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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 9, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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let's welcome our guests. i am here with political commentator, columnist and author, anne call colter. and looking his first "red eye" appearance in eight years is jonathon honig. and bill schulz blessedly out of the country and filling in for him is an acclaimed star of stage and screen. catch him staring opposite jude law in an adeptation of "battleship." and sitting next to me is comedian and serial killer tom shalou. there is no pinch. thereth is weird. i was ready to throw to pinch, and i am glad i don't have to. it was a breakfast club with the dude from "scrubs." on thursday president obama held a special early morning get together at the beverly hills hotel with 25 young hollywood stars. it included zach brass, diana agron 1k3* 40-year-old jarod
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leto. but while it was a campaign event, part of the young america effort in which he urged the well ebbed actors to get involved. many took to twit tore reach out to young america posting pics with the prez. they wrote, quote, maybe the only man i truly get nervous around. and ian somerholder said, 21st, century, lets de this. i just talk to this man about green energy and being a young american. wow. and today's to do list, maker of the free world laughed. speaking of cozy relationships.
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>> that really was like obama and celebs, but not clear which is which. with this meeting has obama locked up the rich, hot young actor vote, or does romney have a chance? >> i think obama is spending time trying to shore up the air heads from hollywood, but we do now know why clinton is so mad at him. >> because he is -- >> he is meeting with the hot chicks in hollywood. i especially like the tweets, i am not sure i came across them fully, but they clearly have no interest in seeing the president. they were more interested in seeing one another. >> it is tough when you are the celebrity president and when you are around other celebrities, you are just another celebrity. >> is this an effective campaign tactic 1234 get young hollywood stars to tweet about him? that's what they want. >> maybe that's all he is going on now. anne was right. i was reading the tweet, the girl from "one tree hill" said it is interesting to see ian and brian greenberg 1k3*
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potis. and to the girl from "glee" if we ever meet, you will be nervous. >> that would be funny, except i believe him. victor, welcome to the show. >> thank you. jay as a veteran of stage and screen, can you explain how people like jarod leto and jack brass are considered young hollywood? >> it is strange because for me doing the pan -- pantomimie version i am around a lot of great legends. we know zach is closing in on 60. he is our generation's 8 dree general -- adrian zumed. did you know the anna gram is barf and [bleep]. >> we have a half time thing and we will have him look at that. >> i am here only in america for a short while, but there are two naive groups in the world. it is the young and the hollywood. when you put those two
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together it is exponentially stupid. >> you get an obama voter. >> when you say young hollywood and put it together it is like a recess peanut -- reseese peanut butter cup. >> that might be a problem. >> exponentially? >> exponentially. >> that's my problem with accents. >> i am in character right now. >> that's not you. it is me. when you are not watching porn, you are a huge fan of the foes, "glee,"" one tree hill," "oth,"" vampire diaries" or "vd." >> or just "v." >> does it break your heart to see the young stars you love and do filthy things to when you are alone support obama? >> i expect jessica alba, but i am a big supporter of the latino for obama campaign. i didn't know there was a
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young americans for obama. why not just do something with the song "young americans." work on that and get everyone on board. he is a musical president. it is not going to motivate me because zach is on board. >> tom, should people who watch "glee" even be allowed to vote this. >> no. i am upset about this. all of the anti-bullying stuff with "glee," they are trying to stamp out bullying, and bullying made me what i am today. i am on television, and do you know how hard it is to get on television. the whole reason i am on tv is so bullies can watch me. >> tom, it is fairly easy to get on tv, believe me. >> andy, can i make a point that president obama could get my vote in win re-election if he punches grin -- brian greenberg in the face. >> i am not sure who brian greenberg is. >> that show that was like -- >> on hbo? >> what is the -- it was
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entourage of the east coast. they were trying to make jeans or something. >> "how to make it in america." >> that's right. >> i thought "girls" was the entourage of the east coast. does this open obama up to more that he is an elitist or too cozy with celebs. the people who care about stuff like this don't care about that. >> it is not a good image. not with the way the economy s. he is happening out with the bill bows in hollywood? bimbos in hollywood. now he has to not only shore up his vote in wisconsin. >> i think there is a debase meant of the office itself. the president meant something. it was special to have a moment of his time. now it is bonn john joe vee has the inside. i don't care if they donate. anybody can donate. >> you would be thrilled though if romney paid a visit to the set of part 2 atlas
