tv FOX and Friends FOX News May 30, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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congress all the damn time come out here the last -- i got to figure out how to vote for my people! how ashamed -- >> he should think about a decaffeinated coffee. what got that republican representative so fired up, we'll explain that all! >> yeah. she's a dedicated student working two jobs to support her family but her straight a's weren't enough to save her. this student had to spend a night with hardened crooks thrown in jail for skipping class to work two jobs. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> good morning, everybody, on this -- >> there goes the show again! i've had it with all of you! come on, what do i have to do with this? >> i don't want to do the headlines! >> come on, forgot all that.
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>> let's go back from vacation. >> all right. steve, just relax. >> i'm just taking it all in. holy cow, gretch, welcome back. >> thank you. nice relaxing couple of days. good to be back. right to our top story this morning. mitt romney now the official g.o.p. presidential nominee but he's having to fight off a new controversy involving one of his most high profile backers. steve centanni live with more. did we wake you up? >> no, i've been wake for a little while. mitt romney attending a fundraiser in las vegas last night with donald trump. now the celebrity businessman still raising questions about whether barack obama was actually born in the u.s. that issue came up at yesterday's white house briefing. >> we can revisit that but i think the american people are pretty fed up with this kind of nonsense. >> romney has said he welcomes trump's support and that he doesn't agree with everything all his supporters say but that isn't enough for the obama campaign which put out a
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statement saying -- mitt romney's continued embrace of donald trump demonstrates his lack of moral leadership. if mitt romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlottean like donald trump because he's concerned about lining his campaign pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he'll be? meantime, romney attending fundraisers on the west coast all this week. last night, he went over the top with his delegate count with his win in texas. as for the other issue, romney's campaign put out a statement saying governor romney has said repeatedly he believes president obama was born in the united states. the democrats can talk about donald trump all they want. mitt romney is going to talk about jobs and how we can get our economy moving again. trump, meantime, thinks romney should embrace the issue. here's what he said to greta van suster susteren. >> i think it's a great issue for mitt romney but he might not think that way and we certainly can disagree on that. we don't talk about that issue, by the way, we talk about jobs. we talk about lots of other
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things. >> the president, of course, has released his original birth certificate and the state of hawaii recently reaffirmed that obama was born in honolulu. back to you guys. >> thanks so much. check back in with you later on. now to other headlines and another long time incumbent being ousted by voters. democratic texas congressman losing now his party's primary last night. he served in the house since 1997 and tried touting his endorsements from president obama and former president bill clinton. reyes is the sixth veteran member to go down this year. he outspent his opponent, el paso city councilman beto o'rourke by nearly $200,000. o'rourke focused on reports that reyes allegedly used campaign funds to pay family members. now to a fox news alert. brita britain's supreme court ruling moments ago that they'll send
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julian assange back to fight extradition charges. he has one last chance for an appeal with the human right court of france. if that doesn't work, he'll face extradition to sweden immediately. then he'll face extradition to the united states where he'll be prosecuted for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents on his web site. a 4.0 earthquake striking off the coast of california overnight. u.s. geological survey said it was centered 30 miles southwest of malibu but people as far away as los angeles, not that far away, they could still feel the shaking. no injuries and no damage being reported. ironically the quake struck hours after a government report revealed that san diego's nuclear plant would likely lose power in an earthquake because of old and faulty equipment. check this out, a 16-foot asteroid up close and personal. the chunk of space rock whizzed by earth yesterday at a speed of 38,000 miles an hour. picture captures the asteroid as
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it travels 9,000 miles from our planet, the same dance as a flight from new york city all the way to new zealand. scientists weren't worried. they say it would likely to have burned up in the atmosphere before getting a chance to wreak havoc on the surface. that's good news for all of us. >> it's amazing how scientists seem to know everything. >> they sure are. >> yesterday, i was printing up the article in "the new york times" about the president's kill list and half way through, i had to add toner and copier and then i had to add paper and finally got the whole thing out. it was literally 3,0 pages and when it was done, we found out the president and i love this is killing every terrorist he can get a hold of through hellfire missiles and those u.s. drones and do it from yemen to pakistan on down. the president keeps track and actually signs off on most of them. i was astounded because i always thought the president was so concerned about how we're viewed internationally. when he said we can't have gitmo to keep the world's worst terrorist in and i was just astounded to think the president
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does not mind how we're viewed by killing these terrorists but keep in mind, i love that he's doing it. >> brian, you're thinking -- you're thinking a lot about barack obama of 2007 and 2008 where he said, you know, all the things that bush and cheney were doing to execute the war on terror, that was wrong. and then he becomes president of the united states and next inning you know, he turns into dick cheney light and the reason that this thing is 3,000 pages long, brian, is this is a story that the white house really wanted to get out there. it wasn't one unnamed senior official. it was three dozen top people inside and outside of the white house right now who wanted to show that this is a hands-on president who at these tuesday kill meetings decides who they're going to drone. jay carney was asked about that yesterday. >> president obama made clear from the start to his advisors and the world that we're going to take any steps necessary to protect the american people from harm against a terrorist attack.
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at the same time, the president made clear that we were all times going to act in a manner that was lawful and consistent with our values. >> why is this all important is the question this morning. because this is the one thing that this administration can hang their hat on. i mean, come on. when you're looking at what's happened in the last 3 1/2 years, foreign policy is something that a lot of people say president obama has been pretty good at. why? because the first thing you think of is killing bin laden. then you get into the final details of what's going on with israel, what's going on with iran, what's going on with russia, what's going on with north korea, that's where you can get into a little bit more dicey territory on this administration. of course they're going to tout this and of course they're going to use "the new york times" to do this kind of article. bigger questions, though, is what are the moral implications of having this kind of strategy? is it ok for the united states to kill people who we're not technically at war with with these drone strikes and in the meantime, kill civilians along
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the way. is it cover because you don't want to do interrogations anymore a la the c.i.a. because you get into the problem of where do you put those people. >> what do you ask them? they're going after an army field manual that basically says what's your name again? i got to run. >> the president got in trouble with his own political left because he ordered the hit, the drone on that american in this past year. >> right, thank god because he's trying to kill us and his ste disciples are trying to do it here. charles krauthammer yesterday on this decision. >> here's a story that shows he's a tough guy and there are a few problems with this. number one, there's a military strategy. we aren't getting any intelligence. it's the path of least resistance. second is the moral argument. obama went around in 2008 and after he was elected, he talked about how there was a new moral direction of the united states, how we had lost our way with iraq with the enhanced interrogations and he's going
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around killing people where he's judge, jury and executioner. i'm not against it but if you take the moral argument and the preening that the bush administration was with the interrogation, they didn't go around killing people from the air. they lost the moral high ground here. >> one of the things that is interesting and "the weekly standard" pointed this out yesterday is david axelrod, interestingly enough, senior advisor to the president sat in on these. some of them wondered does he have security? >> because he's doing the re-election now. >> lot of questions about that. let's move on to the next topic. you saw at the top of the show that brian got upset and threw his papers in the air. >> so did you. >> i was just following suit. i thought that was the new thing you were doing since we were gone last week. that's what happened in illinois. a state representative republican there technically lost his cool over the discussion of pensions and how the heck illinois is going to
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continue to pay for all of those pensions because they're broke. >> these damn bills to congress all the damn time! come out here and laugh and i got to try to figure out how both of my people, how ashamed, you should be. you should be ashamed of yourselves. we give power to one person. >> who is going to pay for the health care. who is going to pay for the pensions? let's ask the man that you just saw show tremendous pension. >> that's right. >> state representative mike boss now joins us, thanks so much for joining us, representative. >> good morning. i don't normally act like that, by the way. >> well, who does? >> what caused you just to go over the top? >> first off, you got to understand the situation here in springfield, illinois. we have a case where one person, the speaker of the house has some rules that have been
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passed, that bill was brought before us yesterday morning, it's 290 pages long with -- it also has -- well, it was brought to us at 7:40 and the meeting started at 8:00 and in it is some pension reforms that we might have agreed to but we didn't see the language. >> as i understand it -- >> and we need it! we need the reform. >> you sure do. and you've got in your state $83 billion worth of unfunded pension liabilities. >> correct. >> and the deadline to figure out what to do this time is thursday. how close are you? >> that's correct. we're close. we've been working on this. we've got some plans that are out there but when this comes forward, the bad thing about this is it shifts that debt not to the state of illinois on how to handle it but once again, their way of handling things, it shifts it to the local taxpayers instead of taking care of the real issue which is trying to
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reform the system so it works sensibly and also meets its obligations. >> right, because one of the things that you wanted to do potentially to try to defray the cost is raise retirement age for these pension workers or that they would actually have to make larger contributions personally to their pensions. but of course, that's unpopular in this day and age and this will be the battle moving ahead in november, too, do you agree with that? >> it will be that and making sure that the things that are done are constitutional. that's always been the challenge because what is our obligation? what are we bound to? the system has been attacked for many years. many of the concerns right there that were going on as well is that same speaker has been the speaker for 30 years. >> there you go. >> for two years in 1995 and 1996. >> sure. >> he was not -- that was when we had the majority. that was the first year i came in. >> right. listen, i know you have a busy wednesday because the deadline is thursday. republican mike boss, thank you very much for joining us on the
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phone from illinois where they got to fix the pensions. >> coming up on our show, president obama preparing to double down on hope and change. >> people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them yes, it's still about hope. it's still about change. >> how much change have we really seen over the last four years. we'll take a realistic look back. right back.
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smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. >> the united nations is supposed to promote peace across the globe. so why are some member states allowed to get away with murder? filmmaker omni horowitz confronted one ambassador from sudan about the genocide in his home country. >> tell me what are the root causes of the conflict in darfur? >> was climate change, because of climate change. >> so maybe the prius is the answer to all our problems there and we see a lot of dead bodies in darfur, they're showing us all the time. did they die of heat stroke?
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>> the region has witnessed at different times drought. >> really? i never heard of drought causing axe wounds. >> apart from -- >> we're joined now by omni horowitz, the director of that new documentary movie titled "you and me." >> thanks for having me on. >> apparently you had some interview skills. >> i didn't know that before i made this movie but we, you know, took a certain style, certain irreverent style to interview these people and expose the hypocrisy and how insane the whole situation there. we had a lot of fun. >> excuse me for saying that. that b.s. was not going to fly with you, what you were hearing because you did not believe in what the answers that you were being given. >> no, no, the whole idea is in this movie, i play this borat style idiot that agrees with everything they're saying and tries to understand where they're coming from. when this guy says that every -- darfurians love living in sudan,
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we call it but call it very sarcastically. >> so at the heart of it, what is the problem with the united states? -- united nations? >> i think it really breaks down to two major problems. one is you have a massive bureaucracy which has no accountability. no sunlight. very opaque organization and these people live in moral fogs, moral blindness where they can't make decisions, moral decisions, what is right? what is wrong? that's why ahmadinejad was the keynote speaker at their key human rights conference and at the other end, you have these rogue regimes that are able to push their agenda forward because they work well together. that combination is a deadly combination for us. >> for example, they're supposed to be cracking down on nations developing nuclear weapons. and in that period of time, at least five nations have developed nuclear weapons and we know what's going on with iran. >> listen, i went to the -- to the iranian embassy in vienna and i interviewed and confronted
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the iranian head of the one who did the negotiating against the ieae and i was the one who asked them, are you building nuclear weapons? and you know, he denied it. but the u.n. they don't ask these kind of direct questions. >> at the same time in 2010, the united states gave $8 billion to the united nations. that's 25% of all the money that comes into them. some people scratch their heads about that. what's your solutions for making the u.n. work? >> solutions are too hard. i just share the problems. it's lazy filmmaking. >> so you don't think we should reform the human rights council and expel countries that violate u.n. ideals and complete financial transparency. >> all three are wonderful ways -- absolutely. if they do that, i think we're in good shape. but you know, the key for this movie is we have to really -- for people to want to watch this, they had to be entertained. it wasn't simply about here are the facts. here are the statistics. let's all end there. if they're not entertained, they're not going to see this movie and learn what's going on. we had michael moore's writers
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and editors, that was a team we put together to put an entertaining package in this movie. >> check out the documentary. great to speak with you this morning. >> thank you so much. >> a flag flight like we've never seen before. one woman facing eviction because a local housing authority said her flags are safety hazards. huh? right back.
