tv Hannity FOX News June 26, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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special counsel be appear pointed to investigate the white house leak scandal. that's what he has to look forward to as things starting first thing tomorrow morning. no wonder he's been out at these closed press fundraiser. joining me long is stuart varney. and she deals with beckel five days a week and does it with a smile. >> not always. >> that's a good point. >> sometimes. >> all of this on his plate, and then we've got an election in, what, 132 days? >> right. >> so one of the things he did today was continue on with his fundraisers when i think he could have served himself a lot more by dropping the fundraiser, sending a surrogate and head to colorado. wyoming and colorado, my home states. they have tremendous problems, lots of wildfires. if he wants to be out of washington and he wants to look presidential, it would have been a much better way for him to spend his day and it would have given a lot of needed comfort to
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the families there who are suffering and also to say from a policy level they will have make sure the firefighters have all that they need. >> here's the problem, stewart, he doesn't have enough money. mitt romney is out raising money. >> i believe the president has written a letter which has gone out saying i don't want to be the first sitting president to be outspent by my opponent in my re-election campaign. there's almost a desperation here. eye forecast just about the money. it's about the way the policy has gone i don't know, sean, i think you missed something off your list of problems right up front. >> what's that? >> next friday, the economy. next friday the latest unemployment numbers come out and it's quite possible the unemployment rate will go up. arguably -- >> why do you say. >> because the preliminary numbers you think it's going to go up? >> yes. i think there's a distinct possibility the unemployment rate goes up from 8 .2%. job creation will be negligible, probably under 50,000.
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all the points on the economy suggests absolute failure of the president's economic policy the last threeafter years. >> and the consumer confidence is down for the fourth month in a row. that came out today. all those science i imagine that points to why president obama wants to be outside of washington. he hasn't had a cabinet meeting since january since before the state of the union. >> that's almost unheard of. >> i was surprised when i looked it up today to find out when it was. >> he's hanging out with celebrities. marc anthony is playing tonight. the democratic convention has had to down size. here's a list of nine democrats, governors, senators, representatives. look at this list. joe mansion. clair mccass kill, and they don't want to be seen him at his own convention. and you have the 30 senators calling for a special prosecutor. >> who is out there on the campaign trail supporting the president?
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who is out there? which prominent democrat is out there? i can't think of a single senator, former senator, ambassador or high-ranking former bill clinton. >> a lot of help he's been. >> but he's not helping the president. who is out there for him. and a grotesque snob, an awful monster in the office. >> and don't be late. >> this exporter british socialist coming over here making a ton of money trying to change us to be more like them, and it's afrin pal supporter of the president of the united states of america. >> i really wish that you would tell us how you really feel and not hold back. >> you know. i am an english man. i was born and raised in england and i hate to see other english people coming over here behaving like that. >> we will get into this later because we have comments made by cher about republicans and comments by bill mauer wanting
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to see dead mexicans and all this thing. but there is an image here. he keeps say he's going after the wealthy, hanging out with george clooney, young hollywood stars, and jessica parker. >> in the same letter that stewart referenced earlier when he said i don't want to be the first president to be outspent, one of the things he talks about is the dinners, if you give three bucks you get into a lottery to get dinner with the president. he said i don't want to do stings knicks secret, i do things differently, and i thought, wait, didn't last week you had a dinner -- >> how desperate are they instead of having a -- >> i know. >> and instead of debt gooding those very important monogrammed towels, you could have that money dedicated to the to obama campaign. >> i wanted that plate. >> the gravy boat. >> that you use once a year. >> there are two they can turn to for money, technology, northern california, he's getting money out thereof big time, and celebrities.
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>> and wall street, stuart. >> no, they have swung to romney. the latest figures i saw, a direct reverse of what it was. >> chuck schumer is an ambassador to wall street to try to get them back in the fold. >> will they come back? i don't think they will. >> i think on one thing, senator should rememberer and other senate democrats have been effective doing the last few weeks is mobilizing people to realize that they are in very real danger of losing the senate. so the fundraising for senate democrats has been way up. on that list of people deciding not to go to the democrat convention, they should take one example, clair mccass skill, the reason was she said she needs to be campaigning that week. and president obama will understand because it's more important to him to have a momentary problem with her not coming than for her to lose her seat. >> and let's say obamacare as we suspect, and i don't think anybody can read into the supreme court, i assume at a minimum the individual man date is struck down.
