tv Hannity FOX News May 22, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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surrogate and he lambasted the team for attacking mitt romney at bain capital. >> i'm not about to indict private equity. especially i live in a state where pension funds and union other people are investing in companies like bain capital. if you look at the record. they have done a lot to support businesses to grow businesses and i'm very comfortable. last point i'll make, this kind of stuff is nauseate to go me on both sides. it's nauseating to the american public. stop attacking private equity. >> shep: on that point a --. >> sean: a democrat is not afraid to speak the truth. now with an hours of his appearance he posted a video on online and he said, quote, expanding his answer. listen to this. >> i used the word nauseated go
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because that is how i feel. when i see people feeling the challenges of this opportunity and hope and opportunity and real specific plans. i get very upset when i see such a level of dialogue, a call to the lower common denominator that will move us forward. let me be clear. mitt romney has made his business record a centerpiece of his campaign. he talked about himself as a job creator. therefore, it is reasonable and in fact i encourage it for the obama campaign to examine that record and to discuss it. i have no problem with that. >> sean: translation, they made me take back my real answer. joining us is sarah palin. that is so transparent. i mean he gave an honest answer. they flipped out. this is the crux of their campaign, isn't it? >> yeah, dog gone it. it was a sliam to see corey back
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down what his answer was. he was anti things before he spewed his answer. corey with pain a along with every american and obama doesn't understand free market system a and he will condemn private equity because he doesn't understand it. it's a shame that he backed down a little bit from this. but i think we saw what his true feelings were. >> sean: president gave a press conference and word for word he gave his second answer, centerpiece of his campaign. he can fix it. the economy. watch this. >> the reason this is relevant to the campaign is because my opponent governor romney, his main calling card for why he thinks she should be president is his business experience. he is not going out and touting
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his experience in massachusetts. he says i'm a business guy and this is his business. and when you are president as opposed the head of a private equity firm, then your job is not to maximize profits. your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. >> sean: corey booker says the centerpiece of his campaign and then the president says his main calling card. this is big campaign strategy, right? >> right. obama admitted as such. now, mitt romney can't be surprised at these attacks or at these questions about his private sector experience. he does tout that as criteria in order to lead the country and needs to be a business background. he needs to forcefully and defend his record. if he does not then obama and
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his surrogates have latched on to the media will put him in a poor light. romney and his advisors need to come out forcefully in defending the free market, defending that record at bain and standing strong on one's record. that is why we don't want to take that off the table. we don't want anything off the tackle in terms of discussion. >> sean: i want to get to you on that. before we do, it's interesting you say that because the romney campaign has come out with an ad. it wasn't only corey booker but it was harold ford, jr.. so the romney campaign put together an ad. >> you have had enough of president obama's attacks and democratic mayor corey booker of new jersey. >> i have to say on personal level i'm not going indict
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private equity. >> and ford junior. >> private equity is not a bad thing. it's a good thing in many instances. >> former obama advisor and auto czar steven ratner a leading democrat. >> i don't think anything bain capital did they neal need to be embarrassed about. >> they've done a lot to support businesses to grow businesses. >> even obama's own supporters have had enough. it's nauseated together american public. >> sean: the big bain backfire, what do you think of that ad? >> those were beautiful messages in there because what the free market can provide in terms of job creation. so it's except to how to spend other people's money in order to create jobs and yet his
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surrogates there come from in many respects the private sector and each one of those individuals has a lot of private sector experience. those surrogates in speaking truth about private equity about the free market are as pretty brilliant piece of advertisement that was put together. >> sean: you said nothing should be off the table to the vetting of the president. the issue of reverend wright came out this week when it came out he was offered money for his silence in 2008. that president obama had a private meeting with him urging him to be quiet. then, of course, there was a pact that was going to run these ads bringing up the reverend wright issue. we talked about it on this program. we used president obama in in his own words, many people said that should be off-limits.
