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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  May 21, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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martha: and a common disorder that causes snoring among other things may be linked to cancer, according to two brand new studies. we'll talk more about what the risk is on "happening now". jon: a good monday morning to you. chicago on alert on this final day of the nato summit there. hello i'm jon scott. yuen jen been a busy weekend, hasn't it? i'm jenna lee, we're live in the windy city now, bracing for more violent demonstrations today as protestors head to boeing corporation headquarters to occupy , the occupy chicago movement claiming the multi billion dollar aerospace company avoided paying taxes because of its military contracts. jon: this comes after stepbs standoffs between protestors and police when demonstrators challenged police lines, throwing sticks and bottles. officers responded, making dozens of arrests. jenna: all this, just steps away from the lake side convention center where the
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president now hosts the nato summit. and today, world leaders set to discuss the war in afghanistan, as well as other key security issues. jon: we have live team fox coverage. steve brown is near the demonstrations right now. but we start with national security correspondent jennifer griffin at the pentagon. jennifer, i know that despite the protests outside, there is serious stuff going on inside. what is the president hoping to achieve at this summit? >> reporter: essentially what he's trying to achieve is he's trying to achieve an end to the afghan war without creating a vacuum. he's trying to hold the 27 nations together that make up the nato partnership in afghanistan, and he also is trying to move the deadline for the transition to afghan troops forward by a year. so 2013 becomes the new 2014. here's what he and president hamid karzai said yesterday to reporters: >> the afghan war, as we understand it, is over. but our commitment to friendship and partnership with afghanistan continues.
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>> afghanistan indeed, mr. president, as you put it, is looking forward to an end to this war. jenna: but the real challenge that the president faces is how to pay for the training of afghan forces after the u.s. and nato leave. it's estimated that it will cost $4.1 billion to train those forces and to keep them engaged after the u.s. and nato hand over to them. the president has only managed to raise about 10 percent of that in donations from the other nato countries. what he has achieved is he has been able to convince nato to buy surveillance aircraft, drones, and other aircraft that they're going to need if they're going to carry out operations like the one we saw in libya a year ago. so he is managing to convince nato leaders that they do need to pick up the slack and start to buy and purchase some of the technology that puts the u.s. so far ahead of other
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members of the alliance, jon. jon: so as these nato leaders are gathering, i guess the real elephant in the room is still afghanistan. >> reporter: still pakistan. pakistan is really the elephant in the raop. you'll remember at the last moment, president zardari accepted an invitation from the president to attend the nato summit, they were going to boycott, he came to the summit but on the eve of the summit, breakdown occurred in what was supposed to be an agreement to open the supply lines, open the border between pakistan and afghanistan. remember, that border has been closed since november, when an errant u.s. strike killed 24 pakistanis on the border. the pakistanis have been demanding not only an apology but also, they want the u.s. now to pay $5000 per nato truck that crosses over into afghanistan. it used to be $250 per truck. that is being viewed as a shakedown. the president canceled any meetings with president zardari, so president
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zardari of pakistan, there at the nato summit but certainly not being welcomed by other members. he met with secretary clinton, but he has not -- the president is giving him the cold shoulder, until this supply route, which is costing nato, i'll remind you, $38 million per month to go through the northern alliance and to reroute those goods into afghanistan, jon. jon: wow. jennifer griffin at the pentagon, jennifer, thank you. jenna: from the pentagon, we're taking you to chicago, where the city is preparing for another day of intense protests. steve brown is live in union park, where demonstrators 'have been gathering all morning long. steve. >> reporter: good morning jenna. yes, as a matter of fact, the demonstrators you see behind me, i'm going to step away so we can get a weather look, have already declared victory today a. gathering of some occupy-affiliated activists are planning on taking a walk down towards the center of the city, towards the headquarters of boeing, the big aircraft and military contractor, where they are going to have a demonstration that they describe as a celebration.
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why? because in advance of the word getting out that occupy folks were going to plan a nato tkreplistration at boeing, the boeing folks told their employees, please work from home on monday, so the celebration will be on these peoples' behalf or in their minds, is that they've already done what they set out to do, which is shut down boeing, at least that building, at least for today. demonstrations yesterday were both peaceful and nonpeaceful varieties. a long procession, the biggest of the nato demonstrations, worked its way mostly down state and michigan avenues yesterday and was largely peaceful, except for a couple. at the mid point of the procession there was a clash between protestors and police and then again at the end of it, nearest the nato meeting point, which is mccormack place, where again protestors refused to leave and it took police a long time to clear that and there was violence. about 45 arrests, complete, we were told, by the chicago police department, most on
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misdemeanor charges, as we understand it, a number of people injured, including four police officers. we are told by protest organizers here in chicago that largely a. lot of folks have already left the city of chicago, and did so late last night. so they do expect turnout at today's demonstration to be markedly smaller than yesterday's crowd, estimated i saw between 2,503,000 people. jenna. jenna: steve brown, more on those breaking developments out of chicago as we get them, steve. thank you very much. a little context on nato, the north atlantic treaty organization, it's made up of 28 member nations, that form an official alliance. it has inducted new members just seven times since its founding back in 1949. the nato charter says an attack against any nato member is considered an attack against all its members. nato has no standing army but all member countries contribute military assets when needed. it's headquarters are in brussels, belgium, its
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forces remain under national control until called for and then are given orders by nato military commanders, so that's why sometimes we hear nato troops are going to one part of the world or another, but that's just a brief breakdown of what nato really is. >> onjon out on the campaign trail now, tis the season for political attack ads. president obama's reelection campaign is shelling out a lot of cash, relentlessly targeting governor romney's tenure as head of bain capital. how effective will these ads be when it comes to trying to reelect the president? let's talk about it with car rove, former senior adviser to president george w. bush and a fox news contributor. but we begin with chief political correspondent carl cameron. carl. >> reporter: jon, certainly the obama campaign makes no bones about fact they're going to go after mitt romney's record, they say it's fair game because romney talks about his business experience as the ceo of bain capital, the
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private equity firm, and cites it as a an example example of his job creation experience, as well as wealth accumulation and success. the bin laden campaign has been pounding the romney campaign and mr. romney and bain for its private equity investment, but now the effort is a little under fire from democrats who think that it could backfire, and it frankly makes them look anticap it willism. yesterday it was popular newark new jersey mayor corey booker who had a lot to say and it was decidedly out of sync with the obama campaign when it comes to the issue of bain capital, mitt romney and private equity. listen: >> i'm not about to sit here and indict private equity. to me it's -- we're getting to a ridiculous point in america, especially that i know -- i live in a state where punks funds, union, people, other -- others investing in bain capital. if you look at bain's record they've done a lot to support business, grow businesses and this to me, i'm very uncomfortable. >> >> reporter: booko booker tried to make itby
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partisan by noting attack ads, linking the president to the former person, jeremiah wright. a web video was released, saying that since romney made his business record part of campaign he's okay with it being pursued as an issue but as the romney campaign and rnc have gleefully pointed out, the obama's car czar called the attacks unfair and praised romney's record at bain, saying among other things, quote, bain capital's responsibility was not to create jobs or some other number, it was to create profits for investor, moss of whom were pension funds, endowments and foundations. it did it superbly, acting within the rules and acting very responsibly and was a leading firm. yesterday afternoon, booker tried to point all this back -- and mr. booker's attempts to sort of put a little softer edge on his defense of romney has now prompted folks like former tennessee congressman harold ford to
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say he wouldn't have walked it down and mitt romney deserves to be defended. >> jon: carl cameron, reporting live from washington, thank you. still let's talk about all of this with karl rove, fox news contributor. karl, when you see these ads, when you see some steelworkers who have been put out of work and you know, bain capital had a role in running that company for a time and paper company workers put out of work, is it effective? >> well, first of all, let's put this in a little bit of a tactical frame, if we could. the initial buy by the obama campaign was $83,000, in about five or six states, which is inconsequential. outside of ohio, in fact they didn't get into five digits. the latest ad today is a 6-minute video which will never appear on tv. they've simply put it up on the internet and hope to drive traffic to it. so tactically, this is not going to have a big impact, because they're not putting enough weight behind it.
