tv Huckabee FOX News June 9, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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>> when she looked at me and said i wish abortion would have been legal when i was carrying -- she told me that to my face. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you. thank you. thank you very very much. welcome to "huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. there is really no such thing as objectivity in politics. each of us sees things through the lens of our own perspective and point of view. we can strive for an unbiassed observation but i am not going to be disingenuous and tell you i am unbiassed. i try to be fair and balanced. where sri heard that before? great concept. but detached from a point of view? not going to happen. for example this week when i heard the democrats ekt plained a crushing set back of governor scott walker winning against the attempts to recall him i hear it
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was because the republicans had more out of state money. actually if you add in all of the national union money that tried to get him out the money is pretty even nowhere near the 7-1 nonsense that was put out by the democratic machine. i wondered if they had a little bit of that great wisconsin cheese with their wine. because i heard democrats beat up on president obama for hitting his all time presidential record 150th fundraiser or for his having flip flopped in 2008 to follow federal campaign limits and instead he out spent john mccain 3-1. i must have missed that. this week i had to laugh when mayor michael bloomberg declared he is for legalizing personal amounts of marijuana. all this coming a few days after announcing a ban on larger than 16 ounce soft drinks. not milk shakes or dairy based coffee drinks or beer mind you,
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all of which has far more calories than a soda. no, just sodas. then the day after he issued a proclamation for doughnut day in new york. (laughter) >> on my radio show i have now dubbed the mayor nanny boy. even though -- in fact i have given him his own theme song sung to the tune of danny boy. he wants to ban smokes, salt and soda but making smoking some marijuana okay. what bad timing. a study released revealed one marijuana cigarette is 20 times more likely to cause cancer than one tobacco cigarette. who ever said liberals had to make sense? the democrats fight any attempt to make photo id laws for voters saying it will suppress the vote and disenfranchise the voters. guess what the massachusetts democratic convention required to get into their convention? a photo id.
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but the real head scratcher -- the real head scratcher is the announcement if you want to attend the book signing event f mrs. obama's book signing you have to bring a photo id and social security number. i think this is nothing more than reader suppression. we are suppressing the rights of people who read books and furthermore we are disenfranchising the readers of children's books. they say illegals and dead people ought to vote we don't need no stinking photo id for that but if you want to attend a democratic event or have the first lady sign your children's book you better have a photo id or expect to be disenfranchised or suppressed. liberals don't have to make any sense. (applause) >> friday night attorney general eric holder appointed a couple of prosecutors to investigate the leaks of classified national security information to the media.
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this is coming after a bipartisan push by some in congress for an independent prosecutor to investigate. they say the leaks have put american lives at risk and compromised our relationship of allies. senator john mccain went so far as to accuse the white house of leaking information for political gain this november. on friday president obama reacted to criticism. >> the notion that my white house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. it is wrong, and people i think need to have the better sense of how i approach this office and how the people around me approach this office. >> joining me is former special council to president bill clinton fox news contributor lani davis. thank you for being on today.
