tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 4, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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chris kyle the author of the book american sniper and marcus luttrel. we start with mr. kyle. >> so chief i read your book, very entertaining, i recommend it to my audience. first of all you say, you knocked jesse ventura to the floor with his punch. everybody knows who that is. number one, that happened, you knocked him out? >> i knocked him down. >> bill: why, would you punch ventura? >> i was in '06. we lost our first two seals in iraq. we lost our last guy just coming before home. we had the wake in a bar in coronado and he was there at a speaking engagement, graduating class. >> bill: because he was a seal. so he was badmouthing the war. >> badmouthing the wash.
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badmouthing bush and badmouthing america. >> bill: you took exception? >> i did find a problem with it. i asked him to tone it down. we didn't want to upset the family members. >> bill: who was killed? >> he jumped on the grenade and saved everybody else was around. >> bill: but you weren't bashing him but he was bashing the whole thing in general? >> yes, sir, in the he said we deserve to lose a few guys. he said, you, y'all deserve to lose a few games, navy seals. >> bill: was he drunk? >> never saw him with a drink in hand at all. >> bill: he said you deserve to lose a few guys you popped him? >> yes, sir. >> bill: did he fight back? >> he went down the cops were there. i took off running. >> bill: did they arrest you? >> no, sir. i have, punch and run.
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>> bill: are you going pop me tonight if i ask you a tough question? now, the other thing in the book you are credited with 150 certified kills you as a sniper took out 150 guys and somebody else witnessed it. so you are the most lethal sniper in u.s. history. i have the medals to prove it. five bronze stars, two silver stars. what struck me, the people that you considered killing, quote unquote, savages. >> the people i was killing, not just iraqis. >> bill: why did you consider the enemy savages? >> from their actions. the way they live day to day as far as the violence they commit on american troops. the had he headings the rape of innocent villagers and towns people to intimidate them. they live by putting fear into
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other people's hearts. civilized people don't act that way. >> bill: you were so effective in welcome rk they put $20,000 on your head if one of them killed you, they were going to pay $20,000. do you believe they considered you a savage? >> i'm sure they did. honestly, i don't know. i really don't care. >> bill: so you were committed to killing these people because you in your heart believe they deserve to die? >> i wasn't committed to killing them. i'm committed to making sure that every service member over there, whether mesh or allies came home. >> bill: but as a sniper your job is to kill them. you have to to have a certain mentality to be a sniper? >> i'm killing them to protect my fellow americans. >> bill: and you liked it. in the book, your wife didn't
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want you to do it. she wanted you to stay home. how many times did you go back? >> four times. >> bill: you liked killing these guys. did you figure it out? >> it's not a problem taking out someone who wants your people dead. >> bill: a lot of people coming back from afghanistan and iraq a lot of service people very well-trained service people having trouble adjusting in the united states. did you have any trouble coming back? >> i did in the beginning. the hardest part for me it was getting out. i got cut from everything i knew. that lifestyle i had been training for since i was a kid and being around those guys and all of a sudden it's over with. and out in the civilian world. i'm not ignorant. i can figure things out but when you go from a face like that and it goes from hundred miles an hour to nothing, you are sitting
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there with your head spinning, trying to figure out what to do and where to do it. it causes a lot of problems for a lot of guys. >> bill: the rate is about 41% of pdst. that is an enormous. i think we had that vietnam. that is enormous problem, is it not? >> i think it is. a lot of people didn't anticipate the wars were going to last this long. you got 20-year-old kids that joined for a college education and next thing you know they are sitting there ten years fighting a war. that might have something to do with it. i will say thisone of the things that happened to me, i got away from all the people who were telling me i had a problem. if you sit around and listen to people telling you, you are messed up. this is wrong with you. that stuff starts to get to you.
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i completely shifted focus and put my focus into my family and what i was doing today to help me push through what i was dealing with. i'm not going to say i got over it hundred percent, but when i have problems, i talk to the guys i was over there with. we talk back and forth. maybe they know something i didn't know. how they saw their issues and workedth out. that is pretty high ratio. >> bill: there are a lot of people suffering, but i think you gave them good advice. try to get away from the nay sayers the ones trying to get in with your guys and develop a network of support. last question, when you were training in navy seals, they train you to be a warrior. do they ever say, hey it's all going to be over some day and you are going to have to take certain steps to decompress? >> after we train, there is a
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big decompression time. to come down off the high and turn everything back around before they release us into the wild. that is one of the things that is different between our community and all of the conventional forces. >> bill: thanks so much. >> atheist do duke it out over science versus religion. >> later comedians adam and john speak their mind on the world of politics. >> and comedy club and people talk this way all the time. there is no language restrictions. i also said
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well everything about the natural world. >> it basically says these things are myths. >> every chapter has myths at the beginning. there are egyptian myths. >> bill: you know what you are doing. you are trying to get to the kids and say you are an idiot if you believe in god. >> nothing to do with god.