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>> headlines now. thanks for waking up. day 8 of deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial and it looks like jurors are getting a little ancy and crazy. they asked the judge to go home early on friday and he said yes. that's not before scolding them for allegedly talking about the case outside the jury room. also, some of the jurors are dressing alike. and cory booker's communications
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director resigning. this just days after he caused an uproar with fellow democrats by calling president obama's attack ads against mitt romney's bain days "nauseating." torres denies she's leaving because of the comments but admits she and booker don't see eye to eye. steve? >> thank you, brian. she has been flying her american flags off of her apartment balcony for coming up on four years but dawn paulis is facing eviction after her local housing authority suddenly decided that those flags right there are a dangerous safety hazard. are you kidding me? she joins us live in the studio today. good morning to you. >> goods morning. >> now, this is not -- we've talked a lot on this show about various home owners associations. this is not a home owners association. this is a housing authority. >> housing authority. you live in public housing. >> yes. >> in phillipsburg, new jersey, near the pennsylvania border. >> yes. >> you got an alert from the
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office. what did they tell you? >> they told me that i could not fly the american flag because someone else might fly the nazi flag. and they couldn't tell them to take it down and not tell me to take my american flag down. >> really? >> but you -- you're not going to back down. you're not going to take the flag down, are you? >> no, no, i'll take it down at night. i'll take it down when it rains. but i feel that this is my constitutional right to fly the american flags. >> is it true that you feel that there are other things the matter with the building and the complex as well and once they tend to that, maybe you'll think about taking it down. >> correct. we have things in our lease that states that you can't this and you can't that but they do nothing about it. but all of a sudden, they're making the big issue out of the american flag>> yeah. are there other people who fly the american flag in your housing complex? >> yes. >> and? are they going to have to take theirs down? >> evidently, they don't know they have them up because you can't see that side of the
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building. >> oh, i see! but you've got yours on the balcony where you can see it. here's another picture. here's what the executive director of your housing authority explained regarding the flag ban. "it's not about patriotism or respect for the flag or veterans, it's about lease enforcement and how we have to adhere to federal laws and safety rules. if the screw isn't cranked down tight enough, the flag holder could fall off and hit somebody walking under neath." >> there's no place underneath my balcony that anyone can walk. >> maybe a really big win would blow it half a block away and then -- >> that's possible. >> man. i know you do not have an attorney. you're representing yourself to the housing authority. >> exactly. >> so you're just saying i'd like to keep the flag because i'm a patriotic american and it's not going to hurt anybody. >> correct. >> all right. >> i don't feel that we could hurt anyone. >> dawn, we'll keep watching and
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see what happens out there in phillipsburg, new jersey. >> very good. >> thank you very much for coming in to tell us your story. >> and thank you. >> all right. thank you. coming up next, she's a dedicated student working two jobs to support her family but her straight a's weren't enough to save her from jail. an honor student sent to the slammer for missing school. we'll tell you her story. sad one, as you can see, plus he's worked with superstar golfers like tiger woods and phil mickelson. now he's teaching brian how to golf like a pro. coach butch harmon coming up next. first, happy birthday to winona judd is 48. happy birthday. [ female announr kids are getting a dependable clean in the bathroom? [ gasps ] think again. try charmin ultra strong for a clean
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it's really cool looking. what about fuel-efficiency? amazing. i gink it gets up to like 40 miles per gallon. kinda cool when the needle never moves. my turn. active park assist... oh, my gosh! when you want to find a gas station, it tells you how much gas is. i didn't even know that. the swap your ride sales event ends soon. get a focus with up $1500 cash back and voice-activated sync at no extra charge. are you gonna just keep the one for the rest of your lives? no, i think we should all get our own.
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well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone, like the droid 4 now just $99.99. verizon. >> attention, fox fans and baseball fans. fox newschannel, it's that time of the year here at fox newschannel where we go out for the seventh consecutive year for fox fan night at citifield where the new york mets play. the party starts at 6:00 eastern
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time. first pitch is at 7:00 p.m. for a chance to win tickets to see us, to meet us, to watch us. >> to watch us watch the game. >> yes, to watch us watch something is fantastic. e-mail your name and number to foxfannight at by june 6th and it is a race. >> absolutely. and historically, one of us has thrown out the first pitch. in fact, not only have we thrown them out but our children have. we should have somebody else do it this year. but whom? >> let us know who you think at fox should throw out the first pitch. >> sky is the limit. >> that united nations documentary i was talking about around 6:15 a.m., it comes out friday in theaters across the country and you can find it on video on demand and on itunes called "you & me." >> let us tell you a little bit about this. diane tran is an 11th grade student, honor student at a high school near houston in texas, that young woman is exemplary in
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many ways. she not only goes to school full time but works full time at a dry cleaner, part time for a wedding planner. she is supporting her brother and sister since her parents separated and her mom moved away. and here's the thing. she's got so much on her plate, sometimes she misses school. in fact, she apparently missed one day too many because she wound up going to jail for truancy. >> the judge down there says he wanted to set an example that if you have more than 10 absences from the public schools there within a six month period of time, then this is what happens to you. you go to jail for 24 hours and you pay $100 fine. here's the problem, some attorneys down there, defense attorneys are saying do you realize who you're putting this young woman with when you put her in jail? it's not just like going to a little cell by herself. she's being exposed to direct quote here "suspected murderers, drug addicts, and prostitutes." >> well, that's a good lesson for 11th grade honor student who
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has to work two jobs and probably sacrifice her entire social life. evidently she's overslept a few times, too, because she's working the night before. if you ever work in a dry cleaner, that is not easy. >> one of the hardest jobs in the world. the judge who gave her the 24-hour sentence which by the way is the minimum said this to a local station khou in houston. if you let one run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them? let them go, too? there's good news. a houston councilman is worried about her record and trying to get this criminal activity removed, expunged from her record, and also apparently an organization called louisiana children education alliance has raised for her $40,000 because clearly, she's working all these jobs because she's trying to support her family since her parents are out of the picture. >> coming up at 8:20, we're going to speak to somebody in charge of trying to raise the money but in the meantime, e-mail us or tweet us.
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let us know what you think about that. >> who's right? the judge or the student? meanwhile, here are your headlines. >> pedro hernandez's sister not keeping quiet about her brother's alleged involvement in the death of little etan patz. we're now learning hernandez went back to the scene of the crime several years later. the 51-year-old apparently returned to work at that same store in lower new york city where he says he strangled a 6-year-old 30 some years ago. right now, hernandez remains in a psychiatric hospital. his doctors have said his mental state, he's been charged with second-degree murder. >> republican senator marco rubio visiting guantanamo bay in cuba for the first time in a long time. he shot back when a reporter asked if the trip was just to boost his chances for v.p. pick with mitt romney. >> i'm a member of the intelligence committee meeting and there's a lot of places that i need to sxrift get up to speed. i've only been in the senate for a year and a half and there's a lot of things that i need to do
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to be up to speed with some of the colleagues i serve with. >> rubio who is cuban-american says he hopes one day to return to cuba when it is a free country. >> meanwhile, gretch, tell us about cows. >> go ahead. >> all right. dairy farmers getting real creative with new ways to keep their cows as productive as possible. some have installed waterbeds, are you kidding me? that could be a cow-tastrophe for them to rest on while others play classical music to make them mellow. animal chiropractors have been called to give older cows a tuneup. farmers say they're doing it to ensure maximum milk production. does it work? there's no scientific data to back up the claims. farmers say they see a difference. all right. meanwhile, gretch, you want to do the weather? >> absolutely not. well, let's see, lots of rain on the east coast. >> that's right. and it was -- we had quite a rumble of thunder moving through the new york city area last night. also, you can see some bright stuff in the last 12 hours over
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portions of oklahoma. they have had some rather strong storms and there could be some potential big storms out there later today. we'll keep an eye out. meanwhile, the current temperatures as you can see them, a lot of 40's and 50's across the northern half. 60's and 70's in the southern half. daytime highs, it's going to be hot. phoenix, hot spot on the map, 101. meantime, 97 in san antonio. same for dallas and el paso. 80 in new york city. it should be 69 today in chicago. >> brian is outside because he's going to get a little bit of a tuneup with one of the world's best golf instructors. hey. >> thank you very much, grefen. -- gretchen. butch harmon is possibly one of the best golf instructors right now and he handles guys like phil mickelson who is pretty good. he's excited not only to be here on live television but you got your d.v.d. out that will help americans around the country become better golfers called butch harmon, about golf, talking about golf, presented by titlist, two d.v.d.'s, 151
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chapters. 250 tips. butch, why now do it? >> this is -- i'm kind of at the end of my run here at my age, i'm going to start cutting back and i really wanted to have the opportunity to share with the golfing public all of the things that i've learned in my lifetime about being around the greatest golfers in the world. you know, i grew up in a golf family and my father won the master's in 1948. >> you were on the tour yourself. >> i was in the late 60's and early 70's, i played and i've had the experience of watching the best players in the world but i spend most of the time with the average player and they can't all come out to las vegas or one of my academies around the world to be with me. i wanted to leave them something. >> and the d.v.d.'s are fantastic. will you ever go back with tiger if he asked you? >> you know, i don't think so. i think tiger has moved on to where he should be and that's fine. >> ok. good. you got phil mickelson who i know is competing and probably would love that with you doing it. can we see some basic ts, butch, for example, for a golfer that got your d.v.d.'s. >> sure. let's talk about this.
