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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 15, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EDT

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europe is exactly in that situation right now. greece in fact is the lehman of europe. so all the big banks all around the world, the central banks of this world are getting a lan ready to create, as you said, bill the mother of all bailouts. stick in a ton of money. print a ton of money into the system so that it doesn't clog up. the british have already announced they are going to flood their banks with cash. the central banks say they are standing ready to intervene if it's necessary in europe and the federal reserve, bill, would almost certainly be would a part of that massive bailout effort. bill: so the u.s. is going to put american dollars on the line here? >> almost certainly. there is no formal announcement of this but that's what people are expecting a mother of all bailouts with all the european central banks and federal reserve playing its part. bill: what about tim geithner, the treasury secretary, how he is involved? >> mr. geithner was in europe the last few weeks,
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asking them, telling them, get a plan together in case you go over that cliff. president obama wants that plan to proceed. he does not want to see europe crash. bill: how dire is this? because it is not just greece, right? it is spain too? >> let me give you a example. in greece over the last few days they have been stocking up on emergency food and fuel is up price. they have been taking money out of the banks. this is greece, a country of 11 million people. they're taking $800 million euro as day out of their banks. they don't like the banks. the spaniards are doing the same thing. that is an indicator of crisis that is right there, right now. bill: what you're watching on your screen is protests from earlier in the year. there is a vote on sunday in athens, throughout the country of greece. >> that decides whether they're in or out of the euro. bill: okay. if that is the case, depending on the outcome, can all of this be avoided yes or no? >> if there is massive bailout, a huge bailout you avoid the crisis of the immediate future.
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i hate to use the expression expression but a massive bailout would really kick the can down the road beyond our november election. bill: you're going to have a busy weekend. stuart, thank you. we'll see you 9:15 on fbn. stuart varney there. martha has more. martha: this raises concerns whether there could be sort of a domino effect and how does the u.s. really measure up? what is our situation like here at home compared with the european countries in so much trouble? look at the first column that is our economy. $15.6 trillion. greece is much smaller. just over $271 billion. italy is just a little over $2 trillion. look at another number economists like to gauge how healthy an economy is. this is the debt. how much of your gdp is debt, okay? the united states is at over 106% of that number, debt-to-gdp ratio. how much are you producing and how much debt are you holding.
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greece is at 145%, very tough shape. italy is at 118%. those are 2012 projections that we're looking at here. how about this number? youth unemployment in the united states about a quarter of the young population is under employed. that is a huge number but look at what it is in greece. over 52%. and italy, youth unemployment which leads to a lot of things including unrest in the streets and folks who don't have jobs to go to, 35% in italy. so that is a look where we're at. doesn't mean we couldn't get closer to those numbers but that is the big fear we're trying to prevent here at home. bill: a lot of red on that screen. martha: it sure is. bill: it is issue number one in our country too, that is the economy. to that degree they are off and riding. governor mitt romney kicking off a five-day bus tour after dueling economic speeches with the president in ohio. first, hear is the governor in cincinnati. >> actions speak very loud. if you want to see the of
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his economic policies, look around ohio, look around the country, you will see a lot of people are hurting. bill: ohio has voted for the winner in the last eight of eight presidential elections and president obama, not to be outdone, hitting back at the governor and republicans in cleveland ohio. >> they will roll back regulations designed to protect consumers and workers. they promise to not only keep all of the bush tax cuts in place but add another $5 trillion in tax cuts on top of that. bill: so the lines are being drawn politically. governor romney's bus tour starts in new hampshire today. that's a state that he dearly wants to win. it would hit also the big swing states that include pennsylvania and again back through ohio. watch that tour. martha: to this story once again now. more than 200 homeowners have been told they need to get out of their homes immediately. the deadly high park west fire tearing through northern colorado now.
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it has already taken one life and torched 100 buildings, many of them homes and residences. forest service tanker planes, there is pictures of that happening, crisscrossing the area. helicopters up there as well. they're targeting the most dangerous part of these flare-ups. >> we're looking for hot spots, anything that will jump across the retardant line. this is coordinated through all kinds of communications in the aircraft working with the guys on the ground. with mother nature and the rain and wind it changes everything. it is die nam mig out there. martha: dan springer live from fort collins, colorado. what is the latest, dan? >> reporter: martha you mentioned new having evacuations were ordered. let me give you an idea where that is. that is the fire zone. it grew another 2000 acres yesterday to 52,000 acres. that is almost eight square miles. the fire jumped this northwestern part of the area and it jumped a road here. that is why the evacuations were ordered for another 200 homes up in this area.
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this fire is now between 15 and 20% contained. so they have got more containment on the southern and eastern edges but continues to burn actively over here. this fire is at $7.2 million to cost to fight it. jumped double from where if was yesterday. there are massive amounts of resources being poured into this firefighting effort. the weather has gotten a little better overnight. we got some rain in the area, not a lot but a little bit of rain and humidity levels went up. that is a two-edged sword. now we have more wind today. also with that rain came thunderstorms. so we had some lightning strikes that started some fresh fires overnight as well. you can see these firefighters are really battling severe conditions out here and changing conditions. martha? martha: what a huge job for them to take on with all of those different forces that they have to deal with. so what are they doing in terms of talking about ways of preventing, real catastrophic fires in terms of people?