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i am talking about myths. judeo-christian myth is one of many myths. >> bill: it is reality. >> that is not true. >> some of the worst jeeys have been atheists. you know that, under stalin. >> it has nothing to do with atheism. >> bill: see my hypothesis, religion is a constraint on society. treating everybody as jesus taught. the same as you, you like to be treated, the ten commandments. there are constraints. >> the ten commandments do in value? thou shalt no violate the sabbath or kill. that is widespread belief. >> bill: not by other things. >> but it doesn't have to do with anything whether you
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believe in god or not. >> you don't see it being a constraint on human behavior. >> i don't want to get into a shouting match who is more evil than who. >> bill: are we shouting? >> but there is a logical connection between believing in god and doing evil things. >> bill: so what do you say to dawkins. i had him on twice. you never talked him to him face to face? >> oh, yes, he ambushed me. he didn't want to do the interview. it was him. >> bill: kick his butt. >> i would have kicked his butt. but he took minutes out of that and put it in movie and enemies of reason and ambushed others. >> bill: i think he is a dishonest guy. >> he by the way uses scientific
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credentials to camouflage bigotry. >> bill: he really believes we're idiots. he thinks he is genius, you and me and rest of believers are idiots. he basically says that the suns isn't found on jew day yeo christian philosophy. that absurd. our justice system is based on the ten commandments. what hangs in the supreme court. is the ten commandments. they are there. >> and lincoln was a believer. >> bill: absolutely. you will never get through to a guy like that. there is more emotion with him? >> they get really upset. >> to attack somebody you don't believe in with such vigor and enthusiasm and anger. >> bill: on i'm not angry at dawkins doesn't believe. now, what has convinced you that
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there is a deity. do you believe in an active god that intervene in human life? >> you know, i also have scientific background and more we under the nature of the universe and true science the more we also understand there is more unknown and there is unknowable. the unknowable because scientific discovery shows that the laws of physics themselves preclude us from getting in touch with the source. you have to go beyond the interelectricity. you have to listen to the heart. the heart has reason doesn't known. you have to in a sense understand the great prophet, jesus, whoever, ascend today a level where they were in touch and they used the language of the time. >> bill: that is a matter of faith.
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do you believe there is an active deity that interevents in human nature and intervene in the world? >> i think there is an active source, intelligence that is omnipresent. omnipotent. >> bill: do you believe in miracles? >> the fact that we live, that we exist is miracle. >> bill: meet right hit the world. >> science has never been able to manufacturer one single human cell, have they? >> no. the most primitive form of intelligence has not been created and whatever has been created comes from intelligence that is connected to the source. >> bill: coming up, religion and
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>>. >> bill: personal story seg am. there are many heroes in many occupations but sports heroes are probably more famous than the other. reabl i spoke to two of them. joe name ath and tim tebow. opposites and we begin with broadway joe. >> you were one of my boyhood idols i wore white shoes and people made fun of me and i was terrible and you were great. in 1969 when the jets were in
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the superbowl you made a prediction and you guys were underdogs that you were going to win that game. you predicted flat out you were going to win the game but what kind of pressure did it bring on you during the game? >> the pressure wasn't existing. i just reacted to someone's question and told them how i felt about the game. i knew we were going to win that game. i was convinced that our team was better than the other team. that we were going to win. >> bill: now the coach at the time was a little guy. did he get mad at you? name ath what you are doing guarantee ago win. you gave him a motivation. did smib say that to you? >> absolutely. the next morning, coach ui bank
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our xaef coordinator standing in the middle of the field and coach yui bank said, what have i done? think about this. those pollsters are so overconfident, they were overconfident. now you have given them something to get fired up about. >> bill: here is the toll it took you on physically. you have two article efficiently knees, you have vertebrae in neck and broken bones in hands and broke your cheekbone, suffered numerous concussions, a wrist injury. even a hard time getting out of bed for many years. that is pretty standard for an n.f.l. player, is it not? >> it is. and it's down right frightening. it's a great sport, but our bodies are not designed for the riggers of football. >> bill: is it worse now when
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you were playing because the players are bigger and faster than were then? >> they are bigger and faster, i done know if the contact any more violent than violence of yesteryear. it's a safer game today. n.f.l. is a league have behind some ties of hits. >> bill: the helmet to helmet. when you were playing they could smash you all day long. i remember seeing you at the stadium with the oakland raiders and they were coming in whack you on the sideline. >> that's right. >> bill: that was so brutal when you were playing it was almost frightening. do you regret the toll it took on your body? >> you know, no. in a sense i'm lucky because i
