tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News May 24, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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senator marco rubio is here to tell you. game on in wisconsin, governor scott walker is in the fight for his life. but he is not only pressure from wisconsin, but he's under the glare of the national spotlight. tonight, he goes on the record. rush limbaugh has 2012 election advice from the democrats. hear from rush limbaugh in just a minute. but right now, what was she thinking? or worse, is this how she always thinks? a south carolina union leader, caught on camera, afl-cio leader beating a pinata with governor nikki haley's face on it. >> what i won't say, it looks like a tough little girl here. >> wack it hard. >> all right. you ready? >> wait until the face comes around and wack her! [cheering] >> cack her -- get her again! [cheering] >> wack her again!
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>> that's what you need. >> greta: governor nikki haley is here. good evening, governor. >> hey, gret a. how are you? >> greta: good. i know you are tough. i know you can take t. but i must admit, i have been flooded with a lot of emails that are outraged hoping to get this closer to a time of discussion debate. you are getting hit in the head with a pinata. your thoughts? >> it's creepy. i hurt every time i see it. but this is what i will tell you. this is not typical of south carolina. this is typical of the union thugs. and i will tell you in the past week, the dems have come after me with the racial slur and the union thugs have hit me with a pinat a. but it makes me heels taller and sharper so i can kick harder. i am not going to stop boosting up on the unions and the democrats for wasteful spenning and i am going to keep on fighting. i am a lot tougher than that.
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i am going to keep on kicking. >> greta: i think that the democrats in south carolina should be somewhat embarrassed tonight because, you know, there is a whole long discussion with the democratic party that there is a war on women. the first thing out of the box, they have a very public display of a woman hitting another woman in a pinat a. it's a faximly. but that bit about the war on women that, argument is deflated when you see things like this. >> you know what, it shows that the war on women is a distraction. that's their whole goal. they don't want anybody talking about president obam's record on debt or president obama's record on his spending and how out of control washington is. what i will tell you is, our record in south carolina, we're going to fight the unions and be a union buster and talk about tax relief and bring in jobs to south carolina. there is a reason that south carolina's the new "it" state because we are a union buster and we are fiscally responsible
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and business friendly. there is nothing the democrats can do or the unions can do to make me change that, do you know this woman by the way? >> no, i haven't. if i have, i don't remember. at this point, i hope i never come across her. but, you know, i have found it interesting that she said she had no regrets. i think it's typical of the unions. they don't have regrets for hathey do. but there were only 10 or 12 people at her party. people in south carolina don't respond to people like that. there is a reason why associates of companies in this state don't want to be involved with the unions. i think she explained that better than i ever could. >> greta: you know, i thought if you had a run-in, i would be like, okay, well, but the fact that you don't know or have you no recollection, it becomes so gratuitous and it becomes something deeper in the sense that, you know, it just shows that it's shirts against skins, so to speak.
