tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 20, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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when are we going to turn this ship around. >> when we legalize pot maybe. >> bill: dennis miller on president obama's new immigration policy and the manliest cities in the u.s.a. caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama invoking executive privilege in the fast and furious gun scandal. that is the subject of this evening's prime talking points . let's walk through this complicated situation. four years federal law enforcement has been running sting operations in mexico sending american guns down there to see where who is buying them and where they're being used south of the border. unfortunately the feds lost track of guns and one of them turned up brian terry. so, congress wants to know who is responsible for the screw
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up. attorney general eric holder testified that he did not know about the fast and furious program until very late in the game. some doubt that therefore, congressional committee has requested all justice department documents pertaining to the matter. holder will not turn them over. today, president obama invoked executive privilege saying he needs protection for his advisors in this case. like presidents before him, mr. obama says he cannot reveal private advice. therefore, is he ordering the justice department not to turn over the documents in which such advice is present. the house committee rejects that argument and says the president and the attorney general are covering up the situation. today that oversight committee voted to hold eric holder in contempt. now, all of this will be adjudicated in the courts which will be forever. that's the plan. keep the fast and furious documents secret until after
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the election. philosophically president obama's constitutional play goes against what he has said in the past. specifically about president bush invoking executive privilege. you know, there has been a tendency on the part of this administration to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there is something a little shaky taking place. i think the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. >> bill: all right. mr. obama spoke the truth. always better to come clean. that goes for you too, mr. president. there is no reason why you can't redact any advice given to you in private from the documents. just black it out. send them to me. i will black it out for you. congress doesn't care about advice. they care about how the sting went wrong. whose responsible because an american agent was killed. the privilege deal is a ruse and it's obvious. release the documents,
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mr. president, and redact what you think should be held confidential in your office n eric holder's office. president obama campaigned on transparency, remember that. this is the exact opposite. release the documents that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. what are the political ramifications. joining us from detroit the author the big best selling book "screwed" dick morris. will the events today hurt president obama's re-election chances? >> this morning they wouldn't have but now they will because he is wrapped holder in executive privilege which really means it's now his scandal. now is he withholding the documents. when bill clinton used to have executive privilege issues, which he always did. i would always fell them putting on my best german accent. they all talk in the end. spare yourself hours of pain and suffering. ultimately they all do turn over the documents in the end
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and so will obama. but, to raise this issue, to this level, a profile is just dumb. nobody in the mainstream media was paying any attention to this scandal. fox news was. nobody else was covering it now that the house chairman has hold contempt and the whole house is going to vote on it, everybody is going to be covering it. >> we'll see. >> radar will be a big deal. >> bill: we will see. what he will monitor what cbs, nbc, cnn do this evening in their reportage. and tomorrow we will report to the folks how much time they give it what kind of a presentation they make. but you have to know and you do know, most americans at this point, it's the first day of summer, not watching the news. they are not dialed into tv. they are not reading the newspapers. they are out and they are about. or they are tired of barack obama. mitt romney hasn't lighted
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many fires. they are just disengaged. so i think that's what the obama administration is discounting on. the folks are not going to rally to this. it's complicated and not going to get involved with it. that's the calculation they're making. i don't agree with them or you. >> i'm not saying that's correct. gamble. >> i'm not agreeing with them. >> look, this is not happening in the isolation. you have a president who probably, monday, perhaps tomorrow, is going to have his signature legislative initiative healthcare reform. possibly thrown out by the u.s. supreme court. and the same week he gets voted in contempt it of congress or his a.g. does. and then he has got the leaks of the national security stuff on top of it and lousy jobs data. it comes together for. >> not successful. one after another after another. >> too weak and everything he
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touches gets messed up. >> speaker of the house john boehner said today he is going to hold a vote next week on the full house on the contempt citation. i want everybody to know this is symbolic. not going to be able to charge holder with anything. they are not going to go into court or anything. this is just an embarrassment play to tell the american people the guy is not doing what he should be doing. nothing is going to happen to holder. >> technically the case gets referred to holder's appointee as u.s. attorney. >> bill: there is no mechanism to hold holder responsible. go ahead. >> look, you and i and everybody else looking at obama looks at him from a conservative point of view. is he too liberal. too much of a socialist. too much of a big spender and all of that all of that is true. but, jimmy carter lost re-election without any of that being said about him. he lost re-election because he was seen as someone who messed
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up, in over his head and incompetent. obama is getting that image. the trifecta of jobs data. throwing out his signature initiative and congress holding him in contempt in a matter 10 days is not good for president. you are dispek late the supreme court will rule that way. are you willing to put your house up for bet. >> i already have my house up for re-election. >> bill: it's in the box that he is going they are going to throw it out who can read one man's mind. certainly indicate that last question here i believe president president obama's there's a presentation last night. did you see the press conference last night. >>. no. >> bill: well, you are lucky. it was the most boring press conference in the history of all time martin van buren is exciting compared to what happened last night, okay?