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thrug. >> no, honestly i think he would have better things to do. i will be an extra in that movie. >> i heard that. >> before we go, victor my guess is zach brass talked owe bay you you -- obama's ear off. >> i am less concerned with zach than the future of jarod leto. i look at america and i see him as your lawrence owe -- oli olivieat. >> who are these people? i don't know ron jeremy or something or hall hal linden. >> hal linden three years younger than jarod leto. from brass to brash. should we catch everything dispatch 1234* after scott walker won wisconsin's
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re-election they gave threats. it said kill scott walker, kill scott walker, kill scott walker, kill scott walker, kill scott walker. i wonder what he meant by that. did the cops contact him? no one knows. and he has since deleted his account. somebody by the handle sex symbol said he did go to police after tweeting, quote, somebody needs an abe lincoln look. he says what does it take to be counted? what about threats to the aquarium? >> that i would take seriously. >> back in the 1980s you
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lived in ohio and you murdered people in saunas. i believe you were known as the cleavland steamer. >> do you think anyone threatening him president whatted to hurt him, or was it they were not serious? >> they were not serious. threats on twitter never pan out. i have a list of the most -- >> is that what you tell the police? >> have i a list of the most product sigh -- productive serial killers in history and none the twitter accounts. >> and by the way, you just gave away -- you were so under the radar with everything you do. you find it disgusting that people would go on twitter and make a death threat. >> i think keep that private. >> i think they would. >> people who talk about using violence as a means to solve their own. they abandoned reason. violence is always their next course. >> he wasn't so serious, but you never know.
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these are people who don't even think. >> that's the question. somebody who tweets kill scott walker, kill scott walker is somebody who is angry and deranged in that moment. but probably my guess is they weigh 350 and it is cheetoe weight, not good weight. and there is no way they can get near the governor without having a major coronary. but can you take that chance if you are the authorities? >> the general rule on people who kill public figures is if they call they are not coming. >> it is a little too much. >> there is the danger of the situation in wisconsin. there was violence in the past from the anti-walker forces. and there was a mob of them. and mob violence can be very dangerous.
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the insight meant points -- >> people have come at you out of that where and have attacked you. you have seen it on the front lines. >> and without getting into details, no, i have actual dangerous stalkers, but i am more -- i mean the problem with this sort of thing is even when the fbi absolutely knows this person is dangerous, they can't do anything unless they act. as we were saying before, it is going on against conservative bloggers. the pattern of the conservative saying i just shot my wife and having the team show up that is scary and those people would not tweet it. >> i want to get victor into it. shouldn't a general rule be -- i feel like when somebody tweets something like this about a conservative, we shouldn't take it seriously. if it is about a liberal it is a grave threat to democracy. >> that's an interesting thing. as you know i am in the nude
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interpretation of the cantebury tale with helen miran. and i want everyone to come and see it because it will be fantastic, except the kids. there are no conservatives on death row. this is a fact. i want the half time guy to look that up. >> there are no presidential sac mageses. >> i am not making is it -- making it up. >> every congressman killed, i just want to make this point. every congressman killed by -- >> it is like your house of lords. >> they just bring -- there is a certain responsibility that has to be taken by the people who run twitter. people don't even know the names of those who run twitter. they are young and nobody really cares. on fox news or any network, you don't have -- if we had a guest on who said i am going to kill this person we wouldn't have the guest on anymore. you actually have a little bit
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of self-policing. twitter has to get out of that excuse. this thing is so big that we can't police people. >> i was surprised. i was following sexy mcnasty for some time. >> it is about the theater and the opera. and then all of a sudden it is like, abe lincoln, scott walker, wtf? >> i don't disagree -- in theory i don't think it can be done. some of them were just crazy. but if they were political and more than half were, the politics was liberal. >> i don't think they can do that. >> their excuse is it is so large you can't possibly do it. phone books are large. remember phone books? those are large. >> hang on. victor, i don't think that's necessarily true. i think if you bring -- if it is brought to twitter's attention they do something about it. their point is they can't monitor every tweet that is sent out. but i think they are generally
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pretty good about it if it is brought to their attention. >> after the third kill scott walker, i think he is kidding. >> that's not something you would say though. >> the point is, who ever gets you never tells you. it is always a fan. i am apologizing for some of those. >> i need to move on. from making threats to cigarettes. do more teens dig weed over cigs? according to a study by centers for disease control high schoolers prefer to get high than touch tobacco. but 2001 youth risk survey found 18% of adolescents recently smoked cigarettes and 23% admitted to marijuana use. note to self, find out the cool term kids are using and replace the word marming marg. i guess -- word marijuana. i forgot to do that. the cdc started collecting this data in 19nientd 1. this is the first time pot use out strips cigarette use. let's go to our stoned kitty.