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let's assume that happens. holder, as attorney general, on the same day could be held in contempt. bad job numbers the next day, the following friday. okay. then you've got leak gate, and it's almost like a house of cards that seems to be collapsing, and he's also trying to create constitutional crisis by just mandating i'm not going to obey the immigration law, the defense of marriage act. >> pressure on all fronts. i can't think of a single arena where you can really show obvious success in any policy arena. it is a house of cards. >> there's two other issues you didn't mention that are out of their control that they are just going to be the victim of circumstantial which is what is happening in europe and continues to unravel there, and also in syria. especially as you have turkey getting a little bit more aggressive, to say the least. >> here's what charlie cook said. he said we are past the point where obama can win a referendum election, regardless whether it's on him or on the economy. then he went on to say that the only way that obama can win is
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they have got to create this scenario where mitt romney is the lesser of two evils. hence negative campaigning. i don't know see how that works for him. >> well, it is only four months, but is still a lot can happen in four months. when you see azs that republicans and mitt romney at the lead will slash medicare, they want old people to eat cat food, whatever it will be, those numbers will -- >> they don't want them to eat cat food, they want them to day. they want old people to die and children to die and air and water to be filthy. >> when push comes to shove, the bottom line issue is surely the economy is prosperity. we are not a prosperous country. we aren't going in the right direction. i think the economy gets worse as we go into the summer and early fall. that's where we stand. >> when are you having winter
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with ana? >> it's most unlikely. >> sean. >> you guys make my week. and coming up tonight, we will check in with david limbaugh and lenny davis is here. we will talk about the constitution. and the man leading the investigation into fast and furious. congressman darrell issa is here to explain why the president himself may be implicated in that scandal. and tonight hollywood mate speech reigns supreme as cher now launches into another gop tirade but this one is raced with racial allegations. we will play her her verbal assault, as well as bill mauer on this edition of "hannity." plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. constipated? phillipscaplets use magnesiu an ingredient that rks more naturally with your colon
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>> the president has been put on notice which b. i the charm ever the house oversight company darryl issa. the chairman explains clearly by invoking his presidential privilege he's admittingsome someone of two things. either one in the white house was involved in managing fast and furious and the fallout from it, or option two, this power is being abeaud with the goal of, quote, further obstructing an congressional investigation." in late breaking news we are learning the last minute efforts by the white house to prevent the vote failed. the administration tried to present 30 pages after document on an effort to hold off on the
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vote. here to elaborate on the late breaking news, darrell issa. thanks for coming back. >> thanks for covering the important issue of fast and furious and the death of brian terry. >> this is what is amazing to me, and we had the parents of brian terry on the program the other night and they want answers and they feel the white house is obstructing the investigation. how long have you been looking boo this, just to remind people? >> about 18 months. there were about 10 months we were flat-out lied too. senator grassley was lied to in a letter and we were given testimony that was false and it took about ten months for them to acknowledge it was on sit of what they said. they said they never let guns walked and fast and furious was about deliberately knowing 2,000 very powerful weapons cross the board we're thage of atf and
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high-rankling individuals in the justice department. >> congressman, when you say flat-out lied to, didn't rog are clemens just spend the last five years of his life, he was aquited, but wasn't the issue whether he lied to congress? isn't that called perjury? >> exactly. my committee referred wronger clemens, a bipartisan referral because they believed he had given false testimony about his use of steroids in baseball. well, in fact, it took dozens or hundreds of lawyers inside the justice department who knew that at various times that guns had walked, not coming forward and telling the truth, in order to have ten months of senator grassley and the american people all relying on a letter that simply was false. >> so if that happened to roger clemens we don't have a two-tiered justice system, do we, congressman? would the same recommendation then for for the people in the white house that lied to you, as far as it being sent fourth for investigation by prosecutors?