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this is no effort to work toward resolving problems. this is going to be whose said -- side are you on? and here's the baseball bat. >> this is the same group that will talk about civility and the same group that will talk about, you know, wanting me not to talk about unions. the thing is, i am explaining, you know, from a policy standpoint, why i think the unions aren't needed in south carolina. they are going at me with a baseball bat. it shows the stark difference between businesses and unis and -- unions and unions bully and boss and try to get their way. i think we are talking about a policy standpoint from a business sector that it is not good. the video-- the way everybody's enjoying it is creepy at best. but it is not something that will change me. i think it's got people fired up. i think it is showing the unions for what they are. >> greta: let me talk about south carolina for a second. your unemployment rate is 8.8%, ticked down a 10th of a point since march from 8.9 to 8.8,
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which is good. but i want to focus on, this is the ninth consecutive month when it has ticked downward. i am curious what you attribute it to. many of the states are watching. is it good fortune isn't boeing going in to south carolina? what has been the -- so is it -- that's the right direction, what's your secret? >> it's the magic combination of keeping the cost of doing business low in south carolina, getting the workforce better trained and ready and being one of the lowest unionized states in the country. you look in the past year and-a-half, we are the number-1 tire-producing state in the country. we build planes, we build car, we build tire, we build more atvs in this state than anywhere in the world. there is a reason. it's because we actually understand what it takes for businesses to make a dollar. we know that if they make profits and cash flow, they will hire more people and expand. bottom line, that's what businesses are looking for. we are not pulling businesses
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from just out of state, we have a company from mexico. we have a company that came from china. we are pulling them from out of the country. we are doing something right. >> greta: two-part question, why are you above the national average so much isn't national unemployment is lower than that? as i do with all guests, i looked at your twitter account, you have wns is coming in with 250 jobs. what is that? >> wns does accounting services and all types of backup services, whether it is insurance or banking or anything else. it will be a 300-feet phone center, working around the clock. what we are bringing is pharmaceuticals and manufacturing and research & development, i.t., all kinds of things and diversifying. i will tell that you 8 passport 8 is higher than i want it to be. what i will tell you is that its nineth month drop in a row and we are going to keep dropping because we are open for business and we continue to troak about the things that businesses care
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about. we continue to keep second quarters involved with their companies and it's making a difference. we will continue to bring that number down -- you going to help -- in spite of your friend with the baseball bat. >> that's right. >> greta: do you intend to help governor scott walker, a fellow republican, facing a recall between now and june 5? do you intend to hit the trail for him? >> absolutely. i have talked with him. i will be there the friday before the tuesday of the election. greta, this is not about wisconsin. this is about our country. this is about the fact that a governor went into his state and did exactly what he promised to do. and if he lose this is, tell take the spine out of every governor across this country. if he win this is, we will see more power and strength across the governors in this down theory -- this country than we have ever seen. i think his win will help south south and every state in the country. we hope it will show washington, d.c. what it means to show true
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leadership. >> greta: would you accept an apology, symbolic apology from the democratic party in south carolina for what this woman did with the baseball bat? you know, chances are, someone in your party will do something really stupid. we have to figure out how to end this. but if the democratic party comes out and condemns it, you can move on? >> you know, i mean, the democratic party put out a racial slur against me last weekend. they didn't apologize then. i don't expect them to apologize now. real feelings show what you put on a twitter. i think real feelings show in the way she pit the pinata. it is not necessary -- >> greta: she is not going to. she has -- i heard her tonight saying she is -- she is perfectly happy with what she did. she is defending. it i am thinking bigger picture, whether the democrats in south carolina, if they would be sort
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of -- step up to the plate on this and -- not with the baseball bat. >> i would challenge them to do so. but i would be surprised if they the democrats in south carolina love to spen, they love to support their unions and they love president obama. the one thing they don't like is me. i would be very prized if they did that, but i would certainly welcome and appreciate it. >> greta: thank you for joining us. hope you come back soon. >> always fun, greta. thanks. >> greta: right now, many nationwide polls showing mitt romney and president obama in a dead heat. the tight race could be decided by the hispanic vote. today in washington, florida senator marco rubio and governor romney both speaking at the latino coalition economic summit. we caught up with senator rubio. >> nice to see you. >> greta: very receptive audience. people were very interested to hear what you had to say. >> i think all americans value our heritage as a nation of opportunity. but i don't know any community that value its more than
