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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 12, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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that didn't happen either. for those who did not support repeal the last time, chance for the colleagues to reconsider. >> dana: all right. eric, some people called it a symbolic vote because it probably won't go anywhere. with the majority of people in america saying they don't like the bill, they could vote for a tax. >> eric: they could vote to find where democrats stand. five democrats come over to vote for repeal. full repeal of the law. also to get them on record saying this is where they are going to be going forward. another thing, dana, see if you can push the senate to take it on the senate floor, which they know they won't do. no one in the senate wants to call out claire mccaskill, bill nelson, chuck schumer. these are people who don't want to be called out, don't want to be seen as obstructionist. they are up against some pretty hefty fight they have coming up. >> dana: watching this reminded me of when my mom and dad used to make me sit at the
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dinner table. sit there and wait. i was going to like it by the time, you know, the dish or whatever festered and i swallowed it down. in some ways i know that the democrats want to move on. america is not ready. why are you looking at me like that? >> greg: i didn't understand the metaphor. >> dana: you weren't ever told to sit there and finish the dinner >> greg: they kept me chained in a refrigerator in the garage. first, how could you see boehner? he blended in the paneling of the room. >> dana: is it summer. >> greg: i agree with eric, the vote is like the magic markers you see at places where you use a $50 bill or a $20 bill and they use the magic marker. it's a marker for common sense to see how you vote. they only got five dems but again, to see who is going to take the side. and the consequences that will happen later. >> dana: that is why they would never take it up in the senate. democrats on the ropes in the senate that would not get re-elected. >> andrea: absolutely. think about what happened to the democrats that voted for
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obamacare last time around. 20 casualties. this is politics and what democrats do on the tax to millionaires, bring it to the floor. think about the ax that will be cut for democrats who voted. they have to defend the votes. like i said, 20 democrats last time lost their seat because they didn't have the courage to stand up. i will say they will be talking about all the provisions of obamacare. it will get worse. the problems that existed before are not going to go away. these democrats are going to have to defend that. republicans have a winning issue. >> dana: let me ask you where you stand on obamacare, you are supportive and think it didn't go far enough. is it a good enough messaging strategy by the democrats to tell people look, get over it. it's the law and move on? >> bob: no. the democrats wussed out. they ought to be willing to put the campaign on it, it's good law. republicans do this 30 times. alcoholicalcoholics anonymous wa
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saying doing the same thing over and over again is the definition of insanity. this is pure politics. they want the democrats out there. it won't matter. no one will win or lose -- >> greg: i have to been a that phrase. definition of insanity. everybody uses that. >> bob: you just interrupted that. we use it in alcoholics anonymous. it's sacred for us. >> eric: can i give you a reason why the good reason to keep doing these votes? the 21 new taxes even you, bob, staunch liberal didn't know were in obamacare until it was passed. nancy pelosi points out you have to pass it to find out what is in it. i have 21 year. $600 billion of increase in taxes. that probably 80% of democrats voted for obamacare didn't know it was -- >> bob: what is upset about that is boehner. they taxed tanning beds. the reality is before obamacare insurance rates went up 8%.
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under obamacare insurance rate only gone up 5%. explain -- >> andrea: wait. more facts from the beckel institute. fact check. they have gone up 9%. they have gone up 9%. kathleen sebelius -- >> bob: did they or did they not go up higher before obamacare? >> andrea: in the "washington post," she tries to say increase in healthcare has only gone up 4%. but she says that it saved americans $220 billion. do you know why that is? in down economy people don't fill prescriptions. if they don't have jobs they don't go to the doctor. that is the only reason you're making that claim. that is because -- >> bob: was it higher before obamacare or not? were premiums higher before obamacare or not? >> eric: can i answer that. they were not. >> bob: you're wrong. >> andrea: they were not. >> bob: you're wrong. that is not the beckel institute. so there. >> eric: we did this the first week of the show. i bet you premiums are higher than prior to obamacare.
