tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News June 3, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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will finally lead to arrests. >> judge jeanine: hello and welcome to justice scalia. i'm judge jeanine pirro. police are are searching for a white four door chevrolet z 71 pickup truck last seen traveling in the same direction as the missing co-ed. her battered bike was found in a swamp miles from where she was last scene. joining us is char her sister and tom her father by skype. i'm going to go to you, lieutenant vaughn. can you tell us what the latest is with the case? >> judge, we are it continuing our investigation as we have for the last two weeks since her disappearance. we are following up on all of the temperatures that are coming in. evidence that is being provided to us and we are taking -- putting forth the evangelicals fort until we fend out where mickey is.
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>> judge jeanine: what about the white pickup truck. why are you looking for it and what would it tell you? >> it was seen in the last video that we have of mickey riding her bicycle in lafayette. it was in the general area when mickey passed and we are hoping to talk to the occupants of the truck and maybe they can lead us into the direction we need to go as to what possibly happened to her. maybe interview them to maybe they were involved in her disappearance. right now it is a vehicle of interest for us to talk and obtain clues from the occupants of the car. >> it is 2:00 in the morning. mickey is bicycling from a friend's house. a friend. a boyfriend. it party? who was this persons who house she left 12346789. >> it was a male trend that she -- they were strictly friends. they have been friends for several years. they had gone out earlier that evening. they he went and watched a band at a local nightclub. when they left the nightclub they went by and picked up food
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and returned to his house where they ate the food and she simply left his house riding her bike as she normally would at that time. >> four miles from her friend's house to her own house. do we know how far she got? >> the video footage we have is probably about a mile into her route. >> judge jeanine: we don't know if she got past the one mile point? >> no, ma'am. that is all we have at this point to work with. >> and her bike has been found. where was the bike found? >> the bike was found in a interstate off an intertate that run ares through louisiana. it was found dumped in the river. it is a really secluded area that is used pry pearl primariy people that hunt. >> how far was it from where she was last scene?
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>> probably about 27 to 28 miles from where she was last seen is where the bike was discovered. >> and charlie and tom, mickey's sister and dad, thank you for being with us. i know that you obviously are very anxious and hoping to find mickey but let me ask you, would it be unusual for mickey to ride her bike home at 2:00 in the morning? >> no, she rode her bike a lot of times and it wasn't unusual. she had done it before. >> judge jeanine: and do you as her father and her sister did she ever complain about any one following her or stalking her or any one that didn't like her or gave her ha problem? >> she never said anything about any one bothering her ever. >> judge jeanine: and do you know this person whose house she left? >> he is standing right next to me right now. >> judge jeanine: and he is a friend? >> he is one of her best friends. she has known him for several
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years. >> judge jeanine: okay. and what did you think when you heard her bike was found 27 miles from her friend's house? >> i don't think that was too unusual. i mean it was down i-10. would take them 25 minutes to get there. >> judge jeanine: if her home was is four miles from her friend's house it is 2:00 in the morning why would her bike be 27 miles away from her friends who house? >> somebody had it and dumped it out there. we learned about the beak a week or 8 days afterwards. by that time just like everybody else, we have been through so many theories in our mind of what could have happened. if the bike wasn't found right there i'm not -- i'm just glad they found it. >> judge jeanine: what can the public do to help, tom? >> yoyou know, the community of lay fayette has been unbelievable. we have had so many volunteers to search. i guess mainly the public can
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just keep their eye out if she is still out there some where, you know, a blonde 5'1"-5'2", it hundred pound girl report it to somebody. >> charlie, your sister, do you have any sense of whether she might have gone some where or what do you think happened? >> i know she didn't just go missing. i'm pretty sure someone took her and i really feel like she is okay so we just really feed to find her. >> judge jeanine: we hope and pray that she is okay. lieutenant burris and charlie and tom our thoughts where you and keep in touch with us and remember if you have information call the lafayette police department 337-291-8633. it should be up on the screen. anyway now to the panel, dr. michael baden, forensic pathologist and fox news contributor.
