tv Hannity FOX News May 23, 2012 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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he was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, overseeing the first gulf war and in his new book, "it worked for me," which hit stores today, secretary powell shares the experiences that he encountered throughout his life that shaped his incredible, remarkable career. good to see you again. it's been a long time. >> been a long time. >> sean: you know, you are doing great. you look terrific. >> i am hanging in. hanging in. just hit my 75th birthday, i'm feeling great. >> sean: i know you have had a long career, but you are looking really young. congratulations. >> thank you. >> sean: you talk about one story -- you spent a lot of time before coming on air, talking about president reagan. i loved president reagan. >> as did i. >> sean: all right. you worked for him. you came to him with a problem. >> yeah. >> sean: he is looking at the squirrel. he put nuts out for earlier in the deism i went in to tell him about this problem that we had. just the two of us in the oval office, he's sitting in front of
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the fireplace and i'm telling him and he seems to pay no attention, so i talk louder. still not paying attention to me. finally, he stops and he says, colin, colin! yes? the squirrels just came and got the nuts i put out for them this morning. yes, mr. president. so i left. went back to my office and i thought about it. i said, i know what he was saying to me, he was saying, colin, i really, really like you, i will sit here as long as you want me to, but it's your problem. i hire you to solve problems. you let me know when i have a problem. i learned that lesson. when he did have a problem that only he could solve, leaves like that -- he was like that, he was on top of it with decisive judgments. so i learned a lot from him, to always have people you can trust to get things done for you and let them do the things they can do and you try to stay above t. as i said to you, president reagan was sort of a level of
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aggregation above the rest of us. i don't know if that's the right word. >> sean: ground level. >> we were at ground level. any leader should always be above the lead, not away from them, but thinking about risk and opportunity outside the confines of the organization. that's what reagan was good at. that's the message he communicated to not only all americans, but all the foreigners he dealt with. >> sean: it was interesting. at the time, the threat economically was want the decline of europe or china, it was japan. >> japan. >> sean: you have a great story in the book about that. >> i end that chapter telling the story of the whole cabinet marching in one day to complain about the japanese buying everything in 1988. and reagan is sitting there, listening and they are saying, you know, they bought rockefeller center, they bought pebble beach. are to be spared nothing. what are we going to do about it? congress is mad. the people are mad. reagan looks back and calmly said, i am glad they think america's a good investment. that was t. meeting was over.
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he was over here. of course, they didn't know if it wasn't a good investment. they lost their money and we got it all back. >> sean: hopefully, look, i have never been more worried than i am today about the economy and the world situation. you know, this is -- i have known you for a long time. you were gracious as secretary of state, you would grant me interviews. i have watched your military career, where you grew up in new york. you didn't grow up with a silver spoon in your mouth by any stretch. have you achieved the highest levels of power. you work for ronald reagan. what i didn't understand and hopefully, you can explain this. i look at president reagan and where he stood on socialized medicine, on lower taxes, on limited government, government is the problem, not the answer. then i watched as you endorsed president obama -- i didn't understand it. a lot of conservatives didn't understand it. >> i know that.
