tv The Five FOX News June 20, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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should be addressed within the broader threat of workplace violence. >> why didn't anybody blow the whistle? >> we are all here on this episode of fox files. >>ie wanted to help soldiers. i wanted to work in mental health. >> idaho native shawn manning comes from a family with a proud tradition of serving the nation. >> my grandfather was in iwo jima in world war ii. he drove a sherman tank. he was definitely proud that i joined the military. >> reporter: it was october of 1999 when the 23-year-old followed in his grandfather's footsteps. >> at the moment, what is your
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rank and position? >> staff sergeant, mental health specialist. >> reporter: active dutiy? >> active duty, but i'm a reservist. >> reporter: he has deployed multiple times since signing up. >> the first time, i was on the border of iraq and kuwait was 2003. my second deployment was in iraq in 2006-07. >> reporter: in 2009, he was getting ready for another difficult assignment, a 15-month deployment to afghanistan. but before deploying, he had something very important to attend to. you got married in september of 2009. >> we got married in hawaii on the beach, the two of us. >> we decided we could do the wedding and have a reception after i had gotten back. >> he was set to deploy. i knew that when we were getting married. so we were preparing for that. >> reporter: shawn's bride, autumn, was new military life. >> have you to get yourself prepared and the mind-set for
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that. i mean, it's rough. hino clue of what a deployment's about. this was the first time dealing with that. >> reporter: with the wedding reception delayed, staff sergeant manning prepared to join his unit from fort hood, texas, the last stop on the way to afghanistan. dowrment last time you said goodbye to shawn? >> october at the airport. i dropped him off. >> reporter: she would see him sooner than she imagined. for another young soldier, it was a different story. >> joining the military november 18, 2008, from spokane, washington. left out about two weeks after that. >> reporter: george straton join the army as a 17-year-old kid. >> thought the military was a good way to get into school a lot easier, look good on any resume anywhere in the country. i just told myself i was going to do great fidid it and made it through. >> reporter: like staff sarkant manning, he comes from a family with a proud history of serving our nation.
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his father, also named george, recalls that tradition. >> my dad was... in the air force. he was kill in the vietnam conflict. i joined when i was 17. my induction was fort jackson, where my son ended up doing basic. >> when i originally joined, i wanted to be mentally fit, as well as physically itch he was a scared kid at basic. but they turned him interest a young man. he was extremely put together well. the basic training did a -- an unbelievable job on him. >> then i grew attached to the military even more. eventually, i couldn't wait to deploy. i had the motivation to want to go. >> reporter: six months after joining and with the rank of private second class, straton was assigned to the 36th engineering brigade, located at fort hood. >> i was really looking forward to going to fort hood, even though i knew nothing about it -- like i know now. >> reporter: he was 18 years old and his wish was coming
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true. his unit was scheduled to deploy to afghanistan. >> i was right excited. couldn't wait to go. loved going to get the extra gear and everything, learn how to use it. bought a personal sling for my m-16 so it would be easier to carry. couldn't wait. >> i knew they were getting ready to deploy and i knew it would be soon. i thought, i am going to have to quit worrying about it and hope for the best. >> reporter: by early november, 2009, both manning and straton had almost completed the necessary tests and evaluations for deployment. >> you wake up thursday morning, november 5. >> uh-huh? >> reporter: what do you recall from that morning? >> a bunch of us piled into the bus to go over the soldier readiness, proper soldier processing center. and driving around, looking for coffee, of course, trying to wake up. getting situated and obviously, going through the srp process is never fun. >> that morning started off...
