my husband's mayor taj, but i made it-- i wanted to make it very clear to everyone and i asked the swiss government it withdraw my swiss citizenship so everyone knew i'm an american first, today and always and that's my heritage and my future. [applaus [applause]. >> mike: the other thing i was confused about. we know that the swiss are neutral and anyone that's watched you in your political life know you're too much of a fighter to ever be swiss. you've never been neutral in your life, congresswoman, for sure. >> that's right, i can always trust you to find the silver lining. you understand, thank you. >> and i want to talk about how you got started in politics, because it really does relate a great deal to being a mother and i think a lot of your political life early was standing up in the church basement and taking on the education system that was affecting your own children. >> well, you're right, it's because i was a mother and we
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have five wonderful biological children that my husband and i home schooled and also had a christian school and our foster children prohibited from going to christian school and we were prohibited by the state. and so i got involved in the education and public schools and i was very concerned by some of the things that i saw. so, i was alerting parents to some of the things that i was seeing and i went into our state government to try and help improve public schools as well. because, even though christian schools and home schoolers had more control over their children's education, we have to care about kids in public school, too, so that's what led me into politics initially, just my love for our foster children, as well as our biological children. >> congresswoman, this week, the president came out with his defense now, and his add voe add-- advocacy for same sex marriage. i find it interesting. when you talked about your
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faith, the press beat you up for it. when rick santorum talked about his faith he got beat up for it. i haven't seen one person from the press challenge president obama for his position, i know they'll embrace him for that, but for the dueplicity of it. i'm unashamed of my faith and proud of my faith because this is the life giving power that giving his son on the cross. i'm grateful for it and happy to stand for the positions i read in the bible, such as marriage being between one man and one woman and you're right, there's great duplicity when it comes to the mainstream media and right now i think president obama is trying to have it both ways, trying to both put his
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position to be for same sex marriage and we don't hate anybody. this isn't about hating anyone, we don't hate anybody. we just believe that what the bible says is true. and that's that marriage should be between one man and one woman. and the president has now come out for the first time in the history of the country, the first president to say that he's for marriage between two people of the same sex, and i just think that it's wrong to claim that the bible says something when it clearly doesn't. because the bible is very clear, if you look at the book of genesis, god created marriage and marriage is between one man and one woman. >> mike: well, congresswoman, first of all, thank you for being here and by the way, on behalf of all of us for you giving up a part of your mother's day weekend to be with us, i want to present you, i know you're in minnesota and i'm in new york and let me see if through the magic of television i can present you with something special, a little bouquet here, let's see if this shall work. >> oh. >> mike: i want to say thank you very much. >> i had no idea, you're so
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sweet. >> if you can see it, thank you, what a doll. >> and one rose turned into a magic bouquet, all the way to minnesota. congresswoman, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> mike: god bless you, my best to marcus and your wonderful family, thank you. >> you're so sweet, thank you, god bless you. >> mike: and president obama has no shortage of critics, but most of them don't come from active members of the military. coming up, former marine gary stein was discharged after he had harsh words for the president. (applause). now's the time to move from where you are to where you want to go. look up. with u.s. bank let's get the wheels turning. use our strength & stability to open new opportunities. to lend, and lift ...every business...every dream... to new heights of prosperity. good things are happening.