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candace long former fbi profiler. and pat bross nintend brosnay. dr. baden i'm going to start with you. they find the bicycle and say that it is damaged in a swamp. what would forensics tell you. >> the percent woul first woule bicycle struck by a vehicle. there would be glass or paint fragments on the bicycle even though it was dumped in the water. as the dad says what probably would have happened would be that whoever damaged the bike, whoever took the bike probably put it in a vehicle and dumped it in a remote area. now, what has happened to the young lady we don't know. but she was not dumped with the bike. >> judge jeanine: and what is interesting, candace, former fbi proh profiler, is that the
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police say that the bicycle was not just pushed over a bridge that it was under the bridge. that it was placed there it appears. that she didn't drive off the road or bicycle off the road. but what you look for as a profiler here? >> one of the things that occurred to me in this as the gentleman you were talking to said the bicycle was found in an area that was pretty much only known to hunters and fishermen. somebody familiar with tharyia. that is where i would certainly think the person is. >> judge jeanine: that is where you would start. >> and what occurs to me if somebody hit her was it intentional so they could get her or was it perhaps an accident? come on, 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning a lot of people driving around, they are intoxicated. somebody might have accidentally hit her and take her bicycle and her to get rid
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of them. >> judge jeanine: pat brosnan. if they did accidentally hit her are and we hope that is not the case. where is she? they found the bicycle. >> it is impossible to speculate with any degree of presix where she could be. could be any war from lafayette street anywhere on the planet. the truck is key. the truck is key. i do not believe for one second and i certainly don't think you believe that she bicycled, rode 27 miles. >> and we all agree with that. i mean it is 2:00 in the morning. she is riding her bike home. >> and we also know he that a sedan even a four door sedan you generally can't get the schwinn into the vehicle and close the doors. not going to happen. >> what you are seaing is that possibly? >> a pickup truck. z 71. big. not the one that was covered that was excluded, the other one. the one they are looking for. the one that ties together with
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a prior incident. >> judge jeanine: we don't have forensics back yet. so if there was an accident as candace suggests then there would be maybe white paint or something on the back of the bicycle where it is damaged. >> that's right. and the paint can tell the crime lab exactly which vehicle it came from and -- to determine whether it is any of the vehicles that was on the video. and i think the video of the truck -- of the cars and vehicles there shows the ubiquity of all new technology at 3:00 in the morning they are able to get video in some remote area. >> judge jeanine: but that is only if that is the last area that she was seen. she could have passed another 50 pickup trucks on her way home. >> we don't know. she didn't make it home. how long would it take. they think one mile out of her four miles home. how long would it have taken her to go three more miles.
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there aren't a lot of people out driving around at 3:00 in the morning in lafayette, louisiana. generally speaking one and one does equal two. what is the most important thing that will eventually need to be determined is intent. was it an accident or something more sinister. >> let's hope she is found and found safe. all of you stick around with us. and next, new evidence in a cold case may finally bring justice to the family of a girl murdered in 1984. later, have you seen this man? he is on the fbi's most wanted list for the production and possession of child pornography. authorities warn he has a way of engraceiating himself with children. stay with us. today, we stand against the tyranny of single mile credirds. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] or too long, people have settled for single miles.
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15-year-old tracy wrights murdered in 1948 her body found dumped in a drainage ditch. her body was never found but two letters surfaced identifying two people that may be linked. thank you so much for being with us this evening. -- 1984. >> as i mom, i can't imagine anything more hourible than hearing that your daughter has been found murdered. thank you. veer nita, your family received a letter after the murder. can you tell us the circumstances. >> my h husband passed in 2007 and i was still clearing things out of the garage and in one of the piles of things i came across is a letter addressed to us. and when i opened it, that is when i found some things that a lady evidently had written and i called at that time the newport newses police department and that is how i
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got in touch with the detective. >> judge jeanine: detective, tracie was murdered in 1984. in 2011 the department reopened the case. >> once we found out about the letter that mrs. white found i went over and retrieved the letter from her and pulled out the old case which i was lucky to find. >> judge jeanine: right, back then they werent really computerizend and you have to find the old file. >> and they are very thick and fragile at this time as well. >> judge jeanine: what did the letter say, vernita, can you tell us? >> it was written from a mother expressing concern and passing on information she had heard her children talking about and in it she named three young boys who they thought had -- could have information or be involved with tracie's death. >> judge jeanine: it was another are mother who wrote and your husband had the letter
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in his belongings. why didn't he show it to you? >> i'm not sure that he didn't show it in the gift of everything that was going on would codependency have foregotten it. remembered it. i believe that i would have seen it i would have done the same thing i did. >> judge jeanine: it you know the three boys mentioned in the letter? >> they were not familiar to me at all. >> would tracee have known them? >> they alluded to the fact that they were friends or acquaintances of friends. may be someone she knew from school or dealing with the kids in the neighborhood. >> judge jeanine: did you suspect any one at the time? >> no. >> judge jeanine: when your daughter disappeared there wasn't any one who came to mind? >> no. she had disappeared before but never for that length of time when she left there in october of 2000. >> judge jeanine: detective there was is another letter that apai apparently also namee three boys that was sent to a church earlier. what can you tell us about that? >> this was approximately a
