tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News July 11, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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but you got 34 when you passed it. today, you only got 5. >> that explains it. a lot of people have lost a lot of elections in between and a lot more people are going to lose a lot more elections after the fall vote. people are riled up. they have had it. they are scared to death. they realize there is a tax-megedon. we have so many positive plans to bring down the price of health care. we can't wait to do it. we all have plans on our web site. we have so much we can do, that's what we can't wait to do, unleash it all after the fall election. >> greta: as you might imagine, the democrats are declaring victory, capitol hill is like a courtroom -- >> because they lost. they totally lost. they were hammered. >> greta: i will tell you what's happening. i get so much email from the republicans and the democrat. i started to get fund-raising notes from the democrats saying, we need your help, we are revving up the base. they are using their loss as a
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way to get more money today. >> i will tell you who is revved up. that's the people in the middle, the independents, as well as the people who are on the right. they are revved up because they are paying the new taxes, seniors are figuring out, it's $200 billion in new medicare taxes for seniors. plus, $575 billion is being pulled from medicare. they are really going to take it on the chin on obamacare. they are very upset. but you look at literally millions of people who are about to lose their employer-sponsored health care. if you like your health insurance, you can keep t. no dice. it is not going to happen. people are seeing through it. that's why the people who are revved up are the people who are going to make mitt romney president, have 50 in the senate and hold on to the house. >> greta: in terms of people losing insurance, disee one poll in gallup, fewer u.s. adult, 24-64 are getting health insurance from an employener
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2012, downward from 56.7 to 55.9%. >> that's absolutely true. i was on the phone yesterday with an employer with 400 employees and another one had 250. everything is changing after the health care law passed. they said, i can't afford to pay this. i am paying the fine, which means -- i hate this. my employees are going to lose health insurance. employers don't want to drop it. but if have you a policy that will cost $20,000 a year for a family -- you can't do it. >> greta: are the people who are -- the employees who are losing the employer health insurance, they gallon to the exchanges, right? >> they have to buy a policy in the private market -- >> greta: will it be more expensive? >> far more. i'm a federal tax lawyer. this is how it's going to work. today, if you have health care from your employer, it's tax free. you pay no taxes.
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now with the health care exchanges, have you to use after-tax money. the average family policy is expected to be $20,000. i am going on take $20,000 in after-tax income and buy an expensive policy that the government forces me to buy? i don't have a choice. here's your option. one choice. that's what you get. this is not the american way. we have never had health care like this. people are going to vote for people who are going to bring down the cost of health care, barack obama said he would bring it down $2500 per household. instead, we went up about that amount. he is off by $5,000 per household. for people in minnesota to have a $5,000 increase in what you way on health insurance today, over what the president said, that's not going everywhere. >> greta: what happens to the people in the medicaid expansion, florida, texas and others say they are not going to
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expand their medicaid. so the people, instead of medicaid and getting hospitalization, let's say they are in a very bad car accident and they end up at the hospital, is it the doctors in the hospital who pay? somebody's paying. who is paying? >> medicaid -- that's available now will be there -- >> greta: but i am talking about the ones -- the expansion. the people in the window, 133% above poverty. >> above poverty. >> greta: the thinking under the obamacare is that they would be covered by medicaid expansion, right? >> but remember, it isn't that those people don't have health insurance now. a great number of -- >> greta: i am curious eye am curious about the one who is don't. >> right. >> greta: the one who is don't have this expanded because they are in the states that won't extanned panned. they end up in a serious car accident and show up at the hospital. somebody is going to pay it. are they paying in higher premiums, are the hospitals
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going to pay for it? somebody's going to pay for that. that's not free. >> that's the example that the president continues to give. -- >> greta: what's the answer? >> that's a tiny percentage. the answer is to bring down the price of health care. the more government intervention, the higher the price -- >> greta: all right. all right. >> let anyone buy any health insurance policy they want -- >> greta: but -- >> buy it with tax-free money. have true medical malpractice reform. >> greta: but somebody -- >> that doesn't cost -- >> greta: is it going to cost the hospitals and the doctors? i am trying to figure out who is paying for it. >> somebody is going to be paying. the problem is every time the federal government gets involved, the costs skyrocket and it will be far more expensive. that's the bottom line, with the president's health care plan. we pay a lot more -- we get a lot less. >> greta: don't start me on government waste. $14 billion on monday in
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overpayments in unempliement benefits. >> that has to stop. >> greta: so much waste and fraud. >> a government-run health care system won't be fraught with waste? are you kidding me? i have swamp land to sell you. >> greta: the house repeal vote is the first since the supreme court upheld the health care law. the court's ruling is to interpret the law, not implement judgment. >> good evening. >> greta: i suspect that you would love to have the bill you passed today in the house be voted on the senate? >> yeah. >> greta: is that going on happen. >> i would love to to happen. you know what is interesting isn't president proposed his tax increases. and mcconnell said, why don't we bring them up for a vote? reid won't bring the president's tax plan to a vote. >> greta: would you bring the president's tax plan for a vote in the house? >> yeah. it would not pass.