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>> very clearly the justice department was willing to prosecute not once but twice roger clemens yell they are unwilling to hold themselves to a standard of accountability. ultimately the contempt vote scheduled for thursday is very narrow. it's simply about the period of the coverup, the ten months in which we were given false testimony. but it's also part of get to go the truth. if we can figure out the people that lied to get the false letter to us and lied to keep it covered up, we may very well find that those are the same people who ultimately are responsible for fast and furious that need to be held accountable. >> but didn't the attorney general himself lie to you, congressman? i mean, he gave you false information. he said he didn't know about it until a few weeks before he testified in may of 2011. in fact, you found out that he knew about it many, many months earlier. >> we did find out he knew about it earlier than his original testimony would imply. >> son that a lie? >> he's corrected the record and said that he was mistaken. we try not to catch people in
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lies when it is in fact a mistake but what we really want to do is we want to verify testimony given. forks, the former atf director gave us two days of sworn testimony in which he talked about some documents, some e-mails that he sent to various people. those were among the documents that we've asked for that we can't find any form of executive privilege on, and yet they have not only not been offered to us, but even today when representatives of my office and the speaker's office win to the white house to make a last ditch deal, those were not records they were willing to offer to us. >> congressman, it seems to me, and maybe i'm reading into this, the president is precipitating a constitutional crisis in many ways by invoking executive privilege. he will have to explain on every one ever these documents why he wants to invoke executive privilege. that will probably get him past the election. it seems to me that there had to be some political calculation here, either what is in that --
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those documents is so embarrassing, so damaging that they didn't want to release it, and that they would rather go through in crisis, even though two to one there's a poll out today the american people said that the president was not right to assert executive privilege here. >> ultimately this bears a striking resemblance of something that happened when i was a very young man and you were probably a young boy, and that was when nixon pushed the emerging discussion and discovery of the plumber's activity at watergate, pushed it past the election. ultimately he won that election overwhelmingly and then the facts eventually came out. in this case i don't believe the fallout is directly the president, but he is pushing on behalf of key people who work for him. this issue probably past the election, hoping that his popularity will revent us from getting to the truth. that's not something that i think is in the best interest of the constitution, and ultimately the speaker has been very clear, very accommodating, but very clear that we have to get to the
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truth. >> let me ask you this because the president denied any knowledge of this and said he did not approve operations fast and furious. he said his attorney general did not approve operation fast and furious. if it turns out in fact they did, what does that mean? >> well, if they have lied to the congress, they will be held accountable. >> how? >> through our process and by the voters. i think the important thing is the american people don't want to have an executive privilege that's so broad that congress can't get into things like solyndra or fast and furious or e gsa scandal simply because everything sometimes to include a deliberative process. so to a certain extent when speaker boehner, the speaker of the house, says we have to make sure we get to a balance that's constitutionally fair, he's fighting for sort ever the freedom and transparency that groups on the left and the right are always encouraging me to make sure that we do protect that balance between the various
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parts of our government because if our branch doesn't assert itself, ultimately we are no longer the republic our founders wanted us to be. >> it seems that the president in a lot of ways is not respecting checks and balances and the idea that we have co-equal branches of government. congressman, we will continue to follow this, and i hope the terry family gets the answer they deserve, and i appreciate you being with us. >> okay. we will make sure the terry family gets their answers. >> and coming up tonight is president obama turning his back on on the state of arizona after the supreme court's ruling? when we come back we will check in with david lin because, and danny, and also cher and bill mauer go out on the attack against republicans. we will tell what you they said, that and more coming up straight ahead. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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announcements. one, they will suspend their immigration agreements with the state of arizona, meaning they will flat out ignore calls from local officials reporting illegals to the federal government. number two, the justice department has set up a so-called civil rights hot line to monitor any claims of racial profiling as a result of sb1070s implementtation. joining me now to discuss this, the author of the new york times best-seller is just out, it's called the great destroyer, david lindbaugh, and fox news contributor lanny davis. you are not going to like what i have to say. we have to get to the bottom of this. this is now a lawless administration. we have something called separation of powers, we have checks and balances, and we have the united states constitution, lanny. congress passes laws, the president signs those bills into law. the president does not have the right unilaterally to declare he is not going to enforce the law and that's what the president has done here.