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i was going to medical outprocessing. >> reporter: the srp, where both soldiers were headed, consisted of five single-story buildings, close together, where soldiers had various tests done. >> you walk inside this building and off to the right-hand side, there is a line of three or four chairs and across from that, three or four chairs. it was just a waiting area. in front of the door when you walk in on the left, it was like three or four rows of chairs and the chairs were packed. i was there with a specialist. and another friend of mine. i had finished all of my medical checkups and processing and immunizations and psyche eval, everything was clear. >> i was...: almost finished with the srp for the day, just had one more station to go through. i think i was probably... the third or fourth person in line to get my final screening done
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for the day. >> since i was finished, i really didn't have anything to think about or focus on, so i was just waiting. so i was kind of falling leadership asleep in the chair, just relaxing. >> reporter: at approximately 1:30 p.m., their world would change forever. >> that's when somebody walked into the medical clinic and... yelled allah accar and everybody in the building probably heard. and started shooting. >> all of a sudden... pretty much lost the hearing in my ears. it was just bang, bang, bang, constant. and as soon as i opened my eyes and looked up, everybody was on the ground. >> i got hit in the chest. you know, i couldn't imagine that this was going on, thought that maybe, you know, for a second, i thought it might be some sort of training thing. >> the staff sergeant sitting across from me, he was crawling on the ground, his left shoulder
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was limp. i reached down toward him to ground him. i was kneeling and pulling him towards the door, i look up and i turn around to look behind me and there is mr. asawn. as soon as i looked at him, first magazine dropped out of his weapon, he pulled the second one out. put it in his weapon and then he looked at me and i looked at him. for like a blink of an eye.
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>> at 1:30 p.m., at fort hood, texas, sergeant manning and sergeant straton were under enemy fire. >> he pointed at me, 6 feet away. he squeezed a round off, so i kind of slammed to the ground with the round that went right through my left shoulder here. >> i saw everybody screeping and the blood all over and the blood on my chest. he couldn't breathe. i tried to go to the ground to take cover and i started to get shot more. i mean -- i -- i felt some bullets. >> reporter: a fellow soldier, 39-year-old nidal hassan was armed with an fm57 handgun, intent to kill as many americans as possible. >> i started crawling, i didn't
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look back. i crawled toward the door. there was a lot of people in the building. i was one of the first three to make it out. i felt a bullet hit me in the abdomen or felt went into my abdomen and... so i... i tried to play dead for a while. because there was no way to get out of the way. i knew that, you know, my lung was getting harder and harder to breathe. i knew if i didn't get out of the building pretty soon, i was probably going to grown. >> reporter: they were in the fight for their lives, against an enemy who wore the same uniform. who was major nidal hassan? katherine harris picks up that part of our story. >> reporter: born and raised in virginia, you are looking at nidal hassan, then known as mike
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from, high school in rone oak, virginia, class of 1988. >> parents had an upscale middle eastern restaurant and convenience store. a very americanized student. >> reporter: at stanford university, she has done extensive research into the bureaucratic and intelligence failures surrounding the fort hood massacre. >> he was a loner in high school, not -- not unusual for high school males. >> a lot of people don't realize that major hassan had spent quite ait about of time in tharily army. >> reporter: he was a solar over 20 years and a practicing muslim. he attended bar stow college in california and headed to virginia, to go to virginia tech. colonel galgan was his defense attorney for two years, until the army major fired him. >> he had prior enlisted service and went to med school, under an army program. he would regularly pray and
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attend local mosques. >> reporter: it appears he started to become radicalized around 2001, triggered by the death of both of his parents. he went to the university services of the health escapeses, so he spent all of his medical training and professional development and psychiatric residency in the military system. he gave a number of presentations that were considered wildly off topic about islamic extremism. in 2007, hassan gave this power-point presentation, entitled the koranic world view, as relates to the u.s. military. he spoke to one investigator who saw a videotape of the presentation and called it very creepy. in writings, he seemed to justify the actions of osama bin laden. his fellow studented reported that on at least two occasions, he justified suicide bombings in class. >> what so alarmed his colleagues and superiors that his classmates demanded that the
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presentation be stopped. >> reporter: but it wasn't just his views on religion. >> he was considered a tential psychiatrist. he was ranked consistently in the bottom 25% of his class. he often didn't show up when he was due to show up for work. >> reporter: in early 200 19, heandied a homeland security policy institute conferences on combatting terrorism at george washington university. here he is seen listening to an ambassador, talking about israeli counter terrorism efforts and he exchanged emails in swent 08-09 with a well-known terrorist, anwar al-awlaki. >> there are ominous clouds gathering in your horizon. >> reporter: despite obvious professional deficiencies and signs he was becoming an islamic extremist, he was promoted inuent 09, possibly earning nearly $1 hundred,000 in pay and bone iss and he had order to deploy to afghanistan, his first deployment to a combat zone. three months before the