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now, they are starting to put some weight behind the ad on the steel plant in ohio, but i haven't been able to determine that it's a consequential amount just yet. so this is all about getting us in the media to talk about t. to analyze it and run it on television because it's going to get a heck of a lot more viewers on fox than it's ever going to get on the internet, or on television. jon: when you do the analysis on that steel company ad, for instance, it seems a little wanting in the truth category. >> yeah, absolutely. look, this was the company that was bought for $80 million by bain, they put $100 million into it, they turned the company around, but within a couple of years, they were able to pay everybody a dividend, but by the end of the decade, in the '90s, cheap steel was flooding into the country, primarily from china, and particularly this company was making two kinds of things, rebar and steel for springs like you'd use in a mattress and those were exactly the kind of steel that the chinese and others
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were dumping on our markets and they and 19 other, 20 or more steel companies went out of business. but look, here's the fundamental problem. people don't look at mitt romney and say look, this guy is in business to just line his pockets. he's in business to make money for his investors, which are, as carl cameron pointed out, even the democrats include foundation, endowments, pension funds, universities, and they're looking for long term gains, not quick gains, and bain has an exemplary record n -- and if private equity was so bad, why was president obama last week being hosted among a fund-raiser by private equity moguls in new york at tony skwra*epls, one of the biggest private equity guys in the world? if this is bad business, why the president associating himself in bad business? jon: we're going to have to leave it there. karl rove and carl cameron before him, we appreciate the information, thank you both. jenna: the only person ever convicted in the deadly
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lockerbie bombing is buried. three years after his release from prison outraged the families of his victims. what does this mean for those families today? jon: also, a major milestone for a brave young woman battling a rare flesh eating bacteria. jenna: what a terrible story there. and saying goodbye to a music legend today. we're going to take a look at the life and legacy of robin gibb. >> ♪ >> ♪ how can you mend a broken heart. >> ♪ >> ♪ last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spotn the gulf...
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and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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jen an update now on a young georgia woman battling a flesh eating bacteria. she's now breathing on her own today. twenty-four-year-old amy copeland developed this rare infection after she hurt herself riding on a zip line. copeland's father says every breath was out a ventilatoro without a ventilator helps her lungs recover.
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that's a good thing. these been -- she's been through so much already. the doctors have amputated her leg and both her lands. more on her as we get it. jon: funeral services today in kwhra*eub for the only man convicted in the 1998 bombing of pan am flight 103 abdelbaset al megrahi was surrounded by family and friends, just the latest injustice for the families of megrahi's victims who protested the 2009 deal in which great britain released him him from a scottish prison, allowing him to return to libya. >> reporter: it was a low key end fog a man who has seen worldwide controversy and attention, megrahi, convicted of bomb thank plane in lockerbie, scotland, which left 270 people dead, including 180 americans, about 100 family members were in attendance. he died from cancer
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yesterday. it was that release on, quote, compassionate grounds which caused such a stir. doctors at the time said he might only have three months to live. he lived for close to another three years. the allegations were made at the time that the release was related to a possible deal between the u.k. government and the libyan government of the late leader moammar qaddafi. officials here denying that, right up to this day, and also telling me today that the case remains open. one official explaining that when megrahi was convicted it was asserted he did not act alone and that means that more guilty people could be out there. in fact last month, fbi director mueller and the top scottish prosecutors met with the leadership of the new libyan government, still, without megrahi there, with megrahi gone, it could mean that a lot of evidence could be gone with him, having spent some time in lockerbie over the years,
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it's got to be very upsetting for the folks there and of course the folks back in the states jon. jon: greg palkot reporting live, greg, thank you. jenna: millions of americans don't get enough shut eye and now a troubling study on the serious health risks associated with a common sleep disorder. what you need to know about that coming up. the jury resuming deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial, will we actually see a verdict today? we have a live report ahead. >> and robin gibb and his brothers, behind some of the biggest hit songs of the '70s. we're going to take a look back at the remarkable career of this music legend. >> ♪ >> ♪ too much heaven. >> ♪ >> ♪ [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i us my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes?
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in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this.
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jon just spwour fox news room, congress peter king, chair of the homeland security commit key, is asking the fbi for a full investigation into leaks surround ago failed al-qaeda terror plot targeting u.s. u.s.-bound jetliner --s, king saying the information regarding this intelligence matter was handled in the most restricted manner possible by the intelligence community and the white house, which means the leak would have had to have emanate tpr-d a small universe that makes this leak all the more distressing, and is why i so strongly believe that an investigation of a security breach of this magnitude must encompass everyone who had access to this vital information. you might remember, al-qaeda in yemen had planned to blow up an american-bound airliner with a new type of underwear bomb likely designed by this man, master bomb maker ibrahim al asiri. the plot was foiled by a double agent working for the u.s. and saudi governments who infiltrated the al-qaeda
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splinter group inside yemen. jenna: now new information on your risk of developing cancer. two new studies just out, tying sleep apnea, a common disorder that causes snoring and dangerous pauses in breathing at night, to cancer. some 28 million americans have some form of sleep apnea and one study finds those with the most severe forms have a 65 percent greater risk of developing cancer. joining us, attending physician of meeting medicine at saint barnabus hospital. you say 65 percent, that gets folks' attention. what exactly is the tie here? >> good morning jenna. yes, it's very exciting, new research. the tie is that they feel that people who have sleep apnea not only do they have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, that relationship has been established quite well, but what they're seeing now is in both studies, one done in spain and one in wisconsin, both of them showed an
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increased risk of cancer of any type, in patients that suffered from sleep apnea. jenna: dr. patti, is that from just simply not getting enough risk or is there something more physical happening with the sleep apnea, not getting enough oxygen because you're noto you're waking yourself *s yourself up, not breathing deeply enough. >> that's the key, when you have sleep apnea, your body basically starves for oxygen and what is well known in cancer is that cancer tumors and cells need oxygen to grow and to thrive, and what tumors are are large clutches of blood vessels. they did research in mice and in the mice, they found that those who are put in environments with low ex-gone, basically starving them for oxygen, their cancer tumors developed many, many more blood vessel s. so that the theory is that is that possibly could happen in humans and people with sleep apnea would be living throughout the night
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in an environment where the oxygen level is low in their body. jenna: and for years, right, dr. patti? people with sleep apnea are suffering for a long time so if someone has sleep apnea, what is it they can do to correct that this. >> there are exciting treatment, there are surgical procedures, there is cpap or continuous positive air way pressure which is somewhat more coupler some but it faces air into your lungs at night to keep your oxygen level up and it's very effective but some people find it tough to sleep with this apparatus on their face, and there are certain surgical devices you can put on to keep the air way open and free. the problem is, a lot of people that have sleep apnea are also very overweight, suffer from obesity and that adds to the increased chances of having sleep apnea. jenna: when we get these study, we always want to share it with our viewers because it's so interesting, but the more and more we do it, it's almost like everything causes cancer!