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i'm going to have you hit a couple here, brian. in reality, we go through everything. we go through basic fundamentals from posture, ball position, alignme alignment, we go through -- the average golfer tends to slice all the time and if you slice, you come over the top and pull your left arm across. >> right. >> we talk about allowing the right shoulder to stay back, the left arm fold as you turn through. we talk about all specialty shots, short game shots. everything that will help your game, brian. >> all right. i don't think you can help my game. but i do have to get ready for -- for patriot golf day which is coming up in september and it's usually a stressful situation. >> let me see you take a grip here before you hit one. >> ok. >> i like your grip. >> you do? >> now, let me see your natural motion. you don't get to play a lot obviously. you don't get to practice a lot. that's ok. do it again. now, to simplify what you want to do what i would call being a beginner golfer like yourself is on the backswing, i want you to feel like your right arm folds
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as you turn going back on the true swing, you turn through and face the target and let your left arm fold. let me see you make a few swings, about what you feel is about 70% of your effort. >> that's fine. let's do that again. >> one more? >> butch, where do we get your d.v.d.'s? >> you can get it by going to and next month they'll be in dick's sporting goods and galaxy golf. >> and you will get better. >> look at that. you're already getting better. >> well done, pal. >> congratulations on everything. it's a thrill meeting you and a vietnam veteran and achieved everything anybody could want in their career and love hearing you on skye tv doing some color. get his d.v.d.'s, be a better golfer tomorrow. can't go wrong with them. back inside to you guys. >> and you know what, brian? he's also very polite by saying now, obviously, you don't play a lot, brian. >> i know. i got that. >> i'm going to get those for my dad for father's day. what a great idea. >> great father's day gift.
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>> all right, brian. come back inside in a minute after you perfect your golf swing. >> that could take a while. >> it could. >> president obama preparing to double down now on hope and change. >> people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them yes, it's still about hope. it is still about change. >> but how much change have we really seen over the past four years? we'll take a realistic look back. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease risk factors suh as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach a intestine problems, such as bleeding and cers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the eldey are at incrsed risk for stoch bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help rightway if you have swelng of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. >> people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them yes, it's still about hope.
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the still about change. >> but what sort of change have we really seen over the past four years of the obama administration? >> so, let's take a look back. >> it is time to stand for change! >> when you decide it's time for change to happen, guess what? change happens. change comes to america. there is, of course, another responsibility we have to our children. that's the responsibility to ensure that we do not pass on to them. >> pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term
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in office. >> all of us need to act more responsibly on the behalf of a better economic future. >> hope has been behind the most impossible changes this country has ever known. >> cannot wait for good jobs and living wages or pensions. >> jobs must be our number one focus. >> you know it's time to create the good paying jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced. >> instead of concentrating on job creation, president obama has concentrated on growing government. >> we are making progress. >> i don't put people like on food stamps, people become eligible to be on food stamps. >> if you want to create jobs, the quickest way to do it is provide more funding for food
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stamps. >> it's for congress to be a food stamp president. >> more people have been put on food stamps by barack obama than any president in american history. >> we are becoming a society that makes poverty more comfortable. >> now, we need to pass a rescue plan for the middle class. a plan that will provide every family some immediate relief to cope with rising food and gas prices. >> we don't have a silver bullet when it comes to gas prices. exxon is making $40 billion a year and we're making $3.50 for gas. >> we can't just grow our way to lower gas prices. >> the american people are demanding a solution to high gas prices. >> how quickly the price of gas is going up. >> if you complain about the price of gas, well, you definitely need a hybrid van, then. >> the price at the pump is painful but the agony doesn't end there. >> gasoline prices have gone up. food prices have gone up. >> they are raising prices. >> must be catching on.
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in these last few weeks, everybody is talking about change. i'm thinking about the americans who are losing jobs at home. >> hard working americans who deserve to know their efforts have resulted in a secure future including a -- >> this recession has not only led to the loss of jobs but also the loss of -- >> having too little in savings places in jeopardy so many dreams. >> so much of their hard earned savings have disappeared. >> 23 million people out of work. >> more americans are out of work. rising faster. >> already feeling -- >> actively looking for a job is at the lowest level in 30 years. >> will see those long gas lines of the 70's. >> and at the checkout line shows no sign of letting up. >> prices for some of your everyday items shooting through the roof. >> oil prices hit record highs. >> debt continues to grow. >> soaring interest payments on all this borrowing. >> that's the power of hope! that's the change we seek. that's the change you can stand
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for. >> a lot has happened in the last coming up on four years. >> yeah. chris white, great job putting that together. >> no kidding. he remembered everything everybody said over the last 3 1/2, four years. >> took a tremendous amount of research. good job, chris. he joked about wasting taxpayer money, $800 grand to be exact. now this g.s.a. executive back on the job already? >> and meet the surfer who rode this 78-foot wave into the world record books. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. no. no no no no no. mommy's here [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v.
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with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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survived! >> but for this wave master, it's not about the reward. it's the thrill of the risk. he's always been a daredevil. joining me right now, us right now, professional surfer and world record holder garrett mcnemara. where did you get the guts to go after a wave like that? >> i don't know. it just came natural after surfing so many big waves in hawaii. >> now, what's interesting is, ok, so you -- you broke the world record which had been 77 feet and that one that we're looking at right there, 78 feet. garrett, tell us what it's like when you're inside a wave that is as big as close to an eight story building. >> when you get inside it, it kind of time just stands still. it's like you're in your own little world. and you can actually feel your heart beating and it's the most amazing experience a surfer can have is getting inside the barrel, inside the wave. >> but garrett, as you do that, does the surfer like yourself
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ever think, what happens if i mistimed it? what happens if i get swallowed up? >> that's when you get the rush and it's survival time. if you don't make it, you're just fighting to survive. fighting for your life. >> what's interesting is there's all sorts of techniques and tools now that you guys, professional surfers can use to figure out when to catch a perfect wave like that when they're in portugal. tell us about the web sites and stuff like that. >> we got surf line and buoy weather and fm mach. three tools i use, the internet is so amazing, we can see the swells coming and we can take a plane and get in front of the swell and wait for it to come in. we know exactly how big it's going to be. when the biggest wave is going to hit and it's a science now. it's amazing with the internet. >> i'm just amazed, number one, that they knew exactly how big the wave was. how do you get the exact footage? it's not like baseball, you can use a tape measure. >> yeah, it's really funny. we really don't know exactly
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where the bottom is so it's all, you know, depends on who is measuring. >> yeah. just out of curiousity, if you ever fall off a 78-foot wave, what's that feel like? >> whoo! that can be -- that's a wild ride. you feel like a grain of sand in the ocean in a washing machine on spin cycle and it's just like you're -- there's no control. you just got to go with it. >> yeah, you also won worst wipeout so you're a man that is willing to put -- put caution to the wind. garrett mcnamara, thanks so much. congratulations on having the world record. >> thank you. thank you, steve and brian. >> that's awesome. very good. >> scary watching it. >> no kidding. >> the white house slams its predecessors for enhanced interrogation calling it unethical. considering the current administration is killing terrorists with drone strikes, does the moral argument still hold up? >> and she's a dedicated student working two jobs to support her brothers, her siblings but her straight a's
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weren't enough to save her from jail. an honor student sent to the slammer for missing school. we've got some of your outraged e-mails coming up here on "fox & friends." i have evidence that proves my dad's a space alien. he speaks a weird language. [ gargling ] [ gargling ] he drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him.
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and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. ♪ begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills.
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>> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, may 30th. hope you're going to have a fantastic day today. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of it with us. let me tell you what's happening right now. mitt romney wrapping up the g.o.p. nomination last night not wasting any time attacking president obama. at the same time. brian? >> all right, the money from these license plates supposed to help the victims of september 11th but guess where it's going? the broke state of california using it to pay its bills. >> really? >> thanks a lot. remember this guy, the g.s.a. official caught on camera bragging about wasting our money?
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>> the hotel would like to tell you about paying for the party held in the commissioner's suite last night. >> good news, folks. he's back at work. we're going to tell you his story and so much more, hour two for a wednesday "fox & friends" starts right now. >> good morning, folks. live from new york city. just a couple of weeks until fox fan night and we mentioned, you know, we've all thrown out the first pitch at the mets game. we asked you who you thought at fox should do it. one person said cavuto. one person said somebody else on air. but it's a landslide, people think joel fulton, our stage manager should throw out the first pitch. >> all right! >> actually, i had my 5-year-old son at the time do it. i've never -- >> all had our kids do it. >> i've never done it physically myself. did you see brian's golf swing? he was with butch harmon, the
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best golf coach arguably in the united states and the world. >> planet earth. >> and ernie els, famous golfer, sent -- >> probably watching right now. >> sent a text message to what kind of game brian had. >> we have a full screen. let's put it up. can we? >> congratulations, brian. >> here it is. let's evaluate. >> why are we bringing this back? >> because we can. >> did you shift your weight? >> i'm not sure what i did. but evidently, ernie els sees some holes in my game. can we say that? >> not threatened by kilmeade on the tou perhaps. >> i know that ernie els is a fantastic golfer and he's a great dad. he has an autistic son and he does a lot to try to fund research for that but now he has a new notch in his belt. humorous. >> right. >> after what he said about your golf game. >> he said, that guy has no bleeping game. >> ok. >> something like that. it's good to know that we've got at least one professional athlete watching right now. if there are any others, just e-mail us.