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armed forces to protect our country. former marine sergeant gary stein was discharged for being critical of president obama saying he wouldn't follow orders from the the commander-in-chief. gary stein joins me now, gary, you got in a lot of trouble for speaking your mind. >> i would say so u nine years in the marines and you posted some things, i guess, that not only on facebook, but in a private chat room. >> yes, in a private group. >> mike: and you thought that this was just going among a few people and someone took a screen shot and kind of got new a little trouble and put up the the screen as an active duty marine, i saw screw obama and i will the not follow all orders from him will do my job better than the the next guy, but as for saluting obama as commander-in-chief, i will not. i could agree that you could get in trouble. >> and i agree the words are tasteless and i'm articulate, but i thought was a somewhat private group i know nothing
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is private on facebook. >> from employers and college entrants things, but in this case, it's a career ender for you, because the marine corps gave you, i guess it's not dishonorable. but other than honorable discharge, but what does it mean when they say you're dismissed? >> well, you know, i only had about 60 days left on my contract, out on july 28th. and now went from being a marine corps sergeant doing a very important job and having full benefits to 60 days later after being charged out of the the marine corps, no benefits, so to speak, but i get to keep some benefits, depends how they look at it. >> mike: did you say these things because you really meant them or were they said heatedly? would you truly not salute the president if he were to walk in the room. >> and i said, if he were to walk in the room and i was in uniform i would salute him and show him the respect, but as far as the policies, i do not agree with the the policies. at some point i get out of the
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marine corps and have to live with the policies he sets forth in his administration. >> and one of the questions that obviously would come forth is when you joined the military you kind of give up a lot of rights, what you wear, what time you wake up in the morning, when you go to bed at night. what you eat, where you live. all of those things somebody else decides for you, obviously, if the military became a democracy where people voted on the orders, it would be chaos and disaster. do you understand where the marine corps came from, gary, it's one thing to have an opinion and you don't get to express it once you put the uniform on. >> i disagree with that. that's not what the constitution says and not what the contract we signed says. i believe there are a couple of areas where we can't talk about, can't talk about violence or mutiny or things like that, or treason, but me talking about policies set forth by our government is not hindering anybody or how we're defending the nation. >> mike: they say this was a violation of marine code. do you argue that point. >> we argue that point and the
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comment that i made was a basis for the dismissal, what really is came back to is armed forces, tea party. pages i started the marine corps knew one. as long as you put a disclaimer up, you would be covered and that came back to running the page and one of five administrators on it and founding it and that's what they hammered on. >> mike: that was a facebook page that was public. >> public. >> mike: one that you helped co-found, but it was not the one where you had the. >> no. >> mike: quote, and it was fiscal policy. >> free market, fiscal responsibility and government. >> mike: one of the champions on your cause is the aclu. an unlikely ally typically for a conservative tea party card carrying person. >> that shows you how much this is crossing party lines, how free speech does and aclu, of counsel and justice foundation, who are doing all the fund raising, who are doing all the leg work, so to
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speak, but to see these two groups come together and fight for one cause, freedom of speech is amazing especially for a tea party member. >> mike: gary, i appreciate your service to the country and marine corps, anybody could get in the marine corps-- (applause) >> maybe you'll be able to get back. and thank gary stein for being here. and obviously, one of those things when you sign up in the military you kind of yield over a whole lot of things and this is going to be a case worth watching and particularly, do you have a right as a military individual to say things privately you may not carry out in terms of your duty and that may be the question that has to be raised. clearly, anyone in the military, even if they don't like the orders, has to care them out and show respect to those above them. that's part of the deal. and gary, we'll follow this case with great, great interest. it's really raising a lot more questions than we can answer here today. do you think chuck norris is tough. wait until you meet his
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which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. >> live from america's news headquarte headquarters, i'm harris falkner. three jp morgan execs expected to hit the doors this week. and the blunder cost the banks 2 billion dollars. according to the wall street journal owned by the parent company of this network. ceo jamie dimon said he was dead wrong for brushing off concerns about the risky trading and also saying the loss will damage the bank's reputation and lawmakers predict tighter regulation. 100 fbi agents searching a mountainous area in california for one of their own. the family of special agent steven ivans left home
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distraught and fear he may have harmed himself. he's been working in the national security area for the past three years. i'm harris falkner, let's get back to huckabee. where are the headlines when you need them? >> if you'd like to comment on tonight's show, e-mail us at huck [applause] >> there are thousands to choose from, i think most of us have our favorite chuck norris facts. now, here is some i like. when the bogeyman goes to sleep at night. he checks his closet for chuck norris. chuck norris has already been to bamars, and that's why there are no life signs on mars. and chuck norris doesn't get sun burned, the sun wouldn't dare. another fact you probably haven't heard. when chuck norris cries, it's because his mama made him. (laughter) >> and she has three sons and describes chuck as her defender, aaron as her sunshine and wheelen, who she
