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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 15, 2012 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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why are we seeing more of these super fires, and can we prevent them? we'll ask the head of the u.s. forest service. jenna: some good questions there. and a manhunt still on for a award-winning doctor accused of murder. the very latest on the search is all "happening now." jon: campaign time happening now, and governor romney kicking off a tour of o six key swing states. good morning, i'm jon scott. jenna: i'm jen la lee. starting a tour in new hampshire where he announced his bid for the republican presidential race a year ago. no those all-important independent voters in some of the battleground states that will decide this election.
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he's starting out in new hampshire, moving to pennsylvania, then ohio, wisconsin, iowa and michigan, all over five days. now, yesterday in ohio we heard dueling economic messages from the president and governor romney. mr. obama saying romney's plan for the economy would signal a return to policies that set the stage for the financial crisis. governor romney countered that the president had his chance to fix the economy and simply did not. we have fox team coverage. wendell goler's at the white house, but first to carl cameron in washington. so, carl, romney's back on the bus today. >> reporter: he is, you know, and he's going to start at that farm in new hampshire, the farm of doug scanlon who's the former house speaker of new hampshire's legislature, and he's had presidential candidates petting cows since the '70s and '80s. in the next five days romney's going to roll through six swing states that mccain lost in 2008, and romney would very much like to win them back. obviously, it's new hampshire today, pennsylvania tomorrow.
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ohio for father's day with his family on the bus and an appearance by house speaker john boehner. then monday it's paul ryan's hometown in wisconsin, jamesville, on to iowa for a little bit tuesday, and he'll wrap it up in his native michigan tuesday as well. today the pro-obama superpac launched an attack ad on romney's record. this was meant to trash romney for his business record in new hampshire where he's campaigning today. the ohio race is now fully engaged, you saw that yesterday with the two speeches from the president and mr. obama. this is the race we will see from here on, this bus trip is one of several that will occur, and it is on in a big way, and it's going to stay at this pace until the very finish. jenna: carl, you were one of the first to report on the fact that romney's not going to be alone on the road. there's a bus that's shadowing him that the democrats have as well on the road. is that typical? do they normally shadow each other?
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>> reporter: well, this is actually different. this is actually foreshadowing because what the democratic national committee's going to be doing is sending their bus and their truth squads to every place that romney plans to visit ahead of his actually getting there. and they're going to talk about romney economics and what they say is the middle class under the bus tour based upon their assertion ha romney wants to cut taxes for the rich. romney trails in every one of these five states according to the real clear politics average. he's closest in ohio where the president leads by only one point. to win all of them, romney has to have a big turnout in the rural areas to sort of compensate for what the president's strength will be in the urban areas. jenna: all right. carl, when do do you go back oun the road? >> reporter: i'll be back on the road on monday, and from there it's planes, trains and automobiles for me. [laughter] jenna: carl, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. jon: so dueling messages on the
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economy from two men trying to win the oval office. president obama and governor romney delivering simultaneous speeches on their plans for economic future in the key battleground state of ohio. the candidates have starkly different views. wendell goler, as we told you, is live at the white house. so what is the president's reaction, wendell, to romney's claim that his economic policies have simply failed? >> reporter: well, jon, he challenges that on a couple of levels he says the economy's created about four million jobs over the past couple of years, he acknowledges that isn't nearly enough to fill the hole created by the recession that began at the end of the bush administration be, but he also says mitt romney's economic policies are really the same as mr. bush's. >> remember that the economic vision of mr. romney and his allies in congress was tested just a few years ago. we tried this. their policies did not grow the economy, they did not grow the middle class, they did not reduce our debt.
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why would we think that they would work better this time? is. >> reporter: still, his aides acknowledge the president owns the economy now, and unless it starts performing better, his argument's going to be a tough sell. jon? jon: so it's been kind of a rough june for the president so far. i understand he made a joke about it? >> reporter: to say the least. he had to walk back his assertion that the private sector is doing just fine, in his words, and that was after bill clinton and a former economic adviser seemed to suggest the bush administration's upper income tax cuts should be extended at least a few months into next year, something the president opposes. and last month's jobless numbers were half of what economists had predicted. his poll numbers took a hit. >> polls will go up and polls will go down. there will be no shortage of gaffes and controversies that keep both campaigns busy and give the press something to write about. you may have heard i recently made my own unique contribution to that process.
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[laughter] it wasn't the first time, it won't be the last. >> reporter: the president was preaching to the choir in cleveland yesterday, but romney's camp shows the gaffe shows mr. obama really is out of touch. jon? jon: wendell goler outside the white house for be us this morning. have a good weekend. jenna: now this fox news alert, another big story in our country today. a raging wildfire forcing new evacuations near fort collins, colorado. some 200 families told to get out immediately. the high park fire, as it's called, is already jumping a river, racing through acres of bone-dry timber that act like rocket fuel for those flames. the third largest fire in colorado history is now scorching more than 78 square miles. hundreds of buildings destroyed, 1200 firefighters are batting these flames -- battling these flames. the president just signed an order adding new tanker planes to the fleet.
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>> we're looking for hot shots, anything that's going to jump across the retardant line. all this is coordinated through all kinds of communications in the aircraft and working with the guys on the ground. >> learning to fly this mission is very difficult. most all of it is on the job training. it's a dynamic environment to learn in. jenna: take a look at southern new mexico. this is the little bear fire. it has destroyed more than 200 homes just outside a resort community near lincoln national forest. it's about 40% contained. smoking and campfires are banned throughout national parks in that state. the northern colorado fire is blamed for one death, a 62-year-old woman was found inside her burned-out home near fort collins. they just couldn't reach her. tried calling her, tried to get her out to no avail. there are at least 12 fires burning in six states right now, and the head of the forest service says unless we change how we care for our forests, we will see more of these super fires all summer long.
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we're joined by tom of the u.s. forest service, he's the chief of that industry, and we're going to draw upon your 33 years of service when we talk a little bit about these fires. we haven't heard that term, super fire, before. why is it being used? >> it's just another term. we've been calling these mega fires in the past, but it's to really bring anticipation to the level of fire behavior -- attention to the level of fire behavior we're seeing in our forests across this country today. and to really stress how different it is today from what we were dealing with just a decade ago. jenna: and tell us a little bit about that. why is it different? >> well, there's several things that have contributed to these conditions. one has been the decades of very effective fire suppression has allowed more fuels to build up in our forests. in addition to that, we've had with the changing climate where we have warm winters, we have extended droughts, very low snow pack, we're seeing that our fire seasons often now are another
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30-50 days longer than we've had in the past. so when these fires get started, they have the right conditions to be able to burn at a much higher rate, they're much more severe. it's because of these fuels are extremely dry. plus the additional buildup of fuels that's occurred over the last few decades. jenna: tom, a fire like the one we're seeing in colorado, as we understand it now there's speculation that it was caused by lightning. so we can't control the weather, we can't control lightning, so what can we truly do to try to make these fires if and when they break out not as bad as what we're seeing right now? >> so when we get a fire started like the one in colorado, the first thing is that we're going to respond with all the resources that are necessary to be able for our firefighters, the brave men and women who are out there on the line, so that they have the tools to be able to do their job. that includes having the air resources they need, the large air tankers, the helicopters, the engines and the firefighters
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themselves. the second thing, we're going to continue our work to be able to restore national forests by doing more thinning, more timber harvest, using more prescribed fires so that when we do get a fire started, it's going to bush at a low -- burn at a lower level of intensity. it'll be easier to suppress these fires. jenna: let me ask you a small final question on the air sources. we had those deadly crashes and a few fires that we've covered over the last couple weeks, and the denver post said, listen, the average age of the planes is over 50 years old, and they were saying your agency has done almost nothing to improve the tanker fleet. we just told our viewers the president signed an order adding new planes to the fleet. is that going to solve the problem that's being suggested about this aged tanker fleet, if you will, that is trying to fight these fires? >> yes.