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year after she disappeared and the letter also named three people so at the time when i got the letter from miss white i had the evidence technician pull the original letter and the same three names were named in them. >> judge jeanine: and that was years later when vernita's letter is years after the first letter came in. >> it was one year after the first letter. the first letter about a year after her death. >> judge jeanine: it would have been in '85. >> correct. >> judge jeanine: and the second later was dated. >> in '86. post marked in '86. >> and then you found it many, many years later. the three individuals, were they investigated. >> the initial investigation was very thorough and i believe they were only able to track down two of the three and they did look into them. they acknowledged knowing his other but to not knowing tracie. >> judge jeanine: what is interesting is that the police at that time said they had quote a strong suspect. what was that about? why didn't they follow up on
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that. he remember reading articles that said they were cho escaped to resolving it. >> they did follow up on the initial suspect and had him in for numerous interviews. at some point he was arrested for another crime and was serving time up in northern virginia and they he even traveled up there attempting to keep interviewing him. at some point the investigation ended for unknown reasons. >> judge jeanine: but now we are on it now, detectives, right? >> correct. >> judge jeanine: is there anything that you need reit now as we go forward with this case as you continue to investigate it? >> yes, to me, it is obvious that two different people wrote the letters. one was hand written and appeared to be from a male, appeared to be a juvenile and the second one appears to be he an older female and it was type written, correct. it is clear from the writing styles it is two different people. we have to look and say maybe there is a suspect trying to throw us off but i would like to find the authors of the two
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letters and speak to them in person and then find out where they got their information from. >> judge jeanine: vernita and detective strauss thanks so much. if you have information on this case contact the newport newses police. >> judge jeanine: and can these letters solve the murder of tracee white? our panel up next. later, are george smith's killers reported bragging about throwing him overboard while he was on his honeymoon cruise? and is the are you you shan mob involved? -- and is the russian mob involved?
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forensic pathologist dr. michael baden and psychiatrist john sharp and candace delong and a former nypd homicide detective join us. all right, dr. beaden. tracie's body is found in a ditch two months later. they say it is in advanced stage of decomposition. what can be done forensically now? >> advanced stage still has tissues on the remain and exhuming the body with new technologies it might be possible to determine the cause of death which was not determined at that time which is the kind of thing done in old cold cases and we could find a lot in 28 years. >> and might be able to get dna on a decomposed body from the killer? >> we have been able -- if there is a sexual assault we have been able to find dried semen on bodies that were older
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than that. >> judge jeanine: so we could pull that out, candace delong, former fbi profiler, pull that out and put it in the dna check list. who would be writing a letter. you are a profiler. that identifies or says there are three juveniles who i believe are responsible for your daughter's death? who writes that kind of letter? >> sometimes it turn out it is one of the killers and in this particular letter he talks about he found god and he needs to do the right thing. the first time i read it i thought maybe he is one of or the killers. there may not be three. it might just be one. but it did occur to me because the beginning of the way he wrote the letter. i found god years ago, i need to get right with god and that is why i'm telling you these three guys killed your daughter. >> judge jeanine: what is interesting is that the police believe one letter was written by a man on one was written by
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a woman. do you have any information on that or take on that. >> i believe the one that i have been speaking of was definitely written by a man and the second one does seem to be written by a woman, the mother. >> judge jeanine: interesting. the detective just said that only two of the three boys were interviewed. that they had an investigation of a strong suspect but it ended for unknown reasons. what is your take? >> it is addressing i was just puzzling over that myself because i thought maybe i missed something. he said he haded a strong case. said he had one of the three suspects locked up on an unrelated charge in virginia someone that he could horse trait with to get the third name which they he never identified even a third straight ahead and interviewed them to the extent they brought him into the game and then i still don't -- it stopped for unknown reasons. i don't understand it. >> judge jeanine: problemat eck. and dr. sharp, tracie's mom
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said that she was a frequent runaway and on two occasions she returned home with injuries that had been inflicted on her. what does this tell you about tracee? >> judge, being a runaway is not a diagnosis, it is a sign. it is a sign of something. likely she was running away from something. she could have been running to some place but she kept varying that up and didn't have any one single destination. my concern is there could have been harm she was trying to get away from something perhaps in the home. >> judge jeanine: and then candace you are nodding your head. why? >> happen be well adjusted kids do not become frequent runaways. the term run away is exactly what dr. sharp said running away from something. i was a clinical psychiatric nurse years ago and a i worked with a lot of teens who had been molested. they can't talk about appear rently this girl's therapist said she would never tell her why she was running away.