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[ laughter ] >> he looked the president did, exhausted, discome bought blatted, confused, and it was almost painful to watch it. i believe all of these things swirling around him have thrown the president off his game as austin powers once said, he lost his mojo, go. >> i think you are completely right. and i think that there is a developing critique of him, coming from his own supporters in the democratic primary. that's why he lost 42% of the democratic primary dog vote in arkansas, west virginia, and kentucky. there is a feeling out here that this guy just isn't producing. everything i touch gets messed up. >> bill: is he not holding up the white flag even though his hair is going white. is he discome bought blatted, there is no doubt about it. have fun in michigan. >> thank you. >> bill: next on the run down. did nbc news edit a tape nun fair way. this time mitt romney is involved. two out of control segments by
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jesse watters up ahead. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever.
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artificial flavors or colors. hebrew national. the better-than-a-hot dog- hot dog. gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪ embarrassed ran edited tape george zimmerman travon martin as making racist remark. the full tape showed that wasn't true. now there is another controversy.
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nbc correspondent andrea mitchell hosts a program on msnbc and said this about mitt romney's recent visit to a convenience store called way iowa iowa. >> maybe this was supermarket scanner moment. i take t that mitt romney has not been in too many wa-wa. >> i was at wa-wa's. i went in to order a sandwich. you press a touch tone key pad. the sandwich you press, this touch this, touch this. go pay the cashier there is your sandwich. it's amazing. >> it's amazing. [ laughter ] >> bill: what's amaze something how that tape was edited by ms. mitchell's staff. mitt romney's point was much larger. about how the private sector wa-wa operates as opposed to how the government does things. >> it's amazing. people in the private sector have learned how to compete. it's time to bring some
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competition to the federal government and to get it smaller and respond to the customers which are you. >> bill: so nbc cut out the salient point. with us now fox news analyst davis who is calling for more civility in the political debate. first of all you have got to know you are fighting a losing battle. not going to happen. too much money involved in incivility and we will get to that in a moment. when you see something like that, all right, from nbc news, a major organization where they purposely doctor. what due are you going to do fire everybody. >> i don't think she would do that too many years. >> bill: andrea mitchell was unaware that her tape was doctored. >> just knowing her. that's a horrible example of out of context. they did that by the way to barack obama when romney used
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a quote from him saying he didn't know anything about the economy when t was actually john mccain that he was referring to. >> bill: i don't know that example but let's stay on this one. >> same thing. i'm going to be civil and say you are probably right. andrea mitchell is busy and she doesn't go into editing room and know doing. this is a pattern in the left wing media and right wing media all right? take the material and make the person look as bad as you can possibly make them you are going to change that. >> you are the one in the no spin zone. mike seal steele and i came together in a column we wrote in today's politico. we also talked about the bain capital ad being distorted because the guy, mitt romney who they are criticizing wasn't even at bain capital when the obama campaign. >> bill: you are making my point for me. >> both sides are doing this stuff. >> i will shamelessly plug our company purple nation solutions are saying we are fed up just as cory booker did. we think people in washington
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want solutions, not this kind of stuff. >> bill: this is like you standing on a beach in thailand when the tsunami is coming in saying i'm fed up with you, tsunami. don't come here. and you are in cambodia. you are not going to stop it it's not going to be a close call. they are not going to stop attacking because they make money attacking. and number two, the political packs with unlimited money mean the actual caven datsd don't have to do the dirty work anymore. it will be done for them by surrogates. and you are not going to prevent either of those things. >> i agree and neither are you when you do the no spin zone. but we're going to speak the truth. michael steele and i disagree on almost every issue i'm a liberal and is he a conservative. we are saying and your audience is nodding their head right now. we're sick of it. cory booker said he is nauseated by it and we are going to be there to find a
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solution to problems. >> bill: the exposition is worth it which is why you are sitting here tonight. now i want you to tell me what you would do about this. i am going to show a clip right now of an nbc news anchor. an anchor, okay? roll it. what america needs emerge racial enemy. americans in part identify who we are and who deserves white whiteness enemies this who are nonwhites. at this moment the new racial enemy became not so much reagan's welfare queen who was imaginary but, instead, this imagined other, that is somehow muslim or arab or sikh or something else. we became willing to stomach a kind of horrific racial violence in the name of national security. it's something that we have been willing to stomach as a