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does it seem like we're getting closer to nexting the cancer issue, because if you don't sleep right, eat right, you're going to get can stkpwhraoer as we've spoken many times before, when i'm normally in new york with you, we have to make sure we do things in moderation, we maintain a healthy lifestyle, we eat nutritious foods and exercise. but one of the key things that we all forget about in our high stress society is we forget to rest, we forget to sleep, so the team with sleep apnea are definitely increasing their risks of bad health and i guess down the road, that could lead to things like cancer. jenna: very interesting dr. patti. gives jon more of an excuse to take a nap after the show! >> jon: i'm ready right now. >> i'm down here at the american college of emergency physicians meeting and i just wanted to get a plug in for them, they're a wonderful organization. jenna: we fend on you doctors a lot, dr. patti, thank you for joining us from d.c. >> thank you very much for having me and well see you
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back home. thank you. jon: and his family and friends around the world are mourning, the death of a music legend, robin gibb of the bee gees lost his battle with cancer over the weekend. he founded the group, along with his two brothers, in the late '60s, writing and recording some of the biggest hits of the '70s, the saturday night fever soundtrack became the best selling album of the disco era with hits like staying alive, how deep it your love, and night fever. robin gibb and his brothers sold 200 million records in a career spanning 45 years. he leaves behind a wife and four children, as well as his older brother, barry. robin gibb, dead at the age of 62. jenna: some new developments in yemen after a homicide bomber kills at least 90 people. investigators are on the scene, as we learn more about who's responsible for this. and what's happening in that very important country in our war on terror?
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jen welcome back, everyone. we have brand new developments on this breaking news story out of yemen, a deadly terror attack rock o'clock the country today. reports are now coming tpharbgs homicide bombing killed more than # on people and wounded hundreds of others. one report says that the bomber was dressed as soldier, but again, we have to confirm some of this. it's just happen tphoug, the blast happening near the presidential palace during a
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military parade rehearsal. that's yemen's capitol city you're seeing. catherine herridge is live from washington with more. catherine, again, a lot of information to start gathering now. what are we learning about the attack? >> reporter: good morning. a yemeni government official tells fox it appears to be suicide bomber length dollars with al-qaeda and one of the lines of investigation is whether the device was made by the same bomber who was responsible for a series of attempted attacks on the united states, using explosives concealed in underwear or electronics equipment. the attack in the yemeni capitol of sana'a hit as rehearsal was underway, the celebrations marking 22 -- 22 years since the unification of that country, the explosion has killed 90 soldiers and injuring more than 200 senior leaders of the yemeni military, including two major generals in the crowd when the bomber hit. the generals were unharmed. we're told the number of dead mostly from the military and law enforcement is expected to rise and there is a accident -- a second incident, a shooting in western yemen.
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the trainers were traveling in a car near the hotel when the militants pulled up alongside and sprayed them with machine gunfire. fox was told it was a group of contractors, not u.s. military personnel, and at this point there's no indication the two events are related jenna. jenna: but that's interesting news today. catherine, we should bring to the surface here what's happening in the world. we have the nato summit in chicago, there's a lot of talk about afghanistan and the future there, but the u.s. government now sees the group in yemen as the ain threat from al-qaeda, right? tell us a little more about that, because that's an important point to think about today. >> reporter: for some context, fox news has confirmed that within the last month, senior members of the obama administration's national security team have visited yemen in the last few weeks. they include the fbi director robert mueller, white house counterterrorism adviser john bren yen, as well as matt olson who needs the national counterterrorism center, this was created after 9/11 to analyze threats against theun and these were the individuals who would have
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been read in on this latest effort to infiltrate the sale in yemen with the newly improved underwear bomb or they call it the brief bomb. so the bottom line really is that this group in yemen has quite a safe haven in the south from which they can operate and train and recruit and they remain very global in their focus, specifically on the united states jenna. jenna: some important news for us today. catherine, thank you very much. >> you're welcome. jenna: -- jon: right now jury deliberation underway for a second day in the john edwards trial. he faces up to 30 years in prison if convicted of illegally using campaign contributions. to cover up an extramarital affair while he was running for president. jonathan serrie, live outside the courthouse in greensboro, north carolina now. jonathan. >> reporter: good morning, jon. the jury, deliberating behind closed doors in the federal courthouse that you see behind me, after taking the weekend off. now, when they began deliberations on friday, they had requested some specific evidence for the
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prosecution. among the evidence, several checks from edwards supporter rachel bunny mellon to interior decorator brian huffman that were cosigned and deposited by the wife of former edwards campaign aide young. they requested a voice mail transcript in which edwards tells andrew young about an upcoming meeting with bunny mellon. according to the transcript, edwards says immediately after lunch she and i will break out into a private session for a couple of hours, that's when we'll do our work, including the work about you and making sure you're protected and included. and the jury asked to review a note that mellon wrote andrew young in april 2007 after edwards took heat in the media for spending $400 on a hair cut. in that note, mellon writes from now on, all hair cuts, et cetera, that are necessary and important for his campaign, please send the bills to me. care of alex forger in new york. it is a way to help our friend without government restrictions. alex forger of course is
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bunny mellon's estate attorney. the prosecutors had entered this and other evidence, hoping to convince jurors that these items will show the intent of the donors. they would arc the prosecution would argue, that the donors intended this money to help edwards' campaign and therefore, they represent unreported and excessive campaign contributions. but the defense has been arguing that these donations were merely meant to protect edwards' life from finding out about his affair and, therefore, they represent personal gifts. but at this point of the game, it's impossible to read the tea leaves on which way this jury is leaning and so all we can do is wait outside the courthouse for a verdict. jon, back to you. jon: when it comes out, we'll have t. here on fox news. jonathan serrie, thank you for bringing us the update. jenna: we're going to take you overseas now. many european countries are struggling to come out of a
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recession. we hear talk about austerity measures and bailouts and while we'll continue to talk about the dollars and cents of all of this, we also want to talk about the human cost of all of this. amy kellogg is with us. >> reporter: sometimes we get overwhelmed with the numbers and statistics but really the human cost of this as we fear that maybe some countries will start leaving the euro, the human cost of this crisis is already very dramatic. here in the united kingdom, already jenna, in a double-dip recession, the number of people reliant upon food banks to feed themselves doubled in the last year and to meet that demand, a new food bank opens in this country every week. >> getting them out into the neighborhoods is vital because there are people going without food now, up and down this country, who need our help. >> reporter: it's often for people who were recently gainfully employed, until recently like this man who had a successful construction company, until things suddenly dried up. a recent survey shows one in five people in this country borrowing money to buy food.
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people say the slide into desperation can be very quick. >> it virtually dried up, and it dried up without you noticing. you know, you suddenly go from kind of having a meal, go to have a few beers, meet friends and suddenly you realize i haven't enough to pay the rent, i'm going to go out and have a drink. other >> reporter: and italy entering the third quarter of gdp, the story has been more dramatic recently, there's been a rash of what's called austerity suicides, this man burned himself outside the tax offices in italy, barely a day in that country goes by without a suicide or massive media focus on the suicide story because it's all been very public. last week, people hung effigies, representing some of those suicide victims and hung them off a bridge in rome, jenna. a recent study at the university of torino finds that one in four italian children is at risk of entering into poverty. jenna: wow. >> jenna.
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jenna: that really brings this story home. thank you very much. amy kellogg from london. jon: a brutal attack to tell but outside dodgers stadium in los angeles, a man held down and beaten by four men. some brand new breaking details on what happened there, coming up. also, tropical storm alberto, still churning off the east coast. where this thing is heading, ahead.