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it's a first step in modernizing our large air tanker fleet. um, and even this year we have brought on additional air tankers, so we have 17 large air tankers that are operating today. we'll also reach in to our ongoing partnership with the military to bring on eight of their aircraft. plus, we'll now be moving forward to contract for a new, more modern fleet of air tankers that will start to bring -- that we'll start to bring on this year and next year. jenna: good to hear that, tom. you brought a big point out. we thank our men and women that are fighting the fires, we know it's a big job for your agency. thank you so much for your time today. >> thank you. jon: well, police expand their search for a doctor wanted in a hospital murder while investigators create a vivid profile of an award-winning trauma surgeon turned fugitive. it's a really strange story. new revelations about timothy jordan's behavior before he allegedly shot and killed his
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exgirlfriend. jenna: pieces may potentially be coming together. still sketchy at this time. also, the department of homeland security suspend being deportation for certain illegal immigrants. what this means for the november election and also means for the policy overall. coming up in a fair and balanced debate. jon: also voters in greece set to decide if their nation, crushed by debt, will stick with harsh austerity measures. we'll talk to someone who says greece is a cautionary tale for what could happen right here in the good old usa. a legal settlt or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm.
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fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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jon: a fox news alert on changes to this country's policy on handling illegal immigrants. the united states department of homeland security announcing it will stop deporting some illegal immigrants and grant them work permits. u.s. homeland security secretary janet napolitano saying those who are under age 30 right now who came to this country as
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children younger than 16 and who don't pose a risk to national security would be eligible to stay in the country and allowed to apply for work permits. this shift in policy addressing a top priority for a growing group of voters. monica crowley is a fox news contributor and a radio talk show host, julie rah begin sky is a fox news contributor and former adviser to senator frank lautenberg. welcome to both of you. julie, because this is aimed at young latinos, a lot of people are saying this is a nakedly political attempt to win political support for the president at a time when he's having, well, a pretty rough month of june. what do you say? >> well, he's got a lot of latino support to begin with. let's not forget he's got something like 70% of latino voters are supporting him. i think this is a very humane policy. i think it's one that's been espoused by both parties. senator rubio essentially proposed the same kind of
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program in the senate, and it got stymied, so i think this is the president doing what he can to insure that a growing demographic has the same access to the american dream that the rest of us have. i mean, we're talking about children who essentially are now being penalized for the sins of their parents who now will have an opportunity as americans to stay here. they're not going to become illegal citizens, but they can stay here, be product i and continue to have access to the american dream which i think is wonderful for those children. jon: all right. monica, anything wrong with in the policy? >> well, it's such a naked political pandering move that, yes, the president does have stable latino southern -- substantial latino support, but the unemployment rate especially among that community has been breathtakingly high. i also think there may be two other things going on. julie is right to say that senator rubio did advance something similar. it hasn't gone anywhere in the senate as of yet, but for obama
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to unilaterally do this, it may be another part of this political maneuver to try to neutralize senator rubio if, in fact, he is chosen as governor romney's running mate. the other thing to keep in mind is that the supreme court only has two more weeks to issue a rake of rulings, and -- range of rulings. remember that they're also going to rule on the arizona illegal immigration law. and if the court upholds the law, this is another way of trying to get around all of that. look, this is a breathtaking power grabby the president. he is bypassing congress. it shows contempt for the rule of law and, frankly, for the separation of powers, and i would be with outraged. jon: i imagine you two are going to want to continue the argument, so we're going to bring you back later on in the hour. julie, monica, thank you. >> thank you. >> you boat. jenna: that certainly is our big story today, and the president's going to be holding -- i don't want to say a press conference, but he's going to be holding some sort of address today at 1:15 to announce this plan.
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jon: maybe yesterday's 54-minute speech wasn't enough. so he's coming back. jenna: 1:15 this afternoon, we'll get more details on that. this was also a very big story a few weeks back when we covered it. it's a jetblue pilot having a full-blown meltdown midair? hard to forget. passengers restraining him until the flight could land. we have the break news on what's in store for him next. jon: also, the slaughter of civilians goes on unchecked in syria as the united states and russia go head to head over how to stop the bloodshed. the president is preparing to meet with vladimir putin next week. can they come together bring an end to this growing humanitarian crisis? that's up next.
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jon: "happening now" in buffalo, new york, investigators digging into the background of a surgeon wanted in the fatal shooting of his ex-girlfriend. neighbors and coworkers of timothy jordan say they noticed a shift in his personality in recent months, and they can't believe a man who saved so many lives would actually take one. jamie colby is live in new york with more on this strange and very sad case. >> reporter: yeah. let's just say from the start allegedly take one. the neighbors don't know, police don't know why. make no mistake, jon, this is an all-out manhunt stretching as far north as canada for that trauma surgeon who's also a former army weapons expert. police are warning dr. timothy jordan should be considered armed and dangerous, and as police continue to search his home, neighbors and friends are painting a picture of a one who once was meticulous about his appearance and even his yard and his home, but he had recently dropped some 75 pounds and began letting his home go. they just thought he might be sick. but at this point dr. jordan is a person of interest in the
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shooting of his ex-girlfriend, 33-year-old jacqueline wiz knew sky. she was found shot four times at close range, cops say, dead in a hospital stairwell on wednesday. the reported shooting done with military precision, they are saying, though that doesn't mean, of course, that the doctor did it. but dr. jordan is a former special forces army soldier with a military career that spanned 18 years, and he did vanish right after that shooting on wednesday, although all four of his cars have been accounted for. he hasn't been seen since. >> he's a person of interest. everybody's been made aware of his training, his background. so when individual officers would approach him, they'll take proper precautions. >> reporter: place -- police say they just want to question jordan. they have been questioning an off-duty officer who's an old friend of jordan's. he was seen leaving the doctor's house, and it's reported he had
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$5,000 cash on him and a rolex watch. so at this point local, state and federal authorities are all on the lookout for jordan, the the fbi's involved as well, and manhunt's entering its third day. contact 911 or crimestoppers should you see dr. jordan. jon? jon: his whereabouts remain a mystery. thanks very much, jamie colby. >> reporter: sure. jenna: overseas now, new shelling across western syria today. the city of homs under constant fire. the head of the u.n. mission in syria is calling on both sides to stop the bloodshed. this as the united states and russia continue a faceoff over the crisis. the state department is now admitting helicopters russia gave syria were not new as previously described, but refurbished aircraft. russia still supports the assad regime, that's the big point, and syria will, no doubt, be a key topic when the president meets vladimir putin at the g20 summit next week in mexico.