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people over and over again in our history. >> bill: unbelievable. so we the united states are racists because we defended ourselves against radical islam after 9/11. you can't combat that how do you combat that? >> yes you can. >> bill: how? >> with all due respect to ms. harris, i strongly disagree with what she did. she actually did racial stereotyping herself by talking about all americans. 9/11 was about murderous terrorists. >> bill: you can't stop her. >> you have got to speak up and michael steele and infantry the right and the left. >> bill: she doesn't care what you say. >> well, we are going to disagree with people who say things like that on the right and the left just as do you every night and we're going to make solutions our business. >> bill: did you ever read don key who at a. >> i did. >> jerry sandusky doesn't testify the defense has
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rested. we will have the latest in this explosive trial. dennis miller on the president's new immigration policy. also jesse watters visits the tattoo nation. we're coming right back. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getti away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's whye got a subaru. love wherer the road takes you. wow, there it is
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>> bill: factor follow up segment tonight. the jury rested today in the case of jerry sandusky. 51 counts of child abuse on 10 boys. is he a former penn state football coach and did he not take the stand. joining us from bellefonte, pennsylvania. closely following the case. why didn't sandusky testify? >> well, there is a lot of reasons why. but let's put it this way. he has a constitutional right not to. morally, probably he can't do it because he would have to testify he he did all of this. strategically, the defense made a calculation he didn't
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need to they feel they put on enough of a defense case to create some doubt in the jurors' mind bill we are here in penn state land. jerry sandusky is the o.j. of central pennsylvania. the defense must have created they created enough doubt so go home to friends and neighbors and say why they did it. now did you see anything in the trial that said that does create some doubt? did you see anything? >> no. stop you there, i appreciate your honesty. usually defend guys like sandusky didn't see anything that overrode the accusations presented by the state why then would you feel that the jury, nonprofessionals but the
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folks, all right, what is it they may be doubting when all these people came forward testifying he did these horrendous things. what is it. >> the question is whether theyment to believe in jerry. whether they want to believe in jerry sandusky. if they want to believe the defense gave them things they can hook on to. they are not me. you are right i'm a professional and they are not. >> bill: but like what? what did the defense give them? give me something. >> okay. this is -- okay. very good. what happened here was in the defense case 17 of 25 witnesses were mere character witnesses there were a few elements which were disturbing. the defense called two investigators for the the safety telling child victims that other victims had come forward think denied they talked to these victims ahead of time and the defense was able to prove that they were lying. there is something if defense wants to hang their hats on. >> bill: that's interesting. in the beginning when
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investigators were trying to get out to get the stories. they weren't supposed to tell the boys that other people were saying the same thing because that poisons the well. all right? they want to get their story in a unique way so think lied about this say you, they lied about it on the stand, right? >> that's right. >> bill: so the defense proved. proved that they lied so the jury is going, wait a minute, the investigation was tainted because these guys lied about it. that would have override the tremendous amount of graphic testimony not only from the victims but from a witness. the assistant football coach. you are absolutely right bill. the state had a straightforward case. not one victim, not two victims but 10 victims. 8 of 0 testified there was nothing in the defense case straightforward against that. there was a little of this and
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a little of that. >> bill: they didn't shake what the 8 people said they innocent able to shake. one more question. 45 seconds. go ahead. there was one thing got at this -- dottie sandusky testified. she testified counter victim number 4 during the alamo bowl that jerry propositioned him, brought him into a bathroom and ordered him basically to perform oral sex. he said that she barged in on them. when she testified, she said well, i barged in on them but there was nothing to do with sex. they were both fully clothed and the argument had nothing to do with oral sex. so, there was some direct repudiation. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it when the verdict comes, in fox news will have it for everyone. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. jesse watters visits the tattoo nation. see what the political point of view is these days want fascinating watters world segment. dennis miller on immigration
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight, as you may know, i have reported that the occupy wall street movement is now a radical left destructive situation and here is more proof. last week in oakland, the county district attorney ran a conference discussing the shameful problem of child sex trafficking. a good thing, right? not according to the occupiers. they issued this statement, quote. this is a conference of pigs and their nonprofit lackeys to increase the harassment, imprisonment and amarilloization and criminalization of sex workers unquote. unbelievable. and not only that the occupiers tried to disrupt the conference. [horn blowing.