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jon some brand new stories to tell you about coming up next hour. a very emotional day inside a new jersey courtroom, where a former student convicted in the web cam spying case will learn his sentence any minute now. but not before the victim's family members speak out. court action also in the brutal murder of a young beauty school student. why prosecutors say the suspect killed that teenager plus, trouble for facebook, with the stock for the social networking site trading below its initial
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public offering price. nasdaq is now weighing in. we're live with more on that story. jenna: a brutal attack outside dodgers stadium in los angeles. a man is dragged from his car and beaten in an apparent case of road rage. julie banderas has more from our newsroom. >> reporter: jon, we now know at least four men have been arrested for that vishuse beating. the alleged victim was pulled from his car after being involved in a minor car accident outside the stadium sunday night following the dodgers cardinals game, the man who was at that game with a woman who was eight months pregnant was taken to a hospital for cuts and bruises on his face and head, after getting punched and kicked by one man while three others held him down to the ground. the pregnant woman was taken to the hospital, just as a precaution, but she is going to be okay. now, the incident comes just one four-months after a horrific attack in the same stadium parking lot when a 42-year-old san francisco giants fan was knocked
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unconscious, then repeatedly kicked in the head following the 2011 opening day game. in that case, two men pleaded not guilty for the attack which left this victim, brian stow n. a coma for months. the suspects in this moss recent case, all in their 20s, by the way, are expected to be charged with assault with a deadly weapon because kicking was involved. they are each being held on $30,000 bond, jon. jon: what an awful story. it's just unbelievable. julie banderas, thank you. >> reporter: sure. yuen jen well, right now, tropical storm alberto is weakening at sea, spinning off the coast of the southeast and serving as a reminder that the 2012 atlantic hurricane season is just around the corner. yikes! meteorologist rick reichmuth -- or maybe not yikes, lic! maybe it's not going to be so bad this year, right? >> reporter: there are indications we won't have a really, really active year, but that doesn't mean we won't have some that are very close to the u.s. and i think that will likely be the case and in fact
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happening already, not a big storm, but that's what you see right there. that's alberto. not any big impacts, anywhere across the u.s. we had some kind of sustained winds across areas of south carolina this weekend as this storm has been very slowly hanging out here but it's moving off to the east and northeast and the official path shows it's a 40-mile an hour storm, very small and it's going to stay off shore. so no big impacts, but the official arbitrary date for the atlantic season is june 1st, so it's about 12 days early. the pacific season, however, starts around 15 days before that. so it starts middle of may. this is alberto, but let's head towards the pacific. we had a storm last week which didn't cause any problems but this disturbance you see here is likely going to get very organized, and the official forecast brings this to a hurricane strength and possibly impacting the coast of mexico sometime by saturday. so the pacific, getting active, the atlantic, getting active early in the season.
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jenna, i don't think any of us need to worry, though, that that means that we're going to have a horrible, active season. jenna. jenna: good, so i won't say yikes every time i talk to you on air tp-dz i won't make it a habit! rick, thank you very much. >> reporter: you bet. jon: high drama behind bars after a deadly riot breaks out in a prison, sparking a tense hostage standoff. the full story on the way. plus, brand new pictures of the ring of fire. did you happen to catch this? the spectacular show, courtesy of mother nature. where the best view of this rare solar eclipse was seen, and when it will happen again. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower olesterol
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and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
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jon: one guard is dead, and 19 injured, after a riot breaks out at a mississippi prison. it happened yesterday at the privately owned and operated adams county correctional center, at one point, inmates held at least two dozen employees hostage. it took several hours for prison personnel to regain control. the facility we're told holds mainly illegal immigrants. no one escaped from the pr-b, which is still on lockdown. jenna: mother nature put on quite a show, checking out these dramatic pictures now that we got in overnight, as the moon slid across the sun, blocking almost everything, as you can see, except for that ring of fire. you can look at these pictures right, jon, that's a look directly at it. we're going to talk about that in a second. jon: i like the video! jenna: it's pretty good. folks in the pacific and western united states getting the best view of this spectacle, an event that hasn't happened here since we could see it in the
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united states for nearly two decades. joining us now, chief astronomer at the franklin institute plan tarium. so derek, the moon just slides across the sun and that's what happens? >> reporter: yes, this is something that happens on a regular basis. the question is, is the earth, the moon and the sun lined up, an in this case, yesterday, all three were lined up, but as it turns out, the moon is just far enough away from the earth to allow there to be a ring of sunlight around the moon. jenna: are all eclipses equal? >> reporter: you know, it's interesting to ask that question, because you would assume that the geometry is all the same. and here, it's sort of the same, but actually, everyone is sort of different -- every one is sort of d they all have their characteristics and own personalities, though they are generally the same and you have to see each one so you can see the differences. jenna: so what did you think of this one? >> it was beautiful, it was a gorgeous eclipse, beautiful ring of fire, and given that the weather was
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good in some places around the world to see it, in some places, that's a really good thing, so a lot of people had a great chance to see an eclipse. jenna: we often hear and we just talked about that, don't look directly at an eclipse. is that true now more than ever? >> because there are so many more people who are aware of eclipses and can go out and see them, we do have to be very, very careful about how we get people to view them. it can be done properly, if you use the proper eye safety precautions, and then many people can enjoy this great cell exual event. -- celestial event. jen i was read thank in order 20 see -- in order to see this again in the united states, i have to wait two more decades, but there are a couple of events that we are going to be able to see in the next couple of years. tell us what to expect and what to look for. >> sure jenna. it works like this. there's a possibility of anywhere between two and five eclipses every year, somewhere on the planet. you might have to travel to see it. so for us here in the united states, the next amount
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nular eclipse here is a long way off but the next total solar eclipse h. is the one you really want to see, is in august of 2017. if you'd like to see an anular eclipse sooner than a couple of decades, all you have to do is next may, you can go out to the australian region in south pacific and you can see one there! jenna: i see. so we can plan our travel around it! jonathan -- jon is nodding his head. jon: i love australia, i'm there! >> and many people do plan their travel that way. jenna: as you can see on the screen, it's quite remarkable, some very interesting pictures, so a great opportunity to see it here and maybe australia next year if jon ends up heading in that direction. derek, nice to have you, thank you for joining us today. >> my pleasure, thank you. jon: a strange and tragic -- tragic story to tell you about, a beauty school student, stabbed and strangled, a bizarre motive as the jury selection begins in the trial of her accused killer.
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>> plus keeping afghanistan stable, the plan after u.s. forces leave 6789 and the president of afghanistan, just saying thank you to americans. why it is raising eyebrows. that's next. when i found out y irregular heartbeat put me at 5 times greater risk of a stroke, my first thoughts were about my wife, and my family. i have the most common type of atrial fibrillation,r afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but my doctor put me on pradaxa instead to reduce my risk of stroke. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate) reduced stroke risk 35% better than warfarin. and unlike warfarin, with pradaxa, there's no need for regular blood tests. that's really important to me. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding.