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that's what he's done with the defense of marriage act, and then he basically snubs the supreme court by basically saying we're not even going to take arizona's calls. and you can't sit there and defend as a lawyer a president ignoring what is clear precedence as it relates to his duties with the constitution. >> okay. now let me give you the facts. i understand your rhetoric but here are the facts. over 1 million people were deported in the last three years by the obama administration. fact two, the supreme court itself said -- >> the president said he's -- >> let me finish. >> the president said he's not going to enforce it. >> i'm going to get to that. fact 2 is the supreme court itself said let's be cautious about enforcing this law of these reasonable stops because it's vague, and we are only ruling on a matter of federal power, not on other constitutional grounds. and fact three, you are simply factually in check that the law isn't going to be enforced. all that -- >> lanny --
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>> all it said is. >> that's not what time talking about. >> they said we will do our own enforcement and not going to allow arizona policemen to do it. >> let me educate you because you obviousry don't know what happened the friday before. the friday before the president of the lsu said he would not enforce a law that was pass bed i congress and signed into law by a prior president. that is where we are talking about lawlessness. >> you are talking about the executive order that he issued? >> that's correct, that he's not going to obey the law ever the land. >> the executive order was absolutely in census the same of a senator rubio's proposal. >> whoa. hang on. >> and it's prosecutorial diskegs. >> that doesn't matter. that doesn't matter. the congress didn't -- >> but it's true. >> lanny, let me speak. >> it doesn't matter. >> please, let me talk. >> it doesn't matter what the substance of the law is in this case. he admit add few weeks before that he had no authority to circumvent congress on that, and he did. but this law represents the
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worst of all worlds. this ruling. it guts the legal enforcement ability of the state of arizona. it doesn't have any teeth, and the second thing is the political ramifications are terrible because it will allow obama to lay the race card again. he's already started doing it by setting up this hot line. his community organizing, and encouraging people actually to file complaints against law enforcement officials and against their state, pitting citizens against their state, and law enforcement officials. now that's the end-all of the obama administration and getting people divided on the basis of race. it's a complete -- >> i have something for you. >> it's a lawless administration. >> david -- hang on a second. david, i say this is lawless. i say this is not only inappropriate but violates the constitution because congress passes laws, the president sign it is into law, and for a president sworn to uphold the constitution of the united states to say he's not going to enforce them, isn't that unconstitutional?
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>> well, absolutely. he has no authority to do that. this is -- and plus this is not a -- this is not an inconsistency in the law as the obama administration claims. it's a disagreement about enforcement. and the state just wants to enforce the law, to protect its borders, help the federal government enforce their own law, and obama calls is racial profiling when this law expressly for bids it. that's deskip i believe dividing people on race. >> can i talk? >> yes. >> i know it's a fact chief justice roberts and justice kennedy warned that this law should be applied with caution and that other constitutional problems may exist. and what the department of homeland security did consistent with justice roberts' comments, and part of the opinion, a conservative justice, is to say we, the federal government, are going to supervise the application of this search law because will may be other constitutional problems rather than state agents, which the
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supreme court ruled that the law in arizona was unconstitutional. >> lanny, first of all the language of the law was taken directly from the federal government which failed in its duty to enforce the law and now the president has said as much as he's not going to enforce the law. secondly, for anybody to be asked, for anybody to be checked out in terms of their legal statnous their country, they would have first had to have been in contact with law enforcement. it's not like they can go out and racially profile anybody as it relates -- >> you may disagree with justice roberts on it. i agree with -- >> he said he's the one that said what janet napolitano said we have to be careful will letting arizona policemen stop people on a vague premise and be cautious -- >> you avoided the argument. >> it's the supreme court that you guys disagree with. >> you missed the point. >> a conservative supreme court you are taking issue with. >> lanny doesn't address the point. he does not have the authority to say through executive fee at