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i looked at it very carefully in 2008. i saw the economy going into a free fall. i saw a situation where we were in two wars that really weren't sorting themselves out as cleanly as they should. >> sean: right. >> i felt that the republican party at that time was conveying an impression of harshness, there was a certain ugliness of some of the things being said about president obama. some of the things that see at the campaign events. but it was the economy more than anything else that i thought he might be better able to handle than somebody who i have the highest regard for and have known 30 years, john mccain. >> sean: i watched and i remembered. maybe this is just a point of disagreement that we wouldn't be able to resolve. you know, when you didn't like in particular, you felt it was a character assassination to bring up bill ayers. let me go back and this is what you said at the time. let me play it for and you ask you a question out of this. >> i was troubled a couple of
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weeks ago when in the middle of the crisis, the campaign said, we are going on go negative and announced t. we are going to negative and attack his character through bill ayers. now the message is, we are going to call him a socialist. mr. obama is now a socialist because he dares to suggest that we maybe we ought to look at the tax structure that we have. because of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of this campaign because he is reaching out all across america because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities and we have to take that into account. he has both style and substance. he has met the standard of being a successful president, being a successful president. i think he is a transformational figure. he is a new generation coming in to the world, onto the world stage, on the american stage and for that reason, i will be voting for senator barack obama. >> sean: that's when you made the endorsement. you said because of the inclusive nature of his
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campaign, reaching out across america. the president himself has now said the republican plan for this country is for dirty air and dirty water. you are still a republican. right? that republicans want kids with autism and down's syndrome, the elderly to fend thr themselves. we have the democratic ads, paul ryan look-alikes throwing granny over the cliff. does that sound inclusive? seriously because i find him one of the most divisive figures viwitnessed in politics today? >> that's a term being used rather freely. i don't think -- i think we have dueling points of view strongly held by both sides. the president is starting to go to the mattresses, as the republicans are going to go to the mattresses to try to win the election. what could be more divisive than when he was inaugurated for a number of republicans, friends of mine and commentators to say, we are going to destroy him. we are going to destroy him--
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who said that? >> a lot of people said that. kiget you a list. >> sean: i was one of the harshest critics. >> i don't remember you saying it. >> sean: i was critical about bill ayers and reverend wright. >> i don't know bill ayers from the man in the moon. they are passing thing it's. >> sean: 20 years in his church? 20 years? unrepentant terrorist, starting your political crier in his house, that didn't impress you? >> this was a guy living in chicago and happened to have a friend by the name of bill ayers. but i don't see bill ayers as having a long-standing influence on the president. i mean, it is ancient history now. why are we fooling with this? i think the economy and the president's record -- i couldn't see nureverend wright's church for 20 years. >> i didn't know anything about reverend wright or his church. >> sean: that's my point. >> this thing explodes and everybody tries to make at this time defining issue of the 2008 campaign. guess what isn't american people heard it, they heard all the
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attacks and the things that were said about the reverend jeremiah wright issue, then senator obama gave a speech on it and the american people took it? n stride and lected him president. >> sean: they didn't listen to me. >> that's what make this is country great. sean, we have a wonderful country. there has always been divisiveness within the system because the founding fathers designed it that way. >> sean: we don't have duels anymore. >> not lately. dubut we may need to bring it back. >> sean: god forbid. >> the fact is, look, this is tiddledywinks. politics is tough stuff. you should see what our founding fathers said to each other. but what they were able to do, especially in philadelphia in 1787, four months, they argued about what a house should be, what a senate should be, the power of the president, the congress, the supreme court. and they had to deal with slavery. and they compromised on slavery
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because they couldn't solve it. they said, we are here to create a nation under a constitution and they d. i saw that-- that's amazing. >> but they did it. it took us 200 years to resolve slavery. but they knew what they were there for, to create a nation. sometimes today tseems like it's all about winning, not compromising. let's not even think about it. >> sean: we had a gentleman who beat mr. luger, and his first statement is, i am not going to compromise anything. how's it going to work. >> sean: you say something so amazing about our founders and framers that are often beaten up by people today. >> yeah. >> sean: i thought what was amazing is that they put in place a system to right wrongs, correct injustices and history has, i think, proven them right. i think you are agreeing with me. >> i fully agree with you. it's a wonderful system t. takes time sometimes. have you to get a consensus from the people. the only way you get a consensus
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to move forward is for there to be compromise to build a consensus. we are not doing enough of that. let's have a drink, let's play poker-- tip o'neill and reagan. >> you got it! >> sean: what happened to that? >> it is not there. >> sean: you know, it's funny because i get accused of this. the president is saying, do you want dirty air and water? i don't want dirty air and water. i have clean water for my kids. we are going to come back and give you more with the former secretary of state, colin powell. later tonight, president obama says he is not impressed with mitt romney's business background. we are going to compare the resumes of barack obama and governor romney. we will let you decide who is more qualified to be president. more qualified to be president. that and much more, straight those surprising little things she does
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>> sean: we continue now with former secretary of state, colin powell, his new book "it worked for me" is in bookstores and i know you were asked this morning, with matt lauer, if you have decided about voting in the upcoming election. you know your endorsement is powerful. i think it had a big impact in 2008. you say you are still a republican. here's the question -- i am going to go back to somebody that we both admire and respect a lot. that's ronald reagan. i am going to add something -- are we better off than we were four years ago? and are we better off than we were $5 trillion in debt ago?