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hispanics, who are mostly removed by one generation from another life. >> greta: are you an optimist? >> yes. >> greta: you say as soon as we solve them, you said in the speech -- correct me if i misquote you -- you don't see the sense of urgency in washington that you have an idea that, you know, things should move much faster. >> there isn't a sense of urgency. i think we are going to solve these problems because americans always get it right in the end. but the longer we wait, the harder it is going to be to solve and the options gring to member painful. so the sooner we deal with the issue, the better. we haven't solve good major issues in a long time -- >> greta: why? you said you were frustrated. are you frustrate snitched i am. the lack of urgency. we are now in perpetual campaign the senatey a perfect example. they are bringing up material
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for campaign commercials in the fall, instead of solving or dealing directly with the major issues that we face as a country. >> greta: you get other senators saying the same thing? is there a malaise or the younger ones, let's get things rolling -- >> yesterday. a group of us came together and filed the startup 2.0 act, a collection of ideas that we have gotten from the startup business types of what they are looking for and the changes they need in order to create new jobs and businesses. it's a collection of ideas that everybody agrees on. we put it together and we filed it yesterday, there is no reason it shouldn't pass. we are stirring up action on the things we agree on. >> greta: i asked you earlier if you were an optimist, listening to the speech of the mother puts her child on the spot and the child will have all the things she wasn't able to have. >> every single morning, parents -- single mothers, married couples, send their
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children to school in the hopes that their kids will have a chance to do everything they never had a chance to do, with the sincere hope that everything that went wrong in their lives will go right for their children. whether they are successful or not will determine the success we will have in the next century. >> greta: they are thrilled to have you here, the latinos are here, you are a particular favorite, understandably. but this is the chamber of commerce, the business people. when it come time for election, the hispanic vote may determine the election. right now, president obama is leading governor romney with the hispanic vote. why? >> i lot of it is historic. people are registered democrat and that's how they vote. some have hope thereat president will become what he said in 2008, before he became a guy dividing the american people. but at the end of the day, i think if americans of hispanic dissent want to be able to open
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their businesses or go to college, find a job. the truth is that the president and his policies are making it harder for those things to happen. i think as the campaign goes on and more americans realize that. you will see a change. especially in the americans of hispanic descent. >> greta: why have the democrats been able to connect, get their convincing message to the hispanic community than the republicans? if you look at the poll numbers now, between 2008 and now, it's up 6 points, give or take in the polls, favoring the democrats more than in '08. so what happened. >> a couple of things. it wasn't that long ago that george w. bush did very well among hispanic americans. i think we can get to that again. the president's run a very targeted camtain to these communities. and some states, it's historic, people have been democrats 20 years and that's what they vote. the party affiliation comes to bear. i don't think this is a one-election commitment by the republicans.
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republicans needs to be the party of the free enterprise system and we have a very compelling argument that the free enterprise system, the american free enterprise system is the only economic system in the world where you can leave your children with a better chance for a life than what you have. we have to make that argument consistently, not just one election cycle. >> greta: historically, the republican party has done very well with cuban americans in south florida. the hispanic community has a different concern than the cuban population. in light of governor romney saying he was in favor of self-deportation, which many hispanics in the western part of the united states are not wild about. >> i think what the governor was responding to was the idea that we could round up and deport 9 million people. that's not a realistic approach. the governor is a supporter of a legal immigration system that works. if we had a legal immigration system that worked and a workable guest worker program that didn't threaten american
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jobs, a lot of the problem would diminish. supporting reforms and modernizations to the legal immigration system to make it easier for us to enforce the law and make it easier for people to be here legally. >> greta: maybe you are not the right person to ask. but president obama gave a speech about immigration at american university, a landmark speech on immigration. i listened to it. at the time, he had the house and the senate. both democrats. now things have changed. why wasn't he able to do something about immigration policy then? he had dreams or policies, things he wanted to do. is there simply -- isn't thereto will? >> i think that's true. that's the first thing. but the second thick i would say, there are some in the democratic party -- not all -- but there are some that think that the immigration issue's more valuable unsolved. it gives them something to talk about to go to the hispanic