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jon: president obama's super pac has been feeling the cold showed. donors with deep pockets holding back in contributing to his outside campaign war chest you fight say. how this could affect the race for the white house. after began president hamid karzai giving thanks to the american taxpayer. the thought was not but was it said the right way? tragedy on top of the world. three climbers are dead trying to climb mount
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everest. the search is on for two others missing on the tallest peak in the world. a lot of big stories ahead and we begin with this. chicago on edge as thousands of protesters descend on the nato summit on its final day. occupy members vowing to shut down the headquarters of boeing there the demonstrations starting peacefully but growing more violent with dozens arrested over the weekend. now police are bracing for a new round of street battles with protesters there. hello, i'm jon scott. jenna: the video is pretty remarkable. i'm jenna lee. welcome to a brand new hour of happening now. the focus of today's meetings how to keep afghanistan stable after the withdrawal of u.s. troops in just a few years. we have team coverage in chicago with chief white house correspondent ed henry and mike tobin keeping an eye on the protests. we'll start with ed who is
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traveling with the president. ed, what are we seeing today? what are we watching for? >> reporter: we're watching for the president trying to hold the fragile coalition. the french president, hollande said he will fulfill a campaign promise to pull french troops out of afghanistan two years earlier than expected. the president is trying to make sure the rest of the allies are on board in terms of finishing the mission by 2014 in terms of a combat anything. there are a large portion of the american people have been frustrated with the length of war. so the american is facing that pressure. republicans like john mccain and lindsey graham saying don't make this a rush to the ex-wits. -- exits. make sure the job is done. the president is looking for a responsible end. take a listen. >> i'm confident because of the leadership represented here as well as the leadership of our
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outstanding armed forces that we can advance that goal, today and responsibly bring this war to an end. >> reporter: all kinds of challenges ahead. they will try to work through today. for example, one thing hindering the mission right now is the fact that pakistan had shut down some supply lines into afghanistan in recent months. secretary of state hillary clinton met with the pakistani president sadari here on the sidelines discussing important issues. they shut off the supply lines in reaction to the fact that some pakistani troops, 24 of them were killed in november. pakistan was angry about that. now they're trying to charge the ally as lot of money to bring supplies across the border. that is still being negotiated. still hasn't been resolved. there are a lot of unresolved issues on the table as they wind this mission down. on top of that even beyond 2014, it will cost 4 or $5 billion a year in order to
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keep the final stages of the mission going in terms of keeping the peace. where is that money going to come from? a lot of allies expect the u.s. to kick in. one up our budget problems, one thing president obama is trying to do here at nato in chicago is making sure a lot of the other al lyles kick in. jenna: kt mcfarland will be with us to talk about some of the issues in pakistan and afghanistan. we'll watch your reports throughout the day with the president. ed henry, thank you. jon: protesters vowing to shut down boeing headquarters in chicago on the final day of the nato summit. so far it is pretty quiet. mike tobin is live at the headquarters. mike? >> reporter: numbers are quite a bit smaller. a look around boeing headquarters a big showing of media that arrived. that is headquarters building you're looking at. and police officers pretty much a small crowd on rand dafl street. you see all the police officers and see the media here and a handful of
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demonstrators. 100 are taking to the street and walking in this direction. small numbers stand in contrast what we saw over the weekend with thousands on the street. some came looking for a clash with the police and ultimately they got it. they got that clash when they march terminated over by mccormick place. they attempted to push all the way into mccormick place, police didn't allow that. we saw bottles thrown over top of the crowd. sticks directed at police. they responded pulling agitators out of the crowd. in the end 45 demonstrators were arrested. several of them were injured but also four police officers were injured. one of them was stabbed in the leg. some we're looking at numbers here. much smaller numbers as the march heads over here toward boeing headquarters. they're at risk of this stage of the game and police and media outnumbering the demonstrators, jon. jon: i guess that is a good thing. mike tobin in chicago. mike, thank you.
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jon: there are some new concerns for the pro-obama super pac called priorities usa action. according to the federal election records released last night the independent campaign committee raised just over a million dollars in april. that is the smallest haul since january. so what does it mean for what could be the most expensive general election fight in our nation's history? let's talk about it with national political reporter for "real clear politics", erin mcpike. erin, the president's fund-raising numbers at least coming from this super pac have not been what his supporters expected. >> no, not at all. i talked to some democratic fund-raisers a part of the problem, a lot of democratic donl norse see stigma giving with super pacs. they had to overcome that problem and go on marketing push with their donors we need you to fund the super
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pacs in order to compete with the republicans. they say republicans will always be better fund-raisers with bigger donors to give to super pacs. they will never come to par with the republicans but they're trying and adding a lot more events to try to match that. jon: so is the president suggesting that some of this money is actually going into his many campaign fund or into funds of other democrats, say the democratic national committee, rather than going into the super pac? >> in the past that was the case but if you recall, a couple of months ago the campaign manager for barack obama's re-election campaign said we've changed our mind on this we are now saying yes, you should give to super pacs too because we do need to have some equity with the republicans on those funds. jon: right. the president who condemned them did a serious about-face. it is also the case that the president had a huge haul at george clooney's house when he raised $15 million that
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is for his actual campaign, is that right? that is not for the super pac or am i wrong? >> both for the re-election campaign and for the democratic national committee which those two arms together fund the president's re-election effort, both the party committee and his campaign . a lot of democrats said president obama supporting same-sex marriage last couple weeks helped fund-raising efforts. he brought in that $15 million for that george clooney fund-raiser. also right after the decision was made we saw a lot of democratic campaign committees started to fund raise on that. they were sending lots of e-mails to supporters we're so excited the president made this decision in order to collect more donations after a early spring of some complacency among the democratic donor base. jon: in the meantime, i guess we do have a bar graph that sort of represents it, the pro-romney super pac has been doing pretty well in comparison. if you look here, here is
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how it represents graphically. romney's figures in red versus president's obama super pac fund raising in blue. that is quite a contrast. >> it is. and what these democratic fund-raisers have told me there's a lot more incentive to give so some of the republican organizations like those super pacs because a lot of democrats saw through the spring they thought barack obama had re-election in the bag and there was no real reason to give. well now as the polls are getting tighter and it now appears to many democrats that yes, mitt romney in fact does have a very good chance of ousting the president they're seeing a little more incentive and that the democratic donor base is more willing to give but that is absolutely true that republicans have been wanting to give to these super pacs more. jon: so how does the president, i mean, maybe this is a question you can't answer but this is a president who condemned super pacs and they're terrible and shouldn't be allowed, how does he go out
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and drum up business for himself having said that in the past? >> well, again, the campaign manager did say that they changed their minds but they have to go through this sort of marketing push to say we are going to be outspent badly by the republicans that is the key. they keep on telling their donors they will be badly outspent by the republicans if donors don't start giving to the super pacs who can sort of spend carte blanche on the airwaves with lots of money and that is the key. we might not be able to win if we can't much the republicans spending is what they're telling their donors. jon: erin mcpike, from "real clear politics". always interesting to see where the money goes, right? >> exactly. jon: thank you. jenna: speaking of money the president of afghanistan says thanks a billion, and then some. president karzai expressing his gratitude to the president and to all u.s. taxpayers for all the money since the war began. was that the most diplomatic
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thing to say? we're going to talk a little bit more about that. also our future and our relationship with afghanistan with our national security analysts, kt mcfarland in just a few minutes. jon: an emotional scene in court today as a former rutgers student awaits sentencing in a webcam spying case that ended in tragedy. jenna: mount everest claims several lives over the weekend as the spring climbing season gets off to a deadly start. more on that coming up. when we got married.
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i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me!