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>> if you're from the pga tour. >> arnold palmer, if you're watching. >> i'm going to play my shark card. greg norman, if you're watching, please rebutt ernie els. >> that's supposedly one of your best celebrity friends that you hang out with. >> and stallone. >> if you're watching, bring it on. i get a feeling that a lot of famous people are about to write even though they're not the right people. >> i'm not sure. >> we will continue to analyze brian's golf game throughout the morning. in the meantime, we have some news because late last night, mitt romney locking up the g.o.p. presidential nomination but he's finding himself in an awkward spot now. his high profile supporter donald trump is reviving an old controversy. joining us from washington, d.c. with all the details, steve centanni. good morning, steve. >> good morning, gretchen. after last night's win in texas mitt romney has the 1,144 delegates he'll need to be nominated at the g.o.p.'s
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convention in august. he got 69 of the texas vote giving himself 97 more delegates. he only needed 58 more to clinch the nomination. this milestone was overshadowed by that birther issue as romney appeared alongside donald trump in las vegas last night, his campaign put out a statement saying governor romney has said repeatedly that he believes president obama was born in the united states. the democrats can talk about donald trump all they want, mitt romney is going to talk about jobs and how we can get our economy moving again. meantime, donald trump thinks romney should embrace the birther issue. here he is on the phone last night with greta van susteren. >> i actually think it's a great issue for mitt romney but he might not think that way and we certainly can disagree on that. we don't even talk about that issue, by the way, we talk about jobs. we talk about lots of other things. >> romney is on the west coast all week attending fundraisers. he says he welcomes trump's support and that he doesn't agree with everything all his supporters say. but that isn't enough for the
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obama campaign who said in a statement, if mitt romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlottean like donald trump because he's concerned about lining his campaign's pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he would be? in the stay of -- state of law law reaffirming that obama was born in honolulu. >> thank you. >> they did raise a whole lot of money last night at that fundraiser and i don't think donald trump is going anywhere. i think they get along. mitt romney not wasting any time going after the president. they were all ready to go. no doubt about it. they know they're in las vegas and they know the president in some way, shape or form was taking shots at las vegas for two years and that was picked up and taped by the romney campaign. listen. >> you are not going to be able to give out these big bonuses until you pay taxpayers back. you can't get corporate jets. you can't go take a trip to las vegas or go down to the super
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bowl on the taxpayers' dime. there's got to be some accountability and some responsibility and that's something that i intend to impose as president of the united states. >> yeah, so there you've got the president of the united states a couple of years ago saying come on, don't go to las vegas. well, mitt romney sensing a political opportunity reminded folks in vegas of the president's comments. here he is yesterday. >> he's been a big disappointment, hasn't he? as a matter of fact, he came into the white house and told people not to bother to go out to las vegas for conventions or meetings. that sure as heck didn't help, did it? >> no! >> i'll tell you, if i become the next president of the united states, i remind people that i've come to las vegas, i love it here. come here to las vegas. >> we need to have presidents who understand how this economy works day to day. small business. middle-sized business. big business. i do. i want to use that experience to get us to work again. >> it wasn't the only time that president obama said that in
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2009. in 2010 during a town hall meeting, he warned about frivolous spending in vegas saying you don't blow a bunch of cash in vegas when you're trying to save for college. i think the underlying message there, a lot of people would agree with, you know, let's tighten the belt and not spend so much cash because the u.s. is broke. but when you talk about las vegas as being sort of the bad city where a lot of overspending happens, people in las vegas get upset. >> i know somebody who is a huge president obama supporter that said you're killing the hotel industry by continuing to tell people not to do anything. >> sure. >> so mitt romney is the guy on the republican side. he and president obama are neck and neck in the polls which is exactly where the last two republican standard bearers were as we headed toward the general election. >> let's talk about this story right now. do you remember that there was a pakistani doctor who was instrumental in the united states eventually finding usama bin laden in pakistan. he was working with the c.i.a., apparently. well, then he was jailed as a
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result of that and many people in america were like, are you kidding me? here's a guy who helped us. i thought we were friendly with pakistan. and now nobody was doing anything about getting him out of jail. >> so now we find out, too, through a fox reporter that he was tortured during that year, basically starved and interrogated. lost a lot of weight. and he has spent that time in solitary confinement. he hasn't been able to see sunlight. now, there has been a senate committee resolution that says we should cut off a million dollars for every year because he was given a 33-year sentence to prison for treason. we should cut off a million dollars for every year he's sentenced so for $33 million but now we're up -- even a different, a more extreme measure has been brought up through the senate. >> right. senator rand paul, what he wants to do is he wants -- let's go to the big board. what he wants to cut is $2.1 billion in aid to sppakist. that should get their attention over there. that's all the foreign aid
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through the 33-year sentence. also, part of this bill that he's suggesting, it would grant him citizenship, this doctor, if he is free. in the meantime, the administration reminds people, look, he was working against al-qaida, not pakistan. there's no reason for you to torture this guy, well not torture literally but put him in jail. >> he was tortured. >> i know. >> but they charge him with guilty of militancy. he was not charged with involvement with the american spy agency, he was charged because he was conspireing with an islamist militant commander so i don't know why they decided to do it that way. is that a cover so they can keep him in prison and keep the u.s. out of it? it may be part of the reason why he was convicted of that crime. >> yeah, but who is ever going to help the united states if, you know, you help the united states and next thing you know, you go away to prison for the rest of your life? that's going -- that's tough for business. >> right, 9 minutes after the top of the hour. you have more news. >> couple of headlines for you now. another long time incumbent has
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been shown the door by the voters. texas congressman sylvester reyes losing his democratic primary last night. he served in the house since 1997 and tried touting his endorsements from president obama and former president bill clinton. reyes is the sixth veteran member of congress to go down this year. reyes outspent his opponent, el paso city councilman o'rourke by nearly $200,000. o'rourke focused on reports that reyes allegedly used campaign funds to pay family members. now to another fox news alert. britain's supreme court ruling to deport wikileaks founder julian assange back to sweden to face sexual abuse charges there. assange had been fighting extradition for nearly two years now though he was not in court to hear the ruling this morning. he now has one last chance at an appeal with the european court of human rights in france. if that doesn't work, he'll be sent to sweden for questioning immediately and once there, he could face extradition to the united states. that's what his lawyers fear the most where he would then be
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prosecuted for releasing hundreds of thousands of classified documents on his wikileaks web site. if you felt a little shaking in california, it was real. a 4.0 earthquake striking off the coast of california overnight. the u.s. geological survey says it was centered about 30 miles southwest of malibu but people as far away as l.a. could feel the shaking. fortunately, no injuries or damages being reported. ironically the quake shook hours after a government report revealed that san diego's nuclear plant would likely lose power in an earthquake because of old and faulty equipment. he was caught on camera making jokes about the g.s.a. living it up at a lavish bash in vegas even though it cost taxpayers more than $800,000. remember this? >> the hotel would like to talk to you about paying for the party held in the commissioner's suite last night. >> we just learned that the g.s.a. deputy commissioner has quietly returned to his job. foley was referred to as a "platinum big leaguer." he was placed on leave last
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month. the g.s.a. employee who planned that vegas event, jeff neely is no longer with the agency after he had a little in the hot tub. >> was that suspension with pay again? >> it was with pay. >> he got a vacation in his job back. >> i'm confused, the president of the united states says don't go to las vegas in 2009 and next inning you know, g.s.a. goes to las vegas. what's that about? >> i think there's a problem. all right, 12 minutes after the hour. forget about using their bonuses to boost the city budget. millionaires are fleeing the city to avoid high taxes and -- >> president obama says he feels like a sister, she feels like a sister going but is close advisor valerie jarrett's influence forcing the president to make some ill advised decisions. somebody who should know coming up next. all multivitamins give me the basics.
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they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. crazy, right ? well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos.
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♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max.
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>> our next guest says one of president obama's most trusted advisors valerie jarrett has a mysterious hold over the president and the first lady and has influenced the president to make some unwise decision. here's how the president describes his relationship with senior advisor valerie jarrett. valerie is one of my oldest friends, over time i think our relationship evolved to the point where she's like a sibling to me. i trust her completely. so who is valerie jarrett? and why does she have such an influence on president obama? ed klein is the author of the soon to be "new york times" bestseller, the amateur, barack obama in the white house. good morning, nice to have you here. >> thank you. >> congratulations on the book. she has unique power for someone working inside the white house. >> we haven't seen anything like this in modern presidential history. one person who is the best friend of the first lady and the
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soul mate of the president who is the last person to leave the oval office after a meeting? goes upstairs to the family quarters, has dinner with the president. goes on vacation with them. has his ear. is de facto president of the united states. >> wow, that's big. let's talk about her resume. does she have the resume to have this job? >> no, she doesn't. what she does have is the trust of michelle obama, number one, whom she hired in chicago and the president who uses her as his gatekeeper. she keeps away people who might come in and in some way embarrass the president, try to get him to do things that he doesn't want to do. she is the radar for the president and the first lady. >> you refer to -- in your book, you talk about she has also been responsible for much of the incompetence and amateurism that have been the hallmarks of obama's time in office. let's talk about some of the
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things. the seal team 6 raid that killed usama bin laden. >> this is the one time that the president that i know of didn't take her advice. months, she argued that he should not send the seal team in there because she was afraid that if it didn't work, it would be a political disaster for him. he did not take her advice that one time and things worked out very nicely. >> that's the biggest thing of his administration. because they were going to hang their hat on health care but david axelrod said mr. president, don't do it and she said -- >> do it. go for broke. you came here to engineer social change in this country. i mean, she's a very, very liberal person. and she, for instance, urged him to put that mandate on church related orpgss that were required to give free health care for contraceptives. this was against the advice of joe biden, the vice president, against the advice of bill daley. bill daley brought cardinal
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dolan into the oval office to try to get the president to reverse himself. and when valerie jarrett heard that, she went to the president, blew her stack and bill daley was shortly ushered out. >> more powerful than the chief of staff. isn't that something? a lot of people were curious, why on earth would the president of the united states gone to copenhag copenhagen, she used to work for the mayor of chicago. is there a connection? >> big connection, because if the olympics had gone to chicago, there were billions of dollars that would have been spent on building olympic infrastructure. the president did take her advice, did go to copenhagen and, of course, as we know, he came back with egg on his face because we didn't get the olympics. >> real quickly, ed, before you go. the mainstream media has really ignored the amount of influence this woman from chicago has over this administration. >> it is quite amazing because she is really ground central,
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zero. ground zero in the white house and the administration has followed her advice and the mainstream media has largely ignored it. >> no kidding. read about her in the amateur barack obama in the white house. ed klein, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you so much. >> 20 minutes after the top of the hour. the money from these license plates supposed to help the victim of september the 11th so why is the broke state of california using the money from those plates to pay its bills? then next stop -- the curvy couch. indy 500 winner dario franchitti here live with brian. get your motor running. ♪
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the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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>> time now for your news by the numbers. first, $28.84. that's how much facebook stock is now worth. the new low is 24% below its initial public offering price. next, 3.4 million. that's how many people have left new york city and state because of high taxes. new data found that about 600,000 of them are heading south to florida where there's no state income tax and finally 14 million, that's how many people watched the new miniseries "hatfields and mccoys" making it the most watched show in cable history. it features kevin costner and bill paxton live on "fox & friends" this past friday. >> wow. >> very nice. >> good show. >> one for the record books. dario franchitti claiming his third indianapolis 500 win after
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last lap wheel to wheel with the japanese guy. here to talk about that fantastic finish and the thrill of winning the indy 500 is the winner himself, welcome, champ! welcome to the couch. how much sleep have you had? >> not much. not much. sunday night was two hours. i think it was seven hours monday night and last night was -- i got up at 3:00 in morning to get here. its been a bit of a whirlwind. >> tell us about this finish. there was a crash right before, right? >> absolutely. going into the last lap, sato was on the second and i was leading and he made a move to pass me into turn one and went down the inside of me and i saw him coming and they told me he was there. i gave him just enough room so he could get in there a little bit. and this -- >> why did you give him enough room? >> we were both going to crash. >> this was a good reason. >> i moved up a little bit more and luckily i did, he spun on his own. as he spun, he clipped the side of my car and i managed to keep control of it so he was -- he
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made a -- you know, it was an aggressive move but the last lap of the indy 500 but i was fine with all that. when i said i didn't give him enough room, that kind of upset me. that bothered me. not my fault that he couldn't make the pass stick. tony kanaan made that pass on me 10 laps before and had no problem at all. i gave him plenty of room. >> one of the things, the reason is why not come in second rather than risk not finishing at all? >> it's the indy 500. >> not for him. but for you. you would have done the same thing? >> i would have done the same thing. i had to do that quite a lot during the race. at one point, i started after 15 laps i was at last because i got spun in the pits. i had to make that move quite a bit. >> you said tony kanaan came after you. you're all friends when you're not racing. when you're racing, it's a different story. interesting thing is the top three finishers, you're all best friends and you were very close to dan wheldon who passed away last year in a crash, right? >> yeah. >> what was the meaning of you winning for his memory? >> well, the whole month was a celebration of dan really.
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and, you know, the fans really got into it. the teams, the drivers, we all wore the crazy white sunglasses that dan used to wear and it was that celebration of him so i was lucky i could dedicate it to him. and my friend, a 6-year-old son of my team manager died of cancer days after dan. so it was -- it was great to see the love and respect that the fans had for dan and just they all showed that and it was -- it was very touching. >> and his wife rode in the victory lap, right? >> yes, suzy came riding with ashley and i and we did that. i hope she'd get to see the tributes to her husband and she did. and that was -- it was nice that she wanted to do that. >> and for you, it's back to racing. right? >> different car, new race this weekend. >> yeah, absolutely. my teammate scott dixon was already testing the target car yesterday in milwaukee when i was down in texas doing media stuff and tonight, heading to dallas, i'm sorry detroit -- i don't know where i'm going now.