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know things could be worse. my insides are good shape. my heart and liver and my kidneys and all that stuff. the other thing, from time to time painful but i consider myself very lucky. i don't know if i had a son, i don't know i would wanted him to play football if he wanted to play, i would let him. but i would try to get him to play another sport because it is that difficult. it does take a major toll on the body. >> bill: here is what i want to know. applied football much lower level than you. they have a christian athletes like you but there are a lot of crazy guys, strip clubs and drinking and this busy. has that impacted the locker room, your lifestyle as opposed to theirs? >> to be influenced, i want a group of guys to have a successful team and be together all the time everyday for year or longer together.
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you have to have a common ground. that common ground for us is football. when they realize that i go out there and i work as hard as i can every day. they have respect for me how i play. then they will play for you. if you walk the walk, then when you say something, it's going to mean so much more. that how i try to approach it on the field every day. >> bill: do you get offended by behavior. the ones that don't believe the way you believe? >> very rarely. >> bill: you don't judge? >> i'm not perfect. i'm never going to be. the great thing living a christian life is you are trying to get better every day and trying to improve. >> bill: some evan gel kals that witness. >> but the greatest way is walking and realizing we are
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going mess up. you are going to fall and you have to improve. like i do everything right. i'm going mess up. i'm going to get back and try to do better than the next day. >> do you pray for victory? >> i think how we play on the field, win or lose our hearts on the field. trial to play for the glory of god but i'm trying to give everything i have and win and compete. so more than winning or losing i think he cares about where our hearts are. >> bill: you don't say before the game, hey, god, let me win by ten points here. please don't let me break anything. i want to keep my head and arms intact. but the team and let the chips fall where they may.
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>> i think more than anything, i pray that somehow through this game i will be honor to him and inspire him but just how i play. >> bill: advertisement, thanks so much for having me on. >> up next, involving a campaign to wipe out the word illegal. wow! later american icon ernest borgine about his life in hollywood. >> bruce willis? >> i tell you, you pick and choose your friends, but, hey, you are a good guy, bill. >> you don't
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>>. >> bill: thanks for being with us for this special edition of factor. recently move on posted a video one dangerous word we all too often on fox news. take a listen. >> calling them illegal -- we need to drop the (i) word now. it's about immigration and human life. >>s are in country. >> it's morally wrong. >> illegals is like a racial epithet. it's violence against a pick
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group of people because. >> no human being is illegal. it's just the "i" word. >> so the far left doesn't like the word but americans have to look out to them in the common sense department. recently i spoke with monica a campaign coordinator for drop the "i" word movement. >> first of all you are from el salvador, did you come illegally yourself? >> no, i didn't. >> you were an illegal yourself? >> no. that is not what i'm here to talk about. >> but we have to define who you are. did you come here illegally? >> i came here as a war refugee from el salvador. my family got papers. >> bill: you had papers. you know i covered the war and actually when you left el salvador in 1982, i was there getting shot at. i know what you were going
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through. >> i'm happy so it's picking up where immigrants, immigrants rights work in the sanctuary movement telling their stories and putting humanity on the front buner. so our laws are humane. >> bill: you are misguided in the sense that you feel that using the word description illegal alien, which i do all the time -- is somehow wrong. as the crime to enter the united states illegally. it is a federal crime. so we're a nations of laws here. we define the laws on the books as they stand. so i'm not committing a hate crime by saying illegal aliens are just that? >> we're a nation of laws and we respect laws, but we also respect humane laws. we also seen in the past that laws that weren't humane have
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been changed. >> bill: then work to change them. don't demonize people that are accurate in the description as using a slur or using a hated word because that is not true? >> it's funny you say that. i at this you can take a page from fox news latino that doesn't use the "i" word they won't join the bandwagon of people dehumanizing immigrants. >> bill: so i don't think i'm dehumanizing go anybody. let me ask a few questions. do you believe we should have open borders here? >> i think we should be doing right now is looking at the reality. >> bill: you know, with all due respect. >> you dodged the question and now you are filibustering. there are two things we don't allow on the program.