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let's bring in the director of the russia and eurasia program at the center for strategic and international studies. andrew, we got through that discrepancy over the helicopters. the question is, what's next? what can we expect from russia now as far as supporting the assad regime? >> i don't think that the russians are prepared to stop supporting the assad regime even though they claim that they're not supporting the assad regime. but they're talking out of two sides of their mouth at the same time. i mean, how could you not be supporting the assad regime when you are still continuing to deliver arms? and the helicopter issue is really a bit, you know, whether they're refurbished or new, there's still three helicopters that syrian security forces have now to use that they didn't have previously. so i think the syria discussion is going to be difficult between president putin and obama next week. although, you know, in principle both the u.s. and the russians
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have supported supported the ann which looks to be in a shambles right now. where you go from here is not clear. jenna: what would you say on that? what are you watching for? as we mentioned, you have got the big meeting between the president and vladimir putin next week. the plan you just mentioned was part of, was hoped to be a framework of some sort of peace plan between the two sides, but that's not happening. so now what? what are you watching for? >> you want to see a plan for a transition. the problem, though, is that the russians are going to -- if the russians are going to give up on their support for assad, they're going to want to have some certainty about what that transition's going to look like. but the fact is nobody can provide any certainty about what the transition's going to look like. i think everyone fears that the civil war will simply get worse, more deaths and more instability. and with that it's, i just think it's going to be very difficult for us to get an agreement with
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putin. jenna: well, let's talk a little bit about us for a second here because one of the big questions that comes up is how does syria, you know, directly affect the united states, and we've talked broadly about national security issues when it comes to the middle east. some have described what's happening in syria as a proxy war between russia and syria and iran with saudi arabia, and saudi arabia's allies which include us predominant in this region. would you agree with that? >> right. and i would additur key in the mix on our side -- turkey in the mix on our side as well. these sides have grown further and further apart. the russians have gotten closer to iran as a result of what's happened, and even though they have -- they had had a very close relationship with turkey, that's taken some heat with a major difference over what's happening in syria. jenna: and -- >> and one other, one other thing, jenna. jenna: sure. >> when we think about the u.n. security council, we have to remember that the russians are
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right there together with the chinese. and those double vetoes have occurred twice. and so we not only have to get the russians onboard with us, but we also have to get beijing. jenna: big question about how to do that. andrew, thank you so much. >> thank you. my pleasure. jon: president obama and governor romney presenting very different plans for the economy. so who won yesterday's contest of ideas in the swing state of ohio? we'll debate after the break. plus, one truck takes out two houses, and there wasn't even a driver behind the wheel. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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that's right for you. jenna: hrertd hrert, an update now on the jetblue pilot who had a hid air break down. >> reporter: the judge has decided in the case today that 49-year-old clayton osbon is in fact mentally competent to stand trial. he is charged with interfering with a flight crew. just to make everybody understand how serious this is, he was a pilot in the cockpit on this jetblue airlines flight back on march 27th. he came out of the cockpit screaming religious talk, and talking about al-qaida. passengers wrestled him to the ground. the first officer locked him out of the cockpit. here is the official charge. the offense is designed as assaulting or in tim dating the kraourbgs interfering with its duties or diminishing its ability to operate the plane. the passengers no doubt were
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frightened some of them. he faces 20 years in prison in found guilty of this. he remains inactive but still employed at jetblue at this time. clayton osbon will see a trial as they move forward. according to this judge he is mentally economy to withstand one. jenna: more developments as we get them. thank you. jon: fox news is america's election headquarters, with the election just about four and a half months away now the campaign for the white house is heating up. president obama and governor mitt romney trading fire over the economy n dueling addresses from the same battleground state at the same time. it marks the closest thing yet to a general election debate. president obama saying this they want to go back to the policies that caused the recession governor romney is their man. >> if you want to give the
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policies of the last decade another try, then you should vote for mr. romney [booing ] >> like i said i know i've got supporters here. no, no, you should vote for his allies in congress. [booing ] >> you should take them at their word and they will take america down this path. jon: governor mitt romney countering that president obama is giving us an economic address because he hasn't delivered on a recovery. >> if you think things are going swimmingly, if you think the president is right when he said, the private sector is doing fine, well then he's the guy to vote for. but when he said that there was such an outpouring of response from the 23 million americans out of work or under employed that i think today he's not going to say it again. jon: let's get become to a fair & balanced debate. monica crowley is a fox news contributor and radio talk show host. julie robinsky is a contribute
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contribute and former adviser to senator frank laughtn earninggh. >> people are happy with the direction, they are unhappy about the pace of the recovery. it's not like the president hasn't done something. he's created millions of jobs and done his best despite the obstruction of congress to make sure his mission fails. mitt romney has the same policies that got us into this mess. continued tax breaks ta will plunge us deeper and deeper into tkaef sit. the president is right, if you want to continue the same bush policies you should vote for mitt romney. i think even mitt romney would concede that that's exacting what he wants to do. he wants to take us back to the bush administration policies that got us into this mess. even jeb bush who is certainly
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no ally of barack obama, that mitt romney's prescription of going negative on barack obama is not enough. he said barack obama has not put forward a plan of his own to get us out of this quagmire. >> governor romney has had huge success in the private sector, creating jobs, big success as governor of massachusetts as well in turning that state around and lowering the unemployment rate there. look, if team obama is still at the point where they are blaming bush and using this stale, old and incorrect approach that it was the bush policies that got us into this mess they have a bigger challenge on their hands, because number one, president bush's policies, tax cuts that he got through in his first term with bi-partisan support in congress led to 54 consecutive
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months of job creation and economic growth. this president isn't on it point to that. if we're talking about the financial crisis and the collapse of the housing sector that led to the current economic situation then you go back to the origins of that which was leftist social engineering called the community reinvestment act. if tkpwherg to tr they are going to try to use that line and that's all they've got, that is pretty pathetic. he can't run oeup on anything but attacking romney. and record breaking spending has led to unprecedented deficits and debt. clearly he cannot run on that record. so he's got to try to attack mitt romney. jon: julie what about the imagery of the president making that big speech about how he's trying to build up the middle class and then running off to fundraisers in manhattan and hobnobbing with a bunch of political, well, very wealthy
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donors, people like sarah jessica walk err. >> it's better than sheldon allison who is funneling chinese money into mitt romney's calm paeurpbgs putting in millions of dollars of his own money through super packs. barack obama is doing it in the light of day, mitt romney is taking money from shady casino operators that even john mccain said are not above board as to where the money is coming from. mitt romney's reputation in massachusetts. 47th out of 50 in job creation. the only reason the unemployment rate went down is people moved out of state. if as president romney pwapbts to take that nationally where are you going to have people move out of the country. we can talk about romney care, we can certainly balk about his -- jon: monica take a few seconds. jenna: this election is not going to be about mitt romney. this election will be a
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referendum on barack obama. what he gave us yesterday is more of same. in his view government can tphoefr be too big or spend too much. time and again since 2009 straight through the wisconsin recall election a couple of weeks ago we've seen that the american taxpayer is pissed and we've had enough. jon: okay. we are going to leave it there. monica crowley, julie ro roginsky thank you. jenna: a 24-ton runaway dump truck turned into a wrecking ball in castro, california. the driver said he started to make a pick up when his truck rolled down the hill. it hit a parked car, pushed that cash into someone's living room and slammed into a second home. luckily no one was injured. jon: also, scenes of chaos and carnage as greece fights for its economic life. now some economists say the u.s. is too much like greece and not enough like germany.