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we're racing in detroit this weekend so it's straight back to work. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> it's a real pleasure to have you on the couch. >> dario franchitti, congratulations, indy 500 winner now back to work. thanks so much. all right, coming up straight ahead at 28 minutes after the hour, who signed off on this? money meant for victims of september 11th attacks was used to close california's budget loopholes. excuse me, budget holes instead. it's outrageous. we'll give you the details. >> stu varney will be on that and emmy award winning actress jackie harry is here. remember here from the show "227"? >> baby, i can't move this thing another inch. >> not even for me? i'll be sad! >> ready for a lot more laughs. details on jackee's new show coming up next. there she is. [ female announcer ] fresh flavor gets a bold new twist
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with new chef's picks from lean cuisine. new dishes on the culinary cutting edge like mushroom mezzaluna ravioli and chile lime chicken. ♪ new chef's picks from lean cuisine. when i had my heart event. and i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i know if i take my bayer aspirin i have a better chance of living a healthy life.
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woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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>> you've heard the saying when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. there's no better example than what we're seeing right here today. alex's lemonade stand setting up shop on our plaza today. it's an organization that's raised more than $50 million to find a cure for childhood cancers. so if you're in the area, here
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in new york city, sixth avenue between 47th and 48th, drop on by for a cup. it's a great cause. we'll be out there at 8:50 a.m. and they'll be talking us about a big association they're having with toys r us. that's the mascot of toys r us, did you know that? >> geoffry. who knew that he could juggle? but he does. speaking of juggling, we told you a little while ago about an 11th grade high school student by the name of diane tran. she's an honor student. she juggles not only being a full-time student but a full-time employee at a dry cleaning place and she works part time for a wedding planner. >> exactly right. >> she supports her brother and sister. her parents separated and her mother moved away. because she does so much and she juggles so much in her life, she misses a lot of school and because of that, she was warned. don't miss any school. she overslept a couple of days because she's working two jobs and an honor student. the judge heard about this, brought her in front of him and
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basically sent her to jail. >> i think it's state law that if you miss -- if you have 10 absences over a six month period, then you have to legally go in front of the court and that was the judge there larry moriarty here with his quote after he put her in jail for 24 hours along apparently with murderers, prostitutes, etc. if you let one run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them? let them go, too? so his whole point was that he wanted to set her as an example for other kids but did this cross the line based on the circumstances? and is this yet another part of our p.c. culture where we just put these big laws and everyone is supposed to fit into the same box instead of looking at each individual case. >> she was taking spon responsibility. she went to the court to respond to the charges of truancy and the judge ordered her jailed on the spot. holly in new york e-mailed us and she said quite frankly, i think the judge is out of order! give him the hook.
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>> bill from florida says lady justice is blind. nobody said the old broad was fair? >> the judge made the correct decision in the school girl case. not sure -- >> that's what i call women, broads. melinda in florida, where did common sense go in our current times? two jobs, caregivers for siblings and maintaining honor student status, give the girl help, not jail. jail the judge for supreme idiocy. >> there is some good news. apparently a group has raised $70,000 now for diane tran and we'll be talking to the guy who is responsible for the fundraising efforts coming up next hour here on "fox & friends" for this wednesday. >> the former rutgers university student convicted on spying on his student with a web cam finally says he's sorry. in a statement released late yesterday, he said "my behavior and actions which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry, prejudice or desire to hurt, humiliate and embarrass anyone were nonetheless the wrong
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choices and decisions. i apologize to everyone affected." he will report to jail tomorrow and was sentenced to 30 days and could be released in 20 days because of good behavior. >> all right. people in northern italy on edge this morning over the past 10 days, there have been more than 800 aftershocks following two earthquakes that were deadly. hours ago, rescue crews removed another body bringing the death toll from yesterday's quake to 17. these news anchors were live on the air when the magnitude 5.8 quake hit early in the morning. the woman and another man went running for their lives as you're seeing. as the studio shook. gretch? >> talk about a major security meltdown in san diego. a parolee by passing airport security in hopes of getting a free flight. the man trying to return home to alaska went through an emergency door and snuck on to the tarmac. even more troubling, police say the parolee checked a bag on the tarmac before boarding. he was caught when flight attendants counted an extra person. one passenger says the t.s.a.
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has a lot of explaining to do. >> i go to the airport, i have to take off my shoes and then what happens? some guy goes in through an exit door. i think this is a major security breach. >> well, police deny this proves there was a gap in security because the man was caught eventually. good thing. well, let's head outside to steve and the weather forecast. >> all right. thanks very much, gretch. let's take a look at what's going on in the weather and we got some rain showers all the way from new england down through the mid atlantic. some heavy stuff as you can see right now off coastal south carolina, moving up to northern -- southern porpgss of northern california -- carolina. i'm a little rattled. i'm here with jackee, we'll talk to her in a second. also, some widely scattered showers across the central plain states and some heavy stuff today down in oklahoma. jackee, stop poking me. meanwhile, the current readings, if we could move the map, he'll show you the temperatures coast to coast as you can see, we've got some 40's and 50's up in the
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northern plains. 69 degrees right now in new york city. we've got 70's across much of, as you can see, portions of florida. the gulf coast, and texas and one more map is going to show you the daytime highs for this wednesday if we could move the map, john, we're trying, we're trying. there you go. it's going to be a hot one as you can see right there. 92 today in memphis. and atlanta. it's going to be 96 in dallas. all right. meanwhile, here's the woman who is poking me during the weathercast. thanks a lot. we're sitting here on the stoop because she did a lot of that when she was the big star on "227" you remember this? >> afternoon, ladies! if it isn't the stoop sisters. who are we ripping apart today? >> nobody worth mentioning. >> do you have anybody exciting in your family tree? >> yes, you're looking at it.
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>> i love that show. and jackee harry joins us live here on the stoop. good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? i've known you a long, long time. >> that's right. when i did a show across the street, you were the big star on the big show. >> oh, i love how you say that but you're only saying that because it's true. no, no. i love them. i love being back in new york. this is really something and being outside like this, so glamorous. >> yeah. >> sitting here on the stoop. a little pigeon sat right down there a minute ago. you've been busy, haven't you? >> a little busy. you got to stay busy these days. i have a whole lot of stuff coming up. thank god or whatever you want to say. i thank god. i know we're troopers and hustlers and you're a hustler, too. >> we have the news. it changes every day. "breer white" is available on d.v.d. it came out as a tv movie and it's so good you want people to see it at their houses. >> reginald bell johnson from "family matters" and it's really a good show. >> you want to see a clip?
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>> ok, if you must. >> we must. here she is. >> i was thinking about my entrance this morning and i was hoping we could play this. >> your entrance? >> yeah. you know, i thought since it's my first day, we should give them a little razzmatazz. >> look at here, wayne newton, if you really think i'm -- what is this? >> i'm sure that will be just fine. come along. i think it's probably time we start practicing. >> your gratefulness. >> that was great. >> i was laughing at, i got a new -- i'm really moving. i'm really hustling. >> i got products. >> it's my shirt, remember that? it's for you. >> thank you very much! >> have a d.v.d. >> fantastic. now, tell me a little bit about the first family. not the one that lives in the white house but the one that you're working with. >> the first family that i'm working with. well, we did the pilot. so you have to go at my twitter page to find out what i'm really
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doing because it's myself and kalita white and john witherspoon. it's about a first family. >> and you played the -- the president's sister? >> the president's sister-in-law against my character. sister-in-law, did you hear that? >> i did hear that. i read somewhere that, you know, the interviewer was very impressed with how beautiful and youthful you are. you said the secret to staying young, lotions, potions, voodoo and prayer. >> that's right. and a bit of -- i call it smoke and mirrors. and good lighting. good lighting, darling. >> we all need better lighting. all right. check out her new d.v.d. it's called "brother white" available everywhere. jackee harry from "227". >> thank you very much, ma'am. all right. gretch, back into you from the stoop! >> you got to laugh when you hear her laugh. she puts you in a good mood. >> hey, gretch! >> hi, jackee! >> thank you so much.
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>> has she been on vacation? >> she's been on vacation. she's back today. >> i like alisyn. i like her. you guys are great. >> you're a big fox news viewer. >> i watch your news every morning. i have to. i want to know. don't you want to know? i want to know! >> all right. >> i start at another one. i won't say and then i come to you last so i can see the wild bunch. i call you the wild bufrnch. >> all right, the wild bunch is moving on. >> coming up next on the rundown who signed off on this? money meant for victims of the september 11th attacks being used to close california's budget gap. stu varney on this explosive story next. so is dr. keith ablow around the corner. brian is taking notes and here to answer your question. dr. ablow that is.
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charmin ultra strong. >> this story will probably make you pretty angry. after the terror attacks on september 11th, california launched a program where the department of motor vehicles sold a special 9/11 memorial license plate. all the funds were supposed to go to either anti-terror programs or a scholarship program for the family members of californian 9/11 victims. instead, both governors jerry brown and arnold schwarzenegger used the funds to help plug up the california deficit. here to comment is the host of "varney & company" on the fox business network, stuart varney. how could they possibly do that? >> it's a mark of desperation. california is broke. they've got a $17 billion deficit and they're scrounging around to any available pool of cash including this one to sort of help them bail out that deficit.
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even though, look, they're $15 million that's been collected over the past 10 years. you pay $50 and you get the special license plate. $40 annual renewal fee. they bought in $15 million. a tiny amount of money actually. but more than half of it has been diverted away from anti-terror programs, away from scholarships for victims of survivors and towards paying down the debt. that's a mark of desperation, they'll raid any pool of cash that they can get their hands on. >> we're looking right now on the screen at some of the places that that money apparently went to instead of -- >> yeah, food and agriculture department, the emergency management agency, all crime fusion centers just used by the governors to pay down debt. >> is that legal? is it legal for them to be able to do that? >> yes, it is. the law stipulates that the governor may borrow in -- reach into that fund and borrow. of course, if you borrow, that means you got to pay back at some point. i've heard nothing about whether or not they pay back. >> here the thing. you say that california is in debt $17 billion. >> yes. >> so even if they took half of
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the $15 million, that's just a drop in the bucket. why even bother? >> total drop in the bucket but they are absolutely desperate to do this. they look for any source of cash no matter what the source, they'll look for it, they'll raid it. that's what they're doing. >> here's the statement from the california d.m.v., the response to "fox & friends." "everyone who applied for a 9/11 scholarship received from or has money in an account dedicated for that purpose. to ensure the greatest ktability the governor's office has conducted the office of i state audits to review the funding for all special license plate. the law allows governmenter in to borrow from the fund." now, as this story is coming to light thanks to the a.p. and the exclusive story on this, what must the people of california think about this? >> they'll be shocked and outraged. we've been paying this money in good faith thinking the money was going to a good cause. after all, the planes that were hijacked on 9/11, they were heading for california. there are a lot of victims and their survivors in california. these people ponied up the money
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thinking it was going to a good cause and it's been diverted simply to pay down the state's overwhelming debt. that's a disgrace. >> all right. we'll watch you at 9:20 a.m. on the fox business network. see you soon. are you an overprotective mother who won't let her kids play any sports? dr. keith ablow is here to tell you whether you are normal or nutso. first on this day in history in 1977, stevie wonder had the number one song with "sir duke." wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. crazy, right ?