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>> reporter: yeah. we're seeing so many more of these catastrophic fires throughout the west. you have a major fire down in new mexico. we've really begun the fire season. the u.s. forest service chief said what we have to do we've got to go back to mother nature and let some of these fires naturally occurring just burn to burn out all the extra fuel. we also need a few more in the way of thinning projects. getting people in and sending some of the brush and the stuff that is accumulated in the forests because we've had such good fire suppression over the last 30, 40 years, there has been too much fuel buildup. that is very controversial on a local level. people who are opposed to logging. they want restrictions put on logging. other people are saying we've had prescribed burns that have gone very bad and, it has caused fires that have grown out of control. martha: yeah. >> reporter: so you have solutions but they're very controversial. martha: big question about how much to mess with mother nature and what works well
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and what doesn't. very windy out there today as well. thanks so much, dan springer. we'll check back with him later. we want to see your pictures. if you have video of these fires or photographs, you can go to our website. it is on the screen, follow the instructions there and up load your pictures or video. we need your name, the location of the pictures, a brief description what we're looking at. as always when you do that stay safe. bill: sure was windy. they don't need that, right? it could turn the arab spring on its head more than a year after ousting of egypt's dictator. hosni mubarak's right-hand man is back on the ballot. secretary of state hillary clinton says there is no going back however on democracy this egypt. >> there can be no going back on the democratic transition called for by the egyptian people. the decisions on specific issues of course belong to the egyptian people and their elected leaders and
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they have made it clear that they want a president, a parliament and a constitutional order that will reflect their will. bill: leland vittert is back there live streaming in cairo. what is going on there, leland? >> reporter: bill, you could cut the heat and for that matter the tension here in cairo with a knife. the day before the presidential election front page of the major daily newspaper, this guy isn't a candidate for president. he is one of the leading army generals. many say he is right now leading a military coup. they have dissolved the parliament here in egypt. that parliament was elected and is led by the muslim brotherhood. the muslim brotherhood which is a major political fact shun here is not happen about that. we're going two days into the presidential election. it pits a member of the mubarak regime a favor of the military against the muslim brotherhood candidate mohammed morci. many on the street are not
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happy with their choice. >> i want a democratic country. i don't want a islamic country. at the same time while thinking about the people who died at tahrir square i think it will be so hard to choose tafiq. i think i will not choose anyone. >> reporter: you have a lot of people right now asking what happened to this liberal democracy that we were promised, that so many here in tahrir square fought and died for back in january, going forward. bill, many say if he wins, certainly a possibility, thousands will return once again to the square, this time violence that will make january look tame in comparison. back to you. bill: leland vittert on the ground there in cairo. martha: as leland points out who would have guessed these would be the two candidates we would end up with in egypt. let's take a look at this historic moment that will play out in these elections t has been 16 months since the egyptian uprising forced out hosni mubarak who was
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the long time president there. that was february of last year. there is dramatic pictures from all of that. remember that? egypt has 52 million registered voters from a population of more than 80 million. 22%. egypt's people still live below the national poverty line. as that young woman said they hoped to have a third alternative in that. now they're choosing between one of hosni mubarak's people and the muslim brotherhood. bill: we'll see you in a couple days whether or not that picture changes. jam-packed show for you as you can see. there is panic around washington as a u if. o is spotted in the sky. martha: really? bill: oh my, you will never guess what it really is. martha: still a pretty strange sight, right. both sides bracing for supreme court decision on health care which could come down at any time. what does that mean, that decision mean for jobs in this country. bill: great question there. attorney general eric holder is ready to make extraordinary accommodation for republicans investigating "fast and furious" he said. is that enough to silence
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the critics? trey gowdy is one of them, south carolina republican. he is here live next. this is the family as of a murdered patrol agent waits for answers on what went wrong there. >> i bet if he lost his son he would think differently. i have trouble with going to the cemetery because he even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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bill: 16 past the hour now. after months of pressure, attorney general eric holder saying he will hand over some of the internal e-mails in "operation fast and furious". holder calls this, quote, an extraordinary accommodation. in a letter to darrell issa he writes, we believe the briefing and documents we are prepared to provide will fully address the remaining concerns identified in the recent letters to me from you and house leadership. south carolina congressman trey gowdy, a republican, a member of the house judiciary committee has been quite vocal about this. he is with me live in his home state, spartanburg,
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south carolina. extraordinary accommodation, what do you think of that? >> i'm actually not interested in an extraordinary accommodation. i will settle for something much simpler which is compliance with a subpoena we sent you almost a year ago. so i don't know what extraordinary accommodation is. in the world i live in, congress has a constitutional responsibility to provide oversight and to provide answers. we requested documents. either the document request is legitimate, which in this case you should comply wit it fully or is not legitimate and you should cite the legal privilege you're relying on. the word, extraordinary accommodation, that is political phrase. that is not a legal phrase. comply with the subpoena and we'll tell you how extraordinary it was. bill: what do you want to find out, if i can drill through all of this, whether or not top officials at the justice department, whether or not they were blindsided by this operation or whether they had a head's up. is that basically it? >> there are two things. you touched on one of them.
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who knew what at doj. reality is we already have enough proof to proof conclusively that senior level officials at doj knew about gun-walking well before brian terry was murdered. whether they are still there, sanctioned disciplined how it happened so we prevent it from happening again. the other thing i'm interested, in, bill, there was a letter, drafted, delivered, february 4th, 2011 from doj it to a united states senator which was demonstrably false and calculated to misled lead. i want to know how a letter that false could be drafted on doj letterhead, delivered to the united states senate and withdrawn only ten months, ten months after you figured out it was false? that undercuts the integrity of the department of justice and i want to know who participated in the drafting of that letter, regardless whether or not the attorney general wants to tell us or not, he is going to tell us or he will be on the wrong
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side of history come next week. bill: one more question, he calls this a serious good-faith effort to meet with darrell issa possibly on monday. is that sack factory? >> let me see. it has been 16 months. he waited until the eve of trial. i'm not a fan of courthouse step plea negotiations. this has been going on for 12 months. so to wait until two days before you're scheduled to go to trial so to speak to start wheeling and dealing, this isn't bridge. we're not haggling over a used car. this is congress exercising its constitutional responsibility. i'm not interested in negotiating. bill: there will be headlines on monday regardless. trey gowdy, thank you for your time, in spartanburg, south carolina. >> have a good weekend. >> you as well. martha. martha: no doubt it is the number issue that faces voters in this election, the economy. bill hemmer heads into a key 2012 swing state to listen to what voters have to say. bill: fascinating.
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you go out there to talk to them. a nationwide manhunt for a former special forces soldier accused of gunning down a woman in a hospital. the latest twist in this case friends of the suspect say they never saw this coming. >> he is the calmest, easiest going, friendliest, guy you can imagine. i find it hard to believe. i mean the facts will come out.
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bill: kind of comical. serious horsepower in arizona. martha: look at that. >> there is a wild horse stallion darting in and out of traffic. police calling in wranglers. but even they decided they could not safely corral the
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horse. occasionally he would use the sidewalk which i thought it was impressive. they eventually gave up on the horse. it gallopped away deep into the arizona desert. foiled again. check him out. martha: run spirit, run. we've got bizarre new details on a trauma surgeon who is the target of a nationwide manhunt. police are searching for timothy jorden. he is a surgeon and former special forces weapons expert. you can see him in the surgeon's gash in that picture. he is wanted for a deadly shooting at buffalo hospital. that is photo of him on the right. his neighbors are starting to describe a sudden, strange personality change. jamie colby is live in our newsroom reporting today. >> reporter: martha, good to see you. the manhunt is continuing for the former armies weapons expert believed to be considered armed and dangerous. neighbors and colleagues are painting a picture of a