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i bet a number of democrats would vote no on it. >> greta: let's say that, you almost have a truce. the senate majority leader harry reid agrees to bril bring your health care bill for a vote and you and the house -- >> i agree to that right here, right now. you know what? the thing that the american people are most frustrated with -- washington. they are tired of the gimmicks and the accounting tricks. they want to get rid of that. put the plan up, let the best idea win. i will tell you, democrats won't pass the president's tax plan. it won't solve the problem. tell drive the economy further down. the president said two years ago, you don't raise taxes in a down economy -- >> greta: why -- >> bill clinton said, don't raise taxes -- >> greta: what do you think is the president's reasoning? >> it's politics. how long -- >> greta: 8 to 9 days. >> 8 days. is that politics? everything he moves between now -- or from this year forward is politics.
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and that is -- why don't we put people before politics? this frustrates everybody. if you think your idea's so good, have the idea, win or lose on its own merit. that's what we do on the floor. you know what we do in the house? it's change. when you pass the health care bill twent to the back. we bring appropriations bills all by themselves to the floor and anybody can offer an amendment. when the democrats were in power, you couldn't offer an amendment. the senate doesn't pass a budget >> greta: vicomplained many times here about the fact that the president submitted a budget -- >> got zero votes. >> greta: the house submit aid budget and senator harry reid put its in his pocket, essentially and that's then of it. and he pocket vetoes it himself. >> he -- he has 30 bills that deal with the economy, josh creation. if he doesn't like them, he has the majority. bring them to the floor and vote them down, if they are so bad.
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if you don't bring a bill up, you are afraid of it passing. >> greta: do the house republicans have a health care bill? >> the house republicans have numerous health care bills. there are a number of them out there. but let's not make the same mistake of obamacare. let's listen to the american people. let's not ram something down. first and foremost, when price waterhouse did the study on the fastest rising cost in health care, you know what the study came back with -- tort reform? tell me one item of tort reform? you ignore the number-1 driver. >> greta: why isn't that in the bill? >> the trial lawyers won. that's wrong. look it -- this bill is filled with promises and they are all broken. he said he wouldn't add one dime to the deficit. that's not. he said, if you like your health care today, you can keep it. that's not true. he said it wasn't a tax. that's not true. this is promises made -- promised broken. >> greta: let me ask what you i
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asked representative bachmann, the medicaid expansion. a number of states --i that are opting out. they won't get the medicaid expansion, you have medicaid and the health insurance and the group in between that would be covered. if that's not available to them. some of them may end up in a hospital and they're going to have a cost. who pays that? >> if they are going to have a cost in the system is going to pay if for it and that's wrong. but right now, you are taking a bill that was slapped together and the supreme court said, look, it is our job to say constitutionality, want whether it's good policy. that's up to the elected officials. we said today, it was bad policy. you are going to take the one item and solve health care -- no -- >> greta: i am not -- i am just piece by piece looking at the glaring questions about it, trying to figure out i. there are so many glaring questions about this bill that does not work. so why -- >> greta: frankly, it's very
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difficult to read. have you tried to read it? >> tried to read it. did you have the opportunity to tread before you vote on it. >> greta: i don't think many americans realize this. 2800 pages that is voted on, most people didn't read and it gets shoved out to hhs and the people -- the people who work for the government, they make the rules. we have no idea who they are, we didn't vote for them. >> and that creates -- it has 15 people appointed, not elected, bureaucrats who will decide what happened in medicare. where is the check and balance? you know, i think this. today i said it on the floor. there was another president from illinois who said, now is the time when have you to think anew and act anew. we have to do that now when it comes to health care. this is a bunch of promises that have been broken. we know the system will not work. the president admit its will not work. we need to start anew. first and foremost, listen to
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what drives the costs and take care of the process and look at the patient. let the patient be empowered. why empower government? why don't we empower the patient. >> greta: thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> greta: what are the numbers, 244-185, all republicans voted yes to repeal obamacare. five democrats defected. what do the democratic leaders say about that? we spoke to minority whip heuer a short time ago. nice to see you, sir. >> good to be here with you. >> greta: you only lost 5 votes. i assume that's better than you might have expected, certainly better than the republicans expected. >> it was a lot better than the republicans thought. they thought there would be a lot large number of democrats voting to repeal the bill. they didn't do so. they know in their own districts. the public likes a lot of aspects of this bill. this bill will prove to be a great benefit to millions of american who is have insurance and will have the assurance of
