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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  June 18, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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>> different things. different things. >> jobs. very important issue. >> yeah. >> and then, of course, international diploma see. >> gotta cut the deficit and reduce spending. >> oh. >> terrorism. >> that's a very important issue. >> i thought it was because my show had bombed. >> different kind of bomb right there. >> we've got the housing crisis to deal with. >> yeah. >> and they also manage the entire military. >> right. >> yes indeed. >> and finally candidates have to deal with a lot of, hey, hey, family show. >> you know what it is. >> sure. and a lot of it, too. so if you could actually help us out, we're going to work together the way candidates need to do so, and if you could actually hand me this and this when i am ready. >> i can do that. >> slide that over. >> it's also very important that candidates share the same platform. >> we've got that right over here. >> sure. here we go. >> okay. just walk around up there. >> that's awesome.
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>> ouch. man. are those your golf shoes? >> no. they're fine. >> man, i'm starting to think that governor christie may not be the ideal choice for a runninrunning mate. >> i'm ready for those. >> okay. very good. >> very nice. >> you should be okay over there. >> i hope this is safe. >> you're safe over there. we usually fall to the left, as you should. >> whoa. all right. we'll try hard to stay balanced. >> well, fair and balanced. there you go. >> of course. of course. those two things. >> okay. all right. one last thing. are you ready down there, you know what? owen. >> from up here, i can see russia. >> awesome. there we go. >> here we go. [applause] >> coming down. thank you. thank you. >> tonight on huckabee, under
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pressure to produce documents for fast and furious, eric holder wants to make a deal, but republican congressman aren't interested in negotiations. >> his son converted to radical islam and converted his son. >> they're as much victims as we are. >> now they work together to stop home grown terror. plus, want to be a better dad? there's an app for that. technology helping dads raise their sons from boys to men. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much.
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well, i've decided that it's time for the attorney general to do the president and the country an important service and step down. now, i don't say that lightly. i don't say it because of his political affiliation being different than mine. i've come to refer to him not as simply eric holder but eric withholder because he has become the master of with holding documents, information, and truth from the house, the senate, and the american public. in an administration that pledged transparency, the department of justice has operated not merely opaquely but behind the stone walls of stonewalling. after 18 months, numerous hearings and threats of contempt of congress charges regarding the disasterous fast and furious program that used american taxpayer money to buy guns, put them in the hands of mexican drug dealers, he's released just over 7,000 documents of 140,000 that congress has requested.
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300 mexicans are dead, and one american border patrol agent is dead. he has yet to answer what he knew and when he knew it about this disgusting fiasco. now, while he arms mexican drug lords on the arizona border, he sues the state of arizona for simply attempting to do what the federal agencies have miserably failed. he sued florida because they're trying to remove the names of dead people from voter rolls. he sued texas because it's duly elected legislature rightfully refuses to spend their money to give money to those who kill unborn babies. >> when serious national security leaks endanger american military and intelligence personnel as well as foreign nationals who seek to help us fight terrorism, he appoints a
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couple of his own justice department lawyers to look into it. one of them was a generous campaign contributor to president obama. even though the individual might have impeccable integrity, it just doesn't pass the smell test. justice it supposed to be blind, but this justice department winks at the law, the constitution, and the authority of congress. if the nation's chief attorney can't be trusted to follow the law, then how in the world do we explain to teenagers that they've got to do it? i expect that it's going to be assumed that my call for eric withholer'withholder's renailing to be about the politics. it would be better for the republicans if withholder holds on. he's too easy a target going into the heat of the election. this isn't about the election. it's about the country. i'm less interested in his hurting president obama than in hurting the rule of law and a respect for the constitution.