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personality change in recent months. dr. timothy jorden, according to those who knew him, meticulous about his appearance and his yard which recently became overgrown and unkempt. that police say was uncharacteric of the doctor. they learned he lost as much as 75 pound in recent months. yet doctor jorden is considered a person of interest in wednesday's shootings of his firmer girlfriend. 33-year-old, jack lynn wisniewski. she was a receptionist at erie county where he worked. she was found shot in a stairwell on wednesday. they want to question him. off-duty police officer and a friend. they found him at the doctor's house on wednesday leaving with a reported $5,000 in cash and a rolex watch. and now authorities across the country are on the lookout for jorden though all four of his cars have been accounted for. he has family and friends as far west as seattle and as far south as georgia. martha: this is a bizarre
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situation, jamie. do police think his military experience played a role in this crime? >> reporter: sounds like it can't be overlooked. because the four shots that killed the single mother were fired with military precision. that doesn't mine the doctor did it. he was a special forces army soldier with a military career that spanned 18 years. >> he is a person of interest. everyone made aware of training and background so when individual officers approach him they will take proper precautions. >> reporter: that goes for anyone out there, martha. if you see him don't approach. call 911. as we get new details we'll bring them to you throughout the day. martha: james,thank you very much. bill: what was this near the nation's capitol? a mysterious object on the back of a flatbed truck. a ton of 911 calls and talk of ufos. whoa. martha: plus the white house getting serious flak for what they call the a major economic speech and the flak is coming from the left this morning. juan williams joins us to
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bill: got some breaking news on the issue of immigration in this country. fox news now confirming officials in washington say they will stop deporting and grant work permits to younger illegal immigrants in the country already. that is just one line that we've confirmed at the moment. we're working through this through our bureau in washington, d.c. when we get more we'll pass it along to you. breaking news this friday morning on "america's
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newsroom." martha? martha: several left-leaning political pundits have been criticizing the big economic address that president obama gave yesterday. "time" magazine columnist joe klein said the president had overall, quote, failed profoundly in his ability to explain what he has done. look at this from bloomberg columnist jonathan alter. he had this to say about the speech. i thought this was one of the least successful speeches i've seen barack obama give in last several years. strong criticism from prominent names on the democratic side. we're joined by juan williams. fox news political analyst. good morning juan. >> good morning. martha: why are they coming out so strongly and what did you think of the speech? >> a little bit like failure is usually an orphan. in this case i think people on the left all think they know better how to run this campaign than the obama people and they're particularly upset that the president doesn't go on the attack against mitt romney and secondly, with regard to
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yesterday's speech, that he didn't properly defend his record. that he didn't go into detailed explanations what he has done to keep the economy on track and growing, rather than to act in the way that he did which is to create a framing speech that, this is what i believe this is what mitt romney believes. martha: it is interesting. one of the things that i've heard many democrats talk about that they want him to focus more on is the auto industry. they feel like that is one of the really strong points that he has can help him out. they want to focus on that. maybe the bigger question is sort of where's the fresh, new second term perspective? where is the, you know, five-point, here is what you will get from president obama in the next, in the next four years? that may be a bigger problem for him, juan? >> well, i think the criticism from the right, just as we talked about the criticism from the left, the criticism from the right there are no new ideas. you know, this weekend one of those guys will walk
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across niagra falls. if you are walking a high wire you can't look back or look down. he is not, president obama is not looking back, not saying here is what the steps i took. here is why i think additional spending on infrastructure was a good idea. here is why i think obamacare was a good idea. here is why i think regulating wall street with dodd-frank was -- he didn't do any of that yesterday. and you know, he went on for an hour. like he is saying here's the future. here is what i would do. he talks about more retraining, more money for education, more, more pressure on banks to lend to small business. but people are saying, is that really different? is that really new? that is where you get the criticism from the right. martha: you said something interesting about this juan in some notes you sent me earlier. democrats are getting nervous obama may not have what it takes. >> that's true. and i think, after two weeks of stumbles, martha, you know one of the big changes
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that's happened, it blows like the wind but at the moment the wind is, gee, this guy could lose. he is up in some of the polls, "real clear politics" average he is slightly up. the sense of confidence has gone out of the democrats on the obama re-election bid. that's why i'm saying, right now, everybody is saying well, i know how to do this better. why isn't he attacking romney. why is he talking about romney wanting more tax cuts but not slashing spending. why is he not the champion of the middle class. they want him to go on the offensive and slipping. that the vaunted obama campaign team is not up to the task. martha: that is my next question for you. do you think the vaunted obama campaign team need as shake-up? surprising all the same players are in place this time around and that raises some questions about whether or not they're up to the task? >> well, martha, you know, that beast has been defined. they are not going to shift. they're very cloistered,
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small group of people. you know who went through 2008 together and had tremendous success. so you get david axelrod, david plouffe and the small group of people in the white house with the president. pretty much they're the same group of people and i don't think they take well to all this criticism but they're very confident and they think, you know what? you go through ups and downs it will be a close election, decided by a few points. last time won of them told he won with 53% of the vote. they think this will be closer. that is the nature of a very divided nation in their mind. so, yes, from your perspective and mine, martha, maybe bringing in new ideas and new blood would be advantageous. i don't think obama team welcomes newcomers very easily. martha: that is very interesting, juan,. we'll see if anything changes in that regard. another on the way out. michigan is pretty much neck-and-neck right now. and michigan with this auto industry news that they think they can bank on,
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perhaps they ought to be in better shape there given that argument. we'll see what happens. juan, thank you very much. >> you're welcome, martha. martha: good to see you as always. bill: while they were talking to voters in ohio, governor romney and president obama, we were listening to voters throughout the country. if you follow our series we've been to orlando. we've been to the suburbs of order. we take you to the state of pennsylvania which republicans would love to put in play but it is tricky. democrats dominated in the keystone state for couple decades. that because the case in 2008 when barack obama beat john mccain in that state by 11 points. we chose a county, right here, southwest of pittsburgh. this is washington county. for the first time since 1972 and richard nixon, washington county voted for a republican. john mccain won that county by four points, 52% to 48%. why would that be? we went there to find out why. and what we found is one
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issue that dominates. washington, pennsylvania, was built on the back of coal. it's the fuel in the engine that has driven the local economy. but coal has long been maligned as a dirty source of energy and that is something bret harvey has been fighting for years. he is the ceo of consol energy, one of the largest employers in the county. what do you think of the current american energy policy? >> i think the current american energy policy political and we're not looking at our resources. we have 30% of the world's coal. we found all this new natural gas. and we, we debating whether we'll use it or not. bill: but the shift from blue to red politically four years ago still begs the question why? diana vaughn has been a county commissioner for 17 years. unemployment she argues is better than most. 6.7% last month. well below the national
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average. >> the recession really hasn't had a huge impact on washington county. we're third in the nation in job growth. 40% of that due to a marcellus shale play. bill: the marcellus shale, a giant formation of sedimentary rock that covers new york, pennsylvania, west virgina and ohio. and washington county sits in the very heart of it all. mining this play for oil and natural gas has made this county a mini boomtown. that is a natural gas platform. it drills 9,000 feet below to the marcellus shale. the government says there is enough natural gas in that shale to power all of america's needs for six years. companies locally argue that number is closest to 25. energy is the main topic at the weekly farmer's market. some say they don't trust republicans because of the environment. that's why this woman, backs president obama. >> because i believe he is doing the best he can with
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what he was given. trying to clean up a big mess. bill: but this voter blames congress. >> i don't care who is president. congress and the senate better do their job. we wouldn't be in these conditions we're in today if congress did its job. bill: these are rural american voters. look what happened in 2008. john mccain beat president obama by eight points among these americans. our fox polling from three weeks ago among the same group now shows a head-to-head between obama and romney. nationally they're tied at 43-43. but among rural areas in america, mitt romney has a 20 point edge over president obama at 53-33%. watch this group of voters as we roll a little closer to november and see whether or not they make the difference. fascinating to talk to them to see what is going on with them right now, especially after four decades of going democrat. that is a democratic county. the reason why they switched to john mccain, we'll tell you because they are very cautious about the policy toward coal and energy and ultimately their livelihood.
