tv Red Eye FOX News June 14, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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she is back. she is so cute that kittens e-mail videos of her during work hours. i didn't know kittens have jobs, but god bless kittens with jobs. she is the news girl on the adam corolla girl and she is quite a waiver. and if he were a gift certificate i would blow him at the out back. and that is his latest book. it is called how to pleep in public. bill schulz is not here once again. filling in is michael moynahan. and he is so sharp he can shred lettuce by sneezing on it. it is quite useful on taco night. allen covert, that's three things. and he is one of the producers of "that's my boy" c adam sandler and andy sandburg that hopes on friday. i have seen it 18 times. i am lying. let's do a story. with which celeb should he break bread?
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now obama supporters can decide. they will choose who should be the president's next vp. a new twist on the barak fundraising contest. before they could win a meal with bam, but now it is so much more. the campaign's official blog invites people to, quote, pitch in $3 or whatever you can to be automatically entered to win a seat at the table. and then make sure to weigh in on who you think should join president obama. he has the gorming clooney, sara jessica parker and of course president bill clinton. who is next? "red eye" had some suggestions and i decided to put together my top choices if i happen to win the raffle.
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>> i don't even know what the algonquin table. i just hear people talk about it. it is much like this, allen. welcome to the show. here is the thing that makes me feel sad about america. dinner with the president isn't enough. you have to throw a movie disar in. would only din gnaw joked say you could have dinner with me and the equivalent of the iranian george clooney? >> is there an equivalent? >> yes. >> it is pretty sad. but you could have dinner with president obama and gary busey. >> that would be fantastic. >> busey wouldn't remember it. >> if it was at busey's house at some point he would start screaming, who are you, and why are you in my house? >> it is cheapening your
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intimacy with the president. it is like a three some. why put gary busey into it? >> i will go with it, why should it just be dinner? he needs to make some money. why not sweeten the pot? >> i am in favor of obama. i am just not in favor of dinner. it strikes me as desperate. is it reminds me of working at a magazine and then say we have to come up with a novel way to connect with the people. how can we use social media. what is next, the country decides who is president? >> so true. gavin, what do you make of this? if you would have won who would you choose? >> if i had to choose say i won and i could choose a -- i want wadi from "exploited" or willow smith. i feel like i learned a lot about gay marriage and willow smith could be a fountain of information. we can all have our own senate
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where willow and obama and i solved a bunch of problems. >> willow will be there anyway. >> i am not spending my chips on that. >> do you like this idea? >> i think it is fantastic. obama was great on ellen do generous and "the view" and jimmy fallon. it is a really exciting presidency. remember the dance on ellen? that was awesome. >> he is a nice guy. i. >> i thought bill clinton with the sax was cool, but no, he is the coolest. >> don't bring it to that. don't bring it there. >> michael, they are really not going to let the winner win. say i choose reverend wright. >> i don't think he will want to go. they have had a falling out. they tried to pay him off and
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then they talked about it which was not part of the deal. >> you get $3 and then you get to pick anybody to go with you. you can do dirk benedict. i have been calling her anna wintour. >> you are confusing her with edgar winter. >> who would also be an albino guest. i think -- i am not sure about this, but much like obama i don't think she is an american citizen. she is from the britains. >> she has a madonna british accents. i went to school there and now i talk to that. >> is ersha kit still alive? >> no, you can choose who ever you want, living or dead. >> that's the contest. >> i want mark twain,
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garfield, odie and howard the duck. that's the perfect dinner. >> and jesus christ. >> everybody puts jesus christ at the end. >> i want mohamed to be there, but as a cartoon. from contests to calories. should we -- scroll the tele prompter 1234 should we scorn the corn that is popped? michael bloomburg considers the large soda ban and eyes other targets as well. on tuesday, a natural day of the week, they showed support for the mayor as you proposal -- mayor's proposal saying it does president go far enough. quote, the popcorn isn't better than the soda. >> there are certainly milk shakes and milk coffee beverages that have monstrous amounts of calories. yes, monstrous. but it is nothing a vigorous workout in the pool can't counteract.
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>> you know we are running out of animals when we use the robots. when we run out of robots i don't know what we will do. are you surprised by this? once government gets a taste of control whether it is sugar or drinks and they can't stop. next it is popcorn and other things. >> that's actually a myth. if you look at the taliban they had a certain amount of parameters. we can't have animal calendars and qlorful socks. and -- colorful socks and then they said, you know what. we are god. we are good. we will be here if you need us. we are not showing up for work until you follow those rules. >> they show remarkable strength.