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access to quality health care. the fact that their children or themselves can't be excluded. fixing the donut hole, making sure that kids can stay on their policy until they are 26. they like those aspects. this is the 31st vote on repealing health care, with absolutely not one alternative offered by the republicans. the american people are going to see that for what it is. they don't have an alternative. >> greta: you say a lot of people like it. a lot of people don't like it. this is not cheap. it is not free. it is going to cost somebody a significant amount of money. we haven't seen it play out. a lot of americans do not like it. >> i think a lot of americans have apprehension about it. i think a lot of americans have misaphepgzs about it because of the republican spin misters. >> the latest kaiser poll said that 56% of americans polled
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said, look, the supreme court said it was constitutional, let's move on -- >> greta: but that's the difference between saying it's constitutional and good policy. it can be constitutional but a lousy idea. >> you arite right -- you are right on that. this is constitutional and it's a good idea, in my opinion. the 56% said, it's constitutional, let's move on, let's make it work. i think that's what the people are saying to us. >> greta: let me turn to the tax question. the taxes, under the president's plan, taxes will go up for those who make $250 thrnd or more a year. on outcry by some, saying it will hurt small business owners. the democrats say it's a very small proportion. how do the americans know who to obviously this? >> well, i think the fact of the matter is, if you look at the clinton era nyour lifetime and mine and i am a lot older than you are, i understand that. we had the best economy this
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country has seen under -- >> greta: different time. different structure of the economy. we didn't have the wars going on. it was a very different global economy. we didn't have the heavy influence of europe. i am not sure you can compare decades to each other, economically. >> you can certainly compare the naysayers in 1993 who said when we adopted the program, the economy was going to go into the tank and unemployment would go off the charts. none of that happened. we had a good economy. you are right, this is a different time, a different economy, which is why we are saying, everybody's $250,000 taxable income for everybody -- all 100% of us, it is first $250,000 won't see a tax increase. but we have a deficit and debt problem. everyone understands that. it's a very serious issue for our country. people understand that -- we have to bring that deficit down. >> greta: here's the problem. if this is a democratic idea, with the stimulus bill. i don't know how you think, but
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in many americans who are unemployed, 8.2% are unemployed are not as optimistic about that money. that was not successful, only 80,000 jobs in june. the democrats are not exploding with success, why should they think you are so smart about the tax issue? >> let me say this. we lost 818,000 jobs in january of 2009, the last month of the bush administration. 80,000 is not nearly enough. i am disappointed. the president's disappointed by 80,000. but it's 880,000 better than -- >> greta: if you don't have a job, you are not persuaded by that. >> if you don't have a job tdoesn't matter if 500,000 jobs were created. if your house is under water and you can't ford you'rer afford your mortgage, it's a depression, not a recession for you. i agree with that. but when you look at the 8
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million jobs that were lost in the bush administration and the 4.4 million gained in the last 28 months, that's a stark improvement and a success for the recovery act, enough? no. are we disappointed we haven't done more? yes. is europe affecting it? yes, it is. but the fact of the matter is, we have made progress, but not enough. >> greta: straight lady, brace yourself, a bankruptcy wave is wiping out cities, one state especially hard hit. where is it and why is that state? is your town next? mitt romney got cheers and jeers today. what does rush limbaugh have to say about that? and a madonna concert surprise. what did the material girl do to shock her fans? see for yourself. coming up.
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>> greta: it's happening again. this is incredible. another california city is filing for bankruptcy. san bernardino, with a population of 210,000 people becoming the third city in california just two weeks, to choose bankruptcy protection. it will be the second largest in the nation to have file. so far, stockton, california, the biggest. but california is not alone. cities across the nation are plunging into financial crisis. how did we get here? we have a guest from the new
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york times. louise, what happened to san bernardino, california? >> it makes total sense what we are seeing. unfortunately, a lot of this is due to the housing bubble, blowing up. as housing went up in value in all of these years, cities who had the same percentage property tax rate, they are getting higher taxes from their residents, right? because the properties were worth more. now that the properties have gone down, the taxes are plummeting and they are having to make a lot of hard choices, probably what most people are seeing in their own cities are cuts in services, layoffs and other effort bise cities everywhere to try to get their books in order and to try to grapple with the lower income that they get from property taxes. >> greta: take san bernardino, california, does it have a huge manufacturing economy? or what drives -- who is the biggest employer there?