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i argue issue one two two, three in economy, four, five, six is national security. seven, eight, said no, past asss and reverend wright and bill ayers and those that help shaped obama's world view were not to be discussed. obama back in 2008 was empty vessel. they don't know who filled this vessel in order to create wha has become a very confused and mission envision-less leader. it's not too late to change course. this next go-around, understand
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what has filled up this vessel. who are the rad always, the marxist professors that he said he hung out with and friends and associations and with his past voting record how it filled up on that vessel and has led to to this confused country in so many respects. >> sean: i want to ask you more when we get back in light of the war on women. i'll sharpton says a war on blacks. republicans don't like latinos and class warfare. i wanted to get back to this point. is it smart or wise for republicans to take any issue off the table when it's clear the democrats are going back to 1965. and teacher suspending after suggesting to a student he could be arrested. why? for criticizing president obama. we'll get reaction from the governor and much more. [ male announcer ] at home, you play a lot of roles.
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i have kids in school. here is kid saying wait a minute. romney was bully from 1965 but there is a tape of barack obama admitting he bullied. why didn't he bring that up? what do you think of that? >> i just hope that this teacher isn't tenured and protected by some big union that will allow her to continue to indoctrinate a child or student like she did. if i have kids in public school, i come from a family full of public school teachers. it's so foreign to me the idea of a teacher thinking they can get away with doing this to a student and more power to that student for standing up. >> sean: you've been through the toughest vetting procession of anybody. you have taken on just so much unfair criticism from the time that you were announced as vice president and up to today probably. i haven't checked the daily news
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it's a daily occurrence for you. the "washington post" brought an incident in 1965 and hair cut and romney did or didn't have. "washington post" brought up a student from a mormon massacre and conflict about arkansas. they have talked about a war on women repeatedly. al sharpton says there is a war on blacks. howard dean says republicans don't like latinos. then there is a war on the poor throwing granny over the cliff. even mitt romney hates dogs because he put a dog on the top of a car. but republicans don't seem to as willing to fight the same way. i'm a little concerned about it. i don't think the governor needs to do it.
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>> you are absolutely right. this phony hypocritical one-sided call for a cease-fire by the left and their lap dogs in the media. leftist politicians saying that is accounting to be off the table. for the republican opportunists that are high paid consultants agreeing to take things off the table, that is no battle plan for victory on our side on common sense constitutional side. it's ridiculous. a one-sided cease-fire call is not something to agree to. some of these g.o.p. operatives, they seem to have the fighting and think of mr. smuffalofgloss and that is not what we need in very dangerous, as i have said, very confused time in our countries. if he wants to be successful and prosperous and secure and most
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generous country in the entire world we have to fight tooth and nail so we can contrast for the electorate the choice that they have coming up in november. >> sean: general consensus with the washington press. the economy, national security, obama's failed record, that is the top issue. i'm not even saying that governor romney should involve himself in any of this. but not repudiating people that are going to bring up the full vetting of the president. let's not take things off the table so quick here because i don't see the democrats doing that. the president himself said republicans want dirty air and water. republicans want autism and elderly fending for themselves. i never heard him criticize a
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paul ryan look alike granny over the cliff. it's fluffing the double standard to me? >> it's disgusting the double standard. i'm really tired too many in the g.o.p. establishment going to what the left will dictate in terms of how this election will go. it's into the battle plan for victory. if we're in it to win it. we have do all we can to contrast these choices that we have in november. >> sean: last question is a two part question, one, how do you is for see that you will be in campaign. if you had to advise the governor to pick for vp, who would you advise him? >> i will be very active in helping to vet and give my endorsement for senatorial candidates. this isn't just all about the presidency. this is who and what we are going to allow someone that
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change will come from and that will be the legislative branch. so strong conservatives will help with endorsements in that arena and i'll do whatever i can to get anybody but obama elected to the white house. if i could advise to choose a vp candidate, i would said specifically i real like alan west. i like other people that are not in politics. that understand the constitution and willing to put their lives and families' lives on the line to defend our republic. that is who i want to see as the teammate for the g.o.p. nominee. >> sean: governor, very well said. i know your throat is bothering you a little bit. lots of tae and cola. >> thank you. >> sean: coming you next, we continue to do the job that the
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mainstream suck up to obama media refuses to do and take a look. >> we need to make the white house the people's house, close the revolving doors that let lobbyists come in freely. >> we're taking a major step towards fulfilling this campaign towards fulfilling this campaign promise.g. every bite goes above and beyond the call of deliciousness. that's a big 10-4 kosher. with no fillers, by-products, artificial flavors or colors. hebrew national. the better-than-a-hot dog- hot dog.