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(applause) >> we have had a development frankly just in the last several hours since friday evening when attorney general eric holder has now appointed two current u.s. attorneys to launch an investigation. are you comfortable that these prosecutors will be independent enough since they work for the obama administration to get to the bottom of the leak? >> govern no, the issue of leaking national security information is serious. it's not a partisan issue. democrats and republicans are patriots and this information endangering lives is very serious. but it is not an offense but a fact that everybody does it and nobody should do it. the bush administration leaked classified information to support their case of weapons of mass destruction that's a fact. we have absolutely substantiated that scooter libby held a
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classified document and read it to judy miller of the new york times. he testified to that. over the years leaks occur in the national security arena classified information is undefensible doesn't have to be politically motivated. people have different agendas and it needs to be prosecuted. in this case the person identified as the prosecutor in maryland is not only a bush administration u.s. attorney, but a former associate of someone named ken star. i would say that is pretty nonpartisan. and the u.s. attorney and district of columbia will also be investigating a serious offense if they find it of leaking national security information. >> i think you made a valid point particularly about there is a bipartisan call to get to the bottom of this. i want to say publicly my deep appreciation for senator feinstein of california who has been a real bold voice in expressing her outrage and this
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approval of any leak coming forward. i think you are quite right whether it is pat lay lee others as democrats have expressed how unacceptable it is. i want to begin by being fair. let me also go on further. this may surprise you. some have been very maybe critical of the fact that one of the two prosecutors was a contributor to president obama's campaign back in 2008. i think that frankly is irrelevant piece of information. because at the time he was not a special -- he was not a u.s. attorney he was an attorney in private practice. he seernlly support-- certainly supported candidates of his choice. a lot of us support candidates that should not disqualify us from doing a job. having given on those points that i think are important to establish it still is very troubling. the new york times says there were 3 dozen, not one or two, 3 dozen different people inside the administration who were
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sources for their stories that revealed issues about iran, issues about the kill list, issues about suber te -- cyber technology that was being used. those are serious issues. we need to make sure whoever does the investigation that it takes it all of the way to ground. >> we have people on the public record in the new york times story pertaining to president obama's courageous decisions to kill individual al qaeda people who threaten our lives. the article quoted on the record the national security advisor. that wasn't classified information in that respect. but when you use the expression of administration official, governor, i know having used that to camouflage myself as a leaker when i was doing political placements for stories that i wanted to be sure were published before they were nationally televised hearings about the campaign finance
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allegations, i would call myself an administration off fub shall or a senior official without reference to the white house. so these people could be spread through out the government. this -- david sangor is one of the great reporters in the intelligence committee of our time. he has sources all over the government. he started working on these stories in his book 18 months ago way before there was political motivation for presidential campaign. >> it is always a pleasure to visit with you. thank you for joining us today. on friday morning the president said job growth is strong and the private sector is fine. in the afternoon he decided the private sector wasn't so fine after all. the numbers show that people are so desperate for work they are settling for part-time jobs while millions of others have given up completely. coming up we break it down with charlie gasparino and diane macedo from the fox business network. go to my web site and click on
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the fox news feedback section or sign up on my facebook page or follow me on twitter. you can find that and more at mike flush [ male announcer ] it's back again at red lobster, but not for long! your very own four course seafood feast for jt $14.99. start your feast with a soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder.
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next, enjoy a salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then get your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp shrimp and scallops alfredo or new honey bbq shrimp. then finish with something sweet. your complete four course seafood feast jus$14.99 come into red lobster and sea food diffently. our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel.
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our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. how math and science kind of makes the world work. in high school, i had a physics teacher by the name of mr. davies. he made physics more than theoretical, he made it real for me. we built a guitar, we did thingwith electronics and mother boards. that's where the interest in engineering came from. so now, as an engineer, i have a career that speaks to that passion. thank you, mr. davies.
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>> here is another mess the president has gotten himself into. it started with a press conference about the economy earlier in the day. >> we created 4.3 million jobs over the past 27 months. over 800 thousand just this year alone. the private sector is doing fine. >> oh, yeah. they are doing just great. well later in the day after republicans including presidential challenger mitt romney called the president out of touch with american people barack obama did a little backtracking. >> it is absolutely clear the economy is not doing fine. that's the reason i had a press conference. that is why i spent yesterday, the day before yesterday and
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this past week this past month and this past year talking about how we can make the economy strong. the economy is not doing fine. >> hmmm. that's very different. but the president still takes credit for the 4.3 million jobs he says his administration has created. to sort it out fox business network charlie gasperino and diane macedo. let's work through the numbers. it is real confusing to people when they hear these numbers. 8.2 is the unemployment number. but the unemployment plus under employment is 14.8. and invl terry part-time workers are another 8 million people. when we talk about the whole idea of the numbers, let me begin with you. what can we really interpret about 4.3 million jobs? that's not a net increase of jobs, is it? >> that's the thing.