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that he is not going to enforce laws that were pass bid a congress and signed into law by a prior president. that is -- that is an abuse of power. >> that's correct, and it's the end-all of the obama administration. he does it with other things. he did it with this administrative order, this executive order. but this entire episode is a microcosm of the obama administration. they are playing the race card. they are dividing us on the basis of race and other reasons. they are thumbing their nose at the law. they are pitting citizens against each other, and they are disregarding -- by the way, it's not just the anyone news of state sovereignty. i would argue it's the diminution of federal policy. >> now listen. >> they criticize chief justice roberts -- >> that's irrelevant. >> wait a minute. >> and you are always -- >> it's very ironic to hear you
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say that. >> we are -- >> you are criticizing chief justice roberts when you say that. you recognize that. >> i am. i am. >> you are talking about two separate issues here. let me suggest -- let me suggest to you that you read up on something called separation of powers, checks and balances, and if congress passes a law and the president, if he doesn't like the law, he can change it. but he's got to get congress to go along with him. he can't do it -- >> he has the discretion to do what he did. but let a court decide that. >> lanny. lanny, you have to get my book. you have to get my book, lanny. >> you know, i actually quoted lanny's book, david, when he said tell the truth, tell it early, tell it yourself. that's probably what they should have done on fast and furious. i'll give that you one, david. >> he's a good man for a liberal. >> david is a good man for a conservative. >> this love fest, that's it, no more. get away. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up the left wing
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entertainer cher is at it again. she's even playing the race card. you will hear or latest, perhaps most outrageous rant against the gop and bill mauer's latest rant. that and more coming up next. ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ honk! ] ♪ [ male announcer ] now you'll know when to stop. [ hk! ] the all-new nissan altima with easy fill tire alert. [ honk! ] it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ of single mile credirds. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] or too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn doubleiles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come.
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>> welcome back to "hannity." it appears the left winger cher will never learn her lesson. she went on a lib brat radio show, one of the few out there, and reiterated her positions. first listen to the bias question that she was asked and then the response. >> what do you think there's so much hatred? what do you think is doing it? is it because he's black? what is your conclusion or. >> i definitely think there's a component of racism in it, and i also think -- i think that the republicans just thought that they were going to be able to be in office forever, and i think that not only were they not, but they got thrown out and they got thrown out by a black man, and i think that that is a real --
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that -- that's the stumbling block they won't be able to get over. and i've said this and gotten in so much trouble, but i mean you look at the function -- like all of the, you know, the stump speeches and where are the people? where are the real people? where are the latinos, where are the black people? it's like 50 shades of white. people in the government calling him tar baby, what are you led to believe? i mean what are you led to believe? i've never seen such disrespect for a president. there's never been such disrespect for a president since, you know, back in the day where people were crazy. i mean, i'm talking about jefferson, and when they were running for people things were as crazy as they are now. >> joining me, the author of best-seller "black lash." the criticism against obama has nothing to do we have no jobs, $5 trillion in debt, people on food symptoms, 15 million more
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than when he took office, it's because he's black. do you believe that? >> are you asking me to defend cher? i just asked you if you believe that. >> look, she's an enter tanner. she's like 100 years old, she runs across the stage in. >> but do you believe that? that's the question. >> there definitely and there has been since the beginning definitely an element of racism. >> so america elected the first. can american headache -- >> i have a headache and i'm not in the mood -- i have a headache and don't anger me so soon in this interview. that's the first thing. the second thing is i think you should really think about how this woman, who like i said, runs across the stage in hannityy hose at 68, 69, 70 years old, is affecting politics. >> they are either entertainers or they are comedians. bottom lean is this. president obama is going down. he will be defeated.