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communities and make unrealistic promises every two years and win. and i think for some, it is better politically to leave it the way it is because they can use it against republicans. >> greta: you are one of governor romney's greatest voices in the latino community. do you plan to speak to the hispanic community? how can you reach them? get the vote for governor romney? >> i want to be as helpful as i k. i think it's so critical to have somebody new to take the job. i don't think we will be able to solve the major issues we face that barack obama's re-elected. wherever they think that could be helpful, i'm willing to do it. >> greta: it is such an entrenched vote, like a particular demographic may favor another party. this is one demographic that has really soundly increased for the democratic party. that's a significant voting
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block. it can't be ignored by the republican party. >> i would say to you that i am not sure that the message of the republican party should have for americans anything different from the rest of america, the free enterprise system works, it gives people the opportunity to rise above the circumstances of their birth, do better for themselves and leave their children better off. i think that argument is particularly effective in the hispanic community because all of us are but a generation removed from those hopes. >> greta: how do you get it to resonate? i mean, both governor romney says all of those things, how do you get it to connect so it's believable. >> i think you need to say it and you need to explain how the policies work, as i tried to do today. my father was a bartendener a hotel because we had a big enough economy to have people come to miami beach and stay there. our dreams are directly related to the size of our economy and the policies we pursue. because my dad was a bartender, i got to go to law school and be
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here. >> greta: do i get extra credit if i don't ask you the vice-president question? >> yes, you do. >> greta: okay, i won't ask it. american teens in big trouble. they can't get jobs. are young americans losing jobs to young foreigners? is the obama administration helping to make that happen? that's next. also, there are incredibly tense days in wisconsin before an historic recall election. we are on the ground in wisconsin. hear from governor scott walker, the man trying to hold on to his job. is rush limbaugh throwing his support behind vice-president joe biden? hear what he said and you can decide. that's am category up. most life insurance companies
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high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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>> greta: staggering statistics, 8.1%. the nation's unemployment rate. but do you know what the unemployment rate is for american teenagers? here it is. 24.9%. so here's the question. why is the obama administration going to great lengths to encourage foreign students to take summer jobs in the united states? pamela constable from the washington post is here. >> glad to be here. >> greta: what is this program for foreign students or young people? >> it is supposed to be an international good-will program.
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they invite about 100,000 foreign college students here every summer to do light seasonal summer jobs. but the main point is that they should get to know american, practice english and go home feeling good about us and our values. >> greta: are the 100,000 jobs, if they didn't come here, the jobs would not be filled? or that american students or young people would have them? >> they are not supposed to be jobs that would be done by quote/unquote adult workers with families to support. they're really only supposed to be seasonal summer jobs for young people. the only real competition would be the american counterpart, college students from this country. >> greta: they come from a handful of particular countries or worldwide? >> it has changed over the years. right now, they are coming from eastern european countries. >> greta: all right. i think traveling is the greatest thing. we have a better understanding of people. i have a huge appreciation.
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but i am torn by the fact that, you know, there are so many college students here that can't find work. it seeps that i would feel a lot better about the program if there were a reciprocity famerican students were given the identical opportunity elsewhere, maybe not the same country. is there any effort by the united states, by the state department to place american students in likewise jobs? >> not that i know of. but generally speaking, american students have more opportunities to begin with. they have the ability to travel. there are all sorts of programs to get involved in, field service or the peace corps. there are all sorts of thing it's. >> greta: the wealthier ones. >> this is competition between middle-class students because have you to pay $3- or $4,000 to participate in the program. so the competition really would be between like kinds of students. >> greta: but the american students denied jobs, are they beaten out for them? >> it is not clear. i talked to a number of
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companies for this job that had similar kinds of workforces for the summer. some of them said, they were desperate to find american workers, couldn't find any. others said they had plenty. it's hard to know,. >> greta: i suspect and i read the article, maybe i read into the article -- the that the americans who have hired the students don't pay medicare and social security, it is cheaper than hiring an american college student. >> it is. but when you raise that idea, they say, well, we have to provide housing for them and training for them. they say they have their own costs and it comes out even. but critics would say it is much cheaper. >> greta: i can't imagine they are so magnanimous because they are in it to make money eye am not being critical. but they are not being so generous to make it a better deal -- a poorer deal to hire the students. >> no. but on the other hand, it was interesting. there is one company that i talked to in virginia that as a matter of principle only hires american college kids.