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this 4.3 million number comes only if you look back as far as 2010 when the market bottoms out. that's not necessarily the president's full term. if you look at his full therm it ignores 2009. he created 55,000 jobs which is not a big number which is why he doesn't use it. also why the unemployment rate is actually higher than it was when he took office. the other thing people have to keep in mind most economists agree you need 125,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth. more than 1 and a half million dollar jobs a year. when he is touting these numbers they are not as big as they sound. >> is that fair? >> i think part of what you said is not fair. i don't think you can blame totally for the job losses. >> i am not saying his fault. if you talk about the jobs you created. >> those jobs lost in 2009 is responsibility of the financial crisis which he had nothing to do with. i am not defending him. he walked into an extremely bad
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situation. >> everybody knows that. >> go ahead and say it. he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. >> he did. >> that's not the worst economy. the worst was 1979. >> require my dad being out of work. he inherited a mess. he made the mess worse. some the other things you attacked him on i want to point out. american businesses are doing pretty good. this is the sort of anomaly that is going on. american businesses are making money, they are not hiring and that is a scary part. why are they not hiring? because of the post 2009 policies of this administration. when you scare american businesses with taxes, regulation, obama care, guess what? they are going to horde cash. they diversify across the globe. stock market is up great but they are not hiring anybody. >> if they are doing well how come he walked his remarks back
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a few hours after. what was the point of that? does he stick with that and say they are doing well and dig in? he reversed himself just about as quick as turning a switch on a fan blade from summer to winter. >> what he was trying to say in his speech is the private sector is doing fine. he was trying to emphasize government jobs. that that was the point of his speech. i don't think it is coincidence it came after the recall election doesn't go the way ep wanted it to now he is touting government jobs. he needs the union votes. union members are not happy with him he did not support wisconsin did not show up for all of this. now he is trying to reign in the union votes and union support come november. this is all politics not about the economy at all. >> i think we are on shaky ground trying to get into obama's head when it comes to the economy. this is a president who is woefully unqualified when it
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comes to the economy. he has done so many bad things i would say sulley things. here is the problem. (applause) >> i say this because i don't think he knew what he was really saying. here's why i don't think he knew. if you are a policy maker and it is mid 2009, yes, you did inherit a horrible situation. you spent $800 billion nearly a trillion dollars on stimulus, you know for a fact that the stimulus plan wasn't working, forget about the numbers you created jobs or whatever. it wasn't working you turn arounded and sell healthcare, you don't know anything about the economy. we have to take a break. when we come back we will talk more. you brought up the point about him saying i think it's going great. we just need more government jobs. the stimulus package hasn't worked. let's have more stimulus. more with charlie and diane when we return 7 stay with us.
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>> we are talking about the job numbers this week and all of the things that the president has gotten himself em broiled into. not a good week for the president between wisconsin and this gaff that made joe biden actually look eloquent with what he said the other day. it really was not the best week for the president. but i want to go back to the numbers. because i do think it's important. it's a primary reason he is putting forth that he should be re-elected it's 4.3 million jobs created. that seems to be the mantra of this administration, this campaign so far. why isn't the unemployment number lower? because it actually is higher.
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it is higher not just since he took office. it's higher since the stimulus, it is higher since last month. if you are creating all of these jobs. >> the unemployment numbers do a little trick here. sometimes they go up when they are getting better. people are coming into the work force and looking for jobs. they show up with the unemployment numbers. this is more than just a little science here. what we have to look at is under employment not the number of people who dropped out of the work force. much better rational for judging someone's economic performance. on that he has failed miserably. he inherited a lot of bad stuff. what is scary for this president the things he has done have failed so bad, so obviously. he keeps going back to it. i think that is a little scary. >> he does not ask the for or maybe it's not being discussed. 10,000 people every day retire. they drop out of the work force.