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lost in vietnam as her hero. she's got a wonderful new book called acts of kindness, my story. please welcome wilma norris knight. [applause] >> happy mother's day weekend, wilma. >> thank you so much. >> mike: when we all talk about chuck norris, he's carlos to you. >> he's carlos. >> mike: i guess i'll call him carlos. >> if you call him chuck, i won't. this is a wonderful book and at 91 you've got quite a few memories going on here. i want to focus on each of the three sons. let's start with the one most of us know, the best, and that's as we say chuck and carlos to you. >> yes. >> mike: you call him your defender, why? >> when we were having a rough time very poor and he always
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was like the man in the knauss because his father wasn't there. and so he would, when i worked nights he'd basically fend for the the two kids and figure out our bills to be paid, he with would sit down together and-- >> how old was he? >> 14. >> 14. that's quite a load of responsibility. >> it was a load of responsibility. >> mike: and you call aaron, your sunshine. >> well, i tell you, aaron, he came along later in life. and i was-- we were so poor, i really didn't know, you know, how i was going to feed him. but, when he-- my whole family, they were all so excited, we had a new baby in our life and that's what he's brought in our lives is sunshine. >> mike: and wheelen your son killed in vietnam. >> wheelen was a happy-go-lucky boy. he never met a stranger and he loved everyone. and they called him mama's
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boy. (laughter) >> and you had a tough life. it was not easy. both in terms of struggling and financial poverty, your first husband, not exactly a man of the year. >> no, no, he wasn't. i really think so that when he was in world war ii, i think that a did a lot of things to him which he could never get over and so, when chuck and weiland were 12 and 14 years, he was 14 and weiland was 12 and don't do it, we can't take it anymore. >> mike: he was an alcoholic. >> alcoholic. >> mike: abusive. >> very abusive. >> mike: so, that does one of two things to children, it either makes them tough and responsible or bitter and angry. but, i think it usually, it's if the mother is able to channel that emotion, it makes them just able to be tough and
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resourceful and responsible. and something special must have been going on in wilma, raising those boys through all of that to make them the men that they turned out to be. what were the secrets that you gave them as a mother. >> i just kept them in church and sunday school. i taught sunday school and we hadd had our prayers all the time. >> mike: spiritual life was important to you, after 90 years-- >> and a lot of people are struggling to raise their kids the right way. and you mention taking them to church and praying with them. other things you think would be important if you could say to some young mother out there. don't forget this, what would it be? >> i would say to give them lots of love. that, you know, teach them, take them to church and sunday school, to see god didn't give us our children and only loaned them to us for a while.
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>> mike: what a wonderful perspective. >> and i will see mine, you know, soon, so-- i don't know how soon. (laughter) >> well, at the rate you're going, it's going to be a while ville ma. you're 91 and look stronger than most of us here, a lot of stronger than this audience. so-- (applaus (applause) >> you know, being mother's day weekend and you're being here in new york with me, for your 91st birthday, they did not want to leave you unattended. so, they have a special gift that they wanted me to make sure that you received and i'm the not going to mess with chuck tell you that right now. >> oh. >> mike: this is from chuck and aaron and-- >> oh, thank you. god bless you, wilma. i love your family and love you, okay. >> mike: thank you for being here, okay. >> mike: the book is wonderful
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and i hope you'll get a copy as i'm sure you will. they'll have 27 number one hits and 13 awards, and grace with the brand new song, and i get to play with them. that's coming up next. one, two, three, four ♪ ♪ you say ♪ flip it over and replay ♪ we'll make everything okay ♪ walk together the right way ♪ do, do, do, do is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain, think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain. two pills can last all day. ♪
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♪ dreaming of great savings? get them during our green tag event. visit for details. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. wow, that feels really good! once you experience it, there's no going back. at the sleep number memorial day sale, save 40% on our innovative sleep number silver edition bed-for a limited time. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. [applause] >> our next guest three mothers somehow find
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>> our next guest, sometimes find time in busy lives to report number one songs and win lots of awards and a brand new cd that i love. it's called a thousand little things, would you welcome back to the show, shelly lee, and denise, point of grace, good to have you back. [applause] >> happy mother's day weekend to you. >> thank you. >> mike: now, denise, you and shlly are fellow alumni, as i am from washtenaw tigers-- that's where you started. >> that's right, we started singing there together. 23 years ago, 20-something years ago. >> we don't like to talk about it. >> mike: i thought they're proud of you, but really, all of you who love good music and harmonies that you guys have, but balancing that is families and mothers. denise, start with you, a picture of your family and tell us about your family. >> that's right, my husband and i have been married almost 20 years in september and 14-year-old boy spends and