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>> andrea: they are. >> eric: we did a shirt last time. how is this? the loser has to run around the building in their underwear. >> greg: he already does that. >> bob: here is the deal. don't take into account the recession stuff. just the facts. more than willing to bet you run around the building in your underwear because i've done that. >> andrea: that is the definition of insanity. >> dana: we won't get to the topic you love if you keep talking. one top tic to bring up, one democrat complaining about obama. not that big a deal. >> bob: go by that. >> dana: i spent all day working on it. mitt romney and a swiss bank account. and colonel mustard in the library with a hammer. this is getting some attention. whether or not it's appropriate, no one is saying it's illegal but is it inappropriate for him to have a swiss bank account? >> eric: i have a hard time
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with this topic. everyone is saying debbie waserman schultz has investments. and what is the difference between the two? having a swiss bank account is different than having invest in the swiss banks if you have a 401(k) or money manager they may put it in swiss bank. that's one thing. if you put money in swiss bank account, you do it for a reason. i don't know what the reason is. >> bob: hedging against the american dollar. >> dana: nice talking point. >> eric: the issue is you are riding it from the i.r.s. for a reason. i don't know what -- >> dana: is it hiding or is it legal putting your money in smart place? >> eric: it's hiding because the swiss do not report to the u.s. i.r.s. there is a reason to do it. i can't figure out -- >> bob: romney's ira is $200,000 a year. it makes him 1,000 years old. how to get ira -- >> dana: are you saying there is something illegal? >> bob: yes.
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$102 billion in ira. >> dana: take it away. wake up. >> greg: sorry. mitch is rich. control yourselves. the bigger story here, "vanity fair" did an article using tax to do this story. and obama's running with it. here you have a definitive link between president obama and occupy wall street. >> bob: put it in context, please. >> greg: this is a war, class warfare again, ripped by occupy wall street. remember about transparency, swiss bank account didn't kill an american border patrol agent. okay? so let's stop talking about transparency. obama's past is as spotty as twister mat. not because he lied. he embellished. >> andrea: with the swiss bank account thing, who cares? ubs is the largest swiss bank in the world and the largest trading floor where? connecticut. they employ 2,000 employees and forgive $20 million loan.
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it's not -- >> bob: transparency, his father was the first one to led the way for 12 years -- 12 x return. every president does it but romney. >> greg: what is he hiding? >> bob: i think he is hiding illegal trading. >> eric: we're not saying investing in swiss bank is a bad thing. anyone can do it. have a swiss bank account conceals it from the i.r.s. only thing i can think of in 2007-2008 when the world financial markets were melting down the swiss banks were the healthiest. maybe he was smart and said i'm not having my money at risk in u.s. bank and moved them to swiss, and he should tell us. >> dana: i inspire to have a swiss bank account. >> greg: i have a swiss miss bank, that used to have chocolate milk in it. >> dana: coming up, mitt romney goes to annual naacp convention. let's just say he got a mixed reaction.
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>> and i'm going to work to reform and save -- [ booing ] >> dana: tough crowd. but it's eric holder's comments at the convention that really have people talking. we tell you what is about next on "the five." ♪ ♪ today, we stand against the tyranny of single mile credirds. battle speech right? may i? [ horse neighs ] or too long, people have settled for single miles. with the capital one venture card, you'll earn doubleiles on every purchase, every day! [ visigoths cheer ] hawaii, here we come. [ alec ] so sign up day for a venture card at and start earning double. [ all ] double miles! [ brays ] what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back, everybody. governor romney making strides with the african-american vote? really? this is a presidential hopeful at the naacp conference in houston today. >> i'm going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program i can find. that includes obamacare and i'll work to reform and save -- [ booing ] >> eric: maybe not. but yesterday, attorney general eric holder made comments regarding voter i.d. laws that some say are outright racist. >> many of those without i.d. would have to travel great
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distances to get there. >> some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them. we call those poll taxes. >> eric: cited poll taxes which were post slavery era fees that were designed to disenfranchise african-americans from the right to vote. eric holder race baiting using decades old hate is unbecoming of a u.s. attorney general, especially this one. start with mitt romney at the podium. good idea or bad idea to go to naacp? >> andrea: i thought it was a great idea. look, whatever happened to civility. i thought it was rude he got booed. he was making the effort. dana pointed out, if he didn't go what would he be called? we went there to talk about his platform that took a lot of courage. no candidate if they think they will get booed will continue to go to any organization. so you marginalize your cause because you think you will get oed. by the way, obama didn't go speak. i think that is pretty cocky and pretty presumptuous.