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shooting, hassan hel a secret level security clearance when he reported to duty for texas for pre-deployment training. >> when he was transferred, one of his supervisors said, you are getting our worst itch he was supposed to deploy to afghanistan with my unit. we would have worked together on a team or in a clinic. i had never met him before that day. that was basically the day that we were supposed to meet him and he was going to join our unit. >> reporter: that day? >> that day, yeah. >> reporter: so his introduction to you -- >> was shooting me. >> reporter: when he arrived, hassan was assign to the medical center. the few people in texas who did interact with him thought he was odd. the imam at the local mosque agreed. >> something just wasn't right about him. >> reporter: little did anyone hassan was hell bent on
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committing terror. on august 1, 2009, he bought the handgun with a laser for 1,299 dollars from guns galore in killean. he returned to the store every week or two to purchase ammunition and magazines, magazines hold 20 rounds. but hassan purchased extensions to expand the capacity to 30. on november 5, 2009, he decided to act. that morning, he stopped by his local 7-eleven, the employee on the clock that morning remembered the visit. >> i talked to him and i told him, good morning, how are you? he just smiled, like normal. i noticed his outfit. i stopped and commented on it. i asked him, what's, you know, why you are all dressed up today? he said, he just wer it in the morning sometime. evasive. >> reporter: at 1:30 p.m., he appeared in the soldier readiness center in his army
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>> reporter: november 5, 2009, after being shot by a fellow soldier, nidal hassan, straton and man hotdog only one thought -- how to escape alive. >> as soon as i got out the first set of doors, i get up to my knees and pushed the other door open and kneed my out and got up to my feet and walked out the corner of the building. and somebodyiel, he is shooting people. i sat there, hopeless, waiting for the person to come in and finish the job. >> i remember rapid, shooting as fast as he could shoot.
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he had a tactical laze or the bottom of the weapon. >> reporter: what would that do for him? >> make it easier to aim and hit targets as you are shooting them. the first shot hit me here in the left chest. that was the first round. so i am guessing, i mean, it had to have missed my heart by a centimeter or two. >> reporter: that's a miracle. >> yeah. >> reporter: you were shot six times. how did you get out of there? >> i was fortunate enough that, you know, i was able to stand and run -- or stand and get out. as i was going out the door, too, you know, i... i saw some -- my soldiers on the ground and... i knew i couldn't do anything about it, drag them out or anything like that, you know? i mean, that's something that stuck in my mind, too. >> reporter: just minutes after hassan opened fire, two
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civilian police officers working on post sarge sants kimberly nunly and mark todd respond, they saw major hassan, firing outside the srp buildings. nunly, who fired the first shot, was three times before hassan was taken down. hassan's massacre left 13 dead and 43 wounded. all of fort hood, the size of 32 football fields, serving more than 45,000 soldiers was on lockdown. straton and panning were taken away for emergency care. >> i called my father. he didn't pick up. >> when i listened to his voicemail, i don't know, my heart just dropped. hey dad -- i can't remember it all. but, hey, dad, there is some crazy... blankedy-blank down here, shooting everybody. i have been shot. >> i received a phone call from
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my mother because she saw something on the news and she was quite panicked and she was like, there has been a shooting at fort hood. i got a flight the next morning and i was out. >> reporter: what kind of condition was he in? >> [mumbling] i knew he valid to have his abdomen opened up. the doctor told me, you know, we don't know how he's going to make it or what condition he's going to be in, but i was so happy to see him alive. [playing "taps"] >> what happened this past thursday will impact the family, the fort hood community and our army for a long time to come. >> reporter: five days after the massacre, president obama and the first lady, along with the army's general george casey, traveled to fort hood for a memorial service itch this is a time of war. and these americans did not die on a foreign field of battle.
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they were killed here. on american soil. >> you were there when president obama arrived in fort hood. what was that experience like for you? >> definitely wasn't expected. you know, he was talking to the families. deceased. i don't think he was planning on stopping by the wounded warriors side and he ended up talking to everybody. i was there with a certain ribbon on that showed that my warrior was still in the hospital. >> reporter: straton also met his commander in chief. >> he was nice. his wife was nicer. i was really medicated so i don't remember too much of the conversation. >> it came my turn when he came to introduce me and asked my name and what i was there for, i just couldn't even get the words out. i just started crying at that point. >> reporter: coming up -- >> he keeps getting a pass. in fact, he keeps getting promoted. when we looked at his personnel evaluations, they're glowing. >> there is a problem in this government of ours where we
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refuse to call the threat by its refuse to call the threat by its name, which is violent,another ? how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy.