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[siren] joining us now from san francisco a former member of the san francisco police commission. this is so incredible i can hardly believe it. what's going on? you know, bill, this is crazy town even by san francisco standards. what we are seeing is it's a continuation of the antipolice action that started with the oscar grant shooting being inflamed by the total lack of leadership from the mayor's office in oakland. you remember a month or two when they took over the ports of oakland without any sort of police activity. so they think they can continue to get away with it and they are, that's part of the problem. >> this is beyond economics this is now into a realm where almost every decent person, no matter what their political beliefs would say child sex
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trafficking inexcusable, heinous, must be wiped off the face of the earth, all right? that's the prevailing wisdom of 99.9% of the population in the world. these people, these occupiers, they see it as a oppression of sex workers that children should be allowed to sell their bodies, i guess that's the point. these people are a danger to society and their own cause. they have hijacked the name of the occupy movement that originally was something very different and then turned if you recall the 9 percenters. what they are doing is getting the headlines and they shouldn't be. there should be a police crackdown but because there isn't a crack down and the mayor's office hasn't gotten ahead what's going on in the city. i'm not sure if you saw that in this morning's news. they are threatening to personally sanction the mayor. that's unheard of.
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>> bill: explain that the court is doing what out in the county? what are they trying to do? >> the court is actually threatening to sanction the mayor's office. specifically the mayor. personally sanction the mayor for the activity related to the police activity related to these demonstrations that have occurred. >> because the mayor of oakland has ordered her police department at times to restrain the occupiers, did a judge make this decision or what decision was made? >> yeah, it's more coming from a lack of leadership. there is nothing wrong with good law enforcement. the problem is they have taken hold of the city of oakland and they are grabbing all the headlines. people of oakland don't deserve it. >> bill: who in the court system is enabling them to do it? the decision has to be made by somebody. >> well, oakland has had its problems if you recall. i think also the federal government came in with some
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orders in regards to the police department over the years. oakland has had its problems it. it needs real leadership. that's really where it's stemming from. this is a small group of people that are promoting something as heinous as children in the sex trade. >> i agree with you. this isn't a wide group. but it's a group that basically runs the show now. i mean, they show up. >> right. >> they cause trouble. and under the occupy wall street banner. even though it's an off chute, i guess, all right. thanks for coming on. we appreciate it. when we come right back, it will be miller time. the president's new immigration policy. what are the most manly cities in america? miller is next. ♪
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♪ in fact, amway offers a 180-day satisfaction guarantee. because amway believes the aces our products ome from... are just as important as the places they'll go. amway conveys quality. to learn more, contact an amway independent business owner. how much coffee are you fellows going to need today? three...four cups? [dumbfounded] well, we... doesn't last long does it? listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. so you can get a lot done without refills. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so don't just stand there holding your lattes, boys. make your move. we'll take the 5-hour energy. smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy. assure my patients get evthe very best care.ake but look at our health care system. everyone agreed we needed reforms -- but this