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you know, i sometimes try to use humor or sa satire to get my pot across, but frankly, i don't see anything funny about the contempt that eric withholder seems to have not just for congress and the states but for we, the people, and it's time for him to go. [applause] >> on friday the chairman of the congressional oversight and government reform committee, darrell is isa, said he's willig to postpone a contempt of congress vote against eric withholder providing he turns over the documents that he promised. this is after the attorney general sent issa a letter on thursday asking for a meeting to reach a compromise, an offer that holder calls an extra ordinary deal. issa is concerned the justice department will not deliver enough documents to end the committee's investigation. another committee member with concerns is south carolina
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congressman trey gowdy. thank you for being part of the show. >> great to be here with you, governor. >> let's begin. there's a lot of pressure on eric holder right now. do you think that he is making any offer at all because of the extraordinary pressure that members of congress, including you, are putting on him, or is this a sincere effort on his part? >> among my many limitations, governor, i can't read other people's motives. i can't judge their heart. i know this. this is has been going on for 16 or 18 months. we haven't seen much willingness to make a compromise. what i said a couple weeks ago, as soon as david axelrod tells the president eric holder is a drag on your reelection bid, eric holder will be gone. i thought your opening monologue was beautiful, and it was beautiful to me because you touched on the point that means the very most to me.
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this is not a political exercise to me. i'm not smart enough and don't have the interest in weighing whether or not he's a political liability to the president. it's about a woman who carries a set of scales and a sword and wears a blind fold. that department is not just another political department. to me, respect for the rule of law is the foundation for our republic. if we lose that, we're not going to make it. it's far and above politics to me. >> congressman, you were a former prosecutor, one of the, i guess, fundamental things that a prosecutor does is try to get all the information and the facts. do you believe that there is a reason that the attorney general is with holding? it looks like he would want to come forth with as many documents that might clear not only him but clear his department. >> that's what i've said from the outset. there must be something in the documents he doesn't want us to see, because if they exculpate him, if they cleared him, he would have given them months ago. there are two main levels of
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inquiry, number one, how a gun program as fundamentally flawed as fast and furious could have ever been approved by main justice. that's point number one so we can get answers for brian terry's family and your viewers and for congress. point two. there was a demonstrably false letter written on february 4th, 2011 which was calculated to mislead congress. they denied the tactic of gun walking. ten months later they withdrew that letter, which is really unprecedented, governor. i want to know how a letter of that fundamentally flawed and miss leading ever could have been drafted by a department that is supposed to be about justice. >> right now there's a vote scheduled for wednesday on contempt of congress charges facing the attorney general. do you think there's anything that he can do that will keep that vote from taking place and if so, what? >> sure. he can give us the documents. >> how much of the documents? >> i'm not interested in
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compromise and negotiations. >> so you're not going to be satisfied, congressman, with just him giving over -- he's given 7,000 out of 140,000. you're going to insist either 14,000, give it all, or are you going to push forward with the vote? >> i am, and i'll tell you why, governor. if our original request was illegitimate, we shouldn't be talking about contempt of congress in the first place. if our original request was legitimate, he needs to honor the request. this is not a bridge tournament. we're not haggling over the price of a used car. we have a dead border patrol agent, hundreds of dead mexican citizens, a false letter sent to a committee of congress and thousands of weapons with america's fingerprints on it arming the mexican drug cartels. i want to know how it happened. i'm not interested in haggling or an extraordinary accumulation or plea bargaining. i want the documents. if we were wrong to ask for the documents, then someone needs to come on your show and say we overreached. we asked for more than we were entitled to, but absent that, and i'm convinced we did not, he
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needs to full fully comply. this is not a political game. he needs to fully comply and if that happens, then i'm sure the chairman will call off the vote which then gets to the point of whether or not we're going to sanction him at all for 12 months of delay. as you noted in your opening monologue, withholding. >> congressman, thank you very much. it's a pleasure to have you here. thanks for the strong stand you've taken on behalf of all citizens who simply want the truth. thank you. >> happy father's day. >> you, too. thank you, congressman. two fathers brought together by a tragic and senseless act of terror. one lost his son in the shooting, and the other lost his son who was the killer, lost him to radical islam. now therapy working together to keep -- they're working together to keep young americans from becoming jihaddists. the remarkable story is next.