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droid does. and does it laun apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork.
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does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whater you want to do... droid does. jon: a crucial vote coming this weekend that could impact the global economy. voters in greece are deciding on a new government, and whether to stick with sweeping budget cuts, or just reject the calls for austerity. our shakey economy largely tied to the troubles in europe. some economists say we need to be less like greece and more like germany. peter morisi is a professor of economics at the university of maryland, also former chief economickist for the international trade commission. you say we are too much like greece, why? >> greece got a trouble because of a private sector that couldn't compete. it had a big trade deficit. the united states the same.
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neither country created private sector jobs. the united states as did greece 0 compensates by having big deficits. over a trillion dollars each of the last four years. we've lost our aaa credit rating, i mean we are not as in debt as greece is but we're moving down that path and eventually creditors are going to want higher interest rates for our debt, and then at that point u.s. finances become unworkable and the federal reserve will just have to print money so we can pay our bills. at that point we'll have hyperinflation and it will be like the myanmar republic. jon: the gdp of greece is about the equivalent to the gdp of dallas, if there were such a thing, because greece is so small, i mean can we get away with things that greece cannot? >> we can get away with it longer because we can print our own money. but at some point we'll have to print money to buy the new bonds. the federal reserve will
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literally have to buy the treasury's debt, much as greece right now would like european central bank to buy its debt, spain the same. if we do that we'll create hyperinflation and at some point folks won't take the greenback world side as the means of exchange they'll find something else to use, maybe the chinese, or the japanese yen. jon: you mentioned that the u.s. ought to be more like germany. germany is the country that we beat in world war ii. we helped rebuild their economy, as everybody knows, so what are the germans doing right now that you think we're not? >> world war ii was a longtime ago. the brooklyn dodgers beat the new york yankees in 1955 the yankees are still in business and the brooklyn dodgers are gone. the united states, for example, has a healthcare system that is heavily subsidized by the government, very badly that costs about $8,000 per person to
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keep people somewhat healthy. the germans have a better healthcare system that covers every german, that only costs $4,000 a year. their workers are better trained than ours, and they don't spend lots of money sending their kids off to state universities where they basically learn to dislike their parents and study art history and then emerge with something that is not very useful to do. jon: aren't you a university professor, peter? >> no one knows the whale is sick better than someone who lives in his stomach. jon: oh, boy. peter morisi, always interesting to talk to you. thanks for that. jenna: he puts it in such a unique way. jon: yes, he does. jenna: right? we appreciate it always. jon: interesting points. jenna: this is one of the few police chases where the suspect gets away. arizona police channeling their inner cowboys to try to catch a horse on the loose but it becomes very clear that they are no wranglers. the horse led the scottsdale officers on a wild chase
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yesterday. they tried to corral the animal away from traffic. abg yo as you can see it didn't quite workout. experts were called in to rope the horse, still the four-legged fugitive got away and is still at large. officers gave up because she's in an area away from traffic, and not a threat to drivers, so there you go. jon: wow, is that a wild mustang or do we know. jenna: we don't know. she looks to be in pretty good condition. jon: outran the police. outran the 5-0. good for him. we'll tell you what frances gary powers did back in 1960 that earned him a silver star. plus you'd think they'd fight like cats and dogs, but apparently this border collie wears the pause when it comes to tigers.
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russia become more strained over the crisis in syria we turn to this next story. an airman is being honored for his failed 1960 spy mission over the soviet union. it really marked a low point in cold war relations at that time. his name, francis gary powers. he died in 1977, and is now being honored with the military's third highest combat decoration for valor. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more. >> reporter: there is a little known fact about the gary powers u2 spy plane incident, this is plane took off from a cia, a secret cia basin side pakistan not far from pashaur. it created all kinds of problems with the pakistani leadership
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who actually shut down the base after it crashed. that was 50 years ago. it was the height of the cold war, gary powers left the air force and began flying secret missions for the cia. the u2 spy planes were launched from pakistan so the cia could keep a watch on ballistic missile sites, so they could measure how much radioactive material was being produced. sounds like the drone program being flown recently from a base in pakistan. the u2 flew at 70,000 feet mos mostly out of change of the anti-aircraft missiles. when he ejected after being fired on by missiles, and they tried to ram the state of the art craft, he was criticized for not hitting the self-destruct button. he was returned by the kgb in
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1962, today he was honored at the pentagon with the silver star. >> the powers' family is deeply grateful and appreciative for the awarding of the silver star to my father. it goes to show that it's never too late to set the record straight. >> reporter: his son, gary powers jr. was here at pentagon with other family members to receive the silver star in an incident that literally could have happened just yesterday, jenna. jenna: just before father's day too. how appropriate for that. what an interesting story, jennifer, thank you. jon: man's best friend catching tigers by the toe you might say in africa. a border collie using its herding instincts to corral some big cats solo, the four-year-old dog striking up a friendship with cubs in a tiger mark in south africa, he keeps a few high own a and jack he will pups in line. he's been with the babies since birth and considers them part of his pack.
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jenna: what happens when they get bigger? >> i don't know, maybe he'll play dad. border colleagues are smart dogs. jenna: very smart. the president acknowledges it's quite a tough month so far, only the middle of the month at that. he has negative job numbers and negative news on the economy and that has certainly hurt the white house. our news watch panel looks in at the coverage coming up next hour. plus, an incredible act of bravery caught on tape. look at that car on its side. it's in flames, and a grandmother is trapped inside. we are going to show you what happened next. [ male announcer ] knowing your customers
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tape. the entire video up ahead. and a new study says that childhood obesity can actually affect your child's grades in school. really? our doctor is in on that. blame hamburgers for everything. jon: that's right! jenna: i should have known that, because my math grades were a little -- jon: i'm not thinking you were an obese child. [laughter] jenna: i'm just saying. we're awaiting a supreme court ruling on monday, the high court's decision on the president's health care law is what everyone is waiting for. we're glad you're with us on this friday, everybody, i'm jen jenna lee. jon: bigging on the way, i'm jon scott. gearing up for what could be the most important ruling maybe of this decade. both are looking for a political bounce, so what's the impact on the election if the court upholds the law or strikes down
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all or part of it? michael barone is senior political analyst for the washington examiner, also a fox news contributor. michael, something that i read from you seems to suggest that you don't think whatever happens is going to be good for the president. >> well, jon, i think that you would -- the president's all prepared to go out and say, look, the supreme court has not decided this wonderful law that's going to provide you with so many benefits. the problem with making that argument is that most people don't like the law. it, obamacare, the patient protection and affordable care act, has gotten increasingly negative ratings from the voters in polls, and we've got two-thirds saying they want it ruled unconstitutional. so i think that an attack on the supreme court -- which the president has preemptively made in comments made last month -- is unlikely to be effective and that an overturning of all or part of the law will make this administration seem to be in disarray. its plans for health care not
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fulfilled, and with the issue of what you're going to do about it. are you going to fill this gap with more legislation? very hard question to solve with a republican house of representatives and a senate democratic leadership that doesn't bring things to a vote. jon: i just think of all the wheel spinning that went on to get this thing passed. remember when ted kennedy died and then scott brown was elected to replace him and all of the political maneuvering in the senate and so forth that barely got this thing over the edge. it took more than a year, and yet it barely passed. why isn't the president talking about it more? >> well, he isn't talking about it because he can read the poll numbers, and he's finding that well over 50% tend to dislike this legislation, they tend to oppose it. they think it will make things worse off. now, they may be deluded or simply factually wrong about that, but that is the state of public opinion. so you don't see the president