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jon: mother nature taking center stage right now. in italy emergency crews inspecting schools, churches and other buildings after powerful aftershocks rattled towns in the north. this just one day after a magnitude 6 earthquake killed seven people there. in arizona one crew battling a massive wildfire narrowly escapes death after shifting flames caused by high winds nearly trapped them. in missouri it was
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nearly one year ago that a massive ef-5 tornado caused this tremendous destruction in the town of joplin. president obama expected to deliver the commencement address tonight at joplin high school. jenna: at the nato summit afghan president hamid karzai showing his gratitude to american taxpayers giving his support. his heart may be in the right place. with so many people out of work and economy struggling may have not been most tactful way to put it among other things. a lot to consider here. >> mr. president i'm bringing to you and the people of the united states the gratitude of the afghan people for the support that your taxpayers money has provided for us over the past decade and for the difference it has made to the well-being of the afghan people. jenna: here with us now, kt mcfarland, fox news national security analyst. your gut reaction to that? >> when i was in afghanistan
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a year ago i talked to one of karzai east top officials, world is getting tired. united states will get to the end of its tether. we're all going to leave. he said, horrors. we'll all be slaughtered if you leave. the bottom line here is it's a real mess. when we leave afghanistan is likely to be a civil war. karzai had 10 years and remains corrupt and incompetent and failed to unify his people. we have failed to clean out safe havens of the taliban in pack stab. so the minute we leave, and we're not only we but the entire western world is tired of this war and wants out. jenna: what is the taxpayer money he thanking us for actually buy us? >> here is how much we spent. we spent $300 billion. we probably in fact spent twice as much. there are $30 million people in afghanistan. if you divide that they spent equivalent of $10,000 on every man, woman and child in afghanistan a country where the average salary is $400. another way to look at
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gasoline, gas, guess how much gas costs by the time we get it to our troops in afghanistan. you will never guess. 00 gallon -- $400 a gallon, ship it from the united states, take it over to afghanistan or take it by helicopter or air through the central asian republic. this war has gone on too long and cost too much money and a failure on the part of our political leadership, republican, democrat, pakistani, afghan. jenna: feels a little empty to talk about the money. >> i know it does. jenna: it really hits home, doesn't it? a gallon of gas costs $400 is that really worth it? is it worth the american lives we put up over there as well? >> 1840 lives have been lost in afghanistan. jenna: let's move the story forward from there because we don't want to forget the lives because we'll have people there for years to come. we'll put money there for years to come. >> right. maybe. jenna: maybe? you don't think that will
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continue? >> i remember vietnam, when we left vietnam we had peace agreement much better than we have now with afghanistan and we had a commitment to give a lot of money to vietnam going forward. we didn't honor it. two years later we bucked out. we didn't have the large appropriations to the vietnamese government or army. i'm concerned in the age of austerity it will become very difficult. jenna: is it the solution instead of pulling everything back because that is the gut reaction to double down and say you know what? let's pour the money back in there for a short period of time, put more troops, i know this sounds insane and more people and win everything we can there and then leave and not have this extended period as you are refering to from vietnam? >> slowly where we said we'll have a surge but we'll come out at a certain period of time. so all the taliban have to do, all our adversaries they wait us out. double down and do it, go into pakistan and clean out the safe havens and come home or deal with all the other countries in the region how do we together
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prevent destructive civil war. one thing i want to make sure we don't have to have happen is the united states has to shoot our way out. jenna: what do you think we learned from all this? >> something i learned in the pentagon in the 1980s. weinberger doctrine, weinberger principles of war, don't get into your war unless it's in your vital interests and if you get in, be prepared to win it and if you're not prepared to win it don't go there in the first place. we were right to go into afghanistan and go after al qaeda. in december of 2001 when al qaeda was less than 100 people and followed them across the tora bora mountains and finish them off. what do we do? we stayed in ban afghanistan and nation build and our friends the pakistanis, why don't you go after the taliban. pakistan didn't do it and nation-building proved impossible. jenna: we didn't get to pakistan and the supply routes and controversy over
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that. thank you, kt. jon? jon: the first day of jury selection is underway, jenna in the case of a murdered beauty school student, mckenzie cowell. her fellow classmate is charged with her date. our legal panel weighs in on a some call a bizarre move by the defense. search begins on for three climbers after three others died. the death zone on mount everest living up to its reputation. details coming up. get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. [ female announcer ] live the regular life. ♪ [ acou[ barks ]ar: slow ] ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barks ] beneful playful life is made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day.
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for two missing climbers. three climbers have died. all five in the same party had reached the summit and were trying to descend. julie banderas has more live from our newsroom. >> reporter: hi, john.
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the three victims making their descent were apparently among scores of climbers who scaled mount he have as over the weekend. first clear conditions of the spring climbing season had be to on friday and saturday. a windstorm swept the higher elevations of the mountain saturday afternoon and that is when the system struck. climbers heading to summit as late as 2:30 in the afternoon. climbers are advised not to attempt to reach the summit after 11 the in the morning because the area above the last camp, nicknamed the death zone, steep, icy, treacherous and has low oxygen levels. with too many traffic climbers having to wait, a long time, at a higher attitude, many carrying limited amounts of oxygen not anticipating that delay, that is when tragedy struck. an estimated 150 climb mowers reached the summit on either day, most of them on saturday. it is believed the three
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climbers who died suffered exhaustion and altitude sickness. two others remain missing, jon. >> what a tragedy. julie, thank you. jenna: the gruesome murder of a beauty school student is heading to court today in washington state. right now jury selection is getting underway for this case and potential jurors are asked what they know about the brutal murder of 17-year-old, mackenzie cowell. they're asked because it was highly publicized. she was hit on the head and strangled and stabbed to death a little over two years ago. prosecutors charged that christopher scott wilson, man on your screen had a fast anything with debt when he killed cowell, and dumped her body miles away. joining ray shelf self and prosecutor. tom konipf. what a case. there are different sides. rachel, former defense or defense attorney, the defense had a deal put in front of them. they won all these pretrial motions. they had a deal. 10 years and that's it.
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plead guilty. why didn't they take that? >> well, i mean ultimately it is the client's decision whether or not to take it. even the defense lawyer said, oh gosh, i hope he didn't make a mistake for taking deal. 10 years for manslaughter and when facts are brutal and horrendous after what happened with this girl, after time served, looking at october 2010, he was only looking six years. from a defense attorney per executive, my client rejects this deal he might be innocent. that is might be ultimate reason he is rejecting deal. so rare thing a defense lawyer to be representing an innocent man but the facts in this case are so horrendous and evidence does lead to, right to this buy. the police took eight months to arrest somebody in this case and dna led them to this guy. jenna: let's get some of the evidence -- >> wants to put the family through more pain. i don't know. it is a very bizarre thing that he didn't take this deal. jenna: all right, tom.
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here are some of the facts. 800 people, they have interviewed. over months and they got to this guy. three people reported seeing him walking away from the area where they found the body. they had dna on the duct tape that was around here and all the other stuff as well. he has a tattoo of hannibal lecter on his arm. jury won't hear that judge will not allow that in. he has a reputation according to some of being fascinated with death. as a prosecutor what do you focus on here? >> i mean, you know, it's hard to imagine why the prosecution would have made a 10-year plea offer when you have, what appears to be a pretty solid case and a brutal murder of a 17-year-old girl who was full of beauty and vitality. what you focus on in this case, the prosecution was certainly hampered by some of the judge's rulings. keeping out tattoos. keeping out some of the defendant as proclivity for the macabre if you well.
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what make this is case different than other cases through the years that seem to revolve around the defendant's sort of social, marginalism, is the dna. i mean at the end of the day, if the defense can't either explain or undermined the dna, the prosecution, everything they need to con sick, and in days of "c.s.i" and forensic files, one things juries want is dna if you give it to them it is almost impossible to overcome a conviction. jenna: prosecutor, defense attorney filed for change of venue, based on information out in the community, a very small community. do you think that would be a wise decision? >> defense attorneys will often file the motion even though they know it has very small chance of success. pretrial publicity is a problem. again you have to move it somewhere within the state of washington. everything i have read so far about this case it has been saturated in the media throughout the state. so i don't know where there
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would be a better venue. the other thing is, this is something judges deal with in voir dire and jury selection. i've handled high-profile cases where the first thing the judge, sometimes he will fill up the whole courtroom and ask for show of hand who read about this case, who is familiar about this case? when hands go up, you bring up individual jurors and where have you heard and will that affect your ability to sit on this case as a fair and impartial juror. jenna: rachel, what is the defense here? >> i honestly don't know. except, i didn't do it. it is going to depend what exactly comes out and what they're able to present here because the issue here that i find so crazy, is they found saturated carpet, soaked underneath, what it takes for blood to sink through carpet and get to the cement floor underneath at this man's home of her blood. and that is including, not to mention the duct tape evidence that they found his dna on. so it is just, i think that, i don't know. i don't know --.