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having an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's
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>> home grown terrorism is an escalating problem in the united states. since the attacks of 9/11, there's been a steady increase of cases of domestic radicalization with dozens of americans muslims charged in plots against america. the majority of plots are stopped by law enforcement and the intelligence community before they're carried out. june the 1st, 2009 marked the first successful al-qaeda murder on u.s. soil since the 9/11 attacks. witnesses said they heard five to six shots. >> i can't believe this was happening. he wasn't moving. >> specifically targeting the united states military. >> june 1st, 2009, private william long arrived at the little rock, arkansas army/navy recruiting office. the son of a united states
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veteran and recent recruit of the u.s. army, he was there to receive leave time before being sent to korea, his first overseas trip as a soldier, but at 10:19 a.m. in the heartland of america, private william long was shot and killed. the shooter, abdul mohammed. >> i don't think it was murder if a person kills another person without a justified reason. i felt what i did was justified and was common sense, you know. >> he was born carlos bledsoe and raised a baptist in memphis by a loving family. after attending college at tennessee state university, he began frequenting the islam center of nashville. he would listen to the preachings of their imam. after a year and a half trip to yemen, carlos fully immersed himself in the way of radical islam. he returned to the u.s. and
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moved to little rock where he set out on his own personal jihad mission that led him to the arkansas recruiting office. abdull muhammed was convicted of murder in arkansas state court and sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. this tragedy has brought together the fathers of the shooter and the victim who became friends after the murder trial. they're now working to the to keep other americans from becoming radicalized. their story is told in the remarkable new documentary called losing our sons. please welcome melvin bledsoe and darris long. [applause] >> both of you gentlemen lost your sons in very tragic ways. melvin, you lost your son to radical islam and now to prison, and darris, you lost your son to a shooting. it's hard for me to understand how the two of you can sit there shoulder to shoulder given the way that your lives have intersected through your sons.
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how can you do that? >> well, melvin and his family are as much victims as we are. 10:19 he lost his son. at 10:19 i lost my son. the tragedy of it is goes unrecognized that this was an act of terror. for me, i can speak, and there's a degree of sympathy for me because i've lost my son. melvin has been speaking out since the day of the shooting trying to identify what caused his son to do what he did. >> melvin, tell me about the day on june 1st, 2009. you got a phone call, and you were told that your son had shot two individuals at an army recruiting station. i want you to tell me what went through your mind and how -- were you even surprised when this call came to you? >> i was totally shocked. unbelievable. my son was working for our
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extended company in little rock. we couldn't reach him that morning by telephone. we got a call from the location saying that no one was working, so we tried to reach him by telephone. we didn't reach him and we got in the car and drove to little rock. by the time i got there, i got a call from the fbi and they said to me on my cell phone that your son has been involved in a shooting, something bad has happened, and my wife was sitting to the other side. my heart dropped to my shoes. i'm saying now i've got to tell my wife what you've just told me. we was totally shocked. >> daris, your wife was actually sitting in the parking lot 50 feet from the shooting itself. she saw the whole thing. tell me how you -- did h she cal you and tell you what happened? >> what had happened is she saw the other soldier and my son
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come out of the recruiting office and she was going to get up and go talk to him, and when she saw he had a friend with him, she decided to stay in the car. at that time she heard three bursts of gunfire, and she kind of went into shock. a soldier came over and grabbed her and took her around. well, i got a phone call from her, and she told me that andy's been shot, they're doing cpr on him. i said what? and -- and it just went from there, and then you go down to the emergency room, and they tell you he's passed, so it was -- she was there, you know. there were 15 soldiers that were inside that recruiting office. that seems to be lost on a lot of things, so it could have been a lot worse. i mean, he could have stopped and gone in, but fortunately only one died, but if that one person's death is not used as a wake up call to th this country,
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then there's an opportunity lost and his death's in vain. >> it hasn't yet sunk in to a lot of people what happened. we're going to continue our discussion. this is a powerful documentary. i hope everybody in america sees it. i hope every church would see it. i hope every community would see it. how did carlos go from a baptist upbringing in memphis to becoming an islamic radical? we'll find out from his father when we return. do not miss this. we'll be right back.