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well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone, like the droid 4 now just $99.99. verizon. it's the travelocity spring into summer sale. you can save up to 50% on select hotels and vacation packages. so book your summer vacation now and save up to 50%. offer ends soon. book right now at
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ourselves from time to time. sometimes our lips even move and it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow every single week. joining us to answer your e-mails dr. keith ablow himself. he's a psychiatrist and he went to college for this. he knows a lot of stuff. we've gotten some e-mails. here we go. my wife has forbidden my son from playing football or ice hockey. she says it isn't worth the physical risk to him. he's 9. she's pretty controlling in many other ways, too. is she normal or nuts? >> look, i'm going to say nuts. why? she's pretty controlling in other ways, too. >> it's that last line. >> it's that last line, but listen, there are lots of risks in the world and the idea that mom is stepping forward saying no football, no hockey and she's controlling absorbs somebody else. be a man, be a dad, get some skates and lace him up and send your boy to the ice. >> you're a guy that would have his kids play both those sports? >> absolutely. my son loves hockey. there are lots of risks in the world, brian. and if his mom said no, no
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football, no hockey. i'd say look, you've got other issues. you try to control him all the time. this isn't going to happen. >> right. on the corner drinking scotch with his friends at 11. >> lots of risks. >> here. i'm paranoid about sending my wrong e-mails to the wrong person. example, i picture a derogatory message about my boss, sending a derogatory picture to my boss and co-workers and sending to my boss instead. these things plague my mind. what about this? sending an e-mail to your boss instead of everybody else about your boss. >> we're all caught in this technological world. that's a rational fear. >> rational. >> it's rational. because guess what? you can hit the wrong button and how many of us have had that experience? you're like oh, my god. now i got to get -- >> you have to write a really creative quick reply that says no, i meant -- never works. but the bottom line is think about this. reflect. are you really mad at the person you supposedly accidentally did that to? >> all right.
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good. welcome to this age. you are still normal. all right, let's go to the other e-mail. the third one. 30 years ago, i had a bad experience while learning how to pump gas. today, i can't bear to fill up my own car. i literally have gotten stranded on empty when i couldn't find a full service station. normal or nuts? >> you want to do -- you could do this -- nuts. it's nuts. this is classic obsessive compulsive behavior, post traumatic stress disorder. something happened. i can't imagine what the heck happened when this person was pumping gas bought they're traumatized so get therapy. there's this emdr where you move your eyes rapidly and you recount what happened. i'm transfixed. i want to know what happened at the gas station. but this person needs help. >> the other thing is, dr. keith, sometimes people make up phobias because they don't want to do things like pump gas. honey, you know me, i can't pump gas and make your wife go out and do it. could that be one of the situations? >> i haven't heard that. do you do that? >> no, i've never had someone actually share that with me. such a novel kind of story that i would wonder how it came to you.
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>> have you made things up in your life that -- >> i was told that when i did this segment, it wasn't going to be about me. can you stay out of this, steve? i'm just saying. >> right. >> i will -- i'm going to -- >> when we were coloring outside for the tease, you were coloring other people's drawings. >> is that a problem? >> you reached over and colored. a little unusual. right? i mean, i think -- >> this is not going well. >> i think stuart varney was perfectly able to color within the lines. >> i'm going to move out of my therapy session now. this is getting a little personal and true. >> you're controlling. >> log on to >> i am just saying. you're controlling. >> he will answer every week. are you going to charge me for this? >> brian. yeah. >> ok, fine. it looks like president obama -- wonder if we're covered is preparing to double down on hope & change. >> people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them, yes, it's still about hope. it is still about change. >> but how much change?
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have we really seen our -- seen much change over the past four years? take a realistic look and she's a dedicated student working two jobs to system her family. her straight a's weren't enough to save her. this honor student thrown in jail for skipping class to work. also, get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it?
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but that won't happen with the capital onventure card. you can book any aiine, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male annncer ] to get thelights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. [ girl ]rumental ]let? when i started playing soccer, i wasn't so good. [ barks ] so me and sadie started practicing. we practiced a lot. now i've got some moves! [ crowd cheering ] spin kick! whoo-hoo! [ giggling ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy with purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family.
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had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. listen to what mvp justin verlander thinks about it. i would say the source of most of my muscle pain would be in my shoulder. my trainer kevin rand recommended it to me. i was kind of skeptical at first, but i tested it out, and bayer advanced aspirin relieved my pain fast. feeling 100% every start, every fifth day, i think definitely gives me a little bit of an edge. but don't take his word for it. put bayer advanced aspirin to the test for yourself at [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. ♪ but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix.
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it's got what a plant needs. even plant food that feeds them for up to 6 months. you get bigger, more beautiful plants. guaranteed. who's got two green thumbs thanks to miracle-gro? uh, this g. boo everyone rows with micle-gro. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, may 30. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing part of your day with us today. it's official, mitt hits the magic number. 1144. the gop candidate now becoming the official gop nominee after his win in the lone star state. a recap of the primary moments away. >> steve: president obama ran on hope and change. remember? >> people ask you what this campaign is about, you tell them yes, it's still about hope. it is still about change. >> steve: that's good. so how much change have we really seen in the last four years? we're going to break down the facts. we've got some tape.
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>> brian: remember the gsa executive joking about going on a spending spree in vegas with taxpayer money? >> the hotel was would like to talk to you about paying for the party held in the commissioner's suite last night. >> brian: good news, folks. back on the job. he finally is done with the suspension with pay. talk about scared straight. "fox & friends" starts straight ahead. >> steve: so that guy is back at the gsa, but the guy who organized, the coordinator -- >> brian: he got fired. >> gretchen: we should ask dr. ablow if they're normal or nuts. >> brian: by flaunting their bad behavior? >> gretchen: by the way -- >> brian: and taping it? >> gretchen: why do you do that segment on stools over there when you have a psychiatrist in the house? don't you lay on the couch? >> brian: i should. i personally am not in therapy.
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>> gretchen: you were in that sect! >> brian: right. and it didn't go well. i watched bob newhart in the '70s and they all had a couch. >> steve: so we would have to have a carol to anticipate the phone. dr. keith told us if we wanted to use a coverage he would use $500 an hour. >> gretchen: we're on a budget here. so they used the stool. let's do headlines. mitt romney is thanking texas this. >> no he have crossed the finish line for the republican presidential nomination. he won the primary last night to make him party's official nominee against president obama coming up in the november election. romney now with 1183 delegates, over the top. the magic number was 1144. after winning the nomination, he reloosed a statement -- released a statement saying i am honored and humble to do have won enough delegates to become the presidential nominee. voters in texas giving a long-time democratic congressman the boot. congressman sylvester reyes
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tried touting his endorsements from president obama and bill clinton, but that didn't help him. he lost the democratic primary. the sixth veteran member of congress to go down this year. he's been in congress since 1997. he outspent his opponent, el paso city councian by nearly $200,000. his opponent focused on that reyes used money to pay his relatives. 4.0 earthquake strike off the coast of california overnight. it was centered about 30 miles southwest of malibu. folks in l.a. felt it. no injuries or damage being reported at this hour. the quake struck hours after a government report revealed san diego's nuclear plant would likely lose power in an earthquake because of old and faulty equipment. prince william talking babies now? >> i'm just very keen on family
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and both katherine and i are look forward to having family in the future. >> is there anything you want to tell me? >> you won't get anything out of me. >> gretchen: he was giving a rare interview in honor of the diamond jubilee celebrating his grandmother, queen elizabeth's, 60-year reign. the prince also opening up about his wedding day, admitting it was difficult not having his mother, princess diana, there. those are your headlines. that's an image i'll never forget because i was right outside of that church at westminster abbey when the two of them walked in and walked out a married couple. quite a scene. >> brian: now, do you think the younger one, is going to have a bigger party? >> gretchen: a bigger wedding? >> steve: he has a bigger party every friday night. >> brian: i sense 'cause he's more popular action i think when he gets married, when he finds miss right -- mrs. right perhaps, do you think it will be bigger? >> gretchen: the wedding? >> brian: yeah. >> gretchen: it will be different. let's leave it at that. >> steve: he won't be next in line for the throne. >> brian: a lot has to happen
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for him to be king. >> steve: we don't have a king, we have a president. the white house now defending its use of drone attacks on a so-called kill list despite once slamming its predecessor, george w. bush, for his tactics to take out terrorists. doug is here. >> good morning. republican credit okays say the president's kill list have reported terrorists targets and the justification for it is remarkably similar to the bush administration's justification for carrying out terrorist attacks, a policy that then candidate obama deeply criticized. now even some administration allies say this new policy has crossed a line. >> unlawful because it allows the president to kill people, including u.s. citizens far from any theater of war. it is dangerous because it sets a precedent. >> administration officials say there is nothing in international law that prevents the use of these remotely
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piloted vehicles for the purpose of national self-defense. >> president obama made clear from the start to his advisors and to the world that we were going to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the american people from harm. >> some critics say these kinds of attacks through the use of drones eliminates a very complex problem of detention and trial, either civilian or military for terrorist defendants because after a successful drone strike, there is no defendant left. there is unforeseen controversial consequences to these kind of drone strikes. the "washington post" today quotes, the many brother of two drone strike victims of saying the attacks are making people say we believe that al-qaeda is on the right side. there have been over 20 drone strikes in southern yemen this year alone carried out by the obama administration. steve? >> steve: all right. doug mckelway, thank you very much. so how ironic, the winner of the nobel peace prize has a kill list. >> brian: they gave it to him in
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his first year, before he had the list. >> gretchen: let's talk a little bit about what the campaign is using for president obama when he was a detainee, hope and change. he have says he's still using that slogan in the way in which he hopes to get four more years. so we decided to take a look back at the president's first term to see if it lived up to hope and change. >> we're going to change the world. it is time to stand for change. when you decide it's time for change to happen, guess what? change happens. change comes to america. there is, of course, another responsibility we have to our
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children. that's the responsibility to insure that we do not pass on to them debt they can not pay. we pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office. all of us need to act responsibly. hope has been behind the most improbable changes the country has ever made. we can not wait for good jobs. we know it's time to create the good paying job, jobs that pay well. >> instead of concentrating on job creation president obama concentrated onagraing government. -- on growing government. >> we are making progress. people become eligible for food stamps. >> if we want to create jobs,
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the quickest way to do it is to provide more funding. >> more people have been put on food stamps by barak obama than any president in american history. >> we are becoming a society that makes poverty more comfortable. >> now we need to pass a rescue plan for the middle class. a plan that will provide every family some immediate relief to cope with rising food and gas price. >> exxon is making $40 billion a year and we're paying 3.50 for gas. we can't grow our way to lower gas prices. >> the american people are demanding a solution. >> you've seen how quickly the price of gas went up. if you complain about the price of gas, you definitely need a hybrid van. >> the price at the pump, but
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the agony doesn't end there. >> gasoline prices have gone up, food prices have gone up. >> soaring shipping cost, food suppliers and manufacturers are raising prices. >> they must be catching on because in the last few weeks, everyone is talking about change. i'm talking about the americans losing jobs. hard work americans who deserve to know that their efforts deserve a secure future. this recession has not only led to the loss of jobs. having too little in savings places in jeopardy so many dreams. how much of their hard earned savings disappeared? 53 million people are out of work. >> more americans are out of work. >> inflation rising faster. >> actively look for a job is at the lowest level in 30 years. >> i fear we'll see the long gas lines of the '70s. >> some your everyday items shooting through the roof. >> nation debt continues to