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if i were an african-american, i would be pretty upstot assume he has my vote when the unemployment rate for african-american is double than for whites. >> bob: i don't why he went. it's like me going to a ku klux klan rally. >> dana: that is outrageous. >> bob: i'd get booed. i'd get booed. >> greg: the last kkk i knew was a democrat. >> dana: can we say something about the convention. every presidential candidate gets invited. it was courageous to go. the speech is good, especially if you read it. very good. he got a standing ovation at the beginning and the end. if you go to the crowd and use a line like you are going to repeal obamacare you can expect to get booed. they're keyed up. i don't participate in booing myself except when you take your turn at the naked cowboy thing in times square. >> eric: let's talk about eric holder yesterday calling voter i.d. laws poll taxes. it's a lot like--
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>> greg: i have a joke. how many eric holders does it take to screw in a lightbulb? none. basic lightbulb maintenance is designed to keep minorities down. message is minorities can't make their way to the dmv. soft racism of lower expectations. he really doesn't think minorities can get i.d. sad. tie it to healthcare reform and say if you want free healthcare get an i.d. and solve the problem? why not do that? >> eric: to get to the eric holder speech, media hod to show legal federal i.d. just to listen to the speech. >> bob: that is true about any convention you go to. you have to have a press pass for good reason. who could trust the press without i.d.? i agree with eric holder. talking about the texas law. in texas, the dmv for example, many counties over for hispanics. no doubt at all they do it to keep down the hispanic vote, period. >> eric: they offer people who didn't have i.d. they would send forms out.
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>> andrea: you want to care about hispanics? hundreds of hispanics were killed because you let guns walk. how about that? >> eric: let's talk about a good friend of mine. lieutenant colonel allen west and here is what he had to say. >> the white liberals to belief they have k have a condescending manner to black conservatives that we need approval from our, quote/unquote, i guess masters to be able to speak. that's where true racism lies. i know i'm their number one target. it emboldens me to speak out stronger. heck with them that they think someone else needs to approve me and what i stand for. >> eric: robert, you are a white liberal. >> bob: yeah. i am. you're right. yesterday, i took on the colonel. and i d it, i might have used a different choice of words. he didn't have to be quiet. everyone has a right to speak even if it's stupid what they say.