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that is a teenager keeping a secret. >> judge jeanine: why the injuries. she comes back with injuries? >> and who do the injuries section months ago? >> she could be in a pattern of self-injurious behavior? if she was getting harmed at home she could be at risk? >> punishing herself. >> or choosing people who for some reason. >> he know it was inflicted on her but do you really believe that the mom knew about the letter that the husband -- i don't think he told her for whatever reason. >> there you have it if she is running away from someone and dad may not have shown mom that letter, which is consistent with the percent letter saying that three boys were involved. what conclusion do you draw? >> well,. >> very odd. >> i think it is important to find out what the investigation from the prior injuries showed and if they identified a male, another person who had done that, he would be a prime suspect.
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baden andeanine: dr. beaden dr. sharp thank you. and candace and pat you going to stay with us. coming up, new video in the case of a groom who disappeared on his honeymoon cruise. it may finally lead to answers and arrests. later he is one of the fbi's most wanted how you can help track down this former school cacher and alleged kyle
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the news warrants. now, back to the judge. >> judge jeanine: george smith was a happy young newly wed on his honeymoon cruise in 2005 when mysteriously disappeared at sea, never to be heard from again. his death still unexplained. but that may soon change. take a look. >> the disappearance of newly wed george smith captivates the country in 2005. leaving us wondering what
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happened? >> we have no closure. we have no answers. george has not surfaced so we have no body to bury and we have no grave to pray at. >> on the evening of july 4, george and his new bride jennifer partied, drinking into the wee hours of the morning. details aren't clear but it appears the couple separate. she passing out in a hallway. he continuing to party with others. it is the last time george smith is ever seen. >> the maintenance crew which discovered her asleep on the floor contacted security. security came to the scene and contacted our medical facility and upon trying to awaken h her or revive her she woke up. >> the next day, smith cannot be found. and suspicion turns to the new bride jennifer. >> when we first located mrs. smith in the spa having a treatment her are first reaction was that she wasn't really concerned about george
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not being able to be located. she stated in fact he had on one occasion spent the entire night in another cab bin. >> later the captain tells the bride the grim news. blooded stains found on a railing and life boat canopy below her room and that her husband most likely went overboard. the cruise line comes under scrutiny for their action and inaction. >> the familia family has beeny traumatized by the death of their son and in royal caribbean's actions in their attempts to sweep this accident under the carpet and portray it in a false light in order to protect their image. >> there was a cover up that started immediately when the crime went down and continued right through now. >> george's wife received a million dollars settlement from royal caribbean cruise lines and then remarries. now, new evidence cell phone
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video of three russian men bragging about smith's death within hours much his disappearance. one allegedly making an incriminating statement. will this bring closure and answers to it george smith's family? >> we are hopeful that this videotape in conjunction with all of the other evidence we accumulated up to this point will finally lead to arrests. >> kristin was editor of greenwich magazine and has been covering the story. thanks for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> based upon what i read you have done the most in depth retton analysis of this particular case and having done so do you believe there should have been an arrest? >> i absolutely think there should have been arrest. when you look at all of the circumstances surrounding this case you have pass key records. eyewitnesses. ear witnesses. a detailed timeline of what was heard going on in the room. you have all of this stuff. that in and of itself one would think might be enough and then we come to find there is a videotape throughout. the fbi has had it now for 7
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years. it has one of the men making a very incriminating statement. >> judge jeanine: and before we go to what is actually on that camcorder tape or whatever it is. i mean if the fbi has had this for years how come we are just hearing about this tape? >> that is exactly my question as well. and i do not know. when we found out that we could go ahead and go with the story that the tape existed we certainly decided to grab it and run with it and get it out there. >> judge jeanine: what is and who is on that tape? >> who is on the tape are the three russians as they have been known. what is on the tape is them passing around the camcorder mocking george smith's death making very crude comments and just wh who are unemployment. horrible. the peak of it all one of them stands up and says we sent that guy paragliding without a parachute. >> meaning george smith the