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new health care law -- it just isn't fixing things. president obama promised my patients that they could keep me -- but what if because of this new health care law -- i can't keep them? i've looked at this law. i know the consequences: delayed care and worse yet -- denied care. studies show the president's health care law is projected to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our deficit -- and increase spending by more than a trillion dollars. and the truth is -- we still don't know how much this law will eventually cost. i don't want anything to come between my patients and me -- especially washington bureaucrats. we need real reform that improves care, and the president's health care law just isn't it. it just isn't worth it. this is where health care decisions should be made. not in washington.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tent, let's get to the sage of southern california who joins us now from santa barbara. you heard the occupier madness in oakland. now the united nations wants to protect that group. now, what say you? >> well, billy, i don't think it's any -- it's no shock that any time you see the powder blue he helmets of the u.n. show up, it's time to cue the orchestra leader to come up with the benny hill thing once the conscience of the world starts consorting with the unconscionable, that is a perfect storm that's what they got going here. you see the thing in oakland and you shake your head. the last time i heard the word pigs used like that, guess who it wases ayers. i can't tell you this is going to hang you up later in life. this might get you to be tight with the president or
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certainly faculty at a college. >> bill: they all have their masks and hoods on. they know who they are and they don't want to be held accountable for it. here is an interesting thing. >> i wish ayers and done would have worn masks. >> bill: it was very interesting when the united nations supported the tea party. remember that when they came out and said these tea party people they can just rally here at the u.n. plaza any time. >> i don't remember. i remember them rotating libya into the leadership seat in the human rights council about that time. >> bill: cuba was there too. >> listen, the only way we are going to solve this new ayers generation, these guys is by pulling out another old chicago type that being the bill daily at some point this kwan woman is going to have to send some guys in. and they are going to have to crack a little head. she looks like the last person who wants to do that. >> i mean, to oppose, you know, trying to solve the sex trafficking with children problem. to oppose that i mean i think that's the end. you don't get any further.
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now, president obama this week, of course, excepted 800,000 illegal aliens from deportation and you say? how would you like your entire presidential legacy to be found 6:4 a eastern standard time friday document dumps? that's where my man does all his great work. heading out the door for the weekend. they had to play that lover boy song. if is he reelected next time. because everybody is living for the weekend. now, i know he owns g.m. already. and if he is going to rule like, this if this is going to be his form of governance, he should buy a fiat, too, this is presidential fiat. i think it's going to catch up to him somewhere downtown road. even moderates are going to say, wait a second, you can't call these shots by yourself. i mean, you know. >> bill: you couple that with the order today of executive privilege, we are not going to hand over the documents and you do get kind of a i do nasa stick thing.
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he doesn't care about congress. that is the overriding story on this announcement last fry day. >> well, all i know is whoever the commissioner in the nba is right now should make sure his office is double locked because this all wreaks of watergate to me. this seems so nixonian to me. >> bill: little built of it, yes. >> bill: executive privilege. >> what next? archie cox gets whacked next. [ laughter ] >> bill: the midnight massacre. all right. now, here is my favorite topic of the day. the manliest cities. i'm going to read the three manliest. you will tell me why they're manly. then i'm going to read the three least manly and you are going to do the same. all right, the top three manliest cities in the united states, oklahoma city, colombia, south carolina, and memphis, tennessee, home of elvis. why are they the manliest? >> well, oklahoma city because of the thunder. that would make miami. >> nba playoffs so far.