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>> we're back with marvin bledsoe and daris long. marvin, carlos was a happy, well adjusted kid, was happy in school, grew up as a christian,
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a baptist. what were the first signs that something was going on with your son that just didn't match with his growing up? >> the first thing that i noticed, carlos took the picture of the wall of dr. martin luther king, junior and he said to us that his newfound religion didn't allow him to have an image of anyone that he could worship more than allah. we were very disturbed about that, and we told him not to take it off the wall any more. the next thing was he had a dog. he always had a dog. he loved his dog. he turned the dog loose in the woods to defend on his own in nashville, and he just gave away his dog because he said again his religion thought that dogs was a thing of evil, and those two things raised our eyebrows, and we started getting
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concerned. >> now, he went to a college in nashville, tennessee that you thought was going to be just fine, and he started going to the islamic center, and it was known as a very moderate islamic center, you know, local politicians and local clergy, regularly had events with the people from that mosque, so was it a shock to you that this was the beginning point of what became radicalization in your son? >> well, we didn't know a lot about islam. i think that's the thing i try to say to the american people all over when i'm speaking. the american people need to learn more about what islam is and what islam is not. we didn't know much of anything about islam when he became involved with the religion. we sent him to school in nashville to get an education, a higher education, to learn and to be able to earn money after finishing school. he ended up going from nashville to seek his dream to a nightmare
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in yemen in a training camp. >> he went to yemen to teach english, supposedly, but it was there that he was really indoctrinated very intently. >> this was on purpose. the people in nashville, the mosque that he attended, purposely picked him out. they seeked him out. they brainwashed him and manipulated him, and they lied to him. they abused him. he was a victim of a crime before he committed the crime that he committed. >> daris, your son was in the army four months, five days when he was killed. does it get to you that your own government has failed to acknowledge that he was the victim not of just some random shooting but the deliberate murder because he was in the military? >> yes. it gets to me. i served 27 years in the marinee corps. i took a st statue toirtory oato
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defend the country. we have cases of people who were arrested before they thought about going over to yemen. in the case of abdul hakeem, these previously things, they were arrested for what abdul hakeem mohammed was successful at. he was not just -- he just didn't come back from yemen. he was deported from yemen at the request of the u.s. government. they didn't follow up on it. >> when he come back, i'm going to ask melvin and darris about their efforts to put an end to home grown terrorism and to get the truth out about the fact that this is not just some random crime. this was done as a specific act of terrorism, yet our own federal government will not even acknowledge it. >> my family kept silent for over two years. we will not be silent again. we're speaking not out of hate but because our country neeou bo
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"huckabee". radical islam could have been one of the reasons, a variety of reasons. >> there are a variety of reasons why people do these things. some of them are potentially religious. >> are you uncomfortable attributing any of their actions to radical islam? >> i don't want to say anything negative about a religion. >> that's attorney general eric holder withholding the truth. the simple truth that andy long was murdered by a young man who had been radicalized and i just want to begin. melvin, when you see the attorney general absolutely denying not wanting to admit that your son was shooting because of the radicalization that he had gone through and becoming a jihaddist, how do you react to that? >> well, it's a shame. i real feel very sad about that because i myself have written a
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letter to eric holder shortly after the shooting and i asked him why, how did they drop the ball? they knew of my son. the same fbi agent who investigated my son's arrest in yemen was from nashville, the same city that my son was from, almost within an hour of his arrest in yemens. we asked the federal government for help. they knew all about what was taking place with my son in yemens but yet they let him come back to america and they supposed to have been surveying him, but it shows that they dropped the ball somewhere. i think this whole matter could have been prevented if they had just did their job. >> and daris, your son has not even been awarded a purple heart. he was denied that. why? >> the issue is, what we've been told initially was they didn't know enough information about it. we provided a two-inch thick
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thing that we had gleaned off the internet. there are 38,800 articles on abdul hakeem muhammed as of last december. it came back because it was a criminal act, now what we're hearing is the president might overturn or veto the national defense authorization act because of the little rock purple heart issue, one of the reasons. they're saying because arkansas tried him under a criminal law, not terrorism. you were the governor of arkansas, arkansas does not have any statutes relating to terrorism. that is a federal province. >> absolutely. >> for them to sit there and turn around -- i was told by a person in the know back in 2010 that some people think this is the way to go. yeah. it's the way to go if you want to bury something. we received a letter from the president of the united states on the fifth of june of 2009 giving us a letter of condolences. a letter of condolences do not go to murder victims who are soldiers in the united states.