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do you believe in open borders that people should be able to come to the united states without any impediment, yes or no? >> i believe that our laws should get modern. >> bill: i'm putting you in charge. you are in charge of modernizing and changing the law. the immigration law would be under your regime? >> i think the first thing we need to do is why we're doing the campaign is to put human beings at the center. >> bill: so put human beings at the center. you are the czar to tell the people what you want. you are the czar. what is the law for immigration under your regime. >> humane law is undocumented worker, a worker being able to move about in a way that will allow them to provide for their people. >> bill: does everybody get that
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status, everybody that wants it? you haven't thought this out. you have not even thought this out. with all due respect. you come in here with a very hot campaign, run by a far left website, demonizing people like me and you don't even know what you want. you don't even know what law you want. look i have my own program. >> the "i" word is racist, it's not language that is accurate. >> bill: we are just reporting what is happening. they are not just latino, they are asian, they are russian, they are everyone and coming here and crossing our borders illegals, i'm not a racist, i'm trying to tell the people the truth. i have to say i'm very surprised i gave you the opportunity to define for millions people what you want the law to be and you
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can't. >> we are here to talk about the "i" word today. >> bill: this is my program. >> the intention may not be, you know, racist, people may not be intending to be racist, people are being impacted every day in thair lives. >> bill: ernest borgnine talks about life in hollywood. john love its had few things to say at comedy club but did
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it's an amazing story just on your own but you have known pretty much all these titans and you are an honest guy. let's start with frank sinatra. here to eternity and wins an academy award but before the movie his career was going nowhere. >> he wasn't well-liked up in the front office but he was well-liked wherever we were. we did a scene together. i am playing the piano. he broke the ice. from then on, i loved him like a brother. >> bill: he had a reputation for being a tough guy? >> absolutely. >> bill: was he? >> no, he wasn't. he was the sweetest man in the world. >> you did a movie with rock hudson, "ice station zebra."
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>> hudson, obviously made headlines when they found out he had aids and he was gay. did everybody know he was gay in hollywood? >> i imagine. i imagine they did. i knew. he had his little of boys around during the lunch hour. >> bill: he didn't make any effort to hide it? >> no. >> when you were watching him with doris day and everybody believing the doris day and rock hudson are the america's couple? >> he a good actor. >> bill: never in a movie with john wayne but you knew him? >> absolutely. >> bill: did he own hollywood? >> when he said jump, people said how high. he was that big. we were in polo lounge and we met one night and he said, how
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come we never worked together? i was feeling all right, i said because you are afraid to work with good actors. [ laughter ] >> bill: did he shoot you? how did he respond to that? >> he laughed like crazy. >> bill: one of movies is the dirty dozen. >> this war is not your private gratification and this is not run for your personal convenience. >> was it crazy working with these guys? >> it's a disciplined kind of disorder. >> telly would be doing something and but would congeal to make one solid picture. >> bill: charles bronson? >> he was a real guy. >> bill: it looked to me the actors in '60s, jack palance,
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clint eastwood, come to hollywood with no present tension. today it looks dilitanish. >> it's changed tremendously. you walk into a set today and it's altogether different. it's not like it used to be. we were one big happy family at one time. >> bill: you were in a movie called "red." >> retired and extremely dangerous. >> bruce willis is a big star? >> sheet heart. i tell you you pick and choose your friends, but you know a good guy. you say, hey, you are good guy, bill. i wanted to tell you right to your face. >> bill: i appreciated that. >> bill: kids know you from sponge bob.
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you are blessed. and the kids love you. [ laughter ] >> i wanted you here. you are a living legend. i think if hollywood ever needs an ambassador you are the guy. >> thank you sir, thank you very much. >> bill: coming up adam and john have a few things to say about the state of the union. then... cheers star john rasinberger wants to get americans back to work.