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secondly, when i say he was a blow-hard, i know where that comes from, because i am, too. but having said that, this comment came after i said nice things about him. i don't know what he ever did. i went to register voters in the south, blacks to vote. did he do that? i got beat up by rednecks in the south. did he do it in no. i demonstrated in front of a denny's because they wouldn't serve black people. did he do that? don't call me a racist. >> andrea: he put his life on the line for the country. >> bob: he called me a racist. it's obscene. i forgive you. you're ignorant and sophomoric. >> greg: shut up, bob. you were supposed to apologize. can't you apologize to the guy? >> bob: not when he calls me a racist. >> greg: the road of failure is paveed with white liberal guilt. he is challenging orthodoxy that scares you so much. >> eric: i need to point this out -- we have to go. point this out. fourth generation west serving the military, honorable
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discharge after 22 years. >> bob: great military record. give him credit for that. >> dana: i think greg has a very good point. what i like about colonel allen west he is not afraid to say what he thinks and he is an effective communicator. even if it might rub people the wrong way he does have a right to say it. he did fight for american freedom. a he deserves some respect. >> greg: bob, can -- >> bob: i always complimented him on the military record. he deserves respect for that. i agree with that completely. but he does not deserve respect for what he says. >> greg: don't you think there is a segment of white liberals who believes blacks can't operate with the same tools that whites have? >> bob: there may be a segment that does but there is also very few people who can get away with saying that racist stuff he just said. if he thinks that is going to keep me quiet -- quiet -- >> there is a segment of liberals that believe blacks, white and women cannot operate without liberals making decisions for them. >> eric: forgetting one more
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thing. bob? he'd probably kick your butt. >> bob: probably could. worthwhile trying it. >> eric: leave it there. >> bob: throw racist words around. >> andrea: nice apology. >> eric: coming up, a lot of women want to look like her and men want to look at her. strait o"sports illustrator" cor girl kate upton makes comments about her weight. >> bob: if that's bad, give me more of it. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: welcome back. so on a radio show james earl jones went off on the right. it wonder if he said he thinks he figured out the tea party and he understands racism because he was taught to be racist by his grandmother. >> i think i figured out the tea party. i do understand racism, i was taught to be one by my grandmother. my grandmother was part indian and part black. she hated everybody. she taught all of your children and grandchildren to be racist and hate white people and distrust black people. >> greg: it must be true. he has the deep voice. add the "star wars" list. george lucas used to be a ranch that used to be sonoma county. easy to be a liberal when you never really left outer space. jones said this without being
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a tea party or discussing the platform already. it's easier to play the race card now that the horse has left ob1 obama. his line is to the left. yoda, the tiny string puller behind the scenes, obama is ob1, the wise angel sent to save us from the evil empire. the bushes. that makes biden r2d2. not sure how that happened. i love james earl jones. a military vet and a great man but it bugs me how many younger actors work in films about this that are not the skill set. they are clueless and the decisions are made by other people. that's why you nev run into tim robins buying lotion at walgreens. he sends sean penn who ends up in the wrong aisle snorting baby powder. i i want to apologize to bob for yelling at him. i didn't mean to do that. it was in good fun.
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i love james earl jones. that was a fake apology. even bob knows that. do you know he made this assessment without the benefit of talking to a tea partier. it's hard to argue because his voice is so good. >> dana: but they read the "new york times." that's all you need to know. >> greg: i want to talk to james earl jones. i believe what you said about your background but i don't think you understand what the tea party is. >> andrea: why is everyone throwing their grandma under the bus? barack obama said his grandmother was racist and james earl jones throwing his under the bus. leave grandparents alone. >> bob: my grandmother wore a veil. it scared me. >> andrea: my grandmother wore all black. plenty of things to say. >> bob: the idea of jones making this comment about the tea party whether he knows it or not, i have been tough on the tea party as you know. i don't find racism involved
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in the tea party at all. i find a lot of the not smart thinking but not racist. i wouldn't say that if i were him. >> greg: that is progress, though. >> eric: could someone get beckel. >> greg: amazing. >> andrea: are you feeling all right? are you okay? >> greg: if you can say what you believe in is stupid, if someone said look, your feelings about food stamps you're an idiot. but you're not racist. i like that. >> i'm an idiot. the only human being who never saw "star wars." any of them. that whole monologue is -- >> dana: i remember. there is, i believe it was arapajo road, century 21. a huge movie theater and we got to see "star wars." one of my first movie. i saw "the muppet movie,"."