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>> it depends. if you ask the financial community, they would say that the symptoms have stabilized and we are not going off a cliff the way we were five years ago. the stock market's up. some would say that's good. if you ask auto workers, they would say yes, we're better off. if you ask others, they would say, many business leaders and i live in the business world -- they would say we are not that happy, there is too much regulation and government interference and we would like to see that end. if you talk to the people, the lower end of the income ladder, they are waiting for the unemployment rate to go down. that's the most important thing facing this country. the most important things facing this country. 1; we have to get the economy moving, not just a problem for government. that's a problem for business, investor, all of us who create wealth. economy's got to get moving and get the unemployment rate down. that may be the defining issue of the campaign. we have to get to the education
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of our kids. >> sean: agree. >> i could spendab hour on that. we have to clean up our environment. we can't keep going like this. all people understand that. but we haven't found the right way to go about it without essentially putting too much of a burden on our businesses and taxpayers. i think we have to find a way to bring the fiscal situation under control. i think that my good friend simpson and bowles came up with a plan-- why did the president reject that? >> i don't know why he d. i haven't discussed it with him. but for reasons i don't know, it was not adopted. congress wouldn't create such a body. the president had to create it and he could accept it or dismiss it. but we have to realize, in my judgment, i am notab economist or a politician, believe it or not. >> sean: thank god. you did speak about thinking two months about running for president. >> two months and that went
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away. >> sean: real quick. >> we can't just say, we are never going to raise taxes -- reagan used to say that and he raised them 12 times. >> sean: he had a major tax decline. >> you have to -- you have to be agile enough to be able -- you don't say never, never, never, never. >> sean: i know. -- >> if we are not going to do that. we are going to cut the spending. but line up everybody and ask them, what are you going to cut? let's get serious. you don't get the numbers you need. we cannot keep going as a nation spending $3 trillion a year and taking in $2. we-- borrowing 40 cents of every dollar. i hear everything you are saying and i agree with everything. you know, here's my frustration with president obama. this is where, again, i come back to, you know, understanding where you are because you are such a powerful voice. i am not trying to persuade you because i think you are a man of your own mind and you are not going to listen to a talk show host. but when you endorsed president
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obam ayou were complaining about a $500 billion a year deficit. he has given us $5 trillion in new obama debt. he said he would cut the deficit in half and he has given us the biggest deficit in history. he said he would elimpinate lobbyists and it's a revolving door. i think when somebody apologizes, repeatedly as he has done for this country and you have served with count wree such distinction, i would think that would bother you. so i don't understand colin powell. you supported reagan, how do you support -- >> i have supported jack kennedy and lyndon johnson-- kennedy was like reagan. >> they are democrats. first of all, he is not going around the world apologizing. i take except with that. i don't think we have enough time to get into the details of that. >> sean: yeah. >> all sides of this government, the executive branch and the legislative branch, the
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president doesn't pass appropriations bills. the bills are signed by the house and the senate and come to him for signature. and so, if the congress doesn't want to see those kinds of expenditures taking place and the numbers going up, don't pass the bills. >> sean: the democrats haven't passed a bill in more than a thousand days. >> more than a thousand days. why does it keep going up? the bills they haven't passed are not cutting things. here's the other challenge that the republicans and the democrats are going to have. the people like what they are getting from their government. when you say, let's do this to social security. yeah, let's do that. well, we had better realize that we have to go after entitlement spending. i think we can do a heck of a job in cutting the size of government here in washington. it has grown like top seed. and we could do a massive job there. can't put the defense department off the table -- or anything off
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the table. we need some serious people who will sit and say, look, everything's on the table. if you convince me that there is a way to fix this, let's talk about that. but i have to convince that you maybe we should cut this department or that department and lower this. look at the governments -- the director of national intelligence, tsa, homeland security department. these are all pre-obam a. there is a lot of carry-over from that. but why are they there? we needed them. the country needed them. >> sean: good to see you, mr. secretary. an honor to have you. thank you very much. coming up next, dana perino and stuart varny here to talk about the attacks on obama. and a new leader with the new black panther party video. we have that. >> i love black people and i hate [bleep]... white man. woman and child. grandma, aunt, uncle, popup grandma, aunt, uncle, popup billy bob, whoever else. when y irregular heartbeat