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jenna: you wonder, right? not an answer what they're actually going to do here and what is ahead again. innocent until proven guilty but the case is moving forward today and an innocent girl lost her life. we'll continue to stay focused on this. >> this is sad case. jenna: very much so. thank you very much. >> thank you, jenna, major developments to tell you about in the health care battle. what the roman catholic church and notre dame university are doing to challenge the obama administration's so-called contraception mandate. breaking details in a live report next. jenna: big breaking story today. sentencing day, for this man on your screen, this is the rut ger's webcam spying trial. continues today. will former student dharun ravi spend the next 10 years behind bars. what are consequences of guilty verdict. latest from the courtroom just ahead does your phone share what you are seeing and hearing right now
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go! goooo! no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] but that kind of love is...frowned upon. so instead she gives him new capri sun super-v. so he gets more of what he needs... without all the "her" he doesn't think he needs. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. jon: just in, a major development in the health care battle, the roman catholic arch die he's of new york and notre dame university among a growing group of plaintiffs filing lawsuits in federal courts today, all changing the obama administration mandate that employers provide coverage for birth control, even if that goes against their religious beliefs. shannon bream covers the supreme court for us. she is here with us. i think i misspoke, i think that's the archdiocese of washington that filed the suit shannon. at any rate what the catholic church is saying
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federal government, get out of our business. >> absolutely. right now you've got one # different lawsuits joined by 43 plaintiffs so there are a number of dioceses, religious institutions, catholic schools and universities and others involved in this. it was obviously a joint filing because they all went to federal courts today and they're saying the mapped ate that comes out from the department of health and human services telling them they've got to offer coverage of certain things that goes against their teachings, their beliefs as catholics, that it impinges on their religious freedoms and can't be allowed to go forward, and there is, and the administration points this out, there is an exception to the rule, it is narrowly tailored and it would go more to a church or organization that primarily employs people that share its religious beliefs. that doesn't necessarily cover something like a religious university or a catholic charity and that's where the problem comes in for these groups, they say they can't fit into that narrow exception and because of that they would be forced to do something against the very foundations and beliefs
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of their faiths, hen the 12 different lawsuits, 43 plaintiffs across the country, all filed on the same day. jon: they are complaining what the federal government is essentially asking them or demanding they do is to say okay, you may object to this, because of your catholic beliefs, now we, the federal government, get to determine whether you're catholic enough. >> that's essentially what happens here, because that exception that's carved out of these regulations of the rules essentially says yes, we do recognize the conscience of religious organizations and entities and so we're providing a way that they can opt out of this, but the definition for that is so narrow, you know, some of these groups have sort of joked off the cuff that jesus and the die sickels would have a tough time qualifying under this narrow exemption. they say for them, they're out there living their faith and doing things like providing hospital care and providing educational institutions while those entities themselves may not be churches, they are living out the catholic mission and catholic faith and even though not everybody
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employed there or going to school there is a catholic. it's the mission of the overall institution, and so for them, they may not fit in that narrow exemption as a catholic church or parish, per se, many of their organizations and outreach groups are all about living out the catholic faith and they don't want any of those entities to have to be forcedco comply with something that is very, very offensive to their most basic doctrines and beliefs. jon: it is a fascinating case with catholic church, so many of those organizations, filing suit against the administration on this contraception mandate. thank you shannon. >> reporter: you got it jon. jon: see you again at the top of the hour when you host "america live". megyn has a new interview with the parents of baby lisa irwin, missing now for nearly eight months, the new information they say they hope will lead to a break in the case, coming up. jenna: we'll look forward to that. in the meantime a fox news alert, a verdict in the records web cam spying case. david lee miller is on this story. david lee. >> reporter: just moments ago judge said that the
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defendant in this case, dharun ravi is going to be prescribe dollars a probation sentence of 30 days, he says he has to report to the prison at the end of the month, may 31st, dharun ravi set impassively while hearing the verdict, he was admonished for not standing up during the sentencing. you can see him looking down at the table. he did not speak out on his own behalf. clemente and ravi shared a dorm room for three weeks but what has happened captured the attention of the entire country, a new jersey judge deciding the fate of ravi, that he is is going to spend time behind bars. he did face a maximum of ten years. he also faces the possibility of deportation to india. ravi was accused of setting up a web cam of showing a video of clemente kissing another man. after becoming aware of what happened, clemente jumped off the george washington bridge, following a 13 day trial, and 30 witnesses and 100 pieces of e6d, ravi was
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convicted of tampering with evidence and witnesses, he was not charged with causing clemente's loss of life. ravi listened without displaying any emotion as clemente's parents and a brother told the court why he should be sent to prison. >> mr. ravi did these criminal acts because he saw my son as not deserving basic human decency and respect and because my son was different than him. below him. and because he was gay. >> reporter: ravi's parents spoke out about the ordeal of their own family, they portrayed their son as a victim and, quote, ripped apart by the media, they maintain their son is remorseful for violating clemente's privacy but said he is held accountable for causing the suicide. they rejected the idea that their son targeted the victim because of his sexual orientation. >> we have not a homophobic family.
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dharun did not grow up such an environment. >> reporter: in recent days a number of high profile gay rights activists have watch the spoken out saying it would not be in the best interests of ravi going to prison. prior to the trial, ravi rejected a plea bargain that would have allowed him to avoid prison, instead, as i said at the outset, the judge sentencing ravi to a sentence of 30 days in prison. he says he has to report at the end of this month, the hearing continues at this hour in a very emotionally charged courtroom. the two families, sitting only a few feet apart, the defendant, as i said, dharun roa -- davi deciding not to speak out today. we did not hear from him during the time, he suppose not to testify. highs silence in the courtroom continues. some have said, streaks --
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sleeks of silence. jenna: 30 days in a case where there was wild speculation on the result of sentence could be even deportation for him. this is interesting, the 30 day sentence from the judge handed down. >> reporter: that's right, and i believe to be eligible for the deportation he would have had to be sentenced to a minimum of one year. as i understand it, because that did not happen, deportation is probably not an issue. the judge also said he did not recommend deportation. jenna: very interesting. david lee, thank you for that breaking news. jon: well, it was all of the rage last week, and this week, facebook's stock is not faring so well, just days after its highly anticipated market debut. the social network trading below its ipo price of $3 today. nasdaq is apologizing for some opening day difficulties. fox business network's shabanie joshi is live in new york with what's going on. >> you can call it a facebook fiasco, a facebook face plant, you can fill in the blanks any way you will, but the point is that it did
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not live up to the hype. it of the biggest and most highly interested ipo that this nation has ever seen, but even still, the heavy rotation of investor interest, not equaling success. facebook's first day, off to a rough start, with underwhelming investor demand. no stock pop. bankers, having to step in and support the stock above 38 bucks a pop. today, we're not seeing that. and also, some nasdaq traying problems. in fact the issue was so bad that the nasdaq executive board had to meet over the weekend, acknowledging the problems, calling this, quote, not aur finest hour. that is to say the least. even still, it's been a pretty good week for facebook, now valued still well over $100 billion, and for ceo mark zuckerberg. he turned 28 last week. he earned himself about $19 billion. and of course, on saturday, he got himself hitched. a pretty big week for mark zuckerberg.