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>> you are right. they don't look manly. bill, i don't know why that is because i have a different theory. why don't you give me the leash, i will see if i give info together i have my own theory. >> bill: miller time segment tell you why oklahoma city is the most manly? >> i would love to hear from you manly mann you. you are a mann man. >> bill: 8 minutes. that's why. there is a tornado in oklahoma city every four minutes. it's whipping through. you have got to be strong just to walk down the street in that. >> i see what you are saying. it's like cheney walking through those heart attacks. you have got to get lean at that point. my theory on the manliest city is whatever city you are in. and the least manly city is whatever city i'm in. now, bill, i had my lawyer print up a contract to reup me here, supplication services rendered to the o'reilly factor. manliest city where you are at, me the other side of the screen least manly city. >> brown nose, pennsylvania. >> the least manly cities,
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oakland, san francisco, and san diego. san diego is the least manliest city in the whole country. i don't get that san diego, you have got to like beach guys. and weight lifting on the beach. a lot of sporting activity. why would that be the least manly. >> that footage you showed there looks so manly. san diego hasn't been the same since danny phelps left. i hate to go back to my old monday night football partner. not the same. they lost ladanian tomlinson too. you can't lose two guys and still be manly. >> as i said before, the manliest city in this country, whatever city bill o'reilly has been in. >> indy on friday and chicago becomes the manliest. >> bill: indianapolis sunday. but new york city where i am right now is 39th. 39th manliest city. so, we're going to have to man up there. >> somebody walk out and
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scream that at the top of their lungs. >> lower east side. >> bill: you are not surprised san francisco is on the least manly side, are you. >> no. >> bill: that's all you have to say miller, don't say anything more. we don't want pickets outside. >> you are right. >> bill: d man and i will be in chicago this coming saturday. indianapolis on friday. that show is sold out. there are tickets to the matinee in chicago. if you want to see us live that's a dubious proposition. please go to bill o' in a moment, jesse watters goes to the tattoo nation to find out how they see american politics. watters after these messages. [ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food.
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now, there is not a social stigma that they there used to be among the tattooed people but they can still be a breed apart as jesse watters found out. ♪ >> tell me about your tattoos, how many do you have? >> i have 8. >> how many do you have? >> six. >> one on my lower area. it actually says i love you pappa in german. >> in retrospect i made some really bad choices after high school. >> i got a couple on the leg, an arm. >> all right. let's not talk anymore about it. >> your tattoo, where is it? >> actually right here on the back of my neck. >> that can't be good. >> now, do your parents know about your tattoos. >> my parents respect my decision. >> i think you are trying to get back at your parents, that's what i think. >> how old would you let your kid get a tattoo? >> 21. >> when she was 18 i would let her do whatever she wanted to
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do. >> whatever she wanted? >> well -- within reason. >> that was stupid that i said that you know what, no, i'm glad that i said that. >> how much have you spent on tattoos? >> maybe 8.50. >> 8.50. >> i guinea pigged a lot. $20 here, $30 here. >> something ain't right. >> what do you say about a woman with tattoos up and down her arm does that scream motherhood? [inaudible] >> what are you, you freak? >> i'm the insect. those with r. my wings. >> those are your wings? >> i don't really care what other people think. >> obviously not. >> not trying to insult you. ♪ >> do you think the tattoo sends a good message when, you know, you want to go to a job interview? >> it depends where you get them. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> because you have them right on your neck. >> what an idiot. >> now, if you get the job, that means you have to wear long sleeve shirt for the rest of your life. >> if you get the job then you can just show your tattoo. >> get in there with a long
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sleeve shirt say how are you and you walk in next day they can't fire you, right? >> because you already got your point. >> kid's got a good point. >> do you think you will get a promotion after that. >> shut up he thinks is he witty. >> i think it's sexy on a wonchts i like men no tattoos, they have got the little tie. >> i should have worn my tie today. >> i'm a hot little potato right now. >> president obama, do you think he should get a tattoo? >> right on the muscle, yeah. >> on the muscle? >> yeah. >> it's going to be a tattoo then. >> excuse me, sir. >> do you think romney might have a tattoo. >> he he might have been the cool kid in college. >> let's not get nuts here. >> if we found out romney had a tattoo that would be funny. up like 1%. >> what's up with the economy scwh sn when are regoing to turn the ship around. >> when we legalize pot maybe. >> are you high right now? >> a little bit. [ laughter ] >> bill o'reilly, should he get a tattoo. >> i love bill o'reilly. >> if i went and said i want
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to put a no spin zone tattoo on your arm, would you say yes? >> would i say yes? >> would you go for that? >> oh my god. no. >> ever considered getting a factor tattoo anywhere. >> yeah. >> where would you put that? >> right on my shoulder. >> bill: all right. now, here is watters. first of all, when you -- i know -- just like abc edits heavily. you asked them a lot of political questions. >> did i. >> bill: did anybody know anything out. >> there nobody knew anything. i think obama the tattoo vote wrapped up right now. they love obama. 45 million measures have tattoos. of those americans 70% say they have them where you can't see them. statistically possible that we may have factor staff members with tattoos that you don't even know about. >> bill: as long as they don't have the scorpion on the neck. that's a draw back. >> i'm thinking about getting dick on my bicept.