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business guy and i know how to fix it and this is his business. when you are president, as opposed to the head of a private equity firm, then your job is not to maximize profits. your job is to figure out how everybody in the country has a fair shot. >> sean: president obama's trying to make the argument that mitt romney's business experience does not qualify him to be the leader of the free world. but perhaps the president should take a look in the ouro mirror. after all, what experience did he have prior to the 2008 election? for years, he was a community organizener chicago, whatever that means. he spent 8 years in the illinois senate, voting present more than 100 times, an easy way not to take a position on a controversial issue. he was a united states senator for 4 years, two of which he spent running for president. we would be remiss if we didn't mention he was a best-selling author, where he admitted to
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doing drugs and drinking regularly and doing drugs enthusiastically. but he doesn't want the voters to focus on that. he would rather try to discredit his rival's hearty credentials. mitt romney, head of bain capital which helped to create hundreds of companies. and romney was called on to save the 2002 winter olympics in salt lake city and he went on to serve as the governor of massachusetts. as president obama, i don't think this would be the battle i would be rage waging with mitt romney. joining me is stuart varny and co-host of "the five," dana perino. [chuckles] >> go on. >> sean: we are tough on you. >> i don't understand mind. >> sean: the job as the president -- he goes into class warfare. >> he does. impoliceent in the comments yesterday in the press conference and the campaign is that if you elect a president
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romney, then all of the things that people who rely on the government for will go away, as if overnight, automatically. that's not true and romney's going to have have to do some serious work to make sure that the people withhold vote for him understand that's not true. but it seems to me, even without getting on air and get the media attention, he is having an impact because you look at the new poll numbers that came out, he is more-- more than two-thirds. >> more trusted. >> i think the president's misread the country and made a mistake going after bain capital and mitt romney on that basis. he has attacked private enterprise, bain capital, private equity, private enterprise: he has lost the moderates. but what he has done is to make that a sharp distinction. look, private enterprise has all of these bad thing, i represent the government and all of these good things. the country doesn't see it like
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that. what we have is an entitlement state, which is not what america is all about. america has had a fundamental misreading of the nature of america t. sounds strange for a guy with a british accent to be saying that. as an outsider, i don't perceive america as a government-type place. it is not an entitlement-type place. i think the president thinks he has moved america to that position -- he's wrong? >> sean: this is a mother watching children growing up playing basketball and then, the children grow up and they're still living at home with mom. watch this. >> i always loved watching the kids play basketball. i still do. even though things have changed. it's funny, they can't find jobs to get their careers started. i can't afford to retire. and now we are all living together again. i supported president obama because he spoke so beautifully. he promised change. but things changed for the worse. obama started spending like our
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credit cards have no limit. his helt care law made health insurance even more expensive. we have had stim scplus bailouts. he added almost $16,000 in debt for every american. how will my kids pay that off? now he wants more spending and taxes. that won't fix things. i had so many hopes. cutting taxes and debt and creating jobs -- that's the change we need. tell president obama to cut the job-killing debt and support the new majority agenda. >> sean: candidate obama's 2008 said that george bush was unpatriotic and irresponsible for $4 trillion borrowed from the bank of china in the name of our children. >> they said a lot of things and set standards that they don't hold themselves to. and in 2008 on the resume piece, nobody was that concerned on the democratic side that he didn't have a lot of experience. then you fast forward. now have you an abc/washington
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post poll, two-thirds saying they are not better off. so if you think the country is split 45-45 with 10% indecided, if you are worried that your present situation hasn't been improved, why would you give him another four years? >> think what the news items are going to be in the next 3, 4 months. we are going to cross the $16 trillion level for our national debt. coming by, maybe july. we are going to get news that our economy's only grown 1%. so have you 3% in the last year. 2% and 1% over the summer. then we are going to get the decision from the supreme court on obamacare. and that comeses into the headlines and the president's desperate not to mention t. don't mentions debt and-- we have to go. who wins? >> romney will win. >> sean: i agree. >> romney wins. >> sean: i think romney wins. we are all on record. >> it will be very close? >> i am going to win a lot of money from beckel.