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martha: as juan williams was just saying the obama campaign believes it will be a much tighter election for them this time than it was last time. that may be based on some of those issues and those swing voters. bill: you can see, romney will try to drive up the numbers in the countryside where president obama will hit in the cities. martha: very interesting piece though. bill: thank you, martha. later tonight on "special report", listening to the voter series continues. a lot more from washington county with bret baier, 6:00 eastern time later tonight. check that out as our series continues. martha: so businesses are bracing for the fallout that may come from a supreme court ruling on the president's health care law. it will come before the end of the month we understand. that really could be out in a couple days that we're really focusing on now in that decision. how will it affect jobs, how will it affect hiring in this country and how will businesses get ready for it either way? bill: great question. one man will take a walk of his life, 170 feet in the air, over water suspended
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over niagra falls. we're live on the ground. play it, john any. ♪ . [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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up. we'll continue to get more details. but basically the u.s. to stop deporting and grant work permits to younger illegal immigrants. that will get a lot of attention. we'll give it that here moments away. bill: certainly will, in an election year, right? martha: yeah. bill: any day a health care ruling from the supremes will come down and there are new nearest on impact of u.s. businesses. here is house minority leader nancy pelosi who says she has no doubt the will stand. >> we're ironclad on constitutionality of the bill. >> if the supreme court says unconstitutional, that is it, what do you do? what happens to health care? >> i think it will be 6-3 in our favor. bill: if that is the case, what then, if it goes the other way what about that? steve forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief of forbes media. welcome back. three options, the law stands, the law is thrown out or a part of the law is thrown out.
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what do you believe the law right now is doing to american businesses as they await what happens here? >> well, what it's done it creates huge amounts of uncertainty about future costs of hiring people which is one reason why this recovery has been sluggish. the bill itself has massive amounts of new bureaucracy, huge costs, which will lead i think to millions of workers losing their employer health insurance because of the high costs. and i think that's one of the things that the obama administration wouldn't mind. they want more people on government health care programs. so this will be part of a process to get rid of the uncertainty. and i think the sooner the decision comes the better. bill: you know you wonder -- >> something better in its place. bill: you wonder, steve, no matter what they say there will be a period of indecision because you have an election in five months. >> yes. bill: if mitt romney wins, regardless what the supremes say he will repeal it. doesn't that continue the cycle of decision? >> you will have a huge
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debate where we go with health care. at least this monstrosity of the supremes throw it out will be and get market-oriented system and better safety nets than the hodgepodge we have today and i hope romney is ready for a good debate on this, such as having nationwide competition on health insurance. get hundreds of companies competing for your business. make it easier for small businesses to pool together, to get cheaper insurance. there are a lot of positive reforms that are out there. i think bringing them to the fore will i think create an environment for better health care legislation next year, that will get real free enterprise and health care and better safety nets. bill: what mitt romney says he would be make it more of a consumer market and not a government-managed utility. what does that mean? >> what it means is you put the patient in charge of health care again. we have this basic disconnect between providers and consumers today where it's all third party, whether it is insurance companies or government. the patient is behind the
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line. so that's why you get this crazy system where if you go to a hospital and you ask in advance what it costs they give you a very strange look. either means you're uninsured or you're a lunatic. why would you want to know what something costs in health care? so the system goes haywire. we need consumerism again to get discipline and pricing and get more productivity. i think we have to rev up what states have, some states have, in terms of pools for high-risk patients so you get effective insurance there. there are a lot of positive things you can get done. this will create a environment we'll get something sensible done in health care instead of this government hodgepodge which will kill health care innovation. bill: romney says he will give more money to the states that would have normally gone to the federal health care law. it is june 15th. we're within two weeks. we'll see how it goes and bring you back on no matter what the ruling is. >> thank you, bill. bill: to our viewers what do you think at home?'s newsroom. a bya box.
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shoot me a e-mail at hemmer@fox news drot cop. or a a twitter. probably most issue we get several queries about, health care. it will be a big, big day when it happens. martha: it will be interesting to see whether the vote is close or not. that will tell us a lot about the what the supreme court members are thinking right now. coming up, the top man at the pentagon that one trillion dollars in pending defense cuts were never really supposed to take effect. >> it was designed as a meat axe. it was designed to be a disaster. because that, the hope was, because it is such a disaster, that congress would respond and do what was right. martha: guess what? congress did not respond and in many people's opinion did not do what was right. that is the stark reality from the u.s. secretary of defense. so can congress come up with a budget that will protect the defense budget? after this. i'm robert shapiro.
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bill: "e.t."? martha: no, i don't think so. "close encounters of the third kind". bill: capitol chaos. drivers near the nation's capitol spotting what they thought was a ufo. what do you think? have a look. folks posting pictures on line of a mysterious object on the back of a flatbed truck. what was more interesting, 911 calls. they came and came and came. >> what does the picture look like? >> what does the picture look like. a ufo. i don't see too many ufo's. >> does it look like a martian type of thing or a spaceship? >> it is twitter right now.
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>> i can't get on twitter. >> well, i mean i just got a little worried. bill: yeah. he was worried. turns out, he wasn't too far off. it was a military dreen transported from west -- drone transported from west virgina on to maryland t was trending on twitter. one person said this tweet, photographic evidence of ufo creating gridlock on 495 near college park exit 25-a. martha: two things, first of all. that is pretty cool. who gets that close to one of those drones and gets to see it. that would make me want to stop and take pictures. see what is going on. amazing shot given what it really is. the other thing is, 911 call, is it a martian type of thing compared to the other martian type of thing. does it look like one of those. she is trying to nail it down. can you blame her. this is the freakiest story of the day in my opinion. a two inch wire, more than 170 feet.
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tonight, nik wallenda will be first person in more than a century to walk a tightrope across niagra falls withed wind and splashes water and all that. rick leventhal is there on the new york side. how is this daredevil doing this morning? is he crazy to try this? >> reporter: a lot of people have asked him that, martha. he said he is like a kid on christmas morning. he has been dreaming of this since he was six years old and first visited niagra falls and wanted to walk across it. who wouldn't? he took practice steps last night using a scissor lift to get up to the wire. he comes from seven generations of tightrope walkers and trapeze artists. he has been on a wire since he was two and about to take a walk of a lifetime. 1800 feet on two inch cable across the niagra gorge, 200 feet above the river dealing with wind and misses with spectators. the previous from
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death-defying wearing a tether and because the tv station broadcasts event wouldn't pay him. >> they want to promise viewers that nik wallenda will not lose his life that evening. that will guarantee me from falling into the gorge. i still have a balance. i still have to stay on top of the wire. >> reporter: he told me if he does fall and doesn't drop his thirty foot balance poll and get back up on the wire and continues his walk. if he drops on the pole, martha he will have to sit there and wait for someone to rescue him. martha: that is so scary. i'm glad there is a backup plan. rick, thank you. don't try that at home. bill: better than a barrel. breaking news on immigration. homeland secretary will brief reporters in next 30 minutes. do not miss that. it is a developing story here on "america's newsroom." top of the hour after this.