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>> reporter: there'll 3 years had pages passed since the massacre. questions have been raise audio how did this happen? how did someone like nidal hassan, a bad doctor and a vocal islamist extremist, continually move up in the army ranks? carps joe lieberman and susan collins are the ranking members in the chairman of governmental affairs. the committee issued this report, a ticking time bomb on the fort hood attack. >> could the massacre at fort hood be preventd? >> it's really painful for me to say, but my conclusion after our investigation was that the massacre at fort hood could have been prevented. >> this is not a case where dots had to be connected, in order to figure out that we had a serious
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threat. the dots were already connected. there was just a fail tower act. >> reporter: the report states that although none of the d.o.d. noir the fbi had specific information about the attack, they had sufficient information about hassan's radicalization, the violent islamist extremism, but failed to understand it and act on it. the report describes how as early as 2003, hassan's radical ideology was no secret to his fellow students in the army. >> his rhetoric was so ark larming and so radicalized that two of his fellow officers described him as a ticking time bomb. >> he did things like repeatedly told classmates and superiors that his devotion to shirria law superseded his devotion to the constitution. that alone should have had him dismissed from the military. >> reporter: there was an episode, maybe the slide presentation that he had, that
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fellow students were so alarmed by what they heard, they fled the classroom -- >> everybody in the class had to make a presentation. he dhows make a presentation which was -- to my way of thinking, effectively, a justification of the violent islamist extremism. >> just imagine, this is a residency training for psychiatrists. what does he choose as his topic? he chooses to justify radical islamic extremism. >> reporter: this was no secret among those who knew nidal hassan, that he waseralicallizing before their eyes. >> reporter: there was more. >> he wasn't a good doctor. he was barely performing. he was counseled many times about the fact that he needed to improve. >> reporter: in one case, he let a psychopathic pate escape from the emergency room. this was not a high-performing
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psychiatrist by any stretch of the imagination. >> reporter: it is known to the students and to the supervisors. yet, he cape keeps getting a pass. in fact, he keeps getting promoted? >> when we looked at his personnel evaluations, in many cases, they are glowing. one factor, i think, there was such a shortage of psychiatrists with the -- within the army as a whole. >> reporter: if you recommended that someone be disciplined when they were desperate to hire more psychiatrists, in this case, in the army, people would have thought you were crazy? >> reporter: a second factor was the army's promotion system itch they have local files that track what people are doing within a command. those files get thrown away when someone moves to a new command. so the new commander has no idea what your history is, what concerns but are. that's part of the promotion system. the idea is that it gives people fresh starts. but that allows threats to go
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undetected. >> reporter: lieberman believes there was a third factor that kept hassan's feal fellow soldiers from exposing his troubling behavior. >> some were worried about political correctness, if they blew the whistole this guy, people would think they were anti-muslim. >> reporter: weren't there people who tried to speak up, but were silence in the end? >> there were some student who is complained and their concerns were essentially, ignored. >> reporter: this is a letter from the defense department, in fort hood, dealing with the context of workplace violence. >> i have to say, when i saw that letter, i laughed because it's so ridiculous. then i got really angry. there is a problem in this government of ours where we refuse to call the threat by its name, which is violent islamist extremism. >> reporter: fox files contacted the armies on the nidal hassan case. they have yet to defense. >> the department of defense has
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>> sunny san diego, this city has been a hot bed of terrorist activity in the united states for well over a decade. san diego would become a key link in the case of major nidal hassan and the fort hood massacre. fox news has reported extensively on the al qaeda cell that formed here in january of 2000. two 9/11 hijackers settled here and began flight training. they attended the small mosque in the neighborhood of el cajon to receive spiritual advice from anwar al-awlaki. since the late 90s, anwar al-awlaki had been the subject of investigations, ranging from prostitution to terrorism. a u.s. official confirmed that in 2006, he was at least once part of the top-secret president's daily brief or pdb. in san diego, he was tracked by