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>> they are like a pit stop on the way from l.a. and the coast to a lot of the rest of the country because they are right by a lot of major highways and 65 miles east of los angeles. so you have a lot of ware house and distribution centers and warehouses for mattell, the toy company and kohl's. the biggest employers, there is a university and a hospital there and the city was a big employer. but that may not -- they are going to let people go. one reason they are filing for bankruptcy, like a lot of cities do, when they are in bankruptcy, they will be able to more successfully renegotiate their labor contracts and put legal settlements they may owe on hold and they can hold off vendors. they are saying they are $45 million in the hole. >> greta: what about the stimulus money from february of '09? did san bernardino get any of it? >> they were in the news over
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that. it turn out they got nearly $4 million. but they didn't spend it all right away. so they got into the scuffle with the state of california, with the state trying to take it back because they weren't spending it quickly enough. you know, that money would not solve the problem. the other thing that came out today -- and you should watch this. i am wonder figure there will be potential criminal penalties on this. the city attorney is saying that for 15 years or so, that city officials in san bernardino have been falsifying the financial records. so the books have been in bad shape for quite a while. now they are saying that they have been covering and it's been going on for a long time. >> greta: do you have any idea why they didn't spend the $4 million? it wasn't wise or targeted for something they didn't need? or they just didn't know how it handle their finances? >> what they said was that they were a bureaucratic holdup and
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they planned to spend it. but again, it would not get them out of this situation they are in. >> greta: but it shows a little bit about their know-how and how it run the bigger picture, the city. if they can't figure out how to spend $4 million -- >> they have been taking losses for 15 years. so there is a lot of dysfunction in city hall there. >> greta: certainly, there is. always nice to see you, thank you. >> great to see you. >> greta: senator jacque john mccain is quoting governor chris christie and what is the outspoken governor's wild quote? senator mccain will tell you all about it. a mystery, just outside washington, d.c., a respected journalist found dead, after her house goes up in flames. but police are calling her death a homicide. what or who really killed this reporter? we have the latest, coming up. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ]
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>> greta: new jersey governor chris christie is at it again and this time, he grabs the attention of senator john mccain. what did governor christie say to peak the senator's interest? senator mccain gives us the answer. but first the reaction to the house health care repeal vote. nice to see you, sir. big hote in the house of representatives, according to the republicans. they passed a repeal of the health care law. do you expect that -- that repeal to come over to the
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united states senate and be voted on? >> no, i do want. obviously, senator reid would probably not like to have that vote taken here. he would probably lose a few democrats, maybe two or three democrats on the vote. >> greta: what -- what is the purpose of it? everyone knew that senator reid wouldn't put it up for a vote here. so why do it? >> i think it's important to tell the american people of our pledge that if they give us the majorities and with president romney that we will repeal carescpair replace it with legislation that will bend the cost curve down in health care in america? >> greta: president obama wants the bush tax cuts to expire to everyone who makes over $250,000 a year, not those under $250,000. what's your position on this? >> obviously, my position is that there could be thousands and thousands of small business people, all over america who would then have to pay taxes.
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there are people who file as personal income tax return, which would fall under this $250,000 -- it would be a huge blow to small businesses in america and by the way... president obama in 2009 said the worst thing you want to do in a bad economy is raise taxes. we are in this class warfare game. i guess that the president is -- in my view, trying to do everything to divert americans' attention from a very bad economy and bad -- recently bad economic news. >> greta: has he changed his opinion on that, if he said that previously? or is this -- is this about the election? >> president previously said whether he was campaigning that he would take up comprehensive immigration reform. he said we wouldn't raise taxes.