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they go to war dead. we got a personal phone call from the president on the 11th, and then things started going downhill. we met with the -- with the u.s. attorney, and with the fbi on the 2nd of september of 2009, and they basically said they were continuing on but they were glad that the state was pursuing it because they could continue their investigation without a time limit. >> this is such a coverup. it's very apparent that there is an orchestrated attempt within the federal government to deny the facts including the statement, melvin, that your son made to the associated press in which he said he did it as an act of islamic terror. he justified it. he even called it common sense, yet when you tried to say this to congress, this is the encounter and the co contemptuos response you get from congress. let's watch. >> while i appreciate the anecdotes of those who have
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spoken, i don't think they're necessarily very enlightening. >> what you both have gone through is interesting, the word you used to describe it. >> no. i think i would describe it as a tragedy. we're worrying about stepping on their toes, and they're talking about stamping us out. >> i find myself just wanting to jump up and scream, for heaven's sake. anecanecdotes, interesting. no. it's the radicalization of a young american and using that radicalization to kill your son who is a military member serving his country in uniform, killed in the line of duty, and our own government will not acknowledge why he died. that's why i think this documentary is so very important. daris and melvin, i want to say, first of all, thank you. thank you for giving us an example of an extraordinary capacity for grace, to be able to sit together, to work
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together, to bring some sense and some sanity out of the insanity that the government has dealt you, but also i hope and i say this with all my heart. i hope that you will get this documentary losing our sons. watch it. get your friends, your family to see it. it opened my eyes to some things, and i thought i was fairly informed. it is powerful. it is a gut punch. that's the best way i can describe it. melvin, daris, thank you and god bless you and on this father's day, i'm so sorry that both of you have had to endure what you've had to endure. coming up, robert lewis has helped millions of dads be better fathers. you may be surprised at some of his secrets. we'll be right back.
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>> this weekend as we celebrate father's day, we can always strive to be better dads and role models for our boys, but raising a son can be tough, especially in today's world when our kids seem to have a busier schedule than we do. my next guest has come up with a way to keep up with your son and the times. it's a new app for dads. joining me is the founde foundef men's fraternity and author of the book, raising a modern day knight, robert lewis.
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robert, it's great to have you here. >> thank you. >> i want to begin by getting your reaction. you have dealt with fatherhood, you teach, and you have spoken on it. you've just seen an extraordinary example of fatherhood in these two dads. give me your reaction to what you've seen and heard from these two guys. >> probably like your viewers, the first thing was just the heartbreak that i felt for both these dads. as a dad, losing a son, i can hardly imagine what that's like. embedded in that story also is that amazing grace that you saw that brought both these men because of their faith together, but as i watched that, what it said to me because of what kind of my passion is is that it made me commit even more to helping dads be better dads and to raise healthy, well adjusted children. >> what do wo we do to be better dad? what's the key thing we've got to do to get the job right?
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>> well, there's no one key thing. there's several things, but at the core of it is the involvement of a dad emotionally in the lives of his children, but really, there's some principles i think that are key to helping raise healthy, well-adjusted kids. surprisingly, the first thing is i think you need to focus on your marriage, interestingly enough. i tell couples all the time 75% of good parenting is a good marriage. so if you want to be a great parent, have a good marriage and invest there and don't pull away from that when troubled times come just to give more time to your kids. secondly, i think it's very important to equip yourself with some very good fathering tools, and one of the reasons i'm excited to be with you today is to talk about my dad, but being a good parent is not instinctive. you just don't naturally become a good parent. good parenting is learned, so for dads, i would say there are lots of good tools out there.