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martha: breaking news this morning, folks. this is a stunning announcement from the u.s. government regarding illegal immigrants. the department of homeland security just coming out moments ago saying that the government will stop deporting young, i will leaguele immigrants in the united states and lynn stea will instead grant them work permits. good morning, everybody, i'm. >> caller: bill: i'm bill hemmer. waiting comments from janet napolitano. she will speak within minut. we are expected to hear a lot more about the announcement then. molly henneberg is live in washington. what have you learned. >> reporter: we are getting information in this second from the department of homeland security. i've been handed a statement from secretary napolitano which says our nation's immigration laws must be enforced in a firm and enforceable manner. discretion which is used in so many other areas is especially justified here. there is still a lot of
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unanswered questions in the change in policy. it was just announced this friday morning. the department of homeland security secretary jan aetna poll tan owe will be talking to reporters. young illegals will be able to stay in the u.s. and a employ for work permits if they meet criteria, if they are younger than 30 years old and brought to the u.s. before they turned 16. if they've been in the u.s. for at least five continuous years and have no criminal history. and if they graduated from a u.s. high school or earned an equivalent degree or served in the military. they can apply for that work permit which lasts for two years and can be renewed begin and again. we are told this may help as many as 800 young illegals here in the u.s. this is how the obama administration is attempting to deal with the issue of young illegals, often brought here through no decision of their own, raised here, go to school here, but aren't legal. apparently they'll be able to get work permits and remain in
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the u.s. legally, but will not under this policy have a path to citizenship. politically speaking this may help president obama with the influential latino voting community. it is an election year. he will speak to the latino appointed and officials next week. governor mitt romney will speak to the group next thursday. and congress will probably have something to say on this matter that the obama administration is changing u.s. immigration policy rather than letting lawmakers hammer it out. bill there is a question we all want to ask secretary napolitano when she talks to reporters and that is what happens to the parents of these young illegals, if the younger illegals stay with a work permit do the warrants get deported? a lot of questions we have for the secretary when she talks to us. bill: this bypasses congress, right, molee? >> this bypasses congress. this is a change from the administration on immigration policy. bill: we are look for more
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information. we'll hear from janet napolitano coming up. watch for the impact in states like new mexico, nevada, possibly colorado, critically battleground states in the election come the middle of november. breaking news on friday morning on america's live. martha: a lot more on that throughout the hour. how about this. ten years to economic recovery? new reaction today to president obama's economic blueprint for america, the president telling voters to sit tight. the speech comes after yesterday's weak jobs reports. new applications for unemployment benefits spiked to 386,000 in the previous week on top of an 8.2% unemployment rate, an upper movement the previous friday. his comments on economic recovery made in the swing state of ohio, minutes after that governor romney took to the stage, spoke in the same state. president obama says he needs more time to fix the economy, while mr. romney says we are heading down the path of
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europe. >> this was not your normal recession. throughout history it has typically taken coun countries up to ten years to recover from financial crises of this magnitude. today the economy's of many european countries still aren't growing. >> he's going to be saying today that he wants four more years. he may have forgotten he talked about a one-term proposition, if he couldn't get the economy turned around in three years. but we're going to hold him to his word. martha: joined my neil cavuto, senior vice president, anchor and managing editor of fox news. great to have you with us today. ten years to recovery? >> every time i hear a president, or economist, or market-type say it's different this time, for this recession is dave rerpbgts yo different, you know they never really are. in the scheme of things we have recession, there is a lag time and recovery time, generally
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anywhere from 18 to 36 months. this recession was a cute but not as severe as the early 70s recession, or later on the late 70s recession that turned out to be into the early 80s recession. so it was no more acute than that, truth be told. the recovery time is taking longer. critics will argue because we doubled down and spent more and made it more problematic and we piled on the world's troubles as well. the world's troubles were evidence in different recessions as well. we came up with the wrong perscriptions in the waning days of the bush administration and i think we came up with the wrong perscriptions in the early days of the obama administration. martha: you do not prescribe to the notion that what is about to unravel in europe as we are seeing this morning -- i don't remember in my life people talking in terms of being real nervous about the future. but perhaps that is what takes
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us to this complete bottom, bottom of all of this and we start to really see some meaningful turn around? >> the only time we have overcome what ales us is when we do the very things that are extremely unpopular and cause riots. the academy award winning movie on maggie thap eris one of the famous scenes is when she wouldn't bulge on the austerity program to break public unions. >> we have that kind of leadership now? >> no. my only issue was she would not bend or fold. ronald reagan would not bend or fold. i'm not trying to make this a political statement as much as it's very tough to sell as territory or range i reigning in public sessions in an environment like this. the message we learned from other recessions is you do have to do something like that. sometimes big infrastructure spending is not the answer. you have to couple it with a
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very aggressive federal reserve and a very aggressive fiscal stimulative policy, and that has been the cure for every single recession that i've covered. martha: i want to ask you a little bit about this breaking news, about this immigration news, and jan aetna poll tan owe iaetna poll tan owe is going to speak with this. people of a certain age would be able to stay in this country. it's something marco rubio has talked about. is there an effort to find middle ground on this issue? >> i was thinking marco rubio and the notion of you can't punish the children of those who illegally got there. and there is something to be said for that. i was also anything of the nerdy business guy, if i'm a businessman and i might be deliberately or accidentally employing any one of these young people i'm suddenly off the hook. if i can get a work permit or whatever, you and bill have been reporting on, and i'm just hearing the tail end of this, i
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apologize, i'm liking that and i'm thinking that is going to be a boom to me. i can keep them on as workers. i don't know, like both of you said what it means to their parents. but i do know if you're just a businessman, and you're in new mexico, or you're in colorado, or you're in texas, or you're in some of these crucial borderline states that hire a lot of illegals, again, whether knowingly or not now you have an out, and now you have sort of a path to closure here, maybe, maybe. but it does upset the apple cart. for those businesses who have illegals on their payroll, many of whom do know it it is a big out and reprieve for those workers. it is a big opportunity. martha: and a closed door, perhaps for american workers in that sense. >> i don't know, if you've been hiring them under the books at a cheaper rate -- martha: you're probably not going to find u.s. workers to doe that. >> right. but i do think it could shore up a workforce here that heretofore
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has been working underground. i'm just knee-jerk reaction, i could be very, very wrong. that is the one side of this. and i'm fascinated to follow this. i might have to follow this at 8:00am on fox. martha: that's where we would find you? you'll talk about that. >> yeah. >> any big national issue, international issue comes back to me, and watch me at 8:00pm. martha: that's why you're senior vp of everything around here. thank you so much. catch him on fox business channel, 8:00pm as neil cavuto said. your world is at 4pm on the fox news channel. we can't get away from neil. bill: governor mitt romney telling the supporters that the u.s. could be on the brink of the same path of europe if
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president obama wins another term in offers. he blamed the president's policy for holding the economy back saying less government and less spending is the answer. governor romney is in the middle of a five-day bus tour through several swing states that begins in new hampshire, martha. martha: meanwhile president obama holding a fun fund-raiser of his own, hitting up people for $40,000 a person, $80,000 a couple. critics are a cushion the president to devoting too much attention to big-money donors on this campaign and not enough to your average voter. president obama has held nearly twice as many fund raisers as george w. bush did in the same period in his presidency and way more than the four presidents previous to him combined. supporters say that all the fundraising is a necessity because of the costs associate etassociated with the modern campaign and superpac and that's
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how it shapes up. bill: the immigration policy is breaking news. we'll ask congressman allen west for his reaction on that in moments. martha: shocking video showing a brazen kidnapping, and the shocking suspicions about who is to blame. bill: and a fox news exclusive on the massacre at fort hood in texas. for the first time the victims are speaking out. and our investigation found red flags were raised everywhere, but nadal hasan, the man on the right was never stopped. >> you could lose your security clearance in the army for having bad credit and be kicked out of the army but you can't lose your security clearance for talking to a member of al-qaida through email? i mean it doesn't make any sense. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm.