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they say sometimes they do get underbid for the pool contract. but they are saying, we prefer american kids for matters of principle. >> greta: thank you. nice to see you. >> lovely to be here. >> greta: the countdown is on for the wisconsin recall election, catching up with governor scott walker. since it is politics, he has harsh words for his opoppet. he will tell you about it himself, next. and is prince charles looking for a new job in he tries out for tv weatherman. he is pretty good at that. now he is trying out for another gig. what is it? have you to see it and hear it to believe it. to believe it. you will, coming up. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ] it's the travelocity spring into summer sale. you can save up to 50%
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>> greta: wisconsin recall election is just 12 days away. governor scott walker is preparing for a rematch to mayor barrett. we talked to governor scott walker. >> reporter: we are in chip wafalls, wisconsin, where governor walker came to speak about jobs and his plan for the state, should he win the recall fight. governor, you are here at chippewa falls and what's the message? >> we like to lone in on jobs. it's great to see how people make thing in wisconsin. for us, keeping the taxes down
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and helping small and mid-sized manufacturers is so critical. it's a key difference. what i tell a lot of guys on the line, that's the difference between me and the mayor of milwaukee. he wants to raise taxes on manufacturers and i want to continue to lower them. >> reporter: i spoke with the mayor yesterday, he questions your jobs numbers and says that you are using numbers that are not accurate. how do you respond to that? >> that's from the mayor who just announced in the paper in milwaukee announced that not only his jobs, but his crime numbers were completely off and instead of violent crimes going down, it went up. it's ironic that he is criticizing our jobs numbers. it's a simple difference. the numbers he uses are a sample of 3 1/2% of employers and we use an actual survey of nearly every employer. every corks conmist acknowledges that our numbers are the most cred and i believe show that in
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2011, wisconsin gabeed jobs and since i have been governor, wisconsin hes has gained 30,000 new jobs. >> reporter: i hear a lot of the debate over the numbers. but what specifically did you do here that you believe will continue to grow? >> getting government out of way, lowering costs. you look at a company like this. last year, they added 35 new jobs. they have added 20 more. they showed me a new piece of equipment that will put more people to work. we lowered the tax burden, particularly for manufacturing, that's a huge incentive for small and mid-sized business. they need government to get out of the way and lower the cost of taxation and excessive regulation and litigation, that's a huge burden. under my pred predecessor, the state lost 150,000 jobs and unemployment was above 9% and we are below 7% and we continue to see more job growth because they
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like the idea that government is a partner, not a barrier to economic growth. >> reporter: there has been an article i read that pointed to an enthusiasm gap. the people who have been passionate, in supporting you. how concerned are you that some of the enthusiasm for you can be waning and could be tighter than the most recent polls show? >> most of the gap has been on the other side. i think there is recall fatigue, people who are angered originally realize a lot of that was misguided anger. the facts have come out, property taxes have gone down. people went back and the public schools are the same or better. when they see the reforms are working and a lot of the attacks that have been put in, have been brought in from the national money and national unions, was really misguided and sometimes outright lies. i think the voters on the other side have seen a real fatigue. when i was at oshkosh this morning, i was introduced to a guy named chris who worked there
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and said he voted for my opponent, both of his parents were democrats. but he said, he was voting for me this time because he didn't think the process was like and liked that i had the courage to take on the tough issues. guys like him that i need to reach out to win the election. i think we are going to do that. as far as the base goes, you saw the primary result on play 8, in a priry that had no significance, i garnered as many votes as my opponent and the next closest democrat combined. i think there is a real enthusiasm to come out and let their voices be heard. >> reporter: let me ask you, lastly, you mentioned the gentleman who tackucked to you. i don't want the politicians. what do you see as being at stake? what is the loss mean for wisconsin, if they recall you? >> i think it's both for wisconsin and the country. it's about courage. and ultimately, our state, if they affirm me on the vote on june 5, that's a powerful