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when you say jobs created, is it considered a created job when somebody walks into a job that somebody just retired from? >> the numbers are all very flury. as charlie pointed out the whole labor work force, the work participation rate is a big factor in the unemployment rate which is why we look at the u 6 number. that not only counts for people looking for work can't find a job it also accounts for people who gave up and stopped looking for jobs. it is people working part-time jobs that can't work full-time. it is more accurate. a lot of people call it the real unemployment rate. that's up 14 percent right now. >> wages are a good gauge. they are going down. people are either under employed are not going to better jobs. >> by the way speaking of wages jesse jackson junior weighed in on introducing legislation to increase the minimum wage up to $10 an hour. even democrats are pulling back
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saying that's not a good thing. would that stimulate the economy or would it be a disaster for the economy? >> even if it stimulated the economy it wouldn't be enough. it's like the buffet tax. wants to tax all of these millionaires. it's a drop in the bucket when it comes down to it. i don't believe minimum wage hikes actually work. it forces employees to cut back hire less people. by the way these are kids people that are working in college that generally get stuck in minimum wage jobs. i think it is that dad. a lot of times you see the organizations that lobby for the minimum wage increases. they can ask for exemptions but they are pay their employees below minimum wage. sometimes it's good for other people but it's not okay for them. i don't understand how it doesn't apply across the board. >> it has been a big sort of blow up in congress this week congressional democrats wanting to have a paid equity issue thinking that women should be
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paid equally but a survey group found that democratic senators pay their female staffers substantially less than they pay their male staffers. this is what makes americans crazy. >> it's the hypocrisy of it all. >> patty murray pays female staffers 26,000 a year less than mail staffers. >> the issue -- it is a real issue. the war on women is that a real issue? mitt romney engaging in the war on women. are they not being paid enough or are there other statistical issues. women go on maternity leave does that factor in. >> i tried to go on maternity leave. i passed the physical. >> charlie gasparino and diane macedo. >> diane will be joining us at the end of the show. she does more than crunch numbers. she crunches a mean rock and roll song. she is going to be joining the
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little rockers. do not miss that. what is it like growing up as a child in the most hated family in america? william murray the son of madeline murray o'hare will join us when we come back. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> live from america's news headquarters i am harris falkner. a wildfire burning out of control in the rugged terrain of northern colorado. now pictures from larimer county. 4 dozen homes and businesses evacuated at this point. massive flames stoefrnicorching 3,000 acres this has only been burning for a few hours. in and a big bailout headed for financially troubled spain just a short time ago finance ministers from 17 nations saying that the euro has agreed to give spain up to $125 million to bailout the banking sector.
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spain the 4th and largest european country to request assist stance since the debt crisis began two years ago. union rags coming from behind in the belmont stakes. >> union rags... >> (applause) >> she is the most hated woman in america. a title that frankly she took great pleasure in. i am talking about madeline murray o'hare. >> you are going to spend your whole life preparing to meet the lord. you folks are crazy as hell. >> in the early 60s madeline murray o'hare who once tried to defect to the soviet union was looking for a reason to start trouble. she found it in the classroom of her teenaged son william. >> i am an atheist i wish to be an atheist i don't feel it would be appropriate for me to stand up and say the lord's prayer. >> o'hare took her battle against school prayer all of the way to the supreme court and
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won. >> there will be no more religious ceremonies in the public schools. >> murray didn't stop there she founded american atheist and sued the city of baltimore demanding the city collect taxes from the tax exempt catholic church. she sued nasa saying it should be banning prayer. she sued for in god we trust and in. >> in 1995 o'hare her youngest son john and granddaughter robin were kidnapped and murdered by former american atheist employee david waters. the young man in that piece told a reporter he's an atheist and fought school of prayer with his mother he has since denounced eighth yichl and became a christian. he would love to see prayer back in schools. he has written a wonderful book called "my life" without god."