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>> this clearly is the fault of the leader of the gang himself, barak hussein obama, correct? >> i think we have a direct number on how many high school kids have read it. >> cigarette smoking has stayed flat, but pot smoking has risen. >> have you seen the anti-smoking ads? they are terrifying of the -- they are terrifying. >> you did that in your basement. >> it was for the truth. >> it is what is called a conflict. you do an ad for one laundry detergent. >> you know what the conflict
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is for the it is not smoking. you can do a smoking ad. you can't do other nonsmoking ads. >> that's the conflict. >> you can't do other anti-smoking. they are competing with each other. it is a whole market. >> i am guessing you think this is a good thing. hot for everyone, you weird owe libertarian? >> that is so right. everyone getting high, the kids, the adults, the world is getting high. i loved when penn gillette had to say a couple nights ago. young people are experimenting, and the truth is marijuana is much less -- >> everyone does it? do they have a lab coat? >> it is much less uh district tiff, chem missly uh district tiff than -- chemically uh district tiff than cigarettes. we waste a bunch of police resources trying to proof it
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is not. prove it is not. i was discussing this in our screwball comedy "where is my teeth." here is a reason more people are smoking pot than cigarettes, there is no id required. a dealer can sell a kid pot and not lose his license. smokers, it is harder to buy cigarettes because nobody will sell them because you have to produce an id. legalize the drug and you will see the age. the dealers want to hold on to their license. >> we know from the story that they say pot -- smoking a marijuana joint is not as bad. >> it is not. >> he is right. >> but there is no public condemnation of marg manning. he would not have a freak libertarian here talking about how -- >> are you talking about andy? >> everybody says smoking,
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bad, bad, bad. social pressure works. there is no social pressure. >> it is a fact pot is more accessible than cigarettes. anything that is more accessible . >> doesn't it give one a wonderful feeling? we don't want to talk about that. anyway, coming up, jonathon honig on his latest book. first, what should tsa do to help its performance? wear cotton slacks. that's what i would say. you are watching fnc so stick around. blp
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is he a hero for calling them zeros?
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it will long be known as the you are not special speech. the massachusetts english teacher got all keeping it real on the graduating seniors telling them awesomely and accurately that they are unexceptional. he is addressing the class of 2012. >> yes you have pampered and dodeed upon and helmeted and bubble wrapped and nudged and cajoled and weed delled and implored and fiddled and fawned over and called sweetie pie, but don't get the idea you are anything special because you are not. >> in case they couldn't figure out what he was talking about he hammered the point home. >> if you are one in a million on a planet of 6.8 billion that means there are nearly 7,000 people just like you. >> inspiring. you know who is special, alien puppy.