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message around wisconsin and around the country that the voters are serious when they say they want leaders who are willing to take on the tough issue, willing to stand up and take on the powerful special interests and put the power back in the hans of the taxpayers. that's the reason why since last february on, you have had millions coming in in attacks in the spring and then in the senate recall and throughout the recall process against me because the washington-based special interests don't want the taxpaysers in charge, they want a handful of special interest in charge. who is in charge isn't taxpayers or the special interest? >> reporter: thank you very much, governor. look forward to the debate, friday night. >> it will be interesting. >> greta: we have something very special tomorrow night. on the "on the record" on the ground in wisconsin for the latest on the recall. hear from both sides of this heated political contest. first, governor scott walker and lieutenant governor and lieutenant kleefisch and tom
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baret and firefighter malin mitchell. everything is going "on the record." you do not want to miss our wisconsin election special. 10:00 tomorrow night. coming up next, governor mitt romney says that president obama simply doesn't understand. what does he mean by that? he will tell you himself. in 2 minutes, rush limbaugh getting blasted by joe biden. you have heard him do it. but here's a stunner, is he now supporting vice-president biden? hear from rush limbaugh in 2 minutes. i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with sympts of frequent urges and leaks day and night.
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[ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> greta: we have all heard it, rush limbaugh usually blasts vice-president biden. last week, he said he is afraid of losing his place on the 2012 ticket. but did rush limbaugh have a change of heart about the vice-president? >> have you noticed there is talk about hillary being on the
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ticket? let me tell you democrats, the problem and is not biden. he is a problem, but he's not the re-election problem in 2012. obama is the problem. if you are thinking about changing the tick, look to the top of it. >> but the rumors persist that president obama might change out vice-president biden for secretary of state hillary clinton. what do you think? should obama make secretary clinton his runningmate? or do you agree with rush's advice to the democrats? is the real problem at the top of the ticket? tell us what you think. we are back in 2. when we got married.
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i had three kids. and she became the full time mother of three. it was soccer, and ballet, and cheerleading, and baseball. those years were crazy. so, as we go into this next phase, you know, a big part of it for us is that there isn't anything on the schedule. >> from america's news headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. facebook faces several lawsuits
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just days after going public. investors claim that the banks shared important information about the company's business prospects with some cleans but not with all of them. the social networking site denies the charges. this comes as facebook stock climbs $1 on wednesday, but remains 16% below the $38 ipo price. everyone is accounted for after a firing of a nuclear submarine in a shipyard. crews on board the uss miami in kettering for 8 hours. the reakor is not on and is said to be safe from the fire. there are no weapons on board. six people are injured, including at least one firefighter. i'm ainsley earhardt. now back to "on the record" with greta van susteren. thanks for watching fox. check out our web site, >> it's a war of words and mitt romney is firing back at president obama's attacks on his
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bain capital record. governor romney touting his business importance and slamming the president's lack of experience. >> i happen to believe that having been in the private sector for 25 years gives me a perspective on how jobs created that someone who's never spent a day in the private sector, like president obam adoesn't understand. this is a president who spends his time, blaming other people for the fact that he has been unsuccessful in turning around this economy. i think the reason you are seeing people saying they would like to try someone new is because they believe this president, while he may be a nice guy, is simply not up to the task of helping guide an economy. if you were to say to me, tell me what you have learned from your schooling that would help you be a president -- how do i begin with a list? you learn through life's experience. the president's experience has been exclusively in politics and as a community organizer. both of those are fine areas of endeavor. but right now, we have an economy in trouble. someone who spent their career
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in the economy is more suited to help fix the economy than someone who spent his life in politics and is a community organizer. >> greta: governor romney also pledging that if elected, he would get the unemployment rate down to 6% by the end of his first time. a few weeks ago, he said that anything under 4% is not a cause for celebration. now to another important political race. this one for the united states senate, tonight, a big announcement here on the record. lawyer and businessman, alex pireese is here. i have known alex for a long time. >> hi. >> greta: you are running for senate from the state of indiana -- >> from delaware. >> i meant delaware. >>ime an independent. there is a big push for independents. george washington was an independent. i am an independent. i don't believe in either party. i think i can beat an incumbebt democrat.