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>> they reach a point where they say, we all right? good. >> if they made popcorn sizes smaller people will have to get up more in the theater. this should be an uh -- an amazing affront to hollywood. >> somebody who claims to be -- well, no, he claims to be a republican bloomburg. >> who cares? >> i think they need to ban selling popcorn until after the trailers. >> i buy the popcorn and by the time the 35 trailers are done so is my popcorn and then i have to get more. if bloomburg wants to stop people from eating don't sell it until the trailers are over. >> are you saying you finished one of the giant drums of popcorn? >> who said i bought a giant drum. >> they have extra large,
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extra, extra large and gibbet drum. >> and i have eaten one sitting through the trailers. >> actually alone. >> watching stuff on vcr. >> here is something that doesn't make sense to me. people go to the theater and they buy concessions twice a year. so in fact they are targeting something that people do rarely if at all. >> i feel like this whole thing is a gesture. i don't think it is actually really going to change how much people consume unless they are changing the popcorn or coke in their cup, but they are not limiting the amount of can purchase at one time. therefore i feel like -- i didn't have a problem with it actually. i don't like high calorie food. i will have 700 calorie snack
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packs. that's fine. >> but that's pop rn could. popcorn. and it is making consumption harder with the drinks. you have to go back and forth. say are you going to the drive in you have to drive back and forth. that makes no sense. politicians are so out of touch they don't know people go to the concession stands. oh that's a lot of popcorn to eat every night. make it a smaller thing. the underling message is they don't want us, but they want us to do. want us to die. this is what happened after the smoking ban. i don't smell like smoke. that's not the point. it is allow people who allows smoking smoking and do not allow smoking. all of my loser friends -- you know, everyone was yelling at
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me during the guiliani administration. they say he is complete fashist because of the cabaret license. they would shutdown the area because we are dancing and underage. they are complaining about all of the business and i hate them. >> my apartment is looking. it is one room. this is an -- it is a classic warfare attack. where do rich politicians eat? steak houses. >> clubs. >> why don't they go after the palm or ruth's crist or out back. >> how about limiting the size of a block of toe tofu at whole foods. >> or limiting, and if it
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costs a lot it has to travel great distances. >> they should only allow you a certain a little of bugs. -- a little amount of bugs. >> will idle yawns replace mowing lawns? fewer in three in 10 teens, 30% will have a job pressing jess saw bell faces a boredom crisis. teen employ meant has been declining since 2000. it is the lowest since world war ii as older workers and immigrants scoop it up. thank you, obama if that is your real name. teens usually spend their time watching tv or sleeping. you know who will always have a job in my personal masseur.
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>> i had no idea that was dead. this is bad news for america teens with free time are deadly. teens in general are deadly, but with free time they are deadly. >> i am afraid of teenagers. i was afraid of them when i was one and am afraid of them now. i don't like the idea for them to stand there and say something and you don't know if it has anything to do with you. i had crappy jobs. i worked at a coffee cart and i would,ed at sam goodie. i learned things i don't answering to stupid people and don't like vac um coulding. i don't think it helped me in anyway. i hate this phrase, but you need to think outside the box in terms of a be jo. you can't apply for a be job that exists.
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the younger you are when you think about how can i create employ meant that will help you later on? i am in favor of the joblessness. >> i don't know. you said thinking outside the box, and that's the real fear here. they come after your mailbox and tie a rope around it and they drive off. unless you live in new york. >> i sawing in on craigs list just last night that said, teens earn money now. call this number. there are plenty of opportunities. >> we don't want the wrong people calling you at home. >> or maybe it might be surprising. goff vin, you have an interesting life. you play in the trees as a youth. do you agree that, it is not so important. >> from 14 to 20 the worst thing you can have is a trust fund. even if your parents are rich
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they should deprive you or you will never know what it is like to not have money or be hungry. the beauty of canada is we don't have illegal aliens so we have to use teenagers. and there is another factor in america where not only are the jobs taken by somebody else, but they have a tidal waves. a different was trying to do it. they said you may have to take notes. he said, i don't think so i am not anyone's [bleep]. >> exactly. >> what do you make of this, michael 1234*. >> a lot of people go to music camp or they are volunteering. first i was happy to see the sociologists at jezzibell had moved on from defining race i'm.
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racism. i would say trying to tie the recession that they are lazy losers. if you look at the actual numbers, the decline started in 2000. it is a cultural thing and not to much -- that was a pat buchanan. it is not because of the economy. >> here is the thing. i don't think all kids are lazy. i will make a challenge. i don't know how much you pay a teenager over the summer but i am looking for a personal assistant. nothing at work to bypass the words. >> light, lifting filing, modeling. seriously, red eye at fox e-mail me. a thousand bucks for a month. >> not one of my kids in jamaica has tried to find me. my dna is out there. if you are not lazy, come and find me.