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talking very much about his stimulus package in 2009, the $787 billion, you don't see him talking very much about the patient protection and affordable care act. i think that, you know, one other possibility, of course, is the supreme court lets the law stand and says, hey, it is constitutional. in that case the president's still got the burden of defending a very important piece of legislation which is widely unpopular. so i think it's going to be a little tough for him whichever way the supreme court decision goes. jon: there were a lot of people who listened to the arguments in front of the supreme court and thought that those who felt, you know, the challengers of the law had the best constitutional arguments. nancy pelosi, though, is pretty confident. listen to what she said this morning on cbs. >> i think that we're ironclad on the constitutionality of the bill. we believe in the constitution, we believe in judicial review. jon: so she is confident. what about the political experts
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and judicial experts you're talking to? >> well, nancy pelosi when she was speaker of the house and the bill was under consideration was asked, you know, is it constitutional, and her response was are you serious? are you serious? i think the backers of the bill did not take very seriously the constitutional case against it that was developed by people like law professor randy barnet and lawyer david rivkin. but the fact is that, you know, the constitution provides limited powers to the congress to regulate interstate foreign commerce. and there's some pretty serious arguments against it. it was clear that at least five of the supreme court judges, justices, a majority, took those arguments very seriously. whether or not that, you know, five of them or more will vote to overturn all or part of the law, we don't know yet. but, obviously, there's a serious chance, and jeff toobin, another commentator came out of
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that supreme court case hearing saying, wow, this is totally different than what i thought. he wasn't paying enough attention to the arguments rallying against the constitutionality of this law. jon: we'll see what the supreme court ruling is. could come maybe as soon as next week. michael, thank you. >> thank you. jenna: big news just breaking this morning, the president is set to speak about his administration's ground breaking announcement on a new immigration policy. the homeland security department now saying it will no longer deport a very specific group of young illegal immigrants. wendell goler's live at the white house with more details on this. >> reporter: jenna, it's a group of illegal immigrants brought to the country as children and who have followed the law since they got here. the decision, an effort to bypass congress and implement a part of the dream act, though it doesn't actually provide the path to citizenship that the dream act would. in a statement homeland security secretary janet napolitano said, quote: many of these young
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people have already contributed to our country in significant ways. prosecutorial discretion, which is used in so many other areas, is especially justified here. the president are announce the order about an hour or so from now, and the timing seems to be aimed as insuring a welcome reception at a speech to an hispanic group in florida later this month as well as boosting his prospects in state like arizona, new mexico and nevada with substantial hispanic populations in november. arizona republican congressman david schweikert calls it a back door amnesty plan. the order would make illegal immigrants immune for deportation for two years if they were brought to the united states before they turned 16 and are younger than 30, have been in the country at least five years, have no criminal history, graduated from a u.s. high school or earned a ged, and they'll be able to apply for a work permit that will be good for two years and can be renewed indefinitely.
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now, the idea is similar to a proposal from florida republican senator marco rubio, though his office says he was not consulted about this executive order. and even lawmakers who support rubio's proposal may not like being bypassed. the obama administration officials concede that if mitt romney is elected in november, the policy may have to be changed. jenna? jenna: a lot of questions about the policy, too, as far as implementation and getting more details, so we'll look forward to the president's remarks today in just about an hour. wendell, thank you very much. jon: some new information on an unprecedented shortage of critical drugs in the united states. a dangerous shortfall in extreme cases forces doctors to decide who lives and who dies. fox news exclusively obtaining a new congressional report that claims the fda is largely to blame. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live in washington with that. what is the nature of the problem here, mike? >> reporter: well, jon, the house oversight and government reform committee's report says
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food and drug administration enforcement activity has led to critical shortages of generic injectable medications. the committee says fda regulatory activity has effectively shut down 30% of the total manufacturing capacity at four of the country's large producers of generic injectable medications. of the 219 drugs listed on the pharmacists' shortage list, the report says at least 128 were produced by at least one facility undergoing fda remediation. congressman trey goudy calls this a huge problem. >> the numbers, i can't give you the numbers. i can just tell you that when you're dealing with children's lives in this, the greatest country on the face of the earth, we should not be having this conversation. so it's a big problem to me which means if i were the fda, i would be ready to provide some answers shortly. >> reporter: chairman darrell issa says the shortage appears to be the direct result of
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overaggressive and excessive regulatory action. jon? jon: so is the fda responding to this criticism? >> just moments ago they say preventing drug shortages is a top priority for the fda. a spokesperson tells fox, quote: we recognize that the problem of drug shortages is complex and stems from an interconnected series of factors. however, manufacturing and quality problems continue to account for the majority of current shortages. these issues have mainly occurred with sterile injectable drugs. the fda is committed to working with industry to quickly resolve any quality or manufacturing problems that arise to insure continued patient access to vital, safe and effective medicines. so it sounds like when congress comes back next week, they're going to have the fda sit down, perhaps some industry and try to sort this problem out. jon? jon: yeah, let's hope they can get it figured out. that sounds pretty bad.
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mike emanuel, thank you. jenna: fox business alert on a hot issue concerning china. a lot is made of china owning debt in our country, but now there's a big debate over whether china mayo thousands of american investors trillions of dollars. joining us now, fox business network's peter barnes. peter, you're not one of those investors, are you? >> reporter: no, i'm not, jenna, but i've been digging deep into this very interesting story. china issued government bonds before world war ii, but it defaulted on them after japan invaded china in 1937. now with america's debt to china topping a trillion dollars, a group of american investors is demanding china pay up claiming its holdings are worth billions today, maybe even trillions too. >> come to the table. negotiate an amicable resolve of this issue. pay your bills, pay your debts just as we, the american people and the u.s. government, pay ours.
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>> reporter: it's a very complex legal and foreign policy controversy that's been dragging on for decades. when china issued the bonds, it said they'd be honored by successor governments, a practice long followed by most countries. the u.s. bondholders claim that with the soaring price of gold plus compound and big penalties, their holdings today could be worth $177 billion to $3.2 trillion. but among other things, china has successfully argued that it, like the u.s., has sovereign immunity from many private claims in other countries. however, get this, the in 1987 china settled similar claims with bondholders in great britain, giving them small payments as part of the u.k.'s transfer of control of hong kong to china. the american bondholders charged an international double standard, and they have been pushing u.s. administrations ever since to force china into settlement talks. they've gotten nowhere. they say the obama, bush 43 and other administrations have ducked this fight to avoid
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upsetting china as the u.s. seeks chinese support on trade and international security matters. but with u.s. debt to china soaring, the bondholders feel they have a stronger case today. in a letter to one lawmaker, the treasury department said the government has no legal obligation to help these bondholders. it said, quote: the longstanding view of the u.s. government is that the resolution of private claims on defaulted government bonds is a private matter. jenna? jenna: what a fascinating story. when you hear some of those numbers, you can understand why the bondholders want that money if it's out there and they can claim it. peter, thank you. >> reporter: you bet. jon: out west hundreds more people forced from their homes as a huge wildfire rages across northern colorado. we are live on the fire lines with that. and the mainstream media facing a lot of criticism for what some call glowing coverage of president obama. but is that beginning to change? some the harsh coverage lately from some usually sympathetic
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sources. we'll take a look with our news watch panel later this hour. a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"...