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joining me is the chairman of the religious freedom coalition william murray. when i see some of these pictures i remember all of this going on back when your mother was sort of in her heyday and she was a reviled woman because she offended the sensitivities and sensibilities of so many god fearing americans. did you growing up feel like, gee, people hate my mother and therefore hate me. did that upset you or did you wear it as a badge of courage at the time? >> our family was definitely different. that is putting it mildly. >> we did. we were different. as you said my mother attempted to detefect to the soviet union. she was a marxist leader in the community. our neighborhood was for the most part immigrants from many of those communist countries from poland, hung gary east germany. for someone who wanted to make this country like that one there was etty much a lot of
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animosity toward the family and toward me. >> you grew up an atheist believing your mother was right. there became a moment your whole life changed. how did you become a christian believer? >> i was raised governor in an atheist and mark cyxist environ because my family was so dysfunctional they couldn't hold down a job. i got rid of the marksism that eighth yici didn't mean stayed h me. i became a libertarian atheist and libbed that libertarian lifestyle thinking the only thing that is important is me and everybody that can't make it should just starve to death. the problem with that and you know it very well from your experience is that lifestyle is disstrunthsive and nearly destroyed me. and when you get down to the point of destruction in your life, there is that one who is willing to lift you occupy out
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of it and that one is jesus christ. >> you became a christian. how did you become introduced to the lord? did one teach you did you watch a billy graham film? what was the turning point? >> going to the horrible lifestyle you think you are the center of the universe the only thing that is important to you is booze and food and sex that lead led to nearly self destruction. finally i turned to a 12 step program in order to get out of it. i was getting out of it. there was this mysterious god that was getting me out of it i wanted to know who that god was. i went on a search for him. there was that eterne internal resistance. it can't be that god my mother hated so badly. the reality was that is who that god was. that is who that god is. it was he that was willing to reach down and grasp me up. >> when you became a christian your mother wasn't exactly happy about it. it wasn't like she said i want to come to your baptism.
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in fact there's a statement we are going to put it up on the screen. it's shocking. it has to be hurtful. this statement she made about you let's get it up on the screen. one could call this, this is when she disowned you, could call it a postnatal abortion on the part of a mother. i repudiate him speaking of you i repudiate him entirely for now and all times, he is beyond human forgiveness. that had to have hurt coming from your own mother. >> governor oddly it didn't hurt that much because of how dysfunctional the home was i was raised in and the number of times that i had done something that was perhaps wrong in her eyes as a child when she had looked at me and said i wished abortion would have been legal when i was carrying you. >> she told you that. >> she told' me that to my face when i was younger. this was nothing more than a continuation of that. but that is the type of home where the only thing that is important are those material things or material philosophies
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or government or statism or whatever when only those things are important to you the feelings of people of individuals aren't that important. >> it is a remarkable story. bill, the fact that you are able to come out with love and forgiveness and a life of peace and joy is as great a testament to god's grace as it is to your own ability to receive it and we are all the better for it. your book is called "my life" without god." we will be right back. stay with us. [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain.
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$50 savings card. call now! >> you might describe my next guest is free. he once read an entire volume of an encyclopedia because he wanted to get smarter. for an entire year he lived his life according to everything he could find in the bible to improve his spiritual life. his latest mission is stwo year quest to become the healthiest person in the world. >> aj jacobs wanted to lose weight instead of choosing one health regimen he decided to try them all. over 2 years he would test his many healthy lifestyle theories as he could like bear crawling through central park, running errands literally.
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squatting through the city anywhere he could. working from a treadmill rather than a desk. stroller sizing. taking posture lessons. >> little more. hold back. a lull more. pull the belly in a little bit. >> there seems to be a health study on just about everything. >> good for lowering your blood pressure and preventing heart disease. to be ultimately healthy you want to have a healthy sex life. according to one study, the odor that woman find most arousing is, believe it or not, cucumber mixed with (inaudible). >> this is raw unsweetened chocolate. very bitter. >> over two years aj tested nearly a hundred studies in the search for ultimate health.
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he's written a book about it called "drop dead healthy." one man's humble quest for bodily perfection. joining me now aj jacobs. hey, jay, a pleasure. >> what was the craziest thing you probably attempted? >> well, certainly i did something called the caveman workout. it is a little bizarre, because i tried all different workouts from just going to the gym or pole dancing. i guess that was a little weird. >> weird for a guy. >> i gained a lot of respect it takes a lot of upper body strength. the caveman workout is they believe we should work out like cave men. i tossed boulders arounded and crawled around on the ground in my bare feet. >> so the caveman workout, what was one of the most helpful things that you did in the course of your a tempt to get healthy? >> i think one thing, there were surprises that little things make a huge difference.