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not one of them can find me. >> if you don't have a summer job as a teen inning aer how are you supposed to figure out how you will lie when you are an adult to call in sick. >> how do you go to a movie? the parents are supporting them. they go out and work for a month. what happened to temp agency. >> man power sties exists. i lived on man power. >> in the bushes behind you. coming up, we have this chunk. these guys tried to run a school, and guess what. looks like they blew it.
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their school is not that hard. yet the new york post, a paper owned by a parent company reports that parents are pulling their kids out of a $32,000 a year private school founded by the blue man group. yes, these guys. the progressive new york city institution doesn't believe in books or tests. parents complain their brats haven't learned crap. says one mom of the unstructured sinkhole they have handed their child into quote when a six-year-old says they are board there is a problem. it is all fun and games until you realize your second grader can't read. it is not like they are missing anything. the hardy boys sucked. another local elementary school is opening and founded by this guy.
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>> i think he would pay me. it wouldn't be the other way around. this was a grand idea, a school run by blue man group. >> what could possible whree go go -- what could possibly go wrong? my daughter goes to the thunder from down under preschool and she is doing great. >> that is the greatest show ever by the way. those guys train very, very hard. gavin, you have children and you live in brooklyn. i got my son into a private school, but the honor of paying 25,000 in new york is hard to come by. we were forced to send my daughter to public school and so are a lot of middle class parents. what is happening is these
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crapy public schools are becoming good because the middle class refugees who tried to leave the area with their kids are being forced to clean up their own mace in their own neighborhood it is a message to all refugees. clean up your own neighborhood. >> yes, it did. allison whose fault is it really? >> it is the parents. who thinks this is a good idea? i don't have kids -- well, i have never seen a blue man group hence i don't know them. i wouldn't want to send my kid to their school. i don't understand thinking it is a good idea. >> you thought tests were bad and that it harms the self-esteem. >> michael montessori money
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that you han. >> woo plus -- two plus two equals dolphin. >> good equals alice walker. >> i don't know. i was trying to figure it out. none of the kids can read they are surprised that they are being taught by these neo nazi druggers. they are mine. of course they can't read. >> they are not neo nazis. they are just mines. mimes. i don't want to get a let frert blue man group lawyer. >> oh, wow. >> it will be wet. >> let me just clarify that they are not fashionable. there is nothing progressive. it is $32,000 a year which prices people out of the market c.
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they can't read in public schools now, so it is on the same plane. the other thing about the blue man group, anti-union. they fired somebody who was trying to organize in vegas. >> now i like them. you convinced me that it is the greatest -- it is possible that they are into yes. we don't know. >> that's a great example of how public schools are. people will spend $32,000 to send their kids to a blue man group school because when they remember their school years they remember watching and going, you know it is quarter past now. next is 20 and then 25. i don't want my kids going to that. send them to the blue man group. >> wait until they grow up and get a job.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. hi, andy. >> hi, greg, how are you? >> i'm okay. >> had to crank up the old volume knob there. >> what happened? >> i needed more volume. >> glad i asked. >> figured it was the best way to get it. you mentioned the algonquin table? >> yes. you. >> you mean the algonqiin round table. >> i don't know if it was round. i am technically correct. >> not so much. >> let's agree to disagree. >> you said that this whole thing cheapens the presidency and why should gary busey be drawn into it? why shouldn't gary busey be in it? >> that was my point.
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>> you want to explain who is is? >> the lead singer of exploited who were not anarchist socialist or the way they collected mortgage. it was pure chaos. >> and willow smith, the delightful daughter of will and jada -- >> she's. ♪ i whip my hair back and forth ♪ ♪ i whip my hair back and forth." >> this comes with being a father i have no idea. >> my kids president do know who willow smith is. they are toddlers. >> you say wright and obama had a fall out because he talked about it. i will throw in allegedly out there. >> it was in a book. it was in vanity fair. >> if it was in a book it must be true. my bad. >> it is pronounced anna winter.
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>> i am not really sure. and i didn't look up as to whether or not she was a citizen. greg you raise the possibility that they will not let people pick the guests. here is why i don't believe it is real. no where on the donation form there does it say where you should let them know who the choice s. the only place there really is is in the comment section of the blog post that announced this little thing. they don't mean this. >> you know what you are saying? the application form is a forgery. >> it may well be. unless there is a long application form i couldn't find. >> there might be a longer one you didn't get. >> but nobody has seen this. >> i have blown it up and taken a look at it. it looks like it was photo shopped. >> i don't buy it. >> i i don't buy it either.