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>>. >> sean: tonight in a real obama newly released records that vowed to change the culture of washington by banning lobbyists has broken another campaign promise. now an analyst of visitor logs shows the revolving door into 1600 pennsylvania avenue is spinning at high rate. they have admitted to meetings with insiders. in january of this year, lobbyists flooded the halts of white house beginning as early as 9:00 a.m.. that is not unusual on daily basis the log shows a steady stream of other lobbyists, ceos, representatives and special
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interest groups all coming in and out, yes, the people's house. even as this pledge to limit access to lobbyists is exposed as a blatant lie. the president is claiming he is presiding over the most transparent and ethical administration in american history. joining me now to set the record straight the author of the "new york times" number three on the list, screwed, how foreign countries are ripping america off. thank you for this. let's show the campaign promise. president has the most transparent are administration, all these things that we have been showing. that suck up to the media, they are not going to show this. this is the president, his own words, 2008. >> i'm in this race to take tell the lobbyists in washington to their days of setting the agenda
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are over. they have not funded my campaign. they will not work in my white house. they will not drive out the voices of the american people when i am president of the united states. >> we have to take action on both ends of pennsylvania avenue ban the influence of lobbyists, to do our work openly, to give our people the government they deserve. because the more transparency we can give to washington the less likely the less likely it will be run by special interests. going forward the democratic national committees will uphold the same standards. we will not take a dime from washington lobbyists or special interests. we are going to change how washington works. they will not fund my party. they will not run our white house. >> sean: the lobbyists, cut the deficit in half, blah, blah, blah.
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if. >> in screwed we turn up the particular lobbyists that have visited the white house 19 times. his name is dick gephardt. he used to be the minority leader of the house of representatives. democratic floor leader. he made his reputation of opposing china and nafta and opposing china getting into the world trade association. now, he works with a company that american subsidiary that had an american name that is owned and founded by a general in the people's liberation army. they have applied to the committee on foreign investment in the united states to be allowed to operate as a mobile telecommunication service in the u.s. the committee has twice rejected their application because they are worried about espionage and sabotage and collecting
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information on americans. this company in 2011 was revealed to be supplying the iranian government with mobile phone technology to track dissidents and to be able to round them up and imprison them and kill them. dick gephardt, former floor leader is on the board of directors of the american subsidiary of this company. he visited the white house in the lobbyist free administration 19 times. >> sean: this is the level of corruption. this resonates with people. but this is the reality versus the myth of obama. that is why i think using obama in his own words is so powerful. for example, this book goes into all sorts of examples. the laws in the sea treaty that we would give up rights to oil. >> this is key issue. this there is going to be a
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hearing the day after tomorrow on the law of the sea treaty, it will be on the floor a week or two later. this treaty basically sets additional arbitration tribunal to resolve disputes about sea lanes. currently it is the u.s. navy that goes out and polices the world's water ways and keeps the sea lanes open. this would give the u.n. a veto over the navy's decisions. it requires that half of our oil and gas royalties for drilling more than 200 miles off the continental shelf be given to third world countries and requires that all of our technology in this area be turned over to the sea treaty authority. >> then there is one final
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kicker a backdoor global warming treaty. because they are vested in what measures it wants to stop pollution of the ocean. they could ban coal fired plants. they could require higher vehicle mileage standards. this is global government stuff. it's one of five or six treaties that i talk about in screwed. >> sean: isn't there a real danger in a second term for obama? >> this would happen without a second term. remember he got star treaty approved in a lame duck session. i think he is going to take all these measures, this one to international criminal court, telling us how to raise children and banning missiles in outerspace and pass it in a lame duck session where he still has democratic majority in the senate.