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he said that -- made several statements that obviously have not become reality. remember, he had overwhelming manchets in both houses of congress for the first two years of his presidency. >> greta: why do you think he didn't do it when he had the house and the senate? >> i think he devoted most of his intention to health care reform when probably it would have served him and the country better if they had worked on other issues. because the economy was failing while we were focusing all our attention on -- on the obamacare. and also, i think that the president -- thought that and still believes that if you expand government, hire more government workers, you will have an economy to recover. i was entertained by governor christie's statement, the governor of new jersey saying, please, don't send me any more
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money, i have enough public servants. because once that stimulus passes and the states, like mine vto pick up the tab. >> greta: you just came back from libya. what's the report? how are things going there? >> it was an evening that i won't soon forget. it was like 200,000 people in tripoli, downtown, celebrating their first free and fair election. i think it's important to note that a centrist, an individual who attended the university of pittsburgh -- he and his party got the most votes. all kisay to the people who said that al qaeda might take over and we don't know who they are, i saw it frankly, on this network a lot. yes, they have enormous challenges ahead. they have to get the militias under control. they have to secure their borders. there is an outflow of arms.
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but we saw an exercise of democracy, where people were exuberant that they were able to do what most people want to do -- look, elections don't make democracy. democracy is not possible without free and fair election. i believe that the people of libiar going to make it. i believe part of that is because they are a very wealthy country. >> greta: afghanistan, recent reports about the taliban executing a woman for committing adultery. the united states made promises to afghani women -- i was in the room when it was made in kabul, i heard it myself from the secretary of state. what are we doing about the women of afghanistan and the taliban, as we leave? >> the majority of people in afghanistan do not want the taliban back. that's a fact and it works in our favor. there are two big problems in afghanistan. one is corruption that permeates the entire government and that has to be fixed.
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president karzai promised to fix it. and there are conditions on the commitment to aid, the country's made that there has to be improvement there. the other is the hacanny network and the assistance of the intelligence agency of pakistan is providing to that network, who are killing americans. we have to tell the pakistanis that we won't stand for that. >> greta: but has anything happened -- i mean, we can say it until we are blue in the face. if the women are getting executed by the taliban for adultery, and the hacanny network is killing american troops, no matter how many times we tell it -- >> in the case of the. >> sean: si, the pakistani intelligence, and the network, i think it's time that we told that if this continues and they don't start taking on this
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network, that we are going to have a fundamental judgment of our relationship. it's complicated by the fact that pakistan has a nuclear arsenal and could lead to other complications. but we can't tell american families that we are -- that their sons and daughters are wounded and killed by people that we are supporting with their tax dollars. it is just not possible. >> greta: senator, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up, a farm house goes up in flames. inside, firefighters discover the body of a respected gormist. why are police calling her death a homicide? does the key to the mystery lie in facebook? in 2 minutes, oh, my -- this is bad. did you see what the new england patriots owner robert kraft did and said? did you see who he was with? there are no words to describe it. you will see it in 2 minutes.
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>> greta: what in the world is robert kraft thinking and what is he doing? >> you were really good up there -- i didn't mean that sexually. not that it wasn't erotic. >> i am so embarrassed. >> now, we are even. because dancing in front of you was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. >> no offense, but i get guys like you in my classes, all the time. >> so you don't even remember me, only one way to fix that... >> greta: turns out this is a movie video. it's kraft's gal pal. why is he dancing next to the bikini-clad much younger woman? tell me what you think of his crass display.
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>> greta: new clues in the mysterious death of a journalist in 60 seconds. but first, we go to ainsley earhardt, staning by with the other headlines. >> thank you. federal investigators ready to examine why and how that yacht sank on the 4th of july, leaving 3 children dead. the 34-foot vessel was raised from the bottom of the ocean, new york's long island bay today, then towed to a marina. the fbi will try to determine what caused that boat to capsize. reports show 27 people were on that ship when it went under. there might want have been enough lifejackets on board for everyone. tense drivers for drivers in south texas. flashflooding creating a huge problem in san antonio, in rushhour traffic. the flooding forced some people out of their cars, when water was up to their car doors. rescue crews were busy saving drivers. the area still under a flashflood warning. now back to "on the record" with
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gret a. thanks for watching. >> greta: now to a disturbing mystery unfolding outside the nation's capital. a virginia journalist is found dead inside her burning home. and now investigators investigae calling the death a homicide. firefighters discovered her body inside her burning home. but how did she die? could her final facebook posting be a big clue? good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> greta: sarah greenhall found on monday. why do they think it's a homicide? >> it is hard to know at this moment. i think only the police know the answer for sure. but they aear to have found something pretty quickly after the fire was reported and detectives were support to the scene after the firefighters discovered her body in the -- in the bedroom of the home. detectives came to the scene and