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>> eric: andrea never saw it either. >> greg: it was great! the things they did on the enterprise. amazing film. if i smoked the same stuff -- >> bob: did you go to fantasia stoned? >> greg: no, but i saw it on field trip. it scared me. i never liked it. did you? >> dana: i don't know what that is. >> bob: dancing brooms. >> greg: it bothered me. disturbed me. >> eric: i was playing baseball or something. >> bob: i gels you were. >> andrea: i was serving up eggs. >> bob: wuss. >> greg: everybody saw "fantasia." even if you didn't see the movie at some point you did. is kate upton too fat for her job? some weirdos seem to think so, but i wouldn't know. who is that? is that the wife of prince william? ♪ ♪
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[oinking] [hissing] [ding] announcer: cook foods to the right temperature using a food thermometer. 3,000 americans will die from food poisoning this year. check your steps at
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five" and we know it. pro-anorexia blog doesn't agree and thinks kate upton is too fat. i asked people in new york city what they think. ♪ ♪ >> they think kate upton, sports illustrated cover girl needs to lose weight. what do you think? >> no way. >> relax and stop judging everyone else. >> i would kill for that body. >> she has a bigger bottom. other than that, she is good.
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>> wonderful. just like you. >> wow! i believe i have been complimented. >> total 10. >> i would say 11. >> in the latin culture we appreciate the curves on a woman. i think she looks great. >> a lot of guys i know don't like really skinny girls. it's a turnoff. >> she is hot. >> however -- [ inaudible ] might become a duff. designated ugly fat friend. >> i learned something today. this girl on the cover of "g.q." and according to skinny, she has no waste, floppy boos, terrible body definition. she looks supposedly like a squishy brick. she is hot, hot, hot. every man loved her. >> bob: proanorexia blog? do they have procancer blog?
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proheart attack -- what is a pro-disease blog? >> andrea: let me tell you what they have on there. they have starving pick of the day. they advise girls on how to starve yourself throughout the day to attain a bony figure. >> greg: finally takes the pressure off me. here is my theory about this. if it wasn't for media covering pro-anorexia blog no one would know they exist. they're freaks. there are website that exist that encourage people to amputate their own limbs. there are weirdos in this world. i don't think we should put magnifying glass on it. >> eric: that is o'reilly trick. that's terrible. put her picture up there. can't stand it. >> bob: closer up on that? >> dana: women -- >> eric: point out, congressman upton's niece. >> andrea: a lot of women we talk to say they are jealous of her. >> dana: well, i think women are more mean to one another.
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also they are more critical of one another. most guys -- >> greg: wish you shouldn't way that. proving your point. >> dana: because you're a woman. >> greg: yes. >> dana: got it. now you have me confused. there is a lot of pressure on young girls. i do think that the new generation of celebrity they're more comfortable with their bodies. >> greg: i disagree, look at marilyn monroe. >> dana: i disagree. look at beyonce and -- >> andrea: christina from mad men brought back a curvey figure. in '80s skinny models. in the '40s and '50s it
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was curves meat on bone. >> bob: still is. >> dana: i think it is. >> bob: see the moving picture of that again? sorry. you are getting so excited. >> bob: i wasn't the one in times square asking the questions. we got one minute. that's good. tell me what they said, a duck? >> andrea: a duff. >> eric: designated ugly fat friend. >> dana: it means you have a fat friend to make yourself feel better. women are mean to one another. it's mean. >> andrea: but there is not one man we talk to besides the guy at the end who could never get a date with her anyway that thought she needed to use 30 pounds. the ugly anorexic girls said. >> greg: i think the magazine hired the blog to do this. now they are selling copies. >> bob: i couldn't get a date with her either. it wish i could. >> eric: if we spend any
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more time in this block i have to bring my wife flowers. >> andrea: still to come. co-host kimberly and juan will join us. a great year on "the five." we have classic moments to show you. please stick around. you do not want to miss the next block. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar
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♪ ♪ >> bob: sorry. sorry. i got in trouble. welcome back to "the five." it was one year ago today, our first day, and man was it scary. i can't believe it's been a year already. time for a little look back at celebration. of course, we had to have our good friend kimberly with us. right here. and brother juanbe, you with us down, there pal? >> right here. >> bob: i love that tie, brother. all right. take a look back. some of our favorite moments. from last year. >> 5:00 on the east coast. this is "the five." i'm eric bolling.