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>> he would pay you. >> bill: that was coney island. >> coney island. they didn't have a preliminary frame of reference. >> the guy with the new york mets on his chest which is tragic by the way of all teams. the new york mets, is he an anarchist. everybody else was obama supporter. the jobs they have these aren't real fortune 500 people. >> bill: i got that drift. >> one woman with the bikini was a sheet artist. the other guy was a bouncer. the guy with the mets tattoo he played for a deaf metal. >> and you have to have a tattoo to get that job. >> right. >> bill: jesse watters is tattooless. >> not yet. >> bill: you went to trinity college. highest paid athletes in the nation. p and p just over two minutes away. k the nissan altima
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and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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not so much. i got lotrimin ultra. it penetrates to soothe symptoms while it cures athlete's foot at its core. prescription strength lotrimin ultra. put your best foot forward. p&pinheads & patriots in a mo moment. first a patriot alert. big o'reilly .com has a nice variety of mugs available. if you buy them know that all the money i receive from the website goes to charity organizations like the wounded warriors foundation and a the fisher house group. now, frank jaworski. i agree with you that was the most boring presidential press conference ever. tam tom
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wrong and both counts, karl. mr. obama did not issue an executive order and president bush did get congressional approval to invade iraq. disgraceful. the difference between someone sneaking across the border and an illegal alien brought he hey their parents. we need to get a return fo for that investment. the emotional issue can be seen in many ways obviously. remember that the federal government for decades looked the other way as millions of mostly poor people came in here illegally.
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the politicians elected by we the people did little to solve the problem. now, we should solve the problem in a fair way. i can't say his last name you butle see it on the screen. tulsa, oklahoma. happy birthday, ruth. i hope you are feeling great down there. no question about that, susan. i appreciate that, john.
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just flipped by me, ron, the whole vampire thing. the movie opens friday and my friend was a producer on it. and finally tonight, pinheads & patriots. who are the highest paid athletes in the nation. forbes has the list. number one, boxer floyd ma mayweather earned $85 million last year alone. he is currently in prison for domestic violence. not good. number two, another boxer. manny pacquiao earned $62 million last year. number three, tiger woods. most in endorsements here. number four, lebron james ear earning $53 million in 2011. and number five, roger federer nearly $53 million in one year. most of that again enendors enendorsement money. i'm putting them in the patriot category because they are competing in an extremely difficult marketplace and succeeding but mr. mayweather you better clean up your act.
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that is it for us. check out the fox news website which is different from billoh he riley .com. spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. getting some great exotic pla e places. name and town. name and town. name and town if you wish to oh pine. word of the day, do not be ma d maudlin when writing to the factor. or anyplace else. you want to be the opposite of maudlin because it is not good. you have to look it up now. remember what sister mary claudia said to me in first grade. william i'm not going to tell you what the word means because if you look it up you will never forget it. whereupon i said i'm not going to look it up i'm lazy and then i got slapped. thanthanks for watching us ton. i'm bill o'reilly. remember the spin stops here because we are definitely captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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>> sean: and tonight there is breaking news out of washington as the attorney general of the united states is now one step closer to being found in contempt of congress. we're going to have more on that bomb shell development throughout the show. first just hours before a house panel voted on that contempt resolution, president barack obama suddenly became intimat intimately involved in the fast and furious scandal claiming executive privilege over documents related to this investigation. now, the desperate 11th hour legal maneuver was launched in an attempt to prevent certain subpoenaed materials from rea h reaching the hands of the government oversight committee and that left several elected representatives quite angry this afternoon. >> why is it that president barack obama is suddenly invo e invoking executive privilege on document we were told yesterday they would be glad to give us. >> what in the world he is exerting executive privilege
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