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one thing is just sitting. i never realized how bad it is for your health sitting at your desk all day. getting up once an hour and walking around for a couple of minutes. i took it to the extreme bought a treadmill put my computer on the treadmill and i walked while writing the book. it took me about 1200 miles to write the book and i loved it. i am a lazy person. if i can do it any one can. >> another helpful thing was realizing that you have to have smaller portions. one way to do that your mom was right, chewing your food is very healthy. if you chew you eat more slowly and if you eat more slowly you eat less. i ran across the group on the internet they call themselves chewdiasm. they are passionate about doing it. i was inspired to become a member of the chewediasm. >> did anything ever make you sick in an attempt to get
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healthy. >> interesting you point it out. sometimes being so obsessed with health is not healthy. it stresses you out. if you are so busy going to the gym and looking for the perfect health food. you don't have time to get together with friends. friends having a strong social network hugely successful for your health. go out to dinner with your friends. have a glass of wine when you drink. one glass per day. coffee also good for you. one cup a day. >> just one? >> well... >> we need a couple more than that most of us do. >> you have done strange projects. lived the entire year every time you found something in the bible you did it. this health routine you did for nearly two years. what next in your life to do something utterly bizarre and write about it? >> i haven't settled on it yet. my kids are lobbying very hard for me to do a year of eating nothing but candy. they think that would be wonderful they can come along with me.
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>> i don't know if the publisher is going to have that. >> all of these crazy ways to try to be healthy. drop dead healthy we have books for all of our audience members today. we expect them to get as healthy as aj jacobs. we will be right back. stay with us. start your feast with a soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. next, enjoy a salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then get your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp shrimp and scallops alfredo or new honey bbq shrimp. then finish with something sweet. your complete four course seafood feast jus$14.99 come into red lobster and sea food diffently. mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything.
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share a passion for music. it has been a while since we featured the little rockers on the show but we often hear from our viewers they say they miss the band. so the little rockers are back. tonight we welcome a new member diane macedo. diane was with us earlier in the show talking about jobs. you can see diane getting business updates from the fox business network. great to have you here. >> great to be here. >> what were your musical influences and how did you start singing? >> my mom says since i popped out of the womb. musical theater, i sung in the bost tonians now i sing in a wedding band and do this on the weekend and have a good time. >> what do you do at fox business when you don't get to sing. >> do i the news cut in's 5:00 a.m. eastern to 5-9 on the fox business network then i do whatever they tell me to do. sometimes it's radio updates sometimes it's hits on the fox
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news channel other times more hits on the fox business network. i am here to work. >> i get that whole thing about whatever they tell us to do. i understand that. >> also on keys christian from the video acquisitions department. christian, what is video acquisitions? sounds serious. >> video acquisitions is pretty much acquiring all of the material that winds up going to air making sure it's quality controlled and is being recorded audio is good and video is good. >> we have adrien sharky on the drums. >> i do videos edit the programs run the shows during the day. you have a different accent. that's not boston. >> yes from ireland. >> we are delighted you are here. >> great job. and then on drums josh hatch. he's a cameraman on our show. you got to wonder josh if you are able to play the drums why do we need to pay you to run a
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camera? >> it's a good family to help us out and switch on and off. let's me play the other camera guy and it's fun. >> notice we put you behind this fle plexy glass. there's a reason for that. we throw a sandwich behind there every now and then. it's for acoustical purposes. we know better it's to protect the audience from him. >> audrey main's version of the white snake original here i go again. ish b everybody should recognize it but it's a different version than what you are used to. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: tonight on "justice." a new sketch of the suspect wanted in the murder of morgan harrington and the brutal rape of another woman. a $150,000 reward to any one who helps capture this monster. and he is an average looking guy but this guy killed his wife and slit the throats of his two little children and then rigged his home to explode but even that didn't destroy all the evidence. tonight the fbi is searching for robert william fisher. and a serial bomber terrorizes arizona. three thrash light bombs have exploded in public places. five people injured. >> it is some type of terrorism when people are afraid now when clhe
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