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fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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martha: breaking news on "america's newsroom" right no. and it has to do with new immigration laws, in terms of allowing people under the age of
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16, under the age of 30 i should say who entered this country by the time they were 16 to stay here legally and to obtain work permits. this is getting a ton of a tense today, and it is also leading the president, president obama will come out and speak on this. we are just being told, at 1:15 eastern time today, and janet napolitano is going to take questions on it on the phone coupling up in a little while. we'll get you what she has to say on that moments away as well. florida congressman alan west who serves on the republican study committee and the house armed services committee is joining us now. congressman, welcome, good to have you here. >> thanks for having me, martha. martha: what is your initial reaction to what you've heard so far? >> well, this just came across my blackberry about 20 minutes ago as i was coming down to the studio, and it reminds me of a very important maxim that says, surprises are only for birthdays. so the fact that we are getting this. we are not in session, i think
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this once again is an example of an executive branch or administrative over reach to have an unelected bureau cat in janet napolitano coming out about a policy citizen which will affect residency in the united states of america. this is why we have oversight committees. it should have been brought up as legislation with the homeland security committee both in the house and senate, been debated, gone through a process where it would be refined and amended and brought up before the house floor and also to the senate floor for final approval. that's how we do business in the united states of america. we have representative governments, and i think right now this shows that we are getting away from government that is based upon the consent of the american people, and we're starting to live under a rule by edict or executive order. martha: you bring up some great points and no doubt the homeland security committee will want to speak out about this as well, and we'll see what the overall congressional reaction is. but let's go to the issue itself for a moment, because there are -- republicans have been
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somewhat a divided on this issue as to whether or not children who are brought in illegally by their parents, and these children, you know, have no say in the matter, should we grant them the right to work in the country legally under work permits, and then potentially allow them to go through the process, just like everybody else does who enters the country and wants to enter the country of pursuing citizenship? >> well, i think there is devils in the details, that's why we should allow this to go through the legislative process, through our committees. i can start to ask questions about, what is going to happen as far as their right to vote? is this one of those back-door opportunities to allow people in the next five months to get the opportunity to vote? will we see the janet napolitano and the president come out with a nooyi tkeubgt tha a new edict that says we allow these people to be here legally, we will allow them to vote. how far down the rob it whol
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rabbit whole will it go? we don't know how the details will flesh out. we have a basic order or rule that's been out by the administration. the american people are obviously not allowed to have any type of input through their representatives that they sent to washington d.c. martha: that is a great point as to whether or not the people who gained work permits, whether or not they would have the ability to vote. even if they don't i imagine they would have family members that could be influenced because of this decision and that is a big issue. we talk about colorado, new mexico, the latino vote in this country, everybody is trying to influence that vote, and that is certainly going to be the backdrop of this decision. >> well, i can guarantee you that as we get toward the election there is no doubt that people are concerned about the hispanic vote, and i would be very interested to know how close the groups like laraza and
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other groups have been made and what impact they had on the executive order and how it's going to be handed out made today. why is it being done at this point in time? why have we not allowed a national debate on this issue to get a feeling of what the american people feel. martha: one place where there's been a big debate over this is florida. jeb bush and marco rubio have both been outspoken on the fact that they think that republicans need to be a bit more open to ideas like this. what do you say to that? >> sure, we can be more open to ideas. i think we have a legislative process where those ideas are brought before the committee. you have members of congress that can then provide amendments as we have an open rule that is called regular order. so we have that process in place. but i also find it quite ironic that the state of florida has been asking the homeland security department under janet napolitano for the past year to help us in improving the integrity and cleaning up our
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voter rolls down here in there and they have refused to do so. now we see the department of justice bringing a lawsuit and asking governor rick scott to stand down. once again i see this as something more so motivated by political expediency rather than trying to do something through the legislative process where we can find a good solution to it. martha: i will be interested to see if something does come forward in the congress, how you would vote on that and what your thoughts were on that as it comes through the process. obviously the process is the most important thing to you at this point. congressman west, thank you very much. >> it is, thanks, martha. bill: a lot more coming up on the story. janet napolitano will speak about ten minutes away and we will ae hear frowe'll hear from the president at 1:15, that will happen on megyn's program. you're five months away from an election in november. we'll hear about the political ramification. a good samaritan rushes to help a driver trapped inside a burning car.
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bill: if you are just joining us, we're going through the details as best as we can tell right n now about this new immigration policy that will be significant. homeland security secretary janet napolitano about to talk about it, that's six minutes away. the president will speak about it in the 1:00 hour later today. among the issues we can determine here is that illegals, illegal immigrants will be immune from deportation if they came to the u.s. before the age of 16, are younger than the age of 30, if they have been in the u.s. for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history. graduated from a u.s. high
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school or earned a ged or served in the u.s. military. it's an extraordinary move that comes during an election year. the hispanic vote, it could be critical in states like colorado, nevada, perhaps florida, also new mexico. hispanic support for the president has been flagging, in part due to the economy that continues to bump along. i want to bring in two of our guests right now who are on this story, first of all margie omeara a democratic poulter and president of momentum analysis. david opella is a member of go pack. let's talk about the politics in all of this right now, david. is it as obvious as it appears? >> this is a policy that we need to learn more about. certainly the initial reports are very confusing, because they are saying these are just memos that are being considered. and certainly they are memos that are written by lawyers in washington, not by border agents
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in brownsville, texas, who are trying to enforce our immigration law. bill: what does that mean, david? >> if you read one of the memos -- >> it gives them more discretion. >> it doesn't. it makes them not border agents trying to secure the border, it makes them judges, because they get to determine what is a low-priority illegal immigrant. or they are being asked to determine what is a low-priority illegal immigrant. >> i want to get margie to jump in too. and weigh in on what you've heard about it so far, margie. >> this would allow young people who have been law abiding. they are undocumented young folks, it allows them to have work permits. and this really gives, now, law abiding kids who are right with the law, they graduated from high school, or they went into the military, a work permit so they can come out of the shadows. it doesn't give them automatic
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citizen shep citizenship, it's not sit than seven ship. it's a path to legal work. it's a path a lot of people i talk to support. if you came here as a child and you graduated from a u.s. high school you should be allowed to work legally. that's a thing that a lot of people support. bill: it could affect 800,000 illegal immigrants already here. david, address the politics. does this make a difference in november? >> well, you would hope, and you see in poll after poll the number one issue amongst all voters, even hispanics is the jobs issue. and so i'm not sure -- i would like to believe that the president and his team have not done this for political reasons. they truly -- their enforcement -- it follows that their enforcement throughout this whole administration has not been on securing the border. bill: you're not sure of the impact politically? >> i'm not sure if is intended to try to score them political