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>> greta: have you an unusual beginning platform. how should senators be paid? >> for the days they work. they're grossly overpaid and i think they are very lazy. they work 140 days a year, we pay them $1200 a day. the minimum wage is $7.25. a working person gets $56 a day, a senator gets $1200 a day. i think that's the first thing i am going to do. >> greta: you wouldn't be popular. >> i don't care about that. >> greta: why do you think you can win. e >> in i think the independents are what is need in the country. i think in rhode island, chafee is an independent, in vermont, bernie sanders is independent. in maine, mr. king is going to win, he's an independent. i think the gallup poll just showed that the independents in this -- in the united states are the highest percentage they have been in 60 years, 41%. i think most people really are independents. i think they want to pick the
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person not the party. i don't think anyone's ever come to this country, greta, and said, you know, i was in another country and all i thought was coming to america to be a democrat or republican. they come here to be americans. the party's been abusive. >> greta: are you more republican or democrat, as an independent? >> i think when it comes to spending money, i am conservative. i think when it comes to taking care of children and the elderly, i am more liberal. but i don't believe in either party. i really don't. >> greta: so you are a radical? maybe that's not the right word? i take that back. >> yeah. i think, i am like a lot of people i. to look at the person and say, are they going to do a good job? i am running against somebody who spent 36 years as a professional politician. he has never had a job. he has never, ever worked -- ever. i'm a working-class guy. my parents didn't go to high
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school. they had eighth grade education. i worked, washing ditious, put myself through college. i got a scholarship to law school. i served my country for 8 years in the reserve. i have three jobs. i am exactly like a typical person in delaware. i am not a professional politician. i think i can beat him. >> greta: it's going to be a fascinating race. i will be watching closely. i will get indiana and delaware separate and understand the difference. alex, nice to see you. >> greta: it sounds like a joke, a man walks into a bar with a parscprot a zebra. but this is no joke. prince charles puts a new spin on his royal reputation. wait until you see what he is doing on our side of the pond. and forget the super bowl ring. the green bay packers wide and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet,
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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[applause] >> greta: britain's royal prince testing d.j. skills in a trip to toronto, visiting an employment skills workshop. he got the finer tips on scratching and fading a record. his instructors say he did a good job. this is part of the diamond jubilee celebration for the queen. who needs a super bowl ring when you have this trovey? donald driver is the new winner of "dancing with the stars." he was the underdog during the season. but last night, he basement third nfl player to win. one judge called him the best football star they have ever had. after winning, he leapt across the dance floor and called the experience amaze dispg awesome. and our executive producer recorded the packer dancer's win and can't stop watching it. she is beaming with pride for the green bay packers. this gives a whole new meaning to party animals.
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a man taking his pets, a zebra and a parrot, out to the bar. the man had a few drinks, but it ended when the police showed up and arrested the man for drunk driving. his girlfriend said it was a normal saturday night out. she said their pets are their children and they take them along everywhere. a british stuntman says that parachutes are overrated and he became the first sky diver in history to land without one. he jumped 2400 feet from a helicopt wer a special wing happening suit. he glided down to earth, landing on a runway of 18,000 cardboard boxes. he is no stranger to free falling. he has worked as a hollywood stuntman, completing almost a thousand sky dives. who could resist this -- baby cheetahs. the smithsonian is the home to a pair of cheetah cubs. their mother had a rough time giving birth, but animal experts
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