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jenna: right now a raging wildfire in colorado is forcing some brand new evacuations today. calls going out to more than 200 homes near fort collins telling people to get out of the danger zone. the deadly high park fire growing to 50,000 acres, just one of 12 wildfires burning across six western states. dan springer is streaming live from colorado with more. >> reporter: we've had a significant change in the weather. as everyone knows, wind is the enemy of firefighters, and the wind has really picked up here this morning. we're now getting sustained winds of 20-30 miles per hour. that's a real concern. but the good news is the wind is supposed to die down in the next hour or two. we've also had slightly higher humidity. fire jumped a road, a freeway and a river, and that triggered
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200 new homes to be evacuated. the number of people directly impacted by this fire is staggering, 1700 homes in this area are threatened, thousands of residents told to be ready to go at a minute's notice. 48 homes confirmed destroyed, but officials say the actual number is much higher, they just have not been able to survey the whole burn area. as this drags done, fire officials have seen more people getting frustrated and taking chances. >> whenever we can we're going to fine tune the evacuation areas to try to get homeowners into homes that are safe when they can. we have had some refusals to evacuate. that's, obviously, concerning if around number of reasons. those folks create a life safety issue for themselves, for the responders. they can get in the way sometimes of responders up there and just enhance the danger for everybody involved. >> reporter: now, that spot fire that jumped the containment is a major concern, and officials are throwing, as they say, everything at it, all the
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resources. only 100 acres are burning right now, but it's in steep terrain with a lot of dead trees killed by beetles there for fuel. they are launching five hot shot crews, that's 100 elite firefighters, plus using all the aircraft they have in the area to try to douse that fire before it can spread further north. one official said this will likely burn, this fire will likely burn into the fall. mother nature will eventually put it out when we start getting better weather conditions, more rain in the fall. jenna? jenna: we'll look forward to better weather conditions and hopefully some improvement in the short term as well, dan. thank you very much. jon: a crime of unbelievable cruelty, a teenager set on fire. but does it rise to the level of attempted murder? the victim says he thought he was going to die. so how will the court treat the alleged ringleader here? plus, a heroic rescue caught on tape, then the hero leaves the scene, disappears. who he is and why it might not
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surprise you. coming up. >> i saw a lady frantically screaming that, you know, she's still in there, she's still in there.
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jon: "happening now," an incredible rescue taught on tape in texas. this driver lost control of her car at a toll plaza near houston, flipped over, and the car caught fire. as you can see, while everyone else is waiting for help, one guy jumps on top, smashes out the window with a fire extinguisher, and with some help manages to pull the grandmother inside to safety. he left the scene, turns out the hero was staff sergeant mitchell corps bin of the texas air national guard. amazingly, the woman who'd been trapped inside survived with only a broken heel and rattled
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nerves. jenna: wow. well, now this fox news weather alert. a storm delivering strong winds and heavy rain in orlando, florida be. take a look at some of the damage from yesterday's fierce lightning. you have trees smashing through roofs, and at one home a falling tree just missed a baby asleep in its crib. take a look at that tree. chief meteorologist rick reich muth has more. >> reporter: so easy to happen, and these are the storm reports from yesterday. a lot of wind and hail, but back areas to the west, parts of kansas and colorado, that's where we had some tornadoes yesterday. we'll see that threat again today for some more severe weather just a little bit farther towards the west. one disturbance across parts of florida. remember all the rain, we had 25 inches across the pad handle last week -- panhandle last weekend. a little more rain again today, unfortunately. this cold front is going to be moving through and bringing this threat for severe weather again
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today across the high plains to the east of denver. but it's going to be breezy where the fire is. a couple other stories i want to tell you about, we do have a hurricane down across parts of the pacific getting very close to mexico, and it is going to continue to move off towards the northwest, probably strengthen and maybe make landfall somewhere between acapulco and towards puerto angel. just to the west of fort collins, take a look at this. temperatures climb again, a chance for lightning which certainly could spark more fires in this area. but temps increase, and you see those winds every day for the next four to five days around the 25 mile-an-hour range, and that's going to make conditions very difficult fighting that fire. guys? jenna: rick, thank you very much. >> reporter: you bet. jenna: right now, a teenage victim allegedly doused with alcohol and set on fire says he thought he was going to die.
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this is a big case out of florida. on your right is the victim who jumped into a pool to save his own life. he had burns over 65% of his body. on screen left is the alleged ringleader of the attack who's now charged with attempted murder in the second degree. tom is a former prosecutor, john is a defense attorney. john, as the side of the defense, there were two other boys that pled no con to attempted murder charges. -- no contest to attempted murder charges. why do you think they allowed this to go to trial? >> i think they're arguing the intent. i think mr. matthew bent, what he was intended to do with mr. michael brewer, was he intending to burn him alive or commit, maybe, an aggravated assault or aggravated battery? i think that's what they're going to argue to the jury. jenna: do you think that'll be effective, tom? >> the one thing the defense has going for it in this case is the
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defendant standing trial, matthew bennett, he never doused the victim with the rubbing alcohol, and he never lit the match. however, under florida law if you're the mastermind, if you possess the intent and you take any action in first answer of that -- furtherance of that, you can be charged as a principal, and that's what the prosecutors are doing. they're going to argue to the jury but for the evil intent, the evil actions of the defendant in masterminding this whole horrific act, the victim's life would not be forever changed. and, i mean, the facts of this case are so egregious, um, that i think the prosecutors actually have a really, really strong case. jenna: the facts have been fudged a little bit. and, tom, let's talk a little bit about that. >> okay. jenna: michael, the victim, previously said that there was a big disagreement over some video game, a little mermaid video game, in fact, is what he said this was all over. but when he took the stand, he said it was related to drugs, and it didn't have anything to do with that video game. so he admitted to lying about
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the whole reason why there was an altercation at all. so how do you think that effects the prosecution? >> well, jenna, you know, you have to look at, yes, they caught him in, they caught the victim in inconsistencies. remember, florida has pretrial depositions in criminal cases, they're one of the only states that do that. but you have to look at what the inconsistency, what it relates to. it really relates to a tangential fact in this case. the actual facts of the crime aren't very much in dispute. and i think the defense risks overplaying their hand in this case because, remember, the sympathy the jury's going to feel for this victim, anyone would feel for this victim, is going to be so overwhelming, if the defense looks like they're banalliering him -- badgering him, they risk a tremendous backfire and tremendous backlash against their client. jenna: john, how would you happened l it? >> i agree. i think that's a collateral issue. i wouldn't attack the victim. the fact that he may or may not
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have been talking about the little mermaid video is not the key issue in this case. the key issue in this case is whether or not this person, matthew bent, wanted to burn michael brewer alive. the argument should be that these are just young kids that were, basically, taking things too far, may have committed an aggravated battery, but it doesn't rise to the level of attempted murder because, think about it. an attempt is something, an act to do something that brings out the natural consequences of something that you specifically intended. did matthew bent specifically intend to burn michael brewer? that is the only issue in this case, and attacking the victim is not going to help. jenna: and, john, a quick final thought on that, would you actually put matthew on the stand to answer a direct question, did you intend to kill michael? would you have him answer that directly in court before closing arguments which could be, potentially, today? >> no. because under florida statute they do not have a specific intent law, and i think if he's convicted -- look, the attempted
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murder charge assumes in florida that he wanted to do, the consequences were a part of his actions. there's no specific intent jury instruction like in california, so it's very dangerous to put him up on that stand. i think he's going to be convicted because of the law was i -- because i believe the law's invalid on its face. but on appeal they could argue mr. bent didn't have the specific intent to kill him and, hopefully, if it's overruled, yes, that testimony may be helpful on appeal. but for this trial i don't think t going to be that helpful. jenna: you have many young lives very affected by the incident, whatever is actually found out in many court. you have lives that are irreversibly changed at such a young age. tom and john, we'll watch for the results of this. thank you. >> thanks, jenna. >> thank you. jon: well, the president has been seeing a lot of bad news lately, possibly the worst month of his re-election fight so far, and june isn't over yet. so how are the mainstream media handling a string of political setbacks for this white house? our fox news watch panel weighs
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in just ahead. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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jenna: now this fox news alert and some breaking news on the nationwide manhunt for dr. timothy jordan. jamie colby has more from our newsroom. >> reporter: it was just a short time ago we hold you there was a nationwide manhunt for dr. jordan after an ex-girlfriend of his was shot at point blank range, military style police were quoted as
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saying at a hobbit nearby. now the associated press is reporting and has told police that that a body has been located, they believe, behind dr. jordan's house. more details from police are not forthcoming. if a body was, in fact, found in the shrubs behind dr. jordan's house, of course, it would have to be identified by next of kin or through dental records, and right now police say they will get back to us to let us know if, in fact, the body was found be, if it was found there and if it is dr. jordan. in the meantime, i just want to mention while that nationwide manhunt was going on, there always was a focus in the area around dr. jordan's house because it was reported that he had returned to the home after the incident at the hospital and all four of his automobiles were accounted for. and as we get more details here at fox, we'll bring them right to you. jenna: sounds good, jamie, thank you. >> reporter: uh-huh.