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>> maybe a little too special. tom, i can't decide if that was the greatest graduation speech ever or a nasty thing to do. >> i love this guy. we need more guys like this. there are two things that every kid leaves school knowing. one they are special. two, that the earth is sacred. i am battling both of these in my home. i read to my daughter -- i stick my story in her bedtime story. dear agnes, mother earth is not your real mother. but your mommy is. and mother earth is actually quite indiffer represent to your suffering. >> mother earthed will kill you if given the chance. >> i told her that the other day. ing a -- agnes, if are you in the woods and you come upon a hyena? hyena will mother nature help you? no, she will watch as the
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hyena eats you jie. is there a sense of importance and will they need blunt advice like this or more blunts. >> they are probably smoking the blunts. i think this teacher is on to something. there is a sense of entitlement and they have a right to health care and education and everything from cradle to grave. i think it is good a teacher gets up and says shape up. you are nothing. you have to get out there. you have to produce. you have to earn your way. >> anne, do you give commencement addresses? >> have you heard of the public schools? >> i would assume every year you have to fight off invitations and decide which school you are going to. what would you say of the class of 2012 if they let you talk to them? >> don't vote. you should not have the right to vote. >> especially you, women. >> especially the gals. you should never have the right to vote. you don't have the right to drink. you don't get drafted. those are the arguments for
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letting -- they are particularly fetuses go and cast a vote, and they are all worshiping -- i am captured by the idea of these folks as far as daughters. and if i couldn't get in on this, i would love to start writing some notes. >> i was reading "the lorax" to her. i said, as a business this lorax wouldn't make any money. >> you should annotate children's books from par particular perspective. you would make a ton of money. >> he has zero produce because he is an organic farmer and nothing grows. >> if you emit this much carbon you are an awful human being. i don't know. >> i think you are going with the theme here. >> i am not? >> victor, isn't it about time somebody let the kids know they are not someone special? >> i was doing a version of
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"on the waterfront" are orlando bloom. we were talking about this. this is an important fact to make. criminals have the highest self-esteem of any individuals on the planet. it makes sense the lower self-esteem students are those with great grades. the whole point is a sham and it creates awful people. this guy is right. in fact, i think he lived his entire life for that moment. he said if there is one thing before i do before i drop dead is make this point. he is an american hero. >> i think he is probably -- i think he watched "fight club" before he gave this speech. tyler jordan says, you are not special. are you not a beautiful, unique snowflake. you are the same decaying matter as everyone else. >> self-esteem is rnt poo.
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>> it has to be earned. >> it is knowing you can deal with the real world. you don't need your teacher or parent to pave your way. self-esteem is essential. >> you got your self-esteem through achievement. >> it is turning one trick at a time. >> have i to move on. i have to move on. do you have a comment? e-mail us at red eye at fox leave a voicemail on greg's line. 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by crawling. the process of moving one's self slowly on the ground. thanks, crawling.
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welcome back. let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. let's go to michael moynahan. >> hi, andy. >> hello. >> how are you doing? >> good. >> good. let's start with the british chap. that's what they call him. his name is victor. he is a famous actor. you did start with some anagram of [bleep] and you are right. i put it through the computer and the anna gram computer and it said the british guy was right. you followed that. you said people were exponentially mor stupid.
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i did look this up and it is said exponentially in hull where victor is from in england. >> i am jot good with accents. i am not good with accents. >> half of the time i am trying to fact check the guy and no idea what he is talking about. >> we will have to closed caption this whole broadcast. >> it is baffling on a number of levels. >> you talked about the david bowie song, "young americans." you could have been talking about "young americans for freedom" so i had to make sure. >> this is a single? >> yes, a single in the 1970s. it is not "i was a young american." it alternates between "he" and" she." >> ♪ he was a young american why not obama pick that up. it would have been more
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effective and my sense of bowie would have gotten on board. and bowie is the king. >> no, elvis was. >> david bowie is the king if you are into angroginy. >> bowie has not come out in awhile. and the answer why not is obama is a bolshevik. he says he is getting back by being on tv. he said it is easy to get on tv. this split screen proves it. >> victor, again, an accent issue. we don't understand you. it is jarod leto and not leto. that is apparently a deck on a ship. let's go to the marijuana one. let me get the freak boy libertarians out there. and let me start with anne.