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points, unlike a lot of the decisions they do make in this administration. bill: margie, what do you think of that point. >> i agree. i don't think this is a political decision, it's a policy decision. it allows folks who are working hard to be able to continue to work hard legally, which is an american value. bill: among this group of illegals, this might go along way to shoring up that support. >> undocumented workers are not able to vote. bill: understood but the lingering impact on latinos throughout america could be there. >> i would say with president obama getting in the 60s, and 70s support of latinos that his support is in the flagging. mitt romney has been consistently unperforming. he was running to the right of the republican field on immigration, he is very weak on this. i wouldn't say obama is weak among latinos, i think he's very strong. i think this will be a policy that there will be some debate about, so i don't think that
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president obama is undertaking this because he sees this at a political gain. bill: a december poll by the pew hispanic center said 69% of latinos disapproved of the president's handling of deportation. does this change now, david? >> i don't think so, no. the problem is is that if you talk to hispanic citizens they want laws enforced just like all americans want our laws enforced. as we were discussing earlier, was this done for political reasons? i don't think so. the problem is the policy is wrong. the only way we get our immigration system under control is to first start by securing the border. and this t-t has refused to do that. >> this president has deported more people than president bush. president obama has deported more people than president bush. and it's a mistake, a myth to
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say that the president has been soft on immigration, it's not true. bill: we'll hear from janet napolitano in a few moments here. nbc "wall street journal" polling about a month ago found barack obama leading mitt romney among hispanic voters 61-27%, that was in may. david, manning you, margie thanks to you as well. >> thank you. bill: more on the way. here is martha with more. martha: more of that in a moment. first the crises in syria continues to get worse by the day. the u.n. unable to get anyone into the country and now comes word this a military solution may be in the works for syria, just ahead. bill: also a fox news investigation confirming accused fort hood shooter major ha tkal hasan exchanged emails many of them with the radical cleric anwar al-awlaki. the victims are breaking their violence for the first time in this tragedy. >> at around 1:00pm he appeared
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at the readiness center where hundreds of soldiers were being processed after coming home from a long deployment or preparing for one a long ways from home. >> you heard him yell allah akbar? >> uh-huh. >> 100%? >> 100%. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts.
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bill: a knocks news investigation into the massacre at fort hood, fox news found multiple email exchanges between the shooter nadal hasan and the
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american cleric anwar al-awlaki. for the first time some of the victims are going public and wondering how this could be classified as a work-place shooting. [sirens ] >> november 5th, 2009, after being shot by fellow soldier nadal hasan private george stratton and staff sergeant shaun manning had only one thought, how to escape alive. >> as soon as i got out the first set of doors i got off of my knees, i pushed the tkaourp door open, i went around the corner of the building someone yelled, he's coming around the building, he's shooting people. i felt there helpless, waiting for him to come in and finish the job. >> i remember him shooting as fast as he could shoot. he had a tactical weapon on his
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weapon. >> what would that do for him. >> make his targets easier. the first shot hit me near the left chest. >> how close to the heart would that have been. >> that was the first round, it maybe missed my heart by a centimeter or two. >> that is a miracle. >> yeah. bill: a lot more on that later this evening. peter brooks former cia officer, and marie ph-bg a invoice is a former federal prosecutor, criminal defense attorney. good morning to both of you. peter there were red flags that propped up everywhere. why did this system fail these people? >> well, you know, it appears that there was some information-sharing problems. we also have to understand that this was -- they were using good al-qaida in the arabian pennsylvania, anwar al-awlaki who inspired this tack was using really good operational techniques. he was using the internet, he was able to contact the major in
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the united states. he used a number of different email addresses. obviously the intent was deplorle but the operational techniques were actually quite good. this was tough but i worry about the questions of information sharing among the analysts who were looking at this problem, and of course it ended up with this terrible tragedy. bill: the victims told us they want to speak out, because they are afraid it could happen again. they believe there is systemic issues within the military that have not been addressed fairly in the last few and a half years. are they right, peter? >> my concern is there is some political correctness going on here. in my view it was a ra liege justly motivated terrorist attack inspired by al-qaida in the arabian pa minimums satisfactory louisiana. we overlooked issues of political correctness and not got at the real issue here and take people out of potential terrorists out of, you know, out of action. so, yeah, that is a real concern here. we can't let political
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correctness get in the way of things that might end up in the same sort of situation like we had at fort hood a couple of years ago. bill: you'll find in this show later tonight, leading u.s. senators believe it was exactly that. and you have to name it before you can fight it and that hasn't been done here. annmarie there is a hearing next week, the defense is really trying to push this trial off more and more. it may not even begin until the fall or even beyond, which will be three years since the shooting. work-place violence is how it was classified by the department of dense. why would they list it that way? >> again, i think this is an issue of partially political correctness and partially i think it's to be able to then say, well, you know, it wasn't really a terrorist attack, the only terrorist attack we had was 9/11, and it kind of let's the current administration off the hook here a bit. and you look at it and you say to yourself, this was a systemic problem, the law enforcement folks, the military folks, they had noticed, they knew they had a guy who was a major in the military who was having email
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conversations apparently before even the attack with anwar al-awlaki, and they apparently knew about that and they did nothing. they said, well he's a psychiatrist, it's medical research. i mean if he's having contact one and one with anwar al-awlaki, why weren't they monitoring that? and why weren't they working with him if they had somebody who could work as an informant if that's how they looked at the guy they should have treated him as such and worked with hem. them. it let everybody off the hook. bill: this man was promoted time after time for 20 years an was never a good doctor or soldier in the first place. your heart really goes out to the victims and the families, they are really struggling with this every day. >> it could have been prevented. bill: thank you for your time and peter thanks for your time as well. >> thank you. bill: it's called fox files, the enemy within it heirs later tonight on the fox news channel, 10:00 eastern time. martha: we'll look forward to that tonight at 10:00pm. we are following this breaking
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news this morning, and janet napolitano, the head of dhs is on a conference call right now answering questions about this breaking news. we are going to bring that to you as soon as we get comments from that. the news is that the homeland security department is now suspending deportations of young people who are brought to the united states without proper legal status, and we'll give them work permits. big change at dhs that did not go through congress, that is the controversial part ever all of this. we'll be right back with more. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense.
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of -- not on their own volition, and grow up in this country and want to work. they will be able to get work permits. it's raising a number of issues, number one, why the president decided not to go through congress to get this passed, that is one of the big issues, we just spoke to congressman allen west about that, he's none too happy about it. the other big issue is whether it's specifically designed to court latino voters during this election year. here is janet napolitano on this moments ago, listen. >> i believe that additional measures are needed to insure that our enforcement resources are not extended on low priority cases but are instead appropriately focused on people who meet our enforcement priorities. therefore, consistent with our existing use of prosecutorial discretion, today i am announcing that effective immediately young people who were brought to the united states through no fault of their own as children, and who meet
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several peak criteria will no longer be removed from the country or entered into removal proceedings. martha: big move from dhs. the president is going to come out and speak about this at 1:15 eastern time this afternoon. we'll cover that. that will be on "america live" this afternoon. molly henneberg joins me now live in washington with more on this story. hey, molly. >> reporter: hi, martha, she just said it's effective immediately. i'm looking at a homeland security press release that just came out that looked like customs eupl ma congratulations iimmigration is supposed to implement the policy within 60 days. secretary janet napolitano is talking about it now and president obama at 1:15 this afternoon is going to talk about this change to immigration policy. this has been an issue that congress has really been wrangling over. what to do about young, illegal immigrants who were brought to this country by their parents.