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jon: you might say it hasn't been a good month for president obama. he's been getting hit from all sides with job growth stalled, a big loss for the democratic party in wisconsin's recall election and a major disconnect on messaging with former president bill clinton. really just the tip of the iceberg. the once-glowing coverage in the mainstream media has dulled just a bit. let's talk about it with our news watch panel. here with us, pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter judith miller and daily beast columnist kirsten powers, both fox news contributors. you had to love dana will banks opening line in "the washington post" today. is he right? >> well, he is conservative, and he's critical of obama and has been for a long time but, yes, it's been truly not a good week for the president. and there's been a lot of bad news on the employment front, the numbers, etc. the press is finally beginning to catch up with the news. jon: let me read a couple of
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quotes regarding the speech yesterday from politico, mike o'brien's begged the president to stop during his 54-minute speech yesterday. he said in terms of politics, this speech could have ended about 20 minutes ago. msnbc's jonathan alter said it was one of the worst speeches i've ever heard barack obama make. what's happened to the love affair? >> well, jonathan alter definitely loves the president, there's no question. so, yeah, i think the tingles are not going up as much the legs as they used to be. and i think, look, there's been a lot of bad news, it's a little hard to ignore it. the problem with the speech was that the white house built it up and made reporters think, oh, something big is coming, and he gave his usual stump speech. i think they were frustrated because they felt like where's the news? why are we here? >> and also twice the length. nobody likes being lektured at -- lectured at. it was like a lecture, economics 101. and yet he still didn't explain
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the economic policies that have supposedly staved off a depression be. so it was a lose/lose as far as the media were -- jon: right. defen dwyer wrote obama's speech felt more lecture or courtroom argument than rally. >> exactly. jon: so, and we haven't talked about the supreme court ruling on health care which is expected this month and could deal the obama white house yet another blow. >> right. on the other hand, it might also be, you know, a silver line anything that the obama administration would be able to blame someone else, that is the court, for program, for killing a program which is proving to be wildly unpopular with large segments of americans. so i'm not sure how this will cut politically. jon: so the media is, i mean, can president obama win them back if, in fact, he has lost them, kirsten? >> well, the thing is he hasn't really lost them because that would mean he lost them to romney, and they're still on his
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side fundamentally. it's not like they're rallying behind romney, they'll all become romney fans which i don't think there's much danger of happening. i think they're just actually now being slightly more responsible and acting a little more like journalists. but at the end of the day they don't have the appetite, for example, for investigations into the white house that they had with george bush. if you look at this whole situation with the leaks, i mean, we don't have that feeding frenzy that we would have if this was george bush and that, um, you know, they have, they've asked some questions, but they're sort of cursory, i feel like. they're not really pursuing it. >> dutiful, there's no passion there. there's no, quote, drum beat of stories day after day demanding a special prosecutor, i'm happy to say. jon: what about this rollout just this morning from the department of homeland security of these new rules applying to young latinos? i mean, is that for the good of the country, or is that for the good of the president's re-election campaign? >> well, i think that everything from this point on has to be seen in terms of what it will do
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to the election campaign. that's part of what pram ha -- president obama's going to be fighting from now on, even if he does something many people feel is needed or long overdue. it's going to be portrayed as a political action. he's not going to be able to run away from that. jon: well, and republicans are going to have trouble arguing against it because latino voters are such a key component of the upcoming election, right? >> they are, but they've -- unless mitt romney does major, major pivot on latinos, they're going to go with obama. he would have to radically change his position than what he took during the primary which he very well may do. but at this point i think the republican party is still viewed as being hostile to latinos. jon: we talked earlier in the week, the president has lost a lot of support among white working voters, poor voters, even among african-americans he's lost support according to the polls but holding strong among latinos. >> well, that's because of the flatness of the earth around
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him. i mean, the only thing he could do, i think, is pick someone like rubio. i'm not even sure mark rubio at this point would help the republicans -- jon: i'm talking about the president. the president has not lost much support among latinos. >> of course not, because there's no one to go to. i mean, that's why the hispanics are holding fast with the president, i think. jon: judy miller and kirsten powers, thank you both. you can hear more about the important stories of the week and how they are covered tomorrow. tune in to fox news watch, 2:0 p.m. eastern time -- 2:30 eastern time. yes, again, i'll be hosting. jenna: well, the beatles, without a doubt, shaped an entire generation of music. up next, we're going to show you some never-before-seen pictures of the fab pour four. [ male announcer ] introducing a powerful weapon in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max.