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his policies are deplorable. you mentioned unemployment, the stem plus, the spending, the debt. and we have these individuals who want to play the race card because they don't want to talk about the facts and figures that are on the table, the scrubs that are before us. you mentioned people on food stamps. >> poverty. >> it's on and on. so they will play the race card. it's a losing game, and it's their last ditch effort because they have nothing else to say. >> maybe cher needs to read the paper more and not just talk about race because there are other issues that the republicans support that democrats like myself don't, like sending all of the jobs overseas that actually mitt romney, your favorite guy you think will win the presidency, is, you know, he's such a pro at that. >> tamara. >> for 15 years he sent jobs overseas. >> obama hasn't created single job in his life. look at staples. and that is a bain capital success. tell me where obama has created one job. we have 1 million fewer
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americans working, and we have celebrities going out there, donating millions of dollars. >> it's private money. you should like that. >> can i finish my statement? >> no. >> anybody that disagrees with the president is a racist. >> that's right, and this is what we are up against until now when we get to the election in november. that goodness for the tea party movement. we talk with the policy that is are affecting our country. it's not about race, it's about obama's deplorable leadership in this country. >> and what about bill mauer is actually win out and said republicans don't care about dead mexicans. >> okay, sean. >> okay what? >> it's okay for conservatives who made money, bain, whatever money they make as corporate leaders in this world to donate money to the republicans party. why -- >> i asked you about bill mauer. >> but what is wrong with an entertainer who has made a name for himself, hbo, cher sold millions of record and that they donate money? >> the answer is this is a president that's lectured the
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country about tone and civility, and he took $1 million from a guy that called sarah palin the c word and the b word and say the republicans don't care about dead mexicans. >> and that's called free speech in america. >> but he takes millions of dollars from them. >> he's a washed-up, so-called comedian. he's taken on conservative women and teenagers. how is that funny? >> he just signed a new contract. >> but anyway, we will hear more and more about the race card as we get closer to the election. he's not washed up. >> good to see you. time to check with greta for a sneak-peek on what's coming up. >> i don't think i have ever given my guests a headache like you just did to one of your guests. >> she said she had the headache before she got here. >> i don't think so. i think she got it having to appear with you. i feel a bit bad for you. i think you gave her that headache. >> wow, i'm going to get a make now. go ahead. >> i'm just teasing. i'm teasing both of you. we have the late of the tonight. congressman gowdy is here and
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plus there's nor trouble with the sb1070 arizona illegal i am great. there's some mad as hell congressmen. and they are running fast away from president obama, we have that and more and be nicer to your guests, sean. >> thank you, greta. >> what do you mean, thank you greta? >> finally somebody takes my side. you are always picking on me. >> you said you had a headache when you came in here. >> i i have a headache with being between you too. >> and it's a battle as jimmy arter takes on president obama drone program, and john edwards' miss stress gets grilled by the ladies of the view. we have all the highlights and plus reaction from our great, great, great american panel next. when i found out my irregular heartbeat
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and tea party activist, jennifer stefano is -- she's wearing a slipper? >> amazing. >> come on! >> they are beautiful. look at that! they are gorgeous because i came in from california, my shoes were buried at the bottom of my bag so i put on my slippers. >> well, this goes right into this. there are some topics like that -- rheal hunter was on "the view" tonight. watch this. >> what i was told about their marriage along the way, now this isn't a long relationship for many years, and my experience of that, their dynamic, i was truthful about. >> but why did you need to -- you can have the truth and know it, but to then put it out there, it makes you look bad. it makes you look schemey and
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kind of -- >> heartless. >> how do you trust him knowing that he had the ability to just pull one over on his family. >> and the nation. >> thank you. i was trying not to get political. >> how do you trust him? how do you have faith in a man like that? >> not only did she have the affair, then she has to attack the woman who died of cancer. >> right. >> she was having the affair, you know, when the woman was dying of cancer. and then she has to attack her after? >> it was clearly an account from him. it's john edwards telling her. you watch that, it's an ick factor so bad i wish i had a shower here to hose us all down. >> well, you have your slippers. >> but listen, you know what i find most apaul, she seems unapologetic. and whatever, and moves along. >> that's what i don't understand. and to attack -- i feel sorry for mrs. edwards in all of this. >> what i think is gross is
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there's four kids involved. his three kids from his marriage and her little girl reading about her mother, and telling her father that he's hot but keep it to yourself. why do you bring in the kids? >> you have seen the guy on youtube sensation screaming leave britney spears alone. well, leave america alone. we don't need to here it. raise your daughter far away from the spotlight. we don't need this. >> how much trouble is president obama in when you put together what he expect on thursday, and we have eric holder, contempt and probably the supreme court dumping healthcare and ruling against it, how bad is this going to impact the president's race? >> it's very bad and for two reasons. number one, when the healthcare ruling comes down and i don't know how far it will go toward the constitution but it ain't going to go his way. and he's wasted four long years while people are suffering.