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once it is passed, you can't repeal it. i has the force of constitutional amendment. nobody is talking about it. >> sean: great book. >> we have four weeks to stop it. >> sean: thanks dick morris. >> i just want to mention ted cruz is running and i hope people vote for him. we do not need another rino in the senate. >> coming up with liz cheney. who is poised to win the egyptian election next week. the big question what will he do to nearly $2 billion that you provide egypt in foreign aid. are you
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poised to install into office. he is a committed islamist and was one of key figures in the radical islam group muslim brotherhood. according to newsweek, he is self-described extremist and helped found a violent islamist organization that is more radical than the brotherhood. it's considered a terror-i group by the u.s. government and newsweek also reports that he slammed close ties to israel but hedged his criticism to protect the $2 billion in u.s. aid flowing annually to egypt. american tax dollars are funding a haven for islamic fundamental lism. here is with more reaction is liz cheney. there was few of this that saw
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this coming. we saw the president's handling of this. i predicted specifically all of this would happen. now it's happening. the question is, how is it possible that i got this right, a few of this saw this coming but the president with all the intelligence he has didn't see this coming? >> there is an election tomorrow. we'll see what happens. there may have to be a runoff in june. the man that you profiled here clearly is trying to sell himself as moderate. he is clearly not a moderate. he helped found a violent islamic terrorist organization. turnout is going to be important tomorrow. we've seen that the egyptians are on the verge of having what could be their first truly democratic presidential election. unfortunately you have a situation where many of the liberal moderates, many of whom that were in tahrir care are
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planning to sit this out because they don't represent their views. it will be cause for concern for the united states if one of these two candidates end up in a runoff. the egyptian government needs to understand that $2 billion is u.s. taxpayer pair money and it is not a given. they can't expect the united states government to continue to provide that support to a government that, in fact, does not take stands that are not u.s. interests. >> muslim brother hood were funneling billions of taxpayer dollars, their first act was declare israel number one enemy. also to cut off some of the
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energy flow to israel. next thing is going to happen, sharia law is going to be implemented. i'm thinking at this point, why are we giving one red cent when it's going exactly the wrong direction. whatever we are helping in food, that is money that will be spent on attack our ally israel? >> i think it does matter what happens in the election. you are right in terms of parliamentary elections. muslim brotherhood has taken over the parliament. you have a constitution that needs to be written. the vast majority i think 1.5 dmd goes to the egyptian military. i think that we are clearly right now at a moment where we are watching to see what happens here. i think you can make a pretty good argument that a lot of the economic assistance we gives really needs to be looked at. i don't this think it is accomplishing our objectives. we're not a situation where it
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is helping to improve america's image. we had a battle where they retained some of our citizens who were there working on dempsey promotion. the military assistance is a different issue. you could have a situation where the egyptian military serves as a balancing role as the turkish military did for years. it's too soon to tell. we have to be clear that the peace treaty with israel is the key. when you hear any of these presidential candidates -- i have questioned the peace treaty. that is the foundation and the basis for that assistance program. egyptian economy is in deep trouble and they need that assistance, they need that money but they can't count on it if they go down a path they may be headed down. >> sean: if you look at the middle east and north africa, i think we're watching before our very eyes the rise of radical
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islamists and potential conflict that could reach worldwide proportions. >> you are right. one of the things that gives me concern as we watch this goes on the president of the united states is unwilling or unable to influence those events. we learned in the last few days, for example, yet another example the generals on the ground. in this case a commander to 6 an additional carrier group moved into the persian gulf. he believes it would send a signal to the iranians they ought to understand we are serious about taking action if necessary. his requests were apparently rejected by president obama. so we have seen this time and time again. as the very dangerous situation. >> sean: grand scheme we'll trust the iranians to continue their nuclear program as long as they give us a promise they won't use it for building weapons which i would never trust.
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liz, thank you so much for being with us. time to check in greta van susteren. >> greta: party time again. they are whooping it up. we'll have the latest on this. wait until you hear this one. senator coburn is here and brett human is here and latest from wisconsin. i have to tell you, sean, y wait until you hear about this party. >> sean: i wanted to be invited so i can turn it down. >> greta: if you get an invitation, it won't cost you anything because the rest of us is paying for it. >> sean: this is a special twitter spike the football edition of a our great, great edition of a our great, great american panel, next. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain.
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great american panel. joe tripi is back. he is a republican congresswoman from california. she is the better half of the mack team, mary bono. thanks for being with us. most successful colleges of all time. buddy lou. where have you been. how have you been? >> delighted to be back. >> sean: we got this teacher in north carolina suspended with pay in this argument with this kid as she tried to indoctrinate this kid on obama.