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just let us see it. >> it must be fun to have a dinner with the president. kenya believe -- kenya? get it. only two people mentioned in the blog comments robert gibbs and michelle obama's mother. >> who is that? >> that is actually a saw band out of new guinea. >> you can't say sean penn because that becomes a joke. >> there was not a single actual celebrity that was named. >> no, andy levy. >> or tv's andy levy. >> not even. you viewers at home, but if you want to submit my name. >> do not do andy levy.
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andy levy is a machinist in scran ton. he is tired of your phone calls. >> a good machinist. he dozen joy the nude photos. >> and the woodworking. >> they want to go further and ban popcorn. you referred to them at tortoise pace. i think you need to show them that pet stey theft is there and give the mayor of our city some respect. gavin, have you considered a taliban for dummies book? >> i did. >> i want to say f -- i went to see "permithius." it was the same thing. because of how long the previews were, i finished them and ran out to the concession stand. they were closed. >> they did it wrong. >> i couldn't get snow caps of. >> they can be there when you
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need them. >> i really believe they figured out how many white crystals to make it perfect. each has the exact same number. you know how i know that? >> how. >> i was up some late because of some things i have going on. i counted them. allison, you don't have a problem with the drink ban. it appears the new men favor it 50-47%. >> most drink diet soda anyway, and then we have to pea. we can't brink nor than -- more than that. >> that's a good point. >> the fact that women favor this ban,llison, this is why when people say women should rule the world it would be a better place. it would be equally bad in different ways. >> i'm sorry, i have to move on. thank you for imring. >> michael bloomburg.
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bloomburg was a democrat and became a republican when he first ran for mayor. lost the republican party in 2007 and was an independent. then ran for a third term and -- >> and now he is a complete [bleep]. >> a taurus head. >> with all due respect. >> guess who is not coming in on "red eye." i loved allison. the worst part is it gives teens more time to walk by. >> very frightening when they are in clotsers. >> that's true. -- are in clusters. >> that's true. aren't everything menacing when they are in clusters. >> scabs. >> i will show you that later. >> really?
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>> you said they devoted a lot of time whether there is racism in the show "girls." you are such a marny. >> a what? >> a marny. >> are those the people -- >> it is the character in the show. >> i haven't seen. it i didn't watch it. i am not going to watch this. screw that. >> now you are being an adam. >> i feel like he is being a charlotte. >> there is a little charlotte going on there. >> and you thought man power was a cell phone app. >> i think manhunt. >> confuse can be just as embarrassing as an experience. also some new found hobbies. >> that's true. >> like counting the crystals on your snow cap.
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>> by the way, don't things always need to be fixed? >> yes. >> of course they do. >> shouldn't there always be jobs where people have to fix thicks? >> especially if you walk around breaking them like greg. >> beauty pageants shouldn't be fixed. >> the broken windows fallacy. ji it is not that people are breaking things. it just feels like things are always breaking so we should need somebody to fix those things. >> i am not saying anything should purposely break things. >> i get what you are saying. i am just trying 20* demonize. your beliefs. >> i would agree with you, but i can't on this show. >> the problem is i don't agree with me.
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>> i think we are on opposite sides of the same side. >> all right. the students can't read, but they scored much higher than their peers on bugging your eyes out. there are pluses and minuses. allen, you said they are mimes and of course they can't read. it is speaking they have a problem with. >> how can they teachers and somebody to read? there is -- >> there is no evidence that mimes make them it literate. >> you know who is opening a competing school in chelsea? they have a lot of toilet paper. >> and the kids from zoom should get together. >> with their own language. >> they have their own language? >> yes, they teachers and it at the blue man school. i am done. >> thank you for that. do you get the feeling that went on way too long. >> get a hint.
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>> he is the same way at parties. did you know that stick you are eating is made in brooklyn. >> it is like when you have a party and your dad checks on you and he is buzzed and you are like, i am not doing drugs, bye. coming up, stories so rad if they were a pool party you would say i can't wait to wear my new bathing suit at that radical pool party. >> should you not drink while parenting? not unless you are prepared to share.