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groom. >> and if they had this, this came as a result of the ship giving it to it the fbi? >> correct. well, how it came out and how i have come to know about it was when the cruiseship settled with the smith family they turned over which was a big key keys is they turned over all of the case files all of the evidence and this tape was in that. >> they say there was a retired deputy police chief who documents the time when the three russians and the one american boy bring george back to the suite and they describe -- he describes what going on in the room? >> he describes -- yes, as you said he is a former police chief. can't have a better ear witness than that to start documenting times. he hears arguing on the balcony and things being thrown about. he promptly called security. security hadn't arrived at that point. he then hears the words good night, good night very loudly as though someone is trying to
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usher people out and looks out and sees not four men leaving which all four said they went to the room and left together. only three left. one was in the room. >> these ships have cameras surveillance. >> correct. >> wouldn't they identify the three men who were leaving that room at -- it is after 4:00 in the morning at this point? >> exactly. i have asked the same question and apparently there is not video right at that point in that hallway. i find it hard to believe. >> judge jeanine: and then they describe a horrific thud. >> and then the thud that was heard, yes. >> what do they say the next morning? >> the next morning one of the passengers on the ship went out to take cell phone pictures as the boat was docking in it turkey and find this horrible blood spot which come to see that there is actually a footprint in there and one can only imagine that was george treeing to stand up and schlepping. >> all right. thanks so much where foing with us this evening. a great article, by the way.
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>> judge jeanine: and next, our panel on george smith's disappearance. can the new video finally lead to arrests? and later, the fbi needs your help tracking down eric justin toth one of their most wanted criminals. stay with us. ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids. wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit.
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ends with honeymooner george smith disappearing. former prosecutor joey jackson and defense attorney keith sullivan and detective pat with us again along with candace delong the fbi profiler. candace, i will start with you. you have the fbi surveillance video. they have that. they have the forensic. they have the statements. we now find out they have had this video of these three russians passing around the camcorder and they basically saying george took a paraglide without a parachute. what does that tell you. >> i'm actually shocked and appalled they had the videotape for such a long time. i can only think it was overlooked. i have a feeling although there hasn't been an' rest for 7 years this new information coming to light might he push things over. >> judge jeanine: it is scary, pat, we have 10 million americans every year who go on
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a cruise ship so the ships of floating crime scenes. how do you solve these kinds of cases? if the fbi has surveillance tape from the vote and they do the forensics or they have got the forensics and the interviews and they have got the ship's tapes and then a camcorder of three guys saying he took a paraglide without a parachute. are americans safe on these boats? >> the first part of the question is the problem is in my view is too many cooks politics the broth. there is whatever water it is floating in they have jurisdiction. whoever's flag is flying on o the mast of the boat has jurisdiction and on top of it is the fbi. >> judge jeanine: the fbi had all of the evidence that is not an excuse. >> in my view and i'm very familiar with this casey anthony. without thicase. >> the tape just nails it and makes it a cupcake and makes it a cake walk. without the tape you had eyewitnesses and ear wet
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necessaries. a deputy chief. a detailed timeline. four went in. three left. footprint over the railing. >> judge jeanine: where he was trying to get up. >> an easy one. >> judge jeanine: i'm going go back to you before the lawyers. you were involved in this right from the beginning and what is this, the blood on the canopy tell you? get that up on the screen. >> well, as the day that this particular photograph was released to the public i'm looking at that and i'm -- i saw more than a blood stain. what he saw was it it' peered o me at the bottom the far south end of the tv set a possibly a head and then there is arms and legs but the huge pool of blood high up by where i think the head would be. my conclusion is that george was possibly stabbed. there is blood in his stateroom. that he was stabbed in the heart. he ends up being thrown overboard. they think they are throwing him into the water. he lands on this canopy and he
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bleeds out and that is the large pool of blood where i think is the center of this blood stain that looks like a human torso to me. >> judge jeanine: what is interesting, guys, and i got to go to the lawyers now. this is a honeymoon couple and there is talk on the ship that they have the wedding money with them and that night they are in the casino and she says to george i don't have money and he says go back to the room. i understand and i spoke to the family's attorney george's parents attorney just a little while ago he said that george had a very expensive watch on. lawyers hit it. joey? >> if you look at that and the fact that they talked about almost $50,000 of cash perhaps being in the room you might have motivation as to why it is done. the tape alone obviously is incriminating. match that with the deputy's remarks. as to good night, good night. then the three of them leaving the room. i think it gives the tape