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>> well... good! [laughter] >> sean: well... good. >> i'm just full of words today. >> all right. >> sean: dana, have you to do it. [with british ac. cent]. >> it won't work. good night. >> sean: eric holder drop the the voter intimidation charges against this man. but perhaps he will reconsider when he hears the new black panther party leader's rant. >> i hate the very look of white people. i hate the sound of white people. [bleep] i hate the smell of white people. i hate the oppression of white people. [ male announcer ] knowing your customers is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maxize cash flow.
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it's not like bikers love their bikes more than life itself. i doubt anyone will even notice. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. aarrggh! >> sean: the words of the new black panther party are increasingly disturbing. in the newspaper, the cover reads, quote, the ballot or the
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bullet, which way for black people? inside, the chairman of that organization discusses his disappointment in the president and the democratic party, saying it's the institutional pimp of black people and the black nation. black people are ther whos and prostitutes of the democratic party and says this about president obam a. president obama is an oxymoron, he is a walking contradiction. he inspires hope and greatness and simultaneously delivers disappointment and dilution in one whopping dosage. we hoped or expected better of him. he criticized the racist republican party and one of myg next guests says that the republican party does not have a vested interest in the black people, only boo boot-licking uncle toms, such as clarence thomas and herman cain, pledge to this racist party that is contemptuous to hard-working people and the like.
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you are shaking your head. i am shaking my head. i mean, how does this new black panther party put a bounto somebody's head, george zimmerman and not arrest him? >> this is not the new black panther party, it is the black panther party looking for relevance. they are trying to get relevance with the coarseness and language. secondly, president obama or any president is supposed to be the president of all people. he wasn't elected to be to be elected of the black people of the united states of america. >> sean: this is not red america, blue america, united states of america. i think he is a divisive president. juan, but you we'll we always come back to this -- conservative african-americans are called the most horrendous names on a regular basis. you dealt with this with clarence thomas. >> i deal with it with myself. i am saying to you, wait a minute. these people are not speaking for president obama-- i am not saying that. >> they are -- i will say that
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president obama is devicive. he has been the most divisive president in our lifetime. >> what's the logic here? these people are threatening president obama and all of us. this is a fringe group that even the southern poverty law center has said they are radical terrorists. in fact, the old black panther party is suing these people because they don't want to be associated with them. >> sean: we have had the argument over bain capital and we heard cory booker. we heard from, you know, other democrats that have been out there, harold ford jr. here's james clyburn, take talking about bain capital. >> i don't take contributions from pay-day lenders, fiknow it, i refuse to do that. that's free enterprise. but there is something about that enterprise that i have a problem with. and there is something about raping companies and leaving them in debt and setting up
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swiss bank accounts in corporate and businesses -- [inaudible], i have a real serious problem. >> sean: raping companies? >> this is another indication that representative clyburn, the obama administration, they do not fundamentally understand how business works. they don't understand how an economy works. bain cap tailital is just one example. i had the same situation at god father's. have you to sometimes get smaller before you get better and then you get bigger. that's the way the business model work when you say are trying to turn something around. -- when you took over -- >> he does not understand how business works? >> you worked for coke. >> coca coca-cola, pillsbury, god father's pizza. >> sean: it was headed for bankruptcy. >> it was. we had 725 restaurant when is i took over. we closed 200 so the rest of the company could survive. >> sean: burger king -- >> i got the worst region.