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>> sean: want to get that kid a scholarship, can you help? >> and it's just amazing. >> sean: the thing is on substance, mary, the kid was right? >> absolutely. good for him. standing his ground that way. >> sean: isn't that exciting. i want to meet this kid. joe? >> it's crazy if that happened. again, any of the bullying stuff that these guys did back in high school is crazy anyway, but the kid was right to ask the question. >> that is big double standard right now. >> i do want to say.
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most important thing to teach our children respect for authority. it should be reinforce in the school. you should not disrespect for the president. i agree with them. >> sean: the teacher was taking 1965 allegation that romney bullied this kid which you are saying is absurd and there was an incident admitted that and he did in his book. >> the teacher didn't sound much like an adult. >> sean: the kid sounded more like an adult. >> notre dame sues the obama regime. >> i expected it to come early. there is a lot of other institutions, as well. i think when you have part of religion, i am catholic. notre dame football team can't tackle, they are only allowed to touch people. it's absurd.
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you wonder why we don't have the ten commandments. you can't lie and you can't steal but also says you can't commit murder. i think abortion is murder. >> sean: this requires religious organizations like notre dame and other catholic institutions to pay for and facilitate insurance for teaching things against the catholic church. >> it's a violation of individual liberty. there is no question. and one of consequences of obamacare that we'll continue to see rolling out. its disaster from start to finish. i want to back up. can we really pass a law that says notre dame cannot tackle. [ laughter ] >> and the reason isn't it. >> my wife katherine, sister
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katherine. >> please forgive me. look notre dame, it's interesting in 2008 they received $60 million in federal funding for research. $20 million in grants for tuition from the federal government. there are people jewish folks that go to that school. if jewish woman that wants to get contraceptives. >> sean: but we shouldn't pay for it. it's only $9 a month. >> no compromise. >> take the money away but don't make us change our religion. >> sean: $9 a month. you and your liberal friends can raise all the money. >> if you force a catholic institution to do it.
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you are forcing them to go against their core principles and beliefs. that is changing their religion. >> the university. in the sense that you can come in if you are jewish or protestant. what part of catholic institution don't you. >> understand it's a question, catholic institution cannot get $60 million in a year. >> sean: i have to take a break. i'm endorsing you. [ laughter ] >> i endorsed your husband to run as senator in florida, i would support you for your campaign. >> i'm on it. >> sean: we're going to send it >> sean: we're going to send it to connie m now, tre's gentle, dependable constipation relief fore...
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stamps. my wife's mother sent my wife some clothes when we were married. i sent them back. if i can't cloth your daughter. but i think that is what we should do. absolutely. if i can clothe her daughter i will keep her inside. it's my obligation to take care of the family. >> sean: that is the way i was raised. this is an entitlement mind set and people think government is the answer? >> right now the election is pivotal and younger people are buying into this have knifed this is not the right path. they have two kids in college and graduating with jobs that younger generation is hope and change is not happening. >> sean: this is the first time where we have more people on unemployment with college than ever before.
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look for example african-american youth unemployment in the summertime, it's 50%. are we better off $35 trillion in debt ago? is this country better off than $35 trillion ago? >> we were $4 trillion. >> sean: no, $5 trillion. >> every economist says that stuff, $4 trillion -- look, en the trillions that are accountable to obama -- $5 trillion. >> sean: his stimulus. >> that would raise the deficit. >> you said we needed to do it. >> i want somebody in the country to stand up and be responsible. i get tired of it night after night. what made this country great? i say romney take your message, if we lose, but what do you
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believe in. >> sean: was it right for romney to repudiate the idea of everyone else are anyone else bringing up reverend wright? >> i think he is right about that. romney is going to win and he is going to win on moving this country forward. he doesn't need to do anything that the reverend wright stuff. >> i think he should stay out of it. i think it's important to tell the whole story. >> don't bring up she mormon. >> greta is next. >> greta: a top obama supporter goes on the attack but it's against his own candidate's ad. >> this kind of stuff is nauseating to me on both sides. it's nauseate together american public. >> setting off political fireworks. is he sticking by them or not? and it's as close to stealing as it gets. this could be theor
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