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corroboration and makes it further damaging. the fbi if they are sitting on a tape like this you have to wonder why. >> is this competent? >> this isn't competent evidence at all and there is no reason the fbi should go forward at this time. there is no statute of limitations. speak to the witnesses as time goes on. you never know who they are going to speak to in the course of time. the videotape itself is the day after they are interrogated by the turkish police. >> the day. >> the afternoon of. >> but hours later. they could be parodying making careless is disgraceful jokes. >> how do they know? >> there is noise in the room. they are rifling through the room looking for the money. that is the noise that the chief hears next door. thanks so much for being with us this evening. >> judge jeanine: up next, eric justin toth is one of the most
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wanted criminals in america. how can you help track him down? >> he is not a murderer. he is not an international terrorist but the risk that he poses is to unsuspecting families and most importantly to unsuspecting children causes us great concern because of his social abilities and his proclivities towards children he must be caught.
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joins us. ron, thank you for being with us. >> my pleasure to be with you tonight. >> judge jeanine: they say that he is replacing osama bin laden on the fbi's top ten most wanted list. why is that? >> well, he is not so much a replacement for bin laden. bin laden about's removal from our society created an opening on the top ten list and this is a list really of ten largely coequals so we are not ranking them. nor do we compare one to the other. there was just an opening on the list and innominatedde and. >> judge jeanine: why is he on the top ten? >> we think he is a clear and present danger to our society. he has been charged here in d.c. and in the state of maryland with abusing children. with the production and poe he section of child pornography and this is a reflex of what is
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going on in our society now. >> judge jeanine: i have prosecuted my share of ped pedofhiles.edspee >> there are nuances to the law. but it wasn't one child. it was many. this h is a person who is a risk to our sew seity and certainly to our -- society and certainly to our kids. >> judge jeanine: clearly any one who is a pedophile is. he is 63-point. weighs 155-pounds. he should be easily identifiable? >> he isn't a master of disguises but he is if you look at his wanted flyer and i encourage you and your viewers to do that you can see aumber of different looks. part of the challenge of toth i think is is his ability to
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blend in. he does have a number of different looks. is some commonness to his appearance. i think that makes it a challenge for us is his ability to blend into our society. >> judge jeanine: and clearly if you look at the screen there are a lot of different looks. you believe he has been in wisconsin and illinois and indiana and arizona and minnesota. how are you able to track him? it has been five, six years? >> that is our purpose for being with you tonight. our difficulty is we haven't been able to track him since we last saw him in phoenix in 2009. so initially we knew who this person was. we had a strong understanding of what he did here in the d.c. area. and then he fled across country to indiana. minneapolisp to mississippi where he left a car in the airport up there and was seen a year later down in phoenix, arizona.
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and not since. >> judge jeanine: both you and i know, agent hosko, a pedophile will seek other children and i agree with you, i agree that he belongs on the ten most the wanted list. but he was is a teacher and you describe him as an expert in social engineering. he i believe will insinuate himself with other children. why did you say he is an expert in social engineering? >> well, toth is educated. he has a bachelor's degree from purdue. he went to cornell. he has been in an education environment. he has shown the ability to get next to parents and befriend parents. many here in d.c. were shocked and surprised and resistant to the notion that he could have done what he has been accused of doing. he has shown the ability to have a mature relationship with adults and get close to kids. >> judge jeanine: any one with
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watch. >> you buying gasoline this weekend? there is a lot you think you know that isn't so. >> where do we get most of oil from? >> i think arabian countries, assault and battery. >> india. >> afghanistan? >> john: is america going to run out of gasoline? >> yes. >> why does the pricing up and down. are the oil speculators manipulating it. >> they want to make money. >> john: bill o'reilly agrees. >> i go to gulf, shell, i go to getty, it the same price. >> john: we made a bet about that. >> i won a thousand dollars on that. >> john: this woman knows
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