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what did we do? >> sean: it became one of the best. >> it became one of the best. >> sean: what did do you to that whopper? >> the left the whopper alone. i just servinged it better. [laughter] >> sean: but, i mean, this is business. huto close stores. some people lost their jobs to save the other jobs. >> exactly! >> sean: where is this attack coming from? the president takes all of this money, more than double the money of john mccain in 2008 from private equity. >> the president disavowed the comment, especially that rape comment that came from representative clyburn. but clyburn was talking about pay-day loan people who rip off low-income people around this country. i think that was the heart and soul of the comment. then i think he rhetorically lost touch. >> sean: demonizing i. the president has the right, seanue know what, sean, judge him on it. he has a right to question mitt romney's claim that he can
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somehow make this economy work better. he's a businessman and barack obama is a bad businessman-- barack obama -- >> barack obama's record? >> the first president in modern history with a net loss of jobs -- >> no. >> sean: we will have fewer people working over a million less people working, after he's been president -- >> you are judging from the day he took over -- [overlapping dialogue] >> before his economic policies were in place. you are judging him on the previous administration. >> i'm sorry, you know, juan... his numbers are right. this is the other thing that frustrates me and a lot of people. the administration and a lot of democrats, they use bogus numbers. if you look at the in fact facts, the numbers he is giving are exactly right. i am not judging president obama on being able to control the rhetoric out there. the fact of the matter is, they're attacking bain capital, they are attacking what they
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call equity groups. why? they don't understand business. it is not going to fly -- >> if they don't understand business, let people have this conversation and let them have an argument about the scme whether or not president obama versus mitt romney is a better steward for those in need or if mitt romney is out of touch with people -- >> no, no, no-- he's wrong. i know, i agree with you. >> governor romney get its right on the big issues, president obama get its wrong on the big issues, which is why they are attacking bain capital and equity investment. >> sean: it is not going to work. we'll see. we will prove it to you. >> i want the economy to recover. everybody does. >> sean: check in with gret a. what's coming up? you are smiling, why? >> greta: you are blue on my monitor. something's very wrong with the camera. i took your picture so i could show you. i am blue. ridiculously colored blue. i don't know what's going on. >> sean: i like it. it looks good.
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>> >> greta: should see yourself. senator john mccain, governor sarah palin, congressman mccarthy here. we are going to go to wisconsin for the latest and so much more. hopefully, we are going to fix the monitor so we don't look blue? i think you look great. let's see if greta fixes the monitor. up next, a student who is screamed at for daring to criticize president obama -- he is breaking his silence, straight ahead. >> she doesn't want to hear anything but what she believes. it's eye mean, if you disagree, you get berated and put down. i just decided to get some proof of it. ♪
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♪ why do you whisper, green grass? ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter througurban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism.
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with sympts of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, common side effects are dry mout constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better aces to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. >> sean: tonight, our great, great, great american panel, a former senator from indiana, evan bayh is back. she is a columnist with the daily caller. michelle fields. he, a best-selling auhorr and new novel, "crazy dangerous,"
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andrew klavan is back. you heard the teacher. have you throifn. this is insane. listen to the teacher arguing with a student as she supports barack obama. >> you will not disrespect the president of the united states in your classroom. >> i will say what i want. >> not about him, you won't. >> you do not disrespect the president of the united states. >> i am not disrespecting! i have a question. you freaked out! >> no. i told you, do not... >> sean: i would be proud of
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him. >> the kid did great. ift would be funny if it weren't representative of the way the left works through the the educational system. this is happening in schools. it is not that graphic, but it's still happening. you risk your grades. >> sean: he was right on substance. the teacher was using the 1965 romney bullying incident. he is saying i. there is one in his book. this illustrate, perfectly, like you said, what a lot of young people experience in school. they are constantly bullied into political sog submission by liberal teachers. >> sean: did that happen to you? >> in los angeles, in public school, it happened like that. >> sean: it happened to me, senator, in college. you said, i'm a marxist, i'm a socialist. >> did you think about transferring schools. >> sean: i did transfer. but not for that reason. >> llook, obviously this teacher was way out of line. there are professor who is try to indoctrinate their students