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their minds, we talk to adam and john, two funny guys who don't think the state of the country is anything to laugh about. >> what teed you off about leslie stall? >> i just think it's so easy to sit back and snipe at guys that are trying to get information to save american lives. >> you employed stress techniques. a technique where the detainee would sit on the floor and raise his hands over his over his held. >> so he had to hold them up there forever and ever. >> it was to induce muscle fatigue. most people that work out do a lot more. >> reporter: you are saying this was going to gym. it's a little different. >> we sit around and torture doesn't work. it's been around for 5,000 years. most stuff doesn't working the way of the dodo like water beds
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and 8 tracks and things like that. my question to leslie stahl what would you use to get information out of people who are stleig to kill americans. >> bill: were you convinced by that interview that leslie stahl was against watering boarding and all that. she never said that. she said what i'm doing to you right here, she played devil's advocate? >> yeah, but i mean he was saying, i slapped him with an open hand. she almost [ bleep ], what, you did? sleep deprivation, diet alteration. she was making it was a big deal. anybody has gone to a frat has gone through more than that. you are trying to get information out of people. they got in there and trying to get him to talk to put a little
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pressure on him. >> bill: you have a captured terrorist and you can't get through to the man, i think tried conventional way you may have to get rough with him as long as you don't put an injury there that is permanent and you don't over some guidelines that were established. what leslie is doing with mike wallace did very successfully, i do it, too. you are skeptical of what mr. rodriguez is saying, we don't do that in america u want to get rodriguez passionate in his defense. so what leslie stahl was doing was bear baiting, so the bear gets angry and that a technique people use on television. >> we sit here in our safe homes and watch 60 minutes on television. then we when these guys go out and do the dirty work.
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>> bill: i think you have to give her the benefit of the doubt. >> this thing with obama, don't pay their taxes, a and i voted for the guy [ bleep ]. >> the rich don't pay their taxes, let me tell you something. first they say you are dead broke, in the united states you can do anything you want. so you go for it and [ bleep ] and it's like pew. >> they are frustrating and all this class warfare. you are kind of disrespectful when you call the president of the united states and blank blank. do you feel bad about that? >> no, because you have to put it in context. i'm in my own comedy club and i'm doing a podcast there and you are open and honest. there is no language restriction. so you just basically say how you feel. i wouldn't say that now, it's different that a club.
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i do stand-up and i make fun of everybody. >> bill: i know that. here is the deal. we live in a crazy electronic world where everything everybody says is instantly on the internet and whipped around the world. even though i'm sympathetic to what you are saying because i'm a little bit like you, come from modest beginning and work our way up and really work hard. we're told we are not paying our fair share. it's annoying. but the presidency the office to be respected. i don't want people using those kinds of terms to describe any president. do you see my point? >> yeah, i do see your point, but to me i'm just a mouse compared to the president of the united states. two, you are in the comedy club
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and people talk all the time that way. i also said he is amazing, what he has achieved in his own life, but that wasn't the headline. the real issue what i said and why it went viral, which frankly is shocking to me. who cares what i think. >> bill: anything like that, anything like that they are not going to take it into context. 9 reaction -- >> i think that is problem, too. standing you will up for all comedians, just because you are comedian you are joking around and the answer is yes. but on this issue i think he is being not honest, let's say. >> bill: next up, john and newps
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break layers. >> bill: so technical jobs. so the i'm not working for $7 an hour. that goes against my work ethic and i'm sure it goes experience yours. you start and build up credibility in the workplace. but what you are saying that education, public school education should teach these kids how to do it. >> they used to 25 years ago. we bought into the philosophy everyone has to go to college. someone had to bill the college. somebody to build the ceiling before michelangelo. >> but if you do go to the college unemployment rate is 4.5%. so there is something to be said because you will work. but i agree the master and apprentice and you worked your way up. listen, everybody out there knows you got to get a plumber,
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wednesday, july 4th and thanks for watching "fox & friends" first. now, we want you throughout the world to send us over your patriotic pictures and tell us exactly how you plan to celebrate the day to us. you can shoot us an e-mail at friendsfirst at and keep them coming throughout the hour. >> absolutely. now it's time for your five at 5:00, the top five stories making news for you at this hour. nearly 1.3 million across seven states and washington, d.c. remain without power. it is now the fifth day that they're without electricity after deadly storms. crews working around the clock to help restore power in unbearable heat and more bad weather expected to hit parts of the east coast later today. >> on the eve of the fourth of july, a fireworks explosion causing the back deck of a new hampshire home to go up in flames overnight. >> and i saw the cloud, i knew it couldn't be done so i came down and the feeling in my stomach so i knew something
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