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11-year-old boy price. >> what's your favorite mother's day memory. >> oh, goodness, well, it wasn't a good one, my very first mother's day, our basement flooded so i remember that very well, but you know, i've got the boys in the group and they don't do a lot of extra creativity things, but let me not have to cook for a day. always nice. >> mike: that's good. >> and lee, we've got a shot of your family as well. >> yes, actually before we show the family, today is my mother's birthday, so, it's mother's day weekend and happy birthday to my mom celebrating 65 years, thank you. but i have my wonderful husband dana who plays guitar for us and my sweet daughter darby mae in nine and november, we don't know what, but something. >> congratulations. by next mother's day we'll add a frame to the picture. and shelly, tell me about your family. >> one little girl. and i thought lee and i would grow old together with one
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child apiece and something happened and my husband david and i married for going on 16 years and we have one little girl caroline in the third grade. >> mike: that's wonderful. congratulations to all of you moms and by the way, i love the new cd. it's called a thousand little things. and good news, everybody in our studio audience is going to get a copy of a thousand little things. [applause]. >> mike: and everyone can get it, download it on itunes and wherever music is sold. after we play the title tune, they'll want all the songs from the-- let's do a thousand little things. ♪ ♪ there's a thousand little things, a thousand little things ♪ ♪ i hear when i love you, and a thousand little things ♪ ♪ the stillness of the
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morning, no one else awake ♪ ♪ leaves are falling and whispering autumn is on the way ♪ ♪ some time to say a prayer for all-- my life is over flowing every dawn i thank for more ♪ ♪ a thousand little things, a thousand little things ♪ ♪ your mercy and every new day brings ♪ ♪ got to go, and i'm here and i love you, in a thousand little things ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh ♪ a dozen purple flowers, i brought homed yesterday ♪ ♪ and the music and the laughter of children as they
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play ♪ ♪ friends who really love me, and walk with me through this life ♪ ♪ the one i love says i choose you again to be my wife ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ a thousand little things ♪ a thousand little things ♪ the your mercy that every new day brings ♪ ♪ the quiet sunset view, in the afternoon ♪ ♪ a day with nothing much to do, well, i'm quilled with gratitude ♪ ♪ for a thousand little things, a thousand little things ♪ ♪ a thousand little things ♪ i'm here and i love you in a thousand little things ♪ ♪ oh, oh, it's a thousand little things ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, a thousand
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little things ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ saying he loves you (applaus (applause) >> thank you, point of grace, a thousand little things. hope you'll he get the cd. you're going to love it. coming up a very personal and special mother's day salute. we'll be right back. ♪ (applause). [ morgan ] when you cheer, they fly just a liiiiittle bit higher... [ man ] he hits it! [ morgan ] ...go just a liiiiittle bit further... [ woman ] a perfect 10! [ morgan ] they can even be perfect. and when we come together... to one... [ chuckles ] ...we know what happens. [ crowd cheering ]
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visa. proud sponsor of the olympic games for 25 years. join our global cheer. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment nows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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producer and joined by her mom judy in the audience and good to have them here. here is a picture of when holly was just two years old. and everybody is oohing and awing in the awed yoens and the producer is up in the control room and there you see him, his mother and anna couldn't join us, but his wife michelle is here and she is the mother of their two children, brian and karina. there they are. and now, we also of course have a picture of john and his mom anna and little sister when they were little kids. and john is the one in the the shorts in the red. (laughter) >> our director, peter snyder up in the control room and there you see him. and his wife debby couldn't be here. but here is a picture of debby, peter and their three kids, james, ashley, and steven. and look like they're having more fun than the rest of us, certainly dressed more casually and comfortably and she's here with her mom and nana, and here is little caly
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with her mom leann and brother and sister. all looking nice. and megan lawson just celebrated her 26th birthday, her mom rebecca has flown from new york to arkansas to celebrate with her and welcome them. and a picture when megan was just three years old. now, one of jennifer ruth's jobs is to book the audience, so if we have a good audience she's responsible and we have a great one today. and by the way, we made sure that her mom april got a front row seat because mer daughter assigns the seats. wouldn't you know? and here is little baby jennifer ruth with her mom from about a year or two ago, something like that. unfortunately, talent booker lawson and hahn's mothers couldn't be with us. here is joan and mom maureen, there they are and lauren and her mom june.
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and our happy mother's day to all of our staff moms and all the mothers watching. [applause] >> i want to say, thank you for being here on this mother's day weekend. my hope for you, you've had a great time celebrating what ought be to be a very special time to give thanks to ladies in our wives and make wonderful mothers for our children and we couldn't do it without them and every now and then we really know that. from new york, good night and god bless. god bless. [applause]. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. mitt . ♪
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