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largest drop approval was seen in china followed by japan and mexico. confidence in the chosen one remains high, although among allies, especially in europe. what does this mean for the election in november? let's not find out in the -- >> lightning rooooouuunnnndd. lightning round. >> as a foreign policy expert, and congratulations. >> thank you. it has been a long, hard road. first of all, they are not voting in our election, that we know of. >> she is learning. >> and i would be more concerned if he had high approval ratings around the world so that means he is not putting our interests first. >> that is a very astute poin. before he was elected i thought he cared more about being mr. popular worldwide than being an efficient leader
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in the united states. turns out he failed on both counts. am i right 1234*. >> china hates him because they gave -- it is like if somebody gave me money and then they said, that guy is never paying me back. mexico hates us because his attorney general is killing them by the hundreds. japan, they are just japan. they are just weird. >> do you care? >> what belgium -- no i don't care at all. incidentally it is not true they tont like them. they love them. it was about 85%, 90%. the chinese, we owe them money and everything. >> what they attack him on, they uh to be from the -- it is not as if they are mad at him because he is fixing health care.
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>> that's my point. i have to say i would be a hipocrit i wouldn't say this is good news. i want somebody strong on terror and was not scared to take the war to the terrorists and kill osama bin laden who is on your chest with a bullet hole in his head. you put those bullets in there, i assume? >> i hate sausage lips. >> do you have an opinion? >> yes, i think california is europe. bill marr is every bit european. they are mad because he didn't legalize pot. he didn't do enough school days with the lefty psychos with all of california. he is mad he is not cool enough. >> that's an interesting point. i think i learned something. >> in california they are mad
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next topic. earlier it was reported that british prime minister david cameron -- they have those there -- accidentally left his eight-year-old daughter in a pub after lunch. no, a pub is a drinking establishment for those who are not aware of that word. skip that part -- go ahead. i made a joke on the fly that was not as good as the one in there. this left behind incident prompted the washington post to ask whether drinking while parenting is a good idea. gavin, are you a parent. >> yes jie. what is your approach to drinking around kids and what are your plans when they meet their teens. i don't mean their teenage ids c, but their own teenage
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years. >> i will city -- i will say, i didn't do that to you. i am disappointed in you. you are hitting your teens. grow up. >> i am so glad you threw the date. >> i'm not sure the math works out a that one. >> there actual she an issue. i am scott -- scottish and it is in our dna to drink every night. you know if you start slurring. the other night i was listening to flowers scotland and i was bawling my eyes out. the kids were touching the tears on my face. it was to see if they were real. i thought this is probably not good. >> and then he is crying because he is weird again. i always asked, when is going on? >> oh, we are not feeling well. >> i always knew when my parents were drinking, and i did not like. it my dad got -- he was a
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happy drink. those westbound worse than angry drunks. his gestures got big and he would lean against the wall. he and my mom would get along really well. sometimes that's worse than parents that get along. >> that means more siblings. >> that's right. >> i don't understand. >> when a mommy loves a daddy very much they hug and it feels like a tickle. then mommy gets cranky. >> that is the best description ever. >> i don't drink so my kids don't know. if you have seen some of my movies you know at certain points i smoked a certain substance. since i have kids i quit smoking medical marijuana while they were awake. >> it is not the sciatica. it is the migraine and ever
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once in awhile the tennis elbow. >> i love that people in california and there is a nine foot bong. it is another delivery system. it is like a syringe. >> a big, huge, purple syringe. most of these kids are the result of drinking. >> why are there so many birthdays nine months after new year's eve? >> we will close things out with a post gail report with andy levy. to see recent shows do to our website.
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tv's andy levy. >> does it open this weekend? >> yes friday everywhere with vanilla ice who i know -- >> look straight ahead. i am so obsessed with television. must look at the shiny object to my left. >> it opens on friday. go and see it. >> how is it going? >> really well. i host a pod cast on the adam corolla network, and i am doing it live in comedy venues around the nation so look for it if you live in los angeles. >> what is this about an urban outfitter store? >> i am goings in philly and manhattan and boston cambridge to tell stories that cooperate get in the book. not selling it. >> real qck, gavin made $16,000 selling the andrew breitbar t-shirts. >> sorry it was so unprofessional getting them to you.
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they are there now. if not now m they will be there in a few days. >> bill: tonight. >> you are not special. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. . contrary to what the soccer trophy is suggests you are nothing special. >> a veteran teacher tells the kids at an upscale high school the truth that they will have to prove themselves to be called special. now, the teacher is in trouble. we will have a special report. this notion that somehow we caused the deficit is just wrong. go back check, take a look at the numbers. >> bill: we did, mr. president and we have the final tally. we will compare the debt runup but you as opposed to the one run up by president bush. >> i would caution if you go down this road it will get tricky for you once in awhile. >> dennis miller on whether eric holder should quit and how he would protect the kids from adults
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