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probably not going to be able to top that one. but investors, hoping to top at least the initial start of the facebook public persona. back to you. jon maybe those investors watched the movie, social network. shi bani joshi, thank you. jenna: thousands of demonstrators gathering in the streets of the windy city and lead to go a possible retreat. some are speculating about the shines, the protestors certainly not shying away from the attention. but is the media covering this story, or fueling it? we're going to take a closer look, next. i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
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jon: right now in chicago demonstrators are marching on the final day of the nato summit, drawing they say tiques a wide variety of messages. the protests are getting some play in the news media but the demonstrators also seem to feed on all of the attention. so what should the media do and how are they doing it? let's talk about jim pinkerton for the american
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conservative magazine, alan coomes is host of the alan coomes radio show. i suppose alan it's great to live in a country where you're free to protest things like this. >> i think so! jon: what are they protesting, what are they angry about and how are the media doing? >> they are protesting the war, he with had veterans throwing their metals down symbolically on the ground over the weekend and they are protesting wars in iraq which has thankfully winded down and a war in afghanistan that goes on and ten years hence will be money going to that. that's among the things protested. and by the way, the protestors are often in sync with the way most of america feels about these particular issues. jon: certainly? >> -- really? >> certainly the war in afghanistan, absolutely. i don't know jon do you agree, jim? >> there's no question that the public opinion has shifted pretty dramatically on the afghanistan war in the last year or so, ever since the afghans started -- started shooting american soldiers. let's not kid ourselves here, the media love a
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colorful protest and if you get yourself in the proper anarchist outfit and get pushed on a paper mache float and so on -- and it's a cause that the media pay attention to, the antiwar people and anarc is and corporate types always do, so the media are always sort of a moral hazard by covering a protest and reinforcing a protest and the problem has gotten worse has the media has gotten used to clicks and eyeballs and more than just the news and selling themselves. jon: it's almost dangerous to make this careson. you've seen what's going on in syria, wr-t people are being slaughtered by their own government and they're desperate to get the word out but sometimes i wonder whether the media, alan, are just falling into a trap by covering these stories when they know these people are out to get sort of television time. >> do you not cover demonstrations? when we cover demonstrations historically in this country, ever since the vietnam war and what jim
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said about prolifers not getting coverage, when they burned down abortion clinics and attacked doctors and nurses and sometimes killed them, that certainly got attention. the idea that the right wing doesn't get coverage when it protest, i would have to disagree with that statement. >> jon, can i jump in there, alan you smeared the prolife movement there. there are tens of millions of prolifers, who demonstrate, who wave signs, who never have committed any act of violence at all, who condemn those who do. >> the tea party is another example -- >> let's talk about the prolife movement. the immediate that has completely ignored them. >> it has a tremendous amount of coverage, it got coverage a summer and a half ago when it started. i disagree thattor with that. >> the prolifers have been demonstrating on the mall since roe v. wade and it's been measured, they get no coverage relative to 13 people protesting against exxon or something. jon: one of the problems in chicago is that you don't -- they have so many protests
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going on, or so many people are upset about so many things, things from the afghan war to climate change to economic inequality and that sort of thing, eupts kind of a mixed bag of messages and you don't really know what they stand for. >> i will agree that i think the occupy wall street movement does have to stay on message, they have to be much more directed in terms of what their message is, and they have to be very clear, like the tea party was, less government, less taxes. i think they can take a page from the tea party book, and when i say this, if they were a little more focused on what their message is. >> and a little more peaceful, right? the tea party hasn't been clashing with the tea -- the tea party protests haven't involved clashing with chicago police or police in any other state. >> well, they've certainly done things like carry the brandishing guns and things like that, they've had racist signs at some of the tea party events, but the occupy wall street movement is a much bigger movement. >> you're doing a good party
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of smearing the tea party, too. most of the signs were done by the larutians. jon: wouldn't you say there are people who have done some things at, for instance, the chicago protests that even occupy wall streeters aren't proud of? >> well, i would think that not everybody in a protest is going to act according to ho*eul, and i think what the right tries to do, whenever there's a liberal protes, you take the worst demonstrators and try to define the entire movement but those bad actors and that's not the way we should be covering it. >> so why do you bring up what happened in -- >> i'm simply trying to make the point that it's not true as jim suggests that conservative protests are not covered by the media. >> alan, my original suggestion was that it was specific to the right to life movement which the media despises. >> randall terry gets a lot of coverage. >> we're not talking about those. we're talking about the standard issue people, standing in the streets, holding a sign, a candle in front of an abortion clinic.
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>> praise rescue has tremendous coverage throughout the years. >> all hostile. jon: we're going to have t leave it there. jim pingerton, alan coomes, thank you. jenna: there are growing fears in egypt ahead of the presidential election, hardliner, forcing out moderates and taking control of the country. we're live on the ground in cairo with a closer look, next. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements.
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jenna: some new concerns today about egypt, head of its first presidential election since the fall of hosni mubarek. the question is, what is the result of the arab spring. leland vitter from cairo has more. >> reporter: jenna, as you said, this is critical. host knee mubarek had kept
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the muslim brotherhood in check. now with him gone, there has been an explosion of everything from moderate to extreme islam and egypt is very important. more than a billion dollars a year of u.s. military aid and control of the suez canal. >> this baby is the future of egypt, and it's an uncertain one, especially if the winni candidate is dr. morrisey of the muslim brotherhood. dr. amir drag helps run the brotherhood freedom and justice party. >> what we'd like to have is the civilian states, democratic states, constitutional states, in modern terms, okay? following the references dictated by islam. >> this man's enjoys support among the hard line islamic movement called the celibad. we visited hal am al ashri. >> what the people want, they want sharia law and an islamic state, egypt to
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become an islamic state. >> reporter: for students at cairo's main university, this election is personal. many in tahrir square, they had friends who died in the name of freedom and they fear those sacrifices may be in vain, that it's likely a member of the old guard will win and they say once again they will have to return to the square, return to protests, possibly return to violence, for a chance at a better life. >> i'm still angry, i feel the people died for nothing. >> reporter: the newspaper polls that are printed here in egypt over the weekend are notoriously unreliable, point in fact, they put right now the muslim brotherhood candidate at number five. today the results of the voting came out from those egyptians living abroad. jenna, they had the muslim brotherhood candidate at number one and modern islamist at number two, but still ten points behind, jenna. jenna: an interesting story and definitely one to watch
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for that region of the world. thank you very much, leland vitter, live for us from cairo. we'll be right back with more. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. or creates another laptop bag or hires another employee, it's not just good for business, it's good for the entire community. at bank of america, we know the impact that local businesses have on communities. that's why we extended $6.4 billion in needit to small businesses across the country last year. because the more we help them,
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jon: when we left you on friday we told you jenna lee was going to run a triathlon this weekend and look she is here. jenna: it was touch and go. that was before i got into the water for a mile swim, i'm not going to lie. we ended up making it through. this guy is rob, he did the entire triathlon, 25 miles and a six-mile run with an american flag. we'll have more online about rob. jon: thanks for joining us. jenna: "america live" starts right now. >> reporter: a fox news alert on what was going to be a local election now getting national attention as a possible sign of trouble for the president's 2012 campaign. welcome to "america live," i'm shannon bream in for megyn kelly. a critical rec


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