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the jttf. >> that's the joint terrorism task force. >> reporter: keith slaughter is an ex-fbi agent who from 2007-12 was the special in charge of the san diego office. >> jttf is not just fbi, it's all agencies coming together to fight terrorism. >> reporter: how many agencies or institutions have people detailed to the jttf? >> typically, you will have detailees from at least 20, upwards of 70 or 80 different agencies -- state, local, federal -- all under one roof. >> reporter: the fbi has a memorandum of understanding with the agencies that assign them detailees. two sources who read the memo tell fox, it states that personnel detailed to the jttf are not permitted to discuss their work with supervisor who is are not members of the task force. there are more than 100 jttfs across the united states, they have personnel from dcif, the
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criminal defense services. anwar al-awlaki is clearly on your radar. >> in the san diego division we began to pick up signals on anwar al-awlaki. by this point in 2008, though he was a u.s. citizens, born in new meco, was no longer residing here. >> reporter: he was in yemen, where he also held citizenship. he was internationally famous because of his dvds and web sites and online sermons, as characterized in fort hood, he was an online provoc tour of home-grown terrorism. >> in order to track him or monitor him, what had to happen for that? >> we had to be able to obtain a court order. we got that order out of san diego. >> reporter: this surveillance included the nsa interception of his email. anwar al-awlaki was really busy on the web. >> incredibly busy. during his peak, he had upwards of 60 email accounts that he was
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using at any given time. >> reporter: how much of it was encrypted or using code? >> i'll simply say some and leave it at that. >> reporter: he has 60 accounts, that's a lot of accounts. >> thens of emails, over a three-year period, tens of thousands,. >> reporter: buried in that pot of email are the communications between major hassan and anwar al-awlaki? that's right n. early 2009, 10 months before the fort hood attack, the san diego jttf had emails between anwar al-awlaki and army major nidal hassan. they would be lost in a furor of turf wars. >> between january of 200 19, there are 19 exchanges between anwar al-awlaki and major nidal hassan. 17 from hassan to anwar al-awlaki and 2 very brief, just cordial thank you for your support and your kind words that
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come back from anwar al-awlaki to hassan other, during that period. >> reporter: have you read the emails? >> i have read the emails. and they should have given rise to alarm. just the fact that a member of our armed forces was communicating at all with eye radical cleric in yemen should have given rise to an investigation that was thorough and complete. >> you could lose your security clearance in the army for having bad credit and be kicked out of the army, but you can't lose your security clearance for talking to a member of al qaeda. through email? i mean, it doesn't make any sense. >> reporter: in a separate case in british courts, we have confirmed anwar al-awlaki was sending highly enchristed emails in 2009, with traffic operational instructions to try to blow up a british plane, heading to the united states.
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the recipient is now serving 30 years. the emails between anwar al-awlaki and hassan appear to be less specific. >> if you look at the first 14 or 15 emails, there is really nothing of concern in there. at theep, final emails to hassan sent, he begins to talk about his struggles internally with serving for the united states military in the army while his, you know, brothers are overseas, fighting a war that they believe in. we did a little research on major haha san. we had no idea who he was -- through our army contacts on the jttf. we were able to realize that he was an army major who was assigned to walter reid. >> reporter: because they're in san diego and hassan lived in the d.c. area, they can't take the lead on the investigation. so they have to pass it off to a different joint terrorism task force in the washington, d.c. area. >> we forwarded back as a
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discretionary lead to washington, to follow up as they deem appropriate. >> the defense department member of the joint terrorism task force in washington, d.c. looked at formal officer evaluation reports of hassan, didn't see anything amiss. they didn't interview people who had served the major in the classroom. they did not talk to his supervisors, his fellow students. >> they decided for a variety of reasons not to interview hassan. it was not because they didn't want to or because they couldn't get around to it. strategeically, they didn't feel it was an appropriate thing to do at the time. and you have to respect that coming from the office that's going to handle that. >> reporter: the senate report notes that the dcif detailee in the washington jttf and his fbi supervisor decided not to conduct interviews of hassan's superiors and colleagues, due to the desire to avoid affecting hassan's career. >> there was a four-hour
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investigation. that's it. four hour, spent looking into hassan. >> the fbi never informed the army's own investigators that perhaps there was an insider threat here. that's an incredible lack of communication. >> part of it was territorial, part of it was just classic bureaucratic lethargy. >> reporter: the fbi commissioned a review of its actions and failures of fort hood. foxes has confirmed the report is complete. it has not been made public. the bureau declined our numerous requests to discuss fort hood and the webster report. >> i can tell that you every member of the jttf takes the work they do very seriously. >> reporter: howd hard did your investigator in san diego take the shooting at fort hood? >> any time something like that happens, we all take it --