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they go to school here, they live here but they can't sort of come out and live here legally. this is how the administration is dealing witness. it may affect as many as 800,000 illegal, young immigrants. you heard the age range has to be underage 30 but brought here before they turned 16. they have to have a high school degree or be in school here, or have served in the military, and they can't have any criminal history. as you just heard the secretary talking about this is what they call low priority cases. they don't want to go after these young kids. but this policy also does not include a path to citizenship, and that's what congress has been having a tough time with. how to deal with young immigrants but also not do blanket amnesty. that is probably the controversy you'll hear from members of congress on this. that the administration is stepping in here, what does it do about the citizenship issue and their parents and families who are also here illegally. martha: a lot of big questions. some of the questions that we are getting, and i'd love to
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hear people's thoughts on it at home. they can send me a tweet at martha maccallum. one of the questions that is rais is why the timing on this? this is something that they are taking their own initiative on at the white house. they could have done it at any time, so why now? what folks read into that is that it's an election year and that it's election-year politics in some very tight states like colorado, new mexico, arizona, florida, where these are very pressing issues. >> reporter: and the president will be speaking in florida a week from now to a group of latino elected leaders. mitt romney will be speaking to the same group on thursday, president obama on friday. it is an election year. we always look at a lot of these things through a political lense and you can't discount that he's speaking to this large latino group next friday. martha: i would also point out there has been some policy is being worked on by senator marco rubio of florida that has a lot of similarities to this plan. how they are different we'd love to talk him about.
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we'll stay on top of that as well. molly henneberg, thank you very much. in washington. bill: you wonder if republicans embrace it or what rubio says -- martha: what does mitt romney do. bill: florida governor jeb bush. both then will be down there at the end of next week, thursday and friday. how is this policy received in these are critical issues too. small businesses, what happens there as well. we are on that story, also awaiting president obama a lit later this afternoon, as we mentioned. 12 minutes now before the hour, we'll get a break right here and more right after this.
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bill: back to the breaking news right now. janet napolitano speaking with reporters. here is a bit more of that conference call. listen here. >> the decision i announced today, however, is well within the framework of our existing laws. we should not forget that we are
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a nation of laws, and a nation of immigrants, and as i said early with respect to these young people deferred action, the decision announced today is simply the right thing to do. bill: this could affect 800,000 illegals here. francisco hernandez is an immigration attorney. bob dane communications director with the federation for american immigration reform. gentlemen, good morning to both of you. "wall street journal" poll last month romney trails obama 61-27 with hispanic voters. does this make a difference, bob? >> of course it does. rest assured, anything immigration wise that is done in an election year has nothing at all to do with serving the broad national purpose women congratulations. look, this president has usurped the congressional authority to regulate immigration, congress wake up, you're getting rolled over. and he has just declared unilaterally that the united states today has a new plan to deal with illegal immigration.
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you know, he knew from the very beginning, this president, that amnesty was rejected time and time again by the american people. he knew amnesty was not possible legislatively, but yet by executive fiat he hat he has declared the new plan in the land. bill: what do you make of this. >> it goes around congress. >> where is he going to gain votes by doing this. the people who were for immigration reform weren't going to go to romney any way. it's not going to change anything. he's keeping a campaign promise. if congress doesn't like it they could get on the ball and do something to overturn it. but you know they don't have the guts to which has been our complaint from the beginning, that congress refuses to act. all he's doing is by executive order deferring action on kids that had nothing to do with them coming here, they've broken no laws, they want to contribute, they want to work and pay taxes, they want to be part of the american pie, that's all they want. bill: the polling i mentioned is 2-1. but in a tight election year,
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when you're fighting for a couple thousand votes in places like nevada, new mexico, colorado, maybe even florida, does this make a difference? >> well, so be it. so what if it does? it's the right thing to do. that's what presidents are supposed to do during election years. why do you all make it sound like it's something bad. let the president do what he said he was going to do. >> tha do. bill: francisco, please, the point you're making here is that in a close election year our mining for votes wherever you can get them. bob, the question, does it make a difference or not in those critical battleground states? >> he'll get them. >> it's an illegitimate aoufrs immigration to use it as a blunt policy political instrument during an election year. it is one thing for the president to deliver on his campaign promise, but his higher obligation is the constitutional separation of powers, not to roll over congress and declare and rewrite new rules and guidelines by executive fiat.
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>> fair enough. he's doing what he can as the chief executive of the country. congress has to change the laws if they want to change the law and if they don't like it they can do something about it. but he's not giving them amnesty, he's not giving them citizenship, he's giving them just a chance to not get deport erred. what is wrong with that? we're talking about kids who went to high school who have been here since 15, 16, or since they were babies. bill: you have to be at least the age of 16, no older than the age of 30, bob. education, military service. those are the specs as we have them right now. bill: >> no matter how inch cons kwepbgs tal the guidelines are, the fact remains that the d.r.e.a.m. act is broad based amnesty and like all amnesty it is fundamentally unfair to those who have come here illegally, many hispanic. it rewards law break brag, and it will serve to provide future
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flows of immigration. he has created a new narrative on the american landscape that is violating immigration laws in avenue itself and is completely inc inconsequential. bill: the computer is going to cut us off, i apologize, francisco thank you. bob thank you. we'll wait to see how republicans react on this very same issue. martha: a hot topic. and we are going to see a lot more of this throughout the afternoon. breaking news here in "america's newsroom" and the president will speak during "america live" with megyn kelly this afternoon. we'll be right back. [ woman ] for the london olympic games, our town had a "brilliant" idea. support team usa and show our olympic spirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... [ cheering ] in true london fashion. [ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points
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let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. martha: busy friday, huh? bill: sure was. the friday surprise. they roll on. martha: yeah. it's going to be a beautiful weekend, so enjoy it. and happy father's day to my dad and to your dad. bill: right on, thank you. martha: the real mr. hemmer. [laughter] you're a real mr. hemmer. bill: he'll say the original bill hemmer.
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martha: happy father's day to him and to doug maccallum. "happening now" starts right now. jon: a fox news alert on changes to our country's immigration policy. president obama expected to make a big announcement in just a little while. the homeland security department today saying the u.s. will stop deporting younger illegal immigrants and start granting them work permits. this would affect as many as 800,000 immigrants, people who came to the country when they were younger than 16 and are now younger than 30 who have lived here at least five years, have no serious criminal history and graduated from a u.s. high school or served in the military or are currently studying. we'll have much more on this later in the hour. jenna: some big news there. governor romney is hitting the road today, a bus trip through six swing states. what will he tell voters there? be campaign carl cameron is here, he's going to tell us. jon: carl knows all. deadly western wildfires still raging, more evacuations,


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