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it was only a few hours after that that they declared it a homicide, which, you know, indicates that there was something there right on the premiseis. >> greta: what i told you before we sat down, i knew sarah. i knew her father, a professor at georgetown for years and her father, in a horrible twist of irony taught so many of us how to try murder cases and how to be successful in trying them. he was the dean of murder defense in the city. >> that is interesting. >> greta: is there a facebook page that has people's interest piqued in the investigation? >> there has been one television station here in town has reported that the police have found something on the facebook page that was of interest to them. i know that her last posting was as of 11 -- i don't know the time, but late sunday night. that was her last facebook
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posting, according to her former newspaper, the winchester star. >> greta: i read that she had been at a family wedding over the weekend. people look to the family members, like an ex-husband or a boyfriend. are there any ex-boyfriends, if you start eliminating anybody? any of them in the picture? >> i will not want to go out on that limb myself. it would put a lot of them under a cloud, i think -- >> greta: has she been married before? when her father died in 1994 -- i was very close to her father. but when he died in 1994, i sort of drifted away from the family. >> there has been some chatter and buzz online about, you know, men that she was in relationships with. but it's impossible to know what to make of that at this point. the police have not indicated that there is -- you know, they haven't ruled anybody in or out at this point. but there has been no official word from police, yet as to
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whether there is any kind of a boyfriend or ex-husband or anything like that involved. >> greta: do they think she die from the fire? have they released that? or did she die before the fire? >> again, there is-- the police will not say, you know, at this point, you know, whether there was anything -- whether the fire was the immediate cause of her death or whether there was something that preceded it that led to it? >> greta: we have shown for the viewers, pictures of her with horses. that's horse country in virginia. she was very active in the horse community. joe, thank you. i hope they solve this one quickly. >> okay. thank you. >> greta: governor romney is boo'd and rush limbaugh is ability happy about it. ure will hear from them both next. move over starbucks, there is a new way to get a morning jolt. all multivitamins give me the basics. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond.
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>> greta: well, the audience response wasn't all bad. he also got applause this morning. then, rush limbaugh didn't hold back. here's his take on governor romney's rocky reception. >> what did romney say? he said, i'm going to eliminate every non-essential, expensive program i can and that includes obamacare and i am going to work to reform -- and boooooo. so what are these people testimonying us? they want to pay taxes higher than ever. they want to pay penalties if they don't have health insurance. they want the health care system to deteriorate into something that's worse than it could possibly be. >> greta: and madonna -- does you know she can share the spotlight? she can. she prove its in a concert in amsterdam. she handed over her microphone to a fan. why? so the woman could propose to her boyfriend nfront of thousands. >> you want to ask him to marry you in front of several...
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[cheering] >> from my heart baby. >> is that the man you love? do you love her? huh? [bleep] for life? [cheers and applause] >> greta: turns out madonna had gotten a heads up about the fan's plan to pop the question. so she decided to lend the woman a hand and a microphone. the twice divorced singer gave the happy couple some advice -- never go to bed angry. here's something to perk up your commute. fiat is taking on tarr bucks. fiat will be offering in-car eexpresso makers t. includes espresso machine, four cups and a spoon holder t. will be installed in a cup holder behind the front seat. the machine will boil water like a regular coffee maker and there have you it, the best of the rest.
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coming up, your last call, one quick round before we turn down the lights. a cash-strapped city comes up with an alarming way to raise moan. can it rescue the budget? is it your city? that's next. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could literally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas.
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, flash those studio lights, it's time for last call. cash-strapped cities trying to come up with ways to raise money. the city of baltimore has an unusual idea, considering selling ads to put on fire trucks. city council committee says the ad revenue may prevent the closing of several fire stations but critics say it won't raise enough money. first we thought waits a dumb idea until this. what do you think? clever advertising? or silly?
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anyway we had fun witness. if extra drivers are needed just give me a call. see? i can drive a fire truck. you thought i couldn't do that. we're closing down shop. thank you for being with us tonight. and go to greta there is an open thread. see you tomorrow night. city. what a great, great time that captioned by closed captioning services, inc. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> if you want a president who will make things better in the african american community you are looking at him. >> mitt romney proving he is a brave man. speaking today before the naacp in houston. we will tell you why the governor did it and analyze whether his presentation was a smart thing to do. >> two gang bangers. one standing next to her kid. get away from the kid. >> chicago killers are not listening to mayor rahm
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emanuel. the windy city is descending into violent chaos. we'll have a follow-up report. also tonight, jimmy j.j. walker. >> hello there, mama. >> and dennis miller on a 6-year-old kid starring in this video. >> the world is upside down. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for joining us tonight. 2008, 95% of o african american voters supported barack obama but mitt romney thinks he can do better in the precincts. right now the black unemployment rate i
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