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judgear it is fort hood shooting, in a message released hiding in yemen, terrorist anwar al-awlaki praised the hassan massacre. >> americans refuse to admit that its foreign policies are the reason behind a man like nidal hassan. >> reporter: anwar al-awlaki was killed by helfire missiles from a u.s. predator drone. for the victims of the fort hood shooting, life will never be the same. >> we both changed since that day. >> reporter: how's that? >> emotionally. you know, when you are in something like this, you both, in essence have some issues of ptsd from this. >> reporter: have you two
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bullets inside of you? >> uh-huh. yeah. i can feel them. i can feel the bullet in my leg. >> reporter: george straton returned to his father's home, after leaving the army in december, 2011. >> the son that i sent to the army when he was 17, there is nothing like they cent. >> they quit me and i lost interest. i got a medical chapter. personally, i feel i deserve a retirement. damaged goods in a way, i don't know. >> this is george's medical file, starting in 2010, until present day. it is maybe a year and-a-half of the medical file, right? >> this is a record of every appointment i have ever kept. there are 25 on each sheet. there is a total of 275 appointments that vitaken. >> he probably has the, equivalent of that many pages of prescription drugs. >> those who are hit with the bullets, that came from hassan
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and they are suffering terribly, both physical pain, ptsd, which -- extends not just to them, but to their families. >> neil sherrer is a new york attorney representing 164 victims of the forts hood shooting, including manning and straton, in a civil case. what are your clients experiencing now? >> people who weren't actually shot are suffering from ptsd. they will be suffering from that -- probably for the rest of their lives. >> reporter: 2 1/2 years after the fort hood massacre, the court marshal of nidal hassan is set for august 20, 2012. in his most recent court hearing, he sported a full beard, against army regulations. >> the legal outcome i would like is death. >> reporter: would you be okay with that -- death penalty. >> i would be okay with the death penalty. yeah. it might be tooaise. but for what he did...
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>> reporter: still holding the ank of army major, he is paralyzed by from the chest down. the civilian police officers that fired on them, received a secretary of army's award for valor, hassan receives approximately $6,000 a month in pay. >> this guy, still getting pay. my son left the army in december -- hasn't gotten nothing. >> in the end, i think that we were able to issue a hard-hitting report. >> reporter: you made several recommendations. have they been implementd? >> some have been implemented. but they still refuse to talk about violent islamist extremism. >> i also think that the military has yet to send a strong message to the rank-and-file troops to report behavior that indicates a soldier is becoming radicalized. you think we could see another fort hood in the future?
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>> i do think this could happen again. and that would be such a tragedy. >> did you receive a purple heart? >> no. >> shot six times? no purple heart? >> no. >> do you want one? >> it would be nice if they recognized, you know, the sacrifice, not just myself, but i mean, all the soldier who is were killed and wounded that day. >> we together with the chairmanman pete king from the house, to make clear that those people deserve a purple heart. >> reporter: when they were married 3 years ago on that beach in hawaii, shawn and autumn manning thought their lives would be much different. have you ever had that reception? >> no. no. >> reporter: thought about it? >> so much other things to worry about.
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would hurt feelings. classifying the fort hood massacre as workplace violence -- are you kidding me?! an obvious rabid islamist shouts allah akbar in an army base. he is not a disgruntled worker, upset about the broken vending machines in the cav feria. where does this come from, it's a p.c. disease i call radical imlam-obe o-phobia, phobia. we have bureaucrats afraid of making people feel bad. now there is a belief that america is the most tolerant country in the world. these days, being liked is so much more important than being safe.
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welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld, or as i am known, the parkway peeper. tv's andy levy is out sick, so filling in is comedian and suspect in a number of unsolved homicides, tom shalou. tom, what is coming up on the show old sport? >> coming up tonight, is the planet on the verge of day instruction? of destruction? and should people on welfare go to strip clubs? my sources say no. and did chuck schumer give a press conference this morning? you may rely on it. >> thanks, tom. >> where did you get your answers for the pre game report? >> concentrate and ask again. >> i don't understand. very good. i am slow on tuesday, tom. >> my sources say yes. >> that movement didn't
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