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grow. >> soaring interest payments. >> slim picking. >> that's the power of hope. that's the change we seek. that's the change you can stand for. >> steve: all right. hats off to chris white, the producers on our team. he's been in a small editing room for the last couple of weeks, really the last four years. if you would like to see it again, it should be on our web site in an hour or two. >> gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," who needs batteries on the battlefield? now marine also have so set up solar panels instead so the military can go green now? we'll explain. >> steve: let's hope it's a sunny day. >> brian: let's hope it's a hot spot. politics at its finest. check out what happens when pensions come up for debate. >> these damn bills of congress all the damn time! come out of the here in the last last -- >> brian: what got that republican representative so fired up? he's talking to "fox & friends"
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join our global cheer. >> steve: we got the latest on the etan patz case. the sister of the key suspect in the case, pedro hernandez, now says her brother returned to work at the same bodega at the soho where he strangled pats? 1979 and claims it was a well-known family secret that her brother had confessed to a new jersey catholic group that he killed a little boy in the 1980s. but the priest or the parishioners never told the police. so can they now be heading to jail for staying silent? fox news legal analyst peter
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johnson, jr. weighs in. >> we're doing this 'cause a lot of people have said listen, if i'm told about a murder, if someone confesses to me in church or a synagogue or just in the private conversation that we're having publicly now, do i have an obligation to go to the police and if i don't go to the police, can i be charged somehow as an accessory or accomplice after the fact? am i guilty of something? the truth is no. >> steve: no? >> no. there is a federal crime called misprison of felony, which means that you are actively concealing a crime that you have actual knowledge of. but no one says that they saw this man kill beautiful little etan patz and so he's saying, well, there was a confession made in the church. >> steve: a guy said something in a group. >> after and somehow -- that imposes collective responsibility. now, it may impose collective moral responsibility, a moral
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obligation, a spiritual obligation to act in a way that's consistent with justice and to say yes, this person said he did this. i'm not a priest and i'm not a spouse. two exceptions under the law. generally, i'm talking generally. if you're a priest and you hear someone's confession or a minister action there is a seal of confession. it's confidential. it's privileged. you can't be forced to testify about it. in most states, your spouse can't testify against you. if you tell your spouse something, whether it's a murder or some other crime. >> steve: this is really interesting because, i mean, if you were put in that situation. let's go back, you were in that room in camden, new jersey, and you hear this guy say, i killed a little boy about that time, are you going to call the cops? >> first of all, i'm a lawyer, so am i there as his attorney? if i'm not there as his attorney, yes, i do call the police because i'm not a priest and i'm not there to -- >> steve: you're not a family member. >> and i want to make sure that
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never again, if it's true, that he does it. now, if it's not true and he's mentally ill, there is a lot of things with bipolar, if it's not true, then that man needs the treatment that he should be getting. but if, in fact, he's done this in the past, studies show that he will do it again. so the issue becomes was there other child abuse? are there other assaults? are there other homicides if, in fact, he's guilty? so it's something that's morally repugnant to us, the notion that -- to hold something in your heart and not tell the truth, but unfortunately, civilization has got example after example of us not speaking out when we should be speaking out in terms of justice. in the united states, legally are you responsible? not really. some states you have an obligation, like ohio, texas, others, to report a death. new laws on the books about making sure that you report a child's death or a child's disappearance.
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>> steve: that's really interesting. so if you see it with your own two eyes, that's one thing. if you hear somebody talk about it, completely different. >> it's a tough issue. do the right thing. >> steve: do the right thing. absolutely. all right. peter johnson, jr., thank you. all right. straight ahead, she's a straight a student holding down two jobs and supporting her brother and sister, but skipping class got her a one-way ticket to jail. that's right. a judge sentenced this honor student to hard time. but our next guest is promising to change her fortune for the better. and the receipt you were never supposed to see. when facebook billionaire mark zuckerberg wines and dines, he doesn't leave a tip. are you kidding me ♪ [ instrumental ]
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>> steve: 23 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. day eight now of deliberations in the john edwards corruption trial and it looks like jurors are getting ancy. they asked the judge yesterday to go home early. that was on friday that is. he said yes, but not before scolding them for allegedly talking about the case outside the jury room. that's a no-no. and it's bike co-founder mark zuckerberg a billionaire cheap skate? he apparently couldn't spare any change to tip his waiter on the honeymoon in rome. the meal was 32 euro. according to the waiter, that's
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exactly what he left. another restaurant in perusia made a similar claim the night before. oh, boy. the tale of the tip. brian? gretch? >> brian: the social network stories get out. she works harder than most people, twice her age. diane tran is a high school honor student taking advance placement courses and college classes. she's also working two jobs to support her brother and sister. that didn't impress the judge who threw her in jail for missing school. she went to jail last wednesday. >> gretchen: after hearing her story, our next group decided to take action. charlie davis, good morning to you, mr. davis. >> hey, good morning. thanks for having me on. >> gretchen: you're not even living in houston, texas r this story originates from. why does a guy from louisiana care about diane tran? >> well, i think not just one guy in louisiana cares, but the people all over the country.
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at last count, we had donations from 47 states and i think 13 foreign countries. so i think this story of a student who is obviously working so hard and is being taken advantage of by the system, just touches your heart strings. it affects a loft people. >> brian: what's your impression of this judge that put this woman, young girl in jail rather than understand -- fully understand her circumstances to her missing some days of school? >> you know, i think that this is bigger than one judge. i think diane, unfortunately, is at the center of two failed systems in america, our public education system and our judicial system. i think she is maybe a textbook example of what's wrong with some of these systems. >> gretchen: when i was arguing earlier in the show was that this is part of our pc society right now, where you just put one statement or rule and apply it to everyone and then give no exceptions. is that the way you see it? >> exactly. we saw this article in the
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drudge report friday afternoon and we immediately went to work on this project. i think that when you read about diane's story, an honor student doing the best she can under really trying circumstances. so systems aren't designed to take care of individuals. in our country we have individuals and families and churches and communities. not these large systems who try to have cookie cutter programs that end up hurting the people they try to help. >> brian: she does snot want to do interviews. she wants to focus on her finals. here is what the judge said in handing out this verdict. if you let one run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them? let them go, too? he didn't even take the time, in my estimation, to understand the circumstances. but so far you've raised 50,000 in three days and 70,000 one day later as the total. what would you like to see her too with the money? >> our goal is to give it to diane. we hope she'll use it for her and her family, maybe for her college education. the money comes with no strings
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attached from attorneys from all over the country and all over the world who want to extend a hand and remind her that just because one judge and a few systems in texas are doing the wrong thing, that the rest of the world is on her side. >> gretchen: we understand she did spend the night in jail last week and that she was okay as a result of it. the other interesting thing is that maybe she's not going to be able to get this expunged from her record, which no amount of fundraising will do that. >> you're right. that's been a hot topic on our facebook help diane tran site. what's on her record when she files for a job or college degree? does she have to check yes that she's been in prison. that's the next project. >> brian: all right. we got to go. but tell us where to donate? >> you got it. help diane >> gretchen: we'll link it to "fox & friends" as well. thanks for bringing us this story. >> thane. >> brian: coming up, are you risking retirement to put your kid through college? dave ramsey says don't do it.
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in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to beer collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with r drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> the hotel would like to talk to you about paying for the party held in the commissioner's suite last night. [ laughter ] >> steve: the fellow who was screen right in that, holding the microphone, david foley, he, that guy right there, a gsa employee, who was suspended after it was revealed that the gsa spent all that dough on that big wing ding out in las vegas. well, the good news is he is back on the job. by the way, there he is testifying in front of congress where he does a mea culpa. >> gretchen: he was introduced as the platinum big leaguer. >> brian: whatever that is. platinum card, i think. >> gretchen: not sure what that means, but i'm not sure it's good in light of what happened since. now he's back on the job. is that another example of what's wrong with some of these government agencies that many
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people argue have a history of wasting taxpayer dollars? it's just part of the culture. >> steve: right. >> brian: a couple people lost their job, how could you not lose your job and you get suspended with pay? >> steve: apparently this guy was not involved in the planning and apparently was not involved in any financial or contracting irregulates. so he's been investigated, he's in the clear. he's back working for the gsa. >> brian: all right. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. speak of wasting money, parents, listen up. you may want to think twice before signing on the dotted line for your children's student loans as they become college students because that debt could end up being a life long financial ball and chain around your neck. for more, i'm going to toss to one of my colleagues. >> steve: are you talking about us or dave ramsey who joins us live right now from nashville? >> brian: i want to talk both of you. you're sharing my spotlight. dave, welcome. >> good morning. >> brian: hey, first off, we got e-mails, what should we do with that very first question?
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what should we do about cosign ago student loan? >> never cosign a student loan. never cosign anything. you'll get yourself into a mess if you do because -- the best thing to do is just completely avoid the whole student loan debauchle and that is very possible. >> gretchen: how? >> the first step is to take time to research the cost of what you're -- what the cost of college is. when i did that with our kids going to college, i was amazed at the differences in what some of the universities cost and what some of the state schools cost or some of the community colleges cost. when you find that out, you're going to find there is a whole lot of difference between a mercedes and a chevy and i'm kind of a chevy guy. >> steve: you say make sure the kids apply for scholarships and even though it's college, and it's supposed to be hitting the books, try to get a job because that is good on so many levels. >> well, it's good for your character, it's good for your resume. and research actually shows that students who work 20 hours a
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week have a higher gpa because they manage their time and they stay out of trouble. >> gretchen: that's a great point. people probably didn't know that one. let's take a look at some of the e-mail. one from john in chicago issues we took out some parent loans for our son to go to college. now he's starting to pay back some of his own student loans. is it okay for to us ask him to pay off the parent loans, too? >> well, morally that would have to do with your deal with your kid. if your deal with your kid going in was we'll sign them, but you got to pay them later, then yeah, that's okay. certainly you're on the hook legally. you're a parent plus loan, the parent is the only one on the hook. so if i were in your shoes, i'd probable leggett busy and get them paid as fast as i possibly could because you're on the hook, if he doesn't pay them, you'll get stuck. if he promised you he was going to pay them, try to get him to pay them. >> brian: ben from dallas and says this: when my kids finish college, i'll be in my late 40s. i think i can finance their college with loans since i'll
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have more than 20 years to keep work and pay them off. what do you think? >> i think that's stupid. really bad idea. 57% of the people are all that graduate from college to start. that means there is a 43% chance you're going to be paying payments on something this kid didn't finish. no. he does his own deal. you don't need to be planning to pay fort rest of your life. that's silly. >> steve: it's all about responsibility. gene writes from florida, i can't afford to take out loans for my daughter's education and i'm discouraging her from taking out loans. but all of her friends will be attending very nice schools this fall and my daughter is staying local. do you think she'll start out behind in the working world? okay. >> no, i think she'll start out ahead because she comes from a family that has common sense. up think you've done a great job of parenting and you've actually led your child in some very good decision making. i think that's the number one cause of student loan debauchle.