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it is not worse than cigarettes. >> hello. >> you are supposed to be so educated. >> the word 1* edumacated. >> you get a lot more of the tar and crap in your lungs. the difference is, as you said, nicotine is more uh district tiff. nicotine is more uh district tiff than heroin. the individual cigarette is less dangerous for you, and this shows you the dangers of legalizing pot because there is absolutely no social pressure against it. there is more social pressure against using the word miss and mrs. than smoking pat especially on a panel like this. >> what do you mean by that? >> you can't legalize things while you have all of pop culture heavily promoting it and saying this is what the country needs, more kids smoking pot because the economy is just booming, and we need to slow it down. >> i just want to say for the
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people at medite the people just came out. >> you don't take heroin and stay up all night writing a book. frankly we should be encouraging cigarettes and discouraging pot. the smokers can get a lot of work done and i think you are wrong about the economy. >> people get a lot of things done. >> it is a thing. they answered the question about why more kids are smoking marijuana because it gets you high. let's move on to mccullah, the guy who is the son of a pulitzer prize winner and telling kids to stop being so pampered. andy, i just want to go to
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you. this reminds me of the post 9/11 editorial where -- nobody has read beyond that. it is great and everything and you lead the segment with the alien puppy thing. this is true. he denounces people that sit around watching parrots rollerskate on youtube. >> in the speech. >> i thought that was a direct attack on "red eye." >> we were very careful. we were going to have the individual -- video, and then we realized it wouldn't work with this story. >> they are all over new york just going down the street on the rommer skates. on the roller skates. >> let's go on to -- let's go to victor. victor's facts are great. criminals have the highest rate of self-esteem. that was challenged by carrie oster who said it was not
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true. >> i told carrie to send me those facts. until i see them, i don't believe it. >> criminals have no self-esteem because they #r* evading -- because they are evading reality. >> not true. >> they have the highest self-esteem. >> they believe the rules don't -- their life doesn't conform to the rules. look at celebrities. they commit crimes because they feel they can. >> love is not a crime. >> that is not true. >> i would think once you are caught your self-esteem should take a nose-dive. you are not very good at your job if you were a criminal when you got caught. >> i need to get the twitter story. >> i did want to say -- anne got mad at me because of all of the pot and the crazy libertarians. >> i haven't got mad at you. you are much nicer than andy. >> andy is the worst.
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>> andy looks like a cleaned up version of crispin glover. >> that is actually true. i have been told that in the past. victor i was trying to say something nice about anne. she said in is that segment, don't vote. she is right, do not vote. you don't have to vote. it is not required. i will give you an exam el p. i used to live in dc and the election returns in dc as most of you people know is near that of a syrian election. 99% for barack obama who i believe is our president now. >> they were not voting. >> st. louis has a voter turnout of 97%. >> twitter, tom, you said that serial killers are weird owe and don't have accounts.
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the hannible has an account. >> i am talking about the classic. he probably had one. >> if they had twitter, there would be -- he would be tweeting about the jews. >> instead of scrawling it on the walls you just tweet it. >> here is an interesting fact. ted bundy was on linked in. >> still is. i believe. >> he was the first person ever to be on linked in. anne, you said liberals don't kill people or don't assassinate liberal leaders. >> i said the reverse. >> conservatives don't. i want to say, i couldn't find any. i am not endorsing. >> it is funny that people -- there are so many conspiracy
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theories about the jfk murder that the guy who invaded cuba was shot by a guy who defected and worked for the cuba committee. >> he is a political assassin. don't very have politics and they were communist. he shot caroled ford, and they were two environmentalists from california. >> hey-hey-ho-ho, xyz has got to go. hey, hey, ho, ho. >> caw -- kazinski. >> guys, we have to go. >> that's what i keep hearing. >> we are going to go. >> coming up, should murder be legal if you confess to it before happened?
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absolutely. it is a story on hooking up we didn't get to last night. can't promise we will tonight either. stick around. you never know.
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should they stay away from people like beyonce? a panelist suggested the tsa stop patting down recognizable passengers as way to improve crapy customer service. said the chairman, quote, there are certain people that are just so well known, that you just have to use your common sense. if you start patting them down, people are going to say, they are patting down bea yawn say. she is not -- be yawn sai. she is not going to blowup a plane, isn't she? one more thing for the -- >> lightning rooooouuunmnnnndd. lightning round. >> victor, obviously this would be great for you, me and beyonce. will it encourage terrorists to become famous? it is not that hard these dye
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days. >> we are doing -- performing a live version of chitty-chitty bang-bang. here is the thing. if celebs are able to skate through, they will be turned into trusts. this is the worst ever -- idea ever. celebrities should be treated more harshly because they don't like them. i think this is the worst thing tsa could do is treat them differently because they think they are better. i'm sorry -- >> we almost made it. >> the point is applying some common sense. patting down al gore, you don't need to do that. the point is after 9/11.