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the things he's doing with gay marriage and immigration, no matter what side you are on it's cynical. we know you are doing this just to get re-elected and people hate that. >> and you have national security leaks on top of it, a bad economy on top of that. >> the highlight of the obama campaign this week is the earth has not crashed into the sun. that's about it. that's the low bar they have cleared so far this week. the one thing i would know, as much as it seems like may and june have been very bad for obama, romney is creeping up in the polls but he's not galloping ahead. >> i galloped ahead in the ohio poll. >> he did. but how far does the sliver of undecided come in the months to come. >> most of them are probably going to go toward romney. >> they are gop leaning. but they are conservative instincts, not necessarily conservative voters. these are the low information votes. there was a roll out today a lot of people don't know what they think of solyndra and don't know what they think of bain capital.
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obviously they aren't watching your show, sean. >> we have to take a break. we will have more with our great, great american panel, more after this. their claim service is so goo now it's guaranteed. [ normal voice ] so i can trust 'em unlike randy. are you in good hands? [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx.
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he said revelations the top officials are targeting for assassination abroad, people for assassination abroad, including american citizens, are only the most recent disturbing proof how far the nation's violation of humans rights have extended at the time. >> who should be more offended, the american people or the president? >> it says something he manages to attack obama, one of the few policy which is they is doing relatively well for ated emergencies. >> true. >> this is sunday and it is now tuesday. have you heard any democrat at any level say he has a good view on this. jimmy carter is less relevant to the democratic party today than
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richard nixon was before he passed away. >> the whole purpose behind the national security leaks was to go out there and make the president look like he gets to pick who is going to live and to who is going to die every tuesday in the oval office and revealing the cyber war, israel and the covert operations against the iranians. >> jimmy carter, he has not been relevant. the new york times would take someone like him and allow him to be president actually shows something rather political is that the new york times is losing faith and hope in president obama. you are seeing a massive turn against this president. i don't think we have ever seen this against a democratic radical left leaning president before. >> we put up earlier a list, including clair mccaskill, all these democrats, high-ranking officials, they don't want anything to do with him. they aren't attending the democratic convention. >> have you ever been to his convention? >> yes. >> it's the biggest waste of time. >> but the reason clair isn't
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going, she doesn't want to be associated with him. >> if i were clair, who has a tough race in missouri, i will be spending my time in missouri. >> spending a way from obama. >> no, campaigning with the voters a month or two ahead of the election and not at the conviction. >> she probably not going to make it and she's desperate and one thing anybody in a close race is doing is hiding from this president. >> it's potentially an accident, three, a pattern, and nine we completely stretched the met for beyond anything else. >> that's why i love to read your stuff. well, i mean, why would they want to be around him? he's not a popular president. >> listen, if i were running for office anywhere right now, i would be with my voters. i wouldn't be at the convention. >> forget the spin. >> it's not a spin. it's reality. >> be honest. don't you think a lot of this is they know he's not popular and they don't want to be near him? come on, be honest. >> well, i do this for a living
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and if i had candidates i was working for, and i do, and they told me they were going to waste their time. >> forget about that, your not answering my question. >> i am. >> don't you think it's they don't want to be near him. >> if they saw polling that showed obama was popular in their district or state, and they would be campaigning with him. >> but chair wouldn't go near him in his campaign. >> but why would you be at a convention? >> that is national media exposure. >> no, it's not. >> to your base. yes, it is. and clair is experienced enough she could get a key spot to speak at that convention. >> come on. >> the democrats wanted to have the convention in st. louis and clair mccaskill said don't do it here do, it somewhere else. >> good point. that's all. greta is next. in the last few hours the white house and the republicans scrambling to avoid a holder contempt of congress vote. but the two last ditch meetings
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failed. what happened behind the closed doors? we have the very latest. is president obama losing friends? who are they and why won't they come to his party. we will tell you. and is there war against him. one congressman is here. and former secretary of state condeleezza rice goes on the record. is she head fourth a supporting role on the romney ticket? we go straight to secretary rice for that answer. all that just minutes away. buff right now move over attorney general holder. congressman darrell issa passing you by, taking the fast and furious fight around and straight to president obama. in a letter to president obama, charm issa wise in part your privileged assertion means one ever two things. either you or one of your senior advisers were involved in managing fast and furious
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