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[ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. [ all ] yay! [ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! jon: well, they've always had something of a halo, but now in this fox news alert the u.s. today is revealing new accusations against members of
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the secret service. this from documents released under the freedom of information act. doug mckelway is live in washington with some details for us. >> reporter: good afternoon, jon. fox news has obtained a list of sometimes serious allegations against secret service agents and personnel dating back to the year 2004. now, these documents were contain inside heavily-redacted, 29-page document released through a foia act request made by news organizations. it is impossible to tell by looking through these documents just how many of these allegations were legitimate, how many were adjudicated, how many were dismissed, but they do paint a picture of a large organization dealing with the standard array of misdeeds and misfunction that may not be atypical in the modern american workplace. dozens of agents being scammed by nigerian investment deems, others dealing with withdrawn complaints of domestic violence, others with dui arrests and others of a mar tragic nature --
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more tragic nature. for example, anonymous complain in and about alleged that blank has stolen at least 12 laptop computers, a generator and be several industrial fans from the usss. the subject used some for gifts. blank was interviewed by inspector, made admissions regarding the theft of computers. prior to leaving to return to headquarters, went to the bathroom, and inspectors heard a gunshot. they found blank on the floor and a 911 call was made. another entry reads like this: >> reporter: and here's yet another: >> reporter: this list was
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quietly released friday, jon. the government noted some of the claims were resolved administratively, others needed extensive investigate, and 229 pages, we're just beginning to leaf through it to find out more about it. jon? jon: more problems revealed at the secret service. doug mckelway, thanks. jenna: brand new information on how americans view the economy. according to a brand new poll by gallup, nearly half of us rate our local economy as good or excellent. but that positive rating drops to 25% when rating the country's economy overall. interesting to note just 13% of us say that we view the economy as good or excellent when looking at the world as a whole and with good reason, of course, as europe teeters on the brink of a massive debt crisis. we're getting some new reports of potentially another bailout across the popped with hundreds of -- pond with hundreds of billions of dollars. greg talcott is live in london with more. there's a big focus about the sunday election in greece.
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what's at stake there? >> reporter: jenna, absolutely crucial parliamentary elections in greece, crucial to politics in greece, crucial to the euro, the common currency across europe, to economies across europe and by extension, even the united states. a left-wing party there tapping into deep unrest in that country is a front runner. it wants to keep the euro, but wants to throw out the bailout package propping up that country. the e.u. has flatly said if it does that, it turns off the spigot, funds coming into greece. that threat, according to some analysts that i've been speaking to, might be nudging the voters in that country on sunday towards a mainstream party, the conservative new democracy party. still, they would have to form a coalition government. that will be hard. that muddle could mean default, could mean bankruptcy, and we're told again by analysts that, rely, it's just a matter of time before greece does leave the euro with all the problems that could entail.
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jenna: yeah. big questions what our markets look like on monday morning. fox business, by the way, is going to have live coverage on sunday night because of those elections in greece. greg, as far as getting prepared for the worst, whatever that is, it sounds like some central banks are getting plan together. what are they doing? >> reporter: yeah. they're stepping into the fray, absolutely, jenna. here in the u.k. the bank of england, the central bank here, has announced today they're going to pump the equivalent of $200 billion worth of money into the system. that through cheap loans both to households and to small businesses. the european central bank has said kind of the same thing, that it could be dropping interest rates, making other moves to prop up banks here. the fear really here is of the economic domino effect. just in the past couple days the big economies of both spain and italy have had a tough and expensive time raising cash. european banks, trading links all very close to united states
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and, of course, that's why washington is watching this very closely. a little bit of consolation, jenna, is that the stock markets across the board, across the continent here have been up today. maybe the calm before the storm. back to you. jenna: that's a good point be, greg. thank you. jon: a new study on childhood obesity says it can effect much more than your youngsters' health. the doctor is in to explain. [ boy ] come on. ♪ wait. ♪ happy father's day. ♪
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there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getti away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's whye got a subaru. love wherer the road takes you. wow, there it is
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jenna: an interesting new study finding childhood obesity may affect your child's performance in school. dr. kathleen london is a family practice billions r physician and an interesting study,. doctor, from the university of missouri looked at 6,000
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children from kindergarten to fifth grade and found depending on their weight, they saw a difference in test scores. >> right. jenna: from first grade to fifth grade. why would weight be a factor at all when it comes to your math score? >> so there's a lot of theory osen this. these -- theories on this. depression, is that affecting it? we know that stress affects brain development, so if these kids are chronically stressed because they're being teased and bullied, that can affect how your brain develops. think about it when you eat something sugary, if you're eating junk food all the time, your blood sugar goes way up and down so they may not have the fuel their brain needs to concentrate. if that has waned in their system, that could be be playing a factor. and these are kids who later developed diabetes. and be know how you feel after a really big meal, you're kind of sleepy? jenna: absolutely. >> that could be playing a factor. if your full all the time --
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jenna: it's interesting to look at this study, i think we've also talked about new york city's mayor not wanting to have sugary drinks bigger than 24 ounces available here in the city. and now the council of new york is looking at potentially other food items as well. >> right. jenna: nothing they're sure of, but they want to examine that. it's very controversial when you start allowing certain food to be sold and consumed and taking others away. in general, how far do you think we need to go on that? >> well, this is where if you look, the institute of medicine put out a fantastic report where what was looked at is all the different areas. you need to attack it in schools, you need to attack it in neighborhoods if there's no safe place to get groceries that is affordable. if all those need to be addressed. and what do we have at these venues? look at the popcorn in movie theaters. 60 grams of fat in a small. jenna: it's so good, doctor. [laughter] it's really --
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>> and if you're doing it very occasionally, that's one thing. but people who are doing this regularly. and, you know, we have seen a direct correlation between the size of sugary drinks and an obesity epidemic. jenna: burger king this week came out with a new item on our menu, and we promised the viewers we were going to get our viewers -- jon, do you have that bacon shake -- jon: for the crew? [laughter] jenna: any reviews on that so far? >> jon: you know, i thought it sounded disgusting, but it's not bad. jenna: dr. london, your professional opinion. >> absolutely avoid it at all costs. this is salt and horrible fat to something that already is, you know, calorie-laden in fat. i just -- [laughter] jenna: thank you. we had one for you, doctor -- >> oh, yeah. right could be my alley. they could have at least done fake bacon, you know, where you
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get the same flavor, but it would just be a little extra protein instead of the fat. you know, when i was a kid, bacon left our house because of the nitrates, and i think that for a long time people sort of got this isn't so great for you. but there's been this huge resurgence. bacon is in everything. jenna: maybe it's the new comfort food in this economy. one has to ask. >> i think it's an irresponsible move on their part when we already have an obesity epidemic. this kind of proves the point that they are not policing themselves as promised. so at this point this is where i'm for some of these laws coming out because it hasn't happened. jenna: we'll see what our viewers think about it, and we'll see how long this lasts on the menu. good publicity stunt potentially, we'll see how good the sundaes are. we'll have our crew try it out if jon doesn't eat it all. if jon doesn't eat it all. we'll be right back with more "happening now." structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert
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who tore out your still beating heart? [ bowling pins ] ok, how's this gonna play? mi amore. [ chicken clucking ] [ male announcer ] bit needy, g. ok don't sweat it. just do your thing. hey! hey! [ male announcer ] definitely a little bit epic. stride. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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>> just a quick correction. it is not frozen yogurt. it is actually vanilla ice
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cream. jon: have a great weekend. >> america live starts right now. megyn: fox news alert on a major immigration policy change. welcome to america live, everyone, i'm megyn kelly. the department of homeland security announced they will stop deporting young illegal immigrants and will grant them work permits. we're awaiting a statement from president obama. this could be a potential game-changer in the race for the white house. here is how the government is describing the change. homeland security secretary janet napolitano in a conference call earlier today this is quote, not immunity and not amnesty. adding the administration is not removing the productive young people in the u.s. that are illegal i am my fwranlts. both sides -- immigrants. this will affect


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