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if you just dropped into a meeting on how do you protect the airlines, in america we say, we have nothing going for us. they become the one thing have going for us is they all look alike. you could use a paint chip for their skin color. you can hear a pin drop, and then the political correct administrators say absolutely, we will not consider what they look like or what their names are. how about let's start with getting ready of that. just that. >> what are you worried about? it is about appearance. >> it is about what does this look like 1234* how can we improve the image. it is called security feeder. the whole idea is we need to improve the appearance. militant islam is almost a decade and we can't even get
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that. >> not even beyonce. >> we remember the good old days when you could get through newark laguardia in 90 minutes time. >> he wouldn't blow himself up, but he would have other people do it for him. should we be afraid that they will contemplate beyonce. >> she is not named mohamed. she was not a man. she was not born in yemen. none of the factors and none of the others work. and i don't think she would work. she was a little too dark. >> if you can say big thing. you can keep your shoes on. mean while, iran is laughing their f off. the real kids of the country are building bombs. >> but i have to agree with
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victor on this one. i know it does president make sense, but people like seeing donald rumsfeld being pat down. >> have i a lot of movies of donald trump look uh looks being . they should pat down the celebrities. >> it is also their next door neighbor. en and sense is what we are saying. why are you -- >> have i a niece that has been patted down three of the last four times she has flown. she is 12 years old. >> you apologize the things i hate about the tsa thing is has been celebrities are now using for publicity purposes. i was reading in the paper that joanne wh ri ly -- >> i hear music. >> we have to take a break. >> i am i am not finishing the
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story. that was rude. i never do that to my guests. >> that's how we do this in this country.
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we would like to take a moment to note the passing of an exceptional singer. earlier this week russian singer better known as mr.
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tro-lo-lo. died at age 77. he gained international fame when a 1976 clip of him singing on soviet tv went viral in 2010. let's remember this internet sensation, shall we? >> victor, did you ever work with him? >> i never had the pleasure. but i do a lot with russians. he exemplified the russian spirit. he went through a lot of tough times. but they always had a soul. it was a very special, strong
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soul, and he will be missed. >> always a smile. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with michael moynahan. go to fox lash red eye.
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don't forget you can watch us on saturday at 2 p.m. eastern and 11 p.m. pacific. anna brown and jonathon hunt and more. >> time to go back to michael moynahan for the post game wrap up. >> thank you for the edward kiel thing who was more instrumental in bringing down communism. people realize that's what they had to deal with. jonathon, what is the market
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going to be like in the next couple months? >> i am bull lish on stocks. i feel like when you look across the asset classes, they are up against inflation. it is higher interest rate and short bond and long stocks. >> i don't know what that means. >> tom, hi. tell me about your pod cast. >> my pod cast, we already have more listeners than i did when i was 0* sirius xm radio. but if you forget, find me on twitter or whatever ever. >> and recorded in queens. >> anne? you have a new book. what is it about? >> yes, well thank you for my true fans, unlike you who can't read my name. i have been writing it like mad to get out before the election. i am here to do this week. it has to come out before the election. it is a collection of my most
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-- [inaudible]. >> anne colter and victor roberts and tom shoau. i'm andy levy. see you next time. is doing fine. >> really, mr. president? unemployment is over 8%. and what's your solution? >> congress should pass the bill. >> doesn't the buck stop in the oval office? we'll debate it. >> i'm very sorry about what happened yesterday. >> bill clinton back tracks, now apologizing for contradicting president obama. did the former president cave to political pressure? >> the mormons, mitt romney, they believe black people were the devil till 1978. i'm not making this up! >> and hollywood unleashed. president obama takes their money but are there consequences to cozying up to the stars?


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