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and that's inappropriate. have you to believe in free speech and free exchange of ideas. but i think it's a step too far to tar the teaching profession-- i am not saying that. i don't think any of us are. but there is a certain indoctrination, in academia, generally speaking -- you disagree that it slants left? >> there is a fair element of political correctness, to be sure. but again, i think-- so delicate. [chuckles] >> you are really good at this. >> i am not going to come on your air -- >> it is not targeting teachers, only leftist. it is not true on the right to think that if you argue, you are wrong. they are saying, shut up, don't say that. you are racist. all different ways of silencing you. it is not that teachers in general, it's leftists. >> you say, why noty didn't you transfer? young people don't have that opportunity because teachers, like barack obama, are against
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competition. they are against school choice and vouchers. and bad and lazy teachers are rewarded. they are rewarded according to seniority, not the value that they create. >> sean: wouldn't it be better to have charter schools? if we gave that money to parent, wouldn't the best schools win out? >> i am a big fan of charter schools. i think competition is good and i believe in rewarding good teachers and you have to ged get bad teachers out of the system system. it's tempting to tar with a broad brush. but to say it's only one side, i think there are extreme voices on the far right, too? >> sean: really? >> believe it or not -- >> none watch your program. >> sean: you looked right at me. >> you are a good dad. >> sean: when we come back, a comedian, not laughing about barack obama admission that he usinged cocaine in the past. his epic rant on what he calls
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>> a casual attitude toward drugs that makes him really cool on jimmy fallon, makes him the hip president, i'm the happening president, i say weed, i say blow. it's all a big deal, ha-ha-ha! huge laugh from the college students. if he had been busted under his laws, he would have done hard [bleep] time. and if he had done time, in prison, time in federal prison, time for his weed and a little blow, he would not be president of the united states of america. and he would not have gone to his fancy [bleep] college. he would not have sold books that sold millions and millions of copies and made millions and millions of dollars. he would not have a beautiful, smart wife. he would not have a great job. he would have been [bleep] prison. and it's not a [bleep] joke!
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>> sean: interesting thing. he's a libertarian. he has never done, quote, weed, wloa blow, never touched a drink. >> that's right. when he is ranting like that, you hate to agree with him, but he's correct. his problem is that he is complaining about obam's hypocrisy and supporting federal laws against pot and drugs. >> sean: i thought his argument was great. but he's lying about supporting states rights and gay marriage. he doesn't support states' right for that? you have been through elections. i know you are glad to be out of that place -- i think you are right, right? >> i'm back on my medication. [laughter] >> by the way, can i observe, it's a good thing that the fella in the full rant wasn't in the teacher's classroom? >> sean: it's radio. cut him some slack. but think back -- think of now the president eye think the key word here is cool, weed, blow. what message does it send, the
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hypocrisy and on top of this, what if he was arrested? >> well, the third president in a row asked about youthful indiscretions, but he put it in a book. the key is, has he launched a big new crackdown on the behavior he engaged in or has he admitted, these are things i did when i was young and i was wrong. >> sean: he different he said, this was cooling and hip. >> he is saying, i did a little rse, i inhaled. that's the point. he's glorifying his use of drugs. but then, he's quietly waging this war against pple who do marijuana and going after them f. you were to ask him, hey, do you think you would be in a better place if you had been arrestd? he would probably say no. but tons of people his age are being packagized. >> sean: i have watched you -- you wouldn't have done that. you wouldn't glorify. you wouldn't say that's the point? >> no one ever accused me of
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being hip or cool, so that wasn't an option for me. >> sean: i haven't had it either. we are in the same boat. that's a good point. >> the thing is in california, what he's complaining about, in california, where weed is essentially legal. you can be busted by a federal cop and put in federal prison. that's a big problem. the obama supporting that. >> sean: great panel, as always. thanks for being with us. we toss it to greta van susteren. take it away. >> greta: tonight, should you stay healthy? dumb question. in fact, really dumb, right? okay, try this one -- if it's so dumb, why is the federal government spending $20 million to tell you that message? oh, i forgot to tell you, that $20 million to tell you that you should stay healthy is your moan. yes, the federal government's spending your $20 million to tell to you stay healthy. this is part of obamacare. and chances are when y
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