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>> i'm kimberly guilfoyle. >> i'm juan williams. >> i'm bob beckel. >> i'm andrea tantaros. >> i'm the hobbit size host greg gutfeld. this show starts when i stop thinking about unicorns. done. >> supreme showdown in washington, d.c. and obamacare hangs in the balance. >> tonight is the night mitt romney is expected to clinch the g.o.p. nomination. >> house committee vote holding eric holder in contempt of congress. >> stone cold broke and president obama is making things worse. president's redistribution agenda turned to us entitlement society. >> been around a long time. introduced by a republican president i might add, richard nixon. >> you should thank him. >> they save people who are hungry. >> majority of the country does not believe that they should pay for sandra fluke birth control. >> she is engaging in propaganda. this isn't about women health issues. >> i had a run-in with presidential candidate newt gingrich. >> it sounds as if you seek to belittle people. >> first, juan, the fact is
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more people have been put on food stamps than barack obama than any president in american history. >> e-mailed the producers at that moment. >> newt's school of law. >> generals is administration spent $1 million, spending included a mind reader, comedian and a clown. >> why are we paying money for a clown in a town where we have hundreds of clowns up on capitol hill we can get for free? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> are you kidding me? >> we're headed down to d.c. now. see our good friend andrea tantaros standing by. where all the candidates have
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spoken. ♪ ♪ >> we're at the 136 westminster dog show. >> "the five" got backstage passes. let's take a look. >> how is competition so far? >> the dog that looks the most like dog. ♪ >> miss dana perino introduces her new puppy live here on "the five." >> all right. >> don't pee on us. i meant you, not him. [ laughter ] kidding! >> what are you doing? >> that is my one more thing. >> i was going to -- >> doing to whiteboard, but -- >> look, look. >> upside down. >> white board, size doesn't matter. >> five of us want to welcome the former first lady barbara bush. >> does your husband ask you if it's okay to jump out of airplanes? >> absolutely not. but you know what? i love it, he loves it. >> this is "jeopardy." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> "the five." >> let's do "the five" for 200. what is ballet? what is 9 to 5? what is the civil war? i had a great time. >> whoa! ♪ >> happy birthday, stimulus. >> oh, my gosh. >> happy new year, everyone! >> hi! >> sorry to say that. you probably can guess it's not halloween. today is mardi gras. >> what did you have to show to get them to eat. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> cinco de maya. >> por favo? i thought i was captain stupid. >> sorry, head to burp. >> it's not called the one. it's called "the five."
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>> can you model that for us? >> if there is any doubt in your mind that greg is sick, a sick individual. >> that is an outrage. >> we saw who the real dana perino is. a monster. ♪ ♪ >> oh, yeah. >> we missed it again. oh, no! ♪ ♪ [ cheers & applause ] >> bob: yeah! what a good year. it's great. there is a lot more coming up in the next segment. stick around. greg will talk -- yeah, that's the way he talks anyway. it was not helium. it was greg talking. we'll see. that's more straight ahead. saw him here. okay. good. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what if you had thermal night-vision goggles,
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hi, it's greta and a big congratulations to all of you on "the five" on your one-year anniversary. exciting for all of us here at fox to have you here and have you so successful. by the way, how did you get the name "the five"? just kidding. it figured that one out already. good luck on year number two.
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>> dana: thank you. we love "on the record." she got us a cake, which is great. we like cake in one more thing, especially when kimberly cuts it for us. it's very entertaining, right, bob? >> bob: yeah. juan, tell everybody what it's like to have four -- [ inaudible ] >> you know what? the way i think of it, bob, just more red meat for you and me to throw at the wall. >> bob: that's right. >> dana: none of it sticks, amazing. >> bob: yeah. yeah. yeah. one thing we got. thank the people here, viewers of the show. >> andrea: thank you, viewe viewers! >> eric: great. the whole time. >> bob: i tried to pick upper rick's wife outside. >> kimberly: my gosh. >> what is that for?