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parents aren't stepping up and making and forcing and even controlling their child's decisions and allowing an 18-year-old to make life long harmful decisions. >> steve: good point. so many people try to keep up with the joneses when it comes to college. they've got that fancy school on the back of their mini van. we got to keep up. dave, good advice today. >> thanks. thanks for having me. >> gretchen: see you next week. a fox news alert. after nearly two years of legal wrangling, the supreme court ruled to dethwart did -- deport julian assange back to swede ton face sexual abuse charges. for more on that, we go to greg live in our london bureau. this has ramifications because doesn't this mean now that sweden may allow him to be extradited to the united states as well? >> that is a possibility. we've got to get this guy over to sweden. that's still a mixed picture. yes, britain's highest court did rule that he should face the music for those 2010 sex charges. but also it said that the defense lawyer high school yet
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another two weeks to challenge that ruling, a move that one expert said was highly unusual. here is the wrinkle. it's based on a technicality. extradition order was issued by a swedish prosecutor. the self-defense has argued it should have come from a swedish judge. the supreme court here disagreed. but based that ruling on a treaty that it didn't mention an earlier hearing. of course, all this wrangling does have nothing to do with what got the folks in the states very upset about assange, the fact that he released hundreds of thousands of classified state department and pentagon documents via his wikileaks web site and washington has said that that has endangered staffers and sources on the ground and as you know, gretch, would very much like to look at the possibility of bringing assange over to washington. but again, assange will be back in court in two weeks and despite these new questions, the supreme court ruling should stand, but yet he has another
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body to go to to appeal that once again. so it's not over yet. all the while, he remains in a pretty comfortable house arrest situation here and get this, he's hosting a talk show on russian state tv, friendly to the kremlin. >> steve: why not? >> brian: they're still trying to replace oprah over there. >> gretchen: okay. greg live in london, thanks very much. the rest of your headlines for wednesday, republican senator marco rubio visiting guantanamo bay for the very first time. the florida senator is frequently mentioned as one of the likely vp picks for gop presidential nominee mitt romney. but he shot back when a reporter asked if the trip was just to boost his chances. >> i'm a member of the intelligence committee. there is a lot of place i still need to visit and get up to speed. i've only been in the senate for a year and a halfment there's a lot of things i need to do to be up to speed with some of my colleagues that i serve with. >> gretchen: rubio, who is cuban american, also says he hopes one day to return to cuba when it is a free country.
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brian? >> brian: former rutgers university student convicted of spying on his roommate with a web cam says he's sorry. in a statement released yesterday, he said, my behavior and actions which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry or desire to hurt, new million crate, were the jiang decisions. i apologize to everyone affected. ravi will report to jail tomorrow. he was sentenced to 30 days, but could be released in 20 on good behavior. >> steve: meanwhile, who needs batteries on the battlefield? soon certain u.s. marines will be carrying backpacks with solar panels inside in order to power their equipment. part of the military's wider planning to green and conserve energy. when southerns aren't using the solar panel, they can be rolled up, placed inside a tube and attached to their packs. military engineers say these will be lighter than traditional batteries, but obviously they require the weather to cooperate. got to be a sunshiny day, or at
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least pretty bright. >> brian: 2 1/2 hours ago, tiger woods' former coach and current coach, greatest golf coach ever, butch harmon, stopped by on the show to talk about how his new dvd's are going to transform your game and offer some tips to me. he says he already sees my swing improving. >> are you kidding me? >> let me see your natural motion. you don't get to play a lot, obviously. that was good. all right. that's fine. let's do that again. >> brian: one more? >> yeah. >> brian: how do we get your dvd's? >> >> brian: you will get better? >> look at that, you're already getting better. >> brian: we know ernie else was watching that. >> steve: hell of a guy. >> brian: he is not supportive of where my game is right now. >> steve: he's a realist. >> gretchen: i love it! >> brian: nancy lopez has -- you
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found the e-mail and -- >> gretchen: i think it's the real nancy lopez. she said maybe if you actually had on golf clothes. she also asked, does he putt? >> brian: no. that's good. so greg norman also used to work with butch harmon. we're efforting him to find out what he thinks. maybe we'll take lessons all summer long for free. it's a good idea i just came up with that joe gave me. we also would like to thank new york gold center and titlest golf center for the use of all the golf equipment. they provided it all this morning. we appreciate it. >> steve: that's right. you didn't break it. >> brian: they're not sure. we know they want it back. >> steve: let's take a look at extreme weather alert out of ken condition. across louisville submerged in water. thunderstorms tore through the area, causing flash flooding, as you can see. a handful of buildings at the university of louisville's main campus damaged. emergency crews also having to
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rescue the mother of democratic congressman john yarmouth. her car had you been merged after a crash. she escaped with only minor injuries. that's a quick look at your fox travelcast for this wet wednesday in some spots. >> gretchen: here is something you've never seen before. >> these damn bills that come out here all the damn time! come out here at the last -- i got to try to figure out how to vote for my people! >> gretchen: what got that republican so fired up? he's talking to "fox & friends". >> brian: cory booker's communication director calls it quits. could it be because he called out the president? oh, oh almost tastes like one of jack's cereals.
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fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. in every way, shape, and form. it's my dream vehicle. on a day to day basis, i am not using gas. my round trip is approximately 40 miles to work. head on home, stop at the grocery store, whatever else that i need to do -- still don't have to use gas. i'm never at the gas station unless i want some coffee. it's the best thing ever. as a matter of fact, i'm taking my savings so that i can go to hawaii. ♪
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cartel arrested after a series of attacks. this is the first time an american owned company has been targeted in mexico's ongoing and widespread drug war down in mexico. cory booker's communications director, ann torres, resigning. this just days after cory booker himself called out president obama for the attack ads against mitt romney. she denies she's leaving because of the comments, but admits she and booker don't see eye to eye on the communications department. >> gretchen: let's talk about something that's happening in the state of illinois right now. they have a big problem. first of all, they're broke. they have a big problem with how to pay for a lot of pensions and medicare and medicaid and such things in their state. so there was a huge fight that erupted on the illinois house floor. watch what happens when state representative mike boss, a republican, loses his cool over pensions and wondering what the heck he would tell the voters in
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his district about having to increase their taxes. >> these damn bills that come out of here all the damn time! come out here at the last -- i got to try to figure out how to vote for my people! i'm ashamed -- you should be! you should be ashamed of yourselves! we give power to one person! >> brian: he's referring to the speaker. the speaker handed a huge bill to him right before he had that rant. he joined us earlier in the very first block of our show to explain what happened, give us some perspective. here is the state representative. >> that bill was brought before us yesterday morning, 290 pages long. it was brought before us at 7:40 with the meeting starting at 8:00 o'clock. in it is some pension reforms we might have agreed to, but once again, their way of handling it is shifts it to the local taxpayers instead of taking care of the real issue, which is
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trying to reform the system so that it works sensibly and also meets its obligations. >> steve: the guy in the white shirt acts like he sees that all the time. but they're up against it because -- there is the guy in the white shirt right there. the people behind him, rapt attention. they are up against it. the deadline for passing this pension reform in illinois where they've got $85 million worth of unfunded mandates is tomorrow. >> brian: 11 minutes before the top of the hour. >> gretchen: curing cancer for one lemonade at a time. for more than a decade, one lemonade stand has been raising awareness. they're throwing a party on our plaza. >> brian: let's talk to bill hemmer. >> sent you an e-mail at 2:00 o'clock in the morning. party was still going on. >> brian: you love to dance. >> good morning. new developments now in the case of a groom gone missing at sea.
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his name is george smith. we're going to talk to his family. the romneys at home, part 1 of my interview with answer and mitt romney. how little americans know about him. who is he? what do he and his wife want america to know about them? you'll see them at home. martha and i will see you in about ten minutes on "america's newsroom." hope you can be here with us for that [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy...
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>> gretchen: what better way to say the legacy lives on. i'm outside for the lemonade stand with liz scott who is the mom of alex, who at eight years old, died of childhood cancer. but she was the one who was the inspiration for the picture we see right there. alex's let me be aid stand. now $50 million later, you're here today carrying on her memory. right?
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>> we are so lucky as parents that we had alex as our child, but also that she left this amazing legacy, an inspiration and we've been able to help so many other kids. >> gretchen: today we're out here sharing lemonade with so many folks who joined us on the plaza because you're announcing a great partnership for the second year in a row with toys r us, what's going to be happening there? >> june has always been a big month because that's when alex started her stand. last year toys r us joined us. this year they're back. people can donate in all the toys r us or babies are us. they learn how it hold a stand on the web site and it's about getting people involved in a cause that's really important. >> gretchen: $50 million that you raised, i think a lot of people would be interested in knowing who has that helped and where have we gotten with childhood cancer prevention? >> we have been able to fund over 220 research projects at 70 different institutions. the money is really having an
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impact. it's an important time to fund pediatric cancer. they can do things more and the funding has not been there. so we've been able to step in and fill those gaps and we're really seeing huge progress, there was a big news story last week about one of the studies that found a miracle cure for a relapse for lymphoma. every day they're making progress. it's really exciting to see. >> gretchen: did you ever think when you were battling the cancer with your own child that this many years later you would be standing here still carrying on her legacy in such a fantastic way? >> no. i mean, i feel lucky. obviously still very sad at times and i wish the progress had been made 15 years ago so things would have been different for alex. but you can't always have what you want, exactly what you want in life and i feel very lucky to have what i do have, which is this incredible inspiration of alex. to be able to see how it's impacted other children is really more than i could hope for. >> gretchen: we will, of course,
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link the toys r us information and how you can start your own lemonade stand on our web site. any special tips about how you make the best lemonade? >> well, no. like alex said, it doesn't matter. it's always good if it's alex's lemonade. it should be cold, though. >> gretchen: i'm going to try some. this is delicious. liz, thanks so much. >> thanks. >> gretchen: more "fox & friends" right when we come back the 3.6-liter v6 engine of the jeep grand cherokee has a best-in-class driving range of more than 550 miles per tank. so you can catch morning tee time in monterey and the afternoon meeting in los angeles,
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all without running out of gas. just make sure you don't run out of gas. ♪ want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000.
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and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ well hello,n greater rewards. welcome to summer road trip, huh? yep uhuh let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. cause we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice! no. laugh...awe hmm nice huh ooh, yeah book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at
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♪ ♪ ♪ and we dream up ♪ all the best stuff ♪ and we can make it up ♪ cause we were made for each other ♪ ♪ for always ♪ oh oh ♪ for always >> gretchen: we're back with liz scott and talk being alex's lemonade stands and so many people have benefited from all the money that you raised. they say thank you to you today. >> i say thank you to them.
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>> steve: we're going to talk to her in the after the show show. log on now. tomorrow we've got michelle malkin. gog join us live. plus melania trump. and brian, they're not puppets. they're muppets. >> brian: you can follow us on twitter. you know our address. bill: we shall do that! morning, everybody! big show this morning. governor mitt romney that much closer to clenching the deal, set to become the presidential nominee after a primary in texas. now at 1183 delegates, over the number needed at 1444, team romney focusing on voters, saying it's time for the dreamers to start dreaming yet again. big wednesday morning, i'm bill hemmer and welcome to "america's newsroom". martha: good morning. that's big news. we talked about things going until june, perhaps a protested convention. all tha
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