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equip yourself with some good fathering tools. then i think a great pril is that you need to father with what i call the do as i do rule, not do as i say, because your character and your example is the best thing you can give your kids. lastly, the reason i wrote the book, modern day knight, was i teamed up with some other dads, and raising your sons, we have seven sons between us. we raised those seven sons together, and the good news is they turned out reasonably well. they're not in jail. >> you talk a lot about relationships, not just with your kids but with other dads. >> right. >> and even the app that you've created is really about a way to develop relationships in small group studies, accountability groups where you're not just out there all by yourself, you're learning from other dads, and other dads holding you accountable. why is that so important? >> because life is so fast and dads, we men tend to be real focused, and we can get so focused on you are jobs, so
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focused on our careers that we forget that the little things of every day life is what it takes to be a great dad. >> if i'm the father, and fortunately my kids are all grown now, they're in their 30s, not their teens, but if i had a 16-year-old that was driving me nuts and what 16-year-old doesn't drive his dad nuts. >> exactly. >> what would you tell me, dad-to-dad, to say here's something you ought to do that would better build that relationship with your son. >> well, one of the first things is when your son moves in the teenager years, you have to change your role. you move from being a coach, kind of a head coach where you can bark the orders to being a cheerleader. what a son most needs is not to be overcoached. if you start coaching him like you did when he was.
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when i told my son, if you had run that pattern better, you would have caught three more peacees. instead you need to come to him and say i love the effort that you gave. you're doing great, son. when cheer for your son, the heart, and that's the key with the son. your hearts begin to draw together. i think that's why at the end of the old testament, the last thing in changing the culture is the hearts of dads would turn back to their children. it's that heart connection that comes through cheer leading and encouragement during those teen years that makes a huge difference with a teenager. >> well, it's great advice, and people can get the app and they can also get the book raising a modern day knight at your website. >> that's right. >> robert, thank you very much. i've known dr. robert lewis for a long time. i know many of the men who have used the materials wh to help themself to become much, much better fathers. great advice. i hope you'll get it. coming up, like father, like son. a musical father's day
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celebration that will feature fox's kelly wright and his son, morgan. all of that and more. stay with us.
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>> last week we brought back the little rockers, and you loved it. this weekend as we celebrate father's day, the little rockers are going to be joined by the father-son combination of fox news anchor and accomplished singer kelly wright and his son morgan on the drums. also with the band today on gi guitar, fo fox report associate producer and a production intern who is playing keyboards today. all right, morgan. i'm going to turn to you. your dad is going to be singing today. what's the best thing you ever learned from your dad?
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>> you know, he's always instilled encouragement and support in me, and you know, being in the profession that i'm in which is a touring musician, i need the support and encouragement. he's always been there and been strong to encourage me with my faith and everything. he's done a great job of doing so. >> that's just the way you wrote it for him, isn't it, kelly? >> he's getting paid. >> he ought to. you should pay him. it's great to have you back. >> thank you. >> happy father's day to you, my friend. >> thank you. >> you're going to do a song for us. tell us about it. >> my father's day wish came in the form of morgan wright. he was born on father's day 22 years ago. my oldest son is not able to be here. much love to our oldest son michael. our song is called my wish, a song about encouragement. ♪[music]
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♪[music] ♪[music]
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♪ but more than anything, more than anything my wish for now is that this life becomes all that you want it to ♪ ♪ your dreams stay big, your worries stay small you never need to carry more than you can hold ♪ ♪ and while you're out there getting where you're getting to i hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things, too ♪ ♪ yeah, this is my wish for
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you ♪ ♪ yeah, your dreams stay big, your worries stay small you never need to carry more than you can hold ♪ ♪ and while you're out there getting where you're getting to i hope you know somebody loves you ♪ ♪ and wants the same things, too ♪ ♪ yes, this is my wish >> thank you very much, kelly wright. we arwright. until next time from new york, this is mike huckabee, good captioned by closed captioning services, inc. ♪ my wish for you is that your dreams come true, your worries stay smal
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>> this is a fox news alert. i am geraldo rivera. while there are no apparent signs of foul play an autopsy has been ordered in the drowning death of rodney king. the troubled 47-year-old man whose beating at the hands of la cops following a traffic stop helped ignite the deadliest riot in american history. >> do you think those cops treated you the way they did -- do you the way you did because you were a black man? >> of course. >> or because you were out of control. >> no, not out of control. i was out of control for not stopping the car and for continuing to go around the street without pulling over for the police. once i did that and stopped and got out of the car and laid down did everything i was supposed to do only time you see me out of control is when the taser was going through me. >> king was found by his fiancee early this morning at the bottom


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