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>> andrea: people want to know if we are friends and we're like a family. g no, we're not. >> dana: greg doesn't like us at all. familiarously family. you're related. we're not related. we can fool around with each other. >> kimberly: ewww. >> eric: do you like "the five" better or "red eye" better. that is picking between my children. >> dana: which you don't have. >> greg: i put them up for adoption and never see them. >> dana: what is your favorite moment from the past year? >> andrea: being called in. we thought it was a summer show. fill-in show. maybe it would go on the weekend. they called me in and think called each of us in and said it's going at 5:00. my jaw fell to the floor. it knew a lot of people before. dana i didn't know you. i love getting to know you. we've become good friends. all of us here, i have known bob for a while. but susan, our producer who put together the awesome
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montage for all of us. >> dana: say a word about the producers. >> kimberly: i want to say they are fantastic. i don't know how we got so luckion get the talented pool of producer. there isn't anything they can't do. they put passion and energy into it and make us better at what we do. >> dana: the crew. they put up with us. >> bob: eric's hats were my favorite moment. >> eric: mine is you going dunking, by far. >> bob: mine is watching you miss. i never got -- >> you told me you flashed everybody. we have it on slow motion. >> dana: what is the buzz about "the five" in washington, d.c., juan? >> juan: i think everybody likes the leg shot. they like to see kimberly, andrea when they are in that spot. >> eric: greg. >> andrea: how about greg's legs? >> juan: greg's legs are harry for me if you know what
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i mean. in the future, 7-11, today should be national holiday. it will all equal "the five." it tried to bring sparklers in but porter told me i'd be put in jail if i brought them to the show. >> andrea: viewers don't tune in for mine or kimberly's brain? >> juan: they do. howard stern said we have the gorgeous whelm who are so smart. that's what he said. >> i love howard stern. love him to death. >> dana: you know what else we love about "the five" is greg's monologue. they're a staple. we appreciate it. i'm being sincere and trying to be nice to you. [ laughter ] >> kimberly: really talen talented. >> bob: i don't understand them. >> eric: we want to thank the voters who come out in drones to support us. highest rated show in cable news. thank you. thanks to roger al, who had a great idea for a fresh new show, roger selected each and
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every one of us. he found a group of people who truly enjoy bringing you the news in a fun and interesting way. from all of us. thank you, boss. >> dana: that is it for us on "the five." see you tomorrow. thanks, everybody. bye-bye. captioned by closed captioning services, inc welcome to "red eye." it is like cats if by cats you mean roofies. let's go to andy levy. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story, a shocking new poll shows that all the single ladies love president obama. we will have full team coverage next. i'm sorry. i am being told we will not have full team cumpleg. it will just be the panel. >> it is time to bring back the draft. we will talk to military experts to see if they agree straight ahead.
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i'm sorry. i am told we will not talk to military experts to see if they agree. it will just be the panel. and finally, should smoking in movies lead to an ray rate ?g we will -- an r rate ?g we will go to our los angeles bureau for the latest. i'm sorry. i am told we will not go to our los angeles bureau. it will just be the panel. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> happy one-year anniversary to "the five." >> thanks. i remember my own first birthday. i was wearing a diaper. >> some things never change. >> that's not true. now it is by choice. >> not buying it. >> you know me too well. >> i know you too well indeed, young friend. >> thanks for calling me young. >> absolutely. >> go away. >> boy, sad man. let's welcome our guest. she is so hot campers use her to roast marshmellows and then they are eaten by bears. i am here with leeann tweeden. she has six e's in her name. she is the host of "poker after dark" and that is a card game, people.


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